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Nightmare Fuel / Dream SMP

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"Looking for me, Tommy?"note 
For a Minecraft server with some of the darkest plotlines in the extensive Multiverse to date, the SMP is guaranteed to have more than enough terrifying moments.

All spoilers will be unmarked. You Have Been Warned.

Volume 1

Tales from the SMP

  • The second episode of the series, "The Village that Went Mad", has a premise that's nothing but nightmare fuel. The residents of a small town fall victim to a pair of murderers who are slowly killing them off one by one, with the innocents desperately trying to work out who's responsible. The worst part? The killers win.
  • Episode 4, "The Lost City of Mizu":
    • The main antagonist of the episode, Ranbob, kills off all of the other characters one by one, and leaves the viewer with this horrifying line, echoing what he had said at the beginning of the episode about nobody living in Mizu except him:
      Ranbob: Nobody leaves here.
    • While most of the episode is just melancholy, the end reveals that Karl is actually time traveling to record these stories, and it's slowly chipping away at his memories and personal identity. Karl doesn't plan to stop until he finds a way to set right the wrongs of the past, which means he might experience a complete Loss of Identity slowly enough to be aware of every minute of it.
  • While it's mostly Played for Laughs, the premise of "The Masquerade" is pretty horrifying. A mansion in the middle of nowhere, with its guests possessed by a demonic entity and forced to murder one another, while they don't even know what's happening...
    • Special mention to the scene where Karl and Lord Sebastian are hiding in a wardrobe together, while the murderer slowly gets closer and closer... By the time Karl realizes he's made a horrible mistake, it's too late for him to run, and he stays huddled up in the corner of the wardrobe as Oliver, the murderer, opens the wardrobe and slaughters Lord Sebastian right then and there.
    • After Oliver is murdered, Sir Billiam and Karl — who had been together the entire time — figure it must have been the butler. Sir Billiam finds another hidden room behind a painting and leads Karl into it, blocks off the entrance, and starts leading Karl further into the room... at which point Karl turns around and comes face to face with The Egg. Billiam then calmly explains that the mansion is its breeding ground, and that he's been feeding people to the Egg by baiting them into the mansion and having the Egg possess them in order to murder one another. Karl, understandably freaked out, turns around and tries to leave... only to see that the butler has blocked the exit.
      The Butler: I'm gonna have to ask you to go back inside there, Karl.
  • When Karl enters the Inbetween after the events of "The Wild West", he comes across a book that reads "LOOK UNDER THE TREE". When he does, he finds another book which reads "DO NOT STRAY FROM THE PATH" repeating over and over and over. And that's just page one of eighty-seven.
  • "The Haunted Mansion":
    • After the main events, Karl once again ends up in the Inbetween. He finds books in item frames set under potted wither roses, which talk about a partnership between Karl and the entity that runs the Inbetween, and repeatedly assure him that the Inbetween is a safe place. However, Karl finds a few more books hidden under a tree and in a nook under a staircase, directing him to a tiny, undecorated, windowless room underneath the big tree in front of the entrance. Inside, he finds another book, indicating that there's something... wrong with the Inbetween.
    • When Karl leaves the room under the tree, he's suddenly faced with an entire row of potted wither roses that were not there when he entered. All of the books on the pedestals are titled "JUST LISTEN", and their only contents are a single page with the phrase "JUST STICK TO THE PATH" repeated over and over.
  • The Inbetween segment right after "The Pit" finally showcases the true intentions of the Inbetween, and they are not pretty.
    • The book Karl picks up immediately warns him not to stray from the path. Karl puts it back and looks up at the tree above the windowless room from the previous episode. The screen then suddenly starts glitching, everything becomes shadowy, and the Inbetween's theme starts playing backwards. Karl goes back to the room under the tree... where he finds a book clearly written by the Inbetween-entity, telling him to go upstairs because "it" left a surprise for him. Karl climbs the stairs, only to find the floor of the room covered in blood, and the words "STICK TO THE PATH :]" scrawled on the back wall.
    • Karl finds another book by the other entity, telling him that the Inbetween isn't what it seems and that he needs to get to the portal. The screen then glitches again, the music is replaced with a Drone of Dread, and the next note the Inbetween leaves him is a lot more threatening.
      Stop straying from the path, Karl.
      I know more than you do.
      I know what is right for you.
    • Karl wanders into the room with the tree and the other versions of him running around. The screen distorts again, this time longer and more severely, and the music becomes a horrible mixture of the Drone of Dread and the Inbetween's theme played backwards, which over time turns into a horrific screeching sound. Karl finds a book on the tree, which tells him exactly how dangerous the Inbetween really is.
      These versions of yourself have lost themselves.
      They have stayed in the inbetween for far too long and have lost who they are, doomed to traverse this castle forever.
      These are not just visions, this is reality.
      Go to the portal.
    • Karl is then teleported back to the entrance hall, which is now completely dark. The screen continues to glitch as he picks up the Inbetween's final book.
      Dont go to the portal.
      I will see through it that you will regret it if you do so.
      This is not even a warning.
      We will come and make sure you don't stray from the path.
    • From there, Karl takes a mad sprint to the portal, following a trail of torches left for him, all the while the screen distorts and text flashes on screen both in English and in Standard Galactic, the language used in the Enchantment Table. At one point, he even hears what appears to be a heavily distorted scream.
