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Kingdom of Elfrieden/Friedonia

Elfrieden Royal Family

    Souma Kazuya 

Souma Kazuya/King Souma A. Elfrieden/King Souma Euphoria Friedonia
Voiced by: Yūsuke Kobayashi (Japanese), Alejandro Saab (English)note 

Summoned to another world to reportedly deal with the threat of the Demon Lord's Domain, Kazuya instead finds himself with the throne of the Kingdom of Elfrieden and the hand of Liscia Elfrieden thrown at him. Now as King Souma, he begins radical reforms in order to improve the standard of living in the kingdom. In the One Week War, Souma finds himself in a civil war between himself and Dukes Georg Carmine and Castor Vargas while also having to fight the Principality of Amidonia. Through a series of military strategies, Souma emerges victorious and annexes Amidonia, although this was entirely unplanned to create the Unified Kingdom of Elfrieden and Amidonia, otherwise known as the Kingdom of Friedonia. He then forges a secret alliance with the Empress Maria Euphoria of the Gran Chaos Empire.

  • Accidental Truth: He notes that the flaws in the Mankind Declaration could lead to the collapse of any countries involved in the event of internal conflict. He probably never imagined that Maria herself would later plan to take advantage of those flaws to deliberately break up the Gran Chaos Empire.
  • Affectionate Nickname:
    • He makes Tomoe call him "Big Brother" after she is adopted into the royal family.
    • Roroa calls him "Darlin", while Aisha and Juna like to call him "Darling" in private.
    • After Kuu befriends Souma, he starts calling him "Big Bro" or "Bro".
  • Awesome Moment of Crowning: He is officially crowned as the "King of Friedonia" in volume 10, after he marries his brides.
  • Badass Bureaucrat: While he's not a particularly good fighter or mage, he's excellent at effectively administering a kingdom.
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: Prior to his summoning, Kazuya's plan in life is to become a civil servant in Japan's society. Now he is the highest ranked civil servant in charge of a whole nation.
  • Becoming the Mask: He gets through a lot of the early troubles by putting himself in the mindset of playing the role of a king. It starts to scare him when he becomes too desensitized to the number of deaths the war with Amidonia is causing.
  • Benevolent Boss: He is shown to be very cordial with his closest subordinates and looks out for their wellbeing, such as helping Ginger bring the person who forced San into slavery to justice via his connections with Maria.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: Some of Souma's ideas are very...outside the box...particularly for a roughly medieval feudal society. The idea of using the broadcast jewels to create entertainment programs, much less a Tokusatsu show are just an example of how outlandish his ideas can get. And yet, all of them serve a deeper purpose, and he almost never does anything for no reason at all.
  • The Casanova: He's widely rumored to be one In-Universe. Since two of his wives came from the recruitment drive, including a beauty contest, many thought that's why he ran it in the first place, while other rumors argue that he went to war with Amidonia just to marry Roroa. While he and his harem certainly have an active sex life, he actually isn't much of a womanizer and finds these kinds of rumors really annoying.
  • Casting a Shadow: His magic element is darkness. However, Darkness In-Universe is Dark Is Not Evil.
  • The Chains of Commanding: Being the king is hard work.
    • The first time Souma expresses frustration at his own failings is when the landslide devastates the Jingo forest, where Aisha is from, burying half of the village. While they were able to save many lives, including Aisha's cousin, he feels he failed the people of the forest. He had been so focused on the famine and refugees suffering and the problem with the Three Dukes, he hadn't considered any contingencies for natural disasters like this one which befell his people. This is also the first time he calls himself "King" rather than "King (temporary)."
    • Even after he navigates the Kingdom's way out of an economic and food crisis, ends a civil war, wins a war with a hostile nation, then subsequently absorbs said hostile nation; Souma is still stuck doing paperwork near constantly; even with magic that allows him to do the administrative tasks of multiple people simultaneously, and even when Genia invents a device that enables him to keep working, even when he's hundreds of miles distant.
  • The Chessmaster: His plans usually revolve around manipulating things behind the scenes to produce the outcome he desires, as demonstrated during the Amidonia war.
  • Chick Magnet: Between Liscia, Aisha, Juna, Roroa and Naden, Souma is shown to be good at attracting women. Not to mention the countless women that want to marry him due to being a king.
  • Comfort Food: Bean-boiled giant locust tastes like miso. The first time Souma tries it, he starts crying out of nostalgia for Japanese food.
  • Conveniently an Orphan: Souma is an introvert who was focused on his studies to the exclusion of most social interaction. He's an only child whose parents died when he was young, and was raised by his grandfather, who died the year before the story begins. As a result, he conveniently has nothing significant tying him to his life in Japan, though he still gets homesick sometimes.
  • Crazy-Prepared: It's rare for a series to show the preparation phase of this trope. However, Souma, a pragmatist and avid fan of the work of Machiavelli, is constantly laying the groundwork in preparation for future crises. The biggest example of this is, in anticipation of a future encounter with the demons inhabiting the Demon Lord's Domain, Souma initiates a festival similar to Halloween, where the participants dress up in monster outfits, his objective being to reduce the sense of taboo humans hold towards Demons in order to decrease the necessity of bloodshed.
  • Doting Parent: To his twin children with Liscia; Cian and Kazuha.
  • The Fettered: He is shown to be a responsible ruler, always thinking of the greater good and the good of his people rather then his own personal interest. This is demonstrated when he reject the Lunarian Orthodox Papal State's saint's offer to be recognized as the "Holy King", due to knowing that such power and influence can corrupt a person.
  • Foil:
    • With Halbert "Hal" Magna. While Hal is shown to be Hot-Blooded Action Hero who tend to rush to action without much thought, Souma is shown to be a Nice Guy Guile Hero who tends to plan out each of his moves. Their status as opposites is further demonstrated when both of them become Dragon Knights, with Souma forming a contract with Naden; a wingless ryuu who was treated as an outcast by the rest of the dragons, while Hal formed a contract with Ruby; Naden's rival who is a archetypical dragon like the rest of the dragons in the Star Dragon Range.
    • With Maria Euphoria; the Empress of the Gran Chaos Empire who can be seen as Souma's Distaff Counterpart. Both are young rulers who found themselves in a position of authority after having it forced upon them. Both are shown to be paragons of their respective countries and it is shown that both are Reluctant Rulers with neither of them really having much of desire to maintain their position, being happy to retire if someone else would take on their positions. While very similar in terms of motivations and ideals, both have shown to have differences in views; with Souma being more of a realist, while Maria is shown to be more of a idealist. While Souma is shown to have a happy family life with Liscia and the rest of his brides, as well as his new family, Maria is shown to be somewhat lonely as she only has her sister Jeanne as the only person who treats her as individual instead of the Empress.
    • With Fuuga Haan. Both are shown to be kings but have different ways of governing and ruling as well as different ideologies. Souma is a Non-Action Guy Guile Hero who focuses on developing his country to be independent and grow from within, while Fuuga is shown to be World's Best Warrior Frontline General, who seeks to expand his country and increase its power by reclaiming land from the Demon Realm for himself. Souma states that Fuuga is the kind of person he could have become if he let the authority of being the king get to his head.
  • Genre Savvy: Thanks to his background in humanities and strong historical interest, Souma often has a solution for many of the problems that face him, when he takes over the throne, borrowing freely from historical events to inform his actions, such as replicating Hideyoshi's "One Night Castle" by having the Forbidden Army build a fort overnight, in front of the army's stronghold in Randel. His knowledge of his world's history also allows him to recognize the potential threat of Fuuga Haan; the king of a small, almost insignificant, nation; whose combination of incredible charisma and strength prompts Souma to mark him as a potential "Great Man", like Napoleon or Nobunaga, whose future ambitions might well lead to him trying to conquer the continent. He's also familiar with modern history: he relates the story of the Cold War to Maria Euphoria via parable, in particular how the Mankind Declaration sponsored by her country has a hidden flaw in it much like the Helsinki Accords interfered with intervention in The Yugoslav Wars.
  • Good Is Not Soft: While Souma is shown to be a Nice Guy, he has also demonstrated a ruthless side in order to protect his family and kingdom as he ordered The Purge of the corrupt nobles and later covertly executed nobles that were turncoats that profited from selling out their allies.
  • The Good King: He is shown to be a wise and kind ruler, as the Kingdom of Elfrieden experienced great growth after he took the throne.
  • Guile Hero: Unlike the first king of Elfrieden; who was famous for his martial prowess, Souma is shown to rely more on his intellect and strategy in order to lead.
  • Happily Married: With Liscia, Aisha, Juna, Roroa and Naden. Though it is stated that Liscia is considered as his first wife due to her being his earliest fiancee. He later adds Maria Euphoria as one of his wives.
  • Heir-In-Law: Played With. While Souma was legitimately given the throne by King Albert, it was his betrothal to Liscia that strengthened his claim to the throne as it is later revealed that Albert himself also married into the royal family. When Souma asks Liscia about if she was willing to take the throne due to being the legitimate heir, she says that if she did Souma would have to get her approval for every one of his proposals so having him be king is the faster way of doing things.
  • Henpecked Husband: Souma's sometimes eccentric nature often causes him to be scolded by Liscia. After he marries the rest of his brides, they join in on the action.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: With Hakuya; his Prime Minster and Lancer. The two have been shown to trust each other deeply despite sometimes having some petty squabbles.
  • I Choose to Stay: With nobody to return to in his original homeworld, Souma decides to remain in Friedonia to start a new family with his wives.
  • Interspecies Romance: In a relationship with a Dark Elf, a Lorelei, and a Ryuu.
  • It Belongs in a Museum: When helping to raise Elfrieden out of debt, Souma sells off some of the Kingdoms' treasury: leaving out any pieces that are culturally-significant to Elfriedens' history with the intent of using them in fundraising by putting them on display in museums.
  • King Incognito: Likes to go out in disguise as a traveling merchant on his days off, or when he visits foreign countries. This is taken even further when he goes adventuring. Souma uses his Living Poltergeist magic to animate his Little Musashibo doll and use it as a proxy for himself. So, whenever Souma is adventuring, not only is he in disguise, he isn't even physically present.
  • Like Brother and Sister: With Tomoe, his adoptive sister-in-law. They frequently pose as half-siblings when they are visiting other countries in secret.
  • Marionette Master: While Poltergeist allows him to control any object, it's most effective when used on puppets, as they have no limit on range and time for him to control.
  • Mercy Kill Arrangement:
    • While negotiating with the Three Dukes before the Civil War, Souma argues that even if he does replace the current military structure with his own unified command as planned, the Dukes would retain high ranks in the National Defense Force and would still be able to mount a Military Coup against a hypothetical tyrant if they had to.
    • By the time the war is over, Souma has Shot the Dog so many times he really does start to worry about Jumping Off the Slippery Slope in dealing with political opponents. He secretly orders Carla Vargas, whom he enslaved as a palace maid in lieu of a death sentence for treason, to kill him should he turn tyrannical—a move that would cause her Slave Collar to kill her as well.
  • Modest Royalty: Despite being king, Souma is shown to prefer to dress in more casual clothes, prepare his own food and be less formal with his subordinates. Hakuya is shown to be frustrated by this behavior and tells him to behave more royally as to not tarnish his reputation as a king.
  • Mundane Made Awesome: He can make using his powers to do paperwork look awesome.
  • Mundane Utility: He uses his power to do all his paperwork in quick fashion and read books from a distance.
  • Name Order Confusion: He introduced himself under the traditional East Asian order with his family name followed by his given name, not realizing that Friedonia uses the Western order of given name first. By the time he realizes this, changing it would be a bureaucratic nightmare as every document in the kingdom since he took the throne has his given name as Souma, so he just sticks with it.
  • Non-Action Protagonist: Souma is the summoned hero and the King of Elfrieden, but as a combatant, he is merely a passable crossbowman (though he can magically puppeteer inanimate objects to some extent). Fortunately he attracts a Battle Harem of martially talented women who do their best to stay between him and any aggressors.
  • "Not So Different" Remark: When confronting Komain and her brother about their position as refugees and how he needs to end this, Komain demands to know how he could understand their plight at being sent away from their homeland. Souma calmly reminds her that he has been irrevocably taken from the land he knew and friends he had there, so he knows what it is like to find one's self in a new place and having to integrate into a different society.
  • Offered the Crown: The series starts off with Kazuya literally being declared the new king.
  • Poltergeist: His magic is called "Living Poltergeists".
  • Polyamory: Polygamy is an accepted practice in Elfrieden, and even encouraged amongst the nobility and royalty. He is also initially rather reluctant to just add new wives to his harem. Liscia has to straight up order him to accept Aisha's proposal to become his Second Primary Queen, and he is always careful to consult with his current betrothed, and get their approval, before adding anyone else to his harem. It helps that his fiancees/wives are all extremely supportive of one another, as well as Souma, creating a strong family dynamic between them.
  • The Promise: With his grandfather, to start a family and protect them no matter what.
  • Raised by Grandparents: Due to his parents passing away, Souma was raised by his grandparents. Before he was summoned to the other world, his grandfather had recently died, leaving him with no relatives.
  • Red Baron: Due to his accomplishment of uniting both Elfrieden and Amidonian in less than a year of his rule, he became known as the "Great King of Friedonia", despite him not liking the title.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: With Hal, as Souma is shown to be more calm and methodical while Hal is shown to be more hotblooded and impulsive.
  • Real Men Wear Pink: Souma's preferred hobbies include sewing and making dolls, as well as cooking. He personally made Tomoe's new outfit, and he uses the Little Musashibo doll he creates as a proxy for when he works with a party of adventurers.
  • Reluctant Ruler: He doesn't really want to be the king, but takes it because it's about the only thing that he can do. In the first volume, he tells Liscia that he'll abdicate the throne to her and break off their engagement as soon as he has the chance. Subverted over time as he becomes more attached to his new life and position.
  • Risking the King: While aware of his status as the Non-Action Guy, it is noted that he had to come directly to the battlefield in some situations, despite not really having the combat skills to fend for himself.
    • The first time was during the Amidonian war, to shown his troops that he is leading them as to not place doubt in their minds.
    • The second was during the Friedonian troop dispatch to the Demon Realm, due to Julius being there and to facilitate diplomacy and plan out strategies.
    • The third was during the conflict with the Nine Headed Dragon Archipelago Union, due to the covert nature of his plan requiring him to direct it personally. Not to mention that he's the only person who can operate Mechadra.
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something:
    • As noted above, Souma is not averse to putting himself at risk if the situation demands it, whether facing down the suicidal charge of Gaius alongside Carla, or riding Naden into the heart of a massive storm. Of course, since he's the king, and also mostly a Non-Action Guy, it worries his advisors and loved ones to no end whenever he does so.
    • Souma is constantly working on new policies to help advance the kingdom, finding new people to help him rule, and trying to get through the mountains of paperwork that come with the job.
  • Ruler Protagonist: Souma is the protagonist of the story who is made the king of Elfrieden after being summoned to another world.
  • Ruling Couple:
    • With Liscia, as his betrothal to her strengthened his claim to the throne of Elfrieden.
    • Deliberately invoked by Roroa, as she offers to become his third primary queen and allow him to annex Amidonia in exchange for taking care of her people.
  • Ship Tease:
    • With the Empress of the Gran Chaos Empire, Maria Euphoria. The two have been shown to get along greatly and it is stated that Souma is likely the only person who could be her equal due to the title of Empress making her mostly out of reach. She even half-jokingly offered to become his bride and let him manage the Empire in her stead, although Souma declined on leading the Empire, he stated that he would gladly welcome her as his bride. She ultimately takes him up on it after dismantling the Empire.
    • Also with Juno, an adventurer whose party Souma regularly adventures with, using his Little Musashibo doll as a proxy. Juno is the only one able to understand Souma in his Little Musashibo guise, with Musashibo being The Voiceless, which has been attributed to "the power of love" by Juno and others. Even after she learns his true identity, Juno continues to spend time with Souma, visiting him and joining him and his wives for late night tea parties.
  • Strong Girl, Smart Guy: He has this dynamic with his two first wives. Liscia and Aisha are both proficient Magic Knights while Souma handles the paperwork and negotiations to improve the kingdom's economy and resources.
  • Summon Everyman Hero: Souma was originally summoned to the Kingdom of Elfrieden to be handed over as a bargaining chip to the Gran Chaos Empire due to the kingdom's inability to pay for war tributes. Afraid of being turned into a test subject, Souma set out to rebuild the declining kingdom and becomes the greatest king known in its history.
    • It’s ultimately revealed that the spell used to summon Souma was meant to invoke this trope, as it was specifically designed to select for specific criteria, namely that the person being summoned have no significant or major personal connections, in order to ensure that they would not be missed and that their absence would not have too much of a butterfly effect upon them being removed for their current time. This is largely because the primary attribute the spell is looking for in its subject is the subject’s language, with Souma’s spoken Japanese being one of the languages capable of issuing commands to the A.I. terraforming programs secretly governing the world that Souma is summoned into.
  • Superior Successor: He is widely considered to be a far greater king and ruler then his predecessor, as Albert couldn't deal with the corrupt nobility while Souma managed to not only remove them as a threat but also annex the neighboring enemy state of Amidonia and integrate it into Elfrieden. Later on, Excel notes that, in terms of the stability of his reign, Souma is pretty much superior to any king before him, including the Hero King that originally founded the kingdom.
  • Supporting Protagonist: Lampshaded In-Universe. While Souma is the king, both he and everyone around him note that Souma's greatest strength is his ability to delegate, finding the right people to do the jobs that need to be done. Early on in the story, this actually makes it hard for other heads of state to get a good read on Souma, because most of what they hear about him are the accomplishments of his subordinates, rather than anything Souma himself does.
  • Supreme Chef: Souma is shown to be very skilled at cooking, as he was able to recreate many dishes from Earth.
  • This Looks Like a Job for Aquaman: Souma's average physique and lack of combat prowess ordinarily means that any heavy lifting is left to his wives and subordinates. On some occasions however, he uses his magic to animate something to serve a role that else can serve in comparably. For example, he's used toy mice to find survivors buried under a landslide, a Little Musashibo as a suicide bomber, and Mechadra to grapple with Ooyamizuchi and keep it from escaping.
    • In Volume 17, it’s revealed that his summoning was meant to invoke this trope. The spell that summoned Souma was primarily tailored to summon someone from a period of human history, when the languages that governed the A.I. secretly overseeing the current world were still being actively used, so that Souma can use said language to override said A.I. and help shut down problematic programs. In other words, the spell used to summon Souma was basically a trans-temporal I.T. consultation.
  • Took the Wife's Name: Due to Name Order Confusion, official records mistakenly list Kazuya as his surname. Since he was the de facto Heir-In-Law of King Albert and Queen Elisha, he adopts their surname when he marries Liscia. Since he also holds the title of King of Amidonia via Roroa, he takes her surname as his middle name, resulting in his regnal name being "Souma Amidonia Elfrieden".
  • Translator Microbes: A major portion of the spell that brought Souma to this world was dedicated to translating speech and writing for him. The odd part is how his spoken language is handled; instead of putting the native language in his head or changing what other people hear, the magic translates the meaning of his Japanese for other people. Though people understand his words, the sounds they hear are still actual Japanese intonations. Because of this, it's hinted that Souma's original language might be critical to communicating with demons, and him speaking it was how he managed to resolve the crisis in Volume 6, convincing the thing at the center of the storm besieging the Star Dragon Mountain Range to back off.
  • Two First Names: His surname, Souma, is a common masculine Japanese given name. This is convenient when Name Order Confusion causes "Souma" to become his first name after he marries his wives.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: He and Hal got off on the wrong foot due to Hal originally plotting to join the rebellion against Souma and antagonizing him before Hal realized who he was. After that, the two mellowed out their differences with Hal becoming one of Souma's most trusted subordinates.
  • The Voiceless: Whenever Souma is adventuring, he uses his specially-made Little Musashibo doll as a proxy. Said doll is incapable of speech, and has to communicate with gestures. However, only Juno is able to fully understand whatever "Musashibo" is saying fully.
  • What's Up, King Dude?: Enforced by Souma among his closest confidants, as he is shown to prefer talking casually to his retainers, whom he considers comrades.

    Liscia Elfrieden 

Liscia Elfrieden
Voiced by: Inori Minase (Japanese), Anairis Quiñones (English)note 

The crown princess of the Elfriedon Kingdom and Souma's first fiancée, Liscia was at Souma's side from the very beginning. Initially dissatisfied with the unannounced engagement, Liscia soon softens and eventually develops deep feelings for Souma. Following the end of the One Week War, both Souma and Liscia affirm their love for each other, which results with the beginning of a series of nightly activities. Liscia is extremely tolerant of Souma's philandering, even encouraging him to take more wives.

  • Action Girlfriend: She is shown to be the skilled combatant, unlike her lover Souma. She even refuses a C-section despite having to birth twins out of concern her abdominal muscles might not heal properly after being cut, which would negatively affect her fighting performance.
  • Affectionate Nickname:
    • Tomoe calls her "Big Sister", due to Liscia insistence to be regarded as such after Souma made Tomoe call him "Big Brother".
    • Roroa likes to refer to her as "Big Sis Cia".
  • Aren't You Going to Ravish Me?: As her relationship with Souma develops, she grows increasingly more frustrated over his reluctance to be physically intimate with her. Which isn't helped by Marx constant hounding of her to produce an heir with Souma and the other girls hurrying her due to the fact that they can't have sex with Souma until Liscia is pregnant to avoid a Succession Crisis. They finally do consummate in volume 5.
  • Authority Equals Asskicking: The princess and later queen of Elfrieden, as well as a skilled fighter in her own right.
  • Awesome Moment of Crowning: She becomes the First Primary Queen of Friedonia in Volume 10, after she marries Souma.
  • Babies Make Everything Better: As the Elfrieden royal family was destroyed in a succession, there's a lot of pressure on her to have children to keep the family line going. When she finally has twins, beyond just the obligation of having heirs, it really changes her and Souma's lives and relationship (along with all of the other queens).
  • Beautiful Dreamer: In Episode 2, Liscia falls asleep at Souma's office and he takes a break from his paperwork to admire her sleeping face.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: At first, she is shown to be jealous when Souma starts getting along with other women or when women start to shown interest in him. Though she later mellows out after she starts considering the fact that Souma will be forced to take other wives for political reasons. That being said she makes it clear she wouldn't put up with Souma taking more than 8 wives.
  • Conflicting Loyalty: She finds herself in a situation where she is forced to choose between Souma (the legitimate king of Elfrieden and her fiance) and Georg Carmine (her mentor and a Parental Substitute for her). She opts to support Souma. Though it is later revealed that Georg faked his rebellion in order to draw out the corrupt nobles that were conspiring against Souma.
  • Cool Big Sis: Tomoe and Roroa see Liscia as a cool and dependable older sister (for Tomoe, they're adopted sisters and for Roroa, they're co-wives).
  • Curtains Match the Window: She has golden eyes to match her golden hair.
  • Deuteragonist: She is the second most important character in the story as well as the secondary point-of-view character.
  • Generation Xerox: She is noted to resemble her mother physically, as well as inheriting her mother's tomboyish nature when her mother was younger. The both of them members of the legitimate royal family, who married men that were made kings of the country.
  • Glasses Are Sexy: Souma thinks Liscia looks cute when she puts glasses on for her civilian disguise.
  • Hair Intakes: Her hairstyle includes a pair of intakes that look a bit like cat ears.
  • Happily Married: To Souma after volume 10.
  • The High Queen: While initially still referred to as the "princess" after Souma took the throne, she becomes the First Primary Queen of Friedonia after she marries Souma.
  • Hypocrite: Liscia originally took objection to Roroa's proposal of becoming Souma's Queen in order to strengthen his claim to the throne of Amidonia, even though it was the exact way how her own engagement to Souma was arranged. Roroa quickly calls her out on it.
  • Ice Magic Is Water: She's an user of water element magic and can create ice spikes in battle.
  • Important Haircut: Does this as a last ditch effort to try and stop Georg Carmine's rebellion. She sees him as a father figure, and cuts her hair off with her sword to try and show him her dedication to Souma as king.
  • Like Mother, Like Daughter: Liscia takes after her mother Elisha; both in terms of her appearance and personality when she was younger.
  • Like Parent, Like Spouse: Played With. While not really having a choice to marry Souma, it is noted that Souma's circumstances in assuming the throne are very similar to her father's, as well as how her parents met.
  • Making a Splash: Her magic element is water, though she prefers to use it in the form of ice.
  • Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: Liscia is shown to be a far better fighter than Souma could manage, while Souma is shown to be far more skilled in household chores, which causes Liscia a fair bit of angst due to feeling her womanly pride damaged.
  • Number Two: She is considered this to Souma in terms of ranking, due to being the First Primary Queen.
  • Official Couple: With Souma, with them being the primary couple due to Souma's initial engagement to her.
  • Out of Focus: After she discovers her pregnancy, Liscia chooses to retreat to her father's domain, which is out in a more rural section of the Kingdom. As a consequence, she mostly disappears for a few volumes, and only returns to the spotlight after her children are delivered.
  • Perfectly Arranged Marriage: She is engaged to Souma by her parents, without her consent and much to her initial dismay. However, Liscia quickly falls in love with Souma and opts to support him as his first queen. It is revealed that the marriage was even more perfectly arranged due to the fact that King Albert and Queen Elisha received visions of a alternate timeline where Liscia also fell in love with him.
  • Pretty Princess Powerhouse: Liscia is more than capable of fighting, having turned down being a typical princess for going to the military academy.
  • Professional Maiden Name: She retains her maiden name after marrying Souma since legally speaking he married into her family rather than the other way around.
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something: She's trained as a military officer and more than willing to help Souma with whatever he's working on, even if it's just paperwork.
  • Ruling Couple: With Souma, after he is crowned King of Friedonia.
  • Shipper with an Agenda: In chapter 20, after Carla's capture and enslavement for her part in siding against Souma in the civil war, Liscia comments on Carla's honesty, dutifulness, and beauty much to Carla's confusion. Souma calls her out quickly enough to stop as he knows that Liscia is really trying to save Carla's life. Carla could be executed for her part in siding against Souma but would be spared if she is taken as a fiancee and bride of the king.
  • Strong Family Resemblance: She strongly resembles her mother, Elisha, during her teenage years.
  • The Tape Knew You Would Say That: While Souma is traveling in volume 7, Liscia sends a letter to Souma to tell him that she's pregnant. She also sent one to Aisha, telling her not to let Souma leave because she predicted (correctly) that he would try to drop everything and go back to the kingdom the moment he heard.
  • Top Wife: Liscia is Souma's first love, one of his closest confidants, eventually the mother of his heir, and an accomplished warrior and competent administrator. As the Crown Princess of Elfrieden, she's also the highest of his wives in social rank until Maria Euphoria and the source of his legitimacy as king. As a result, she claims the title of first primary queen, as well as veto power over further marriages. None of his other wives contest her on this, viewing her as somewhat of a big sister.
  • Warrior Princess: She's the only princess of Elfrieden as well as a military academy graduate and an officer.
  • Water Is Womanly: A proud, elegant princess in love with Souma whose magical element is water.
  • We Used to Be Friends: Liscia saw Duke Carmine as a father figure, serving as one of his most loyal soldiers in the Army. This all changes when he started a rebellion against Souma. This changes when she discovers that he started the rebellion to gather corrupt nobles and take them out, helping Souma to concentrate power.

    Aisha Udgard 

Aisha Udgard
Voiced by: Ikumi Hasegawa (Japanese), Emily Fajardo (English)note 

Daughter of the Chief of the Dark Elves of the God Protected Forest, Aisha Udgard is one of the 5 people discovered during the gathering of the Gifted People, the first policy Souma implemented as king. She serves as Souma's bodyguard and falls deeply in love with him during the landslide incident that struck her home. Following the One Week War, Aisha becomes Souma's second fiancée in recognition for her actions in that war concerning the hostile Principality of Amidonia. She is an utter glutton and Souma himself thinks of her as a cute pet.

  • Affectionate Nickname: Roroa likes to refer to her as "Big Sis Ai".
  • Animal Motifs: A dog. Souma even imagines a tail when she is happy or outright treats her like a pet.
  • Bait-and-Switch Character Intro: In her introduction, she acts disrespectful towards Souma by refusing to bow before the king because her people only bow before their own masters. After Souma proposes that the Dark Elves perform periodic thinning of the trees to produce lumber for trade and to protect the forest's soil integrity from landslides, Aisha is so amazed by Souma's wisdom that she immediately pledges her Undying Loyalty, and even offers to let him take her as a concubine. It's later lampshaded how Aisha ended up being way different from her first impression.
  • Bear Hug: She tends to give these to Souma, causing him great pain. He later has to warn her that her hugging onto him can crush him due to her far superior strength.
  • Best Her to Bed Her: Played with. Aisha once told her father that she would only marry a man stronger than herself, but given Souma, is apparently willing to accept "smarter than" as a substitute.
  • BFS: Her preferred weapon is a massive greatsword.
  • Big Eater: She will eat a lot of just about anything very enthusiastically. This is a trait shared by Velza, Tomoe's friend, and is attributed to the limited variety of food available in the God Protected Forest, which makes eating anything else a continuously novel experience for the Dark Elves now venturing beyond the forest's boundaries.
  • The Big Girl: With the exception of Naden (who is a ryuu), Aisha is considered as the strongest of Souma's brides. She is in fact so strong that Souma had to forbid her from hugging onto him when they were about to make love, as he was worried that she would crush him in her grip.
  • Blow You Away: Her element is wind.
  • Bodyguard Babes: Aisha is an attractive dark elf who serves as Souma's bodyguard and later becomes his wife.
  • Bodyguard Crush: She fell in love with Souma after having spent time as his bodyguard, after the disaster struck the God-Protected Forest and he brings in the Elfrieden army to aide in humanitarian rescue work and personally uses his living poltergeist powers to help search for survivors.
  • The Chief's Daughter: She is the daughter of the Dark Elf village chief; Wodan. Due to this, she becomes a primary queen after she marries Souma.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: Aisha keeps herself more reined in with this compared to Liscia, but she loses it when Jeanne proposes the idea of wanting to poach Souma and marry him off to her sister, Maria.
  • Dumb Muscle: According to Ludwin, while Aisha does possess some talent as a general, she is a far better individual fighter, which is why Souma hires her as his bodyguard. Aisha herself admits that she isn't as intelligent as the rest of her companions.
  • Interspecies Romance: An elf married to a human.
  • Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex: On the night of their wedding, Aisha is the first of Souma's wives to lie with him. Souma makes a point of requesting that she not hug him when they do the deed, out of fear of this very trope. Unfortunately for him, Aisha gets carried away and forgets...leading to some unpleasant back-pain the next day.
  • Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: Even more so than Liscia and Souma. Aisha's greater strength and combat skills, in addition to her role as bodyguard for Souma inverts the usual dynamics of Lady and Knight.
  • Mystical White Hair: She's a dark elf who possesses distinct silver hair that she wears in a ponytail.
  • Older Than They Look: Despite looking about the same age as Souma, she admits she is already a few decades older than him.
  • One-Man Army: She is stated to be the strongest warrior in the kingdom, with it being stated that even a group of men attacking her at once wouldn't be able to overwhelm her. She demonstrated her prowess during the time that Souma went missing, as Hal, Kaede and Carla (all skilled warriors in their own right) weren't able to restrain her and passed out after fighting her.
  • Person of Mass Destruction: When Souma is teleported away by Tiamat, Aisha's grief/anger leads to her randomly striking at the ground near the town they're stranded in, leaving craters everywhere.
  • Pointy Ears: She has the long and pointy ears that all elves have.
  • Red Baron: After the Amidonia war and getting engaged with Souma, Aisha gains the title of "Eastern Wind Queen".
  • Samaritan Relationship Starter: While she became loyal to Souma after he helped solve the problem of the withering trees in the God-Protected Forest, she fell in love with him after he helped to save the people of her village that were caught in the landslide.
  • Significant White Hair, Dark Skin: Aisha has long silver hair and dark skin, since she's a dark elf and the daughter of their village chief.
  • Through Her Stomach: In addition to falling in love with Souma due to his Nice Guy nature, it is also stated that his cooking is one of the things that attracted her to him.
  • Tomboyish Ponytail: She's a tomboyish swordswoman who wears her hair in a ponytail.
  • Tomboyish Voice: She's the most tomboyish of Souma's wives and the anime gives her a low voice compared to the other women.
  • True Love is Exceptional: Despite Aisha telling her father that she would never take a man weaker then herself as her husband, she falls in love with and marries Souma; a man who is weaker then herself and whom she serves as his bodguard.
  • Undying Loyalty: She swears her eternal loyalty to Souma after he helps her figure out why the trees in the God-Protected Forest were drying up and withering away.
  • Vague Age: Since dark elves are long-lived, it's unclear exactly how old Aisha is. She comments that dark elves don't marry before 30, so she's presumably at least that old, but it doesn't match her appearance.
  • Violently Protective Girlfriend: Harm Souma and she will blow you away.

    Juna Doma 

Juna Doma Souma
Voiced by: Reina Ueda (Japanese), Morgan Garrett (English)note 

Also known as Lady Canaria of the Elfrieden Navy's Marine force, Juna Doma is the granddaughter of Duchess Excel Walter who was sent to spy on Souma when he was first announced as the new King. She is one of the 5 people discovered during the gathering of the Gifted People. She primarily aids Souma in both war and in peace by being the Prima Lorelei, Souma's implementation of the concept of the Japanese idol. After falling in love with Souma, she is secretly made into his fourth fiancée with the reason for withholding the fact of their betrothal is the possibility of starting riots when the common folk find out that the famous idol is being wed.

  • The Ace: Whether it is combat, singing, or homemaking skills, Juna is shown to be highly skilled at all of them. In addition, her beauty is considered unparalleled, with most other women becoming self-conscious in her presence. And she later becomes the first of Souma's secondary queens; a position that most women eagerly long for, as secondary queens live in luxury without any of the responsibility of the royal family.
  • Action Girl: While mostly known for her beauty and singing voice, it is shown that Juna is an expert combatant as a member of the Elfrieden Navy.
  • Affectionate Nickname: Roroa likes to call her as "Big Sis Juna".
  • Bathtub Bonding: She and Souma enter a bath together during their trip in the Republic of Turgis.
  • Beautiful Singing Voice: As a Lorelei descendant, Juna has the most gorgeous singing voice in the kingdom.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: A beautiful idol singer, but also a capable soldier and spy. She also hid a fork behind her back, ready to defend herself if the need arose.
  • Blue Blood: She's ostensibly of common birth, but only because her father, one of Duchess Walter's sons, married beneath him into a merchant family.
  • Cool Big Sis: She is considered this to the rest of Souma's brides, as they consider her to be the ideal woman and look up to her femininity.
  • Curtains Match the Window: She has blue hair and blue eyes.
  • Flowers of Femininity: She wears a hair decoration with white flowers, emphasizing her beauty and elegance.
  • Heinz Hybrid: Physically she's fully human aside from her unusual hair color due to Either/Or Offspring, but by descent, she's part-sea serpentfolk, part-human, and family lore has it her mother's family are descended from loreleis (hence the origin of Elfrieden's term for Idol Singer).
  • Identical Granddaughter: She greatly resembles her grandmother, Excel Walter, with the two of them almost looking like sisters.
  • Idol Singer: When Souma brings singing shows from his old world, Juna is one of the first and most successful. She's so beloved by the people that he keeps their engagement secret, fearing there would be riots if it was publicly known.
  • In Love with the Mark: Downplayed. She was originally sent to spy on Souma and determine his suitability as the king, but as time progressed she steadily began falling in love with him. Becomes Hilarious in Hindsight when it is revealed that Excel warned her about falling in love with Souma, only for Juna to brush that off by saying that she "wouldn't let some man get to her". Excel later repeated those words to her before the two went to participate in the Amidonian war, much to Juna's embarrassment.
  • Lady of War: She's one of the most beautiful women in the kingdom and known for her great singing voice. She also has a high rank in the Navy, capable of leading troops. This is exploited in their visit to the Republic of Turgis, where Juna is secretly acting as a bodyguard if anyone would attack Souma - no one would expect she's that good at fighting just from looking at her.
  • Marry for Love: Out of all of Souma's wives, she's the only one to be a straight-up love match: she asks to marry him as a reward for her military service in the war with Amidonia. Her relationship to Duchess Walter is more of a nice bonus to Souma rather than the raison d'etre, since Walter is already a political ally.
  • Meaningful Rename: Because of Name Order Confusion turning Souma's surname into his given name on official records, Souma would have disappeared as a family name. Juna therefore chooses to take it as her surname after marrying Souma, both to keep it alive and to ensure there's no confusion about the fact that, as a secondary queen, her descendants aren't in the line of succession.
  • Morning Sickness: In Volume 13, Juna displays occasional bouts of unsteadiness and nausea, all of which portends her announcement that she is pregnant at the end of the volume.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Deliberately invoked as part of her job as a lorelei.
  • One Drink Will Kill the Baby: When pregnant with Souma's child, she turns down alcohol at meals.
  • Semper Fi: She's an officer in Elfrieden's marine corps and leads the marines on harassment missions against Amidonia's forces as they rush to counter Souma's offensive against Van. However, she retires from the military after the war is over.
  • Silk Hiding Steel: She combines beauty and grace with a sharp will.
  • Single Woman Seeks Good Man: While initially sent to spy on Souma, Juna slowly began to fall in love with him due to seeing that he was a Nice Guy, who was pushing himself hard to be The Good King, as she wanted to stay at his side to support him.
  • Spy Catsuit: She wears one as a member of the Navy in her "Lady Canaria" guise.
  • Standard Hero Reward: Gender-Inverted. After her accomplishments during the Amidonia war, she requests the right to marry Souma, due to her feelings for him. While Souma initially appears to turn her down, it is because that revealing that the two of them getting married could cause riots due to Juna's popularity as a lorelei. He promises to take her as his wife after they have found enough other lorelei to replace her.
  • The Tease: She is shown to like to tease Souma even before they hooked up.
  • True Blue Femininity: She's a beautiful and graceful singer with blue hair, blue eyes, and blue clothes.
  • World's Most Beautiful Woman: She is considered one of, if not the most beautiful woman in the Elfrieden Kingdom, due to inheriting her beauty from the equally beautiful Excel.
  • Yoko Oh No: Souma keeps their engagement secret until the wedding because he's afraid of how people would react to such a beloved singer being taken.

    Roroa Amidonia 

Roroa Amidonia
Voiced by: M.A.O. (Japanese), Jad Saxton (English)note 

The princess of the former Principality of Amidonia, Roroa Amidonia's craftiness had forced Souma to not only take her as his third fiancée but also annex the entirety of Amidonian territory instead of just the capital in order to prevent the Turgis Republic and the Orthodox Papal State of Lunaria from getting their claws on the territory after the Principality had lost the war. She has a very keen sense for economics and heads the Silver Deer, a private company whose public face is that of her acquaintance, Sebastian Silverdeer.

  • A-Cup Angst: Souma's other queens (minus Naden) are much bustier than she is.
  • Accent Adaptation: Her Kansai accent is done as a Southern drawl in the English translation.
  • Altar Diplomacy: She practically forces Souma to marry her for the sake of legitimizing Elfrieden annexing Amidonia.
  • Animal Motifs: She's frequently compared to a tanuki.
  • Annoying Younger Sibling: How Julius starts to view her after the two reconcile their differences.
  • Best Friends-in-Law: She is shown to get along very well with her future sister-in-law; Tia Lastania, the princess of the Kingdom of Lastania.
  • Brainy Brunette:
    • She is very smart when it comes to economics and demonstrated enough guile to outwit Souma into taking all of Amadonia rather than just Van, less he look like a hypocrite.
    • During her first meeting with Souma, she suggests getting local businesses to help fund the Jewel Broadcast programs in exchange for time to promote their products or business. Souma mentally notes that he hadn't expected anyone to consider making commercials for the businesses.
  • Cain and Abel: She is the Abel to her brother Julius's Cain, as she had him ousted from the country in order to avert the Cycle of Revenge between Elfrieden and Amidonia, as well as help end the hunger of the people by having Souma annex Amidonia.
  • Casual Kink:
    • She's into roleplay. Right from her first meeting with Souma, she hit him with a rather twisted Fallen Princess/I Have You Now, My Pretty scenario:
      Roroa: Then do you want to force me to submit to you, and make me say, "I can't believe I had to bear the child of my father's killer..."?
      Souma: I don't have that kind of sadistic fetish!
      Liscia: Souma... That's a little much...
      Souma: Why are you acting a little creeped out, Liscia?! That's just something Roroa came up with on her own, all right?!
    • Books later, after learning Souma finds her cute in a Little Sister Heroine kinda way, she ropes him into some Incest Subtext flirting, but they had to stop because it got too embarrassing for the two of them real fast, especially after Carla the maid reminded them she was standing right there by the wall the whole time.
    • In Volume 7, when she, Souma, and Juna travelled to the Republic of Turgis incognito, Roroa spiced up their cover story about a merchant couple and their employee with a Love Triangle subplot:
      Roroa: Well, Juna, you're his fiancée, too, so I figure it ain't a big deal.
      Juna: Is that right?
      Roroa: [hangs onto his arm] Darn tootin'. And you're the one playin' the wife, so why not have him spoil ya rotten?
      Juna: And you're the employee, aren't you? Is it really okay for you to hug the young master like that?
      Roroa: Sure is. I'm an employee, sure, but I'm "the employee who's aimin' to become the second wife by supportin' the young master, and maybe knock the first wife out of the picture if things go well."
      Souma: Don't go changing our backstory! And come on, that's a weirdly messy backstory.
      Roroa: So Juna's gonna be callin' me "you vixen."
      Juna: I-Is that the sort of role I'm playing?
      Souma: Don't take her so seriously, Juna.
    • Volume 11 shows her launching into Please, I Will Do Anything! while in bed with Souma; from his narration, it happens frequently.
      Roroa: [teary-eyed] Y-you can do whatever you like with my body. Just, please, don't hurt the people of my country.
      Souma: ... can you stop playing the princess of a ruined nation?
  • Even Evil Can Be Loved: She may have hated her father's narrow-minded desire to take back what Elfrieden claimed generations ago. She might have thought him a fool for going to war when the people of their lands need food and social aid. She might have even realized how outgambitted Gaius is against Souma before their final battle and his death inevitable. That said, when she learns of her father's death, she asks to be left alone and silently cries for her father's death.
  • The Gadfly: Roroa is shown to have a great mischievous streak, as she often loves playing pranks on the people close to her, such as role-playing as a Fallen Princess that was forced to wed the man who killed her father, much to Souma's exasperation.
  • Genki Girl: Roroa is almost always cheerful, upbeat, and often acts younger than she really is.
  • Girlish Pigtails: She wears brown twin-tails.
  • Good with Numbers: She is noted to be an expert economist, and she later helps run the Friedonian finance department along with Colbert.
  • Guile Heroine: Manages to engineer Souma's annexation of tricking him with his own Loophole Abuse. Originally, Souma intended to just annex Van, Amidonia's capital, by taking advantage of the contradicting terms within the Mankind Declaration, which promotes the people's right to self-determination, while also prohibiting member countries from altering borders through the use of military conquest. By winning over the hearts and minds of the people of Van during his occupation, then inciting them to rebel and petition for their own annexation into the Kingdom after Julius was given back control of the city by the Empire, Souma was able to take Van for the Kingdom without technically violating the declaration. However, Roroa took advantage of that by inciting the other cities throughout Amidonia to petition for annexation, forcing Souma to accept their petitions, or look like a hypocrite for only taking Van. Souma himself admits that Roroa totally Out-Gambitted him.
  • Honest Corporate Executive: She later creates her own company, rather than try to be a ruler. She even initially was willing to reject being made a primary queen, though later accepted to help ensure stability.
  • Like Brother and Sister: She has this relationship with Colbert, especially seeing that her relationship with her biological brother isn't the best near the start of the story.
  • The Maiden Name Debate: A variation comes when she gives her son with Souma, Leon, the Amidonia family name. This is done in part to announce that Leon won't be part of the direct line of succession (she wants him to take over her company when he grows up instead).
  • The Nicknamer: Roroa is shown to be fond of giving people she is close to affectionate nicknames.
  • Older Than They Look: Souma initially estimates that she could be middle-school age.
  • Only Sane Woman: Unlike her father, brother, or even most of her country, she realizes that Amidonia's Revenge Before Reason is driving her nation deeper into ruin.
  • Professional Maiden Name: Unlike Souma's other wives, she retains Amidonia as her surname when they marry since she's the Sovereign Princess of Amidonia in her own right and not just his queen. It helps politically to maintain Amidonia's status as a semi-autonomous kingdom in real union with Elfrieden. It also keeps her own children out of the direct line of succession: she's raising her son Leon to take over her trade company.
  • Rebellious Princess: She was shown to be opposed to Amidonia's constant military actions due to them draining the money that the country needed for its economic growth and the people' wellbeing.
  • The Un-Favourite: Due to her being female, a non-combatant as well as not sharing his hatred toward Elfrieden, her father Gaius preferred her older brother Julius to her.
  • White Sheep: The sole member of the Principality's royal family not obsessed with taking revenge on the Kingdom.
  • You Killed My Father: Averted. Her father was dismissive of her despite her numerous accomplishments at best, and outright emotionally abusive at worst. As such, though a little shocked at herself at how little grief she felt over it, she bears Souma no ill will for being the one responsible for her father's death, and soon comes comes to love Souma deeply despite him driving her father to his end on the battlefield. In fact, it bothers Souma that he was responsible for his death, even more so the closer he gets to Roroa.

    Naden Delal 

Naden Delal Souma

A young girl hailing from the Star Dragon Mountain Range. Long mocked for her lack of wings and inability to breathe fire, after meeting Souma, confirms that she is a ryuu, rather than a dragon; she joins Souma as his fifth fiancée.

  • A-Cup Angst: Souma's other queens (minus Roroa) are much bustier than she is.
  • Affectionate Nickname: Roroa likes to refer to her as "Nadie".
  • All of the Other Reindeer: Naden is ostracized and harassed by the other dragons living in the Star Dragon Mountain Range, due to the fact that she is shaped differently, lacks wings (and is initially believed to be incapable of flight), and produces electricity instead of flames.
  • Badass Adorable: Despite her cute looks, she is still a powerful ryuu that can hurl lightning at will.
  • Battle Couple: While not at the same level as Hal and Ruby, due to Souma's lack of significant combat ability, she and Souma have been shown to work together in battle.
  • Catchphrase: Naden is often likes to end her sentences with "Roger that!" when acknowledging something.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: She is shown to be jealous of any woman, who isn't one of Souma's fiancees' approaching him.
  • Flight of Romance: Naden uses one of her and Souma's routine weather flights to give him her First Kiss.
  • If It Swims, It Flies: Invoked by Souma, due to Naden being a ryuu; who are said to fly by "swimming" in the sky.
  • Interspecies Romance: A dragon married to a human.
  • One True Love: Invoked by Lady Tiamat for Naden's sake. Tiamat told Naden that her destined person will recognize her true value.
  • Only One Name: Downplayed. The dragons don't use surnames; "Delal" is actually a second given name. As such, and since she's a secondary queen whose children are out of the line of succession, like Juna she chooses to adopt Souma's birth surname as her own when she marries him, making her regnal name "Naden Delal Souma".
  • Shock and Awe: As a ryuu, she can freely manipulate the electricity inside her body.
  • Tall Poppy Syndrome: Souma speculates that Naden's status as a pariah is a result of the other dragons feeling threatened by her uniqueness, given that, while she doesn't have wings and can't breathe fire, those factors are a dime a dozen amongst the dragons of The Star Dragon Mountain Range, which means that they have to work all the harder to stand out to potential partners/mates.
  • Vague Age: Dragons are very long-lived, so while Naden acts like a teenage girl, there's no indication of how old she actually is. Souma wonders about this, but knows much better than to ask.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: After resolving their differences, she and Ruby develop this kind of relationship.
  • Weather Report: Naden's primary role in Friedonia. Souma was quick to fixate on her ability to know the weather up to a week in advance, and use that ability to create a weather program for the Kingdom. He and Naden go out on flights to visit all the different regions and collect Naden's predictions, with Naden then reading them out on the news portion of the Jewel Broadcast. The series highlights what a huge boon this ability is for a largely agrarian medieval society, and Naden quickly becomes one of the most popular queens, because of this.
  • What's Up, King Dude?: Inverted, in that Naden frequently goes out to explore the capital, where she regularly plays with commoner children and even run errands for housewives and shopkeepers (who even pay her in product). Of course, since Naden is actually a powerful ryuu, she's hardly under any threat from assassination or abduction attempts, and her status as a secondary queen means she has fewer responsibilities to worry about.

    Tomoe Inui 

Tomoe Inui
Voiced by: Moeka Kishimoto (Japanese), Emi Lo (English)note 
A young Mystic Wolf who, after appearing before Souma in his attempts to gather skilled personnel, is formally adopted by the royal family.
  • Adopted into Royalty: In order to justify Tomoe staying in the castle despite not being royalty, Souma has the former royal couple adopt her as their daughter, thus making her a part of the royal family.
  • Adorably Precocious Child: Liscia's parents sure think she is. Tomoe later states her desire to become a woman who can support her "big brother" and "big sister" politically.
  • Affectionate Nickname:
    • Hakuya and Inugami affectionatelly call her "Little Sister".
    • Lucy likes to refer to her as "Tomie".
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: When Souma notes that Ichiha will a wave of marriage proposals coming his way due to his talent, Tomoe shows visible displeasure at the thought of the idea.
  • A Day in the Limelight: She occasionally gets chapters focused on her. But the biggest example of this is Volume 11, which primarily focuses on Tomoe's experiences as a new student, along with her friends.
  • The Gadfly: After becoming friends with Yuriga, Tomoe is shown to like to tease her about not being direct with her emotions or just mess with her in general.
  • Happily Adopted: Downplayed in that only her father is dead, while her mother and younger brother are both still alive. The adoption is largely for show, allowing Souma to protect Tomoe and her incredibly valuable gift without drawing too much suspicion. However, the royal family quickly comes to adore her and treat her like actual family, a sentiment that Tomoe happily returns.
  • Little Bit Beastly: She appears as a little girl with wolf ears and a fluffy tail.
  • Living MacGuffin: Her ability to understand animals also allows her to understand demons, turning her into one of the most important figures in the world, as well as making her vital to many potential extermination campaigns. Her adoption was a way to prevent her power from being misused.
  • Mystical White Hair: She's a white-haired wolf girl with the special power of communicating with animals and monsters.
  • Protectorate: Due to her unique dark magic granting her the ability to converse with demons, Souma and the rest of trusted vassals place her protection as very high priority, first by adopting her into the royal family and later assigning a squad of bodyguards as her protectors. Not to mention the fact that hurting her is one sure way to enrage Souma and poeple close to him.
  • Rags to Royalty: She goes from a poor refugee from the northern area to an adopted princess of the Elfrieden royal family.
  • Red Baron: Thanks to her numerous accomplishments, the people begin calling her the "Wise Wolf Princess".
  • Ship Tease: With Ichiha Chima. Volume 11 makes it very clear she has a strong crush on him.
  • Shrinking Violet: When she was first introduced, she was very meek and shy. After being adopted by Liscia's parents, she started to grow out of it.
  • Speaks Fluent Animal: Tomoe's unique ability is the power to understand animals (and even some creatures that don't quite qualify as animals). Souma wastes not time in applying this ability for all that it's worth, using Tomoe to help establish working relationships with the Rhinosauruses to pull cargo trains, which, along with the creation of a road network, completely revolutionizes the transportation of goods across the Kingdom. Later, she is able to use her ability to figure out the preferred breeding conditions of a particular type of gelin used in the creation of antibiotics, and negotiate with shoujou apes to harvest lily roots in Amidonia.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: She is the girly girl to Yuriga's tomboy. Tomoe has far better grades, while Yuriga excels in martial prowess. After Tomoe notices Yuriga's similarities to Liscia, Tomoe starts to model herself after Juna in order to become more womanly.
  • Took a Level in Cheerfulness: Or rather retook one. When Tomoe was introduced, she was a shy Shrinking Violet. However, after being adopted into the royal family and becoming Liscia's adoptive sister, Tomoe started to become more cheerful and outgoing. According to her birth mother, this was her original personality before the demon wave hit.

    Elisha Elfrieden 

Elisha Elfrieden
Voiced by: Kikuko Inoue (Japanese), Anastasia Muñoz (English)note 
Elisha was the queen of Elfrieden alongside Albert as the king. She was the lone survivor of the royal family after the succession crisis, putting her husband on the throne instead of taking it for herself.
  • Abdicate the Throne: She was the Sole Survivor of the House of Elfrieden and chose not to rule in her own right, instead ceding the reins to her husband Albert, a situation somewhat like the succession in Sweden following the death of Carolus Rex. She later fully abdicated with him in favor of Souma and their daughter Liscia.
  • Achievements in Ignorance: After resolving to stay out of the succession crisis and simply live a peaceful life with Albert in his domain, Elisha emerged as the sole survivor of the crisis due to being ignored by the other royal family members as they all killed each other.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Her magic is "dark" and largely kept secret, but it's not even remotely evil: "dark magic" is a catchall term for magics that don't fit into the other five elements. She can send memories back in time when in mortal danger, allowing her to avoid the situation. These memories of a Bad Future is what convinces Albert to abdicate the throne to Souma rather than just making him the Prime Minister.
  • A Day in the Limelight: The bonus story at the end of volume 10 is told entirely from her perspective, showing her life growing up as an unremarkable princess and how she managed to survive the succession crisis.
  • Ear Cleaning: Albert is usually found resting on his wife's lap as she's cleaning his ear.
  • Flowers of Femininity: She's a beautiful queen who wears white roses in her hair.
  • Good Stepmother: After Tomoe is adopted by Elisha and Albert, Elisha is shown to treat her like her own daughter and fawn over her.
  • Hair Intakes: She has a pair of "cat ears" in her hair. Her daughter inherited them.
  • Karmic Jackpot: Due to marrying Albert, a Nice Guy who was Beneath Notice by the other royals and nobles, she was able to escape the Succession Crisis and emerge as the only survivor, thus leaving her as the only viable member to take the throne.
  • The Man Behind the Man: A downplayed version. She is the ultimate brains / driver behind Albert becoming king during the succession crisis in her youth, and the one who led to Albert appointing Souma king and Georg creating a trap for the corrupt nobles and Amidonia that causes the main conflicts of volumes 1-2. All thanks to her dark magic ability allowing her to send back memories from various Bad Futures to her past self in order to avoid them. That being said, her actions are in the hope of saving herself and her country, and the only reason she keeps her involvement largely hidden is due to the danger others knowing about her abilities could present.
  • The Many Deaths of You: The nature of her magic is that she can send her memories back in time when in mortal danger or already dying. As one might expect, this can make for some traumatizing experiences. Her first experience of this ability was when she foresaw herself dying after being thrown by a spirited horse she was aiming to break. As the succession crisis ramps up, she frequently finds herself confronted with images of her future death through various assassination attempts, a problem that reaches a critical point when she is faced with choosing her future husband, only to be bombarded by an entire stream of Bad Ends that left her with no hope, no matter what path she took. Only when she found Albert did she actually end up with someone who wouldn’t lead her to an untimely demise. Even worse, the narrative indicates that all these events resulted from the formation of separate timelines, meaning that Elisha making a choice to avert a death she foresaw did not change the fact that the Elisha who sent that vision back still died.
  • Marry for Love: She fell in love with Albert, then a minor knight and advisor of her father, because in all the Multiple Choice Futures she foresaw through the memories of deceased alternate versions of herself, he was always trying to keep the peace in Elfrieden and stop the Succession Crisis from tearing it apart. She married beneath herself to him and left the capital, which indirectly led to her inheriting the throne because all of the other potential heirs were killed fighting over it.
  • Mum Looks Like a Sister:
    • Due to the fact that Elisha gave birth to Liscia in her teens, she looks young enough to be Lishia's older sister.
    • She becomes a grandmother just shy of her forties, due to the fact that Liscia gave birth before turning twenty.
  • Older Than They Look: Mentally, due to her ability, she is at least 17 years older, though it’s certainly much more than that.
  • Screw This, I'm Out of Here!: Her choice for dealing with the succession crisis is to marry into Albert’s family, thus removing herself from the line of succession, and then moving to his estate in the country, thus moving herself physically from the center of the struggle. Ironically, by doing so, she wound up ensuring that she was the only one to survive, which wound up with her being called back to serve as queen.
  • Serendipitous Survival: Despite being far back in the line of succession, she gained the right to the throne by settling into a mundane life that led everyone to stop paying attention to her. This led to her being the last woman standing when the dust settled on the Succession Crisis.
  • Single Woman Seeks Good Man: She fell in love with Albert after seeing him go through much effort to try to convince Georg to protect her, as well as recalling that he was always trying to stop the succession crisis not matter what future she was shown.
  • Sole Survivor: She inherited the throne of Elfrieden despite being far down the line of succession because everyone else in her family was killed in a power struggle after her father died.
  • Springtime for Hitler: Elisha's many attempts to try and get out of the succession crisis, eventually resulting in her wanting to go with Albert to live a peaceful and quiet life away from the Kingdom resulted in her being the only one to survive and come out on top as Elfriedens' appointed Queen.
  • Walking Spoiler: It's safe to say that she's the former queen of Elfrieden and Liscia's mother. Anything more leads to serious spoilers about why the first arc of the story happened the way it did.

    Albert Elfrieden 

Albert Elfrieden
Voiced by: Mugihito (Japanese), Keith Silverstein (English)note 
Albert was the 13th King of Elfrieden who was responsible for summoning Souma to their world. He had previously been an unremarkable noble, and was a thoroughly mediocre king, staying in power mostly because he was so inoffensive.
  • Affectionate Nickname: Elisha likes to call him him "Al" or "Darling".
  • Altar Diplomacy: Arranges Souma's marriage to his daughter, Liscia, to help legitimize Souma taking the throne. Also an invoked example of Perfectly Arranged Marriage, since the Elisha told him the two had fallen in love in the Bad Future.
  • The Atoner: Despite it being the actions of a different timeline version of himself, Albert still feels tremendous guilt for his alternate timeline version's choice to remove Souma from the position of Prime Minister due to the urging of the various nobles, as it was presumed that he and Liscia died after the corrupt nobles attacked Georg's castle.
  • Caring Gardener: Albert is shown to be very talented at gardening, as he was capable of creating a beautiful garden with a variety of rare flowers.
  • The Generic Guy: Deliberately invoked by his wife Elisha when making him the king of Elfrieden, as she explained that due to this trait, the country could continue to function as the corrupt nobles would see him as too incompetent, thus allowing them to continue to go about their way, while the common people wouldn't see him as part of the prior succession struggle.
  • The Good King: Despite his reign as a king being average, Albert was greatly respected by the Elfrieden citizens and vassals as a kind and benevolent ruler.
  • Happily Married: He's so respectful and loyal to his wife that he refused to take other wives or concubines in a kingdom that encourages the king to have a Royal Harem.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: His reaction in the original timeline as the Kingdom of Elfreiden was collapsing all around him, because he dismissed and exiled Souma to appease the corrupt nobles in his court.
  • Nice Guy: Albert is shown to be a gentle and kind-hearted person, as he tried to stop the succession crisis and protect Elisha, despite lacking any power or influence to do so.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Due to Albert's reluctance to intrude on Souma's reign after handing him the throne, and refusing to mediate between Souma and the three dukes, Castor Vargas sides against Souma and takes up arms against him, thus making Souma's plans more difficult to implement.
  • Odd Friendship: With Georg Carmine. Elisha was shocked when she learned that a thoroughly mediocre noble with no skills other than gardening was extremely close to the future commander of the Army.
  • Offered the Crown:
    • Albert was made the king of Elfrieden by his wife, who has the blood of the original royal family, in an attempt to have him be a "king that no one hated" due to the fractures that the succession crisis left. In other words, even though she is the actual inheritor of the throne, she takes the role of queen consort to his king regnant.
    • He later relinquished the throne to Souma after the latter is summoned.
  • Papa Wolf: Losing his only daughter, even if she's from an alternate timeline, affects Albert so much that he's more than happy to have the corrupt nobles that will be responsible for her death be purged from his kingdom.
  • Puppet King: It's implied that Elisha and the Dukes were really running the show when Albert was king. Making him king was just to prevent more strife being caused by members of the royal family.
  • Set Right What Once Went Wrong: Making Souma the king. He saw memories of a time where Souma being made Prime Minister ended with the destruction of the Kingdom of Elfrieden, so he gives Souma more power to use instead.
  • Took the Wife's Name: He married Elisha Elfrieden and took on her royal family name because she was the deceased king's only daughter.

    Cian and Kazuha Elfrieden 

Cian and Kazuha Elfrieden
Liscia holding Kazuha, and Souma holding Cian.

Souma and Liscia's twin son and daughter.

  • Altar Diplomacy: Due to Souma's agreement with Shabon, one of his children will marry Shabon's child to strengthen the alliance between the Friedonia and the Nine Headed Dragon Archipelago Union.
  • Meaningful Name:
    • Souma named Cian in accordance to the Elfrieden tradition of parents giving their child similar names to their own, so Souma gave him a name to establish his connection to Liscia.
    • Liscia's reasoning for giving Kazuha her name due to the fact that because of Souma's Name Order Confusion and the fact he took her surname, his birth name of Kazuya would officially vanish after he took the throne, so Liscia named her as such to leave behind proof that the name Kazuya existed.
  • Recessive Super Genes: Cian appears to have inherited a version of his grandmother Elisha's ability to send back memories from Bad Futures. It seems more focused on warning of harm to other people, especially his more reckless twin sister.
  • Sibling Yin-Yang: From their first cries as newborns, Cian is shy and reserved, while Kazuha is curious and energetic.
  • Unto Us a Son and Daughter Are Born: Souma and Liscia's first kids are a mixed set of twins.

Elfrieden Military

    Excel Walter 

Excel Walter
Voiced by: Yui Horie (Japanese), Marti Etheridge (English)note 
Former leader of the Navy and one of the three Dukes, Excel was put in charge of the united Elfrieden military after the One Week War. She was also the only one of the Dukes to choose Souma's side when faced with the ultimatum. She has family ties to many major characters, being Juna's grandmother and Castor's mother-in-law.
  • Abhorrent Admirer: To Souma. Excel is incredibly attractive, but between Souma marrying Juna, Excel's granddaughter, and Excel going out of her way to constantly tease him any opportunity she gets, Souma tries to keep her at arm's length as much as possible.
  • Buxom Beauty Standard: Her breasts are bigger than her head and she wears low-cut outfits to show them off. She's actually renowned In-Universe for her "voluptuous figure".
  • Dirty Old Woman: Excel will take any opportunity to tease any man she comes across. She even gets Souma drunk (covertly enspelled with an illusion, in the anime) to get him to spill out his feelings and sexual fantasies about his fiancees, excusing it as something she has to do to keep his family harmonious for the good of the kingdom.
  • The Gadfly: Loves to use her looks to tease Souma around his fiancees, particularly Juna.
  • Immortal Procreation Clause: Averted, she's Long-Lived and has had several husbands and bore children in all of her marriages, and by now she has hundreds of descendants and relatives. To avoid any political tension and avoid ever being overthrown, she kept the family name "Walter" to herself and had to disown or marry off some of her more ambitious relatives.
  • Immortal Immaturity: While not technically immortal, her race does tend to live about 1000 years. Despite being 500 and therefore should be at least relatively in middle age, she looks to be in her 20s and often acts immature even by that standard. When there isn't something important at stake, that is.
  • Making a Splash: As a water serpent, she's a master in water magic. She has the fame of being nigh-invincible is fighting in a place with high amounts of fresh water.
  • Ms. Fanservice: She's an attractive woman with a voluptuous figure who's always wearing loose kimonos with an Impossibly-Low Neckline that shows off a lot of cleavage.
  • Only Sane Man: She is the only one of the three dukes to side with Souma and emerge as a winner from the conflict between them. Though Georg merely faked his rebellion in order to draw out Souma's enemies.
  • Please Spare Him, My Liege!: She goes out of her way to have Souma spare Castor and Carla for the crime of treason against the state due to their rebellion against Souma, first by giving up all of her contributions in exchange for leniency for the two, and later offering to relinquish all of the territory of the Walter Dutchy with the exception of Lagoon City (which Souma rejected).
  • Really 700 Years Old: Though she looks barely in her 20s, Excel is actually 500 years old, as a member of the long-lived sea serpent race.
  • Shipper on Deck: After realizing Juna's growing feelings for Souma, Excel is shown to be supportive of them and encourages Juna to work hard so she can marry him.
  • The Tease: Excel likes using her beauty to tease people. According to Juna, Excel would often tease the men who showed interest in her daughter Accela (but who she had not interest in) in order to make them give up having an affair with her daughter. She is also shown to be fond of teasing Souma, though she did seem to shown an interest in sleeping with him during the "marital lessons" she would give him.
  • Water Is Blue: She's associated with water and has a blue color motif.
  • Water Is Womanly: A feminine woman in a position of power who's actually a sea serpent and in charge of the navy.
  • Who Wants to Live Forever?: One interlude chapter in Volume 1 has her thinking about how she has outlived many of her loved ones, as well as seeing how the descendants of the kingdom's founders have fallen so low into corruption, envying how those with shorter livespans can pass on without worrying about what'll come next.

    Georg Carmine 

Georg Carmine
Voiced by: Taiten Kusunoki (Japanese), Marcus D. Stimac (English)note 
Former leader of the Elfrieden army. Carmine opposed Souma's taking the throne, though that was actually a ruse to get all the corrupt nobles in one place where they could easily be defeated.
  • The Comically Serious: Georg's absolute commitment to the role of Kagetora is sometimes played for laughs, particularly when those close to him try to get him to loosen up a little.
  • The Confidant: To King Albert before Souma takes the throne. Carmine is the only person Albert tells about the Bad Future, leading to Carmine starting the rebellion to take down the corrupt nobles.
  • Faking the Dead: Officially, Georg committed suicide after being captured by Souma. Actually he now serves as Kagetora, the head of the Black Cats, Souma's clandestine intelligence unit.
  • Heroic Sacrifice:
    • In the main timeline, Georg pulled off a Zero-Approval Gambit to draw out and incriminate disloyal nobles so that Souma could purge them all at once, knowing it would also mean his own execution for treason. Never one to waste a good man, Souma instead faked Georg's death and made him commander of his secret service.
    • In the Bad Future, Georg died fighting a holding action against the rebel nobles to allow Souma and Liscia to escape his capital city, where they took refuge after Souma was deposed as prime minister.
  • Highly-Visible Ninja: Subverted. As Kagetora, he's an incredibly tall beastman in black armor with a tiger mask, which would make him extremely hard to miss, were it not for the enchantments on his clothes to keep most people from noticing.
  • Hope Spot: Invoked by him for the corrupt nobles. By taking arms against Souma, he makes himself a gathering place for all the corrupt nobles who are actively opposing Souma. As a famed general and Duke of the Army, they feel confident to be able to use him as a protector against Souma's forces. Unfortunately for them, he is just playing them and captures those who fell for his ruse.
  • Leave Behind a Pistol: Souma leaves Carmine with poisoned wine so he can avoid having to be tried and convicted of treason. The wine wasn't actually poisoned, so while the official story is that Carmine died in prison, he actually became Kagetora, the leader of the Kingdom's intelligence agency.
  • Odd Friendship: With Albert. Elisha was shocked when she learned that the future commander of the Army was extremely close to a thoroughly mediocre noble with no skills other than gardening.
  • Old Soldier: Carmine is 50 years old and has been serving in the military in some capacity since Albert's predecessor. He came to notoriety when he held the line for a retreat and even claimed the head of the opposing general.
  • Open Secret: He wasn't executed for treason, and instead became the leader of the Black Cats, Souma's intelligence agency. While no characters have explicitly acknowledged this, it's pretty well-known by everyone in the castle.
  • That Man Is Dead: Whenever confronted with his true identity, even by those who know the truth about him, and even his own wife and daughter, Georg holds steadfast to his new identity as Kagetora, and refuses to acknowledge his own identity.
  • Undying Loyalty: To Elfrieden and the Elfrieden royal family. According to many, Georg's loyalty to Elfrieden was unquestionable and he was widely respected for his devotion to the Kingdom. On a more personal level, he was great friends with the former king, Albert, and his daughter Liscia treated him as a second father. It was due to this loyalty that Georg was the only person that Albert told about his wife's ability and the future that happened, to which Georg began to work to eliminate the corrupt nobles that would become Souma and Liscia's enemies.

    Mio Carmine 

Mio Carmine

She is the daughter of Georg Carmine. Due to her father's actions in starting a rebellion against Souma, she begins to investigate the true reason for rebelling as she is convinced that there is more to her father's actions.

  • Action Girl: Mio is shown to be an expert fighter as she was able to hold her own against Aisha during their sparring and later went on to win the Zemish Great Martial Arts Tournament.
  • Book Dumb: A Downplayed example. Mio is said to have no skill in managing a domain, much like her own father originally did. This causes her a bit of problems when the House of Carmine is reinstated by Souma and she is made to manage its domain.
  • Cat Girl: She is a cat-type beastman.
  • Dual Wielding: Mio uses two longswords in battle.
  • Shipper with an Agenda: She ships herself with Colbert, due to the fact that he is a great administrator who could manage the Carmine domain. Played With, while she is hoping to marry him to secure her domain, it is shown that she respect his guts and is fond of his sincerity.
  • Single-Target Sexuality: When Colbert states that there are other bureaucratic men she could marry after he helps her with her initial management, Mio states that Colbert is the only person for her due to finding his gutsy demeanor appealing.
  • The Ugly Guy's Hot Daughter: A Downplayed example. Mio's father Georg is noted to be a tall, fierce-looking and intimidating beastman, while Mio herself, despite being a Tomboy, is a very beautiful young Cat Girl.
  • You Killed My Father: Subverted. While Souma and his retainers are initially worried that Mio was participating in the Zemish Great Martial Arts Tournament in order to use the country to get revenge on Souma, Mio reveals she doesn't hate Souma and just wants to know why her deeply patriotic father betrayed his country. Which, of course, he didn't. Souma resolves this by revealing that Georg was following King Albert's orders all along to rehabilitate his memory, though he doesn't reveal Georg's new identity as Kagetora.

    Castor Vargas 

Castor Vargas
Voiced by: Jun Fukuyama (Japanese), Jason Liebrecht (English)note 

Former leader of the Air Force, one of the three Dukes, and currently the Captain of the Aircraft Carrier Hiryuu. Because of the events that occurred during and after the One Week War, Castor was punished and he was stripped of his title and family name 'Vargas'.

  • Amicable Exes: Played With. He divorced his wife; Accela Walter, to avoid her being caught up in the consequences of his rebellion, but she still loves him and considers herself his wife. He officially disowned his son with her for the same reason, but his daughter Carla tragically refused to leave him.
  • The Atoner: Quickly becomes this in Excel's custody. With his military skills, he's able to become a trusted captain even after his rebellion.
  • Blood Knight: Castor is shown to be excited to engage in battle, as he opted to continue to fight against Souma even after he concluded that Souma was no usurper due to being curious how Souma would fight him. His steward; Tolman, is shown to be exasperated by this behavior.
  • Break the Haughty: After losing to Souma and being stripped of his name and noble title, Castor is shown to have become more humble.
  • Cruel Mercy: He's spared from execution, but loses his title, position as head of the Air Force, his family name, and is forced to serve in his mother-in-law's custody. Of course, this turns out to be all part of Souma's plans: the Navy assignment turns out to be cross-training to become the commander of this world's first-ever naval aviation force.
  • Henpecked Husband: Castor is shown to be completely dominated by Accela, as he is shown to be fearful of her scolding him or critising his bad habits.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: Because he was completely unaware of Georg's plan to use himself as a rallying point for the rebellious nobles, so that Souma could capture them all in one fell swoop, Castor assumed that there had to be a good reason for Georg to rebel, and sided with him, something neither Georg nor Souma anticipated, and something they couldn't do anything about, because they couldn't tell Castor the truth without jeopardizing the secrecy of the plan.
  • Love Father, Love Son: Gender-Inverted. Castor initially wanted to marry Excel, but was rejected and ended up marrying her daughter, Accela.
  • Rank Up: Following his punishment for rebelling, Castor is assigned to the navy, under Excel. After training under her command, Souma reveals that this was also preparation for Castor to become the captain of the newly created Hiryu, the world's first "aircraft carrier" (wyvern knight carrier really), because he now has the knowledge and training of both the Navy and the Air Force required to command aerial forces at sea.
  • Sins of the Father: Because relatives can be punished for your crimes, Castor cuts ties with his wife and son to avoid their punishment if his rebellion fails.
  • Spanner in the Works: Castor's decision to rebel alongside Georg is something that neither Georg nor Souma anticipated, forcing Souma in particular to adjust his strategies to deal with Castor before Georg.
  • Take Away Their Name: After he is tried for his rebellion, he is stripped of his noble rank and his family name of "Vargas".

    Carla Vargas 

Carla Vargas
Voiced by: Aimi Terakawa (Japanese), Madeleine Morris (English)note 

Carla Vargas is a dragonwnewt daughter of Castor Vargas, granddaughter of Excel Walter (and by extension Juna Domo's cousin although it isn't really brought up), and friend to Liscia Elfrieden. She was formerly the second-in-command to the Air Force of the Vargas Duchy and is currently a slave/maid to Souma and Liscia.

  • Action Girl: She is a capable fighter as well as the second strongest member of the Air Force, being only second to her father.
  • Best Her to Bed Her: Because of her beauty, many sons of nobility have expressed interest in her. However, she stated that she would not take a man weaker then herself as her husband. Due to being the second strongest member of the Air Force behind Castor, she trounced all of her suitors, which left Castor with complicated feelings.
  • Cruel Mercy: She's spared from being executed for treason, but her actual punishment is worse in some ways.
    • She's forced into slavery, using a collar that will hurt or kill her for disobeying or even disrespecting her masters, the royal family.
    • Souma orders Carla to kill him if he starts to become a tyrant. She has no choice but to follow this order, but killing Souma would cause the Slave Collar to kill her, as well as making her friend Liscia a widow.
    • On a more humorous note, she's forced to serve as a maid at the castle, putting her under the care of the innocently sadistic head maid Serina.
  • Entertainingly Wrong: She originally assumed that Souma overthrew Albert and forced Albert's daughter and her best friend; Liscia, into a unwanted engagement to strengthen his claim to the throne. In reality, Souma was handed the throne by Albert and while Liscia was engaged to Souma against her will and to strengthen his claim to the throne, it was done at her parents' discretion. And while Liscia was initially against her engagement, she quickly fell in love with Souma and opted to support him as his Queen. Carla later realizes her mistake after receiving letters from Liscia, who urged her to make peace with Souma.
  • Fate Worse than Death: Used for comedic effect in everyone pitying her for having to work under Serina.
  • Happiness in Slavery: She comes to take pride in being a maid, keeping Souma in check, and helping raise Cian and Kazuha, to the point that she turns down Souma's offer to release her from slavery until the throne passes to the next generation.
  • Made a Slave: For supporting Castor's rebellion, Carla is made a slave of the royal family instead of execution.
  • Mercy Kill Arrangement: She acts as this to Souma. He keeps her by his side regularly with explicit orders to kill him if he becomes a tyrant.
  • Playing with Fire: Fire is her magical element.
  • Reluctant Fanservice Girl: She's attractive but prefers to dress modestly. Much to her displeasure, Head Maid Serina insists on dressing her in outfits that are quite a bit more revealing than she prefers, starting with a Meido outfit with a significantly shorter skirt than the other maids get (to the point where Souma once inadvertently catches sight of her underwear when she takes to the air near him). This reaches the (il)logical conclusion with the Overman Silvan character she portrays, "Miss Dran", designed by Serina as eye candy for the adults in the audience: it's little more than leotard with a Navel-Deep Neckline. She's so mortified after the pilot episode that she has to be restrained from despairingly trying to kill Souma with her bare hands in order to trigger her Slave Collar on purpose.
  • Ship Sinking: Both Liscia and Castor try to get Souma to take Carla as one of his queens on various occasions after the Civil War. Souma flatly refuses due to the political implications of pardoning and marrying a convicted traitor to the realm.
  • Stripperiffic: Serina loves to put Carla into incredibly revealing and embarrassing outfits.
    • Her maid dress has has a much shorter skirt than anyone else has to wear.
    • When playing the villain "Miss Dran" in Overman Silvan, her costume shows off way too much skin, especially since it's supposed to be a children's show (it's meant as a Parental Bonus).
  • Tyrannicide: One of Souma's orders to Carla is that, if he ever becomes a tyrant, she's to kill him.

    Glaive Magna 

Glaive Magna
Voiced by: Kanehira Yamamoto (Japanese), Cris George (English)note 

Hal's father. He is a top ranked member of Duke Georg Carmine's forces, and later Souma's unified armed forces.

  • Abusive Parents: Downplayed as while he beats his son's face black and blue after learning from Kaeda about his encounter with Souma in the pub, he is more angry at his son's lack of forethought and, armed with the knowledge of Carmine's true plans, knows what siding against Souma could bring upon his son.
  • Family Theme Naming: He and his son, Halbert, are named after polearms. (Halbert is at times translated as Halberd)
  • Frontline General: During the One Week War, he leads one of the battalions against Amadonia.
  • Like Father, Unlike Son: Prior to Hal's Character Development and being scared straight by Souma, Hal is a young soldier and Hot-Blooded, yelling at Kaeda in the pub when she is trying to persuade him from joining with Duke Carmine, and considering turning traitor to the Crown to earn glory in battle. His father is an experienced veteran and well respected man who is loyal to the Crown but only appears to betray the Crown to help draw out other traitors.
  • Rank Up: After the Elfrieden Civil War and the Amadonian invasion, Souma rewards Glaive for his actions with taking command of what once was the Carmine Duchy.
  • Secret-Keeper: He is the one selected by Carmine to tell Souma about Carmine's full plot involving the corrupt nobles.

    Halbert Magna 

Halbert Magna
Voiced by: Taku Yashiro (Japanese), Kellen Goff (English)note 

A member of the Army and heir to a noble house, Hal quickly becomes a friend of Souma's and one of the most distinguished warriors in the kingdom, leading the elite Dratroopers.

  • Accidental Marriage: When Ruby is desperate to do anything to help during the battle in the Star Dragon Mountain Range, Hal volunteers to ride her into battle. For dragons, it's considered highly inappropriate to let anyone who isn't their partner ride on their back, so Hal marries her to prevent that incident from affecting her standing with the other dragons.
  • Battle Couple:
    • With Kaede after he joins the Forbidden Army.
    • With Ruby, as he rides on her back during battle.
  • Didn't Think This Through: Hal isn't exactly known for being the brightest, so this tends to happen.
    • His first appearance is a long sequence of this. He's openly talking about rebelling against the king in the castle town. After Souma reveals that he's been overhearing this, he proceeds to tell Hal how rebelling would end badly no matter what because either the rebellion fails and Hal and his family are punished for it, or the rebellion wins and Kaede, Hal's closest friend who is part of the king's personal troops, would not be treated well by the victorious soldiers.
    • Later, this happens again, this time when he agrees to ride Ruby to help Souma deal with a major crisis, only realize that doing so was essentially the equivalent of a marriage proposal. As a consequence, after the crisis has passed, Kaede forces Hal to "take responsibility" by taking Ruby as his second wife.
  • Dual Wielding: Originally wields dual halberds in battle, as impractical as that seems. However, he later switches them out for twin-snake-spears, a pair of shorter spears joined by a chain, the length of which can be controlled with magic, allowing him to throw and retrieve them.
  • Family Theme Naming: He and his father, Glaive, are named after polearms. (Halbert is at times translated as Halberd)
  • Henpecked Husband: Even more-so than Souma, despite having only two wives to Souma's five. There is absolutely no dispute as to which members of their marriage have the upper hand...and it isn't Hal.
  • Interspecies Romance: He is a human married to a dragon and beast kin.
  • Mirror Character:
    • To Ruby, as both of them are proud individuals who antagonized someone who they thought was undeserving of their respect only to end up befriending them later. Hal noted that his first encounter with Souma had many parallels with Ruby's relationship with Naden.
    • To Fuuga Haan. Both are shown to be powerful warriors who have high charisma and are greatly trusted by their subordinates, as well as possessing a flying mount. Though while Hal has Kaede and Ruby to keep him grounded, Fuuga is shown to live in the moment.
  • Oblivious to Love: He is completely unaware that Velza is in love with him, as he believes that the two are more Like Brother and Sister.
  • Oh, Crap!: Has three of these moments in his first appearance. The first is when Liscia, Aisha, and Juna all pull weapons on him at once, the second when he realizes why: he's been talking about rebelling against the king right in front of the king. and the third is when Souma explains to him that if he joins the rebellion, then either it fails and he and his house are executed for treason or it succeeds and his friend Kaede, who would be an enemy combatant, would probably be subjected to the mercy of soldiers who would Rape, Pillage, and Burn.
  • Playing with Fire: Halbert uses fire magic, his particular forte being enchanting throwing spears so that they explode on impact.
  • Red Baron: Due to his accomplishments of the battlefield, Hal has earned the nickname of "Red Oni".
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: With Souma, as Hal is shown to be more hotblooded and impulsive, while Souma is shown to be more calm and methodical. Also doubles as his Red Baron name.
  • Signature Headgear: Hal gets a hachigane with red oni horns from Souma that he order for Hal from Taru, which Souma created to match Hal's nickname of "Red Oni" in order to inspire allies and intimidate enemies. Ruby and Kaede have shown to like how it makes him look.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: He and Souma got off on the wrong foot due to Hal originally plotting to join the rebellion against Souma and antagonizing him before Hal realized who he was. After that, the two mellowed out their differences with Hal becoming one of Souma's most trusted subordinates.

    Kaede Foxia 

Kaede Foxia
Voiced by: Marika Kouno (Japanese), Anjali Kunapaneni (English)note 

An earth mage working for the military and childhood friend (later wife) of Hal, Kaede serves largely as a tactician and commander in the Friedonian military.

  • Badass Adorable: She looks like a little fox girl but is one of the most powerful Earth Mages in the kingdom
  • Battle Couple: With Hal.
  • Childhood Friend Romance: She has been Hal's friend since they were kids and they eventually get married.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: One of the, if not the most powerful earth mage in the kingdom.
  • Drill Sergeant Nasty: The cover of Chapter 22 has Hal doing push ups while three bags, a barrel and herself sit on his back while she uses a megaphone.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: She and Ruby become this after Ruby becomes Hal's second bride.
  • Inappropriately Close Comrades: Kaede sometimes serves as Hal's commanding officer, despite being a close friend and later his wife.
  • Interspecies Romance: She is a Beast Kin married to a human.
  • Lap Pillow: She offers this to Hal when he was exhausted, a bit inappropriate as this was at the break room and she is his superior officer.
  • Little Bit Beastly: She is a fox beast kin.
  • A Lizard Named "Liz": A Fox Beast Kin named Foxia.
  • Number Two: She becomes this to Ludwin in the Forbidden Army and later in the Elfrieden Defense Force.
  • Oh, Crap!: She immediately recognizes Souma in disguise while she was talking about Hal going against him and is legitimately worried he was coming to arrest Hal.
  • Older Than They Look: Her height makes her look much younger but she is the same age as Hal and his superior officer.
  • Top Wife: She is considered as Hal's head wife and the future madam of the House of Magna.
  • Verbal Tic: Kaede has a habit of finishing of of her sentences with "you know". Hal lampshades this in his inner monologue.
  • Women Are Wiser: While Hal is more notable for being such a prominent and decorated soldier, Kaede is clearly the one who has everything together.


A dragon from the Star Dragon Mountain Range. She was a bully to Naden, constantly mocking her for being so different from the rest of the dragons. After the battle at the castle, she forms a contract with Hal, becoming his second wife and going to the Kingdom of Friedonia with him.
  • Alpha Bitch: She was this to Naden before leaving Dracul. She matures after the attack on the Crystal Castle and meeting Hal.
  • Battle Couple: With Hal, as he literally rides on her back in dragon form into battle.
  • The Bully: She was this, along with Sapphire and Emerada, to Naden over her dragon form. While Naden hated her for it, she at least respected that Ruby was willing to say it to Naden's face, unlike the rest of the dragons.
  • Bully Turned Buddy: Despite how Ruby treated Naden, they become friends after the attack on Crystal Castle, when both move to Friedonia.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: She and Kaede become this after Ruby becomes Hal's second bride.
  • Interspecies Romance: A dragon married to a human.
  • Mirror Character: To Hal, as both of them are proud individuals who antagonized someone who they thought was undeserving of their respect only to end up befriending them later. Hal notes that his first encounter with Souma had many parallels with Ruby's relationship with Naden.
  • The Scapegoat: When Crystal Castle is attacked and Naden, the only dragon who could fly in the winds, has gone missing, Ruby takes all the blame because she was the one always bullying Naden when in fact many other dragons bullied Naden as well.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: After resolving their differences, she and Naden develop this kind of relationship.
  • What's Up, King Dude?: Much like Hal's relationship with Souma, Ruby is shown to have a more informal relationship with Naden, despite Naden being above her in status due the fact that Naden is a queen while Ruby is the bride of a king's vassal.
  • You Remind Me of X: Hal's mother, Elba, states that Ruby's hair reminds her of her husband Glaive and Hal, so that she feels like Ruby looks like her real daughter.

    Ludwin Arcs 

Ludwin Arcs
Voiced by: Makoto Furukawa (Japanese), Daman Mills (English)note 

Initially the commander of the king's personal troops, Ludwin is a commander and soldier loyal to Souma and set to rise to command the entire Friedonian military.

  • The Ace: He became a commander before the age of 30 which is stated to be quite the feat.
  • Affectionate Nickname: Genia likes to call him "Big Brother Luu" or just "Luu".
  • Apologizes a Lot: Whenever he hears that Genia has caused some trouble, he immediately goes to Souma and begs for forgiveness on her behalf.
  • Arranged Marriage: While they were friends and likely headed that way anyway, Ludwin and Genia's marriage is decided by Souma to make sure that Genia's genius stays with the kingdom.
  • Chick Magnet: He is said to be very popular among the women of the kingdom due to his handsome looks and status. However, because of his high status, only other noble women can send marriage requests to him.
  • Cloudcuckoolander's Minder: To his childhood friend and later wife Genia. Early on, he's even being driven to bankruptcy by the cost of funding all of her insane research, in addition to checking in on her to make sure that she eats.
  • Facepalm: He does it a lot whenever Genia does something crazy and reckless.
  • Long-Haired Pretty Boy: Has long hair and he's a pretty handsome guy.
  • The Maiden Name Debate: It's he, not Genia, who has issue with her taking his last name as it means the last member in the prestigious Maxwell family will lose her name. Souma suggests she could have a combination of the two making her "Maxwell-Arcs."
  • Number Two: He is the Deputy-Commander of the Elfrieden Defense Force, though he is expected to become its leader after gaining enough experience.

    Beowulf Gardener 

Beowulf Gardener
Voiced by: Ryota Takeuchi (Japanese), Brent Mukai (English)note 

A wolf-beastman who serves under Duke Carmine prior to the One Week War. He is loyal to the Duke and follows him knowingly into treason against the King.

  • Meaningful Name: He shares the name with the ancient Germanic hero who fights with valor and courage (and whose name may literally have meant "bee wolf").
  • Parental Substitute: Later volumes has him be a regular protector of, and so develops fatherly affection for, Tomoe under his new alias Inugami.
  • Ship Tease: With Tomoe’s biological mother, Tomoko.
  • Undying Loyalty: He is devoted to Georg Carmine and will follow the man into ruin and death. And like Carmine, fakes his suicide to continue to serve under Carmine as second-in-command of the Black Cats.

Elfrieden - Others

    Hakuya Kwonmin 

Hakuya Kwonmin
Voiced by: Kazuyuki Okitsu (Japanese), Howard Wang (English)note 

Souma's prime minister and one of the five selected on the Jewel Voice Broadcast for their unusual talents. He was a recluse who spent all of his time reading, but now puts his knowledge and cunning to use supporting the kingdom.

  • Ambadassador: He often interacts with Jeanne Euphoria via the Jewel Voice Broadcast to discuss matters relating to the Kingdom and Empire which are too important for normal bureaucrats but aren't important enough for Souma and Maria to talk about.
  • Beleaguered Assistant: Bonds with Jeanne in the Empire over just how difficult it is dealing with the leaders of their respective countries.
  • Brilliant, but Lazy: He has memorized all of the laws and appears to have a photographic memory, but before becoming Souma's retainer he was content just relaxing at home reading.
  • Bookworm: Hakuya has a great love of books and reading. He asked Souma to request the books in the Amidonia castle as a additional piece of collateral, and was later shown to copy them before they could be returned.
  • Chessmaster Sidekick: While Souma himself is shown to be a Chessmaster, it is noted that Hakuya excels in the regard and is responsible for most of the plans that he and Souma utilize, with Souma modifying them to a degree to make them more effective.
  • The Comically Serious: A lot of comedy from Hakuya is derived from how he reacts to Souma's eccentric nature. Hakuya has also shown to have a stoic sense of humor; such as telling Jeanne that he would have resigned if he saw Empress Maria wearing a night cap, due to the head being the place where the crown resides.
  • Hyper-Competent Sidekick: While Souma is no fool, due to the fact that he was summoned from a another world, he is shown to be unfamiliar with the history, geography and political situation in Landia. Hakuya is shown to be very effective at providing insight in that regard.
  • Meaningful Name: His family name brings to mind "Kongming" (aka Zhuge Liang, the renowned strategist of Romance of the Three Kingdoms fame).
  • Number Two: He is considered as Souma's second-in-command, with him managing the logistics of the Kingdom.
  • Paper Fan of Doom: One given to him by Souma no less, with instructions for him to whack Souma over the head with it, if he starts acting out of line. Souma initially intended it as a joke to try and get Hakuya to loosen up a little. But Hakuya treats that responsibility as seriously as he does everything else.
  • The Purge: Helps Souma arrange this against corrupt nobles.
  • Red Baron: Hakuya quickly becomes known as the Black Robed Prime Minister.
  • Secret Test of Character: He recognizes Poncho's value immediately, and withholds some of his talents when interviewed by Souma because he wants to see if Souma sees the same thing in Poncho that he does.
  • Servile Snarker: He has very few reservations about commenting on Souma's tendencies.
  • Ship Tease: With Jeanne Euphoria of the Empire. The two of them bonded over complaining about each other's superiors to one another. When they perform negotiations through the Jewel Voice Broadcast, they set aside time to chat over tea or a glass of wine, and even exchange gifts via messenger. When Maria half-jokingly offers to abdicate in favor of Jeanne and have Hakuya become the Emperor by marrying Jeanne. Hakuya declines the offer to become the Emperor but states that he would gladly take Jeanne as his wife if she was sent to Friedonia as his bride. This is resolved when, after helping Souma and Maria arrange to have the Gran Chaos Empire broken up, Jeanne becomes the queen of the newly-formed Euphoria Kingdom, with Hakuya joining her as her royal consort and prime minister, while Ichiha becomes the new prime minister in Friedonia.
  • Single-Target Sexuality: Despite his looks and status as a influential figure in the Kingdom making him a Chick Magnet with many women hoping to marry him, the only woman Hakuya has shown any interest in is Jeanne Euphoria.
  • Xanatos Speed Chess: His and Souma's way of dealing with the three Dukes rebelling and the Amidonian invasion.

    Panacotta Ishizuka 

Poncho Panacotta Ishizuka
Voiced by: Masaaki Mizunaka (Japanese), Jim Foronda (English)note 

A minor noble who spends all of his time eating, he went from being considered a joke by everyone to one of the most important ministers of Elfrieden and later Friedonia.

  • Alliterative Name: His original name is Poncho Panacotta.
  • Big Eater: His greatest skill is his appetite. It is subverted in that his obsession doesn't lie so much in the amount of food that he consumes, but in its variety, with Poncho boasting that "If it's edible, then I ate it." It's this particular trait that makes him familiar with foods not widely consumed within the Kingdom, and Souma tapping that knowledge to expand the variety of foods available to the people during a time of famine.
  • Chubby Chef: He's fat because he loves to eat and his speciality is cooking.
  • Clueless Chick-Magnet: For a chubby guy obsessed with food, women won't stay away from him. Justified as he is a noble and important minister, with most of his potential suitors wanting him for the connections more than himself. And then there is the fact that he's a Supreme Chef, so the women that do love him for himself have that to look forward to as well.
  • Heart Is an Awesome Power: Everyone but Souma and Hakuya thought he was useless and wasteful, focusing so much on food. However it is due to this he has gained knowledge on many unique ways of cooking and preparing food that is unknown to the kingdom, which is desperately needed during the time the kingdom is going throwing a famine.
  • Like a God to Me: Souma and others come to realize that Poncho has been essentially deified, particularly in the Amidonia region, with people in other countries who have no idea of his true identity even offering up prayers to him.
  • Meaningful Rename: When his skill is described to Souma, Souma is genuinely impressed and exuberent. He offers Poncho a noble rank and with it a new last name as a reward for using this skill to help the country. The name Souma selects is Ishizuka, the name of a Japanese Imperial doctor. Sagen Ishizuka is a pioneer in microbiotic diets and food education. He researched the nutritional value of grains and sea vegetables, daikon, and kudzu. Much like the namesake, Poncho has investigated huge sums of different dishes and their healthiness even prior to his rename. His work in looking at regional staples which have been overlooked helps save many people during Souma's early reign as the farms were not yet transitioned from cotton to edible foods.
  • No Celebrities Were Harmed: The fact that he's heavyset and his main job is to show people that certain flora and fauna are edible despite their unplatable appearance brings Andrew Zimmern of Bizarre Foods fame to mind.
  • Oblivious to Love: He doesn't notice the affections of Serina and Komain. Granted, it is somewhat justified as he does suffer from some self-esteem issues even after gaining rank. Eventually he comes around to this.
  • Polyamory: Settles the issue of whether he should be with Serina or Komain by marrying both.
  • Supreme Chef: Poncho helps Souma with the recreation of dishes and flavors from Souma's old world (Earth), and is an exceptional cook himself mainly because of his absurdly broad experience with different foods and methods of cooking. When hosting one of the several weddings being carried out simultaneously across the capital, Poncho's reception is one of the most popular, due to the fact that many of his signature dishes are on offer. In fact, once he delivers the toast, there is a veritable stampede for the buffet tables.
  • Through Her Stomach: How he wins over both Serina and Komain. Without even intending to, no less.
  • Verbal Tic: He has one, yes. You can see it in his conversation, yes.


Voiced by: Yutaka Aoyama (Japanese), Ivan Jasso (English)note 

The former Prime Minister under King Albert. After interviewing Hakuya, he makes Souma name Hakuya the Prime Minister, demoting himself to management of the castle.

  • Always Someone Better: After Souma recruits Hakuya, he assigns to Hakuya to Marx to determine the best position for him. Marx wastes no time on insisting that Hakuya take over the position of Prime Minister from him, because, in Marx's words...
    "Would you have me teach a wyvern how to fly?"
  • Babies Make Everything Better: Places a lot of pressure on Souma and Liscia to have children. Justified since the Succession Crisis killed most of the royal family, so having some heirs would improve political stability.
  • Shipper with an Agenda: He encourages Souma to marry and have children with any women that he is interested in (and that are interested in him), especially Liscia, due to the fact that the former royal line is considered on the verge of extinction, so having more heirs would improve the stability of the royal family.

    Genia Maxwell 

Genia Maxwell
Voiced by: Konomi Kohara (Japanese), Steph Garrett (English)note 

Friedonia's resident mad scientist, Genia ends up working for the Kingdom after having been kicked out of the military for one of her experiments.

  • Absent-Minded Professor: She's always running a mile a minute and coming up with brilliant inventions, but needs help to do just about anything else.
  • Arranged Marriage: Soon after meeting Souma and impressing Souma with her knowledge, drive, and capabilities, Souma is concerned about another country trying to take her away with offers to help her research. To hinder this, recognizing Ludwin's obvious affection for the woman, Souma has them set to be married with the Royal Family fitting the wedding bill to avoid that potential issue.
  • Awesome, but Impractical: Many of her inventions fall into this, to the point that there's an entire research division dedicated to taking Genia's inventions and turning them into something Boring, but Practical.
  • Birds of a Feather: With Merula, though Merula is typically the more level-headed of the duo, they often both get wrapped up in whatever research or testing they're doing together.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: She lives in an abandoned dungeon, often forgets to eat, has no regard for who she's talking to, and has a lax approach to safety standards when testing her inventions.
  • Cute Oversized Sleeves: She wears a lab coat that's way too big for her, with the sleeves going past her hands. These make her look eccentric, but cute.
  • Devil's Advocate: Prior to meeting Souma, she believed in this as part of her duties as a researcher. Just because everyone in the research division agreed on a matter didn't make it right or correct, in her view. She felt it is good to go against the grain and look at things in new ways. This allowed her to better understand the way magic and phenomena that others simply pass off as "some kind of magic." For instance, rather than just accepting cursed ore negates all magic and will explode if more is used around it, she researched it and found the ore to be a magical sponge which explodes when it is overfilled without properly draining it.
  • Forgets to Eat: Ludwin frequently has to bring food to her so she doesn't collapse.
  • Gone Horribly Right: The incident which got her evicted from the Forbidden Army is a seed-deployment projectile. It's intended use is to repopulate a battleground with trees and vegetation once the battle is over. However, with what she had done plus adding light magic to excellerate the growth results in an explosion which turned a small compound into a grove of large trees. No one was killed from the incident.
  • Insistent Terminology: She isn't a "mad scientist", she is an "overscientist", thank you very much!
  • Labcoat of Science and Medicine: Being a self-proclaimed over-scientist, she's seen mostly in a white lab coat.
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall: In-universe. Genia and Merula's Let's Test It! segments begin with them doing an intro, just as though they were introducing a program on the Jewel Broadcast, before Merula asks why they're doing an intro, and Genia explains that it's mainly for fun.
  • Mad Scientist: She has a cuckoolander mind. She is proficcient in metalurgy, magical theory and practice, engineering, and very rational about her projects in so far as what conclusions can be drawn and actual evidence she has. She just misses why some of her results might be awesome, they are not practical. Because of her ovararching expertise, she prefers the term "overscientist".
  • Punny Name: "Genia" sounds like genius.
  • Nobody's That Dumb: When Souma asks if she has armed the armored mechical dragon, she replies that even she's not that crazy to put weapons on a model.
  • No Social Skills: She treats the king just like anyone else and just barges through her thought process with no regard for if the people she's talking to can keep up with her.
  • Smart People Wear Glasses: Genia wears a little pair of glasses perched on her nose and she likes to call herself an "overscientist".

    Ginger Camus 

Ginger Camus
Voiced by: Yumi Uchiyama (Japanese), Kevin Thelwell (English)

A young man who inherits his grandfather's slave trading business. Ginger intends to slowly sell off the slaves to good people, but his path changes when Souma discovers that Ginger teaches all of his slaves to read, write, and do arithmetic before selling them off.

  • Achievement In Ignorance: Ginger was able to dramatically improve the conditions of slaves due to teaching his slaves to read and write, as his slaves became highly sought after due to Souma's new policy of domain evaluation, which required the nobility to manage their domains well, thus facilitating the need for educated personel.
  • Dogged Nice Guy: Played With. While both Ginger and San are mutually in love with each other, she initially refused his proposal to become his wife, stating that he should take a noble woman as his wife for the good of his house, while she was fine with being his mistress/concubine.
  • Karmic Jackpot: Despite initially suffering financial losses due to his reluctance to sell slaves to bad owners, Ginger's business was doing poorly until Souma's change in policy caused his educated slaves to become highly sought after. His deeds attracted the attention of Souma, who recruited him as a subordinate in order to manage a training facility to prevent people to fall into slavery.
  • Nice Guy: His grandfather said that Ginger is too soft-hearted to ever be a slaver, as it is shown that Ginger is a nice and affable young man.
  • Sympathetic Slave Owner: Ginger doesn't have the stomach for slave trading, but inherits the business from his grandfather anyway. He educates his slaves in an attempt to make them useful as more than just sex slaves or manual labor, which pays off when a change in policy makes education much more valuable in the Kingdom.


Voiced by: Sayumi Suzushiro (Japanese), Celeste Perez (English)note 

One of Ginger's slaves, she fights for the other slaves when she thinks Ginger is going to be a harsh master. She later helps manage his slave trading and the school that Souma has Ginger create.

  • The Gadfly: Despite being freed and willingly being with Ginger, Sandria loves to tease him by talking and acting as though she were his slave instead, often suggesting that she is willing to endure whatever "punishment" her "master" has for her, a trick that never fails to fluster poor Ginger.
  • Insecure Love Interest: Due to her former status as a slave and complex about being sold as a slave in the first place, she feels reluctant to become Ginger's first wife and initially turning down his proposal, stating that he had to think of the House of Camus' status.
  • Made a Slave: She was the daughter of a merchant, but sold into slavery when her father fell into debt.
  • The Mistress: Before her complex was resolved, San said that she would be fine with being a concubine as Gigner should marry a woman of status for the benefit of his House. She later drops this and becomes his official wife after he resolves her complex and proposes to her again.
  • Took a Level in Badass: After Ginger establishes his training center, Sandria attends classes in combat taught by adventurers, learning to fight and even arming herself with a broom that can convert into a bladed staff.


Voiced by: Yuka Nukui (Japanese), Jenny Yokobori (English)note 

The head maid in Parnam Castle, she's infamous for her treatment of the maids and anyone who gets in her way in the castle.

  • Almighty Janitor: A pretty effective maid overall, but what crosses into that is the fact that both Souma and Liscia (not to mention every single maid) are terrified of her, from high atop their conditions as king and princess. It is heavily implied she has a number of embarassing facts on Liscia.
  • Animal Battle Aura: When accompanying Poncho during his meetings with potential marriage partners, Serina's combination of beauty and her intense presence drive off pretty much everyone who shows up. Upon facing it for the first time, Komain compares it to being stared down by a large wolf.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: Serina gets assigned by Kazuya to act as an assistant to Poncho in helping him screen his large amount of marriage proposals. Serina both having feelings Poncho combined with being The Dreaded ended up unwittedly scaring off all of Poncho's potential marriage candidates.
  • Chubby Chaser: Poncho is quite fat and she falls hard for him.
  • Crazy-Prepared: Played for laughs, with regard to her plans for Carla. Due to her pregnancy, Serina is sidelined from her job as Head Maid. During this time, Souma holds a massive military exercise, in which Carla is hoping to participate. However, Carla finds, to her dismay, that Serina anticipated this and ordered the other maids to steal Carla's other clothes, leaving her with nothing to wear but her Dran outfit, which Carla detests. Carla is predictably mortified.
  • The Dreaded: To Liscia and Carla, who are often targets for her sadistic tendencies.
  • Innocent Innuendo: She often participates in this with Poncho, suggestively asking him if he'll do "that" again, with the others listening making the obvious assumption, only to reveal that Serina is asking Poncho to make another of his dishes for her.
  • Legacy of Service: She comes from a lineage of maids and butlers to both the royal family and noble houses.
  • Love Epiphany: It takes forever (and a lot of coaxing from Komain) for her to realize that she's been in love with Poncho for a long time.
  • Oblivious to Love: As blind to her own feelings as Poncho is. This is mainly due to Serina's upbringing, where she was taught to value her devotion to service above all else, including her personal feelings, which leaves her unable to separate her professional feelings of being assigned to keep Poncho from getting involved with any women who might take advantage of him from her personal feelings of wanting to be with him herself.
  • Soft-Spoken Sadist: Serina is a mild example. She is always polite and proper, as befits the one in charge of all the maids in the Royal Castle. However, she has a sadistic side that comes out when dealing with cute girls, namely a desire to "buwwy" [sic] them by putting them in embarrassing, often risque, outfits. At present, her current favorite target is Carla; Serina being the designer of both the Stripperific outfit Carla is forced to wear while playing Dran in Souma's educational program, as well as Carla's regular maid outfit, with an irregularly short skirt.
  • Through Her Stomach: Poncho wins her over with food.


Voiced by: Yuuki Hirose (Japanese), Jalitza Delgado (English)

One of the refugees in Elfrieden/Friedonia. She inherits leading them from her brother, Jirukoma, remaining in the country to help the people who want to stay.

  • Fantasy Counterpart Culture: Her appearance and manner of dress are frequently described as being "like a Native American".
  • Reluctant Ruler: She thinks her brother is the better leader of the refugees, but he puts her in charge before leaving.
  • Shipper on Deck: Ships Poncho with Serina. Besides the fact that Komain can easily see how Serina feels about Poncho, she also has an ulterior motive. As a common-born woman, she wouldn't be able to become the primary wife of a noble, especially an up-and-coming one, like Poncho, without making some serious waves. However, if someone from a reputable lineage, like Serina, were to become Poncho's first wife, then Komain could safely become his second wife without objections. This ultimately happens.
  • So What Do We Do Now?: Komain takes over as the headwoman of the refugees, after Jirukoma takes the hardliners out of the Kingdom to help fight to reclaim their homelands. However, after helping get the refugees settled, integrated, and moving on with their lives, Komain finds herself asking this question as her leadership is needed less and less. Fortunately...she finds Poncho.
  • Through Her Stomach: It took one taste of Poncho's cooking for Komain to pledge to serve him.


Voiced by: Kenta Miyake (Japanese), Ray Hurd (English)

Leader of the refugee camp in Elfrieden/Friedonia. He eventually leaves it in the hands of his sister when he sets off to try and take back some of the lands that were absorbed by the Demon Lord's Domain.

  • But Now I Must Go: After handing over leadership to his sister, he heads back north because he cannot stay in these peaceful lands and not try something to get their homeland back.
  • Dual Wielding: He fights with a pair of kukri.
  • Fantasy Counterpart Culture: His appearance and dress are described as being "like a Native American".
  • Fighting for a Homeland: Leaves Friedonia to go back and fight on the front lines to free his homeland from the Demon Lord's Domain.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure:
    • When Souma confronts him and Komain about the refugees' situation, Jirukoma remains calm and acknowledges Souma's points about the precarious position the refugees residing in Friedonia are in from how they are technically poaching to how the next generation born will only know Friedonia as home, overriding Komain's vocal objections.
    • Jirukoma then shows another level of reasonableness recognizing he is one of the hardliners. He cannot give up on the hope of returning to their homelands and settling down in Friedonia. So, rather than let his personal feelings hurt the integration of the others, he steps down from his position as spokesman for the refugees and chooses to lead the other hardliners to a nation closer to the border with the Demon Lord's Domain. His final action is appointing Komain the leader in his stead.

    Lucy Evans 

Lucy Evans
A young girl at the Royal Academy, the daughter of a merchant family in Parnam. She goes to school with Tomoe and her friends, and absolutely idolizes Queen Roroa.
  • Abhorrent Admirer: Downplayed, but Roroa is unnerved by just how much hero worship Lucy has towards her.
  • Accent Adaptation: Her merchant slang resembles the Kansai dialect, and is written as a southern drawl in the English version.
  • Girlish Pigtails: Part of her copying Roroa, down to her appearance.


A young dark elf girl from the God-Protected Forest. She idolizes Hal, who saved her when she was trapped in a catastrophic landslide.
  • Big Eater: Much like Aisha, Velza tends to get carried away when presented with delicious food. This trait seems to be almost universal to Dark Elves, who aren't used to the incredible variety of flavors found in foods outside the God-Protected Forest.
  • Not So Stoic: She tries to cultivate an aloof persona. However, all that goes out the window whenever she sees Hal.
  • Pointy Ears: Like other elves, her ears are long and pointy.
  • Rescue Romance: Fell in love with Hal after he rescued her in the landslide in the forest.
  • Significant White Hair, Dark Skin: She's a dark elf, and thus has dark skin and silver hair which is standard for her race.


Wodan Udgard
Voiced by: Akinori Egoshi (Japanese), Anthony DiMascio (English)note 

The chief of the Dark Elves and Aisha's father.

  • Altar Diplomacy: As the Chief of the Dark Elves (an autonomous nation within Elfrieden), he asks Souma to take Aisha as his wife in volume 4, as a reward for their people joining Souma's army as auxiliaries during the One-Week War. Aisha herself is more than willing.
  • Best Friends-in-Law: He has a pretty good relationship with Souma both before and after Aisha gets engaged to him, stemming from Souma rushing to his people's aid when the dark elves' village was hit by a landslide.
  • Mum Looks Like a Sister: Male example. Souma mistook him for Aisha's older brother rather than father.
  • Older Than They Look: He's 80 years old when Souma first meets him. He explains that Dark Elves live three times longer than humans and stop aging at a certain point.
  • Pointy Ears: Due to being an elf, he has long and pointed ears.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: In contrast to the xenophobia amongst his people, he is more welcoming to outsiders and allows Souma's army into the God-Protected Forest to provide disaster relief.
  • Significant White Hair, Dark Skin: His silver hair and dark skin serve to identify him as the chief of the Dark Elves.

    Hilde Norg 

Hilde Norg
Voiced by: Mai Nakahara (Japanese), Kristi Rothrock (English)note 

A member of the Three-Eyed race and one of the chief medical specialists in the Kingdom.

  • Brutal Honesty: The woman is incredibly blunt and straight forward.
  • Hospital Hottie: One of the finest doctors the three-eyed race has ever produced and she's pretty good-looking.
  • Official Couple: Married to her former rival Brad Joker. They even have a daughter named Ludia.
  • Required Secondary Powers: Light magic is supposed to only be able to boost the body's natural ability to recover, and does nothing about infections and diseases. It's not a miracle cure, and Hilde knows this from experience. So when a patient suffering from stomach parasites begs her to use light magic, Hilde agrees in order to calm the woman down... and is shocked when it works. It turns out she stumbled on the interaction between light magic and medical knowledge. Magic in this world is an Imagination-Based Superpower, so its effects are greater the more strongly and clearly you can imagine what you want from it. For light magic, the best effects come from medical knowledge. Normal light mages only have the body's natural recovery abilities as an example to go on, which is why light magic previously only boosted that recovery, and did nothing for pathogens. Hilde on the other hand has seen Brad do similar surgeries before and thus knows the proper treatment for stomach parasites, which allowed her to apply that knowledge via light magic even though she was not consciously doing it.

    Brad Joker 

Brad Joker
Voiced by: Daiki Hamano (Japanese), Kiba Walker (English)note 

The first surgeon in the Kingdom, who was formerly considered a heretic for his seemingly "blasphemous" practices on examining corpses in order to study diseases.

  • Belligerent Sexual Tension: His stubbornness makes him get into arguments with Hilde.
  • Mystical White Hair: While hardly unusual for the setting, but Brad has silver-white hair despite being in his twenties.
  • Official Couple: Married to his former rival Hilde Norg. They even have a daughter named Ludia.

    Juno Minazuki 

Juno Minazuki

Voiced by: Ayaka Asai (Japanese) note 

A young adventurer whose party would often work with Souma's Little Musashibo, and would quickly grow attached to him.

Other countries

Gran Chaos Empire

    Maria Euphoria 

Empress Maria Euphoria
Voiced by: Hisako Kanemoto (Japanese), Dawn M. Bennett (English)note 
Leader of the Gran Chaos Empire, the largest and most powerful nation in Landia.
  • All-Loving Hero: Maria is shown to be very compassionate and cares deeply for other people and their suffering, as demonstrated by her policies.
  • Embarrassing Nickname: Maria finds being called a Saint both embarrassing and troublesome, not in the least because the Lunar Orthodox Papal State has taken extreme umbrage with anyone being called a saint without their express approval, and Maria turned down their offer to officially label her one...with the low low price of becoming subservient to them.
  • Foil: To Souma. Both are surprisingly young leaders of unusually powerful countries who are burdened by the job. Maria is an idealist who is keeping up the empire she inherited, while Souma has a more realistic outlook and built the country up to its current power through his own work.
  • Good Is Not Dumb: While Maria is an idealist, she's not an idiot. In fact, she can be quite clever, such as when she convinces Souma to accept her sister, Trill, as the Empire's ambassador to the Kingdom. Maria cleverly predicts that Trill's scientific inquiries will be of great interest to Souma, which leads to a joint project between the Empire and the Kingdom (and the Republic of Turgis) to create a drill. She also quickly catches onto Souma's plans for the Nine-Headed Dragon Archipelago, and goes along with his suggestion of pressuring the island chiefs to sign onto the Mankind Declaration as a way of convincing them to band together under King Shana, so that he will have the full force of the Archipelago's navy to bring to bear against Ooyamizuchi.
  • The High Queen: Or rather, "High Empress". She is the leader of the Empire, the largest country in the world and one of the major military powers as well. She has also demonstrated sufficient political acumen, as well as possessing great grace befitting her position.
  • Honor Before Reason: When Souma points out the detriments and weaknesses of the Mankind Declaration, Maria still opts to maintain it as a symbol of unity among countries despite its drawbacks.
  • Idol Singer: After the Empire starts to develop their own lorelei program, Maria becomes the most popular lorelei in the Empire due to her initial popularity, her beauty and great singing voice.
  • Important Haircut: After the Gran Chaos Empire is officially defeated by Fuuga, and Maria is saved by Souma, she has Jeanne cut her long hair into a much shorter bob-cut, signifying her casting aside her status as a “saint” who is kind to everyone, and allowing her to mark herself as a champion of the poor and downtrodden.
  • Lonely at the Top: Between her official status as Empress and her unofficial status as a saint, Maria has a very hard time forming personal connections with anyone outside of her immediate family, much less romantic relationships. She's openly envious of Souma's much more casual relationship with his vassals and his loving relationships with his wives.
  • Nice Girl: Aside from her idealism, Maria's defining trait is that she's a total sweetheart, just about the most benevolent person on the continent. It's what led to her people calling her a Saint.
  • An Odd Place to Sleep: She sleeps in her office, not a bedroom, which Jeanne finds incredibly frustrating.
  • Rank Up: Inverted. Despite having a pedigree to more than qualify to become another of Souma’s primary queens, Maria chooses to become a secondary queen instead, so that she will have the freedom to pursue her philanthropic endeavors without having to deal with the restraints the primary queens have to deal with.
  • Secretly Selfish: Or rather, not quite as selfless as she is forced to present herself as a ruler. All she really wanted to do was help the common folk, people who slipped through the cracks in society and had little hope. But if she showed such blatant favoritism she'd meet pushback from the other factions in the Empire, forcing her to excel in all areas and place nice with everyone, just so she would have enough leeway to give the downtrodden the help they needed without anyone raising any eyebrows. After breaking up the Gran Chaos Empire and marrying Souma, having finally gained the freedom to apply her incredible talents in the way she wants, she eschews administrative work and throws herself wholeheartedly into philanthropy.
  • Ship Tease: With Souma. At one point, she offers to marry Souma and put him in charge of the Empire so she doesn't have to manage it anymore. Souma turns her down... because he thinks becoming Emperor would be too much work, though he states that he would gladly welcome her as his wife otherwise. Later on, this ship finally becomes official when she breaks up the Gran Chaos Empire and marries Souma.
  • Strange Minds Think Alike: Early in the series, she and Souma both sleep in their governmental affairs offices, though Maria went as far as to have a proper bed put in there, rather than the simple cot Souma used.
  • Tough Leader Façade: While forced to present herself to the citizens of the Empire as a dignified and imposing empress, Maria is shown to struggle between managing the Empire and the threat of the Demon Domain, which has left her mentally exhausted, as she can only can freely in front of her sister Jeanne.
  • Universally Beloved Leader: It is stated that all of the citizens of the Empire deeply love Maria and their adoration of her has reached to the point where the began calling her the "Saint of the Empire".
  • We ARE Struggling Together: She's trying to place the Empire as the leader of the nations of Mankind against the Demon Lord's Domain, with mixed amounts of success.
  • Wide-Eyed Idealist: Subverted. While Maria's idealism is her signature character trait, she is much more savvy than most people would think and knows when to put her foot down. Because of this, she and Souma get along extremely well, despite their opposing philosophies, and become strong friends and allies.
  • World's Most Beautiful Woman: Maria's beauty is well known among the people of the not only Empire, but other countries as well.

    Jeanne Euphoria 

Jeanne Euphoria
Voiced by: Yui Ishikawa (Japanese), Michelle Rojas (English)note 
Maria's younger sister, Jeanne mostly handles matters for the military, such as arranging the return of Van to Amidonia.
  • Ambadassador: She often interacts with Hakuya Kwonmin via the Jewel Voice Broadcast to discuss matters relating to the Empire and Kingdom which are too important for normal bureaucrats but aren't important enough for Maria and Souma to talk about.
  • Beleaguered Assistant: Jeanne and Hakuya bond over just how difficult it is to deal with the leaders of their respective countries.
  • Can't Catch Up: It's difficult to be the sister of one as gifted as Maria, who is so far out of Jeanne's realm of ability that she can't even muster the courage to ask her to rely on her more.
  • Foil: She's the level-headed one to her sister, the overly idealistic and flighty Empress.
  • Four-Star Badass: She's the leader of the Empire's armies, and one of their strongest fighters, with Juna stating that she wouldn't be able to beat Jeanne, even if she tried to give her life to do so.
  • Number Two: She is considered this to Maria, as she helps her manage the Empire. It is stated that due to Maria being unwed, Jeanne is also the first in line in terms of succession.
  • Red Baron: Due to her great military aptitude, she is sometimes called the "Female Manas", in honor of her ancestor who formed the Gran Chaos Empire.
  • Ship Tease: With Hakuya of Friedonia; they hold frequent meetings for negotiations, but often spend more time just chatting because the negotiations are over so quickly.

    Trill Euphoria 

Trill Euphoria
The youngest of the Euphoria sisters, she's an eccentric mad scientist much like her role model, Genia Maxwell.
  • Abhorrent Admirer: Genia often finds Trill to be this, mainly because Trill is constantly trying to insert herself between Genia and Ludwin, much to Genia's distress. It takes threats of reporting her behavior to Jeanne and Maria and deportation to get her to let up...temporarily.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: Besides idolizing Genia for her genius, Trill has made no secret of the fact that she very much wants to take over Ludwin's relationship with Genia, often arguing with him that she is a much better match.
  • Mad Scientist: She is obsessed with her research to the exclusion of anything else. Normally, her sisters would be willing to humor her...if only Trill would stop punching holes in the courtyard with her experiments.
  • Reassigned to Antarctica: Her appointment to official ambassador to the Kingdom was as much about getting her, and her dangerous experiments, out of the palace as it was sending an actual ambassador to the Kingdom. Trill doesn't even regard it as a punishment, since she gets to work alongside her beloved Genia, with her actual punishment being the threat of being sent back if she doesn't behave herself.
  • Rule of Cool: Part of the reason she kept pushing to get a drill mounted on Mechadra is because she thinks it's a shame that its only method of attack is to simply charge in and bash things.
  • Single-Target Sexuality: With Genia, of course.
  • This Is a Drill: Her current research obsession, which she winds up developing in cooperation with Genia, Merula, and Taru.


    Gaius Amidonia VIII 

Sovereign Prince Gaius Amidonia VIII
Voiced by: Tetsu Inada (Japanese), Brandon Potter (English)note 
The Sovereign Prince of the Principality of Amidonia, Gaius leads the invasion of Elfrieden in retaliation for their lost land generations ago.
  • Asskicking Leads to Leadership: He is the leader of the Principality of Amidonia and a very skilled fighter in his own right. It took considerable effort for Carla and Souma to kill him.
  • Bad Boss: He is shown to be very abusive to his subordinates, as he kicked Colbert for questioning him and relieved him of his position, as well as placing him under house arrest. He is also shown to consider his troops expendable if it helps him achieve his goals.
  • Big Bad: He serves as the first major antagonist to Souma and the Elfrieden Kingdom.
  • Conscription: He uses this to build up his numbers after Juna's sneak attack on his soldiers in a desperate attempt to keep the fight going.
  • Determinator: His army encircled, all hope of escape lost, defeat all but certain; Gaius opts to launch a last-ditch final assault, aiming to kill Souma himself. Gaius and his closest retainers plow through Elfrieden's lines, and Gaius himself comes within mere steps of killing Souma, only stopped through a cooperative effort by both Souma and Carla, which stalls him long enough for a unit of archers to deal the final blows...and yet Gaius ''still' has enough willpower to throw his sword in one final attempt to take Souma's life with his very last breath, landing in the ground at Souma's feet.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: Gaius makes heavy use of earth magic, particularly creating stone spikes and firing rocks like bullets.
  • Dying Smirk: He manages a brief smirk of satisfaction before dying because he managed to terrify Souma with his Last Stand.
  • Enemy Civil War: Tries to take advantage of this to retake the lands Amidonia lost decades ago.
  • Fatal Flaw: Pride, Greed, Wrath. He wholly believes in the strength of his armies to claim part of Elfrieden. He believes his actions wouldn't put him at odds with the Empire for violating the Mankind Declaration. He believes that only the military matters and puts no money for any social programs, leaving people starving and blaming their situation on Elfrieden. When his army is outside the gates of the southern city Altomura in Elfrieden, he is placated to hold off fighting when the Lord of the city offers him several bags of gold as compensation so the lord can convince the people to surrender fully, not realizing this is an elaborate stalling action. When the action is exposed with Duchess Walter appearing on the city's walls when she shouldn't have had a chance to arrive, and makes a projection of water so Souma could transmit and declare war on Amidonia, it drives Gaius to retreat to protect Van, never considering Souma is partially bluffing and won't attack the city but set up camp far enough away to meet Gaius' exhausted and conscripted forces well-rested. It's only at the end before his last stand does he recognize his mistakes but refuses to simply surrender. His hatred for Elfrieden pushes him to make one final attempt to kill Souma personally.
  • Fighting for a Homeland: Amidonia still exists, but he's fighting to get their lost lands back to restore their previous size and power.
  • Last Stand: Even after it's clear he can't win, he puts up one hell of a fight in the battle outside of Van. His sword lands in the ground at Souma's feet in his last attempt to cut him down.
  • Loophole Abuse: Believes that he can launch the invasion of Elfrieden because Elfrieden never signed the Mankind Declaration and therefore shouldn't be protected by its terms.
  • Never Speak Ill of the Dead: Even after defeating him, Souma abjectly refuses to talk down about Gaius after his death. Part of it is that, after annexing Amidonia, he wants to keep from alienating their people by badmouthing a man who, for all his faults, was still widely respected by the citizens. He even goes so far as to adopt a proposal to hold a Gaius Memorial Festival (though he makes it into memorial festival for all the lives lost in the way) where he delivers a speech that waxes quite positive about Gaius' determination and grit.
  • Out-Gambitted: Happens twice during his invasion of Elfrieden:
    • He falls for Weist Garreau's attempt to buy time at Altomura, holding off a siege of the city because he claims he can get Amidonia to take the city without a battle. This gives Souma enough time to end the Army's rebellion.
    • He committed too many soldiers to the Elfrieden invasion, leaving the Amidonian capital Van undefended. This gives Elfrieden the chance to launch an invasion of their own, leading to an exhausted Amidonian military desperately fighting to defend their capital. Ultimately, Elfrieden takes the city and Gaius dies in battle.
  • Revenge Before Reason: Like his country, Gaius holds revenge against Elfrieden as national policy, ignoring his daughter Roroa's attempts to strengthen the economy.
  • Rewarded as a Traitor Deserves: He fully plans to kill the Lord of Altomura, who is seeking to surrender his city to Gaius just after he convinces his people to not Hold the Line and make it a Last Stand situation, once the man accomplishes that goal.
  • Scapegoat: Tells Julius to blame the invasion on him to improve his chances of getting the Empire's help in restoring Van to Amidonia.
  • Warrior Prince:
    • He's the leader of his country but fights in the front lines of the invasion of Elfrieden and defense of Van.
    • Prior to the start of the series and the Demon Lord's domain forming, his skill and power in combat allows Amadonia to stay safe when other more hostile nations are looking to capture some of Amadonia. Even Souma credits his power in keeping Amadonia safe, in his own way.

    Julius Amidonia 

Julius Amidonia
Voiced by: Kenji Nojima (Japanese), David Matranga (English)note 
Initially the Crown Prince of Amidonia, Julius inherits the country after his father's death, but is unable to keep it under his control. He escapes to and later settles down in the Kingdom of Lastania in the Union of Eastern Nations.
  • 0% Approval Rating: Roroa is able to drive him out of Amidonia very easily because he has this immediately after the war against Elfrieden.
  • Blatant Lies: Once the battle with Elfrieden is over and negotiations with the Empire start, Julius claims that the invasion of Elfrieden was entirely his father's idea, not his own. No one believes him for a moment. To be fair, it's not like he wanted to do it either, but Gaius insisted on it before his death.
  • Character Development: At first, he was more than happy to follow his father's example as a Warrior Prince. After Gaius died however, he got a brutal reality check when he tried to carry on his father's will, and his missteps combined with Souma and Roroa's machinations led to the annexation of Amidonia by Elfrieden and him being driven from the country. Wondering where he went wrong, he eventually drifted to the Kingdom of Lastania, where he finally began to learn from his mistakes and conseuqently grew as both a ruler and a person. Since finding love with Princess Tia, he has grown into a calmer yet fiercer young man who will do anything for his new family, including asking his old nemesis Souma for help. The two of them have since buried the hatchet, and after Fuuga Haan's ascension Julius ends up swearing fealty to Souma so that he might help ensure Friedonia remains strong enough to protect the former Lastanian royals.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: Just like his father.
  • The Dreaded: To the Papal State, due to his brutal suppression of a rebellion by followers of Lunarian Orthodoxy. Hakuya exploits this by having him mobilize a large but shoddy force at the border as an intimidation tactic.
  • Everyone Can See It: He and Tia are in love, and everyone matter how much Julius tries to pretend otherwise (Tia doesn't bother pretending).
  • Exact Words: Played for comedy after he meets with Souma and Roroa again in Lastania. Julius had sent a letter to Elfrieden, begging Souma for assistance in repelling the monster wave that threatened to overwhelm the tiny kingdom, with Julius even offering his head as compensation. Souma leads his army to help (in accordance to the secret agreement he made with Empress Maria), and Julius follows through on his promise. Before Souma can turn him down, Princess Tia jumps in to try and get Souma to spare him. Souma's response is to say that he will forgive Julius if Tia will "take the name of Amidonia from Julius" with her own hand. It takes Tia a minute to realize that she can do marrying Julius and bringing him into her family, making him Julius Lastania instead of Julius Amidonia.
  • The Exile: After the riots in the Amidonian region start to spread due to the food crisis, Roroa is able to use them to drive Julius out of the country. He initially stayed in the Empire, waiting for an opportunity to try to reclaim Amidonia after he thought that Souma and Roroa would make mistakes. But after that didn't come to pass, he moved to Lastania and began living there. Then, after marrying into Lastania's royal family, Fuuga Haan began conquering the Union of Eastern Nations, eventually running Julius out of his new home... and back into Friedonia, though by this point he and Souma were no longer enemies, and so he was able to sign up as one of his former foe's retainers.
  • Heel–Face Turn: His time in the Kingdom of Lastania has changed him greatly, largely due to the influence of Princess Tia Lastania.
  • Heir-In-Law: Because he married Princess Tia, Julius is set to become the next king of Lastania. Though it's rendered moot when they're all forced to flee the country.
  • Hypocrite: Julius tries to claim that the Mankind Declaration doesn't apply to invading Elfrieden because they never signed it, then turns to the Empire to get back their capital city once Elfrieden launches a counter-invasion. While everyone has to go along with Julius to keep up appearances, they make it very clear he's in the wrong and has to pay heavily for causing this big mess in the first place.
  • Just Following Orders: Gaius instructs him to defend his part in the invasion of Elfrieden by claiming that he was just following his father's orders. Julius isn't happy with it, but goes along with it.
  • Loophole Abuse: Tries this twice with regards to the invasion of Elfrieden
    • Since Elfrieden wasn't part of the Mankind Declaration, Julius claims that they weren't protected from invasion by that agreement.
    • Once that failed, Julius tried to claim that he was against the invasion, but just went along with it because of his father's orders.
  • Love Redeems: Everyone notes that his relationship with Princess Tia of Lastania has made him into a much better man.
  • The Mole: After making up with Souma following the demon incursion into Lastania, he starts sending him periodic intelligence reports on Fuuga Haan's actions and whereabouts. For this reason he's targeted by Hashim Chima to be either recruited or killed in volume 14, though he's able to escape to Friedonia before he and Fuuga can do anything about him.
  • Noble Fugitive: Repeatedly.
    • First he flees to the Gran Chaos Empire in volume 2 after Souma defeats his father and occupies Amidonia.
    • Then he flees to Lastania in volume 4 after Roroa mounts a revolution against him.
    • Finally, he's forced to flee to Friedonia in volume 14 ahead of Fuuga Haan's conquest of Lastania, with his wife, unborn child, and in-laws in tow.
  • Out-Gambitted: When Julius takes control and cracks down on his people once more, fully expecting the "Blame Elfrieden" propoganda to work once more, he doesn't comprehend how much the people came to like the new foods from their own region, the ability to paint houses different colors, or the convenience of bridges the Kingdom made. It made it all the easier for Souma's and Roroa's individual gambits makes the people beg for Elfrieden to take control over Van and the whole of Amadonia, respectively.
  • Royal Brat: Julius really shows signs of being completely unsuited to rule Amidonia during his "negotiation" talks with Souma after the war. Despite Jeanne serving as a mediator during these talks and trying her best to advice Julius to terms, Julius ignores any outside input, viewing his heritage as being the only thing necessary to make him a King. Souma similarly tries to advice him that his people are going to view him as running to the Empire to give back the land he lost, so he'll need to prioritize winning back their faith, but he similarly dismisses this advice. It goes without saying that he truly was unfit to rule and this eventually led to his sister launching a coup to overthrow him.
  • Parental Favoritism: It is shown that his father prefers him to Roroa, due to Julius being a warrior who shares his revenge against Elfrieden.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: After moving to Lastania and falling in love with Tia, Julius' previous attitude mellows out to such a degree that Souma and Roroa can barely recognize him.
  • Tsundere: Both non-romantic and romantic versions. He initially states that he can't bear to see the incompetence of the king of Lastania, thus he starts working hard in his place to make Lastania a better country and defend it. He also tried to seem aloof about his feelings for Princess Tia, but no one believed him.
  • Tyrant Takes the Helm: After Van is returned to Amindonian control, he immediately tries to reimpose the same harsh, militaristic Amidonian social norms his father had used to maintain control; banning Elfrieden media broadcasts and censoring local artists, confiscating food from the civilian population to feed the military, and even spitefully destroying the new infrastructure Souma had built to make the lives of Van's citizens more pleasant. Needless to say, this causes an immediate rebellion against his authority that quickly spreads throughout Amindonia.

    Gatsby Colbert 

Gatsby Colbert
Voiced by: Seiichirō Yamashita (Japanese), Caleb Yen (English)note 

The finance minister of Amidonia, he's one of the supporters of Roroa who disappears before the war with Elfrieden and later takes an important role in Friedonia.

  • Affectionate Nickname:
    • Roroa calls him "Mr. Colbert" despite him being only slightly older then her.
    • Mio Carmine starts affectionately referring to him as "Sir Bee" when trying to seduce him.
  • Because You Were Nice to Me: Gaius and Julius Amidonia treated him like crap, they even beat him up on the floor of the royal palace when he tried to protest their overspending on weapons for the military at the expense of Amidonia's civilian population. In contrast, after Amidonia is annexed by Elfreiden Souma immediately makes him the finance minister for both nations, and treats Gatsby with the respect due to his position and more, earning his Undying Loyalty.
  • Butt-Monkey:
    • Due to him constantly standing up to Gaius and warning him about the financial strains that engaging in a war with Elfrieden would bring, he suffers physical abuse from Gaius due to the latter's Bad Boss tendencies, as he is stripped of his position. Though, once Amidonia is annexed, he is placed as the Minister of Finance of Friedonia, and shown greater respect to by Souma.
    • According to him, he is "run ragged" by Roroa, who's eccentric personality leaves him dealing with a lot of difficulties.
  • Good with Numbers: It is implied that he is an even better economist than Roroa, as he supported Amidonia during the time of financial crisis. Souma immediately recruits him as the Financial Minster of Elfrieden and Amidonia after he annexes the latter.
  • Last-Name Basis: Everyone from Roroa to Souma calls him "Colbert".
  • Meaningful Name: Jean-Baptiste Colbert was the Controller-General of Finance to the Sun King himself, Louis XIV and so an appropriate name for an finance minister.
  • Nerves of Steel: Though he’s nothing more than a bureaucrat with no fighting ability, he’s completely willing to speak his mind and take a stand, even against the likes of Gaius. Gatsby is the only one willing to speak out against invading Elfreiden, firmly standing his ground even after Gaius beats him. In a flashback, he’s shown to be willing to stand up even to the likes of the incredibly intimidating Georg Carmine, when demanding reparations for damage caused by Elfreiden soldiers during a border skirmish between the two countries, something that impresses Georg immensely.
  • No Guy Wants to Be Chased: He is very hesitant to respond to Mio's seduction attempts, due to the fact that he believes that she simply wants to push all of the workload of managing the Carmine Duchy onto to him.
  • Odd Friendship: Has one with Julius, even though their government philosophies don't match up at all.
  • Ship Tease: With Mio Carmine, Georg's daughter. Mio even begs Gatsby to marry her, though Gatsby himself suspects that her proposal has more to do with how hopeless she is at administrating her father's domain than her actual feelings for him. He eventually gives in.
  • The Smart Guy: He has a great mind for numbers and economics, it's just wasted on Gaius and his disregard for anything that's not military. Roroa and Souma, on the other hand, see how useful he is and put him in a powerful position immediately.
  • Straight Man:
    • To Roroa. He is often left to deal with her eccentric nature and demands, such as being forced to buy a large number of carpets so that Roroa could jump out of one and surprise Souma, though the surprise is easily seen through by Souma.
    • To Mio, due to the latter insistence to have Colbert marry her to secure her house and domain, as well as the fact that she likes to tease him.
  • Throw the Dog a Bone: After Elfrieden annexes Amidonia, Colbert becomes the Minister of Finance for both nations, and is shown far greater respect to by Souma then he ever was by Gaius.

    Lieutenent General Margarita Wonder 

Lieutenent General Margarita Wonder
Voiced by: Mariko Higashiuchi (Japanese), Colleen Clinkenbeard (English)note 

A Lieutenent General in the Amadonia Armed forces. When Van is captured by Elfredien, she is in charge of Van's defenses and surrenders to Souma.

  • Batman Gambit: She hopes to perform one by being Defiant to the End on a broadcast to the whole Principality. She hopes to incite Souma's wrath by singing her national anthem, which is about her people reclaiming the lands they lost to Elfrieden. She fails because she cannot comprehend until Souma explains it to her, he isn't a man like Gaius and has no qualms if the people under him sing songs against his rule.
  • Cultured Warrior: She's a surprisingly good singer and makes a civilian career running talent competitions, though she stays in the military as a reservist and is periodically recalled to duty during foreign crises.
  • Defiant to the End: She sings her national anthem, a song about her Principality finally reclaiming lost lands from Elfrieden, after the Kingdom has taken over Van and in front of the King himself. She fully expects to die, having satisfied her honor as a soldier. However, Souma's kindness, reasonableness, and understanding that killing her would have the opposite effect on the people, he sees this "defiance" as nothing and admits to her while being transmitted to the people he is fine with people singing songs against his rule. She is left speechless.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: She was the commander of the army left defending Van during the One-Week War, and surrendered to Souma rather than fight a hopeless battle.
  • Les Collaborateurs: While Souma is not a vile tyrant, Souma is fearful of her being labeled with this moniker for not only her lack of resistance to his rule when he captures Van but her participation in his Lorelei broadcast when Julius takes back Van. So, when negotiating for the return of Van, Souma requests Julius let her stay in Elfrieden. Julius does so in exchange for not having to pay ransom on five noblemen.
  • You Can't Go Home Again: Subverted. She initially defects to Elfrieden rather than stay in Amidonia and be branded a collaborator, but Roroa marrying Souma and uniting the two kingdoms makes this moot only months later.

    Herman Neumann 

Herman Neumann
Voiced by: Soshiro Hori (Japanese), Luis Bermudez (English)note 

A regional leader of Nelva in southern Amidonia, a land bordering the Republic of Turgis. The father of the late Princess of Amidonia and the maternal grandfather of Julius and Roroa.

  • It's What I Do: When Souma compliments him on his defense in the southern Principality against Turgis' incursion, Herman replies a soldier's duty is to protect the people, regardless of who is in command of the nation, for which Souma mentally dubs him a Tsundere.
    His earlier words had been the equivalent of: "I-It’s not like I did it for you, okay? I didn’t have any choice after losing my ruler, so I just defended it!"
  • La Résistance: He is part of Roroa's group which inspires rebellion against Prince Julius's rule over Amadonia. Julius never suspected his betrayal, as he remained in command during Julius's short time on the throne. Herman further helps Roroa get into Van by hiding her inside a container of bolts of wool which are to be presented to Souma.
  • Old Soldier: He is literally old enough to be several human characters' grandfather. He still fights with his men on the front line and repels Turgis's attempt to annex some of Amidonia after Julius fled from the uprisings.

Orthodox Papal State of Lunaria

    Souji Lester 

Souji Lester

An extremely corrupt bishop who uses his position in the Lunarian Orthodox Church for steady access to alcohol and prostitutes.

  • Corrupt Church: Downplayed. He's blatantly hedonistic and ignores people who try to get him to toe the line, but he's also a good-natured man who hits it off well with friendly faces. The main use he has for the funds supposedly extorted from his followers is to bribe even worse officials to help keep him out of trouble, otherwise he's happy with humble living conditions, wine and women notwithstanding. In some ways, he's a step up from the rest of the clergy in the Papal State, who have attempted to control or otherwise manipulate the affairs of other countries. Souma specifically wants him to be the Kingdom's bishop because of his flippancy, as Souji would just blow off his superiors if they tried to do anything through him.
  • Grey-and-Gray Morality: Souji isn't usually the sort of church official one would normally root for, but the church he hails from doesn't have the most sympathetic leadership either. The Papal State has known to manipulate its followers in other countries to put pressure on foreign governments, regardless of the danger that would put those followers in. In addition, they groom a pool of young women to serve as "saint candidates" so they can pick one with the right physical features to essentially seduce a foreign leader into being a pawn for the church before disposing of the rest. Souji meanwhile treats people like people, and his primary motivation in life is merely to have a good time with other people. He also protected Merula from his fellow clergymen, and later agreed to try and shield the Saint Candidates in the Kingdom in the event the church leadership decided it no longer needed them.
  • Hidden Heart of Gold: It's not actually that hidden, but since he's a church official the first thing they see is a priest who goes to bars and red-light districts, which blinds people to his nobler attributes. Otherwise, Souji is a genuinely friendly and helpful guy. Of particular note, he treated and sheltered Merula, despite her being declared a witch by the Church, which was a tremendous risk on his part, especially since he was already in their bad graces by virtue of his habits and behavior. In addition, the reason Souma is able to persuade him to become an Archbishop and officially split off the Kingdom's believers from the Papal State is because of the risk the church leadership poses to the moderates and Saint Candidates the Kingdom has agreed to shelter. So long as the believers in the Kingdom look to the Papal State as a voice of authority, there's no telling what they might be incited to do if asked directly, which puts the refugees at great risk since they're already wanted dead. That he agrees despite the amount of trouble this makes for him shows where his priorities lie.
  • Insane Troll Logic: Honesty is a virtue, so in comparison to the various clergymen who visit the red light district in secret, clearly Souji who visits openly to admire the female body is one of the most virtuous! He wastes the time and brainpower of his fellow clergymen this way, which gets them to give up trying to censure him for the time being so that they can get him out of their hair.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: As Souji points out to the cardinals seeking to censure him, he actually abides by the Church's teachings of honorable poverty and takes good care of his body (he has a six pack from his time as a former adventurer), in stark contrast to the cardinals themselves, who are decked out in fancy clothes and live quite resplendently. He doesn't actually use much of the money he's supposedly extorting from his followers either; most of it is actually going to the genuinely corrupt yet powerful church officials so that they can keep the church off his back. If they want those funds, they need to squeeze those officials, since Souji himself is barely holding on to any.
  • Life of the Party: Souji is a riot to be around, often pointing out that the drunken sermons he gives at bars being more popular than actual sermons delivered at mass. He also goes along with Souma's idea to open the Lunar Orthodox Church's festivals to participation by nonbelievers, as well as encouraging believers to participate in festivals of other religions.
  • Pet the Dog: Didn't hold Mary's dislike of him against her, and agreed to try and protect her fellow saint candidates if the church decided it no longer needed them before expressing the hope that she would also try and flee to the Kingdom if such a time came, a gesture she clearly appreciated.
  • Phrase Catcher: "Rotten Bishop" and other variants thereof.
  • Puppet King: His position as bishop of the Lunarian Church in Friedonia is really just to cut the believers of that country off from the main church, making them less likely to side with the church over their country. After the Papal State's radicalization and the subsequent exodus of the moderates and saint candidates to Friedonia however, this is no longer enough, so Souma asks him to cut ties with the country altogether and create a new sect of Lunarian Orthodoxy in the Kingdom, which Souji reluctantly agrees to.

    Merula Merlin 

Merula Merlin

An elf originally from the Spirit Kingdom of Garlan, she was branded a witch but protected by Bishop Souji. An eager researcher, she's later made Genia's assistant in Friedonia.

  • Curiosity Is a Crapshoot: She's always trying to seek answers, which led to her escaping her normally isolated country. This comes back to bite her when she's branded as a witch by the Lunarian Orthodox Church, but is incredibly helpful when she moves to Friedonia to become a researcher.
  • Ironic Name: Merula is Latin for "blackbird"; she's blonde and extremely pale.
  • Meaningful Name: Her surname is Merlin and she's a mage.
  • Straight Man: Merula plays this role in the comedy routine that her and Genia's research often turns into.

    Mary Valenti 

Saint Mary Valenti
A saint chosen as a representative of the Lunarian church, who was sent to Souma in order to make the Lunarian religion a state religion in Friedonia.
  • Collective Identity: Mary is one of many women that are trained up to be a saint, as she was the saint prepared for Souma.
  • Composite Character: Souma noticed that she was deliberately modeled after his three primary queen candidates; with her having Liscia's regular features, Aisha silver hair color and Roroa's twintail hairstyle.
  • Honey Trap: She was prepared by the higher-ups of Lunaria as a negotiator to convince Souma to align himself with Lunaria, including even offering her body to him.
  • Mirror Character: Of Maria Euphoria. While Maria is born into royalty and declared a saint by popular acclaim, Mary is an orphan deliberately cultivated as a religious figurehead.
  • A Saint Named Mary: A literal Church-appointed saint. The similarity between her name and Maria's is pointed out. Later, the saint candidate sent to Fuuga Haan is named Anne; Saint Anne is the mother of the Virgin Mary.
  • There Can Be Only One: Due to the great importance of the title of the "saint", it is stated that there can only officially be one saint at a time, as the rest of the candidates are kept in reserve in case they are needed to be sent to various people.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: After her failure to bring Souma into the Church's fold, Mary is on shaky ground. After the Church receives a prophecy that is clearly about the rise of Fuuga Haan, and factions begin to debate whether or not a Saint should be sent to him, Mary becomes aware that this trope may well be applied to the remaining Saint candidates, if it works, and asks Souma, through Souji, to shelter the other Saint candidates in Friedonia.

Star Dragon Mountain Range


Lady Tiamat

Also known as Mother Dragon, she's the leader of the Star Dragon Mountain Range and worshipped by many outside of that country as a goddess.

  • Godly Sidestep: Tiamat refuses to answer most of Souma's questions, claiming that she can only interfere so much.
  • God's Hands Are Tied: Tiamat explicitly explains that she is bound by certain rules set upon her from creation that restrict her from answering all of Souma's questions or intervening in mortal affairs too much beyond guiding them.
  • Meaningful Name: Tiamat being a common name for fictional dragons in our world seems to be pointing towards this, though Souma can't quite figure out how.
  • The Old Gods: She confirms that she's one of them, but doesn't clarify exactly what that means.
  • The Reveal: Her true identity is an avatar of one of the Benevolent A.I. programs responsible for terraforming the planet the series takes place on. In particular, she is responsible for overseeing the terraforming of the continent occupying the southern hemisphere, while the northern hemisphere is overseen by the A.I. taking on the identity of the Demon Lord.

    Pai Long 

Pai Long

The one friend that Naden has while living in the Star Dragon Mountain Range. Later forms a contract with a princess in the Nothung Dragon Knight Kingdom.

  • Cloudcuckoolander's Minder: Serves as this to Naden, being the only other dragon who can get through to her even a little bit. Downplayed, as the dragons aren't incredibly social to begin with.
  • Old Friend, New Gender: Pai's appearance while fighting in the Union of Eastern Nations.
  • Only Friend: To Naden before they form their contracts.
  • Otokonoko Genre: Souma compares Pai's male appearance to this.
  • Sex Shifter: Before forming a contract with Princess Sill, Pai had a more feminine appearance. Afterwards, he took on more masculine traits.

    Sapphire and Emerada 

Sapphire and Emerada

Ruby's friends who help her bully and harass Naden for her unusual dragon form.

  • Colourful Theme Naming: Sapphire and Emerada have blue and green, respectively, as their normal clothing and hair colors.
  • Girl Posse: They seem to follow Ruby everywhere.
  • Satellite Character: They're Ruby's two friends...and that's about it.
  • Those Two Girls: They never appear separately or apart from Ruby, though Ruby is separated from them after she comes to Elfrieden to marry Hal, while they are chosen by knights in Nothung.

Republic of Turgis

    Kuu Taisei 

Kuu Taisei

The son of Turgis' leader, Kuu becomes quick friends with Souma on his visit to the Republic. Afterwards, Kuu is sent to spend time in the Kingdom to learn how Souma rules and take away lessons that will help him when he becomes leader of his own country.

  • Cannot Spit It Out: His attraction to Taru is obvious to everyone except the two of them, and he mostly shows it by trying to make her jealous, rather than saying or doing anything directly.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: He's a little out there and is constantly doing things without any forethought, much to Leporina's chagrin.
  • Hidden Depths: He acts like (and sometimes is) a real idiot, but when he applies himself, he's actually quite insightful. His father wants him to be the next leader of Turgis for a good reason. When he's wining and dining dignitaries from Zem (that is, from the Zemish territory that Turgis just conquered), Taru notes that he's serving them fermented milk while drinking normal milk himself.
  • Monkey King Lite: Pretty much everything about him, from his appearance to his behavior to even his weapon, is clearly meant to evoke Sun Wukong.

    Taru Ozumi 

Taru Ozumi

A highly talented blacksmith, Taru is the first person Souma reaches out to in order to make syringes and other difficult to make metal items for the Kingdom. She later moves to the Kingdom, working alongside Genia and Merula on big research projects.

  • The Blacksmith: She's one of many incredibly skilled blacksmiths in Turgis, and her skills with it lead to her being invited to Friedonia to help research greater technologies, along with leading Souma's project to make needles for medical use.
  • Tsundere: Sums up a lot of her relationship with Kuu. It takes Leporina forcefully stepping in to get Taru to admit any of her feelings.



Childhood friend and constant companion to Kuu, even when he rushes headlong into battle.

  • Cloudcuckoolander's Minder: She's constantly trying to keep a handle on Kuu. Usually, this means cleaning up the messes he makes, not stopping him from causing problems in the first place.
  • Embarrassing Nickname: Thanks to her performance in the battle to save Lastania, she's horrified to learn that she's earned the title, Invincible Death Bunnygirl.
  • Ignored Enamored Underling: Leporina is quite clearly in love with Kuu, but Kuu never seems to notice her feelings. It's later subverted when Taru states that Kuu was only pretending to be unaware of Leporina's feelings. However, even though he would flirt with other girls, often right in front of her, he never flirted with Leporina herself in order to avoid toying with said feelings and hurting her. However, this changes when Taru insists that, if she's going to marry Kuu, then she wants Kuu to marry Leporina too.
  • Master Archer: Leporina is a crack-shot with a bow and arrow, able to easily shoot thrown rocks out of mid-air and target monsters' eyes and mouths.

    Gouran Taisei 

Gouran Taisei

The elected leader of the Republic of Turgis.

  • Democracy Is Flawed: Wants to change Turgis from a republic to a monarchy because that would put his son in power, who he believes is the leader the country will need in the future.

Union of Eastern Nations

Kingdom of Lastania

    Tia Lastania 

Tia Lastania
Princess of the Kingdom of Lastania, a tiny country on the border of the Demon Lord's Domain. Serves as a positive influence on Julius, causing him to set aside his hatred of Souma and actively work together with the Kingdom.
  • Affectionate Nickname: Roroa likes to call her "Big Sis Tia", despite Tia being the younger of the two.
  • Best Friends-in-Law: She is shown to get along very well with her future sister-in-law; Roroa Amidonia, the former princess of the Principality of Amidonia and Julius' sister.
  • Everyone Can See It: Her and Julius, even before the two of them realize it.
  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: She has blonde hair and is a benevolent princess who greatly cares about her people.
  • Heir-In-Law: Julius is set to take the throne after the current king dies because of their marriage. It's unclear if this was Tia's choice or forced upon them by only allowing males to take the throne. Ultimately rendered moot when Fuuga Haan's conquest of Lastania forces the family to flee the country.
  • Jailbait Wait: Julius invokes this on her due to her being too young to bear his child at the present, but promises her that she will bear his children eventually. By volume 14, they've consummated and she's expecting.
  • Morality Pet: She serves as this to Julius, helping make his Heel–Face Turn happen.
  • Noble Fugitive: Lastania ends up being the last neutral country remaining after Fuuga Haan conquers the rest of The Alliance. With their subjects ready and willing to bend the knee to Fuuga, Tia, Julius, and the rest of the royal family are forced to flee to Friedonia with the Nothung Dragon Knights covering their retreat. Fuuga and Hashim discuss the possibility of them forming a Government in Exile which could spell trouble for them, but realize that even if she did, Friedonia is still far too powerful for them to do anything about it.
  • Perfectly Arranged Marriage: Her parents place her in an engagement with Julius, but she is content due to the fact that she is in love with him.

Duchy of Chima

    Mathew Chima 

Mathew Chima

The Duke of Chima, one of the many small states that form the Union of Eastern Nations. Has ten children, and offers eight of them as prizes to entice his neighbors to come to his aid when Chima comes under attack by demons, becoming Fuuga Haan's father-in-law as a consequence.
  • Altar Diplomacy: He offers up eight of his ten children, bar his direct heir Hashim and his "useless" youngest Ichiha, up as retainers or spouses to whichever rulers provide the most effective support to him when Chima is invaded by demons. Fuuga Haan falls in Love at First Sight with Mutsumi and takes her as his wife, while Souma, having recognized Ichiha's budding scientific talents, talks Mathew into letting him take him back to Friedonia.
  • Face Death with Dignity: He remains behind in his camp even after all his soldiers have fled, and coolly hands his last will and testament to Fuuga's retainer Shuukin before letting Shuukin take his head.
  • Out-Gambitted: Realizing that Fuuga's strength and popularity now threaten the political status quo in the Union of Eastern Nations, he conspires with the Kings of Gabi and Sharn to form an alliance to defeat Fuuga once and for all. He doesn't realize that his cannier son and heir Hashim has already seen the writing on the wall and is plotting to hand The Alliance over to Fuuga, who decisively defeats them.
    • Before that, he was also outmaneuvered by Souma. When Souma brought his forces to aid the Duchy during the demon wave, Matthew tried to have Mutsumi seduce him, in order to gain blood ties with the Kingdom, which Matthew then planned to leverage later on. However, Souma instead finds Ichiha, and takes full advantage of the fact that Ichiha is the only one of Matthew’s children (aside from Hashim, who is Matthew’s heir) not included as a potential reward to various allied nations for their aid, allowing Souma to bring Ichiha into Friedonia under his own terms, with virtually no strings attached. After Ichiha’s talents make him renowned throughout the continent, Matthew quickly realizes how effectively he was scammed.
  • Noble Demon: However ruthless and amoral he may be, even when it concerns his own flesh and blood, Matthew is driven by only one objective, to ensure the survival of the Chima line. Because of that rather than lament his defeat after Hashim betrays him, he instead rejoices by noting that, he’s the only member of the Chima Family who has to die as a result of the war between the Fuuga and Anti-Fuuga factions, making it all the more certain that the Chima Family will continue to live on.
  • Xanatos Gambit: It's apparently a Chima family tradition to arrange things such that even if the main family falls, the rest of it will live on. Consequently he distributes his children among the local and regional powers, foreseeing Fuuga Haan's rise to power, so that he "wins" no matter who comes out on top. He and his son Gauche are killed in the Civil War, but Ichiha, Nike, and Sami are safe in Friedonia, Mutsumi is Fuuga's queen, and Hashim his chancellor.

    Ichiha Chima 

Ichiha Chima
The youngest son of the Chima clan, Ichiha is mocked by everyone because he's the weird scrawny kid who spends all of his time drawing monsters. He eventually goes to Friedonia because Souma wants his knowledge of monsters and he became fast friends with Tomoe.
  • All the Other Reindeer: Due to his frail physique, Ichiha was treated as an outcast by most of the people from his homeland, and even members of his own family (except Mutsumi).
  • Because You Were Nice to Me: Due to Tomoe, Souma, Hakuya and the rest of Friedonia treating him far better then he was treated in the Dutchy of Chima, he ends up becoming loyal to Souma, opting to not leave after he finishes his education in Friedonia.
  • Child Prodigy: The likes of Souma and Hakuya are awed that a 10-year old boy was able to create a fully functioning way of monster categorization, with Souma wondering in what kind of "monster" he would grow into after he is tutored by Hakuya.
  • Cowardly Lion: Despite his frail physique, Ichiha showed himself to be brave enough to step up to defend Tomoe when some soldiers were harassing her.
  • Heart Is an Awesome Power: In the Duchy of Chima, Ichiha is looked down on for being the only one of his siblings without any distinguishing gifts, instead being a weak little boy who likes to draw monsters (which a lot of people find creepy). However, Souma is quick to recognize Ichiha's gift for observation and that he wasn't just drawing monsters, but categorizing them as well, prompting Souma to eagerly recruit Ichiha for his own country. Working with Hakuya, Ichicha writes and publishes the Monster Encyclopedia, which completely revolutionizes the study of monsters and quickly prompts everyone to realize that Ichiha might well have been the most gifted of his siblings.
  • Instant Fan Club: Due being the foremost expert on "monsterology", Ichiha is treated as a god by the members of the Royal Academy "Monster Research Society".
  • Shrinking Violet: Due to the neglect he suffered in the Dutchy of Chima, Ichiha was originally very meek and shy.
  • Smart People Wear Glasses: He has a talent for analyzing, organizing and sketching. When doing any of these activities, Ichiha is shown wearing short spectacles.

    Mutsumi Chima 

Mutsumi Chima
Oldest daughter of the Chima clan, well-regarded for her beauty and fighting ability. Fuuga Haan uses his influence as a fighter to arrange to marry her.
  • All Amazons Want Hercules: While Mutsumi is a skilled warrior in her own right, she becomes attracted to Fuuga due to being the strongest warrior she had met.
  • Altar Diplomacy: Her father wanted her to seduce Souma so he would have a familial connection with Friedonian royalty. She is later wed to Fuuga due to him being the second person who contributed most in battle, after Souma initilly declines the reward.
  • Cool Big Sis: She is this to Ichiha, as she was the only person to encourage him when they lived in the Duchy of Chima.
  • Has a Type: Mutsumi stated that she prefers strong men.
  • Only Friend: While she doesn't really understand Ichiha and his monster obsession, Mutsumi is the only one in her family who treats him well and actively encourages him.
  • Perfectly Arranged Marriage: Despite her betrothal essentially being a gift offered to gain military assistance, Mutsumi is quite happy with her marriage to Fuuga, mainly because, in her own words, she "loves strong men".
  • Yamato Nadeshiko: Souma thinks of her as one due to possessing great beauty and grace.

    Hashim Chima 

Hashim Chima

Eldest son of the Chima clan, feared for his political and tactical acumen as well as his ruthless strategems. He assisted in Fuuga Haan's conquest of the Union of Eastern Nations, and serves as his primary strategist.
  • Antagonistic Offspring: He successfully masterminded his own father's defeat and death, though he never raised a hand to him personally.
  • Evil Chancellor: Is pretty much Hakuya's Evil Counterpart, having roughly the same intellect and capabilities while also standing at the complete opposite end of the moral spectrum. Is noted as being stereotypically "Machiavellian" compared to Souma's more benign and Truer to the Text interpretation.
  • Mole in Charge: He was heir to the Duchy of Chima at the start of the series. After Civil War breaks out in the Union of Eastern Nations between supporters and opponents of Fuuga Haan, he changes sides and helps orchestrate Fuuga's decisive victory over an alliance led by his own father.
  • The Unfettered: The primary difference between his ideas and those of Souma and Hakuya. Though the latter two are certainly capable of imagining and even enacting some pretty ruthless ideas themselves, they would rather not do so, and when they do they try to limit the damage done. Hashim has no such reservations, and will do what he must to make sure he covers all his bases, no matter how much extra blood that will end up spilling.

    Nata Chima 

Nata Chima

Second eldest of Matthew’s children, who wields a giant axe.
  • Blood Knight: He’s only really concerned with getting a good fight and fighting strong opponents, which Hashim takes advantage of, using the offer of chances to fight powerful enemies as bait to make Nata change sides during the war between the Fuuga and Anti-Fuuga factions.
  • Brutish Character, Brutish Weapon: About the only thing that’s revealed about him, when he first appears, is that he uses an axe, and it’s about the only thing he’s apparently any good at. That being said…when he gets to cut loose…he’s quick to show that he’s really good at it.
  • Dumb Muscle: Pretty much everyone who knows him recognizes him as a blunt instrument. The only thing he’s really good for is being pointed in the enemy’s direction and then let loose. In particular, Hashim makes a point of not entrusting Nata with anything particularly important, and, should Nata’s life be in danger, is more concerned about the damage Nata’s death would have on troop morale, as opposed to any real concern for his brother’s wellbeing.
  • Jerk Jock: When Ichiha still lived in the Chima Duchy, Nata and Gauche picked on him constantly, due to Ichiha’s apparent lack of talent. Likewise, they also picked on the twins, Yomi and Sami, for being intellectuals, rather than having any physical skills.

    Gauche Chima 

Gauche Chima

Fourth Eldest of Matthew’s children, and the best archer in the world.
  • Crippling Overspecialization: He certainly lives up to his billing as a fantastic archer. However, once his first shot fails, Fuuga instantly homes in on his position, closing in, using his sword to deflect any subsequent shots, and cuts Gauche down.
  • Improbable Aiming Skills: in his sole appearance, he shows that he deserves his title as “best archer in the world,” by nearly nailing Fuuga with an arrow from a distance of several miles. If Fuuga’s retainer hadn’t been showing off by flexing at the right time, and, in doing so taken the arrow for Fuuga, he might have actually succeeded.
  • Jerk Jock: Just like Nata, he looks down on the sickly and weak Ichiha, as well as his more intellectually-inclined sisters.
  • Leeroy Jenkins: He kicks off the war between Fuuga’s faction and the Anti-Fuuga fashion ahead of schedule by attempting to assassinate Fuuga before the Anti-Fuuga faction is ready to move. To make matters worse, the plan for Gauche to assassinate Fuuga had only been a proposal and not something that had actually been decided on by the Anti-Fuuga faction’s leadership. Finally, the proposed plan had actually been for Gauche to work in concert with an entire unit to increase the chances of making the assassination successful, while he decided that he alone was enough. Needless to say, his reckless attempt on Fuuga’s life sets in motion the series of events that would lead to the Anti-Fuuga faction’s defeat, and Fuuga’s ascension.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: Despite having only a single real scene in the series, his failed assassination of Fuuga is what kickstarts the conflict leading to Fuuga finishing his unification of the Union of Eastern Nations and beginning his conquest of the continent in earnest.
  • Spanner in the Works: His ill-advised assassination attempt not only fails, but also greatly undermines the Anti-Fuuga faction’s justification, weakening their position on the international scene. Furthermore, it forces them to mobilize before they are really ready for a confrontation with Fuuga, which costs them dearly, once the war begins in earnest.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: He has only one real scene in the series, where he is almost immediately killed in his attempt to assassinate Fuuga. Other than that, he’s merely included on the list of Matthew’s children, and only briefly mentioned by others, mainly for the Jerk Jock tendencies he shares with Nata.

Nomadic State of Malmkhitan

    Fuuga Haan 

Fuuga Haan
The king of Malmkhitan, a minor country in the Union of Eastern Nations. He's a great warrior riding on Durga, a flying white tiger. His charisma and combat ability draw many people to him, and he has ambitions of conquering the Union of Eastern Nations, if not the entire continent of Landia.
  • Ambition Is Evil: Fuuga states his desire to unite all of the countries of the Union of Eastern Nations under his banner. It is shown that his ambition isn't just limited to Malmkhitan and the Union of Eastern Nations, as it shown that he desires to expand his reach even further the that.
  • And Then What?: This is shown to be one of the biggest issues ultimately confronting Fuuga, should he ever manage to fully accomplish his goal of retaking the Demon Lord’s Domain and uniting the continent under his banner. Fuuga’s rule is based almost entirely upon his momentum as a conqueror and his record of victory. The moment he runs out of other places to conquer and enemies to fight is the moment he loses his political authority. He actually has no thought for what he would actually do with the country he creates after conquering everyone else, which, at one point, leads to him ordering Yuriga to marry Souma, so that Fuuga can then turn the job of actually running the kingdom to him, once Fuuga is finished with all his conquests. Souma even remarks to himself that “great men”, like Fuuga essentially foster the creation of societies that ultimately render them irrelevant.
  • Asskicking Leads to Leadership: The strongest man in Malmkhitan by a country mile. Given that the small kingdom originally consisted of numerous tribes who went to war with each other even more than they did with outsiders, uniting them required a considerable amount of martial strength.
  • Big Bad: The current arc of the novels seems to be building him up to one in the future. Fuuga isn't actually evil, per-say. But his unrelenting ambition means he has no qualms about trampling anyone who gets in the way of his desire to unite the continent, something that both he and Souma are certain will bring the two of them into conflict in the future.
  • Dueling Scar: He's wounded in the face in volume 14 in an Assassination Attempt by Mutsumi's younger brother Gauche going off half-cocked, and sports a scar along his right cheekbone for the rest of the series as a consequence.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: He's overlooked by most people as being a nobody king of a minor realm, but is quickly consolidating power in Malmkhitan and planning to expand outward. Souma fears that he'll soon reach "nightmare" status, and expends great energy trying to figure out how to handle him if he goes on the warpath.
  • It's Personal: Fuuga is ultimately provoked into turning his war machine against his enemies in the Union of Eastern Nations not precisely because his father-in-law was conspiring against him and his brother-in-law tried to assassinate him, but principally because learning that Gauche had been killed by Fuuga in the attempt made his beloved Mutsumi cry.
  • My Sister Is Off-Limits: Inverted; he actively say that he's fine if Souma wants to "lay a hand on" his sister when she's a few years older while staying in the kingdom.
  • No Historical Figures Were Harmed: Clearly modeled off of Genghis Khan, right down to the name, which is based on the phonetic pronunciation of "khan" ("king") in Central Asian languages. This is the reason Souma is so afraid of him. Souma also notes the similarities to Oda Nobunaga and Napoléon Bonaparte. Unmentioned, he also has a similarity to Alexander the Great in that his father Raiga Haan was the original unifier of the steppes of Malmkhitan and built the military machine that Fuuga puts to much greater effect, much like Alexander's father Philip of Macedonia.
  • Shadow Archetype: He is very similar to Souma in many respects, and very different from him in others. Both took a minor nation From Nobody to Nightmare, ultimately becoming the monarch of a major power; thus, both could be considered "great men" as Souma describes Fuuga. Fuuga also quickly learns to appreciate Souma's talent for finding and using talented people to do what he cannot. They both even fight a Civil War to unify their respective empires. That said, Fuuga's personal talents lie in a completely different direction from Souma's: Fuuga is a fantastically talented warrior and general but doesn't know how to do much else, whereas Souma is much more use in the boardroom than on the battlefield.
  • Shock and Awe: He channels lightning through his sword.
  • Underestimating Badassery:
    • Played With. While there are no people who question his martial prowess, it is shown that most of the people view his country as insignificant in the larger political landscape and him as a minor king because of it. Only Souma is shown to recognize the threat posed by Fuuga's ambition.
    • Subverted on Fuuga's end when it comes to Souma. While recognizing that Souma isn't a fighter, Fuuga is shown to understand that Souma isn't an opponent to be underestimated in terms of his planning and strategies, much to his delight as Fuuga revels in having a formidable rival to compete against.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: He wants to make his small and ignored country into a prosperous country. However, while his goal of advancing it by reclaiming land from the Demon Domain is noble, it is clear that his ambitions go far beyond Malmkhitan.
  • World's Best Warrior: Since Fuuga's appearance, he's absolutely trounced anyone who's dared go up against him. Both Aisha and Hal, the two strongest warriors in Elfrieden, take him on in informal sparring matches, and are beaten quite easily. Amidst the thousands of monsters laying siege to Chima, several commanders from the member nations of the Union get themselves hurt or killed trying to distinguish themselves in battle, but, in the meantime, Fuuga casually rides around, slaughtering monsters left, right, and center, all while bemoaning that none of them are a real challenge.

    Yuriga Haan 

Yuriga Haan
Fuuga's younger sister, who's obsessed with his status and martial ability. She's sent to live in Friedonia, both because she gets along so well with Tomoe and Ichiha, and because Fuuga wants her far away when he goes to war.
  • Asskicking Leads to Leadership: Since Fuuga leads by this, Yuriga thinks this is the way that all leadership goes, leaving her completely confused by Souma.
  • Bratty Half-Pint: While Yuriga is shown to be polite in those in positions of authority, it is shown that she can come of as bratty due to her haughtiness.
  • Break the Haughty: Not wanting to miss out on a seeming group outing that Tomoe and Ichiha are going out on, she stows away in the cargo hold when they travel to the Nine-Headed Dragon Archipelago with Souma. She ends up severely seasick and very narrowly escaped causing a diplomatic incident.
  • Character Development: She goes from dismissing Souma as a weakling to recognizing his keen insight, and that all the things he does either serve hidden goals or are driven by prodigious scheming, even if she can't understand the bigger picture.
  • Constantly Curious: A not-so-innocent child version. Because her understanding of political power is rooted in her brother's military might, she spends her time in Friedonia constantly asking questions about what Souma does and why.
  • Cruel Mercy: Downplayed as it doesn't involve killing or serious injury, and was not done to her intentionally. She's used to Fuuga scolding her for misbehavior by bonking her on the head, which usually gets the other party to leave it at that. Souma doesn't do that, but the gentle yet serious chastising he gives her after she stows away to the Nine-Headed Dragon Archipelago affects her far more deeply, especially after he apologizes on her behalf despite doing nothing wrong himself. She spends awhile in a bit of a funk from the shame and reflection.
  • The Friend Nobody Likes: She's the most prickly of her friends at the Royal Academy. She cares for her friends and they all care for her, but she struggles with showing it.
  • Hero-Worshipper: To her older brother; Fuuga. She is shown to believe that he is the strongest, most regal and dignified person in the world, and sometimes quarrel with the likes of Tomoe over if Fuuga or Souma are better kings.
  • Hidden Depths: Despite boasting about her brother's strength, Yuriga herself is more of a thinker. Souma is unnerved when her opinion of him improves after he reveals his wariness of Fuuga, as this proves to her his intellect and eye for talented people. After living in the Kingdom, despite being kept away from the more sensitive state secrets, Yuriga realizes that there is a lot more to Souma's actions and accomplishments than is readily apparent, even if she can't figure out the particulars.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: Since she is Fuuga's younger sister, Yuriga has to be kept away from Friedonia's more closely guarded secrets. With good reason, as even without them Yuriga begins to grasp that Souma is often up to something whenever he does something unusual.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: She is the tomboy to Tomoe's girly girl. Yuriga is shown to excel in martial prowess, while Tomoe is shown to have far better grades and knowledge due to studying under Hakuya for a while.
  • Underestimating Badassery: Played straight and then subverted in regards to Souma. She thinks nothing of him at first because he clearly can't fight. This changes the more she watches him work, as she senses that there is deeper meaning to his various antics even if she can't understand what that might be. The tipping point is the sight of the navies of Friedonia and the Nine-Headed Dragon Archipelago coming to port together under a banner of peace, and she warns Fuuga not to underestimate Souma.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: She and Tomoe very quickly fall into this relationship. Tomoe saying something relatively innocent, only for Yuriga to take umbrage with it and respond by pinching Tomoe's cheeks and shouting, followed by Ichiha trying to mediate and calm her down; quickly becomes a Running Gag.

Nine-Headed Dragon Archipelago



Princess (later Queen) of the Nine-Headed Dragon Archipelago. She desperately works to head off conflict between them and the Kingdom when it looks like a war is brewing.

  • All for Nothing: She thinks that all of her action in trying to enlist Souma's help were meaningless due to the fact that Souma and her father were secretly cooperating behind the scenes. However, Souma tells her that isn't true due to the fact that her actions allowed Souma and his subordinates to get to Archipelago sooner to investigate the Ooyamizuchi and allowing them to prepare a better cover story.
  • Altar Diplomacy:
    • Tries to offer herself to Souma, thinking he's going to war with the Nine-Headed Dragon Archipelago to go after her. When she compares herself to Roroa, this sends Souma into a rage, almost destroying her chances of working with them.
    • After she is designated to become queen of the Archipelago, when her father abdicates, Shana proposes a marriage between her future child and one of Souma's children to solidify their alliance. Souma is a bit reluctant to arrange a marriage between infants though.
  • Dull Eyes of Unhappiness: On their first meeting, when she's preparing to sacrifice herself to him, Souma immediately notices her eyes look lifeless with resignation.
  • Innocently Insensitive: She buys in to the rumors that Souma is The Casanova and went to war with Amidonia because he wanted Roroa. Bringing this up while offering herself as Souma's queen backfires so badly that she almost torpedoed the possibility of getting help from him at all.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: She is completely unaware that Souma and her father were collaborating behind the scenes, using the threat of an invasion by the Kingdom as a way to draw together the forces of all the island chieftains so that they can then use the full force of the Archipelago's navy alongside the Kingdom's to fight the Ooyamizuchi.
  • Reluctant Ruler: When her father hands her the throne, she wasn't expecting it and doesn't think she'd be a great fit for it. Her worries are proven to be unfounded, as she soon settles into the role and is able to keep pace with her fellow rulers in the Maritime Alliance.
  • Spanner in the Works: Her attempt to try and persuade Souma to use her as a tool to defuse what she thinks is a brewing war between the Kingdom and the Archipelago threatened to seriously derail Souma and Shana's plans. Fortunately, Souma is able to improvise, and even capitalize on her intervention to gather more information on the real threat, the Ooyamizuchi, and set up an even more effective plan of attack.


King Shana

King of the Nine-Headed Dragon Archipelago.
  • Abdicate the Throne: Does this to take the fall for deceiving his people by secretly allying with the Kingdom.
  • Benevolent Conspiracy: His secret alliance with Souma while actively courting war with Friedonia is designed to combine their forces to fight Ooyamizuchi, which is causing the problem with fishing in the region.

Demon Lord’s Domain

WARNING: Due to the nature of the character in this folder, all spoilers for Volume 17 will be unmarked.

    Demon Lord Divaroi 

Demon Lord Divaloid, aka Mao

The ruler of the Demon Lord’s Domain and the one responsible for its creation.
  • A Form You Are Comfortable With: Her true identity is a formless computer program. However, when speaking directly with others, she takes on a holographic form of an an anime-girl text-to-speech avatar.
  • A.I. Is a Crapshoot: Averted; Mao is a benevolent character who just wants to save her people. However, due to the malfunctioning of her programming, she is unable to stop herself from creating more dungeons, which are gradually overrunning the islands of the northern hemisphere, with a possibility that the countless monsters spawning there could eventually break through into the southern hemisphere, even after Souma closed the original portal, if something is not done about it.
  • Benevolent A.I.: Like Tiamat, she doesn’t want to cause problems and is actively seeking the destruction caused by her malfunctioning programming. But her programming is still malfunctioning, which resulted in the northern hemisphere of the planet being overrun by monsters. She still worked to save as many of the inhabitants of the northern hemisphere as she could, by transplanting them onto Landia, and even converting enough of the desert zone they end up in into arable land to support them. However, in the process, she accidentally unleashes a tide of monsters that completely destabilizes the societies inhabiting Landia, leading to the conflict at the heart of the story.
  • I Cannot Self-Terminate: Her first appearance in the series is as a massive flying cube, which she uses to launch an attack on the Star Dragon Mountain Range in an attempt to goad Tiamat into destroying her, in hopes that that will stop her from creating more dungeons in the northern hemisphere, since she cannot stop or destroy herself.
  • The Reveal: Mao's true nature is not merely a major revelation regarding the main conflict of the series, but also the nature of the very world that Souma has been summoned into - she and Tiamat are actually terraforming programs that were created to prepare the planet for eventual colonization by humanity. As part of the testing process, they were responsible for the creation of the various races inhabiting the planet, which were designed as test cases to determine their survivability in the environment. However, due to humanity abandoning colonization efforts (due to humanity becoming an entire race of shut-ins) the colonization was never carried out, with Mao and Tiamat simply continuing to perform their programmed duties, until Mao started to malfunction.
