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Nightmare Fuel / Dream SMP: Season Three

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    The Imprisonment Arc 
  • Tommy's visit to Dream gives us our first detailed look at the inside of Pandora's Vault, and it is terrifying. The security measures include poison potions, Sam killing Tommy at least twice to check that he has no items, and getting carried across a giant chasm of lava standing on a single block, with only a fire resistance potion to protect you. You sort of have to admire Sam's ingenuity in making the whole thing as horrible and impenetrable as possible.
  • Sam asks Tommy to investigate the mysterious Egg for him, as it could impact the construction of the Big Innit Hotel. Tommy meets up with Antfrost and BadBoyHalo, who take him to the Egg. The whole thing is... incredibly creepy.
    • The first thing Tommy notes is how out of character they're both acting. Tommy is very unsettled by BBH's white outfit (which he quickly swaps out of once Tommy points it out) and Ant's magenta eyes, and is even more unnerved by the fact that Bad isn't even telling him off for swearing. After he points it out, Bad makes an effort to act more like himself, but even when Tommy drops F-bombs left and right, all he gives him is a monotone "Language."
    • Ant and Bad pressure Tommy into stepping on top of the Egg, in the hopes he'll be possessed as well. But nothing happens. Tommy is neither attracted to or repulsed by the Egg, and just kind of stands there, confused. Bad then pulls Ant to the side... and start debating whether or not to feed Tommy to the Egg.
      Bad: Okay, something... Something is not working. I don't get it. It's not having an effect on him...
      Ant: Perhaps the Egg wishes to consume him instead.
      • Tommy starts trying to deflect, preparing for an escape attempt as he tries to get more information out of Bad and Ant. However, mid-way through his barrage of questions, Bad interrupts him to listen to the Egg... then changes into his corrupted skin.
        Bad: I don't think the Egg likes you very much, Tommy...
      • Tommy immediately makes a break for it, pearling away and sprinting out of the room, before using his trident to fly away in the rain… but Bad and Ant don't let up. They chase Tommy all the way back to the construction site, taunting him the entire time, until Sam steps in and chases them off. Tommy was incredibly under-geared, being chased by two people in full Netherite. If Sam hadn't interfered when he did...
      • As Ant and Bad are walking away, Bad makes some very thinly veiled death threats.
        Bad: Based on what you've said, Tommy, I think you're one of the few people that... will not be around, once the Egg has spread across the SMP. So... have fun, Tommy! While you can!
        Tommy: Wait no, Bad, Bad, Bad, listen, listen! I don't– I don't dislike the Egg, I don't hate it, I– It just doesn't have any effect on me! I'm not– I don't even feel like I'm immune, like, I could feel it talkin' in me head, it just felt like– It just felt like the women in there!
        Bad: Tommy, Tommy. People are allowed the like the Egg, they are allowed to hate the Egg...
        Tommy: I just– I didn't have any opinion on it. I was neutral.
        Bad: Nobody is allowed to be neutral, Tommy.
        Tommy: That is– why– Why is that the thing that pisses you off? That is such an obscure– I'm neutral, man! I'm neutral! I'm in the middle, hm?
        Bad: Because it means that it has no effect on you, Tommy. And that is the problem.
    • Later, Tommy returns to the Egg-room with Tubbo, who had gotten a hazmat-suit from Church Prime earlier. Tommy starts hearing the Egg speak to him, and relays to Tubbo that it's telling him to take off the suit. Tubbo does so without hesitation... and is so repulsed by what he hears that he immediately bursts into horrified tears, crying so hard he's practically incapacitated.
    • Tommy and Tubbo are discovered in the Egg-room by Bad and Ant. Tommy tries to bargain his way out, as well as get Tubbo (who is slowly recovering from his emotional breakdown) prepared to run if need be. But once they start speaking, Bad and Ant make it very clear that they're not intending on letting either of them go. In fact, Ant steps behind the two of them to block their exit, and Bad builds a small, obsidian cage. He then orders Tubbo — who still carries a lot of trauma from the Manburg Festival — into the box, causing Tubbo to start scream-crying as he tries to shuffle away.
    • After Tubbo makes a break for it, Bad orders Tommy to get into the box. Tommy, after some hesitation, does, and immediately gets boxed in with obsidian. Bad then tells him that maybe Tommy's "immunity" is because he hasn't been exposed to the Egg long enough (similar to how Skeppy's supposed immunity gets nullified after being stuck inside the Egg for too long), and plans to leave Tommy there until he gets corrupted.
  • Bad and Ant call Sam and Puffy in for a meeting. Bad explains that Tommy being immune to the Egg is a very bad thing, and that that means he has to go. Sam and Puffy are completely horrified, Sam especially, since he knows just how much Tommy has suffered already. Bad then changes into his corrupted skin again, and asks Sam very seriously if he still loves the Egg, to which Sam responds that he hates it. Bad responds to this by dropping Sam into the Egg's chamber and trapping him down there. Puffy tries to save him, but Ant tries to kill her and she's forced to flee. Sam can be heard screaming for help, begging Bad to let him out and Puffy to come save him... until he starts complaining of a pounding headache, before going quiet.
    Bad: And guess what, Sam?! You're going to be staying down there, until you learn to love the Egg like us!
    • When Puffy finally gets the chance to save Sam, it's about 14 hours later. By this point, Sam is barely coherent, mumbling and slurring his words and generally sounding scared, sick and exhausted. The Egg has forced him to stay inside his obsidian cage and get rid of all of his items, and you get the impression that he's too tired to even be upset about that. The absolute worst part, though? The Egg's influence on Sam has been so bad that parts of his skin have started falling off, and, because he didn't have anything else, he's been EATING them!
    • Additionally, when Puffy, Tommy, and Sam found a piece of the Egg in Sam's house, Sam seemed okay with it being there despite the fact that he's hated the egg from the very beginning. It seems that Bad's plan to make Sam love the Egg might be working out after all...
  • Ranboo's visit to Dream in prison goes very, VERY south. Despite the fact that Ranboo and Dream have never interacted one-on-one up until this point, Dream treats him like an old friend, says he's surprised Ranboo didn't come visit sooner, and wonders out loud why Ranboo is acting different. Ranboo tries to call him out on his lies... at which point Dream starts insisting Ranboo did commit the crimes the Dream-voice was accusing him of, while referring to himself in the third person. Ranboo, trying to make sense of the situation, opens Dream's chest of books... only to find that it's full of copies of his memory book. Dream then tells Ranboo to "face the truth", that he's been helping Dream, and that the Dream he's talking to isn't the real deal, it's the Dream-voice in Ranboo's head. Ranboo insists it isn't true... but then Dream says he's not real, and disappears. And then Ranboo's vision goes wobbly. And then the entire cell collapses in on itself.
  • At the end of one of George's streams, he half-jokingly tried to break Dream out, breaking a single piece of blackstone in the wall of Pandora's Vault before giving up when he saw the obsidian behind it. That's not scary. What is scary, is Sam's response on Twitter, accompanied with a video of him replacing the block, then staring silently into the camera.
    Sam: @GeorgeNotFound I promise you that this is not the George Lore you want. If this happens again I will take all of your cannon lives and end your lore right then and there. Do not mess with the prison.
  • Sapnap's visit to Dream is mostly sad, with Dream refusing to speak and Sapnap insisting he has to stay in the prison... until, towards the end of their conversation, Dream asks Sapnap to pass on a message to someone who has stopped visiting him.
    Sapnap: Who stopped visiting you? You can tell me, dude. You can still trust me.
    Dream: (through writing) ranboo
    Sapnap: Ranboo? You want me to pass a message to Ranboo for you? What message?
    Dream: :)
    • After Sapnap leaves, he contacts Ranboo, and passes on the message. Ranboo, who was pleasant and talkative before, suddenly goes very quiet, slowly looks from Sapnap to the Community Portal and back... then walks off. The smiley face made Ranboo enter his sleepwalking state, with terrifying implications.
  • Tommy visits Dream again, planning for this visit to be his final one to the prison. The visit goes surprisingly well for him, as he refuses to bend to any more of Dream's attempts at manipulation... and then an explosion goes off. And then another. And another. Tommy calls Sam, asking to be let out... But gets no response. He then realizes that one of the terms on the waiver he signed was that, if there was a security breach, he could be locked in with Dream for up to seven days. Tommy is now trapped, completely alone, in a tiny obsidian room, with only his abuser for company, for up to a WEEK.
    • Tommy's reaction when he realizes he's trapped is to have a complete nervous breakdown. He starts destroying Dream's items, trying to threaten him into letting him out, until Dream rightfully points out that he doesn't have a way out of the cell. Tommy then starts screaming for Sam, Phil, anyone to come let him out, while Dream happily tells him that this'll be just like old times, and that they're going to have so much fun together...
      • It gets worse when you realize that being locked up like this plays exactly into all of Tommy's worst fears. He's claustrophobic, Hates Being Alone, scared of Dream, scared of lava, scared of TNT, and scared of being abandoned. As he rightfully points out, this is like Exile all over again.
    • And added to that, there's the fact that we don't know who or what attacked the Prison. All we know is that explosions went off, and Sam had to go deal with them immediately. So either someone on the server is actively trying to break Dream out... or keep Tommy in.
  • After a week trapped in a tiny cell together, Tommy and Dream are both at their absolute limit. Tommy has been trying to stave off the claustrophobia-induced panic by being as irritating as humanly possible, and while Dream was glad to have company at first, he's now at the end of his rope. After Sam informs Tommy he'll have to stay there until the security problem is resolved, Tommy and Dream get into a massive fight, which escalates until they're both screaming at each other, hitting each other, and calling each other every nasty name in the book. This escalates until Dream proclaims that the fact that Tommy can't kill him makes him basically a god, and when Tommy refutes this, angrily telling him that he doesn't think the revive-book is real, Dream decides to prove his point by beating Tommy to death.
    • The most unsettling part was how sudden it was. Schlatt and Wilbur's death were built up and had a clear emotional release. Tommy's death happened so suddenly that the chat wasn't even sure that it was canon at first.

    The Mourning Arc 
  • The Eggpire's reaction to Tommy's death is extremely disturbing, celebrating Tommy's death in Tommy's own house and in the hotel.
    • This gets worse when you realize the Eggpire are almost completely under the Egg's control and as such are doing things they'd never do otherwise (think about how excited Bad was to give Tommy his Christmas present, for instance). Imagine being stuck inside your own mind, watching as you do and say things you'd never do, even throwing a party for the death of a 16-year-old, unable to properly process or mourn. And I Must Scream, indeed.
  • Tommy's conversation with Wilbur in the afterlife starts off funny, but quickly morphs into disturbing. Wilbur says that it's probably for the best that they're both dead, because they weren't good for the server, and that if he's brought back, he's probably going to fall into the exact same pattern again.
    • Not just that, he's been telling Tommy about his plans for if he ever gets revived. Tommy is so disturbed by them that, when Dream brings up the possibility of reviving others, he starts begging Dream not to bring Wilbur back to life.
  • As horrific as Tommy's death was, his revival is somehow worse.
    • The entire time, Tommy is on the verge of a panic attack, and for good reasons. His descriptions of the afterlife are absolutely terrifying, from feeling like his essence was being stretched and shredded into dust, to feeling like he was ripped to pieces and stomped on, to being stuck in a colorless void with only the other dead for company. He also reacts to every kind of sensation like he hasn't felt them in ages, from amazement at the fact that he feels hungry, to screaming at the sounds of the Elder Guardians and saying the sounds are more pure, to jumping away and yelling in agony when Dream so much as pinches him. Worse, time passes faster in the afterlife, so while in actuality it's only been two days, from Tommy's perspective, he's been stuck in what's essentially hell for two months.
      • If Tommy being stuck in the afterlife for two days in real time left him this traumatized, there's no telling what Wilbur's mental state must look like. He was already unstable before he died, and was then stuck in the afterlife for what, to him, felt like NINE YEARS!
    • Dream's reaction to Tommy's revival actually working is equally horrific. He doesn't seem to care that Tommy is extremely distraught and confused, just repeatedly asks him what it felt like to be dead, repeatedly forcing him to describe exactly what he went through. Then, when he comes to the realization that it actually worked, he goes even further off the rails, even suggesting killing Tommy over and over just so he can report back what the afterlife is like.
      Dream: (in disbelief) I... I'm a god. (laughing) I can bring people back to life, I didn't even know for sure that I could! But I can! I'm actually a god! [...] Maybe I'll bring Wilbur back. Maybe I won't. Maybe I'll send you back and, y'know, get some knowledge– I wanna figure it out, I wanna know... I wanna know how it works, I wanna know about death, y'know! We can study it! We can study it together! We can become immortal, together! By studying it!
      • When Tommy realizes just how powerful Dream is now that he has the book, he tries begging Dream to burn it. However, Dream has memorized the information in the book, meaning it can't be destroyed. Tommy comes to the conclusion that he needs to kill Dream to stop him from abusing his power again, and is more than willing to do it right then and there... until Dream points out that if he dies, Tommy will be stuck in the prison cell, alone, potentially for weeks, depending on when Sam feels ready to face Dream again. And when Sam opens the cell and sees Tommy there without Dream, he'll likely jump to conclusions and kill Tommy again on the spot. Tommy realizes to his horror, that he won't be able to kill Dream until Sam comes back to get him, and that he has to leave Dream alive. Not to mention the fact that, despite Tommy's panicked pleading, Dream plans to revive Wilbur (which means killing Ghostbur) in order to escape.

    Post-Lockdown Arc 
  • When Ranboo tells the other members of the Syndicate about Tommy's death (Technoblade had been asleep for a few weeks, Philza was trapped in a blizzard in the Antarctic Anarchist Commune, and Niki had been living underground for some time), their reactions were... less than empathetic.
    • Technoblade's happiness at Tommy's death was expected, given the hostility between them, but Philza had the same total lack of reaction towards Tommy's death.
      Niki: How did he die? Do you know?
      Ranboo: I was talking with Sam, Dream beat him to death, actually.
      Technoblade: Yoooo, that's a pog. Moving on.
    • Niki simply didn't believe that Tommy was dead because he just doesn't die. Granted, the fact that he survived multiple attempts on his life from herself and Jack may have skewed her perception of his survivability, but still.
      • Even if she does manage to kill Tommy, Dream can just revive him again. This means that if she keeps killing him, Tommy has to suffer in the afterlife before being revived every time. Intentionally or not, it's extremely horrifying that her retribution could potentially put Tommy into a Vicious Cycle of pain and abuse, essentially treating Tommy like a living chew toy for Niki and Dream.
  • Hannah was around 10,000 blocks from her house picking roses and planting trees for days, until she noticed something pulling her back to her house. She notices blood vines growing on her house, and comes to the conclusion that the Egg was the thing pulling her back. Sam and her clean up her house, then Bad and Ant show up to confront Hannah about the cleaning. Sam makes excuses to try and save Hannah, saying she was allergic to the vines, but this doesn't phase Bad and Ant, and they take her to the Egg room. Hannah is very clearly sick whenever she is in proximity to the Egg and tries to leave but Ant and Bad try to lure Hannah into the chamber, Sam clearly very frightened to go there and chose to stay near her house as he can only watch afar as the Eggpire took her into the chamber. When Hannah is in the chamber though they would kill her. Instead, they trap her in a box right above the Egg, she then complains about feeling faint before passing out in the Egg room.
    • About 1 day later, Sam finally gets the chance to save Hannah. Sam goes to get her, already traumatized from the previous experience he had with the Egg. By this point, the Egg has forced Hannah to stay inside the cage and get rid of all of her items. Even worse, all of the red colors are drained from her skin and house. Sam manages to free Hannah, but she was confused and ill. After they return to her home to clean up the vines, Hannah felt sort of attached to the Egg and unintentionally stabs Sam a few times while cleaning them. Sam tries to reconvince Hannah about how harmful the Egg could be to her.
    • The Eggpire later find out she is missing and head to her home. Sam tries his best to protect her while Hannah struggles to maintain herself down in the basement, as the Egg was calling out to her. After the Eggpire left her house, Sam burnt the remains of the Blood Vines, and Hannah stated that it 'hurt' her when he did that.
  • During one of Foolish's streams, Sam starts talking to him, clearly an absolute wreck. It turns out, in the week or so of radio silence after the murder of Tommy, Dream has not been quiet...
    Sam: He kills the other inmates
    Sam: and laughs
    Sam: and tells me to come into the cell so he can kill me
    Foolish: Awesamedude
    Sam: He tells me he knows everything
    Foolish: It's okay not to be okay
    Sam: that he is waiting
    Sam: for the right day
  • For as silly of a character as Quackity can be, in the right setting, he can be absolutely terrifying. After making a deal with Glatt, Quackity goes to the prison to get the revive-book from Dream, but not before convincing Sam to let him bring a sword and an axe into the main cell. Dream is initially smug, telling him that he burned the book, and asking if people thought it was cool that he brought Tommy back from the dead. Quackity, who is at this point nearly boiling over with suppressed rage, pulls out his weapons and very calmly explains that if Dream can't give him the book, he'll simply come by every day and make Dream's life a living hell. Dream loses his composure as soon as Quackity pulls out the sword, and backs himself into the corner of the cell, screaming for Sam to come help him. That's right, even Dream is afraid of Quackity.
    • The stream fades to black before we see what actually happens to Dream, but judging from the amount of blood on Quackity's clothes after he leaves the prison, it was nothing good...
      • At the end of the stream, following a reminiscent montage of El Rapids, there is a sudden real-life sequence of a briefcase full of poker chips and a whiteboard calendar getting tossed onto a table. What's the calendar filled out with? The words "Visit Dream"... written on every single date. Quackity is not going to leave Dream alone until he gets what he wants out of him.
  • As a prank, Ponk stole some of Sam's prison keycards, stashing them in his ender chest. Sam's response? He traps Ponk in a glass box, then proceeds to mercilessly torture him, while demanding the keycards back. Ponk has lava poured on him, is splashed with weakness, slowness and poison potions, has one of his canon lives taken, and when he tells Sam that he'd prefer being a ghost to seeing Sam be corrupted like this, Sam responds by chopping off his left arm!
    • The worst part? The prison is more than equipped for keycard theft. If a keycard gets stolen, Sam just needs to hit a button to create a new keycard and render all the other ones unusable. So Sam trapped Ponk, one of his closest friends, in a tiny box and brutally tortured him in order to get back the keycards that didn't even work anymore.
  • Tubbo and Jack discuss the recent events on the server, and decide they need to start priming the nukes, just in case. They briefly leave the factory to scope out a site for the missile silos, but when they return, one of the nukes is gone. Neither Tubbo nor Jack has it, which leaves them with only one conclusion — someone has stolen a nuclear weapon. Someone on the server currently has access to a weapon of mass destruction, and unlike Tubbo and Jack, they likely won't use it for self-defense.
    • It gets worse. Tubbo tells Jack that the nukes have a physical kill-switch, pressing it will detonate it without the need for a keycard. The good news is that the switch is on the nuke itself, so pressing it would be a suicide mission... except, as Jack points out, most people on the server have more than one canon life left, so setting off the bomb by hand wouldn't even have that many consequences...
  • Fundy starts his stream by quickly sleeping away the night in his old base, before opening the door and seeing that he's not in the SMP anymore. He's in the middle of an endless desert with a dark, starless sky, completely alone, despite Ranboo and Niki being on before he went to sleep. He wanders around, finding the Camarvan with another version of himself and Wilbur inside, though the door won't open when he presses the button. He finds a hut, with a staircase leading underground, where he finds a book written by himself, addressed to himself, despite not remembering ever writing it. It tells him that he's not real, and that he needs to wake up, before he suddenly jolts awake, back in his bed. Thinking it had been a weird nightmare, Fundy opens the door... only to see the same desert landscape again.
    • Fundy goes through a few cycles of the same, with the book forcing him to wake up every time. However, whenever he tries to look for answers, the book stonewalls him, saying he doesn't want to know the truth. When he's finally persistent enough to get past the pages where the book forces him to wake up, it tells him the truth... and it's not a pretty one.
      "Listen to me Fundy... Your mind is not safe... You are not imagining this... This place might not be real... (blank page) But he is. (two blank pages) Spare yourself. (seventeen blank pages) I need you to listen carefully. (four blank pages) Do not join him. Whatever he asks of you. Do NOT join him. his plans aren't as nice as they sound. his intentions aren't what you think they are. he will use you. he will destroy you. everything you ever loved. everyone you ever cared about. do not join him."
      • Soon after, Fundy finds another book titled 30/03/2021 (the date this stream took place on), this one actually signed by himself. It shares some more details about what is actually happening, but again, they are not pleasant.
        "Listen to yourself. You suffer from a very odd illness. You suffer from a form of insomnia, within your own dreams. Now the effects of this aren't really known, and even I don't fully know what is going on. but let me tell you. somehow, this world, these actions and events, are linked to reality. things that happen in these so-called "dreams", tend to leak into the real world. they will actually happen. (blank page) you might wonder how exactly this is a bad thing. the ability to predict certain events from happening, sounds pretty cool. however... while this might be the case for dreams... this is also the case for nightmares…"
    • There are some differences in the environment that change with every loop.
      • The first time, Wilbur and another version of Fundy are in the Camarvan, which the actual Fundy can't access. The second time, Wilbur has disappeared, leaving the other Fundy alone in the Camarvan. The third time around, the Camarvan is gone, with a gigantic crater in its place. This could be representative of Doomsday, but with the revelation that Fundy can see the future in his dreams, this crater might have a very, very different meaning...
      • The room with the book changes too. The first time, the book is in a chest pushed under a nice-looking table, there's a carpet on the floor, and aside from the skeleton skull sitting in a corner, it looks pretty nice. The second time, the carpet and tablecloth are torn, and there is another skull sitting on a ledge near the table. The third time, the carpet and tablecloth are gone, the table itself has collapsed, and there are now two skulls... Not to mention that the hut itself keeps moving closer...
    • The final loop is perhaps the most horrifying. Fundy steps outside to see that the desert, except for a thirty-ish block circle around his tower, is gone, replaced with void. It's night time, despite the fact that he's literally just slept, and outside his door is a figure in a black robe who slowly turns around as Fundy opens the door. Before Fundy even has a chance to process this, the figure faces him, revealing that where its face should be, there's only an empty void. It then sprints towards him, causing Fundy to panic and run back inside and up the stairs screaming, with the figure giving chase. Fundy finds a black bed with a blackstone structure surrounding it at the top of the stairs, and — too scared to question it — jumps in and frantically tries to sleep as the figure reaches the top of the stairs and barrels towards him. Cut to black, after which we're shown an ":]" emoticon, combined with the sounds of slot machines and rolling dice...
  • During what was otherwise a completely normal Tubbo-stream, some... disturbing text flashed on the screen. Seems like someone is having a bad time...
    • The text returned on a stream on April 5th, with very worrying implications about the nukes:
      THE NORTH!
      NO IT'S NOT
  • Fundy spent an hour outside Ranboo's house, waiting for Ranboo to log off so he could set up a prank. When Ranboo finally did, Fundy entered the house, only to find some very threatening signs saying "Hello. You thought I wouldn't see? I see a lot of things." Ranboo then logs back on right in Fundy's face... And then Fundy's game crashes, and the stream cuts to black. Fundy himself tried to brush it off by switching to his Starting Soon-screen and reading out donations, but he was very obviously shaken.
  • Quackity's April 12th, 2021 stream, as always, was incredibly dark.
    • It opens with an aerial shot of three travelers on horseback, speeding through an open field while tense music plays. They ride and ride, getting into more and more familiar territory... until they ride through the gates of Eret's castle. They look out over the Dream SMP, and we finally get a good look at the three figures, all dressed in pitch black robes, with the one in front riding a skeleton horse. They all draw netherite swords... and then an air raid siren starts to wail.
      • What's worse, the figures look identical to the black-robed figure that showed up in Fundy's nightmare. Considering that the end of the episode pretty much confirmed that Quackity is one of the figures, and that the book in Fundy's dream warned that "he" had horrific intentions despite a good sounding premise, it has very bad implications about what Las Nevadas actually is...
    • The montage of Quackity visiting Dream in prison is equally horrifying. When the lava is lowered and Dream sees Quackity, he freaks out, running around his cell and desperately punching at the walls and ceiling. Then, when Quackity is actually in the cell, he slowly advances towards Dream, who is cowering in the water pool in the corner, trembling and shaking his head, followed by shots of many, many torture implements. And according to the counter, Quackity has stuck to his word and gone into the cell to torture Dream, every single day... for twenty-nine days.
    • The sheer ease with which Quackity convinces Sam to go kill Dream. He riles Sam up into a vengeful frenzy, and it's not until they're in the lobby of the prison that Sam starts having second thoughts.
      • Even worse, if they had actually gone through with it, Dream would never have been able to revive Tommy. Quackity and Sam, in their quest for revenge, nearly made Tommy's death permanent.
    • Quackity tries to blow up the Egg, in an attempt to get Bad out from under its control and back on his side. Bad warns him that some pretty bad stuff is gonna happen to Quackity if he blows up the Egg, but naturally, Quackity doesn't listen and sets off about 3 stacks of TNT in the Egg's chamber... which does not kill it. What follows is a harrowing scene in which someone, half blind, near deaf and completely disoriented, stumbles around the caverns, desperately trying to get away, all the while the Egg is absolutely screaming that they're going to suffer for "this". They finally manage to slip into someone's strip-mine, but they only make it about thirty blocks in before their limited and very red-tinted vision wobbles, then fades out, like they just collapsed right then and there.
    • The flashback to pre-election L'Manburg starts off peaceful, with Quackity laying out his ideals before Wilbur and trying to figure out what Wilbur wants. He gives an empowering speech about making L'Manburg equal for everyone, and ensuring that nobody will ever feel left out again, finishing off by claiming that he believes that everyone has a good side. Wilbur, however, does not agree, and gives a rebuttal that makes it very clear that his Sanity Slippage started long before the founding of Pogtopia...
      Wilbur: You say everyone has a good side, Quackity, and you're right! You're right. Everyone has a good side. But that good side is only there to help themselves. If you want to really help people, you're gonna need power, Quackity. You can– You can make a movement, you can make a resistance, right, you can go out, and you can come back and they'll give you a ticker tape parade. They'll cheer for you in the streets, but you will change nothing. If you have a revolution... Everyone will hate you, you will sacrifice everything, and you will lose everything you ever had. But you'll come back, and everything will be changed. If you wanna change things, you're gonna need power. That's what you want, really, isn't it? Look at me. Power isn't gained from diplomacy, and bureaucracy, and giant courthouses suspended in the sky, blah blah blah, it's gained from swords, Quackity. It's gained from blades, it's gained from steel, iron. Even if everyone has this "good side" that you're talking about, then anyone who wants to prove it has to show their dark side first. You're going to have to kill. You're going to have to torture. You're going to have to maim. When I look at you... as a fellow outsider... you're not ready for that.
    • And the worst part? Between being rejected by L'Manburg, this speech, and even Dream regarding him as the biggest threat on the server, these were all the pushes Quackity needed to be exactly like what Wilbur said, emphasized by him going to Wilbur's grave and telling him that he not only understands but that he won't make the same mistake twice.
  • Ranboo's first Enderwalk stream is all sorts of horrifying.
    • It opens with him staring blankly at Michael, brandishing an axe... before quickly putting it away and cooing over Michael as if nothing happened.
    • While talking to Foolish, Ranboo starts to space out all of a sudden. There's the screeching of an angry Enderman, and some disturbing text superimposed over the screen, looking like instructions. These lessons appear throughout the stream, paired with Enderman screeches and seeming to cause Ranboo physical pain whenever they appear, and put together, they paint an extremely disturbing picture.
      Lesson 14: When you have the opportunity to gain a favor, take it.
      Lesson 27: Do not reminisce on what you have lost for it will weigh you down.
      Lesson 53: Never fully trust anyone.
      Lesson 67: Leave no evidence of what you have helped with.
      • These lessons are so upsetting for Ranboo himself that he runs to Sam and begs to be let into the prison. Not as a visitor, as an inmate. Sam refuses, obviously, but Ranboo keeps begging and begging, stripping himself of his armor, tearfully pleading and furiously screaming, even offering to pay Sam to lock him up. What could possibly be so horrific that Ranboo would want to be locked away from everything and everyone he cares about, forever?!
    • After Sam refuses to jail him, Ranboo decides that he needs answers, and to do so, he needs to purposefully trigger his Enderwalk state. He runs back to his house in the Syndicate, and fills up some water bottles.. before throwing one onto himself! Keep in mind that Ranboo is half-Enderman, and thus HIGHLY allergic to water, to the point where water on his skin gives him horrific burns. The fact that he's willing to risk horrific, permanent injury to trigger the Enderwalk state, with the implication that he's done this before, is absolutely chilling.
      • When the Enderwalk state actually triggers, things don't get much better. We're treated to a black screen with creepy music, before a crudely drawn picture of Ranboo's face flashes onto the screen... except its eyes are purple, and it's smiling. This is followed by a messily scrawled message, in bright purple text... "SEE YOU SOON".
  • The Red Banquet, like its namesake, the Red Wedding, very quickly went south.
    • After everyone has given their speeches, Bad stands up to give a speech of his own. It starts off with the same wishes for togetherness and unity as the other speeches... but while Bad is talking and all the attention is on him, a curtain of lava pours down from the ceiling, cutting off all exits. By the time the guests realize what's going on, they're all hopelessly trapped.
      Bad: In the spirit of... Y'know, moving things forward, I would just like to say that I was very, very happy that we were able to gather everybody here together, for what is, I'm sure, going to be a banquet that none of us are ever going to forget. And... Yeah, thank you for coming everybody! And uh... Prepare to Die!
      • Fortunately, Puffy foresaw that the Eggpire couldn't be trusted, and she, Hannah and Sam stashed a bunch of weapons and armor in a hidden chest under the table, just in case things were to go south. Unfortunately, Hannah turned out to be The Mole, and ratted them out. When Puffy checks the chest, she finds it completely empty, and when she looks up, the Eggpire has donned the armor she had stashed.
      • Sam made a plan of his own, independently of Hannah and Puffy, and rigged the Egg with a TNT dispenser. At the click of a button, about half a stack of armed TNT is dropped on the Egg, and it explodes, nearly hitting the guests... but it does nothing. All the blocks destroyed by the TNT turn into crying obsidian, before regenerating back to what they were before the explosion.
    • After everyone is trapped and disarmed, the Eggpire reveals their true plan, to sacrifice their guests to the Egg. When Eret calls them monsters, Bad decides to make them the first sacrifice, and has Hannah drag them onto the podium. Foolish intervenes, and tries to put an end to the Egg by striking it with lightning. Except, nothing happens. The Egg has effectively stripped Foolish — who, keep in mind, is a Physical God — of his power, and Foolish is so shocked by this that he barely puts up a fight as he's dragged onto the podium and executed in Eret's place, right in front of all the other guests, including his mother, Puffy.
      • Puffy is so furious with the Eggpire that, when Quackity, Techno and Purpled switch the balance of power, she grabs an axe Quackity gave her and beats Ant to death with it. While it was definitely deserved, she's absolutely horrified with herself, and after the Eggpire flees, she enters a state of complete shock.
    • Looking closer, some viewers noticed what looks like Ranboo creeping in the shadows at the banquet. He's holding an axe and wearing what looks like a much different skin from his usual one. Even after the Banquet is over, this is not explained.

    The Banquet Aftermath Arc 
  • Tommy's attempt at killing Dream goes absolutely horrifically wrong.
    • Tommy tries to sneak into the prison by having Ghostbur come in for a visit, then following after him, invisible. There were several harrowing moments in which Sam almost caught him, but they made it to the cell without Tommy being seen... and then Tommy gets too hasty, pulls out his axe while the lava is still up, and gets spotted by Sam. Sam immediately screams at him to get onto the bridge, forces him to drink milk and then gives him the chewing out of a lifetime... forgetting that Ghostbur is still on the other side. Dream then takes Ghostbur hostage, threatening to revive Wilbur (thereby killing Ghostbur) if Sam doesn't let him out. Tommy begs Sam to bring the platform over to get Ghostbur, or send him over to kill Dream... But Sam refuses. The last shot we see of Ghostbur is him disappearing behind the curtain of lava, as Dream approaches him with the revival book in hand, and then...
    • While being angry was pretty warranted considering what Tommy tried to do, Sam's behavior was absolutely appalling. He screams at Tommy even when Tommy starts to panic and hyperventilate, threatens to outright kill him multiple times, and refuses to help Ghostbur even when he starts to scream, cry and beg for his life, citing the security risk, despite Dream still being locked safely behind the Netherite barrier. He then drops the lava again, trapping Ghostbur with Dream where he is promptly murdered, and drags Tommy out of the prison all the while yelling at him, insising it's Tommy's fault alone what happened to Ghostbur, and screaming at him to shut up anytime Tommy tries to get a word in. When they've reached the lobby, he makes some very explicit threats.
      Sam: TommyInnit. Let me make something clear to you. You are never to come near this prison again. And if I ever see you even near the grounds of this prison, one more time, I will murder you. I will take your last canon life, and then I will hunt the ghost that remains.
      • The scarier part is how Sam, with zero hesitance, threatens Tommy's life. This is the same person who was so depressed at Tommy's death that Quackity was able to talk him into almost killing Dream in revenge as well as subject him to Cold-Blooded Torture, and now he wants to do the very thing he felt upset over. And then you remembered how he spent a lot of time with the Egg who very much wants Tommy dead.
      • One pretty horrific moment stands out. Tommy, despite being in the midst of a panic attack himself, tries to calm Ghostbur down by counting to ten with him, which seems to work for the both of them... and then Sam screams at them both to stop counting, sending both of them spiraling again.
  • After leaving the prison, Tommy immediately runs for L'Manburg, thinking that, if Wilbur was going to appear anywhere, it'd be there. Him, Ranboo and Tubbo don't see him anywhere at first, and Tubbo starts being cautiously optimistic, saying that maybe the book only worked once... and then they spot a nametag by the revival shrine. Tommy digs through the wall to find a living, breathing Wilbur, staring at the shrine. After everything he tried to do to prevent it... Wilbur is back.
    • Like Tommy, Wilbur's experience of the afterlife was absolutely horrific. It turns out that the afterlife isn't just void like initially thought, it's unique to every person.
      Wilbur: My personal limbo was a train platform, Tommy. It was a train platform. No matter where I look... No matter where I went... Just concrete walls, all around. And a tube for the track, running straight along. It doesn't matter what I did, Tommy, I could claw at the walls, I could bash on the doors, I could scream for help, I screamed until my lungs were sore, 'till my voice was hoarse... and nothing ever changes, nothing ever comes, nothing ever helps you, Tommy.
      • Wilbur's Personalized Afterlife, being a train station he could never leave and an overall reference to his song "Jubilee Line" from Your City Gave Me Asthma. At first, it appears to be just a visual nod to the song, until you further analyze the lyrics in "Jubliee Line", which perfectly parallel his Afterlife regarding the pain and stagnation that drove people into depression. The Jubilee line is infamous for being one of the suicide hotspots in the London Underground transit system. In 1999, the local government installed barriers on the platforms and tunnels of the line to stop people from jumping onto the tracks, partially removes one method of suicide. In other words, Wilbur trapped in an Afterlife for 13 and a half years in eternal agony and pain where he couldn't even further die from suicide to escape.
    • The worst part though... Dream was right when he said that Wilbur would do anything to help him after being revived. Wilbur knows that Dream was the one to revive him, and considers him his hero. Wilbur, one of the smartest, most competent, most driven people on the server, now given a new lease on life, would be more than willing to break Dream out...
      Wilbur: I've got this lease on life, and if life's a fucking horse, by God, I'm gonna ride it! I'm– I'm sorry, I've gotta go! I've got things to do, I've got things to plan! I'll– I'll see you soon, I'll see you next time! Alright, bye guys! Bye!
      (Wilbur leaves, Beat)
      Tommy: Oh, fffffuck...
      Ranboo: What the hell did you do?
  • After Wilbur's revival, Ranboo goes home to break the news to Phil. Phil is initially overjoyed, practically vibrating with excitement as Ranboo tells him what happened... until Ranboo mentions Wilbur being trapped in the afterlife for thirteen years. Phil's good mood immediately evaporates, replaced by pure dread.
    Phil: (muffled) Oh my... Oh my god... Ranboo... I... (Beat) Thirteen years... is a very long time to be away. It's... He might not... be the same person. (turns to look at Wilbur's photo) He almost certainly isn't the same person, actually... Um... (Beat) Okay, this- this changes... a lot. [...] What I'm scared of now, Ranboo is, what has he... been thinking about, this whole time? People can change quite a lot, in a– in a single year. Two years, three years, four years, even five years, Ranboo... Somebody can be... an entirely different version of themselves. And he was... gone for thirteen. I don't know if he's gonna be the same Wil I knew...
  • During George's "lore" stream, he finds and interacts with Tommy. Tommy... who talks exclusively in chat for the entire stream. As Tommy asks him if he's sure about doing what needed to be done, that there's no going back, and even handing him nukes and the Nightmare armor, it becomes clear that this is something extremely serious. While it did end up being a troll in the end, the setup for it was immensely unsettling.
  • Quackity's May 22nd stream, like his previous lore streams, contain some very disturbing material.
    • The prison torture sequence is so horrific it's genuinely hard to watch. Dream spends all of it backed into a corner, begging for mercy, nearly crying as Quackity very calmly picks out today's torture implement... an axe with a lot of durability knocked off it. And keep in mind, this was Quackity's sixty-eighth visit...
      • One of the most gut-wrenching moments comes when Dream, in a moment of desperation, makes a lunge for the axe and tries to grab it out of the item frame. Quackity, now furious, takes out the axe and advances on Dream... who immediately backs into his corner again, trembling and terrified.
        Quackity: You do that again and it's over for you! Don't fucking EVER do that again! You understand?!
        Dream: Yes...
        Quackity: Don't ever reach for any of my fucking weapons ever again! Okay?
        Dream: Yes, sir...
      • Quackity promises Dream one week free from visits... if Dream writes a letter to Technoblade, asking him to visit him in jail. Dream refuses, saying he doesn't believe Quackity and doesn't want to endanger the only ally he has left. Quackity then openly threatens to murder Dream, going so far as to hit his axe onto the wall mere inches from Dream's head, and even stab Dream with his sword, until Dream finally agrees. The prison is the only place where Techno would be vulnerable enough for Quackity to kill... and Quackity has a lot of reasons to want Techno dead.
    • The following chapters have Quackity go fully into Manipulative Bastard mode.
      • He tells Foolish that he let him die during the Red Banquet to try to trigger a Roaring Rampage of Revenge. When that didn't happen, Quackity took it upon himself to travel to to Foolish's base and tear into him, saying that he's wasting his life away, that his builds are worth nothing because nobody ever visits or uses them, and that if he doesn't go back to his old ways, he will never be remembered. Keep in mind that Foolish's old ways involved massacring an entire village.
      • He hires Purpled for the raid on the Red Banquet, and meets him after for payment. He delivers Purpled's money, and two prepare to part ways amicably... And then Quackity blows up Purpled's UFO. Purpled is absolutely furious and lunges for Quackity, trying to kill him. While backing away, Quackity tells him that that UFO was his only mark on the server, and that, now that it's gone, he'll be completely forgotten... unless he joins Las Nevadas.
      • While Charlie's introduction was largely funny, it's still extremely disconcerting to see Quackity take full advantage of Charlie's naivete to recruit what's essentially a person with the mentality of a child into spying for him.
      • After going to sleep in his new house in a taiga biome, Fundy wakes up in the badlands biome where his old faction Dry Waters was located... with Quackity standing outside his front door. The two take a walk together, reminiscing over their memories of L'Manburg as they pass various pieces of L'Manburg in its various stages (the Camarvan, New L'Manburg's platforms over the crater, part of one of Eret's towers, parts of the walls of the original L'Manburg), all haphazardly slapped together. After a few minutes of this, Quackity completely changes his tone, tells him that he's going to die alone and forgotten if he doesn't join Quackity, then gives Fundy 10 seconds to make his choice. Fundy panics, not knowing what to do as he runs back and forth, freaking out more and more as the countdown goes lower and lower... and then Quackity screams his name and runs right at him. This is when Fundy wakes up, back in his house in the taiga biome. He tries to calm himself down by getting some fresh air... and then Quackity walks onto his front porch.

    Las Nevadas Arc 
  • Ranboo's May 22nd lore stream starts out innocently enough, with him gathering supplies to renovate a Stronghold he accidentally found the day before. He intends to use it as a lab to conduct more experiments on himself and find out more about the Enderwalk, but his optimistic attitude slowly breaks down during the latter half of the stream in a way that's scarily reminiscent of (but isn't quite as severe as) his behavior in the panic room.
    • After setting everything up for the lab, Ranboo starts second-guessing if he really wants to continue the experiments to potentially repair his memory, because it's sometimes nice to be able to forget. While it's obvious that something is wrong by this point, the real dread doesn't kick in until he begins telling his Enderman particlesnote  exactly what's bothering him.
      Ranboo: Because, you know what I realized? Something... very scary, is that the Enderwalk isn't a different version of me, it's not a different me, it's still... me. But, from what I've gathered, it's me with all of my memories. Every Single. One.
    • Later, he says that he already has a way to stop the Enderwalk written down in his experiment book, but both potential outcomes of using it terrify him for very different reasons. On one hand, he clearly doesn't like the idea of losing all of what he doesn't already remember. On the other, the Enderwalk could be (in his own words) the only thing left. He'd also remember everything, including whether or not he's truly done some of the horrible things that he's been implied to have had a hand innote  as well as other events or actions that he isn't even currently aware of.
      Ranboo: I don't know which one it would be. That's... the reason. I mean, I've had this solution for a while now…
      (Thunder rumbles in the background)
      Ranboo: But it could either be good, or unknown. And that's the thing. It could either be good... or unknown.
    • And then he admits that he's been hiding his true intentions with the Stronghold this entire time.
      Ranboo: Because... I tricked you guys. This... entire thing wasn't actually a, um– just random experiments. 'Cause I was going to solve it... and I thought I needed you guys here for it.
      • Up until that point, he'd led his particles to believe that he was only going to run a simple test or two and was merely wrestling with the idea of one day using the solution — not that he was outright prepared to do so, possibly without even telling them first. It's a chilling reminder that, despite being one of the kindest, most genuine people on the Dream SMP, Ranboo is still very good at lying.
    • Ranboo ultimately decides not to go through with the solution he found, instead opting to block off the End Portal room and save it as a last resort in case something happens. It's still there, though, and we're left wondering just what kinds of memories he recalls while Enderwalking.
  • A small moment in what was otherwise a completely chill Ranboo-stream. Ranboo and Tubbo were talking while Dream was in the call, and the discussion ended up on Dream's armor in Snowchester's vault. Tubbo asked Dream if he'd want it back... and Dream responded fully in character.
    Dream: That's the first thing I'll come for when I break out.
    Tubbo: ...oh. Okay, time to–
    Dream: I will rip it off your dead body, Tubbo.
  • Wilbur's July 25th stream, where he and Ranboo start a burger van outside of Las Nevadas. It starts with Wilbur and Phil talking about Quackity's casino, and Phil forces Wilbur to start his business with Ranboo. When they're actually building the van, however, we see Wilbur taking the opportunity to poke and prod at Ranboo, to see what makes him tick and figure out his beliefs... and once Ranboo starts talking about how he thinks that anybody can change and that people are a byproduct of their experiences, he takes the opportunity to convince Ranboo that they're the same, aside from Ranboo being open and Wilbur being closed to others. After they're done with the van, Wil takes Ranboo to the restaurant in Las Nevadas and has him break windows and light a piece of tnt inside of the restaurant... and once Ranboo leaves after doing so, Wilbur places a sign that says that he and Ranboo did it together, effectively laying the groundwork to force Ranboo to side with him against Quackity.
  • Technoblade and (seemingly) Dream's escape from Pandora's Vault. From Quackity's perspective, both of the inmates somehow completely vanished from sight and the fact two of the most dangerous people on the server are now free is enough cause for him to prepare for the worst. For all he knows, Dream and Techno could be plotting their revenge somewhere and he'll never know when the attack is coming until it happens.
    • From Techno and Dream's perspective, there's an extremely unhinged man in their cell and armed to the teeth with Netherite weapons and armor while they're unarmored. Especially for Technoblade as Quackity pulls out a pickaxe specifically to kill him with as payback for his own death by his hands, in the very same way. Then, once Technoblade escapes, Quackity loses it and starts screaming at Sam.
  • The scene of Sam finding Dream is its own kind of horror, with Dream huddled into the small tunnel that he and Techno had been digging and hoping he won't be found. While his POV isn't given, one can imagine the terror of being cramped in a small wet tunnel, scared for their life. Only for Sam to enter the cell, kill the dog that Techno and Dream had kept in the cell, and then delivers a speech about how Dream deserved everything he got and next time it might be Sam who comes instead of Quackity. All while Dream begs for his life and for Sam to not tell Quackity where he is.

    Breakout Arc 
  • Tina's first day on the server, where she ends up hanging out with Kinoko Kingdom members (and Callahan), eventually has her interact with Quackity... who makes no qualms of trying to manipulate the two into working for him at Las Nevadas. This involves weaving her to work on his old apartment, trying to lure her in with the promise of free items, and being passive-aggressive to her when they show a desire to keep her options open. The worst comes when he tries to mold Tina into becoming a future presidential candidate and has her blackmail Bad for items after they take his prized sword. However, the moment she has a change of heart and he feels she's "betraying" him, he begins to threaten her for it and makes it clear he has no issue with outright killing her (a complete newcomer, once again) if she doesn't comply. It takes Bad and Antfrost aiding her to the Holy Land to prevent Quackity from going through with it... and even then, he still threatens to kill her if she even dares to step foot out of it there and that he would make it his life's mission! While he does back off eventually, the fact he's openly willing to show his darker, and more cunning and ruthless side more open to newcomers, friends, and even his (estranged) fiancé Karl, shows just how far he's fallen since the old days.
  • During a conversation with Eryn, Tommy says that he misses it when he was exiled, that things were easier when Dream was there to tell him what to do, and that he feels directionless without someone to fight. Eryn, being one of Tommy's close friends, decides he wants to help. However, because Eryn is missing the very valuable context that Dream is Tommy's abuser, and that Tommy's wish to go back to him is a sign of PTSD-induced Stockholm Syndrome, he decides to help by building a shrine to Dream in Tommy's basement, with the goal of making the server think that Tommy is working with Dream and having them lock Tommy up in the prison.
    • What's worse, the shrine itself is made out of blackstone, with Dream's signature smiley face in the center, and TNT blocks in the walls for decoration. Without knowing it, Eryn has built a room full of Tommy's triggers.
  • Quackity's November 27th "Las Nevadas" stream, as usual, contains some frightening elements — though not as much as the previous streams, since this particular episode is more dedicated to angst than fear.
    • A small, possibly unintentional one happens during "The Lessons" segment near the beginning. While teaching Slime to stand up to bad authority figures, Quackity imitates Dream to demonstrate what a "bad" authority figure is, and while the acting starts out fairly comical, it eventually culminates into this line where Quackity briefly snaps that, though it flash-cuts back to normal after that, can still cause people to be shaken:
      Quackity: Hopefully I don't end up in prison or I'll get what I FUCKING DESERVE!!
    • This becomes more evident in the section dedicated to the events following the visit on September 14th. After the fateful prison visit, Quackity finds Slime in Las Nevadas and asks him to find everyone else in the faction to alert them of the prison break. This is when Purpled shows up and tells Quackity about a strange double-chest that apparently wasn't placed by any members of the faction. The three go to investigate it, and as Slime opens the chest... Purpled pulls a lever and the floor opens up underneath them, causing Quackity and Slime to drop onto an underground platform suspended over and surrounded by lava.
    • This is followed by Quackity trying to convince Purpled to leave his motives behind another day so that they can deal with the "bigger problem upstairs", to which Purpled refuses and demands Quackity for the contents of the revive-book, and threatens to kill Quackity for the book... and is seen to almost succeed in doing so in response to Quackity shouting to no avail that he doesn't even have the book. Quackity then tells Purpled that even if he had the book, he wouldn't give it to Purpled anyway... and Purpled knocks Slime into the lava.
  • After learning that Dream has escaped for real, Tommy runs off to Logstedshire in order to collect the Axe of Peace. He digs it up, relieved to find that the chest is still there... only to find that it's empty. Tommy, now panicking even harder than he was before, goes back up to the surface and runs for the Nether portal... and it's broken, a piece of the frame missing. And then Dream steps out from behind the portal. The ensuing conversation is easily the most horrifying thing to come out of Season 3.
    Dream: Hey, Tommy. (holds out the Axe of Peace) You lookin' for somethin'? Came to get your stuff? Hey, welcome back to Exile! Welcome back! Welcome! You're back at home! [...] (he steps closer to Tommy)
    Tommy: (steps backwards; shakily) Stand– stand back...
    Dream: I'm not gonna hurt you... yet.
    Tommy: Why... You're meant to be in prison! It's a top sec– you– (stammers)
    Dream: (moving closer) Yeah, but I'm out! I'm out! That means I'm meant to be out. I earned it.
    Tommy: (moving backwards; terrified) No, no, please, stand back... You didn't earn it. You didn't earn anything. You stole, you manipulated, you– you– you killed– Dream... (shaky exhale) One of the last times you were here, you killed me just to prove a point! You– You haven't earned anything! Stand back, alright, I've got my shield up–
    Dream: Maybe I'll kill you again!
    Tommy: No, you won't.
    Dream: (walking closer) And then I'll revive you, and then I'll kill you again, and then I'll revive you, and then I'll kill you again, and then I'll revive you, and then I'll kill you again!
    Tommy: (hits Dream with his axe) No, you won't! NO, YOU FUCKING WON'T!
    Dream: (lightly) Don't hit me.
    Tommy: Stop speaking like that!
    Dream: Tommy, you could die right now, and no one would know.
    Tommy: I'm NOT gonna die right now, alright?!
    Dream: No one would know... No one would care.
    Dream: (overlapping) Oh, who would care? Who's your friends? Who are your friends?! TELL ME WHO YOUR FRIENDS ARE, TOMMY!
    Tommy: Tubbo, Ranboo...
    Dream: Where are they now?! Where are they? You wanna invite them to your party, Tommy, you wanna have a little party? Let's go to the beach! Let's have a little party, let's have some tea!
    Tommy: (hits Dream) Get the FUCK away from me!
    Dream: (getting genuinely angry) Maybe I can experience the beach for once in my life. Y'know, you FUCKED me, Tommy! You put me in prison, I rotted in there, I was TORTURED by Quackity, I'm sure you knew about that! I'm sure you let it happen, I'm sure you wanted it to happen!
    Tommy: ...what?
    Dream: Tommy, I'm gonna make every day for you a living hell on this server. I'm not gonna let you die, I'm not gonna LET you die! I can bring people back! You're living forever!
    • Dream's behavior in general is extremely unnerving. He's still as sadistic and casually manipulative as he was before, but now there's an almost manic quality to the way he behaves. He's almost giddy as he talks to Tommy, up to and including when he describes how he's gonna torture him and make his life a living hell. This makes it even more horrifying when he breaks into genuine rage as he accuses Tommy of letting him get imprisoned.
    • After this conversation comes a truly harrowing chase scene. Dream promised to start his torture of Tommy with a thousand years in the Afterlife, and starts trying to beat Tommy to death. Tommy runs away as fast as he can, but Dream is constantly on his heels, openly taunting him and sing-songing about how he's going to die, and outright admitting he's just toying with Tommy again. Tommy, meanwhile, spends most of the chase screaming in absolute terror, trying whatever tactics he can to try to shake Dream, and failing hard.
      • Another creepy moment happens right after Tommy arrives at the Syndicate. He runs in, screaming Phil's name at the top of his lungs, and Phil rushes out of his house to see what's going on. Tommy, in a blind panic, hides behind Phil, shrieking that Dream is coming to kill him... but there's nobody there, almost as if Dream just disappeared in a puff of smoke.
    • Dream's plan in general is horrific. His obsession with Tommy has led him to continue wanting to torture him, but considering the whole server wants him dead, that's harder to do than it seems. So instead, Dream resolves to wait until Tommy is alone, in a place where nobody can see, and then make his move... before disappearing once someone else shows up. Not only will this ensure Dream's own safety, it will make everyone else believe Tommy is Crying Wolf, and considering Tommy has suffered from hallucinations in the past, possibly convince Tommy he's just seeing things as well, while Dream can continue to hurt him without impunity. Keep in mind, if we're going by his content creator counterpart's age, Tommy is seventeen years old.
