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This is the character page index for Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Alternate Continuity antagonists and adversaries.

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Main antagonists


Click here  to see his appearance in the second game
Voiced by: Jason Isaacs [ENG], Tomokazu Sugita [JP]
"It is my divine right to rule by His side as an equal...or perhaps more than that."

Satan, Lucifer the Fallen, is the true Big Bad of Lords of Shadow. When Death breached into Hell in his endless quest for knowledge, Satan brainwashed the Necromancer to be his pawn in the fallen angel's bid to obtain the God Mask. Through most of the story, Satan is a background influence, controlling Death from the shadows and quietly haunting the dreams of any unlucky enough to stand in the way of Gabriel's quest.

When Death obtains the completed God Mask from Gabriel at the end of the game, Satan lights his pawn on fire and takes the mask for himself. Satan then plans to use the God Mask as means to re-enter Heaven, and even offers Gabriel a place at his side, but Gabriel refuses the fallen angel's offer. Following a battle between the two, Gabriel snaps Satan's neck, sending the angel back to Hell.

However, this is not the end of the fallen angel. In the modern day, Satan prepares for a second chance to breach the mortal plane, and to take revenge on all who ruined his plans centuries before.

  • Abusive Dad: Cares little for his own offspring, in contrast to Dracula's despair at having to fight his own children.
  • Arch-Enemy: To Dracula, being the ultimate cause for Dracula's descent into villainy, and the one person that Dracula hates most in the world..
  • Authority Equals Ass Kicking: Is the Man Behind the Man for the entire first game, and the Final Boss.
  • Ax-Crazy: He conceals it pretty well, but behind his polite facade is a raving lunatic of an angel. Case in point, he kills his own son by tearing his face off, and not long after, decides to destroy the entire planet when Dracula thwarts his plans for the second time.
  • Big Bad: The overall main antagonist of the series, though Dracula serves as an Interim Villain in Mirror of Fate. In the first game, he orchestrates all of the terrible events of the story through possessing Zobek, including; separating the Earth from the Heavens preventing the spirits to ascend; and Gabriel killing his wife which lead him on the quest in the first place; all to obtain the God Mask and return to Heaven. In the second game, Satan intends on returning to Earth and enslave Dracula and Zobek and has his Acolytes cause chaos in preparation for his return. When he returns, he opts to destroy the Earth out of spite towards Dracula.
  • Black Magic: In contrast to Dracula who utilizes Blood Magic, Satan controls the powers of darkness, summoning globs of darkness to attack, and turning into black tendons to possess people.
  • Blasphemous Boast: Is highly fond of giving these. On the other hand, it's Satan we're talking about.
  • Casting a Shadow: His speciality. Satan can call forth gigantic globs of black, slimy darkness, teleport by dissaperating into black mist, manifesting a gigantic slimy black arm to use as a whip, and can even dissolve into numerous wiry tendons when he wishes to possess someone.
  • The Chessmaster: Satan arranged all the events of the first game, manipulating Zobek into separating the Earth from the Heavens, and causing Marie's death so that Gabriel will kill the Lords of Shadow and acquire the God Mask. Satan would then burn his pawn and take the God Mask for himself.
  • The Corrupter: He was the one who corrupted the three founders of the Brotherhood of Light into becoming the Lords of Shadow.
  • Dark Is Evil/Light Is Not Good: Capable of using both Light and Shadow magics. Befitting his former position as an angel, he can perform light magic but sticks most to shadow and darkness after falling.
  • Deal with the Devil: Being Satan, that's unsurprising, though the only mention of it happening was in regards to Abaddon in 2. In the Book of Dracul, it is stated that Satan granted the demon "an unmatched ability to destroy his enemies" in exchange for him severing his own humanity forever.
  • The Devil Is a Loser: Played With. While Satan is a powerful, cruel and threatening villain, it is repeatedly brought up in 2 that he is afraid of Dracula and sees him as the biggest obstacle for his plans. The vampire lord even derides him as a "coward". Though his entry in the Book of Dracul states he is willing to fight Dracula with all he's got, he resorts to possessing Alucard to force Dracula to hold back and his final moments consist of him screaming in panic at his defeat.
  • Dirty Coward: Is revealed to be one in the second game. Satan is afraid to face anyone who can seriously challenge or even kill him. The only reason he is returning in the present is because he's certain that Dracula is dead. Dracula exploits this trait by faking his death to draw Satan out in the open, and at the end of their battle by making it look like he is willing to kill his own son Alucard/Trevor (whom Satan is possessing) again just to get rid of Satan. Satan panics at the last moment and leaves Alucard's body, giving Dracula a clear shot at finishing him off.
  • Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette: He is a tall slender man with long onyx black hair and skin that is unnaturally pallid with a ghastly slew of veins running under it. In the second game, he's turned into a gigantic eight-foot tall fallen angel with black wings and the the same pale skin and onyx colored hair, but the veins have been replaced with scars.
  • Evil Counterpart: Noticeably, he is an Eviler counterpart to Dracula. Both were righteous warriors who fell into evil and have ambitions of ruling the world. Both also display contempt towards humanity and God. However, Dracula cares about his son and fell into despair after killing him. Satan, on the other hand, sees his children as nothing but tools in his schemes and murders one of his Acolytes for having failed him. Both display the power of Demonic Possession and even manifest it in a similar way, and used it to force a father and a son to fight each other.
  • Evil Is Petty: His reaction when Dracula and Alucard show up to kill him? Summon the Leviathan to destroy the Earth to spite them.
  • Evil Has a Bad Sense of Humor: His only displays of humor in the series come at the battle with him in 2, where he manages to joke about Dracula being forced to fight his own son Alucard. He taunts the vampire lord with quotes referencing child abuse and laughs all the while.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: The main antagonist of the series gets the appropriate deep voice of well known villain actor Jason Isaacs to make his evilness pronounced.
  • Fallen Angel: He was once known as the Archangel Lucifer, the greatest of all of God's angels. Overcome with egomania, Lucifer rebelled against God to usurp his rule over the universe, but was cast into Hell and renamed Satan as punishment. When he appears directly, he takes the appearance of a pale dark-haired man coated in darkness, who occasionally sprouts shadow wings when he takes flight, in contrast to Gabriel's white Seraph Shoulders. In the second game, he apears as a eight foot tall hulking brute of a man with enormous raven black feathered wings.
  • Fan Disservice: He's a tall slender dark-haired man who is completely naked other than black mist that covers his crotch area... but is unnaturally pale and has dark veins covering his body. In the second game, it's even worse where the veins are replaced with scars.
  • Fantastic Racism: He has a very low opinion of humanity, calling them "monkeys" who don't deserve redemption. He thinks that it his divine right to rule over them.
  • Faux Affably Evil: In both console games, upon meeting Gabriel, he is polite, appealing to his situation and offering a place by his side. It doesn't last long in either case, because as soon as Gabriel rebuffs him he quickly shows that his politeness is an act.
  • Final Boss: Of the console games. Notable that in the second one, he possesses Alucard and uses his body and skills against Gabriel/Dracula.
  • Full-Frontal Assault: In 1, the only "clothing" he wears is this black mist that covers his crotch. Of course, as a fallen angel, it's quite possible he lacks sexual characteristics.
  • God Was My Copilot: In 1, it is revealed that he's been shadowing Gabriel for the whole game while in possession of Zobek.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: His whole body is practically Covered with Scars, in contrast to Dracula's unblemished skin.
  • Grand Theft Me: Satan possesses Alucard in the final battle of Lords of Shadow 2.
  • Hate Sink: Satan is a self-centered Fallen Angel who feels he is entitled to rule above God, and upon being defeated by Gabriel, threatens him by implying he will rape and torture his deceased wife's soul. After being summoned back to Earth, Satan kills his own son for incompetence and tries to destroy the Earth out of spite for Dracula and Alucard thwarting his plans. In a final act of cruelty, Satan possesses Alucard to force Dracula to fight his son, taunting him throughout their battle with references to child abuse, and ultimately proves himself to be nothing more than a coward by trying to flee from his impending death.
  • I Know What You Fear: Mingles type one with type three. He's fully aware of Gabriel's weaknesses and has the power of bringing them to life. Not that it has any permanent effect, but it does erode Gabriel's focus bar far quicker than normal.
  • I Shall Taunt You: Was taunting the Wygol Village priest about Gabriel and Zobek's arrival in the holy man's dreams. He also spends the entirety of his battle with Gabriel in both console games taunting him with lies and boasts.
  • It's All About Me: His defining characteristic. Everything he does is rooted in his own self-aggrandizement. He feels victimized by God (his father) for being cast out due to his rebellion, and feels that he deserves to rule Heaven and the world of men, despite being an awful person completely bereft of redeeming qualities. In the second game, he decides that if he can't rule over Earth, no one will. Gabriel said it best:
    You'd rather rule in power and might, than offer forgiveness and love? That is why you were cast out, unholy one.
  • Killed Off for Real: Dave Cox confirmed that Satan is gone forever after Gabriel killed him at the end of 2.
  • The Man Behind the Man: He is the real reason the world's in such a state.
  • Manipulative Bastard: In the first game, he orchestrates the game's plot by imbuing Zobek with knowledge and power, and planting the idea to use Gabriel to gather the pieces of the God Mask, so he could kill him at the last second and take the mask for himself.
  • Miles Gloriosus: Is a boastful and self-centered creature when out of danger, but, once cornered, he will do anything to take flight with his hide.
  • Oh, Crap!: Lets out a blaring, panic-struck shriek when Dracula does not fall for his ploy and tries to stake him.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: Becomes this in 2. He would rule Earth, if not for his vampiric nemesis thwarting his plans and usurping his throne.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: Archangel Lucifer, also known as the Prideful One, opts to put his own notion after Dracula's. Satan himself is terrified of Dracula, and for a good reason.
  • Physical God: Due to his status as the greatest of God's angels, Satan is an extremely powerful entity. He possesses unlimited Light and Shadow magic, has total control over the element of darkness, and is the only being that can fight Dracula himself on equal terms, and can even give the vampire god a hard time if he isn't careful enough.
  • Rage Against the Heavens: Well, he's Satan. It's a given. The whole plot of the first game was planned by Satan in order to obtain the God Mask so that he may return to Heaven and get his revenge on God.
  • Rage Quit: Tries this at the end of Lords of Shadow 2 when he realizes Gabriel and Alucard outmaneuvered him; when Dracula and Alucard thwart this by killing Leviathan he tries to kill Gabriel by possessing Alucard.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Tells Gabriel he's nothing but a murderer and a failure whom God will never forgive at the climax of their battle. It doesn't stop Gabriel from snapping Satan's neck.
  • Slasher Smile: Gives Dracula a bloodthirsty one just before their final battle. Dracula returns it right before he kills him.
  • The Sociopath: Satan is an egomaniacal psychopath who desires control over the universe. He's self-centered, manipulative, and cowardly. Even his own children mean nothing to him, spitefully killing his son Guido Szandor for failing to notice that Dracula and Alucard were in the room when he was summoned.
  • Sore Loser: Upon being defeated by Gabriel in the first game, he tells him that he'll introduce Marie to "such pleasures" in Hell out of spite. Gabriel knows better, though, and the taunt doesn't faze him. Blowing up the earth — or trying to — is also due to the fact that he might actually die, so he decides to destroy the board in a massive rage quit.
  • Technicolor Eyes: His eyes were a brilliant yellow in the first game. They've been changed to violet in the sequel.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Has one in 2 after he realizes that Gabriel outmaneuvered him; according to the guide his split decision to destroy Earth is mostly a temper tantrum due to the fact Gabriel and Alucard could very well kill him.
    Satan: If I cannot rule the world of men... then no one will!
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: Not once is he seen wearing as shirt.
  • Walking Spoiler: The mere fact that he's a character in the games is a huge spoiler to the story.
  • We Can Rule Together: Expresses a wish for Gabriel to fight by his side. Twice!
  • We Will Meet Again: Said in the first game, and fulfilled in 2.
  • You Have Failed Me: Satan kills Guido Szandor immediately after being summoned, due to the fact that Guido failed to notice that Dracula and Alucard were in the room.
    Satan: I despise incompetence.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: In the first game, Satan manipulates Zobek into acquiring the God Mask for him. Once Zobek succeeds, Satan sets him on fire.

    Lords of Shadow 

Tropes that apply to the Lords of Shadow in general:

  • And Then John Was a Zombie: They're the heroic Founders of the Order turned into monsters.
  • Enemy Without: The Lords of Shadow are the evil sides of the founders of the Brotherhood of Light, which they cast away in a ritual that would give God the upper hand in his war against Lucifer.
  • Fallen Hero: Originally the Brotherhood of Light founders that fought together to banish Satan, they now rule the world in darkness as Lords of Shadow.
  • Evil Overlord: All three of them qualify as pure-evil, immortal abominations that are responsible for plunging the world in darkness. The name itself is enough indication.
  • The Ghost: The good halves of the Lords of Shadow are often mentioned, but not shown at any point in the story.
  • He Who Fights Monsters: Arrogance and the burning desire to triumph over the spawn of Satan is what had rallied the Founders to abandon their mortal bodies in search of power.
  • Monster Progenitor: After the Founders of the Order ascended into Heaven, the Lords of Shadow became the first of the yet-unseen monsters. Cornell became the first lycanthrope, Carmilla the first vampire, and Zobek the first Necromancer. Then they had proceeded to twist and corrupt those lesser than them into bloodthirsty beasts akin to themselves.
  • Synchronization: The Lords of Shadow are still connected with their angelic counterparts. Killing one automatically condemns the other.
  • Transformation Is a Free Action: Every Lord of Shadow has a fiendish true form in addition to their standard human guise, and this transformation sequence cannot be thwarted by any means.

"Perhaps he is willing to sacrifice himself for you? For the greater good? I however, am not."
Click here to see Cornell's portrait in Reverie. 
Voiced by: Richard Ridings [ENG], Banjo Ginga [JP]
"My acolytes were not lying — a warrior from the Brotherhood, here on Lycan soil!"

The Lord of the Lycans.

  • Adaptational Villainy: While Carmilla and Death were villainous characters in the original timeline, Cornell was a heroic character who stood against Dracula.
  • Animorphism: His true form is a gigantic, hulking werewolf.
  • Authority Equals Ass Kicking: First of the werewolves, and also the most powerful.
  • Badass Boast: He loves to give these during the battle, even when he's getting his ass handed to him.
  • Barbarian Long Hair: With a receding hairline, but badass, nonetheless.
  • The Brute: But doesn't seem to be a Dumb Muscle by any definition of the trope.
  • Canis Major: For the second part of his boss fight, he morphs into his truly monstrous lycanthrope form.
  • Demoted to Extra: Cornell is the only original Lord of Shadow who has no screen time in the sequel.
  • Elite Mook: The Lycans in the prologue are a precursor for him.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: He's this in lycan form.
    Cornell: My sons will feast on your corpse once I finish with you!
  • Fatal Flaw: According to Laura in Reverie, Cornell's overconfidence had made him blind to the threat that Gabriel represented until it was too late.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard/Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Impaled through the jaw on his own hammer.
  • In Name Only: Cornell in the original continuity is a Noble Demon who desperately sought a cure for his condition for the sake of his human adopted sister. This Cornell is a Fully-Embraced Fiend who gladly sends his pack out to hunt innocent villagers and has at least one genocide (the Aghartians) under his belt. That said, the actual Cornell is probably more like this, as the demon controlling his body isn't the same thing.
  • Large and in Charge: He's the largest werewolf we see by a very large margin.
  • Large Ham: Just like everyone else.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Do not take for granted that you're out of his reach just because you're standing on the other side of the arena.
  • Mr. Exposition: Is not hesitant to reveal the truth about the Founders' ascension as heavenly spirits to Gabriel.
  • Older Than They Look: Is centuries old, but looks like he's in his early forties.
  • Our Werewolves Are Different: Quite. In fact, he's the first lycanthrope to be created.
  • Power Tattoos: Has them in his werewolf form. And they glow red.
  • Sprint Shoes: The Brotherhood had gifted him with Cyclone Boots, back when Cornell was still human. Upon becoming the Lycanthrope Dark Lord, he improved on their design and power by fusing them together with shadow magic.
  • Wake-Up Call Boss: As the first Lord of Shadow that you confront, he can prove more difficult than you would have thought.

"You are a fool, Gabriel. You think I don't know who you are?"
Click here to see Carmilla's portrait in Reverie and her appearance in Lords of Shadow 2. 
Voiced by: Sally Knyvette [ENG], Houko Kuwashima [JP]
"Look upon Carmilla! Am I not beautiful!?"

The Lord of the Vampires.

  • All-Loving Hero: Pure and chaste of soul, Carmilla was renowned for her love of all living creatures. A renowned and skilled healer, she had used her talents for good, before her downfall had turned her into a powerful, yet pitiful shadow that was the Vampire Queen.
  • Animorphism: Can turn into a gigantic bat demon in 1. In 2, she can summon her true form's spectral apparition.
  • Betty and Veronica: Carmilla is the Veronica to Marie's Betty in Lords of Shadow 2.
  • Delicious Distraction: Carmilla is this to Dracula in first.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: When Dracula spears her through the mouth at the end of her battle in 2.
  • Doppelgänger Spin: Halfway through her battle in 2, she creates duplicates of herself while laughing and making waltz jokes at Dracula.
    Carmilla: Come on, don't miss a step.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: As a human, she was disgusted by Dr. Frankenstein's experiments on living humans to create artificial life. As a vampire, she decided to punish him for those atrocities.
    Brotherhood Knight Scroll: Carmilla cruelly punished Frankenstein for his crimes. One such punishment was the removal of his fingers, which lie still somewhere within the castle.
  • Evil Makes You Ugly: When she transforms in 1.
  • Foreshadowing: She pretty much tells Gabriel in the first game that he cannot bring Marie back to life and all that is left is "this living death before you!", hinting at his fate as a vampire.
  • Flunky Boss: In the first part of the battle, she summons 10 vampires, which you must defeat (or trick her into killing them, which is the trial for the level). When she transforms, she often summons two vampires to aid her. She stops after the first QTE.
  • Force Field: In both games, her first chosen tactic is to shield herself with one while her minions do the dirty work.
  • Hemo Erotic: When Dracula bites Carmilla's neck in Lords of Shadows 2, she reacts as though she's receiving sexual pleasure from it.
  • I Was Quite the Looker: She was drop dead gorgeous as one of the founders of the Brotherhood Of Light.
    • And in her human form for Lords of Shadow 2.
  • Ignored Enamored Underling: She's madly in love with Dracula. Poor thing.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: By Dracula in 2. Twice.
  • It Is Beyond Saving: Her stance on humanity in 1.
  • Lady in Red: Downplayed in the second game. She tries to seduce Gabriel while wearing a crimson robe that is relatively modest (specially when compared to her black dress in the first game, which completely bared her cleavage).
  • Mind over Matter: In 2, she is also shown using lightning-based telekinesis to her advantage.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Justified; it makes it easier for her to get close to her unsuspecting children-to-be. It doesn't faze Gabriel for a second, however.
  • Murder the Hypotenuse: When her plan to bend Dracula to her will fails, she tries to vent her frustration on Marie. Guess how that ends.
  • Navel-Deep Neckline: In the first game, her outfit has a huge split in the middle, exposing her cleavage and navel.
  • "Not So Different" Remark: Invoked when she compares Gabriel to the other Lords of Shadow. Gabriel isn't convinced.
  • Older Than They Look: Is centuries old, but looks like she's in her late twenties or early thirties.
  • Progressively Prettier: In the first Lords of Shadow, Carmilla has a rather unsettling appearance; unnaturally tall and slender, with chalk-white skin and lifeless black eyes. In Lords of Shadow 2, she has become a stunningly beautiful woman; this is because the incarnation of her we see in 2 is constructed from Gabriel's memories, both of his actual encounter with her and of a picture of her human form he saw once in Reverie.
  • Poisonous Person: Not elemental powers per se, but her entire being is saturated with a special venom she uses to poison Dracula. She's a literal Poisonous Person.
  • Power Floats: In 1, she can levitate, thanks to her Seraph Shoulders.
  • Rasputinian Death: Gets staked, smashed, impaled on a steeple, and then staked again so hard that the stake breaks off in her chest in the first game. Blimey.
  • Shock and Awe: Emits discharges of lightning in both games in both forms.
  • Soft-Spoken Sadist: While trying to trace Dracula's whereabouts in the library of 2.
    Carmilla: Only I understand your anguish. I love your pain and your fury.
  • Something Only They Would Say: This works against Carmilla when she disguises herself as Marie, because she still speaks like The Vamp.
  • Spot the Imposter: In 2, transforms into Marie before her fight, forcing Dracula to choose between them. note 
  • Statuesque Stunner: She is definitely the tallest woman in the game (taller even than Gabriel), and she can stun you alright (in a manner of speaking).
  • Supermodel Strut: In 2, she's introducing doing a slow gait toward Gabriel with a deliberate sway to legs and hips, which is part of her scheme to make him lower his defenses and have him feed on her.
  • The Vamp: Tries to seduce Gabriel with promises of pleasure and power before they fight.
  • Vampire Monarch: She was the original one before Dracula in this continuity.
  • Villains Never Lie: During their pre-battle dialogue, Carmilla predicts Gabriel's fate.
  • Villainesses Want Heroes: Her character description in the second game states that she is madly in love with Dracula. Unfortunately for her, he will never reciprocate. See also Ignored Enamored Underling.
  • Voluntary Vampire Victim: Subverted in the second game. When she appears in Gabriel's mind, she takes advantage of his slight attraction to her and lets him feed on her. Turns out her blood is toxic and it will eventually turn Gabriel into her slave. She attempts to bring him into her full control by tricking him into biting her again while disguised as his wife Marie.
  • Walking Spoiler: She and later Zobek predict the events of Gabriel's terrible future.
  • Weather Manipulation: Conjured a perpetual blizzard around her castle and surrounding lands so sunlight wouldn't bother her vampiric warriors.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Exaggerated. She soundly chews out Gabriel for his eagerness to destroy those who had founded his holy order. See also Even Evil Has Standards.
    Carmilla: You would kill those who founded your own Holy Order? You are even more cold-blooded than I. Who is the real monster here, Gabriel?
  • We Can Rule Together: Tempts Gabriel by saying she could introduce him to many things and many pleasures if he stays. He doesn't buy it. In fact, he doesn't even seem to care.
  • Yandere: To Dracula in Lords of Shadow 2. And how!
    Carmilla: (shrieks) I'll take your eyes out if you look at [Marie] again!
  • Your Mind Makes It Real: Her appearance, mannerisms, and demeanor in 2 is composed of Dracula's memories of his encounter with her in 1, as well as seeing her human portrait in Reverie.
    Carmilla: And if you were never to wake again...would it matter?

Lord of the Dead
"I needed to control you at the end... Once you had murdered them. I knew you would never be able to challenge me whilst wearing it."
Voiced by: Sir Patrick Stewart [ENG], Makoto Terada}} [JP]
"Finally, it is time for the truth. Let us remove... our masks..."

The final Lord of Shadow. He cast the spell that separated the Earth from the Heavens, and was also personally involved with the death of Gabriel's wife.

Note: For tropes applying to the Lord of the Dead before The Reveal, see the Zobek section.

  • Adaptational Jerkass: While Death was always a villain in the games, he could be affable and had genuine loyalty towards Dracula. This version has neither of these things going for him.
  • Ambition Is Evil: In contrast to the other Lords of Shadow, who are both content in remaining in their domains, the Lord of the Dead actively desires greater power and control over the world.
  • And Your Little Dog, Too!: As part of his Boss Banter in 2.
    "That creature you call a son will follow you in death!"
  • Big Bad Wannabe: Mostly in the second game. He really wants to be the biggest lord of evil around, but he knows all too well that he can't compete with Satan and Dracula.
  • Black Magic: A given, seeing he is the Lord of Necromancers.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Satan himself took possession of him and secretly manipulated him. Granted, he was already pretty evil beforehand.
  • Composite Character: Of Death and Shaft from the original series.
  • Demonic Possession: Was possessed by Satan. Granted, as a Lord of Shadow, he was already a malevolent Evil Overlord before that, but it probably contributed to his more extreme Omnicidal Maniac tendencies.
  • Dramatic Irony: In the finale of 1, he laments on how his fellow Founders had failed to notice just how powerful they could become if they combined their existing abilities and troops. Guess what Gabriel ends up doing.
  • Evil Gloating: Once he reveals himself as the final Lord of Shadow, he goes on for a while about how he tricked Gabriel, clearly loving every second of it.
  • Evil Laugh: Lets out a particularly hammy one after he takes the God Mask from Gabriel.
  • Evil Plan: Had Gabriel's wife killed and separated the Earth from the Heavens in order to make Gabriel go on a quest to obtain the God Mask.
  • Evil Sorcerer: He's more magic oriented than Cornell and Carmilla.
  • Expy: Of Death from the original Castlevania series, as his monster form in Lords of Shadow 2 demonstrates. According to Dave Cox, he also takes elements from Shaft from Symphony of the Night.
  • Faux Affably Evil: He's incredibly polite. Oh, to be sure, there's a strong likelihood that he'll betray you eventually no matter which side of the fence you fall on and he's definitely evil as heck, but he speaks with a high degree of etiquette even to his enemies.
  • The Ghost: Is mentioned by a Necromancer in Mirror of Fate but doesn't appear himself.
  • Gone Horribly Wrong: A double subversion in Lords of Shadow 1. Zobek had restored the luminous power of the dead spirits as a part of his plan to acquire the God Mask. After he eliminates Gabriel, and is promptly cremated by Satan, this power had resurrected the former, allowing for Gabriel to banish Satan and prevent the end of the world. However, it doesn't stop Gabriel or Alucard from using the necromancer to further their goal of destroying both him and Satan in Lords of Shadow 2.
  • The Grim Reaper: Molded his form in Lords of Shadow 2 to be fitting to the folklore version of the grim reaper, making him appear far more like Death than he did in the first game.
  • The Heavy: While Satan is the true mastermind behind the plot, it is his pawn Zobek who does most of the legwork by casting the spell separating Earth from Heaven, and directly influencing Gabriel into killing his own wife in order to motivate Gabriel to obtain the God Mask. Even in the second game where he is firmly a Big Bad Wannabe, he is the villain with the most screentime, helps drive the plot by stringing along Dracula to stop the Acolytes and is the last boss that Dracula fights before Satan himself.
  • Heel–Face Revolving Door: Helps you for most of the game, then turns out to be the final Lord of Shadow and Evil All Along. But then it's revealed he was possessed, and centuries later he tries to recruit Dracula to stop the second coming of Satan only to turn on you again when he learns Dracula was plotting with Alucard to let Satan be resurrected so he can kill him for good, and then do the same to Zobek.
  • He Who Must Not Be Seen: His only role in Mirror of Fate was to send a Necromancer to retrieve Trevor Belmont's Combat Cross. Said Necromancer name-drops Zobek when he tells Trevor's son Simon that his master needs the Combat Cross, but Simon has no way of knowing who this "Zobek" is beyond that said master wants his father's weapon.
  • Large Ham: Once he is... unmasked.
  • MacGuffin Delivery Service: Shows up mere seconds after Gabriel finishes reassembling the God Mask, and electrocutes him with his Agony Beam.
  • Manipulative Bastard: While under the effects of possession, he manipulates Gabriel and everyone else to make sure the hero obtains the God Mask.
  • Motive Rant: In 1, goes on a fairly long monologue about his motivation and gambit once he reveals his true nature.
  • Milking the Giant Cow: He makes a lot of dramatic gestures in the first game as he explains his motives to Gabriel, possibly to make up for the fact he is masked all the time.
  • Murder by Cremation: The dark force possessing him lights him on fire after he takes the God Mask. He gets better.
  • Necromancer: Well, he is Death. Reanimating the dead is his specialization.
  • Never Found the Body: His body just disappears at the end of 1, with only his mask left behind. Perhaps a hint that he was Not Quite Dead after all?
  • Not Quite Dead: Subjected to Murder by Cremation and yet survived all the way to modern times, though we don't know HOW he pulled THAT off.
  • Our Liches Are Different: He's clearly not alive, as he makes a clear distinction between "the living" and himself.
  • Out-Gambitted: He thought he could manipulate Gabriel to eliminate Satan for him and then provide his old friend with the death he wants to desperately, getting rid of any and all threats to his power and free to rule over Earth as he sees fit. What he didn't knew was that Gabriel was counting on this, faked his own death to bring him out of the shadows so he could finally kill him off and since his "death" also fragmented his memory, it meant Zobek couldn't look into his mind and figure it out sooner.
  • Overshadowed by Awesome: As the strongest of the Lords of Shadow, he's one of the most powerful characters in the setting. It's just his bad luck that Dracula and Satan are also around.
  • Sinister Scythe: In Lords of Shadow 2, he fights with a massive, barbed scythe, and it is forged out of human souls.
  • Skull for a Head: In 2, his true form features a jawless, human skull with some of its teeth missing.
  • Telepathy: He can read the minds of anyone and also transfers his thoughts on someone else's minds. It has its limits since he can't see inside the first Acolyte's head nor he can look into someone suffering amnesia such as Dracula, who planned to draw Zobek out into the open so he could kill him. As such, Zobek turns on Dracula as soon as he regains his memories and discovers the full extent of his plans.
  • Unexplained Recovery: Supposedly, Satan burned him alive and that was it for him. Then we see him in the modern day with no explanation. As if that's not enough, Gabriel somehow knew this before he locked himself in the Forbidden Wing, as one of the messages he left there says he knew Zobek was still alive, even though Zobek wouldn't be seen making a move until Simon and Alucard's era in Mirror of Fate.
  • The Unfought: Until Lords of Shadow 2.
  • These Are Things Man Was Not Meant to Know: Tries to gain the knowledge of Hell itself and ends up Brainwashed and Crazy for his trouble.
  • Unwitting Pawn: To Satan in 1 and Alucard and Dracula in 2.
  • With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: Delved into the depths of Hell in search of knowledge and power. His attempt had netted him the Devil Mask, but, as a direct result, he was corrupted and possessed by the Devil himself.
  • Walking Spoiler: It is very difficult to talk about him in detail without revealing that he is Zobek, it is he who is responsible for the death of Marie, he is possessed by Satan and appears in the sequel.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Gets set on fire seconds after he kills Gabriel and takes the God Mask.

Lords of Shadow

"Tell me, would you have the souls of the innocent on your conscience for eternity?"
Voiced by: Grace Vance [ENG], Yumi Kikuchi [JP]

Laura is the "daughter" of Carmilla, who was taken from her true parents and turned into a vampire centuries ago. She first meets Gabriel in Bernhard Castle and challenges him to a game of supernatural chess. Gabriel beats Laura, and in a fit of spite, the vampire attempts to kill Gabriel, only to change her mind and spare him when she sees Gabriel and the spirit of his dead wife embracing.

After the end of the main game, Laura enlists a distraught Gabriel to stop the Forgotten One, a mighty demon whose prison was weakened when Gabriel slew the Lords of Shadow. The two develop a strong friendship during this time.

  • Affably Evil: She seems quite genuine in her good manners when she encounters Gabriel and even offers him essential information in exchange for a single game of chess.
  • Anime Hair: She looks like a kid version of Amy Winehouse.
  • Armor-Piercing Question: Presents a harsh one in the opening of Reverie. Gabriel avoids giving an answer. See also her character quote.
    Laura: I know how you're feeling. Alone... betrayed. You get used to it, you know...
    Gabriel: (dispassionately) That isn't true, or you would not have spared me that day.
    Laura: Do you now regret it?
  • Ascended Extra: She starts as an antagonist during your quest to kill Carmilla, only to become a playable character when trying to stop the Forgotten One during the Reverie add-on.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: She's the only vampire left alive by the end of the main game. Of course, she'd crop up again in the DLC to tie up loose plot ends.
  • Cute Little Fangs: Reverie reveals her to have these. In fact, they're so tiny they barely jut out!
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: Though from her point of view it is more akin to a Cruel and Unusual Suicide.
  • Deadpan Snarker: When the mood strikes her, she can be incredibly cocky and sarcastic.
  • Defrosting Ice Queen: Downplayed. She starts out rather passionless and aloof, but in spite of opening up towards Reverie, she retains her snark and pessimism.
  • False Innocence Trick: The Fallen Brotherhood Knight scrolls mention her pulling one of these more than ones. Obviously, such scrolls were written by those savvy enough to look past them.
  • Fully-Embraced Fiend: She has no qualms about slaughtering wayward Brotherhood Knights that venture forth in hopes of defeating her mother, often using her innocent appearance to her advantage. She even giggles about it in Reverie.
    Laura: I admit that the bloodlust bothered me a little at first, but now I love its flavor. Yummy!
  • Holy Burns Evil: Invokes this in Reverie when she refuses to enter a chapel where the mechanism's activation gem in stashed away, leaving Gabriel to retrieve it on his own.
  • Hypercompetent Sidekick: As an NPC in Reverie, she hits like an absolute goddamn truck and is fully capable of mopping the floor with entire hordes of enemies without Gabriel's help. In fact, the trial for the first level of the DLC is to not let her kill a single enemy.
  • I Hate You Vampire Mom: It's heavily implied that Laura liked her former life far more than her present undeath.
  • Immortal Immaturity: As a part of her Enfant Terrible. Laura cannot swallow losing her own game of magical chess, soldiers breaking her toys, and a number of other nuisances she is fully-prepared to microwave the wrongdoer's head for.
  • Marionette Master: At one point, she uses over-sized burlap puppets of her own making to fight Gabriel while she hides off-screen.
  • Morality Pet: She becomes this to Gabriel in Reverie. Her death is the final nail in the coffin for him. Yet, later, after he becomes Dracula, he would have a tomb built for her, which implies he remembers her fondly.
  • Odd Friendship: With Gabriel. She warms up to him by the end of Reverie, and even asks him not leave her behind.
  • Older Than They Look: She looks like a young girl, but thanks to her mom, she's a lot older than Gabriel.
  • Power Floats: She rises into the air when she feels like looking Gabriel in the eye.
  • The Power of Love: She's understandably envious of Gabriel when she sees him and the ghostly phantom of Marie embracing, and departs without finishing him off. Later, the narration states that then she had recalled her true mother's arms around her and the moments of her past life she doesn't want to let go.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: And they have white pupils, no less!
  • Shock and Awe: Able to unleash lightning bolts of the Palpatine variety, just like her mother.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: She has a tiny purpose in the main game and a larger role in Reverie, but her impact on the story is tremendous by any standard. She turned Gabriel. Enough said.
  • Sore Loser: She does not take kindly to losing her mandatory mini-game of vampire chess.
  • Spoiled Brat: The years have not been kind on her mental and emotional maturity.
  • Stealth Hi/Bye: Pretty much her MO, particularly when she runs into Gabriel for the first time.
  • Telepathy: How she employs Gabriel's services in the beginning of Reverie.
  • Unsportsmanlike Gloating: Should you lose the vampire wargame, she will make certain you understand just how bad you flunked it. She then returns to her normal, jovial attitude and asks if you wish to have another go.
  • Who Wants to Live Forever?: It's quite jarring seeing a child beg a grown man to put her out of her misery and end her accursed existence.

    Lieutenant Brauner & Commander Olrox
Voiced by: Unknown [ENG], Taro Yamaguchi [JP]

Twin brothers who act as Carmilla's chosen emissaries.

    The Forgotten One
"Hear me, warrior; my power is unlimited. I will strip the living flesh from your body and devour your soul."
Voiced by: Colin McFarlane
"You cannot triumph here, fool! You have no comprehension of what you are up against!"

The Forgotten One is a powerful demon and the Final Boss of the first game's Resurrection DLC.

  • Advancing Boss of Doom: Of second flavor. The Forgotten One will keep scaling the wall Gabriel's hanging off from, forcing him to move up before the demon sees him.
  • Ain't Too Proud to Beg: When Gabriel steals his power, the Forgotten One soundly gives up and implores his better to have mercy... only to find that the being standing before him now has no mercy to spare. In his defense, it was after one last and futile attempt on Gabriel after he absorbed the demon’s power.
  • Alien Blood: He bleeds vivid green.
  • Casting a Shadow: Knowing his origins, it's a given.
  • Cruel Mercy: Tries to invoke this upon Gabriel by letting him witness the ultimate annihilation of his world. It turns out to be a horrible idea.
  • Dimension Lord: Was the sovereign of the elemental plane of darkness before the Bernhards' magic had whisked him away.
  • Evil Gloating: So much that he has separate move where he just stands still and roars/taunts. Knowing the difficulty of the battle, it is vital that you utilize it. He ceases doing so in the later stages of his battle, though.
  • Fake Difficulty: Can only be damaged by hitting specific spots on his body during each phase.
  • Faux Affably Evil: He's oddly polite and well-spoken, considering he wants to kill every human in existence.
  • Hand Blast: Can fire torrents of blinding white energy from his hands.
  • Humanoid Abomination: He looks fairly human, even though he's a demonic god from another reality.
  • Light Is Not Good: Wears a suit of pearly-white armor/carapace.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: His name is a nod to Castlevania: Lament of Innocence's Superboss, even though they don't have much in common.
  • Oh, Crap!: Reacts with disbelief and fury at Gabriel stealing his power. It doesn't last for long.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: Wants to kill every human alive as revenge for the Bernhards' trying to control him and the Brotherhood of Light sealing him away for centuries.
  • One-Hit Kill: If the Forgotten One ever detects Gabriel during one of the many stealth climbing sections the game forces you into, he immediately disintegrates him with an energy blast.
  • Our Demons Are Different: He's a demonic god from a completely different plane of reality.
  • Physical God: It is unknown just where the Forgotten One stands on the relative axis between Satan and God. But considering the fact that at the height of his power he is untouchable and nigh-omnipotent, it is implied that he is Satan's equal which puts him squarely into this trope.
  • Polite Villains, Rude Heroes: Although, Gabriel's far, far from a hero at this point, consider the exchange.
    The Forgotten One: (in a contemplative voice) That outfit...! You are a warrior of the Brotherhood... But... something about you is different. Your soul is... unusual...
    Gabriel: (growls) Mark my words; when I am through with you, you will beg for your miserable life.
  • Power of the Void: Uses the powers of the void to rip open the portals between his prison and the human world.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: He's a demonic god who was sealed in a otherworldly prison to prevent him from destroying the world.
  • Sequential Boss: You go through multiple encounters with him, each time with him having more attacks and harder-to-reach weak points.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: Just like Laura in the previous DLC, he has a niche role in the game as a whole, but his impact on the plot and the characters is hefty indeed. With Laura's aid and his power, he had molded Dracula. This speaks for itself.
  • Spontaneous Weapon Creation: Can create many weapons, including exploding spears, swords, and a giant morningstar.
  • Talking Is a Free Action: Initiates a conversation with Gabriel after the latter had dismantled a section of his armor.
  • Turned Against Their Masters: He was originally summoned and fettered by the Bernhard family, yet it didn't take him long to escape his bond and start leveling the place.
  • Villains Want Mercy: "I...yield to you! Mercy, my liege...mercy!" — The Forgotten One, Famous Last Words.

Mirror of Fate

    Daemon Lord 
Voiced by: Richard Ridings
"Tell me — do you like being a creature of the night?"

A powerful monster from the Shadow Plane that is first encountered in the prologue to Mirror of Fate. It gains an intense desire for revenge after Gabriel captures him for the Brotherhood of light. He is later released by a group of witches who want him to take Dracula out, only to be maimed and killed by Trevor. The Toy Maker brings him back as his cyborg servant, delivering victims for his master's experiments, and his desire for revenge shifts onto Trevor.

  • Determinator: Have to give him credit. Even death and his consequent revival could not halt this fellow when it came to exacting his revenge.
  • Eye Scream: Gets his right eye ripped out by Gabriel right at the start of the game.
  • Evil Laugh: Well, it is Richard Ridings.
  • Expy: Of several enemies from the classic series:
    • His Daemon Lord Resurrected form, is is based on the recurring Creature/Frankenstein's Monster boss.
    • He also has traits of several demonic entities from the classic series, most notably Cthulhu/The Devil, as they appeared in Castlevania: Symphony of the Night and Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia with his long, powerful arms and green coloring. He almost shares his name with the recurring "Demon Lord" enemies. Finally, he resembles the Leviathan Gargoyle/Pazuzu boss, from Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse and Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance. Especially because, like Pazuzu in Harmony of Dissonance, the Daemon Lord before his fight with Trevor is trapped inside a sphere.
    • Finally, his design also resembles a Manticore, another recurring monster in the series.
    • And his role in the plot, as a giant demon supported by witches and technology who desires to overthrow Dracula and ends up being killed by Alucard instead, largely resembles that of Galamoth.
  • Giant Flyer: Which, as it turned out, saved Trevor a lot of time.
  • Half the Man He Used to Be: Trevor bisects him across the waist using the dagger-like knob of his Combat Cross and ungodly strength.
  • Hopeless Boss Fight: During Alucard's first encounter with his resurrected form.
  • Large Ham: Again, Richard Ridings.
    Daemon Lord: WHERE IS HE?! note 
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: Inadvertently helped Trevor get back on the right track after the belfry incident.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: A manticore-like daemon from the Shadow Plane with glowing red eyes.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: What Gabriel did to him in the prologue of MoF.
  • We Can Rebuild Him: What the Toy Maker does to him after Trevor kills him.

     The Night Watchman 
Voiced by: Alec Newman
"Who dares invade my domain?"

A Plague Doctor-esque... wizard/zombie/ghost-thing(?) that has stayed alive via a mysterious curse. He lights the lanterns of Dracula's castle, in an attempt to keep intruders away. Should somebody come in anyway, he attacks them with his lantern staff and calls rat and crow-like corpses called Scavens to devour them with a whistle.After he is defeated by Simon, he is eaten by the Scavens he calls upon, and his body transforms into the Reaver, a huge putrid Scaven that is made up of countless corpses, and mindlessly eats any living thing it finds.

  • Mook Maker: The Reaver, so much so that Scavens poke their heads out of its back to prevent Alucard from jumping over it.
  • Plague Doctor: It seems like he's actually wearing a sort of opera mask considering its position and cracked eye holes when its on the Reaver. But the outfit, along with his Vermin-like Scavens, make it apparent.
  • Villainous Glutton: One of the Reaver's attacks has it quickly digesting Alucard. And if Alucard throws his bats at it, it eats them and coughs up the bones as a counterattack.

    The Succubus 
Voiced by: Eleanor Howell
"Don't you like how I kiss, Simon?"

A devious, alluring creature from the underworld seeking to curry favor with her new master. Encountered in Mirror of Fate, she serves as the final boss of Simon's chapter in the game.

  • Decomposite Character: While she obviously is the Lords of Shadow take on the Succubi from Castlevania, particularly the Castlevania: Symphony of the Night one, she also has very visible elements of Carmilla, and even Laura, particularily those that didn't make into their Lords of Shadow incarnations. Detailed more under Expy below.
  • Depraved Bisexual: Just like Carmilla from the original continuity, she's very affectionate towards her slave girls, referring to them as ''my sweet" and... touches them in places. All the while trying to seduce Simon.
  • Evil Redhead: Has bright-red hair and is an evil seductress that leads both men and women to her doom.
  • Expy: While this succubus, resembles the Castlevania Succubi, particularly the Symphony of the Night one with the connection to the dream world, but she has also elements of Laura and Carmilla. The Succubus' laying on a floating object, is seemingly a direct reference to Carmilla laying on her floating giant skull, and looking very much like the Castlevania: Circle of the Moon incarnation of Carmilla. The Succubus also has Carmilla's attraction to women, seemingly not present in Carmilla's direct Lords of Shadow counterpart. And like Laura during the fight against her and Carmilla in Castlevania: Rondo of Blood, the Succubus also tries to drain the player characters energy.
  • Heal Thyself: Feeds on the slave girls she keeps in order to heal herself and boost her power in a pinch.
  • Lady in Red: Though the only article of clothing she wears besides jewelry is an red skirt, she qualifies as an bigger example of this trope than Carmilla due to being the most scantily-clad female character in the continuity, bar none.
  • Master of Illusion: Her main power. The arena you fight her in is actually an illusion created for the purpose of tempting Simon.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Like Carmilla, it's how she tempts men to their deaths. Simon doesn't buy it either. Must be In the Blood.
  • Royal Harem: She's accompanied by an exclusively female one. They are there for both fanservice and to feed her with their lifeforce.
  • Sex Slave: She has a harem of slave girls. She uses them for her own pleasure as well as trying to seduce Simon.

Lords of Shadow 2

    Satan's Acolytes 

Tropes that apply to the Acolytes in general:

Raisa Volkova
"You see, my father... takes this all...very personally."
Click here to see Raisa's second form 
Click here to see Raisa's third form 
Voiced by: Alex Childs[EN], Satomi Sato [JP]
"So the Dragon still lives. We thought you dead."

Owner and director of a large pharmaceutical company, Bioquimek.

  • Achilles' Heel: Zigzagged. During her first boss fight ice cancels out her Teleport Spam, yes, but it can't freeze her completely. Even if you chuck ten Void Projectiles at her in a row, she'll keep moving around.
  • Badass Boast: Delivers one prior her second boss battle.
    Raisa: Look at me, you dirty pigs! Look at Satan's splendid daughter before your very eyes!
  • Bad Boss: The moment she senses Dracula, she smashes open a nearby canister of toxic chemicals to flood the room, regardless of the human workers still around.
  • Badass Longcoat: In her human form. Technically, it's a lab coat, but she wears it well.
  • Barehanded Blade Block: She catches Dracula's Void Sword when he swings it at her the first time. Thankfully, it's not something she can pull off often during the actual fights with her.
  • Belly Mouth: Gains one split across her entire torso in her last form.
  • Black Speech: When Dracula injects with her own antidote, she breaks out in a hellish, incomprehensible tirade. It is translated via subtitles.
  • Boss Remix: The “Hunter and Prey” is very much the same as the “Lady of the Crypt” from Mirror of Fate but with several new tunes added in for good measure.
  • Dark Action Girl: Is the only melee-oriented Acolyte, and she certainly gives Dracula a run for his money.
  • Defeat Equals Explosion: When she goes down, her whole body flares up in a discharge of pure energy, powerful enough to send Dracula tumbling through the air.
  • Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette: In her human form.
  • Excessive Evil Eyeshadow: And black lipstick, too.
  • Fan Disservice: She's unconventionally attractive in her human guise, but her demonic form is outright hideous. Adding to the disservice, it's in the latter form that she hits on Dracula.
  • Flash Step: She can warp all over the place, using either this or Teleport Spam.
  • Good Smoking, Evil Smoking: She's seen smoking a cigarette when the player confronts her, holding it loosely between two fingers.
  • Goth: Her dark hair, pale skin, black lipstick, and eye shadow all invoke this in subtle fashion.
  • Half the Woman She Used to Be: How she dies. Not only her entire arm is chopped off, but it is followed by Dracula cleaving her in twain. Diagonally through her entire head and torso.
  • Lightning Lash: She has an Improvised Weapon variant which has her ripping out live electrical cables and using them to attack Dracula.
  • Magic Missile Storm: One of her attacks involves her roosting upon a slab of stone in the background and sending out a dozen of target-hunting projectiles.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: Her full name could be roughly translated to "Chief of the Wolves".
  • No Brows: Adds to the way her initial appearance, while human at a glance, is still overall off.
  • No-Sell: She's completely unfazed when the disguised Dracula shuffles into her laboratory.
  • Precision F-Strike: At one point, calls Dracula a 'son of a bitch.'
  • Psychic Block Defense: Had used a virus of her own creation to cloak her mind from Zobek's telepathy.
  • Super-Strength: She's powerful enough to hurl Dracula around like it's nothing.
  • Taking You with Me: Invokes this during the last bits of her boss battle.
    Raisa: I will drag you with me to Hell, even if I lose this body.
  • Too Kinky to Torture: She seems to invoke this trope to some degree, as she gasps in pleasure when Zobek puts his cigarette out in her eye.
  • Trojan Prisoner: It is implied that Raisa had willingly allowed for Dracula to incapacitate and capture her, thus sending the latter on a quest to recover the antidote from the demonic plague which screens her thoughts. Upon receiving the remedy, she promptly escapes her bonds.
  • Villain with Good Publicity: As stated above, she's the head of a pharmaceutical corporation. It's all a front for creating hellish mutants.

Nergal Meslamstea
"My Lord will extinguish a thousand souls in my honor when I give him the Dragon."
Voiced by: Alastair Parker [EN], Shigeru Chiba [JP]
"I see now that I have underestimated you. Accept my apology. It won't happen again."

  • Bald of Evil: Part of his Obviously Evil appearance is his absolute lack of hair on his head. The only visibly bald among Satan's Acolytes
  • Bond Villain Stupidity: Rather than disable Dracula straight off, Nergal continuously shocks him in small bursts, leading to his defeat when he underestimates Dracula's cunning.
  • Corrupt Corporate Executive: He is the head of an weapon manufactor company and said to be one of the most powerful individuals in the world. He also happens to be the literal child of the Devil plotting to unleash his father and his legions into Hell.
  • Evil Gloating: His Fatal Flaw, which Dracula exploits.
  • Evil Wears Black: Wears a long, black robe.
  • Expy: To Pinhead from Hellraiser; not only he looks like him (dresses in black robes, is bald and pale except without the nails), he also talks just like him with his boss taunts how "Your suffering will make Hell itself cry" not too different from Pinhead's most famous quotes.
  • Marionette Master: Animates the statues of the Riders of the Storm for his boss battle.
  • Meaningful Name: Shares the name with the Mesopotamian god of war and pestilence that is often compared to the Christian Devil. His last name is also a direct reference to the Meslam, the god's chief temple at Cutlah, with Meslamtaea meaning "the one that rises up from Meslam". Knowing his father, this was probably intentional.
  • Non-Standard Game Over: If you let him to grab Dracula while he is vulnerable, he will send his soul to Hell.
  • Normal Fish in a Tiny Pond: Inverted. Nergal is so monstrously powerful that he incapacitates Dracula with his normal lightning attacks, and could have easily killed him if he didn't decide to toy with him by zapping his body. The latter is forced to lure him into his castle where Nergal is weaker and Dracula is stronger.
  • Power Echoes: While in possession of the Riders of the Storm he speaks with a roaring undertone.
  • Power Floats: Rises into the air to evoke his power just before his boss fight.
  • Punched Across the Room: He gets a Chaos Claws-powered jab to the gut which sends him flying straight into the wall behind him. The wall withstands the impact, and he is then promptly KO'ed.
  • Puzzle Boss: The player's first confrontation with him is this. Instead of facing him, Dracula is required to stay away from him for as long as possible, and use his wits to lure the acolyte to the castle where their power is equal.
  • Shock and Awe: Casts lightning from his hands.
  • Super Smoke/Ball of Light Transformation: Can invoke these to quickly move around.
  • Thinking Up Portals: Nergal has enough power to open a portal to Hell. Pray you're not the one being dragged off.
  • Weather Manipulation: Creates a massive storm in his boss fight.
  • Your Head Asplode: By way of a stomp on his head from Dracula.

Riders of the Storm

A trio of Asian-themed statues that Nergal animates for his boss fight. Normally, the Riders of the Storm were emissaries of the gods who descended upon Earth to collect payment off of the humans who asked heavens for a favor. Now they top one of the tallest towers, lifeless.

Guido Szandor
"Let all men fight among themselves. Let their work be mutilated and their homes be no more."
Voiced by: Mark Lewis Jones' '[EN], Chō [JP]''
"Oh, powerful King... blast the gates of Hell wide open. Let the inferior heavens serve you. Govern the governing men and let those among them who fail meet untimely death."

  • Expy: He looks suspiciously similar to Aleister Crowley, and his last name is the middle name of Anton La Vey, the founder of the Church of Satan.
  • Informed Attribute: Known to be the strongest of the Acolytes, he is killed without attempting a single attack.
  • Magical Incantation: Has two we know of, both related to his father. At least some of it is directly heard by Dracula and Alucard, and it is not even trying to hide its meaning.
    • First, the one to ask Satan where he wants to be incarnated.
      Guido Szandor: Who inhabits the primordial air, whom from the corners of the Earth are all-powerful. To you it is said. Contemplate the glorious face of Satan. The beginning of all consolation and whose eyes give clarity to the stars. Let the seasons be confused. And let it be that no creature shall be equal. Let all men fight among themselves. Let their work be mutilated and their homes be no more than caves for the beasts of the world. Oh powerful king, blast the gates of hell wide open. Let the inferior heaven serve you. Govern the governing men and let those among them who fail meet an untimely death. Find all that strengthens to you and destroy all that is against you. Let no place stand firm. Oh powerful king! Whose burning flame unveils the glorious Satan. You, who harbor the great secrets of truth. Open the mysteries of your creation and walk with fire upon the earth. Oh powerful king, blast the gates of hell wide open. Let the inferior heaven serve you. Govern the governing men and let those among them who fail meet an untimely death. Oh, true Lord! Tell me the exact place in which you desire to be reborn!
    • Then, the one after, which is meant to call Satan into the world:
      Guido Szandor: In the name of Satan, Lord of the Earth, King of the World. I order the forces of darkness to pour its infernal power over me. Let the gates of Hell open wide, and from the great abyss greet me as your brother and friend! I order everything to be as I command!
  • Sinister Minister: Hard to say he isn't, considering he's not only a Satanist, but is a son of Satan who is trying to bring about The End of the World as We Know It.
  • Tear Off Your Face: Has this happen to him in a Cruel and Unusual Death, courtesy of his father.
  • The Unfought: More time is taken either getting to him or trying to decide what to do with him than actually fighting. By the time any attempt to truly fight him even comes up, Satan beats Alucard and Dracula to the punch.

    Roland de Ronceval
"Tonight will be your last, Prince of Darkness!"
Voiced by: Stephen Hughes
"God is with me, monster!"

Roland de Ronceval was a Paladin of the Brotherhood of Light, and commander of the greatest army ever brought to destroy Dracula. He was in command of half a million men and countless machines in an attempt to siege Dracula's castle. He commanded the troops from the Siege Titan.

  • Action Genre Hero Guy: He's a Paladin, instead of a Space Marine; nevertheless, he fits the criteria. He's even bald! He leads a squad of soldiers to fight a supernatural threat but lacks the otherwise most anti-heroic traits of this trope.
  • All There in the Manual: You only know him as the Golden Paladin; his name is only mentioned in the city scrolls. A Justified Trope, since from the perspective of Dracula, this is just business as usual, and he probably doesn't even care who he's fighting.
  • Animal Motifs: Lions. The Siege Titan has them, too.
  • Authority Equals Asskicking: Is in charge of over five hundred thousand men and The Paladin to boot.
  • Bald of Authority: He was a Paladin of the Brotherhood of Light, for which he shaves his head bald, and commander of the greatest army ever brought to destroy Dracula.
  • Biblical Motifs: Roland is encased in an armor of gold, has a pair of disembodied, metallic wings which allow him to fly, can conjure bursts of hallowed light, wields two fiery rapiers, and has a Holy Halo wreathed around his boss icon. He is also the general of a holy army ready to defeat the greater evil. A certain archangel comes to mind.
  • Bling of War: Wears an extremely ornate suit of gold armor, complete with huge metallic angel wings.
  • Bow and Sword in Accord: Throughout his boss battle he uses both his two swords and a bow. He starts with the former, switches to shooting arrows at you from a distance and, in the final part of his fight, alternates between both.
  • The Chosen One: Subverted. This is what Roland himself thinks he is. Dracula can even quip about it in one of the loading screens, pointing out that this paladin isn't exactly the first one to claim the title of humanity's last hope.
  • Church Militant: Being a member of the Brotherhood of Light, that's a given. He introduces himself to Dracula by saying that God is with him and, when defeated, uses his crucifix to summon the power of the archangels to defeat the vampire lord.
  • Combat by Champion: In the final part of his boss fight, Roland tells his soldiers to stand behind and proceeds to fight Dracula on his own.
  • Cool Helmet: And, according to the war memorials, it is the only thing that has lasted to see the light of the modern day after Roland is obliterated.
  • Entertainingly Wrong: He fully believes he is the hero of the story, being chosen and guided by God to defeat the evil vampire Dracula and save the world. The fact that God has chosen Dracula is a huge shock to him and serves to demonstrate that the game is not your typical war between good and evil. Given what he has been taught by the Brotherhood of Light and what Dracula has been doing for centuries, he's not wrong to deem the vampire as a powerful evil lord and a supreme threat to humanity. By all accounts it's reasonable for Roland to believe God is with him.
  • Fake Ultimate Hero: Through no fault of his own. Although Dracula soundly thrashes Roland and the rest of his army, the former's disappearance after the end of the battle results in the Church assuming Roland defeated him, albeit at the cost of his own life and the lives of his army. You can actually find statues commemorating Roland's 'victory' throughout the modern-day sections of the game.
  • Flaming Sword: His primary weapons are a pair of flaming swords.
  • Gold-Colored Superiority: Coupled with his height, it serves to distinguish him from the other Brotherhood of Light soldiers and identify him as their leader and their strongest warrior.
  • Handicapped Badass: His left eye is blotted out in a milky-white cataract. It doesn't stop him from being a Colonel Badass.
  • Hero Antagonist: Guy's a holy warrior out to destroy the bloodthirsty monster who's been massacring people and laying waste to everything around his castle for centuries. It's just too bad that said bloodthirsty monster happens to be the player character.
  • Large and in Charge: He is easily the tallest of the Brotherhood of Light soldiers who besiege Dracula's castle, towering over the vampire lord himself. He is also the soldiers' leader.
  • Light Is Good: The character you play as while fighting him is Dracula himself, while Roland is a righteous warrior clad in golden armor that uses light-based attacks..
  • Mythology Gag: Borrows Richter's unintentionally funny “die monster; you don't belong in this world” taunt. Roland, amazingly, pulls it off without narm.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Destroys vital elements keeping Dracula from moving upward on the Siege Titan in his attempt to kill him.
  • "Not So Different" Remark: Dracula mockingly says that he reminds him of his former self.
  • Oh, Crap!: The moment Dracula grabs the magical cross he tried to use against him, Roland reacts with panic and disbelief.
  • Prayer Is a Last Resort: When Roland buckles under the onslaught, he takes out his golden crucifix and tries to channel the power of the seven archangels to tip the equilibrium is his favor. Suffice to say, it doesn't work as planned.
  • Public Domain Character: The name and characterisation of the golden paladin are most likely a reference to the hero of the french Chanson de Geste, La Chanson de Roland, who fought his last stand at the battle of Roncevaux/Roncesvalles in Spain. Both his and his legendary counterpart's death involved quite a light show as well, to put it mildly.
  • Pyrrhic Victory: In-Universe, his battle with Dracula became remembered as this throughout the centuries. The official story, as it goes, is that Roland killed Dracula but lost his life in the battle.
  • Rain of Arrows: One of his moves during the last part of his boss fight is to join his swords into a bow and rain down light arrows in masse that you have to avoid.
  • Swiss-Army Weapon:
    • Double Weapon: Can join his fiery blades into one, but this stance can be broken apart with a heavy (press and hold [X/Square]; proceed to tap it) attack. Preventing the paladin from connecting them is the goal of one of Kleidos' challenges.
    • Dual Wielding: His primary stance.
    • Precision-Guided Boomerang: Can chuck his blades at you in one of the two ways: horizontally (needs to be jumped over) and vertically (needs to be dodged).
    • Sacred Bow and Arrows: Can connect his swords into a blazing longbow with phantom arrows.
  • Tactical Withdrawal: In the first part of his boss fight, he will fly away from Dracula once you've dealt enough damage to him, choosing to take him out from a distance with his arrows. He comes back to the ground later in a Combat by Champion against Dracula.
  • Throwing Down the Gauntlet: Roland besieged Dracula's castle for months, and, when the owner finally emerged into the open, ordered his troops to stay their ground, and faced the vampire alone.
  • Wings Do Nothing: Averted. The wings in his armor are not there to make it look cool but to actually allow Roland to fly.
  • You Shall Not Pass!: One of his battle quotes is this verbatim.

     Bernhard Castle
"I thought I took care of that boy a long time ago. He has inherited all of your worst traits, don't you think?"
Voiced by: Various, Robert Carlyle [EN], Keiji Fujiwara [JP]
"Bow down before the Dark Lord! Look upon his greatness and obey his orders... or you will die, here and now."

Castlevania has always been a creature of chaos, but with Dracula's return in Lords of Shadow 2, the castle has developed sentience and seeks to impede Dracula so that he will never leave again, even if it means killing him. For the most part, it accomplishes this by spawning corrupting blood that turns everything it touches against him, even if they were loyal just moments before. The true form of it is referred to as "Inner Dracula," an Eldritch Abomination with Dracula's face that represents the most brutal aspects of his vampiric nature, as well as the hatred towards God and all he has created the real Dracula has started to cast off by the time you fight it.

  • Crazy-Prepared: In Revelations, it is seen reacting remarkably quickly to Alucard removing the Crissaegrim from his father's chest, thus igniting his resurrection process, and sends out a pack of dungeon guardians to hide his relics.
  • Demonic Possession: The Blood is capable of possessing anything in the castle, including pieces of rubble and its inhabitants. This affects Dracula's vampire warriors, dungeons jailers, the three Gorgon Sisters, and the Toymaker.
  • Determinator: When its very existence is threatened, it will do anything in order to survive.
  • Eldritch Abomination: Especially once its true form is revealed. See here for a full take on it, including both the far less humanoid head form and the more humanoid one without a face.
  • Expy:
    • It's basically the Lords of Shadow continuity's answer to Chaos from the main series. Like Chaos, it is the the root of all of Dracula's demonic powers and an Eldritch Abomination to boot.
    • The overall design of its first form strongly reminds of the Menace.
  • Enemy Without: It's all of Dracula's evil and vampiric identity. The face it ultimately shows is his.
  • Evil Is Visceral: Just look at both of its forms!
  • Evil Sounds Raspy: In its true form, it sports a truly brilliant grating voice which is also several octaves lower than Dracula's own.
  • Expressive Hair: Its "hair" starts to whip when it's angered.
  • Genius Loci: As a sentient castle.
  • Hypocrite: In Revelations, it is not hesitant to chew Alucard out on how he is "dishonoring" his father by stealing his relics and butchering his servants. And it says all of this without so batting an eye at the fact that it is doing the same thing, and that later it would use those servants in order to dispatch Dracula once and for all.
  • I Am the Noun: It invokes this as a speech before you fight it.
  • Jekyll & Hyde: Hyde to Dracula's Jekyll, and an Enemy Without at that.
  • Loyal Phlebotinum: Answers only to its master, and would gladly eliminate anyone who would stand in his way.
    Bernhard Castle: Presences from other times will try to take you away from here, but we will destroy them for you, Prince of Darkness.
  • Malevolent Architecture: Oftentimes bursts and collapses various passageways in its itself in hopes of impeding Dracula's progress. Evading its Death Course is an exercise in agility itself.
  • Merger of Souls: Its corruption can fuse multiple creatures into one as proved by its ability to meld Euryale, Stheno, and Medusa into the Gorgon.
  • Mind Hive: While in its formless, puddle form, it refers to itself exclusively in plural form and speaks in an amalgam of tortured voices. Even so, its true form features Dracula's own voice, only notched and jagged.
  • Mind Rape: Pretty much the bread and butter of its abilities. It gets bonus points for subtlety though – half the time the victims don't even realize their minds are being studied.

"At last, this has proven to be of some use after all."
Voiced by: Aleksandar Mikic [EN], Akio Ōtsuka [JP]
"Tell me, vampire. Do you think that is the will of God?"

Of the old gods, two of them stood higher among the rest for the role they played in the world; Pan and Agreus. While Pan was the personification of spring and brought new life into the world after each hard winter, Agreus was the other end of the scale; the personification of Fall that heralded the cold and dead winter. The two originally held the balance together, but after Pan's death Agreus ran rampant out of equal parts grief and the inability to keep himself in check.

  • Batman Gambit: Tries to achieve this by luring Dracula into his secret garden by using a fragment of the Mirror of Fate.
  • Best Served Cold: Was willing to wait centuries for his brother's murderer to show up.
    Agreus: I have waited for this moment for a long time. Now my wait is over!
  • Blow You Away: In the stealth section, he conjures up a tornado upon impaling Dracula with his spear.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Normally, Agreus was the death that complimented Pan's life, and the two kept the balance by making sure every spring led to a fall, which in turn gave way to another spring. Unfortunately, with Pan's death in the first game Agreus was free to run unchecked, making it Dark Is Evil.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: He's the avatar of death and revels in his job, but he loved his brother Pan and seeks to kill Dracula for having a major part in his death.
  • Familiar: Has a barn owl familiar which safeguards the Mirror. Chucking a Chaos Bomb at it is a requirement for the "Classic Taste" achievement.
  • Facepalm of Doom: How he dies; Dracula grabs him by the skull and crushes it to bits.
  • Go Mad from the Revelation: Pan's death had left Agreus deranged with grief, leaving him to slaughter anyone who would dare to approach him, including Dracula's servants and unfortunate Brotherhood Knights.
  • The Nose Knows: In the stealth section, Agreus may sometimes pick up a leaf to smell so he can track your location. One of his Boss Banter quotes during this part even has him taunting Dracula by saying "I can smell your fear".
  • The Old Gods: Agreus is fall to Nomios'/Pan's spring.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The red to his brother Pan's blue. Unlike him, Agreus is driven by pure rage and his desire for revenge comes across as shortsighted, not knowing exactly why Pan was killed. He is concerned solely with his goals whereas Pan was willing to risk his life for a greater purpose.
  • Revenge Before Reason: Dracula doesn't even want to fight him, telling him he just wants the piece of the Mirror of Fate. Sadly, Agreus won't take no for an answer and ends up killed.
  • Skull for a Head: A ram's skull. His familiar is an owl that has just a skull for a face.
  • Stealthy Colossus: Agreus is absolutely enormous, yet this doesn't stop him from hiding from his targets and making himself seen whenever he wants to. Upon Dracula's arrival, he is only heard before dropping close to the vampire lord. The Brotherhood soldiers' scrolls also detail how their allies keep being killed by an unseen force.

    Zobek's Lieutenant
"I was looking for a Dragon... but all I see is a lizard!"
Voiced by: Richard Madden
"You're slow... I can easily anticipate your blows!"

A black knight who wields the legendary sword Masamune. Who exactly he is and all of his past beyond that is unknown. He serves as Zobek's muscle since Zobek can't directly act for fear of the acolytes finding out where he is. For the better part of Lords of Shadow 2, he is actually Alucard, who killed and replaced him after an intense battle before the start of the main game, at the end of the Revelations DLC.

  • Animal Motifs: Insects, and more specifically, beetles.
  • Black Knight: With a red tint on his right arm.
  • Blade Lock: Does this when parried by Alucard, but Alucard is the better swordsman and always wins out.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Just like his master, delivers a few marvelous ones just before his boss fight.
    Lieutenant: Well, well... So it was your presence we felt. We thought it was your father... My master is going to be so disappointed!

Abaddon is a powerful demon leader from Satan's army that pursues Dracula and Victor Belmont in the modern times as his master's rise approaches.
  • Adaptational Wimp: Surprisingly played straight in spite of his monstrous appearance. In the original Castlevania series, Abaddon had the power to summon locusts and was considered extremely challenging boss. Here, he only uses brute strength and is implied to be barely sentient.
  • Adaptational Ugliness: While the original Abaddon wasn't exactly beautiful to begin with (he had a vaguely Bishōnen face on a humanoid body with insect limbs), this Abaddon looks absolutely inhuman and monstrous.
  • Body Horror: His body looks like it was flayed. Its one trait that distinguishes him from the lesser demon enemies besides his unusual size.
  • The Brute: While the Acolytes serve as Co-Dragons to Satan, Abaddon is a big, massive demon with the power of untamed destruction.
  • Demon Lords and Archdevils: He is identified as a Fallen Angel that made a deal with Satan for supreme power.
  • King Mook: He resembles a bigger and meaner version of Horned Demons and Satan's Soldiers, but is fought as an individual boss.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: Abaddon has nothing in his mind, but to destroy anything on his path.
  • Red Baron: He is also referred to as "Abaddon the Destroyer".
  • Your Head Asplode: Gabriel punches his head so hard with a Meteor Move that it blows up in a gory explosion.
