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A Blessed Feline

An Anti-Heroic child of a forbidden union between a race of theocratic and decadent magically-empowered nobility and their human slaves, who himself is enslaved by said noble race, and during said slavery obtains the magic power of the ruling elite. He ends up using his charisma and wits to gather up a Ragtag Bunch of Misfits of magic-users, using these people to start a rebellion against the aforementioned noble race utilizing the very same power they are uniquely endowed with against them. His true goal, however, is to kill the being that this noble race worships as a god. He however fails in this goal, and dies in a Heroic Sacrifice, resulting in him becoming the Dark Messiah of a religion that eventually begins to forget his original teachings. His crew, who all outlive him, include:

A young girl from a criminal background, whose life is saved by the Dark Messiah who becomes her Parental Substitute and mentor. She becomes the infiltration expert of the crew, becoming used to stealth, subterfuge, and knives.

A Gentle Giant from a violent background, whose powers are based around his strength.

A member of the aforementioned nobility.

A wise eunuch from a distant land, with a Dark and Troubled Past who's a mentor figure to the Dark Messiah.

Now, am I talking about Kelsier and his crew of Vin, Ham, Breeze, and Sazed and their rebellion against the Nobles and the Lord Ruler, or about Grand Karcist Ion and his crew of Saarn, Orok, Lovataar, and Nadox and their rebellion against the Daeva and Yaldabaoth?


  • This classic Villain Protagonist does not show many signs of insanity, so long as the situation is unrelated to his nemesis. That's when it becomes clear that he's a complete madman, constantly doomed by his own self-destructive, fanatical obsession with getting vengeance on a particular animal. This is no ordinary animal, though; the powers its species naturally bears are impressive enough to make hunting them a great challenge on their own, but even more than that, this creature seems to operate outside of the normal bounds of nature so as to make it impossible for any hunter to get their hands on it.
    Captain Ahab or Wile E. Coyote?
  • An immortal evil entity with immense Reality Warper powers who's nevertheless so incompetent that it's difficult to ever actually be scared of him. He is eternally tormented by a boy who's a Kindhearted Simpleton and doesn't really get that he's supposed to be evil, and an Enfant Terrible little girl who's significantly eviler than he is.
    Lucius Heinous VII or Grim?
  • Raised in a family with a traditional job that involved lots of crime and violence, this character never wanted to be a part of "the life", but didn't really get a choice; every time he tried to get out, the life kept pulling him back in, and he ended up destroying much of what he kept trying to protect in the process.
    Sam Winchester or Michael Corleone?




  • A man with ties to academia who went traveling and came back deeply changed as a person, due to (possibly supernatural) effects on his psyche. He's notable for both his interesting hat, and the fact he turns out to be more or less carrying a second person's face on his head. The second person is someone he defers to as a boss or mentor, and whom the protagonist kills shortly after the nature of the hat and face are revealed.
    Now, is his name 'Quirrell', with two Ls? Or 'Quirrel', with one?
  • A childlike antagonist derived or incarnated from another character, acting under the main villain and directing lesser minions on his behalf. Their existence is tied to a magic mirror, but they are otherwise incredibly difficult to harm. When the mirror is finally shattered, they spend their final moments betraying the villain(s) that summoned them to aid the heroes instead.
    Is this Shadow Link from the Four Swords Adventures Manga, or Kanna from Inuyasha?
  • A playable nonhuman video game character with a Dark and Troubled Past, created as part of a secretive government project to stop a deadly disease. When the project ended, they were locked away and separated from their now-dead creator, and eventually had their memories erased and/or tampered with before their in-game debut. Countless innocents were doomed as a byproduct of their creation, and at least one boss in their origin game is another, bigger creation from the same project gone out of control. They're an incredibly dangerous combatant that can use the setting's magic (or closest equivalent), might be functionally immortal, and in at least one ending of a game they're in they basically fight a god and win. Part of their potential character arc in their game involves choosing whether or not to follow the legacy of their terrible biological father (doing so constitutes one of the less desirable endings), and they are both antagonized and aided by a descendant of their creator who wears red. They are addressed at least once by some variation of "Shadow".
    Is this character Shadow the Hedgehog from the Sonic franchise, or The Knight from Hollow Knight?
  • A nonhuman brother and sister living in an alien, post-apocalyptic world. Though geographically isolated, they communicate with friends and peers by some form of instant messaging or chat, displayed as color coded chatlogs in-universe. Due to their nonhuman nature, they are permanently trapped at close quarters to one another, but physically incapable of being in the same room together under normal circumstances. The sister is gentle and soft-spoken, while the brother is at least a little bit of an asshole. Eventually, the brother's actions lead to the sister's (temporary) death and his own permanent self-inflicted injury, and other, more protagonist-y characters help the sister by bringing her a macguffin of some sort to revive her. At at least one point in canon, the two are depicted playing board games together, using technology to compensate for their inability to play together face-to-face.
    Are they Caliborn and Calliope, from Homestuck, body-sharing twins struggling for dominance? Or Five Pebbles and Looks to the Moon from Rain World, a pair of immobile neighboring superstructures?


  • We have a crusty but lovable older character from a Disney cartoon show who lives by themselves in a run-down house on the outskirts of a town full of strange characters and supernatural weirdness. Their only companions are a sarcastic freeloader with a heart of gold and an amiable Cloud Cuckoolander, at least one of whom sees them as a parental figure. They make a living through various shady means, mostly misrepresenting old junk as rare and valuable artifacts. They end up getting attached to the young protagonist(s) despite their grumpy and cynical nature. They've got a number of dark secrets, including a troubled history with a long-lost sibling of theirs (though in both cases they eventually reconcile with said sibling), and they end up helping fight a Villain with Good Publicity who has plans involving an interdimensional portal, and later a childish immortal being with unimaginable power and a skewed moral compass who briefly turns the heroes' hometown into their personal playground.
    Are we talking about Stan Pines or Edalyn Clawthorne?
  • We've got the protagonist of a Cartoon Network original series that was popular in the 2010s. He's an enthusiastic, Book Dumb, but kind-hearted and heroic young man who matures both physically and mentally over the course of his series. He never knew his biological mother growing up, his biological father is a charismatic but irresponsible slacker with long hair in the back and a bald spot up top, and it's only late in life that our hero learns one of his parents was involved in morally-questionable things. He was mostly raised by a well-meaning but flawed non-human surrogate family, including a rough-and-tumble sibling figure to whom he's extremely close. His adventures (which involved a lot of weird monsters and the occasional world-ending threat) have forced him to learn to cope with trauma and loss, and at one point his self-doubt got so bad it turned him into a literal monster.
    Finn "The Human" Mertens or Steven Quartz Cutie-Pie Demayo Diamond Universe?
  • We've got a guy who's the main character of an action-comedy manga. Once a ruthless career criminal regarded as one of the best in the business, he decided to give it all up for love and settle down into a more peaceful lifestyle. Though he doesn't go looking for trouble, he has a bad habit of running into nasty people from his past. However, though he doesn't believe in killing, he's more than able to deal with any threats. He also has a former subordinate who's trying to learn this new way of life.
    Is this man now a house-husband or the owner of a corner store?


  • A hard-working employee who absolutely loves his job working for a greedy boss who relies heavily on the former to keep his business afloat. The employee remains unflinchingly loyal to his boss despite the fact the latter would screw him over in a heartbeat and has. The two also have a pseudo-father-son relationship.
    Hank Hill and Buck Strickland or SpongeBob and Mr. Krabs?


  • Because of an eccentric elderly figure he was supposed to trust, a male teenager is affected by a fantastic event, which causes him to be put through various unsettling situations, including being forcibly kissed by someone he's absolutely revulsed of being kissed by. He also has to face a school bully that harasses someone he has to protect, is pursued by a female character he wants to get rid of, is involved in matchmaking, and has to disguise himself and to take an alias at least once. For a bit of trivia, he has the same French voice actor as Roger Rabbit. Marty McFly or Ranma Saotome?
  • These entities are the physical manifestation of their owner's soul, and so they're usually attached to their owner, but their personality, if they have one, sometimes differ from their owner's. They can fight each other, and any damage done to them is also done to their owner, which means that when their owner dies, they also die/disappear, and vice versa. One person can only have one of them at a time. JJBA's stands or His Dark Material's daemons ?



  • The leader and most powerful member by a long shot of a group of god-like, color-coded beings, whose associated color is white. They take up a sort of parental figure to the others, but impose their high standards in a toxic manner. They have an unshakeable belief in their own perfection, and think that beings who don't meet their standards do not deserve to exist. Their source of power comes from their eyes, and their default stance resembles a T-pose.
    Longan Dragon Cookie or White Diamond?

Argon 2

  • Upon her arrival at a new school, a seemingly mundane teenage girl meets multiple supernatural creatures (who can be described roughly as like humans, but better in every way") and is gradually drawn into their world. Along the way, she "wins the Superpower Lottery, acquires an Unwanted Harem (eventually ending up with one of them), cuts all ties with her human friends and family, and drinks a lot of blood. But it's okay, because Vampires Are Sex Gods.
    Which extremely flawless character is being described here? Zoey or Bella?
  • An ambitious, deceptively intelligent teenager takes refuge with (and later becomes leader of) a tough, self-sufficient tribe of nomads who believe his/her existence is prophesied. The teenager uses this tribe as a stepping stone to greater power, conquering many people with it and becoming The Dreaded. They bear great hatred towards the cruel, gluttonous man who murdered their parents, and their ultimate goal is to reclaim their rightful place in society. Unfortunately, their powerful status and willingness to commit atrocities in order to achieve said goal also results in many despising them and the lack of any real friends. They struggle with feelings of loneliness and failure. Both of these characters come from noble bloodlines, and their families' sigils are both a winged animal of some kind.
    Daenerys Targaryen or Paul Atreides?
  • The viewpoint character is a brash, fearless Action Girl who's been, since childhood, the bodyguard of a compassionate, supernaturally empowered girl. The latter girl is heir to a noble family, and is attacked frequently by rival members of the aristocracy. Their intertwined subplots involve the Action Girl learning to balance her devotion to duty with her desire for romance and a normal life, and the heiress becoming truly independent, overcoming the machinations of those who try to manipulate her and learning how to use her incredible healing abilities. Both stories have a truckload of Les Yay.
    Rose Hathaway and Lissa Dragomir or Setsuna and Konoka?
  • A rebellious, redheaded teenage girl bickers and then falls in love with a Troubled, but Cute brunette, despite her father killing his father years before. The brunette is unfairly distrusted by his fellow felines because of his parentage, but all ends well: he finds happiness with the redhead and eventually becomes next-in-line to be leader.
    Are these felines lions or cats?
  • A group of quirky teenagers with various Dark and Troubled Pasts fight against fate and their own madness as they learn about life, themselves, and the Power of Friendship. They are led in this by a Hot-Blooded boy who is hiding a Dark Secret from them, which they eventually learn about and accept. One of the teenage girls is a ghost who was killed tragically by a loved one and struggles with feelings of bitterness and futility. She looks normal, for the most part, but has ram horns on her head. Another is very skilled at combat, and acts proud and tough to hide her feelings of insecurity and regret- which were partially caused by an abusive family member. She loves playing games, but cheats all the time. The other kids find it difficult to trust her. This is a very long, very complex story where Anyone Can Die- but it also makes use of Death Is Cheap and cosmic Reset Buttons. The plot has many horror elements, but is ultimately quite idealistic.
    Are the teenagers human or trolls?
  • The young, naive protagonist is taken from their home and brutally tortured. He/she manages to survive and escape this ordeal because of a Deus ex Machina (which incidentally makes them exceedingly rich), but become bitter and amoral because of the trauma inflicted on them. They resolve to take revenge on their captors, and enact an elaborate plan of psychological attack to do so. Along the way, they meet with an old Love Interest from their childhood, indirectly hurt multiple innocent people in the name of The Plan, and visit a desert. The character is coldhearted and very knowledgeable, if a bit...eccentric where the supernatural is concerned.
    Is this character The Count of Monte Cristo or Akane Kurashiki?
  • A famous warrior and huntress falls in love on the battlefield with a compassionate blond boy who has a gift for strategy. The huntress staunchly protects him from the attacks of their teenaged peers, yet has difficulty expressing the emotions she feels for him.
    Katniss and Peeta or Pyrrha and Jaune?
  • A black-haired, stonefaced girl devotes herself to protecting a Childhood Friend who saved her life when they were young. She does this partly to repay them and partly to give purpose to her life, which has been exceedingly traumatic up till now: a world she lives in is not a pleasant one. The fans commonly argue whether her feelings for this person are romantic, though a confession of love which comes late in the story implies that they are.
    Mikasa or Homura?
  • A family of power-hungry, treacherous lions plot to take the throne by murdering the current king. Their youngest son grows disillusioned with this idea, so they attempt to kill him. However, a last-minute change of heart from one of his siblings saves the outcast's life.
    Are these lions literal or metaphorical?
  • As a side effect of a war involving multiple superhuman warriors and mystically-empowered weapons, the daughter of one of those warriors is tainted with dark magic and grows up with The Corruption gnawing on her soul. Because of this, she becomes a lonely, embittered, Shrinking Violet, having been betrayed and/or abandoned by any family or friends she once had. (Her Jerkass brother, in particular, contributes to this mindset.) The only person she trusts is The Hero, who's a would-be Knight in Shining Armor, but even his love is not enough to keep her from succumbing to the villains' manipulations and consequently turning evil. She then transforms into a twisted, red-eyed version of her original self and goes on a murderous rampage, which is fueled by the dark power that had lain dormant in her soul since childhood. An estranged sibling of the girl tries to fight and kill her, but ultimately can't bring zirself to strike the fatal blow. Fortunately, the girl is redeemed in that moment by her sibling's love; she abandons evil forever in favor of living a peaceful domestic life (like the kind she wanted before all this magic crap started) and atoning for her sins. Roll credits.
    Sakura or Pyrrha?
  • A prenaturally observant brunette in middle school teases her Love Interest with mind games and flirting.
    Takagi or Kurashiki?


  • A video game villain in a fantasy setting who took over a kingdom by usurping the throne from the actual monarch. He commands an army of monsters and has gained power from a dark wielder of sorcery who was sealed away until recently. He wears a helmet to conceal his face. He initially has a confident personality but becomes more inelegant and desperate when the hero ruins his plans.
    Is he Zant or King Knight?


  • This heroine hasn’t been physically aging for many years and has realized immortality isn’t what it’s cracked up to be. She keeps moving and changing names to avoid detection, and she looks cold and aloof. About fifty years before the main plot, she started a passionate romance while abroad but broke it off, and the now old man recognizes her at once. In the ending, she begins to age again. Adaline Bowman or Elina Makropulos?
  • The Hero whose name alliterates with that of his father (also a hero) and who eventually inherits his father’s Cool Sword (which has been broken and reforged). He is, at one point, offered a drugged drink. He ends up marrying his aunt. Mattimeo from the animated adaptation or Siegfried?
  • She looks like a sexy young woman, and she is the leader of a huge group of evil Mooks that commits crimes on a very large scale. Her beautiful appearance is revealed to be a Latex Perfection mask that hides a horrendously, nauseatingly ugly face. She holds one of the protagonists, a boy, captive at some point. The Grand High Witch or the Pirate Queen?
  • A cynical, brutal Blood Knight belongs to the closest circles of a tyrannical king (who is planning to marry a girl from a northern region) and does the latter's dirty work. Said Blood Knight also has a Morality Pet, a girl whom he calls "bird" or similar nicknames and whom he often asks to sing. Now, is his own name Malyuta Skuratov or Sandor Clegane?
  • This creepy villain schemes to marry a pretty underage girl primarily for her inheritance while planning to have her two siblings killed. He doesn't succeed. After fooling and/or manipulating nearly every person he meets, he is finally exposed as a liar by another Manipulative Bastard and has an unexpected Alas, Poor Villain moment before facing Laser-Guided Karma, so that even his enemies feel sorry for him. Is his name Count Olaf or Veri-Meri?
  • A very rich man falls in love with a girl younger than twenty who has lived a very sheltered life (in a place where she was provided for, more or less, but felt horribly dreary and dreamed of leaving it) until recently. Using his influence, he schemes to separate her from a young, poorer Nice Guy whom she likes. The girl, at least at some points in the story, stays at the house of an elderly couple who are very fond of her rich suitor. The latter ends up winning the heart of the girl, but only after some implied or actually shown Character Development. Am I talking about Mizgir or Jervis Pendleton?
  • She is a beautiful widow of an aristocrat and a main character in an Epistolary Novel. A Manipulative Bitch and a skilled seductress, she wraps a young man whom her own younger relative loves around her little finger. She also has no problem stringing several lovers along at the same time. She has a longtime correspondent with whom she freely discusses her planned and ongoing schemes. Marquise de Merteuil or Lady Susan Vernon?
  • A beautiful, graceful girl is raised in luxury into a Spoiled Brat, only to be deprived of all her riches as her guardians die within a few weeks. She moves into another place and learns to live in more modest surroundings, undergoing Break the Haughty, taking a level in kindness, and finding real friends. Then, a while later, she is adopted by a wealthy, childless Grande Dame whom she knew before via her previous guardians. After the adoption, all of her Character Development goes backwards and she turns into a selfish and spoiled Proud Beauty all over again, leaving her friends heartbroken. Natasha Rumyantseva from The Orphanage Girls or Tamara Khovanskaya from The Road Goes into the Distance by Alexandra Brushtein?
  • A good-hearted if slightly vain amphibian has a one-sided crush on a human girl and is convinced he is a case of Bewitched Amphibians. When he gets the girl to kiss him in one of the final scenes, nothing happens; they still remain good friends. Ethelred or Jean-Bob?
  • A girl falls obsessively in love with a married man and thinks he reciprocates her feelings and tries to leave his wife to be with her. At one point, she believes they will go on on a trip to another country together, only for him to fail to show up at the airport. In the end, it is revealed he was never in love with her and never bought the plane tickets for their journey. Is it Angelique from He Loves Me... He Loves Me Not who suffers from erotomania, or Sofya from "Without Love", an episode of Trace, who is being set up and framed by the man's wife?
  • A heavily pregnant woman does undercover work under an alias. The father of her child, who is likewise involved with the same secret organization, is abruptly killed. The woman and her child end up in mortal peril but are rescued (just before the actual birth or a short while after it) by a villainous male character who has found some good in him. That character dies very soon after the rescue due to being shot. Is the woman's name Kit or Kat?





  • An honorable man of noble birth beloved by his people that leaves his homeland for the sake of a friend and is subsequently caught up in a plot where his honorable nature compels him to make well-meaning but misguided decisions that end up helping the antagonists, who are secretly plotting to seize power through manipulations and treachery. In the end he is falsely branded a traitor and executed by the ruler of the new regime, with his offspring fighting said regime in part to avenge him. This person is established as the main protagonist but gets killed well before the end of the story in an infamous Wham Episode.
    Are we talking about Sigurd or Ned Stark?


  • A green eyed teenager who is a hero, is the character with most transformations, is cocky and arrogant but has a heart of gold, he also has been in the hero business since he was a kid. Are we talking about Ben tennyson or Sonic the Hedgehog?

Bio Safety

  • A Badass with Laser-Guided Amnesia who becomes an ally of the heroes. During the climax, he recovers his memory and is revealed to be the father of the teenage Action Girl. However, he is still known by the name he took when he lost his memory in the sequels.
    Is he Doom or Milligan?


  • So a blue hero fights an evil mad scientist with a crazy mustache that creates killer robots. He is assisted by his sidekick who helps him fly to places that he normally can't reach. Initially opposed by a red adversary, but eventually becomes his ally but remains distant for personal reasons. Then is eventually opposed by a darker version of himself clad in black, who goes on to become an Anti-hero.
    We talking about Mega Man or Sonic the Hedgehog?


  • They have mortal enemies who cause them to lose their physical form due to being sealed and they possessed someone as a disguise on Earth. They both pretend to be good at manipulating the protagonist and they kill the protagonist's loved one in order to empowered them and restore their original body. Most of all, they had destroyed planets before their series began and they are an Omnicidal Maniac.
    Dark Zagi or Evolto?


  • A sentient war machine that packs immense firepower and is lethal when threatened, but is pacifistic and (mostly) harmless when left to its own devices and simply wishes to live in peace, surrounded by nature.
    SCP-516 or Bastion?
  • A divine, crystalline extradimensional being of light who was once revered as a deity, but was broken by experimentation and driven insane. Reduced to a shadowy husk of its former self, it seeks to become whole once more by combining with another being that grants it power, before using that power to bring about the end of the world, if not the universe, by tearing away a fundamental part of its existence.
    Mephiles the Dark/Solaris or Necrozma/The Blinding One?
  • An invasive force of creatures based on sea life (notably including crustacean-like grunts), who subvert the local population into fueling their own destruction through mind-control and deception while plotting to turn the world into a polluted watery paradise for themselves, wiping out the native life in the process. Their endgame involves a doomsday weapon constructed in a remote location, with the help of slaves from the locals, in order to bring about the world they seek, and the heroes need a way to stop the firing of that weapon.
    The M'arrillians or the Blisk?



  • Blue haired maid, had a pink haired sister, and loves someone who doesn't love them back. Rem or Flora?
  • Leader that wears eyegear and red, big blue mechanic, cheerfull girl with an evil sister, short guy who had the idea of dressing up as the leader while the leader was absent, and a quiet one who has a father voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson. Kids Next Door, or Teen Titans?
  • An orphan main character, who has someone sealed away inside him, goes to a school for a particular fantasy character class, and does not get the girl. Harry Potter, or Naruto Uzimaki?


Brainulator 9

  • A good-looking, hunky country music artist who broke big in the 2000s and is revered for their guitar skills. Also married a Hollywood actress. Are we talking about Keith Urban or Brad Paisley?


Burger Lord

Caiaphas The Sympathist
  • A person who, despite wanting to live a normal life, was forced as a youth to become a player in a conflict between two ancient groups, who have been quarreling for centuries over what should be done with some of the most powerful forces known to their worlds. This person is originally trained by an older mentor who is related to one of their parents as to how to effectively oppose the more villainous group, though this same mentor is eventually killed by one of the villainous group's leading figures. Over the course of their first major adventure, this person is also aided, supported and even admired by nearly everyone sympathetic to their cause, so they find it quite a surprise when they reach the end that they are not the most crucial figure in their own crusade, but that said title instead corresponds to someone they barely know anything about, in a scene that ends up making them feel like a glorified errand boy despite everything they've been through. Even after this, they still manage to find the determination to keep leading the heroes and continue their struggle for justice, despite being noticeably more jaded by their experience.
    April Ryan or Ezio Auditore?
  • A geriatric old man with a speech impediment and an extremely unpleasant demeanour who is almost always seen sitting down. He finds himself surrounded by criminals in multiple occasions. In his youth, he was an overzealous supporter of a powerful group, and became widely feared along those who knew of his activities.
    Father Jack Hackett or Hector Salamanca?


  • An individual that is both the Big Bad and the catalyst of most events in the story, that in return was influenced by a even greater threat that made them as they are. This villain is ancient compared to his foes, manipulative and vain, thinking itself a superior lifeform to all other life in the planet. He can appear like a human, but in reality he's a monster in mind with goals of turning the universe or Earth in their own image. The character also has a seemingly friendly persona and are charismatic enough to have people come to them for help. The creature breaks/corrupts people with deals and even allows folks with good intentions to side with him, despite how cruel they are. This villain creates the powers of the heroes and even becomes part of one of the leads family lineage via a parasitic action. This inhuman villain, thanks to becoming the uncle of one of the heroes, wants to use their body or blood to bond with them, to become stronger. He is capable of advanced bodily control and say at some point or another a phrase that could be either "the final round/the last act". Without the villain, the heroes wouldn't have gotten their powers, which allows them to overcome their adversary even if they by coincidence or by their design, induced these abilities.
Evolt or Dio ?

Calamity Raven 26

Captain Peregrin

  • A female of an aquatic species falls in love with a handsome human prince, promptly saves his life, and becomes a human girl. She is a wonderful dancer, but she can never profess her love to the prince, and is destined to dissolve into nothing. The prince becomes very close to her, but he falls in love with another girl (who was once mistaken for her). She ultimately gives up her human form so that the prince can keep his heart intact; it's implied that she might be able to become human again, someday.
    Is she a Duck or a Mermaid?
  • The son of an Evil Overlord slowly comes to realize that he's one of the bad guys. He reforms and seeks to reconcile with the good guys, but this proves difficult after some misunderstandings. Eventually, he helps end the conflict (bringing about a sibling's downfall in the process) and is implied to become a good ruler. He wears red and black, and he got a scar over his left eye from an Abusive Parent.
    Prince Zuko or Kovu?
  • A seemingly ordinary young woman meets a Time Traveler and is promptly drawn into a series of adventures, generally involving fighting monsters. As time goes on, she discovers that the time traveler met her more than once before, and every time they met, she died (naturally, she has no memory of these occasions). However, when her friend is threatened by a great evil, she makes a Heroic Sacrifice to stop it, resulting in her appearing at various points in time and space to stop said evil.
    Clara Oswald or Madoka Kaname?
  • A young Emotionless Girl is constantly bullied (at least partly because of said emotionlessness), but she never retaliates until an incident involving the death of a small animal. She discovers her lethal Psychic Powers when she instinctively uses them against said bullies.
    Is this the backstory of Lucy or Hana?
  • A rifle-wielding old man doggedly hunts down a wild canine protagonist. He has a loyal hunting dog (named after the color of one of its features), but unbeknownst to him, the dog befriends his quarry. In one scene, the hunter has his rifle aimed at the protagonist, but the dog steps in between them to protect its friend. The hunter finally sees that he was in the wrong when his would-be quarry steps in to save him.
    Is he hunting wolves or a fox?
  • A man seeks to protect the offspring of his Lost Lenore after both parents are killed by the Big Bad in their own home (which he blames himself for). He never actually connects with the offspring, however, remaining a Mysterious Protector, at best. He doesn't reveal his motives until the very last book.
    Which Turn of the Millennium YA series is he from? Harry Potter or A Series of Unfortunate Events?



  • A pair of siblings with contrasting personalities - one is Hot-Blooded and a bit naive, while the other is more stoic and responsible. They lose their parents as part of their backstory, and despite outward appearances are extremely close to each other. They share an Undying Loyalty for one another and would stop at nothing to ensure the other's safety. One sibling has a strange and potentially dangerous power that the other sibling didn't know about until recently, and that they don't know how to quite control. The non-powered sibling doesn't think any less of the other because of their power, even if it's nearly gotten the former killed at least once. Both are primary characters in their story.
    Either it's Anna and Elsa or Mikasa and Eren.

Chabal 2

  • A white-haired member of the ruling elite with incredible powers over fire, who appear to never grow older than the day they entered a different plane of existence, and now spends their time rescuing people from a supernatural forest... Uncle Iroh or Fujiwara no Mokou?
  • From a Blizzard Entertainment game, The Hero's best friend whose shared backstory was introduced in this game. This guy is large, loves fighting, goes charging headlong into enemy bases with some variant of "I cannot wait any longer!", occasionally gets into disagreements with The Hero, and made a Deal with the Devil at some point in their lives, leading to him betraying The Hero and is dead by the end of the game.
    Grom Hellscream or Tychus Findlay?
  • A man with unbelievably powerful psychic powers yet confined to a hi-tech chair, surrounded by mutants everywhere (indeed, without these mutants he wouldn't have much purpose at all).
    Charles Xavier or the God-Emperor of Mankind?
  • A splinter faction from a high tech psychic race, who are easily recognizable by their pale skin and dark armor, who revel in causing pain and torture to their enemies. They aren't above using drugs and function on Klingon Promotion, and whenever their less-evil cousins need their aid, do so at maximum profit to themselves. So are we talking about the Tal'darim or the Dark Eldar?
  • A whiny teenager who hates his dad, is desperate to please whoever's in charge of him, is rivals with a high-ranking member of the military despite the troops caring very little for him, is given a single opportunity to do the intelligent thing and throws it away, and yet the shippers can't get enough of him. Thankfully he has a kickass uncle who may be able to set things right... Are we talking about Zuko or Kylo Ren?
  • This character is a shining example of what happens when a royal child is given every luxury its parents can give it (said parents being brother and sister), and turn out to be a horribly spoiled brat interested only in indulging its whims. Sigvald the Magnificent or Joffrey Baratheon'''?
  • A lich of enormous magical power and ever-increasing evil in an RPG Mechanics 'Verse working on Dungeons & Dragons rules, whose Ignored Enamored Underling doesn't let the fact that the love of her life has neither the libido, the equipment nor the emotions to return her affections.
    Xykon or Ainz Ooal Gown?

Chrononaut 70

  • A badass warrior in black who was drive towards a dark path because of the death of a loved one which in turn led him to kill the people responsible for her death, speaks with a baritone voice, has a stoic personality unless driven to his Rage Breaking Point, works for a mentor as part of a larger organization, trains a young female apprentice to be just like him, serves as the protector for a character played by Natalie Portman who just happens to have a Bodyguard Crush for him, a non-human companion, came from a poor, lower-class background, covers his face, and does a Heroic Sacrifice that kills the main villain at the end of the story. Oh and he gives a warning to his protege about the dangers of revenge and has a entire sequence where he kills Mooks. Are we talking about Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader or Leon Montana?

CJ Croen 1393



Connor 2107


Cryptical Fiery

Cwallace 135

  • A once great hero who was once incredibly close to a woman who is related to the deuteragonist. He lost everything, but was given a second chance thanks to a being made up of the thoughts and feelings of the masses. This being would give him an incredibly expanded lifespan and he would become king of the world in exchange for his servitude. In order to repay his debt to the being, he would commit all kinds of crimes, including the murders of countless innocent lives. He would encounter the protagonist and put them in a situation where they almost die but the protagonist awakens a new power. The woman that he was close to would end up betraying him, which would would be his main catalyst behind his descent into madness. After fighting the protagonist a second time, the deuteragonist explains why the woman he was close to betrayed him, and that she still cares about him. This would finally make him see the error of his ways, and when the protagonist fights the being that gave him his power, he finally stands up to them for the final showdown.
    Is this Andrias Levithan or N?
  • These three friends/siblings come from a cartoon/video game that was made by a company that is often compared to the other, and the show/game had a similar lifespan to the other. They were once inseparable, but circumstances drove them apart physically and mentally.
    • The main character is naive sword fighter who first ended up in a small town/kingdom. Shortly after their arrival, they end up meeting a small group of friends, whom they always travel with through thick and thin. They have the inexplicable gift to befriend just about everyone that they meet, and quickly become icons for the new place that they call home. They reunite with the people that they were connected to, but quickly realize that things have changed and their relationships start to strain. Eventually, they unlock a Super Mode that alters their hair and they use this power to defeat a being obsessed with altering the way that people live. This, would in turn, end up killing them, but their bodies would end up getting copied.
    • The second member has long, blond hair, and likes to wear red. They are obsessed with always being in control of others, and when they are granted a position of power, they use it to become a tyrant. They once had a loyal companion(s), but after they went against their wishes, they ended up leaving them. They act as one of the main villains for the first half of the show/game that they’re from, but after battling the protagonist, they start to realize the error of their ways, and become highly competent leaders who start to lead the people of the protagonist’s town/kingdom while they are away, and prove to be one of the protagonist’s most important allies in the endgame.
    • The third member is a naive girl who made a foolish decision since she believed that it was best for her friends/siblings. After she was separated from her friends/siblings, she would have a connection towards the main villain. Eventually an evil entity would end up possessing her for a long time, and said entity would use her body to become a tyrant. When she’s freed from evil and reunited with the protagonist, she gains a Super Mode alongside them, and they work together to defeat the ultimate evil.
    • Is the work in question Amphibia or Dragalia Lost, and are the characters…
      • Anne Boonchuy or Euden?
      • Sasha Waybright or Leonidas?
      • Marcy Wu or Zethia?
  • This powerful magic user was once a relatively normal human. Then once day, he ended up getting banished to a mysterious dimension. He would travel this dimension far and wide and discover all of its secrets. Eventually, taking power from this dimension would turn him into an Eldritch Abomination who would rule over the dimension and take control of all of its inhabitants. He wants to return to the human realm so that he can rule it as well. He is connected to the main hero, as they have similar backgrounds and abilities. He also likes to attack people in their minds. Is this Emperor Belos or Vecna?
  • This great knight with a pony tail wields a lance, and is associated with water. She is one of the closet friends to a king, and has dedicated her life to protecting him. She is also the leader of a group of knights. She has an apprentice who is usually seen with them and hopes to be just like her someday. There is also a different women associated with yellow, who has a massive crush on her. She has a special form that she only uses for the most dangerous of opponents. Is this Undyne or Elisanne?
  • This young princess comes from a dystopian future, and has travelled back into the past to stop it. She wears a mask around her eyes (although it’s possible that her mask was destroyed shortly after she came to the past), and once went by the name of a different character. For a portion of the main hero’s adventure, she acts as a mysterious rouge who secretly tries to guide them to the right path. She is an immediate relative towards the protagonist. Eventually, around the middle of the protagonist’s journey, she tells them who she really is and why she’s in the past. From that point forward, she would go by the name that she’s known for, and would become one of the protagonist’s closest allies. Is this Lucina or Zena?
Cyber Tiger 88
  • This older brother is more reserved and quiet (while having a fiery side), compared to his more outgoing and happy-go-lucky sibling. He spends a good chunk of his life at the ocean. He eventually gets captured by the story's villains, but he is rescued by his younger sibling, only for him to be Not Quite Saved Enough, and dies in a Heroic Sacrifice to save his sibling soon after. The death is noted by fans to be shocking as this is the first major death that is set in the present in their respective anime.
    "Fire Fist" Ace, or Latios?
  • This is a major villain from a Merchandise-Driven cartoon who is trying to annihilate various technicolor talking animals. They have a hideout in a mountainous area, come from an evil family lineage, and constantly adorn all that is bad and condemn all that is good. They also have two inept henchmen who double as comic relief and are on the receiving end of anger-induced slapstick from the villain whenever they fail. Some argue that the show spends more time on the villain and their minions than on the titular critters of their respective show.
    Hydia or AoSTH!Dr. Robotnik?
  • This plant-based monster stars in a popular 2015 video game and befriends the player character upon meeting them, serving as a guide in the game's tutorial. They are eventually revealed to be Evil All Along and attempts to kill the hero. Off-screen they have managed to kill almost everyone possible in their respective realm. It is later revealed that they are Not Himself as the hero brings them back to their senses and they ultimately redeem themselves in the game's best ending.
    Are we talking about Nuzleaf or Flowey?
  • An anthropomorphic blue canine is introduced as a Decoy Protagonist before being trapped in crystal. When the actual protagonist frees them they become a valuable ally to them during their latest adventure. In battle, they wield a magic staff and can detect enimies with their with psionic powers, making them a capable war veteran. At one point they become disillusioned and resentful towards their closest friend/leader due to a miscommunication, but eventually they patch up their relationship and retire alongside them in bliss.
    Is this Sir Lucario or Krystal?

Daibhid C
  • This bearded starship captain is a Recycled In Space version of a character from mythology. He carries a Laser Blade and commands the flagship of the fleet, which is also named as a reference to the myth. His egalitarian attitude leads mystic forces to plot against him in order to maintain their control.
    Is he Arthur, King of Time and Space or Ulysses 31?
  • This character is a resident of an Extranormal Institute who notably lacks the abilities that other students and faculty have; however someone is firmly convinced he belongs there. He's spent a lot of time in a justified state of panic, although others have noticed that he's an exceptional hero when he has to be and in more recent stories he seems to have come to terms with this to an extent. He's also become a Genre Savvy Deadpan Snarker (but then, he lives in a World of Snark which runs on Narrative Causality).
    Rincewind the Wizzard or Tyler Marlock/Moonshadow?
  • This character exists in multiple time periods due to contact with a powerful artefact that breaches the space-time continuum. These periods include the present day, the 19th century and space in the far future. In all periods the character has a connection to a mysterious Eccentric Mentor and together they fight evil forces. The present day version has a close bond to a former soldier.
    Clara Oswald or Arthur, King of Time and Space again?
  • This stretchy superhero is married to a woman named Sue. Although he is famed for having a keen intellect in a specific field, she's generally portrayed as the more sensible of the two. In their comics, they travel a lot more than most superheroes. They were both members of a superhero team that also included a guy made of inorganic matter.
    Mr Fantastic or Elongated Man?
  • This comic book character comes from old money but had a tragic childhood, including a trauma involving seeing a nightmarish creature in the family mansion. This had a profound effect on him and he grew up to use this creature as a totem. He's an obsessive character who sometimes seems to be a different person when he wears his totem mask. The company that bears his name is a key player in the technology industry, which allows him to use its resources to build his weapons. He's appeared to die, and his costumed identity has become a Legacy Character, other users of which have included his son, whom he has a difficult relationship with. However because Status Quo Is God, he always reclaims the mantle eventually. His enemies include a spider-based character who was voiced in an animated series by Josh Keaton. In a major The New '10s story he formed an organisation of people in variants of his costume, who at one point fought a supposedly heroic organisation with a spider-motif that was secretly run by a villain.
    Batman or Norman Osborn?
  • This heroic figure is an orphan, who was raised by a humanoid species not his own in a bucolic countryside setting, and still views his adopted parents as family. As an adult, he developed great strength and moved to the big city, where he started wearing a uniform with a cape and quickly became famed as a crimefighter and instantly recognisable to most of the population. He has a mutual attraction to a cynical woman he works with but she's often exasperated by his naivity. Their boss is kind-hearted but irascible and constantly smokes cigars.
    Carrot Ironfoundersson or Superman?
  • A puppet amphibian who often seems to be the Only Sane Man of the setting, not only mediating the crazy ideas of his Cloud Cuckoolander friends, but also dealing with an uptight bird who's The Comically Serious and refuses to even countenance the madness that surrounds them. He also plays the banjo.
    Is he a frog or a toad?
  • This female Benevolent A.I. is the creation of an arrogant goateed scientist, but has a stronger friendship with a nerdy guy who's younger than her creator. In fact she basically flirts with him at one point, although she recognises he's more interested in someone else. And she sounds exactly like Jennifer Connelly.
    Lovelace or Suit Lady?
  • This character is a sentient Hat of Power. It looks like a classic Wizard Hat, but when you put it on, you hear its voice inside your head. Over a thousand years old, it belonged to the founder of a Wizarding School and is a central part of one of that school's most important ceremonies.
    The Sorting Hat or the Archchancellor's Hat?


  • A largely innocent character meets a seemingly cold hearted badass of the same gender and they fall in love. Unfortunately the laws of magic in this universe mean that one way or another they will have to kill each other. To fix this the innocent character makes a Faustian pact and ascends to godhood in order to rewrite the laws of the universe to save their loved one.
    Madoka and Homura or Rook and Chess?



  • A man wakes up after surviving an event that should have killed him and that in fact killed/seriously injured thousands of people. After waking up and discovering his powers wich include the creation of a Blade Below the Shoulder, a shield, the ability to survive a fall from any height, being able to glide, Ground Pound, being able to heal himself by feeding off of people, and see the memories of the dead (Sometimes); the man decides to discover just who the hell is responsible for the incident. Unfortunately the island in which he is, is put under quarantine in almost no time (The quarantine was actually planned long before the start of the game); meaning he can´t get out as he suffers a big aversion to water. During the story the man meets a woman that makes him do her biding and double crosses himnote , another woman that clearly loves him but is terrified of what he has become and acts as his Morality Petnote , a black man that knows much more about the situation than the protagonist and is related to an antagonic faction while not being part of itnote  and a white man that fullfills the role of Voice with an Internet Connection that seems like one of the only decent people in the island but ultimately betrays the man due to the influence of the Big Bad.note  The man ultimately beats a female Plague Master who controls an army of her infected forcesnote , and an enemy that acts as an Evil Counterpart of him and has not only similar but also enhanced versions of his powers.note . The man, finally discovers that the event that gave him his powers was caused by "Himself". The game ends with a Sequel Hook by promising the appeareance of a character really important to the plot but that is only seen in visions taken from another character.
    So, Is this Alex Mercer or Cole MacGrath?


  • The mayor’s vain, snobby, Alpha Bitch daughter adores flaunting her wealth and has specifically targeted her bullying at the dark haired, pigtailed, female protagonist since they were little. Stephanie Knightleigh or Chloe Bourgeois?
  • She's the cheery, optimistic leader of a magical land where everything is supposed to be lots of fun. She loves hanging out with her friends and doing crazy stuff with them. She is often opposed by a male antagonist who likes ruining other people's fun for his own amusement, but she considers him a friend anyway. When pushed past a certain point, she ends up turning into a monstrous version of herself which she has no control over. Princess Unikitty or Kaeloo?


  • This male character is made of block, almost always has a grumpy expression, is the Only Sane Man in an otherwise eccentric cast and is the one who has the job to clean the house, mostly the kitchen. Both characters come from a series where the protagonist gives the name of the show and is a bubbly, Mix And Match Creature that is partially cat.
    Is the character Schnitzel or Richard?
  • This character has pale skin, messy hair and lightless eyes. He's very intelligent, strategical, and doesn't express much emotion. He is occasionally seen sitting on the chair in a weird position. He also has a fondness for sweets.
    Is the character L or Nosaka?


  • This character has neglectful financially abusive parents. Even the creators can't agree on who they should hook up with, which is perfectly understandable when the main options are a snob who can be a total jerk at times and a Stalker with a Crush.
    Eliza Doolittle or Timmy Turner?


  • This Nicktoons character's name begins with a Z. He is a loyal and often overconfident warrior of a proud empire led by a power-hungry and sadistic figure in red. Said Tyrant is furious with this character's actions against orders, and has sent him on a far away mission thought impossible. He is accompanied on his journey by a seemingly harmless sidekick who would much rather be relaxing and having his favorite food than aiding him (and whose name contains the letters IR), although they do care for one another. His archenemy is a hyperactive and heroic boy with a strange looking head. Others seeking his goal include a far more competent and ruthless female rival who enjoys tormenting him, as well as a stout, overconfident, and unlucky soldier who has survived an encounter with a giant animal. Despite his huge ego and obsession with regaining his ruler's respect, he has often found himself allying with his enemy.
    Zuko or Zim?


  • While not a character per se, this is the best place to make the comparison
    • This class came from a splatbook detailing a new subsystem for a well-loved roleplaying game. Said book brought new rules for Psychic Powers, but this class does not actually use the new system. It is designed to be the fighter of the splat, but only has 3/4th BAB and light armor. It has an interesting concept, but the actual mechanics of the class make it very difficult to live up to the concept's potential without the use of 3rd party rules.
      So, am I talking about the 3.5 Soulknife, or the Kinetecist?



  • An aging, ugly, disheveled and greasy mid-level Hong Kong Triad boss heavily involved in the drugs trade, named Four Finger Wu.
    Noble House or Sleeping Dogs?
  • A tattooed, dark-haired, sunglasses-wearing smart-mouthed thug, who has proven himself to demons and aliens as one of Earth's most powerful warriors. And is named Johnny.
    But is it Johnny Cage or Johnny Gat?


  • He's a charming, sociopathic manipulator out for an inheritance. He's willing to kill to get it, but he's not willing to get his hands dirty in the process. In victory, he has a thing for gloating and mood-lighting.
    Granada!Culverton Smith, Light Yagami, or Hans?

Donald The Potholer

Dragonking 56

Dr No Puma

  • This character is a little white anthropomorphic rabbit named Max. He is part of a duo that forms the title of the work in which they appear. The other member of the duo is the Blue Oni to Max's Red Oni. The other member is also bigger and taller than him. They have starred in a kids' cartoon series adapted from their original work.
    Is this other member a hound or another rabbit?
  • A Red Oni, Blue Oni duo of Funny Animals, and the protagonists of the work they appear in. They have appeared in an animated work that could be considered family-friendly. One member of the duo - the Red Oni - is a rabbit, and the smaller and shorter of the two. This character is very ambitious, and prefers to take action immediately rather than think about the consequences. The other member - the Blue Oni - is a canine of some sort. He is the bigger and taller of the two. He is more laid-back, and he has more of a way with words than the rabbit does. The two are police officers who solve crimes using somewhat dubious methods.
    Sam & Max or Nick Wilde and Judy Hopps?
  • This character is a Funny Octopus who is the Big Bad of a kid-friendly work released in the mid-2010's. His Evil Plan involves kidnapping a bunch of cute marine animals. He has a huge army of octopus Mooks, and a giant mech of some sort, to help him achieve this goal. Some Mooks are more competent than others. However, he seems to be the only octopus who can talk. His skin and eyes are brightly colored in such a way that is unusualnote  for an octopus. He is one of the most well-received characters in his work, partly due to being very funny. He makes a lot of references to modern pop culture. At the end, he is imprisoned in a glass orb.
    Dave or DJ Octavio?
  • This character is a Funny Octopus who is a major character in a family-friendly, comical work. One of his most notable traits is the fact that he disguises himself as a human, but he acts very inhuman, which would clue any sane person in to the fact that he's really an octopus, but because most, if not all the humans in this work are Too Dumb to Live, they don't notice. Despite being an octopus, he is able to communicate with humans. Strangely, despite octopuses being invertebrates, he is somehow able to stand up straight on his tentacles.
    Octodad or Dave?
  • He is the main character of an indie game. His name is also the title of the game in which he appears. He is bald, and has long, floppy arms with no hands or fingers. He is an All-Loving Hero who is nice to everyone he meets, and is even willing to forgive those who try to hurt him. He is very different from all the people around him, but most people love him regardless. He sometimes breaks the rules, but does so for good reasons. In his game, the last thing the player does is have him give someone a hug.
    Octodad or Dropsy?
  • He is one of the main characters of a kids' work. He has appeared in an animated series. He is an anthropomorphic rabbit with pink fur. He is a manchildish Fat Idiot who is one of the funniest characters in the work he appears in. He is often seen shirtless. He has a child who looks more or less exactly like him.
    Papa Bunny or Richard Watterson?
  • He is a major villain in a series with a large cast of antagonists. Said series features many Funny Animal characters as well. He is one of the most monstrous villains in his series. He is very egotistical, bearing no sympathy or love for anyone else but his pet spiders, which he loves to feed. He is a feline of some sort. His personality is very cold and refined. He tends to venture into Cold Ham territory. Though he displays some Dirty Coward tendencies, he is capable of putting up a fight on his own. He doesn't go down easy - if he was even Killed Off for Real at all, although it is heavily implied that he was.
    Katz or Ungatt Trunn?
  • The Big Bad of a work released in the 2010's that plays with many video game tropes. He is a video game character who was long thought to be dead, but has assumed a new formnote . He lures the hero in with a warm smile and a friendly personality, but quickly turns out to be quite Faux Affably Evil - a psychopath who most certainly Would Hurt a Child. He is well known for being a consistent source of Nightmare Fuel. One of the most disturbing things he does is when his face changes. Also, in the climax, he goes One-Winged Angel, turning into an even more horrifying monster, and gloating about his new power. Fortunately, he is Hoist by His Own Petard not long after. In one of his forms, he is royalty. He has many bright colors.
    He is very adept at hacking into video games for his own ends.
    King Candy or Flowey?
  • They are the two main villains - the Big Bad and The Dragon, respectively - of a Cult Classic video game from The '90s. Despite both being Chaotic Evil, they form a Red Oni, Blue Oni duo. Both use some form of magic. The Big Bad is the blue oni. He is tall, dark, and menacing. He has a deep voice, and he really hams it up at times. He wears long clothing, along with something golden. He spends most of the battle against him summoning minions to attack you. The Dragon is the red oni. He is an evil clown, but despite his disturbing appearance - complete with a wide grin with More Teeth than the Osmond Family - he's more of a Villainous Harlequin than a full-blown Monster Clown. He confronts the hero far more often than the Big Bad does, and with his high-pitched voice, small body, and rudeness, he is quite annoying.
    Ghadius and Joka or Ludwig von Tökkentäkker and Umlaut?
  • He is the Big Bad in an Edutainment Game for kids. One of his names is Mortimer. His last name starts with an M too. He's an Obviously Evil man with graying, wildly unkempt hair and usually seen wearing a long coat. He has a surprisingly high-pitched voice for a man, and is also a shining example of Evil Is Hammy. He is quite a Psychopathic Manchild, who makes evil plots for rather silly reasons. But he is still very much Laughably Evil. He's also quite a Smug Snake who has a comical Villainous Breakdown when the player beats the game. He has many minions at his disposal to hinder the protagonist's progress, and he also dabbles in magic.
    I. M. Meen or Morty Maxwell?
  • This character is the Big Bad of an animated movie. They have an Alliterative Name. They are a performer who cares about fame and attention more than anything else. They are a Green-Eyed Monster bent on stopping a plucky, heroic group of performers whom they (the villain) see as a threat to their own fame. They sing a dark Villain Song showing how cruel and self-centered they are. This song is accompanied by a Disney Acid Sequence, and at least one part of this sequence shows this villain transforming into a giant, shadowy monster. They have a big, muscular henchman. In the end, they suffer a humiliating, comical defeat.
    Darla Dimple or Horatio P. Huntington?


  • The villain of the second installment of a series, which is part of a larger universe, wants to cover the world in darkness. He plans to do so by fusing with a purplish-blackish-red source of dark power that has been sealed away for millennia. After he succeeds in fusing with said power during a convergence, he gains a creepy cast to his appearance and glowing red eyes. The final battle with the brash, muscular hero involves traveling between dimensions using portals and destruction in a major world city. In a universe where most of the other villains are compelling Anti-Villains or Magnificent Bastards, he stands out as a Generic Doomsday Villain and is a bit of a Scrappy in the large fandom. His installment premiered in the fall of 2013. From where does this evildoer hail? Svartalfheim, or the Northern Water Tribe?

  • A young man with a ponytail (at some point in his life), blue eyes, and a name beginning with N is a prodigy with his world's source of Elemental Powers, thanks to his horrible father (whose identity as such is a spoiler) raising him as a Tyke-Bomb. Despite spending most of his story as a villain, he becomes sympathetic in the end and his final scene is a major Tearjerker. He is sometimes shipped with the female lead, who also has a ponytail. N Harmonia, or Noatak?

  • This handsome young fellow with dark brown hair and amber-gold eyes is initially mistrusted by the hero because he's the son of the Big Bad. His sister is loyal to their father's nation. At the end of his series, he becomes the leader of his nation. Brambleclaw or Zuko?

  • A gray-haired man lusts after a green-eyed girl, but to say that she doesn't return his feelings is putting it mildly. At the climax of the story, he attempts to burn her and her family alive unless she chooses him. Despite being so despicable, this man has a Draco in Leather Pants fandom. It has to be Frollo, right? How about Ashfur?



Darklight 23

  • A gorgeous, charismatic popular girl, who befriends the protagonist of her movie, but is at climax to be revealed to be the main villain of the movie and has only manipulated the protagonist in order to get her hand on a weapon that she lost when she was defeated by the parents of the protagonist many years ago. The girl is an adult woman trapped in the body of a teenager.

Is it Gwen Grayson or Chelsea Van Der Zee?
