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Sandbox / Roleplay Cleanup Thread Indexing

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This is a Sandbox for use by the Roleplay Cleanup and Maintenance Thread, to create a list of indexes suggested for the Roleplay/ namespace.

The other sandbox page, for general documentation and clean-up of roleplays, is here.

Please do not add an RP here unless it's been confirmed to be available, and its page isn't at risk of being cut.

See also: Namespace Index for Roleplay/.

    open/close all folders 
    Fandom Roleplays 
Hosted on TVT

Hosted off-site

    Crossover Roleplays 
Hosted on TVT

Hosted off-site

    Original Roleplays 
Hosted on TVT

Hosted off-site

    Quest Roleplays 

    Completed Roleplays 
Hosted on TVT

Hosted off-site

    Abandoned Roleplays 
Hosted on TVT

Hosted off-site

    Ongoing Roleplays 
Hosted on TVT

Hosted off-site

Characters pages lacking indexes

Roleplay characters pages that have not been placed on either CharacterSheets.Play By Post Games or CharacterSheets.Roleplay. Kept here until a definitive decision has been made as to how roleplay character indexes are to be split.

