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Misused: Authority Equals Asskicking

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Note: This thread was proposed by isoycrazy and covers both Asskicking Equals Authority and Authority Equals Asskicking, despite the title, though both suffer from misuse.

There is rampant misuse on both of these troes based on my checks Authority Equals Asskicking Wick Check and Asskicking Equals Authority Wick Check. Not only are the names of these tropes gramatically the same (A=B is logically equivalent to B=A), but neither check has more than 20% of purely good examples.

Both tropes need to be renamed to better differentiate from each other. One Mod even admitted on the TRS thread they believed one was the redirect of the other, showing how anyone could be mistaken in this connection. One suggested set of names is to change the verb "equals" to something which shows the conditional nature of the tropes. For Authority Equals Asskicking it would be Authority Requires Asskicking. For Asskicking Equals Authority it could be The Leader Must Kick Ass. Another option could be shifting to more direct conditional terms, but that could make the trope names a bit long. Such as If P, then Q

A further problem arrises from neither trope making it clear in their pages that these are world-setting tropes and not to be focused on one or two characters.

Here are my summaries. For Authority Equals Asskicking:
Good uses of Auth=Ass 4/80 5%
ZCE and Unclear 20/80 25%
General misuse 46/80 57.5%
Wicks with multiple entries not all same results 6/80 7.5%
Neutral / Indexes 1/80 1.25%
Pantheon Listings 3/80 3.75%

For Asskicking Equals Authority
Summary out of 60 Wicks
Good: 12/60 20%
Provisionally Good: 5/60 8.33%
Zero Context Examples 20/60 33.3333333%
Unclear or Ambiguous: 3/60 5%
Misuse 13/60 21.667%
Index 0/60 0%
Multiple wicks 7/60 11.667%

Asskicking Equals Authority wick check:

Total Wicks on 7/27/2022 is 3469. The squareroot is 58.8. I will run an even 60 simplicity. Note for basic definition In other words, In this world’s setting if you're The Leader because you're the toughest, then that is Ass=Auth. If you're the toughest because you're The Leader then that is Auth = Ass. There needs to be a correlation between them. A leader who is strong is neither trope. This is a world-setting trope not a character based trope. However, I won’t automatically dismiss a wick as a misuse if it links to a character page. I will examine the main page(s) of the media to see if the trope is listed there.

The problem first off is this trope is grammatically equivalent to Authority Equals Asskicking. The Name needs to be something like The Strongest becomes the Leader. The second problem I suspect I will find is a lot of misuse. If the partner check on Authority Equals Asskicking is any template where less than 10% of all checked resulted in good examples depending on how one runs the wicks with multiple entries, then this run will be equally poor in results.

Should we need to change it, I think a better name would be The Leader Must Kick Ass. Or All Leaders Must Kickass if the trope is to remain in a more world-setting over individual characters. Either way, both show a strong conditional relationship this trope’s definition refers to.

On my process, if the numbers generated fall on a headline in the excel program, I will move one number ahead assuming it doesn’t hit a repeated number.note . And while this is not a character trope, I won’t discount the wick for falling in those pages but look to see if it matches the trope and if the whole series follows the trope. Note that the number of character tropes listes is 1554 out of 3469, or 44.79%, which incidentally is lower than in the sister check.

Set// Set 1: 334, 677, 1006, 1128, 1363, 1585, 1696, 1750, 2471 Headline > 2472, 3438
Set 2: 78, 709, 968, 1298, 1665, 2147, 2161, 3411, 3444, 3564
Set 3: 78 repeat >680 , 189, 432, 819, 1073, 1489, 2125, 2445, 2747, 3609
Set 4: 767, 871, 1156, 1224, 1244, 1332, 1427, 2012, 2779, 3216 Headline> 3217
Set 5: 137, 453, 715, 887, 965, 1036, 1624, 1926, 2286, 3540
Set 6: 158, 301, 1049, 1175, 1690, 2676, 2808, 3237, 3339 Headline >3340, 3556

I am separating the Good examples between wholly good and ones who might be good but the examples are poorly written. I don’t know how many there will be.

    Unquestionably good examples of Ass=Authority 12/ 60 20% 
These will be wholly good examples and I am counting character examples which reference if the society of the character adheres to this trope even if all other nations might not. 2472 -1- Gender Is No Object/Literature
* In ''Literature/InheritanceCycle'', there is almost no societal difference between male and female elves. They're both equally good at fighting, magic, what-have-you. They even dress the same and have the same hairstyles; when Arya disguises herself as a human woman, she admits she's always been a bit puzzled at the notion of women's clothing, and of men and women having different societal roles. The other three major races seem to abide by the concept that women stick to domestic work, with a minority of women in positions of power and almost none in combat. It is said that Urgal women, like men, gain station by [[AsskickingEqualsAuthority defeating foes]], but [[InformedAttribute we don't see any Urgal women until the very end of the series]].
Good example as it notes that Urgal people gain station by combat.

3438-2- Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: Orcs can advance through Mordor society by killing Talion or even their fellow orcs.
It talks about the whole orc society and how the leaders are taken from those who are strongest.

78-3- Devil, but No God

* In ''VideoGame/DwarfFortress'', civilizations worship various gods, with temples being built in their honor and, very rarely, holy wars in their name. For all that, the gods mostly curse people who profane them[[note]]a Death God might also teach necromancers immortality[[/note]] - and then [[GodsNeedPrayerBadly only if they're widely worshiped]]. Demons are actively involved in the world, taking over human and goblin civilizations [[GodGuise by posing as the aforementioned gods]] and [[AsskickingEqualsAuthority beating their way to the top]], respectively. [[spoiler:More show up if you've DugTooDeep. ''[[ZergRush Lots]]'' more.]] A strong Dwarven fortress is quite capable of [[DidYouJustPunchOutCthulhu demonstrating the mortality]] of these Demons. Gods they very clearly ain't.
Good example as it notes in the brief part demon society is strength-based and will beat their enemies to gain leadership.

2161-4-Anime & Manga

** The second half of the series also deconstructs AsskickingEqualsAuthority [[spoiler: and the result of [[LaResistance The Resistance]] successfully defeating TheEmpire and having to deal with ruling over the land they have liberated - when the Dai-Gurren Brigade takes up the top government positions thanks to their combat prowess, most of them do a really bad job, not everyone wants to be under their command and almost all members of Team Gurren admit they're not cut out for administrative duties.
Good example as it details people who became leaders of a land because of their combat skills. They screwed up, but it is noted to be a deconstruction of the trope, so I see it as valid nonetheless.

1073-5-Grandia Xtreme

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: Likely gained his position in the army due to his strength rather than any of his leadership qualities. He's highly respected, either way.
While it is a presumption, good example as it shows his strength is key to being the leader in this group.

2125 - 6- Dead Evil

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: The general attitude of the Northern Tribes; notably, the Drakemunde were the most powerful tribe on account of their leader Dorumarr having a black dragon as his mount and companion that he regularly terrorized the other tribes with if they encroached on the Drakemunde's territory. That was until the Forgeborn took Dorumarr and the dragon out, crippling the tribe's advantage significantly
Good example as it demonstrates a man is a leader because of his strength, or at least strength of his companion dragon.

871 - 7- Dungeons And Dragons Creatures I To L
* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: Kythons only defer to more powerful creatures, so their current rulers are their slaughterkings, who are also among the [[LargeAndInCharge largest]] of their kind.
Good example. It satisfies the conditional and a common trait for this society.

1427 -8- One-Punch Man: Monster Association

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: They're ranked in importance in the Association by their power. When Garou expresses disbelief that [[AngryGuardDog Overgrown Rover]] is counted as an Executive despite quite literally being a guard dog, his Demon-level opponents reply that sentience doesn't matter in the Monster Association as long as you have the power to back up your presence. Orochi, the supposed leader of the organisation, is its strongest member by far, requiring ''multiple'' normal punches and a '''Serious Squirt Gun (that shot LAVA)''' from Saitama to go down, [[spoiler:and even ''that'' didn't kill him completely, thanks to his ability to regenerate]]. [[labelnote: Note]]He used a serious punch against Elder Centipede, but only so that his corpse would be wiped out instead of crashing into the city.[[/labelnote]]
Good example. The association bases its leadership on the condition of strength.

2012-9-Total War: Warhammer - The Empire

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: Enforced by the College of Magic's policy. To become the Supreme Patriarch you must best the previous one in a nonlethal WizardDuel. Not to mention he's now in fact also the Elector Count of Solland, and one of the most powerful mages in the Old World.
Good example. Within the Collegiate society, he attains his position by beating the previous leader in combat.

2779-10- Magic Knight/Literature

* Anomander Rake from Creator/StevenErikson's ''Literature/MalazanBookOfTheFallen'' is both an [[TheArchmage Archmage]] and a MasterSwordsman. During the Enfilade at Pale in ''Literature/GardensOfTheMoon'', the Malazan Empire fields the 2nd Army's mage cadre ''and'' four High Mages against Anomander Rake ''alone'' and still suffers losses. He is also the only being alive who has the skill and willpower to wield the [[ForgedByTheGods forged by the Elder God Draconus]] {{BFS}} [[NamedWeapons Dragnipur]] that [[YourSoulIsMine consumes souls]] and holds the rank of Seventh in the island nation of the Seguleh, whose society is built on AsskickingEqualsAuthority with social ranks being determined by fighting. To be fair, he's had [[ReallySevenHundredYearsOld a couple millennia]] of time to perfect either skill and is an [[PhysicalGod Ascendant]].
Good example. It notes how strong he is and that strength is why he is highly ranked in an island nation’s society, though it is unclear if seventh is high or low in the command structure.

137 - 11- Immortal Ruler

*** The Nehekaran tomb kings are an amusing example because they were not intended to be immortal undead rulers. Instead many generations of rulers died, were interred, and then all reanimated at once, resulting in most of them declaring war on each other because they were ''all'' the rightful ruler determined to quash any usurpers. Settra the Imperishable has remained in power for several millennia by being the most revered in life and [[AsskickingEqualsAuthority most formidable in death]].
Good example. Within the society, the strongest undead became and remains the leader because of that strength.

3339 moved to 3340 -12 - Anime & Manga

* ''LightNovel/ThatTimeIGotReincarnatedAsASlime'': All of the citizens of Tempest are fanatically loyal to Rimiru. Part of this is because he saved all of them from various disasters and drastically improved their living conditions, part of it is that he named every single one of them individually (which creates a bond of power between them), and part of it is simply because he's the strongest thing around; [[AsskickingEqualsAuthority monsters greatly respect strength]].
The example lists Rimiru as the strongest and the monster culture to respect that ability to kick ass. He has other qualities as well, but still fits the core of Ass=Auth

     Provisionally good uses of Ass=Auth 5/ 60 8.33% 
These will be demonstrations of the trope, but might not fit the world-setting aspect.

667 -1 Buffyverse: Faith Lehane

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: In Season 7, after the Scoobies and Potentials all turn on Buffy and force her out of the house, they all nominate Faith to replace her as leader simply because she's ''also'' a full-fledged Slayer, despite the fact that Faith has almost no leadership experience and Giles and Willow are both better candidates. This decision backfires horribly when Faith's first plan leads the Potentials into a near-fatal trap, leading Buffy to bail them out.
Provisionally Good Example. Faith is given leadership because of her combat skills and few other qualifications. However, this trope is not universally shown as the Watcher Council is made up of weaker men and women who technically run the Slayers for a time.

1156 - 2- Incarnation of Legends

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: She rose to the top of the Kali Familia through her own strength and martial skill, beating out all of the other Amazons and becoming their queen in the process.
Provisionally a good example as she is shown to gain her leadership through being the strongest. However, this isn’t shown to be part of any other character or the trope main page.

1224 3- Knights And Magic Silver Phoenix Knights

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: Due to his unbelievable achievements both in Silhouette Knight development and in battle, [[spoiler: he was given command of his own knight order even before finishing school.]]
** Later in the light novel, [[spoiler: the exploits of Eru and his Silver Phoenix Knights have reach such levels that he is essntially the head of the nation's combined R&D efforts in new Silhouette Knight technology. And due to his raw combat ability both in his custom Silhouette Knight and on foot, he is recognized as the nation's last line of defense in case of a national emergency, and has command authority over ALL knight companies during such times.]]
Both lines refer to the character getting his rank and position because of his combat skills. However, this is provisional as this trait isn’t listed in the story page or for any other character.

965 -4-Final Fantasy Dimensions

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: The pirates only follow someone who is stronger than them. [[spoiler:Which means that once you beat him, he and they follow you.]]
Good example. It shows the conditional relationship between the leader and the strength to beat the previous one.

3237-5- Live-Action TV

** Season 7, "[[Recap/BuffyTheVampireSlayerS7E19EmptyPlaces Empty Places]]". The Scoobies and Potential Slayers lose confidence in Buffy's leadership and mutiny against her, forcing her out of the house and appointing Faith as leader in her place on the logic that [[AsskickingEqualsAuthority as the only other full-fledged Slayer, Faith is the most qualified for the job]]. The very next episode shows what happens when one give a leadership position to someone who has absolutely no experience: Faith's first plan leads herself and several Potentials into a DeathTrap involving a bomb and several Turok-Han vampires, with the survivors only being saved by Buffy's BigDamnHeroes moment. Several of them decide that the whole ordeal was LaserGuidedKarma for turning against Buffy.
Given this is under Surprisingly Realistic Outcome, this is a good example. They demonstrate the leadership position being chosen based on a person’s power to kick ass. However, as noted in other examples, this trope may not qualify for the world-setting aspect.

    ZCE 20/ 60 33.3333333%  
334-1 Villainous Demotivator
** [[OurOrcsAreDifferent Ork]] [[AsskickingEqualsAuthority Nobz]] are fond of this kind of approach as well. If a squad fails a morale check, a Nob with a Bosspole can "break a few heads" to restore order.
ZCE as it is just a plopped into the character’s name with no context.

1006 - 2 -Freedom City Play By Post DEF

%%* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: The societal structure of the Fryxus.
ZCE as it was already commented out when I found it.

1363 -3- Mortal Kombat vs Marvel Universe

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority
ZCE. It has no context.

709 -4- Chronicles of the Kencyrath

* [[Characters/ChroniclesOfTheKencyrathHillmen Hillmen]] [[labelnote:(Grindarks)]][[AsskickingEqualsAuthority Grisharki]]
They just plugged the trope into the character’s name as though this is all that’s needed to be known.

2147-5- Darth Wiki/Synergy

* CoolOldLady: Every vampire (or immortal) female is most likely a CoolOldLady, but special mentions go to Nell Greine, a [[PirateGirl Pirate]] [[FullyEmbracedFiend Vampire]] {{Tsundere}}, and Millicent Blade, a [[AsskickingEqualsAuthority Patrician]] [[ClassicalMovieVampire Vampire]] LadyOfWar.
ZCE. It’s just plopped into a list of words describing a character.

3564- 6- Web Animation/Xin

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: The basis of the Pillar System.
ZCE. There is nothing about leaders or strength.

189 -7- No Guy Wants to Be Chased

* ''VideoGame/MassEffect3'': While the base game paints Wrex as something of a [[ProudWarriorRaceGuy Krogan]] Casanova, and he discusses how much he's looking forward to making babies again after the [[SterilityPlague Genophage]] is cured... the Citadel DLC reveals that, being the krogan leader (and thus, clearly the [[AsskickingEqualsAuthority strongest]] of the krogan), an awful lot of krogan women want him to be the father of their firstborn, and Wrex is less than happy about this.
ZCE. It just plops the trope in one word as though this demonstrates how he is the leader because he is the strongest.

432-8-Fairy Tail

** The reason he decided to challenge the Oracion Seis in the first place? To recruit them into his rogue guild, and then he goes on to win. Jellal is a firm believer in AsskickingEqualsAuthority.
ZCE. It doesn’t demonstrate here if he became leader before this action by other means. Maybe if the other two lines above would be made into one succinct example it could work but not as this.

3609 - 9-Shinka The Last Eevee

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: Krypton, full stop.
No evidence is given to leadership or strength or the conditional nature needed.
* TookALevelInBadass: Syena finally decides to stick up for herself more and ends up challenging [[spoiler: Krypton]] to a duel in chapter 11. She loses the fight, but since [[spoiler: Krypton's a [[GeniusBruiser Genius]] LightningBruiser whose AsskickingEqualsAuthority]], it's only to be expected.
The trope is just plopped in there likely in reference to the above instance but still doesn’t demonstrate anything about Krypton’s strength or him being a leader conditional to that strength.

3216-3217 -10- Video Games

* A number of the Barons/Baronesses and Viscounts/Viscountesses in the Battle Chateau of ''VideoGame/PokemonXAndY'' brag heavily about how great they are despite all having pokemon around level 15 or 20, with one Baron in particular bragging about "being the next Viscount in the making"[[note]]A rank most players earn within roughly 10 minutes of joining the group[[/note]]. It's especially funny if the play is the current [[AsskickingEqualsAuthority Grand Duke/Duchess]].
ZCE. It doesn’t mention at all how one gains rank by beating the other members of this group. It is just plopped in there.

453 -11- Sonic Forces

* [[TookALevelInBadass After several games as a]] ButtMonkey, [[AsskickingEqualsAuthority Knuckles is the leader of the Resistance]]!
ZCE. It doesn’t show how Knuckles became the resistance leader because of his strength. It is just plopped in there.

715 -12- Citadel Of The Heart Unova

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: [[spoiler:Summons a Haxorus, seemingly out of nowhere, to deal with N's Zoroark while she focuses on Ash's Raichu.]]
ZCE. It is unclear the relationship this Durant has with the Haxorus, whether the summoned is subservient or if a debt is being paid.

1036 -13- Gears Of War Gorasni

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority
ZCE. It’s just the trope, No context.

1624 - 14-Spartacus Blood And Sand Protagonists Vengeance

* LargeAndInCharge: He is portrayed by the tallest actor in the series. [[AsskickingEqualsAuthority Spartacus, however, puts him in his place]], so to speak, when he starts a riot.
Zero context is given here how he was put in his place and if the society he comes from follows this idea.

2280 -15- Secret War

** Those under Glaitis more than qualify too, Darrance and Castella are hugely experienced assassins and [[MasterSwordsman blade masters]] Castella is very skilled with her Plasma pistol, while Darrance is a very good void craft pilot. Hayden Tresch is an extraordinarily skilled sniper and a supreme JackOfAllTrades, being a brilliant hacker, explosives expert, tech user (although he says he only dabbles) Attelus who is still considered an [[TheApprentice apprentice]] is also a very skilled (perhaps, even the most skilled) MasterSwordsman and assassin in his own right and that's not even going into [[AssKickingEqualsAuthority Glaitis.]]
ZCE. The trope is just plopped in there with no context on who the person is or if they are a leader because they are strong.

3540 -16- Fallout: New Vegas

* The one good thing of Legion rule in Arizona is that [[GenghisGambit at least it wasn't just another free-for-all between]] [[AlwaysChaoticEvil Raider and Slaver gangs]]: a Lanius swayed by the Courier's words would try to rebuild the Legion as a legitimately stable empire, while [[YouHaveFailedMe getting rid of any trouble-making subordinates]] [[AsskickingEqualsAuthority through sheer badassery alone]], [[DecapitatedArmy while a Legion deprived of all their great leaders]] [[OhNoNotAgain would go back to square one]]: [[BalkanizeMe divided between warring factions]], [[ForeverWar locked in a perpetual war]] [[KillEmAll that would leave the Legion's lands almost completely depopulated]].
Zero context as it doesn’t state anyone in particular being in charge because of strength. It is also just a long list of link tropes.

158-17- Light 'em Up

* [[AsskickingEqualsAuthority Admiral]] Kizaru from ''Manga/OnePiece'' is a light [[ElementalShapeshifter Logia]], which means he can turn into light to avoid damage, travel at the speed of light, as well as using it offensively in the form of [[EnergyWeapon giant ass building destroying lasers]].
Zero context in how his light powers enabled him to be a leader in the Navy.

1049 -18- Giant Robo

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: He's one of the Big Nine, the good counterparts to the Magnificent Ten.
ZCE. It shows no correlation between strength and leadership.

2676-19- Secret City

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: In the Order... and the Southern Fort.
ZCE on anything about strength and leadership.

2808 -20- Maken-ki!

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: Applies to both Minori and Takaki as school principal and student council president respectively, at Tenbi Academy.
ZCE on how they are strong or if their leadership is conditional on that strength.

     Unclear/Ambiguous 3/ 60 5%  

1298-1- Characters/Maneater

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: [[spoiler: After defeating the Apex Sperm Whale she becomes the new Apex Predator in Port Clovis]] and unlocks a passive benefit that, if equipped, will prevent smaller predators from attacking her.
Unclear example. It details how the shark became the apex predator of lesser creatures but doesn’t state if that means she rules them or not.

2747 -2- The Troop

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: Most of the boys defer to Kent since he's the biggest and the strongest ([[JerkJock and the meanest]]).
Possibly good example. Kent is the leader because of his size and strength. It is unclear because of lack of context in whether this is before or after the scoutmaster dies.

1690 -3- Street Fighter V

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: In his words, he worked his way up the ranks of the Nguuhao by being tough enough to survive the poison, and eventually a taste of Bison's power in combat. It's because of this strength that Bison allows him to join Shadaloo. At the same time, he came to realize Bison's "ultimate power" as a bringer of death and has vowed to use his strength in Bison's service as a result. In short, this trope is what fuels the understanding between the Emperor of Evil and his new top henchman.
Unclear context on him actually leading anything. While it says he worked his way up the ranks, other data on the page also says he is the sole survivor of his generation because of the tests and training. Can a leader be the only person left when it is designed to weed them to one person?

     Misuse examples 13/ 60 21.667%  
1128 -1- Hollow Knight Protagonists
* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: What the battle with her in Kingdom's Edge boils down to. If the Knight can beat Hornet, perhaps one of the best warriors in Hallownest, it may pass and [[spoiler:be granted the King's Brand]].
This in no way shows how she is a leader based on her strength.

1750-2-The Avengers Earths Mightiest Heroes Season Two Antagonists

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking[=/Asskicking Equals Authority: In the first half of "The Private War of Doctor Doom", the Avengers and the Fantastic Four deal with squadrons of Doom's Mecha-Mooks and his Number Two Lucia von Bardas, both capable of kicking all sorts of ass. Doom himself is the ruler of Latveria, and he is easily powerful enough to battle the combined might of the FF and the Avengers solo. He can even tank blows from the Hulk.=]
Misuse as it doesn’t say he became the leader because of that amazing strength.

968-3- Final Fantasy XIII-2

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: Mog's records state that Valfodr is one of Valhalla's most powerful warriors, and, having been granted the title of "Arbiter of Time", he's able to round up characters from different dimensions and put them in battle against each other.
Misuse. It shows no connection between strength and leadership.

1665-4-Star Wars: The Old Republic - Imperial Class / Sith Warrior

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: At least once in the storyline the Warrior is designated the leader in charge of Imperial forces. Naturally they lead the charge ([[AllUpToYou and more often than not handle the whole mission themselves]]).
Misuse. It doesn’t detail why the Warrior is made leader, whether because it is the player character, story reasons, or the warrior is the strongest.

3411 -5- Forsaken Chronicle

* AssKickingEqualsAuthority: Gage is the head of the Zephyrus Corporation. He also kicks ungodly amounts of ass. Guess why Connor respects his judgement so much.
Misuse. It just states a strong person and leader. No conditional relationship between them.

3444 -6- Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Without fail, hostile targets will be leaders of their own gang. And without fail, they ''will'' all be ''much'' stronger than their minions. Of course, this could also be a case of AsskickingEqualsAuthority.
Misuse. It doesn’t state the conditional relationship showing these guys are leaders because they are strong.

78>680 -7- Bungo Stray Dogs Port Mafia

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: [[spoiler:He was locked up by the Port Mafia for a long time before he began training new recruits to be assassins, eventually working his way up to becoming an executive]]. [[spoiler:FridgeBrilliance when you realize the timing of this promotion was six years after ''Storm Bringer'', making it likely he took A's vacant spot]].
Misuse. It is not clear at all he became an executive because of his combat skills.

819-8-Doubt Academy Tora Roster

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: He is easily the most competent person on his boat, and incredibly strong.
Misuse. It doesn’t demonstrate any leadership or correlation between strength and leadership.

1489-9 Pokemon The Great Adventure Silver Team

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: Strongest of the team. Team Leader.
Misuse. No correlation stated between strength and leadership. And it’s Silver’s team, so presumably he’s the leader overall, and Silver is just a human guy thus weaker than most Pokemon. So, she isn’t the real leader.

1332 -10- Mega Man Zero Allies

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: Not in-series, but his power is fairly well-known and he more or less fought the Elf Wars alone.
Misuse. It doesn’t demonstrate he was a leader based on his strength. It also isn’t seen in the main page, so it isn’t noted for the story or any society.

887 - 11 Eclipse

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: her philosophy, which she more than definitely lives up to, as she's the Primarch of an OutlawTown.
Misuse. It doesn’t state if this is how she became a leader. It feels like a self-demonstrating argument.

2445 -12- My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Season 6

** Adult dragons also seem terribly lazy, and violently territorial. It's entirely likely they don't really care about being Dragon Lord enough to leave their own fiefdoms. And Torch's challenge and style of ruling rely on AsskickingEqualsAuthority; he wouldn't be able to control a group of adult dragons through force.
Misuse. While there can be competitions to determine leadership, they need to be combat-related. A race to a goal with no combat mandated between participants counts.

1696 -13- Super Mario RPG

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: When you beat him for the third time, he relinquishes his title to Mario.
Badly written example. It doesn’t describe how he is the leader of his dojo for being the strongest.

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: Got to his position by being the best, and you dethrone him by beating him.
Bad example. Misuse. While competitions can determine leadership, a footrace with no physical conflict between them does not qualify.

    Index examples 0/ 60 0% 
No Individual wicks appeared just here.

     Wicks with multiple entries but not same result 7/ 60 11.667% 

Internal Summary Of seven wicks checked, 21 total multi links came up.
1 Potentially Good
9 Good
4 Misuse
1 Unclear
1 Index
1585 -1- Shinshaku Hokuo Shinwa 1 potentially good, 1 wholly good.
* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: After the death of Ymir he gained unsually strong magic potential, making him a the strongest god among them. It probably helps that he trained thrity years afterwards.
This is potentially a good example because the guy is a leader but it isn’t said in this example.
\* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: His stregnth is what helps him keep the village under control. [[spoiler:What gave him the position of leader in the first place was slaughtering the first leader Thrudgelmir.]]
This is a wholly good example as it says he is a leader because of a feat of strength and combat skills.

767-2- Dawn of War 3-Good, 1 Misuse, caveat: This trope is not shown on the main page as a story trope and only one other character page had any wicks. So while individually the below might look good, this isn’t established as a common trope of the universe.

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: Like any good Warboss, he's strong enough to assert his authority and keep his Boyz in line.
Good example. His leadership is stated to be conditional on kicking his subordinates ass if they try to disobey him.
* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: Like all Chaos Lords, Crull earned his title through many feats of dark bravery and sacrifices, and as such, is amongst some of the most powerful beings in the galaxy.
Good example. Earned is a conditional verb so the example demonstrates the If P, then Q quality.
* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: As both a Chaos Lord and Dark Apostle, Eliphas earned his title through many feats of dark bravery and heroism as well as thousands of sacrifices and as such, is amongst the most powerful beings in the galaxy.
Good example. Earned is a conditional verb so the example demonstrates the If P, then Q quality.
* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: Thousand acts of dark bravery and he slaughtered a thousand worlds. Yup.
Nope. Misuse. It fails to show a conditional relationship between strength and leadership.

1244 -3- League Of Legends Themes A To M 1 Good, 1 Misuse, 1 Unclear

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: The continuous battles for the Grand Coronation is what binds the Queendoms of Elysia together, and the only way for a queen to claim the crown is through combat. Even within kingdoms themselves, the throne is claimed by fighters with the most power.
Good example. The Queens become leaders in their society on the condition of winning combat tournaments.
* RoyalsWhoActuallyDoSomething: All of the queens fight on behalf of their kingdoms, for whatever purpose it may be. Even the normally-idle Janna -- who would normally rather stand by and watch the Tournament from afar -- [[AsskickingEqualsAuthority will step down to demonstrate her power if it means keeping her people safe and healthy]].
Misuse. The example isn’t worded correctly to qualify. It needs to include a note of her being like other queens of this sect and earning her place by winning a competition.
* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: Morgana became the Majestic Empress by slaying the old gods in charge of the world and taking their place.
Unclear. While Morgana is a top goddess because of her killing other gods, she is listed among a set of other champions and it isn’t said if she is their leader as well or is she subservient to a weaker person.

1926 -4- Transformers Prime Predacons 1 good, 1 ZCE.

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: [[spoiler:Assumes dominion over Darksteel and Skylynx by whooping their afts. This was also how his original self became known as the lord of Predacons by defeating others and taking their territories]].
Good example. The example details how he took control and maintains it by force.
* TheJuggernaut: Nothing has ever actually hurt him in his dragon mode. This includes blasters, punches, grenades, katanas, ship-mounted cannons, the Forge of Solus Prime, burying him under rocks, the detonation of an entire Energon mine and [[AsskickingEqualsAuthority being ganged up on by two of his fellow Predacons.]] Ultra Magnus had to bash Predaking into a cliff face while he was hanging onto his ship just to delay the Predacon long enough for an escape. Even using the Apex Armor against him leaves the wearer nothing more than a glorified chew toy, though it does offer protection against his attacks. When he took on Megatron in "Synthesis", he actually had the upper hand and probably would have won if (a) Starscream hadn't distracted him and (b) he hadn't been standing next to an airlock.
ZCE. It doesn’t comment on his leadership in the linked part nor a conditional relationship between the two.

301 - 5- The Leader 1 Index, 2 Good examples, 3 ZCE.

* '''Charismatic'''. Defining trait: ''Likeability''. TheFace of the team, either because they're the [[AssKickingEqualsAuthority most feared,]] [[DefeatEqualsFriendship most skilled]], [[TheHeart most loved and respected]], [[TheChosenOne chosen by destiny]], or are the most [[ItsPersonal personally invested in the team's goals.]] In contrast to Masterminds, [[MagneticHero their personality]] is what brings, and keeps, the team together. At an impasse, everyone else is willing to agree to what they want to do and won't argue. The strongest of these are the core of their group, weaker ones are mascots or figureheads. May overlap with or evolve into any of the other three types.
Index example in a list of leadership qualities.
* Miria of ''Manga/{{Claymore}}'' is a levelheaded leader with just a few mastermind traits, namely her [[TheStrategist ability to come up with strategies that can turn hopeless battles into victories]] and her vast knowledge of the [[TheOmniscientCouncilOfVagueness Organization]]'s secrets. She gives [[AFatherToHisMen enormous]] importance to the life of her subordinates, so much that [[spoiler:when she decides to bring down the Organization [[ThouShaltNotKill without hurting even one of her comrades still loyal to it]] the other Claymores are so impressed by Miria's clemency and ability that they refuse to use an opportunity to kill her and rather join en masse with her rebellion]]. Also, because this is ''[[WorldOfBadass Claymore]]'' and thus AsskickingEqualsAuthority then by the end of the manga Miria is also one of the most powerful Claymores alive, if not ''the'' most powerful with only Clare being a possible contender to the title.
Zero Context. The trope is inserted as though it is self-demonstrating, which isn’t acceptable.
* In ''Manga/KenichiTheMightiestDisciple'', both [[BigGood Ryouzanpaku]] and [[BigBad the One Shadow Nine Fists]] lead in the same manner. They are generally collaborations rather than an out-and-out hierarchy but Furinji Hayato and the One Shadow [[spoiler: Furinji Saiga]] [[AsskickingEqualsAuthority have the final say]] because [[MyKungFuIsStrongerThanYours they stand head and shoulders above their comrades in power]].
Good Example. It cites their leadership is conditional on their strength and kicking ass.
*** In the original version, Kyril is the [[MentorArchetype master]] of his four [[TheApprentice apprentices]], as well as FourStarBadass of his MenOfSherwood. As the former, Kyril is the most [[PragmaticHero practical]] and [[StrongAndSkilled experienced]] of the "[[FiveManBand Five-Hunter Band]]" (levelheaded). As the latter, Kyril inspires loyalty via AsskickingEqualsAuthority and [[TheDreaded dreaded]] reputation (charismatic). The "headstrong" trait is demonstrated in both roles from how he sticks with his subordinates through thick and thin, while understanding when to be flexible (e.g. ordering his men ''not'' to follow him for the sake of averting RedshirtArmy).
ZCE. It doesn’t demonstrate how he used his asskicking to attain leadership.
*** In the remastered version, Kyril is the de facto leader of his GreatEscape party. Has traits of "charismatic" (due to AsskickingEqualsAuthority) and "levelheaded" (due to him outright saying that his companions are his responsibility).
ZCE. It doesn’t demonstrate how he used his asskicking to attain leadership. Note, this is the line right after the above as well.
* ''Webcomic/SleeplessDomain'': Tessa is the leader of Team Alchemical, so appointed because [[AsskickingEqualsAuthority she's the most powerful]]. She's the one who comes up with a battle plan for her teammates, and who her teammates rely on to finish off especially strong monsters. She can be a bit controlling at times, however, which can put her at odds with her teammates, particularly [[TheLancer Sally]].
Good example. It cites her leadership being conditional to her strength.

1175 -6- Ive Been Killing Slimes For 300 Years And Maxed Out My Level 1 Good, 1 Misuse

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: PlayedWith; while she is a very high-ranking demon and extremely powerful, second only to Pecora, the Demon King, her spin-off series shows that it's more her expertise than overall power that got her position.
Good example. While it isn’t a full true example, it does cite it as a played with trope.
* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: She is one of the strongest characters in the series and the ruler of the Demon Kingdom. That said there is some debate to be had about how strong she is: for one she lost a fight against Azusa but never took the fight very serious, while for another she says she was going to make Beelzebub be her "Big Sis" which implies Beelzebub is stronger than her, but again nothing concrete to confirm that.
Misuse. It lists her as a strong demon and leader, but not that her leadership is conditional on that strength.

3556 -7- W40k: Tropes I to P 1 Misue 1 ZCE

** The [[AsskickingEqualsAuthority commanders]] of many armies are wicked fast in combat, orders of magnitude tougher than basic infantry, and often capable of wiping out entire ''squads'' of enemy troops single-handed in melee. Even out of combat, many of them have ready access to wargear (bikes, wings, teleporters and such) that allow them to rocket across the battlefield with incredible speed.
Misuse. It lists leaders and their capabilities, but not that their leadership is conditional on this strength.
** Space Marine Chapters are legally limited to a maximum of 1000 [[SuperSoldier Space]] [[WarriorMonk Marines]] per Chapter-- unless they are on a Crusade. The Black Templars have been on Crusade for 10,000 years and have well over 6,000 marines in multiple theatres of operations. It has long since got to the point that even they have no idea how many marines they have and where, and are just running on pure AsskickingEqualsAuthority. By the time anyone gets around to counting heads, the casualty toll usually makes things irrelevant.
ZCE. It just lists the trope with no context.

Looking at the final tabulations below, there is rampant misuse and zero context examples, the former coming mostly when people show a strong leader but it not being conditional, and the latter when they feel the examples are self-demonstrating. Even if I were to include the subwicks of the Multifolder into the total numbers, it doesn’t bode well to the totals of good examples. I am happy more than 25% were good or provisionally good examples compared to the Authority Equals Asskicking numbers. But that still means a vast majority of these wicks are bad examples in one form or another.

Summary out of 60 Wicks
  • Good: 12/60 20%
  • Provisionally Good: 5/60 8.33%
  • Zero Context Examples 20/60 33.3333333%
  • Unclear or Ambiguous: 3/60 5%
  • Misuse 13/60 21.667%
  • Index 0/60 0%
  • Multiple wicks 7/60 11.667%

Summary with Multiple Wicks added into total, now out of 74:
  • Good: (12+9)/74 12.1216%
  • Provisionally Good: (5+1)/74 8.108%
  • Zero Context Examples (20+5)/74 33.783%
  • Unclear or Ambiguous: (3+1)/74 5.405%
  • Misuse (13+4)/74 22.972%
  • Index (0+1)/74 1.351%

Authority Equals Asskicking wick check:

Total Wicks as of 7/12/2022 is 5391. The number to check is around 78. I am checking an even 80. Note for basic definition In other words, In this world’s setting if you're The Leader because you're the toughest, then that is Ass=Auth. If you're the toughest because you're The Leader then that is Auth = Ass. This is a world-setting trope not a character based trope. However, I won’t automatically dismiss a wick as a misuse if it links to a character page. I will examine the main page(s) of the media to see if the trope is listed there.

The problem with both is the term Equals which has in it a basic logical issue of equivalence. If A=B, then they are the same thing irregardless of orientation. So B=A. This means these trope names are the same thing, which their definitions show they aren’t. The names should be changed to Authority Requires, or necessitates or implies Asskicking, or maybe All Leaders Kick Ass something to show the conditional nature of the trope definition and it not being a character trope.

A related issue in this ambiguity is this trope is meant to be about the world-setting not just a single strong warrior who is also a leader, as noted on discussions here and here. As such looking at the total list and using find and replace on google excel, there are about 2,740 instances of this being on character pages. Or 50.8% of all current wicks.

In regards to what I expect to find, I expect there will be rampant misuse in the manner of P and Q examples not the required If P then Q, or to be specific, they will cite the person as a leader and strong, but not cite a conditional relationship between them.

Set numbers:
Set 1: 1043, 1464, 1647, 2157, 4033, 4525, 5052, 5603
Set 2: 114, 333, 464, 1869, 2179, 2301, 3690, 3758
Set 3: 468, 880, 2145, 2746, 3622, 4880, 4886, 4986
Set 4: 1211, 1631, 1663, 2678, 2998, 3151, 4280, 5518
Set 5: 445, 888, 1272, 1395, 2304, 3647, 4451, 5491
Set 6: 220, 1487, 2013, 3091, 4092, 4544, 5093, 5253
Set 7: 933, 1449, 1450, 2731, 2892, 3899, 4455, 5498
Set 8: 814, 3186, 3338, 3716, 4084, 4752, 5298, 5413
Set 9: 132, 244, 984, 1293, 2494, 3487, 3942( to become 3943)note , 5317
Set 10: 129, 398, 1127, 1321, 2853, 3049, 3896 (to become 3897)note , 4534

     Good uses of Auth=Ass 4/ 80 5% 

4033 Book of Judges

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: The position of "Judge" was not just a judicial title, but also signified a badass military leader--think ancient versions of ''ComicBook/JudgeDredd''.
Cites the judges as both leaders of the judiciary but also skilled and dangerous fighters in the ancient Jewish societies. While not representing the whole world, it reflects this society. I will give it a tepid approval.

3647 The Vasto of White

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Being the ''de facto'' ruler of Hueco Mundo does nothing more than paint a giant target on Shirou's back, and he often has to resort to violence to maintain that position.
Borderline good example. If he is the leader, then he needs to defend his spot. If he is defending his spot, then he needs to be tougher than others. Ergo, If he is the leader, then he needs to be tougher than others.

4092 Morgenregen: The Black Forest Fairy

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Succession in the Black Forest royal family works by the claimant challenging the incumbent to a duel.
Good example. As the leader needs strength to face challengers and survive or would-be ones take over, it fits the conditional.

4544 Game of Thrones S1E3: "Lord Snow"

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Tyrion explains why; those born to privilege have skilled instructors and time set aside every day to practice their skills. They can't help but become better than the smallfolk who make up most of the Night's Watch recruits.
If you're the toughest, then you train hard. If you train hard, then you have the rank and money to get training. If you have the rank and money to get training, then you are nobility. If you are nobility, then you are a leader. Ergo, If you are the toughest then you are a leader. It also describes the world setting for these kingdoms.

    ZCE and Unclear 20/ 80 25% 

5063 5 Second Films 1

* MemeticBadass: [[ Tom]] [[ Watson]], [[AuthorityEqualsAsskicking MP for West Bromwich East.]]
This is ZCE as it just potholes some words to the trope in this poorly done meme trope.

464 Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 2

* In ''[[ Rastakhan's Rumble: Ticket to Greatness Part 5]]'', Thrall gets chosen from the audience to fight Bwomsamdi, the Loa of Death, one-on-one. If he wins, everyone in the coliseum gets a prize. However, if he loses, he'll lose his soul. Just when Thrall [[OhCrap thinks he's screwed]], guess who joins his side? ''[[AuthorityEqualsAsskicking King Rastakhan himself!]]'' They proceed to lay a beatdown on Bwomsamdi [[OffscreenMomentOfAwesome (which sadly isn't shown onscreen)]] and [[SugarWiki/HeartwarmingMoments win free card packs for the entire audience. Including you.]]
ZCE as it is just put in as a pothole link and does nothing to better the example.

2179 Pathfinder Fiendish Divinities 3

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Additionally, as shown in Bestiary 6, Charon is the most powerful; the others range from CR 27 to CR 29, while Charon stands proud at CR 30.
ZCE. Too much information is in other tropes around and doesn’t describe how Charon being the de facto leader of the four horsemen makes him the strongest.

2301 Red Alert 3 Paradox Expanded Universe 4

%%* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking
This is under two characters, Asma and Victoria, and both have been commented out as ZCE already.

468 Shining Resonance 5

** And he ''survives''! Although he's seriously injured in his duel with Excella, he makes a full recovery and continues ruling Astoria. There's [[AuthorityEqualsAsskicking a reason he's the king]], after all.
ZCE pothole as it doesn’t say if he is the strongest by virtue of being a leader.

3622 The Bridge 6

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking:
** ''Princesses'' of Equestria, Luna and Celestia on the Equestrian side; and ''King'' of the Monsters, Godzilla on the Kaiju side. =]
** On the villain side, almost all of the major Equestrian villains [[spoiler: Grogar's students]] had/have a royal title; Sombra was a tyrant king of the Crystal Empire for a time, Chrysalis is the queen of the changelings; and going off the comics, Tirek was the crown prince in a faraway kingdom.
ZCE as all it says is their titles but nothing else. Not if one set is stronger than others, or how prevalent this trope is in their worlds. Or how being leaders came from their being strong.

4880 Iron Kingdoms 7

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Garrick Voyle, who was literally invincible under Menoth's blessing.
ZCE. Doesn’t describe his strength or ability to kick ass. An invincible person can be a weakling after all. Does Not define his leadership station or if earned from an ability to kick ass.

4888 Tabletop Game/Stratego has two links. 8

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: In any duel, the higher-ranked piece wins. With equal ranks, either each destroys the other or the aggressor wins, [[DependingOnTheWriter depending on which rule you play by]]. However, see TheOnlyOneAllowedToDefeatYou.
With the lack of story of the game, it is hard to tell if this should even apply to the game. Plus, should the “toughest” be able to be defeated by only the weakest piece or bomb? There are other tropes which could better exemplify the pieces having set rotations of victory and defeat. Tactical Rock–Paper–Scissors comes to mind.

* FrontlineGeneral: The Field Marshal and the General are [[AuthorityEqualsAsskicking the two most powerful pieces on the board]], and are often placed on the front lines for this reason. (Of course, it's dangerous for them to get too aggressive because of the risk of hitting a bomb.)
ZCE as it seems to be just put in there as those are the strongest pieces in the game save for the spy or bombs who can take them out.

1663 Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull 9

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: By far the strongest bad guy in the film.
ZCE as it doesn’t detail in any way how being the leader in a soviet group means he is strong. Add in, his superior is weaker than him, so this is not a world-setting.

3151 Virtual Warrior World 10

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Leader of [=IceClan, as well as an Action Girl.=]
* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: A competent warrior in his own right.
* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Leader of [=RockClan, as well as a competent warrior.=]
Each one doesn’t describe how strong the characters are or how being the leader necessitated their being strong.

445 Critical Role Followers Of The False Serpent 11

* The Plank King himself gets a villainous example by how he deals with Avantika caught in a lie. Namely by lifting her several feet off the ground by her neck, and then BREAKING it. One handed. AuthorityEqualsAsskicking indeed.
ZCE. This is just plugged into the example but doesn’t describe anything about the Plank King being a leader consequently meant he is strong.

5491 Netherworld Chronicles 12

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: The general rule of thumb for Netherworld politics.
ZCE as it gives nothing to the trope. It describes no conditional relationship between power and leadership.

220 Pregnant Badass 13

* In ''TabletopGame/LegendOfTheFiveRings'', the [[AmazonBrigade Matsu]] ''[[AuthorityEqualsAsskicking daimyo]]'' thwarted an assassination attempt while six months pregnant. She, her husband, and their [[LittleMissBadass twelve year-old daughter]] killed a dozen of the Phoenix Clan's most skilled samurai.
ZCE and was put into the link. It fails to show any conditional relationship.

3091 Universal Wrestling Federation Hook N Shoot 14

* AuthorityEqualsAssKicking: The head fighter of Silverbacks Vale Tudo.
* AuthorityEqualsAssKicking: Has competed in 3 MMA fights, one in his own promotion.
ZCE for both. Neither trope line describes any leadership ranking or if their strength was a key factor in it.

3889 The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel 15

* During the epilogue sidequest where Patrick wants to determine who among the academy is the strongest of all, the final round happens to be ''[[AuthorityEqualsAsskicking Principal Vandyck and Instructor Beatrix]]''. Rean then starts making his RousingSpeech to the other two party members when:
--> Vandyck : Haha. There's our Class VII. Although it wouldn't be fair if only three of you took us on. You should call another one of your classmates.
--> Beatrix : There's no fun for any of us in an easy win, after all.
--> Rean : (in his head) Oookay, now I'm really scared...
ZCE. It’s just put in the example quote but fails to show anything about the trope itself.

4084 Legend of the Galactic Heroes 16

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Played straight AND subverted. In both sides of the conflict, there's people who use their authority for heavy loads of badassery and people whose authority is actually a detriment to their society. Reinhard von Lohengramm, Yang Wen-li and their subordinates are examples of the former. Job Trunicht, the former Imperial nobility and some particularly incompetent military officers on both sides are examples of the later.
There is no actual context. It is a long rambling example with nothing concrete on strength or leadership, just vague mentions of it.

5413 Mass Effect 3 17

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Averted initially. [=CnC vessels aren't meant for straight fights, and even the dreadnought-based Armada CnC is weaker than proper combat dreads. Later played straight with the flagship CnC being a 1 per person plus-sized dreadnought that effectively combines an Armada and Blazer section, as well as the sequel's Leviathans.=]
The link is just plopped into a line without any context to the trope. ZCE.

132 Hero Unit 18

** In the first ''VideoGame/HaloWars'', [[TheEmpire the Covenant]] have their [[AuthorityEqualsAsskicking leaders]] (namely the Arbiter, the Prophet of Regret, and the Brute Army Commander), who can be quite important to have out on the field for their battle prowess, as their other units tend to be on the "[[GlassCannon subve]][[FragileSpeedster rsive]]" side of the FactionCalculus scale. You can also only [[PowersViaPossession use your faction superpower by controlling them directly]]. On the other hand, the [[UnitedNationsIsASuperPower UNSC]] have [[EliteMooks Spartans]]; while not as [[OneManArmy singularly powerful]] as the Covenant's leader units, they are still quite badass in their own right and can [[EnemyExchangeProgram hijack]] enemy vehicles or commandeer friendly vehicles for a power boost. The limit on how many of these units you can have still goes for both sides, though[[note]]But their respective population caps are also independent from the main one in either case[[/note]]; namely, one leader for the Covenant and three Spartans for the UNSC. In the campaign, Sgt. Forge and SPARTAN-II Red Team function as a quartet of Hero Units; if one of them goes down, there is even text reading "You have a downed hero."
The link is just plopped into a line without any context to the trope. ZCE

2494 Spartacus Blood And Sand Antagonists Blood And Sand 19

%%* AuthorityEqualsAssKicking
ZCE. It was already commented out.

3942 to becomes 3943 One Piece 20

* There's also Shiki and Roger, although it seems to be one-sided on Shiki's part. Shiki is first seen in his introductory scene offering Roger a chance to [[WeCanRuleTogether join forces to take over the world]]. Of course, Roger refuses despite being outnumbered a 100-1 and the huge battle that ensues leaves Shiki's forces devestated and with Shiki having a wheel stuck through his head. Later, when Roger is supposedly captured by the Marines and sentenced to death, Shiki invades Marineford to rescue him, [[TheOnlyOneAllowedToDefeatYou refusing to believe that someone as strong as Roger was so easily captured]]. He's stopped by Garp and Sengoku, the [[AuthorityEqualsAssKicking most powerful men in the Marines]] (at the time at least), who inform him that [[YourPrincessIsInAnotherCastle Roger's execution is being held at Loguetown in East Blue]] and that they would not allow Shiki to invade the East Blue to stop the execution. The battle that ensued took out half of Marineford, but ultimately ended in Shiki being sent to [[TheAlcatraz Impel Down]] where he managed to escape by ''cutting off his own legs and replacing them with swords'', ultimately planning to take over the world and devestate it with his own devices. On the whole, he comes off as something of a {{Yandere}} when it comes to Roger!
ZCE as the link is just put into the prose.

     General misuse 46/ 80 57.5%  

1043 Characters/Demonbane 1

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: And how! The only thing who stands the slightest chance in a fight with him is a fully powered Demonbane.
This is a misuse as it doesn’t describe any reason why being the leader of his group makes him the strongest, and it is unclear if this is a trope applying to other groups as well.

2157 Out of Place, Out of Time 2

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: He earned the rank of General of the Minutemen by storming The Castle, and has more than his share of badass credentials.
In no way does this describe him being the strongest fighter of his group. Badass creds don't equal strongest.

1464 Gen¹³ 3

* AuthorityEqualsAssKicking: The Majestrix is the strongest of the Coda Warriors and also their leader.
Misuse as this only describes the individual and isn’t reflecting on the whole society. Looking at the main media page, both comic and animation, Authority Equals Asskicking doesn’t even show up.

1647 I Don't Want This Kind of Hero 4

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: The highest on the ladder in Spoon and, unsurprisingly, the toughest fighter.
Misuse as it doesn’t make reference if this is a common thing in her world. Looking at the main page and the villains, it doesn’t seem to be, so it fails to be a subset of the world fitting the trope.
* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Not the same extent as Dana, but it's there. He acts as her NumberTwo, and while he lacks a reputation and doesn't typically get into fights unless Knife is involved, he's dangerous when he does get to see the action.
Misuse as it doesn’t make reference if this is a common thing in her world. Looking at the main page and the villains, it doesn’t seem to be, so it fails to be a subset of the world fitting the trope.

5425 Asterix and the Chariot Race 5

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Princesses Nefersaynefer and Kweenlatifer from the kingdom of Kush easily keep up with the male racers, and can even hold their own in a brawl with the Romans.
While the princesses might have kickass capabilities, this is not shown to be a common fact of this fiction. It also doesn’t show how them being princesses necessarily means they are strong. So it is a misuse.

5052 Crab War 6

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: All Crab Queens and Kings are very much capable of combat and are usually stronger than the basic crabs. The Reptile Kings and Queens are also extremely powerful and require your Crab Kings to take down.
This is a misuse because the example just says, “X is the leader and X is strong.” It isn’t stating the necessity for the King crabs to be stronger to earn their leadership role.

114 Fight Clubbing 7

* You can join a fight club in ''[[VideoGame/FableI Fable]]''. One of the strongest members is [[spoiler:[[AuthorityEqualsAsskicking the mayor of one of the towns]].]]
Misuse because it doesn’t describe if the whole game runs on the same concept of the trope.

1869 MCU: Criminals & Terrorists – Fisk Crime Ring 8

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Downplayed, but he appears to be in charge of the common rankers and was the one who put up most of a fight against Kate in the wine cellar fight. He later fights Clint in Episode 6 with some degree of competence and even catches one of his arrow midflight.
Misuse because he isn’t the leader initially of his organization and doesn’t become it by virtue of his strength but machinations of other villains.

3690 Arrow: The Ultimate Weapon 9

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Min-Soon, Nam-Yi's and Ja-In's adoptive father, takes up a sword to defend his village, killing multiple soldiers before being killed. Seo-Goon, his son, does even better, helping to free the village captives and rescue Ja-In.
Misuse as it doesn’t state that Min-soon is strong by virtue of being a leader. It doesn’t even say if this applies to the enemy side as well, failing the world aspect of the trope.

3758 Natural Born Killers 10

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: [=McClusky, the Warden of the prison that Mickey and Mallory are held at, is no pencil pusher, personally breaking up a fight between two of the inmates without asking the guards for help. Lampshaded by Scagnetti, who says that he should appear on American Gladiators.=]
Misuse because it just says he is strong and a leader. It doesn’t say if he became warden on virtue of his strength.

880 Chain Chronicle Soldiers 11

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: [[spoiler: His 5-star upgrade also comes with the revelation that he [[YouKillItYouBoughtIt eventually took up the leadership of his clan]], presumably to end the succession feud once and for all.]]
While he might work as a strong leader, there is no indication in the series whole that this trope applies to other groups save for another character mentioned.

2145 One Piece: Water 7 12

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Subverted. Despite most of Galley-La's shipwrights being strong fighters, Iceburg is just the best at making ships but has no combat ability.
Misuse. This would only be a genuine subversion if a majority of leaders in the world were all capable of kicking ass, but plenty of them are not the strong kick ass people. This isn’t a world-covering trope for ‘’One Piece’’.

2746 The Dragon and the Bow 13

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: The Chief of Berk knows no equal in battle or tactics.
Misuse as this doesn’t establish this trope being present for all other viking tribes and if Stoik got the position because of his ability to kick ass.

4986 Alchemy Stars 14

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: A gameplay-based one: the Captain of your squad, AKA the first in your formation, is able to attack even when they're not walking on their element's tile, which also allows them to use their Chain Skill much more often.
Misuse. It doesn’t describe how being a leader grants him this power. Add in the true leader of the group is the player’s character controlling them, and that character cannot kick ass, he needs these strong servants.

1631 How to Train Your Dragon Films - Outcast Tribe 15

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Seems to be a trend in this show. This bugger ''can swing a Nadder by the tail.''
Being strong and a leader doesn’t equate to the trope. This needs expanding to detail how being the leader makes him strong. Also, few other leader characters show this trope so it isn’t represented in the world setting.

2998 Trails Series Erebonia Ironblood 16

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Chief of Staff of the Noble Alliance, a brilliant strategist, and a master of court fencing. And later on, the first Governor-General of Crossbell.
While it establishes him as a leader and a fighter, it doesn’t show the conditional aspect that if one is a leader then one can kick ass. It is also not clear if this is a trope across a majority of the series.

4280 Manga/Wolfsmund 17

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking:
** Sir Berthold as the gatekeeper knight of Wolfsmund, besting many skilled rebels that were able to slaughter the regular Hapsburg soldiers.
** Wolfram proved to be this as well. Despite the depiction as a SissyVillain, he proved to be a NotSoHarmlessVillain by being expertly skilled with short swords.
The first example is misuse as it doesn’t identify if the gatekeeper knight is a leader of his unit. The second example doesn’t demonstrate how being a leader necessitated Wolfram being strong. It also isn’t clear if this applies to other organizations.

5518 Adventures of the Gummi Bears 18

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: From his duel with Igthorn in the last episode it's clear Gregor is no frail old ruler and probably stronger than a lot of his knights. If only being the king didn't keep him out of most opportunities for action.
While the king is a strong fighter, it doesn’t describe the necessity of his strength to being a leader. It also isn’t clear if this trope works for all the other groups.

888 Child of the Storm: Villainous Groups 19

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: One of Surtur's vanguard, sent to destroy worlds alone - and implied to have done so. //
He isn’t a leader. He isn’t implied to be the strongest. He is a powerful lackey. Misuse.

1272 Fairy Tail Redux Salamanders Time Traveling Escapades World Government 20

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Him being Chairman isn’t simply a political thing for him, as he was strong enough to subdue Erza.//
* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Guran Doma has this, since he’s a member of the Magic Council and [[spoiler:the leader of the Scheherazade Division of Sen’ya Ichiya.]]//
Both are misuse. Neither show how being the leader requires their strength. They are just physically strong leaders.

1395 First Encounter Assault Recon - United States Military 21

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: The leader of the team and a calm, wise soldier who is mostly unphased even by the supernatural phenomena at play. //
Doesn’t describe the conditional relationship for the trope. He’s just a leader who might be strong. Unclear if this trope works for other areas in the story as well.

2304 Red Sonja (1985) 22

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Gedren really doesn't shy away from combat and gives Sonja one hell of a fight in their final battle.
Just being a strong leader doesn’t qualify for this trope. Misuse.

1487 Ghost Recon Wildlands Santa Blanca Cartel 23

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Is attacked twice during the game and slaughters his opponents personally. //
Misuse. While he is a leader, it fails to show any conditional relationship between his kicking ass and leadership.

2013 Miraculous The Phoenix Rises Team Arctic 24

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Is leader of the student council and a powerful Miraculer.
It fails to show any causal relationship between leadership and strength.

5093 Earthworm Jim 25

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Queen Slug-For-A-Butt is not the hardest FinalBoss there is, but she can still be a threat by attacking you with her [[MagicWand mystical scepter]] or her, well, [[AssKicksYou slug-for-a-butt]].
While she is the leader and possibly strong, it doesn’t state she is the strongest of her minions nor does it show any causal relationship between the two.

5253 Secret Service 26

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: The leader of the mob shows up at the very end of ''Security Breach'' to fight you and try to kill the President. He's got 500 health, compared to 100 to 250 health for regular enemies, and is armed with an assault rifle. He's not quite tough enough to be a full boss fight, but is still the toughest individual enemy in the game.
Tough villain and mob leader, sure, but fails to describe the conditional relationship between the two.

933 Codex Equus Second Age Heroes 27

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking / WarriorPrincess: She was a princess to a hidden race of undersea warriors and was her realm's mightiest warrior.
Fails to show the conditional aspect of the trope.
* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: While too old to put on the mask and cape again by the time she got elected mayor of Saint Cantle, Scale was still an experienced super-heroine who insisted on keeping her skills sharp in retirement.
Keeping skilled doesn’t mean she is still the toughest anymore. It fails to show a conditional relationship between her strength in youth and leadership in later years.

1449 Game of Thrones - Stannis Baratheon 28

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking:
** After his navy is destroyed, he leads the charge into King's Landing himself, killing several Lannister soldiers with ease. His men actually have to drag him kicking and screaming off the battlefield once it becomes clear that they have lost the battle.
** Prior to Robert's death and the War of the Five Kings, Stannis was the Master of Ships on the King's Small Council. Under his command, the Royal Fleet soundly smashed the Ironborn fleet during the Greyjoy Rebellion.
While a skilled fighter is exemplified, it fails to show the conditional nature of the trope and how his strength came from being a leader.

1450 Game of Thrones - Supernatural Beings 29

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: It's clear that he's the best fighter among the White Walkers, as well as possessing the strongest necromantic powers. Perhaps his greatest victory is of his own making, when he personally kills Viserion with a spear throw, then proceeds to resurrect and use him to destroy a part of the Wall, allowing his gigantic army of the dead a passage into the Seven Kingdoms.
Fails to show the conditional nature of the trope. Misuse.

2731 The Crown & the Flame 30

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: He gives Kenna one hell of a fight regardless which weapon you pick for the final battle.
* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Is the leader of the mercenaries and the most formidable fighter. Val states that no one dared oppose him until Kenna beat him in battle.
Misuse for both. Neither show the conditional relationship between their being leaders and being able to kick ass.

2892 The Spartan Legacy Shipmasters Forces 31

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Lunacy aside, the Shipmaster is ''head and shoulders'' the most skilled character in the series. Even without his forces, he's able to fight through a horde of Flood on his own, whereas the Spartans barely survived. In the climax, he easily ambushes Katherine and defeats Saul, and could have killed them both were it not for Grey's intervention and his own hubris.
Misuse. His strength and leadership are not shown to be conditional towards each other.

5498 Study Group 32

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Detective Na and the leaders of White Lead gang are undeniably expert on fighting.
Misuse. It states no conditional relationship between their being leaders and kicking ass.

814 Blue SWAT 33

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: She's the leader of the Space Mafia and by far their strongest member, even being able to match Gold-Platinum's power.
There is no conditional referenced between the power of the person and leadership.

3186 Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Marines 34

* IControlMyMinionsThrough: Despite being awesomely powerful in his own right, and more than willing to resort to AuthorityEqualsAsskicking when needed (or if he's in a bad mood, [[HairTriggerTemper or if it's a day that ends with a Y]]), Abaddon is overshadowed by the raw power of the daemon primarchs. However, Abaddon made himself the undisputed Warmaster because he alone has the vision, drive, and sheer willpower needed to weld the traitor legions together and take them to war against the Imperium.
* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: The leader of the enemy forces in his game, and by the far the most proficient personal combatant among them.

While both examples list a strong leader, they don’t reference any conditional relationship between being a leader and kicking ass.

3338 Alone 35

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: The highest in the First Families and lowest in the Last Families are the most powerful children in their side. [[spoiler: Justified in that every children appearing in Limbo has a dormant power, with only the mightiest developing, for better or worst, while the other are assimilated by the Limbo World.]]
Misuse. While strength is referenced, there is no conditional relationship stated between being strong and being a leader.

3716 Equilibrium 36

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: [[spoiler:After depending entirely on his bodyguards previously, [=DuPont demonstrates in his fight scene with Preston that he's an extremely proficient Gun Kata fighter. This is foreshadowed by DuPont delivering the exposition about Gun Kata in the first third of the film, and later by DuPont talking about the rumour that "one of us, the Cleric" had turned.]]=]
* CulturedBadass: The BigBad, being a hypocrite, keeps an art collection and reads poetry, quoting Yeats right before the climactic fight. He is also a GunKata [[AuthorityEqualsAsskicking master]].
Misuse. Both examples refer to a leader who is a kickass fighter, but both fail to refer to any conditional relationship between the two.

5298 Sword of the Stars 37

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Averted initially. [=CnC vessels aren't meant for straight fights, and even the dreadnought-based Armada CnC is weaker than proper combat dreads. Later played straight with the flagship CnC being a 1 per person plus-sized dreadnought that effectively combines an Armada and Blazer section, as well as the sequel's Leviathans.=]
Misuse as it just lists strong ships, but nothing about its conditional nature to leadership.

984 Dangan Ronpa RPG 38

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: One of the more competent fighters in the group, and he's a prince.
Misuse. It shows no correlation between the leadership and his ability to kick ass.

1293 Fallout: New Vegas - Honest Hearts 39

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Several Legionaries remark he was [[UpToEleven a better warrior than Lanius himself.]] He continues to kick ass after he becomes the leader of the Dead Horses as well.

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Several characters in Zion remark that Salt leads from the front, and has personally killed hundreds of the White Legs' enemies with his custom power fist. Depending on player level, he has about 600-800 hit points and 16 DT, which makes him nearly as durable as Legate Lanius himself, who has 920 hit points and 18 DT. This is in addition to him having a rating of 100 in Unarmed and the second highest speed of any human NPC. Graham can still curbstomp him effortlessly, though.]
Both are misuses as they don’t show any correlation between leadership and strength. Also, looking at the main page, half the other leaders don’t have asskicking power alone, so it doesn’t seem to be a world-trope.

3487 Dragon Ball Z Abridged 40

* "[[BigNo Nooooo!]] [[SayMyName NAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL!]] [[Film/DayOfTheDead1985 Choke on them! Choke on them!]]" [[spoiler:Super Kami Guru after confessing [[AssholeVictim he caused the drought and shifted the blame on the albinos]]. [[KarmicDeath He is then killed by his fellow Namekians in a fit of vengeance]] [[ImAHumanitarian and eaten by Moori]], [[AuthorityEqualsAsskicking who becomes the new grand elder]].]]
Misuse and ZCE. The one who becomes leader only did it because he got to eat Guru’s head and so absorbed the bulk of Guru’s power, not because he was the toughest of the surviving Namekians (and that would be Piccolo at this moment).

5317 The Last Story 41

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking:
** General Asthar is the leader of the Lazulis Knights. He kicks ridiculous amounts of ass.
** Averted with Count Arganan, who is useless in battle.
Both are misuses. The generals’ position isn’t mentioned to be because he can kick ass. And the aversion fails to note if this trope is a common thing in the world, thus explaining why he is an aversion to the world’s common feature.

1127 Dragon Ball: Jiren 42

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Subverted. He's explicitly stronger than Top [[spoiler:and even in the same tier as actual Gods of Destruction, maybe even stronger]], but still subordinate to him in the Pride Troopers.
Misuse. Just because the subordinate is stronger doesn’t make it a subversion. If the society he comes from enforces leadership requiring the ability to kick ass, then it would qualify, but as it is, lacks information.

1321 Fate: The Winx Saga 43

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: She is renowned for being one of the most powerful fairies in the entire Otherworld and is obsessed with turning Stella into this in addition to preparing her for her future duties as Queen of Solaria.
Misuse. It fails to refer to any conditional relationship between strength and leadership.

2853 The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything: A VeggieTales Movie 44

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: [[spoiler:The Pirates ultimately can't do much against Robert and Robert almost destroys them...but the moment the King shows up, his ship disables Robert's ship in a matter of seconds and Robert's men [[ScrewThisImOuttaHere bail out rather than deal with him.]]]]
Misuse. It fails to note the conditional relationship between the King being king and his strength.

3049 Turn 45

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Played with. He's the Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army, but suffers serious defeats of his own on more than one occasion. On the other hand, he's capable of delivering impressive results as well, such as at Trenton and Monmouth (the latter was not exactly a victory, but could have gone a whole lot worse had it not been thanks to Washington's ability to rally the colonists after Lee's abysmal handling of the assault).
Misuse. Leadership in the Continental army wasn’t dependent on kicking the most ass. And it fails to show any correlation between him being leader and kicking ass.

4534 Black Lightning (2018) S 1 E 2 "LaWanda: The Book of Hope" 46

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: While Tobias Whale isn't nearly as big as he is in the comics, he still manages to choke Lala to death with one hand.
Misuse as it doesn’t show any correlation between strength and leadership.

    Wicks with multiple entries not all same results 6/ 80 7.5%  
333 1 Warrior Prince 1 Neutral link, 2 Misuses
A subtrope of RoyalsWhoActuallyDoSomething. See also ActionPolitician, AuthorityEqualsAssKicking, and LadyOfWar.
This is a Neutral index wick.

* Quite common in ''TabletopGame/{{Warhammer}}''. With AuthorityEqualsAsskicking and armed with AncestralWeapon this means that several of them are capable to take down large monsters and demons.
Misuse as it doesn’t describe how being a princely fighter means they are necessarily strong.

* Artos who becomes the 'Warrior King' in the single-player campaign for the computer game ''VideoGame/WarriorKings''. He starts off as the son of a powerful baron and when his dad is murdered at the command of the Big Bad of the game, Artos leads an uprising and conquers province after province eventually owning the entire empire in the name of vengeance and either scientific enlightenment, the One God or the tribal gods of the pagans. Artos is very much the picture of [[AuthorityEqualsAssKicking Authority Equals Ass Kicking]], barring the demons, the big bad and his 2nd, there is no unit more powerful than Artos and that's before he gains increased stats and new powers.
Close but still misuse as it doesn’t describe if Artos being a warrior king is typical for all other leaders. It needs more information.

1121 2 Dragon Age – Races 1 ZCE, 2 using Ass=Auth not this trope.

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: This is expected of the nobility.
ZCE as it doesn’t describe how being the leader would make them strong.
* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking:
** Promotions in Qunari society are based on skill and suitability for the task -- in the case of soldiers, that means fighting. For this reason, the highest-ranking soldiers are ''very good'' at being soldiers, meaning that if you encounter an officer, you can bet he's the best fighter in the group.
** The first volume of ''The World of Thedas'' claims they hold bloody ritualistic duels for the higher ranks. The second volume erratas this as merely Orlesian propaganda.
On the first bullet, that isn’t this trope. That is more fitting with Asskicking Equals Authority. Asskicking becomes a prerequisit for advancing in rank.
The second bullet is also better suited for Asskicking equals Authority as it describes, though ultimately propaganda, the same type of behavior.

2678 3 TerraforMARS 1 Misuse, 1 ZCE

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Bit of a [[SubvertedTrope subversion]] considering [[spoiler: he becomes the Prime Minister in Annex I though his power isn't very useful combat wise.]]
Misuse as it doesn’t describe how other leaders in the setting are strong because they are leader types.
* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: He's the commander for a reason.
ZCE. Examples are not self-evident.

244 4 Royals Who Actually Do Something 1 index, 2 ZCE

Compare ModestRoyalty, AuthorityEqualsAsskicking, NonIdleRich, RichKidTurnedSocialActivist.
Index reference.
* Most ''TabletopGame/DungeonsAndDragons'' settings have AuthorityEqualsAsskicking and/or AsskickingEqualsAuthority as a matter of fact. But even if the land is not under constant attacks or a hereditary [[TheMagocracy magocracy]], expect high-ups to keep their hands (or other appendages) very busy with large-scale juggling. Which applies to ruling monarchs and other BlueBlood alike.
ZCE. It is just put in there with no reference to anything else in series about this trope and how leadership is conditional on asskicking

-> * In ''TabletopGame/YuGiOh'', there are the Monarchs (Emperors in Japan), an archetype of Monsters based on Attributes; all the base Monarchs (except Zaborg) are Level 6, [[AuthorityEqualsAsskicking they all have an ATK of 2,400]], there is one for each Attribute (except Light, which has two), and most gain their effects from being Tribute Summoned. [[ Mobius the Mega Monarch]] is an evolved Level 7 form of one of them, released in the latest set, suggesting more Mega Monarchs are to follow.
ZCE. The trope seems to be plopped in there with no real reference to the trope’s meaning. No mention if these cards have some hierarchy to qualify as leadership.

398 5 Phantasy Star Online 2: The Animation 1 misuse. 1 ZCE

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: The Council of Six, who are the highest-ranking members of the ARKS and among the most powerful.
** [[spoiler: Quna acts as Aika's direct superior, a [[LateArrivalSpoiler Late]] ''[[LateArrivalSpoiler EPISODE 1]]'' [[LateArrivalSpoiler Spoiler]] that she is the highest-ranking member OF The Council Of Six.]]
The first example is a misuse. It fails to show any correlation between the leadership and being strong.
The second one is ZCE as it fails to mention any strength or anything about the trope.

3896 to become 3897 6 Tropes A to E 2 Good examples, 1 misuse. 1 ZCE

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking:
** Klaus; he clawed his way to being ruler of Europe atop God knows how many others and it ''shows''.
** His son; when thrust into authority, Gil's asskicking genes more than rise to the challenge.
** The Jägergenerals.
** More generally -- in a semi-feudal world ruled over by extremely intelligent nutjobs, it's the one at the top of the castle you want to watch out for. They're in that spot for a reason.
Line 1 is just the trope line.
Line 2 mentions he needed his strength to become leader and beat others. Good example.
Line 3 borderline good example as it sounds like he wasn’t kicking ass before he got authority but grew into the position. Line 4 ZCE. Line 5 Misuse as it doesn’t demonstrate any correlation between leadership and strength.

    Neutral / Indexes 1/ 80 1.25%  
129 Hard Levels, Easy Bosses
Depending on the genre, maybe they wanted to be realistic and avert AuthorityEqualsAsskicking.
It’s an index link in the trope’s description.

     Pantheon Listings 3/ 80 3.75%  

4451 Villainous Archetypes

* Portfolio: The AffablyEvil [[TheDon Boss of Team Rocket]], VileVillainLaughableLackey, [[{{Yakuza}} Japanese Mafia Allusions]] ([[TheMafia retconned as the Italian Mafia]] [[CulturalTranslation overseas]]), [[LukeIAmYourFather Silver, I Am Your Father]], AdaptationalHeroism ''and'' [[AdaptationalVillainy Villainy]], BadassInANiceSuit, [[AuthorityEqualsAsskicking The Strongest Member of Team Rocket]], [[DishingOutDirt Ground-Type Specialist]], [[TokenEvilTeammate A Villainous Gym Leader]], RightHandCat, TheComicallySerious, EvenBadMenLoveTheirMamas, TrueFinalBoss of ''[[VideoGame/PokemonUltraSunAndUltraMoon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon]]''
The wick is in the portfolio line, so not a viable examination.

4455 Pantheon/Weather

* Portfolio: AlienBlood, [[AuthorityEqualsAsskicking The Strongest Seafolk and the leader of such race]], CoolCrown, HealingFactor, LightningBruiser, OverlyLongTongue, RapidFireFisticuffs, SlasherSmile, ToServeMan, [[WakeUpCallBoss The first threatening villain to appear]]
The wick is in the portfolio line, so not a viable examination.

4752 The Wikia Editor

* Portfolio: [[HolyIsNotSafe Unsafe Holiness]] , [[CelestialParagonsAndArchangels Archangels]], AuthorityEqualsAsskicking, EliteFour, FourTemperamentEnsemble
This wick is a portfolio line. Not viable for examination.

Good uses of Auth=Ass 4/80 5%
ZCE and Unclear 20/80 25%
General misuse 46/80 57.5%
Wicks with multiple entries not all same results 6/80 7.5%
Neutral / Indexes 1/80 1.25%
Pantheon Listings 3/80 3.75%

I will admit even I was shocked to see over 75% were bad examples of this trope and not even 10% of the random generated list was a good example. Even if I include the subset numbers from Wick entries with multiple examples not uniform in response, that brings the total wicks checked to 6/97, or 6.19%, though that doesn’t include wicks with multiple entries that are the same result.

Edited by GastonRabbit on Jun 15th 2023 at 6:52:01 AM

GastonRabbit Sounds good on paper (he/him) from Robinson, Illinois, USA (General of TV Troops) Relationship Status: I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me
Sounds good on paper (he/him)
#1: Sep 24th 2022 at 9:13:11 PM

To-do list:

    Original post 
Note: This thread was proposed by isoycrazy and covers both Asskicking Equals Authority and Authority Equals Asskicking, despite the title, though both suffer from misuse.

There is rampant misuse on both of these troes based on my checks Authority Equals Asskicking Wick Check and Asskicking Equals Authority Wick Check. Not only are the names of these tropes gramatically the same (A=B is logically equivalent to B=A), but neither check has more than 20% of purely good examples.

Both tropes need to be renamed to better differentiate from each other. One Mod even admitted on the TRS thread they believed one was the redirect of the other, showing how anyone could be mistaken in this connection. One suggested set of names is to change the verb "equals" to something which shows the conditional nature of the tropes. For Authority Equals Asskicking it would be Authority Requires Asskicking. For Asskicking Equals Authority it could be The Leader Must Kick Ass. Another option could be shifting to more direct conditional terms, but that could make the trope names a bit long. Such as If P, then Q

A further problem arrises from neither trope making it clear in their pages that these are world-setting tropes and not to be focused on one or two characters.

Here are my summaries. For Authority Equals Asskicking:
Good uses of Auth=Ass 4/80 5%
ZCE and Unclear 20/80 25%
General misuse 46/80 57.5%
Wicks with multiple entries not all same results 6/80 7.5%
Neutral / Indexes 1/80 1.25%
Pantheon Listings 3/80 3.75%

For Asskicking Equals Authority
Summary out of 60 Wicks
Good: 12/60 20%
Provisionally Good: 5/60 8.33%
Zero Context Examples 20/60 33.3333333%
Unclear or Ambiguous: 3/60 5%
Misuse 13/60 21.667%
Index 0/60 0%
Multiple wicks 7/60 11.667%

Asskicking Equals Authority wick check:

Total Wicks on 7/27/2022 is 3469. The squareroot is 58.8. I will run an even 60 simplicity. Note for basic definition In other words, In this world’s setting if you're The Leader because you're the toughest, then that is Ass=Auth. If you're the toughest because you're The Leader then that is Auth = Ass. There needs to be a correlation between them. A leader who is strong is neither trope. This is a world-setting trope not a character based trope. However, I won’t automatically dismiss a wick as a misuse if it links to a character page. I will examine the main page(s) of the media to see if the trope is listed there.

The problem first off is this trope is grammatically equivalent to Authority Equals Asskicking. The Name needs to be something like The Strongest becomes the Leader. The second problem I suspect I will find is a lot of misuse. If the partner check on Authority Equals Asskicking is any template where less than 10% of all checked resulted in good examples depending on how one runs the wicks with multiple entries, then this run will be equally poor in results.

Should we need to change it, I think a better name would be The Leader Must Kick Ass. Or All Leaders Must Kickass if the trope is to remain in a more world-setting over individual characters. Either way, both show a strong conditional relationship this trope’s definition refers to.

On my process, if the numbers generated fall on a headline in the excel program, I will move one number ahead assuming it doesn’t hit a repeated number.note . And while this is not a character trope, I won’t discount the wick for falling in those pages but look to see if it matches the trope and if the whole series follows the trope. Note that the number of character tropes listes is 1554 out of 3469, or 44.79%, which incidentally is lower than in the sister check.

Set// Set 1: 334, 677, 1006, 1128, 1363, 1585, 1696, 1750, 2471 Headline > 2472, 3438
Set 2: 78, 709, 968, 1298, 1665, 2147, 2161, 3411, 3444, 3564
Set 3: 78 repeat >680 , 189, 432, 819, 1073, 1489, 2125, 2445, 2747, 3609
Set 4: 767, 871, 1156, 1224, 1244, 1332, 1427, 2012, 2779, 3216 Headline> 3217
Set 5: 137, 453, 715, 887, 965, 1036, 1624, 1926, 2286, 3540
Set 6: 158, 301, 1049, 1175, 1690, 2676, 2808, 3237, 3339 Headline >3340, 3556

I am separating the Good examples between wholly good and ones who might be good but the examples are poorly written. I don’t know how many there will be.

    Unquestionably good examples of Ass=Authority 12/ 60 20% 
These will be wholly good examples and I am counting character examples which reference if the society of the character adheres to this trope even if all other nations might not. 2472 -1- Gender Is No Object/Literature
* In ''Literature/InheritanceCycle'', there is almost no societal difference between male and female elves. They're both equally good at fighting, magic, what-have-you. They even dress the same and have the same hairstyles; when Arya disguises herself as a human woman, she admits she's always been a bit puzzled at the notion of women's clothing, and of men and women having different societal roles. The other three major races seem to abide by the concept that women stick to domestic work, with a minority of women in positions of power and almost none in combat. It is said that Urgal women, like men, gain station by [[AsskickingEqualsAuthority defeating foes]], but [[InformedAttribute we don't see any Urgal women until the very end of the series]].
Good example as it notes that Urgal people gain station by combat.

3438-2- Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: Orcs can advance through Mordor society by killing Talion or even their fellow orcs.
It talks about the whole orc society and how the leaders are taken from those who are strongest.

78-3- Devil, but No God

* In ''VideoGame/DwarfFortress'', civilizations worship various gods, with temples being built in their honor and, very rarely, holy wars in their name. For all that, the gods mostly curse people who profane them[[note]]a Death God might also teach necromancers immortality[[/note]] - and then [[GodsNeedPrayerBadly only if they're widely worshiped]]. Demons are actively involved in the world, taking over human and goblin civilizations [[GodGuise by posing as the aforementioned gods]] and [[AsskickingEqualsAuthority beating their way to the top]], respectively. [[spoiler:More show up if you've DugTooDeep. ''[[ZergRush Lots]]'' more.]] A strong Dwarven fortress is quite capable of [[DidYouJustPunchOutCthulhu demonstrating the mortality]] of these Demons. Gods they very clearly ain't.
Good example as it notes in the brief part demon society is strength-based and will beat their enemies to gain leadership.

2161-4-Anime & Manga

** The second half of the series also deconstructs AsskickingEqualsAuthority [[spoiler: and the result of [[LaResistance The Resistance]] successfully defeating TheEmpire and having to deal with ruling over the land they have liberated - when the Dai-Gurren Brigade takes up the top government positions thanks to their combat prowess, most of them do a really bad job, not everyone wants to be under their command and almost all members of Team Gurren admit they're not cut out for administrative duties.
Good example as it details people who became leaders of a land because of their combat skills. They screwed up, but it is noted to be a deconstruction of the trope, so I see it as valid nonetheless.

1073-5-Grandia Xtreme

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: Likely gained his position in the army due to his strength rather than any of his leadership qualities. He's highly respected, either way.
While it is a presumption, good example as it shows his strength is key to being the leader in this group.

2125 - 6- Dead Evil

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: The general attitude of the Northern Tribes; notably, the Drakemunde were the most powerful tribe on account of their leader Dorumarr having a black dragon as his mount and companion that he regularly terrorized the other tribes with if they encroached on the Drakemunde's territory. That was until the Forgeborn took Dorumarr and the dragon out, crippling the tribe's advantage significantly
Good example as it demonstrates a man is a leader because of his strength, or at least strength of his companion dragon.

871 - 7- Dungeons And Dragons Creatures I To L
* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: Kythons only defer to more powerful creatures, so their current rulers are their slaughterkings, who are also among the [[LargeAndInCharge largest]] of their kind.
Good example. It satisfies the conditional and a common trait for this society.

1427 -8- One-Punch Man: Monster Association

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: They're ranked in importance in the Association by their power. When Garou expresses disbelief that [[AngryGuardDog Overgrown Rover]] is counted as an Executive despite quite literally being a guard dog, his Demon-level opponents reply that sentience doesn't matter in the Monster Association as long as you have the power to back up your presence. Orochi, the supposed leader of the organisation, is its strongest member by far, requiring ''multiple'' normal punches and a '''Serious Squirt Gun (that shot LAVA)''' from Saitama to go down, [[spoiler:and even ''that'' didn't kill him completely, thanks to his ability to regenerate]]. [[labelnote: Note]]He used a serious punch against Elder Centipede, but only so that his corpse would be wiped out instead of crashing into the city.[[/labelnote]]
Good example. The association bases its leadership on the condition of strength.

2012-9-Total War: Warhammer - The Empire

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: Enforced by the College of Magic's policy. To become the Supreme Patriarch you must best the previous one in a nonlethal WizardDuel. Not to mention he's now in fact also the Elector Count of Solland, and one of the most powerful mages in the Old World.
Good example. Within the Collegiate society, he attains his position by beating the previous leader in combat.

2779-10- Magic Knight/Literature

* Anomander Rake from Creator/StevenErikson's ''Literature/MalazanBookOfTheFallen'' is both an [[TheArchmage Archmage]] and a MasterSwordsman. During the Enfilade at Pale in ''Literature/GardensOfTheMoon'', the Malazan Empire fields the 2nd Army's mage cadre ''and'' four High Mages against Anomander Rake ''alone'' and still suffers losses. He is also the only being alive who has the skill and willpower to wield the [[ForgedByTheGods forged by the Elder God Draconus]] {{BFS}} [[NamedWeapons Dragnipur]] that [[YourSoulIsMine consumes souls]] and holds the rank of Seventh in the island nation of the Seguleh, whose society is built on AsskickingEqualsAuthority with social ranks being determined by fighting. To be fair, he's had [[ReallySevenHundredYearsOld a couple millennia]] of time to perfect either skill and is an [[PhysicalGod Ascendant]].
Good example. It notes how strong he is and that strength is why he is highly ranked in an island nation’s society, though it is unclear if seventh is high or low in the command structure.

137 - 11- Immortal Ruler

*** The Nehekaran tomb kings are an amusing example because they were not intended to be immortal undead rulers. Instead many generations of rulers died, were interred, and then all reanimated at once, resulting in most of them declaring war on each other because they were ''all'' the rightful ruler determined to quash any usurpers. Settra the Imperishable has remained in power for several millennia by being the most revered in life and [[AsskickingEqualsAuthority most formidable in death]].
Good example. Within the society, the strongest undead became and remains the leader because of that strength.

3339 moved to 3340 -12 - Anime & Manga

* ''LightNovel/ThatTimeIGotReincarnatedAsASlime'': All of the citizens of Tempest are fanatically loyal to Rimiru. Part of this is because he saved all of them from various disasters and drastically improved their living conditions, part of it is that he named every single one of them individually (which creates a bond of power between them), and part of it is simply because he's the strongest thing around; [[AsskickingEqualsAuthority monsters greatly respect strength]].
The example lists Rimiru as the strongest and the monster culture to respect that ability to kick ass. He has other qualities as well, but still fits the core of Ass=Auth

     Provisionally good uses of Ass=Auth 5/ 60 8.33% 
These will be demonstrations of the trope, but might not fit the world-setting aspect.

667 -1 Buffyverse: Faith Lehane

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: In Season 7, after the Scoobies and Potentials all turn on Buffy and force her out of the house, they all nominate Faith to replace her as leader simply because she's ''also'' a full-fledged Slayer, despite the fact that Faith has almost no leadership experience and Giles and Willow are both better candidates. This decision backfires horribly when Faith's first plan leads the Potentials into a near-fatal trap, leading Buffy to bail them out.
Provisionally Good Example. Faith is given leadership because of her combat skills and few other qualifications. However, this trope is not universally shown as the Watcher Council is made up of weaker men and women who technically run the Slayers for a time.

1156 - 2- Incarnation of Legends

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: She rose to the top of the Kali Familia through her own strength and martial skill, beating out all of the other Amazons and becoming their queen in the process.
Provisionally a good example as she is shown to gain her leadership through being the strongest. However, this isn’t shown to be part of any other character or the trope main page.

1224 3- Knights And Magic Silver Phoenix Knights

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: Due to his unbelievable achievements both in Silhouette Knight development and in battle, [[spoiler: he was given command of his own knight order even before finishing school.]]
** Later in the light novel, [[spoiler: the exploits of Eru and his Silver Phoenix Knights have reach such levels that he is essntially the head of the nation's combined R&D efforts in new Silhouette Knight technology. And due to his raw combat ability both in his custom Silhouette Knight and on foot, he is recognized as the nation's last line of defense in case of a national emergency, and has command authority over ALL knight companies during such times.]]
Both lines refer to the character getting his rank and position because of his combat skills. However, this is provisional as this trait isn’t listed in the story page or for any other character.

965 -4-Final Fantasy Dimensions

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: The pirates only follow someone who is stronger than them. [[spoiler:Which means that once you beat him, he and they follow you.]]
Good example. It shows the conditional relationship between the leader and the strength to beat the previous one.

3237-5- Live-Action TV

** Season 7, "[[Recap/BuffyTheVampireSlayerS7E19EmptyPlaces Empty Places]]". The Scoobies and Potential Slayers lose confidence in Buffy's leadership and mutiny against her, forcing her out of the house and appointing Faith as leader in her place on the logic that [[AsskickingEqualsAuthority as the only other full-fledged Slayer, Faith is the most qualified for the job]]. The very next episode shows what happens when one give a leadership position to someone who has absolutely no experience: Faith's first plan leads herself and several Potentials into a DeathTrap involving a bomb and several Turok-Han vampires, with the survivors only being saved by Buffy's BigDamnHeroes moment. Several of them decide that the whole ordeal was LaserGuidedKarma for turning against Buffy.
Given this is under Surprisingly Realistic Outcome, this is a good example. They demonstrate the leadership position being chosen based on a person’s power to kick ass. However, as noted in other examples, this trope may not qualify for the world-setting aspect.

    ZCE 20/ 60 33.3333333%  
334-1 Villainous Demotivator
** [[OurOrcsAreDifferent Ork]] [[AsskickingEqualsAuthority Nobz]] are fond of this kind of approach as well. If a squad fails a morale check, a Nob with a Bosspole can "break a few heads" to restore order.
ZCE as it is just a plopped into the character’s name with no context.

1006 - 2 -Freedom City Play By Post DEF

%%* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: The societal structure of the Fryxus.
ZCE as it was already commented out when I found it.

1363 -3- Mortal Kombat vs Marvel Universe

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority
ZCE. It has no context.

709 -4- Chronicles of the Kencyrath

* [[Characters/ChroniclesOfTheKencyrathHillmen Hillmen]] [[labelnote:(Grindarks)]][[AsskickingEqualsAuthority Grisharki]]
They just plugged the trope into the character’s name as though this is all that’s needed to be known.

2147-5- Darth Wiki/Synergy

* CoolOldLady: Every vampire (or immortal) female is most likely a CoolOldLady, but special mentions go to Nell Greine, a [[PirateGirl Pirate]] [[FullyEmbracedFiend Vampire]] {{Tsundere}}, and Millicent Blade, a [[AsskickingEqualsAuthority Patrician]] [[ClassicalMovieVampire Vampire]] LadyOfWar.
ZCE. It’s just plopped into a list of words describing a character.

3564- 6- Web Animation/Xin

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: The basis of the Pillar System.
ZCE. There is nothing about leaders or strength.

189 -7- No Guy Wants to Be Chased

* ''VideoGame/MassEffect3'': While the base game paints Wrex as something of a [[ProudWarriorRaceGuy Krogan]] Casanova, and he discusses how much he's looking forward to making babies again after the [[SterilityPlague Genophage]] is cured... the Citadel DLC reveals that, being the krogan leader (and thus, clearly the [[AsskickingEqualsAuthority strongest]] of the krogan), an awful lot of krogan women want him to be the father of their firstborn, and Wrex is less than happy about this.
ZCE. It just plops the trope in one word as though this demonstrates how he is the leader because he is the strongest.

432-8-Fairy Tail

** The reason he decided to challenge the Oracion Seis in the first place? To recruit them into his rogue guild, and then he goes on to win. Jellal is a firm believer in AsskickingEqualsAuthority.
ZCE. It doesn’t demonstrate here if he became leader before this action by other means. Maybe if the other two lines above would be made into one succinct example it could work but not as this.

3609 - 9-Shinka The Last Eevee

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: Krypton, full stop.
No evidence is given to leadership or strength or the conditional nature needed.
* TookALevelInBadass: Syena finally decides to stick up for herself more and ends up challenging [[spoiler: Krypton]] to a duel in chapter 11. She loses the fight, but since [[spoiler: Krypton's a [[GeniusBruiser Genius]] LightningBruiser whose AsskickingEqualsAuthority]], it's only to be expected.
The trope is just plopped in there likely in reference to the above instance but still doesn’t demonstrate anything about Krypton’s strength or him being a leader conditional to that strength.

3216-3217 -10- Video Games

* A number of the Barons/Baronesses and Viscounts/Viscountesses in the Battle Chateau of ''VideoGame/PokemonXAndY'' brag heavily about how great they are despite all having pokemon around level 15 or 20, with one Baron in particular bragging about "being the next Viscount in the making"[[note]]A rank most players earn within roughly 10 minutes of joining the group[[/note]]. It's especially funny if the play is the current [[AsskickingEqualsAuthority Grand Duke/Duchess]].
ZCE. It doesn’t mention at all how one gains rank by beating the other members of this group. It is just plopped in there.

453 -11- Sonic Forces

* [[TookALevelInBadass After several games as a]] ButtMonkey, [[AsskickingEqualsAuthority Knuckles is the leader of the Resistance]]!
ZCE. It doesn’t show how Knuckles became the resistance leader because of his strength. It is just plopped in there.

715 -12- Citadel Of The Heart Unova

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: [[spoiler:Summons a Haxorus, seemingly out of nowhere, to deal with N's Zoroark while she focuses on Ash's Raichu.]]
ZCE. It is unclear the relationship this Durant has with the Haxorus, whether the summoned is subservient or if a debt is being paid.

1036 -13- Gears Of War Gorasni

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority
ZCE. It’s just the trope, No context.

1624 - 14-Spartacus Blood And Sand Protagonists Vengeance

* LargeAndInCharge: He is portrayed by the tallest actor in the series. [[AsskickingEqualsAuthority Spartacus, however, puts him in his place]], so to speak, when he starts a riot.
Zero context is given here how he was put in his place and if the society he comes from follows this idea.

2280 -15- Secret War

** Those under Glaitis more than qualify too, Darrance and Castella are hugely experienced assassins and [[MasterSwordsman blade masters]] Castella is very skilled with her Plasma pistol, while Darrance is a very good void craft pilot. Hayden Tresch is an extraordinarily skilled sniper and a supreme JackOfAllTrades, being a brilliant hacker, explosives expert, tech user (although he says he only dabbles) Attelus who is still considered an [[TheApprentice apprentice]] is also a very skilled (perhaps, even the most skilled) MasterSwordsman and assassin in his own right and that's not even going into [[AssKickingEqualsAuthority Glaitis.]]
ZCE. The trope is just plopped in there with no context on who the person is or if they are a leader because they are strong.

3540 -16- Fallout: New Vegas

* The one good thing of Legion rule in Arizona is that [[GenghisGambit at least it wasn't just another free-for-all between]] [[AlwaysChaoticEvil Raider and Slaver gangs]]: a Lanius swayed by the Courier's words would try to rebuild the Legion as a legitimately stable empire, while [[YouHaveFailedMe getting rid of any trouble-making subordinates]] [[AsskickingEqualsAuthority through sheer badassery alone]], [[DecapitatedArmy while a Legion deprived of all their great leaders]] [[OhNoNotAgain would go back to square one]]: [[BalkanizeMe divided between warring factions]], [[ForeverWar locked in a perpetual war]] [[KillEmAll that would leave the Legion's lands almost completely depopulated]].
Zero context as it doesn’t state anyone in particular being in charge because of strength. It is also just a long list of link tropes.

158-17- Light 'em Up

* [[AsskickingEqualsAuthority Admiral]] Kizaru from ''Manga/OnePiece'' is a light [[ElementalShapeshifter Logia]], which means he can turn into light to avoid damage, travel at the speed of light, as well as using it offensively in the form of [[EnergyWeapon giant ass building destroying lasers]].
Zero context in how his light powers enabled him to be a leader in the Navy.

1049 -18- Giant Robo

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: He's one of the Big Nine, the good counterparts to the Magnificent Ten.
ZCE. It shows no correlation between strength and leadership.

2676-19- Secret City

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: In the Order... and the Southern Fort.
ZCE on anything about strength and leadership.

2808 -20- Maken-ki!

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: Applies to both Minori and Takaki as school principal and student council president respectively, at Tenbi Academy.
ZCE on how they are strong or if their leadership is conditional on that strength.

     Unclear/Ambiguous 3/ 60 5%  

1298-1- Characters/Maneater

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: [[spoiler: After defeating the Apex Sperm Whale she becomes the new Apex Predator in Port Clovis]] and unlocks a passive benefit that, if equipped, will prevent smaller predators from attacking her.
Unclear example. It details how the shark became the apex predator of lesser creatures but doesn’t state if that means she rules them or not.

2747 -2- The Troop

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: Most of the boys defer to Kent since he's the biggest and the strongest ([[JerkJock and the meanest]]).
Possibly good example. Kent is the leader because of his size and strength. It is unclear because of lack of context in whether this is before or after the scoutmaster dies.

1690 -3- Street Fighter V

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: In his words, he worked his way up the ranks of the Nguuhao by being tough enough to survive the poison, and eventually a taste of Bison's power in combat. It's because of this strength that Bison allows him to join Shadaloo. At the same time, he came to realize Bison's "ultimate power" as a bringer of death and has vowed to use his strength in Bison's service as a result. In short, this trope is what fuels the understanding between the Emperor of Evil and his new top henchman.
Unclear context on him actually leading anything. While it says he worked his way up the ranks, other data on the page also says he is the sole survivor of his generation because of the tests and training. Can a leader be the only person left when it is designed to weed them to one person?

     Misuse examples 13/ 60 21.667%  
1128 -1- Hollow Knight Protagonists
* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: What the battle with her in Kingdom's Edge boils down to. If the Knight can beat Hornet, perhaps one of the best warriors in Hallownest, it may pass and [[spoiler:be granted the King's Brand]].
This in no way shows how she is a leader based on her strength.

1750-2-The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes! – Season Two Antagonists

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking[=/Asskicking Equals Authority: In the first half of "The Private War of Doctor Doom", the Avengers and the Fantastic Four deal with squadrons of Doom's Mecha-Mooks and his Number Two Lucia von Bardas, both capable of kicking all sorts of ass. Doom himself is the ruler of Latveria, and he is easily powerful enough to battle the combined might of the FF and the Avengers solo. He can even tank blows from the Hulk.=]
Misuse as it doesn’t say he became the leader because of that amazing strength.

968-3- Final Fantasy XIII-2

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: Mog's records state that Valfodr is one of Valhalla's most powerful warriors, and, having been granted the title of "Arbiter of Time", he's able to round up characters from different dimensions and put them in battle against each other.
Misuse. It shows no connection between strength and leadership.

1665-4-Star Wars: The Old Republic - Imperial Class / Sith Warrior

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: At least once in the storyline the Warrior is designated the leader in charge of Imperial forces. Naturally they lead the charge ([[AllUpToYou and more often than not handle the whole mission themselves]]).
Misuse. It doesn’t detail why the Warrior is made leader, whether because it is the player character, story reasons, or the warrior is the strongest.

3411 -5- Forsaken Chronicle

* AssKickingEqualsAuthority: Gage is the head of the Zephyrus Corporation. He also kicks ungodly amounts of ass. Guess why Connor respects his judgement so much.
Misuse. It just states a strong person and leader. No conditional relationship between them.

3444 -6- Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Without fail, hostile targets will be leaders of their own gang. And without fail, they ''will'' all be ''much'' stronger than their minions. Of course, this could also be a case of AsskickingEqualsAuthority.
Misuse. It doesn’t state the conditional relationship showing these guys are leaders because they are strong.

78>680 -7- Bungo Stray Dogs Port Mafia

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: [[spoiler:He was locked up by the Port Mafia for a long time before he began training new recruits to be assassins, eventually working his way up to becoming an executive]]. [[spoiler:FridgeBrilliance when you realize the timing of this promotion was six years after ''Storm Bringer'', making it likely he took A's vacant spot]].
Misuse. It is not clear at all he became an executive because of his combat skills.

819-8-Doubt Academy Tora Roster

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: He is easily the most competent person on his boat, and incredibly strong.
Misuse. It doesn’t demonstrate any leadership or correlation between strength and leadership.

1489-9 Pokemon The Great Adventure Silver Team

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: Strongest of the team. Team Leader.
Misuse. No correlation stated between strength and leadership. And it’s Silver’s team, so presumably he’s the leader overall, and Silver is just a human guy thus weaker than most Pokemon. So, she isn’t the real leader.

1332 -10- Mega Man Zero Allies

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: Not in-series, but his power is fairly well-known and he more or less fought the Elf Wars alone.
Misuse. It doesn’t demonstrate he was a leader based on his strength. It also isn’t seen in the main page, so it isn’t noted for the story or any society.

887 - 11 Eclipse

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: her philosophy, which she more than definitely lives up to, as she's the Primarch of an OutlawTown.
Misuse. It doesn’t state if this is how she became a leader. It feels like a self-demonstrating argument.

2445 -12- My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - Season 6

** Adult dragons also seem terribly lazy, and violently territorial. It's entirely likely they don't really care about being Dragon Lord enough to leave their own fiefdoms. And Torch's challenge and style of ruling rely on AsskickingEqualsAuthority; he wouldn't be able to control a group of adult dragons through force.
Misuse. While there can be competitions to determine leadership, they need to be combat-related. A race to a goal with no combat mandated between participants counts.

1696 -13- Super Mario RPG

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: When you beat him for the third time, he relinquishes his title to Mario.
Badly written example. It doesn’t describe how he is the leader of his dojo for being the strongest.

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: Got to his position by being the best, and you dethrone him by beating him.
Bad example. Misuse. While competitions can determine leadership, a footrace with no physical conflict between them does not qualify.

    Index examples 0/ 60 0% 
No Individual wicks appeared just here.

     Wicks with multiple entries but not same result 7/ 60 11.667% 

Internal Summary Of seven wicks checked, 21 total multi links came up.
1 Potentially Good
9 Good
4 Misuse
1 Unclear
1 Index
1585 -1- Shinshaku Hokuo Shinwa 1 potentially good, 1 wholly good.
* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: After the death of Ymir he gained unsually strong magic potential, making him a the strongest god among them. It probably helps that he trained thrity years afterwards.
This is potentially a good example because the guy is a leader but it isn’t said in this example.
\\* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: His stregnth is what helps him keep the village under control. [[spoiler:What gave him the position of leader in the first place was slaughtering the first leader Thrudgelmir.]]
This is a wholly good example as it says he is a leader because of a feat of strength and combat skills.

767-2- Dawn of War 3-Good, 1 Misuse, caveat: This trope is not shown on the main page as a story trope and only one other character page had any wicks. So while individually the below might look good, this isn’t established as a common trope of the universe.

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: Like any good Warboss, he's strong enough to assert his authority and keep his Boyz in line.
Good example. His leadership is stated to be conditional on kicking his subordinates ass if they try to disobey him.
* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: Like all Chaos Lords, Crull earned his title through many feats of dark bravery and sacrifices, and as such, is amongst some of the most powerful beings in the galaxy.
Good example. Earned is a conditional verb so the example demonstrates the If P, then Q quality.
* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: As both a Chaos Lord and Dark Apostle, Eliphas earned his title through many feats of dark bravery and heroism as well as thousands of sacrifices and as such, is amongst the most powerful beings in the galaxy.
Good example. Earned is a conditional verb so the example demonstrates the If P, then Q quality.
* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: Thousand acts of dark bravery and he slaughtered a thousand worlds. Yup.
Nope. Misuse. It fails to show a conditional relationship between strength and leadership.

1244 -3- League Of Legends Themes A To M 1 Good, 1 Misuse, 1 Unclear

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: The continuous battles for the Grand Coronation is what binds the Queendoms of Elysia together, and the only way for a queen to claim the crown is through combat. Even within kingdoms themselves, the throne is claimed by fighters with the most power.
Good example. The Queens become leaders in their society on the condition of winning combat tournaments.
* RoyalsWhoActuallyDoSomething: All of the queens fight on behalf of their kingdoms, for whatever purpose it may be. Even the normally-idle Janna -- who would normally rather stand by and watch the Tournament from afar -- [[AsskickingEqualsAuthority will step down to demonstrate her power if it means keeping her people safe and healthy]].
Misuse. The example isn’t worded correctly to qualify. It needs to include a note of her being like other queens of this sect and earning her place by winning a competition.
* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: Morgana became the Majestic Empress by slaying the old gods in charge of the world and taking their place.
Unclear. While Morgana is a top goddess because of her killing other gods, she is listed among a set of other champions and it isn’t said if she is their leader as well or is she subservient to a weaker person.

1926 -4- Transformers Prime Predacons 1 good, 1 ZCE.

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: [[spoiler:Assumes dominion over Darksteel and Skylynx by whooping their afts. This was also how his original self became known as the lord of Predacons by defeating others and taking their territories]].
Good example. The example details how he took control and maintains it by force.
* TheJuggernaut: Nothing has ever actually hurt him in his dragon mode. This includes blasters, punches, grenades, katanas, ship-mounted cannons, the Forge of Solus Prime, burying him under rocks, the detonation of an entire Energon mine and [[AsskickingEqualsAuthority being ganged up on by two of his fellow Predacons.]] Ultra Magnus had to bash Predaking into a cliff face while he was hanging onto his ship just to delay the Predacon long enough for an escape. Even using the Apex Armor against him leaves the wearer nothing more than a glorified chew toy, though it does offer protection against his attacks. When he took on Megatron in "Synthesis", he actually had the upper hand and probably would have won if (a) Starscream hadn't distracted him and (b) he hadn't been standing next to an airlock.
ZCE. It doesn’t comment on his leadership in the linked part nor a conditional relationship between the two.

301 - 5- The Leader 1 Index, 2 Good examples, 3 ZCE.

* '''Charismatic'''. Defining trait: ''Likeability''. TheFace of the team, either because they're the [[AssKickingEqualsAuthority most feared,]] [[DefeatEqualsFriendship most skilled]], [[TheHeart most loved and respected]], [[TheChosenOne chosen by destiny]], or are the most [[ItsPersonal personally invested in the team's goals.]] In contrast to Masterminds, [[MagneticHero their personality]] is what brings, and keeps, the team together. At an impasse, everyone else is willing to agree to what they want to do and won't argue. The strongest of these are the core of their group, weaker ones are mascots or figureheads. May overlap with or evolve into any of the other three types.
Index example in a list of leadership qualities.
* Miria of ''Manga/{{Claymore}}'' is a levelheaded leader with just a few mastermind traits, namely her [[TheStrategist ability to come up with strategies that can turn hopeless battles into victories]] and her vast knowledge of the [[TheOmniscientCouncilOfVagueness Organization]]'s secrets. She gives [[AFatherToHisMen enormous]] importance to the life of her subordinates, so much that [[spoiler:when she decides to bring down the Organization [[ThouShaltNotKill without hurting even one of her comrades still loyal to it]] the other Claymores are so impressed by Miria's clemency and ability that they refuse to use an opportunity to kill her and rather join en masse with her rebellion]]. Also, because this is ''[[WorldOfBadass Claymore]]'' and thus AsskickingEqualsAuthority then by the end of the manga Miria is also one of the most powerful Claymores alive, if not ''the'' most powerful with only Clare being a possible contender to the title.
Zero Context. The trope is inserted as though it is self-demonstrating, which isn’t acceptable.
* In ''Manga/KenichiTheMightiestDisciple'', both [[BigGood Ryouzanpaku]] and [[BigBad the One Shadow Nine Fists]] lead in the same manner. They are generally collaborations rather than an out-and-out hierarchy but Furinji Hayato and the One Shadow [[spoiler: Furinji Saiga]] [[AsskickingEqualsAuthority have the final say]] because [[MyKungFuIsStrongerThanYours they stand head and shoulders above their comrades in power]].
Good Example. It cites their leadership is conditional on their strength and kicking ass.
*** In the original version, Kyril is the [[MentorArchetype master]] of his four [[TheApprentice apprentices]], as well as FourStarBadass of his MenOfSherwood. As the former, Kyril is the most [[PragmaticHero practical]] and [[StrongAndSkilled experienced]] of the "[[FiveManBand Five-Hunter Band]]" (levelheaded). As the latter, Kyril inspires loyalty via AsskickingEqualsAuthority and [[TheDreaded dreaded]] reputation (charismatic). The "headstrong" trait is demonstrated in both roles from how he sticks with his subordinates through thick and thin, while understanding when to be flexible (e.g. ordering his men ''not'' to follow him for the sake of averting RedshirtArmy).
ZCE. It doesn’t demonstrate how he used his asskicking to attain leadership.
*** In the remastered version, Kyril is the de facto leader of his GreatEscape party. Has traits of "charismatic" (due to AsskickingEqualsAuthority) and "levelheaded" (due to him outright saying that his companions are his responsibility).
ZCE. It doesn’t demonstrate how he used his asskicking to attain leadership. Note, this is the line right after the above as well.
* ''Webcomic/SleeplessDomain'': Tessa is the leader of Team Alchemical, so appointed because [[AsskickingEqualsAuthority she's the most powerful]]. She's the one who comes up with a battle plan for her teammates, and who her teammates rely on to finish off especially strong monsters. She can be a bit controlling at times, however, which can put her at odds with her teammates, particularly [[TheLancer Sally]].
Good example. It cites her leadership being conditional to her strength.

1175 -6- I've Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years and Maxed Out My Level 1 Good, 1 Misuse

* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: PlayedWith; while she is a very high-ranking demon and extremely powerful, second only to Pecora, the Demon King, her spin-off series shows that it's more her expertise than overall power that got her position.
Good example. While it isn’t a full true example, it does cite it as a played with trope.
* AsskickingEqualsAuthority: She is one of the strongest characters in the series and the ruler of the Demon Kingdom. That said there is some debate to be had about how strong she is: for one she lost a fight against Azusa but never took the fight very serious, while for another she says she was going to make Beelzebub be her "Big Sis" which implies Beelzebub is stronger than her, but again nothing concrete to confirm that.
Misuse. It lists her as a strong demon and leader, but not that her leadership is conditional on that strength.

3556 -7- W40k: Tropes I to P 1 Misue 1 ZCE

** The [[AsskickingEqualsAuthority commanders]] of many armies are wicked fast in combat, orders of magnitude tougher than basic infantry, and often capable of wiping out entire ''squads'' of enemy troops single-handed in melee. Even out of combat, many of them have ready access to wargear (bikes, wings, teleporters and such) that allow them to rocket across the battlefield with incredible speed.
Misuse. It lists leaders and their capabilities, but not that their leadership is conditional on this strength.
** Space Marine Chapters are legally limited to a maximum of 1000 [[SuperSoldier Space]] [[WarriorMonk Marines]] per Chapter-- unless they are on a Crusade. The Black Templars have been on Crusade for 10,000 years and have well over 6,000 marines in multiple theatres of operations. It has long since got to the point that even they have no idea how many marines they have and where, and are just running on pure AsskickingEqualsAuthority. By the time anyone gets around to counting heads, the casualty toll usually makes things irrelevant.
ZCE. It just lists the trope with no context.

Looking at the final tabulations below, there is rampant misuse and zero context examples, the former coming mostly when people show a strong leader but it not being conditional, and the latter when they feel the examples are self-demonstrating. Even if I were to include the subwicks of the Multifolder into the total numbers, it doesn’t bode well to the totals of good examples. I am happy more than 25% were good or provisionally good examples compared to the Authority Equals Asskicking numbers. But that still means a vast majority of these wicks are bad examples in one form or another.

Summary out of 60 Wicks
  • Good: 12/60 20%
  • Provisionally Good: 5/60 8.33%
  • Zero Context Examples 20/60 33.3333333%
  • Unclear or Ambiguous: 3/60 5%
  • Misuse 13/60 21.667%
  • Index 0/60 0%
  • Multiple wicks 7/60 11.667%

Summary with Multiple Wicks added into total, now out of 74:
  • Good: (12+9)/74 12.1216%
  • Provisionally Good: (5+1)/74 8.108%
  • Zero Context Examples (20+5)/74 33.783%
  • Unclear or Ambiguous: (3+1)/74 5.405%
  • Misuse (13+4)/74 22.972%
  • Index (0+1)/74 1.351%

Authority Equals Asskicking wick check:

Total Wicks as of 7/12/2022 is 5391. The number to check is around 78. I am checking an even 80. Note for basic definition In other words, In this world’s setting if you're The Leader because you're the toughest, then that is Ass=Auth. If you're the toughest because you're The Leader then that is Auth = Ass. This is a world-setting trope not a character based trope. However, I won’t automatically dismiss a wick as a misuse if it links to a character page. I will examine the main page(s) of the media to see if the trope is listed there.

The problem with both is the term Equals which has in it a basic logical issue of equivalence. If A=B, then they are the same thing irregardless of orientation. So B=A. This means these trope names are the same thing, which their definitions show they aren’t. The names should be changed to Authority Requires, or necessitates or implies Asskicking, or maybe All Leaders Kick Ass something to show the conditional nature of the trope definition and it not being a character trope.

A related issue in this ambiguity is this trope is meant to be about the world-setting not just a single strong warrior who is also a leader, as noted on discussions here and here. As such looking at the total list and using find and replace on google excel, there are about 2,740 instances of this being on character pages. Or 50.8% of all current wicks.

In regards to what I expect to find, I expect there will be rampant misuse in the manner of P and Q examples not the required If P then Q, or to be specific, they will cite the person as a leader and strong, but not cite a conditional relationship between them.

Set numbers:
Set 1: 1043, 1464, 1647, 2157, 4033, 4525, 5052, 5603
Set 2: 114, 333, 464, 1869, 2179, 2301, 3690, 3758
Set 3: 468, 880, 2145, 2746, 3622, 4880, 4886, 4986
Set 4: 1211, 1631, 1663, 2678, 2998, 3151, 4280, 5518
Set 5: 445, 888, 1272, 1395, 2304, 3647, 4451, 5491
Set 6: 220, 1487, 2013, 3091, 4092, 4544, 5093, 5253
Set 7: 933, 1449, 1450, 2731, 2892, 3899, 4455, 5498
Set 8: 814, 3186, 3338, 3716, 4084, 4752, 5298, 5413
Set 9: 132, 244, 984, 1293, 2494, 3487, 3942( to become 3943)note , 5317
Set 10: 129, 398, 1127, 1321, 2853, 3049, 3896 (to become 3897)note , 4534

     Good uses of Auth=Ass 4/ 80 5% 

4033 Book of Judges

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: The position of "Judge" was not just a judicial title, but also signified a badass military leader--think ancient versions of ''ComicBook/JudgeDredd''.
Cites the judges as both leaders of the judiciary but also skilled and dangerous fighters in the ancient Jewish societies. While not representing the whole world, it reflects this society. I will give it a tepid approval.

3647 The Vasto of White

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Being the ''de facto'' ruler of Hueco Mundo does nothing more than paint a giant target on Shirou's back, and he often has to resort to violence to maintain that position.
Borderline good example. If he is the leader, then he needs to defend his spot. If he is defending his spot, then he needs to be tougher than others. Ergo, If he is the leader, then he needs to be tougher than others.

4092 Morgenregen: The Black Forest Fairy

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Succession in the Black Forest royal family works by the claimant challenging the incumbent to a duel.
Good example. As the leader needs strength to face challengers and survive or would-be ones take over, it fits the conditional.

4544 Game of Thrones S1E3: "Lord Snow"

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Tyrion explains why; those born to privilege have skilled instructors and time set aside every day to practice their skills. They can't help but become better than the smallfolk who make up most of the Night's Watch recruits.
If you're the toughest, then you train hard. If you train hard, then you have the rank and money to get training. If you have the rank and money to get training, then you are nobility. If you are nobility, then you are a leader. Ergo, If you are the toughest then you are a leader. It also describes the world setting for these kingdoms.

    ZCE and Unclear 20/ 80 25% 

5063 5 Second Films 1

* MemeticBadass: [[ Tom]] [[ Watson]], [[AuthorityEqualsAsskicking MP for West Bromwich East.]]
This is ZCE as it just potholes some words to the trope in this poorly done meme trope.

464 Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 2

* In ''[[ Rastakhan's Rumble: Ticket to Greatness Part 5]]'', Thrall gets chosen from the audience to fight Bwomsamdi, the Loa of Death, one-on-one. If he wins, everyone in the coliseum gets a prize. However, if he loses, he'll lose his soul. Just when Thrall [[OhCrap thinks he's screwed]], guess who joins his side? ''[[AuthorityEqualsAsskicking King Rastakhan himself!]]'' They proceed to lay a beatdown on Bwomsamdi [[OffscreenMomentOfAwesome (which sadly isn't shown onscreen)]] and [[SugarWiki/HeartwarmingMoments win free card packs for the entire audience. Including you.]]
ZCE as it is just put in as a pothole link and does nothing to better the example.

2179 Pathfinder Fiendish Divinities 3

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Additionally, as shown in Bestiary 6, Charon is the most powerful; the others range from CR 27 to CR 29, while Charon stands proud at CR 30.
ZCE. Too much information is in other tropes around and doesn’t describe how Charon being the de facto leader of the four horsemen makes him the strongest.

2301 Red Alert 3 Paradox Expanded Universe 4

%%* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking
This is under two characters, Asma and Victoria, and both have been commented out as ZCE already.

468 Shining Resonance 5

** And he ''survives''! Although he's seriously injured in his duel with Excella, he makes a full recovery and continues ruling Astoria. There's [[AuthorityEqualsAsskicking a reason he's the king]], after all.
ZCE pothole as it doesn’t say if he is the strongest by virtue of being a leader.

3622 The Bridge 6

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking:
** ''Princesses'' of Equestria, Luna and Celestia on the Equestrian side; and ''King'' of the Monsters, Godzilla on the Kaiju side. =]
** On the villain side, almost all of the major Equestrian villains [[spoiler: Grogar's students]] had/have a royal title; Sombra was a tyrant king of the Crystal Empire for a time, Chrysalis is the queen of the changelings; and going off the comics, Tirek was the crown prince in a faraway kingdom.
ZCE as all it says is their titles but nothing else. Not if one set is stronger than others, or how prevalent this trope is in their worlds. Or how being leaders came from their being strong.

4880 Iron Kingdoms 7

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Garrick Voyle, who was literally invincible under Menoth's blessing.
ZCE. Doesn’t describe his strength or ability to kick ass. An invincible person can be a weakling after all. Does Not define his leadership station or if earned from an ability to kick ass.

4888 Tabletop Game/Stratego has two links. 8

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: In any duel, the higher-ranked piece wins. With equal ranks, either each destroys the other or the aggressor wins, [[DependingOnTheWriter depending on which rule you play by]]. However, see TheOnlyOneAllowedToDefeatYou.
With the lack of story of the game, it is hard to tell if this should even apply to the game. Plus, should the “toughest” be able to be defeated by only the weakest piece or bomb? There are other tropes which could better exemplify the pieces having set rotations of victory and defeat. Tactical Rock–Paper–Scissors comes to mind.

* FrontlineGeneral: The Field Marshal and the General are [[AuthorityEqualsAsskicking the two most powerful pieces on the board]], and are often placed on the front lines for this reason. (Of course, it's dangerous for them to get too aggressive because of the risk of hitting a bomb.)
ZCE as it seems to be just put in there as those are the strongest pieces in the game save for the spy or bombs who can take them out.

1663 Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull 9

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: By far the strongest bad guy in the film.
ZCE as it doesn’t detail in any way how being the leader in a soviet group means he is strong. Add in, his superior is weaker than him, so this is not a world-setting.

3151 Virtual Warrior World 10

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Leader of [=IceClan, as well as an Action Girl.=]
* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: A competent warrior in his own right.
* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Leader of [=RockClan, as well as a competent warrior.=]
Each one doesn’t describe how strong the characters are or how being the leader necessitated their being strong.

445 Critical Role Followers Of The False Serpent 11

* The Plank King himself gets a villainous example by how he deals with Avantika caught in a lie. Namely by lifting her several feet off the ground by her neck, and then BREAKING it. One handed. AuthorityEqualsAsskicking indeed.
ZCE. This is just plugged into the example but doesn’t describe anything about the Plank King being a leader consequently meant he is strong.

5491 Netherworld Chronicles 12

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: The general rule of thumb for Netherworld politics.
ZCE as it gives nothing to the trope. It describes no conditional relationship between power and leadership.

220 Pregnant Badass 13

* In ''TabletopGame/LegendOfTheFiveRings'', the [[AmazonBrigade Matsu]] ''[[AuthorityEqualsAsskicking daimyo]]'' thwarted an assassination attempt while six months pregnant. She, her husband, and their [[LittleMissBadass twelve year-old daughter]] killed a dozen of the Phoenix Clan's most skilled samurai.
ZCE and was put into the link. It fails to show any conditional relationship.

3091 Universal Wrestling Federation Hook N Shoot 14

* AuthorityEqualsAssKicking: The head fighter of Silverbacks Vale Tudo.
* AuthorityEqualsAssKicking: Has competed in 3 MMA fights, one in his own promotion.
ZCE for both. Neither trope line describes any leadership ranking or if their strength was a key factor in it.

3889 The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel 15

* During the epilogue sidequest where Patrick wants to determine who among the academy is the strongest of all, the final round happens to be ''[[AuthorityEqualsAsskicking Principal Vandyck and Instructor Beatrix]]''. Rean then starts making his RousingSpeech to the other two party members when:
--> Vandyck : Haha. There's our Class VII. Although it wouldn't be fair if only three of you took us on. You should call another one of your classmates.
--> Beatrix : There's no fun for any of us in an easy win, after all.
--> Rean : (in his head) Oookay, now I'm really scared...
ZCE. It’s just put in the example quote but fails to show anything about the trope itself.

4084 Legend of the Galactic Heroes 16

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Played straight AND subverted. In both sides of the conflict, there's people who use their authority for heavy loads of badassery and people whose authority is actually a detriment to their society. Reinhard von Lohengramm, Yang Wen-li and their subordinates are examples of the former. Job Trunicht, the former Imperial nobility and some particularly incompetent military officers on both sides are examples of the later.
There is no actual context. It is a long rambling example with nothing concrete on strength or leadership, just vague mentions of it.

5413 Mass Effect 3 17

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Averted initially. [=CnC vessels aren't meant for straight fights, and even the dreadnought-based Armada CnC is weaker than proper combat dreads. Later played straight with the flagship CnC being a 1 per person plus-sized dreadnought that effectively combines an Armada and Blazer section, as well as the sequel's Leviathans.=]
The link is just plopped into a line without any context to the trope. ZCE.

132 Hero Unit 18

** In the first ''VideoGame/HaloWars'', [[TheEmpire the Covenant]] have their [[AuthorityEqualsAsskicking leaders]] (namely the Arbiter, the Prophet of Regret, and the Brute Army Commander), who can be quite important to have out on the field for their battle prowess, as their other units tend to be on the "[[GlassCannon subve]][[FragileSpeedster rsive]]" side of the FactionCalculus scale. You can also only [[PowersViaPossession use your faction superpower by controlling them directly]]. On the other hand, the [[UnitedNationsIsASuperPower UNSC]] have [[EliteMooks Spartans]]; while not as [[OneManArmy singularly powerful]] as the Covenant's leader units, they are still quite badass in their own right and can [[EnemyExchangeProgram hijack]] enemy vehicles or commandeer friendly vehicles for a power boost. The limit on how many of these units you can have still goes for both sides, though[[note]]But their respective population caps are also independent from the main one in either case[[/note]]; namely, one leader for the Covenant and three Spartans for the UNSC. In the campaign, Sgt. Forge and SPARTAN-II Red Team function as a quartet of Hero Units; if one of them goes down, there is even text reading "You have a downed hero."
The link is just plopped into a line without any context to the trope. ZCE

2494 Spartacus Blood And Sand Antagonists Blood And Sand 19

%%* AuthorityEqualsAssKicking
ZCE. It was already commented out.

3942 to becomes 3943 One Piece 20

* There's also Shiki and Roger, although it seems to be one-sided on Shiki's part. Shiki is first seen in his introductory scene offering Roger a chance to [[WeCanRuleTogether join forces to take over the world]]. Of course, Roger refuses despite being outnumbered a 100-1 and the huge battle that ensues leaves Shiki's forces devestated and with Shiki having a wheel stuck through his head. Later, when Roger is supposedly captured by the Marines and sentenced to death, Shiki invades Marineford to rescue him, [[TheOnlyOneAllowedToDefeatYou refusing to believe that someone as strong as Roger was so easily captured]]. He's stopped by Garp and Sengoku, the [[AuthorityEqualsAssKicking most powerful men in the Marines]] (at the time at least), who inform him that [[YourPrincessIsInAnotherCastle Roger's execution is being held at Loguetown in East Blue]] and that they would not allow Shiki to invade the East Blue to stop the execution. The battle that ensued took out half of Marineford, but ultimately ended in Shiki being sent to [[TheAlcatraz Impel Down]] where he managed to escape by ''cutting off his own legs and replacing them with swords'', ultimately planning to take over the world and devestate it with his own devices. On the whole, he comes off as something of a {{Yandere}} when it comes to Roger!
ZCE as the link is just put into the prose.

     General misuse 46/ 80 57.5%  

1043 Characters/Demonbane 1

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: And how! The only thing who stands the slightest chance in a fight with him is a fully powered Demonbane.
This is a misuse as it doesn’t describe any reason why being the leader of his group makes him the strongest, and it is unclear if this is a trope applying to other groups as well.

2157 Out of Place, Out of Time 2

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: He earned the rank of General of the Minutemen by storming The Castle, and has more than his share of badass credentials.
In no way does this describe him being the strongest fighter of his group. Badass creds don't equal strongest.

1464 Gen¹³ 3

* AuthorityEqualsAssKicking: The Majestrix is the strongest of the Coda Warriors and also their leader.
Misuse as this only describes the individual and isn’t reflecting on the whole society. Looking at the main media page, both comic and animation, Authority Equals Asskicking doesn’t even show up.

1647 I Don't Want This Kind of Hero 4

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: The highest on the ladder in Spoon and, unsurprisingly, the toughest fighter.
Misuse as it doesn’t make reference if this is a common thing in her world. Looking at the main page and the villains, it doesn’t seem to be, so it fails to be a subset of the world fitting the trope.
* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Not the same extent as Dana, but it's there. He acts as her NumberTwo, and while he lacks a reputation and doesn't typically get into fights unless Knife is involved, he's dangerous when he does get to see the action.
Misuse as it doesn’t make reference if this is a common thing in her world. Looking at the main page and the villains, it doesn’t seem to be, so it fails to be a subset of the world fitting the trope.

5425 Asterix and the Chariot Race 5

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Princesses Nefersaynefer and Kweenlatifer from the kingdom of Kush easily keep up with the male racers, and can even hold their own in a brawl with the Romans.
While the princesses might have kickass capabilities, this is not shown to be a common fact of this fiction. It also doesn’t show how them being princesses necessarily means they are strong. So it is a misuse.

5052 Crab War 6

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: All Crab Queens and Kings are very much capable of combat and are usually stronger than the basic crabs. The Reptile Kings and Queens are also extremely powerful and require your Crab Kings to take down.
This is a misuse because the example just says, “X is the leader and X is strong.” It isn’t stating the necessity for the King crabs to be stronger to earn their leadership role.

114 Fight Clubbing 7

* You can join a fight club in ''[[VideoGame/FableI Fable]]''. One of the strongest members is [[spoiler:[[AuthorityEqualsAsskicking the mayor of one of the towns]].]]
Misuse because it doesn’t describe if the whole game runs on the same concept of the trope.

1869 MCU: Criminals & Terrorists – Fisk Crime Ring 8

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Downplayed, but he appears to be in charge of the common rankers and was the one who put up most of a fight against Kate in the wine cellar fight. He later fights Clint in Episode 6 with some degree of competence and even catches one of his arrow midflight.
Misuse because he isn’t the leader initially of his organization and doesn’t become it by virtue of his strength but machinations of other villains.

3690 Arrow: The Ultimate Weapon 9

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Min-Soon, Nam-Yi's and Ja-In's adoptive father, takes up a sword to defend his village, killing multiple soldiers before being killed. Seo-Goon, his son, does even better, helping to free the village captives and rescue Ja-In.
Misuse as it doesn’t state that Min-soon is strong by virtue of being a leader. It doesn’t even say if this applies to the enemy side as well, failing the world aspect of the trope.

3758 Natural Born Killers 10

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: [=McClusky, the Warden of the prison that Mickey and Mallory are held at, is no pencil pusher, personally breaking up a fight between two of the inmates without asking the guards for help. Lampshaded by Scagnetti, who says that he should appear on American Gladiators.=]
Misuse because it just says he is strong and a leader. It doesn’t say if he became warden on virtue of his strength.

880 Chain Chronicle Soldiers 11

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: [[spoiler: His 5-star upgrade also comes with the revelation that he [[YouKillItYouBoughtIt eventually took up the leadership of his clan]], presumably to end the succession feud once and for all.]]
While he might work as a strong leader, there is no indication in the series whole that this trope applies to other groups save for another character mentioned.

2145 One Piece: Water 7 12

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Subverted. Despite most of Galley-La's shipwrights being strong fighters, Iceburg is just the best at making ships but has no combat ability.
Misuse. This would only be a genuine subversion if a majority of leaders in the world were all capable of kicking ass, but plenty of them are not the strong kick ass people. This isn’t a world-covering trope for ‘’One Piece’’.

2746 The Dragon and the Bow 13

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: The Chief of Berk knows no equal in battle or tactics.
Misuse as this doesn’t establish this trope being present for all other viking tribes and if Stoik got the position because of his ability to kick ass.

4986 Alchemy Stars 14

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: A gameplay-based one: the Captain of your squad, AKA the first in your formation, is able to attack even when they're not walking on their element's tile, which also allows them to use their Chain Skill much more often.
Misuse. It doesn’t describe how being a leader grants him this power. Add in the true leader of the group is the player’s character controlling them, and that character cannot kick ass, he needs these strong servants.

1631 How to Train Your Dragon Films - Outcast Tribe 15

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Seems to be a trend in this show. This bugger ''can swing a Nadder by the tail.''
Being strong and a leader doesn’t equate to the trope. This needs expanding to detail how being the leader makes him strong. Also, few other leader characters show this trope so it isn’t represented in the world setting.

2998 Trails Series Erebonia Ironblood 16

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Chief of Staff of the Noble Alliance, a brilliant strategist, and a master of court fencing. And later on, the first Governor-General of Crossbell.
While it establishes him as a leader and a fighter, it doesn’t show the conditional aspect that if one is a leader then one can kick ass. It is also not clear if this is a trope across a majority of the series.

4280 Manga/Wolfsmund 17

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking:
** Sir Berthold as the gatekeeper knight of Wolfsmund, besting many skilled rebels that were able to slaughter the regular Hapsburg soldiers.
** Wolfram proved to be this as well. Despite the depiction as a SissyVillain, he proved to be a NotSoHarmlessVillain by being expertly skilled with short swords.
The first example is misuse as it doesn’t identify if the gatekeeper knight is a leader of his unit. The second example doesn’t demonstrate how being a leader necessitated Wolfram being strong. It also isn’t clear if this applies to other organizations.

5518 Adventures of the Gummi Bears 18

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: From his duel with Igthorn in the last episode it's clear Gregor is no frail old ruler and probably stronger than a lot of his knights. If only being the king didn't keep him out of most opportunities for action.
While the king is a strong fighter, it doesn’t describe the necessity of his strength to being a leader. It also isn’t clear if this trope works for all the other groups.

888 Child of the Storm: Villainous Groups 19

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: One of Surtur's vanguard, sent to destroy worlds alone - and implied to have done so. //
He isn’t a leader. He isn’t implied to be the strongest. He is a powerful lackey. Misuse.

1272 Fairy Tail Redux Salamanders Time Traveling Escapades World Government 20

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Him being Chairman isn’t simply a political thing for him, as he was strong enough to subdue Erza.//
* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Guran Doma has this, since he’s a member of the Magic Council and [[spoiler:the leader of the Scheherazade Division of Sen’ya Ichiya.]]//
Both are misuse. Neither show how being the leader requires their strength. They are just physically strong leaders.

1395 First Encounter Assault Recon - United States Military 21

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: The leader of the team and a calm, wise soldier who is mostly unphased even by the supernatural phenomena at play. //
Doesn’t describe the conditional relationship for the trope. He’s just a leader who might be strong. Unclear if this trope works for other areas in the story as well.

2304 Red Sonja (1985) 22

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Gedren really doesn't shy away from combat and gives Sonja one hell of a fight in their final battle.
Just being a strong leader doesn’t qualify for this trope. Misuse.

1487 Ghost Recon Wildlands Santa Blanca Cartel 23

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Is attacked twice during the game and slaughters his opponents personally. //
Misuse. While he is a leader, it fails to show any conditional relationship between his kicking ass and leadership.

2013 Miraculous The Phoenix Rises Team Arctic 24

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Is leader of the student council and a powerful Miraculer.
It fails to show any causal relationship between leadership and strength.

5093 Earthworm Jim 25

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Queen Slug-For-A-Butt is not the hardest FinalBoss there is, but she can still be a threat by attacking you with her [[MagicWand mystical scepter]] or her, well, [[AssKicksYou slug-for-a-butt]].
While she is the leader and possibly strong, it doesn’t state she is the strongest of her minions nor does it show any causal relationship between the two.

5253 Secret Service 26

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: The leader of the mob shows up at the very end of ''Security Breach'' to fight you and try to kill the President. He's got 500 health, compared to 100 to 250 health for regular enemies, and is armed with an assault rifle. He's not quite tough enough to be a full boss fight, but is still the toughest individual enemy in the game.
Tough villain and mob leader, sure, but fails to describe the conditional relationship between the two.

933 Codex Equus Second Age Heroes 27

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking / WarriorPrincess: She was a princess to a hidden race of undersea warriors and was her realm's mightiest warrior.
Fails to show the conditional aspect of the trope.
* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: While too old to put on the mask and cape again by the time she got elected mayor of Saint Cantle, Scale was still an experienced super-heroine who insisted on keeping her skills sharp in retirement.
Keeping skilled doesn’t mean she is still the toughest anymore. It fails to show a conditional relationship between her strength in youth and leadership in later years.

1449 Game of Thrones - Stannis Baratheon 28

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking:
** After his navy is destroyed, he leads the charge into King's Landing himself, killing several Lannister soldiers with ease. His men actually have to drag him kicking and screaming off the battlefield once it becomes clear that they have lost the battle.
** Prior to Robert's death and the War of the Five Kings, Stannis was the Master of Ships on the King's Small Council. Under his command, the Royal Fleet soundly smashed the Ironborn fleet during the Greyjoy Rebellion.
While a skilled fighter is exemplified, it fails to show the conditional nature of the trope and how his strength came from being a leader.

1450 Game of Thrones - Supernatural Beings 29

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: It's clear that he's the best fighter among the White Walkers, as well as possessing the strongest necromantic powers. Perhaps his greatest victory is of his own making, when he personally kills Viserion with a spear throw, then proceeds to resurrect and use him to destroy a part of the Wall, allowing his gigantic army of the dead a passage into the Seven Kingdoms.
Fails to show the conditional nature of the trope. Misuse.

2731 The Crown & the Flame 30

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: He gives Kenna one hell of a fight regardless which weapon you pick for the final battle.
* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Is the leader of the mercenaries and the most formidable fighter. Val states that no one dared oppose him until Kenna beat him in battle.
Misuse for both. Neither show the conditional relationship between their being leaders and being able to kick ass.

2892 The Spartan Legacy Shipmasters Forces 31

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Lunacy aside, the Shipmaster is ''head and shoulders'' the most skilled character in the series. Even without his forces, he's able to fight through a horde of Flood on his own, whereas the Spartans barely survived. In the climax, he easily ambushes Katherine and defeats Saul, and could have killed them both were it not for Grey's intervention and his own hubris.
Misuse. His strength and leadership are not shown to be conditional towards each other.

5498 Study Group 32

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Detective Na and the leaders of White Lead gang are undeniably expert on fighting.
Misuse. It states no conditional relationship between their being leaders and kicking ass.

814 Blue SWAT 33

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: She's the leader of the Space Mafia and by far their strongest member, even being able to match Gold-Platinum's power.
There is no conditional referenced between the power of the person and leadership.

3186 Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Marines 34

* IControlMyMinionsThrough: Despite being awesomely powerful in his own right, and more than willing to resort to AuthorityEqualsAsskicking when needed (or if he's in a bad mood, [[HairTriggerTemper or if it's a day that ends with a Y]]), Abaddon is overshadowed by the raw power of the daemon primarchs. However, Abaddon made himself the undisputed Warmaster because he alone has the vision, drive, and sheer willpower needed to weld the traitor legions together and take them to war against the Imperium.
* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: The leader of the enemy forces in his game, and by the far the most proficient personal combatant among them.

While both examples list a strong leader, they don’t reference any conditional relationship between being a leader and kicking ass.

3338 Alone 35

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: The highest in the First Families and lowest in the Last Families are the most powerful children in their side. [[spoiler: Justified in that every children appearing in Limbo has a dormant power, with only the mightiest developing, for better or worst, while the other are assimilated by the Limbo World.]]
Misuse. While strength is referenced, there is no conditional relationship stated between being strong and being a leader.

3716 Equilibrium 36

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: [[spoiler:After depending entirely on his bodyguards previously, [=DuPont demonstrates in his fight scene with Preston that he's an extremely proficient Gun Kata fighter. This is foreshadowed by DuPont delivering the exposition about Gun Kata in the first third of the film, and later by DuPont talking about the rumour that "one of us, the Cleric" had turned.]]=]
* CulturedBadass: The BigBad, being a hypocrite, keeps an art collection and reads poetry, quoting Yeats right before the climactic fight. He is also a GunKata [[AuthorityEqualsAsskicking master]].
Misuse. Both examples refer to a leader who is a kickass fighter, but both fail to refer to any conditional relationship between the two.

5298 Sword of the Stars 37

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Averted initially. [=CnC vessels aren't meant for straight fights, and even the dreadnought-based Armada CnC is weaker than proper combat dreads. Later played straight with the flagship CnC being a 1 per person plus-sized dreadnought that effectively combines an Armada and Blazer section, as well as the sequel's Leviathans.=]
Misuse as it just lists strong ships, but nothing about its conditional nature to leadership.

984 Dangan Ronpa RPG 38

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: One of the more competent fighters in the group, and he's a prince.
Misuse. It shows no correlation between the leadership and his ability to kick ass.

1293 Fallout: New Vegas - Honest Hearts 39

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Several Legionaries remark he was [[UpToEleven a better warrior than Lanius himself.]] He continues to kick ass after he becomes the leader of the Dead Horses as well.

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Several characters in Zion remark that Salt leads from the front, and has personally killed hundreds of the White Legs' enemies with his custom power fist. Depending on player level, he has about 600-800 hit points and 16 DT, which makes him nearly as durable as Legate Lanius himself, who has 920 hit points and 18 DT. This is in addition to him having a rating of 100 in Unarmed and the second highest speed of any human NPC. Graham can still curbstomp him effortlessly, though.]
Both are misuses as they don’t show any correlation between leadership and strength. Also, looking at the main page, half the other leaders don’t have asskicking power alone, so it doesn’t seem to be a world-trope.

3487 Dragon Ball Z Abridged 40

* "[[BigNo Nooooo!]] [[SayMyName NAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL!]] [[Film/DayOfTheDead1985 Choke on them! Choke on them!]]" [[spoiler:Super Kami Guru after confessing [[AssholeVictim he caused the drought and shifted the blame on the albinos]]. [[KarmicDeath He is then killed by his fellow Namekians in a fit of vengeance]] [[ImAHumanitarian and eaten by Moori]], [[AuthorityEqualsAsskicking who becomes the new grand elder]].]]
Misuse and ZCE. The one who becomes leader only did it because he got to eat Guru’s head and so absorbed the bulk of Guru’s power, not because he was the toughest of the surviving Namekians (and that would be Piccolo at this moment).

5317 The Last Story 41

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking:
** General Asthar is the leader of the Lazulis Knights. He kicks ridiculous amounts of ass.
** Averted with Count Arganan, who is useless in battle.
Both are misuses. The generals’ position isn’t mentioned to be because he can kick ass. And the aversion fails to note if this trope is a common thing in the world, thus explaining why he is an aversion to the world’s common feature.

1127 Dragon Ball: Jiren 42

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Subverted. He's explicitly stronger than Top [[spoiler:and even in the same tier as actual Gods of Destruction, maybe even stronger]], but still subordinate to him in the Pride Troopers.
Misuse. Just because the subordinate is stronger doesn’t make it a subversion. If the society he comes from enforces leadership requiring the ability to kick ass, then it would qualify, but as it is, lacks information.

1321 Fate: The Winx Saga 43

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: She is renowned for being one of the most powerful fairies in the entire Otherworld and is obsessed with turning Stella into this in addition to preparing her for her future duties as Queen of Solaria.
Misuse. It fails to refer to any conditional relationship between strength and leadership.

2853 The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything: A VeggieTales Movie 44

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: [[spoiler:The Pirates ultimately can't do much against Robert and Robert almost destroys them...but the moment the King shows up, his ship disables Robert's ship in a matter of seconds and Robert's men [[ScrewThisImOuttaHere bail out rather than deal with him.]]]]
Misuse. It fails to note the conditional relationship between the King being king and his strength.

3049 Turn 45

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Played with. He's the Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army, but suffers serious defeats of his own on more than one occasion. On the other hand, he's capable of delivering impressive results as well, such as at Trenton and Monmouth (the latter was not exactly a victory, but could have gone a whole lot worse had it not been thanks to Washington's ability to rally the colonists after Lee's abysmal handling of the assault).
Misuse. Leadership in the Continental army wasn’t dependent on kicking the most ass. And it fails to show any correlation between him being leader and kicking ass.

4534 Black Lightning (2018) S 1 E 2 "LaWanda: The Book of Hope" 46

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: While Tobias Whale isn't nearly as big as he is in the comics, he still manages to choke Lala to death with one hand.
Misuse as it doesn’t show any correlation between strength and leadership.

    Wicks with multiple entries not all same results 6/ 80 7.5%  
333 1 Warrior Prince 1 Neutral link, 2 Misuses
A subtrope of RoyalsWhoActuallyDoSomething. See also ActionPolitician, AuthorityEqualsAssKicking, and LadyOfWar.
This is a Neutral index wick.

* Quite common in ''TabletopGame/{{Warhammer}}''. With AuthorityEqualsAsskicking and armed with AncestralWeapon this means that several of them are capable to take down large monsters and demons.
Misuse as it doesn’t describe how being a princely fighter means they are necessarily strong.

* Artos who becomes the 'Warrior King' in the single-player campaign for the computer game ''VideoGame/WarriorKings''. He starts off as the son of a powerful baron and when his dad is murdered at the command of the Big Bad of the game, Artos leads an uprising and conquers province after province eventually owning the entire empire in the name of vengeance and either scientific enlightenment, the One God or the tribal gods of the pagans. Artos is very much the picture of [[AuthorityEqualsAssKicking Authority Equals Ass Kicking]], barring the demons, the big bad and his 2nd, there is no unit more powerful than Artos and that's before he gains increased stats and new powers.
Close but still misuse as it doesn’t describe if Artos being a warrior king is typical for all other leaders. It needs more information.

1121 2 Dragon Age – Races 1 ZCE, 2 using Ass=Auth not this trope.

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: This is expected of the nobility.
ZCE as it doesn’t describe how being the leader would make them strong.
* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking:
** Promotions in Qunari society are based on skill and suitability for the task -- in the case of soldiers, that means fighting. For this reason, the highest-ranking soldiers are ''very good'' at being soldiers, meaning that if you encounter an officer, you can bet he's the best fighter in the group.
** The first volume of ''The World of Thedas'' claims they hold bloody ritualistic duels for the higher ranks. The second volume erratas this as merely Orlesian propaganda.
On the first bullet, that isn’t this trope. That is more fitting with Asskicking Equals Authority. Asskicking becomes a prerequisit for advancing in rank.
The second bullet is also better suited for Asskicking equals Authority as it describes, though ultimately propaganda, the same type of behavior.

2678 3 TerraforMARS 1 Misuse, 1 ZCE

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: Bit of a [[SubvertedTrope subversion]] considering [[spoiler: he becomes the Prime Minister in Annex I though his power isn't very useful combat wise.]]
Misuse as it doesn’t describe how other leaders in the setting are strong because they are leader types.
* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: He's the commander for a reason.
ZCE. Examples are not self-evident.

244 4 Royals Who Actually Do Something 1 index, 2 ZCE

Compare ModestRoyalty, AuthorityEqualsAsskicking, NonIdleRich, RichKidTurnedSocialActivist.
Index reference.
* Most ''TabletopGame/DungeonsAndDragons'' settings have AuthorityEqualsAsskicking and/or AsskickingEqualsAuthority as a matter of fact. But even if the land is not under constant attacks or a hereditary [[TheMagocracy magocracy]], expect high-ups to keep their hands (or other appendages) very busy with large-scale juggling. Which applies to ruling monarchs and other BlueBlood alike.
ZCE. It is just put in there with no reference to anything else in series about this trope and how leadership is conditional on asskicking

-> * In ''TabletopGame/YuGiOh'', there are the Monarchs (Emperors in Japan), an archetype of Monsters based on Attributes; all the base Monarchs (except Zaborg) are Level 6, [[AuthorityEqualsAsskicking they all have an ATK of 2,400]], there is one for each Attribute (except Light, which has two), and most gain their effects from being Tribute Summoned. [[ Mobius the Mega Monarch]] is an evolved Level 7 form of one of them, released in the latest set, suggesting more Mega Monarchs are to follow.
ZCE. The trope seems to be plopped in there with no real reference to the trope’s meaning. No mention if these cards have some hierarchy to qualify as leadership.

398 5 Phantasy Star Online 2: The Animation 1 misuse. 1 ZCE

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking: The Council of Six, who are the highest-ranking members of the ARKS and among the most powerful.
** [[spoiler: Quna acts as Aika's direct superior, a [[LateArrivalSpoiler Late]] ''[[LateArrivalSpoiler EPISODE 1]]'' [[LateArrivalSpoiler Spoiler]] that she is the highest-ranking member OF The Council Of Six.]]
The first example is a misuse. It fails to show any correlation between the leadership and being strong.
The second one is ZCE as it fails to mention any strength or anything about the trope.

3896 to become 3897 6 Tropes A to E 2 Good examples, 1 misuse. 1 ZCE

* AuthorityEqualsAsskicking:
** Klaus; he clawed his way to being ruler of Europe atop God knows how many others and it ''shows''.
** His son; when thrust into authority, Gil's asskicking genes more than rise to the challenge.
** The Jägergenerals.
** More generally -- in a semi-feudal world ruled over by extremely intelligent nutjobs, it's the one at the top of the castle you want to watch out for. They're in that spot for a reason.
Line 1 is just the trope line.
Line 2 mentions he needed his strength to become leader and beat others. Good example.
Line 3 borderline good example as it sounds like he wasn’t kicking ass before he got authority but grew into the position. Line 4 ZCE. Line 5 Misuse as it doesn’t demonstrate any correlation between leadership and strength.

    Neutral / Indexes 1/ 80 1.25%  
129 Hard Levels, Easy Bosses
Depending on the genre, maybe they wanted to be realistic and avert AuthorityEqualsAsskicking.
It’s an index link in the trope’s description.

     Pantheon Listings 3/ 80 3.75%  

4451 Villainous Archetypes

* Portfolio: The AffablyEvil [[TheDon Boss of Team Rocket]], VileVillainLaughableLackey, [[{{Yakuza}} Japanese Mafia Allusions]] ([[TheMafia retconned as the Italian Mafia]] [[CulturalTranslation overseas]]), [[LukeIAmYourFather Silver, I Am Your Father]], AdaptationalHeroism ''and'' [[AdaptationalVillainy Villainy]], BadassInANiceSuit, [[AuthorityEqualsAsskicking The Strongest Member of Team Rocket]], [[DishingOutDirt Ground-Type Specialist]], [[TokenEvilTeammate A Villainous Gym Leader]], RightHandCat, TheComicallySerious, EvenBadMenLoveTheirMamas, TrueFinalBoss of ''[[VideoGame/PokemonUltraSunAndUltraMoon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon]]''
The wick is in the portfolio line, so not a viable examination.

4455 Pantheon/Weather

* Portfolio: AlienBlood, [[AuthorityEqualsAsskicking The Strongest Seafolk and the leader of such race]], CoolCrown, HealingFactor, LightningBruiser, OverlyLongTongue, RapidFireFisticuffs, SlasherSmile, ToServeMan, [[WakeUpCallBoss The first threatening villain to appear]]
The wick is in the portfolio line, so not a viable examination.

4752 The Wikia Editor

* Portfolio: [[HolyIsNotSafe Unsafe Holiness]] , [[CelestialParagonsAndArchangels Archangels]], AuthorityEqualsAsskicking, EliteFour, FourTemperamentEnsemble
This wick is a portfolio line. Not viable for examination.

Good uses of Auth=Ass 4/80 5%
ZCE and Unclear 20/80 25%
General misuse 46/80 57.5%
Wicks with multiple entries not all same results 6/80 7.5%
Neutral / Indexes 1/80 1.25%
Pantheon Listings 3/80 3.75%

I will admit even I was shocked to see over 75% were bad examples of this trope and not even 10% of the random generated list was a good example. Even if I include the subset numbers from Wick entries with multiple examples not uniform in response, that brings the total wicks checked to 6/97, or 6.19%, though that doesn’t include wicks with multiple entries that are the same result.

Edited by GastonRabbit on Jun 15th 2023 at 6:52:01 AM

Patiently awaiting the release of Paper Luigi and the Marvelous Compass.
GastonRabbit Sounds good on paper (he/him) from Robinson, Illinois, USA (General of TV Troops) Relationship Status: I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me
Sounds good on paper (he/him)
#2: Sep 24th 2022 at 9:13:31 PM

Paging ~isoycrazy per the Queue.

Edit: And fixed the typo in the title.

Edited by GastonRabbit on Sep 24th 2022 at 11:14:33 AM

Patiently awaiting the release of Paper Luigi and the Marvelous Compass.
GastonRabbit Sounds good on paper (he/him) from Robinson, Illinois, USA (General of TV Troops) Relationship Status: I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me
Sounds good on paper (he/him)
#3: Sep 24th 2022 at 9:15:38 PM

Anyway, I'm fine with renaming both, and the proposed names sound like they would work better than the current names.

Patiently awaiting the release of Paper Luigi and the Marvelous Compass.
Yindee Just stoic wisdom. from New England Since: Jul, 2016
Amonimus the Retromancer from <<|Wiki Talk|>> (Sergeant) Relationship Status: In another castle
the Retromancer
#5: Sep 25th 2022 at 1:04:09 AM

Rename both.

Not liking new names because they too close and effectively could mean each other, when Authority Equals Asskicking is "the leader just happens to be the strongest" and Asskicking Equals Authority means "the strongest one takes the lead" (this one may be a name proposal actually).

Edited by Amonimus on Sep 25th 2022 at 11:08:07 AM

TroperWall / WikiMagic Cleanup
amathieu13 Since: Aug, 2013
#6: Sep 25th 2022 at 1:21:38 AM

To be honest, I don't think a rename is going to fix the issue here. For one thing, if I didn't know what these tropes were about already from having read these pages (and having confused them before myself), Authority Requires Asskicking and The Leader Must Kick Ass are grammatically virtually the same sentence: The Leader is just a specified position of authority, "requires" and "must" are synonymns, and "asskicking" and "(to) kick ass" are just the gerund and present tense version of the same verb. If a rename is happening, the names need to be far more different than that.

But even with a rename, conceptually I'm not sure we can separate the two. Take a look at those %s. On pure misuse alone, Authority Equals Asskicking has 57.5% misuse, whereas Asskicking Equals Authority is at 21.7%. If you add in ZCE and unclear, over 82% of Authority Equals Asskicking is either wrong or potentially wrong. For Asskicking Equals Authority, it's at 55%. It's not just that there's confusion happening between these two, it's that people are just getting the trope wrong for both, but especially for Authority Equals Asskicking.

And it's because, while there might be a technical difference between "being the leader because you are the strongest" and "the leader just also happening to be the strongest", what it seems to boil down to is "does the universe justify why the leader is the strongest?" If yes it's Asskicking Equals Authority, if not then it's Authority Equals Asskicking.

I think a case can be made for a merge on the idea that one is just a Justified Trope version of the other and we can make it kind of like a Trope in Aggregate. To me it seems like even when it's not justified, there's a logic to "power = powerful" and a practical reason in terms of upping the ante and raising the stakes for the hero. Even if it isn't justified, having the final boss be weak relative to their underlings is often used as a subversion of expectations.

Edited by amathieu13 on Sep 25th 2022 at 6:58:09 AM

Amonimus the Retromancer from <<|Wiki Talk|>> (Sergeant) Relationship Status: In another castle
the Retromancer
#7: Sep 25th 2022 at 1:24:32 AM

Just merging the two is an option I've considered, but haven't read deeply if there are meaningul difference between the two aside one having an excuse.

TroperWall / WikiMagic Cleanup
Adept (Holding A Herring) Relationship Status: Having tea with Cthulhu
#8: Sep 25th 2022 at 1:49:28 AM

Theoretically, there's a narrative difference between "The Leader happens to be the most capable fighter" and "fighting capability is rewarded with position of authority" (I can never remember which one is which), but given the low number of correct examples in either, I wonder if they're a Distinction Without a Difference in practice. In both wick checks I see "correct" examples where the society requires the leader candidates to duel for the position.

eroock Since: Sep, 2012
#9: Sep 25th 2022 at 3:37:26 AM

...which plays into Challenging the Chief.

Edited by eroock on Sep 25th 2022 at 4:06:22 AM

VampireBuddha Calendar enthusiast from Ireland (Wise, aged troper) Relationship Status: Complex: I'm real, they are imaginary
Calendar enthusiast
#11: Sep 25th 2022 at 5:08:46 AM

Klingon Promotion is specifically about the process of gaining authority in an Asskicking Equals Authority setting. I think they are distinct enough, but I won't object if people decide to merge Ass=Auth with KP.

But if they are kept separate, how about begets? "Asskicking Begets Authority" more clearly states that authority flows from asskicking, whereas "Authority Begets Asskicking"... actually that one isn't so great.

Ukrainian Red Cross
Anarchist2 Confounded by avatar changes Since: Apr, 2020 Relationship Status: watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ
Confounded by avatar changes
#12: Sep 25th 2022 at 6:00:13 AM

To me, the two tropes cover very different areas. Asskicking Equals Authority is a characterisation trope to show how a society values meritocracy/honour/being powerful enough to make everyone else fear you. Authority Equals Asskicking instead covers how characters in positions of authority have a larger influence on the plot; therefore, those characters have increased strength to reflect this fact in action scenes and the like.

Edited by Anarchist2 on Sep 25th 2022 at 11:01:05 PM

Adept (Holding A Herring) Relationship Status: Having tea with Cthulhu
#13: Sep 25th 2022 at 6:04:58 AM

[up]Actually, I think Asskicking Equals Authority would not be a characterization trope, as it has more to do with how the society rewards those with great combat ability, and has actually little to do with the authority figure themselves. Challenging the Chief and Klingon Promotion is the specific acts/ritual required to obtain the position of power.

kundoo from the land of Mordor where the shadows lie Since: Sep, 2010 Relationship Status: What is this thing you call love?
#14: Sep 25th 2022 at 6:29:24 AM

Challenging the Chief and Klingon Promotion are possible aspects of Asskicking Equals Authority, but they both focus on challenging the previous leader. Asskicking Equals Authority also covers situations where there's no previous leader (people just choose to follow a strong warrior), or when strongest warriors have to fight each other for the position when the old leader is already dead, dethroned or willingly steps down for whatever reason. I was sure the latter is an existing trope, but I can't remember the name.

You didn't see anything.
Adept (Holding A Herring) Relationship Status: Having tea with Cthulhu
isoycrazy Lord of the Blue Star Since: May, 2011 Relationship Status: Abstaining
Lord of the Blue Star
#16: Sep 25th 2022 at 7:14:30 AM

I am glad this request is being seriously considered. Begets can work as it is a conditional verb.

kundoo from the land of Mordor where the shadows lie Since: Sep, 2010 Relationship Status: What is this thing you call love?
#17: Sep 25th 2022 at 7:15:20 AM

[up][up]No, I meant when warriors fight each other to determine who's worthy to become the leader.

Edit: added an arrow, because [nja]

Edited by kundoo on Sep 25th 2022 at 7:15:47 AM

You didn't see anything.
Orbiting Since: Nov, 2014 Relationship Status: Giving love a bad name
#18: Sep 25th 2022 at 7:42:36 AM

I agree with merging them into a general 'authority figures are badass' trope, since a 5% correct use rate for 'having authority by itself confers badassery' implies that the concept might just be Too Rare to Trope. 20% correct use for 'being a badass gives you authority' isn't great either, but seems much more salvagable.

badtothebaritone (Life not ruined yet) Relationship Status: Snooping as usual
#19: Sep 25th 2022 at 7:44:03 AM

For Authority Equals Asskicking specifically, if we end up keeping the tropes separate, I'd suggest a title along the lines of "Authority Grants Asskicking" so that's it more obvious that the badassery is derived from the authority position and not the other way around.

Edited by badtothebaritone on Sep 25th 2022 at 11:12:36 AM

Berrenta How sweet it is from Texas Since: Apr, 2015 Relationship Status: Can't buy me love
How sweet it is
#20: Sep 25th 2022 at 9:07:14 AM

[up] Yeah, that name does sound better for that trope.

she/her | TRS needs your help! | Contributor of Trope Report
VampireBuddha Calendar enthusiast from Ireland (Wise, aged troper) Relationship Status: Complex: I'm real, they are imaginary
Calendar enthusiast
GastonRabbit Sounds good on paper (he/him) from Robinson, Illinois, USA (General of TV Troops) Relationship Status: I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me
Sounds good on paper (he/him)
#22: Sep 25th 2022 at 4:11:18 PM

[up][up][up]&[up]Either would work.

I was away from this thread for a bit, so what are our options for Asskicking Equals Authority, if we don't merge them into a single trope for badass authority figures (or alternatively, merge one of them into a third trope)?

Edited by GastonRabbit on Sep 25th 2022 at 6:12:44 AM

Patiently awaiting the release of Paper Luigi and the Marvelous Compass.
badtothebaritone (Life not ruined yet) Relationship Status: Snooping as usual
#23: Sep 25th 2022 at 4:37:26 PM

For that one, I think "Asskicking Grants Authority" would be fine. It gets the point across better that the current name and doesn't require changing the name much.

I personally prefer "grant" over "confer" because people say the former far more often than they do the latter (I also had to look up what "confer" means, which kinda proves my point).

Edited by badtothebaritone on Sep 25th 2022 at 6:38:25 AM

kundoo from the land of Mordor where the shadows lie Since: Sep, 2010 Relationship Status: What is this thing you call love?
#24: Sep 25th 2022 at 4:46:55 PM

[up][up]The description says it's about a society where the strongest gets to rule. Which, IMO, actually makes it's closer to Might Makes Right than to Authority Equals Asskicking. To the point that I'm beginning to think it would be best to disambig. it between these two tropes, and possibly Klingon Promotion and Challenging the Chief.

Edit: extra arrow, because [nja]

Edited by kundoo on Sep 25th 2022 at 4:47:39 AM

You didn't see anything.
GastonRabbit Sounds good on paper (he/him) from Robinson, Illinois, USA (General of TV Troops) Relationship Status: I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me
Sounds good on paper (he/him)
#25: Sep 25th 2022 at 4:51:16 PM

[up]Maybe we could disambiguate that one and rename the other.

Patiently awaiting the release of Paper Luigi and the Marvelous Compass.

20th Feb '23 8:33:50 PM

Crown Description:

Concerns have been raised that the Sandbox.Authority Grants Asskicking draft for a proposed trope overlaps too much with the existing trope Position Of Literal Power. In particular, while the latter focuses on supernatural/magical power while the former mentions physical power, there have been concerns that the distinction between physical and supernatural power isn't a sufficient enough distinction, and that Tropes Are Flexible would allow room for both to be covered by the same trope. Should the two be merged, and if so, which name should be used?

Total posts: 206