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The Infinite Loops / Loops N To Z

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The Infinite Loops contain examples of the following tropes for setting from N to Z:

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    Nasuverse Loops 
  • Adaptational Species Change: Looping Ritsuka is practically never a human. Possible species range from "Kouhime" (a kitsune who also serves as an alternate identity) to "Lotos" (a demigod) to a house cat. They have no idea why this keeps happening, until Manu explains that in Baseline, Koyaskanya planned to use Ritsuka as one of her tails, implying that they were never human to begin with.
  • All-Loving Hero: Ritsuka Fujimaru, who accepts and gives anyone and everyone a chance. It's worked out amazingly for them.
  • All Part of the Show: Inverted. In one snip, it looks like Iskandar and Morgan have started a small war in the middle of New York, but it turned out that Da Vinci was shooting a movie.
  • All There in the Manual:
    • In-Universe, the Grand Order loopers made a manual on how to deal with their branch's biggest threats.
    • Out of universe, there's a guide on how to pick servant classes for visiting loopers.
  • Alternate Self:
    • Shirou and Archer. They're both Anchors for most of the Nasuverse, and their arsenal always expands to match one-another's.
    • In one loop, Kiritsugu was summoned as Servant Assassin in the fourth Holy Grail War; in which he was also participating.
    • Artoria Alter - called Altria - is this for regular Artoria. The two are soul-bound.
    • One snip has Caster Gilgamesh yelling at stay night Gilgamesh for how stupid his plan involving the Grail is.
  • Ambiguous Situation:
    • Nobody knows if Merlin is a looper, loop aware, a non-looper who pretends to be a looper, or just trolling. But it's agreed that every scenario is completely in-character.
    • Olga-Marie's code is full of glitches and gets increasingly nonsensical. In one loop, they tried to save her using in-loop powers, and even though they succeeded, the loop crashed. In the next, they used out of loop powers and somehow it worked. Even Manu is puzzled.
    • There have been multiple loops where Miyamoto Musashi has appeared... outside of her home loop and typically getting into fights with Loopers. What is going on has yet to be explained. But her latest appearance had her steal the Master Sword during a battle with Link, and it vanished alongside her.
  • And Now for Someone Completely Different: Most of the Nasuverse loops are anchored by Emiya Shirou, and their admin is Hecate. That is NOT the case for Fate/Grand Order. In that loop, the anchor is Ritsuka, the admin is Manu, and he's got Loki and Odin also helping him. This is explained as Shirou's connection with the loop being tenuous at best, Hecate being overworked from managing so many branches (particularly the Nintendo ones), and the branch being so glitchy that it requires special attention. Eventually Hecate gives up administrative rights on the whole branch and Manu is appointed the new Admin.
  • Angrish: In Conversion Contact, Caenis's reaction to be informed about the Loops is to stumble out of the room while grunting incoherently in rage (too angry to properly form words).
  • Arbitrary Scepticism: Ritsuka doesn't really believe the cult recruiter who tells her that Sumaru City has dragons travelling through its laylines.
  • Ascended Extra: Lavinia, by a long shot. She was a one-off character in a single story chapter in FGO whose very existence was tenuous and has not been mentioned since. Here's, she a looper and an expert Keyblade user who goes to interdimensional adventures with Abigail and Sanson (originally minor characters in their own right, but not quite that minor).
  • Badass Army: Chaldea in general. A squad of six can handle most world ending threats. There are hundreds and they take on such threats near daily.
  • Badass Normal:
    • Edmond is this compared to all the other members of the main cast, as he is the only one who is not a looper or has any loop-related abilities; he is loop aware as in "Ritsuka tells him that loops are a thing". And yet this guy is able to fight a (granted, Unawake) Lostbelt Goddess Luna at a standstill. As in, of My Little Pony fame. It's later revealed that Luna was actually Nyx, Goddess of the Night of Greek Myth, and though she was weakened, this is still impressive. Even later it is revealed that Edmond is Looping, but this still mostly applies since he had nothing but his Baseline abilities.
    • Wodime. The man is not a looper, not a Dreamer, not a servant, hasn't got a drop of Divine blood in him, and is such a case of Dented Iron that it's a goddamn miracle he's alive. Even so, his damage output is so insane, that in "Conversion Contact", while fighting Beast IV, Living Lostbelt Goddess Aine under less than ideal conditions, Twilight Sparkle, who is a top-tier looper, finds it more effective to heal him instead of joining the fighting.
  • Beyond the Impossible: Edison somehow got the appliances in Ritsuka's pocket run on DC electric current, even though they were running on Holy Grail energy. Nobody knows how he did it.
    • Some Servants have this as a literal ability, or are defined by performing the impossible or making the impossible possible. Normal offenders include Francis Drake, Napoleon, Nikola Tesla and Leonardo Da Vinci. And these Servants who have this as an ability, not counting those that don't and still go beyond anyway.
  • Big Damn Heroes:
    • Shirou - and the rest of the local loopers - have "save Sakura" on top of their "things to do in the loop" list, in case she's not Awake.
    • Kariya, upon awakening, uses a Lancelot mech given to him by a visiting looper to save Sakura from the hands of the Matou family, and drags Rin and their mother Aoi along with her. Aoi is the only one who objects to the kidnapping.
    • Medea, summoned as a Rider, saves Shirou from Lancer, and tops it by delivering her edition of Iskandar's "We Can Rule Together" speech.
    • Much like in Fate/Grand Order: First Order, Cu Chulainn shows up to save Ritsuka from the corrupted Medusa. He later does the same to save Ritsuka from the chaos that is Salem, and dragged Altria along with him.
    • In fact, Salem turned into such a chaos that the Mythos Hackers had to be called. And a good thing because without them, there was a good chance the branch would have been destroyed.
    • Kirschtaria Wodime ends up performing this during Conversion Contact, coming in to aid Twilight during the finale battle with Aine.
  • Brain Bleach: This is Artoria's coping mechanism when dealing with her knights.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: Name a Servant in Chaldea, they're probably exceptionally quirky, possibly crazy, downright insane or all three and then some. Even without being Loopers it's regularly shown they get up to all sorts of chaos. Of course, this doesn't stop each individual from being highly dangerous and incredibly effective.
  • Chariot Pulled by Cats: When summoned as a Rider, Medea has a chariot that's pulled by dragons.
  • Christmas Episode: In the Apocrypha branch, every single servant got replaced with Santa servants twice.
  • Colony Drop: In the "Conversion Contact" loop, Luna tries dropping a moon at Edmond Dantes to beat him. It doesn't work.
  • Commonality Connection: Waver likes Ritsuka more than any of the stay night loopers because they both are constantly in "something is trying to kill you" situations while all the others are goofing off during their loops except for a week at most.
  • Crazy Enough to Work:
    • Invading a Lostbelt with the spirit of Christmas, and the next one with the spirit of summer.
    • During Conversion Contact, Ritsuka and Twilight come up with a plan involing Voyager and Nasuverse metaphysics to attempt to turn Equestria from a Lostbelt into the new PHH for the Loop. It actually works, though no one is sure exactly how.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle:
  • Damsel out of Distress: When Sakura is Awake, she's perfectly capable of rescuing herself from the Matou family.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Ritsuka's abilities are generally dark-aligned. They have Twili powers, two demon forms (the Dark Young and Nekomata), the crest of Monte Cristo that gives them access to the Count's black soul-burning flames, they are a demi-god descended from Hades all too often, are always a Pretender if looping as a servant... However, they are an All-Loving Hero dedicated to saving as many people as possible.
  • Darker and Edgier: Fate/Grand Order. It is chokeful of glitches, backdoors, and a nearly endless number of ways to destroy the branch that occur in baseline. Salem even reaches Apocalypse How levels by attempting to Ascend Foreigners to Admin levels. It goes further, as even members of the Original Seven have difficulty here, with Goetia managing to hand Ranma a loss, and various Loopers, like Leman Russ, dying often.
  • Death Is Cheap: For almost any Looper visiting Fate/Grand Order, they usually get summoned as a Servant, which means if they die, Ritsuka can just resummon them again once they get a chance. Lampshaded in that Ritsuka is 'better than Dragon Balls'.
  • Delayed "Oh, Crap!": The epilogue of the "Conversion Contact" loop has Ritsuka and Wodime agree to duel one-on-one within his own Lostbelt... after Twilight Sparkle healed all the debilitating injuries he suffered while they were fighting Aine. She sinks her face to her knees in despair after she makes that particular realization.
  • Didn't Think This Through: The Mages' Association thinks that after "Observer of the Timeless Temple" they can bully Ritsuka, dismissing the servants as powerful familiars. Needless to say they die more often than not.
  • Doomed by Canon: Enforced. The loop literally cannot progress if Olga-Marie and Romani don't die. In one loop the visiting Sailor Moon managed to save Romani, but the manual points out that's an O7.
  • Drinking Contest: Shirou once set up one in Luluhawa to see who could survive Applejack's potato cider, resulting in many casualties and some people barely holding on to life... And then Gawain tries it and absolutely loves it.
  • Dynamic Entry:
    • Iskandar's each and every appearance is to crash into whatever place he wants to go to with his chariot and deliver his speech to anyone who happens to be there.
    • Medea takes a leaf from his book with her dragon-driven chariot.
    • Kariya's rescue of Sakura involved no small amount of collateral damage.
    • Cu and Altria's entry in Salem involved a jet.
    • Wodime performs this, shattering the wall around Lostbelt Equestria while riding in on a pillar of magical light.
  • Earth-Shattering Kaboom: Goetia's usual response if he finds out about the loops. He's far from the only one capable of doing so.
  • Eat the Summoner: Every looper summoned by Ryounosuke kills him on the spot. He deserves it, so nobody tries to stop them.
  • Emissary from the Divine: Much like canon, Cu Chulainn in Fate/Grand Order already has this role for Odin; however, this time he's acting on orders from Admin Odin to help Ritsuka get through their first loop.
  • Entertainingly Wrong: When Caenis shows everyone a picture of Wodime cosplaying as Usagi from Sailor Moon, which is a Show Within a Show for the loop, Twilight Sparkle says that she has to show this picture to Usagi. Caenis assumes that Twilight knows the voice actress for the fictional character.
  • Everything Trying to Kill You: There is a lot in the Grand Order Loop that can result in a Looper's untimely demise.
  • Failed a Spot Check:
    • Everyone, but especially Edmond Dantes. They failed to realize that Edmond was Looping. Justified by Edmond always having the memories of each Loop from Ritsuka anyway, they never thought he was Looping because he'd never not been outside of his usual spots until a certain Fused Loop.
    • Ritsuka is completely and utterly incapable of sensing magical energy. This makes them miss stuff like "Equestria" having Age of Gods level of mana in the atmosphere, or realize that something is terribly wrong when they fight the Shoggoths in the "Sumaru" loop, even though everyone gets a horrible sick feeling from them.
  • Famous Ancestor: EMIYA is quite giddy about being related to the legendary blacksmith Senji Muramasa.
  • Fate Worse than Death: Another thing that results in Goetia using an Earth-Shattering Kaboom on Chaldea is if they summon Hurricane Billy. His justification? "Ending this timeline is a mercy." Darth Vader (who was summoned and immediately dragged into Ritsuka's pocket_ has to explain to Ritsuka, why this happened.
  • Friendly Enemy: Ritsuka and the other loopers have no issue with the Crypters except for Berryl. So more often than not they end up teaming up once the Lostbelts get taken down or there are bigger threats, or just enjoying whatever nonsense they managed to get caught up in.
  • Gameplay and Story Integration: One type of variant in Grand Order applies the game's class advantage system. One notable example was the time Ritsuka could only summon Riders in a loop where everyone was an Assassin.
  • Gender Bender: In baseline, Ritsuka was male, but in their first loop they are female. They adapt quickly to the change. Notably, the Admins refer to Ritsuka with "they/them" pronouns. From then on, they keep changing genders at random.
  • Hyperspace Arsenal: Thanks to Knight of Owner, Eternal Arms Mastery, and the way Nasuverse works, Lancelot can keep and use every single weapon that falls in his hands throughout the loops without being a looper. Lancelot has no clue where all those weapons came from or what they are, but he uses them anyway.
  • I Have Many Names: Ritsuka deals with their lack of identity by adopting all the identities thrust upon them. They end up with quite a few names as a result.
  • Informed Ability: We are told that Medea is the second-best fighter of the original stay night cast, which EMIYA refutes.
  • Jumping the Shark: Namedropped in the "Crypter Call" snip. The third Crypter says that after Spartacus body-slammed the meteor, Chaldea decided to jump the shark and now her Lostbelt is filled with servants in swimsuits.
  • Lighter and Softer: Variants such as Carnival Phantasm. Shirou admits that he prefers them to regular loops because they get to live peacefully even for a short while.
  • Let Us Never Speak of This Again: Cu Chulainn tries to make Ritsuka and Altria never talk about the time he got turned into a child. Ritsuka agrees. Altria does not.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: Igor tells Ritsuka and Dantes that he won't tell them who the Big Bad behind the Sumaru Singularity is because the Persona branch, like the rest of Amala, runs on Clap Your Hands If You Believe. This leads to Ritsuka not finding out about the presence of the Lovecraftian Gods in the loop until they are captured by Kandori.
  • Lower-Deck Episode: While not exactly accurate, the sheer number of Servants from Fate/Grand Order means that they often get time to show-off during snips. In particular Conversion Contact has multiple segments shown from the perspective of Non-Loopers like Caenis, Edmond Dantes and Nobunaga.
  • Mercy Kill: Whenever Hurricane Billy gets summoned, Goetia destroys Chaldea with the justification "ending this timeline is a mercy". Anakin says that Goetia is not the only one in the multiverse who thinks so, and some other loopers crash their own loops if they catch whif of Billy.
  • Mind Rape: In the Sumaru loop, Kandori captures Ritsuka and uses the DEVA System on them, while throwing in the influence of a Tome of Eldritch Lore to enhance the effect. The snip following the capture... doesn't make much sense.
  • Mind Screw: Eldritch Metropolis of Rumours: Sumaru - part 23. It is a long, long rant that runs on Rule of Symbolism showcasing Ritsuka being mind raped by at least two Eldritch Abominations from her own perspective.
  • Mirror Match: In one snip, Servants Edison and Tesla teamed up to face off against their still living counterparts, to see which team could build the better mecha. Which would be decided by having the mechas duel.
  • Multiple-Choice Past:
    • Due to Shirou's past being one big question mark, his biological family in each loop is different. He's not really attached to any of them and always does his best to reunite with Kiritsugu, Iri and Illya.
    • Ritsuka is an even worse case, as the only stable things about their past are their name, their origin (Japan), the fact they admire Ushiwakamaru, and they they were in the volleyball team.
  • Noodle Incident:
    • They never figured out how to beat Merlin riding an Olympus mech.
    • Apparently Ritsuka once used body modification so liberally that the result was a biological impossibility, pissing off Alaya so much that the loop crashed.
    • Ritsuka keeps an entire book of these. Specifically incidents that involve someone dying either in humorous, crazy, or imporbably ways.
  • Not Me This Time: The Mythos Hackers say that while they can access Fate/Grand Order though the backdoor, they're not the ones who made it. It was already there.
  • Not So Above It All: While "Hinako" is ranting about Chaldea using swimsuit servants to destroy her Lostbelt, one of the Crypters asks her why is she ALSO wearing a swimsuit.
  • Offscreen Moment of Awesome:
    • Grand Lancer Kamina.
    • Abigail, Lavinia, and Sanson discovered the planet which created Velber. Cue Abigail unleashing all the wrath of the Eldritch Gods on them. Offscreen.
    • In Conversion Contact, it's mentioned James Moriarty was summoned into the Lostbelt. Rather that simply be converted into a Pony, he did something that pissed Celestia off enough to kill him. Crosses over with Dying Moment of Awesome.
  • Only Sane Man: Poor Goredolf frequent finds himself in this position, because he hasn't adopted the Seen It All attitude the others have.
  • Party in My Pocket: Edmond Dantes ends up living in Ritsuka's head whenever he gets summoned (which is always). In one snip, he brings no less than a dozen Servants into Ritsuka's mind, making a more extreme example of this trope when he can bring them out and back in again.
  • Proud Beauty: Altria says that she can make anything look good, while wearing a blue colar uniform.
  • Riddle for the Ages: The origin of Holmes's drug stash.
  • Ripple-Effect-Proof Memory: In the "Conversion Contact" loop, Heracles reveals that he remembers ALL the times he was summoned, but cannot act on it due to his Mad Enhancement. Word of God states that his behaviour in Fate/Grand Order indicates as such, as he still is closely tied to Illya throughout the story and events, changing his behaviour accordingly.
  • Running Gag:
    • Humiliating Gilgamesh. Shirou even carries a camera with him to record all such instances.
    • Taiga being Awake and showing up at whichever timing is most inconvenient for Shirou.
    • Edmond Dantes rating things On a Scale from One to Ten.
    • Mentions of Leman Russ and his various, constant offscreen deaths.
    • Ritsuka forgetting or ignoring the Ping.
    • Nobunaga and Sanson's world-wide chase.
    • Sigurd liking card games - most likely a remnant from the activation loop.
    • A minor one in that Ritsuka keeps tabs on how various loopers and Servants die during the loops -especially if said events are funny. Most notably, there is a section on the ways Gawain gets dealt with.
    • In Conversion Contact, there's a gag of Miss Crane emerging from the Lostroom asking if they're done fighting to save the world yet. The answer is always a resounding "NO!"
  • Shout-Out: The snip "Crypter Call" is basically the Web Comic Daily Chaldea from the Crypters' point of view.
  • Spotting the Thread: Sherlock Holmes and James Moriarty usually manage to figure out that some people are in a timeloop (and who is a looper), based on their behaviours. They promptly become Secret Keepers.
    • It's later revealed that quite a lot of Servants are capable of doing this. Mostly Servants who are highly observant, interact with the Loopers far more than normal, or end up stuck in their own Time Loop and recognize the signs of being stuck in one.
  • Star-Crossed Lovers: Ritsuka goes to great lengths in one loop to prevent this for Rama and Sita (who are normally kept apart by the Curse of Separation) by setting up a house in their Pocket and making an elaborate scheme to get them both in the Pocket and keep them there for a few yearsExplanation. The two are very happy about this.
  • The Stations of the Canon: Invoked. Grand Order literally can't progress if certain events don't happen exactly as in baseline. The manual forewarned visiting loopers about them. Most critical are the segments involving the Timeless Temple section of the timeline, as the all-seeing Goetia tends to immediately end loops when a Looper pulls things from their Pockets or something like that.
  • Super Civil Services: In one snip, the United Nations places a restraining order on Beryl for Mash; if he comes within five miles from her, he will be struck down by Odin.
  • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: To say Shirou and Rin don't get along with Ritsuka is an understatement.
    • Not only do they dislike Altria due to their experiences with Saber Alter and the collateral damage she always causes, they blame Ritsuka for her being able to Loop at all. Rin immediately tried taking this out on Ritsuka the moment they first looped in as her Servant, prompting the two to fight until Shirou stepped in poised to kill Ritsuka after Rin lied claiming they started it, only being stopped thanks to Cu showing up to protect his friend and calling Rin out. Shirou and Rin are even perfectly willing to fight Cu too should he get in their way.
    • Shirou later met with Ritsuka in private, and it was made clear the two ultimately have diametrically opposed beliefs: Shirou will try to save everyone but is unwilling to work with those that are "evil", and can't tolerate Ritsuka having to prune the Lostbelts; Ritsuka is willing to admit some people can't be saved and can at the least tolerate anyone, and believes Shirou is projecting his own frustration at being unable to do what has to be done. So while they are willing to work with one another if need be, it's evident neither side will like each other for awhile.
      Shirou: ...I can’t forgive you for what you have to do, Ritsuka Fujimaru. I’ll always try to save everyone.
      Ritsuka: You think I don’t hate what I have to do? But I still push onward, because no one else can or will.
  • The Many Deaths of You: Since Death Is Cheap in Chaldea for anyone who isn't Ritsuka, this seems to encourage a bit of recklessness. Ritsuka keeps a massive log of the many, many deaths of her fellow Loopers, and even themselves.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Cu took the Luluhawa Singularity as a chance for Ritsuka to train, and so they stayed there for five months. By the end of it, they could assemble guns out of scraps and punch servants (just Hans actually) though walls. Later she goes through Hades and comes out with all of Zagreus' powers. Unlike most loopers who just get powers as they go, Ritsuka cannot obtain any new powers if they don't hold special meaning to them, so each powerup is treated as something special.
  • True Companions: The Chaldeans. Ritsuka places an extreme amount of trust in every Servant, even without them being Loopers. They, in turn, place a lot of trust in Ritsuka as both their Master and friend. Even former enemies become this.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifter: Ritsuka, to an extreme most Loopers who don't normally have the power don't go to. It started with just swapping between species as she did identities, but it's reached a point she can make herself a biologically viable creature of her own creation. DNA includes Twili, Kitsune, Human, Demigod and Demon.
  • We Can Rule Together: A non-villainous version. Much like in the source material, Iskandar always invites other loopers to join him in his attempts to conquer the world. Once he does this with Pokemon. He succeeds most of the time too.
  • Weirdness Magnet: Ophelia says that chaos follows Ritsuka like a lost puppy. They and most of the Crypters had been kidnapped into the Servant Universe and ended up chased by its government for three years, so she's right. Not to mention the weird shit the servants get up to.
  • Worldof Badass: Since the FGO Loop came online, it's been increasingly revealed that the Nasuverse is this. To the point even members of the 07 can struggle in some areas of the Grand Orders.
  • X Days Since: Ritsuka has a board in their Pocket that counts the loops without a crash. When Anakin visited, the count was at 17.
    "Not a good sign."

    Nickelodeon Loops 
  • Crazy-Prepared: In one Loop, Varrick prepared special Anti-Avatar defences in case Korra ever attacked him. It's a net. Korra just burns it away without breaking her stride.
  • Eldritch Location: Mrs. Bitters, plus "Skool" equals... no, screw it. Don't Ask, Just Run
  • Elemental Rock-Paper-Scissors: A functional version for Danny Phantom. He's an anchor and an incredibly powerful ghost, but most loopers have some exorcism experience, making his actual strength fairly negligible.
  • Friendly Enemy: Being mostly PG and G rated, almost all of the villains in these loops tend to either reform or end up staying evil for the fun of it. Can occasionally become Go-Karting with Bowser.
  • Homosexual Reproduction: During one loop, Suyin Beifong's 'father' was Azula. Apparently, the entire Metal Clan was made up of Yanderes that loop. Another has Toph claim Katara was her father to mess with people's heads.
  • Killer Rabbit:
    • In the form of pies. They pop up from time to time, and have made poor Bolin quite wary of them. Especially when they become the face of P'li.
    • One snip has Mai tricking Azula into attack Miyuki (the cat from The Blue Spirit). The cat defeats Azula with ease.
  • Let Me Get This Straight...: Zuko informing the Gaang about the existence of Suyin Beifong.
  • Noodle Incident: One Avatar Loop begins with Sokka implying Azula was once replaced with someone who beat up Ozai in less than an hour.
  • Obvious Rule Patch: The presence of Loopers has caused dozens of these to be applied to Da Rules.
  • Official Couple: Korra and Asami.
  • Oh, Crap!: The Gaang's reaction to learning Smaug is in the neighbourhood. And he's replaced the Fire Lord (fortunately, it's Smaug after he's reformed).
  • Rapid-Fire "No!": Spongebob does this after he doesn't kill Plankton in time during the Crisis, causing him to start looping.
  • Skyward Scream: Toph doesn't take learning about Suyin second-hand too well.
  • Story-Breaker Power: Fairy magic has been rendered Read Only outside of Baseline for this reason.
  • Stylistic Suck: Korra: Hero of the South Loops. They're exactly what they sound like. Pretty much the entire Krew hate being in them, for one reason or another.
  • Troubled Fetal Position: Squidward and Sandy do this upon learning that Spongebob replaced Johnny Blaze, Ghost Rider.
  • Weak, but Skilled: Dib, from Invader Zim. He's an incredible detective and an anchor... but the Irken's have war experience, numbers, and a general lack of drive to conquer the earth, so he has to let them do as they please.

    Nintendo Loops 
  • Body-Count Competition: During the Crisis, Daisy, Kamek and Wario start one of these. Daisy gets pissed when Kamek cheats in order to put her at a disadvantage.
  • Cross Through: Most loops have this, but special mention goes to the Nintendo Loops, which show the origins of the Zelda loops in them, effectively setting up a very late Poorly Disguised Pilot for the Zelda Loops
  • Damsel out of Distress: Let it not be said Peach cannot escape on her own when she is able.
  • Deal with the Devil: In one loop, this is how Mario's lives work: he pays 100 coins to the grim reaper in exchange for coming back for the dead X many times.
  • Dumbass Has a Point: Susanno, described by the author as the Kamina of the Admins, figures out how to get the Legend of Zelda loops looping.
  • Exactly What It Says on the Tin: One loop, Donkey Kong was quite literally a Donkey.
  • Evil Versus Evil: In one Kirby loop, Queen Sectonia and Haltmann Works attack Dreamland at same time, forcing Kirby to form his own army out of the other characters from his series to fight them off.
  • Fire-Breathing Diner: Donkey Kong after attempting to use a Fire Flower, by eating it. Cranky Kong was... not amused.
    Cranky Kong shook his head in exasperation. Why on earth did his idiot grandson just eat a Fire Flower?
  • Mama Bear: Don't punch Lumas in the face. Rosalina takes it badly. According to the Author's notes, she apologized to Mario once the plumber explained what happened but didn't regret doing it in the first place.
  • Not a Morning Person: Basically a requirement for the Kirby loopers, almost all of which are known to have issues getting out of bed in the morning.
  • "Reason You Suck" Speech: Marx (in his Soul form) drops a brutal one on Nightmare after he refuses to listen to him on why frienship is good for him, before killing him.
Marx: "I’m just trying to stinking HELP you! What part of that is getting lost on its way to your paper clip of a brain?! I’m trying to tell you what I know, what I learned from bitter experience! The least you could do is consider taking my advice!"
Nightmare: “I recognize that, but you’re failing to take into account that I am not interested in friendship.”
Marx: "Recognize?! RECOGNIZE?! Well, guess what?! I RECOGNIZE plenty too, pal! Recognize that you’re just a moron with less common sense than he has charm, neither of which are particularly high! Remember when I said I learned it the hard way? Do you wanna learn it the harder way?! DO YOU?! ‘Cause you’re gonna if you don’t stop acting like you’re above it all! Spoiler alert: you’re not! You’re at the very bottom of the totem pole and you insist on digging yourself deeper!"
Nightmare: "This was as useless as I thought it would be. I had thought you would have something actually helpful to tell me, but I was incorrect. A shame."
Marx: I just tried to help you. I just wanted to carry you over the pit, so you wouldn’t fall in. I thought you were clever, and could be reasoned with. But evidently, that’s not what you are.
Nightmare: "Then what am I, you buffoon? Tell me, what do you think I am?"
  • Sibling Yin-Yang: In one loop, Medusa and Palutena are siblings (with Pit as the shared father). This may have led to Sibling Rivalry and eventually a Cain and Abel dynamic following an incident with a Blue Shell.
  • Surprisingly Realistic Outcome: Grodus is a stealth Looper, so the other loopers from his branch still think he is Unawake; unlike Bowser, who mostly treats his antics like a game, Grodus is a dangerous threat in Baseline. As such, the Loopers have been killing him repeatedly, which has not been boding well for his mental health.
  • Wrong Genre Savvy: No Wario, Bowser is a Koopa. Kappas are the ones with the Cucumber problem.
  • Wrong Turn at Albuquerque: Taking the wrong turn at Alderaan led the Death Star into the Galactic Sea. Pit mistakes it for an Aurum ship.

     Professor Layton VS Ace Attorney Loops 

    Shin Megami Tensei / Persona Loops 
  • Ambiguous Situation: The "Variant: APOCALYPSE" loop. By the time it happens, Isabeau is already an experienced looper, so she knows exactly what her baseline is like, and she initially dismissed Nanashi and Asahi's presence as any other small variant. However, as soon as the Divine Powers appeared, this notion was blown out of the water, and Isabeau is left wondering if this is some twisted baseline expansion.
  • Anguished Declaration of Love: Played for Laughs. The first thing Eikichi did upon being given the Speech is to run to his ex girlfriend and tearfully apologise and have a heartfelt reunion with her in front of the entire school. Tatsuya and Jun make a bet on how long it'll take for the whole city to know.
  • Apocalypse Cult: The Cult of Hastur is operating in Sumaru City, using The King in Yellow (as in, the play by the same name featured in the book) as a recruiting tool. Said play is a Tome of Eldritch Lore.
  • Big Bad: YHWH for the SMT loopers, and somewhat of an Arc Villain for the rest of Yggdrasil. Absolutely no one, looping or otherwise, that knows of him likes him, not even his followers, who are more so loyal to his ideas than to him. He is also one of the most powerful non-looping entities in existence, and seemingly is able to influence his Branch's code enough to where he is able to prevent one major figure in Amala from Looping. In the upcoming wedding between Nyx Sparkle and Leman Russ, he and his army are strong and numerous enough that he manages to give all members of the Original 7, plus every other looper in existence a reasonably difficult time. Thankfully, he is completely bound to Amala and is only able to face other loopers in fused loops.
  • Biodata: The entire Junkyard branch - and the real world of said branch - is compromised of this. In a loop where the VRAINS anchors replaced Sera, they tried to take advantage of this and hack into the planet... only to end up in Eiken with a very angry note from Masakado.
  • Crapsack World: By default. The SMT universe was hit pretty badly by the event that broke Yggdrasil, and YHVH's code was badly warped, meaning it is incapable of being anything less than utterly insane and omnicidal. Doesn't apply to Persona which avoided the damage.
    • Nocturne got hit the worst. Aside from YHVH's warped code, it had very few fused loops, absolutely no variants, The End of the World as We Know It was unstoppable, and there were only three native loopers, anchor Naoki and two demons who weren't awake very often. This was not good for Naoki's sanity.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Implied. Jun, as soon as he Awakened for the first time, he turned to face JOKER (the serial killer, not the P5 one)... And one Smash Cut later, Tatsuya comments "That was quick".
  • Deconstruction: Continuing SMT's grand old tradition of tearing every trope it can to shreds, Naoki's early Loops do this to the very setting itself. It turns out that living the same few days of your life over and over and never being able to avert anything you experienced the first time around in any permanent way does not sit well with some people.
  • The Dreaded: Everyone associated with the Lovecraftian Entities is scared shitless of Tatsuya. The Cult of Hastur for example treats his presence on This Side as good reason to go into hiding even though Tatsuya has nothing against them. And that's when he's not Awake.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: The Edit fixed much of what was wrong with the Amalaverse, though it was hard to achieve and had a cost for everyone.
  • Eldritch Abomination: All Loop aware entities can be considered this, but special mention goes to Nyarlathotep, who comes straight from the Mythos.
  • Exact Words: Just because Igor has instructions not to directly interfere with his guests, that doesn't mean that the Velvet Room attendants can't act on his behalf. Much to the misfortune of Yaldabaoth.
  • Futureshadowing: Several other Loops cross-posted to other Loop threads, such as the Pokemon and MLP Loops, hint at something happening between Naoki and the ponies. Whatever it was, it led to some severe strain between them.
    • Has been explained since then: After suffering a particularly bad Bureau Loop and then Looping into Equestria, Naoki is left so enraged by its Sugar Bowl setting (vs. the Crapsack World that he has to live in) that he all but lets himself be possessed by the Nightmare Force. He then goes on a murderous killing spree over the course of several dozens of Loops, before he finally returns to his senses. Worse yet, his Shadow, the entity largely responsible for said rampage, is frighteningly intelligent and determined to ensure he will always be met with violence (as he can't be killed, normally the Shadow's goal), purposely enraging the ponies with excessively sadistic displays of power to have Naoki labeled a MLE.
  • In Spite of a Nail / You Cannot Fight Fate: One of the many, many factors that lead to the Edit was that despite what anyone did, Looper or not, some things like the deaths of several people could not be changed.
  • Incredibly Lame Pun: Rarity wound up one of the Bel demons when she Looped in one time. Why? Because her name is frequently Rarity Belle.
  • Instant Home Delivery: Aika, the non-looping delivery girl from the Persona 4 anime, delivers everywhere near instantly, including to the afterlife of a different universe.
  • Kleptomaniac Hero: Flynn. Charon's fee to bring him back to life and armor are insanely expensive in his loop, so Flynn tries to get as much money out of any situation as possible. A notable instance was in a loop where he replaced Garrus, and he mugged Saren.
  • Lighter and Softer: The branch as a whole is one of the most damaged loops in Yggdrasil (only Mega Man suffered worse), but Persona escaped that damage. Out of universe, this happened because of Persona's Lighter and Softer nature.
    • Averted with Persona 2, who don't loop much or interact with other loopers. Those guys have a Loop Aware Nyarlathotep to deal with, their Big Good is unhelpful, and one of their villains is Dreaming. There's also the loop's Clap Your Hands If You Believe curse, which not only is treated as a sure-fire sign Nyarly is around, but has even led to an MLP Loop crashing.
  • Oh, Crap!: Isabeau's reaction upon realising that the Divine Powers want Flynn to kill YHVH. She's afraid he'll end up in the same situation as Aleph.
  • Properly Paranoid: The Phantom Thieves use separate phones for their thief-related discussions after a loop where Shido was able to track their numbers.
  • Screw This, I'm Out of Here!: In the early part of The Edit, Atsuro, tired with Kazuya-Abel's increasingly erratic behaviour, decides to leave him for the very first time... by killing himself.
  • Shout-Out: The Phantom Thieves' group chat is called "Killing God with the Power of Friendship And This Gun I Found - a groupchat".
  • Stuff Blowing Up: Apparently the "unorthodox" methods of solving the lockdown problem tend to lead to this, much to Yuzu's annoyance.

    Shonen Jump Loops 
  • The Dreaded: One Piece, seeing as anyone who Loops there always ends up as a pirate with an awesome Red Baron and a ridiculously high bounty. The local loopers really get into this, as them Awakening generally means they are already the most powerful pirate crew in the world who are about to have a lot of crazy adventures.
  • Surreal Humor: The Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo loops are, unsurprisingly, this. One particularly notable snippet involved Kratos defeating Bo-bobo and crew with his abs.
  • True Companions: The One Piece loopers. They had ten Loopers before they even had ten Loops, and while the Awakening rate slowed considerably after that, they all value their unAwake friends to a high degree.

     Skullgirls Loops 
  • Childhood Friend Romance: Peacock and Marie. Although their idea of romance is somewhat twisted.
  • Comic Role Play: Peacock pretending to be Umbrella's new father, while Marie was the Mother.
  • I Just Want to Be Normal: Although she is now better, Carol still yearns for normalacy.
  • Painting the Fourth Wall: Skullgirl Loopers tend to loop as characters based on their Palette swaps (Filla for example has looped in as Magneto and Fiona the Human)
  • Running Gag: Peacock crashing vehicles into different stores, much to Parasoul's chagrin.

     Sly Cooper Loops 
  • Beyond the Impossible:
    • Carmen Sandiego once stole the Cooper Gang's jobs, and forced them to join the police to get them back. Then again, considering what heists Carmen has pulled in her baseline, it may or may not count as an example.
    • The Cooper Gang get back at Carmen for the above by stealing her criminal role, resulting in her still being an A.C.M.E. detective who has to get it back.
  • Black-and-Gray Morality: The Anchor and primary Loopers of this universe are a gang of thieves (albeit moral ones) and their leader's love-interest. Make of that what you will.
  • Break the Haughty: Penelope. A deliberate set-up by Themis (Greek goddess of Justice, and the Sly Loops' admin), forcing her to (re-)live through the consequences of her Face–Heel Turn over and over again, essentially invoking Setsuna Syndrome, until regret drives her back onto the side of the Cooper Gang.
    • Themis seems to be fond of this as she does it again to Neyla, only this time is was repeatedly reliving her time as Clock-La.
  • Brick Joke: Carmelita threatens to put Sly in the belly dancer costume, the next time they have a Rule 63 Loop. Guess what happens several Loops later?
    "Sylvia" Cooper: Hey, don't get angry just because I wear this better than you.
  • Canon Discontinuity: The Fiendish Shadows Arc. Sly and Carmelita Awake to find themselves in a Variant Loop where he was sent to a different orphanage than in the Baseline. Thus, Sly never met Bentley and Murray as a child, and the latter two were eventually adopted by Raleigh and Mz Ruby respectively. Officially rendered non-canon and removed from the Compilations due to creative differences resulting in the Loop's writer leaving the thread, as well as a generally convoluted plot, alongside low quality.
  • Demonic Possession: When Clockwerk's Hate Chip is destroyed, his spirit goes after the nearest font of negative emotion. If there isn't enough nearby, he dies for real.
  • The Dreaded: Clue Bottles. The gang has such an aversion to the damned things that they groan at the mere mention of them. It doesn't help that they have to collect them all every Loop.
  • Happily Married: Sly and Carmelita after one trip to ancient Egypt. This causes a few eyebrows to be raised.
  • Gravity Master: Sly and Carmelita, courtesy of a Gravity Rush Loop early on. It quickly becomes a Running Gag that Bentley has to turn off the chase-cam when they do this, or risk vertigo.
  • Ki Manipulation: Sly picks up Haki after a trip to One Piece.
  • Self-Destruct Button: The Cooper Gang develops one that works on Clockwerk's Hate Chip.
  • Set Right What Once Went Wrong: The gang goes out of their way to try and prevent Bentley from being paralyzed. Most of the time, they even succeed.
  • Something Only They Would Say: When Murray Awakens for the first time, he inflicts this on himself by exclaiming how Bentley can walk again. Sly then asks Murray questions an Unawake Murray wouldn't know.
  • Stable Time Loop: In the loops that end with Sly stranded in ancient Egypt, it's heavily implied that he settles down, finds a wife (usually an equally stranded Carmelita) and becomes the founder of the entire Cooper clan.
  • Story Arc: Gang in Time, a loop where Sly was inspired by Henrietta One-Eye Cooper and made canes for the Cooper Gang, ultimately resulting in Penelope not betraying the gang. When the Le Paradox incident does occur however, it's worse than usual, resulting in the entire Gang splitting into two groups for an adventure through time.
  • Wrong Genre Savvy: One fused loop with The Bad Guys (2022) sees Diane and Chief Luggins treat the Cooper Gang like they do the Bad Guys, boosting security in their museums and banks upon learning they're in the area and then pretty much daring the gang to come try stealing from them, missing (or willfully ignoring) that the Cooper Gang are Anti Heroic Just Like Robin Hood style thieves and not Card-Carrying Villain Attention Whores like the Bad Guys are. This allows the gang to make them look like idiots when they go after their real target, Professor Marmalade.

    Spyro the Dragon Loops 
  • The Alcoholic: Ihy, the admin of both Spyro loops, is fond of drinking. Played for Laughs of course. Though, as a result, some rather odd loop variations tend to pop up frequently.
  • Annoying Younger Sibling: How Legends Spyro views Classic Spyro, despite the fact that, because his universe was created first, Classic Spyro is technically older than Legends Spyro.
    • Zigzagged. The Legend of Spyro and Spyro the Dragon Loops both activated at the same time. And the Legend's Loop lasts four years on average while the Classic Loop lasts three years on average, thus Legend's is older in actual age.
  • Armor-Piercing Question: During the night when the Spyros finally reconcile over the massive near death match they got into, Legend is telling Classic about how crummy his loops usually are because War Is Hell. Though Classic understands, he does bring up the valid point over why he isn't taking the chance to have a little fun in the current peaceful variant they're in. Legend pauses for a few second to think about it, but eventually brushes it off as him having a hard time adjusting to finding out he has a counterpart that is basically his complete opposite in every way. He slowly does begin to lighten up a bit after this though.
  • Battle in the Center of the Mind: Though it started off as simply a bad dream that Classic joined Legend in to fend off Dark Spyro, it eventually headed this way as Legend's fight with Dark Spyro slowly begins to take it's toll on his real world body, the mental strain causing him to start coughing up blood. Thankfully, Legend and Dark eventually come to an understanding before anything too serious happened to him.
  • Broad Strokes: A few things after the post Insomniac trilogy for the Classic Spyro verse are treated as such. For example, the general OOCness from everyone during the events of Spyro: A Hero's Tail is Handwaved as the side effect of the dark gems.
  • Celibate Hero: Classic Spyro. He treats love like a sickness, and is absolutely horrified when he finds out his Legends counterpart is in a relationship with Cynder.
  • Control Freak: Legends Spyro had this problem at first, partly because of what his baseline's like. He didn't like usual looper shenanigans, and his main goal was (and still is) trying to stop the war earlier than normal, and keeping unawake baseline Cynder from becoming the 'Terror of the Skies'. The main reason he and his Classic counterpart butted heads so much at first was because of this mentality. Thankfully, he's more or less developed out of this mentality now.
  • Cool and Unusual Punishment: After managing to win a day spent at the arcade, Ember decides to get back at Classic Spyro for leaving her in the dark about the loops for several early loops straight by forcing him to carry the giant pink panda she won all the way home. Turns out that was only half of it though, because as a result a lot of the people they pass by end up mistaking Spyro for Ember's boyfriend, much to his dismay.
    "But I'm not her boyfriend! Ember, tell her!"
    Instead, the pink dragoness shrugged, put on a reserved smile, and kept silent. Ah, revenge was most certainly a dish best served cold.
  • Deconstruction: The arc where Classic and Legends first meet each other touches upon this slightly, especially when Legends goes dark. Legends does not gloss over the fact that just how much pressure people putting all their faith into The Chosen One can mess with said ones mental state, especially when they're barely into their early teens at the time. It also goes into what it means to be The Hero, and whether or not they truly exist when Dark Spyro begins to verbally deconstruct Classic's adventures in the Dragon Realms as merely coincidences where he didn't have a choice on whether he had to help everyone or not.
  • Elemental Barrier: In order to navigate around the magma battle field Dark Spyro caused, Classic uses a combination of his water element and magic to create a water barrier to cool the lava beneath him when he teleports, his magic keeping said water shield from boiling him alive. It quickly comes back to bite him in the tail though when Dark Legends discovers his combo elements can get passed the magical layer around the shield, and thus uses his steam (Fire+Ice) element in an attempt to boil Classic alive.
  • Epic Fail: Legends Sparx' attempt at 'training' dragons when he and Legends Spyro looped into the How to Train Your Dragon verse. We don't see what happened, but apparently he was so bad that the end result was every single dragon on Berk attacking the village at once.
  • Evil Versus Evil: Classic Spyro spent a few loops trying, and eventually succeeding, to get Gnasty Gnorc and Ripto to fight each other. During Bianca's Awakening, he mentions a time he added the Sorceress into the mix.
  • Failure Is the Only Option: Any and all attempts to disrupt the interview at the start of the Classic loop that leads to Gnasty turning the dragons to stone. Even when the characters out right try praising him, he still turns the dragons to stone.
  • Fish out of Temporal Water: Nearly all the Legends characters are this, due to their loop being set in the medieval times. In his first fused loop with the Classic verse, Legends Spyro ended up blowing up a sprinkler because it surprised him.
  • God Guise: Legends Sparx manages to pull this off to the Atlawas village during a loop. It involved several hundred loops, cleaver and witty word play, making sure he did it when Spyro and Cynder couldn't stop him, and a whole mess of whole mess of wires for him to pull off.
  • Heroic BSoD: Cynder goes through one during the earlier loops, due to having to relive her time as 'Terror of the Skies' six times. She's slowly getting better.
  • It Makes Sense in Context: "Ripto found the spork!"
  • My Greatest Failure: After the loop where he replaced Ignitus, Legends Spyro feels this way after he failed to stop the temple raid, taking it even harder than the guardians due to the fact that even with the skills he built up over the loops he couldn't stop the apes from slipping through.
    • Classic gained one as well: Nearly drowning/boiling Legends alive! ...Actually both Spyros seem to treat their fight as this.
  • My Instincts Are Showing: Played for Drama when Classic Spyro attempts to drown Dark Legends Spyro when the latter attempted to boil him alive. The only thought that ran through Classic's mind when it happened was to survive no matter what, and when he came to he was utterly horrified by what he attempted to do. Most disturbingly, Dark Legends is actually thrilled by Classics attempt to kill him, taking it as sign that Classic may be a "true dragon" after all.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Nice job disguising yourself and busting out of an egg in front of Legends after a loop where he failed to stop the temple raid, Classic. That really did wonders on his disposition.
  • Noodle Implements: Used to the point where it's practically a Running Gag.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: When Dark Legends Spyro starts to viciously deconstruct Classic Spyro's adventures by pointing out they only happened because he happened to be in the right place at the right time, and not by willful choice, Classic Spyro starts to break down as each of his adventures are shot down; His fight against Gnasty Gnorc only happened because he was the only one lucky enough to not get hit by the spell that imprisoned the other dragons. His journey to Avalar only happened because his trip to Dragon Shores was interrupted by the Professor using a portal to bring a dragon there, along with the fact the only way he could even return home was to collect the orbs and talismans. Legends also points out that the Professor wasn't specifically seeking out Classis Spyro, he just needed a dragon, any dragon, to save them. His battle against Red seemed ironclad at first since he was told about the invasion beforehand, until Legends points out that since the Dark Crystals were altering the minds of everyone around them, there was the not-too-unlikely chance that even Classic Spyro himself was being subtly manipulated by the Dark Crystals into fighting against Red without any concrete proof that it was entirely his own decision. By this point, Spyro begins to panic because he realizes that even his battle against the Sorceress and the Sorcerer were under similar conditions; Aside from Hunter, he was the only other one able to fit down the holes leading to the Forgotten Realms to save the dragon eggs, and he was the only one with the magical potential to challenge the Sorcerer. By this point, he's so desperate to try and find something, anything to refute Legend's claims that he's nearly reduced to tears.
  • One-Steve Limit: Invoked when the two Spyros and Sparx' finally met each other. In order to avoid confusion, the adopt the code names of their universes. 'Classic' for the classic Spyro verses and 'Legends' of the Legend of Spyro verse.
  • Other Me Annoys Me: How the Spyros viewed each other at first. After some mishaps, a rather out of hand battle, and some unintentional murder attempts, they eventually started warming up to each other and begin to view each other like brothers... though they still have their moments.
    • This is Classic Sparx' general view of Legend Sparx.
  • Ow, My Body Part!: A random person ends up yelling this after Classic and Ember drop a ceramic mug out the window to see how far it would bounce off the ground with a reflect spell up.
    "MY LEG!"
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Classic Spyro and Legends Spyro. Classic is the mischievous, carefree red oni whose motto is "make it up and try new things as you go along", while Legends is the serious, respectful blue oni who prefers keeping to what his guardians taught him when in battle.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Somewhat surprisingly given his other defining trait, Ihy. He would like to help Legend's improve his baseline, but doing so would go against his job, because then the Admins would have to do it for everybody who doesn't have a perfect baseline, and that would take way too much power. ...Unless there was a way to prevent a precedent...
    • As it turns out Ihy's already in hot water with the other Admins for preemptively doing the Legend's Loopers a favor. Specifically: He altered the Legend of Spyro Baseline so that Cynder's transformation happens after the Loop begins, so that she would have a chance at being rescued or rescuing herself.
  • Road Block: Cynder and Ember come upon one when attempting to reach the park where the battle between the two Spyros is going on. Cynder attempts to bypass it by flying high enough into the air... only to encounter a group of dragons holding road blocks in the air. The absurdity is not lost on her.
    Cynder: Oh come on!!
  • Running Gag: The use of Noodle Implements when explaining how something was pulled off or a previous loop.
    • Loopers finding Malefor's title of 'The Dark Master' incredibly generic.
    • The Legend dragons wondering why Classic dragons eat bread.
  • Screw This, I'm Out of Here!: Legend Spyro, Cynder, and Legend Sparx say something to this effect during a loop were twenty something 'ancient evil's pop up in Malefor's lair. Thankfully, the problem ends up taking care of itself.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: Usually nine times out of ten in the loop variants he actually appears in, Malefor tends to spend a greater part of them sealed away in something. Besides Legend verse baseline where he's trapped in convexity, the first fused loop between the Classic and Legend verse where a rogue admin hacked him back into the loop after Ihy wrote him out, he was sealed away for a greater part of it until Ripto discovered what he was sealed in and broke it. It was a spork, by the way.
  • Self-Imposed Challenge: Classic Spyro went through several runs of his loop using only one element each, from fire, to ice, to even bubbles.
  • Shout-Out: When Classic is trying to think of ways to help Legend's relax after a nightmare, (if only so their Dream Walker mother doesn't find out about their fight the previous day) Classic tries to teach his brother about video games. After spending a few seconds trying to find one that wouldn't accidently give Legend more nightmare fuel, he eventually decides on playing Dyson Super Star.
    • Legend uses a pulls a golem to him with a yell of, "Get over here!"
    • Then with his claws sparking with electricity, he tells Hunter that This is our normal."
    • The medical spell book that Classic reads through to find a spell to heal his and Legend's wounds is mention being named Drake's Anatomy
  • Superpowered Evil Side: Both Legends Spyro and Cynder have this, thanks to their baseline. So far, only Legends has popped up thanks to Classic Spyro unintentionally reminding Legends how he failed to stop the temple raid when he looped in as Ignitus during their battle.
  • Swiss-Army Superpower: Classic is really good at using his powers in unconventional ways, as well as coming up with unconventional ways for others to use their powers. To put it in his own words...
    Classic: One of the elements I possess is bubble. It sounds fairly useless, and I use to think that way too. However, while most people would just view them as useless bubbles, I view them as flaming bubble bombs!
  • Take Our Word for It: When Ember is explaining how she learned donuts distract cops, she mentions a loop that involved "several cops setting up a strict five PM curfew, some shenanigans involving a giant nutty bar, and a lot soap". Seeing Cynders (understandably) dumbfounded expression, Ember says something to this effect.
  • They're Called "Personal Issues" for a Reason: Cynder's baseline is treated this way by the Legend's Loopers when they have their first fused Loop with the Classic Characters. Even after Legends and Cynder explain this part of the past to Classic and Ember, conversations about it are still very awkward affairs.
    • What happened near the end of the first day of the First Fused Loop between Classic and Legends.
  • Uncanny Valley: In-Universe example. Legend Spyro finds dragons from the Classic verse's double joints (which allows them to stand on two legs, use their forelegs like arms, and shift one of their claws to work like an opposable thumb) as such. When he finds out the time loop allow him do this too in loops where Classic's world is involved in some way, he instantly resolves to never use them because of this trope. (Or at least try to avoid using them when he can.)

     Star Wars Loops 
  • Adaptational Heroism: Anakin mentions encountering some good variants of in-universe Sith, such as Walt Dooku. A heroic, Russian Grievous also makes a brief appearance.
  • Adaptational Villainy: The Sith Lord title tends to get tossed around without a care in the world by Variant Loops, with Sith versions of Padme, Shmi, Clovis and Jar Jar being encountered several times, and evil versions of other characters, like Kit Fisto, Mace Windu and even SpongeBob also mentioned in passing. Anakin even comments that he has an above-average amount of said loops.
  • Are We There Yet?: Grand Moff Tarkin starts asking "Are we there yet" when he, Leia, and Darth Vader arrive at floor 132 of the Elevator Saga. Vader nips the line of questioning in the bud by threatening to sever Tarkin's vocal cords, as they still have over 21,000 floors to go before they arrive at their destination.
  • Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: The Bariss variant looping, upon gaining some memories from Anakin and finding out about the loops, expresses shock at Palpatine being the Sith Lord, that Anakin became his apprentice, that she goes crazy and bombs the temple, and that Anakin is married to and will have kids with Senator Amidala. Anakin expresses concern that the last is what shocks her the most.
  • Baguette Beatdown: One Loop has the lightsabers replaced with baguettes. Obi-Wan takes it... poorly.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: During the EleVader arc, Deadpool shows up, comments on the fact that the EleVader arc is a repeat of the MLP elevator episode, how the canon is being reset again and it's happening in the Marvel world too, and the many oddities of the floors.
  • Break the Haughty: Grand Moff Tarkin is thoroughly broken after the EleVader.
  • Breath Weapon: Sith Jar Jar, for reasons yet unknown, breathes fire.
  • Brick Joke:
    • Palaptine potentially becoming a Looper is briefly brought up in a few early Loops. Several chapters later, the Nut Admin snippet has her activate a new Star Wars Looper while not paying attention and she briefly panics about it possibly being Palpatine.
    • Floor 76 of the EleVader saga contains a version of Mace Windu with Yoda's head. A hundred or so floors later, the elevator opens into the Jedi Council chambers and the narration specifically notes that Yoda's head is not stuck on Windu's body this time.
  • Brother–Sister Incest:
    • Luke decides early on in the Loops that he'll work to avoid this, in the same vein he would work to prevent things like his wife's death and Jacen's fall to the dark side.
    • During the EleVader arc, Leia and Vader are forced to watch Luke and Leia get married. It's not fun.
  • Call-Back: During the Innortal Loops, Naruto mentions in passing that you should never drop the AllSpark on the Death Star. Several years later, the incident that led to him giving out this advice is finally shown: several Loopers decided to fight the then-current iteration of the Death Star with the contents of their pockets for fun and Ranma Saotome accidentally pulled out a Death Star and two copies of the AllSpark from his pocket. The resulting fight between giant Autobot and Decepticon Death Star Transformers caused Darth Vader to pass out in shock at the sight of it.
  • Criminal Doppelgänger: Despite sharing very little physical similarities with it, Yuuno is mistaken for Kyubey by a pair of Stormtroopers, much to Anakin's dread.
    "I suppose Nanoha and Fate are looking for you. Best to return you before they come and destroy one of my fleets again."
  • Earth-Shattering Kaboom:
    • As Darth Vader, Anakin has blown up contain a Zombie Apocalypse that was occurring there. Since not blowing up the planet leads to the zombie plague going galactic, destroying Coruscant with the Death Star is the least bad option in that scenario.
    • One of Anakin's main goals as a Looper is to avert the baseline destruction of Alderaan whenever possible. He usually accomplishes this by pointing out how useful Alderaan is to the Empire or that destroying a planet known for pacifism is counterproductive to the Emperor's stated goal of bringing peace to the galaxy.
  • Discontinuity Nod:
    • While technically all possible stories are canon to the loops in some form, a snip did suggest the events of Star Wars: Clone Wars are not 'baseline' (Read canon in real time). Similarly, Word of God and some earlier non-Star Wars loops by the same author suggest that The Force Unleashed are similarly not baseline.
    • The Holiday Special is also referenced, though with in-universe dislike.
  • The Dreaded:
    • The idea of a looping Sidious or Thrawn is terrifying to the Star Wars loopers. In addition, they all seem to fear Haruhi for some reason.
    • Unawake Dark Vader is still this to non-loopers, though loopers aren't too threatened by him unless he's Awake and sufficiently pissed off for some reason.
  • Exactly What It Says on the Tin:
    • Luke once experienced a literal 'Star Wars' loop, where he was actually a star.
    • Sentient Captions.
    • Several floors of the Elevator Saga involve highly literal concepts, including the "Waste of Money" floor (asks you to insert money to find out why it's a waste, then says it's successfully wasted your money) and the "It Smells Like a Wet Wookie" floor (it... smells like a wet Wookie).
  • Fan Boy: Anakin has shown himself to be a fan of giant robots, such as Gundams, collecting both model and real ones, and has been shown to also collect star fighters. This hobby is also shared by Luke and Wedge Antilles.
  • Gender Bender:
    • Anakin experiences a particularly unfun situation where he and "Annie" Skywalker meet. They eventually encounter each other again during the Elevator Saga, when Annie shows up with a Light-chainsaw.
    • Floor 6363 of the Elevator Saga contains gender-bent versions of the main elevator's passengers. Both parties awkwardly stare at each other until the Leias press the "close door" buttons for their elevators, followed by Vader declaring he needs a drink.
  • Genre Roulette: Loops in the Star Wars verse tend to have experimental loop types in them that differ from normal loops. Such loops include loops done in the style of a Toonami broadcast, loops done in the form of a Q&A and a loop written completely upside down.
  • Genre Throwback: The Star Wars loops are written in the more scene-based style seen in the older Innortal loops, as opposed to the narrative-driven ones in the MLP and post MLP loops. However, they retain continuity with the post-Innortal status quo and aren't as prone to sexualization. The in-universe analogue to this happens to be Luke and Anakin being among the first Anchors to go online after the Original 7, meaning that their experiences are more closely related to those of the original loopers than many of the later ones.
  • Great Off Screen War: The Death Note War. Anakin was apparently involved...
  • Happily Married: It is heavily suggested that the loopers stay in their canon relationships, meaning that Han and Leia, Luke and Mara, and later Anakin and Padme are happily married looping couples.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: During the EleVader arc, the elevator shows up in Emperor Palpatine's bathroom while he's taking a bath and he tries to use his Force Lightning on Anakin, Leia, and Tarkin. However, Palpatine forgets he's still in a pool of water and electrocutes himself.
  • Interface Screw: Some of the floors of the EleVader saga are written in code and, in one case, upside down (at least during the beta process).
  • Large Ham: When stuck in the Vader suit, Anakin tends to ham it up. Also Kamina-Bariss, but then again, she was a Expy of Kamina.
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall:
    • Anakin is able to tell that the 2003 Clone Wars series is different from the 2008 one, from animation to voice acting.
    • Several characters mention being able to see the scrawling text.
  • Love-Obstructing Parents: Anakin spends most of his time trying to get Han to stay away from Leia.
  • Mind Screw: The Elevator Saga goes through several highly confusing floors.
    • Floor 88 opens onto infinite recursions of the elevator's occupants.
    • A set of floors in the mid-fifteen thousands has a Stable Time Loop. It starts with a floor that opens onto another elevator car of Leia, Vader and Tarkin in garish outfits, with Vader saying the next floor is going to suck. The next floor has Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo dress the elevator car's occupants in the silly outfits. The third floor in the sequence opens onto the first, pre-Bo-bobo elevator car, where Vader tells their past selves the next floor is going to suck.
  • Momma's Boy:
    • Anakin is very protective of his mother Shmi. Gendo Ikari discovers the hard way when Anakin finds out what's inside an Eva....
    • Inverted Trope when Gendo Ikari has a run in with Leia during the EleVader arc: apparently he sealed Leia inside an Eva and forced her daughter, Jaina, to pilot it.
  • Mythology Gag: The EleVader arc tosses a few around:
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: Darth Orwellis (Sith Padme), Darth Grendel (Sith Shmi), Darth Charybdis (Sith Jar Jar), Darth Lentic (Sith Kit Fitso), Darth Fury (Sith Mace Windu), Darth Ponzi (Sith Rush Clovis) and Darth Velociutus (Sith Jurassic Park Velociraptor)
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero:
    • Barriss Offee ends up creating a Looping Sith Velociraptor after Looping into a version of Jurassic Park wherein all the dinosaurs are Force sensitive.
    • Leia causes the Star Wars Elevator Saga after accidentally dropping a trinket she got from Discord to subject her Boyfriend-Blocking Dad to such an event while at the bottom floor of the Death Star.
  • Noodle Incident: Like all loops, they are frequently brought up, though these points are often fleshed out in later loops rather often compared to other loops, even those all the way from Innortal's era. However, these can lead to new noodle incidents in their place.
    "It's a long story, but involved a High School/Harem Fused Loop, three tons of pasta, and a bet gone horribly wrong"
  • Noodle Implements: Mentioned during a loop where Anakin mentored Bariss, where somehow she ended up becoming a female version of Kamina.
    "All I did was de-train her from general Jedi stuffiness. Made her a bit less formal, gave her a sense of humor, introduced her to sugary soft drinks...and somehow that turned her into the daughter of either Kamina and Yoko, or Kamina and Haruhi".
  • Other Me Annoys Me:
    • Anakin does not take well to Awakening into a loop alongside Darth Vader. Not as, but next to. He also has a mutual hatred of his buxom female alternate.
    • Floor 88 of the EleVader arc has infinite recursions of the elevator's occupants. Grand Moff Tarkin faints after looking behind himself, despite being told not to do that. The Tarkin recursion closest to the original elevator gives the first Tarkin a disapproving look and agrees with Leia's assessment that he's a schmuck.
  • Oh, Crap!:
    • Expressed quite often by Obi-Wan Kenobi, generally due to Anakin.
      "Oh dear."
    • One Loop has Anakin debate joining a Grey Jedi Order. He suggests to the council that the food at the temple might make or break his choice; Kit Fitso can only let out a quiet "Damn, it's meatloaf night."
    • The EleVader Saga involves Leia and Vader having to sit through a Death Star elevator stopping over twenty-one thousand times while being accompanied by an Unawake Grand Moff Tarkin. Neither looper is enthused when they realize the nature of the situation, as Leia accidentally caused it to happen in the first place and Vader Wakes Up right as the elevator is being altered to start the saga.
    • Nut panics when she thinks she might've accidentally made Palpatine start Looping.
  • Our Ghosts Are Different: Sayaka Miki is referred to as being a sort of "Loop Ghost".
  • Original Character: R1-BC, Deathtronus, Staronius, Sith Raptor/Velocitus. Notably at the present time, only Velocitus is looping due to technically being a pre existing character.
  • Power Perversion Potential: It's mentioned in passing at one point that Luke and Mara use the force in ways that Mace Windu never intended.
  • Pragmatic Villainy: During his first loop to the Original Trilogy, Anakin attempts to convince Tarkin not to blow up Alderaan due to the amount of money the planet gives the Empire in tax revenue. When this fails, Anakin attempts to get Tarkin to spare the planet for its wine. Fortunately, Anakin's failures aren't in vain due to Luke having already disabled the Death Star's laser.
  • Pun:
    • The names of variant loop Sith Lords are all based on some level of reference of the character or their profession in question: Grendel being a reference to the monster's mother from Beowulf, Darth Orwellis being a reference to 1984's author and Darth Fury being a reference to Samuel L. Jackson playing the role of Nick Fury in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
    • Jean Kirstein realizes that any elevator that include Anakin is automatically an EleVader. Hence the references within this page.
    • Several elements of this appeared during the Star Wars Elevator saga, including Pizza Hutt and Hutt Topic.
  • Punch-Clock Villain: Anakin has been shown in some Loops to play the villain in order to give Loopers a level of entertainment they would not get from regular villains. This change in routine also helps Loopers avoid insanity by giving them a change of pace.
  • Reimagining the Artifact:
    • The Grey Jedi Order, a concept seen originally in the Innortal shorts and mostly forgotten since the reimagining of the Infinite Loops, was brought back.
    • Inverse, C-3PO works to do this with himself as a bartender, as his importance as a translator is becoming less needed in baseline.
  • Ret-Gone: Like Ash's father's name and face, the name of Yoda's species and Mara Jade's past are lost to the Loopers.
  • Rule of Funny: Things seem to go horribly in the just the right way to make things worse for Anakin a lot of the time. If not him, Obi-Wan tends to take this role.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here:
    • Anakin's reaction to any Sith Version of Padme or Shmi is to go as far away as possible from them, leaving them to the other loopers to deal with.
    • Anakin nopes out during loops where he has to deal with Jedi Master Yodude (Mace Windu with Yoda's head) and during a loop where he's a Rancor and the plot of the Prequel Trilogy was turned into a story about basketball instead of galactic conquest.
    • Anakin retired the minute he woke up moments before the Battle of Marineford.
  • Ship Tease: During a loop where Anakin mentored an unawake Bariss and Ahsoka, the two ended up in a relationship. The head writer of the Star Wars loops admits to shipping them, though this isn't normally the case in loop (due to a preference by the loops to avoid non-canon relationships).
  • Shout-Out: Floor 78 of the Elevator Saga contains Transformer versions of the Star Wars cast, referencing the various transforming robot Star Wars toys Hasbro has made. The Han Solo and Chewbacca robots that combine into the Millenium Falcon are specifically referenced in dialogue.
  • Spotlight-Stealing Squad: Anakin Skywalker originally and still does make up the majority of Star Wars loops, mostly due to being the main writer's most familiar character. Over time, however, it's balanced out with loops focusing on Luke, Leia, Ahsoka, Bariss, Obi-Wan and others written by both said main writer and other writers are created.
  • Stripperiffic: Kamina-Bariss, a variant of Bariss who acts like Kamina, also dresses like him, but with a Yoko like bra.
  • Superpowered Evil Side: Sith Jar Jar, who becomes a fire breathing, light saber Chakram wielding, omni-evil voiced freak of nature that was able to kill Anakin, despite him being an experienced looper.
  • Take That!:
    • Leia gives Jerry of Christ a dressing-down in one loop.
    • All the Star Wars loopers despise the Holiday Special.
    • Anakin Force shoves Christopher Columbus into shark infested waters, and is implied to have done something similar to Andrew Johnson.
    • Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way appears during the elevator saga, leading to Tarkin going berserk and trying to shoot her. Leia of all people agrees with his actions.
    • During a Loop, Anakin notes among a gathering of Dark Lords/Chancellor candidates a number of politicians who opposed Padme as American President. Giving the author's comments on Padme as president, these are most likely meant to be Republicans.
    • The Jedi Code and Council are frequently mocked in some way, shape, or form. This ranges from 'reason you suck speeches', to tying them up and trapping them in "it's a small world".
    • At several points, the compiler makes snarky commentary suggesting a dislike for the MLP loops, owing to an incident involving one troper adding many pony related examples to the Loops' trope pages in late 2014.
  • Unexpected Character: Or more specifically Power: Yoda was shown in possession of a Stand known as Asteroid Blues, unexpected due to the author's quite famous dislike of the looping JoJos.
    • Triclops cameos in the EleVader arc.
    • Who'd ever expect Count Dooku to loop?
  • Unusually Uninteresting Sight: The EleVader arc has a few floors dedicated to otherwise mundane situations, such as a sauna or Shinji and Kaoru playing table tennis.
  • Wham Episode: The Star Wars Loops holiday special (not that one) towards the end revealed Sayaka Miki briefly appearing, despite having been reported to have been lost to her world's destruction.
  • What Could Possibly Go Wrong?: One loop has the Jedi Council decide to use their brain waves to create droids to aid them. This results in the creation of multiple Jedi Ultron.
    "Oh my stars! Ultron Jedi are everywhere! Run R2, run why you still can! Run!"
  • Worf Had the Flu: During Anakin's first confrontation with Waltz, anger for the fresh murder of Ahsoka clouds his battle strategies. As the author put it, Anger and good decisions don't correlate with Anakin.
  • Year Inside, Hour Outside: After the EleVader Saga concludes, Leia and Vader discover that while it felt like they were stuck in the elevator for weeks, only three hours passed on the Death Star.
  • You Didn't Ask: Yoda doesn't admit to being a Looper for a very long time, despite being present since the first chapter, for the sole reason that nobody ever asked him directly about the matter.
  • Zombie Apocalypse:
    • Apparently a few variant loops involving this have occurred during loops when Anakin is stuck in the Vader suit. Thankfully, Darth Vader is zombie proof
      Darth Vader: You'd be surprised how having all your limbs cut off and being trapped in a metallic body suit can make you such a "perfect" Zombie hunter.
    • Zombies don't affect droids (at least in this universe), rendering 3PO surprisingly safe from them.

    The First Crash 
  • Afterlife Express: The Hogwarts Express is the place where the Eva Loopers wake up after they Crash their home Loop.
  • Chainsaw Good: Kaoru shows up with a chainsaw for shits and giggles.
  • Chekhov's Gun: A long-running one that was more Cryptic Background Reference in the Innortal Loops than actual plot point is finally fired: ''what did the Eva Loopers do to cause the first big Crash?''
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Mass-Produced EVAs verses non-looping Asuka? Asuka gets slaughtered. Mass-Produced EVAs against a Looping Asuka, Rei, Shinji, and Kaoru? Bye bye, MP EVAs.
  • Despair Event Horizon: Shinji, Kaoru, Rei, and Asuka had crossed this ages ago, and recount the tale to Looping Gendo to explain why it's a good idea not to cross it.
  • Driven to Suicide: The story is basically the account of what the Eva Loopers tried to make their ultimate suicide attempt. Naturally, it failed.
    • A suicide attempt of Gendo's is mentioned as well. It went nowhere.
  • Drowning His Sorrows: Gendo used to be The Alcoholic before Yui broke him of the habit. Now, with his life basically meaningless, he's reverted to this.
  • Framing Device: Shinji is explaining to Gendo what could happen if he completely loses hope by relating the time he and the other Eva Loopers lost hope.
  • Fusion Dance: The Loopers combined Units Zero, One, and Two to form a godlike Evangelion, and then used the Lance of Longinus to try and delete themselves from existence.
  • Irony: It is not lost on Shinji that, once again, he's dooming the planet.
  • Maybe Ever After: Gendo questions whether or not the four-way romance shown in the flashback has continued into the present. Shinji doesn't answer the question.
  • Mythology Gag: As it turns out, Shinji is a fan of Star Wars.
  • Polyamory: All four of the Eva Loopers were simultaneously involved romantically, before their first Fused Loop.
  • The Friend Nobody Likes: Gendo. Largely despised by the multiverse at large and actively hunted by Asuka and Kaoru, he is fairly close to falling past the Despair Event Horizon when the fanfic starts. Shinji is able to talk him away from it, and promises to help make things better.

    Transformers Loops 
  • Asskicking Leads to Leadership: When Dinobot joins the Dinobots, he mentions that he once beat up his Loop's version of Megatron with a rock and stick while on the verge of dying. Grimlock responds by making Dinobot third-in-command of the Dinobots on the spot.
  • Combining Mecha: Prowl, who in IDW's continuity was forcibly turned into part of Devestator, can still combine with the Looping Constructicons.
  • Cool Sword: Vector Prime's sword Rhisling, which he at one point loans to Twilight Sparkle as an experiment (the sword's properties change depending on who wields it).
  • Heel–Face Turn: Averted. The Decepticons haven't reformed, and they're still Looping.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: Grimlock reveals to Dinobot that he's both intelligent and capable of talking in a way that reflects that, though he has to put a lot of effort into doing so. He just likes letting other bots think he's stupid so they'll underestimate him.
    Grimlock: Other bots think Grimlock stupid. Grimlock let them make mistake. Is good tactical asset.
  • One-Steve Limit: One Loop has Dinobot the Maximal audition to join the Dinobots. Grimlock even asks Dinobot what qualifications he has to sign up for the group besides sharing his name with it.
  • Out of Focus: Vector Prime and Safeguard haven't appeared much. In the Transformers Loops alone, they only appeared physically in the first Loop and Vector was mentioned two other times (The Pandora, Belldandy, Urd and Skuld go on vacation in Transformers: Prime story and how the Transformers took care of the Reverse Virus)
  • Person of Mass Destruction: There are some horrible things that happen because Miko's been allowed to gain the loops most destructive abilities. Poor Ratchet can never power off anymore.....

    Warhammer 40, 000 Loops 
  • Ass Shove: One unlucky Mekboy ends up on the receiving end of a rokkit of his own design and went sky high. Orks being Orks, their only complaint was that the resulting explosion wasn't in front of them.
  • Black Comedy: Frequent, as is standard. The Imperial Infantryman's Uplifting Primer is a good source for this.
  • Blatant Lies: Fenrir's first recorded contact with his Loopers is to tell them he certainly didn't crash their Loop by accident after doubling over with laughter when they attempted to bribe the orks with stuffed animals, and it worked.
  • Blue-and-Orange Morality: The looping Chaos Gods, while less dangerous to be around are still this.
  • Bored with Insanity: The looping Chaos Gods aren't a threat because they're bored with Chaos's original emotion-warped insanity.
  • Call-Forward: An early chapter has Fenris thinking about Hepheastus, who's having trouble with one of his branches, before making the heinous mistake of asking how much trouble that'll be.
  • Crapsack World: Usually. It's that sort of place.
    • The first time the ponies came through, they managed to fix most of the Imperium's problems, though not without effort. And they did manage to give the universe a stable Anchor, in the form of Leman Russ.
    • Usually, the Loopers try to make the Dark Millennium less dark. Once the Chaos Gods started Looping, things tended to become... stranger.
  • Expospeak Gag: On occasion, with the IIUP, like one about what is in fact Pinkie Pie, in Eldar form.
  • Fake Ultimate Hero: Ciaphas Cain (HERO OF THE IMPERIUM!!!) is unable to stop being this. Even when he's a brightly-coloured pony.
  • Forever War: This is still Warhammer.
  • From Bad to Worse: A normal baseline run is... pretty horrific all round. A Chaos God Emperor Loop is much, much worse.
  • A God Am I: The God Emperor of Mankind, when he first started looping, which resulted in loop crashes whenever he tried to act on it. It took a loop through the Brighthammer variant before the Emperor managed to get past this.
  • Gondor Calls for Aid: During the Krisis, when the Imperium unite the various factions to fight the Tyranids.
  • Gone Horribly Right: The jerks of Soggoth-chan wanted the Chaos Gods Looping, and they got it. It didn't have quite the effect they were hoping for.
  • Happily Adopted: Leman Russ considers Fluttershy of the ponies his mother, on account of her finding and raising him in his first Loop.
  • In Spite of a Nail: Bjorn always seems to end up in a dreadnought, no matter what he does.
  • Interface Screw: The Emperor's messing with the coding of Yggdrasil also causes the text to start getting weird.
  • Not So Stoic: The Emperor of Man, despite all that he had seen and experienced in his life, still couldn't make it through a whole sentence during a visit to Equestria without laughing.
  • Oh, Crap!: Vulkan's completely understandable reaction to learning Khorne, and by extension the other Chaos Gods, are Looping.
    • During the Krisis, when The Tyranid Hive Mind nearly starts looping
  • Shout-Out:
  • Spotlight-Stealing Squad: A lot of the earlier-written snips focus primarily on or around ponies, and the Looping cast's interaction with them, rather than on their own feet. Averting this trope is the very reason that Warhammer 40K got their own set of Loops.
  • This Is Gonna Suck: Fenrir's reaction to learning the Chaos Gods are Looping, especially since he's going to have to explain it.
  • Wrong Context Science: Leman spent several Loops experimenting with different means of interstellar propulsion. Some went more horribly wrong than others.

     Yu-Gi-Oh Loops 
  • Adaptational Villainy: Due to the difference in value between 3 million Yen and 3 million dollars, Serenity's doctors were given a certain......vile nature so bad even Kaiba was angry at them for it. Yeah, Kaiba promptly agreed to help Wheeler sue them. Let's repeat: Kaiba. Helped. Joey. Willingly.
  • All There in the Manual: Before he left the loops, Leonite posted an outline of an epic rendition of ARC-V's battle against Zarc, settling several issues such as the Stealth loopers, Paradox and the ARC-V Anchors' Apocalypse Maiden status all at once. That is considered canon despite never being fleshed out and posted.
  • Alternate Self:
    • When a duelist replaces Yuma's role as Number Hunter, they gain their own version of Utopia. For example, Yugi has Silent Guardian, Tori has Guardian Angel Paradise, Leo has Power Tool King, Akiza has Rose Paladin, and Yuzu has Melodious Arch-Muse Conductor. There are a few alternative versions on Number 17 as well, like Kathy's Saber-Toothed Catgirl and Yuto's The Phantom Knights of Shattered Axe. Kurosaki also has an alternative of Number 32, called Raid Raptors - Veiss Osprey.
    • And of course, Yuya's counterparts. All of them are loopers, even Yuri (though Chrysalis Syndrome is in play). Same goes for the bracelet girls.
  • Ambiguous Situation: It's unclear if the MC from 5D's is a Stealth Looper or a regular person.
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: Jack Atlas sought a Duel Spirit companion after several boring loops, and wanted something scary and fearsome. He instead got Wynn the Wind Charmer.
  • Beyond the Impossible:
    • In two loops, the Xyz Dimension was destroyed by ping pong and pool noodles respectively. Not even the local loopers know how that's possible, and they were Awake for both these events.
    • Played for Drama, but during his second loop, Yusaku manages to piece together extremely vital and sensitive information about Yggdrasil just from the welcome speech. Thoth himself is already stumped trying to figure out how Ai even become an anchor since he died in Baseline, but once Quetzalcoatl catches wind, he demands Thoth find a way to shut Yusaku's questions down before they inspire more malicious groups to take action. Thoth tries to tell them to stop seeking answers, only for it to backfire and inspire Yusaku even moreso.
    • For that matter, Ai being an anchor. The rules of Loops state that anchors are only individuals who survived baseline, mentally stable, and are central to their world. Ai however, having been Driven to Suicide during the final season of VRAINS, deleted himself after losing to Yusaku. The Ambiguous Ending in canon depicting Ai somehow alive is shown to be a result of Yusaku spending his three months absent collecting Ai's data in the hopes of reviving him, and because Ai is directly based on Yusaku's mental and emotional responses, Yggdrasil mistook this for Ai being alive and appointed him co-anchor. Meaning, Yusaku unintentionally tricked Yggdrasil into bringing Ai Back from the Dead.
  • Black Sheep: Zig-Zagged Trope. While the loopers originating from that branch are well liked, the Arc-V loops themselves tend to be disliked due to the Crapsack World most of the Dimensions are, and to different extents depending on the branch.
    • The DM Loopers usually loop into Standard, so they don't have much of an issue.
    • The GX Loopers usually loop into the Fusion Dimension, where they either awake as a soldier, or a runaway. The GX Loopers in turn largely don't speak of those loops outside of general info, taking solace that Academia is not their academy. Chronos and Judai in particular aren't fond of the invasion force using Antique Gear cards, with Judai taking great catharsis in destroying them.
    • The 5D's Loopers usually loop into the Synchro Dimension. While Jack and Crow have come to see it as a second home, none of the Loopers like the City, and unanimously agreed that they need to fix it whenever they loop there.
    • The ZEXAL Loopers usually loop into the Xyz Dimension. They refuse to talk about those loops unless they're already upset, and are just as affected by the invasion of Heartland as the native Loopers.
  • Blessed with Suck: By the time of the DENN loop, Yusaku's technopathy has developed to such a point that when he eats anything in VR, he can taste the coding that went to recreating the taste. While he's not a picky eater, the sense is jarring enough for him to grimace while eating or drinking.
  • Can't Catch Up: According to Jack Atlas, he can never defeat any version of Yusei in the loops without the loop crashing.
  • The Chosen Many:
    • Requires specific focus here separate from regular time loops. For some reason or another, the Yu-Gi-Oh universes contain at least six separate loops and six anchors: Yugi Motou (and Atem), Jaden Yuki (and Yubel), Yusei Fudo, Yuma Tsukimo (and Astral), Yuya (and all his counterparts) and Yusaku (with Ai). So we might as well have thirteen anchors.
    • Came up in regards to having Yu in one's name during one of the Arc-V loops. In one loop having Yu in your name let's you bend reality and create cards out of nothing.
  • Cerebus Syndrome: Hit as soon as ARC-V started looping - suddenly most loops stopped being humourous independent snippets and evolved in full-blown story arcs with increasingly high stakes. A good example is the "Power of Yu" loop, where Thoth had to directly interfere to even remotely stabilise it.
  • Cool vs. Awesome: Remember the above statement in which Skadi stops Surtr from leaving during Grand Order's activation snip by playing card games? Well, the Queen of Games makes a triumphant return by challenging Yugi to a bout during a fused loop. Not only she plays the Nordics seen in 5Ds - as in, the ones with the Divine-Beast Aesirs - but she wins the best of three against both Yugi and Pharaoh.
  • Complaining About Rescues They Don't Like: Played for Laughs when Yusei jokingly calls Akiza the worst escape artist ever after she uses Black Rose Dragon to break Yusei and his friends out of prison, right in front of Armstrong and every other inmate.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle:
    • Any time Yuma summons Emperor Tiragon.
    • Jack Atlas utterly destroying the Gishki forces attacking the Gusto clan with Scar-red Supernova Dragon. Windaar is left thinking he's the literal devil after this.
    • To quote Yuya, G.O.D. gave Zarc a run for his money.
    • Yusaku versus Jinzo. Jinzo took first turn and left his field open. Cue OTK.
    • One of Yusei's opponents used Maxx "C" against him. Cue Yusei FTK'ing him via deck out.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: At some point after the Yu-School loop, specifically after being defeated, the Yu Boys minus Yuri and the Bracelet Girls gain the ability to use their Zarfified forms and Supreme King and Queen cards with their regular personalities.
  • David vs. Goliath: Once Tristan ended up dueling Zarc. Winner: Tristan.
  • Deal with the Devil: Wynn's father namedrops this trope after he sees Jack summon Scar-red Supernova Dragon.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Jaden once went full Supreme King mode against Jinzo, saying that There Is No Kill Like Overkill, because Jinzo was draining energy from people for kicks.
  • The Ditz: Wynn the Wind Charmer. She's an airhead.
  • Double Entendre: "GO, YUSAKU!!! YOU'VE TAKEN BIGGER!!!" Needless to say, they get a lot of weird looks. For the record, he was referring to a Duel Monster.
  • The Dreaded:
    • An usual case in that it's not directed to a person but a setting. Apparently everyone has a dramatic experience from looping into ARC-V because the dimensions are at war there, and they end up finding themselves in situations such as actively participating in genocide, or something.
    • In the DENN loop, Kurosaki has this status among the Academia soldiers, as he deliberately tried to cultivate a reputation of being a Person of Mass Destruction. Dennis is notably more scared of him than in canon.
  • Dub Name Change: A very common variant for these loops are that everyone's names are changed to the dub version. It can get pretty confusing for loopers unused to them.
  • Escape from the Crazy Place: The entire premise of DENN is that Yusaku and Ai are trapped Inside a Computer System along with several criminals and mental patients, and must escape.
  • Evil Counterpart: Beyond canonical versions like the Evil Heroes and Malefic line, the Supreme King/Queen line of monsters server as those for the Bracelet Girls and Dragon Boys: a line of Zarc-colored Pendulum versions of all of their monsters plus many loop originals ones. Specifically the Supreme King Jester, Supreme King Automaton, Supreme King Soldier, Supreme Queen Choir, Supreme Queen Dancer, Supreme Queen Sorceress and Supreme Queen Aviary archetypes are the evil counterparts to the Performapals, Speedroids, Phantom Knights, Melodious, Lunalight, Wind Witch, and Lyrilusc monsters.
  • Facepalm: Yugi and Kaiba do this when Joey whips out a coat and claims it will protect him from Ra's attack because it's fire-retardant (though it's really a cover so he can use his power ring).
  • For the Evulz: The Jinzo spirit. He admits their are better ways to get spirit energy than drain people, but does it for the fun of it.
  • Friendly Enemy: The Barians, despite only three of them looping Shark/Nash, Rio/Marin and Alito, are more or less this, in part because of the looping Barians. Vector is an exception.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: In one ARC-V fused loop, Academia had the brilliant idea to just remove Z-ARC's essence from Yuri thinking it would solve the issue entirely. It didn't, and instead divided itself into seven fragments, infecting the remaining Yu Boys and all of the Bracelet Girls. And while it lacked Zarc's corruptive influence and mind, the seven of them all turned batshit anyway, namely due to their lives in that Loop already being bad enough to warrant having their own innate darkness, turning them into omnicidal maniacs and making them powerful enough to be serious threats to the other Loopers, Ruri and Serena even managing to kill Kite and Alito respectively.
    • For whatever reason, Yoko and Shuzo went missing around the same time Yusho did, and Gongenzaka never befriended them due to living in Mongolia in this loop. As a result, neither Yuya nor Yuzu had anyone to rely on aside from each other, and the bullying they received was so much worse, the online comments left on a report about Yuya's disappearance only being referenced, but showing they were not kind.
    • The orphanage that Yugo and Rin grew up in doesn't exist, forcing the two of them to live on the streets. And considering what a hellhole the City normally is...
    • The Invasion of Heartland took more from Yuto and Ruri, namely the actual deaths of not just Ruri's parents and the destruction of Yuto's orphanage, but the death of Shun too.
    • Serena appears to be the only subversion, as her testimony suggests she was kept in the same Gilded Cage her baseline self was, just with the added resentment of Yuri being allowed to roam free.
  • Gone Horribly Right: In the loop where the bracelet girls and Yu boys sans Yuri go nuts and become omnicidal maniacs, Alito spends a good portion of his duel with Serena trying to raise her spirits so they can have a fair and exciting fight. He succeeds... but because her deck is Purposefully Overpowered, she quickly decimates him once she gets back to normal and subsequently kills him, prompting Alito to avoid his bosses for a while afterwards, deciding to hide from Nasch in Cathy's house the next few loops.
  • Gone Horribly Wrong: In one ARC-V loop where none of the local Anchors and bracelet girls were Awake, somebody tried to exorcise Zarc's evil out of Yuri. Apparently they succeeded... But then that evil spread to all other boys and the girls, turning them into half-demonised harbingers of doom, determined to put an end to human civilization.
  • Heel–Face Turn:
    • Paradox and Yuri, the former through reflection, the latter through Chrysalis Syndrome.
    • In the DENN loop, Ruri tries to invoke this with Dennis.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: In one loop one of Yusei's opponents in the Fortune Cup activated Maxx "C" while Yusei took the first turn. This card allows the opponent to draw a card every time Yusei Special Summons a monster. Yusei proceeds to special summon so much the opponent runs out of cards to draw before he even gets to his turn and loses by deck out.
  • Inconsistent Spelling: In-Universe — one variant of the ARC-V loops has the spelling of some names change, like Yuto being spelled as Ute or Yugo like Hugo.
  • In Spite of a Nail:
    • More so than the other loops, the Yu-Gi-Oh! Anchors are hit by this quite a lot, as a lot of the time even if Yugi Motou was to change the main game to, say, chess, Duel Monsters would still be the game of choice in Yusei Fudo's time. See The Chosen Many above.
    • A darker version keeps occurring in the ARC-V loops; no matter what happens, nothing can prevent the destruction of Heartland.
    • In the same branch, no matter what happens, Shinji will start his revolution.
  • Irony: According to Quetzalcoatl, the VRAINS branch is the most stable of the various branches due to it's lack of magical forces involved. Despite this, Thoth refused to activate it for the longest time because the only viable Anchors were the most unstable of the Anchors, with Yusaku and Ai suffering various mental problems in baseline, the former having PTSD, and the latter's baseline ending with him having committed suicide. By time the branch did get activated, it wasn't because of Thoth, but rather Yggdrasil itself activating it.
  • It's the Only Way to Be Sure: Kurosaki's response when Yuto reminds him that he blew up a stadium from orbit in baseline.
  • Late to the Tragedy: In the "Yu Duel School" loop, by the time the loopers realized that none of the local loopers were around, three out of four dimensions had already been razed to the ground.
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall: After Yusaku is given the "Welcome to the Loops" speech, he starts asking several Admin-level questions, including where the backups of the loops are stored. Judai and the other loopers are floored because that thought had never crossed their mind.
  • Mass "Oh, Crap!":
    • ALL of the Anchors freak out when they realize that they're in an Attack on Titan Loop, and that the Colossal Titan is indeed as terrifying as the rumors said.
    • In the DENN loop, the existence of SOL Technologies in the Synchro Dimension is enough to make all the loopers freak out.
    • The ARC-V anchors's reaction when they end up in a Cutthroat Kitchen loop.
  • Mind Screw: The "City" loops (no, not the ARC-V City, a setting originally established in the Star Wars Loops), where the place seems to be glitching (home to city blocks that are fusions of two different settings, such as one that merges Konoha and Water Seven, and another that merges Area 11 and the first four generations of Pokemon) and some of the populace appears to be loop aware and trying to kick out visiting loopers due to being "errors".
  • Mook Horror Show: In the DENN loop, Yusaku - accidentally - starts a Jack Bauer Interrogation by scaring the crap out of a punk that tried to attack him with his animation freezing virus.
    Man: W-wh-what are you!?
  • Never Heard That One Before:
    • Yugi makes it clear when Twilight Sparkle comes to visit that they have heard the "children's card games" jokes before.
    • Similarly, most 5Ds duelist make it clear they've heard pretty much everything that can be said about "Card games on motorcycles".
  • Noodle Incident:
    • Yugo was once chased by Ren around the Duel Palace for some reason.
    • Yuya mentions that Genesis Omega Dragon gave both versions of Z-ARC "a run for his money". Considering that G.O.D. does not exist in card form neither in the manga, nor in real life, or the loops, who knows what that means...
  • Offscreen Moment of Awesome: Apparently one loop ended because Team Unicorn managed to defeat Team Ragnarok.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business:
    • Atem freaks out when their Admin Thoth sends them a one word warning about what's to come, as he's never done so before no matter the enemy and as the God of Writing, he's normally long-winded. His worries are proven true seconds later.
    • In the "Power of Yu" loop, Thoth was forced to possess Kurosaki in order to contact Yuto, and he admitted that this was NOT his usual method, but the situation was too dire.
    • Another incident is when Thoth gives a brief and concise explanation following the activation of the VRAINS branch.
  • Person of Mass Destruction: Kurosaki has this reputation among his fellow Arc-V loopers. Invoked when he's deliberately being overly destructive in the DENN loop.
  • Random Teleportation: Yugo's main issue is that he has next to no control over where he'll land after he teleports, which lands him in many, many awkward situations. He learns to control it eventually, but...
  • Running Gag: Duel Runners being replaced with things that you can ride, but definitely not in that context. Like Chocobos.
    • Spider-Man once participated in a Turbo Duel by web-slinging. No rides involved. Jack was particularly pissed about that one.
  • Secret Secret-Keeper: Pegasus and Reiji are Stealth looping. Up until the major Zarc incident where they blew their covers.
  • Self-Imposed Challenge: In-Universe. The looping duelists are known to do this; Yuma for example defeating Kaze with Rank 1 Galaxy Queen and Baby Tiragon, and another time attempted to win his entire loop with Exodia but got derailed in this goal by Vector.
  • Shell-Shocked Veteran:
    • The ARC-V XYZ duelists, like Yuto and Shun, have shades of this, much like in canon. Yuto in particular snaped very badly when a looper from another branch told him that "card game loops must be easy".
    • Same goes for Yusaku, who has confirmed PTSD. The concept of looping alone almost triggered a panic attack, twice.
  • Shout-Out: Yuya, Yuzu and Yuto have taken to calling Sawatari "cowardly hundredth rate banana-peel duelist".
  • Stealth Mentor: Paradox goes through his "steal all the dragons" routine on Yusaku and Ai to test their tenacity while simultaneously teaching Yusaku and Ai the importance of their bond as well as their bond with the other loopers.
  • Superpowered Evil Side: Not only do Yuya, Yuto, Yugo and Yuri have this as in canon, Yuzu briefly got one during the "Power of Yu" loop.
  • Technopath: Yusaku's Link Sense has evolved to the point that he's able to manipulate other people's avatars while in Link VRAINS with just his mind, read code by touching virtual constructs, and log in VRAINS without a duel disk.
  • Telepathy: Pretty frequent with the Anchors. Yugi with Atem and Yuma with Astral share this as in canon, but Yuya, Yuto, Yugo and Yuri also share a four-way telepathetic link. Yusaku and Ai also develop one, but it's in their case it's probably coding.
  • Throwing Off the Disability: When Apple Bloom looped in as Serenity, she immediately cured herself so that she wouldn't miss a single part of the Loop.
  • Took a Level in Badass: In the loops, Baby Tiragon has a Rank 8 upgrade called Emperor Tiragon, powerful enough to pretty much destroy any opponent (Including Kite and Mizar, who is reduced to a quivering wreck after facing it).
  • Troubled Fetal Position: Jack's reaction when a random duelist used Maxx "C" against Yusei. That poor duelist had no idea what was coming for him.
  • Underestimating Badassery: During the Yu-School loop, during the dueling war against the Zarcified Bracelet Girls, Yuya, Yugo, and Yuto Kaiba dismisses Leo as canon fodder, expecting him to just delay them until someone better shows up. Leo takes offense to this, declares how tough the Neo-Domino Loopers are, and goes on to defeat Ruri, who had previously defeated and killed Kite.
  • Wham Episode: A looping Paradox.
  • You Can't Fight Fate: Initially, Thoth refused to activate the VRAINS branch due to the mental instability of the only available anchor candidates, but Yggdrasil went and activated it on its own.
