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Here's a list of videos from Confinement, an animated web series based on the SCP Foundation. Please beware of visible spoilers found in each of the plot summaries and their respective tropes.

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    Episode 1: The Cannibal 

The Cannibal (August 3, 2017)

In the very first episode of the series, Connor is introduced as a prisoner of the SCP Foundation, who is forced to interview SCP-082 (Ferdinand the Cannibal). However, Ferdinand is very unenthusiastic about answering any questions that the Foundation researchers have for him, and decides that he'd rather just eat Connor's head instead. But when the seemingly unremarkable "D-class" test subject suddenly flashes back to life in a new body, Ferdinand is intrigued that his guest is in fact another SCP anomaly like himself, and wants to inquire further about Connor and his powers of immortality.
  • Establishing Series Moment: This is the first episode, and while it's not very long, it quickly establishes the series' premise: Connor is an SCP prisoner who's forced by the Foundation to interact with much more sinister and deadly anomalies, but thanks to his ability to cheat death, he's able to escape from the resulting chaos (though not without suffering a lot of painful humiliation in the process).
  • I'm a Humanitarian: Ferdinand the Cannibal lives up to his name by eating most of Connor's head.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: While Connor is talking to his roommates, one of them mentions "memory eaters", then soon forgets what he's talking about. This is most likely a reference to SCP-055, the unknowable "antimeme" anomaly which makes everyone forget that it even exists.
  • Late-Arrival Spoiler: Connor is an SCP who respawns after he's killed. The reason this is a "spoiler" is because at the beginning of the first episode, we're misled to assume that Connor is just a D-class test subject being forced to interview SCP-082, and thus will inevitably meet his doom when the giant cannibal eats him... until Connor suddenly flashes back to life with full health.
  • "Not So Different" Remark: When Ferdinand sees that Connor has somehow been revived back to life after getting his head chewed off, he refers to Connor as a fellow "abnormality" and SCP, and states that he "[belongs] here with us". Connor immediately denies being anything near as strange as Ferdinand.
  • Shout-Out: The ending scene showing the many different SCPs in their containment cells, is more than a little similar to the famous sequence showing countless different prison cells for the monsters from The Cabin in the Woods.
  • Soundtrack Dissonance: "Come On Get Happy" plays in the ending after Connor returns to his cell... and the camera pans up to show how many levels of cells the Foundation has for various low-threat anomalous people, most of whom are completely innocent of anything beyond not being normal.
  • They Killed Kenny Again: After Ferdinand realizes that Connor has come Back from the Dead and is able to resurrect infinitely, he decides to repeatedly kill him again and again just because he finds it amusing.
  • Toilet Humor: Connor lampshades an aversion of No Dead Body Poops; just before he leaves SCP-082's containment chamber, he states that he doesn't want to stick around long enough to witness all of his numerous corpses "voiding their bowels", though (thankfully) we don't see any of this happening onscreen either.
  • Wham Shot: A double example: Connor, our protagonist, is killed by Ferdinand in the first few minutes of the show, although if you're familiar with the source material, this shouldn't come as much of a surprise. But not a second afterward, however, he suddenly flashes back to life, showing that this isn't an ordinary D-class we're dealing with...

    Episode 2: The Singing Forest 

The Singing Forest (August 26, 2017)

Connor is introduced to his perky new psychotherapist Dr. Natalie Powers, before he participates in an experiment with SCP-407 (The Song of Genesis). Listening to the anomalous music tape causes Connor's body to be destroyed and transformed into a small forest filled with strange wildlife. Connor himself gets resurrected into the form of a talking tree stump, much to his dismay. But the experiment soon ends abruptly and disastrously due to a dual containment breach, when Connor is liberated from the testing chamber by one of the forest's creatures, while also confronting another escaping anomaly (a biomechanical monster known as SCP-2427-3).
  • Body Horror: Listening to the SCP-407 music tape causes Connor to be killed when an entire forest of trees and plants emerge from his mutated body.
  • Fate Worse than Death: Played for Laughs; when Connor is told that he's needed for a lab experiment, he immediately accepts this task because he'd rather experience yet another potentially agonizing death over listening to SCP-1846 drone on about corn farming.
  • Female Gaze: Natalie blushes and averts her eyes when Connor strips down while trying to scratch the itchy feelings all over his body from exposure to SCP-407.
  • Naked People Are Funny: Connor's first symptom while succumbing to the effects of the Song of Genesis is an intensely itchy rash all over his body. In a futile attempt to remedy this, he of course strips naked. Later after dying twice and regaining his human body, Connor finds himself standing next to a broken window while still naked.
  • Take That!: Connor is told that the music of SCP-407 (the Song of Genesis) will kill him at least once during testing. Connor snarkily asks if it's Ed Sheeran (singer of the hit song "Shape of You", which came out earlier that year in 2017).
  • Transflormation: After being killed by SCP-407, Connor suddenly finds himself resurrecting into the form of a talking tree log, much to his displeasure. Fortunately, it isn't permanent after he dies again.

    Episode 3: The Robot 

The Robot (September 27, 2017)

Connor is ordered to accompany a Foundation official named Mr. Pierce, who is acting as the negotiator in a meeting with SCP-1360 (PSHUD #31), an intelligent android created by the Anderson Robotics company. PSHUD is offering to sell valuable intel data on that Group of Interest, but demands an unusual favor: he wants the Foundation to surrender Connor to him, and help him figure out some method of transferring his consciousness into Connor's body, so that he can live as an immortal human. But naturally, neither Connor nor the Foundation are really willing to fulfill this request, so the robot drops all civility and decides to take matters into his own hands.
  • #1 Dime: Played for Black Comedy at the beginning, when Connor is sent into SCP-093 just to retrieve Dr. Wilson's favorite clipboard, which he's sentimentally attached to.
  • Bittersweet Ending: Connor makes peace with the fact that he is, essentially, a prisoner of the Foundation. Because on the upside, the company he keeps is always interesting. He also ends up befriending SCP-1360, whose consciousness has been uploaded into another computer, and is slowly regaining all his memories from his human life as Ian Steele.
  • Did Not Think This Through: SCP-1360 planned far enough ahead to get him and Connor in a situation where they'd be alone, but towards the episode's climax it becomes clear that he doesn't have any ability or knowledge for how to supplant Connor's consciousness with his own.
  • Fun with Acronyms: Mr. Pierce is a member of the Foundation's "Department of Internal Negotiations Guild and Unanimous Settlements" (D.I.N.G.U.S.).
  • Shoo Out the Clowns: Mr. Pierce is killed by SCP-1360 in the middle of this episode, right before the tone turns surprisingly dark.
  • Shout-Out: While he's in the waiting room for the Robotics Center, Connor reads a magazine called "MCP Foundation", which has the Master Control Program visible on its cover.
  • Soundtrack Dissonance: "Come a Little Bit Closer" by Jay and the Americans plays while Connor is getting in a fight to the (kind of) death with SCP-1360 in Episode 3 ("The Robot"). It also doubles as a bit of a Villain Song, given how it compliments SCP-1360's stated goals.
  • Wrong Genre Savvy: Part of the reason why SCP-1360's plan to hijack Connor's immortality fails, is because he assumed Connor was Nigh-Invulnerable instead of "respawning" upon death.

    Episode 4: The Girl in the Iceberg 

The Girl in the Iceberg (November 26, 2017)

Connor is ordered by the paramilitary officer General Marcus to join him on an expedition to a Foundation site in the Arctic coast of northern Canada, which is dedicated to the ongoing containment and research of SCP-1836: a large iceberg surrounded by man-eating whales, which will kill anyone who intrude within their territory. Connor's mission is to find some way to get inside the iceberg and bring it under control, as the Foundation believes that his one-quarter Inuit ancestry will allow him to communicate with the entity behind the anomaly: an ancient Inuit woman named Sanna, who's more than what she seems to be.
  • Arbitrary Skepticism: Discussed; as Connor points out, many people already believe in "ghosts, aliens, and resurrecting Jews"; yet the Foundation insists that he has to be kept inside the sealed, windowless trailer of a truck while being taken to the SCP-1836 containment site in Nunavut, just to hide him on the off-chance they crash and someone sees him resurrect. The agent assigned to supervise him (General Marcus) admits that "We can't hide them all."
  • Bittersweet Ending: After Sanna (SCP-1836) is reminded that her time is running out anyway, she decides to leave for the afterlife with her ex-husband Anguta so that she can make peace with her father there, leaving Connor alone and confused in the remains of her lair. Connor is taken back home, feeling down about his short-lived friendship with Sanna.
  • Mistaken for Racist: The Foundation jumps to the conclusion that since the only survivors of SCP-1836 were of Inuit descent, then that must mean that Connor can approach her without fear because he's part-Inuit. He soon learns this is not the case when she and multiple instances of SCP-1836-1 try to kill him. Sanna later explains that she only attacked fishing boats that failed to ask "permission" to hunt in her territory and that the racial link of the survivors was coincidental. (Well, maybe not coincidental, but more a case of Inuit sailors having traditions mandating that they ask for permission, something other races don't.)
  • Mugging the Monster: While patrolling the SCP-1836 containment area, one of the guards approaches a small bird and tries to shoot it just because he's bored. The bird turns out to be Anguta (an evil spirit who's Sanna's ex-husband), who then immediately attacks and kills him offscreen.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: Connor is transported to a facility marked as a construction site for a "NEW LOWES", in a truck with the label "NORMAL TRUCK" hastily slapped over the Foundation logo.
  • Shout-Out: Connor is inducted into the mission concerning SCP-1836 with "Your mission, if you choose to accept it, (not that you have any choice)..."

    Episode 5: The Swordsman 

The Swordsman (April 15, 2018)

The Foundation's containment perimeter around the small town of Soulsberg (SCP-2200) is violently overrun by the local residents, a community of immortal humanoids with metallic bodies; who have taken all the surviving Foundation personnel as hostages, demanding the right to secede from the Foundation's control as their own independent and sovereign micronation, the "Autocratic State of Soulsberg".

So Connor is given a new mission: to confront Lou Francis Patterson, the current host and wielder of a magic sword which kills people and turns them into new citizens of Soulsberg. But complications arise when Connor, due to his own anomalous nature, is unable to actually arrive in Soulsberg as another new denizen; which leads to the sword's spirit discovering a sinister secret about this strange infiltrator, which even Connor himself wasn't aware of.
  • Conveniently Interrupted Document: Connor's SCP file (shown in the ending) is just one one big list of completely redacted lines (even his SCP number and object class are blacked out), with a picture of his face.
  • Fun with Acronyms: The SCP-2200 separatists proclaim that their town is now called the "Autocratic State of Soulsberg" (A.S.S.). Connor doesn't let that one pass him by.
    Connor "Go deep in the A.S.S. and pull out the staff. Got it."
  • The Reveal: The climax and ending reveal that the source of Connor's powers come from a mysterious Eldritch Abomination that's bonded to him, and that it's something so terrible that Connor's SCP file is classified and censored to all but higher-ranked personnel.
  • Shout-Out: Lou Francis Patterson is shown wearing a shirt with The Flash's logo.
  • Soundtrack Dissonance: The trailer for this episode has the jaunty (and oddly appropriate) "Turn to Stone" by Electric Light Orchestra playing over footage of the citizens of SCP-2200-3 (Soulsberg) violently rebelling against the Foundation and putting up a barricade. In the actual episode, "Let Me Be Alive" by Ivory Rasmus instead plays during the opening scene with the Soulsberg riot.
  • Wham Episode: It's revealed that the full extent of Connor's abilities may be far more sinister than previously thought. At the end we get a glimpse of Connor's file, which is nearly completely redacted.
  • Wham Line: SCP-2200-1 (the spirit of the soul-taking sword) has this to say after detecting a dark presence within Connor:
    SCP-2200-1: (to Connor) "If a demon is not in possession of your soul, then your very soul must be a creature of the Devil himself."
  • Wham Shot: The shot of Connor's SCP file. It's completely redacted, right down to his SCP Number and Object Class. Whatever the hell is going on, the Foundation's leadership really doesn't want lower-ranked staff to actually learn what's wrong with Connor. The only clues we get are from Natalie reading another report which indirectly implies that Connor is somehow connected to a demonic entity worshiped by an evil cult, which once manifested on Earth and caused a deadly catastrophe.

    Episodes 6-7: The Infinite IKEA (parts 1-2) 

The Infinite IKEA (part 1 of 2) (December 14, 2018)
The Infinite IKEA (part 2 of 2) (October 16, 2019)

In this two-parter, an amnesiac Connor finds himself trapped inside SCP-3008: a pocket dimension which resembles an infinitely-expansive IKEA store, filled with hordes of faceless "employee" monsters trying to hunt down lost human shoppers, who have organized themselves into rival bands of raiders fighting turf wars with each other. Connor himself is suffering memory loss due to a wooden splinter that was lodged into his brain, leaving him unable to recall his own name or identity. He gets picked up by members of the Canopy Tribe, who initiate him into their group under the new nickname of "Thorn".

Thorn instantly wins the respect of most of the tribe due to his newfound fighting skills, to the point that their medic "Stethoscope" grows a crush on him. However, Thorn quickly draws the ire of fellow warrior "Stanley", who has his own crush on Steth, growing increasingly jealous and resentful over how much she and the rest of the tribe admire Thorn. Meanwhile, Thorn himself is simply concerned with his own personal insecurities, while the Foundation has to figure out how to recontact Connor so that he can recover all his memories and escape from the Infinite IKEA.

  • Adaptational Villainy: In the original SCP-3008 story, the various communities of lost humans trapped within the Infinite IKEA are generally cordial and helpful to each other, cooperating for survival against the IKEA Staff monsters. However, the IKEA tribes in Confinement's "The Infinite IKEA" episodes are instead fighting a bloody war with each other, being portrayed as basically rival gangs of bandits and raiders trying to seize supplies and territories from each other. In fact, the plot focuses much more on the inter-tribal conflict, while the monsters are mostly there in the background.
  • Amnesia Episode: Connor spends most of this two-part arc suffering from memory loss due to a wooden splinter that pierced his brain. He's unable to recall his own name, identity, or most of his past, but he does remember a select few memories.
  • The Apunkalypse: The lost human shoppers stranded within SCP-3008 have organized themselves into rival groups of bandits and raiders, fighting with each other as much as they do with the Infinite IKEA staff. When Connor first encounters members of the Canopy Tribe, their outfits immediately remind him of Mad Max (and notes with some annoyance that he can remember those movies but not his own name).
  • Bittersweet Ending: Connor successfully escapes SCP-3008 with most of the Canopy Tribe (except Stanley, who was left behind for killing Connor earlier); however they all get fused together by the teleporting staple gun. Connor breaks free by getting himself killed, leaving the tribe stuck together as one big fleshy blob, whose imprisonment in the Infinite IKEA has now been traded for containment by the Foundation. On the plus side, Connor reunites with Natalie, and Ian Steele is given a new human body so that he can finally return home to his own loved ones. But Dr. Stavros finds something unusual about one of the tribe members (Stethoscope), while Natalie is still trying to find answers about Connor's secret SCP file. Meanwhile, Stanley is still tied up alone back on his tribe's former hideout in the IKEA dimension, where he's raving like a lunatic until he gets unceremoniously killed by enemy tribesmen.
  • Diabolus ex Machina: Part 2 seems to end with Connor successfully rescuing his friends in the Canopy Tribe from the Infinite IKEA, until a latent flaw in the teleporting staple gun he used to help them escape causes them to all merge together into a horrifically deformed (if not necessarily unhappy) mass of flesh. This also means that while they're no longer trapped inside the IKEA dimension, they're all going to be contained inside the Foundation's secret facilities for the foreseeable future, if not the rest of their lives; and even if they were given any chance to leave or escape, they'd still be unable to ever enjoy normal lives in the outside world due to their extreme transformation.

    Episodes 8-9: Untitled 

Episode 8 and Episode 9 (release dates still pending)

The eighth episode of the series is still currently under production. Due to its length, it was split into two parts (or two separate episodes), and so the ninth episode is also being produced concurrently. You can watch the first trailer for Episode 8 here, and also see this official update from Lord Bung containing more teaser clips.

Not much is really known about the plots of these episodes yet, though SCP-049 (The Plague Doctor) and SCP-1879 (The Salesman) will appear in Episodes 8 and 9 respectively. Episode 8 seems to primarily revolve around a strange city filled with numerous Connor doppelgangers, while Episode 9's plot remains even more mysterious. Unfortunately due to controversies surrounding a leaked clip from Episode 8, the episode and entire series has been cancelled.

  • LOL, 69: In the Episode 8 trailer, the whole O5 Council says "Nice" when O5-1 and O5-3 mention Site 69.
  • Me's a Crowd: A variation of this trope is used in the upcoming Episode 8; previews and teasers have revealed that the episode seems to be primarily set inside some sort of city inhabited by numerous clones or duplicates of Connor, who all look very different from each other. It's not yet known how exactly this city of Connors was created, but it's implied that they're all different versions of Connor after he was killed, maimed or mutated by various anomalies and hazards throughout his countless lives and deaths over the years.
  • Naked People Are Funny: One of the Episode 8 teasers shows Connor suddenly materializing while butt-naked in front of a surprised Foundation employee, whose face turns bright red before fainting in shock at the sight of Connor's crotch.


    In the Pines 

In the Pines (December 18, 2017)

This is an animated music video, featuring the full version of the series' theme song (which is briefly sampled for the short intro of each episode): a cover of the classic folk song "In the Pines", sung by Danny Farrant. This video doesn't really have any plot or narrative, instead just showing a montage sequence of various SCPs, most of which have yet to actually appear in the series proper.
  • Adaptational Badass: SCP-1000 (Bigfoot) ranges from 5 to 10 feet tall in the original article. Here it's a Kaiju whose head reaches the treetops.
  • Animated Music Video: This video serves as a full-length version of the series' Theme Song.
  • The Cameo: Connor can briefly be seen watching a pair of moons in SCP-2922 and later being chased by SCP-1055. These are notably the only times he appears in the video.
  • Death by Adaptation: SCP-231-7 is depicted as having died giving birth to the spawn of the Scarlet King.
  • Death by Childbirth: The seventh son of the Scarlet King proved to be so massive and powerful that it killed poor SCP-231-7 upon emerging.
  • I Just Want to Be Free: The last shot is of SCP-079 with its screen saying "Free me".
  • Montage: The whole video consists of clips of various SCPs, both famous and obscure. The overwhelming majority of them have still not yet appeared within the actual series.
  • Real Song Theme Tune:invoked As stated above, "In the Pines" is an old folk song that's technically in the Public Domain, though the version featured here is a modern cover by Danny Farrant.
  • Unseen Evil: All we see of the Scarlet King's seventh son is its tail. Which honestly might be for the best.

    Only Us 

Only Us (June 20, 2018)

This special is more like a bonus episode, an interquel set between Episode 2 (The Singing Forest) and Episode 3 (The Robot). The plot concerns some of Connor's earliest therapy sessions with Natalie.

The first attempted therapy session doesn't even start properly, due to Natalie calling in a false alarm for a containment breach, just to cover up her accidental confession of being attracted to her new patient. After that was resolved, they have their first actual session, where Connor talks about his origins as an orphaned baby, and his childhood growing up in various Foundation facilities. He notes that he never made any long-term friendships, but fondly recalls a time when he briefly befriended "Gilbert", a young member of a species of telepathic octopi (SCP-2967). However this didn't last long, because the octopus' mother didn't like Connor and scared him away.
  • Call-Back: Connor nervously repeats to himself "Walk in, ask questions, get out" during Episode 1 before he goes in to interview Ferdinand. Dr. Powers then nervously repeats to herself "Walk in, ask questions, ask him out" during the "Only Us" special (which is set between Episodes 2 & 3).
  • Parental Abandonment: Connor notes that he was orphaned by his mother. All he knows is that the Foundation discovered him after a civilian witness found a car filled with a large number of identical infant corpses.
  • The Power of Love: Parodied at the end, with Connor's and Natalie's sexual tension being powerful enough to return Connor's former psychiatrist Dr. Stavros from the Night Terror Dimension. Stavros believes the fact they were both virgins might have had something to do with it.
  • Shout-Out: Connor fondly hopes that Gilbert's getting "mad octopussy" after having escaped into the ocean. Also, there's a drawing of Gilbert's mom that resembles Gl'bgolyb.


Anomalies! (April 14, 2019)

In this musical short, an elderly woman from Washington named Annie answers a knock on her door from a strange, suspicious salesman. This guy is indeed a con man, but he's actually something much weirder and even worse; the Salesman (SCP-1879) is an interdimensional merchant who specializes in selling various anomalous objects. He sings a fast-paced song, describing many of his supernatural products and what each of them can do. Once Annie agrees to buy a microwave (SCP-119) just to make him leave her alone, she realizes too late that he expected her to pay for his services with her (literal) life and limb.
  • Aborted Arc: SCP-1879 was set to be the focal anomaly of the ultimately cancelled episode 8, hence why this video gives him A Day in the Limelight.
  • Animated Music Video: This video features an original song of the same name, sung by SCP-1879. Unlike "In the Pines" or "Fine & Dandy" though, it's also a narrative-driven musical number.
  • The Cameo: SCP-1879's products are other SCPs, including SCP-119, SCP-683, SCP-1269, SCP-354, SCP-207, SCP-978, SCP-513, and SCP-3662.
  • Downer Ending: This short concludes with the Salesman ripping off Annie's arm as payment for the SCP-119 microwave, leaving her to bleed to death. The only consolation she gets is poking out the Salesman's eye in revenge, which angers him into finishing her off with the magic microwave (thus instantly turning her dying body into a skeleton) before leaving with her arm.
  • Patter Song: The Salesman sings at a very rapid pace, listing and describing a huge amount of anomalous items throughout the video.
  • Soundtrack Dissonance: "Anomalies!" is a very catchy and manically-paced Villain Song sung by SCP-1879 (the Salesman), who continues to act just as cheerful towards the end, even when his true sinister intentions towards Annie become apparent.
  • Villain Song: "Anomalies!" is this for SCP-1879, a shady salesman who's trying to sucker in Annie to buy one of his anomalous products... in exchange for her arm and life.

    Fine & Dandy 

Fine & Dandy (March 3, 2019)

This is another animated music video, this time featuring "Fine and Dandy", a parody song written by Lord Bung and sung by Annapantsu, set to the tune of "Candy" by Robbie Williams. This video doesn't really have any plot or narrative, instead just showing a montage sequence of various clips from the series, and a few clips made for this video.
  • Animated Music Video: Featuring a song of the same name.
  • Montage: The video consists mostly of various clips from previous episodes.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: An outside view of the Foundation site reveals a large billboard on top of it, saying "NORMAL BUILDING".
  • Pet the Dog: Dr. Wilson is shown having a drink with Connor, the most cordial interaction between the two we've seen thus far.
  • The Power of Friendship: The video seems to imply that this is what's motivating Connor.
  • Soundtrack Dissonance: "Fine and Dandy" is an upbeat-sounding music video that's chiefly composed of footage from past episodes until the very end, which shows Connor as the Sole Survivor of a mass containment breach that's resulted in the deaths of all the other anomalies and Foundation staff in the building.
  • Suspiciously Similar Song:invoked As stated above, "Fine & Dandy" is basically a parody of "Candy" by Robbie Williams, featuring fairly similar lyrics set to the exact same instrumental tune.

    Connor's First Christmas 

Connor's First Christmas (December 25, 2019)

This short Christmas special was animated in stop motion with LEGO pieces. It shows another one of Connor's weird misadventures, in which he's on a mission to investigate an anomalous gingerbread house inhabited by a family of living gingerbread cookies. He gets captured by the gingerbread men and then thrown into a magic oven, turning him into a little gingerbread baby. Which turns out to not be such an unpleasant experience, as Connor gets to enjoy a brief moment to know what it's like to have a family for the first time in his life. Unfortunately, a team of armed Foundation agents barge through and violently interrupt the peaceful holiday gathering.
  • Anthropomorphic Food: Connor is sent to a giant Gingerbread House where a family of human-sized, living gingerbread cookies live. The gingerbread men even shove him into a magic oven and turn him into a gingerbread baby.
  • Christmas Episode: This video serves as a (rather short) Christmas special.
  • Diabolus ex Machina: With a little bit of Yank the Dog's Chain. While Connor (in gingerbread baby form) is spending a peaceful Christmas night with the gingerbread people, he gets to experience what it's like to have family and be loved by them for the first time in his life. Then all of a sudden, a squad of Foundation MTF agents break down the door and shoot everyone inside for no apparent reason (even though they easily could've captured the gingerbread family alive). After one of the soldiers eats the Gingerbread Connor, he's left standing outside looking quite glum.
  • No-Dialogue Episode: There's no intelligible dialogue throughout this video. If Connor is saying anything it isn't audible, the gingerbread people are only heard making quiet moaning and breathing sounds when talking, and the Foundation soldiers only make noises that sound like very distorted speech.
  • Stop Motion: Instead of the usual 2D animation, this video was made with LEGO stop motion.


Connor vs SCP-682 (INDESTRUCTIBLE LIZARD) (April 1, 2020)

In this very quick micro-short, Connor encounters SCP-682, the infamously indestructible reptilian monster himself. It ends more or less how you'd expect it to go.
  • April Fools' Day: Take a look at this video's release date. It can be considered as an April Fools' joke of sorts, as the video thumbnail suggests that Connor will have an epic encounter with SCP-682... which only lasts for a few seconds, with Connor being quickly eaten by a giant, goofy-looking chameleon.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Not that it was really a fight to begin with, but it quickly concludes with SCP-682 devouring Connor in one gulp.
  • Killed Mid-Sentence: Connor is just barely able to say "So...", right before 682 pulls Connor into his maw with his long, sticky tongue.
  • Surprisingly Realistic Outcome: Connor gets swiftly eaten by SCP-682. Connor may have Resurrective Immortality, but there isn't much he can do to a giant, indestructible, rapidly-adapting lizard monster who's much stronger and even more unkillable than he is.
