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Dethroning Moment / The Simpsons

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"... What the hell was that?!"
Krusty The Clown giving us the standard reaction to these moments.

Even though The Simpsons is one of, if not the most successful television show of The '90s, and even one of the biggest franchises in all of media, it was only a matter of time before regular and new viewers and fans alike began to question the true reason why The Simpsons is dysfunctional.

Keep in mind:

  • Sign your entries
  • One moment to a troper, if multiple entries are signed to the same troper the more recent one will be cut.
  • Moments only, no "just everything he said," "The entire show," or "This entire season," entries.
  • No contesting entries. This is subjective, the entry is their opinion.
  • No natter. As above, anything contesting an entry will be cut, and anything that's just contributing more can be made its own entry.
  • Explain why it's a Dethroning Moment of Suck.
  • No ALLCAPS, no bold, and no italics unless it's the title of a work. We are not yelling the DMoSes out loud.

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    Seasons 1- 8 
  • Wildstar 93: "Bart vs. Thanksgiving". Sure, Bart did do something stupid and kinda mean-spirited like ruining Lisa's project, but what does Marge do? Yells at Bart that he ruined Thanksgiving. And after that, instead of just explaining what Bart did wrong and trying to make the tension easier, Marge just yells at him more to apologize. No. Just... no. No way am I ever watching that episode ever again.
    • rednessamon: I agree with you completely. Yes, Bart accidentally ruined the centerpiece Lisa made and he laughed, but Marge should've at least explained what he should apologize for. And claiming that an entire holiday is ruined, just for a burned-up centerpiece? No wonder Bart ran away. That particular episode is always hard to watch.
      • trinityb: My beef is how come none of the adults brought out the turkey. The turkey was obviously heavy and there was plenty of time for Marge or Homer to do something but everybody just stood there and watched them fight. I admit Bart was well rude but all Marge had to do was take the turkey, take the piece and put them somewhere. Heck, his little fantasy showed he realized what he did on his own and it really was their reaction that caused him not to want to apologize.
  • marioandsonic: I have to talk about a moment from one episode that really rubbed me the wrong way. In "Bart the Murderer", the episode begins with Bart waking up to what's supposed to be a great day: he has his homework done (which, knowing Bart, is very rare) and his school is going on a field trip to a chocolate factory. However, the entire first act pretty much makes Bart a Cosmic Plaything: he steps on a plastic dinosaur waking up, his dog eats his homework, he misses the bus and has to walk to school in the rain, gets hit with a ball during recess, can't go on the trip due to forgetting his permission slip, has to stay at the school and lick envelopes, and has to ride his skateboard home (again, in the rain). One of his skateboard's wheels falls off, and he winds up at the door to the Legitimate Businessmen's Social Club, where Fat Tony and his gang resides. Now, that's not what the DMOS is for me. The DMOS is how Lisa acts during this entire first act. During the scene where Bart misses the bus, as the bus drives away, we see a shot of Lisa waving goodbye to Bart with a smug grin on her face. She could have easily told the bus driver to wait for him, or at the very least, tell the driver to stop, but no! She doesn't do anything! Then, at the chocolate factory, Lisa says "I think is something Bart would've really enjoyed, but it's the only way he'll learn." Learn what?! What did Bart do wrong here? All the guy wanted to do was go on a trip! Ever since then, I couldn't stand Lisa anymore. And the newer episodes only make her worse in my eyes. I'd go into that further, but some examples have already been listed here.
  • Dalek Exterminer: This will probably get me excommunicated from Simpsons fandom, but I personally can't stand "Cape Feare". It honestly feels like a Season 15 or 16 episode to me. The "haha, we made a reference to something, laugh now!" thing. The ridiculous cartoonish details like driving over a field of cacti or Sideshow Bob somehow giving Bart a playbill within a few minutes on a boat with no materials. The cringe-inducingly childish "comedy" like "I'll be your friend!" Homer being a complete idiot with no purpose other than to deliver jokes. I don't absolutely hate this episode but I tend to avoid it.
  • Mic 1988: Grandpa's actions in "Home Sweet Homediddly-Dum-Doodily". Marge and Homer lose custody of the kids when they take a trip to the Spa and leave Grandpa at home to look after Maggie; being Grandpa he falls asleep instantly and when the Child Protection Agents come by and spot the mess that's been there (which it was due to projects Lisa was doing) he does nothing and lets them take Maggie and they take Bart and Lisa as well. When Homer and Marge get back and see what happens Homer rightfully calls him out on what happened. His response? "Oh bitch, bitch, bitch" and walks off.
    • Wilde Oscar: The conversation between Marge and the judge at the hearing in that episode makes it look as if all women who choose not to have kids are cold-blooded and bitchy. Not appreciated, guys.
  • Cynical Bastardo: "Lisa the Vegetarian" always grates on me. Don't get me wrong, it's a funny episode, but Lisa's behavior here seriously cements her position as a Soapbox Sadie and The Scrappy. When she gets preachy about Homer serving a pig at a barbecue, she tries to force gazpacho on everyone. Then, when rebuffed, she tows the pig away and pushes it down a hill, where it promptly takes off. When confronted, she refuses to apologize for her actions. While she does learn her lesson with help from Apu and the McCartneys, this sets her up for future episodes as a Creator's Pet.
  • Ciel12: For me, it's Season Seven's "Lisa the Iconoclast". As we all know, Lisa is a straight shooter, and if she cheats to get ahead, she invariably caves in and tells the truth. But this episode revolves around her trying to find proof that Jebediah Springfield, town founder, is a fraud, after accidentally stumbling on his confession. She gets her moment, then bottles it, merely telling the town that he was great and claiming to the antiquarian that the 'myth has value too' as it brings the community together. I hate this ending for two reasons: One, it's completely out of character for Lisa. She believes in the truth, in doing the right thing, and she is the voice of reason. Two, I think that that argument encourages illusions and delusions. It brushes over issues of historical accountability, and so much violence is caused by people's idealized concepts of their countries. Pride is good, yes, but the problem here is Springfield is clearly not a good town, and coming together for one day does not fix that. Bart even had to remind the townspeople in another episode that they took their heritage for granted! To me, the better aesop came in 'Lisa Goes to Washington'- she exposes the truth, learns the system isn't all bad, and we get the nice wrap-up of the competition winner thanking her, with the reminder that pride in one's country requires vigilance against injustice to balance it out. Potentially YMMV, but the OOC and accidental approval of the quick fix ruined it for me.
  • Levitator: The Mary Poppins episode with an excessively long title is probably one of my least favorite episodes of anything, ever. They seem to portray Shary Bobbins as a villain for wanting to reform the Simpsons family, disapproving of Homer's abuse of Bart and Marge's stress-induced hair loss. That sounds perfectly reasonable to me, but apparently this somehow makes her an evil elitist with unreasonable expectations. Especially since her big trick was just doing a half-assed job — that doesn't sound so bad! This so oppressive, apparently, that Shary gets a Karmic Death from flying into a plane. But the real DMOS is the Simpsons' song at the end. It papers over all their horrible flaws with a half-baked Be Yourself message that is just further invalidated by the many problems they show in later episodes. Honestly, this awful song just kind of encapsulates everything wrong with modern American society, in my opinion. Culture grows coarser and crasser, with fewer standards than ever, and people just want to wallow in it, because you should Be Yourself. In the end, I'm almost grateful to this awful piece of television, because it has motivated me to be a better person just to spite the writers.
  • Kryz: Many of the take thats directed towards fans are especially mean-spirited, but none more so than the following exchange from "The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show": "Last night's Itchy and Scratchy was the worst episode ever. [...] As a loyal viewer, I feel they owe me." "For what? They've given you thousands of hours of entertainment for free. If anything, you owe them." "Worst. Episode. Ever." The show wouldn't be the Cash-Cow Franchise it is today without its fans, who are exposed to the ad-breaks that fund the show's initial run and who loyally purchase the DVDs, comics and other merchandise. The above dialogue is a disingenuous and ungrateful statement that downplays the fans' role in the show's success and its history, and as a stab at critics of later episodes' perceived decline in quality, accuses them of not being in a position to criticize a "free" TV show.
  • 13thman: "Homer's Enemy". For those who know, no explanation is necessary, for those who don't, none will suffice. However, since that doesn't qualify as a DMOS explanation, I will provide one. A hard working man named Frank Grimes moves to Springfield, is immediately shat on by the system, being passed over for an animal, despite having enough knowledge to be plant foreman or something similar. He is partnered with Homer Simpson, who is in fine form as a Karma Houdini in this episode. After a series of mishaps by Simpson, for which Grimes is blamed, Grimes goes crazy, accidentally kills himself. Everyone in Springfield laughs at Homer at Grimes's funeral. Most Simpsons episodes up to this point derived their humor from, among other things, lambasting problems caused by human arrogance and negligence - sins that we're all guilty of. They would take assumptions that we would make in real life, and then extend them out to ridiculous, but logical conclusions, to show the absurdity, and in some cases horror, of the things that we considered logical in real life (One example of this being Fat Tony's speech about bread and cigarettes in Bart the Murderer). This, combined with such things as contrasting what people in various positions thought in public vs what they thought in private, and showcasing the surprising amounts of ignorant faith we put in people of power, who may have been less competent than we ourselves, made the show a relevant, relatable parody and commentary on our own lives, and a classic for 7 years running. It's not a coincidence that the combined DMOS count for seasons 1-8 is less than almost every given season afterwards. This episode though... it wasn't clever, thoughtful, relatable, or anything. It was basically a Family Guy episode, powered by the main cast doing increasingly stupid and criminally malfeasant things, until someone is killed or injured, after which everyone has a laugh. Unlike other episodes such as "Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish", "Homer the Vigilante", and "Bart's Girlfriend", I couldn't relate to anyone in that episode. I didn't know anyone like anyone in that episode. I think that there's a lot to be said for how horrible society is deep down, but this episode didn't do a good job of describing that at all. Instead of pointing out society's actual faults, like earlier episodes, it basically stuck a Marty Stu into a Springfield that had been replaced with the cast of Idiocracy, and had horrible things happen to him until he died from them. Basically, as described before, a Family Guy episode. I don't know what the point of this episode was, but it surely wasn't to get laughs. Pretty much the last Simpsons episode I watched regularly - occasional viewings of later episodes confirm that I haven't missed much in the following 19 years.
  • needlessexposition: "My Sister, My Sitter" is an episode that highlights Bart as a Spoiled Brat who gets away with anything all because of his jealousy for Lisa's successful babysitting career. He makes Lisa miserable by giving caffeine laced ice cream to Maggie to wind her up (though caffeine to babies is dangerous enough), makes numerous prank phone calls, and injures himself to unconsciousness. Lisa's methods might not have been the best but she was a panicky eight-year-old running off paranoia from her desire to be as responsible as possible and keep her job. She's caught on the waterfront and accused of killing her brother and being on drugs. Bart gets away with everything he's done and Lisa ends up disgraced with her career ruined. Then again, Homer and Marge made a bad choice on their part by putting Lisa in charge. It's really just an episode full of bad decisions on many ends: Lisa for accepting too much responsibility at her age, Bart for being an asshole and going over the top to ruin his sister's reputation, and Homer and Marge for not thinking twice about the consequences.
    • Julayla Agreed. It's really a bit harsh on what Lisa had to go through. And throughout the third act, after Bart knocked herself unconscious, it went From Bad to Worse for poor Lisa. I know not many people enjoy Lisa and her Soapbox Sadie tendencies, but I feel like this episode giving her this intense bad luck and having her be outed as a worse babysitter in front of the crowd was just too far!

    Season 9 
  • Chromesthesia: I think "The Principal and the Pauper" was when The Simpsons took a turn for the worse and went downhill from there. Just the whole concept of Seymour really being Armin Tamzarian was painfully dippy. Horrible storytelling. You're better off just pretending it doesn't exist.
    • Corn Cob Man: That's pretty much the common point when most Simpsons fans stopped watching the show. Even Matt Groening (the show creator) and Harry Shearer (the voice actor for Principal Skinner, and other characters like Ned Flanders, Dr. Hibbert, Smithers, Mr. Burns, Rainier Wolfcastle, and Lenny) don't like the episode and don't talk much about it.
    • TT 454: I too was deeply disappointed by this episode. Skinner was a very well-developed character and we learned a lot about him and his past, and this made us care about him. This ridiculous episode flushed all of that down the drain.
    • Kirby 0189: I had been watching The Simpsons without following airing order when I saw this episode, so I didn't have animosity towards the retcon because I hadn't seen anything about Skinner's past at the time. Even so, I still didn't like the episode because of the way they chose to enforce Status Quo Is God. Now The Simpsons isn't the kind of show where I would expect for something really meaningful like the real Skinner to notice that everyone is unhappy with him and beg Armin to assume his identity again to make things like they were before, but it is the kind of show where I expect the people who have misfortune brought unto them to have done something to deserve it. So just because Springfield prefers Skinner's impostor, he deserves to be kicked out of town in a humiliating fashion and be forever remembered as an impostor by law? Um... no. Just no.
  • KoopaKid17: "Miracle on Evergreen Terrace", which happens to be a Christmas episode no less, is easily the most mean-spirited episode of the entire series (and since it's from The '90s, that's saying something). The town shunning the Simpsons for their "scam" was bad enough. I'll never get over the ending where the residents break into the Simpsons' house and repossess their belongings. What a dick move considering the town was willing to help them get back on their feet. Skinner even gloats that they're more than even, adding to the selfishness of the town. At least "Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire" and "Marge Be Not Proud" each had a Bittersweet Ending and both seemed more sweet than bitter.
  • Cannotrememberpasswords: Dear FSM Almighty, "Lisa the Simpson". Basic plot: Lisa finds out that the family has a gene that basically makes you go through Alzheimer's around 8 years old. At the end of the episode, it turns out that it's only on the Y chromosome, and thus, only men can get it. Let's disregard the incredibly faulty ideas about genetics this episode has, the continuity that prior showed Bart and Homer being Book Dumb and having a crayon lodged in his brain, respectively, as well as successful automaker and inventor Herb Powell being a Simpson, and Abe Simpson demonstrating extreme battlefield competence, and simply note that it ends on the note that all men in the Simpsons family are doomed to basically become drooling idiots and there's nothing they can do about it. But not Lisa, so apparently, this is a happy ending. Yep, Bart is never going to have a decent career and he's probably going to fail at every endeavor, and Homer was destined to that fate from the start, but Lisa can solve that brainteaser. Whoop-de-friggin'-doo. The worst part is that they could have had it end with Lisa accepting the gene, and have Homer give it to her. But no-oo. Lisa must be Always Right.
    • Happy Man: Pretty much agree with what you said. It seemed that everything's okay as long as Lisa's happy. If it's any consolation to you, they aired "HOMЯ" (the episode featuring the aforementioned crayon) after this episode, and the Simpson Gene was never mentioned again. For once, thank Negative Continuity.
    • dannylightninglightner: This episode has a dethroning moment for me, as well. Lisa sees Homer and Bart on all fours eating chocolate off of the floor. Lisa has an Imagine Spot of being an overweight, unintelligent adult with many children, and is horrified. She says, "I don't want to turn out that way!" Homer looks up at her and (very sweetly) says, "What way, Angel Pie?" Lisa yells, "Like you!" Yeah, Homer's an overweight slob and not the brightest guy around, but it's been made very clear, since the first season, that he loves his family more than anything and he'd do just about anything to make his daughter happy. This is the same dad who took a demeaning job as a mall Santa to give his family a nice holiday when he wasn't given his Christmas bonus, the same dad who once worked his fingers to the bone to let Lisa have a pony, the same dad who once attempted suicide when he believed that he was a failure to them, the same dad who lovingly comforted his crying daughter when the substitute teacher she'd grown attached to left town, the same dad who constantly encourages Lisa and tells her all the time that she's beautiful and intelligent. Because Homer affectionately called Lisa "Angel Pie" note  just before Lisa snapped at him, it made her "like you!" comment seem like a major Kick the Dog moment.

    Season 10 
  • Wingnut: Brace yourselves, people... I do not have very kind words to say about "Bart the Mother". I know some people like it, but all it took for me to spit upon this episode was one little line of dialogue. Now, I'm not denying that Bart did a terrible thing by shooting that bird, as well as disobeying Marge to get to that point, and I accept that Marge has every right to be pissed about it... or at least I would, if Marge didn't flat-out give up on Bart like that (call it what you want, but that's the vibe I get from this). Never mind that Bart was admitting his mother was right, is wracked with guilt for what he did, and is practically turning himself into her. The thing is, everybody has a pet peeve, but the act of a parent giving up on and/or disowning a child is an irreversible pet peeve. That means that any parent who gives up on a child would never, ever redeem themselves in my eyes. They could welcome the child back into the family, apologize, save the planet, and even cure cancer. But guess what? I would still hate them. I don't care if the child did something horrible enough to deserve it. Oh, and it gets worse. Sometime later, when Bart was taking care of the eggs, Marge sees this and thinks he's up to no good again. Then what does she do? She storms into his treehouse to confront him, but not before unplugging the extension cord. At that moment, without meaning to, she made it harder for Bart to keep the eggs warm, or possibly even killed them. And she wouldn't even hear Bart out. Yes, she eventually gets that Bart was taking care of the eggs, and is proud of him for it, but I have very sad news: I don't care. That scene left no positive emotional impact on me. At all. Like I said, giving up on your child is an irreversible pet peeve, and may very well change how I see Marge for life. Plus, since she did the ultimate bad deed in my eyes, why would she give a shit if Bart acts up again? If you're going to commit the irredeemable, at least stand by the irredeemable. To quote The Mysterious Mr. Enter, "I guess the lesson to be learned here is that even the smallest parts of your story can have disastrous results, so be sure to proofread that shit."

    Season 11 
  • Bananaquit: "Saddlesore Galactica". Really, the whole episode, as it seemed cruelly calculated by the writers to raise the ire of anyone who criticized the show. However, I was willing to give it the benefit of the doubt; even though I didn’t laugh once during the first two acts. Then comes the third act, where it’s revealed that jockeys are really Keebler™-like elves who live in an underground cave beneath a tree... who perform a horrid musical number.
  • Philipthepatsy: "Alone Again, Natura-Diddily". Maude dies in a horrific, over the top manner, leaving poor Ned a wreck. Add on that the episode itself wasn't very funny, and you've got one of the most depressing episodes of the series.
    • Adam Kalb: It doesn't help that the episode aired the day before Valentine's Day.
    • Shadsie: What annoyed me most about that episode was how Maude wasn't even given a dignified funeral. The T-shirt canons that killed her were employed as a salute with tacky T-shirts and there were tacky racing-ad stickers all over the coffin. It's a wonder that everyone involved isn't being haunted.
  • iansimsjam: "Bart to the Future". What's so bad about it? First of all, it makes Lisa president. Sure, Lisa is generally a smart character, but does she really need to be president?! I think the writers are exaggerating how successful Lisa is.
    • RippenFan33: Entertainment Weekly named this episode "Worst Episode Ever" in a list of The Simpsons episodes they did a number of years back.
  • Agent 2583: If I had to decide on a terrible Simpsons episode, I would definitely say "Kill the Alligator and Run". In this episode, The Simpsons go to Florida in order to cure Homer's paranoia, but when they get there, it's Spring Break and Homer goes crazy, interrupting a Kid Rock concert while the others explore Florida. But that's not the reason many fans hate it. The big problem is when they "kill" the alligator, Captain Jack and they go on the run from the law, taking a job at a restaurant. That's not the stupid part though. The stupid part is when they're at the restaurant after they go to prison, and then Captain Jack turns up alive and well and to quote YouTuber TheRealJims : "The alligator was alive the entire time." and then they release The Simpsons from prison but they ban them from ever entering Florida again. The whole plot is a complete mess and it didn't go anywhere. Not to mention that they're banned from almost every state as revealed in the ending part of this episode. Then again they go to Florida in later episodes despite being banned from there!

    Season 12 
  • "A Tale of Two Springfields"
    • Monsund: While most of the Homer getting mutilated jokes in the later seasons were pretty bad, Homer getting his intestines ripped out by a badger was just the worst in my opinion. This isn't South Park or Family Guy where characters can be messily killed only to come back later, Homer isn't Kenny, the regular episodes of the Simpsons are supposed to have some basis in reality. Keep the Happy Tree Friends type humor in The Itchy & Scratchy Show and Treehouse of Horror, don't let it bleed into the actual plot. I feel bad that The Who showed up in such an awful episode.
    • Romanator X: While there are certainly worse episodes of the show, the scene where Homer attempts to blow up town hall over an area code change (which, mind you, only he had a problem with) is my personal point of no return. He was about to commit an act of terrorism that would have killed scores of people, just because he did not get the meaning of changing the numbers from 636 to 939. Not only is this selfish and deranged beyond even the standards of Mike Scully's take on the character (that of an egotistical madman), this is idiotic beyond belief. Not helping is that he gets away with it, as well as everything else in the episode. It is the zenith of probably the most damning instance of character assassination I have ever seen. Not even The Who can take the taste of that scene out of the episode.
    • louisXVI: The final scene, where wave after wave after wave (after wave) of ferocious badgers descends on the town is also absurdly over-the-top. What exactly is the implication here? That everyone in the newly-united Springfield was horribly mauled to death right after this episode ends? The truly extreme amount of badgers shown can't leave any ambiguity — it seems the writers just thought it was funny to fantasize about killing off the entire town in a way that seems quite self-loathing.
  • 32_Footsteps: "Homer vs. Dignity". The infamous scene in which Homer is anally raped by a panda bear. Not that the rest of the episode was any better (The Other Wiki even notes on the page for it that it's often considered one of the show's worst episodes), but that one scene made me so disgusted that I can't even go back to watch classics from the 90's, let alone anything made since.
  • Smapti: "The Great Money Caper": There's a perfectly logical explanation for this, and that explanation is - Hey, everybody! SURF'S UP!
    • bigladiesman: This. On spades. It was the culmination of a long but steady chain of dissapointments: "Marge Don't Be Proud" depressed me. Frank Grimes' funeral made me go all "Dude, not funny" for the first time in the series (I love the rest of the episode, though). "All Singing, All Dancing" made me wonder if the formula was showing signs of seasonal rot. I found "Principal and the Pauper" funny, but the whole idea of the episode confirmed my suspicions of seasonal rot. But I went on. "Miracle On Evergreen Terrace" was the first episode to make me mad. "Lisa the Simpson" made me hate Lisa's guts forever… And then came this. I really happen to love these convulted plans to get someone to face their actions, and this episode's conclusion was looking very much like a film I love: "The Sting". And here I was, eager to know about Marge and Lisa's absurdly elaborated plot. And then, "SURF'S UP!". It has been, so far, one of the only two times I rage-quitted a fictional show/film, the other one being "Last Year On Marienbad". Both for the same reason: I got the impression that and Alain Resnais and Carolyn Omine were laughing at me, not with me. 23 years later, I still haven't seen a complete Simpsons episode made after this one.
  • Luna Veg 87: "Bye Bye Nerdie" by far marks the Dethroning moment for me. The episode starts with a new girl, Francine, coming to Springfield Elementary. Since she seems shy, Lisa tries to befriend her, and Francine promptly punches her out. Throughout the episode, Lisa and other smart kids are targets of Francine's abuse, and Lisa tries to figure out why. Fair enough, but the truly disgusting moment occurs at the end, with Lisa's discovery: apparently, nerds and other brainy people emit a pheromone that entices bullies to attack them. In other words, nerds are biologically programmed to be bullied and abused through their mere existence. And the episode just ends with Francine whaling on a bunch of scientists. Pardon me if I can't excuse this because of Rule of Funny, but it's not funny to me, as a person who was bullied throughout most of school, asocial and developed psychological issues from it (it's even worse now, since there are kids who have been literally Driven to Suicide because of bullying). Yeah... not a good episode.
  • A Justice: "Simpson Safari". The family goes to Africa, gets lost, and winds up at a chimp preserve. It appears that poachers are stealing the chimps, but it turns out that the "poachers" are actually with Greenpeace and are saving the chimps from the scientist (a Jane Goodall expy) who runs the preserve: she's actually using them for slave labor to mine diamonds for her. When confronted, she bribes the family with diamonds, while cackling and sporting a crazed look (showing that isolation and greed has driven her over the edge). And what do the Simpsons do? Take the bribe and let the chimp-torturing nutjob go further down the goddamn chute (except Lisa, who just complains about it). You really gotta question their morals when they prefer getting rich over getting a person mental help.

    Season 13 
  • ergeis: The episode "I Am Furious (Yellow)" where Bart creates a cartoon based on Homer, where Bart was inspired by a cartoonist who spoke at his school. What happened was that the cartoonist told Skinner and the kids that he didn't have to work hard in school because all he did was draw all day. I get that it was just a throwaway joke used to set up the actual plot of the episode and it's probably another case of self-deprecation by the creators but it's a DMOS (it wasn't horrible enough to make me swear off the show forever, I didn't know which DMOS I should talk about) to me because it reminded me that this is a very common attitude everyday people have about artists, that somehow it's an easy job that requires little skill.

    Season 14 
  • 'Blue Butterfly': "Strong Arms of the Ma" genuinely shocked me when I saw it for the first time. I can put up with plenty, but this episode hit a lot of points: unsympathetic degradation of Ranier Wolfcastle, while people ransack his home; the apparent need to get Homer out of the picture so that Marge can get mugged, as if his presence would have prevented it; the incongruously serious and sad suffering she goes through, including the heartbreaking moment of bursting into tears in front of her kids, and the family's anxious coaxing when she's trying to recover; the idea that you can cure agoraphobia with steroids; the unnecessary and OTT beating of her mugger, which the police just cheer at despite it being blatant assault; note  everyone criticizing Marge for not being feminine or attractive, and the solution being a return to femininity... But worst of all, this is a family show, shown in the early evening in the UK, and my little sister was watching it with me when Marge raped Homer''. He says he doesn't want to have sex with her and she tells him she wasn't asking and pushes him down on the bed. They cut away to him, dazed in the morning, and no mention is made of the fact. It's simply passed over as if it isn't a massive issue and horribly abusive. I expect such things from Family Guy and indeed Lois rapes Peter a few times over the course of the show, but this is The Simpsons and it's not okay.
    • 'Zoopy Doopy': That last 'joke' is terrible on two counts: first, that rape is the implication that rape is funny if it's female on male. It's really, really not. Second, take note of the dialogue: Homer starts saying he would rather have a discussion about their feelings than have sex i.e. they're putting Homer in the 'female' role in this situation. It's supposed to be funny because it's a subversion of the usual situation, with the usual situation being a wife wanting to talk about her feelings and the husband pressuring her to have sex. In other words, they're implying that marital rape happening to a woman is a normal situation, but when it happens to a man it's not a normal situation and the man should be the butt of a joke for it. This is about as hideous as rape humor gets, and it manages to insult both genders at the same time.

    Season 15 
  • Diego Salvati: "Today I Am a Clown". Again, the source is Lisa, and for me, this episode was one of the two that cemented her as an insufferable self-righteous pain in the ass. To sum it up, Homer becomes famous and successful as a talk show host after Krusty hires him as a replacement while he goes through his Bar Mitzvah. He doesn't do anything wrong in any way, just focusing his show on trivial stuff average people can relate to, and hiring his friends (Moe, Lenny and Carl) to co-host the show with him. Then Lisa shows up, tells him that now that he's a famous TV personality he HAS to talk about important (for her) stuff and guilt-trips him with puppy eyes. And Homer complies. To nobody's surprise, the show fails miserably after that, and Bart accurately points out that Homer shouldn't have listened to Lisa. Does Lisa feel guilty about ruining his father's brief TV career (and the family's better future, since Homer would get richer)? No. She feels good that Homer ruined everything he enjoyed just to do what she said. At this point I think the creators are actually using Lisa to screw with the audience, knowing the viewers hate her, and thus adding more of her interventions just to piss them off.
  • MissConduct: What about the despicable "I, (Annoyed Grunt)-Bot"? That episode was traumatic for me to watch as a young child! Did they really need to put the most violent sub-plot (Homer getting mangled by robots in the robot-fighting arena) and the most morbid subplot (Lisa's cats dying in quick succession) in the same episode? The Lisa sub-plot was horrible on so many levels - as a cat person, I'm used to the Simpsons being anti-cat, what with all the Itchy & Scratchy and whatnot, but this just made me feel horrible. And it felt insulting to poor Lisa too - one of the cats kills itself to get away from her music - as much as Lisa's become less tolerable over the years, she still deserves better. And the A-Plot has to be one of the worst Homer/Bart stories ever too - Homer gets himself maimed repeatedly for Bart's silly competition? Bart even points out in the episode that Homer is the sole breadwinner for the Simpson family, putting himself in serious danger for something so trivial? And the audience boos him when he wins for his son! This episode is just soul-crushing and the bottom of the dark age of the series. This easily could have been a Family Guy episode, and I watch the Simpsons to not have it be Family Guy!
    • TravisTouchdown: For me, it's the Lisa subplot that makes this episode really hard to watch. The Simpsons can be a Sadist Show (I mean, as the show's entry on that trope's page notes, one of its first and most famous running gags is child abuse), but most of the time it's Played for Laughs and/or gives the worst of it to someone who really deserves it for one reason or another. Not this time (the cats did nothing deserving of what happens to them, and for all of her Karma Houdini moments in previous episodes, nothing Lisa does in this episode— until the end, at least— is remotely deserving of having to bury three separate pets in a matter of days). Then, to make matters worse, Lisa decides to pretend that the events of the episode didn't happen and name the cat who managed not to die Snowball II simply because it would mean not having to get a new bowl for the new Snowball. Wanting to gloss over the two new cats that died horrifically in this episode? Fine, I guess (I'm not fond of it, but whatever, easier for the viewers to not wonder what happened to Snowball III/Coltrane), but the original Snowball II was her pet for the entire show up until this point! Not only does it rob her eulogy of any meaning, but Snowball's death as well! And unlike Fat Tony's similar death and pseudo-retcon a few seasons later, it's not even played for a joke... at least, aside from one of the most infuriating parts of the whole affair: when Lisa announces her reasoning for this, the show makes an explicit reference to how the infamous aforementioned "Principal and the Pauper" did this to Skinner. There's not learning from your mistakes, and then there's consciously deciding to not learn from your mistakes! There are worse overall episodes of The Simpsons, but very few subplots have made me as furious and have stuck in my craw for as long as this one has.
  • Drake Clawfang: I don't really care for Marge, my reactions to her range from indifference to annoying. But then comes "Diatribe of a Mad Housewife", which may be one of the worst episodes of the series. Marge writes a cheesy romance novel that sounds like a terrible self-insert fanfic, where Homer's stand-in is a Flanderized version of him that's a fat, surly, inconsiderate oaf who cares nothing for his family, and Marge's stand-in ends up having an affair with a Ned stand-in, who is depicted as gorgeous, loving, and compassionate. The book becomes a huge topic of gossip around Springfield because everyone recognizes the characters for who they are. What is the fallout of this? Homer takes Marge's book as a wake-up call and asks Ned for advice on how to be a better husband, and Homer is depicted as in the wrong for not reading Marge's book when she asked him to. Marge suffers no retribution for making Homer the town laughing stock, not to mention how embarrassed and confused Ned probably is and the many rumors about her and Ned flying around now. All that happens to her is her book gets panned internationally, which is glossed over for a pointless joke to end the episode on. Throw in a completely pointless and annoying subplot about Homer buying an ambulance and operating it as a taxi for no reason, and you have utter crap.
  • SorPepita: OK, so there have been many bad moments in the Simpsons' long (way too long) history, but to me none of them is as bad as what happens in "Co-Dependent's Day". Homer commits what's essentially a Moral Event Horizon (framing his so-beloved wife for his drunk driving accident in a disgusting attempt to save his own sorry ass), and when he finally confesses Marge almost immediately forgives him because she is "Homer-holic". She didn't forgive him immediately after finding the Mafia shooting a porn movie in their house. She didn't forgive him immediately after the accident that destroyed her Popsicle-stick sculptures. But the worst thing he has ever done to her? Easily Forgiven! Fair enough, one rehab clinic employee somewhat Lampshades this, but it doesn't do jack squat about improving this horrible thing.
  • RAZ: Foregoing my previous entry on here, there's one scene in the series that I recently remembered that actually wound up angering me a lot more than several episodes combined. I'm referring to Matt Groening's shameless, self-indulgent cameo in "My Big Fat Geek Wedding" that's nothing but a 3-minute promo to get viewers to watch Futurama. I'm usually fine with the Creator Cameo if it manages to be genuinely funny or clever, but this doesn't even try to throw in a single joke, instead having Milhouse unsubtly scream "it's the creator of Futurama!" with emphasis added on it to make it clear that all this scene is doing is halting the flow of the episode all to give some spotlight for Matt Groening's other pet project. There's also the fact that Unfortunate Implications arise from it, considering that Matt protested about James L. Brooks sacrificing the show's integrity in his attempt to use it to try and advertise The Critic way back in "A Star Is Burns" but apparently it's completely okay if he does it himself for one of his own.

    Season 16 

    Season 17 
  • The Chain Man: I have heard quite a few times Lisa was a Creator's Pet, and I thought these people were exaggerating until I got to watch "Million Dollar Abie". So Grandpa becomes a bullfighter and Lisa, surprisingly, protests because that means he's murdering poor, defenseless bulls. So what does Grandpa do? Frees the bulls and lets them run wild on the city, San Fermin-style. The bulls wreck the city and hurt, kill and maim lots of innocent people and Luigi, but they aren't getting killed, so Lisa is happy! Didn't they use to lampshade this kind of ending rather than play it straight?
    • Tropers/madhaxman. To me, the biggest problem with that wasn't the ending, it was Lisa's line about always supporting her grandpa. Abe has been the butt of all jokes for the family since the show's early days, Lisa included (minus an episode or two). They could have at least given us a scene between Abe and Lisa earlier on in the episode, but as it is, it just comes off as Lisa using emotional blackmail, and taking an episode that was focused on Grandpa making it about herself.
  • ablackraptor: While the episode had a few laughs and the rest of Homer's plotline wasn't too horrible, but "Kiss Kiss Bang Bangalore" definitely deserves mention for two Black Comedy Rape jokes. First they joke about the sci-fi convention when Comic Book Guy announces to the crowd of nerds that there's a girl in the crowd. The crowd instantly turn to looking for said girl, and when they see Willy wearing his kilt, they declare he's 'the closest [they're] ever going to get' before pouncing on him. Just, what!? I hope I'm not just overthinking this, but the way that comes off is that the nerds are so desperate they're going to rape Willie. The fuck is up with that!? I'm usually OK with 'nerds are virgins' jokes, but this was just disgusting and offensive.

    Season 18 
  • "Jazzy and the Pussycats":
    • Junior Gustabo: Lisa seems somewhat irritating. How exactly were her dreams shattered just because Bart also had talent? It's natural that she feels a little jealous but she actually cried because her brother is a good jazz player. Bart didn't purposely do anything wrong to her. Lisa even yelled at him for not knowing how to say "Jazz"; considering how much the boy values her opinion on important matters, he really should be a little more hurt at this but it is not the case. When Marge bought her a pet, Lisa suddenly forgot about Bart, making her seem shallow. Later, the girl adopts animal after animal (She had absolutely no means to help them), puts them in the family's attic and ends up accidentally ruining Bart's talent because of it. And Lisa didn't apologize for causing the accident where Bart was hurt (Shouldn't Bart, Homer and Marge be angry with her for bringing wild animals into the house?). Then, Bart has a benefit concert set up to rectify the damage Lisa's actions caused, while the girl is still moping around because she has to give away animals she had no right to take in the first place. Lisa is more concerned about a bunch of animals than she is concerned about her brother. In the end, Bart feels empathy for her situation and gives the money raised to Lisa, so she can start a foundation for the animals. However, the real problem is that the writers just assume that we're supposed to root for Lisa. It's really hard to feel sorry for her because the girl has acted in a purely selfish manner throughout the whole episode. How were we supposed to sympathize with Lisa? She was arrogant, jealous and unsupportive. By the end of this episode, she didn't learn a lesson and she didn't feel real empathy for her brother. She not only received no punishment for her acts, but she is rewarded. Why does Bart have to give up his talent just to fund a sanctuary for Lisa? She can't save every animal in the planet, surely Lisa would realize this. Bart's drumming has to end but the story apparently has a "happy ending" because Lisa is happy.
    • Ken Shinn: That pointlessly long sequence where Bart just slavishly recreates the video to The White Stripes' "The Hardest Button To Button". Unfunny, tedious, and shamelessly shoved in to scream "Hey! We're still hip, you know!", it's the very essence of worthless padding.
  • "G.I. (Annoyed Grunt)"
    • T Vs Tim 1: I can't even accurately describe just how bad this episode truly was, even by significantly lowered "Modern Era" standards. Between the heavy-handed political agenda to the appalling waste of guest-star Kiefer Sutherland's talents to the single-worst continuity error in the history of the series (in the third act, there's a scene with Lenny in his car talking to a soldier about the troops marching through Springfield when he's suddenly half-crushed by a tank. Then, in the very next scene with no indication that any time has passed, the same soldiers march into Moe's looking for Homer and find Lenny sitting at the bar with Carl and Moe without a scratch on him). Given the overall horridness of the episode, this was just the snot icing on the turd cake, but still. (And the animation on this scene was sub-Season One level, which leads me to believe that something else was cut at the last minute and this unfunny sight-gag was spliced in.)
      • Tropers/tsstevens: I gave the episode a try, and it's quite hard to pick just one moment. If I had to narrow it down I would pick the basic plot itself, which if you break it down amounts to, "Dear US Army: Eat a bag of dicks, every last one of you, then die in a terrorist attack. Hate, Matt Groening." It was so bad that I couldn't take it anymore and ran over the Simpsons DVDs I had.
    • Doc Yoshi: I personally found the Looney Tunes "homage" rather funny and thought it the episode's saving grace. But as the "that's all folks" appeared on the screen (looking like something I'd see in a YouTube Poop might I add) it dawned on me that it's really out of place on this show. I'd expect such a moment on Family Guy but not on this show.
  • MrThorfan64: "Ice Cream of Margie (with the Light Blue Hair)" has a scene where Homer forces a lactose intolerant kid to eat an ice cream, claiming he should show it respect. When he collapses and tells him to call the doctor's number on their band, Homer starts mocking them about the band. That scene was just mean. I have a lactose intolerant friend and the scene feels offensive to those with such conditions. Potentially killing someone just because... they can't have ice creams and then mocking them about it is such a Jerkass moment for Homer. It feels like something Family Guy would do.
  • "The Boys of Bummer"
    • Shining Armor 87: While I hate the episode as a whole, one part truly makes my blood boil. Since Bart is so down in the dumps from the town insulting him, Lisa decides to take him to a famous baseball player who similarly struck out during an important game as a kid to get some advice. The player at first acts nice to him, giving Bart the thought that there is at least one person not mad at him... that is, until Lisa tells him he's Bart Simpson, and he starts hating him like the rest of Springfield. By the way, if he was so upset at him, why didn't he recognize him? Various residents then come in to boo at Bart some more. The player's response? "Boo indeed." Not only did this make me want to punch the player out of anger until he died, it gives the message "If you are famous, and a kid seeks you for advice, pick at him all you want, he's not famous."
    • Tropers/­­Iamabrawler: This episode is Clancy Wiggum's Dethroning Moment of Suck, in my opinion. Not even any following episode trying to salvage him has succeeded. While the whole town was harassing Bart, he was literally inciting him to jump down. Seriously... fuck you, Wiggum, for this one. There's a damn limit that shouldn't be crossed, especially in the Simpsons (there are other controversial shows for the line-crossing), and it was crossed by the police chief of all people. I'd even go as far to say that this incitation to suicide alone is worse than anything Homer has done in this season.
    • Warner 14: Dear god, this one is unwatchable. The whole episode is horrible, but Bart's suicide attempt is what made me draw the line. The whole scene feels like something out of another show, not something The Simpsons would do. The townspeople sink to an all-time low and essentially make the episode worse than it already is by driving a ten year old to suicide. It is one of the worst episodes I have ever seen and that scene cements my opinion.
    • thetoonamirose: Really, just the very fact that all those people would drive a little boy to suicide like that over missing a single ball. A. single. ball. That was the moment that made me realize that 99% of the characters lost all their likability and would go down in history as some of the most heinous animated characters of all time, possibly just as bad as Sho Tucker or even freaking Judge Claude Frollo.

    The Movie 
  • Illuminatus: The Simpsons Movie itself was the nadir of the Jerkass Homer era, already making him unlikable and annoying. But it piles on that by bringing together some of the poorest impulses of the series: needless celebrity cameos, Lisa finding young love, The Simpsons go to X, etc. But the most insulting was actually including Arnold Schwarzenegger as a character, because the writers didn't trust that the audience wouldn't get the reference even though Ranier Wolfcastle was on the show for 15 years.

    Season 19 
  • RembrandtQEinstein: For me it's a little throwaway line in "Little Orphan Millie" (which has a sub-plot of Marge being mad at Homer for not knowing the colour of her eyes) where Homer says "Give me a break! I don't notice people's eye colour, I just judge them on the colour of their skin." Okay, the line is a joke, Homer's a hypocrite, easy to get, yada yada yada. But it says that Homer, our formerly lovable schlub protagonist, is a racist who makes judgments on people based on their pigment. Just awful, and it shows the complete lack of quality control in the show now. And this is coming from someone who actually enjoys the newer seasons for the most part.
  • Capretty: A lot of people hate "That '90s Show" because it fucks with canon, but I hate it because it made me unbearably angry with Marge. In the flashback we are shown that Homer worked a job he hated so that he could support Marge and pay for her to attend college. How does Marge repay him for this unbelievable kindness? She belittles him, pretty much cheats on him and then dumps him for her tool of a professor because "he embarrasses her". Now, she does see the error of her ways but she only returns to him after he becomes a rich and successful musician so we get the Unfortunate Implications that that's the only reason she is returning. Now, Homer Simpson is far from a perfect husband but he has made it clear over and over again that he loves Marge more than anything and this episode was the first I ever questioned: what does he see in her? You know you've made someone unlikeable when Homer comes across as more mature and responsible than them.
    • Storm C: Agreed 100%. It'd be one thing if it was a lazy rehash of "Homer's Barbershop Quartet" that arbitrarily changed the show's backstory, but the portrayal of Marge's character is up there with "The Principal And The Pauper" in terms of ruining the character. It certainly gives a dark overtone to their marriage, almost as if she puts up with his flaws not because she loves him, but because she feels like she "owes" him.
    • RippenFan33: I agree about the Jerkass Marge thing, but it's actually made clear in the episode itself that Marge doesn't go back to Homer because he's a wealthy musician (especially since he wasted all his money) but rather cause the Strawman Political professor she was seeing was against getting married.

    Season 20 
  • Super Saiya Man: "Double, Double, Boy in Trouble", the one where Bart has taken his obnoxiousness up to eleven, then he switches places with a rich boy who looks just like him for a cheap Prince And The Pauper plot. When he literally has gone too far, after 1.) Losing his parents $50,000. 2.) Ruining Marge's best dress by shooting cat urine onto it. 3.) Starting a fight with Lisa in the car. He finally, during the party Lenny was throwing for everyone, unleashes an army of vacuum robots on the party patrons. After all this, he gets punished. Later in the episode though, when his doppelganger is at his place? Marge completely forgets that Bart is being punished. That's the moment right there—Bart gets off as a Karma Houdini yet again.
  • ninboy91: "Mypods and Boomsticks" Okay, its positive messages on Muslim citizens are well and good. But to do it, did they really have to ruin Homer's character? Seriously, he tried to feed Bashir's family a poisoned cake while he was of the mindset that Bashir's family are terrorists. When even Bart has more moral high grounds than his own dad, you know something is wrong.
  • Space Hunter Drake Redcrest: The Simpsons is a show full of dumb moments, especially in recent years, but for me, "Take My Life, Please" has one of the dumbest. The episode basically shows a What If? scenario, if Homer had won class president in high school. This might make for an interesting story, but what ruins it is the framing. The way that they see what would've happened is by, and I'm not kidding, the saucier at Luigi's Restaurant stirring the marinara sauce to show what would happen. Now, I can suspend my disbelief for a lot of things the show does, but the idea of using a pot of marinara sauce for viewing alternate realities is just way too unbelievable and stupid for me to accept. Not even the new intro for the show saves this episode.
  • Shadoboy: Recanted my previous entry to instead put up one episode that I've had a bigger and more personal issue with. Specifically "The Good, the Sad and the Drugly". In the B plot, Lisa becomes depressed over the state of the world, she's prescribed "Happy Pills" that turn her into a drugged idiot that sees everything as happy faces and nearly gets killed because she tries to kiss a fan, so Marge throws away the pills saying that "she wants the old Lisa back". And later she tells Bart about the lesson she learned about "not hiding from your problems". As someone who has been taking medication to help with severe clinical depression, I was really put off by the portrayal of antidepressants in this episode, showing them like some sort of dangerous drug that only serves as escapism, when in reality is to help balance the chemicals in the body. Clinical depression already has awful stigma behind it, so the last thing we need is a TV show that claims to tackle real life issues only adding fuel to the fire by having the writers try to put their clearly uninformed view on it.

  • {Bigbunny} For me a dethroning moment of suck would have to be the episode Four Great Women and a Manicure. Particularly Lisa’s story which is a cheap and unfunny parody of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. To pile drive in the point home of the writers/show runners feminist agenda, they misrepresented the movie entirely and made a crap lousy joke as a cheap to make a cringeworthy anti Disney joke, even as someone who finds anti Disney humor to be extremely low hanging fruit for a joke, this was too far for me. And it makes me hate Lisa all the more and makes me even more against the show in its later seasons.

    Season 21 
  • Balmz: My dethroning moment in "Rednecks and Broomsticks" is when the Wiccans cast a spell that makes Miss Hoover have a stomach virus. Why would they do that? That's just evil and unneeded, they could have her at a meeting. Also if Wicca is not supposed to be evil why would they do such an evil thing? Lisa should have rejected the girls right away for that evil deed.
  • Storm Kensho: The Simpsons 20th Anniversary Special – In 3-D! On Ice! and its potshots (most of them by Lisa) at Fox News. How original, guys. A left-leaning show making snark at the expense of a conservative news source? The same conservative news source that was ignored by such shows prior to its rise in the ratings? New and exciting! *facepalm*
  • On Soaring Wings: "Million Dollar Maybe", the one with a subplot where Lisa buys a Zii for Grandpa and the other people at the Retirement Home. As a result of playing the Zii they start to get more energetic and demanding. So the Jerkass employees there "destroy it to make their own jobs easier". When Lisa calls them out on this they coldly tell her off, and then... Nothing! That's it! The subplot is dropped leaving a message of "Hey old people, this is what you have to look forward to, fuck you." I have never been able to enjoy a recent Simpsons episode since.
  • ccarlson85: "Stealing First Base": I thought the episode was alright, until its third act, in which first lady Michelle Obama comes in and gives a speech to Springfield Elementary, getting Lisa out of her depression. This moment essentially comes out of nowhere with no foreshadowing, has nothing to do with the main plot, and basically serves as a Deus ex Machina for Lisa. Unlike other real world political icons on this show, however, Michelle Obama is basically a Mary Sue. Not only does Lisa call her the greatest woman in the world, but also the entire school essentially kisses her ass. Then, she's strong enough to tear through the helicopter door, which may seem like a joke on her arms, but in reality, comes off as, "Look how strong she is!" Simpsons writers, we know you're liberal, but remember the times in which you'd poke fun at all political icons, regardless of which side they were on? The only thing that could have made it worse was if the first lady had actually been played by the real-world first lady.
  • thatsnumberwang: "The Greatest Story Ever D'ohed" was the moment I realized the lighthearted and funny comedy I grew up with had died forever. I'm of the firm belief that Lisa is possibly the vilest individual in Simpsons history - she makes Mr. Burns look like a kind, thoughtful and sensitive man. So basically, Bart ends up getting chased by a girl who watched him vandalize a sacred wall and ends up getting rather violently kicked in the groin; now, arguably he was being a dick and deserved it. Later on, however, Lisa, with full knowledge of this incident and the fact that Bart was probably still in pain despite not outwardly showing it, sadistically hits him in the groin again because she wanted his airplane seat. She shows absolutely no remorse and even laughs at the sight of her brother crumpled in pain on the floor beside her. Yes, she's eight years old and yes, that's what eight-year-old girls often do but we're talking about a character who used to be portrayed as a caring pacifist violently attacking a boy who, whilst frequently naughty, has been shown to genuinely love and care for her on a vast multitude of occasions.
    • AB No 4: The episode was pretty awful thanks to all that stuff, but what really solidifies its place on this list for me is Sacha Baron Cohen's guest appearance. Nothing the character said was amusing with the unfunny shtick dragging on way too long, completely bombing as an Overly Long Gag. If they let him improvise, that was a mistake. If not, his lines desperately needed a re-write or two. There was simply too much of the character, which didn't help an episode that didn't have much going for it in the first place.
  • Darth Megatron: "American History X-cellent". You know the part where Homer, Lenny and Carl make insulting comments directed towards Smithers behind Smithers' back? The comments about how Smithers is way too soft and letting them take advantage of him by actually being flexible and accommodating towards them, unlike Mr. Burns? Yeah. Ungrateful bastards.
  • Commander BLAARGH: Begin rant. For me, it's "O Brother, Where Bart Thou?". Lisa brags to Bart that he'll never have the same kind of gender-based connection she has with Maggie, being sisters. I can accept this. It's flimsy as hell, given that Maggie's a baby who may well grow up to be closer to her brother than her sister, but I can at least see Lisa’s logic. This isn’t the DMOS. Later on in the episode, Bart has taken up with a young runaway from an orphanage named Charlie, and formed the same kind of bond that Lisa said he’d never form. Lisa then attempts to get him to take Charlie back to the orphanage. Now, there are a multitude of reasons why Charlie can't stay: Bart is far too irresponsible to be a good influence on him, the family's finances are stretched far enough with five members, let alone six, etc. This isn't the DMOS either. The DMOS is that Lisa doesn't state any of these reasons as to why Charlie can't stay. Instead, she tries to overrule the brotherly bond that Bart and Charlie have by appealing to the bond that she has with Bart. You know, the same bond that she gleefully shot down in flames at the beginning of the same furschlugginer episode. I’ve been becoming gradually more convinced that Lisa's just a shrill, self-important writer's pet for some time now, and this otherwise touching episode proves it with this festering turd of an excuse for a climax. End rant.

    Season 22 
  • Alex*Sora*89: "MoneyBART" has an opening sequence directed by graffiti artist Banksy, who interpreted the usually-something-we-have-made-fun-of-thing, the Korean animating process, as a fucking sweatshop. The result is this utter clusterfuck. No matter what you may think of the Keisha opening, this one is the one to blame for being nothing but pointlessly depressing.
    • Forced Dj 7: The way Lisa acts in this episode seems to, indeed, suck the fun out of the game. Sure, they won multiple times, but she acted worse than usual, and even fired her own brother just for scoring out of a different plan. What if the pitcher didn't do the 2-3 ball throws and threw strikes?
  • tropingtroper: "The Fool Monty" has such a disconcertingly cruel plotline that I'm surprised it hasn't shown up here already. The plot is that Mr. Burns suffers from a severe head injury, completely loses his memory (and most of his sanity,) and the town of Springfield (except for Lisa) collectively decides to essentially use Burns' impairment as an excuse to get revenge on him for the last several decades he's spent wreaking havoc upon the town. Now here's the thing- Mr. Burns is absolutely a horrible person, but usually whenever his life has been shown to actually be in serious danger, the writers (and the characters) usually treat the situation with a certain amount of gravity, as Mr. Burns is still... well, a human being. For example, in "Who Shot Mr. Burns," the citizens of Springfield are understandably horrified when Mr. Burns has taken a bullet to the chest, even when they had every excuse to literally gloat over the man's corpse. In "Blood Feud," Marge calls Homer out for trying to use saving Mr. Burns' life as an excuse to get rich. For whatever reason, in "The Fool Monty," it occurs to absolutely nobody in this episode to, say, take Mr. Burns to the emergency room or a mental hospital to get the help he actually needs after becoming, for lack of a better term, completely mentally disabled, choosing to taunt him and let him wander into harm's way instead. The fact that Lisa, who's outright referred to Mr. Burns as "the worst man in the world," is the only person who actually seems concerned about him, makes the townspeople's actions seem even all the more cruel by comparison. Near the end of the episode, (thanks to Lisa, though unintentionally,) Burns snaps out of his amnesia and he's completely fine- though that doesn't excuse the townsfolk for deciding to relentlessly taunt a helpless, mentally disabled person who can barely speak or defend himself.
  • Brainiac0982: In "Donnie Fatso", Fat Tony dies, which leads to his near identical cousin, "Fit Tony", to taking over the Springfield mob. He then proceeds to gain a lot of weight, turning him into the new Fat Tony. This has to be the laziest example of the Reset Button / Status Quo Is God I've ever seen. It's like the episode where Lisa got a cat which would be Snowball V, but they called the cat Snowball II to save on a new dish, except that time, the writers at least acknowledged the ending was a cop-out and had a joke about it.
    • Luna87: I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who felt cheated by that episode. It was just entirely pointless; why even kill him off at all?
  • Lucedo: Though that I have not payed attention to the recent episodes of this show, but the episode “Moms I'd Like to Forget" shows how Ralph Wiggum became "special" because his father dropped him when he was a baby which is not funny at all.
  • Yellow-Spider-Kitty: "The Scorpion's Tale" is mostly a mediocre and dull Grandpa episode. What makes the episode out right bad for me is the twist where The Silvertongue flower used to make the seniors calm down makes their eyes pop out the sockets! Pure Nightmare Fuel.

  • {Bigbunny}:The episode Angry Dad the movie could very well be retitled “We’re butthurt about not being good enough to win awards anymore” the episode. It’s nothing but a bunch of hate filled jabs at other much better forms of animation being more successful (and much better) than they are and its plot is incredibly nonsensical. This episode is more than enough proof that the writers have no respect for any other style of animation or for their audience, pretty much like Teen Titans Go.

  • cclosina: "Love Is a Many Strangled Thing". Bart was able to let to Homer die, without feeling any pinch of repentance. Bart is far from being a saint, but the fact that he was willing to let his father die, it's too much. Bart Simpson isn't Eric Cartman.

    Season 23 
  • Samuel: The episode "Holidays of Future Passed" had a part that made me outraged because of a plot hole. In that part, Ned is now married to Maude's ghost. She tells Ned that there is no God or a Heaven, that it's all an empty void. Yet in Maude's previous appearance in "Bart Has Two Mommies", she was in Heaven and God was there too.
  • Ivanov Troping 97: "Lisa Goes Gaga". I hate this episode for the fact that Lisa's been flanderized beyond belief. She is smarter than this, she should have known better to trust a very egotistical singer like Lady Gaga. Not only that, but Lady Gaga's appearance to cheer Lisa up feels like a blatant attempt at a Deus ex Machina. Now, I don't hate Lady Gaga's music, it's just that a similar episode did a similar plot about Lisa's depression much better 2 decades ago, and the character that Michael Jackson voiced wasn't really him.
    • nerdofgrayskull: My problem is that Lady Gaga only has one joke: Lady Gaga wears weird outfits. Use new jokes, or get another celebrity guest star.

    Season 24 
  • 'No Spoilers Plz': I nominate "The Day the Earth Stood Cool", in which the town is overrun with hipsters. I dislike hipsters as much as the next guy, but then they have to take a potshot at Daft Punk when Disco Stu does an exaggerated, stilted walk past Homer and Marge while wearing Thomas Bangalter's helmet, saying, "Disco Stu has found a new thing". I don't know what irritates me more; the fact they pretty much called Daft Punk music for hipsters or how shallow and lazy the 'joke' was (despite the band's 'robot' personas, they still move and behave humanly and speak without a generic, robotic monotone).
  • Shadow Of The Void: In the episode "Love is a Many Splintered Thing", Bart was playing a fighting game where the game narrator said, "Remember, this game is for age 14 and under. If you are older than that, please get help. Get help. Get help." The insinuation that anyone of high school age or older that plays video games isn't just a "loser" or a "Basement Dweller," but outright mentally deranged isn't some cute little joke. It's insulting to the show's targets demographic, who are mainly Gen X-ers who grew up playing video games and still play video games to this day. The writers are demonstrating that, even though their jokes are often based on popular culture, they're out of touch Baby Boomers who still think all video games are strictly kids stuff. I'm not going to swear off the show, but this was the first time a Simpsons joke came across as just plain mean-spirited without any attempt to be humorous.
    • 'Roper Troper': Marge not only kicks Homer out of the house for how he views women, but also Bart. It's one thing for her to kick her husband out when he does something to make her angry, but to also kick her son out for the same reason, especially when she doesn't know where Homer will be staying??? That's just wrong.

     Season 25 
  • Austin DR: I for one never really liked Itchy and Scratchy, which is why I find the segment in "Labor Pains" infuriating. It starts out with Itchy going to his door and finding a baby Scratchy on his doorstep. So, for the next few years, Itchy raises him. Then comes his graduation and Itchy gives his son a present. Scratchy opens up the box and it turns out that there's a lit bomb inside which promptly blows his head off. I'm sorry, how was this supposed to be funny. They had a potentially heartwarming segment and show that Itchy wasn't that bad, but no; they just had to have Itchy kill Scratchy again. Again, explain to me why karma hadn't hit Itchy yet?
  • MurlocAggroB: I stopped watching The Simpsons ages ago, but I happened to catch an episode called "Pay Pal", which harshly reminded me why I quit. The main plot is about Lisa feeling lonely, so Marge hires a girl to pretend to be Lisa's friend. The episode follows pretty much every plot beat you'd expect, until we get to the ending. Lisa and the girl are on the swings talking, and the girl says even though she was faking her whole personality, she still liked hanging out with Lisa. It looks like Lisa's actually about to make a friend, but uh-oh! The girl offhandedly mentions that she's not really a vegetarian (or some other annoying, preachy Lisa trait, the specifics don't matter). Cue the wide shot, with Lisa gone and her swing left swaying. And this is the character we were supposed to feel bad for because she didn't have friends. Wow. Way to undercut any emotional connection you might have had, for just a cheap, not-very-clever gag. This is the biggest issue with modern Simpsons humour - they don't care about establishing emotions or likable characters, it's all just one-shot jokes as we move on to the next scene. There's no character drive and there's no heart to anything.
  • Tropers/famfamfamfamfam: I have been very much aware of the series's Seasonal Rot for a long time (it started with Lisa being a vegetarian [thanks a lot, Paul McCartney], and then becoming a Buddhist). But for a while, I was kind of in denial about it. I continue to watch the series, however, as a debt of gratitude: I went through Hurricane Maria in 2017, and to see the show display the Puerto Rican flag, asking for support, was heartwarming and a debt I can’t repay. But I was finally convinced, sadly, of the rot for good with "Yellow Subterfuge". Seymour Skinner earned my eternal hatred and apathy in this single episode, second only to resident bitch Helen Lovejoy, the outdated whore that needs to die. To see a school principal (a man with an opportunity to make a difference in a child's life) deceive a misunderstood, lazy child like Bart Simpson with the promise of a potentially life-changing school trip to a submarine that can make him change his Troubled Child ways and become a better person... only to humiliate and demean him by abandoning him on the docks? All that hard work, school discipline and effort to be a model student, just to be All for Nothing? For Skinner’s inner satisfaction and vengeance? And we're supposed to feel sympathy for that fucking son of a bitch Seymour Skinner? And Bart is all chummy with him in later seasons like nothing happened? You really expect me to believe that? To shut down my suspension of disbelief? No. I refuse. Bart is traumatized for life. Seymour Skinner is a tumor that needs to be excised from the show along with Helen Lovejoy. He got off easy from Bart’s and Homer’s vengeance and he should have been at least fired!!! Sorry, Mr. Groening. I'm a fan for life and I will never forget what you did for Puerto Rico in September of 2017. But this really is one of the top 10 worst episodes in the show and Skinner has overstayed his welcome.

     Season 26 
  • Just Here To Comment: I admit I haven't watched new episodes of The Simpsons for years as I felt the show went through very obvious Seasonal Rot. However, I decided to watch the show again with "Simpsorama", since I really like Futurama. The episode itself was kinda... meh. There is one moment that really upsets me. After the rabbit creatures that are the main threat of the episode get Scruffy's mustache, he says that life isn't worth living without one and prompty shoots his head off. Having had suicidal depression myself, I find most instances of Suicide as Comedy to be entirely tasteless, especially when they are for petty reasons and the attempt is successful. What makes it worse is that Scruffy is not just one of my favorite characters from Futurama, but also the favorite of many fans, meaning one of the most beloved characters of the show is dead for the sake of a "joke" in what we can only assume will be the last episode ever of Futurama, meaning he's not coming back. Why would you want to end the series on that when Meanwhile ended the series fine on its own?
  • Animeking 1108: "The Man Who Came to Be Dinner" was an overall example of how the writers decided to just start doing what they wanted, but one moment really irked me when they were at Diz-Nee Land. In one scene, a guy in a Mickey Mouse costume just randomly says "My cartoons weren't good; they were just first." There was no point to it. It didn't lead to any scenes nor did it lead to any gags. It was just a completely unsubtle stab at Disney. Was the point the writers were trying to make is that they're so arrogant, they think they're better than one of the Founding Fathers of Animation? If so, then good job. Or maybe they're bitter about Brad Bird leaving them for Disney? Either one wouldn't surprise me.
    • Captain Tedium: What's especially ire-inspiring is that Diz-Nee Land shows theme park mascots based on characters from Cosmic Wars as a Take That! to Disney obtaining the rights to Star Wars. That kind of joke seems like nothing other than an uncalled for jab at Disney buying a popular franchise that Fox used to own. It's as if the people at Fox are a bunch of immature jerks who aren't beneath insulting companies they lose their property to.

     Season 27 
  • Larkmarn: I haven't been watching much Simpsons lately, but man, the 27th season premiere "Every Man's Dream" reminds me why. I don't know how it was advertised, but the "dream within a dream" twist was as asinine as ever, and Like You Would Really Do It was in full effect. But the real kicker was the cast of Girls as guest stars. I do not like the show. And like the vast, vast, vast majority of Americans, I don't follow it. So having entire scenes serve no purpose except as a cameo for the rest of the cast is just baffling (especially since not one of them has a distinctive voice). The nadir is the last scene. After the final Dream Within a Dream reveal, it turns out the entire episode was... a tattoo on some random woman's back? I had to Google to make any sense of it, and even after finding out that's the main character of Girls it still doesn't actually make sense, and just serves as a desperate attempt at an in-joke that only a fraction of a fraction of viewers will get. Doesn't seem appropriate for the final scene of the freaking season premiere to be a joke that won't make sense to the vast majority of viewers (in addition to not being funny even if they got it).
  • Kaitroper: There's plenty of episodes that are cringeworthy, but the one that takes the cake for me is "Barthood". I like Bart, any insight into his character is welcome, and there is a lot of good on the episode. It has some heartwarming if not gutwrenching moments, but the episode has Marge at her lowest, Homer at his shallowest, and Lisa in her full Mary Sue glory -not to mention Frink being the worst teacher ever-. The ending was the specific time when I finally gave up. Instead of this being the one possible time when Lisa could start to redeem herself and not have things go her way for once, nooooo we get just more character shilling. She could have been humbled right there and have her realize how utterly arrogant and selfish she's been and apologize for a lifetime of being an unsufferable spotlight hogging prick, but it seems Bart has to be the bigger man and spare her fragile psyche even when he is in the right. I mean he has been some kind of woobie for a while, but now he has crossed over into masochist love martyr; as much as he resents Lisa, he still feels the need to protect her and spare her any pain. Really, this was the right wake up call for Lisa, to have her realize she is an hypocritical manipulative shrew, but no, Bart had to go out and rescue her yet again.

    Season 28 
  • Whoa 15: "The Nightmare After Krustmas" bothered me in regards to Krusty converting to Christianity to make his daughter happy. The subplot of Reverend Lovejoy looking to get people to be on the church more often was somewhat understandable but the conversion itself just felt cheap and meaningless.

    Seasons 29-present 
  • Big Chungus: I'm surprised nobody's brought up "No Good Read Goes Unpunished" and how they handled The Problem With Apu. The main plot involves Marge reading Lisa some of her favorite books from when she was a kid and discovering all the Values Dissonance in them. Lisa and Marge turn to the viewer and discuss this trope as the camera then pans to a picture of Apu and Marge adds "some things will be dealt with at a later date." First off, Apu isn't even in the episode, so any viewer who doesn't know about the documentary won't get the reference. But mostly, this feels like a cop out. Rather than devote an episode to addressing this issue (the guy who made the documentary offered to write an episode about it), they took the easy way out and said, "Yeah, we know. Maybe we will do something about it. Maybe we won't."
    • wimpykidfan37: If "The Principal and the Pauper" ruined a lot of character development, it's nothing compared to what they recently did with Apu, who is arguably the most developed secondary character on the show. All Skinner had was a well-developed backstory. Apu had that and more: a wife and kids. And what did they do recently? They retired him, therefore rendering all this development useless.
  • Jared Tropes: I decided to change my moment to this, because what I have seen is far worse than that. I thought I was giving the show another chance after quitting on it following the infamous The Boys Of Bummer, but holy sweet tap-dancing Christ... Flanders' Ladder definitely did not live up to my expectations. If this episode has taught me anything, it’s that the show has officially gone past the expiration date, and I refuse to give it an honest chance ever again. The 29th season finale was really unwatchable: the story didn't make any sense, the animation was at the moment where just needs to be put out of its misery, the music sounded too anticlimactic for the Simpsons, and even the characters were terrible: Marge didn't know what happened to her special little guy, Homer was dumber and jerker than ever, our sweet sweet girl, Lisa, became really evil by not caring about her brother's condition, the show's recurring characters' role in this episode was unacceptable given that they have finally pulled a Face–Heel Turn and would most likely stay that way forever; all the other characters, living or dead, downright descended from lovable animated real people to just completely simple minded cartoons of what they have once been, and Bart, who became The Chew Toy of the 21st Century over the past eleven years, was at his absolute worst. Everything about the episode is horrible from start to finish, and I swear I found Dragon Ball Super to be even better than this episode, but if there was a moment that that made it my new DMoS, it was the ending where the writers just abused the heck out of Six Feet Unders ending, with awful deaths, horrible jokes, cringeworthy lines, a unnecessary moment where one of the show's recurring characters dies thanks to a poisoned drink, and the absolute worst part of it all, Bart, Homer, Marge, and Lisa's deaths, which served as proof that not even the power of the Persona 5 protagonist’s Persona can save this show from getting any worse. The only good thing about the episode was the last seconds of it, where Maggie becomes a constellation and never dies, but even then that’s pushing it to abyss levels. As tasteless as all the episodes I hated were, you could say that that episode at least had decent quality. This episode doesn't even have any of that. And to say the least, this horror is to me, the ultimate reason why this show needs to end before any more damage can be done.
  • TomT: There was one part of Grampy Can Ya Hear Me that made my blood boil, and that was the subplot with Principal Skinner and Agnes, which easily pushes the latter into my least favourite character of the show. So in a flashback, Principal Skinner is applying to become a director of a marching band, and the show goes out of its way to emphasise how this would be an opportunity most people would be happy to experience in a lifetime. He gets an acceptance letter, he gets his mother Agnes to read it to him, and at this point, I was thinking “She’s not going to… No, even a crotchety old hag like her would lie about whether he got in… right?” But nope. That hateful old crony lies to her son’s face about whether he got in to a college he was desperate to get into. At the very least, if she simply forbade him to go, she would be being upfront about it, but nope. This goes to show how, during this part of the show, the characters had no limit to the asshole-ish things they were willing to do (this is the same season in which Bart goes missing in a missile launch zone, which Milhouse knew about, and he decides to lie about whether he knows about this to Lisa just to win her sympathy). The worst part, though, is how Principal Skinner inexplicably forgives his mother for no reason at all. This episode wouldn’t have been as bad as it was if A) they didn’t emphasise the sheer amount of happiness and fulfilment Skinner would have received had it not been for his mother, and B) the episode had provided some Character Development for Skinner - have him finally stand up to his mother, tell her why he’s sick of her controlling every aspect of his life, move out of her house, maybe even quit his job as principal to become a marching band director like he hoped, but nope, everything’s back to square one and Skinner still lives with his deceiving asshole Control Freak of a mother, and I can never look at Agnes Skinner again without thinking of this moment. Skinner may have forgiven his mother, but I sure haven't.
  • Mister Toodleoo: I'm replacing my teenhood DMOS (which was "Exit Through the Kwik-E-Mart" opening with an over-the-top dramatic scenario that's never brought up again) with my adulthood DMOS: the non-evenhanded foundation of the plot of "Hostile Kirk Place". The plot, which involves Kirk becoming the new Hitler, relies on the notion that "critical race theory" is just a phrase people use to complain about schools teaching embarassing ways that ancestors acted, with Kirk not wanting kids to learn that his ancestor built a faulty gazebo and calling it "critical brace theory". In actuality, CRT is a form of critical theory, which is a Marxist theory that critiques all of society, hence the name. For a fictional example, actual "critical brace theory" would involve thinking that societal harms from said faulty gazebo still persist while benefitting a particular group of people. Oh, and that the benefitting group are automatically less purehearted than the harmed people. You can go ahead and add this to a list of examples of how the show is no longer evenhanded.
  • Melancholy Utopia: Season 33's "Portrait of a Lackey On Fire" as a whole just didn't make sense to me, but to get to the D Mo S let me preface a few things. Smithers is one of the few gay characters in media that don't annoy me, mainly because he's not a walking stereotype and most of the jokes surrounding him stems from his attraction to his very unattractive boss rather than his orientation. Hence this episode wasn't my cup of latte, in fact, I felt disappointed because I liked the idea of Smithers adopting a puppy and as he learns to take care of it we learn more about him as a person that goes beyond his being gay. But instead we get to see him have a boyfriend named Michael which we all know won't go anywhere, as a few seasons ago revealed no matter who he goes out with, his loyalty to Burns is his number one priority and nothing or no one can get in the way of that. Recycled script, much? But the cherry on top is what makes Smithers finally break up with him (Smithers confidence in their relationship was shaky at that point because Michael turned out to be an evil corporate fat cat just like Burns); he yells at the puppy. Umm, Waylon? You know Burns has done far worse things than yell at a puppy, right? He kinda did that at the start of the episode! So what makes the two different in any way? I don't get it. The ending with the puppy was cute, but not a surprise, because I saw it coming from the very beginning, which in my opinion they should have focused more on than some rando who won't return after this episode. Also, side note, Marge is incredibly annoying in this episode. We get it, lady, you're a straight ally; shut the fuck up about it already. Hell, you're more annoying than Lisa at this point, which is quite saying something.
  • Grotadmorv: "Clan of the Cave Mom" has a horrible Jerkass Ball moment for Marge that is never resolved. Marge gets into a feud with Luann Van Houten once she calls Bart a bad kid, and the two repeatedly try to one-up each other to defend their side of the argument. This escalates to Marge taking Bart to a concert she didn't want him to, just so he can get better seats than Milhouse. On the way there, she calls Homer and overhears Kirk's voice on the phone... then tells Homer, "You are dead to me!" They double down on this with the Primal-style cut-ins showing Homer dying, and him still being dead in the final scene after Marge and Luann resolve their conflict. The thing is, Homer wasn't doing anything to warrant Marge saying something that awful to him. He was hanging out with Kirk to play fantasy football in a group with others. So just because Marge is caught up in an irrational argument with Luann, Homer can't even talk to her husband about something that's completely unrelated? Not to mention that Homer was being legitimately nice and cooperative here, he spent an entire day refreshing various sites to get Bart these expensive VIP tickets in the first place. Marge never gets called out for this and she doesn't apologize, either. This just left a very bad taste in my mouth in an otherwise decent episode.


  • The Lucky Cat: I used to be a big fan of The Simpsons back in the 90's, when I was growing up with it and it was actually, y'know, funny. Over the years I've grown increasingly kind of tired of the Simpsons because they seem more interested in being known for the longest-running TV series ever than producing stuff of quality anymore. A lot of TV shows go through slumps and while I get that, what pissed me off was when the Simpsons started trying to make overt political commentary, like Family Guy and South Park. What finally broke me? When they decided they'd start posting about the UK Referendum that happened back in 2014. That was an incredibly stressful time for me and others that year, the last place I wanted reminded of it was in a fucking beloved cartoon from my childhood. Firstly, it was hypocritical as hell - they had Groundskeeper Willie as their spokesperson! You know, that guy who was written as a Oneshot Character for one joke, as the stereotypical Violent Glaswegian? The one who numerously complains about how shit his birth country is, who has been deported as a joke several times and is generally a backwards hick? Yeah, he might be an Ensemble Dark Horse now, but it's still a little goddamn rich. Not to mention afterwards, they had the nerve to release a "sad" drawing, because apparently the majority voters who didn't want to leave can go fuck themselves? They couldn't have just respected the choice people made? Fuck you, the Simpsons. You haven't been relevant in your own country for years, so why did you think your opinion on a subject you know nothing about was wanted or needed? It shows they had absolutely no concern for the feelings of people actually going through said event. They just threw in their opinion on a topic that had nothing to do with them and wouldn't impact them for no reason, sulked at the result and proved they clearly did not care about how anyone else felt. It made me Rage Quit a show that had already long ago Jumped the Shark for good.
  • A Haunted Mind: The painfully unfunny West Wing Story short on YouTube. From making the most obvious "jokes" imaginable (Trump's hair looks fake, get it? Isn't that hilarious?) to the very one-sided portrayal of the four women, it's the worst political "satire" (and I use that term very loosely, as it's more like anti-Trump propaganda than satire, and I'm no fan of the man by a long shot) in the show's history, and more proof that the show needs to kneel over & put itself out of its misery.
  • Jared Tropes: There is Yank the Dog's Chain and there there’s... Bongo Comics. While I liked The Simpsons in my younger years, my love for it has slowly faded away over the past decade due to its Flanderization of characters that uses to be good, and the multiple They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot moments. My least favourite Simpsons comic story was the final issue of Bart Simpson, Son of Homer’s Odyssey. For one thing, everything in and behind it was fucking horrible, but if there’s one thing that broke my Bongo Comics life, it’s the final chapter of the story, “Chapter VII: Everything must go!” This was the moment that killed the entire company for me due to the most insulting thing ever seen in a comic book: the destruction of Springfield. It was all Robot Millhouse’s fault that the town was destroyed, but what made me stop reading them was the moment when Frink visited the Simpsons and telled them that until the city is built up again, they may continue to use his reality glasses. And it’s no joke: the main character of the story, Bart took them off by purpose, and seeing that Springfield is totally destroyed, Frink reminds him that he should wear them so they can pretend that nothing happened with the help of his program The Multiple Augmented Tactile Targeted Gigabyte Repository of Engineered Normalty Interfacing Nascent Genomes (M.A.T.T.G.R.O.E.N.I.N.G.), and it completely made me angry. Wearing it all the time during the apocalypse is the worst time ever done in a comic book, and it made me quit a comic book series that has overstayed its welcome. I’m still going back to Read Comic Online to read a few old Simpsons books, but for now on? I’m switching over to the TV show. Bye bye, you lucky yellow dickheads.
