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Sandbox / Have A Gay Old Time Wick Check

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Wick Check input (100 examples)

  1. OverlyLongName.Western Animation: According to House of Mouse, the full name of Panchito from The Three Caballeros is Panchito Romero Miguel Junipero Francisco Quintero González III.The name is explained in song. Romero is from his father's best man, Miguel is from his father, Junipero is from his mom's favorite brother and Francisco Quintero is from the minister who married his parents. Legend of the Three Caballeros uses almost the same name, except leaving "Junipero" out for some reason. In 1940s comics, his full name was originally given as El Gayo José Francisco Sandro de Lima y la Loma Pancho Allegre. And in promotional materials for the original film, it was Panchito Pistoles, the one short name he's ever had.
  2. Funny.The Dom Reviews 2021 Episodes: Dom barely able to keep his laughter in as several passages from The Silver Chair are read where Have a Gay Old Time is in full effect.
  3. Literature.Greyfriars: One less common example that might have you looking up etymology is when Fisher T. Fish declares himself and others to be 'cute'. "Bunter the Hypnotist" from 1938 contains a chapter in which Harry Wharton is looking for his Latin dictionary. The opening line is "Seen my dick?"
  4. HetaliaAxisPowers.A To H: In one strip England grumbles about America's "incorrect" English. Also the time where differing meanings for the word "rubber" caused America to give England a condom when the latter had asked for a pencil eraser.
  5. Film.Trader Horn: "It's going to be a queer thing saying goodbye to you, laddie."
  6. IntercourseWithYou.Rock: A lot of the Beatles' early songs, from when they were still considered the "clean" alternative to The Rolling Stones, are like this. Particularly, there's the chirpy "Hold Me Tight" - it sounds like another cute story of teenage love until "Making love to only you..."note ...which might be Have a Gay Old Time, since this was the period when the term "making love" was transitioning from meaning "woo" to being a polite way to say "having sex".
  7. Recap.The Golden Girls S 06 E 12 Ebbtides Revenge: Trans Equals Gay: Very refreshingly averted with Phil. He is happily married to a woman for years, and has many children with her—he just happens to like dressing up in women's clothing (something his wife supports, as he enjoys it). It's discussed here when Sophia suggests that Phil might have been "queer," and Blanche corrects her, pointing out that the correct term is now "gay." Sophia counters this by pointing out that Phil was "a six-foot-three, two hundred pound man with kids."
  8. Literature.The Master Key: Using arouse as the past-tense version of "arise" and could be used to refer to all manner of raising. The sound of voices aroused Rob next morning, When at last he aroused himself, he found it was nearly four o'clock. At first, Rob thinks the Demon of Electricity is up to no good because of his name, so the Demon mentions all the older writers who used the word as a synonym for "spirit", not necessarily an evil spirit.
  9. ComicBook.Avengers Vs X Men: When Sinister's Madelyne clones begin to lose control of the Phoenix Force, they say that they feel "somewhat queer".
  10. Literature.Aubrey Maturin: Invoked or played with quite lot, in- and out-universe, or as intentional Double Entendre.In The Ionian Mission Captain Babbington insists the women on his ship are all Lesbians - meaning female inhabitants of Lesbos he rescued from the pirates. In The Surgeon's Mate, in a rare moment, Stephen is described as "positively gay" - opposite to his usual not very cheerful personality.
  11. Film.William Shakespeares Romeo And Juliet: Drag queen Mercutio plays up the potential for this in his lines wherever possible.
  12. Fridge.Batman Beyond: May be an unintentional example but the Terrific Trio's name. At first, it just appears to be an Alliterative Name based on the Fantastic Four but then take note of how in the past, the word "terrific" used to have a much different connotation, one signifying something bad or horrible the same way that the words "terror" and "terrifying" continue to do. In this sense, the name "Terrific Trio" has a harsher and more disturbing Double Meaning given their eventual tragic breakdown and demise.
  13. Theatre.Into The Woods: At one point, Jack's Mother comments on Jack's relationship with Milky-White and how children can be "very queer with their animals". Also, during "Your Fault", one of Jack's lines is "what's queer, is how did the second giant get down here?" Both are obviously using queer as a synonym for 'strange'. A lesser known one in the Witch's rap. She describes the Baker's father stealing her vegetables as "robbing me, raping me". Another definition of 'rape' is to cause destruction of a place - and she's using the word in that context.
  14. Film.Little Old New York: "Brevoort brings some new and gay stories to Larry's dinner party that evening," declares an intertitle.
  15. Film.State Fair: "I feel so gay/in a melancholy way/that it might as well be Spring." In the 1933 film Margy wonders what people in New York would make of her, and Pat replies that "The men would make love to you and the women would hate you."
  16. BioShockInfinite.Tropes A To H: Barbershop Quartets Are Funny: Early in the game, Booker comes across a barbershop quartet performing a cover version of "God Only Knows". What's even funnier is that the quartet is called "The Bee Sharps," a name almost identical to the quartet from The Simpsons, and they're advertised as "Columbia's Gayest Quartet."
  17. Literature.The Shapes Of Midnight: In "The Horror at Chilton Castle," Cowath is described as retrieving and lighting a "faggot torch," and in "Slime," Barnaby considers Gowse to be "queer."
  18. Film.DOA: Chester: I never liked that puss of yours from the minute I seen it.
  19. Literature.Acts Of The Apostles: Stephen gets stoned (meaning people threw rocks at him until he was dead). That's actually a pretty cruel way to die, but because "stoned" is also slang for bring under the influence of a drug this line may have evoked snickers from more recent generations of Sunday School kids.
  20. Funny.The Cinema Snob 2014 Episodes: The Snob getting confused at the narrator's use of "gay", as he's genuinely not sure what context it's being used in the second time.
  21. HoYay.The Monster Hunters: Octavia and Janice! Naked girls, chickens... this kinky enough for ya? Octavia: We hung around, went out a few times, but it was all so... so straight, you understand?
  22. YMMV.Dingo Pictures: Anastasia: "He won't molest you again so quickly."
  23. ComicBook.Mickey Mouse Comic Universe: March 8, 1934, in "The Captive Castaways": "He was makin' love to Minnie!" December 25, 1937, in "The Monarch of Medioka": "Listen Phylline — I wasn't makin' love to her — honest!"◊ 1939: In "Mickey Mouse Outwits the Phantom Blot", Mickey asks if the Phantom Blot has "molested" a stock of cameras.
  24. VideoGame.Nord And Bert Couldnt Make Head Or Tail Of It: One of the characters you come across in "Shake a Tower" is a "queer old dean". This is referring to the strange college frat ritual he's undergoing, where a leopard repeatedly shoves him. You turn them into a dear old queen and a loving shepherd.
  25. Webcomic.Yu Me Dream: Fiona doesn't understand what Jake means when he says he's "gay" at first.
  26. Woolseyism.Comic Books: The Tintin books, like their rival Asterix, are also famous for a lot of punning, especially when the fairly deaf Professor enters the scene, and the translators, at least into English, tend to be quite good at altering the text to make the things like rhyming work. They also have Tintin, in particular, using a lot of contemporary British turns-of-phrase, many of which have changed in meaning.
  27. SelfDemonstrating.The Joker Tropes G To N: Laugh at MY boner, will you?!
  28. Creator.LM Montgomery: Like any other writer of her era, Montgomery runs hard into this trope. She loved the use of the term "puss" to describe a cat, and pretty much every heroine of hers is called "queer" sooner or later — meaning, unusual, defiant of social custom, difficult to define.
  29. Literature.Slime 1953: At one point, Gowse is described as "queer."
  30. ComicBook.Garfield His 9 Lives: "Big Bob cum!"
  31. Theatre.The Sound Of Music: The baroness gives "rather gay parties" in Vienna. At one point, Uncle Max asks the children "What's the matter with you gloomy pussies?" Kurt says "I wonder what grass tastes like..." Though "grass" was a more common slang word for marijuana at the time the film was made than it is now.
  32. Manga.Kinnikuman: Translating the title and recurring lyric of the 2nd anime opening theme runs into this. The Japanese title is "Hono'o no Kinnikuman". The literal translation would be "Flame's Kinnikuman" or "Kinnikuman of Flames", but the more functional translation would be "Flaming Kinnikuman". Of course, "flaming" in American slang carries a...different connotation. Most translators settle on "Burning Kinnikuman," even if it is a slightly inaccurate translation. note If it were meant to be "Burning Kinnikuman", the Japense title would be something like "Moete Kinnikuman".
  33. Literature.Ardath: The door to Lysia's banquet hall looks like a solid wall. Theos is wondering how they'll proceed past the "huge erection". Lysia, we've been told, is an unbelievably beautiful woman who inspires desperate lust in every man she gazes upon. Draw your own conclusions as to whether Corelli was having a little fun there. (Hint:She was a huge fan of Shakespeare.)
  34. Literature.Jane Eyre: 'Ejaculate' is used as a Said Bookism several times. "The sleepers were all aroused: ejaculations, terrified murmurs sounded in every room..." "The clock struck eight strokes. It aroused him; he uncrossed his legs, sat erect, turned to me."
  35. Literature.Of Mice And Men: Curley's wife is referred to as "jail bait" a number of times, but she is not underage; it is used to mean that the workers are worried that, if they crossed her, she would accuse them of rape and they would end up in prison.
  36. Literature.The Left Hand Of Darkness: The use of the term "bisexual" to describe regular human societies may come as that today.
  37. ComicBook.Wonder Woman Number One: Mercury is meant to be "gay" in the happy sense, not the homosexual sense.
  38. Recap.Spider Man 1967 S 02 E 19 To Cage A Spider: The robbers at the beginning manage to take down Spider-Man by throwing a "vibrator" at him. No, Spidey wasn't knocked unconscious by a sex-toy, as it clearly resembles a jackhammer more than anything else.
  39. Theatre.King John: A character is called a cracker, centuries before it became a racial epithet. (Though in fact, it's probably the exact same meaning, coming from the common root in Northern England and Scotland and meaning boastful bragging and joshing. It survives in Ireland with the — actually quite recent — Hibernicized spelling "craic", and travelled to America with the "Scots-Irish" settlers.)
  40. Literature.The Code Of The Woosters: Stop your snickering; "Stiffy" is a perfectly innocent nickname for "Stephanie."
  41. YMMV.The New Guardians: One of the starter villains was Hemo-Goblin, a goblin that gives people HIV (seriously). In the 2000's the character's name being close enough to "emo" plus the association with blood prompted a very brief Memetic Mutation reinterpreting him as emo.
  42. Literature.Encyclopedia Brown: One of the cases is titled, "The Case of the Frightened Playboy", with the title character being the old meaning of the term: an independently wealthy man who doesn’t work for a living. Nowadays, the term "playboy" calls to mind a certain magazine as well as one who lives the libertine lifestyle promoted by said magazine and its creator.
  43. Film.Smart Woman: The film's poster describes it as GAY! GOSSIPY! HILARIOUS!
  44. WesternAnimation.Reason And Emotion: At the end, the narrator says that Reason should "discriminate," using that word according to its literal meaning of, "to recognize distinctions." Nowadays, the word "discriminate" is used pretty much exclusively in reference to racial discrimination, giving it a very negative connotation.
  45. Franchise.Hellraiser: The word "cenobite" originally referred to a monastic living as part of a religious community. Since the release of Hellraiser and its sequels, however, the word now brings to mind pain-loving demons.
  46. VideoGame.Rome Total War: Certain Greek cities might be ruled by "Lesbian Rebels" note Rebels from Lesbos, that is during anarchy.
  47. YMMV.Dirty Harry: Narm: The Dirty Harry franchise has had its unintentionally funny moments:The torture scene described as "downright horrific" on the main page can just as easily be seen as a tad silly due to Scorpio's hysterical, overdone blubbering. Also, his scream when stabbed is hilarious. Not helping is the fact that it's, you know... Scorpio. The mayor's assurance that Scorpio will not be "molested" in any way (likely an example of Have a Gay Old Time).
  48. Literature.The Strange Case Of Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde: Here is how Mr. Enfield explains his reluctance to start asking questions about other people's business note "Queer Street" referred to Carey Street, where London's bankruptcy courts were located - saying it essentially implies someone is in difficulty, typically financial: "...the more it looks like Queer Street, the less I ask." Then there's how Jekyll describes the duality of man, using an old word for a bundle of sticks: "It was the curse of mankind that these incongruous faggots were thus bound together..."
  49. WebVideo.Thug Notes: Incredibly Lame Pun: "So Don Quixote gets up on his horse, and Sancho gets up on his ass."
  50. Literature.Tales From The Mos Eisley Cantina: Call a Rabbit a "Smeerp": The music of the Modal Nodes (the Cantina band) was conceived as an alien interpretation of the music of Benny Goodman. Unfortunately, it gets the in-universe name "jizz".
  51. OnceOriginalNowCommon.Real Life: Even names themselves can fall into this trope, thanks to societal and cultural change(s) that make names go in and out of fashion. Many a person has read a period piece or Unintentional Period Piece and giggled at a name that means an unfortunate slang now (Such as "Gay" or "Karen"), a name that was once masculine/feminine being seen as a Gender-Blender Name now, or commenting how so-and-so is an "old person's name" because it's not as common in the present day.A comedian Bill Burr has a whole routine in which he asks how evil a person someone has to be for their name to be erased from book of baby names. The examples mentioned are normal names like Adolph and Jeffrey and (in his opinion) cool names like Judas.
  52. Funny.The Simpsons Season 14: Inspired by "El Barto", Homer calling himself "El Homo" for his attempt at graffiti.
  53. UsefulNotes.Scotland: Cock-a-leekie Soup: Yes, that's what it's called. Basically chicken, leek and potato soup. Bland, comforting and only memorable for the title, and that it originally contained prunes. Y'know, for the fibre! Some traditional cooks will still put the prunes in, going by the (cook)book and following the old-fashioned, original recipe; contemporary cooks might leave the prunes out to try new and innovative variants.
  54. Film.Sin Takes A Holiday: The unfortunately named Gaylord Stanton.
  55. Radio.Hancocks Half Hour: In 'A Sunday Afternoon At Home', Tony compares the excitement of a Sunday afternoon 'on the Continent' with a boring old English Sunday afternoon, where everything's shut. Naturally, this leads him to describe continental Europe in the most positive terms, where 'everything's gay! Not over here [Britain].'
  56. Film.To Have And Have Not: Part of the lyrics of the song, "Am I Blue?"; "Was I gay until today?" Even more hilarious for the viewers from ex-USSR, since in Russian "blue" is still a popular slang word for gays.
  57. Series.Isabel: In the second season, a miller complains about the new mayor's "sisas". "Sisar" survives in modern Spanish as slang for stealing, but it originally meant taxing. Only Moors say "ojalá", and they do it very serious and solemnly. This is because it stands in dialogue for its root, sha'a Allah, or "God willing" in Arabic, which later passed into colloquial Spanish as slang for "I hope".
  58. Literature.The Eagle Of The Ninth: Cottia: Where is Cub? Marcus: Making love to Sasstica for a bone.
  59. Literature.Between Two Fires: The term "gay" is used to denote cheeriness, not homosexuality. Homosexual men are instead referred to as "buggers."
  60. WesternAnimation.Captain N The Game Master: Ganon: "Ahhh, you brought your friends for my coming out party!" One Episode had King Hippo threatening to "toss" Eggplant Wizard's "salad".
  61. Film.Your Highness: Fabious tells Thaddeous he wants him to "be gay" (meaning "be merry" in archaic English) with him and their father. Thaddeous prefers to fence shadows and brood.
  62. YMMV.Recess: Aluminum Christmas Trees: Finster mentions that Randall was "Fingered" - specifically because everyone ratted him out. Whilst many have considered this Accidental Innuendo and it's become a meme in of itself, Finster is actually correct in her usage.
  63. Literature.Freddy The Pig: Almost literally, when the animals tease Freddy on realizing that his dignified invitation addressed "Frederick Bean, Esquire" looks like the sentence "Frederick Bean is queer." Brooks presumably meant they were calling him weird, not being homophobic.
  64. Literature.The Fox And The Hound: A few uses of "gaily" and "queer".
  65. AccidentalInnuendo.Video Games: In Paper Mario 64, there's a little (male) star kid called Twink. The name itself is supposed to be derived from the word twinkle, but in the twenty years that have passed since the game first released, the term "twink" acquired a... completely different meaning.
  66. Literature.Mr Standfast: Given that he was writing in the early twentieth century, Buchan has his moments — most notably, Richard Hannay is known to his friends as 'Dick'.
  67. Characters.Ragnarok II The Gate Of The World: Pistol-Whipping: Butt Stroke (or Flinte Slam) allows Recruits to smash the buttstock of their steam gun into the head of their target at the cost of 1 LP. (This is an actual military technique, in case you're wondering.)
  68. Film.Chitty Chitty Bang Bang: "You'll find a slight squeeze on the hooter an excellent safety precaution, Miss Scrumptious."
  69. VideoGame.Final Fantasy VIII: Seifer's "romantic dream" of being a Sorceress Knight. He's talking in the classical definition of chivalric romance, a genre and time where to love someone meant to be loyal to them, as a knight would proclaim his love for his king. Seifer grew up a fan of films about heroic Knights that protected Sorceresses from harm, and wants to be just like them. In summary, Seifer's "romantic dream" is to become an Ascended Fanboy and be a Sorceress Knight, which is why he goes with Edea and becomes so devoted to her. But without the knowledge of what "romantic" means in the chivalric sense, and without Seifer's history with old films ( which is only explained in the game's guidebook), it comes off as him talking about romantic love, which is wildly out of character and makes no sense within the narrative.
  70. ValuesDissonance.Video Games: The original Playstation version of Dragon Quest VII features a few: In Ballymaloy, the PS1 translation has a person say a village was "Raped of its women". While it's actually a correct usage of the word, this was not used in in the 3DS remake's localisation. There is one village where you see a few children trying to milk a cow and not having success... only for the party chat to point out that's a bull. Mervyn says "I've milked many a teat in my day", a line which was not put into the 3DS version... however the gag about children trying to milk a bull was retained!
  71. Series.QI: In "Jargon", the panel discussed the "ejaculations" in Sherlock Holmes, how Watson ejaculated twice as often as Holmes, an ejaculation once woke Watson up, Mrs. St. Clair's husband ejaculated from his second-floor window, and so on.note In this case, ejaculation means "to exclaim suddenly". In "Justice", Stephen describes an old law forbidding sexual assault in which the actual word used for the activity in question is "meddling". Alan remarks that if the word had retained that meaning Scooby-Doo would have been very different. In "Messy", there's a great deal of fun had discussing what women (and men) of the 18th and 19th centuries kept in their muffs.
  72. Recap.Blackadder S 3 E 2 Ink And Incapability: A somewhat subtle example: Blackadder says that "The prince cannot wait to patronise your dictionary." At the time, "patronise" meant "to be a patron of; to bankroll", which is what Doctor Johnson is looking for. Of course, to modern audiences, "patronise" means "to sarcastically insult", which is closer to what the regent actually does to the dictionary.
  73. Funny.Tropico: The description for legalizing gay marriage. Penultimo mistakenly uses the old definition of gay, which prompts him to question why this is such a controversial matter in the first place.And when you approve it, he and Sunny explain on TNT that the army has repealed its "Don't ask, don't tell" policy, replacing it with a "Don't ask, just don't ask" policy.
  74. Film.Gilda: "You must lead a gay life", says Johnny to Ballin.
  75. Characters.Erin Dies Alone: Covert Pervert: When Althea said she was going to flash Gunny, Erin immediately thought of one of the modern uses of the term. She actually meant she was going to blind him with a flash of light.
  76. Film.The Brady Bunch: Twice. First, when Carol's kidnapper rents a jeep, Carol wishes she could "be gay again", and comments that she would be if Marcia, Cindy, Jan and Alice were around. Later, the rental man asks Mike whether he knows his wife wants to be gay, so Mike exclaims that's what the entire Brady Bunch wants to be.
  77. Literature.Ramona Quimby: Beezus and Ramona contains the sentence "With grey thread, Beezus carefully outlined the steam coming from the teakettle's spout and thought about her pretty young aunt, who was always so gay and understanding." Although this was published in the mid-50s, gay as in "homosexual" and not "happy" started to catch on during that time.
  78. Funny.Watch This: Just before the next week's movie is revealed, Romi brings up the Swedish ending of Finding Dory. When Andrew and Riley watch it, they're flabbergasted and break into heavy laughter. Andrew claims his voice went up three octaves when he watched it.
  79. HoYay.Literature: While most of the subtext in the Mémoires du général Thiébault falls under Have a Gay Old Time, there's that exchange between Thiébault and Jules de Canouville Some context Canouville, Pauline Bonaparte's current lover, was sent to carry dispatches to Marshal Masséna's army in Portugal. On the way there, he stopped in Salamanca and invited himself at the house of the Duchess of Abrantès... then it turned out that he had not planned anything in the way of accommodation, so Thiébault offered to have a bed set up for him in his parlour. Canouville: "General, you are so kind." Thiébault: "Well?" Canouville: "Well, I'm too miserable to sleep alone." Thiébault: "And? You don't want to sleep with me!" Canouville: "No, General, but please install the bed in your room." Though it seems that all that Canouville did before finally falling over from exhaustion was talk about Pauline.
  80. Creator.Agatha Christie: Naturally. One of the most prominent examples comes from Poirot's short story titled "The Adventure of the Western Star":"That's queer," I ejaculated suddenly beneath my breath.
  81. Funny.The Nostalgia Critic 2017 Episodes: Every single joke revolving around the homo-erotic undertones between Fred and Barney (and occasionally other characters), eventually resorting to simply using the classic line from the show's theme song. We'll have a gay old time!
  82. Film.Black Sabbath 1963: Gorca at one point says "Can't I fondle my own grandson?"
  83. YMMV.A Prairie Home Companion: Ho Yay: Occasionally between Dusty and Lefty, the cowboys. They tend to say "my partner", which makes people think of the newer version of "partner".
  84. Film.Drums Along The Mohawk: "That's a queer one, ain't he?"
  85. Literature.Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban: Aunt Marge, who is a dog breeder, says while insulting Harry and his parents: "You see it all the time with dogs. If there's something wrong with the bitch, there'll be something wrong with the pup—" before being interrupted in mid-word.
  86. Creator.Alexander Pope: The Rape of the Lock (1712): A mock-heroic epic in which Pope writes about a theft of a lock of hair (in the earlier sense of the word, "rape" was derived from the Latin word "rapere", which means "to snatch, to carry off").
  87. Funny.Designing Women: Suzanne invites a former beauty contestant (and unbeknownst to Suzanne, a lesbian) to attend an event with her: Suzanne: Isn't she a sweetheart? You know, if all the women in the world were like her I'd have no trouble finding a girlfriend. Mary Jo: Well, I think that's the understatement of the decade! Upon Suzanne's realization in the same episode... Mary Jo: Oh Suzanne, loosen up. It's the '90s! Suzanne: Well it's not the gay '90s!
  88. Film.Cleopatra 1934: When a cranky Octavian makes a nasty remark to Antony, Antony says Octavian is in "his usual gay mood."
  89. WesternAnimation.Cat Dog: One of Winslow's lines directed toward Cat, which goes "How 'bout I sock you right in the pussnote As in 1940s slang for "face", Puss!note As in general slang for cat". They could get away with it in the 90s, but given the term's change in usage over the years, it's a miracle that this line was able to stay in on re-airings.
  90. YMMV.Twisted Translations: "Miley Cyrus" mentions that she has a "queer" heart in Wrecking Ball. This became Hilarious in Hindsight one year later, when Miley Cyrus actually came out as bisexual.
  91. Literature.The Diary Of A Madman: After killing the boy, the judge writes "In the evening I was very gay, light, rejuvenated".
  92. Literature.The Lost World 1912: A semi-inflated hot air balloon is described as a "flaccid organ". The explorers are described as tossing "faggots" onto their campfire.
  93. WebVideo.Retsupurae: In Dark Seed II: Mike Dawson: I don't think Ik and Uk are going to molest me anymore.
  94. Literature.Beowulf: There are a few phrases in the Old English poem that look like they can almost pass for Modern English, with some... uncomfortable meanings. One such phrase is from line 811: "he wæs fag wið God". Realizing that that ð is used in Old English to spell th, the line seems like it says, "He [Grendel] was a fag with God". However, "fag" in Old English means "enemy" and has nothing to do with the modern word, so the line actually means "He was an enemy of God".
  95. Memes.Retsupurae: Index entry or ZCE
  96. Music.Shelby Flint: Plenty on Sings Folk, since the lyrics have been left unaltered.
  97. Series.Happy Days: Played with in "The Best Man," where Fonzie refers to "Black people" and Richie corrects him, saying the preferred term is "Negroes" — which was true in The '50s, despite its being the other way around in The '70s.
  98. Literature.Swallows And Amazons: Yes, the second-youngest Swallow really is called Titty. Her real name is unknown. This was the nickname of Mavis Altounyan, upon whom Titty Walker is based; whether the fictional Titty is also named Mavis is never stated. No, this is never relevant to the story, though Ransome did once acknowledge its oddness: You must be John and you're Susan. And that's Roger. Which is the one with the funny name? (Secret Water) The origin of the name is one of the title characters from a children's book, Titty Mouse and Tatty Mouse, which was a favourite of Mavis Altounyan when she was small.Averted in some reprints which change the name to "Tilly." Also in the 1962 BBC TV adaptation, which changed it to "Kitty". The 1974 film implied that her full name was Titania — she is seen writing in an exercise book labelled "Titania Walker" — and therefore that "Titty" was a contraction of "Titania". In the 2016 film she's "Tatty".
  99. Literature.The Coronation: Averted! "Queer", usually found in actual literature of the 1890s being used in the old sense, is used here in the modern sense. Pavel notes how his gay uncle Simeon has made the town hospitable for homosexuals. (In Real Life this was in fact around the time that "queer" first began to be used as a homophobic slur.) "What a queer place Moscow is these days."
  100. Series.Endeavour: Strange tells Morse his colleagues think he's a "Queer fish, stand offish ... rude".
