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A page for in-world groups or themed skin teams with some established story, from A to M.

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At Valoran High, it's hard to fit in. When the lessons are about magic and history, some students just have a hard time paying attention. These skins depict champions as people in a High School, some as students and some as school faculty.

The line is featured in the Riot-endorsed fan-made webcomic, "Academy Adventures", currently with three series.

Champions in this line: (Professor) Ryze, (Headmaster) Fiora, (Academy) Ahri, Darius, Ekko, Vladimir


An alternate timeline where "players" have been forcibly dragged into the Arcade World, an amalgamation of retro arcade games filled with an army of rogue bosses led by Final Boss Veigar. Joined by some of the "native" in-game protagonists, our heroes have joined in a fight to vanquish the evil Battle Bosses of the game-verse, and to stop Final Boss Veigar from giving the world a final Game Over.

Champions in the Arcade line: (Arcade) Ahri, AniviaLoR , Caitlyn, Corki, Ezreal, GnarLoR, Hecarim, Kai'Sa, Miss Fortune, QuinnLoR, Riven, Sona, (Demacia Vice) Garen, Lucian
Champions in the Battle Boss line: (Battle Boss) Bel'Veth, Blitzcrank, Brand, Malzahar, NocturneLoR, Qiyana, Yasuo, Ziggs, (Final Boss) Veigar

  • The Ace: Most of the players are listed as being exceptionally talented gamers: Ezreal is a world-record-holding speedrunner, Miss Fortune has top scores in every Shoot 'Em Up in existence, Sona beat Keyboard Solo 4's ultra solo mode on nightmare difficulty (which the devs admitted should not be possible), and Ahri owns a 6-million-point score in the Nintendo Hard beat-em-up "Demacia Vice," earning her the title of "Queen of the Arcade." The only exception is Riven, who's listed as a simple part-time arcade worker who plays dance simulators after hours, but that doesn't stop her from kicking ass like the rest.
  • Adaptational Heroism: Unlike his canonical counterpart, Arcade Hecarim is the protagonist of a surprise fan-favorite 1978 arcade game, and joins the party as a hero.
  • Adaptational Villainy: By contrast, Blitzcrank and Ziggs are of the villainous Battle Bosses, and were even bosses in their native games before they were summoned by Veigar. Yasuo used to be the protagonist of his respective game, but was corrupted by Veigar into becoming one of his servants.
  • Arcade Sounds: Naturally present in all the in-game skins.
  • Big Bad: Final Boss Veigar, no pun intended. Originally "a mini-boss with a Napoleon complex," he managed to rip into the code of Arcade World to assemble an army of bosses to Take Over the World.
  • The Chosen Many: Miss Fortune, Riven, and Sona were the first "real players" to arrive in the Arcade World, and have been dubbed the Holy Gaming Trinity, the Goddesses of RGB destined to save the game.
  • The Fourth Wall Will Not Protect You: The in-universe fourth wall, thankfully. Much of the current mess started with Veigar uncovering the ability to mess with the game's code and Take Over the World, forcing the real players and other characters to stop him and his bosses on his own turf.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: Veigar and Qiyana started off as a mini-boss and an NPC respectively, and have since grown to becoming major separate threats, each with aspirations of taking over the world.
  • Gamer Chick: Of all the "real" players in the line, four out of five of them are women, all well-versed in gaming.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: Ezreal, and presumably the other players, were forcibly transported into Arcade World by Veigar himself. Considering how they're champions, Challenge Gamers and Speedrunners in the real world, Veigar has likely made a terrible mistake.
  • Notice This: Amusingly Parodied and played straight simultaneously with Arcade Caitlyn's Headshot indicator. In place of the usual visual indicator, the skin replaces it with a retro finger cursor pointing at enemies to click for Critical Hit damage.
  • Retraux: As the title implies, the line is heavily inspired by colorful retro Arcade Game aesthetics, taking influence from classic shoot 'em ups, to JRPGs to Fighting Games, to even Pinball machines.
  • Smug Super: Much like her canon self, Battle Boss Qiyana has a ridiculously haughty attitude, but has the threatening power level to warrant it.
    Qiyana: I hear this game has a beautiful amazingly talented boss at the end, and her name is Qiyana.
  • That One Bossinvoked: In-universe, Battle Boss Blitzcrank has quite a reputation for his cheap mechanics, powerful attacks, and a massive health pool. Appropriately, Final Boss Veigar put him as the gatekeeper of his personal fortress, because Veigar hates fun.
  • Trapped in Another World: The scenario for Ahri, Ezreal, Miss Fortune, Riven, and Sona, who are regular players forcibly brought into the "Arcade World." In fact, all of the "native" heroes and bosses come from different games, mostly thanks to Final Boss Veigar ripping into the code of Arcade World to bring them there.
  • Unexpected Character: 2019's Arcade line was initially teased on the PBE with Arcade Caitlyn, Arcade Kai'Sa, Battle Boss Qiyana and Battle Boss Yasuo, who remained on the PBE for several weeks before it they were properly promoted with the "ULTRACOMBO" animation. At the very end of the trailer, Demacia Vice Garen and Lucian were unveiled, which while separate from this wave still showed there was more Arcade-relevant skins coming very soon.

Once each millennium, an ancient, godlike entity of divine light descends from the heavens, choosing worthy warriors to be his will incarnate, to become immortal agents of the Arclight.
Champions in this line: (Arclight) Brand, Varus, Vayne, Vel'Koz, Yorick, (Justicar) Aatrox, Syndra

  • Adaptational Heroism:
    • Vel'Koz is portrayed as a literal divine God in this timeline, but one who bestows the power of the Arclight into his agents to fight the darkness of the world.
    • Varus is a not-quite-freed Darkin in canon but a holy warrior here.
    • The Justicars are described as chiefs of the Arclight, embodiments of justice and order, but are represented by the villainous-in-canon Aatrox and Syndra.
  • Ambiguously Brown: Varus has darker skin and hair, especially compared to the extreme pallor of his canon appearance.
  • The Chooser of the One: In this line, Vel'Koz happens to be that "ancient, godlike entity of divine light" that chooses those he deems worthy to be his agents.
  • Early-Installment Weirdness:
    • Arclight Varus, the first skin in the line, was originally based on his original lore (before it was updated to its current state since late 2017), canonically representing what he looked like after gaining power from The Pit and before it started corrupting him. With the inclusion of other skins in the line and skin descriptions, its plot has been completely changed.
    • Similarly, prior to his 2018 VGU, Justicar Aatrox was meant to be an in-canon representation of how the armies he rallied together saw him. With his lore writing this element of his character out, the Justicar skin's setup was also changed.
  • God: The unspeakably powerful yet sublime being of light energy is framed as this in the skinline's canon, and as it turns out, it's Arclight Vel'Koz.
  • Gold and White Are Divine: These skins have white, gold, and various blues predominant in their palettes.
  • Holy Hand Grenade: The Arclight's powers of divine light were bestowed upon by a transcendental being of legend and myth, one who appears every millennium from the heavens to choose a new agent.
  • Immortality: Arclight Yorick is specifically described to have this as part of his powers, which is presumably the case with the others.
  • Light 'em Up: Right in the title, giving champions a very bright makeover. Also crosses with Holy Hand Grenade.
  • Light Is Good/Light Is Not Good: Zigzags these tropes. While these characters are meant to serve Good, they can also be amoral or, as in the case of Brand, outright evil.
  • Vestigial Empire: Yorick is described to once being a king before he was chosen by the Arclight, abandoning it to focus on enforcing the will of the divine. Unfortunately, he returned centuries later to find it having crumbled into ruins, and he took it with both sorrow and madness.
  • Who Wants to Live Forever?: Thousands of years ago, Kegan Rodhe was the first to be chosen. The power eventually consumed the original man, leaving only his burning shell to walk the earth as Arclight Brand.

    Battle Academia

A line taking place in a highly shounen-inspired world of the God-Weapons, with the God-Weapon Academies raising its many students into becoming the next generation of superheroes.

Champions in the line: (Battle Academia) AkshanWR, Caitlyn, Ezreal, Garen, Jayce, Katarina, Leona, Lux, PoppyLoR, Wukong, Yone, (Battle Professor) Graves, (Battle Principal) Yuumi

    Battle Queens 
Once fractured by endless warfare, the collective Queendoms of Elysia have realized the true nature of their world: that the magic holding their fantastical plane together is maintained only through conflict. They have thus allied through the unifying conflict of the Grand Coronation, though some alliances are beginning to show cracks...
Champions in this line: Diana, Janna, Katarina, Qiyana, Rell

  • Ambition is Evil: Katarina has made large, but violent strides to achieve the Crest of Schema, seeing the Queendom as deserving of much more than humble alliances, ready to conquer the entire region as its rightful leader. She's also just as much of a knife nut as she is in canon, and prefers to lead her way into Schema's future in a trail of blood.
  • Asskicking Leads to Leadership: The continuous battles for the Grand Coronation is what binds the Queendoms of Elysia together, and the only way for a queen to claim the crown is through combat. Even within kingdoms themselves, the throne is claimed by fighters with the most power.
  • Bait-and-Switch: A meta one: before the line was properly announced, Riot teased its release with a single image of 6 different color-coded blades. A lot of fans believed that each blade would correspond to a champion represented in the line, but in actuality, this only ended up being relevant to Battle Queen Katarina, who can choose between 6 different sets of blades.
  • Devious Daggers: Katarina is present, and being a Battle Queen doesn't stop her from being a master assassin with infinite daggers at her disposal. In-game, she gains a new pair of daggers every 3 kills for a total of 6 different sets at 15, which she can then toggle at will.
  • The High Queen: Janna, the Queen of Aurai, is portrayed as the most gentle and solemn of the main lineup, and one who participates in the annual Tournament not out of pride or ambition, but out of necessity for her queendom's survival. She also easily curb-stomps Qiyana using her wind magic.
  • Lady of War: The entire theme of the line, with all the participating queens balancing out regal elegance with sheer badassery.
  • Rightful King Returns: Diana was originally exiled from her Queendom of Eos for her heresy against its power-hungry religious order, but has been on a quest for the Coronation in order to save her people, and to prove that the Crest must serve the will of the nation, not merely its leaders. Interestingly enough, Leona was the former queen who served in her absence, and she has no hard feelings towards Diana reclaiming her crown.
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something: All of the queens fight on behalf of their kingdoms, for whatever purpose it may be. Even the normally-idle Janna — who would normally rather stand by and watch the Tournament from afar — will step down to demonstrate her power if it means keeping her people safe and healthy.
  • Ship Tease: The Diana/Leona tease lives on! In this line, Diana received her coronation armor from Leona, and their reunion after her reclaiming her queen status is depicted as rather... sensual.
    "Come with me." Diana spoke impulsively, her fingers tangled in the rich fabric of Leona's gift. "Let them sort their mess out."
    "I swore an oath," Leona replied. Diana surveyed her and, reaching out one hand, closed the remaining distance between them.
    "So did I." Her fingers skimmed across Leona's pale cheek, and Leona closed her eyes at the touch.
  • Tyke Bomb: Rell Got Volunteered for the Coronation on behalf of the Queendom of Calamity, achieving magical power thanks to a series of magical experiments from a shadowy cabal of aristocrats. Ever since she claimed the crown, she's since discovered that her magic was actually stolen from the people of her country to ensure her victory in the Coronation and make her into their puppet. Needless to say, she's not happy.
  • Young Conqueror: Qiyana is once again the youngest in a long line of succession to the Crest of Ixtal, and has proven to be such a powerhouse that she claimed Queen status anyway. She intends to use the power she gains from the Tournament to remake Ixtal in her vision.

In an alternate-universe version of Runeterra, Viktor went the extra mile, leading his Glorious Evolution down a more warlike path. Using his genius, he captured terrifying creatures, some from the Void and some native, and used them as "biological templates" to create powerful death machines fueled by dark Hextech.
Champions in this line: (Creator) Viktor, (Battlecast Alpha) Skarner, (Battlecast Prime) Cho'Gath, (Battlecast) Urgot, Kog'Maw, Nasus, Vel'Koz, Xerath, Zac (Resistance) Caitlyn, Illaoi, Jayce, KatarinaWR, Miss FortuneWR, Singed, Yorick

  • Adaptational Heroism: Illaoi is mostly portrayed as mostly neutral (if chaotic) in canon, but in this line, she's an unambiguous hero who fights for La Résistance. Singed unsettles his cohorts, but is also a member of the Resistance, a massive improvement from his usual cruel villainy.
  • Arch-Enemy: Once again, Viktor and Jayce are enemies, with Viktor leading the robot apocalypse to Jayce representing humanity's last hope. Jayce feels personally responsible for failing to stop Viktor's rise, so their conflict is also quite personal.
  • Blob Monster: Zac (Zoophagus Assault Construct) is a Battlecast robot model comprised out of an experimental alloy that can flexibly shift between solid and liquid states, yet is also indestructible. Unlike the T-1000, it's implied to have a very hot and molten quality to it.
  • Canon Welding: A bit of an odd example: Resistance Illaoi was originally pitched in development as "Battlecast Illaoi," but changed names partway in development to reflect a La Résistance added into the Battlecast universe. As a result, the similarly-named Resistance Caitlyn (a skin released seven years prior) was also merged into the lore.
  • Early-Bird Cameo:
  • Easter Egg: When normal Skarner stands in a brush for long enough, he'll say, "Skar-Skar-Skarner!" as a reference to Pokémon. Battlecast Alpha Skarner will do the same thing as his joke, before correcting himself.
  • Eating Machine: Battlecast Prime Cho'Gath, who still has the canonical Cho'Gath's appetite for everything, including civilians attempting to defy conversion.
  • Energy Beings: Battlecast Xerath units are Viktor's attempts to create a machine capable of a human soul. As its skin description states, however, Xerath units are twisted and unstable plasma monstrosities trapped in metal cages of psychic energy.
  • Humongous Mecha: Battlecast Prime Cho'Gath, the Battlecast most predisposed to combat.
  • Killer Robot: All of the characters are fueled by their emotionless desire to eradicate anything biological.
  • La Résistance: There exists a human uprising against these mecha monstrosities led by Jayce, joined by Illaoi, Caitlyn, and others.
  • Mad Scientist:
    • Creator Viktor, who made all of the Battlecast skins, finally achieving his Glorious Evolution.
    • Battlecast Vel'Koz is supposed to be a supplementary to Viktor, an artificial version of this trope that analyzes enemies and marks them for Skarner to apprehend.
  • Necromancer: Yorick is one for fallen machines, able to command the souls trapped inside their twisted metal husks to fight the rest of Battlecast, hopefully to free them all from their machine prisons.
  • Red and Black and Evil All Over: Noticeably different from other Hextech, distinguished by their dark metal frames, glowing red lights, and the black smoke coming from their exhaust pipes.
  • Robot Soldier: Battlecast Urgot is supposed to be a template for these, but he's the only one of his kind so far.
  • Super Prototype: Battlecast Alpha Skarner. He's the first of Viktor's army, and he is perhaps the only one not expressly designed only to kill; instead, he incapacitates them (Perhaps dismembering them with his chainsaws) before dragging them to Viktor to be experimented on. This is emphasized by Skarner's ultimate ability which drags enemies along with him. It's also shown by his appearance seeming more 'dated', but the 'Super' part is emphasized by his VO being more advanced, which the others often are.
    Skarner, when ulting: YOU HAVE BEEN CHOSEN.
  • Unwilling Roboticisation: Unlike canon!Viktor's current iteration, Creator Viktor's Glorious Evolution is not voluntary. Illaoi was the subject of a failed conversion, and she uses her newfound powers to fight alongside the rest of the human resistance. Yorick was also a failed conversion subject who has the ability to commune with the souls trapped in Viktor's machinery — don't think too hard about that.


Buzz buzz.

Champions in this line: Heimerdinger, Kog'Maw, Malzahar, Nunu & Willump, Orianna, Singed, Teemo, Yuumi, Ziggs

    Blood Moon 
Ionia is a strange place in Runeterra, filled with magic. Once a year, it's host to the Blood Moon, a night where the moon is crimson and demons roam freely throughout the mortal world. These masked demons, the Cultists of the Blood Moon, have little purpose beyond shedding as much blood as they can for the dark harvest.
Champions in this line: (Blood Moon) Aatrox, Akali, Diana, Elise, Evelynn, Jhin, Kalista, Katarina, Kennen, Master Yi, Pyke, Shen, Sivir, Talon, Thresh, Tryndamere, Twisted Fate, Yasuo, Zilean, (Snow Moon) Caitlyn, Illaoi, Kayn

  • Adaptational Villainy: No matter their alignment in canon, every champion in the line is amoral at best, with most being openly evil.
  • Cool Mask: Nearly every champion in the line gets a cool mask inspired by Japanese Oni. They're also cursed. Even though Akali doesn't wear one on her face, she still keeps one pushed up on her head.
  • Demonic Possession: The indoctrination of normal humans into the Blood Moon cult is depicted as a combination of this and The Corruption, with cultist rituals merging the demonic powers of the Blood Moon into human vessels.
  • Early-Installment Weirdness: In the original lore, Shen and Akali weren't actually Blood Moon demons themselves, but actors in a play that depicted the Blood Moon festival. Both were eventually redesigned with their overall respective VGUs to better fit the theme.
  • Hungry Weapon: Blood Moon Yasuo, Sivir, and Aatrox have weapons that crave blood and influence their wielders' minds toward violence so they can drink their fill. Apparently Yasuo and Aatrox didn't need much of a push.
  • Lunacy: These champions represent demons released by the Ionian Blood Moon.
  • Mad Artist: Jhin is depicted as a "Blood Calligrapher" demon who paints with his gun. His spell effects are themed after paint, and he makes his victims explode in a shower of ink.
  • Occult Blue Eyes: Many champions in this line have glowing blue eyes behind their masks, though others have Red or even purple.
  • Ship Tease: Blood Moon Evelynn is still described as a seduction demon, and in her splash art, she's holding the hands of what appears to be Blood Moon Twisted Fate (note the roped armguards), referencing their (now non-canon) ship in the normal timeline.
  • The Trickster: Twisted Fate, the leader of the Blood Moon cult, is referred to as a Trickster Demon, one who deals death through his deck of cards with spirits trapped inside them. Despite the title, Ionians dispute whether he's actually a demon from the spirit world, or simply a mortal in a mask who has amassed great power.
  • Wutai: These demons have their roots in Ionian legends. Outsiders like Blood Moon Elise, Kalista, and Thresh represent how Ionians see them.

    Burning Tides 
Bilgewater, one of the most infamous Wretched Hives in all of Runeterra, is home to all sorts of unscrupulous outlaws and ruthless marauders trying to seize various opportunities of power, one with all sorts of local folklore and cutthroat culture. The skin line has two divisions: one representing Bilgewater champions with their canonical appearances at certain points in time, and another more loosely inspired by Bilgewater's nautical aesthetics and culture.
Champions in the canonical line: (Captain) Gangplank, Miss Fortune, (Cutthroat) Graves, (Cutpurse) Twisted Fate
Champions in the alternate Bilgewater line: (Sea Hunter) Aatrox, (Dark Waters) Diana, Vladimir, (Fiddle Me Timbers) Fiddlesticks, (Rogue Admiral) Garen, (Ironside) Malphite, (Bilgewater) Katarina, Swain, (Corsair) Quinn, (Bilgerat) Rumble, (Pirate) Ryze, (Buccaneer) Tristana, (Kingpin) Twitch

  • The Captain:
    • Captain Gangplank represents Gangplank's appearance and personality prior to Miss Fortune's assassination attempt on his life.
    • Captain Fortune represents Miss Fortune in present actuality, when she's commanding her ship and not keeping up a flirtatious and cordial visage.
  • Cool Ship: Ironside Malphite is a giant golem of wood and steel built from the hull of a legendary gunship.
  • Defector from Decadence:
    • In the non-canon Bilgewater, Admiral Garen is apparently no longer a part of Demacia, becoming a ruthless adversary in the process. He frequently sends back the heads of those who challenge him back to Demacian naval authorities.
    • According to its skin description, Bilgewater Swain represents him if he were to become tired of his rule in Noxus, instead taking to the seas around Bilgewater for plunder and souls on his flagship, the Beatrice.
  • The Fundamentalist: The local religion surrounding Nagakabouros (also known as Mother Serpent, The Bearded Lady, and more) shows up as the basis for Dark Waters Diana, once an extremist for the Order of the Mother Serpent, now a mercenary for her unnamed employer.
  • Hotter and Sexier: Swain in Burning Tides is depicted as a younger shirtless man with plenty of muscle.
  • Hunter of Monsters: Bilgewater is filled with hunters test their luck trying to fight the various local Sea Monsters for profit, but Sea Hunter Aatrox is considered among the best monster bounty hunters in the business, despite resembling a threatening fish man himself.
  • Pirate: Gangplank, Miss Fortune, Graves, and Twisted Fate are/were canonically pirates, but most of the other champions get additional non-canon makeovers to get in on the action.
  • Those Two Guys: Cutpurse Twisted Fate and Cutthroat Graves (representing their younger selves as members of Gangplank's crew) share a splash, with both of their skin blurbs listing them as bumbling mercenary partners for hire.
  • Wooden Ships and Iron Men: Bilgewater is heavily inspired by this style, so naturally, all of its skins take at least some inspiration from it.

    Chaos and Order 

From nothing, there will always come two.

Since the dawn of time, the forces of chaos and order have been fighting for dominance, never having a resolution. But now, with their greatest fighters entering the battlefield, this is finally bound to change.

Originally, the line served as the basis for the Vs. Event, manifest in 2017 as "Order Vs. Chaos" and 2018 as "Battle of the God-Kings". Completing missions during the event for either Order or Chaos would grant rewards while also boosting the power of their side, with players on the winning side gaining another bonus. Chaos won both events. From 2019 onwards, the line split into the conflict between the Nightbringers and Dawnbringers, descendants of the original Order and Chaos.

Champions in this line: (Dawnbringer) Karma, Morgana, Nidalee, Riven, Soraka, Vex, Yone, (Nightbringer) Aphelios, Kayn, Lee Sin, Lillia, Soraka, Tryndamere, Vladimir, Yasuo, (God-King) Darius, Garen

  • Adaptational Heroism: Insofar as the Dawnbringers can represent "heroism", but among the bright, vaguely angelic warriors of order include Vex (a self-centered and perpetually bored Emo Teen), and Rhaast (a destructive Omnicidal Maniac).
  • Adaptational Villainy: On the opposite-ish end, among the Nightbringers of chaos are Lee Sin (a Warrior Monk who seeks bringing peace to Ionia), Lillia (a bashful agent of bringing peaceful dreams), and one incarnation of Soraka (who even in this line fluctuates between a Dawnbringer identity).
  • Animal Motifs: Darius is associated with wolves, and Garen with lions.
  • Anthropomorphic Personification: Nightbringer Yasuo and Dawnbringer Riven are personifications of Chaos and Order, respectively. The God-Kings refer to them as "honored ancestors" should they happen to meet on the Rift.
  • Black-and-White Insanity: Shared by both sides.
    Riven/Yasuo: There is no grey. Only light and dark.
  • Both Order and Chaos are Dangerous: Regardless of whether Dawnbringer Riven is "good" and Nightbringer Yasuo is "evil," they're both frighteningly single-minded about their cause. It's clear that unfettered Chaos or Order would be bad for the rest of the world.
    • It's explicitly pointed out that both God-Kings' view of the perfect world would have serious downsides. God-King Garen's world is peaceful and prosperous, but mostly in the Brave New World sense where free will is nonexistent, while God-King Darius offers freedom from all oppressors... in a world of Forever War that resembles Warhammer 40,000 at its most grimdark.
  • Both Sides Have a Point: Both Order and Chaos may be dangerous, but they also each have something legitimate to offer.
  • Brought Down to Normal: Of a sort. It's unclear what happened in the interim, but while Riven and Yasuo are cosmic entities, Garen and Darius, their far-flung descendants, have become mortal to a degree.
  • Darker and Edgier: Nightbringer Yasuo, not only in appearance (even when compared to Blood Moon Yasuo, which is quite demonic on its own), but also in his voicelines. And in the same vein, God King Darius.
  • The Dark Side: Nightbringer Yasuo, when he jokes, makes a reference to this.
    Yasuo: Come to the dark side. We have sugared confections.
  • Death of the Old Gods: At some point between Yasuo and Riven's clash and the age of the God-Kings. Dawnbringer Soraka has several lines about how the gods are in their last days, which she does not necessarily see as a bad thing.
  • Evil Makes You Monstrous:
    • Nightbringer Yasuo, though calling him "evil" is a little sketchy. Getting his Steel Tempest's stacks makes him even more demonic, until he either loses or consumes the stacks.
    • Interestingly enough, this also applies to Dawnbringer Riven (who, likewise, isn't truly evil or good)— her Super Mode changes her appearance, making her less human-looking.
  • Female Angel, Male Demon: Dawnbringer Riven and Nightbringer Yasuo, respectively. Averted with the God-Kings, who are both male.
  • Grey-and-Gray Morality: While they certainly have the aesthetics of good vs. evil, it's actually Order Versus Chaos, and Both Sides Have a Point. Out of universe, this was done so players don't feel pressured into supporting the "good" or "evil" side.
  • Light 'em Up: Dawnbringer Riven and God-King Garen, existing right in between Light Is Good and Light Is Not Good.
  • Mirror Character: A recurring trend with the opposing duos is playing off their already-prominent similarities to the max. They're given similar (if not exact) voice lines, both having an urge to kill the other at the cost of everything else, and the champions chosen even have similar gameplay dynamics: Riven and Yasuo being manaless skirmishers with 3-hit Q's and high mobility, and Garen and Darius being mighty juggernauts with prominent Spin Attacks and Finishing Move ultimates.
  • Motive Decay: The God Kings are the last descendants of the original Nightbringer Yasuo and Dawnbringer Riven, but have twisted their ancestors' motives to fit their own personal, mortal needs.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Dawnbringer Riven, BIG time. While she was always pretty in her own way in her base skin, this skin pulls out all stops. She's bustier and curvier, there's quite an empashis on her legs, ass and hips with her stance, there's quite the cleavage on her shirt below her armor, and both her shirt and armor don't cover her back.
  • Not So Above It All: Both God Kings, despite being well, them, all their non-taunt emotes are just them screwing around with their pets.
  • Order Versus Chaos: Order is represented by Dawnbringer Riven and God King Garen, while Chaos is represented by Nightbringer Yasuo and God King Darius.
  • Playing with Fire/Hellfire: Nightbringer Yasuo.
  • Power Echoes: Dawnbringer Riven, when she ults.
  • Power Makes Your Voice Deep/Evil Sounds Deep: Nightbringer Yasuo, even when he already had a deep voice in his base skin, even though calling him "evil" is a stretch. Notably, when he ults, his voice gets even deeper, turning completely demonic.
  • Ship Tease: There's quite a bit between Riven and Yasuo, which is, at the same time, ironic considering the champions themselvesnote , but also certainly a nod towards those who ship them anyway. They can hear each other in their minds, many of their voicelines are exactly the same (or very, very similar), and also, in both the endings to the comic, they share quite the moment before they end.
  • Spin Attack: Dawnbringer Riven's third Q is a vertical version. Nightbringer Yasuo obviously still has this from his base skin, also.
  • Super Mode: Dawnbringer Riven's ult. Just like her base skin, it makes her sword larger, but in this skin, her appearance also changes, becoming all golden and vaguely fish-like, for some reason.
  • Victory Is Boring: Yasuo isn't happy to win since victory is an ending, and any ending is more in line with Order than Chaos. He's even more surprised to find himself becoming the new Order.
  • Warrior Poet: Yasuo and Riven both quote lines from poems by Lord Byron when they kill each other.
  • Yin-Yang Bomb: Following the original battle between the primordial Yasuo and Riven, their descendants have become a lot blurrier in terms of whether they fit on the side of order and chaos:
    • Soraka has both a Dawnbringer and Nightbringer skin, representing how in the storyline, she was created after Riven and Yasuo consumed one another, with equally valid canon pointing to how she ended up embracing order in the name of combating chaos, or vice versa.
    • While Aphelios is a Nightbringer, his accompanying spirit Alune is a Dawnbringer, and both of them have generally abandoned their posts to be together, creating a darkness that will shine through the endless war of the divine.
    • Kayn and Rhaast respectively represent chaos and order, and based on how they end up in gameplay, one of them ends up becoming the dominant force. This is an ironic twist to how their dynamic usually is with skins; Kayn is usually a sneaky, pragmatic villain while Rhaast is the flagrantly destructive force, but here, the roles are reversed.
    • Yone — while labelled a Dawnbringer — is not only a child from order and chaos, but also of god and man, one who dual-wields a blade of the dawn and a blade of the night.
      Yone: Order and chaos, dawn and dusk... I am neither. I am both.
  • You Kill It, You Bought It: Obviously not in game, but when they kill each other in the endings to the comic, Chaos finds himself tamed by Order and Order realizes she has been corrupted by Chaos.

    Cops and Robbers 
Step aside, criminals, because there's new lawbringers roaming the streets! Taking place in an alternate Piltover, this theme contains modernized police and riot officers, robbers, the mafia, and secret agents.

The line is featured in the Riot-endorsed fan-made webcomic, "Punches and Plants: A Piltover Police Story", currently with two seasons.
Champions in the General Cops and Robbers line: (Officer) Caitlyn, Vi, (Constable) Trundle, (Captain) Volibear, (Safecracker) Evelynn, (Pickpocket) Twitch
Champions in the Riot line: (Riot) Blitzcrank, Graves, Kayle, (Riot K-9) Nasus, (Riot Squad) Singed, (Riot Girl) Tristana
Champions in the Secret Agent line: (Secret Agent) Miss Fortune, Xin Zhao

    Crime City (Nightmare)

In a city where drink is cheap and life is cheaper, eldritch horrors lurk in the shadows, preying upon mankind's greed and envy. Backroom black markets have given rise to Elixirs, a valuable magical export who production spells money and influence should any gang find a way to corner the market. Vying for control with the help of twisted unearthly terrors, enforcers, mob bosses, and cronies alike invite unknowable corruption in for a chance at true power.

Originally considered part of the "Cops and Robbers" line, "Crime City" has since diverged into its own branching skin universe with the introduction of "Crime City Nightmare" in 2021, as well as the reimagined "Debonair" line in the same year.

Champions in the Crime City line: (Crime City) Braum, Graves, Jinx, Miss Fortune, Twitch, (Gragas Esq.) Gragas, (Knockout) Lee Sin
Champions in the Crime City Nightmare line: (Crime City Nightmare) Akali, Darius, Shaco, Twisted Fate, Zyra
Champions in the Debonair line: (Debonair) Brand, Draven, Ezreal, Galio, LeBlanc, Leona, Malzahar, Master Yi, Vi, Zed

  • Amoral Attorney: Gragas Esq., who's managed to divert the police and court personnel from the gang wars by paying them off and offering them the finest prohibited goods he has access to.
  • Badass in a Nice Suit: Debonair consists of very glamorous, magically-tinged modern-day aristocrats, decked out in white and silver suits (even Vi gets one).
    Zed: (killing an enemy) I destroyed you, and looked fantastic doing it.
  • Bodyguarding a Badass:
    • All of the respective Crime City faction leaders are badasses in their own rights, and each come with their own badass crews, each having at least one member wielding the dark powers of The Beyond.
    • Malzahar is a longtime associate of LeBlanc from her days in Crime City. Despite presently acting as her "mover and shaker", he too has his own powers to fight with, and has... "outside" business partners with interests to arrange for.
  • Bowdlerise: Several of the Crime City skins were originally called "Mafia" skins, but while the aesthetic inspirations still remain, the actual term was phased out due to requests of cultural sensitivity from Italian players.
  • Boxing Battler: Knockout Lee Sin made a name for himself in the underground circuit, now serving as a "problem-solver" to the kingpins in need with money to spare.
  • The Corruption: With the arrival of The Mysterious Gentleman, several fighters in Crime City have become empowered the dark forces of The Beyond. While this definitely makes them stronger, it's also visibly worn away at their humanity and made them into horrifying monsters.
  • Deal with the Devil: The Mysterious Gentleman has appeared before several members of Crime City, offering them the powers of the horrors of the Beyond to complete their goals, and it appears he's only motivated by being able to sit back and watch them proceed to tear each other apart.
  • Humanoid Abomination:
    • The Mysterious Gentleman (represented as Crime City Nightmare Twisted Fate) is very clearly not a normal human being, despite his sharp-dressed appearance, honeyed words, and conman's grin.
    • Several champions tinged by eldritch magic or the effects of the Vitae (though they're implied to be of a similar source) are also visibly not entirely human anymore. Zed is covered head-to-toe in a mask and heavily-armored suit, and when he casts his ultimate, he transforms into a crazy tentacle shadow monster to pounce on his enemy.
    • Lady LeBlanc is also questioned to be not exactly normal, with a ubiquitous presence at not just every party at the Nox Vegas strip, but at virtually every city around the world at once. Many question who she really is, but Zed thinks the more pressing question is what.
  • Later-Installment Weirdness: The line managed to do this twice over: "Crime City" spent the longest time burgeoning as a mundane 1920's mafia-style theme, and "Debonair" was launched early on as a flashy, but relatively modest and realistic series in its own right. 2021 reinvented and merged the series into a shared Soft Reboot, introducing vastly more supernatural elements to both.
  • Mob War: The driving plot of Crime City hinges around one of these, with three criminal factions fighting for control of the city, no matter what the cost.
    • The Graves Crime Family is led by Graves, and among the ranks are Akali as enforcer, Jinx as a hitwoman. Zyra formerly used to be a close associate with Graves and a skilled con artist, but she was tempted by the powers of the Beyond and is now striking out in her own way.
    • The Twitch Syndicate, led by Twitch, is one of the largest crime syndicates in the nation, once allied with the Graves Crime Family. It largely consists of rat-men (the only people that the deeply paranoid Twitch trusts), but Shaco is also among the ranks as a former courier who was empowered by eldritch corruption.
    • The Miss Fortune Cartel is the most recent new entry to the war, having destabilized the alliance between Graves and Twitch to cement Miss Fortune's own empire. Her cohorts include Braum as body man and Darius as bodyguard.
  • Non-Idle Rich: Brand and Master Yi are massive and powerful business rivals, and when they aren't competing over chains of high end hotels, verbally sparring with each other at any gala that will tolerate them, they end up in straight-on battles that result in the tens of millions worth of property damage.
  • Punch-Clock Villain: "Bank Vault" Braum serves as the already-capable Miss Fortune's "body man," but the fact he's able to rip out a maximum-security vault door with his bare hands does nothing to diminish of how gentlemanly he really is. He also comes with his own cadre of gun-toting poros.

    Culinary Masters

This skin line depicts champions as masters of cuisine in the titular cooking competition show, each specializing in a different form of delicious delicacies that'll titillate your tastebuds. And if you don't like the food, they'll kill you. So there's that.

Champions in this line: (Sashimi) Akali, (Birdio) Galio, (Barbecue) Leona, (Sinful Succulence) Morgana, (Butcher) Olaf, (Baker) Pantheon, (Pizza Delivery) Sivir, (Master Chef) Tahm Kench

    Day Job

A loose series of alternate versions of champions, representing them if they were in some kind of casual day job.

Champions in this line: (Matador) Alistar, (Boom Boom) Blitzcrank, (Corporate) Mundo, (Primetime) Draven, (Fisherman) Fizz, (Sailor) Gangplank, (Hazmat) Heimerdinger, (Forecast) Janna, (Angler) Jax, (Prestigious) LeBlanc, (Lumberjack) Sion, (Firefighter) Tristana, (Lil' Slugger) Trundle, (Black Belt) Udyr, (Groovy) Zilean

A skin line set in a hellish realm, detailing the various denizens that either serve in the underworld, or rule over it.
Champions in this line: (Gatekeeper) Galio, (Little Devil) Fizz, Teemo, (Little Demon) Tristana, (Demon) Vi

  • Ascended Meme: Little Devil Teemo is a huge reference to Teemo's longstanding reputation as "Satan" among the community.invoked
  • Big Red Devil:
    • He's ironically not that big, but Little Devil Teemo otherwise evokes the design to a tee, complete with horns, Hellfire, hooved feet, and a pitchfork.
    • Gatekeeper Galio, however, plays it straight as the one who judges all sinners and condemns them to their proper torment. Despite this, he practically cowers in the presence of his master, Teemo.
  • Canon Welding: With the Harrowing universe, as Little Devil Teemo's face can be seen in the cauldron smoke in Bewitching Morgana's splash art, and Little Demon Tristana is stated to have been a witch, implying she was once Bewitching Tristana.
  • Circles of Hell: Gatekeeper Galio condemns enemies to one of these, corresponding to their descriptions from The Divine Comedy.
    • Minor not-really-sins like being naive (Poppy) and being "a weirdo tree hugger" (Ivern) get people into Circle One, which is for people who could not reach heaven on account of not being Christian, but were also not bad enough to deserve any of the other circles.
    • Ahri gets Circle Two, which punishes Lust.
    • Graves gets Circle Three, whose smoking is punished as gluttony. He also considers Baron Nashor as being worthy of the circle, and notes to Gragas that gluttons are punished with an eternity of eating themselves.
    • Twitch and his "sneaking around" gets Circle Four, which punishes greed.
    • Illaoi gets Circle Six, which punishes heresy, aka worshiping false gods.
    • Kled gets put into Circle Seven, for violence against neighbors. Galio also jokingly calls it "a pool party" — it's actually a river of boiling blood.
    • Circle Eight punishes fraud, with Garen getting a spot for wetting the bed and blaming it on Lux, as well as Aurelion Sol for excessive pride. He also condemns nearby taunting enemies for being "smartasses".
    • Both Ashe and Sejuani get Circle Nine, which is reserved for traitors, respectively for "[letting] your mom die"note  and committing Matricide. Interestingly, the circle's punishment involves being frozen in ice.
  • Cute Monster Girl: Demon Vi is more attractive than cute, but Little Demon Tristana is straight up adorable. Little Devil Teemo qualifies as a Rare Male Example.
  • Demon Lords and Archdevils: The inhabitants of Hell have varying ranks, which includes Dukes (Gatekeeper Galio), Queens (Little Demon Tristana), and Generals (Demon Vi), with Little Devil Teemo filling the role of Satan.
  • Deal with the Devil: A reoccurring theme in the descriptions is warning of the cost of summoning them. To wit:
    • Summoning Gatekeeper Galio often ends in tragedy as the several hundred foot tall demon refuses to shrink down for mortals.
    • Little Demon Tristana offers enticing contracts, but really desires to rain Hellfire upon the signatories, and the world.
    • Demon Vi will only heed the summoning of a worthy opponent, but will turn on them at some point.
  • The Dreaded: Little Devil Teemo.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: Little Demon Tristana. Implied to have started out as Bewitching Morgana's white cat before being magically transformed into a humanoid Cat Girl as Bewitching Tristana, who would go on to become a queen of Hell, ruling over the twin Aspects of Ruin and Woe and commanding a vast army of lesser demons.
  • Hellfire: Present throughout the line through descriptions, gameplay, or splash art.
  • Our Demons Are Different: The main theme of the line, mostly of the "red skinned and horned humanoid" variety, although Little Devil Teemo is closer to classic "goatman" depiction of Satan, albeit with a tail.
  • Playing with Fire: Be it in splash art or gameplay, every champion has fire, specifically Hellfire, as part of their devilish designs.

    Dragon World 
A coalition of powerful Fighters and Trackers, the Dragonslayers fight to protect the world from the terrors of dragonkind. Adorned in armor crafted from the remains of the dead beasts, they roam the world in an eternal hunt for the ultimate prey. Their weapons are imbued with the fiery magic that dragons command, and their end goal is to protect the innocent people and destroy the evil spellweavers who command the draconic forces.
Champions in this line: (Dragonslayer) Braum, Diana, Jarvan IV, Kayle, Olaf, Pantheon, Trundle, Twitch, Vayne, Xin Zhao, (Dragon Guardian) Galio, (Dragon Trainer) Heimerdinger, Tristana, Lulu, (Dragon Knight) Mordekaiser, (Dragon Master) Swain, (Dragon Oracle) Udyr, (Dragon Sorceress) Zyra

  • Badass Teacher: Dragon Trainer Heimerdinger treats his in-game performance as simple dragon training and/or light sparring, especially when up against other Dragon Trainers. Slaying Dragon Knight Mordekaiser, Dragon Master Swain, and/or Dragon Sorceress Zyra is just a happy bonus.
    (after a pentakill) "Excellent work, class! Today, everyone graduates!"
  • The Beastmaster: The Dragon Trainers are aware that dragons should be humanity's nemeses, but have found that they're still beings that can be tamed in their youth, and indeed, can be befriended.
  • The Corruption: Swain was formerly a Dragonslayer, but in a moment of hubris, he battled beneath the earth for the souls of ancient, long-dead wyrms, only for them to overpower and corrupt him.
  • Dragon Knight: The broad theme of both the heroic Dragon Slayers and the evil Dragon Masters, to the point where visually you might be hard pressed to identify who belongs to what side from looks alone. Dragonslayer Pantheon is the most ancient surviving knight from the world before the fires arrived, and yet he grows giant fiery wings himself while jumping with his ultimate.
  • The Dragonslayer: The main theme. Most armor found on the Dragonslayers are made of the scales and bones of dead dragons.
    Dragon Trainer Tristana: [gasp] What are you wearing?!
  • Easter Egg: In game, their auto attacks deal an additional 1 damage to the dragon. Not enough damage to actually make them OP compared to other skins, but a fun little interaction.
  • Evil Sorcerer:
    • Dragon Sorceress Zyra commands dragons instead of plants, with purple dragon eggs replacing her usual seeds.
    • Dragon Master Swain was formerly a great dragonslayer, but is now corrupted by the souls of the ancient wyrms, gaining powers as a slave to the monsters he once swore to destroy.
  • Fluffy Tamer: The Dragon Trainers have newborn dragons to assist them, and they are adorable. More specifically, Pix is now a dragon accompanying Lulu, Tristana is equipped with a dragon named Riggle, and Heimerdinger is able to summon several, and always has one named Pythagoras resting on his head.
  • He Who Fights Monsters: Swain actually wanted to use the powers of dragons against them, but became corrupted by it and became the Dragon Master he is.
  • Improbable Weapon User: Heimerdinger has these by the boatload, summoning newborn dragons to serve as turrets, explosive eggs that stun enemies on impact, and for his auto-attacks, Pythagoras chucks up bones and drumsticks for Heimerdinger to hurl at their enemies.
  • Last of His Kind: While "modern" ones are still around, Pantheon is described as the last of the ancient dragonslayers, one of the heroes who fought back after dragon fire initially consumed the world.
  • Lighter and Softer: Despite taking place in the same universe, the Dragon Tamer line is this to the Dragonslayer and Dragon Master line, which frames dragons as much more sympathetically, as well as adorably. Compare the "Rise of the Dragonslayers" to the "Dragon Trainer's Field Guide" passages and you'll spot the immediate tone differences.
  • Natural Weapon: Dragon Oracle Udyr invokes his draconic masters to grow claws or harden his fists with scales.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: Twitch is a lesser dragon who's trying to blend in among humans and pose as a dragonslayer himself. Considering that he looks like the cross between a serpentine lizard and a rat, he's not the best at it.
  • Playing with Fire: The most elaborate ones feature fiery spell effects on their abilities.
  • Power Gives You Wings: Dragonslayer Pantheon gains giant, firey wings while using his ultimate.
  • Purple Is Powerful: Dragon Sorceress Zyra is purple in appearances, and her serpentine dragon minions are also purple, and spit purple flames. This is a contract to the heroic Dragonslayers, who all have normal fire on their abilities.
  • Stripperific: Dragonslayer Vayne, whose armor has a Cleavage Window.

Long ago, an order of monastic knights slew the vile gods of the old world, using esoteric powers granted by the moon and sun. Now the world has grown dark and violent, as those selfsame deities prepare their return, challenged only by the light of the eclipse.
Champions in the Eclipse line: (Sun-Eater) Kayle, (Lunar Eclipse) Aatrox, NilahLoR, Senna, (Solar Eclipse) Sejuani, Sivir, (Solar Eclipse/Lunar Eclipse) Leona, (Eclipse Knight) DianaLoR
Champions in the Coven line: (Coven) Ahri, Akali, Ashe, Camille, Cassiopeia, Elise, Evelynn, JannaLoR, LeBlanc, Lissandra, Morgana, Nami, Nilah, Syndra, Zyra, (Old God) Ivern, Malphite, Mordekaiser, Nocturne, Warwick, (Thousand Pierced Bear) Volibear
Champions in the Elderwood line: (Elderwood) Ahri, Azir, Bard, Gnar, Hecarim, Karthus, LeBlanc, Ornn, Rakan, Rek'Sai, Veigar, Wukong, Xayah, (Dryad) Soraka, (Emerald) Taric
Champions in the Death Blossom line: (Death Blossom) Elise, Kha'Zix

  • Adaptational Heroism: Hecarim goes from being a ghastly slaughterer who swarms the world with the Black Mist in tow to being a stalwart guardian of the forest.
  • Adaptational Sexuality: Before Riot finally ascended the subtext in the canon main universe, this line's versions of Leona and Diana were confirmed to be lovers a couple of years earlier, with Coven Morgana having taunts for both of them about the other being doomed to perish.
  • Animal Motifs: Each Old God takes a form evoking some kind of mystical animal. Even if they have yet to be properly represented in the game, most members of the Coven has one as their patron, informing some of their design:
  • The Assimilator: A wood nymph known as Elderwood Ahri and A sylvan known as Elderwood LeBlanc both "stole" the Coven Witches' appearance,magic, and name (Ahri was spared but Leblanc is killed and has been resurrected afterward by her gods), Leblanc after her resurrection is revealed to be the new vessel for the Black Crane, which will soon take over her, Zyra also follows suit with the Night Dove in her prestige skin.
  • Canon Welding: According to Word of God, the Omen of the Dark universe is in-universe fiction within this universe, shared as storybook fables. The Thousand Pierced Bear Volibear skin, originally just a Color Story for Volibear himself is given, a new purpose as an Old God skin for the Eclipse line, he was later used as the patron Old God for Legends of Runeterra exclusive Coven Janna.
  • Chivalric Romance: The line takes heavy inspiration from a fantasized take on this, with mortal knights taking up arms to combat the strange, natural wickedness of the world. To emphasize this, Leona's, Morgana's, and Sivir's lore blurb and dialogue is in formal if dramatic early Modern English, Evelynn's is a different case as her dialogue is akin to Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe.
  • The Corruption: The growing influence of the Coven has been described as this, each one being a patron to a specific Old God that tempted them through whispered promises of power, prophecy, or enlightenment. It's also resulted in some tertiary influences, including with Karthus and Veigar. Karthus a desperate scholar; looking to resurrect his loved ones, while Veigar; as of the children of the Elderwood who is cursed with dangerous insanity.
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Coven Morgana is furious at Kayle for apparently "devouring" the sun itself, creating the eclipse.
  • Eldritch Abomination: The Old Gods — the Greater-Scope Villain of the line, served by The Coven — are described as having become this after their bodies died and were buried by the Elderwood. They returned with perished, grotesque facsimiles of their former bodies, consisting of jagged bone and a craven material between decaying flesh and plantlife.
  • Eleventh Hour Knight: Sivir cares about nothing but coin much like her classic counterpart, however; she will does vow to fight at the final Old God war.
  • The Fair Folk: While they've been severely cut down the present day, some of the Elderwood are of this sort. Among them are Soraka, a dryad who views humanity with benign curiosity, Ahri, a fair-skinned trickster spirit, Veigar, a cursed goblin child, and LeBlanc, a sylvan who fought against the rising threat of the Coven, stealing their lives, magic, and even name in the process.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Ivern contains all his cheery, pleasant dialogue of his usual version, but the deeper pitch and spookier reverb effects manages to warp any sincere kindness he has into something more secretly malevolent.
  • Friendly Enemy: While she doesn't have a representative skin nor a clearcut place in the Eclipse lore (yet), Diana is implied to be this to Leona, with Leona being extremely reluctant to fight her, giving her the chance to leave, and expressing sincere remorse if she must bring her down. Coven Morgana nods to the idea that the two are in fact lovers.
  • The Ghost: Diana is mentioned as a relevant character in the line (specifically as a former ally to Eclipse Leona), but she hasn't been given a skin yet. Until September 2023, where she receives a Legends of Runeterra exclusive Eclipse Knight skin.
  • Half-Human Hybrid: Evelynn is the daughter of a human woman and an Old God known as the Great Harrier.
    Evelynn: They say I have my father's eyes and my mother's tongue. But the claws... are mine.
  • Heel–Face Turn: After absorbing Ashlesh (or its Eclipse-verse equivalent) into her weapon, Nilah betrays the Coven and became an Eclipse Knight.
  • Light 'em Up: Regardless of whether it comes from the sun or the moon, Kayle, Leona, and Sivir wields this power.
  • Man-Eating Plant: The Death Blossoms are a deceptive race of hunters hiding within great flower fields, lulling those entranced by their beauty before consuming them. Kha'Zix consumes souls for a chance at metamorphosis, while Elise feasts on the flesh of maidens seemingly for the hell of it.
  • Nature Spirit: The Elderwood are specifically spirits of the forest, once being gentle and kind (consisting of fae, sylvans, and dryads), but are now becoming far more protective and vicious after the rise of the Coven, who sought to abuse their power for dastardly intentions.
  • North Is Cold, South Is Hot: Played within Coven, whereas Ashe came from the Northern Coven, Evelynn hails from the Southern Coven.
  • Our Sirens Are Different: Nami was titled as a Siren by the teaser. She's far more than just that.
  • The Paladin:
    • Eclipse Leona, a protector of humanity against the old, vile gods, wielding The Power of the Sun or Lunacy depending on which skin's in use.
    • There's also The Knights of the Emerald Chapel, led by Emerald Taric, who swore an oath to the forest to serve as their eternal guardians from invaders.
  • Palette Swap: Eclipse Leona is a Variant skin with two different purchasable forms: a dark orange Solar Eclipse skin, and a bright silver Lunar Eclipse skin, each gaining different particle effects and voice lines for their respective theme, with purchasing one making the other 45% cheaper. Reportedly, this came from Riot having a 50/50 split on deciding which form they wanted to develop, so they developed both (which was also something they were concurrently experimenting with in the Star Guardian "Pajama Guardian" Variants).
  • Time Abyss: The time of the old gods is long gone, but Elderwood Bard is said to predate them and the entirety of the great forest, making him very likely a primordial being since the dawn of time.
  • Unresolved Sexual Tension: Aatrox fell in love with the witch Kayle, but is ultimately unrequited as she only loves the sun she devoured. After becoming the new Sun herself, he however remains loyal to her as a monstrous, once-noble shadow when the eclipse's first corona struck him.
  • When Trees Attack: Elderwood Hecarim resembles a giant tree centaur god of the forest, though he only serves as its guardian from the most wicked of humans.
  • Witch Classic: The Coven is much more stylized in appearance than the traditional imagery, but they carry the spirit of this trope, being a group of witches serving ancient gods and spreading their old dark magics into the new world, and eagerly awaiting their rebirth.
  • Witch Hunt: Happened in canon, as Nami was one of the victims of the witch trials, she was tossed into the sea to down. But made a pact just in time with the Leviathan to reemerge as a sea witch.
  • Yin-Yang Bomb: As the name might imply, Eclipse Leona's usual light and sun-based theme is infused with mixture of darkness. She even refers to her power as that of "the cold of the darklight."
    Solar Eclipse Leona: The sun is gone, but I am here.

    Event Horizon 
A mix of more cosmic-themed skins containing two distinct themes: The Cosmic entities of sublime love and children of the stars, bringing light and beauty to the emptiness of deep space, and beings of the Dark Star, corrupted spirits serving the Singularity to pull all existence into the inky, inescapable abyss.
Champions in the Cosmic line: Anivia, Ashe, Hecarim, Illaoi, Kassadin, Lulu, Lux, Master Yi, Nami, Nidalee, Rakan, RivenLoR, Skarner, Varus, Vladimir, Xayah, Xin Zhao, YasuoLoR
Champions in the Dark Star line: (Dark Star) Cho'Gath, Jarvan IV, Karma, Kha'Zix, Malphite, Mordekaiser, Orianna, Shaco, ShyvanaLoR, Thresh, Varus, Xerath, ZedLoR (Dark Cosmic) Jhin, Lissandra, Lux

  • Above Good and Evil: Jhin, a Cosmic entity having been partially corrupted by the Dark Star, has developed a unique and horrifyingly de/reconstructive vision beyond that of either parties, and as he believes they squander their potential in fulfilling it, he now serves neither.
    (to Galaxy Slayer Zed) "Killing galaxies, Zed? How... plainly derivative. Allow me to make you part of something greater..."
  • Adaptational Heroism: Hecarim goes from being one of the most monstrous forces of the Shadow Isles to being one of the most trusted knights of the Cosmic Queen Ashe, expanding the outer edge of the cosmos with his cavalry and bringing life wherever he travels.
  • Adaptational Villainy:
    • Jarvan has gone from being a mortal emperor (and in this line may or may not have been as heroic as he is in canon) to a force of universal destruction that is the Dark Star.
    • Dark Cosmic Lux goes from a Demacian mage believing in justice and hope to a mad destroyer of universes.
  • Apocalypse How: The Dark Star Corruptants are trying to bring a Class-Z instance of this.
  • The Corruption: All the dark star champions have experienced this.
  • Cosmic Entity: All of these skins are based on cosmic phenomena, with the Cosmic beings born of and inspired by the stars, while the Dark Star beings are based off black holes and dark nebulae. Dark Star Thresh even describes himself as "entropy incarnate."
    Dark Cosmic Jhin: What lies beneath my mask? The universe, as I was meant to make it.
  • Dissonant Serenity: Karma, while still a nightmarish star-consuming Dark Star, is relatively less volatile than her kin, preferring to meditate in the vast emptiness where there were once stars and impose order through fear than seek galaxies out to ruin.
  • Early-Installment Weirdness: The Cosmic line was started with Cosmic Reaver Kassadin, which was initially based on the Southern Cross to celebrate League of Legends' server launch in Oceania. Since then, it's branched off into its own thematic line as the aesthetic opposite to the Dark Star line, though it occasionally pays tribute to real-world constellations.
  • Easter Egg: Dark Cosmic Jhin's taunt animation has him summoning then shooting down four stars around him, and there's a 1% chance that he'll summon Astronaut Teemo instead.
  • Fallen Hero:
    • Jhin used to be a pure Cosmic being, but was consumed by the Dark Star, gaining a new vision for a new purpose. Despite this, he remains an enemy of the Dark Star, but only because he's become something far worse.
      "The stars are my eyes... and one by one... I must blind them."
    • Lissandra followed the same path of being a Cosmic being consumed by the darkness. Seeing a "true" universe beyond the ashes of the current one, she seeks to bring on the apocalypse she once feared.
  • Good Counterpart: While Dark Star Varus was the first to exist (both in lore and as an in-game skin), there exists a Cosmic Varus, created in the corruptant's image and tasked with destroying his evil doppelganger to restore peace to the stars.
  • Mad Artist: Dark Cosmic Jhin plays off his love of twisting the murder and death of individuals into beautiful art, extending his methods across entire galaxies.
    (loading his fourth shot) "I must erase everything... the audience demands it..."
    "Destroying galaxies is a... pedestrian interpretation. I paint upon the canvas of eternity..."
  • Spacetime Eater: All Dark Star Corruptants are trying to bring calamity and destruction from deep space, and Dark Star Thresh specifically wants to feed all of existence to the Singularity, effectively erasing all time, matter, and thought.
  • Units Not to Scale: More so than any other skin theme; the smallest of them is planet sized, the largest possibly Star System sized, yet in gameplay they are no bigger than their mainline counterparts.
  • Yin-Yang Bomb: As his name might imply, Dark Cosmic champions integrates elements from both the beauty of the Cosmic entities and the destructive tendencies of the Dark Star, making him potentially deadlier than both.

A lighthearted set of skins turning champions into magical gods, deities, or creatures of various worldwide mythologies and folklore.
Champions in this line: (Siren) Cassiopeia, (Loch Ness) Cho'Gath, (Dark Valkyrie) Diana, (Valkyrie) Leona, (Ghost Bride) Morgana, (River Spirit) Nami, (Sasquatch) Nunu and Willump, (Muse) Sona, (Leprechaun) Veigar

  • Bigfoot, Sasquatch, and Yeti: Nunu and Willump swap out the ice-themed yeti theme for a more forest-themed Sasquatch theme.
  • Leprechaun: Leprechaun Veigar, though unfortunately, he isn't a fairy, he doesn't grant three wishes, and he doesn't have a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. In fact, he's much more interested in just killing you.
  • The Muse: Muse Sona, serving as a namesake Greek goddess of inspiration. She's mostly been forgotten over time, but she's recently found a resurgence in followers from an unlikely source: coffee-addled waiters working on their "next big screenplay idea."
  • Stock Ness Monster: Loch Ness Cho'Gath, of course. Described as a sea serpent that grows the more it feeds, only recognized through blurry photographs, and is believed to be responsible for a series of local disappearances. He's great for tourism, though!
  • Our Sirens Are Different:
    • Siren Cassiopeia is obviously based on this trope, inspired by the classic Greek depiction while visually playing into the Sirens Are Mermaids trope. Funnily enough, she's not happy with her reputation of drowning sailors and is trying to set the record straight, but she has a tendency to literally petrify interviewers.
    • River Spirit Nami is based on a Brazilian counterpart called the Iara, who shares the same deal of luring men into the waters using song, though they're usually portrayed as less sinister than the classical variant. The skin description poses her a malicious drowning siren, but the skin's Brazilian promotional image gave "Nami Iara" a more favorable depiction where she was a kindhearted witch doctor lured into a trap and killed, but was reborn by the sympathetic fish and moon as a guardian of the natural world.
  • Valkyries: Valkyrie Leona, here to descend from the heavens and lead the world's greatest soldiers to Valhalla (not that she tells anyone that it directly entails dying in battle). She's also accompanied by an Evil Counterpart in Dark Valkyrie Diana, who much prefers the comfort of mortal life, which hasn't really flown over well with Valhalla's management style.
  • Wight in a Wedding Dress: Ghost Bride Morgana (made to celebrate the Latin American server launch) is based on La Llorona of Mexican folklore, an all-white ghost of a weeping woman betrayed by the man she loved, spending an eternity alongside a river bank searching for him and her children.

    Forgotten Depths 
A series dedicated to folklore around Runeterra's oceans, the depths of which have been been the subject of much folklore and speculation of what may lurk below... and if we'd ever want to find out.
Champions in this line: (Atlantean) Fizz, Syndra (Deep One) Kassadin, (Deep Sea) Kog'Maw, Nami, (Coral Reef) Malphite, (Abyssal) Nautilus, (Deep Terror) Thresh

  • Atlantis: One of the many tales told involves this, once a proud, opulent underwater kingdom with a massive army led by General Fizz and magic skill (represented by Syndra), but has mysteriously since become a ghost town.
  • Eldritch Ocean Abyss: The bottom of the ocean is described as one of these, home to all sorts of horrifying and otherworldly creatures. The effects of looking into the abyss did to Kassadin what his canonical version experienced from peering into The Void.
  • Sea Monster: Several, all described as borderline eldritch in nature.

    Four Beasts
The Dragonmancers

Champions in this line: (Dragons) Aurelion Sol, (Dragonmancers) Ashe, Brand, Fiora, Kai'Sa, Karma, Kassadin, Lee Sin, Master YiWR, Rakan, Sett, Thresh, Vayne, Volibear, Yasuo (Phoenixes) Anivia, (Phoenixmancers) Seraphine, Xayah

This universe comprises of both the Dragonmancers and the Phoenixmancerrs, individuals granted the powers of creatures based on the Four Cardinal Beasts.

    Guardians of the Sands 
Set in an alternate Shurima, these champions were made to oversee its ancient tombs, spirits using their powers over the sand and light to let no man wander into their hallowed grounds, lest they be torn apart, consumed, and broken.
Champions in this line: (Guardian of the Sands) Kha'Zix, Janna, Rammus, Rengar, Ryze, Skarner, Xerath, (Risen) Fiddlesticks, (Sand Wraith) Pyke

  • Ancient Tomb: The Guardians of the Sands were invoked to guard them, punishing any trespassers and forcing them to face their wrath.
  • Deal with the Devil: Risen Fiddlesticks was illegitimately summoned by a jealous child emperor in an effort to gain power, but instead proceeded to instantly destroy his empire.
  • The Magnificent: The guardians each have their own poetic sobriquet they are summoned by: Kha'Zix the Devouring Scarab, Rammus the Skewering Wheel, Skarner the Gilded Scorpion, and Xerath the Liquid Light.
  • The Power of the Sun: Shurima's motif heavily incorporates this, so naturally, light and sand-powered particle effects have been incorporated into most of the champions' particle effects. Xerath in specific is stated to be made of "liquid light," with the ability to drown trespassers in his purifying radiance.
  • Scarab Power: Kha'Zix, Rammus, Skarner, and Fiddlesticks take inspiration from scarabs, owing to Shurima's obvious inspiration toward ancient Egypt. Guardian of the Sands Kha'Zix is specifically called "The Devouring Scarab."

The annual Harrowing is among the darkest times of the year in Runeterra, and wherever you may be, it'll be quite the event. The line is split between the colorful Halloween-tinged Trick-or-Treat skins, the more spectral Death Sworn line, and the zombie-themed Zombies VS. Slayers universe.
Champions in the Trick-or-Treat line: (Pumpkin Prince) Amumu, (FrankenTibbers) Annie, (Witch's Brew) Blitzcrank, (Mundo) Mundo, (Trick or Treat) Ekko, (Pumpkinhead) Fiddlesticks, (Headless) Hecarim, (Bewitching) Elise, Janna, Miss Fortune, Morgana, Nidalee, Tristana, (Count) Kassadin, (Kitty Cat) Katarina, (Count Kledula) Kled, (Ravenborn) LeBlanc, (Haunted) Maokai, Zyra, (Haunting) Nocturne, (Nosferatu) Vladimir
Champions in the Death Sworn line: (Death Sworn) Katarina, Viktor, Zed, (Reaper) Hecarim, Soraka, (Underworld) Twisted Fate, Wukong
Champions in the Zombies Vs. Slayers line: (Zombie) Brand, Nunu & Willump, Ryze, (Zombie Slayer) Jinx, Pantheon

A group of mysterious warriors who spend their time Hunting the Most Dangerous Game, the Headhunter skin line is a direct reference to the Predator movie series. Complete with advanced hunting armor, adaptive cloaking, impossibly sharp blades, and a penchant for stealth, the Headhunters seek the most powerful and glorious prey they can get their blades into.
Champions in this line: Akali, Caitlyn, Master Yi, Nidalee, Rengar

  • Battle Trophy: In true Yautja fashion, Akali, Rengar, and presumably all the other Headhunters have a trophy wall. Headhunter Rengar simply wears the bones of his slain.
  • Doing In the Wizard: Any mention of magical power is removed, instead replaced with alien tech or biology. Akali's blades are stated to be "flaring with alien energy," and Nidalee is described to have alien biology that allows her to hunt her prey as a human and an animal.
  • Egomaniac Hunter: All of the champions present in the line are ready for a hunt, turning themselves into a race of perfect killing machines just to prove they can.
    Pulsefire Ezreal: (nervous) I have so much respect for your species! Please don't hunt me!
  • Hunting the Most Dangerous Game: Like the creatures they reference, they spend their time hunting the most powerful fighters across the world.
  • Invisibility Cloak: Rengar and Akali continue to use stealth in-game, but now they've been altered to resemble Predator-esque cloaking devices.
  • Shout-Out: Made to directly reference and resemble the aliens from Predator.
  • Thunderbolt Iron: Headhunter Master Yi's weapon is a five-foot long serrated blade, stated to be forged from a meteoric alloy.

A theme of skins released every year for Valentine's Day, the Heartseekers are from a world where love is always in the air, romance is king, and the champions are fashionably decked out and ready for adventure and bloodshed.
Champions in the line: (Heartseeker) Ashe, Jinx, Lucian, Orianna, Quinn, Varus, Vayne, Yuumi, (Heartbreaker) Vi, (Heartpiercer) Fiora, (Sweetheart) Annie, Rakan, Sona, Xayah

  • Adaptational Sexuality: Heartbreaker Vi and Heartpiercer Fiora are heavily implied to be in love while there is no indication of Fiora's sexuality either way in canon.
  • Bears Are Bad News: While Sweetheart Annie is made of "sugar, spice, and everything nice," Tibbers is still made of the insatiable hunger of a shadow bear. And fire-resistant cotton. He's still probably good for a hug (but only one).
  • Butch Lesbian: Within the confines of the general aesthetic, which is dominated by pink, Heartbreaker Vi is the most butch of them: her outfit is more of a jacket with some waist hangings than the dress-like garments worn by most of the others; alone of everyone in the theme, she's wearing actual armour; her hair is pretty short; and while she isn't exactly devoid of pink, she offsets it with a lot of purple. Admittedly she's still covered in hearts, but someone tried, at least.
  • Creepy Doll: Orianna is still seen by others as creepy and unnatural, despite her simply wanting to help those with broken hearts and dance for them. Heartseeker Orianna actually has the most natural-looking face of all of her skins; it's when you see her clockwork movements actually in motion where things really fall apart.
    • Interestingly, her splash art implies she actually is a doll-sized cake-topper, with the real Orianna's hand for scale.
  • Cupid's Arrow: The general design aesthetic for most of the bow-wielding champions Ashe, Varus, and Vayne, with Heartseeker Varus especially looking like a traditional matchmaking "Cupid" himself. According to Quinn's skin description, the Heartseekers' weapons are designed to channel their target's inner romantic, but still function as actual weapons designed to inflict pain.
  • Funny Background Event:
    • Heartseeker Vayne's splash art implies that Dr. Mundo asked her for a date, to which she responded to with an arrow to the back.
    • Heartseeker Ashe's full splash art features a lovestruck, yet otherwise normal Tryndamere in the background.
  • Good Is Not Soft: The goal of the Heartseekers is to help those overcome negative emotions of grief and instilling feelings of romance as Valentine's Day approaches. They do so using arrows, bullets, and other typically violent types of magic. Hey, Love Hurts.
  • Ladykiller in Love: Female version. Heartbreaker Vi has left a trail of broken heartsnote  in her wake, but the splash art and flavour text strongly imply that she's fallen hard for Heartpiercer Fiora.
  • Love Goddess: All of the Heartseekers appear to be based on this, most of them are described as searching to fill the world with love... using projectile weapons. Heartseeker Ashe, their leader, is the self-described "Queen of Hearts", who can't stand to see agony and grief as the season of love approaches.
  • Sharp-Dressed Man: Heartseeker Lucian gets a dashing red/white suit, ready to sweep you off your feet, preferably at a dinner by lantern light.

A skin line set in an alternate version of Piltover and Zaun, one where champions are either specialists in or made out of hextech machinery.
Champions in the line: Alistar, Amumu, Annie, Anivia, Galio, Janna, Kassadin, Kog'Maw, Malzahar, Nocturne, Poppy, Rammus, Renekton, Sejuani, Singed, Sion, Ziggs

  • Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: Hextech Galio retains his colossal size in his splash art, and Hextech Alistar is also shown as similarly enormous in his own.
  • Body Horror: Hextech Renekton is described as a monstrosity of flesh and hextech.
  • Child Prodigy: Annie is a scientific prodigy in the hextech renaissance, and has a collection of highly valued hextech warbears, including Tibbers.
  • Corporate-Sponsored Superhero: Hextech Galio was created by several of Piltover's largest industrial families and donated to the city as a public service to capitalize on the booming hextech market. His bio even describes him as an "ostensively walking advertisement."
  • Early-Installment Weirdness: Hextech Janna is decidedly a lot more normal and grounded than the other more flashy skins, effectively being a light Steampunk outfit makeover. This is because it was meant to be based on Janna's old lore where she began as a human Zaunite, though with her bio rewrites and the growth of the Hextech line, the skin gained a new non-canon plot setup. Hextech Galio, Hextech Singed, Hextech Sion, and Hextech Anivia are also quite different than the fancy blue and purple gemstone skins the line later became known for.
  • It Can Think: Hextech Anivia was a breakthrough for being the first hextech lifeform to be declared as sentient. The secret behind artificial life is well-guarded out of fear of abuse, with Hextech Alistar designed as its guardian.
  • Magitek: The central focus of this line is League of Legends' take on it. In addition to some champions being made out of the stuff, the hextech developers also address the potential consequences of working with the stuff, for good (Hextech Janna gaining wind powers from working with raw materials) or bad (Hextech Singed mangling himself physically and mentally into a magic chemical-infused monstrosity).
  • Purple Is Powerful: The Hextech line is primarily blue and purple-themed and most of the members of the line are powerful leaders or dangerous creations.
  • Robot Buddy:
    • Hextech Kog'Maw units are advertised as incredibly friendly and expensive pets, viewed mostly as symbols of wealth around their owners.
    • invokedHextech Amumu was similarly intended as a playmate for wealthy children, but has long since been forgotten as Hextechnology Marches On.

    High Noon Gothic

A skin line taking place in Weird West version of Runeterra, featuring champions given huge western/desert makeovers, with wild and deadly showdowns all around.

Champions in the line: (High Noon) Ashe, Darius, Hecarim, Irelia, Jhin, Katarina, Leona, Lucian, Mordekaiser, Samira, Senna, Sion, Tahm Kench, Talon, Thresh, Twisted Fate, Twitch, Urgot, Varus, Viktor, Yasuo, (Longhorn) Alistar, (Sheriff) Caitlyn, (Desperada) Cassiopeia, (Bandito) Fiddlesticks, (Sonoran) Kog'Maw, (Cowgirl) Miss Fortune, (Sandscourge) Skarner

  • Anti Anti Christ: High Noon Lucian looks very spooky after his corruption following deal with Thresh, but despite this, he very much intends to put a stop to his game.
    Lucian: (approaching High Noon Thresh) I'll rule my own soul, devil, and send you back to hell!
  • Anti-Hero:
  • Ascended Demon: Senna was a human gunslinger who was sent on the path to becoming a demon after Thresh ripped her heart out, but she was mysteriously resurrected through the "intervention of a higher authority" and now wields both angelic and demonic traits. While her morality isn't quite as pure as Ashe, she seeks to at least restore balance in the West.
  • The Atoner: Yasuo arrived in the West fleeing murder charges. Since then he has single-handedly driven off bandit gangs and saved a lot of lives, and his brand of vigilante justice impressed one (small) town enough that they made him sheriff.
    Lucian: Hope you find peace, Yasuo. Least one of us will.
  • Badass Native: High Noon Irelia isn't directly representative of them, she is still inspired by Native Americans; her heavily-feathered design is at least evocative of their traditional aesthetic seen in traditional westerns, and there's also the whole (intentionally-written) deal of her being a warrior angel who resided in heaven before man arrived in a land rush, ruined it, and forcibly displaced her.
  • Card Sharp: Twisted Fate, naturally. More specifically, Tobias "Twisted Fate" Felix spends his days hustling poor saps between the Buzzard Gulch and other various border towns.
  • Cattle Punk: High Noon Urgot replaces his Bio Punk-themed body with this, turning him into a twisted hybrid of an old-timey Railroad Baron and a steampunk demon from hell. This aesthetic is also lightly present with High Noon Jhin and Yasuo.
  • Cool Horse:
    • Hecarim is a demonic horseman who razes through the frontier with his gang of additional black riders.
    • Ashe has a mare named Virtue for her homeguard and recall animations, but she's mostly just a head and forelegs, dissolving into wispy smoke just past the withers.
    • Senna was reborn with a hellish steed of her own named Sentinel, which shapeshifts into her signature BFG. Both forms being equally awesome.
      Senna: What my resurrection lacked in fanfare, it made up with a gun horse.
  • Cowboy: Majority of the skins revolve around this theme.
  • Cursed with Awesome: High Noon Lucian. Sure, the deal with Thresh corrupted his soul and the left side of his body is visibly affected (which becomes a full-blown demonic transformation during his recall and ultimate), but one can't deny he's putting those powers to good use against Thresh himself.
  • Deal with the Devil:
    • The devil in this case being Thresh, who —when not spreading widespread fear and chaos in search for souls— makes deals with mortals in exchange for theirs. Urgot sold his immortal soul for his mechanical body after he was left in the desert to die, and Lucian had his corrupted to save the life of his one true love (or at least attempt; Senna did come back, but not quite intact and implied to be from unrelated reasons), gaining demonic powers in the process.
    • Darius, who was humiliatingly defeated by his brother and became twisted by an obsession for revenge, also became the subject to this with Hecarim.
      Ashe: Guess it's like you always said, Darius. Demons give you what you want, devils give you what you need.
  • Desert Skull: High Noon Thresh's usual skull head is made to resemble one, complete with giant horns and being engulfed in flames.
  • Devil, but No God: Explicitly: the High Noon Gothic universe is the result of humans staging a "land rush" on Heaven and ultimately destroying it.
  • Fashionable Asymmetry: Part of this is due to his corruption, but High Noon Lucian's left arm and gun is visibly glowing black and red, contrasting greatly to his normal right arm and bright white/gold gun.
  • The Good, the Bad, and the Evil: The anti-heroic Lucian, the corrupted Urgot, and the straight-up demonic Thresh are these, respectively. In addition, their dynamic is made as a direct Shout-Out to The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, though they would more likely respectively be Lucian, Thresh, and Urgot.
  • Hell on Earth: The old west is swarmed with all kinds of gothic hellbeasts, both to bargain with mortals and/or to destroy them. The reason the legions of hell swarm the prairie is because Heaven was destroyed by mortal men during a land rush, releasing the devils of Hell from confinement.
  • Hired Guns: As one might expect, many of the outlaws serve as these, including Alistar, Jhin, and Miss Fortune. Lucian used to be this, but ever since his Deal with the Devil, he's more out for seeking Revenge.
  • Later-Installment Weirdness: A large portion of the line's skins were created years before they were unified into their own Alternate Universe, most made as generally mundane cowboy/western-themed skins. When the universe was properly established with its own lore, its overall aesthetic with newer skins has since become much more ambitious and fanciful.
  • The Magnificent: The 2018 High Noon skins are given fancy titles in "The Devils Among Us": Lucian is "The Man with the Grinning Shadow", Thresh is "The Slaughter God", and Urgot is "The Steel Monstrosity".
  • Meaningful Appearance: With the exception of Kog'Maw, Skarner and Thresh, everyone in the line wears a nice hat indicative of the western setting.
  • Our Angels Are Different: Ashe is described as a "mechanical angel", built early on during the pioneering age, empowered by the blood of deities from the destruction of Heaven. She chooses to forgive humanity for their crimes, and now serves to protect them from The Legions of Hell with arrows of light.
    Ashe: I am cold steel fuelled by the blood of saints and angels. Howdy.
  • Power Gives You Wings: High Noon Lucian's "fully corrupted" form (seen while using The Culling and his recall) gives him long, demonic spikes over his shoulder and back that evoke these. High Noon Ashe's cape takes on a feathery appearance when her passive is fully stacked and also when she ults.
  • Railroad Baron: The once-named Jeremiah James used to be one of these, but lost his millions and industrial empire after betting his own heart in a game of chance and losing. The only reason he's still around is because he sold his soul to Thresh, turning him into High Noon Urgot.
  • Riding into the Sunset: Lucian's joke emote subverts this for laughs, where he whistles for his horse to do this... and it never comes.
  • Samurai Cowboy: High Noon Yasuo. He even trades in his nodachi for a gunblade!
  • Scary Scorpions: Sandscourge Skarner represents one of the many dangerous and carnivorous scorpions on the prairie, and is drawn to campfires at night. Travelers, beware!
    Lucian: Is it just me, or are those critters getting bigger?
  • The Sheriff:
    • Sheriff Caitlyn, natch, who extends her long arm of the law (as well as her gun) over the town of Progress.
    • High Noon Yasuo serves as the reluctant sheriff of a "two-street town," defending it against bandit gangs and other desert threats.
  • Showdown at High Noon: The name of the line is an obvious reference to this. High Noon Lucian's teaser, "A New Devil's in Town", features him ready to partake in a duel with Thresh in this style.
  • Snake People: Desperada Cassiopeia, whose scales are patterned like a rattlesnake (rattle too). Even though she's a well-known outlaw, Lucian's surprised when he sees her in person and discovers that she really is half snake.
  • "Wanted!" Poster: Cowgirl Miss Fortune's splash art features these.
  • Weird West: Champions with supernatural/magic abilities still retain them in the line, including Cassiopeia, Fiddlesticks, Twisted Fate, and Thresh. High Noon Lucian is among the biggest showcases, having made a Deal with the Devil and has demonic powers to go alongside his gunslinging.
  • The Wild West: The general theme of the line, in a few varieties. Some are just standard Cowboy makeovers, while some are made to resemble wild desert creatures, and others are given additional supernatural elements for flavor.
  • Yin-Yang Bomb: Senna's usual light/darkness dichotomy is represented by her having the angelic powers of heaven and the demonic powers of hell at her beck and call.
    Senna: A little taste of heaven, a barrel full of hell!

    Immortal Journey 
"The mountaintop reaches skyward; the earth reaches for the heavens. In this mountain there is a lake, and from this lake rose the Sacred Sword." - Immortal Journey

Long ago, in an ancient land, many souls gathered beneath the gods to test the limits of their power. Foolish and arrogant, brave and just, their journeys are written into the immortal pages of history...
Champions in this line: (Soaring Sword) Fiora, (Divine Sword) Irelia, (Sacred Sword) Janna, (God Staff) Jax, (God Fist) Lee Sin, (Eternal Sword) Master Yi, (Majestic Empress) Morgana, (Splendid Staff) Nami, (Valiant Sword) Riven, (Enduring Sword) Talon.

  • Ambiguous Situation: Morgana's motivation for wanting to restore Talon's power to him is unclear. Her recall animation has her desperately reaching for Talon's power and sobbing on the ground as it disappears, suggesting the two had some kind of history together, but nothing more has been stated or shown.
  • Arrogant Kung-Fu Guy: God Fist Lee Sin and God Staff Jax (who's already one anyway) are quite full of themselves... though probably for good reason.
  • Asskicking Leads to Leadership: Morgana became the Majestic Empress by slaying the old gods in charge of the world and taking their place.
  • Break the Haughty: Talon was once the proud dragon king of the south seas, who in his hubris challenged the demigoddess Irelia to a duel and lost in front of his assembled court. He lashed out at her in humiliation, and she sealed his power away and banished him to the mortal realms to learn some humility.
  • Brought Down to Normal: Talon's draconic power was taken from him by Irelia, making him mortal.
  • Evil Sorceress: While she may not look the part, Morgana is a feared sorceress and usurper queen who sought revenge against Irelia for sealing away Talon's power, having crushed her in battle and is now seeking to restore the once-great dragon king's stature.
  • Half-Human Hybrid: Irelia is described as a demigoddess.
  • Humanity Ensues: Nami was originally a fish with dreams of becoming a dragon, but started gaining a more human-like form after the sealed dragon king Talon's power began seeping out and influencing her. She still has her fish tail for the most part (her splash art obscures her bottom half in water), but her recall shows her gaining human legs.
  • Lady of War: Nearly all of the female champions in the line count, being incredibly powerful yet graceful all at once. Fiora is one of Yi's fellow martial arts students, Janna is the steadfast guardian of an immortality-granting sword of jade, and Irelia is a demigoddess who won a duel against Talon and then sealed his power in her blades when he struck at her in retaliation. Morgana and Riven both trained in the arts of war and politics for years, and are now clashing for the fate of the world.
  • Legendary Carp: Splendid Staff Nami is an allusion to the legend of the fish that becomes a dragon.
  • Monkey King Lite: Wukong was already this, but Radiant Wukong is described as having undergone on a long journey to test his skills against history's greatest warriors, but is still barred by his quick temper and impulsive nature.
  • Physical God:
    • Lee Sin became the titular wielder of the "God Fist" after defeating the master of every martial art school blindfolded and defeating his predecessor atop a treacherous mountain.
    • Jax was also once a mortal warrior, but ascended into godhood (or at least received god-level immortality) after becoming the successful wielder of the God Staff.
    • As a dragon king, Talon was apparently something close, but Irelia (herself a demigoddess) stripped him of his power to curb his arrogance.
    • Morgana became a goddess through magical power and now seeks to kick humans and lesser gods down a rung or two.
  • Sword of Plot Advancement: Yi (followed by Fiora) is seeking a fabled sword of pure jade that grants immortality, but is hidden at the bottom of a silent lake, guarded by Janna.
  • Wuxia: The entire line is a massive love letter to the genre, aesthetically resembling it at its most awesome and beautiful.

Following the Ashen Lord of fire and ruin's summoning into the mortal world, he and his army of Infernals have been slowly remaking all that exists into his horrific image, intending to leave behind nothing but cinders, ashes, and death.
Champions in this line: (Ashen Lord) Aurelion Sol, (Infernal) Akali, Alistar, Amumu, Diana, Galio, Karthus, Kennen, Mordekaiser, Nasus, PantheonLoR, Shen, SwainLoR, Varus, Vel'Koz, (Foxfire) Ahri, (Shadowfire) Kindred, (Obsidian) Malphite, (Charred) Maokai, (Molten) Rammus, (Scorched Earth) Renekton, Xerath, (Firefang) Warwick, (Volcanic) Wukong, (Wildfire) Zyra

  • Adaptational Villainy: Several champions from Aurelion Sol to Nasus to Diana, who in canon range from being neutral to heroic, are now the baddies.
  • Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: Based on several splash arts — most prominently Ashen Lord Aurelion Sol, Infernal Akali, and Firefang Warwick — the Infernals are utterly enormous.
  • The Corruption: Wildfire Zyra and Charred Maokai were respectively a neutral forest nymph and one of the gentle treefolk, but were corrupted by the Infernal's touch and now serve alongside them.
  • The End of the World as We Know It: While he hasn't won yet (there still exists a rebellion in the form of the Shadowfire Temple), the Ashen Lord and his infernal legion is hellbent on burning the entire world to the ground.
  • Evil Is Not a Toy: The Ashen Lord was first summoned into the world by an extremist pyromancer cult who unwisely sought to control the god of fire and ruin's power for themselves. This proved to be an apocalyptic mistake.
  • Godzilla Threshold: The high priests of the Shadowfire Temple summoned their god of destruction and rebirth, Shadowfire Kindred, not fully realizing the bitter price they may have to pay to fight the flames, but also not really caring since hope is almost completely lost.
  • Hellhound: Infernal Nasus evokes a fiery, anthropomorphic cerberus, and unlike his canon counterpart where he fights to protect the world, this version's fully intent on destroying it. Firefang Warwick also counts to a degree.
  • La Résistance: The Shadowfire Temple is seemingly the last hope for humanity, with Foxfire Ahri leading the charge and the rest of it summoning their god, Shadowfire Kindred to fighting the Ashen Lord. Separately, when the mountains burst, obsidian creatures from the earth (represented by Obsidian Malphite) were freed and seek to destroy the Infernals.
  • Obliviously Evil: Infernal Amumu is a lesser infernal spirit who, like his canon counterpart, isn't actively malevolent and is simply really lonely and seeks friendship, but is eternally cursed to bring fire and destruction wherever he goes.
  • Our Dragons Are Different: The Ashen Lord Aurelion Sol is the ultimate Big Bad of the line, being an enormous dragon god of cinders and death.
  • Outside-Context Problem: Obsidian Malphite and the other obsidian creatures are this towards the Ashen Lord's armies, as nobody knows what they are, why they were trapped deep beneath the earth, or why they are so well suited for and committed to fighting off the Infernals.
  • Playing with Fire: Like you wouldn't believe, with everyone in the line possessing fiery appearances and powers. Even before the Aurelion Sol and his infernals were unleashed, pyromancy already existed in various forms and factions.
  • The Starscream: Scorched Earth Xerath possesses keen intellect compared to other Infernal leaders and is awaiting the day he can usurp his master. Soon...


K/DA was originally made to coincide with "The Afterparty" of the Worlds 2018, the opening ceremony for the finals of which premiered the group's live performance of "POP/STARS", headlined by Madison Beer, Soyeon and Miyeon of (G)I-dle, and Jaira Burns.

In the lead-up to Worlds 2020, the group made a comeback sporting new looks along with the pre-release single "THE BADDEST" for an upcoming EP. Also included was a comic series titled K/DA: Harmonies, following the journey of a young, aspiring musician named Seraphine who finds a chance to join the group.

Their promotional website can be found here.

Champions in the K/DA line: Ahri, Akali, Evelynn, Kai'Sa
Champions in the K/DA ALL OUT line: Ahri, Akali, Evelynn, Kai'Sa, Seraphine (Indie, Rising Star, Superstar)

    Lunar Beasts 
Each year, a mischievous Lunar Beast arrives in the mortal realm, drawn to the New Year's celebrations, and each year, the corresponding Lunar God selects a squad of chosen champions to lead the beast on a merry chase and protect the city from the creature's playful rampage. The Lunar Parade is a beloved part of the New Year's festivities and the Beast itself brings good luck once it has been lulled to rest by the squad's efforts. When a Lunar Beast is well-entertained and well-rested, it always signals a prosperous New Year!
Champions in this line: Alistar, Annie, Aphelios, Darius, Fiora, Jarvan IV, Viego

  • Animal Motifs: The Year of the Ox came in 2057 (or 2021 in real life), and thus duties of stopping the Lunar Beast were placed on the Ox Clan. Not only was the clan led appropriately by Alistar, the Minotaur, all members of the clan are depicted with magical ox horns.
  • Bad Boss: Viego served as a previous leader of the Ox Squad, but his desire to outright defeat and kill the Lunar Beast rather than merely sedate it cost them dearly, with the Lunar Beast devouring all of his squadmates, including his wife. Years later, he's still bitter over their losses and blames everyone but himself, including the current Ox Squad.
  • Brother–Sister Team: Aphelios and Alune are members of the Ox Clan, placed in order to face the year's Lunar Beast. Unbeknownst to the rest of their squad, they are progeny of the Bull God, and practice the obscure "old ways" of worship in order to subdue their foe.
  • Child Prodigy: Much to the surprise of everyone in the Ox Clan, it was Annie who was chosen to be their tech operative, serving as the team's recon strategist to keep the Lunar Parade's path free of civilians.
  • Family Honor: Fiora's participation in the Ox Clan is motivated by this, with her family's name falling into disgrace after her father's participation in a previous Ox Squad ended in disaster. She takes her job much more seriously than her squadmates, making her seem cold and standoffish, but she's ultimately just as determined to bring on a successful New Year as the rest.
  • The Lancer: Darius serves as the number 2 to Alistar, the Ox Clan's actual leader. Both of them are quite brutish and are often known to butt heads, but nevertheless, both share the determination and steadfast strength required to lead the Clan.
  • New Year Has Come: Every new year, the Lunar Beast arrives and creates chaos among the city, and a squad chosen by the residing god corresponding to the Eastern Zodiac is sent out to quell it.
  • Sour Supporter: Jarvan IV isn't enthusiastic about joining the Ox Clan and receiving the celebrity status that accompanies it, and only did so because his father stubbornly insisted he did. Coming from a long line of philanthropists, he nonetheless brings a strong, businesslike efficiency to the biggest community event of the year.
  • Wutai: A line celebrating the Lunar New Year, the line is aesthetically influenced Eastern Asia, with the titular Lunar Beast being a reference to the Chinese Nian. However, unlike the Lunar Revel which takes its cues from ancient fantasy, Lunar Beasts is distinctly more modern, taking place in the future and featuring outfit designs inspired by Asian street fashion.

    Lunar Revel 
A skin line inspired by and released in celebration of the Lunar New Year, the various skin lines feature a heavy influence from Ancient Asia. Originally popularized by the combat-oriented Warring Kingdoms skins, the thematic branched out into a larger narrative, including Firecracker skins representing the festive side of Lunar Revels, the Magitek Humongous Mecha-themed Mecha Kingdoms line, and other general skins representing the mythological side. Each year, depending on the Zodiac sign for that year, new skins will be released that represent that year's Zodiac.
Champions in the general Lunar Revel line: (Lunar Wraith) Caitlyn, Morgana, Sylas, (Jade Fang) Cassiopeia, (Lunar Goddess) Diana, (Dragon Fist) Lee Sin, (Lunar Empress) Lux,, (Lunar Guardian) Nasus, Warwick, (Guqin) Sona, (Coin Emperor) Tahm Kench, (Jade Dragon) Wukong, (Radiant) Wukong.
Champions in the Warring Kingdoms line: (Warring Kingdoms) Azir, Garen, Jarvan IV, Katarina, Nidalee, Tryndamere, Vi, Xin Zhao, (Dragonblade) Riven, Talon
Champions in the Firecracker line: (Panda) Annie, (Dragonwing) Corki, (Firecracker) Diana, Jinx, Sejuani, Sett, Teemo, Tristana, Vayne, Xin Zhao, (Lion Dance) Kog'Maw
Champions in the Mecha Kingdoms line: Draven, Garen, Jax, Leona, Sett

  • Adaptational Villainy: Caitlyn is firmly on the side of evil in this skinline and just seeing her is described as an evil omen.
  • Animal Motifs: Separated from the Eastern Zodiac entries below, Jax refers to Lunar Revel Nidalee as the Spirit of the White Tiger, and Warring Kingdoms Xin Zhao has the title of "Tiger General".
  • Ascended Meme: After many, many years, Jax found a real weapon in the form of his Avalon.
    Jax: Can't believe I used to fight with a lamppost. It'll be hard going back.
  • Big Bad: Lunar Wraith Sylas, who stands in opposition to Lunar Empress Lux.
  • Cleavage Window: The Lunar Wraith Caitlyn skin has an opening in the chest area to expose her cleavage.
  • Dragon Knight: Many of the champions have dragon motifs in their lore and in-game effects; the weapons of Dragonblade Talon and Riven are directly forged from the dragonfire of a shadow dragon. Others like Jade Dragon Wukong, Warring Kingdoms Tryndamere, and Warring Kingdoms Garen, have more Eastern-style serpentine dragons in them.
  • Early-Installment Weirdness: The original Warring Kingdoms skins (Jarvan IV and Xin Zhao) were originally released to celebrate the anniversary of League's Chinese server, and are more aesthetically reminiscent of Dynasty Warriors than Chinese New Year. Later Warring Kingdoms skins would be more integrated into the general Lunar Revel aesthetic, so they might seem a little out-of-place as years go on.
  • Eastern Zodiac: Certain skins represent the totems in the zodiac:
    • The Year of the Dragon in 2012 wasn't represented by an actual dragon champion, but was still referenced in Dragon Fist Lee Sin, Dragonblade Talon, and Jade Dragon Wukong.
    • The Year of the Snake in 2013 was represented with Jade Fang Cassiopeia.
    • The Year of the Monkey in 2016 was represented with Radiant Wukong note ).
    • The Year of the Rooster in 2017 was represented with Warring Kingdoms Azir.
    • The Year of the Dog in 2018 was represented with Lunar Guardians Warwick and Nasus.
    • The Year of the Pig in 2019 was represented with Firecracker Sejuani.
    • The Year of the Ox in 2021 was represented with Lunar Beast Alistar
    • The Year of the Tiger in 2022 was represented with Porcelain Protector Ezreal.
  • Fatal Fireworks: Featured in all the "Firecracker" to varying degrees. Within the context of the Lunar Revel, firecrackers are supposed to ward off evil spirits and misfortune (much like how they're symbolically seen in Chinese cultures), but they're a lot more dangerous when given to a pyromaniac child, a hungry Void monster, and a Trigger-Happy girl who thinks a seven foot-long rocket shaped like an angry dragon is just a fun firecracker for parties.
  • Humongous Mecha: The Mecha Kingdoms sub-line revolve around champions piloting massive Magitek versions of their usual selves called Avalons, used to combat invading leviathans. They're scaled down to work with gameplay, but the Legendary-tier Mecha Kingdoms Jax gains additional animations help sell his size and weight, being seen carried and deployed by floating drones Pacific Rim-style, to his recall showing him landing on a just-as-disproportionately-sized mountain side.
    Jax: Would you look at that? I finally have a real weapon!
  • Identical Stranger: They might not be identical in appearance, but Radiant Wukong and Jade Dragon Wukong both exist in this skin line, and they share the same name, abilities, and presumably species, despite being two different characters in this lore.
  • Lunacy: A benevolent example from Lunar Empress Lux, a demigod groomed to watch over the immortal realm and protect the world from darkness, joined by her Lunar Guardians Warwick and Nasus.
  • Magitek: The Avalons of the Mecha Kingdoms line are a mixture of ancient and futuristic aesthetics, built of strange technology from the heavens themselves.
    Jax: What fuels this, you ask? A little bit of monster essence and a whole lotta Jax.
  • Monkey King Lite: Wukong was already this, but Radiant Wukong is described as having undergone on a long journey to test his skills against history's greatest warriors, but is still barred by his quick temper and impulsive nature.
  • Navel-Deep Neckline: Warring Kingdoms Nidalee skin has a neckline that plunges to her navel.
  • Rags to Riches: Sett is not of royalty, and was originally a nameless barbarian from parts unknown, but gained a massive following as a pit fighter named "The Savage Wolf" and used his fortune to gain an Avalon of his own.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: While the Lunar Guardians have raised Lunar Empress Lux to protect the world, the red Warwick is described as "feral" as he ravenously pursues foes from the south, while the blue Nasus is the stoic, but powerful guardian of the north.
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something: In the Mecha Kingdoms line, Garen is the warlord of the Vercentia Kingdom, Leona is the matriarch of the Dawnrise Kingdom, and both of them pilot their own Avalons. Subverted with Jax, who is high-ranking, but still answers to the king of the Estercrest Kingdom.
  • Smug Super: Comes with the territory of being Jax, but his Mecha Kingdoms counterpart really loves to boast about his power with and without his mech, as well as talking smack against other Avalon pilots.
    (after a pentakill) "To kingdoms everywhere: you're welcome!"

An alternate universe/future where several of Bandle City's greatest scientists have constructed mecha for protection of their home from a kaiju threat.
Champions in this line: (Mecha Zero) Sion, (Mecha) Aatrox, Aurelion Sol, Kha'Zix, Malphite, Rengar, (Giant Enemy Crabgot) Urgot

A set of skins that take place in an alternate Runeterra reminiscent of the middle ages.
Champions in this line: (Little Knight) Amumu, (Queen) Ashe, (Executioner) Mundo, (Sir) Kled, (Sorceress) Lux, (Blacksmith) Poppy, (King) Tryndamere, (Medieval) Twitch, (White Mage) Veigar
