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Characters / NCIS: Antagonists

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    Ari Haswari 
Played By: Rudolf Martin
Sorry, Caitlin.

  • Arch-Enemy: To Gibbs in the first three seasons, and arguably for the series as a whole. He was responsible for Kate's death, and his ghost continues to haunt the team through the various associates of his that seek vengeance on them on his behalf. Ultimately, even though Gibbs was the one to survive their final confrontation, he's never been able to put Ari completely to rest.
  • Arc Villain: Of Season 1. In the episodes to follow his debut in "Bete Noir", Gibbs becomes obsessed with the one that got away and is busy running a facial recognition search for months on end in the background trying to land a bead on the guy, and it finally takes the help of newcomer McGee to help zone in on him.
  • Badass Biker: In the finale of Season 1, he reappears on a motorbike clad in a red racetrack jumpsuit and matching helmet, and even takes a moment to taunt Kate by flipping his visor.
  • Badass Israeli: He orchestrates a clever attempt to weed out Marine One among a trio of helos shuffling around to disguise the one carrying the President with Smoky Sams, missiles that look every bit as threatening as the real thing but aren't deadly at all. By firing them at the convoy of helicopters, the pilots would have to interpret it as an attack and make emergency landings; the one with the President on board would land first, at which point Ari's men would destroy the decoys with genuine rocket launchers and capture President Bush, whom he called a "butcher" for causing many Israelis to go to their deaths. It never got that far, but it was very competently thought out.
  • Bastard Bastard: When accused of being a liar and a bastard, he admits that's half-right, as he actually is a bastard child. And has no qualms about blowing holes through womens' heads just for pissing him off.
  • Becoming the Mask: Was essentially conceived and raised to be a mole in Hamas.
  • Big Bad: Of seasons one and two, plus the first two episodes of season three.
  • Boom, Headshot!: How he kills two women, including Kate, and how he goes out. One to the head leaves 'em stone dead.
  • Deadly Doctor: Studied at an institute for medicine, as evidenced when he's able to properly examine a body in autopsy. It becomes a Chekhov's Skill when Ducky inadvertently realizes Ari's demonstration of medical expertise could be crucial in finally securing a profile on him, and it is.
  • Didn't See That Coming: Thought he was in the perfect spot to finally kill Gibbs and end their feud once and for all, only to be delivered a Boom, Headshot! — by Ziva, the one person he didn't expect to do it, and he literally didn't even know she was there.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: His motive behind everything he does to Gibbs and NCIS in general? Gibbs reminds him of his father.
  • Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas: It is implied that he cared for his late mother and believes his father is responsible for her death.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Ziva still loved him, even after what he had done. And he had an Israeli doctor and childhood friend he loved and planned on proposing to before Becoming the Mask.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: He found Gerald's inability to drive Ducky's vintage Morgan painful to listen to or see, and ultimately allowed Gerald to leave in his own car before he could do any more damage to Ducky's.
    • He also sincerely tells Ducky, "I would never harm a fellow physician", indicating that he genuinely respects him.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: His fatal mistake was that it didn't even occur to him that Gibbs would really trust Ziva to watch his back and assumed Gibbs was alone when he confronted him.
  • For the Evulz: Shot Gerald in the shoulder just to prove he was evil (which spelled curtains for his career at NCIS when Gerald needed months of physical therapy afterwards), blasted his Swiss associate Marta in the head all because she made him angry, and then put a matching bullet hole through Kate's head in order to torture Gibbs.
  • Gone Horribly Right: His father raised him to be a monster... who hated him for it and did everything he could to destroy what his father had worked for.
  • Hero Killer: The series' first. He even killed Kate to prove it.
  • Karmic Death: He dies via a Boom, Headshot!, the same way he killed Kate.
    • Killed Mid-Sentence: Also like Kate, he didn't get to finish a retort- after being told by Gibbs he would watch him die. Ziva capped him in the head and that was that.
  • Majored in Western Hypocrisy: Educated as a doctor at the Royal Medical College in Edinburgh (Ducky's own alma mater) so he could follow in his mother's footsteps and minister to Arab refugees.
  • Posthumous Character: He still affects the story long after his death.
  • Present Absence: Ari's death influences future seasons; sometimes in more overt ways, like the Big Bad of the first half of Season 12 being his half-brother and the first villain of Season 17 being his terrorist partner, but more often in more subtle ways, such as the ever-present tension between his sister Ziva and their father Eli.
  • Revenge by Proxy: He stuffs Kate into the fridge and tries to do the same to Abby, aware that it's the best way to make Gibbs suffer. He also tries to kill Jenny, snipes at McGee (who lucks out by unknowingly moving out of the way at the last second), and tries to kidnap Ducky. The only member of Team Gibbs he doesn't single out is Tony.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: Unusual to invoke this on an Arc Villain, but he was introduced two-thirds of the way through season one and died at the beginning of season three after only appearing in a grand total of five episodes, and is still an occasional influence of the team, who they work with, and who they go up against as of season seventeen.
  • Smug Super: He's good and he knows it.
  • Tyke-Bomb: All grown up. Eli David deliberately fathered him on a Palestinian woman so that he would have a child he could raise to infiltrate Hamas.
  • Villainous Legacy: He's the one villain that never leaves the series. Long after he's dead, villains connected to him keep on coming out of the woodwork to terrorize Gibbs and the team. Jack even lampshades it in this in the Season Seventeen mid-season finale.
    Jack: Fourteen years and one bullet. Look at what it's left in its wake.
  • Villain with Good Publicity: Ari is an absolute bastard, but his position and authority made it nigh-impossible for Gibbs to even hope to touch him, with his team practically put on heavy watch by multiple authorities when they try to uncover how to take him down. The Mossad straight up assassinate suspects rather than give him away when issued an ultimatum, and basically everyone not a part of Gibbs' team refuses to believe he was responsible for murdering Kate.
  • You Killed My Father: Blamed his father for his mother dying in an Israeli attack on the Palestinians while Ari himself was away visiting his father. This was his Start of Darkness.

    Rene Benoit 
Played By: Armand Assante

    Mamoun Sharif 
Played By: Enzo Cilenti

    Colonel (ret.) Merton Bell 
Played By: Robert Patrick

    Jason Paul Dean 
Played By: Dylan Bruno

    Alejandro Rivera
Played By: Marco Sanchez

  • Accidental Murder: He opened fire on a cabin where he believed Gibbs was hiding out... it turned out to be his own sister Paloma inside.
  • Amoral Attorney: Is an ADA, but is working with the cartels.
  • Brother–Sister Team: With Paloma.
  • Dragon Ascendant: Has the ruling authority his sister did in the cartel now that she's dead, but no way of using it due to being imprisoned.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: He hates Gibbs and the man's blood family, which at this point is mostly just Gibbs' father (and even he passes away from natural causes), and that's basically it. Alejandro may be manipulative and a real asshole of an Amoral Attorney, but the only reason NCIS gets caught up in his schemes is because they're associated with Gibbs, and he tries to limit any collateral to specifically go for Jethro, even avoiding trying to hurt Abby both because he took a liking to her and because he felt Gibbs might get her killed off just by proximity.
  • Feuding Families: With Gibbs.
  • Moral Myopia: Because Gibbs killed his father, Alejandro outright tries to repeatedly have him assassinated, and that only doubles up once he was tricked into murdering his own sister by accident. This in spite of the fact that he fully knows Pedro killed Gibbs' wife and child, and that his father openly told Alejandro to be a better man than he was. This gets pointed out, and he still blows it off because he loved his family that much, making him a twisted shadow of Gibbs to a limited degree of a man that can't let go of or be able to forgive in his urge for vengeance.
  • Not Me This Time: Gibbs rightfully suspects him of ordering a hit on Abby in Season 15 because of how manipulative and scheming Alejandro was, and his potential connections, but Alejandro denied it, saying that he was actually for Abby, and his attempt to hold Abby captive- which spurred Gibbs to check on Alejandro as motive for revenge- was meant to serve as a warning for her to get away from him while she still could, and gave Gibbs sobering advice that this was because a cloud of death follows him wherever he goes.
  • You Killed My Father: Alejandro sees Gibbs as a murderer and coward who took the life of his father Pedro and wants him to suffer for it.

    Paloma Reynosa

  • Big Bad: Takes over for Colonel Bell in season 7.
  • Dragon Ascendant: Her husband died in the bloody business of operating a cartel, so she took it over.
  • Brother–Sister Team: With Alejandro.
  • Feuding Families: With Gibbs.
  • Graceful Loser: When shot by her brother Alejandro by accident, because NCIS tricked them with false info to The Mole that led to his firing upon a safe house she was investigating, she lays there dying with her brother at her side, and says the opening verse of The Spider and the Fly with her last words. Rather than be enraged or vengeful, it's effectively the equivalent of saying, "Well played" for turning her counsel on her.
  • Karmic Death: After toying with Gibbs' life and heavily responsible for Mike Franks losing a finger, she was shot to death by accident, by her own brother, no less.
  • Moral Myopia: She thinks Gibbs deserves to die for killing her father Pedro, even though Pedro was a murderer and crime lord who murdered Gibbs' wife and daughter to keep his wife from testifying against him.
  • You Killed My Father: Her motivation for going after Gibbs, who murdered her father in revenge for her father having murdered Gibbs' family.

    Jonas Cobb, The Port-to-Port Killer 
Played By: Kerr Smith

  • Being Tortured Makes You Evil: He was trained to weather any kind of suffering, but his psyche broke under the immense toll his training placed on him. His first successful assassination awakened an innate Blood Lust and he went rogue.
  • Big Bad: Season 8.
  • Disc-One Final Boss: His demise does not cast out the danger the NCIS operatives are facing. Rather, his murder of an agent with a secret access-granting microchip inside of them kick-starts a second conflict that threatens the organization all over again.
  • Disney Villain Death: Shot before he could act first and crashed out of a window several stories onto the roof of a car below, caving the vehicle in and leaving Jonas unquestionably dead if the bullets hadn't already finished the job.
  • Gone Horribly Right: He was trained to be a remorseless assassin, and that's exactly what he became. And then he decided to commit a few non-sanctioned assassinations...
  • Hero Killer: He killed Mike Franks.
  • Last-Second Chance: Vance and Gibbs gave him one final chance to lay down his gun. He did not go for it and was subsequently shot before he could open fire on them or the director of SECNAV, and knocked through the glass window behind him.
  • Sanity Slippage: The psychological abuse of Operation Frankenstein drove him insane after he made his first kill for the project.
  • Training from Hell: Deconstructed. The training was successful in instilling the intended skills, but also turned him into a Serial Killer.
  • Tyke-Bomb: Downplayed. He developed a twisted sense of superiority over right and wrong after his first kill. Then he went renegade and kept doing this out of a primal sense of liberation.

    Jonathan Cole 
Played By: Scott Wolf

"It's not the danger; it's the fun."

  • Noble Demon: He's a criminal and he's got a bone to pick with the heroes for getting in the way of his job, but he's not a complete bastard, like trying to make sure Gibbs and Abby are alright when he is about to try to disarm Dearing's bomb.
  • Rogue Agent
  • Redemption Equals Death: He is killed trying to disarm a bomb planted by Dearing.
  • Thrill Seeker: When told that the catch to helping NCIS lure out Harper Dearing is that he could get killed, he declares that that's not the catch; it's the fun.
  • Your Princess Is in Another Castle!: Blows up a cabin in the woods, after being told that Tony and EJ Barrett are hiding out there, and is satisfied that his job is done when NCIS and the FBI arrest him minutes later, only to find out that he had been fed false information, and Tony and EJ were in a different safe house all along.

    Harper Dearing 
Played By: Richard Schiff

  • The Bad Guy Wins: In a sort of Well-Intentioned Extremist variety, since he mostly wanted to expose security and defense vulnerabilities in the Navy and other parts of the government so that sweeping changes would be made to fix them. However, he became a Not-So-Well-Intentioned Extremist past that in trying to kill the NCIS out of petty spite, and ultimately he only has a very, very limited success of a handful of agent deaths before he's taken down.
  • Big Bad: Of season nine.
  • The Chessmaster: He tactfully manipulates the government, Navy, NCIS, FBI, and numerous other surrounding groups as well as his personal company and basically every person that gets in his path. It's not even explained how he got his hands into classified information or manages to always be one step ahead of NCIS, and the only reason Gibbs even gets to catch him is because Dearing expected and all but allowed it.
  • Crazy-Prepared: Mutiple times, but his most notable instance was during an FBI sting operation in which he asked to 'use the bathroom.' When the SWAT team kicks down the door, all they find is an open window, and his bag left behind (which has a bomb in it).
  • Evil Is Petty: He seemed content with just widespread terrorism across Navy ships, but once NCIS starts really getting into investigating and hunting for him, he personally targets Gibbs's team and associates, doing dick moves like sticking Director Vance in a coffin just to establish how he could kill them whenever he feels like it, and other petty actions. It's to the point that he directly bombs the NCIS headquarters, basically to prove he can and spite Gibbs for coming after him.
  • Faking the Dead: Tries this to escape NCIS in the premiere of season ten by blowing up a car with his brother's remains inside, counting on the body to be so badly burned that only a partial DNA match would be possible. Gibbs doesn't buy it and keeps pressing on to eventually find and kill him for real, though it's also not helped that this attempt is only halfway through the episode at this point; the series only does that sort of death if there's a bigger plot, of which there was neither on-going.
  • Hypocrite: The death of his son could be blamed on faulty designs in the U.S.S. Brandywine when a terrorist attack exploited such an opportunity. Dearing turns around and starts exploiting this exact thing to cause terrorist arsons on Navy ships through outside hires and trying to kill anyone that talks, followed by exploiting weaknesses in NCIS security to indiscriminately kill anyone that comes after him with explosives, utilizing and doing the exact same thing that led to his son's death. Somehow this never seems to come to his senses, as he's too wrapped up in the self-aggrandizing drama to care.
    • Notably, in his Suicide by Cop below, it's not out of guilt for what he has done, but out of knowing that Gibbs was going to inevitably kill him one way or another. He's found mourning a repeat loop of his son's recording from the service, incompetent with a modern coffee maker and trying to reason that him and Gibbs aren't so different, but it's made clear that he really doesn't care about all the lives he's threatened and taken on a personal level. All because of what was taken from him. This is likely why Gibbs just seems relieved after killing him rather than bothered.
  • Irony: He's presented as Hopeless with Tech in his final scene with a modern coffee maker, to highlight that he's just a simple civilian that has his Bumbling Dad moments. This at the tail end of an arc where he's used camcorders, hacked MTAC firewalls, and exerted a terrifying amount of competence rigging phones and explosives with absolutely no combat or military experience to leave dozens of people dead.
  • It's All About Me: The best way to highlight how selfishly reserved Dearing is about his grief is that he stuck Vance in a casket to wake up next to a corpse — said corpse was the first statistical victim of the bombing on the U.S.S. Brandywine. Only his son actually matters to him in his vengeance, everyone else is just a tool, as later seen when he uses his brother's corpse to attempt Faking the Dead and his ex-wife as a distraction.
  • It's Personal: In a weird and distant sort of way, by nature of making Gibbs his central target of revenge against NCIS by trying to torment him with the feelings of loss. Gibbs does feel this in return, but in a far more dispassionate manner of simply wanting to keep him from attacking innocents or his team ever again.
  • Misplaced Retribution: Blames NCIS for transferring his son to another Naval ship, and the Navy itself for a flaw in their systems (which they were correcting) for his son's death. Instead of, ya know, the terrorists who actually killed him or the corrupt companies that created the flaw out of sloth and greed.
  • Never My Fault: It's not his hand that's responsible for killing innocents, it's the Navy's fault for daring to distribute faulty resources and wiring throughout their ships, and the NCIS's fault that his son got transferred to the U.S.S. Brandywine in the first place.
  • "Not So Different" Remark: Proclaims he's not that different from Gibbs in his final scene, as he was only doing for his son what Gibbs had done for his wife and daughter. Gibbs silently disagrees. How Dearing even found out about an off-the-record act like that or accessed classified information on Pedro is completely unknown.
  • Not-So-Well-Intentioned Extremist: His grief over his son's death is understandable, but rather than target the terrorists that killed him, Harper instead bombs NCIS and kills government enforcers after him indiscriminately out of Misplaced Retribution because he thinks they're at fault. While he does claim that this is helping expose vulnerabilities that will save lives now that they're being tackled, he quickly resettles his intent on continuing his vengeance and his claims don't even remotely forgive his murders of navy staff and loose ends in his employ. Unlike some criminals that want to expose corruption or fight some perceived injustice, he dives head first into becoming a murderer out of pure spite.
  • Rule of Symbolism: Sticks Vance in a coffin alongside both a corpse and the jawbone of a donkey, the latter fitting into a biblical passage invoking that Dearing is going to try to kill as many of Vance's people as possible.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: Harper Dearing is barely a footnote in the series' villains personally, as he's not some part of a grand conspiracy, he's a grieving bomber that would be on par for motivation with any standard villain of the week and he only shows up in person for one episode. But his actions help get a strong amount of backstory revealed for DiNozzo, he comes closer to killing the cast than almost anyone else for most of the series, this act gives Ducky a heart attack that starts the long process towards his retirement as the Medical Examiner, and his actions stir the entire main plot of Season 9 while being concluded at the start of Season 10. For how irrelevant he is to the overall series, he still earned his spot as the most wanted terrorist in all of America.
  • Suicide by Cop: Dearing was waiting for Gibbs, and purposefully set it up to let him figure out where he was in the first place. Even approaches a window with a loaded handgun on the sill in plain sight that makes it clear what he was about to do as he worked up the nerve to finish it. Doesn't stop Gibbs from fatally stabbing him before he can even try to fire upon grabbing it, dying quietly within seconds.
  • Tragic Villain: A company CEO and regular man that lost his son in a terrorist attack, who ends up going mad with grief and attempting to murder virtually anyone and everyone that he considers involved, including NCIS. Though, he loses sympathy after a point when his hypocrisy reaches such a high level that he's little more than a petty murderer by the end of his arc.

    Sergei Mishnev 
Played By: Alex Veadov

  • Arch-Enemy: While he considered Gibbs his and tried to make the feeling mutual by killing Diane, his actually nemesis was Fornell, who loved Diane even more than Gibbs did. Fornell ultimately ended up being the one to kill him.
  • Avenging the Villain: He is Ari's best friend and maternal half-brother, and he's out for Gibbs' blood to avenge him.
  • Bash Brothers: He and Ari are a villainous example of this trope. Literally.
  • Beard of Evil: Sports a beard and is definitely evil.
  • Best Served Cold: He waited a decade after Ari's death to take his Revenge.
  • Big Bad: Of season twelve, until "Cabin Fever".
  • Boom, Headshot!: How he killed Diane. He dies in the same manner from the hands of Fornell.
  • Call-Back: His ways of getting into Gibbs is mimicking the deaths of Jenny Shepherd, Mike Franks, and most notoriously, Caitlin Todd, the first two for The Team's cases, the last one is how he killed Gibbs' third ex-wife, Diane. His own death is a near-reproduction of Ari's: a single shot through the forehead.
  • Cold Sniper: Whether he is actually one or he only did it as a Call-Back to his late best friend is uncertain.
  • Disc-One Final Boss: He gets killing in the 15th episode of season twelve but there are still nine episodes left leaving to Daniel Budd to take over as Big Bad.
  • Karmic Death: He dies via Boom, Headshot!.
  • Villainous Breakdown: When his final showdown is with Fornell, and not Gibbs:
    What is this?
  • Villainous Friendship: With Ari.
  • Villainous Legacy: On top of being Ari's Villainous Legacy, he has his own in his impact on Fornell. Sergei's murder of Diane was the beginning of an insanely long Trauma Conga Line for Fornell that lasted until Season Eighteen that ended with the death of his daughter with Diane, Emily.
  • You Killed My Father: Or best friend (and half-brother) in his case.

     Daniel Budd 
Played By: Giles Matthey

The leader of a terrorist group called The Calling.

  • Big Bad: Of the season twelve finale and the season thirteen premier.
  • Child Soldiers: He creates them.
  • Hero Killer: He was personally responsible for the bombs that killed Ned Dorneget in Cairo
  • Karmic Death: Tony shoots Budd in the same places (the knee and the chest) that his people shot Gibbs. The difference being, Budd doesn't survive his wounds.

     Robert King
Played By: Peter Jason

An extremist who sees himself above morality to save lives and tries to harness a deadly bioweapon by manipulating Abby.

  • Arch-Enemy: Abby's biggest and worst opponent, the anti-Abby of sorts. Highly unethical and intelligent and able to cover his tracks and knows scores of connections to perform hits.
  • Big Bad: Of season 15, effectively after ordering a hit on Abby.
  • Didn't Think This Through: He becomes so arrogant that he has one-upped Abby that he brags to her face that she can't do a damn thing to stop him in the season 15 finale on their meeting, all the while thinking she would never kill someone. He immediately starts regretting drinking that coffee she gave him once she points out that she's well and truly pissed this time over Reeve's death, even if it was all a bluff. He then tries to brag he'll escape to Gibss' face and gets a busted nose for it.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: After he taunts Gibbs that he'll escape from prison again, Gibbs doesn't even reply- he immediately smashes King's nose in with his fist and the blow slams him into the side of a car, knocking him out cold. The message was clear: DO NOT hurt people Gibbs loves, ESPECIALLY Abby.
  • Manipulative Bastard: One of the series' VERY worst, who played Abby for a sucker in his first appearance and loves mind games and intimidation to control people.
  • Oh, Crap!: A little bit of careful wording, some Caff-Pow pills to make him more suggestible with a bit of extra-strength caffeine unexpectedly running through his system, and the threat of cyanide spiked in King's coffee makes him immediately start gulping, feeling like his throat is dry and like he is about to be killed. This is immediately after he taunted Abby to her face that good girls like her couldn't do a damn thing to him and never would — and this is after he had gotten Reeve killed in trying to kill her, so the "good" Abby was replaced with a royally pissed off Abby that makes it clear she could've easily killed him without him even realizing it if she wanted to.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Is extremely willing to kill for the sake of the whole, considering these deaths "casualties of war".

     Luke Stana 
Played By: Max Adler

A dogfighter who appears in the season 18 episode 'Watchdog'.

  • Bad People Abuse Animals: Stana tortures his dogs and drowns them in his pond when they are of no use to him anymore.
  • Bald of Evil: has a bald head.
  • Beard of Evil: has a beard.
  • Hate Sink: He's an animal abuser. What more is there to be said?
  • Hypocrite: Although having no problem being cruel to his fighting dogs, Stana is kind to his pet poodle, Finn.
  • Karma Houdini Warranty: Although it initially looks like Stana is going to get away with his animal abuse, the team are eventually able to find evidence to rescue the dogs and have Stana arrested.
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Gibbs beats the crap out of him upon seeing what he is doing to the dogs.
  • Significant Anagram: the letters of Stana's surname, rearranged, can ironically spell Satan.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: He's a completely incidental chump of a bastard that has no real ties to any previous or ongoing plotlines, going almost as fast as he came. But Gibbs nearly killing him comes after a massive Trauma Conga Line and growing stress, nets the Special Agent a rather rough suspension because of the public backlash, and ultimately becomes the catalyst for Gibbs retiring and leaving the series.
  • Villain with Good Publicity: McGee's body camera footage records when Gibbs utterly laid into Stana. When the media manages to get their hands on this, they swiftly take an anti-police stance and make Gibbs look like he was abusing his authority and attempting murder without probable cause, which he technically was, while leaving the dog abuse part understated, which helps Stana get off on the initial charges and gets Gibbs suspended.

     Paul Le Mere 
Played by: Jason Wiles

A serial killer who later turned out to be a hitman hired by CEO of Sonova Industries, Sonia Eberhart, to kill anyone standing in her way to get the copper mine up in Alaska approved. Only appeared in two episodes of Season 19, “Nearly Departed” and “Road to Nowhere”.

  • Hate Sink: LeMere is a real bastard. He intentionally tried to push Gibbs's button and manipulate him into thinking they’re the same. He even held Kasie hostage with a letter opener before Gibbs wounded him by shooting him in the back.
  • Karmic Death/ Laser-Guided Karma: Killed himself by stepping on a landmine he planted at his deceased wife’s old house. Given he’s a remorseless murderer and a total scumbag, even held Kasie hostage for a moment and tried to kill Gibbs by putting a bomb on his boat Gibbs worked on for seven years, he absolutely deserved it.
  • Manipulative Bastard: Tries to gaslit Gibbs into thinking they’re the one and the same. That fortunately didn’t work but it did enrage Gibbs enough he’s tempted to kill him.
  • No-Nonsense Nemesis: Everything he does is to manipulate the heroes to his own ends or to try to get away from them, and there's not a single sense of humor or amusement to be found when he's involved. For an idea of how seriously he's presented, he escapes the interrogation room by flipping the table, using Jessica's head as a means to break the window for the first time ever in the franchise, and nearly makes it out of the building with a letter opener to Kasie's throat before an unexpected Gibbs shoots him in the back.
  • Professional Killer: Hired by Sonia Eberhart to get rid of any competition standing in her way.
  • Serial Killer: While he turn out to be a hitman hired by the CEO of Sonova, he did murdered a few other people unrelated to the Sonova case as a smokescreen so people can’t see the real connection, so he still counts as a serial killer.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: He uses his two episodes to really wreak hell on NCIS, and dies just as swiftly, but the heroes discovering his connections and reason for his murders leads Gibbs, McGee and Parker to Alaska, which ends up being Gibbs' final case before officially retiring from the franchise.
