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Sandbox / Cute Witch

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Wick check: 60

  • classical Magical Girl: 2 (5%)
  • "this character is a witch/ can use magic": 15 (25%)
  • "this witch is cute": 12 (20%)
  • ZCE / unhelpful potholes: 31 (50%)

    Classical Magical Girl 
  • Sasami: Magical Girls Club: Re-imagining of the 1996 Affectionate Parody Pretty Sammy series as a 2006 Magical Girl anime of the Cute Witch variety. Sasami Iwakura is a young girl with magical powers of a telekinetic type that her parents forbid her from using. This has led to her feeling isolated due to a belief of herself as some sort of freak. One day, she goes to the newly formed cooking club headed by Washu, a rather eccentric teacher that starts the club off by faking an attempt to kill her pet. After some hilarity, it turns out that the cooking club is a front for the magical girls club, with Sasami and Misao as the first members. Through this club, they meet more awakening magical girls and discover a masquerade involving a magical world.
  • Sugar Sugar Rune: The series features this type of Magical Girl.

     "this character is a witch/ can use magic" 

     this witch is cute 

     zce/ unhelpful potholes 
