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Roleplay / We Are All Travelers

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Journey Through The Multiverse: We Are (All) Travelers is a semi-reboot of Journey Through the Multiverse, created by Psyga315.

The main plot starts the same (a group of people find a ruined ship owned by a destroyed faction and use it to fight an evil multiversial empire that is beginning to rebuild), but everything else has changed, from characters being replaced by expies, to characters being split up or combined, to there being new characters, or even plot points changing.

The roleplay can be found on the site where JTTM moved to: here.

The Reboot contains these tropes:

  • The Multiverse: There are multiple universes that the characters visit in the roleplay. They might actually be a variation of the main universe, altered in some way, shape, or form, and they're all numbered by a string of three letters. In this case, the main story takes place in variant #ITT.
  • Our Homunculi Are Different: Parchment is a magically animated human doll, made from clay and hollow on the inside.
  • Shout-Out: Already some.
    • Nick's parents are Grace and Trip.
    • Nick's last name is Chida.
    • Ginger is based on Jinako, yet looks like Velma.
    • The title is based off a lyric from Gackt's song "Journey Through The Decade", which was "We are all travelers.", couple that with the world ID of #ITT, and it results in a shout out to various Forum Games on TV Tropes, which usually have as their title: "ITT: We are all *".
    • Saxen's name is based around the Organisation's naming scheme, which is an anagram of the original's name plus an 'X'.
    • Moerin's transformation sequence is almost exactly the same as the Galactic Prettyboy's, only obviously minus the giant robot.
    • August's first reaction when asked to explain the Multiverse and the current situation is to pull his hood up to obscure his face and then say "This world has been connected".
  • Womanchild: Moerin is 25 years old, but acts at least ten years younger.
