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Surprisingly Similar Characters / Troper Entries E-H

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  • Born good, a great evil is forced upon him soon after his first appearance. This evil destroys all good within him. He eventually takes a new name, leaving behind the original one. The person that forced the evil upon him is slain, but he carries on and creates an army with the aim of taking over the world. He seems to have won, but a surprise blast of light and fire allows the heroes to destroy the evil that corrupted him. He is fatally wounded but gets to die as himself.
    Now, was the evil forced upon him as a baby or as an adult?

The Elder Scrolls

  • The main antagonist of a mainline game, who in life was an advisor to a respected military and cultural leader, who died when he was betrayed by someone he trusted. Centuries later, he returned as a powerful, God-like being, whose life force is tied to an object that is both the stone for one of the towers of creation and the power source for the Numidium. He remains in an isolated, mountainous region during the events of the game, communicating with the player character through their agents. The political powers in the region portray them as a purely evil entity, who simply wants to destroy everything, but the truth is far from black and white and they actually have good reasons for why they do what they do.
  • This character claims to be the rightful ruler of his province, while the Empire is actually the one in charge. He got this position by killing the previous ruler, but nobody can fully agree on what happened, with some saying it was murder while others say that it wasn't. He cares deeply for his own race and wants what's best for them, however, he doesn't care about any other race, particularly the Argonians. He rules from a city divided into four quarters, with one quarter specifically for outsiders. He possesses a reality warping power derived from Tonal Architecture, which he misuses for his own ends. The game does not present him as being inherently good or evil, and whether he lives or dies is entirely up to the player.


Epic Link Sam

  • Older siblings that have a missing mother, as well as losing their second one. They are extremely protective of their younger siblings, yet fight them occasionally. Their eyes can turn red, as well as having blonde hair at one point. They have a hot blooded personality and a short fuse. They are close range fighters and have overwhelming power. And they both lost an arm to a sadistic man voiced by Yūichi Nakamura. They're also the butt of many jokes in their fandoms due to being cosmic playthings in their universes. Are we talking about Ragna the Bloodedge or Yang Xiao Long?


  • A sociopath who answers to "Dex" and works in law enforcement, who tries to channel his urges into something constructive, and keeps morality chains around to guide his own damaged moral compass. His sociopathy manifested at a young age, brought about by being orphaned as a child, and he was taught to hide it by a mentor trained to recognize such early warning signs. Is it Benjamin "Dex" Poindexter or Dexter "Dex" Morgan?


  • They reside in a dangerous forest of which the locals are terrified, within a cave-like home. They hail from a country far away and is clearly of a different ethnicity than the natives. Being genuinely badass, their actions have saved both local villages and whole nations. They are thought to be dangerous supernatural creatures, but that's just local superstition.
    Are we talking about The Phantom or Zecora?


Excelsior 123

  • An intelligent Jerkass who has "Mit" in their name. They're white but have Black, Latina, and Asian friends. They're a member of one species that has a rivalry with a member of another species. They both have green in their color schemes. Later episodes reveal that they're actually nice deep down and just wants to have friends. They also develop a crush on a Latina girl. Is it Amity Blight or Mitchell Peterson?


  • A major supporting character of the work, she is a mysterious, quiet, withdrawn girl with long blue hair and matching eye color. She is heavily associated with water, and wears a magical pendant on a necklace that drains from her lifeforce every time she uses it, and can end up dying by fading away after using it too much. She slowly becomes more hopeful about her terrible circumstances due to the protagonist's determination. Is her name Azura or Lala-Ru?
  • The main character is an optimistic young man who holds onto idealistic beliefs in a more cynical world. He meets up with a mysterious man who is much more combat-capable and stronger, but also cynical and opposes the protagonist's beliefs. It turns out that the mysterious man is the future self of the protagonist, who became embittered after certain unfortunate events shattered his beliefs and worldview. He traveled to the past to break his younger self as he is ashamed of his past self. The protagonist learns skills from his future self, and ends up altering his ideals to be more nuanced and realistic while not giving up on them fully. Am I describing Shirou Emiya and Archer/EMIYA or Emmet Brickowski and Rex Dangervest?
  • A major character from a Japanese fantasy game is a female Anti-Hero with white hair and is voiced by Tara Platt in English. She appears harsh and uncaring to many, and she is heavily associated with red on her clothes. One of her most striking physical traits originates from an extremely traumatic moment of her life which binds her to the true villain of the story and drastically shortens her lifespan. She opposes a force lead by a powerful woman in white that is seen by the populace as benevolent and divine, but holds many dark secrets. While her goals will ultimately benefit the people and world, she is fully willing to commit many morally gray and even reprehensible acts to achieve them, including killing her opposition. The game has Multiple Endings, of which she will either win or lose in her quest. One of the endings involves her transforming into a powerful monster. Is her name Zero or Edelgard von Hresvelg?
  • She is a major female character with a six letter name starting with M and ending with A. She is the cool-headed and mysterious leader of an organization who holds an interest towards the protagonist. While she initially comes of as helpful and benevolent, she gives off an eerie, mysterious aura and seems to know far more about the plot that anyone else. It's later revealed that she is the Big Bad of the work who holds mighty, unfathomable powers. She is not obsessed with the protagonist, but rather another character residing within them and wishes to have them all to herself by all means necessary. To achieve this, she destroys the lives of the protagonists loved ones, eventually killing them, as well as making their life much more horrific and miserable. She is killed through a bizarre, unconventional tactic that she didn't see coming. It's heavily implied that being the leader of the organization corrupted her into the monster she is in the story and that her true desire is to have an equal and genuine relationship. Is her name Monika or Makima?



  • This character introduces himself to newcomers as a calming, pleasant-looking presence, colored almost entirely white and with an uncanny ability to make strangers feel at ease. He has invited those he approaches to be part of his pet project, which promises a better life for those in it. Those who take part in the project are occasionally skeptical but generally flattered to be included. However, some participants realize early on that something is a bit "off" and intend to get to the bottom of the scheme, and become impatient with the character when he intervenes and tries to reassure the participants that all is well. Relationships are strained, disasters happen more frequently, and a greater sense of despair pervades the group. When one or more participants realize the character has been lying all along and they are unwittingly being subject to Cold-Blooded Torture, he drops all pretenses of benevolence and reveals that his motivations for the project were partially a way of trying to do his job more efficiently (with no regard to the participants' well-being) and partially a mere case of It Amused Me, due to his real nature. Now, are we talking about Michaelnote  or Kyubey?


Is this Katie "Pidge" Holt or Chihiro Fujisaki?

  • In a landmark medieval fantasy constructed setting, there are two main human nations in close geographic proximity to one another. One is a large empire that is the bastion of mankind in the setting. It is the successor nation to a former empire that used to dominate the setting but then collapsed due to corruption. Its armies consist of drilled regiments equipped with a variety of weapons, though it also has access to powerful knights and potent Siege Engines. In spite of being the most dominant nation of man, it gets pushed to the brink of destruction by the forces of evil. The other nation is a feudal kingdom founded by Born in the Saddle barbarian tribesmen inspired by the Migration Era Germanic Tribes. The influence is evident in the nomenclature of the people of the kingdom. Though this nation was founded a long time after the first one, it is less developed in both urban and technological terms. Owing to its origins, this kingdom places great emphasis on mounted warfare, though its horsemen are less armored than the other nation and its infantry forces are lacking. It also has access to a superior breed of warhorse, and the kings have traditionally ridden magical white steeds. In the end, both nations set aside their differences and unite to make a Last Stand against the forces of evil.
Are these Gondor and Rohan or the Empire and Bretonnia?

  • This character from a long running Hasbro toyline has usually been portrayed as the Big Good or Greater-Scope Paragon of the toyline. They came before the heroes and served as their inspiration. However, recent installments have not been kind to this character's reputation, giving them a Broken Pedestal treatment. Specifically, in the war between Earth and Cybertron, this Well-Intentioned Extremist Fallen Hero seeks to obliterate the homeworld of the other species to preserve their own species's homeworld. In the process of turning against their morals, they alienate the team that they inspired, causing said team to band together with the other species to stop their genocidal goals. In the aftermath of their scheme, both Earth and Cybertron are left much worse for wear, their actions only having heightened tensions between the species of both worlds.
Is this character from Earth (Joseph "Baron Ironblood" Colton) or Cybertron (Sentinel Prime)?

  • This work centers around the attempted assassination of a person who is known for being one of the world's most dangerous killers and who currently poses a severe danger to the rest of the world. To accomplish this act, one of said individual's most prized pupils, a talented soldier with a snake motif, is ordered to carry out the deed. This pupil makes extensive use of stealth gear, knives, guns, and dirty magazines to carry out his mission. Along the way, said pupil encounters a woman who claims she will help him on the task, but in actuality is hiding her true identity and motivations. While the pupil does find out the truth and comes into conflict with her, he eventually forgives her for it since both have grown close to each other during the course of the mission. In the end, both the pupil and his Love Interest are able to complete the mission and successfully assassinate his mentor. Despite the success of the mission, both individuals are left with nothing but grief and remorse what for they have done. As it turns out, they discovered the mentor in fact never meant to threaten the world at all in spite of their own dark past. If they had any other option, they would have tried to save the mentor's life. After the conclusion of the mission, the pupil inherits the title of his now-deceased mentor.
Are these characters The Boss, Naked Snake/Big Boss, and Eva or Koro-sensei, Nagisa Shiota, and Kaede Kayano/Akari Yukimura?

  • The God-king of an ancient Middle Eastern civilization, this individual in life was known for his futile quest to attain immortality. Despite his failure, he would eventually find a different sort of immortality than what he was searching for, and so continues to be active to the present day in one way or another. In battle, he makes use of a wide range of divine artifacts, the culmination of his labors and endeavors in his past life. Despite appearing to be a case of Light Is Not Good at first and engaging in outright antagonistic activities, the alignment of this character tends to change between portrayals, sometimes turning out to be more heroic than he first seemed. But most of all, he is known for his prideful and arrogant Awesome Ego that would attract the ire of the heavens themselves. After all, in his mind, he alone has the right to rule the world, and all those who would dare challenge him are nothing but pretenders.
Is this character Gilgamesh or Settra the Imperishable?


  • This work of gritty live-action media is set in various locations near the US\Mexican border, and violence is an expected part of many characters' lives. The lead duo consists of an attractive, Good Is Not Nice, fair-haired white American who earns a living finding criminals and a more extroverted, affable, but at times underhanded Mexican man. The American is determined, very competent, and emotionally distant, but gets a Pet the Dog scene that involves comforting a minor character on the verge of death. While this is by no means a domestic drama, the Mexican character gets additional character development via interacting with family members. And there's plenty of violent death.
    Are they Sonya Cross and Marco Ruiz or Blondie and Tuco in ?
  • An American remake of a premise from Northwestern Europe. It's about a mystery-solving duo where the members are of different nationalities, ethnicities, genders, and neurotypes. The American half of the partnership is a woman. One of the partners behaves in ways consistent with being in the autism spectrum. This character isn't close to many people, but does have a good relationship with the local Reasonable Authority Figure police lieutenant. This character takes their shirt off in the first episode. The darker-haired partner is most likely neurotypical, has better social skills, and is shown interacting with their family. The two are not romantically involved. Together, they solve murders!
    Sonya Cross and Marco Ruiz or Sherlock Holmes and Joan Watson?
  • A Cold War era homoerotic bromance ends tragically when the depth of the friends' ideological differences becomes clear, and one of the guys winds up getting shot.
    Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr in X-Men: First Class or Jim Prideaux and Bill Haydon in Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy?
  • The sibling and partner of a beloved goddess is corrupted and turns into an intimidating, gothy villain who exemplifies Dark Is Evil. They're then banished to a dark, faraway realm, but set free by an astronomical event.
    Princess Luna or Zon-Kuthon?
  • An iconic duo in British popular fiction, consisting of a multitalented man who is far smarter than most of the other people in the cast, and his less intellectually brilliant devoted chronicler, who typically narrates their adventures. The genius, while never a true Villain Protagonist, can get into Good Is Not Nice or Manipulative Bastard territory at times. The chronicler is likable and popular with women, but his relationship with the genius outlasts any of his romances. Together, they're the most famous creations of a prolific author, and their adventures have been adapted into a Granada TV series.
    Sherlock Holmes and John Watson or Bertie Wooster and Jeeves?
  • He's capable of feats none of his contemporaries can match, and his assistance is frequently sought out by those around him. He's a canonical Celibate Hero (although his love life has been the subject of some controversial extracanonical speculations) with a devoted friend and follower named John, and an association with a woman named Mary M. He makes a dramatic return from the dead after three standard units of time. The stories of his life and activities have become major influential texts in Western culture and spawned a devoted following around the world, as well as inspiring many fictional imitators and homages. In visual adaptations, he's normally depicted with dark hair.
    Sherlock Holmes or Jesus of Nazareth?
  • A duo consisting of a man and woman of similar ages and different ethnic backgrounds, who are very close friends. The man is an eccentrically clever (bordering on Cloudcuckoolander) Badass Bookworm who is probably not entirely neurotypical. He's not very socially adept in the conventional sense, but he is, in his eccentric way, a keen student of human behavior. The woman is a conscientious Brainy Brunette with some Well Done Daughter Girl traits. She's not very tall or overtly intimidating looking, but you do not want to mess with her. One of the characters has struggled with substance abuse.
    Abed Nadir and Annie Edison or Sherlock Holmes and Joan Watson?
  • She's a beautiful Roma woman with innate mystical abilities and a fondness for revealing red outfits. While her powers are impressive, she normally works with a mixed group of companions rather than as a solo operator.
    Seoni the iconic sorceress or the Scarlet Witch?
  • A platonic life partnership made up of two individuals with distinctly different appearances and personalities: the dark-haired, creepy, eccentrically smart (at least in some areas) Jerk with a Heart of Gold with unconventional and somewhat disturbing interests, and his Badass Adorable Morality Pet. Fanart loves to play up the height difference between the two, with the creepy guy as the taller partner. One member of each pair wears a Badass Longcoat. The one in the coat is sometimes portrayed with an autism-spectrum disorder in fanworks.
    Equius and Nepeta? Or Sherlock and John?
  • The main good guys are the blond Dork Knight protagonist, a Badass Normal flyboy, and a petite, snarky Action Girl. The leader of the bad guys is an older white man in an influential political position, but the villain who carries the most emotional weight is his Dragon, a black-clad masked cyborg with a strong past connection to the protagonist. The protagonist and the Action Girl develop a strong bond over the course of the story, but do not ultimately become a romantic couple.
    Luke, Han, Leia, Palpatine, and Vader from the Star Wars Original Trilogy, or Steve, Sam, Natasha, Pierce, and the Winter Soldier from Captain America: The Winter Soldier?
  • Two characters from live-action media inspired by Marvel Comics. They're both orphans with Dark And Troubled Pasts and belong to superpowered branches of humanity. Both of them wind up making friends with a cute British scientist who has a more innocent worldview. Both characters' mothers were murdered by a Faux Affably Evil Nazi scientist with a special interest in superpowered people - and during the stories' "present day" said Nazi looks far younger than he should for someone who was an adult with advanced scientific training during World War II.
    Erik Lehnsherr in X-Men: First Class or Skye in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.?
  • He's a good-hearted but awkward and dorky young man with asthma, raised by a single mom, who worked as a nurse. He gains superpowers that cure his ailments and make him more physically impressive, but also vastly complicate his life. He remains an awkward dork even with superpowers, which is part of his charm. Despite his social awkwardness, he becomes the leader and moral compass of a group of superpowered people. While he's a very kind person with a strong moral compass (to the point of Incorruptible Pure Pureness), he's not gratuitously violent, and he's devoted to his friends, he is not a pushover and he can kick ass if he thinks he has to. He's in love with a dark-haired Action Girl and associated with the colors red and blue - appropriate, since he can be considered his fictional universe's equivalent to Superman.
    Scott McCall or Steve Rogers?
  • He's a Fish out of Water - modern America is not his milieu of origin, but it's the setting for his most recent adventures. He's brave, good-hearted, conscientious, competent, has a strong moral compass, and possesses greater-than-average resistance to falling damage. He is also a total dork. While he is very physically fit and classic square-jawed, broad-shouldered, matinee-idol handsome, and many women in-universe find him attractive, he is by no means a skirt-chaser. He did fall for a beautiful, dangerous, and determined brunette woman, but it ended badly. He also gets plenty of Ho Yay with a couple of close male friends.
    Benton Fraser or Steve Rogers?
  • A hero who returned from a decades-long nap as a Human Popsicle to return to save the world when it needs him most. Not counting his time spent frozen, he's one of the youngest people on The Team, as well as the most idealistic and devoted to his principles. Despite being one of the world's most formidable combatants (although his teammates outdo him in their areas of specialization), he is kind and adorkable at heart. His battles include keeping superpowered Nazi analogues from taking over the world and fighting a dangerous but tragic male Dark Magical Girl equivalent who later makes a Heel–Face Turn.
    Aang or Steve Rogers?
  • A kind, dorky idealist named Steven. He's not the strongest member of his superhero team in terms of sheer power (although he does have abilities beyond those of a Badass Normal), but he has a strong moral compass and is good at inspiring people. His favored weapon is a shield.
    Is Steven's last name Universe or Rogers?
  • A brilliant engineer who is the foil and ally of a legendary Super-Soldier. He's the child of an Ambiguously Bi scientist who had a hero-worship crush on a blond World War II military hero. He bore a strong resemblance to his father in his dad's younger years, but his dad Took a Level in Jerkass as he grew older, while the son remained a heroic character despite some ill-advised decisions. He built a super-cool robot that was supposed to help keep the world safe, but it became a force of destruction instead, and he had to work with a legendary soldier, a red-haired Action Girl, and some other people to take his creation down. He likes to give his synthetic creations personality. He can be considered a "philanthropist."
    Hal Emmerich or Tony Stark?
  • Badass, emotionally damaged rape survivor with long dark hair and a fondness for leather jackets is doing detective work in New York City when she discovers that her abuser is up to his old tricks and hurting other women.
    Kitty Winter or Jessica Jones?
  • A snarky Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette Unscrupulous Hero with enhanced physical abilities, an extremely Dark and Troubled Past (including sexual abuse and mind control), and a tendency to self-medicate their resulting psychological problems through substance abuse fights crime in New York City.
    Jessica Jones (2015) or Bucky Barnes?
  • Raspy-voiced Genius Bruiser who has no superpowers as such, but his fighting prowess, powers of observation, and wide array of skills are impressive even by the standards of a group of unusually talented people. He's handsome and well-built, popular with women and capable of turning on the charm with great proficiency, but a lasting romantic relationship with a civilian is not in the cards for him. He Does Not Like Guns (although he's capable with them under extreme circumstances), but is good enough with less lethal approaches that he can hold his own against opponents who don't have his scruples. Despite being a very scary man, he's good with kids and very protective of them, and, despite being kind of grumpy, he functions very well as part of a team.
    Eliot Spencer or Batman?
  • A good-hearted but initially insecure biracial teenage boy, first initial M, inherits an unexpected legacy of great power and great responsibility.
    Is he Miles Morales or Maia Drazhar?


  • A girl who uses water powers, is stuck away from home, and wants to go back.
    • Does she make wings out of water, and almost destroy the world trying to get back home?
Is it: Misha Kurtzev or Lapis Lazuli?
  • Is her hair blue?
Is it Lapis Lazuli or Ami Mizuno?
  • Is she a spellcasting heavenly being that's not fighting at full strength?
Misha Kurtzev or Ami Mizuno?

Mr. Forsaken

  • As they are dragged into a conflict involving both humanity and a race of monsters, they undergo serious changes in personality. Despite experiencing pain and tragedies, they still try to help other people, even as the world around them crumbles and races towards apocalypse in a very Lovecraftian style. However it is humans' own cruelty and bigotry that hurts them the most, taking from them their family. In the end they run to their Love Interest, only to find them murdered by humans for being associated with monsters. It's final straw that pushes them abandon humanity, leading to its extinction.
    Shiina Tamai or Akira Fudou?
  • Born in proud family, this person takes lead of possibly most powerful organization in the setting and use them to achieve their ambitions, which involve establishing completely new world order, with themselves at the top. Has mastered setting’s magic to the point of having no equals and develops a strong interest in one of the protagonist, who shows similar level of talent, trying to make that person join them. It is pointed in-universe that what that person might really wanted was to have a friend. In the finale that person’s most loyal and trusted subbordinate dies for their sake.
    Is that person Master Cyclonis or Yamato Hotsuin?


  • The protagonist is a thoroughly selfless school student who can only find satisfaction in helping others, and has an idealistic view on the world. Another (more popular) major character is an enigmatic, aloof, and ruthless individual whose motivation is unknown and whose powers are mysterious and kept hidden (because they are very revealing of their user's past). They oppose the ideals of the protagonist and aren't afraid to voice this, often coming into clashes with the protagonist's friends whenever they do so. Eventually, the major character turns out to have come from the future, and their past is revealed; they were once kind and wide-eyed themselves, and knew the protagonist very well in their timeline, but tragic events and circumstances left them bitter and broken. And their ultimate motive, which they will pursue to no end and through many timelines, is to prevent the protagonist from making a tempting contract that offers them a chance to help others but will ultimately bring them nothing but ruin. (On a side note, the major character is sometimes shown with a bow, but more often than not uses a completely different kind of weapon - en masse, sometimes.)
    Are the protagonist and major character, respectively, Madoka Kaname and Homura Akemi? Or are they Shirou Emiya and Archer?


  • With the utterance of an incantation, a flash of lightning transforms this character from an average youth into a musclebound superhero, possessing incredible strength and nigh invulnerability. His powers are magical in nature, and were granted to him by an ancient sorcerer. He often teams up with other heroes with a wide assortment of powers to battle the forces of evil. His archnemesis is an evil warlord who wields black magic and sees himself as the rightful ruler of the world.
    Is he Captain Marvel or He-Man?
  • He comes from a story meant to satirize the types of characters found in other superhero stories. He's likely the most powerful character in his universe, capable of blasting an opponent to smoldering bits with little effort, and he has no known weaknesses. He went completely bald after getting his powers, which seem to be rooted in the reality of his universe. He's indestructible and can't be harmed in any way. Most of the time he shows very few emotions and is distant from everyone to the point of not caring about much at all. Thus he has spent his existence looking for anything that can help him feel again, to no avail.
    Is he Dr. Manhattan or Saitama?




  • This Villain Protagonist is mostly The Ghost in the setting, being feared for their power. They actually started as a force of good in the past, being an apprentice to a master, but because of their obsession with order, they are corrupted by an elder being who is a Satanic Archetype in the setting and becomes his second in command. He starts to wear black and becomes a Black Knight whose underlings fear and betray him, and when he reveal their human form to the Action Heroine, he is nothing else but a rough around the edges Pretty Boy. He connects for the first time on an emotional level with the protagonist, and she shows her vulnerable side only to him. They develop a Foe Romance Subtext which culminates with making the protagonist cry after he strips her down of all of her vulnerabilities, telling her he is the only one who sees her worth and asking her to rule with him and bring order to their world, only to get refused by said girl, making him fall even more in villainy. Are we talking about Kylo Ren or Sauron?

Gary The Goblin 98



  • A father who isn't around for his son very often in a future title and suffers from a traumatic past, due to various events from said past, one of those events involves the death of a loved one. Near the future, he would eventually fight a villain that's younger than them. His bond with his son doesn't fully develop till the end, when he can finally forgive himself and move on. His original weapons of choice are replaced as the latter reminded them of a past they are ashamed of. Lastly, he's considered an icon for Sony, at least in the videogame department.
    Cloud Strife in Advent Children or Kratos in God of War 2018?

Genuine Love 19

  • A young man living with their single parent and numerous siblings in a different version of Japan, is the breadwinner as they’re the eldest, and are the sole survivors of their family massacres by not being at home at the time. Tanjiro Kamado or Tamahome?

  • A blind and crippled young girl who lost her sight after an incident, has an older brother with a [1], has lighter hair than him, and is devoted to him. Michella Watch or Nunnally Lamperouge?


  • Known for being a cold and calculating genius, though most certainly capable of turning up the volume at times, and his charisma commanded the attention of a most ragtag force. He was surrounded by a fair number of eager women yet had several outstanding moments of Ho Yay, though he placed far more importance on tactics and warfare than he ever did sexual relations. Family-wise, his mother was a powerful influence on him, had a most complicated relationship with his domineering father, and was close with his little sister who ended up losing the ability to walk. Despite his own forces rebelling against him, he came to rule a vast and mighty empire at a young age, yet died at a young age too. Held an odd connection with a certain thunder god (or along those lines), and there was definitely something about one of his eyes.
    Alexander the Great or Lelouch Lamperouge?



  • One of the godlike ruling caste of an incredibly powerful superhuman alien civilization, and the most warrior-like among the caste (though not the most powerful). Starts out haughty and brutal, and scoffs upon Earth and humanity, but eventually warms up to them after getting a nice dose of Humble Pie. Has immense strength and lightning powers to defeat nearly anyone with ease. Finding out their presumed-dead sister is alive is one of the major plot points. Is this MCU Thor or Yellow Diamond?
  • The villain of the third movie in the series, with horns and a black-and-green color scheme. They were originally friends with the wise old mentor figure of the series a long time ago but got too ambitious and were forced to be sealed away by them, escaping shortly after the mentor's death. They had their names erased from the history books after they were sealed away, and multiple jokes are made about how no one remembers them anymore. Their minions consist of zombified fallen warriors and they fight with long-range bladed weapons. Is this MCU Hela or Kai?
  • A villain with a high-class design and cane. He doesn't fight the heroes much himself but through his minions. His second-in-command secretary has unrequited feelings for him. He wields a powerful supernatural book, and his powers give off dark purple effects. The loss of a loved one drove him to villainy, and he has a secret connection to one of the heroes initially unbeknownst to either party. His plan involves destruction of the whole universe. Butterflies are heavily involved in this villain's story. Is this Hawk Moth or Count Bleck?


  • A race of soul sucking creatures that travel in groups, oppose the heroes, leave their victims as zombie like husks, and come from an adventure fantasy series of novels. Are we talking about the Dementors from Harry Potter, or the spectres from His Dark Materials?

  • A boy who plays a stringed instrument and lives by the sea, born to a human father and a magical mother, has two aunts with dangerous powers, and a powerful, detached grandparent who is responsible for removing something from the hero in an attempt to remove the boy's humanity, but instead is humbled by the hero.
Kubo or Steven Universe?
  • A hard-working hero with a dream who works themselves to the bone on a daily basis, in need of an outside view in order to learn an important life lesson.
Tiana or George Bailey?
  • A sidekick who is fun and witty, turns out to not only be related to the hero, but also someone important from the past who is married to the hero's hard/cold but motherly matriarch. (Bonus points for said-sidekick showing up in the ending as a glowing spirit alongside the matriarch.)
Beetle or Hector?Sariatu or Ashi?
  • A boy dressed in bright, warm colors whose life is less than satisfactory because of something their great-great grandfather did a century ago, is cursed and changes their fate by singing an old, old lullaby from their family.
Miguel Rivera or Stanley Yelnats?
  • A strong, perpetually wrathful hero who faces off a giant, threatening being single-handed in order to defend someone innocent.
Rath or Asura?
  • A kid with a dog, who wants something more out of life, runs away from home, accidentally travels to a magical, vibrant, colorful land where they go on a quest to return home and towards the end, promise a matriarch that they've learned to appreciate their loved ones and count their blessings.
Dorothy Gale or Miguel Rivera?
  • A titular protagonist who is on a journey to find their real family or closest relatives and eventually does find them, only to realize they are (to put it mildly) jerks, and they rather prefer their adopted family.
Joe Dirt, Shazam or the Missing Link?
  • An amnesiac Deuteragonist who is funny, joins the protagonist at their behest, has abilities they almost don't remember how to use, and is revealed to be the protagonist's missing father in a different form.
Detective Pikachu or Beetle
  • A character who is voiced by a Hispanic actor, misunderstood for what they are, been separated from their daughter for a long time because of unfair circumstances, and is in danger of disappearing in a shower of light if they're not saved in time.
Globgor or Hector Rivera?
  • A powerful, cruel old man with fire powers who is father of two sons, an elder son he dotes upon (who has grown to be a brave, good man and a kindlier father) and a younger son he neglects and belittles (to the point they've grown to be just as cruel and powerful).
Grandfather or Fire Lord Azulon?
  • A man who may come off as a slob who likes to smoke and (depending on who he's talking to) an annoyance, but is generally a kind and friendly individual who loves his wife dearly.
Lt. Columbo or Del Griffith?
  • An Asian character with the ability to channel magic through music, going on an epic quest, fixes a broken instrument with their own hair, unleashes their full power towards the climax, and ultimately finds their mother and father in the end.
Everest or Kubo?
  • A daughter borne from a loving marriage between a heroic man and his beautiful wife, stolen by the villain who wanted the wife for his own, raised by the villain (who loves them to varying degrees), skilled with weapons, fought with the hero (who was mentored by the heroic man) on at least one occasion, and eventually learns the truth about their biological father only to watch said-father die some time afterwards.
Elena or Kurai?
  • A character voiced by Chris Pratt who is something of a trouble-maker, often has ideas he thinks will work, and as a child, Never Got to Say Goodbye to their terminally ill parent because they didn't like to see them sick (and regret it).
Barley Lightfoot or Peter Quill?Weekend at Bernie's or Onward?l
  • A vehicle beloved by its owner who joins in the adventure and eventually "dies" in what is essential a sacrifice of its "life".
Guinevere or Katherine?The Witch of the Waste or the Moon King?Dragon Quest VIII or Spaceballs?
  • Two protagonists who are opposites of each other (one foolhardy and bold and the other relatively cautious) who work together in the climax to bring a parent back to life.
Mebh and Robyn or Barley and Ian?
  • An alien antagonist who is kept captive in the protagonist's home, tries to curry favor from the leader they're most loyal to, becomes disillusioned when they're "great" leader proves to be not-so-great, loses a device that somehow enhances them, and eventually sides with the protagonist when they earn said-alien's respect.
Peridot or Chuck?
  • Two animals of a grey and brown color palette (one prey and one predator) who are always at odds with each other, going through the shenanigans of classic cartoons.
Tom and Jerry or Grizzy and the Lemmings?
  • A brunette character whose status quo is to watch over someone who is disabled (to varying degrees), has a Dark Secret invovling who his grandfather is, and resolves the story, not by taking the path of the warrior, but by exercising his magical talent.
Fakir or Kubo?Suzu Naito or Hiro Hamada?
  • An old woman who, once upon a time, was a hopeful young woman who married a sweet and loving man, but lost him to tragic circumstances, leading to her being a grieving ghost of herself. Said-old woman found a magical and mysterious place and, through their actions to somehow keep their husband's memory alive, made choices that harmed the magic place and its inhabitants for decades, until a young girl came along and convinced the woman to change her ways.
Alma or Amelia?
  • A husband and wife who are deeply loving, coming from a large and unusual family, have two sons and a daughter, and live in a big house.
Morticia and Gomez or Pepa and Felix?
  • A story about a protagonist who studies a form of magic under the tutelage of a tough but motherly figure, discovers a conspiracy 300 years in the making to drain all the inhabitants of the land of their life force, fails to stop it but has the crisis reversed by a long-lived being, overcomes an antagonist dressed in white robes, and basically loses their magic afterwards.
Fullmetal Alchemist or The Owl House?
  • A story that revolves around a magical bond between a human and a beast (normally a dragon) where one will die if something happens to the other, only the human is a garbage person and has caused so much trouble in the making, and the story reaches its resolution once one of the pair is killed.
Centaurworld, Dragonheart or Drakengard?
  • A vain redhead female antagonist who places great value on their beauty, their true form is an ugly old hag, they benefit from draining something from innocent kids, possess dangerous powers, and is ultimately undone by an older sibling's efforts to protect their younger sibling.
Penelope Spectra or Winifred Sanderson?
  • A character who is a loyal friend to the main protagonist, turns on them in the final season for the sake of a toxic parent, gradually learns said-parent isn't worth it, and eventually becomes the protagonist's ally again.
Kenji or Cassandra?Eclipsa or Foeslayer?
  • A royal blonde princess protagonist who falls in love with a brunette lead male, lives in a peaceful, magical world that demonizes a non-magical race, fights monsters, loses the throne through circumstances, learns the monsters she fights are people too, is betrayed by a female immediate family member, comes to side with those they previously fought, and ends the series with magic gone.
Angelise Ikaruga Misurugi or Star Butterfly?
  • A story about a protagonist who is unraveling a mystery surrounding a cruel man and how he ruined so many lives along the way , only to discover he is that cruel man wearing a different face, and gets his just desserts in the end.
Angel Heart or Ugly (2023)?
  • A cruel royal character who abused his son, eventually disfigured said-son with fire and heat, but their son came out on top instead.
Ozai or the Handsome Prince?


  • A morally ambiguous character with an obsession for analyzing personalities. They revel in causing chaos around them and are only involved for their own entertainment, though they often provide key information for the plot to move forward. While they can be hired and are in love with their job, rely on them too much and it'll bite you in the ass. They are on no one's side and will betray anyone at the drop of a hat if they decide it will be more amusing. They often troll three teenagers and wedge them apart with their antics, though they will most certainly go piss off even the most dangerous people around. Always appearing confident and in control, this person is a Smug Snake if there ever was, even when it looks like they've lost. They have little care for anyone personally, and can and will deliver a Breaking Speech to horrific proportions if they so desire.
    Izaya Orihara or Double Trouble?
  • They are an Artificial Human part of a larger group of antagonists who look down on the real deal, working closely with a female member to keep certain humans in line and looking up to their 'father'. They resemble an androgynous teenager with a penchant for wearing odd clothing and changing their face. While their organization is cruel towards humans, they are the most outwardly sadistic and take unnecessary steps to create suffering for their own pleasure, including disrespecting the dead by recreating at least part of their appearance. In the end, it turns out they were imbued with a sense of jealousy towards humans and they go out humiliated, crying and in an utterly pathetic state as this is finally pointed out, and their name finally symbolizes who they are.
    Envy or Rio Ranger/Rio Laizer Toto Noel/Coco Roel?
  • This individual has the initials MT and began their existence in some way attached to an original counterpart, before being separated from them via supernatural means. Despite this, they are adamantly against ever returning to their former state and insist that they are a different person, wishing to enjoy the life they have been given above all else. Furthermore, while they are largely identical to the original, they change up their appearance and no longer bear the same resemblance, having a grossly different taste in fashion. Their relationship with their counterpart is also fairly complicated and most of their brief interactions are very negative, with them disagreeing with the original's extremely goal-oriented outlook and treatment of other people. Due to their appearance, this person is frequently the target of Fantastic Racism and is also sometimes seen as a lesser being by those who know how they came to be, being derogatorily referred to as a 'sliver' at some point. Once all the villains and loose threads of their past have been dealt with and leaving a freaky dimension, they start a new life with those they care about and pick a new name.
    MT/Lake or Mollymauk/Kingsley Tealeaf

Harley Quinn Is Great

Hero Gal 2347

  • An Adorkable Butt-Monkey and Plucky Comic Relief character who tags along with the local superhero, can contact said hero with a watch, and sometimes has powers of his own.
    Ron Stoppable, Jimmy Olsen or Pat Patton?
  • A top heavy Gentle Giant who has "Well Done, Son" Guy issues. He is a Genius Ditz whose employer has Surrounded by Idiots moments when he's around. He leads a group of boy scout expies that are named after a small rodent of some kind.
    Kronk or Launchpad McQuack?
  • A bald supervillain who is not actually as bad as you would expect. His help is Adorkable and loyal. He finds himself up against an antagonist who is much more dangerous than he is and who he goes to great lengths to stop as a result.
    Brain, Megamind, or Gru?
  • A blond-haired orphaned protagonist who has had a hard life, partially due to an unusual ability of theirs which frightens other people. Their problems are compounded by the antagonist, who wants to take over their position and is part of a surprising twist. Said protagonist almost gives up, but is rescued by the interference of a member of their family, who enables them to see that their unusual ability can be useful and that they are better than they think they are. The character ends the story with new hope. (Also, a turning point in their life is punctuated by a song containing the lyrics "let it go."
    Elsa or Lewis?
  • A pair of individuals of the same sex, one a quasi-aristocrat and the other a servant with whom said character has a friendly relationship. The aristocrat is forced out of their comfortable situation by an incident which happens abroad. They try to maintain a positive mental state, in spite of circumstances making it increasingly difficult. The servant is very fond of the aristocrat, tries to comfort them, and is more distressed about the aristocrat's problems than their own. The pair bond further through a long period of difficulties. Ultimately, the positive circumstances are restored, and the servant even takes a step up from their previous position.
    Sara and Becky or Frodo and Sam?
  • A character encounters trouble since the early days of their life, thanks to an unusual characteristic of theirs which invites negative reactions from the people around them. Their relationship with their father was not the best, although they wanted to please him. Their deepest relationship is a friendship with a member of the same sex who looks past their unusual characteristics and the potential negatives thereof and sees a good person. Ultimately they decide it is not so important as they thought to hide what makes them unusual.
    Elsa, Elphaba, or Spock?
  • An Adorkable Nice Guy who is a stickler for responsibility and a major Determinator, even when facing terrifying monsters that could kill him. He will always try to help other people, no matter how far he's outmatched. Despite canonically being a hero, he is hated and villainized by some fans. He falls in love with a cynical Tsundere with connections to the army. Said woman is a Ladette who is typically right in the thickest of the action. In spite of her rougher nature,she likes nice guys and ultimately reciprocates his affections enough to marry him.
    Superman and Lois Lane or Fix-it Felix Jr. and Sgt. Calhoun?
  • A cheerful, spunky redhead with Innocent Blue Eyes who goes through a good deal of nasty scenarios, but bounces back from them so quickly you might think hadn't happened at all. Said character is Heterosexual Life-Partners with a local character with special powers, who is Afraid of Their Own Strength and their worst nightmare involves hurting said redhead with their powers.
    Princess Anna or Jimmy Olsen?
  • Two odd partners who frequently work together despite one constantly insulting the other. The first is a serious person whose ethnicity is also different from the norm in the area they frequent and who is frequently seen with gold. He is a hero, but that doesn't mean he's very friendly or that he takes goof-ups or odd behavior very well. The other is a Cloud Cuckoolander pilot whose antics get on the first one's nerves. Said pilot can fly anything, even if he's never seen it before, but the crazy aerobatic stunts he likes to pull might terrify his passengers. This pilot has seen a psychiatrist, but he functions fairly well among the group he frequents, who act as a second family. In spite of their fighting, the two are very fond of and loyal to each other. Neither should be messed with, as both can be formidable opponents.
    B.A. Baracus and H.M. Murdock or Scrooge McDuck and Launchpad McQuack?

Heroic Jay

  • This character is an older man who really loves money and is a central character in a Disney cartoon from The New '10s. He is the great-uncle of children — from a multiple birth — who move in with him and go on supernatural adventures. He employs a lovable manchild who sees no problem taking orders from children and a surprisingly-competent female character who, for whatever reason, is only rarely involved with the main characters' adventures. He also has a much-younger blowhard of a rival who tries to pass himself off as a better version of the character, but ultimately isn't as much as a threat as he tries to be. A huge mystery of this character is his involvement with the disappearance of a long-lost twin (who happens to return and permanently join the main cast in the middle of the cartoon's second season.)
    Stan Pines or Scrooge McDuck?



  • The Villain Protagonist couple of a thriller TV series. The liberal-leaning wife had a troubled brother who she indirectly helped got killed and steadily becomes more unpredictable in later seasons. Her husband ends up having something violent happen to his toes. Both have a troubled marriage and have affaris with others.
    Marty and Wendy Byrde or Joe and Love Quinn-Goldberg?


  • The Deuteragonist was the top student back in his academy days, and many of the female cast expressed interest in him, but pays them no mind. He's about to put his past behind him until his big brother, a criminal, is mentioned in his presence. From there, he behaves very differently towards his brother as opposed to the rest of the cast. Along the way, he gets manipulated by a snake-themed villain and eventually defects from his government. Eventually, he softens up as the story progresses.
    Jin Kisaragi or Sasuke Uchiha?


Meihui or Siren
  • An Eldritch Abomination with a malevolent hatred against the worlds of Light and desire nothing less than to reduce the Multiverse into its constituent elements, which they hope to absorb and return to the formless state that predated the creation. To accomplish this they lure, tempt and mislead the unwary with their seductive call for an existence without pain, suffering or hardship, but in the end they betray all who would heed their subversive calling. Is this False God and enemy of all Creation the Nameless One or Baal Ariman Yahweh
