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"Too many noobs."

The world of Runeterra is enormous and its ever-increasing cast eclectic, lending itself to being adventurous, awe-inspiring, touching, scary, heartrending, and naturally, full of lots of funny moments.

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    In-Game (Champion Interactions) 

    In-Game (Everything Else) 
  • Some champions' jokes.
    • One of Xerath's meme-laden joke quotes:
    • Ziggs's joke emote is hilarious, and his quote seals the deal.
    • One of Vi's jokes is not getting why her Talk to the Fist policy never gets results, but it also involves Vi going hilariously high pitched roleplaying her "victim."
      "Why can't I get a straight answer? It's always just 'Oh no! Stop hitting me! Ow, my face!'"
      • In the Japanese version, the contrast is even more obvious, Vi there normally sounds super gruffy aggressive, but when 'roleplaying', she suddenly sounds so sensual like someone asking to be spanked.
    • While Nautilus' joke itself is a rather lame pun, the animation in which he performs his joke with is him SWIMMING IN MID-AIR. It's as bizarre-looking as it sounds, especially considering Nautilus himself. One of the loading screen hints even says "He's weird like that" in reference to the animation.
    • The classic Shout-Out joke by pre-rework Pantheon, made even better by how instantly he shifts in tone between sentences.
      "MY PROFESSION!? You know, now that I think of it, I've always wanted to be a baker."
      • Furthermore, when Pantheon got his rework, this joke stays. Pantheon materializes a freshly baked bread out of nowhere with his godly power and stated that it's his "secret dream."
    • Syndra, the Ionian dark sorceress that killed her master, lifted up a castle to the sky and bursts foes with her powerful dark balls of energy, cheerfully hops her energy balls like a little girl for her joke emote.
    • Before her remake, Poppy simply had No Sense of Humor. After her remake, she has a sense of humour- she just Cannot Tell a Joke. She starts telling an incredibly long (by League standards) joke, only to fluff the punchline- twice!
    • Jhin's joke involves him spinning his gun, only to clumsily drop it and have it fire all over the place while he cowers back in fear, then nervously picking it back up when it stops. Combined with the exaggerated, almost cartoonish animation, it's a weird image.
    • The PROJECT: Ashe skin has her call to Avarosa, who it turns out is just a small hovering drone, leading to this exchange:
      Ashe: Avarosa, guide me!
      Drone: In 400 feet, turn left.
      Ashe: Thanks, Avarosa!
    • Akali's visual update retires her classic "Too many noobs" joke, but she instead gets a cute animation of herself munching on some ramen.
    • Gwen's joke has her resting on her giant hovering scissors, somehow reverting back to her doll form as she flips herself on it over and over. If you look carefully, she appears to be holding onto the blades by wrapping her curled locks around them.
  • Fun with alternate skins:
    • Pre-VGU Grungy Nunu dressed Nunu and Willump as Oscar the Grouch and Cookie Monster.
    • Reverse Annie dresses her as Tibbers...while also dressing Tibbers as Annie.
    • Uncle Ryze dresses him as Uncle Sam and turns his scroll into the U.S. Constitution.
    • Monarch Kog'Maw turns him into a butterfly with girlish eyelashes.
    • Sinful Succulence Morgana puts her in a baker outfit, though the humor mainly comes from the skin's portrait where she's frustrated over burning her gingerbread men.
      • Post-visual update, it shows her after burning the apparently sentient gingerbread men in a rage, but one just barely survived and another, slightly charred one is running away.
    • Blast Zone Heimerdinger makes him look like he was caught in an explosion, hence the name.
    • Gragas, Esq features all the drunken uncouthness of regular Gragas in a high class suit.
    • Statue of Karthus dresses him as the Statue of Liberty.
    • Urf the Manatee. It's not Warwick in manatee clothing, we swear.
    • Related, Urfrider Corki replaces his copter with Urf.
    • Brolaf gives Olaf a polo shirt and jeans, turns his helmet into a beer-drinking helmet, and turns his axes into ones made of recycled beer boxes.
      • In ARAM, Greyor will occasionally shoult "BROOOOOO!" to an Olaf using this skin.
    • Gentleman Cho'Gath puts him in a top hat, monocle, and a fancy coat. Like Brolaf above, it also comes with new voice clips.
    • Deep Terror Thresh has a unique recall animation where he fishes up a treasure chest and rests a foot atop it proudly. He doesn't always catch it though.
    • Pool Party Renekton suits him up as a lifeguard, but the best part is his Recall. And that's before some people decided to go to town with it.
    • Who's that large, lumpy man in the poor-fitting suit? Whoever it is, it's definitely not Blitzcrank.
    • When Arcade Miss Fortune recalls, she brings out a TV and plays a game similar to Duck Hunt. Apparently, she lost, if Gangplank popping up to taunt her like that goddamn dog is any indication. In her anger, she promptly draws her gun and shoots the TV.
    • Final Boss Veigar is a loving reference to all sorts of video game villains, but one of the simpler joys is his /dance emote, where he shoves his staff into the cuff of his right hand, enlarges it to roughly his own size, and allows his apparently-sentient staff to dance alongside him.
    • Omega Squad Veigar. It puts him in fatigues to match Teemo's, but grants him none of the grim darkness. The animations for the skin actually make him more goofy and emotive, his eyes shifting into various shapes to accentuate his mood. The crowned jewel is his recall animation, which has him set up a missile launcher, only for it to not really launch the missile after priming it, leading to him mashing his controller's button to summon an evac.
    • Poro Rider Sejuani, which has a Giant Poro as a mount and a Poro-Snax as a flail.
    • Three words: Dunk. Master. Darius.
    • Two more words: Gentleman Gnar. Sophisticated as Hell made manifest, especially the hilarious recall animations for both forms.
    • Pool Party Rek'Sai. Her recall has her chomp down a poor frog, and her original ult had her ride a jet ski... which somehow sounds like a tugboat! (no, really)
    • Many of Dragon Trainer Tristana's new lines; i.e., upon buying a Statikk Shiv, one of her responses is her telling Riggle not to chew it, only for him to do exactly that and get electrified. She also tears into other champions such as Quinn ("Cool eagle, what does it breathe? Air?"), threatens to cook Azir, and is horrified at the sight of enemy champions using the Dragonslayer skin line (*gasp* "What are you wearing?!”).
    • Everything about Primetime Draven. Just check out what happens when a self-absorbed narcissist becomes a shoutcaster for his own match.
    • Speaking of Draven, the Draven Draven skin features Draven with a comically oversized version of his head. He'll even bop the head if he dies!
    • In Pool Party Fiora's recall animation, she gets into a sword fight with a crab, which ends with her disarming and kicking it away.
    • The second set of SKT T1 skins (commemorating the team's Season 5 World Championship victory) features unique recall animations based on the members' suggestions (except for Marin, who declined, so they made one from scratch), most of them being as comical as they sound.
    • In Candy King Ivern's recall, he's surrounded by sentient gingerbread men and blowing kisses. When he accidentally knocks one of the gingerbread men over and tastes the icing it left on his hand, he begins rapidly eating all of them while they're all still alive and screaming.
    • Snow Day Graves' recall has him tamper with his snowblower-shotgun, and sticking his head toward the barrel for a look. He then accidentally fires a snowman's head into his face, complete with coal and branch as eyes and eyebrows, and a carrot for a cigar!
    • Dreadnova Gangplank's recall animation randomly spawns an airlock as well as a tiny green alien, leading a confused Gangplank to punt it before aiming his gun at it (with the alien adorably putting its tentacles up in the air). And then a giant tentacle emerges from the airlock and drags him through before he can fire his shot. The kicker is that while returning to spawn, he and the tentacle must've had an awesome offscreen struggle, because he lands alongside it, cleanly chopped off.
    • The sheer cartoonish redundancy of the Moo Cow Alistar skin is already funny on its own, but its recall animation adds to it by having him pull out a milk bottle for a trio of Meowkai's weird alien cat things, tossing aside the cork but unknowingly bonking one of them out cold. The funniest bit is that as the other two rush towards the saucer, Alistar does a quick headcount, but by the instant he gets to the third one, the recall completes before he can appropriately react to it.
    • Dragon Trainer Tristana's death animation where she's blasted apart from Riggle and he tries to get her back up? Horribly distressing. Dragon Trainer Heimerdinger's death animation where he's blasted apart from Pythagoras, only for Pythagoras to steal a drumstick from his dead body and fly off? Horribly hysterical.
    • Count Kledula's recall animation has him really lean into a cross between a Cool Old Guy and a Grumpy Old Man, playfully spooking a trio of trick-or-treating poros... then actually spooking them by firing his Hand Cannon like he's signalling them to get off his lawn.
    • Papercraft Nunu twigs around with Nunu's dance animation in a hilarious way. Normally, he plays his flute while dancing around, but with this skin, he instead pulls out a rolled-up sheet of paper and "plays" that. It sounds exactly as you would expect.
    • Little Demon Tristana's recall gives her a shoulder Little Devil Teemo who whispers something in her ear, followed by another Little Devil Teemo, but wearing a heavenly toga and halo... who Tristana promptly decides to fling into her cannon to fire him out as both she and the other Teemo laugh.
    • Annie-versary replaces Tibbers with Teemo, who when summoned by her ult is Tibbers-sized and melees enemies using knuckle dusters with mushrooms on each end. It looks exactly how it sounds.
    • Little Devil Fizz summons a giant Little Devil Teemo with his ult. His recall, meanwhile, has him fight another angel Teemo for Little Devil Teemo's crown.
  • The occasional Funny Back/Foreground Events in the skin portraits can be worth a chuckle or two.
  • The dances in general will cause you bust a gut laughing. Some are expected, such as Olaf's dance being based on "Techno Viking" and Corki "Doing A Barrel Roll". Some, however, are completely out of the left field, like Twisted Fate channeling his inner K-Pop star by dancing to "Gangnam Style"!
  • With Poppy's rework, the splash arts of all her skins were updated. In her Lollipoppy skin, one of the lollipops in the background has the old skin's infamous face, and she also puts on a similar face in her dance animation.
  • Guardian Angel is an armor that revives you on the spot with roughly half your HP on death, playing the animation in reverse to simulate getting up. Kog'Maw's death animation involves him exploding, so it would be kind of weird on him if he should somehow equip it. Thus, Riot has the item coded to play his dance emote when its ability goes off instead.
  • Sion's ultimate, Unstoppable Onslaught, has lines that he shouts while using it. Normally terrifying. Hearing him shouting “COWARDS!" while running away from the enemy team? Hilarious.
  • The Discount Demons Bundle was a bundle of skins that were mostly demonic- and spectral-themed, including Blood Moon Thresh, Underworld Wukong, Reaper Soraka, Underworld Twisted Fate, Dark Crystal Ryze... then there was Lolli poppy.
  • In a small, but highly amusing bit of Black Comedy, the Flavor Text for the Dead Man's Plate item.
    "There's only one way you'll get this armor from me..." - forgotten namesake
  • Emote spamming, which consists on spamming taunts until your fingers ache. Some champions are culprits of acoustic contamination like Garen and Heimerdinger. Others are more silent but will still make anyone laugh (or annoy) other players with their weird movements like Tahm Kench, Nami or Graves.
  • Kled in general, being a ridiculous, exaggerated parody of Noxian aggression, expansionism and ruthlessness. When you take Demacian virtues to their extreme, you get Poppy: honest, noble, self-effacing and heroic. When you take Noxian virtues to their extreme, you get...a deranged, foul-mouthed, drug-addled, ambiguously cannibalistic hillbilly who steals titles from his victims and rambles incoherently about things that never happened at battles he may not even have been at.
  • The Champion Ban voices. While this usually have the characters have lines saying they're leaving or mocking your fear of them, three members have very funny lines. The first is Taric, whom deems you as blind for not choosing him, Draven, whom only calmly leaves (while all the others, apart from Swain, taunted you), and as for Taliyah...
    • Meanwhile, Lulu apparently endorses queue-dodging.
      "I recommend skipping!"
  • Summoner's Rift has several one-time-only instances of minute critters wandering around the map, making it feel that much more alive. However, some fans have noted a random frog that around 1:30 into a game near the top-right corner of the map, jumps off a cliff apparently to its death. Riot's officially stated it's just going home, but fans have embraced this interpretation, giving the frog the nickname of "George the Suicidal Frog."
    • Became an Ascended Meme in the reveal video for Neeko, which starts with Neeko catching the frog right before he jumps off the cliff... only for him to jump off the cliff anyway as soon as she puts him down and leaves.
  • Kayle and Morgana's 2019 relaunches were released simultaneously, with Kayle, who had a massive gameplay update in addition to a massive graphical update, getting an appropriately comprehensive champion spotlight for her new abilities. Morgana, however, mostly received just the visual facelift with little to no actual gameplay changes, so her spotlight is... different.
  • The April Fools 2018 login screen is a sight to behold. It's a Self-Parody of the login screen used at the start of Season 8, only instead of scrolling against multiple champions, this scrolls up to... Birdio. Multiple times. With the epic orchestral music blasting behind it.
  • After being probably the 2nd biggest fandom in-joke behind Graves' cigar, Riot decided to make Star Guardian Urgot an official skin for their 2020 April Fools event. Well, sort of. The justification is that he's cosplaying as a Pajama Guardian - hence the name "Pajama Guardian Cosplay Urgot" - but the community seems to have deemed that "close enough".
  • Ahri's Spirit Blossom skin has an animation where she turns into a full fox and dives headfirst in a pile of snow that appears out of nowhere. Funny enough, but then she gets stuck and has to pull herself out. Her struggles to escape are cartoonishly exaggerated, with borderline squash and stretch physics at play, which extends to even the snow pile.

    Lore and Other Supplemental Material 
  • The Journal of Justice has this in spades. Along with giving extra info and backstory on the champions for the interested (quite a few) there are a number of "joke" articles which are just meant to be amusing. Special mention for Annie doing advertisements for dental hygiene. Yes, that Annie.
  • The Journal of Justice had an article, viewable on the wiki here, about Blitzcrank creating a sort of dating service. The article was amusing, but the best part was the accompanying illustration in which Blitzcrank shows photos of successful (well, he might have a different definition of it, being a robot and all) pairings from his service - one was Rammus and a cactus.
  • The two blooper reel videos Riot made of their own Season One CG Cinematic. The first is worth a good giggle, with Groin Attacks and Epic Fail but the second is HILARIOUS, asking Fridge Logic questions like "what if the summoner controlling a champion is a klutz?", "aren't those minions Cho'Gath eats actually animated constructs?" and "just how dog-like is Nasus?"
  • The tale told in this newspost. To give a quick brief, Mundo had taken a bunch of other champions to a bar, and the waitress kept asking, of all people, Rammus if the table wanted more drinks. You can probably guess how things go from there.
  • The trailer for the Mac version is also highly amusing. It starts with Corporate Mundo going where he pleases and ends with one of Zigg's hexplosives standing in for the Apple logo. It also includes such hilarities as a child's drawing of Mordekaiser standing next to a burning house with "I [heart] My Daddy" written on it, a banana included on a display wall together with a collection of other weapons, an emergency glass cabinet with "Press R to win" printed on it and a water cooler that dispenses health and mana potions.
  • The Rise of the Dragonslayer video has a subtle one. It was supposed to highlight the new Dragonslayer skins and slaying Dragons, be it neutral Dragons, or Shyvana. But in a blink-or-miss, Dragonslayer Pantheon still has time to lob his spear at a nearby Teemo even though he's not a Dragon!
  • Karthus apparently Can't Hold His Liquor, according to this news flash. And he complains when his bandmates point that out.
  • The lore entry for Gnar (a prehistoric, 4-year-old Yordle champion) is written from the perspective of Rengar. Gnar starts to annoy him, so he throws the poor tyke's boomerang into a tree... cue Gnar pulling a Hulk Out behind Rengar's back and throwing the tree at him.
  • A New Dawn has its share of moments. Everything from Katarina bolting around to kill Graves, only to meet Graves' shotgun pointed at her face where Graves gives her an eyebrow wiggle worthy of Groucho Marx, to Draven coming in to try to kill Ahri and just shrug at her as if to say "Hey, just following orders."
  • Azir's Champion Spotlight has this one gem, in regard to his soldiers:
    Sand soldiers are afraid of enemy turrets. They refuse to attack them and disappear much faster when one's around. Bunch of wimps.
  • In the Warriors - 2014 World Championship (Imagine Dragons) music video, around 0:18 seconds in there is a Kappa face on the door. 0:23 seconds in? Twitch chat is utterly filled with them.
  • The Shadow & Fortune story-line, while rather dark and focusing around the Harrowing, has many rather comical moments with, of all characters, Olaf being so annoyingly frustrated at being unable to have his glorious death. Best exemplified in this one line:
    That beast just shit you out?note 
  • Rammus' updated lore is arguably one of the most hilarious, and certainly one of the most goofily straight-faced pieces of writing since the Journal of Justice. While Rammus retains his Mysterious Past, it reveals that he is speculated in-universe to be an Ascended being as old as the concept of Ascension, and is worshipped as a god, leading to this gem:
    Disciples of the cult devoted to Rammus demonstrate their unwavering faith in a yearly ceremony by imitating his famous roll and somersaulting through the city in droves.
    • Additionally, it documents a time when he saved Shuriman tribesmen from Noxian forces by collapsing an ancient temple over them, causing them to retreat. While it is unknown exactly why he did it, one tribesman speculated that "Rammus was simply sleeprolling and had no intention of taking down a temple."
    • The entire concept of a cult devoted to Rammus is humorous, as it seems that sages and scholars seek him for his counsel. Keep in mind that he only has 7 lines, all of them single-word answers. One wonders if the "revelations" that they seek actually come from talking to themselves and arriving at a different conclusion.
  • Yorick's new Champion Spotlight HAD to crack a joke about "graves"...
    "Also, none of the graves can have a cigar."
  • LeBlanc's rework in the Assassin Update gave her a new ability where she can summon a clone globally to bait enemies into wasting spells. While this is hilarious on its own, the practical explanation Scarizard gave to it... is nothing short of sensational.
    "Pretend to gank top lane while you head towards bot lane. Or pretend to gank top lane... AND THEN ACTUALLY GANK TOP LANE!"
  • The adventures of intrepid Piltover writer and explorer Eduard Santangelo in Ionia to search and investigate the ancient race of the Vastaya led to some hilarious moments during his meeting with these creatures such as offending the otterfolk for asking if they were the result of human and shapeshifter reproduction and his infatuation towards Ahri when he met her bathing in a lake naked.
    "I wished to stay and ask more of the otterfolk, but one of my questions seemed to cause great offense, and I was unceremoniously ejected from the village and the creatures’ good graces in one fell swoop. My question, for those looking to avoid the same mistake, regarded whether the pairing of the two species was purely magical or more (shall we say) physical in nature."
  • Teemo rares up to take names in the video for "Mortal Reminder". Fearlessly walking through the chaos, scaling a rocky spire, readying his blowgun... before getting absentmindedly booted into the stratosphere by Kayle.
  • The Lost Tales of Ornn reveals Fizz's trident began life as Ornn's eating fork.
  • The "League of Legends New Player Promotion" trilogy features a bunch of live-action players in an Institute of War-esque building armed with the weapons of the champions they're choosing to play. It's as comical as it is incredibly endearing.
    • "Born to Spin" features a team ready to go, all except for one who's clearly a beginner and having a hard time picking a starter champion. To boot, he fumbles with Draven's machetes, fires Ashe's arrows at his teammates (which the Janna player has to shield), and blows up a window using Lux's wand.
    • "Escalation" features everyone demonstrating their weapons that do just that: The new player shows off Katarina's daggers, followed by Riven's reconstructed blade, Rhaast, Fishbones, and Tibbers, who explodes into form all in front of their eyes. By that point, it's honestly very hard to disagree with the newbie's ecstatic "We're gonna win!"
    • "The Plan" features the party returning from a lost game, with one of them suggesting a better team composition... resulting in everyone ignoring him for the most immediately cool-looking weapons and running off (with the newbie making off with Ekko's clock hand).
      Only Sane Man: Guys, this is never gonna work!
      (everyone excitedly rushes to the battlefield)
      Only Sane Man: (looks at his Darius axe) Maybe it will.
      • Some commenters have pointed out that judging by the release order of the videos, this takes place after "Escalation". So much for "We're gonna win."
  • Willump chewing on a baby Krug in the "It's Me & You" video. Not noticing the very annoyed and very large Mama Krug behind him.
  • "Just One More". Following a supremely unlucky 5-man on a big losing streak. Special mention goes to them unloading every ult on Karthus...forgetting his passive. And proceed to get nuked by his ult.
  • "Welcome Aboard", a teaser for the Odyssey skin line, framed as a recruitment video by Jinx. Combined with the blatantly obvious Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) influence, it's predictably a riot.
  • "An Explorer's Journey". Chronicling the adventures of Ezreal and his surprising lack of preparedness.
    Day 4, somewhere around lunchtime: I really should have packed a snack.
    Day 4, well past noon: Is pomade edible?
  • Veigar's color story, "The True and Ghastly Tale of the Beast of Boleham Tower", puts his own brand of "evil" on full blast, and is naturally packed with laughs.
  • In an extremely bleak sense, the ending to "At the Edge of the World". After being unknowingly sent on what turned out to essentially be a Suicide Mission and left stranded in the horrific Shuriman jungles, Ysard Tomyri comes up with a last-ditch plan to escape with her surviving crew, ending her commands with "This place will not be the end of Ysard Tomyri." The following section hard-skips to much later, where a random villager encounters her corpse. Sorry, Ysard.
  • The 2018 "Year In Review" —a retrospective for each individual player with highlights and overall statistics — pokes fun at the champs, with a humorous quote for the whole roster.
    Alistar: Don't milk those.
    Amumu: When you invite everyone to your gank, but no one shows. Q.Q
    Azir: May I have a moment of your time to talk of Shurima?
    Evelynn: You can hear it in my growl growl growl growl.
    Garen: Not a Mage. Giant falling sword is pure coincidence.
    Karma: It doesn't matter how many seasons pass. They never expect the Karma damage.
    Karthus: You were Karthus before it was cool.note 
    Maokai: Saplings!
    Sivir: Have you considered a career in pizza delivery? Or cosplay?
    Talon: TalON = death. TalOFF = death.
    Teemo: Don’t listen to everyone. We like Teemo, too.
    Tristana: Rocket jumping out is only okay once you’ve got the penta.
    Varus: It takes two to dance with death. Wait, no, three.
    Vayne: You’re reeeeeeaaaaallly good.
    Yorick: There are dozens of us!
  • During "Roots of a Poisoned Tree":
    • The description of Malphite shifting an inner cave wall to form a face for himself entails "two deep craters that looked like closed eyes, and a projecting crag that could be a nose." While the accompanying illustration hints that that's indeed what it's supposed to be, one has to wonder if this ambiguity is a nod to the general fan consensus that Malphite's in-game head looks like a nose.
    • In the same story, as Malphite is dramatically introducing what he is, the normal human miners tell him to quit moving his face around as it's causing the tunnel to crumble around them.
  • As serious as it is, there are laughs to be found in the "Zed" comic.
    Kayn: We shoulda taken Althon's spear. We could've sold it.
    • Akali's hilarious summation of Kayn in issue 3.
    Akali: It's your eyes.
    Kayn: What?
    Akali: I mean I hate admitting it, but the abs and shirtless thing? Actually works for me. But those eyes? Crazy. You're hot. But crazy.
  • Combine one bomb loving Yordle and one completely wacko anarchist, and what do you get? "Paint The Town". A hilarious buddy comedy featuring Ziggs and Jinx.
    Devil!Ziggs: Blow him up! Nothing stops this party!
    Jinx: You both make good points. This will take a lot of soul-searching and consideration and MAMA BORED! LET'S BLOW UP MY SENSE OF MORALITY!
    • Jinx getting revenge on a bakery that she feels did her wrong. For very Jinx-like reasons.
    Jinx: I've sworn vengeance on the owner cause he wouldn't serve me unless I put on a top.
    Ziggs: Why weren't you wearing a top?
  • "A Feast Fit For A King". Full of the off the wall Toilet Humor you'd expect of a story starring Trundle.
  • The Spirit Blossom event stories. Taking champs and turning them into characters straight out of a Visual Novel. The kicker being the normally serious Riven being turned into a possessed Tsundere.
    • Thresh blushing is as if he's got a night light lit inside his head and practically turns all of it hot pink.
    • The nameless protagonist of the event in general. Thanks to multiple response choices, you can play them either as someone taking the situation rightfully seriously, or as a medium aware weirdo treating the whole thing like a game. Of particular note is their interactions with Cassiopeia, and their odd fascination with having her crush their bones. Cass herself starts getting a little creeped out by it after a bit.
    Cassiopeia: My Champion, this request is getting a little...weird.
  • "The Boys And Bombolini". A hilarious, explosion filled romp starring Twisted Fate and Graves is full of funny moments.
    • Apparently Graves has been telling the story of how he defeated Viego for months. TF is sick of hearing it. And the butchering of the details therein.
      Twisted Fate: "I’m ungrateful? I’m not the one who disappeared for months to go fight some Camavor ghost prince, then rolled back into town one night like he owned the place."
      Graves: "He was a ghost king, and you’re lucky I fought him or we’d all be ghosts! You’d be a ghost, I’d be a ghost. Everyone would be a ghost!"
      Twisted Fate: "You weren’t even there! You think I don’t read Shauna’s letters? Graves, I’m a con man, you can’t trick me. They left you outside while scissors doll and the shirtless wonder saved the day."
    • I think we’re sa—” said Goby, exploding.
    • Graves on his taste in men.
      Graves: "I do not have terrible taste in men. I have good taste in terrible men, and there is absolutely a difference."
    • Apparently his friendship with Vayne has one caveat.
      Graves: And for the love of all that’s sacred, never call her ‘Shauna.’ She will break your neck by looking at it.
  • To go along with the release of HEARTSTEEL's music video "Paranoia", they animated a short blooper reel of the boys goofing around and struggling to get their video made. It's hilarious.
    • Kayn still has his "Shadow Step" ability in the HEARTSTEEL universe, but has a little more trouble controlling it. He walks face-first into the door, gets his foot stuck, and gets stuck halfway through with all the other members making fun of him.
    • K'Sante threatening to tell Yone when Kayn steals the car keys. Later, Yone is shown lecturing them after they crashed the cars in the gladiator scene, as they all hang their heads like guilty children (except for Ezreal, who is stifling a massive laugh behind Aphelios).
    Yone: why we don't play chicken with the very. Expensive. VEHICLES!
    • Aphelios' eyerolling at his teammates' antics, mostly Sett.
      • Sett falls asleep on Aphelios, snoring loudly as the latter tries in vain to get him off. Later, we see that the bandmates doodled all over Sett's face as he slept, with Aphelios' camera capturing a video of an obliviously sleeping Sett.
    • Ezreal and Aphelios doing rock paper scissors to see who is going to drive with Kayn. Ezreal loses, pleads for a rematch, and Aphelios won't take it.
