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Characters / RuneScape Gods

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As with most fantasy settings, RuneScape has a large and colourful cast of deities that form a Pantheon. The major gods all have large followings and if the player wants to join one they can speak with a local emissary. The minor gods do not have any way of getting player support. It has come to light that the gods can be divided into the "younger gods" which is most of them, to distinguish them from the "Elder Gods" which are...something else.

Naturally, there will be spoilers here, some of which may be unmarked. Proceed only with utmost caution. You Have Been Warned.

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    In General 
  • The Ageless: As a general rule, the gods can be killed, but do not die of old age.
  • Anthropomorphic Personification:
    • Before the nature of the gods was Retconned, all gods qualified. It was stated that neither Saradomin nor Zamorak could ever fully prevail against the other because as the personifications of Order and Chaos respectively, they required one another in order to exist.
    • Post retcon, this still applies to the Elder Gods. But with the Younger Gods, their alignments only count as philosophies.
  • Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence: Pre-Retcon, gods were more "real" than mortals and generally resided on a higher plane of existence. Guthix banished their corporeal forms from Gielinor as punishment for the God Wars. According to legend, the hero Arrav once stumbled upon a crack in reality, briefly allowing him to perceive an argument between the gods in the divine realm. This has since been retconned to propaganda and exaggerated myth, with the nature of the gods being more along the lines of Physical Gods.
  • Barred from the Afterlife: Gods relinquish their right to an afterlife upon ascension, having achieved physical immortality, and often turn to stone upon death.
  • Cessation of Existence: Divine beings forfeit all right to an afterlife, and as such suffer this fate if they die without escaping their bodies.
  • Character Exaggeration: An In-Universe side effect of ascension is that it amplifies major personality traits, potentially at the expense of lesser ones.
  • Deader than Dead: Per Word of God, there's no means whatsoever to bring a god back from the dead, as they surrender their right to an afterlife upon ascension to godhood.
  • Deity of Human Origin: Most of the Gods were mortals at one point. Some of their stories have been told, others have only been implied.
    • Zaros was never a mortal at all. This plays a large role in his Blue-and-Orange Morality.
    • Seren, like Zaros, was also never a mortal; both were created by Mah.
  • Enemy Mine: Saradomin, Zamorak, Armadyl, and Seren all agree to set aside their differences and work together to stop the eggs of the next generation Elder Gods from hatching. Icthlarin doesn't join them due to his mistrust towards the Mahjarrat and instead offers an alternative means of assistance.
  • Gods Need Prayer Badly: The God Letters stated that in order for a god to have influence over a given world, they needed to draw power. With exceptions like Guthix, who could draw power from nature itself, most gods needed to draw power from the prayers of their followers. This has since been retconned and the gods' power no longer has any direct connection to their followers.
  • Have You Seen My God?:
    • At the end of the Third Age, Guthix enacted the self-named Edicts of Guthix, a barrier set up to expel the major gods from Gielinor and prevent their re-entry while it remains in place. It would be destroyed after Sliske assassinates Guthix, allowing the major gods to set foot in Gielinor for the first time in millennia.
    • In "Aftermath", to counter Zamorak's invasion on Gielinor, the World Guardian surrenders their powers permanently to re-establish the Edicts and banish the major gods (and Nex) once more.
  • Immortal Procreation Clause: It is implied that former mortals lose the ability to reproduce upon ascending. Even if they could, divine Life Energy is a difficult to renew resource, so any theoretical descendants wouldn't inherit godhood unless their parents sacrificed parts of their own power.
  • Jerkass Gods:
  • Merger of Souls: A mage specializing in Soul Power, Oreb, speculates that this might provide an alternative path to godhood besides Touched by Vorlons. Nomad appears to have successfully put this theory into practice with the artificial god, Gielinor.
  • Mike Nelson, Destroyer of Worlds: Many of the gods tend to be this. Saradomin and Tuska destroyed Guthix's homeworld, and the Gielinorian God Wars would have destroyed Gielinor without Guthix's intervention.
  • Nature Spirit: The Elder Gods, as well as transcendent gods like Guthix, Seren, and Zaros, are able to increase their power by gradually feeding off the Anima Mundi, the Life Energy, of a given world. In fact, harvesting the Anima Mundi is the Elder Gods' entire purpose in creating new worlds.
  • Our Souls Are Different: Rather than possessing souls like mortals, Gods are beings of pure divine energy. Said energy will disperse their memories to the Anima Mundi should they die, denying them an afterlife. Should unique circumstances strip them of their divinity, they will grow a new soul.
  • Religion is Magic: Pre retcon, prayer buffs were favors from Saradomin for giving the dead an honorable burial in his name. Post retcon, the true power source is the spirits of the dead, but the gods and their followers still act as teachers for it.
  • Retcon: A lot retconning of has been done over the years, but some examples stand out such as the birth of Gielinor. Originally, Saradomin, Zamorak, and Guthix (all of whom described each other as "brothers") were responsible because the first iteration of the pantheon consisted only of them, and they agreed to physically stay off Gielinor (formerly known as the unnamed "world of RuneScape", per the God Letters). Now, the Elder Gods are the planet's official creators.
  • Taken for Granite: When a god dies, their body will usually turn to stone.
  • Touched by Vorlons: All known ways for mortals to ascend into godhood involve this, absorbing energy from artifacts left behind by the Elder Gods or absorbing an existing god's energy.
  • Uplifted Animal: When a creature absorbs divine energy, it amplifies their nature. This causes many animals who ascend into godhood to acquire sapience. One prominent example is Icthlarin, who was the pet dog of Menaphite gods Tumuken and Elidinis until he ascended. He partially reverts to cutesy domestic canine behavior and tries to stop his mind from slipping away when Sliske temporarily strips him of his divinity during Sliske's Endgame.
    • The exception is Tuska, a wild boar who had the misfortune of never achieving sentience and so developed a vile reputation for mindlessly devouring planets.
  • You Cannot Grasp the True Form: Pre-retcon, gods were transcendent beings that resided on another plane of existence. The God Letters stated that to see a god in its true form was to risk madness for the weak willed, while stronger willed beings would have to interpret them in a way their minds could handle. Post retcon, this is still somewhat true for the Elder Gods.

Major Gods


Voiced by: Stanley Townsend

The god of order and wisdom. He has a rather large following, especially among the human population. Originally a man from the human realm of Teragard, he became a god after prolonged exposure to multiple elder artifacts, starting with the Elder Crown, also called the Locator or the Crown Archival.

  • Amazing Technicolor Population: Although he does have a white beard and hair, when seen in person, we find that he also has blue skin and Glowing Eyes. He isn't completely sure why his skin is blue, but it is apparently a side effect of his ascension. He speculates that it is related to the fact that he was hotheaded as a mortal justicar tasked with upholding the law and pursuing criminals; because ascension amplifies one's nature, his nature is now one of a righteous fury that needs to be carefully kept in check by a cool demeanor.
  • Animal Motifs: His holy animals include lions, owls, rabbits, and unicorns.
  • Anthropomorphic Personification: In older lore, Saradomin was the spirit of Order. This has mostly been Retconned to his philosophy, but his divine energy is classified as Lawful.
  • Badass Creed: In the God Letters, Saradomin's is "Strength through wisdom".
  • Black-and-White Morality: According to Zaros, this is the way Saradomin sees things, despite himself being very much a shade of gray and thus a contradiction to his own moral standards.
  • Bolt of Divine Retribution: The special attack of the Saradomin Staff, Saradomin Strike, allows players to evoke this against their enemies.
  • Characterization Marches On: In the God Letters, he was a laughable but loveable braggart eager to talk about himself and his ideology whenever the opportunity arose who nevertheless cared deeply for his followers. His increased moral ambiguity since RuneScape 3 has led to less bragging and more emotional complexity behind a level-headed exterior. Likewise, he used to explicitly believe all forms of combat are wrong, but he now believes that conflict is sometimes the necessary price for peace.
  • The Chosen One: When he was a mortal man, he could feel the Elder Crown calling out to him, and believes it chose him to bring order to the world. "Azzanadra's Quest" reveals that Zaros came to possess it at one point and deliberately discarded it for Saradomin to acquire, so that he could keep tabs on it for millennia. Zaros would eventually swipe it from him during a confrontation between the two gods in Falador Castle.
  • Cool Crown: It's an artifact originally belonging to the elder gods, which is capable of locating the others. Also, anyone who possesses one of the other artifacts can find the crown. The crown is possibly the source of Saradomin's divinity.
  • Crystal Dragon Jesus: The Saradominist religion has many of the trappings of Christianity, specifically Roman Catholicism: monks, priests, churches, holy symbols, prayer, etc. Saradomin is thus believed to be at least partially based on the Catholic God and even paraphrases one of God's lines from Monty Python and the Holy Grail during "The Death of Chivalry".
  • Dimension Lord: He rules the plane of the Icyene. He briefly conquered the world of the Naragi before it was destroyed, and he once ruled an empire in Gielenor. He seeks to bring all under his fold in order to maintain peace and order and protect fragile mortal life from harm.
  • Do Not Taunt Cthulhu: It doesn't take much effort to set him off, whether it involves disobeying his instructions or calling him names.
    • When Garlandia voiced her opposition towards fighting in Saradomin's name during a banquet in New Domina, Saradomin tore off her wings in front of a group of other Icyene out of fear that other members of her race would follow her example and thus avoid warfare.
    • During Saradomin and Zamorak's encounter in "Sliske's Endgame", the two gods bicker with each other and are at the brink of warring. The player character has the option to call them out for acting like children, a remark Saradomin takes great offence to, in the midst of Sliske's sadistic games.
  • God-Emperor: In addition to being worshiped as a god, Saradomin is the ruler of at least one plane and has conquered several others at least for a time. Like the Trope Namer, he is the one who helped spread humanity across the universe. Zaros believes that his philosophy has merit based on how humanity, plus other sapient species like dwarves, have prospered under it.
  • God of Good: He certainly likes to think he is one, styling himself as a champion of Good, and many of his followers believe he is. His opponents, however, view him as a hypocritical tyrant.
  • God of Order: He's a god of Order and Wisdom who believes the world is best served by unifying it in peace under himself as supreme being. He is considered good by his followers, but like other gods, he also has a dark side.
  • Gold and White Are Divine: His color scheme both before and after his graphical rework includes these. After his graphical rework, his outfit includes some red elements, too, hinting that he has historical imperfections.
  • Grandpa God: Having been human once, Saradomin likes to take the form of an old, bearded man.
  • Have You Seen My God?: More or less his status on the human homeworld, Teragard, which he hasn't returned to in centuries. As a result, Teragard's ruling class has been able to abuse his name and use him as a symbol of fear to keep their populace in line.
  • He Who Fights Monsters: He believes this to be the role of a true god. Saradomin believes that when the situation calls for it, a god must be willing to do whatever's necessary to protect their followers and secure peace. This is similar to Armadyl's rationale for fighting despite his distaste for war.
  • Hypocrite:
    • Armadyl calls him out for not doing as he teaches by implicitly calling him a god of peace who ironically seeks war (something Bandos, being a god of war, seems to enjoy).
    • He calls out Seren for inadvertently binding the entire elven race to her but ignores the fact that he's brought other species to near-extinction, if not total extinction, on purpose.
  • I Did What I Had to Do: When he is proven to be less than noble by the MacGuffin of the "Death of Chivalry" quest, he calmly admits to having done some horrible things, though claims he did them so his followers wouldn't have to deal with more serious longterm problems.
  • Kick the Dog:
  • Light Is Good: Most of his followers consider him a God of Good, and his religion has many symbols of good associated with it. Saradomin generally seems pleasant in conversation, many of his crueler actions were performed in the very distant past amidst the Black-and-Gray Morality of the God Wars, and he shows more of a guilty conscience than Zamorak does. He even united all the warring nations of Teregard, which is possibly based on the real Earth, under his banner and brought about an age of enlightenment: something no human in reality has accomplished.
  • Light Is Not Good: As Guthix reveals, he can be every bit as ruthless as many of the other activist gods like Zamorak or Bandos and has a very dark past he regrets.
  • My God, What Have I Done?:
    • After realizing what damage he'd done to Guthix's world because the Naragi refused to fight for him, he fought to defend the Naragi from other invading gods. Things did not end well for anyone involved, including for Guthix, who became what he feared as he ascended to godhood.
    • In "The Death of Chivalry", he drops this trope's name if the player tries to keep the Wand of Resurrection from him and he uses it to revive Sir Owen Sonde anyway.
  • My Greatest Failure: If you question Saradomin about his actions in the Naragi homeworld, he admits that he had been Drunk with Power at the time and calls it his greatest shame. He claims that when he obtained the Elder Crown, he thought it gave him the right to rule and in his arrogance never considered that the Naragi might not want to follow him. He later came to regret this and tried to make amends, but by that time, a couple of other gods had arrived and drove him out.
  • Necessarily Evil:
    • Saradomin's ultimate goal is peace, and he believes that the best way to achieve that is for there to be a single supreme being, himself, in order to enforce peace and order. But he is willing to commit ruthless deeds towards this end, hoping that the ends will justify the means.
    • He is implied to have brought peace to the icyene homeworld by committing genocide against one of their enemies. He states that while he would have preferred to reason with said enemy, he didn't think that was possible and would have resulted in the icyene's destruction. When Garlandia defied him and attempted to rally the icyene to a peaceful approach anyways, he was forced to Make an Example of Her.
  • Never Speak Ill of the Dead: He calls out icyene leader Commander Zilyanna for her insensitive celebration of Guthix's death in "The World Wakes", suggesting that, despite the gods' differences, he had a degree of respect for Guthix's ideology after all.
  • Papa Wolf: To his daughter and heiress, Adrasteia. Although she would rather go out on her own adventures to learn and grow as a person, he insists she stay on Hallow for her safety. Nevertheless, she makes her first physical appearance on Gielinor as a pivotal character in the quest Extinction.
  • Pre Ass Kicking One Liner: When he confronts Zamorak shortly after he resurfaces on Gielinor, he bellows: "ZAMORAK. I CANNOT ALLOW YOU TO CONTINUE.", before the two rival gods fire beams-o-war at one another while their factions of knights clash below, commencing the Battle of Lumbridge.
  • Pride: His biggest flaw.
    • In the God Letters, he brags about himself and his religion for laughs. Guthix says in one issue that he enjoys listening to people singing in his name.
    • Though he now regrets it, he lost his temper with the Naragi for refusing to worship him and attempted to conquer them.
    • In "The Death Of Chivalry", he insists on using the new wand to revive Sir Owen Sonde, even though he doesn't have a pure heart instead of swallowing his pride and allowing the player to do the revival. Justified in that even if the player tries to revive Sir Owen they can't. After being killed twice, only a god could revive him.
    • While Armadyl appreciates them, and Zamorak fears them as threats but recognizes at least some of their potential, Saradomin is completely dismissive of Odd Job Gods like Brassica Prime and Marimbo, laughing at the former while calling the latter nothing more than a "drunken harlot".
  • Shoot the Dog: A key way in which he differs from Armadyl. They both want universal peace, but while Armadyl would rather save the raging dragonkin due to them being victims of a Curse, Saradomin believes that sad though their condition be, they need to be put down for the good of everyone else.
  • Took a Level in Badass: As a result of his victory in the Battle of Lumbridge, Saradomin gained the power of the Divine Tears, making him the most powerful young god after Zaros and Seren.
  • With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility: The harshest lesson he ever had to learn. Because he believed himself to be The Chosen One when he heard the Crown Archival calling his name, he became Drunk with Power in his early days of godhood and ironically caused chaotic destruction in trying to spread order. In the RuneScape of today, while he still frowns upon those who side with his sworn enemy Zamorak, he refrains from personally punishing those who choose not to side with him since he regrets having done so before. For example, if the player chooses not to kneel before him while first talking to him in "The Death of Chivalry", one of his possible lines is: "Your loyalties are your own to choose. I force no one to bow their knee before me."
  • Your Answer to Everything: Order. More specifically, his philosophy revolves around establishing peace, harmony, and cooperation to guard innocent mortals against destruction and corruption for what he hopes will be a greater good for Gielinor, even if this means making ethically debatable sacrifices.


Voiced by: Dan Mersh

The god of chaos, power, and destruction. Originally a mortal Mahjarrat and general in Zaros' army, he ascended to godhood after usurping his master.

  • Above Good and Evil: His detractors dub him a "god of evil", but he thinks of himself as a god of chaos whose philosophy revolves around driving people out of their comfort zones and forcing them to adapt, and he claims that he cares little for the concept of evilness itself despite his cruel behavior of the past.
  • Animal Motifs: His holy animal is the imp.
  • Anthropomorphic Personification: In older lore, Zamorak was the spirit of Chaos. This has mostly been Retconned to his philosophy, but his divine energy is classified as Chaotic.
  • Apocalypse How: Invoked a regional apocalypse on the Wilderness, formerly the land of Forinthry, by means of the power of the Stone of Jas.
  • Badass Creed: In the God Letters, Zamorak's is "Strength through chaos".
  • Berserk Button:
    • Before the nature and personalities of the gods was Retconned, stealing his wine from his temple was his, causing him to telepathically demand that you stop stealing his wine and send divine retribution in the form of the Flames of Zamorak.
    • He has very minimal patience for Sliske's trollish antics.
  • Blood Knight: Many of his followers love fighting and glorify war.
  • Characterization Marches On: Originally written by Jagex as a Laughably Evil God of Evil, Zamorak becomes framed as Not Evil, Just Misunderstood to the point of being an Anti-Villain during the Sixth Age. He revisits some of his earlier evil nature when he sees an opportunity to take advantage of the other young gods' weakened armies after the Elder God Wars, posing a monumental threat to Gielinor's balance that the player is tasked with maintaining.
  • Embarrassing Nickname: Sliske addresses him as "Zammy" in-universe.
  • Equal-Opportunity Evil: Unlike most of the Gods, he doesn't have a bias towards any of the species in his following, just as long as they thrive in Chaos and strengthen because of it. During the God Wars, many non-humanoid species, such as the Dark Beasts and Goraks, fought alongside more conventional races under one banner.
  • Even Evil Has Standards:
    • "The Death Of Chivalry" has Saradomin mention there are some acts that even Zamorak wouldn't engage in. Zamorak preaches using chaos as a means of personal advancement or strengthening people through adversity. Hurting people just for the sake of hurting them is against his teachings and he disavows Lensig for this reason.
    • He has a similar response in the Elder God storyline, knowing that the idea of stalling the elders is futile but goes along with it because he can't allow the other gods to increase their own strength; however he later leaves after discovering Seren planned to trap all the gods in an infinite loop within Senntisten.
  • Evil Is Burning Hot: Even though 'evil' is questionable, he certainly has an affinity with fire, likely due to its chaotic and destructive behavior. His concept art shows him wih fireballs in his hands, and during the Battle of Lumbridge, his Beam-O-War seemingly consists of fire and his followers spawn animation has them being teleported across the battlefield in a burst of fire. The special attack, and former signature spell, "Flames of Zamorak" attacks with fire, presumably provided by the god himself.
  • Evil Laugh: Though the nature of his evil has become more ambiguous since RuneScape 3, he is heard doing this a couple of times in the opening cinematic for the Battle of Lumbridge.
  • Fatal Flaw: Overconfidence. Upon declaring war on Gielinor following the events of the Elder God Wars, he is convinced that nothing can stand in the way of his conquest, including the World Guardian, to the point that he doesn't appoint a successor to lead his forces. The World Guardian's eventual confrontation with him and his banishment after the Edicts of Guthix are re-established drives a wedge between K'ril and Bilrach's factions, causing in-fighting over who should succeed the god of chaos (his general Moia ultimately settles this).
  • Final Boss: After being part of the game's lore since the beginning, players were finally given the ability to fight Zamorak in mid 2022, acting as the final boss of the Zamorakian Undercity Elite Dungeon.
  • Foreshadowing: Zamorak was hinted to be General Khazard's father, according to a journal written by his mother Palkeera, found in the Shadow Realm during "Dishonour among Thieves". Zamorak does indeed turn out to be the father of Khazard, as revealed in "Children of Mah".
  • The Friend Nobody Likes: Saradomin, Armadyl, Zaros, and Seren all have their reasons for being opposed to him, but the fact that they haven't yet overpowered and killed him despite the likelihood that they could if they all banded together probably means they tolerate him enough to let him live.
  • The Gadfly: Zamorak spends a lot of his time provoking the other gods during the Elder God Wars, to absolutely nobody's amusement.
    Saradomin: Tell me something, Zamorak.
    Zamorak: Your hairline is most unflattering without the crown.
    Saradomin: Can't you hold your venomous tongue for even a moment?
  • God of Evil: Frequently described as such (mostly by Saradomin, Armadyl, Zaros, and their followers). He used to call himself a "god of chaos and evil" in the God Letters, too, but after some major retconning, he now he thinks of himself as more of a god of chaos and destruction, which he does not necessarily find good or evil despite the fact that many of his followers commit acts of evil in his name.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: After losing to Zaros, he attempts one in the quest, "Children of Mah", spending his energy to rejuvenate the other Mahjarrat. Zaros chooses not to let him become a martyr.
  • Historical Villain Upgrade: Courtesy of Saradominists, who in the Fifth and Sixth Ages dominate human-controlled areas of Gielinor (or most of the planet). Mainstream Saradominism views Zamorak as a cartoonishly evil Devil-figure vastly inferior to Saradomin in power, but in reality he's both far more complex and far stronger than they say he is. The most of the other factions don't hold very high views of him either, especially the Zarosians. Armadyl despises him as well for nearly wiping out the Aviansie god's species when Zamorak used the Stone of Jas to destroy the kingdom of Forinthry and transform it into the hellish Wilderness.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard:
    • The chaos he instigated at the Battle of Lumbridge came back to bite him in the ass big time.
    • Earlier still, he touched off the God Wars of the Third Age when he returned to Gielinor after his overthrow of Zaros and subsequent banishment. Not only did he nearly lose, but his use of the Stone of Jas at Forinthry was the act that awakened Guthix and resulted in all of the gods being banished from the world by the Edicts.
  • Horned Humanoid: He has red horns of varying lengths not just on his head but also his face and neck. In the God Letters, he resembled a classical humanoid devil with only two short horns on his head, and he fondly considered them both useful and fashionable.
  • Humans Are Special: Played with. Unlike the other gods, he has a respect for humanity and most mortals and recognizes their strength and potential. He even encourages their desire to prove themselves. They are not getting any special treatment though.
  • Hypocrite:
    • When talking to him in the Black Knights' Fortress, he says that he does not consider evil worth pursuing. Then again, he has committed numerous acts that most other god factions consider malevolent. He basically caused the God Wars, he corrupted the dwarves loyal to him out of desperation for an army, he overthrew Zaros and brought his master's empire to ruin while also attempting to erase Zaros from history, and he created the Wilderness at the expense of bounding helpless goblins to the land and bringing the Aviansie to near-extinction. The last of these caused Guthix to banish him and all the major gods from Gielinor, but Zamorak doesn't seem to regret it since he taunts Armadyl about the death of his second partner in Sliske's Endgame.
    • According to the transcript of the late Mahjarrat Lamistard's memory from the Mahjarrat Memories quest, when humans began to follow Zamorak, he originally had no religious following given his anti-authoritarian creed. This developed into an unhealthy anarchism where anyone who tried to establish any sense of order or cooperation to Zamorak's following was punished. Nevertheless, he was fine with and amused by humans and eventually some Mahjarrat creating loosely associated cults (but no unified religion) in his name to imitate Zarosians and Saradominists, which directly contradicts what he teaches.
    • Zamorakians generally have a Berserk Button on the topic of their Historical Villain Upgrade at the hands of ascendant Saradominists, but both factions gave one to Zarosians worldwide without a second thought.
    • Zamorak constantly preaches that chaos and conflict should not be avoided, but actively used as a way to improve oneself by rising to the challenge. Yet when he becomes said challenge and the World Guardian not only rises to meet him, but banishes him from Gielinor, he does not take it well. To put it in perspective, even Bandos took his own defeat with more grace.
  • Kick the Dog:
    • The Dwarves were once a powerfully magical race. But while the dwarves following Saradomin were blessed with his protection, Zamorak inflicted the rest of them with a terrible Curse. By corrupting their magic, Zamorak caused the dwarves to start twisting into the abominations known as Chaos Dwarves. In order to force the curse into dormancy, the dwarves were forced to give up their magic. If you question Zamorak on this, he will admit to being desperate for soldiers, though he claims that the negative effects of the curse were an unintended consequence that he regrets.
    • So, after an entire 3rd Age of war, what woke Guthix up to end it, exactly? Not much. Just Zamorak getting the Stone of Jas and using it to nuke a massive and formerly prosperous country and corrupting it into the Wilderness.
    • Zamorak's aforementioned wasting of the Wilderness with the Stone of Jas was also the act that decimated the Aviansie race and caused Armadyl to fall into despair and wander the cosmos for millennia. When Zamorak gloats about incinerating Obi'Sooth (along with other Aviansie) in said event during "Sliske's Endgame", an enraged Armadyl threatens to end Zamorak.
  • Laughably Evil: In the God Letters. Also in The Fremennik Trials, where one council member who refuses to vote for the player to join the Fremnenik mentions that Zamorak has a teddy bear. This all changed as time went on.
  • Leonine Contract:
    • During the events of "Children of Mah", he and Zaros enter a pact. On Zamorak's end, Zaros is forced to cure the Mahjarrat (Zamorak included) of their degenerative curse by reversing it on 'Mother Mah'. On Zaros' end, Zamorak is forced to obey one request by Zaros, at an undisclosed time in the future. The punishment for either one by refusing or being unable to uphold their part of the pact is death. Even Zamorak is unsure of what consequences his actions will have further down the line.
    • In "Sliske's Endgame", if you race Zamorak to the Stone of Jas and he wins, Zaros will invoke the pact and demand that he be handed the Stone. Zamorak, however, doesn't get the opportunity to react as Kerapac appears and destroys the Stone with the Elder Mirror.
  • Luke, I Am Your Father: "Children of Mah" reveals that he is the father of Khazard.
  • Never My Fault: Zamorak, above all else, preaches the need for chaos and the just rewards for those who seize opportunities, but whenever a devout follower of his uses these teachings to justify foul and violent actions — which happens fairly often — he simply disavows them.
  • Not Evil, Just Misunderstood: Zamorak preaches chaos and destruction, but in his eyes, destruction drives people out of their comfort zones and forces them to grow and adapt. An example he gives of his philosophy is the player themselves even if they're reluctant to admit it, for it is only through the chaos of tumultuous times did the World Guardian rise above the masses and fellow adventurers.
  • Opportunistic Bastard: Given his forces didn't suffer as many losses compared to the other gods' by the end of the Elder God Wars, he takes advantage of this and launches an invasion in an attempt to once again assert his dominance over Gielinor, confident that no can stand in the way of his conquest.
  • The Paranoiac:
    • He dreads the thought of Zaros getting revenge on him for his betrayal, but since Zaros does not view morality in terms of good and evil, he doesn't understand the concept of revenge enough to make Zamorak pay for turning against him.
    • The god of chaos also feels paranoid towards Brassica Prime, of all gods, due to his followers (i.e., fruits and vegetables) being everywhere on Gielinor, even in dining halls where nobles eat. He's convinced himself that the cabbage god's wacky, insane demeanor is all just a ruse hiding an ominous ulterior motive.
    • In his early days of godhood, he was so paranoid about his own mages turning against him that he commissioned the demon tailor Razulei to create the Robes of Subjugation (now a tier-70 suit of magic armour available to players). Zamorak was Properly Paranoid in the end because the robes eventually killed the mages who wore them due to their secret disloyalty to him. His newer generations of mages, however, have been loyal enough to wear the robes without ill effect.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Along with a number of Mahjarrat, he delivers one to Seren towards the end of "Children of Mah", calling out on her over her responsibility for the decline of the Mahjarrat and the death of Mah.
  • Red and Black and Evil All Over: Because most of his detractors see him as a Satanic archetype, and because he is often depicted this way (but with a shade of gray in more recent years), black and red are his color motifs.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Like the rest of the Mahjarrat apart from Sliske, the sclera of his eyes are red. In his concept art, his eyes are completely red.
  • Revisiting the Roots: As he shapes up to be the true Final Boss of the Elder God Wars quest series, Zamorak eagerly seizes the opportunity to make what he hopes will be short work of the scattered remnants of the other young gods' armies after the events of Extinction. While he doesn't completely revert to his Laughably Evil older self during this story arc (except for a couple of instances before Extinction where he taunts other gods for his enjoyment), he revisits the part of his personality that seeks chaos and change for the sake of it more than as a means of personal growth. This compulsive need for chaos was amplified upon ascending to godhood, and now, he can't stop it, especially with the opportunity to prey on the weakened armies of other gods. And he loves it.
  • Satanic Archetype: Most other god factions view him this way, especially Saradominists, whose god is implied to be based on the God of Roman Catholicism.
  • Screw the Rules, They're Not Real!: Zamorak's favorite opponents are the kind that adhere to The Laws and Customs of War, precisely because he doesn't.
    Zamorak: I love fighting a foe with a code of honour. It's like I've already won.
  • Shut Up, Hannibal!: In "Sliske's Endgame", Zamorak repeatedly tells Sliske to keep his trap shut after he tries to goad him into attacking Zaros during their entourage encounter.
  • Sink or Swim Mentor: Personally was one to Moia. He is one with all his followers, really; his philosophy doesn't allow for hand holding.
  • The Social Darwinist: He encourages chaos because it leads to the benefit of those who survive it. However, he says he abhors indiscriminate killing simply for the sake of it.
  • Sore Loser: When Saradomin, Armadyl and Bandos cornered him at the climax of the God Wars, Zamorak refused to surrender and used the Stone of Jas to incinerate all of Forinthry, turning it into the Wilderness. In Guthix's own words, nothing was worse than defeat in Zamorak's eyes.
  • Trickster Mentor: His nicer followers tend to see him as this.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Zigzagged; he lost power at the Battle of Lumbridge. He later restores the power he lost by grasping the Stone of Jas for a short time. So he broke even, but is still weaker than Saradomin.
  • Troll: His detractors tend to see him as this. This was especially prominent in the God Letters when he used to be depicted as a comical evildoer, though it was gradually toned down as the conflicts between gods became prominent in the storyline.
  • Voice of the Legion: When voiced in quests prior to Slikse's Endgame, he uses a low, growling, raspy manner of speech with an otherworldly echo that adds to his intimidating presence.
    • When voiced in the Zamorakian Undercity Elite Dungeon, his voice loses the echo. He also abandons the raspiness when speaking calmly for more of a standard Evil Sounds Deep voice.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Gives one to Seren of all people when he figures out her plan to use the Eye of Het to imprison the city of Senntisten in a neverending loop, sealing the Elder Eggs inside and saving the multiverse, at the cost of all those inside. When called on it, Seren responds that she can't just let the eggs be killed, to which Zamorak destroys the artifact and leaves everyone to their fate.
  • Winged Humanoid: When he officially returns to RuneScape at Lumbridge, the form he assumes has a pair of sinister looking wings. He loses said wings after a rematch with Zaros in the Sixth Age, but regains them at some point after the events of the Elder God Wars.
  • Your Answer to Everything: Chaos. More specifically, his philosophy revolves around driving people out of their comfort zones and making them adapt to and grow from unfamiliar situations, although he tends to take this to extremes that gravely upset or threaten to upset Gielinor's balance.


The god of balance, devoted to maintaining balance and creating a world where mortals can live prosperously without the direct intervention of perpetually warring gods. He brought many mortal races onto Gielinor and created the runestones used for magic.

  • Above Good and Evil: Although Zamorak only thinks of himself as this, Guthix truly is this. As stated in the God Letters: "I am beyond good or evil. I am simply Guthix."
  • All-Powerful Bystander: Unless you've passed the Godzilla Threshold.
  • Almost Dead Guy: Sliske mortally wounds him and leaves, giving the player enough time to have a long chat with the dying god.
  • Animal Motifs: His holy animal is the sheep. Butterflies are also of special importance to him.
  • Anthropomorphic Personification: This has been Retconned, but in the God Letters, he stated that he exists because nature needs something to keep it in balance, and if he did not exist, he would instantly be created again. If all life in the plane were to be extinguished, he would lose his power.
  • Badass Creed: In the God Letters, Guthix's is "Balance is power".
  • Balance Between Good and Evil: This is Guthix's main philosophy, believing that Good, Evil, Order, and Chaos should all be in balance. In the Retconned God Letters, Guthix also acted as the mediator between Saradomin and Zamorak, ensuring that neither one became too powerful and overwhelmed the other.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: He was a transcendent godnote  and preferred to stay out of mortal affairs. When he woke at the end of the Third Age, the God Wars taking place ended not long afterwards for a very good reason.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: Sort of. In the God Letters, it mentions the Earth and the Sun.
  • Cessation of Existence: One of the rewards from "Missing, Presumed Death" reveals that when a mortal ascends to become a god, they give up any right to an afterlife, leaving this as their fate upon death. On his deathbed, Guthix wanted to see his family again after thousands of years. Since he was the boss of the Grim Reaper, he definitely was aware of this.
  • Cool Sword: He has only used two weapons in his life, and they were both swords. One is the size of a building, and can be seen in game in the Wilderness. The other is an artefact left behind by the Elder Gods, which he used to take the life and power of the god Skargaroth. It is also briefly visible in-game, just inside the entrance to Guthix's resting place. It is currently in pieces.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: His life on his homeworld was this.
  • Death Seeker: He could easily have stopped Sliske long before he got close enough to use the Staff of Armadyl. He deliberately allowed his own death to happen, and entrusted the player character with protecting the world in his stead, which has largely backfired on him in the Sixth Age, with most players ignoring his call and the gods fighting over his own leftover power.
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Guthix became a god in the first place by killing the god Skargaroth with his own sword, which turned out to be an Elder artefact.
  • Eye Awaken: In Origins of Gielinor, Guthix's awakening due to the destruction of Forinthry is portrayed like this.
  • God's Hands Are Tied: Invoked. When Guthix sees the devastation caused by the gods' direct interference in mortal wars during the God Wars, he decrees that the gods may only influence the mortal realms indirectly through their followers. He enforces this by threatening to destroy the entire world if they step out of line. During The World Wakes, he is killed, and the other gods can return.
  • Green Means Natural: He looks after the natural world, sponsors the Druids, and features green prominently in his iconography. He also manifests as an all-green robed humanoid in one flashback.
  • He Who Fights Monsters: It is common to assume that Guthix is a god of peace. However, his ideology includes balance between peace and war as well as life and death. This is exemplified by his luring the monstrous Tuska to a world less populated than his homeworld, resulting in its destruction and all but one of its citizens dying.
  • I Am a Monster: In "Desperate Times", a memory of Guthix tells the player that he regrets bringing the Stone of Jas, one of two artifacts behind the God Wars, to Gielinor as well as sending the followers of other gods into exile and despair by banishing said gods (though he believes banishing Zamorak for creating the Wilderness was a necessary punishment for such a colossal crime). He also thinks that, with his death, he brought even more pain and misery to the world with his edicts shattered and Gielinor's existence threatened. The player can try to cheer him up in several ways but to no avail since Guthix believes that, as a god, he did more harm than good to the planet. Regardless, he trusts the player to do a better job of defending Gielinor from being destroyed.
  • Jack of All Stats: Equipment aligned with Guthix usually fills the exact midpoint between the Saradomin and Zamorak equivalents. Saradomin's Holy Book gives +8 to defense; Zamorak's Unholy Book gives +8 to attack; Guthix's Book of Balance, therefore, gives +4 to attack and +4 to defense. Similarly, the Saradomin bow gives a healing boost where the Zamorak Bow gives a damage boost, and the Guthix Bow splits the difference by giving a smaller boost to both.
  • Killed Off for Real: During "The World Wakes", Sliske kills him with the Staff of Armadyl which he somehow recovered from the Dragonkin and fixed.
  • Last of His Kind: Every other Naragi in existence was collateral damage of the Divine Conflict that he ended by killing Skargaroth and becoming a god.
  • Naytheist: On his home plane, Guthix was originally from a race of weak creatures in a realm where many gods sent powerful monsters into battle, making his people fear gods. By pure chance, Guthix found an Elder Artifact and killed a god while he slept, unintentionally becoming one himself. Guthix never wanted people to worship him or any other gods, so he banished all of the other major gods and then went into a hidden slumber. He made an exception for Seren, however, with whom he developed a close friendship because of their similar philosophies, and allowed her to stay on Gielinor in shattered form, knowing that the elves of Tirannwn would die without her.
  • Papa Wolf: When he was mortal, he had a daughter. Two gods fought near his house while she was inside, and one of them fell on the house, killing her. Guthix then used the weapon said god dropped to drive off the beast-like victor of that duel, and plunged the weapon into the unconscious god's back in a fit of rage.
  • Pieces of God: Guthix's "slumber" was actually a form of deep focus dedicated to a special task. He drew the Anima Mundi into his own vessel, increasing his power, but he never intended to keep that power for himself. Instead, he changed its nature, augmenting it as well as making it harder for any of the less scrupulous gods to suck it dry. Part of the reason he chose to die was to return this enhanced Anima to the world for the benefit of mortals, creating the skill of Divination.
  • Sadistic Choice: Since Tuska was protected against even Guthix's power, he had to save one world by luring her to a less populated world, resulting in the destruction of that world instead. While he tried to evacuate that world's inhabitants, time was so short and precious that he was only able to save one of them.
  • Stable Time Loop: The entire circumstances of his death and his blessing on the Adventurer are this. The Adventurer goes back in time and warns Guthix in the past of his death in the future. Past Guthix notices the blessing of future Guthix and takes this as they were telling the truth. Past Guthix decides that if he can not avoid his death then he will at least make the circumstances favorable to him. Future Guthix makes a Final Speech to the Adventurer that he had practiced in advance and grants his blessing making them the World guardian. The World Guardian goes back in time to warn past Guthix of his death. etc.
  • Stop Worshipping Me: Guthix never wanted to be worshipped. His final wish as he dies is to be forgotten.
  • Take Up My Sword: To the Player Character.
  • Time Stands Still: While dying, he states that he has slowed time to buy more time to talk with the Player Character.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: He dies in the quest where he's introduced.
  • Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe: Guthix's God Letters are all written in a deliberately archaic style. His ingame dialogue, on the other hand, uses proper English.
  • You Can't Fight Fate: It turns out that Guthix could not have avoided his death even if he wanted to because of the Stable Time Loop he was trapped in. This caused him a great deal of Angst, but he eventually came to terms with it.
  • You Kill It, You Bought It: Like Zamorak, Guthix became a god by slaying another one with an Elder Artifact.
  • Your Answer to Everything: Balance. More specifically, his philosophy revolves around balance in every facet of life, including equal amounts of war vs. peace, chaos vs. order, and nature vs. culture.


Voiced by: David Rintoul

The god of control and fate. Manipulative and mysterious god that ruled a large empire during Second Age of Gielinor. Was forced to abandon his corporeal form and escape into another dimension during a fight against Zamorak.

  • Ambiguously Evil: His alignment has been intentionally left vague. Some of his followers have committed atrocities, but others seem affable or even friendly. His enemies call him a vile being, but for a long time, there was no firm evidence to indicate whether he promoted good or evil. It is eventually made clear that while he is quite manipulative, and has been oppressive in the past, he doesn't qualify as either. However in TLW both Guthix and Seren warn you to be careful of Zaros intentions. Seren in particular calls in to question his real motives for seeking Elder Godhood, as well as just how far he'll go to obtain it.
  • Anthropomorphic Personification: He is the divine aspect of darkness.
  • Authority Equals Asskicking: Zaros has been known to engage in combat twice so farnote :
    • First, he easily trapped the god Loarnab and turned it into a divine power source, then absolutely kicked Zamorak's ass while having the Staff of Armadyl stuck in his back.
    • Zamorak's victory and ascendance only came about by virtue of being in the right place at the right time when Zaros lost his temper. In their rematch in the Sixth Age, he overpowered and would've killed Zamorak, if it hadn't been for the fact the latter was more useful to him alive than dead.
  • Big Damn Heroes: With Seren in "Sliske's Endgame", where they both arrive to aid you in the battle against Sliske after the Stone of Jas is destroyed.
  • Blessed with Suck: Being in his presence makes mortals loyal to him- the weaker their wills, the more loyal they are. Zaros views this as a curse, saying that the only way he has of knowing if people are truly loyal to him or not is to absent himself from their presence for some time.
  • Blue-and-Orange Morality: One of the best ways to interpret Zaros. He was one of the only two gods to be directly created by the Elder Gods as a god. It is known that Zaros cannot even understand the idea of revenge. He does not view morality in terms of good and evil, but in terms of actions and consequences. He also seems to form very few attachments.
  • Broken Pedestal: Azzanadra upheld fierce loyalty to Zaros since setting foot in Gielinor, to the point that he is Zaros's most trusted follower. All of that goes out the window when Zaros writes off Gielinor as being beyond saving and departs for Erebus by his lonesome to enact his plans, leaving Azzanadra disillusioned when he realises Zaros doesn't care about what happens to him or Gielinor anymore.
  • Bystander Syndrome: When Zaros enters Raksha's prison to steal a shadow anima container, his actions end up rousing Raksha. Zaros, however, is completely unconcerned with this, and nonchalantly advises the World Guardian to no allow the shadow colossus to leave the complex, expressing confidence that they can handle it. It's particularly jarring in that he only enters Raksha's cell after warning the World Guardian of Raksha's threat.
  • The Chessmaster: Considering his alignment, description as a 'Puppet Master', and the size of his empire at its peak, it's safe to say that he does lean towards this.
  • Dark Is Evil: In The Light Within, Guthix warns that the World Guardian should not trust anyone with as much power as Zaros has. Seren also shows a much less friendly side of him in TLW, where Zaros displays anger and shows that his reasons for seeking Elder Godhood might not be purely altruistic, as he expresses the desire to make the universe "perfect"...
  • Dark Is Not Evil: He is a divine manifestation of darkness, but his morality is coldly logical and his intentions for the world are fairly noble: he ultimately wants to protect Gielinor's life from being destroyed should the Elder Gods cause the universe to undergo another recreation cycle. At the same time, this entails achieving supreme control over everyone, a goal not uncommon among the gods of Gielinor.
  • Did You Just Scam Cthulhu?: Zaros offered the Chthonians access to knowledge of new worlds in return for several legions. Though Hostilius, their leader, could have easily spared what Zaros asked for, his greed got the better of him and he worded the Magically-Binding Contract to give everything to the eldest signatory. Zaros saw through it, but signed the deal. He then revealed that he was the elder of the two by a significant margin.
  • Disappointed in You:
    • He becomes disgruntled with his forces, lead by Azzanadra, for struggling to capture the mysterious monolith in the Archaeology Guild because of the combined forces of the World Guardian, Saradomin, Seren, and Crux Eqal, and takes matters into his own hands instead.
    • He expresses a similar sentiment earlier during Azzanadra's Quest.
      Zaros: I live in hope that all things can be accomplished without my direct intervention. Thus far I remain disappointed.
  • The Dreaded: Both Saradomin and Zamorak are actually terrified of him and what he's capable of, so they tried to erase him from Gielinor's history at the start of the God Wars. One would think Zamorak would have more courage to stand up to Zaros since he achieved godhood by leeching some of his master's power via the Staff of Armadyl, but he still sees him as a threat.
  • Evilutionary Biologist: In his efforts to cure the Illujanka race's infertility, he conducted some highly unethical experiments, weaving the lifeforces of Aviansie, Demonic, Icyenic, and Vampyric test subjects with Elder Energy, resulting in the creation of the Nihil.
  • Getting Smilies Painted on Your Soul: He and Seren were created by Mah with a case of this trope: whenever they're in close proximity, Zaros is filled with adoration for Seren that leaves him unable to concentrate, while Seren is filled with devotion for Zaros that saps her will.
  • Glowing Eyes: Sports this appearance in The Origins of Gielinor.
  • God-Emperor: In addition to being worshipped, he once ruled the strongest empire in Gielinor; also, much like the Trope Namer, he withdrew from his empire to work on a secret project, trusting his most prominent followers. Much like the Trope Namer, this did not end well.
  • Godhood Seeker: While already a god since his creation, he aims to ascend to Elder Godhood, believing it to be his birthright as a product of the youngest Elder God.
  • Harmony Versus Discipline: Definitely embodies the discipline side of the trope. He promotes control over emotions, dismissing concepts like "revenge", and also control over your property and people, and trusting in those who control you (leaders, generals, Zaros himself).
  • Have You Seen My God?: Zaros was betrayed by Zamorak and became incorporeal to survive his wounds. "The Temple at Senntisten" revolves around Azzanadra's attempts to find him and restore him to power again.
  • He's Back!: As his first direct appearance in the game, he returns to Gielinor as of "Fate of the Gods".
  • He Who Must Not Be Named: Characters are afraid to say his name, and it is rumored that doing so increases his power.
  • Humanoid Abomination: He is a masked humanoid figure with eight eyes and a mask around his lower neck that speaks for him, as well as "leaving a trail of shadows" when he moves (and apparently having no legs).
  • I Gave My Word: Enforced. Due to the terms of the Vinculum Juris he formed with Zamorak in "Children of Mah", he performs the very last Ritual of Rejuvenation and ends the need for Mahjarrat to peform future rituals. Zamorak, in turn, must fulfill one request by Zaros come the day of Sliske's endgame.
  • I Have Your Wife: If Saradomin reaches the Stone of Jas first in "Sliske's Endgame", it turns out that Zaros is holding Saradomin's daughter hostage to obtain the Stone. However, his plans to obtain the Stone don't come to fruition since Kerapac destroys it before the two parties uphold their end of the bargain, and returns Saradomin's daughter to him unharmed some time afterwards.
  • In Mysterious Ways: In the present era, he plans to use extremely subtle, almost unnoticeable manipulations to maintain balance.
  • It Is Beyond Saving: Part of why he abandons the main universe as well as all of his followers during the Battle of the Monolith, believing there to be little chance of appeasing the Elder Gods.
  • It's All About Me: Jagex has said that Zaros would sacrifice anything to save his own skin. Seren states that he would do absolutely anything to ascend to Elder Godhood and achieve control over everyone. When he can no longer determine any method of becoming an Elder God in the main universe, he risks all life on Gielinor to open a rift to another universe that might be able to offer him what he wants. Since it is too dangerous for his followers to join him, he abandons them to their fate, leaving them to deal with the aftermath of his actions and the looming threat of the Elder Gods on their own.
  • Leonine Contract: In addition to the one he makes with Zamorak in "Children of Mah", "Sliske's Endgame" reveals he has made such pacts with Armadyl and Saradomin as well, depending on who makes it to the final race for the stone.
    • In Armadyl's case, Zaros promises to protect the aviansie if he hands over the stone.
    • With Saradomin, Zaros agrees to hand over his captive daughter in exchange for the stone.
    • If Zamorak wins the race, he will simply invoke the pact made during "Children of Mah" to get the stone.
  • Manipulative Bastard: He is said to be manipulative, and his words are carefully crafted to appeal to his target audience's sensibilities.
  • Mercy Kill: He views killing Mah as this, and says that her existence was nothing but pain.
  • My Beloved Smother: This trope is why he left Freneskae- he resented what he saw as Mah trying to control him and keep him with her.
  • Not So Stoic: He reacts in surprise over Kerapac destroying the Stone of Jas.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: For a god so obsessed with control and obedience among his forces, Zaros telling Azzanadra and the rest of his followers to "Do as you wish," before departing to Erebus, is practically in Wham Line territory for him.
  • Purple Is Powerful: He's one of the more enigmatic deities and ranks high on the tier scale of the gods, and a lot of gear associated with him has a purple colour scheme.
  • Put on a Bus to Hell: He departs Gielinor indefinitely for the shadow-anima-filled realm of Erebus during the Battle of the Monolith, leaving his followers completely to their own devices, with no indication at all as to if or when he might be back. Azzanadra even becomes a Dragon Ascendant to godhood while sealing the rift that Zaros left behind.
  • Say My Name: Invoked word-for-word when you meet him in Freneskae.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here:
    • Left Freneskae because he refused to be Mah's toy.
    • Left Gielinor because he felt his plans were better furthered by going to Erebus.
  • Self-Made Orphan: He initiates a ritual that will drain Mah's energy, knowing it would kill her.
  • Sibling Yin-Yang: To Seren. He is the darkness to her light and the logic to her empathy. He is detached to the point of seeming cold, while she forms attachments to the point of being dysfunctional. He adored her just as she was devoted to him.
  • The Spock: He was said to have become enraged when Zamorak betrayed him and supposedly cursed those responsible for his downfall to be trapped as invisible ghosts. But Lucien believed this to be implausible, and Word of God is Zaros is not planning on getting revenge on Zamorak. In fact, revenge itself is an alien concept to him, and he only sees others as how they fit into his plans. He largely dismisses the notions of good and evil and basis his morality in terms of actions and consequences.
  • Uncertain Doom: During the Battle of the Monolith, he enters the realm of Erebus via the Monolith in search of whatever new power awaits him, without a care for what happens to Gielinor. Whether or not he survives during his time in Erebus is unclear, though Azzanadra is hopeful that he is alive and will return to Gielinor someday.
  • Unperson: After he lost his body, Zamorak and Saradomin tried to erase him from history and completely wipe out or seal away all of his still loyal followers. By the time of the fifth age, Zaros is almost completely unknown except to a small group of bandits in the desert that still worship him until an archeological dig near Varrock uncovers one of his temples.
  • Untouchable Until Tagged: According to Zamorak, Zaros fell into this trope after he stabbed him and in his irrational fury to strangle Zamorak, the staff still in his chest impaled them both, and the backlash destroyed Zaros's body.
  • Voice of the Legion: According to Dragon Rider Hannibus who wrote the book "Last Riders", Zaros speaks as if several voices are speaking at once.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: While Zaros has made some questionable decisions, his ultimate goal is to ascend to Elder Godhood. Why? Because the Elder Gods are going to destroy every living thing in every world as part of their cycle of rebirth, and he wants to stop them. He also wants the power to fulfil his promise to the Ilujanka and restore their fertility, a feat he cannot accomplish even as a transcendent god.
  • We Used to Be Friends: After "Children Of Mah", he and Seren are no longer allied.
  • Written by the Winners: Nearly all the records of Zarosian civilisation were destroyed by the combined forces of Zamorak and Saradomin; most of what little remains is their propaganda about how he was totally evil.


The god of war. Preferred deity of goblins, ogres and many of the other less intelligent races.

  • Anthropomorphic Personification: His divine energy is classified as Evil.
  • Apocalypse How: There was a peaceful swamp world named Yu'biusk. Then he found it. The result? Yu'biusk suffered plane-wide devastation, killing everything, and now all the Yu'biusk races live on other planes.
  • Big Bad: Of the Dorgeshuun quest series.
  • Blood Knight: Subverted. He's the god of war, but he doesn't like fighting when he can't smite everything with his godly powers. He's fine encouraging others to fight, though.
  • Carry a Big Stick: His weapon is a mace.
  • Chaotic Stupid: Although Bandos isn't this himself, he teaches his followers to behave like this by taking advantage of their lack of intelligence from their primitive, peaceful hunter-gatherer days. In Bandos's absence, his followers are too stupid and busy with infighting to pose a serious threat to Gielinor.
  • The Chessmaster: Like Sauron, Bandos is at his best when he is plotting and doesn't so much play the game as he rigs it. Also, whenever Bandos actually goes for Gambit Roulette, he loses.
  • A Death in the Limelight: His first and last direct appearance in the game, not counting flashbacks, was in the "Bird and the Beast" world event, where he gets decapitated by Armadyl after engaging in conflict with him for six weeks.
  • Dropped a Bridge on Him: Made a big impression during the goblin quest series and upon his return was built up as a massive threat. He was promptly killed shortly thereafter by Armadyl, meaning that all the qualities that were built up about him — his intelligence, his wildcard nature, and his humor, among others — are all left as Informed Attributes.
  • Early-Installment Weirdness: Underground Pass has a diary that can be found on killed goblins that tells that, while he's brutal, he does legitimately care for the species that worship him.
  • Eye Scream: When a priest in his homeworld discovered Bandos's insane plan to destroy their world, he managed to take Bandos by surprise and gored out one of his eyes.
  • The Faceless: His actual face in-game is unseen, although there is released official artwork of his face.
  • False Reassurance: A child on his homeworld offered to tell him a great secret if Bandos spared him. Bandos replied that he would judge its value, but he never actually said that he would spare the child.
  • Fatal Flaw: Arrogance. He wastes no time resurfacing to Gielinor following Guthix's assassination and swears to once again attempt to establish himself as the sole ruling god of Gielinor where everyone obeys his every command. To further his own ends, he enthusiastically partakes in Sliske's god games so he can claim ownership of the Stone of Jas, only to be interrupted by his arch-nemesis Armadyl. The two warring gods were locked in a six-week conflict that eventuated in Bandos's downfall and death, products of him underestimating his opponent and being blinded by his desire for conquest for its own sake.
  • Genius Bruiser: He was a highly intelligent, manipulative, and brilliant planner. After all, he managed to mobilize the least intelligent and unorganized races like goblins and ogres into deadly warriors, he was an excellent strategist and he made sure that all of his followers listened to him blindly, making sure that they wouldn't betray him. It still didn't help when he went in against Armadyl with death on the line.
  • Genocide from the Inside: Deliberately wiped out his entire race and homeworld as a monument to his glory.
  • God of Evil: Bandos is considered pure evil by pretty much the entire player base, as well as everyone outside of his devoted followers. Mod John, who wrote the goblin story line, was asked whether Bandos would get character development like Zamorak, and replied that Bandos was written to be unlikeable. Other than a few Villainous Virtues, there was nothing later writers could or would add, so it was no surprise that when he went up against Armadyl in a much publicized World Event where the loser would die, he lost overwhelmingly. What's more, nobody mourns him — not his enemies, not his allies, not his followers, nobody.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: The concept art of his face shows that he has an upside-down V-shaped scar running down his face.
  • Graceful Loser: To Bandos any victory in battle is a commendable event, even if it is against him — and as such he actually congratulates the player for defeating him in "The Chosen Commander" — and battlefield honor is the highest virtue.
  • Hate Sink: Bandos was created and written specifically to be irredeemable, in contrast to the original God of Evil, Zamorak, who began to be portrayed by Jagex in a more sympathetic light. In many ways, Bandos is what Zamorak started as: a warmonger whose thirst for conflict and destruction is often taken into comic absurdity.
  • He Who Must Not Be Named: Goblins referred to him as the Big High War God, and rarely ever say his true name out of fear of invoking his wrath. Only the most devout goblins are allowed to know his name, while his other followers use his name all the time.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: When he returned to Gielinor in the early Sixth Age, he initiated a battle against Armadyl. It did not end well.
  • Horned Humanoid: Only loosely humanoid, but he follows the same basic body plan and he has horns.
  • It's All About Me: Only cares about his own glory and considers all of his followers expendable. In his backstory, he killed the god protecting his world from meteorites, just because he wanted to be the last living being there.
  • Karmic Death: Bandos engages in a war with Armadyl, not long after Sliske's announcement of his god games. Bandos's greediness and desire for the Stone of Jas backfires on him hard thanks to Armadyl, who blasts his head off and smashes his petrified head with his own mace for good measure.
  • Kick the Dog: He makes his followers fight, not necessarily even to make them stronger like Zamorak, but for his glory and entertainment. Towards this end, he caused the destruction of the Goblin home world, …….
  • Kick The Son Of A Bitch:
  • Killed Off for Real: In the second World Event, Armadyl is able to wound him using a building sized ritual. Then Armadyl flies up to Bandos' remains, grabs his mace, and delivers the final blow using Bandos' own weapon.
  • Last of His Kind: In Bandos's exact words, he came from an unspecified Proud Warrior Race. He claimed that they fought one another to the death to prove their strength until Bandos was the only one left. In actuality, according to his memoirs, it is stated that he killed the god that kept his world safe from meteorites in a deliberate effort to be the last being alive on his world. With his death in "The Bird and the Beast", his race is now fully extinct.
  • Let's You and Him Fight: Engineered warfare between his own tribes of followers on Yu'biusk, which swiftly escalated into an Apocalypse How as he led his followers' shamans to develop primitive weapons amounting vaguely to magical nukes. He then forced his followers to use them against each other, despite some of them wanting peace. Bandos had no reason to do this, though, other than for his own glory.
  • Loophole Abuse: Bandos wants to make war on Gielinor, but the Edicts of Guthix prevented him from doing so. His solution in "The Chosen Commander" is to empower one of his followers with his own strength to create an avatar of himself, which he could then use to conquer the world without technically being the one personally out there doing it. Of course, this bit him in the ass later, when Zanik, his chosen avatar, destroys the pendant he was using to get his power into Gilenor. Since he'd put so much of himself in it, this weakened him severely- enough for Armadyl to defeat him using the Divine Focus.
  • Might Makes Right: Bandos's philosophy is simple, and revolves around the idea that the strong should rule over the weak. At least he's honest about it and is no hypocrite in this regard. In fact, he greatly respects the Adventurer for defeating his avatar in "The Chosen Commander".
  • Off with His Head!: At the end of his battle against Armadyl, he gets decapitated, courtesy of a blast from the Divine Focus.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: He killed the god that had protected his homeworld and enabled life to exist on it, in a deliberate effort to kill everyone else on it and claim the god's power for his own. He ultimately aimed to wage war on world after world until he was the only one left, with the multiverse reduced into ruins as a monument to his glory.
  • Orcus on His Throne: In his battle against Armadyl, he sits upon his throne and generally only oversees his army's efforts from his tower. He did, however, toss a number of goblins at Armadyl in the opening cutscene, to little effect.
  • Patricide: He murdered his sickly father, believing it better for his father to die an honorable death in battle than let a cripple continue to rule the clan.
  • Proud Warrior Race: Was a member of the Kal-i-kra tribe, which was composed of an unnamed race of warlike and combative rhinoceros-like creatures.
  • Psychopathic Manchild: He basically views his conquests as his toys, to inevitably break at his leisure.
  • Reclining Reigner: He had a typical Slouch of Villainy sitting on the throne atop his tower.
  • Sole Survivor: After killing Jododu Otoku and painfully ascending to godhood, Jododu's protection over his planet dissipated, and the meteor storm that followed decimated all life on it except Bandos, to his delight.
  • Spikes of Villainy: He has large spikes on the armour of his right shoulder.
  • Super Gullible: He was the only god to instantly buy into Sliske's god game entirely and actively participate in it. It ultimately bites back at him hard with his death at Armadyl's hands.
  • Taking Up the Mantle: Subverted. Oldak, Zaros, and a few of Bandos's followers speculate that sooner or later, someone will probably take up his cause and replace him as the God of War, be they mortal or an actual god. But at the end of The Mighty Fall, depending on your choice, Zanik will take lead of a bunch of the Bandosians and guide them to Yu'biusk, where they will probably die and certainly never be seen again. Graardor's loyalists choose to follow him to continue their ineffectual Forever War to claim the god sword. Either way though, Juna does not expect the Bandosians to be a threat again.
  • War God: He is the patron of war, although without the usual Boisterous Bruiser personality to go along with it. Word of God is that Bandos doesn't like fighting personally, preferring to either manipulate others into fighting for him or just smash everything with his divine power.
  • War Is Glorious: The mindset he encourages in his followers. He's the god of war, after all.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: Half of the tropes concerning Bandos come from the goblin quest series, while the second half came from his memoirs after his death. And that is all the game ever got, because according to Word of God, Bandos' story is finished, along with any real threat from his followers. The release of the Warforge Digsite, however, sheds plenty of light on Bandos's followers and to a lesser extent on Bandos himself—albeit as they were back in the Third Age.
  • We Have Reserves: The strength of his army wasn't in the intelligence of his troops, but the large numbers of footsoldiers and their physical strength.
  • Worthy Opponent: Speaking to General Graardor in "Missing, Presumed Death" after completing "The Chosen Commander" will reveal that Bandos respects the player for defeating his Avatar. As Bandos is confirmed by Word of God to be the only irredeemable deity, this is pretty much the closest thing to a positive quality he has.
  • Would Hurt a Child: He killed a calf that had told him a great secret, before slaughtering the calf's entire species.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: When it became clear that most of the gods including himself would be banished from Gielinor, Bandos destroyed Warforge and buried everyone in it to ensure no one else would be able to claim it in his place.
  • Your Answer to Everything: Strength.


The god of liberty and justice. A close ally of Saradomin during God Wars, after which he faded into obscurity. He has since returned in a big way.

  • Anthropomorphic Personification: His divine energy is classified as Good.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: At the end of his battle with Bandos, his Divine Focus launched an attack which knocked Bandos off of his throne and simultaneously decapitated the god of war. Then, Armadyl flew to Bandos' petrified remains, seized his mace as a trophy, and smashed Bandos' head with it.
  • Blow You Away: The player can use a spell called Storm of Armadyl that launches a small tornado at the enemy. Also, his prominent champions like Kree'arra tend to attack like this.
  • Brutal Honesty: Armadyl does not mince words when admitting his homeworld of Abbinah is a horrible place to live in.
  • Despair Event Horizon: After Zamorak's destruction of Forinthry wiped out the Aviansie at the end of the Third Age, Armadyl fell into this, believing his entire race to be extinct. He departed from his remaining followers and wandered the cosmos in despair for millennia, before coming to his senses and returning in the Sixth Age.
  • Floating Continent: The Clan Citadels, which in-universe were originally Armadyl-aligned fortresses.
  • God of Good: Takes this nearly as far in the other direction as Bandos takes God of Evil. Armadyl is the god of justice and liberty, and he wants the gods to be benevolent guides instead of despots. Because of his relative lack of flaws, he has one of the largest player followings out-of-universe; in-universe, even Zaros admires his dedication and pure intentions.
  • Gold and White Are Divine: The armor worn by his followers was gold and white coloured, but in the modern day he seems to has switched to red and gold, symbolizing his personality change.
  • Good Is Not Soft: He has taken on this philosophy after growing out of the Wide-Eyed Idealism he suffered from in the past.
  • Hufflepuff House: The god about which the least is known by far, in-universe because he departed Gielinor following the massacre of his beloved Aviantese and his remaining devotees have greatly diminished in number over the centuries since. Out-of-universe, it's likely because the developers and writers think Good Is Boring. It could also be caused by it being difficult to write negative traits for him and not turn him into a clone of Saradomin.
  • Hypocrite:
    • Accused of being such by Bandos and Kara-Meir. Specifically, Armadyl claims to despise fighting, yet is still participating in the battle between himself and Bandos (if you ask him, he'll say I Did What I Had to Do).
    • Saradomin calls him out on lecturing the others about being manipulated by Sliske when he has also been played.
    • Seren believes he spends too much time calling the other gods out and not enough time looking at his own faults.
  • I Did What I Had to Do: Armadyl's perspective on his battle with Bandos, as well as violence in general. At the same time, it's likely that many more gods and/or mortals would've died horribly had Bandos, a god who loved war for the sake of it, survived the second world event. So there is some validity to Armadyl's claim that the ends justify the means, even if it's not his proudest achievement.
  • I'll Kill You!: Threatens to end Zamorak when he turns up for Sliske's endgame after he gloats about Obi'Sooth's death.
  • Magic Staff: His most well known influence on Gielinor is what is now known as the Staff of Armadyl. It's actually an artefact left behind by the Elder Gods, capable of killing even a high-tier "transcendent" god such as Zaros or Guthix.
  • Martial Pacifist: Though he tries to avoid violence whenever possible, he is not above using it to protect his followers when absolutely necessary, whether dealing with Bandos or other threats.
  • Nice Guy: He is one of the few major gods to not actively exhibit hostility towards others. He cares deeply for his followers and believes that gods and mortals should work together, with the gods acting as benevolent guides rather than the tyrants most of the major gods have been.
  • Only Sane Man: At the climax of the God Wars, with the other gods talking about how they were going to kill the others, Armadyl was still trying to reason with everybody. It didn't work.
  • Popularity Power: The basis of his win over Bandos in The Bird and the Beast- he and Bandos relied on player help to power their god-killing weapons, and more players sided with Armadyl by a large margin, so his weapon got powered up first.
  • Relative Button: When Zamorak turns up near the entrance to the Heart of Gielinor for Sliske's endgame, the first thing he does is taunt Armadyl over the death of his second spouse, Obi'Sooth. Enraged, Armadyl threatens to end Zamorak.
  • Start X to Stop X: Armadyl deliberately started a battle with Bandos to protect Gielinor from his desire for war and because the other took Sliske's bait to kill gods for the Stone of Jas.
  • Straight Gay: Before ascending to godhood, he was married twice, and both of this spouses were male; but he doesn't give any obvious signs of being gay, especially since none of the major gods seeks marriage, until the player asks him about his family.
  • Technical Pacifist: Although he is fully prepared to fight if need be, Armadyl insists that everyone can share the world peacefully.
  • That Man Is Dead: If you comment on his appearance he will tell you the reason for his new look is to symbolize his rebirth from his former personality, explained below.
  • Tired of Running: After the apparent extinction of his race, he wandered the cosmos for centuries in mourning. But as he explains to one of his followers, he eventually came to realise that he was accomplishing nothing. Upon discovering that members of his race had indeed survived, he recovered hope and decided that his new purpose was to take a stand against those who seek war.
  • We Used to Be Friends: He was allies with Saradomin in the God Wars, but they became divided over whether they should take an activistic or pacifistic approach to spreading law and order throughout the multiverse.
  • Wide-Eyed Idealist: According to Word of God, he formerly is one of these but has since learned better while still retaining some of his idealism.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: In a cutscene in "Sliske's Endgame", Vorago chews him out for his killing of Bandos and the damage it inflicted upon Gielinor's anima. Armadyl does admit that it was a misstep in hindsight.
  • Winged Humanoid: In his current form, he has multiple pairs of wings.


Goddess of the Elves, representing Peace and Growth. She is stated to be the divine aspect of the Anima Mundi, though current lore defines this to mean a special connection rather than her being an Anthropomorphic Personification. She had a special relationship with Guthix, though she was ordered to leave just the same as the rest after the God Wars.

  • Actual Pacifist: Does not get involved in conflicts, and even when Zaros' empire threatened to envelop the continent, she remained in Tirannwn, protecting the elves there. Even as the Final Boss of the Elder Gods/Elder God Wars quest arc, she does not attack you directly.
  • Aw, Look! They Really Do Love Each Other: Despite vehemently standing against Zaros, she admits she cares for him and has negative feelings towards Zamorak for trying to kill him.
  • Anthropomorphic Personification: She is the divine aspect of light.
  • Big Bad Slippage: The Elder God Wars questline is this for her. She initially leads the council seeking to appease the Elder Gods, refusing the idea of taking action against them and wanting to protect the Elder God eggs when they're located. From there she slowly starts to view the eggs as her family and wants to protect them at all costs, finally turning on the World Guardian and setting Iaia up to be destroyed once it becomes undeniably clear that she can't save the universe or the eggs without sacrificing the other, making her the Final Boss rather than Jas.
  • Big Damn Heroes: With Zaros in "Sliske's Endgame", where they both arrive to aid you in the battle against Sliske after the Stone of Jas is destroyed.
  • Crystalline Creature: She's made entirely out of blue crystal, and is the source of all elven crystal.
  • Devour the Dragon: Her Dark Lord aspect consumes the souls of his own top followers, Lord Iorwerth and King Lathas.
  • Enemy Without: When she shattered into pieces, one of the shards manifested as the part of her psyche that was fascinated with death and became known as the Dark Lord.
  • Evil Is Not a Toy: Her Dark Lord aspect was imprisoned in the Temple of Light to prevent it from harming anyone after she broke herself apart. Lord Iowerth and King Lathas attempted to release and use the Dark Lord to fuel their own ambitions. He ultimately devours both of their souls.
  • Fatal Flaw:
    • Word of God says that she's so devoted to peace that she's become an ardent self-segregationist, believing that mortals will never know peace as long as the different races live amongst each other, so the best option is to withdraw completely into one's own kind. This clashes with Armadyl's ideology about everyone, god and mortal, getting along.
    • Seren practically worships the idea of family. Unfortunately for everyone, her chosen family is the Elder Gods (and Zaros), and she won't do anything to harm or hinder them, and insists on talking about them as if they are a family. As a result, she's trying to peacefully appease entities that don't care about her and would wipe out Gielinor and everyone on it in a second, despite everyone telling her this. And despite opposing Zaros, she won't actively try to stop him because he's her brother, and he knows this. She also essentially fed the Mahjarrat to Mah because she considered her stillborn, abusive 'mother' to be more important than her alive, sapient brothers and sisters. Her motherhood even extends as far as the eggs of the Elder Gods, wanting to hatch them even if it means killing off a planet to give birth a new generation of Elder Gods.
  • The Fettered: She holds the Elder Gods in high regard as the creators of mortal life despite their intention to destroy Gielinor, and as such objects to the idea of putting them to sleep permanently or otherwise adopting some confrontational means to deal with them. Kerapac quickly refutes her feelings on the matter, as he and his kind once attempted (and failed) to peacefully appease the Elder Gods.
  • Final Boss: Of the Elder Gods/Elder God Wars story arc.
  • Getting Smilies Painted on Your Soul: Mah did this to her and Zaros, forcing them to be filled with love and adoration for each other while in proximity so they wouldn't leave her.
  • A God Am I: Has had a hard time coming to terms with morality. One of her shattered fragments will occasionally express this as it reflects her thoughts.
  • God Guise: She technically is a god herself, but she pretended to be Mother Mah in order to guide the Mahjarrat race.
    • Seren tricked the Mahjarrat into sacrificing one every 500 years to rejuvenate themselves, turns out it was all a ruse to give Mah more energy. The Mahjarrat race then went into decline, with more deaths than births until only a handful are left. In other words, Seren chose to sacrifice an entire race to keep one Elder god, who was almost braindead, alive.
  • Harmony Versus Discipline: Embodies the Harmony side of the trope. Her followers live off the land, and always try to give back at least as much as they take. Seren herself is an Actual Pacifist, and encourages the same from her followers.
  • Heroic BSoD: When she realised that it was her fault that the Mahjarrat became what they are today.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Feeling that the gods were inherently harmful to mortalkind, Guthix refused point blank to let her remain among the elves and demanded that she depart. She revealed that she couldn't because of her connection to the elves, which would kill them without her presence. As a compromise, she offered to essentially commit suicide by shattering herself into pieces. That way, she would be gone, but her power would sustain them long enough to weaken the connection. While saddened, Guthix agreed. Now that Guthix is dead however, the elves hope to gather her fragments and restore her. And during "The Light Within", they do.
  • Hypocrite:
    • Though Saradomin has committed near-genocide against multiple species in the distant past, Seren has done the same to the Mahjarrat by tricking their population into declining in a desperate bid to keep her useless mother alive. Similarly, in Extinction, she becomes so emotionally attached to the Elder God eggs, her "cousins", that she willingly lets them hatch, vanquishing all remaining life on the planet of Iaia except the World Guardian, who survives due to absorbing shadow anima while in Erebus.
    • She constantly rants about how Zaros abandoned her and Mah by permanently leaving Freneskae. However, not only did Zaros ask her to accompany him, Seren left Mah and Freneskae permanently too.
  • Light Is Good: Zigzagged. Seren's powers and philosophy are mostly benevolent. However, like Saradomin, she has taken an I Did What I Had to Do attitude in the past, that like him she has expressed regret for. In her attempts to lengthen the elves' lifespan, she accidentally bound them tightly to herself. After learning of Gielinor, she hoped it would hold a solution. So she used this connection to the elves, which makes them abandon everything else to be close to her or die, to force them to follow her to Gielinor.
  • Magical Barefooter: Before shattering, she eschewed footwear. It's not clear from the shape of her new outfit if she still does.
  • Mama Bear: If you value your life, do not threaten the lives of the new generation Elder Gods, who are all under Seren's care.
    "Leave us, World Guardian, and never return. Threaten my family again and I will end you. Stay away, and we shall have peace. Now begone. If fate is kind, we shall not meet again."
  • Matricide: In the climax of the Children of Mah quest, she discovers to her horror that Zaros' machinations have rendered their mother, the Elder God Mah, catatonic, and after a trip into her mind in an attempt to save her, discovers that Mah feared all of her children, including Seren. Not wanting her to live with that fear and suffering anymore, she ends Mah's life, saving Freneskae but putting her in conflict with the rest of the eponymous Children, especially her brother Zaros.
  • Mercy Kill: Had to do this to Mah after Zaros' ritual sapped Mah's energy but didn't kill her.
  • The Needs of the Many: Inverted. She picked the one over the many, devastating the Mahjarrat for almost nothing, since Mah's condition could never be improved.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero:
    • She pretended to be Mah and guided the culture of her younger siblings, the Mahjarrat, in a way to keep Mah stabilized. But as an unintended consequence, the Mahjarrat became warlike and violent.
    • She felt bad that the elves had such short lifespans instead of enjoying immortality like herself. But the magic she used to lengthen them had an unintended consequence, magically binding them to her and making them physiologically incapable of living without her presence.
    • In her attempts to fix her mistake with the elves, she, with the Iorwerth clan's permission, ran experiments on them. This is implied to have had side effects that left the Iorwerth with darker impulses and eventually led to the Elven Civil War.
  • Oh, Crap!: Reacts in surprise to Kerapac destroying the Stone of Jas.
  • Pieces of God: Seren is basically a lifeform made out of divine crystal. She can break pieces of herself off into crystal seeds in order to grow tools or aspects of herself. She was a peaceful god who did not involve herself in the God Wars beyond the protection of her own people. Unfortunately, the destruction the wars caused made Guthix to become so resolved in his belief that the gods should not interfere with mortals, that he left her with no choice but to leave. Rather than abandon her people, she chose to wane, shattering into crystal and light, scattering herself about the forest and causing Guthix to mourn her death. Now that Guthix is dead however, many of the elves hope that they can regather all the crystals to revive her, or that she might even be able to rebirth herself in their home world. Her shards form numerous personalities, including an elf, as well as the Dark Lord.
  • Power Crystal: The crystal bow, shield, chimes and saw, and Elven crystals in general, are aligned with Seren.
  • Sealed Evil in a Duel: In the Eye of Het II miniquest it's revealed that she planned to use the titular Eye of Het (an artefact that is said to be able to restore dead souls to life) to permanently prolong the battle againt the Elder Gods, by continually reviving their forces against the basically limitless armies of the Elders, in order to both save the world at large as well as the Elder eggs, preventing them from hatching but also being unwilling to just kill them. The rest of the gods aren't amused at this revelation, causing Zamorak to pretty much rebel and leave even if it means dooming himself and the world rather than be locked in a stalemate for eternity.
  • Sibling Yin-Yang: To Zaros. She is the light to his darkness and the empathy to his logic. She forms attachments to the point of being dysfunctional, while he is detached to the point of seeming cold. She was devoted to him just as he adored her.
  • Sibling Rivalry: With Zaros. She has made it her mission to prevent him from achieving Elder Godhood.
  • Tender Tears: Overwhelmed because no one agrees with her idea of peacefully appeasing the Elder Gods, she can do little but shed a couple of crystalline tears.
  • Touched by Vorlons: Elves originally had the same lifespans as humans. Seren tried the best she could to make them immortal. She ultimately failed, but was able to expand their lifespans from decades to centuries. However, this had unintended consequences.
  • Wide-Eyed Idealist: Deconstructed; Seren adamantly believes peaceful appeasement is the only solution to convince the Elder Gods of the worth of mortal life, and refuses to accept a confrontational means to the problem. The rest of her council and Kerapac, however, beg to differ, for Kerapac and his kind once attempted to peacefully appease the Elder Gods an aeon ago, only to instead be bound and enslaved to their wills.
  • Your Soul Is Mine!: The part of her that manifests as the Dark Lord ate souls, including the souls of Lord Iorwerth and King Lathas.


The Fremmenik God of Heroism and the one who introduced runecrafting to mortals.

  • Celibate Hero: Since becoming a god, he has become so devoted to the cause of heroism such that he struggles to conceive the idea of settling down and getting married. He isn't completely sure why, but it is implied to be a side effect of divinity amplifying one's basic nature.
  • Faking the Dead: He was planning to do this after getting rid of the other gods to let mortals believe they have been freed of divine interference.
  • Irony: The god who introduced Runecrafting to mortals hailed from a tribe of people who dislike the very practice.
  • Let's You and Him Fight: He planned to manipulate the lesser gods into banding together against the stronger ones, with the eventual goal of killing them all.
  • Liquid Assets: He is killed when the Necrosyrtes use an Elder Artefact to drain his power into one of their own.
  • Moral Myopia: He is a genuine hero, but he is also a Well-Intentioned Extremist who is overly certain of his own righteousness. He accuses the other gods of being "evil", and gets irritated at the jeers of the peoples he believes himself to have liberated from tyrants.
  • Naytheist: He believed that even the "good" gods were little more than tyrants who stifled their people, let alone the Obviously Evil ones. While he disagreed with Guthix's choice to remain an All-Powerful Bystander, he did agree that the gods should be forbidden from interacting with mortals and planned to manipulate them all into killing one another to enforce this.
  • One-Letter Name: "V" is his preferred form of address, and is the first letter of his given name (which varies between players).
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: He went by a variety of names throughout his life; however, "V", which latched onto him since his childhood, is his preferred form of address.
  • The Paragon: He aimed to inspire everyone to follow in his footsteps and become a hero.
  • Proud Warrior Race Guy: He felt that modern Gielinor had grown decadent. He planned to put the Fremmenik under a harsh training regimen and have the Moon Clan switch from contemplation to battle magic. All with the aim of inspiring a new generation of heroic warriors.
  • Retcon: Runecrafting was initially discovered by humans by happenstance, rather than it being introduced by a god.
  • Touched by Vorlons: The Stone of Jas played a partial role in his ascension to godhood, which is also why the Necrosyrtes want him dead. Touching the Stone was also what taught him how to imbue magic into rune stones.
  • Taking the Bullet: A weakened V's final moments has him shove the World Guardian out of the way and get his own leftover energy drained and transferred to Tarshak by the Elder Mirror (equipped by Sakirth of the Necrosyrtes faction of the Dragonkin), ending V's life.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: He gets killed by the Necrosyrtes Dragonkin in the same quest you finally meet him in person.
  • Your Answer to Everything: His personal philosophy revolves around heroism.

Minor Gods

Menaphite Pantheon

    In general 
A group of gods and goddesses who rule over the Kharidian reigion. They consist of Tumeken, Elidinis, Icthlarin, Amascut, Apmeken, Crondis, Het, and Scabaras.
  • Expy: They are all based off Egyptian gods.


The Sun god, husband of Elidinis, and father of Icthlarin and Amascut.

  • Animal Motifs: He is associated with falcons.
  • Apocalypse How: He exploded into massive flame, wiping out most of the Mahjarrat and converting what had once been a lush and fertile land into desert. As a result, even though Zaros and the Mahjarrat had technically won, it wasn't worth the trouble to conquer what was left.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Most of the Mahjarrat betrayed the Menaphites to Zaros and nearly conquered Menaphos. He sacrificed himself to make it a Pyrrhic Victory.
  • Death by Irony: His son, Icthlarin, conscripted the Mahjarrat to help fight off the Zarosian Empire. Their betrayal directly leads to the downfall of Tumeken.
  • The Ghost: Downplayed, but at the end of "'Phite Club", he communicates with his daughter Amascut via two of her thralls and Jabari, failing to convince her to let go of her anger.
  • The Leader: Of the Menaphite Pantheon.
  • Never Found the Body: It is unclear if Tumeken is actually dead or just elsewhere, though it has been revealed that Tumeken's mind/soul is alive within the Kharid-Ib diamond.
  • Pieces of God: It is implied that when Tumeken empowered Apmeken, Crondis, and Het, he gave them more than just his divine energy, but actual shards of his soul, essentially making pieces of himself into separate beings. Oreb speculates that in doing so, their individual experiences are making them collectively the stronger for it.


A goddess associated with fertility and growth, wife of Tumeken, and mother of Icthlarin and Amascut.

  • Animal Motifs: She is associated with hippopotamuses.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: The story Aragnya's Tale reveals that Elidinis is not at all a lightweight. She encountered a sapient race very similar to spiders, who believe that logic is more important than anything else and practice eugenics on a species-wide basis, refusing to let any members of their race that they deem imperfect breed. Upon discovering that this race murdered every child of the eponymous Aragnya, who was crippled, just for sharing their genes, Elidinis decided to wipe out the entire race for killing thousands of innocent children.
  • Ironic Name: Elido is Latin for "to dash to pieces". Elidinis's alignment is the complete opposite of that.
  • Western Zodiac: Her sign greatly resembles that of the Zodiac symbol of Aquarius.


The Menaphite demi-god of the Underworld. Generally appears as a cat- or jackal-headed humanoid.

  • Composite Character: Of the Egyptian deities Anubis, being a jackal-headed god of burial rites, with some elements of Bastet, as he is a god of cats.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: If you ask Death to reveal his fate in Sliske's Endgame, you find out he's in for one. Death will do what it takes to ensure it doesn't happen, his oath to Guthix be damned.
  • Embarrassing Nickname: "Iccy".
  • Everybody Hates Hades: Subverted big time. Despite bringing the Mahjarrat race to Gielinor, he plays a vital role to anybody who has died, and has tried to make up for his actions in the past. And it has worked: despite being a regional demigod, players overwhelmingly chose to support him over the major gods (or the Godless faction) during "Missing, Presumed Death".
  • Nice Guy: He is remarkably benevolent in his interactions with the Player Character, both in "Icthlarin's Little Helper" and "Missing, Presumed Death" — in direct contrast to his sister Amascut and his rival Sliske. He also wants the best for the souls of the dead and aims to guide them safely to the Underworld and then to different afterlives where they can find maximum happiness based on what god(s) they follow or what values they hold.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: By recruiting the Mahjarrat to help fight off the invading Zarosian Empire, he is indirectly responsible for many of the worst atrocities to befall Gielinor. In particular, actions of Mahjarrat such as Zamorak directly caused the God Wars and the deaths of millions, including Icthlarin's father Tumeken.
  • Psychopomp: While Death pops the souls of the dead from their bodies, Icthlarin is responsible for safeguarding the souls as they journey to and reside in the Underworld until he can send them off into various afterlives based on their beliefs, values, and cultures.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Was the recipient of this at the hands of the Mahjarrat. First, Sliske left him because he was denied the use of an army of wights and undead; the rest of Sliske's brethren soon followed him to serve Zaros.

Amascut as Lady Keli

The Menaphite demi-goddess of destruction. She appears as a red haired woman to cause trouble in the desert.

  • Big Bad: Of the Desert Series, she is the main source of conflict in the Desert, and most of the evil actions work their way back to her.
  • Boomerang Bigot: She hates cats and will refuse to speak with you if you have one out. She is a lion goddess, and was originally Tumeken and Elidinis's pet cat.
  • Composite Character: Borrows elements from three major Egyptian figures: Sekhmet, lion-headed goddess of chaos and destruction; Ammit, a devourer of souls; and Hathor, a goddess who is sometimes conflated into the same entity as Sekhmet, due to her nature as a goddess of rebirth as well as death.
  • The Corrupter: In addition to spreading The Corruption throughout Menaphos, she has also driven a large number of people mad. She deceived the Scabarites into going to war, tricked Crondis into consuming a corruption that made her a Villainous Glutton, and twisted the mind of a pharaoh who was previously The Atoner until he became a greedy tyrant. She is also luring Osman, who is generally an ally of the Player Character, into launching a Full-Circle Revolution.
  • Curse: When she lost the last vestiges of her sanity and went on a mad rampage, her former priestesses combined their powers to bind her to the Kharid desert and ensure no one would ever willingly worship her again.
  • Did You Just Scam Cthulhu?: She didn't expect you to survive the "Smoking Kills" quest, so she ends up becoming a slayer master at the end. To be fair, she is considered one of the 'harder' Masters due to the Combat Level required to get tasks from her being disproportionately lower than the monsters she dishes out compared to her contemporaries, but she is trying to kill you. If you live, you kill a lot of monsters and she wins; if you die, you die and she wins.
  • The Dreaded: Justifiably so, since her descent to madness she has started devouring the souls of the deceased.
  • Everyone Has Standards: As a goddess of reincarnation, Amascut was especially apalled at meeting the Mahjarrat, who regularly sacrificed one of their own in order to prolong their own lifespans. Considering their souls were completely destroyed as a result, it's easy to see why.
  • For the Evulz: If you ask her for slayer hints she'll mention that the monsters you're killing bore or annoy her.
  • Go Mad from the Revelation: Mahjarrat Memories implies that she had an encounter with an Elder God who created a nightmarish Crapsack World filled with Eldritch Abominations. This might explain why she turned evil.
  • I Have Many Names: The Devourer, The Wanderer, Sumona, and Lady Keli so far.
  • Jackass Genie: Her Old School Runescape incarnation;
    • She promised Kephri children that were even more intelligent than her. Instead, Amascut gave her a swarm of warped scarabs, then destroyed Kephri's mind, making her even less intelligent than the scarabs.
    • Ba-Ba wanted to live on as the leader of her troupe of monkeys. Amascut killed all of them, then resurrected them as immortal, undead thralls under her command.
  • Meaningful Appearance: Three of her human disguises (the Wanderer, Sumona, and Jesmona) share her distinct red hair and dark skin. Even when she appeared to the High Priest of Scabaras in a vision, she did so as "a female with red chitin".
  • Mind Control: No one follows her willingly (except Lapalok, a Slayer Master and also her only follower outside of the Desert region) in the present era, but she does have a few followers under mind control.
  • Non-Human Head: She used to appear as a lion headed woman. She no longer uses that form due to developing a fear of cats.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Several of her forms (most notably Sumona/Jesmona) have red eyes.
  • Reincarnation: She was once the goddess in charge of reincarnating the most worthy of souls. Though after she went mad, her brother had to take charge of this duty.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting:
    • She fooled the Scabarites by appearing as "a female with red chitin."
    • She also uses human forms to deceive humans into carrying out her plots. Among these are the red-haired Wanderer, Slayer Master Sumona, and Statuesque Stunner Lady Keli.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: She refuses to talk to you if you have a cat out. This is because her followers who turned on her after she became evil were all turned into immortal cats.
  • Your Soul Is Mine!: She is referred to as the Devourer. Back when she was a benevolent god, she was charged with destroying the darkest, most evil of souls. But in the present time, she and her monsters attempt to devour the souls travelling to the afterlife to increase her own power, while her brother attempts to stop her. Her victims suffer Cessation of Existence.

Click hereto see Apmeken

The Menaphite goddess of joy and laughter with an affinity for monkeys.

  • And I Must Scream: Apmeken, by her nature, was suppressing destruction in the desert, so in a fit of rage, Amascut ripped away Apmeken's sight, hearing and voice, creating three demonic apes, which Amascut promptly sent to kill all of Apmeken's monkey followers.
  • Jerkass Gods: Subverted. As a trickster god, you'd think she would be a huge jerk. But, she's also the goddess of friendship, so her jokes tend to be of the friendly variety.


A demi-goddess with the head of a crocodile and the body of a woman, associated with resourcefulness and modesty.

  • Beast Man: She is a giant female humanoid crocodile.
  • Demonic Possession: She is possessed by a crocodile monster called Ukunduka, which formed inside her as a result of Amascut tricking her into eating some corruption.
  • Expy: Might seem like an expy of Sobek, a crocodile god from Egyptian mythology, but actually has more in common with the god Bes.
  • Lazy Bum: Spends all her time sitting in a bath in her pyramid. Her high priest jokes that she was human when she got into the bath but got so wrinkly that she became a crocodile. After she is freed from being possessed it is revealed that she didn't actually need the player to bring her things because she can just get them with magic.
  • Literal Genie: The player accidentally frees her from being possessed this way. When she gets so mad that she can't talk, the player tells her to spit it out, and she literally spits out what was affecting her.
    "I didn't mean literally!"
  • Never Smile at a Crocodile: The player is sent to find her to find out why the crocodiles have become far more aggressive and gluttonous. She threatens to eat the player and her high priest if they don't bring her stuff while she is possessed.
  • Non-Mammalian Mammaries: Huge saggy ones.
  • Sweet Tooth: She demands that you bring her 16 crocodile shaped choc-ices, and then demands 32 more. After she is freed from being possessed by Ukunduka, she wants another one, which she just makes appear with her magic, as the possession made her so lazy that she wasn't even using her magic to get what she wanted.
  • Villainous Glutton: Behaves this way when possessed by Ukunduka. This is actually the opposite of her normal personality, as she teaches people to only take what they need.

Click hereto see Het

A humanoid demi-god, associated with physicality, strength and health.

  • Token Human: Het is the only member of the Menaphite Pantheon who isn't an animal and doesn't have an animal motif.


An insectoid demi-god, worshiped by a race of humanoid insects.

  • Absolute Xenophobe: Scabarites are this, but unlike most examples of this trope they are passively xenophobic. They avoid contact with non-Scabarites but wish to remain at peace with them; just going to war with non-Scabarites is considered too much contact. They did not turn violent until they were corrupted by Amascut.
  • Big Creepy-Crawlies: He is the creator of the giant dungbeetle creatures called Kalphites. His worshipers, known as the Scabarites, use giant locusts and scarabs as mounts and guardians.
  • Expy: Set up to be one of the Set, Egyptian god of chaos, with elements borrowed from the Scarab god Kephri. Turns out to not be the case— he and his followers were being controlled by Amascut.
  • The Ghost: The only tier seven god to not have appeared directly in-game. Justified due to his isolationism.
  • Go Mad from the Isolation: Inverted. He teaches his followers to achieve enlightenment through isolation.
  • Insectoid Aliens: Scabarites look like humanoid beetles.
  • I Will Find You: Het, alongside Crondis and Apmeken, is out to find Scabaras with intention to confront Amascut together.
  • Loners Are Freaks: This seems to be a significant reason why Scabarites are feared and hated by the other inhabitants of the Kharidian Desert.
  • Multiple-Choice Past: There are three different stories about how Scabaras originated. Two of them can be heard in-game, one of which is told by the high priest of Scabaras, and a third version can be found on the RuneScape website.
  • Sex Is Evil: Scabarites never have sex except when they need to breed, and when they do they consider it a Necessary Evil.
  • Was Once a Man: The Scabarites once were humans who Scabaras transformed as a reward for worshipping him faithfully for many generations.



Voiced by: Toby Longworth
Click here to see Azzanadra prior to his ascension

Zaros' champion and one of the most powerful Mahjarrat in existence, he remained fiercely loyal to Zaros even after he was banished and Zamorak rose to take his place.

He ascends to godhood during the events of the Battle of the Monolith, after closing the Codex to prevent further threats from Erebus leaking into Gielinor.

  • Break the Cutie: Zaros's defeat at the hands of Zamorak devastated him, and eventually he began to feel his presence and hear his voice, even though the communion portal had failed to work.
  • Brick Joke: He claims to have spent some time in the pyramids as Dr. Nabanik.
  • Deity of Human Origin: He becomes the second Mahjarrat to ascend to godhood after Zamorak, albeit unintentionally, as a result of the backlash from the Codex entering him after he seals it.
  • The Dragon: Zaros' champion, and for a good reason. Still loyal to him.
  • Dragon Ascendant: Becomes this to his fellow Zarosians once Zaros departs to Erebus to further his own plans, and Azzanadra ascends to godhood while sealing the rift that Zaros left behind and taking charge of his remaining allied forces. His deific form even retains several aspects of Zaros' own costume and appearance, either representing his devotion or to further drive home his "replacement" of his former master. That being said, even as a god Azzanadra wields nowhere near the amount of power that Zaros does.
  • Embarrassing Nickname: "Azzy" and "Bunny Ears", courtesy of Sliske.
  • Half-Breed Discrimination: In "Sliske's Endgame", he is disgusted to find out that Moia is half human, calling her an abomination and insisting that she be killed.
  • High Priest: He performed a role similar to The Pope, but after Zamorak's betrayal he Jumped at the Call to defend the empire and try to return his lord.
  • It's Personal: After Sliske confesses that he was responsible for the death of Alotor, Azzanadra's little brother, Azzanadra vows to end him personally.
  • Knight Templar Big Brother: Did not take the death of his brother Alotor well: he wiped out the entire Mahkorat tribe in retribution.
  • Magick: The most prominent and powerful known user of Ancient Magicks, he teaches these to the player after releasing him in Desert Treasure.
  • Odd Friendship: Closest thing the Adventurer has for a Mahjarrat friend. Although the extent depends on how much Pro-Zaros actions taken during the quest lines he appears in. Possibly cemented after "Fate of the Gods" depending on the choices made in it. He out right claims the player taught him humility.
  • Oh, Crap!: Implied to be the standard reaction to seeing him by his enemies.
  • Relative Button: After Sliske confesses that he was responsible for the death of Azzanadra's little brother Alotor and gloats that he did this for particularly no reason, Azzanadra vows to end him.
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: If the player sabotages Zaros's return, he promises he'll stop at nothing to strangle the life out of the player if this results in Zaros's death.
  • Sealed Badass in a Can: To defeat him, entire armies banded up, bound fragments of his power to enchanted diamonds and imprisoned him in a giant pyramid.
  • Super Gullible: He bought Sliske's claim that the Mahkorat tribe was responsible for the death of Alotor, Azzanadra's little brother, causing the Mahjarrat to wipe out the entirety of the Mahkorat in retaliation.
  • Undying Loyalty: One of his most important character traits is his loyalty to Zaros. He remained faithful to Zaros, even when he had no immediately practical reason to be so, which is why he is the follower Zaros trusts most.
  • War Is Hell: He doesn't seem to share the same mentality as most of the other Mahjarrat.
  • Worthy Opponent:
    • In the World Wakes, if you choose to kill or keep Guthix asleep, he understands the intentions of the player.
    • Subverted if the player sabotages Zaros's return. He flat out states you are his Arch-Enemy from now on.

    Brassica Prime 

Voiced by: James C. (Mod Raven)

Originally a noncanon Joke Character. He is the god of cabbages.

  • April Fools' Day: He was originally created as an April Fools Day joke in 2007, in a fake behind the scenes article about an upcoming dungeon where he would be the boss. Two years later he showed up in the game for real to players who managed to kick a cabbage from one side of Gielinor to another during an event where cabbages came to life and could be kicked like soccer balls, saying joyful things when kicked. He was not considered canon until some time after this.
  • Call a Human a "Meatbag": Calls the other gods "Flesh Giants".
  • Cloud Cuckoo Lander: After the "Missing, Presumed Death" quest, he reveals he thought the gods, whom he refers as "Flesh Giants", had reunited to see him.
  • Determinator: Brassica Prime values persistence.
  • Easter Egg: He shows up as an Easter Egg that the player can find after completing the quest The Death of Chivalry. The player must return to the tomb and search the coffins. Inside one of them is a gilded cabbage. If the player places this on the ground and kicks it thirty times, he will speak to the player and reward them with bonus prayer experience.
  • Genki Girl: During the event when he first showed up, the animated cabbages behaved like this.
  • Heart Is an Awesome Power: Though still considering him a joke, Zamorak notes that Brassica's followers of cabbages and other produce gives him a wide information network, as they can be found everywhere, even in the banquet halls of kings.
  • Insane Troll Logic: A lot of Brassica Prime's beliefs are filled with this.
    • He was unafraid of getting hit by the Dragonkin's fireballs because in his mind cabbage beats fire since getting hit with fire would result in cooked cabbage, and that would make him more powerful because "Deliciousness is power."
    • He claims to have power over anything that is even vaguely cabbage shaped, such as the stone of Jas (which actually has a running gag of being called a cabbage) and the planet and sun.
    • He automatically assumes that anybody not wearing a shirt is homeless and can't be convinced otherwise.
  • Lethal Joke Character: According to Mod Osborn, he is a tier 5 god. If this is true, it means he is more powerful than lesser gods, such as Icthlarinnote  and Apmekennote , but not as powerful as the major gods, such as Armadylnote  and Zamoraknote . Sliske certainly thinks Brassica Prime is important, as Brassica Prime was one of the gods invited to his "ascension". Zamorak also describes him this way, stating that he may be a joke, but he may be more than he seems, and what better mask is there?
  • Let's Meet the Meat: He takes pride in being delicious and nutritious, and claims that deliciousness is the source of his power. Consequently, he isn't bothered by the prospect of being cooked or eaten, since that would only increase his deliciousness... and therefore, his power.
  • Meaningful Name: Brassica Prime is Latin for "First Cabbage"
  • Odd Job Gods: Naturally is this as the god of cabbages. He isn't taken seriously by anyone who isn't a radical Godless.
  • Plant Person: A cabbage.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Delivers a surprisingly insightful one to everyone present before going off to do his own thing at the start of Sliske's Endgame.
    Brassica Prime: The Cabbage of a Thousand Truthsnote  is like a carrot on the hook, dangling over the cooking pot. You boil yourselves alive to reach it only to find that it is withered and tasteless, leaving only a bitter regret on your pallet.
  • Voice of the Legion: He speaks this way when he contacts you in the above Easter egg. He sounds like a very high pitched voice and a very low pitched voice speaking in unison.
  • Your Answer to Everything: Deliciousness.


Voiced by: Mod Michelle

Marimbo is a gorilla goddess worshiped by monkeys and gorillas. In the Sixth Age she is rivals with Brassica Prime.

  • Actual Pacifist: Rather ironic, given her popularity on the militant Ape Atoll.
  • Dung Fu: She and her followers are heavily implied to have done this Kara-Meir when she gave them a Nay-Theist speech.
  • The Hedonist: People frequently refer to her as such, though she says that a true hedonist would only focus on themselves. She wants to invite all her friends to the party!
  • Jerkass Gods: Subverted. As the patron gorilla god of the viciously, militantly anti-humanoid Ape Atoll, one would expect an equally dangerous and antagonistic warrior god. Turns out, she's actually the goddess of parties and boozehounds.
  • Odd Job Gods: Possibly rivaling Brassica Prime.
  • Samus Is a Girl: She was originally believed to be male, but Jagex later retconned her to be female because there were not enough prominent female gods.
  • Screw This, I'm Out of Here!:
    • She says that she will do this and take her followers with her if the other factions come after her or her followers.
    • She bails out from Sliske's endgame alongside Brassica Prime so she can play some more amusing games.
  • Volleying Insults: With Brassica Prime.
  • You Kill It, You Bought It: This is how she became a God, although it was by accident. She originally was a non-sapient Gorilla who an unnamed god challenged to a drinking contest which ended up being fatal to that god. She replaced that god as the god of "having a good time." She also mentions a "drinking horn" which possibly refers to one of the elder artifacts.
  • Your Answer to Everything: Her character and philosophy revolve around having a good time.


A wild beast who somehow managed to kill a god and ascend herself, without becoming sapient in the process. Unlike the other gods, Tuska doesn't care about being worshipped- she is merely an animal who cares only for causing destruction. She's already ravaged the homeworld of Guthix and the Naragi amongst a large number of other planes. Recently, monsters called Airut have been appearing in far-flung parts of Gielinor, and they resemble Tuska's mooks ...

  • Almighty Idiot: Tuska was a normal animal before ascending to godhood, and still runs solely on animalistic instinct. Furthermore, it appears that her mooks, the Airut, are actually driving her like a wild animal and looting anything they can from the debris.
  • Animalistic Abomination: The 'animalistic' came before the 'abomination'- Tuska was a wild animal before ascending to godhood, and now that she is a god, she remains a destructive animal- only now she has the power to destroy worlds.
  • Anti-Magic: Tuska has a shield made of Anima that resists the powers of most gods.
  • Apocalypse How: This is basically her modus operandi- travel to a plane, destroy everything she finds, move on to next plane, repeat. She wiped out a huge chunk of the living population on Guthix's homeworld, and basically left the planet as a dead wreck in her wake. She invaded Mazcab, home of the Goebies, and destroyed most of the surface, leaving behind her followers to plunder what was left. The world event Tuska Comes happens when she starts heading towards Gilenor.
  • Eldritch Abomination: The closest candidate outside of Xau-Tak and the Elder Gods; she wasn't stopped until Tuska Comes, where the Godless ultimately claimed victory and Vorago killed her on their behalf.
  • Fed to Pigs: Regularly pulls this off on a planetary scale, and Gielinor was to be next. Players and supporters of each faction of gods banded together to eventually slay Tuska, whose remains now lie in the desert.
  • Eye Scream: Lost both of her eyes during her assault of Guthix's homeworld- one to the hunter god she was fighting, and one to Guthix.
  • Full-Boar Action: Tuska is referred to as resembling a giant boar. Her mooks, the Airut, are also boar-like creatures.
  • God Is Dumb: She still has the mindset of a normal animal, despite her divine power.
  • The Juggernaut: So far, mortals have been entirely powerless to stop her, and other gods have done no better than temporarily slowing her down. In fact, she is so scary, that four religious factions that mutually loathe one another agreed to an Enemy Mine to take her down. It took this alliance a month to defeat her, after which she crashed into the Misthalin Sea, and is now where the portal to Mazcab is.
  • Non-Malicious Monster: Unlike Bandos, her destructiveness is not because of conscious choice, as she is an animal who acts merely on instinct.
  • Not Quite Dead: She was mostly killed by Vorago, an embodiment of Gielinor's Anima Mundi. But while her body died and her threat was neutralised, she still retains some life because of all the souls she devoured. It's slowly leaking out, but won't be fully gone for a while.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: Not out of any particular desire for destruction, but rather by mindless and uncontrollable instinct.
  • Planet Eater: It has been mentioned that she devours the Life Energy of the worlds she destroys, and one of her titles is "The World Eater".
  • Portent of Doom: When she starts making her way to Gielinor, it causes a world-spanning earthquake and everyone recieves a vision of her face and a sense that the end is nigh.
  • Taken for Granite: Subverted. Due to the abundance of anima within her leaking out at a gradual pace, she won't turn to stone any time soon, and may not happen at any point throughout the World Guardian's lifespan.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: She gets mentioned briefly in Guthix's backstory as the one who destroyed his world, then gets killed by Vorago on behalf of the Godless after a month long event with minimal storyline.
  • Your Answer to Everything: She exists only to cause gratuitous destruction.
  • Your Soul Is Mine!: She devoured not only the Life Energy of each world she invaded, but their afterlives as well. Thankfully, Tuska did not actually digest them, and as a result, they all flood into Gielinor's afterlife when she dies.


A powerful and solitary hunter-god who has been long deceased. Skargaroth was killed by Guthix when he was still a mortal, and he ascended to godhood after slaying him.

  • Accidental Murder: He unknowingly killed Aagi, Guthix's daughter, by falling on top of the house she was hiding in when he was impaled by Tuska. Guthix didn't take that well.
  • Cool Sword: Was the wielder of the Elder Sword before Guthix used it to slay him. Seeing how gods ascend in RuneScape, it may be that the sword was linked to his ascension as well.
  • Egomaniac Hunter: He enjoyed the thrills of the hunt and wanted to take on more powerful opponents for sports. And for a god, a suitable target is Tuska, a boar-like goddess who destroyed Guthix's home realm and race.
  • Posthumous Character: By the time he is introduced, he is long dead.


A beastly god of lesser intelligence that once "ruled" — or rather, terrorised — the region Zaros would come to conquer. Zaros bound it with magic and used it to power his city and a dimensional portal.

A later retcon revealed that Loarnab actually was actually a colossus, a being similar but not quite the same as a god, resulting from an animal spontaneously growing giant from absorbing wild anima in the era shortly after the time of the elder gods.


An as yet unmet god mentioned in a few recent quests (The Mighty Fall, Hero's Welcome and Kindred Spirits to be exact), but who has been hinted at since 2005. Highly implied by Word of God to be involved with the Pirate quest series.

  • Black Speech: Known as Tezcasathla to the Mwanu, the civilisation that would become the horrors; a researcher describes its true name as being an "infection of language".
  • Brown Note Being: It's mere sight is enough to make the player hallucinate during Pieces of Hate, forcing them to drink Braindeath 'rum' just to stay somewhat sane.
    • Its "voice" is described by its followers as beautiful singing. Within the Elite Dungeons, its leitmotif, Chaos of Corruption, can be best described as a chaotic, incomprehensible garble attempting to drill its way into your mind. It is heavily implied that this is the World Guardian's power allowing them to hear the true nature of its voice.
  • The Corruption: Seiryu refers to its presence as a "cataclysmic infection", and its black crystals have a tendency of spreading. Azzanadra's Quest reveals that Xau-Tak was responsible for the corruption that infested the Elder God Mah's egg, resulting in her malformation.
  • Dark Is Evil: Is associated with a type of bizarre, black stone which makes up the Black Masks worn by cave horrors and is seemingly capable of regrowing. Apparently, when mixed with Captain Braindeath's 'rum'. has the ability to turn thousands into undead thralls. At the end of the quest, its hand appears pitch black.
  • The Dreaded: Xau-Tak is a god that is associated with undead and the oceans, its influence having corrupted the likes of Rabid Jack, Seiryu, and the Black stone dragon.
  • Eldritch Abomination: Ancient, mysterious, and associated with madness, the oceans, undeath, and an ancient civilisation known only in strange ruins.
  • The Fourth Wall Will Not Protect You: You know those kitten cutscenes in the Pirate Quests that show up to censor scenes of alleged horror that include crabs eating undead pirates, fish stew incidents, and a gruesome surgery? Xau-Tak speaks directly to you during one of these in Pieces of Hate, and appears to manifest itself as some kind of stellar kitten throughout the quest.
  • Giant Hands of Doom: Several pieces of lore that refer to Xau-Tak speak of hands of stone coming up from the ocean floor to drag people down. Indeed, in Pieces of Hate, you have to avoid its hand slamming down at you during the fight with Rabid Jack, and even then, you still start going crazy. Likewise, in the Elite Dungeons series (and associated Curse of Black Stone quest), black hands and Xau-Tak's corrupting effects are a motif throughout.
  • God of Evil: V compares it to Bandos, Tuska, and the Queen of Ashes.
  • Go Mad from the Revelation: Your character can't fully comprehend the sight of Xau-Tak's hand in Pieces of Hate, and has to get utterly plastered in order to stop themselves from going insane.
  • Knight of Cerebus: The Pirate Quest series has always been heavily comedic, as a tribute to The Secret of Monkey Island. In Pieces of Hate, it's revealed that Rabid Jack is a follower of Xau-Tak, and things take a turn for the darker. Even so, you beat Rabid Jack while drunk to avoid going mad from the sight of Xau-Tak.
  • Loophole Abuse: The Pirate series takes place in the fifth age, and therefore, before the Death of Guthix, and his edicts becoming null and void. This means that, in Pieces of Hate, Xau-Tak has found a way to circumvent the Edicts of Guthix to become manifest on Gilenor, however briefly. Or else Xau-Tak somehow avoided being banished by Guthix.
  • Necromancer: Heavily involved with both death and undeath, and V has described the worlds it has conquered as corpse oceans.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: Becomes this at the end of Pieces of Hate. As seen in Seiryu's corruption and the attempted attack on Moia, the can has a few leaks in it...

    The Queen of Ashes 

A goddess who has conquered multiple worlds and is now setting her sights on Gielinor.

  • Ambiguously Evil: She is compared to Bandos, Tuska, and Xau-Tak by V, however, its should be noted that V was something of an Unreliable Narrator with a bias against all gods, and the Queen of Ashes's only follower to appear in game to date, the Fallen Nihil, instead calls her a redeemer and a life giver.
    Fallen Nihil: My queen accepted me for what I was, and gave me a second chance in life.
  • The Conqueror: She has conquered multiple worlds and is said by V to gather followers for an infernal cause.
  • No Name Given: Her real name is unknown.
  • Playing with Fire: Implied by her name, although she has not been seen in action.


An artificial god created by the scourge of souls, Nomad.

  • Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: A monstrosity resembling Guthix and composed of numerous souls, it is physically the largest NPC in the game.
  • Deus est Machina: It is basically a machine created by and loyal to Nomad, which has been fed a large number of souls to the point of becoming divine.
  • Eldritch Abomination: It is an amalgamation of souls which were gathered from the underworld by Nomad, and resembles a morbid and grotesque Guthix.
  • Merger of Souls: Nomad created it by stealing souls and merging them into one.
  • The Namesake: It shares the same name as that of the game's primary setting.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: Gets killed in the same quest it was introduced in, by Death or Icthlarin (depending on the player's choice).

Elder Gods
Also known as the Creators, the Elder Gods are a group of powerful divine beings capable of creating planets and life in the universe, occupying the highest tier of godhood.
    Tropes applying to the Elder Gods as a whole 
  • Achilles' Heel: For all of their terrible power, they do have one weakness, shadow anima, a special form of Life Energy that is toxic to them and repels divine magic.
  • Blue-and-Orange Morality: They are so far beyond mortals that they are barely even able to perceive the existence of sentient life. Aside from a few servants, they do not create thinking beings on purpose. To the very limited degree that they are aware, they perceive intelligent lifeforms as flaws and imperfections in their creations, to be cleansed or enslaved.
  • Complete Immortality: Word of God has said that they cannot be killed. They can only die if the rebirth cycle they go through, performed by imprinting their memories and identities on Elder God eggs, which can drain organic life from entire worlds upon hatching, somehow fails. Mah eventually receives a Mercy Kill from Seren after she is weakened so much that she would never wake up from her nightmares again. This was only possible because Mah was partially stillborn.
  • Do Not Taunt Cthulhu: Getting on the Elder Gods' bad side is a surefire way to ask for a death wish. The World Guardian learns this the hard way, should they choose to insult Jas during their first meeting with her.
  • Eldritch Abomination: They completely transcend even the strongest of the younger gods, and Sliske describes their energy as being not of this world. Until very recently, they didn't even notice intelligent life existed. Direct communication between Elder Gods and mortals is impossible, as mortals would be obliterated by the pressure, requiring the Elder Gods to use intermediaries to get things across.
  • Flat Character: Barring Jas and Mah, there's little to be said about the Elder Gods in detail, collectively and individually.
  • Hufflepuff House: Out of all of the gods, except perhaps the Queen of Ashes, little is known of the Elder Gods outside of Jas and Mah.
  • Jerkass Gods: They fall under Blue-and-Orange Morality, perceive that the creation of intelligent life was largely accidental, and are so far beyond mortals, that they barely even perceive their existence. In order for mortals to communicate with them at all, special intermediaries are required. To the very limited degree that they are aware, they tend to perceive mortals as flaws in their creation, to be cleaned away or enslaved.
  • Kick the Dog: Kerapac refutes Seren's proposals to peacefully bargain with the Elder Gods, claiming that appeasement will never work because he and his kind attempted to do the same thing an aeon ago, only to instead be enslaved and bound to the Elder Gods' wills. Which is downplayed when it is revealed that, while the Syrtes dragonkin proposed bargaining with them, they did not get the chance after Kerapac built his shadow anima crucible.
  • The Maker: They are the first lifeforms known to exist and are responsible for creating the different planes of the RuneScape multiverse.
  • Not So Invincible After All: Theoretically, the Elder Gods can be killed, though this is a next-to-impossible feat to achieve due to their immense power. They are also weak to shadow anima, which Kerapac attempts to exploit during the events of "Desperate Measures".
  • One-Gender Race: They are all female.
  • Reincarnation: Ful, Wen, and Bik make contact with their eggs in Iaia, passing their identities and memories to their offspring and sacrificing all life on Iaia in the process.
  • Sixth Ranger: According to Zaros in "The Light Within", there is a sixth Elder God, which he describes as not being of form, but "something else".
  • That's No Moon: All of the Elder Gods present on Gilenor seem to have taken the form of major geographical landmasses— Bik is the island of Entrana, Ful is the Karamja volcano (including the TzHaar city), Wen is either White Wolf mountain or Ice Mountain (quite possibly the entire stretch of land between them), and Jas is the cliffs of Ullek, near Sophanem. Jas's presence at Ullek is all but confirmed in Sliske's Endgame— in the maze, you can see her tendrils in the skybox, and the maze is located within spitting distance of the cliffs.

Click hereto see Jas

An Elder God associated with time and one of the beings who shaped many worlds, including Gielinor. She is the most powerful being in the RuneScape multiverse and left behind an incredibly powerful artefact called the Stone of Jas.

  • Amplifier Artifact: The eponymous Stone of Jas, which greatly boosts abilities of its user.
  • Anthropomorphic Personification: She is connected to progression and air.
  • Blow You Away: She is said to be connected to air.
  • Curse:
    • She imposed one on the Dragonkin after Kerapac's attempt to generate enough shadow anima to have power to rival the Elder Gods—or to subdue them. As a result, the Kin suffer as "false users" tap on the powers of the Stone of Jas, and end up protecting the stone by hunting down these "false users" in order to ease their pain. It was lifted after Kerapac destroys the Stone of Jas in the climax of "Sliske's Endgame".
    • At the end of Desperate Measures, a variant of the curse was reapplied to Kerapac and the sleeping Nodon he used to power his shadow anima device—a punishment for his attempt to abuse the Elder Needle, wipe out Gielinor's anima, and subsequently put the Elder Gods into eternal slumber.
  • Do Not Taunt Cthulhu: Go ahead, insult her. She'll be perfectly amused by your defiance.
    • You are given the option to insult Jas when she demands you explain Sliske's actions, and the game will even warn you against it. If you do it anyway, she'll deliver a "The Reason You Suck" Speech, and proceed to instantly smite you.
    • If you irritate Jas enough when you encounter her in "Desperate Measures", she decides to go through with wiping out intelligent life. Luckily for you, it turns out to be just a vision of what might have happened and you can try a more tactful approach the next time.
  • Fighting a Shadow: The Echo of Jas asserts that this is all you have managed to accomplish when you defeat her.
  • Finishing Each Other's Sentences: The Voices of Jas convey her thoughts one word or phrase at a time, before dying and having their sentences continued by other Voices of Jas.
  • Fun with Acronyms: Not exactly in in-universe context, but Jas could also stand for Java Application Server. The game engine is written in Java programming language.
  • Have You Seen My God?: It appears that she's been gone since even before Guthix arrived on Gielinor. Her influence is only felt through Stone of Jas and some Dragonkin writings. After Sliske's defeat and the Stone's destruction, she offers intelligent life an ultimatum and later can be communicated with in Desperate Measures in order to find a way to decouple Kerapac from the Elder Needle.
  • Humanity on Trial: The creation of intelligent life was an unexpected accident, and Jas decides that it must prove itself worthy of existence or be wiped away.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: In "Extinction", she falls prey to an attack from a shadow leviathan, which drags her (and Kerapac) into Erebus, effectively ending the threat she poses towards Gielinor (and by extension, the entire RuneScape multiverse).
  • Pretender Diss: When Zaros asks to be made an Elder God at the end of Sliske's Endgame, she flatly rejects him, stating that just because he was born from Mah and has her core does not mean he IS Mah. She further states that the lifeforms he created (the Nihils) are just a false imitation of true creation.
    Zaros: Why do you deny me? Look at what I have achieved! Imagine what I could achieve. I have Mah's core. I am forged from her energy. How could you deny my claim?
    Voice of Jas: A flame
    Can never be a star
    However bright
    It burns
    You are of Mah
    But you are not Mah
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Downplayed. While she declares mortal life to be unexpected and dangerous after the World Guardian kills Sliske in the climax of his endgame and declares that it must be purged from existence, she gives the World Guardian a chance at proving that it deserves to exist, and agrees to leave it alone if they succeed. She also notes in Desperate Measures that the simplest approach to taking out the Elder Needle-bonded Kerapac would generally result in tidal waves that would wipe out coastal settlements—which is why she lets the World Guardian have a stab at a more subtle approach.
  • Samus Is a Girl: Early lore implied Jas to be male, but was later changed when it was decided upon that all the Elders would be female.
  • Terse Talker: A variant. When she speaks, an entity known as the Voice of Jas speaks for her, as her true voice would obliterate everything. The entity speaking for her says only a few words in Beige Prose before vanishing.
  • The Man Behind the Man: "Sliske's Endgame" reveals that she's the one holding the eponymous villain's wires.
  • The Smart Guy: Among the Elder, Jas is the most connected with intelligence. The Elder Chronicles call Jas "the thought to lead them all", and the Stone of Jas can be used to gain knowledge without enraging the Dragonkin.
  • Time Master: A very well hidden set of lore in game reveals that Jas is the god of time. And female.
  • Uncertain Doom: As of "Extinction", she is last known to have been battle-locked with a shadow leviathan which emerged from Erebus and dragged her into the realm with it. It's unclear if she survived the encounter.
  • You Cannot Grasp the True Form: The Echo of Jas you fight at the end of One Of A Kind appears as a player in full black-coloured dragon armor. The examine text reveals this was the Player Character's mind's attempt to piece together a workable appearance. Inverted in Sliske's Endgame, when she finally reveals her true form to the Player Character.


After completing The Brink of Extinction, it is revealed that the TokHaar and the Elder Kiln they come from are an Elder Artifact. An absurdly complex set of tasks will allow you to translate a set of writings from their prophet, revealing information about Ful, the Elder Goddess of Fire and Constancy. She created the Elder Kiln, and moved it from world to world until she was satisfied with the results.

  • Anthropomorphic Personification: She is connected to constancy and fire.
  • Awakening the Sleeping Giant: Kerapac's actions during the course of the quest "Desperate Measures" invoke Ful's ire, who awakens and decimates his laboratory.
  • God Is Inept: The way her mouthpiece, Fulkra describes her.
  • Have You Seen My God?: According to Tok Haar Hok, after creating Gielinor, the Elders were satisfied with their work and lay down upon their "perfect world". Since then, the Hok have not received any orders, and do not know if they will awaken. By the end of "Desperate Measures", Ful flies out of the erupting Anachronia Volcano, but has not been seen since destroying Kerapac's laboratory.
  • The McCoy: Possibly. The Elder Chronicles associate Ful with passion, love, and joy.
  • Playing with Fire: Her element. She is the source of the sacred lava that fuels the Elder Kiln, and her resurgence to the world at the end of Desperate Measures sees her erupting from the Anachronia Volcano.


An Elder God associated with inversion and ice/water.

  • An Ice Person: As a being with an affinity for the cold, she's associated with ice (alongside water).
  • The Corruption: Subverted. Wen was long implied to be the cause of the icy crystals that infested Mah's core, but Azzanadra's Quest revealed that it wasn't her, but Xau-Tak who caused the corruption.
  • Making a Splash: As a being with an affinity for the cold, she's associated with water (alongside ice).


An Elder God associated with alteration and earth.

  • Dishing Out Dirt: As a being with an affinity for forest and trees, she's associated with earth.
  • Kick the Dog: Gorvek points out that Bik harbours the most contempt towards intelligent life out of all the Elder Gods.

    Mother Mah 
Click hereto see Mah

Mahjarrat legends speak of an evil creator god in their home realm who combined all of "his" most fearsome monsters into the Muspah. Jagex recently confirmed that this being does in fact exist, and is an Elder God who preferred to work alone. She is the mother of Zaros, Seren, and the Dreams of Mah race.

  • Abusive Precursors: Created the Mahjarrat, as well as an entire Crapsack World. At least, humans would see Freneskae like that. On the other hand, she doesn't really have the sense to even be aware of what she's done.
  • Anthropomorphic Personification: She is connected to light, darkness, and potential.
  • Almighty Idiot: Revealed in "Fate of the Gods" to have stunted intelligence compared to the other Elder Gods, acting only on instinct.
  • Eldritch Abomination: Her creation was defective and the other Elder Gods believed her to be stillborn. The Muspah, whether it actually exists or is simply from folklore, gives the Mahjarrat nightmares. Again, the Physical Gods who have dominated Runescape's major storylines for years have nightmares about this entity's creations.
  • Empty Shell: All that remains after her "daughter" Seren mercy kills her is an empty husk of what could have been a powerful being.
  • God Is Evil: The Mahjarrat seem to think so. Given that half of them are Obviously Evil, and the other half can be questionable at times, make of that what you will.
  • Goo-Goo-Godlike: She is an elder god and has all the skill and gift at creation such status entails. But as a result of her defective birth and diminishing energy, her mentality is childlike in nature, which frustrated her son, Zaros, to no end. According to the Elder Chronicles, Mah is always the most childlike of the Elder Gods.
  • Killed Off for Real: Seren reluctantly puts her out of her misery, and is but an empty husk.
  • Liquid Assets: She requires Freneskae's dying Anima Mundi to feed on. As an elder god, she can never truly die, but as her energy is depleted, she falls deeper and deeper into a coma.
  • My Beloved Smother: Basically the way Zaros sees her. The other elder gods abandoned her, believing her stillborn. But in fact, she survived and created Zaros and Seren to keep her company. Zaros and Seren had certain mental weaknesses they believe she created to keep them in her presence. Zaros grew tired of her controlling, childish nature and left, while Seren took as best care of her as she could until she could do no more.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Sure, she spawns hordes of unspeakable terrors every time she has a nightmare, and could accidentally devastate any nearby settlements (should anybody be foolish enough to settle the plane of Freneskae) any time she gets angry. Sure, she looks like your last nightmare. But Seren's memory crystals reveal another side of Mah. Her fear of being alone. The constant pain she is in, and the fact that, if it is possible for an Elder God, she is slowly dying. She indeed gets Killed Off for Real by Seren in the climax of "Children of Mah".
  • Yin-Yang Bomb: Mah is the Elder God of light and darkness.

    Sixth Elder God 

An Elder God briefly mentioned by Zaros during "The Light Within", described as not being of form, but "something else".

  • The Ghost: It has not appeared in-game.
  • No Name Given: Its name is unknown.
  • Retcon: In 2022, a Jagex Mod clarified on Discord that, while originally the sixth Elder God was intended to be a reference to Vos, plans for what Vos is meant to be have drastically changed in the intervening years (also there wasn't a concrete plan at the time).
