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Roleplay / CDT Heist

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Character Heist is a roleplay thread set in the Character Development Thread universe.

In a seemingly random string of arrests, characters from all reaches of the world find themselves in prison, in the same jail cell - where they meet with their mysterious benefactor by whose actions orchestrated their "framing", and is now calling upon them to help botch a franchise of Casinos. The Victorian(R) name will be on merger with Trinity, and our benefactor M. Kobayashi doesn't like that. He wants to sabotage the deal, stealing the goodwill diadem in trade which shall place at the grand opening of the Trinidad Casino in Las Vegas. How it is accomplished, our benefactor doesn't care. As long as you manage to ruin relations without tracing the act back to him.

Once you are released, you are given two weeks to prepare for the caper. During the wait, our benefactor will be helpful in providing a safehouse, with all the necessary resources you need in order to pull it off. (Don't go looking the gifthorse in the mouth, however.) You can write our characters practising research, schematics, logistics and the strategy of ruining the merger deal.

The rewards will be immeasurably great. Apart from taking the diadem, our benefactor allows us to keep all of the collected loot we find, to be split according to group decision. In case some people feel unwilling - our benefactor also has a nasty stick to provide motivation.

This shared story thread will draw upon the classic Heist genre, with the added twist of having characters from various worlds and stories participate, showing off their espionage skill sets. Our characters, being strangers to one another, must coordinate their efforts in order to successfully achieve the Casino heist.

The thread can be found here. It began in July 2011 and ran for two months before reaching a conclusion.

Character Heist includes examples of:
