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The Character Sheet for A Codette World Tour, which features most of the cast from the canon Total Drama World Tour, plus a few new characters.


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    Team Victory 

Cody, the Tech Geek

  • Adaptation Relationship Overhaul: Whereas he was largely oblivious to Alejandro's machinations in canon, he's one of the few suspicious of the newcomer at the start of the season in the story (although Alejandro manages to shake him off his tail in Jamaica).
  • Adaptational Badass: Without Sierra to carry him, he proves himself pretty capable in challenges and a competent teammate.
  • Be Yourself: Bridgette suggests him to try this instead of his usual Casanova Wannabe schtick in order to impress Gwen. Sadly, it doesn't work, thanks to Gwen's feelings for Duncan.
  • Berserk Button: The very idea of Alejandro manipulating his friend (and later secret crush) Bridgette deeply enrages him.
  • Break the Haughty: He goes through a heck of a lot of strife and heartbreak to earn his happy ending.
  • Chivalrous Pervert: Like in canon, with Bridgette remarking that he really is a sweet guy at heart despite being overly excited about girls.
  • Give Geeks a Chance: The whole point of the story is to pair him with Bridgette, a girl normally way out the league of a little nerd like him.
  • Heroic BSoD: Becomes incredibly depressed after Gwen breaks his heart, to the point where Bridgette and DJ consider voting him off for the sake of his health.
  • Hidden Depths: Whereas his canon self was presented as little more than a dweeby and perverted Dogged Nice Guy, he shows himself over the story to be a genuinely kind person towards virtually everyone.
  • I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: Falls into this when Bridgette ends up hooking up with Alejandro, despite the deep pain it causes him.
  • The Load: Becomes this during his Heroic BSoD, as he is too depressed to participate in challenges, leaving Bridgette and DJ to do all the work.
  • Nice Guy: His canon self was shown to be a good guy at heart, but here, his friendliness is taken further. He constantly watches out for his teammates and is deeply loyal to them (especially Bridgette), tries to cheer up Gwen with a self-made present reminding her of the friends she's made despite her coldness towards him, and does his best to help Courtney during her Unstoppable Rage and even comforts her after her eventual emotional breakdown. All of this is part of what causes Bridgette to fall in love with him.
  • Pride: He is very easily flattered, and Alejandro manages to get him off his tail by singing praise of his loyalty to his teammates.
  • Sweet Tooth: Just like his canon self. As he jokes, he's got more of a "sweet mouth".
  • Team Member in the Adaptation: He was on Team Amazon in canon, but due to some different decisions in the fic during the first challenge, circumstances cause him to end up on Team Victory instead.

Bridgette, the Soulful Surfer Girl

  • Adaptational Badass: In canon, she was the first female contestant eliminated twice in a row. Here, she holds up pretty well in challenges, even despite Alejandro charming and manipulating her.
  • All Love Is Unrequited: She is totally smitten by Alejandro and believes him to be the man of her dreams. Alejandro, on other hand, loathes her and sees her as a complete moron for him to toy with.
  • Amicable Exes: Becomes this with Geoff.
  • Ascended Extra: Big time. She goes from the third contestant eliminated to one of the finalists and, of course, the other romantic lead of the season.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Even Alejandro is terrified of her when she snaps at him for manipulating her feelings.
  • Break the Cutie: Not as horribly as in the canon season, but Bridgette still faces a lot of suffering before finally earning her happiness in the end.
  • Cute Clumsy Girl: As per canon. Here, her clumsiness plays a pivotal role in the story, as she ends up placing Cody on Team Victory when she accidentally knocks him off the pyramid, allowing many of the story's events to unfold.
  • Friend to All Living Things: Like her canon self, she's an animal lover, and her gentle compassion towards animals plays a role at a few points in the story.
  • Good Is Not Dumb: Although she fails to see Alejandro's true nature initially, she still proves to be much cleverer and stronger than Alejandro gives her credit for, and isn't so oblivious as to not become suspicious of Alejandro the few times he almost blows his cover.
  • Good Is Not Soft: Even Cody is surprised by how furious and determined she is to defeat Alejandro and make him pay for hurting and eliminating all her friends during the finals.
  • Granola Girl: Just like her canon self, with her hippie-like values popping up a few times during the story.
  • Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places: She laments how all her previous boyfriends were either shallow, lustful, or solely interested in using her.
  • Makeout Kids: Like her canon self, she's got a surprisingly strong sex drive, and uses her spare time with Cody for makeout sessions.
  • Nice Girl: As per canon, of course, as her incredibly sweet and considerate nature is what caused Cody to develop feelings for her and Sierra to accept her dating Cody. She shows deep sympathy for all of the other contestants (especially those eliminated by Alejandro), constantly looks out for Cody and takes care of him when he's sick, comforts Cody during his emotional breakdown, and takes responsibility for her mistakes and accidents and constantly apologizes for them.
  • She Cleans Up Nicely: While she already is considered very pretty, the sight of how beautiful she looked in a wedding dress during the Niagara Falls challenge was enough to snap Cody out of his Heroic BSoD.

DJ, the Brickhouse with Heart

  • Adaptational Badass: Without the animal curse to ruin his gameplay here, DJ proves to be a very competent competitor and makes it to the merge.
  • Ascended Extra: Goes from getting eliminated halfway through the season to reaching the merge.
  • Berserk Button: Piranha 3D is so awful for him that he totally snaps and freaks out when he watches it.
  • Best Friend: Towards Bridgette throughout the story.
  • Friend to All Living Things: Like in canon. But without the animal curse plaguing him, he's able to cooperate better with any animals Chris adds to the challenges.
  • Gentle Giant: Just like his canon self, he's a compassionate and kindhearted soul despite his tall and muscular frame, with the term even being used to describe him several times.
  • Nice Guy: As per canon. He tries to help Cody out of his Heroic BSoD and comforts Bridgette about the possibility of having to mercifully eliminate a depressed Cody.
  • Shipper on Deck: He roots for Bridgette and Cody to get together and teases Bridgette about it.

Leshawna, the Sister with 'Tude

  • Not Herself: Gets eliminated when Alejandro manipulates her into getting all arrogant and costing her team the challenge.
  • Sacrificial Lamb: Like Harold and Owen, she is one of Alejandro's early victims to elevate his villainy and manipulation skills.
  • Sassy Black Woman: Like in canon, except Alejandro's manipulations worsen her loud and proud attitude, which gets her eliminated.

Harold, the Dweeb with Mad Skills

  • Insufferable Genius: Like in canon, his incessant need to correct others and the pride he takes in his intelligence annoys everyone and causes problems. Alejandro's manipulations worsen these traits and get him eliminated.
  • Not Himself: He suffers the same fate as Leshawna.
  • Sacrificial Lamb: He's the first of Alejandro's victims and has no other role in the story.

    Team Chris is Really Really Really Really Hot 

Alejandro, the Archvillain

  • Adaptation Relationship Overhaul: Whereas in canon, he was neutral towards Bridgette and Cody and merely saw them as pawns in his game, he outright despises the former and sees the latter as a major threat here.
  • Adaptational Villainy: He's even nastier and crueler than his canon self, without any of his positive qualities. And he gets worse as the story progresses.
  • Berserk Button: Like in canon, you should never bring up his brother Jose. But that's NOTHING compared to what happens if you call him "Al" once too often.
  • Big Bad: As per canon, only he gets worse as the season goes on.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing / Faux Affably Evil: He's even slipperier than in canon and proves very good at worming his way out of the other contestants' suspicions of him, thanks to his charming skills, some very good acting, and using carefully selected language.
  • The Chessmaster: Like his canon self. He constantly manages to outmaneuver the others and get them off his tail when they grow suspicious of him, even outsmarting Noah and Cody.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Despite being even more selfish and ruthless than in canon, even he is disgusted by Duncan cheating with Gwen and shows sympathy for Sierra when Chris disqualifies her for destroying the plane. And despite faking a rape attempt, he would NEVER actually commit those actions.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: He has a more volatile temper than in canon, and it results in him almost exposing himself for who he truly is a few times times.
  • Hate Sink: Whereas he was meant to be praised and admired for his villainy in the show proper, Alejandro is written in this fic specifically to be hated with his hateful treatment of Bridgette and Cody (seeing the former as an expendable sex object and attempting to hurt the latter out of spite several times), his cruel indifference towards all the contestants, his feigned kindness towards everyone, and all his negative traits amped up. And he gets worse as the story continues.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Bridgette manages to get his guard down and expose his true identity by using the exact same seductive charms he had been using on her, surprising and confusing him with her actions.
  • Jerkass: He's even slimier and more ruthless than his canon self, especially towards Bridgette, who he constantly calls a foolish and vapid bimbo only good for making out with in confessionals.
  • Kick the Dog: His eliminations of Nice Guys Owen and DJ (with the former especially stinging, given that Owen was one of his own teammates). Bridgette even remarks how only the most horrible of people could possibly frame and manipulate such good and kind people into getting eliminated.
  • Manipulative Bastard: As per usual, but with more emphasis on the "bastard" part, even reuniting Lindsay and Tyler for the purpose of getting them to help him eliminate Noah.
  • Pet the Dog: Genuinely bid goodbye to Tyler when he's eliminated without any tactic or manipulation.
  • Pride: While his canon self was definitely prideful, it's taken further here and made into his Fatal Flaw, as his dim view of Bridgette blinds him to her turning the tables on him and he freely gloats about his evilness in confessionals.
  • Romantic False Lead: For Bridgette, who is totally smitten by his looks and gentlemanly charms while he excels at hiding his vile true nature.
  • Smug Snake: His arrogance and narcissism prove his undoing when Bridgette discovers all his confessionals of him boasting of his hatred for Bridgette and ability to get others eliminated.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Succumbs to this in the finale as his determination to win at any costs and his Berserk Button getting pushed one too many times turn him into a murderous, raving lunatic.

Duncan, the Delinquent

  • Demoted to Extra: He competes in far less episodes than he does in the canon season, but he still manages to leave a massive impact on the story.
  • Disappeared Dad: Is this to Gwen's son.
  • Jerkass: Even moreso than his canon self, only this time, he's got none of his redeeming qualities and his behaviour starts rubbing off on Gwen.
  • Karma Houdini: After starting a huge mess with the love triangle, hurting many of the other contestants (notably Cody and Tyler), getting Gwen pregnant, emotionally breaking Courtney, and abandoning his friends and family, he ultimately receives no comeuppance.
  • The Runaway: Becomes this for most of the story, first after quitting in Egypt (until Chris and Chef find him in Jamaica and trick him into coming back onto the show) and then again after being eliminated properly in Greece.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: He's only present for two chapters (and 4 of his canon self's episodes), but his affair with Gwen causes shockwaves with a deep effect on the story and nearly everyone on the plane.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: After he breaks up with Gwen and abandons her, it's never explained what happened to him.

Tyler, the Jock Who Sucks at Sports

  • Ascended Extra: Instead of getting the boot halfway through the season, he reaches the merge and becomes the last supporting character eliminated.
  • A Death in the Limelight: He gets eliminated in the Africa challenge after saving Cody and Bridgette and finally overcoming his signature clumsiness for once.
  • Graceful Loser: He's not at all unhappy with his elimination, instead declaring he has no need for the prize money after he saved two lives that day.
  • Keeping Secrets Sucks: Like in canon, he catches Duncan cheating with Gwen, and finds himself deeply troubled with having to hide it or Duncan will pummel him.
  • Lovable Jock: As always, but his heroic nature truly shines during the Africa challenge when he saves Cody from Sierra and then both Bridgette and Cody from falling off a cliff.
  • Non-Gameplay Elimination: Chris has him automatically disqualified for knocking out Sierra with tranquilizer balls in order to avoid a lawsuit from her family.

Noah, the High IQ

  • Best Friend: Serves this role to Cody, despite his early elimination.
  • Deadpan Snarker: As per usual, he's loaded with sardonic Churchillian wit, often directed at Cody's denial of his feelings for Bridgette.
  • Demoted to Extra: He's the only one of the "returning favourites" who's eliminated earlier than in canon. Downplayed however in that he still leaves a major impact on the story.
  • He Knows Too Much: Like in canon, he's one of the few suspicious of Alejandro from the start, and it gets him eliminated when Alejandro catches wind of his plan to oust him and his true identity.
  • Out-Gambitted: His gambit to expose Alejandro gets outsmarted thanks to the latter helping Lindsay and Tyler reunite to recruit them as voting pawns.
  • Sacrificial Lion: His failed attempt to get rid of Alejandro in Newfoundland leads to his own elimination and a significant wedge being thrown between Cody and Bridgette.
  • Shipper on Deck: He teases Cody about his feelings for Bridgette, betting that the two will become a couple by the end of the season.

Lindsay, the Dumb Princess

  • Ascended Extra: Becomes the last contestant eliminated before the merge instead of one of the first out of the game.
  • The Ditz: Alejandro takes advantage of her legendary stupidity, helping her remember who Tyler is so they will help him eliminate Noah as repayment and then gambling on her accidentally voting for herself to get her eliminated.
  • Too Dumb to Live: Just like in Action, Lindsay accidentally eliminates herself.
  • The Smurfette Principle: She replaces Izzy as the sole female member of Team Chris is Really Really Really Really Hot.
  • Team Member in the Adaptation: She was on Team Victory in canon, but due to the changes instigated by Cody going over the pyramid instead of under, she and Alejandro become the first new members of Team CIRRRRH.

Owen, the Big Guy

  • Amicable Exes: Implied to be this with Izzy.
  • Big Eater: Obviously, but this time, his appetite gets him eliminated when Alejandro manipulates it to get him to inadvertently throw the challenge in New York by eating the team's giant apple.
  • Demoted to Extra: From one of the canon season's mergers to among the first of Alejandro's victims.
  • The Load: When he becomes one of Alejandro's helpers, although it's not clear if he's deliberately trying to be one in this case.
  • Nice Guy: Bridgette points this out as his strongest quality, saying that nobody in their right mind would frame someone as lovable and innocent as him to get him eliminated.
  • Sacrificial Lamb: He replaces Bridgette in her canonical status as one of Alejandro's first victims.
  • Token Good Teammate: Is this when he and Heather become Alejandro's helpers in the finale.

    Team Amazon 

Sierra, the Obsessed Uber-Fan

  • Berserk Button: Mistreating or badmouthing Cody in any way is a one-way ticket to incurring her wrath. Even Alejandro was terrified when Sierra learned of him framing Cody and tried to kill him.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: A one-sided instance towards Cody and regarding his friendship with Bridgette, although she gets better.
  • A Death in the Limelight: Gets a lot of spotlight in Chapter 8's Alberta challenge over her feelings on Cody and Bridgette getting together, only to be eliminated at the end of the chapter.
  • Hidden Depths: While depicted as little more than an ditzy and insane Cody fangirl in canon, she's shown here to be very sneaky, a tech whiz, and very good at deducing information about others based on the tiniest clues. She also reveals that she really does care about Cody in a genuine fashion and actually understands him to be more than just a girl-crazy geek, rather than merely being very possessive of him.
  • I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: With Cody after he hooks up with Bridgette.
  • If You Ever Do Anything to Hurt Her...: Makes this very clear towards Bridgette after Cody hooks up with her.
  • Loony Fan: As per her canon self, she's this to Cody. In fact, she's an even bigger case at the beginning than she ever was in canon.
  • Non-Gameplay Elimination: She gets eliminated for the same reasons as in canon.
  • Spanner in the Works: Her laptop's access to all the Total Drama episodes ends up derailing Alejandro's plans when Bridgette gets a hand on them and finds out Alejandro's true nature. The only reason she never figured out it out before Bridgette did was because she only watches the scenes with Cody in it.
  • Unstoppable Rage: If somebody harms her Codykins, she will be ready to give them hell, as seen when Duncan slugs Cody before he and Gwen hops off the plane.

Gwen, the Goth Girl

  • Deliver Us from Evil: Duncan getting her pregnant and then abandoning her is what leads to her Heel–Face Turn and redemption in the epilogue.
  • Demoted to Extra: Downplayed. Although she gets eliminated earlier than in canon, she still leaves a significant impact on the story.
  • Heel–Face Turn: While she does some truly nasty things towards her friends and takes major levels in jerkass before quitting, she ultimately comes to her senses in the finale and makes amends with her friends.
  • Love Makes You Evil: Her feelings for Duncan cause her to become far more cruel and callous towards everyone.
  • Non-Gameplay Elimination: She quits the game to join Duncan when he is eliminated and to avoid being attacked by everyone for hooking up with him behind Courtney's back.
  • Rage Breaking Point: Finally snaps at Cody's attempts to hit on her and screams in his face to stop it, shattering his heart.
  • Romantic False Lead: For Cody, who initially remains adamant on pursuing her despite others recognizing his growing feelings for Bridgette.
  • The Runaway: She and Duncan become this after quitting the game in Greece.
  • Teen Pregnancy: Conceives Duncan's son while they are on the run, leading to their breakup.
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: As a result of developing feelings for Duncan. She gets better in the end.

Courtney, the Type A

  • Adaptational Badass: In canon, Duncan's infidelity caused her to become vulnerable to Alejandro's manipulations. Here, she instead becomes outright impossible for him to flirt with due to entering an Unstoppable Rage over it instead.
  • Break the Haughty: Goes through this as a result of Duncan cheating on her with Gwen.
  • Broken Tears: She finally cracks in the China challenge, and suffers an emotional breakdown after getting injured and holding her sadness in for too long.
  • A Death in the Limelight: Gets a lot of focus in Chapter 6's China challenge, culminating in her redemption and recovery from how Duncan's affair with Gwen impacted her and then being eliminated afterwards.
  • Determinator: Which gets cranked up after Duncan cheats on her, as she wants to prove she is not a loser and can win the game without support from anyone.
  • Graceful Loser: Unlike in canon, she accepts her elimination with dignity this time.
  • No Indoor Voice: Throughout her Unstoppable Rage, she screams most of her dialogue.
  • Ship Tease: Jokes about the possibility of taking Cody as her boyfriend if Bridgette doesn't realize his feelings for her soon.
  • Throw the Dog a Bone: After being cheated on, being betrayed and punched in the face by her former friend, getting injured, and having an emotional breakdown, Courtney leaves the contest with her happiness and dignity renewed by Cody and Bridgette's kindness and the opportunity to formally apologize to everyone about her aggressive behaviour.
  • Unstoppable Rage: Unlike in canon, Courtney doesn't get weaker and more vulnerable as a result of Duncan cheating on her. Instead, she gets angrier, with Alejandro complaining that she's now impossible for him to manipulate.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Despite finally receiving happiness by the end of the season, it is never explained if she and Gwen ever made amends after the latter's return.

Izzy, the Psycho Hose Beast

  • Amicable Exes: Implied to be this with Owen.
  • Beta Couple: With Ezekiel.
  • Cloud Cuckoolander: As per usual, with a lot of her romantic moves towards Ezekiel highlighting this.
  • Manic Pixie Dream Girl: To the hopelessly naive Ezekiel
  • Non-Gameplay Elimination: She chooses to stay behind in Jamaica to recover from her injuries after awakening from her coma as Brainzilla.
  • Sudden Intelligence: Like her canon self, she turns into Brainzilla after waking up from her coma in Jamaica and chooses to exit the game because of her injuries.
  • Team Member in the Adaptation: She was a member of Team Chris is Really Really Really Really Hot in canon, but changes in the setup result in her being on Team Amazon instead.

Ezekiel, the Homeschooled Guy

  • Ascended Extra: He's not the first eliminated again this time and ends up making it past canon big-shots like Owen, Heather, and Duncan.
  • Beta Couple: Part of one with Izzy.
  • Butt-Monkey: Most of his scenes tend to be at his expense, such as becoming extremely dizzy and nauseous in the Japanese game show challenge, getting electrocuted by the dancing platforms in Germany, losing his emu in Australia, and a good number of moments of Izzy bothering him.
  • No Social Skills: He's every bit as clueless as his canon self, screwing things up a few times because of this and being constantly baffled with Izzy's affectionate behaviour towards him.
  • The One Guy: He replaces Cody as the sole male member of Team Amazon.
  • Team Member in the Adaptation: He was placed on Team Victory in canon, but in this version, Chris chooses to put him on Team Amazon instead.
  • Throw the Dog a Bone: While he doesn't make it as far as he was determined to at the start of the season, he gets a consolation prize in a girlfriend and avoiding his horrid canonical fate.

Heather, the Queen Bee

  • Adapted Out: She has no Belligerent Sexual Tension with Alejandro here, and solely supports him in the finale because she believes he has a better chance of winning.
  • Demoted to Extra: MASSIVELY. She goes from the season's protagonist with plenty of character growth to being a mere fodder elimination and one of the first eliminated in the game.


Chris McLean, the Host

  • Bad Boss: As seen in both Japan and Alberta, things never end well for any interns who screw up the challenge preparation process.
  • Demoted to Extra: Unlike in canon, where he frequently receives large amounts of screentime, he's mainly just a background character in the story, rarely ever engaging in his usual Screw the Rules, I Make Them! routine.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Despite his love of making things difficult for the contestants, he's far more infuriated by Staci's constant blabbering than any of them are, even though he took deep pleasure in adding her to the competition because he knew they would find her annoying.
  • It's All About Me: As per canon. His reaction to Bridgette, Cody, and Tyler almost all falling off a cliff in Africa is to praise them for giving him wicked ratings and then tell them not to ever do it again or else he could get sued and "that would seriously cut into [his] lobster budget". And then there's his canon reaction to Sierra blowing up his plane.
  • No Sympathy: As per canon, he cares little for the contestants' wellbeing. On two separate occasions, Cody is harmed in some way, and Chris simply ignores at Bridgette's pleas for Cody to be given medical attention.
  • Pet the Dog: He's a somewhat fairer host than in canon, such as allowing Geoff to replace an incapacitated DJ as one of Bridgette's helpers in the finale or giving the contestants a break from the challenges when the plane crashes in Jamaica.

Chef Hatchet, the Cook

  • Berserk Button: Hurting Ted the Tiger or badmouthing him. Just ask Chris.
  • Creepy Crossdresser: As per canon. Here, he wears a geisha costume in China. Tyler lampshades this, prompting Chef to whack him with his paper fan.
  • Deadpan Snarker: He has a few moments, such as remarking it's a bit too late to avoid being ostracized when Gwen announces she's quitting the game so she won't be shunned for cheating with Duncan or giving a sarcastic answer to Cody when he asks a dumb question in Niagara Falls.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Despite his surly nature and love of helping Chris torment the contestants, he cares a lot about Ted the Tiger. Enough to punish his friend Chris and oppose his usual antics when the host complains about Ted.

Geoff, the Party Guy

  • Amicable Exes: Becomes this with Bridgette in the end.
  • The Atoner: He deeply regrets losing Bridgette's love for him and volunteers one of her helpers in the finale because he wants to make up to her for his behaviour in Action, as well as avenge what Alejandro has done to her and all of their friends.
  • Hidden Depths: His experiences as host of the Aftermath have made him really good at pitching ideas in the world of showbiz.
  • I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: Tells Cody he wants this with Bridgette when Cody voices concern that Geoff will turn on him for hooking up with her in the finals.
  • Nice Guy: He's reverted to the sweet, optimistic fun-lover Bridgette fell in love with back in Island and is determined to make up for all his mistakes and misbehaviours in Action.

Ted, the Tiger

  • Kindhearted Simpleton: Is a friendly and good-natured goofball who just loves making friends and having fun.
  • Meaningful Name: Ted is a tiger with a personality based on Ed.
  • Team Pet: Chef pretty much turns him into the season's mascot.

Staci, the Compulsive Liar

  • Adaptational Early Appearance: She canonically debuts in the season following World Tour, but here, she replaces Blaineley as the season's latecomer.
  • Character Filibuster: Her incessant talking is even worse than in canon.
  • Flat Character: Has just as much depth to her character as she does in canon.
  • Hate Sink: Like her canon self, she is made as annoying as possible with her non-stop lying so nobody will miss her when she gets eliminated in her only competing episode.
  • Motor Mouth: She exasperates everyone with her excessive chatting, especially DJ (who has the misfortune of being her groom for the challenge) and Chris.
  • Mythology Gag: Some of the relatives she mentions have the same names as contestants from her canonical debut season, Revenge of the Island.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: She only competes during the Niagara Falls challenge and is eliminated immediately afterwards.
