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Afterlife Tropes

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"You know, it's not so much an afterlife, more a sort of après-vie."

Tropes relating to the afterlife.

Humans have often speculated what fate, if any, awaits them after death. This has been depicted in countless different ways in fiction (not to mention religion and philosophy), ranging from eternal paradise to fiery hellscapes to complete nothingness.

There is, however, the inverse of this that is almost never looked at: what happened before you were born? It could be any of the above, but the two do not necessarily have to be the same for a character. For this trope, we would include "before birth" stories as well, even if they do not say anything about death or an afterlife.

Almost all religions have a belief that you go somewhere after you die, but almost none of them are the same. Some say you go to Heaven, some say you burn in Hell, some say you're reincarnated as a small angry six inch tall blue man. The important part is, that this is a place that you go, after you die.

Spoiler warning: many of these tropes detail major spoilers about characters' fates.


Afterlife locations:

Types of afterlife:

Related indexes:
