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Characters / Echoes — The Arashi Clan

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    In General 
  • Anti-Hero: All of them are way too dysfunctional to ever be straight-up heroes.
  • Badass Crew: Whenever they get their act together they are these tropes.
  • Band of Brothers: They are utterly loyal to each other.
  • Dysfunction Junction: What they are most of the time.
  • Family of Choice: Gaara, Izanami, Sasori, Kazama, Chibaku, Karasu, and the Dark Wolf have no real remaining bonds to their biological family, and see the Arashi as their family. It's downplayed in the ending in Izanami's case, as she reunites with her son Itachi.
  • Fire-Forged Friends: They've fought together across the multiverse, and when the chips are down, they always have each other's backs.
  • Living Emotional Crutch: They all seem to be psychologically dependent on each other to a degree.
  • Multi National Team: Kazama, Naruko, Kamui, Sasuke, Izanami, and Kitsune were konoha-nin, Chibaku and Sasori are missing-nin from Konoha and Suna, Haku and Zabuza are from Kiri and fled after a failed rebellion against Yagura, Gaara is from Suna, Karasu left Konoha and joined Iwa, the Dark Wolf was a samurai in Iron, Yugito was from Kumo, Konan is from Ame, and Mei is from Kiri as well.
  • Ragtag Bunch of Misfits: It's even lampshaded by Kazama:
    "Since the very beginning, this group was built on circumstances. We are all from different nations, and we are, perhaps, the single most colorful ragtag group of outcasts, missing-nins, misfits, and soldiers to have ever walked the multiverse."
  • True Companions: It's heavily implied that Kazama assembled his clan out of a hidden desire to have a family. It's made clear in chapter 37: when Kazama announces he intends to confront Tsukuyomi, he offers everyone there the chance to leave beforehand. Not a single one of them takes his offer.

    Kazama Arashi — The Original Naruto 

Kazama Arashi — The Original Naruto

  • Animal Motifs: He's the tiger, the king of the jungle, not the fox.
  • The Antichrist: He's definitely close to this, if not already there.
  • Anti-Hero: Starts out as a straight up hero, but after Orochimaru's Breaking Lecture he becomes a Type I, by Kitsune's World he's a Type II, by the Kumo arc he's a Type III, by the Ame arc he's become a very dark Type IV if you don't think he's become a Fallen Hero.
  • Anti-Villain: He's a Type II who thinks he's a Type III.
  • Armor Is Useless: Averted. His new Tin Tyrant armor has protected him from Susanoo's attacks and its Spikes of Villainy make it rather easy for him to get blood for his Blood Magic rituals.
  • Armor-Piercing Attack: Due to his chakra being steeped deeply in Mikaboshi's corruption Kazama can hurt people with normal Ninjutsu who would normally be immune such as Ten-Tails Obito and Kaguya.
  • The Atoner: He becomes this in the end, though his meeting with Sakura makes it ambiguous how successful he will be.
  • Awesome, but Impractical: His Marebito jutsu is basically a nuclear warhead, but its charge time and chakra cost makes sure that it appears rarely.
  • Awful Truth: The second major dent to his idealism happened when Orochimaru convinced him that everything about his childhood and upbringing was deliberate. Albeit, Naruto strangely allowed his enemy to speak.
  • Badass Cape: Wears an orange cape with his second outfit to hide his Kusanagi.
  • Badass Longcoat:Wears a Akatsuki coat at Konan's request and as a sign of friendship when he goes to fight Hanzo and Yagura.
  • Bad Powers, Good People: He has the Power of the Void from Amatsu-Mikaboshi, but even at his worst, he still means well.
  • Bastard Understudy: He has become one to Tsukiyomi. Complete with him planning to kill him after he learns everything he can.
  • Being Good Sucks: Every attempt at doing good he tries to do manages to blow up in his face to some degree. He's never managed to win without some form of major collateral damage or lose of life.
  • Benevolent Boss: Even if you think he's a Villain Protagonist, there's no denying that he's a good guy to work under, and he goes out of his way to help his subordinates and friends with their problems.
  • Berserk Button: The guaranteed way to send Kazama into a berserk rage is mentioning the Child of the Prophecy or using destiny to justify your actions. Jiraiya found this out the hard way. Insulting or injuring those he cares about is also a very good way to make yourself into the main target of his rage. As seen when Izanami almost died and Menma insulted his world's Sakura.
  • Big Bad Duumvirate: By "Darkest Hour", he has become a full fledged villain and is completely on board with Tsukiyomi.
  • Big Brother Mentor: Kazama tries and fails to be this to the younger Naruto. There's no denying he cares for them, though.
  • Black-and-White Insanity: This is Kazama's greatest problem and where pretty much all of his megalomania, god-complex, and It's All About Me problems come from. His strong moral compass leads him too not being to deal with the Morality Kitchen Sink that is The Multiverse.
  • Blessed with Suck: You cannot honestly say that you've never thought of how awesome it would be to travel dimensions, pick up friends, fight evil, and find out if Haku is a girl or not. In this, Naruto does all these awesome things... and he keeps getting awesome powers... but it's sort of offset by the fact that in almost every dimension he's ended up in, he's faced a threat to his life and the lives of those he cared about. Not to mention the fact that he's forced to use this dimensional power to escape from the Madara Trio...
  • Blood Magic: He can use Hidan's Jashin/Amatsu-Mikaboshi Death Controlling Possessed Jutsu. Although he's smart enough to use a clone as a sacrifice instead of himself. Best shown when he beheaded Susanoo.
  • Blow You Away: Wind is his element as always.
  • Boring, but Practical: His Uzumaki Bloodline. It lets him master Ninjutsu quickly — which he could already do before he unlocked it — and use Chakra Chains which are basically watered down versions of his old Kyuubi Chakra Arms.
  • Born Unlucky: Despite fancy new powers and new teachers, Kazama is still very unlucky.
  • Byronic Hero: He became this during the Ame arc.
  • Child Surpasses Parent: An odd case where he wants to supplant both of his parents.
  • Classic Villain: He represents Pride, Envy, and Wrath. Though he switches to a straight up Wrath villain later.
  • Chain Pain: Kazama's main form of attack is to create Chakra Chains that Tsukiyomi accidentally unlocked. Kazama later takes his chains in a new direction because circumstances make it impossible for him to make the Rasenshuriken. It results in...
  • Chick Magnet: Kazama has constantly been described as a lady-killer in the making by both men and woman. Tsunami, Haku, Shizune, and Yugito all admit he is very attractive. Izanami even gropes his ass for fun.
  • Cool Sword: The Kusanagi. Orochimaru's old sword which he got in the chaos of his first dimensional leap. He really like too use it even though he's not really good at swordsmanship. Even after killing Orochimaru and gaining its loyalty he goes from bad to average. It was only ever useful against Yagura.
  • Composite Character: Kazama has traits of all of his canonical Evil Counterparts. Like Gaara his childhood has seriously screwed him up. He is obsessed with Revenge like Sasuke. Like Kabuto he is the Bastard Understudy to the Big Bad and has a Villainous Friendship with him. He is a Control Freak like Danzo. He is a Dark Messiah like Pain and has a minor god-complex.
  • The Confidant: He's the only person who has an inkling of who Izanami truly is underneath all of her trollyness and ham.
  • Control Freak: Hikari Naruto has accused Kazama of this trope, but he easily defies it by giving Yugito full control of the Arashi clan. What kind of Control Freak willingly gives up power?
  • Cosmic Plaything: The multiverse really loves to ruin his life in any way it conceivably can.
  • Chess Motif: The Pawn (Because of his potential) and the Queen.
  • Chronic Hero Syndrome: Deconstructed. Amatsu-Mikaboshi tells Kazama that he never had it to begin with, and Kazama can't find a reason to disagree.
  • Creepy Blue Eyes: After entering hardcore Anti-Hero territory, his blue eyes have been described as disturbing.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: After he killed Sai, Kazama's Rasengans have switched from "stun" to "kill" and now grind his opponents into hamburger meat like the technique was intended to do.
  • Curbstomp Battle: Kazama versus Konaha. Konaha didn't stand a ghost of a chance.
  • The Cynic: He beats everyone in the cynicism department. The sad result of being a Cosmic Plaything sent through a multiversal Trauma Conga Line.
  • Cynicism Catalyst: He's had a lot of them. First was Orochimaru's Breaking Lecture, then he met a Knight Templar version of Sarutobi who admitted that he would use Kitsune as a weapon if he ran out of options, followed by Kushina admitting that the Kyuubi was sealed inside of him, not because every available option was exhausted, but because her and Minato thought he was the Child of the Prophecy followed by Yagura killing Yahiko For the Evulz.
  • Cynical Mentor: Kazama is this for Naruko. Neither of them realized this for different reasons. They still care for each other, though.
  • Deal with the Devil: Kazama has recently made one with Tsukiyomi, for power.
  • Despair Event Horizon: Minato's Kirk Summation has made Kazama cross it. And it causes him to go crawling to Tsukiyomi to get stronger.
  • Dark Messiah: As the Amekage he has become one.
  • Deconstructed Character Archetype: Slightly, of "Naruto as an Anti-Hero" stories. While this version of Naruto became a more studious ninja, the stress of being the initial interdimensional traveler takes it toll, combined with a low amount of self-worth, has made him very bitter and cynical.
  • Determinator: Practically any character deserving enough to be called Naruto has this, and Kazama is no exception. Then he becomes a very big deconstruction.
  • Did You Just Scam Cthulhu?: In the very first chapter when he accidentally hijacked the Shinigami's powers.
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?:
    • He destroys the Gedo Mazo with his new Orebito jutsu.
    • He later easily trumps himself defeating Kaguya by himself.
  • Discard and Draw: In the very first chapter he lost all of his Kyuubi powers in exchange for his Space Master powers that drive the entire plot. This version also inherited Kushina's Bloodline which he can now use because the Kyuubi isn't screwing with his chakra anymore.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: His plans for Konoha have devolved into this. After he mostly carries said plans out, he's horrified to see what he'd become.
  • Dissonant Serenity: This is his default expression after he snaps.
  • The Dreaded: After his fight with Hanzo, Yagura, and the Sanbi he has become the most feared thing in the Ame-verse's Elemental Nations. Even the remaining Bijuu want to run away in fear after they learned what he did to the Sanbi.
  • Dual Wielding: Thanks to multiversal shenanigans Kazama gets his hands on a second Kusanagi but Dual Wielding actually made him a worse swordsman and then one Kusanagi conveniently broke during his fight with Yagura.
  • Empathic Weapon: The Kusanagi is the REAL Susanoo's sword, was used to kill the REAL Yamata-no-Orochi, is sentient, and will only use its full potential if its previous owner is killed.
  • Endearingly Dorky: While Kazama has a lot more social skills than his canon self due to taking after his father, whenever romance comes up he loses all of his tact and seems to be channeling Garrus whenever Izanami hits on him. Luckily for him, she considers it one of his main selling points and she thinks it makes him adorable.
  • Enemy Mine: He has teamed up with Tsukiyomi to kill Hanzo and Yagura.Their partnership has continued even after Hanzo and Yagura's death.
  • Epic Flail: Kazama attaches a Wind enhanced Rasengan onto the tip of his Charkra Chains turning his chain into a tornado able to vaporize a persons body! Orochimaru made an excellent guinea pig. Kazama calls it the Storm Flail.
  • Evil Costume Switch: Zigzagged. He is now wearing an Akatsuki coat at Konan's request and as a sign of friendship. While she means well she doesn't understand the rather dark symbolism behind Kazama wearing an Akatsuki coat. This is Lampshaded by Tsukiyomi. Played straighter with his new Tin Tyrant armor.
  • Evil Counterpart: To Hikari Naruto, and more subtly, to Sasuke.
  • The Extremist Was Right: Given how boneheadedly stupid the citizens of Ame are, and how they seem to be trying to die like animals besides his growing god-complex, Kazama is pretty much right about everything. And then he goes insane and blows up most of Konoha, and we see just how bad things can get when an extremist is allowed to run roughshod over the world.
  • Face–Heel Turn: After over forty chapters of foreshadowing, it's finally happened.
  • Fallen Hero: Tragically so. By chapter 45 every evil trope he has been zigzagging is now being played straight.
  • Failure Hero: Kazama sees himself as one. After Yahiko's death, he's so desperate to succeed that he teams up with Tsukuyomi.
  • Failure Knight: Kazama once more. He's heavily motivated by all of his past failures. And unfortunately the multiverse goes out of its way to make sure he fails a lot.
  • Fatal Flaw: Kazama's determination is his greatest flaw. He refuses to give up on anything no matter how destructive or self-destructive the end result will be.
  • Fantastic Nuke: Orebito: the Celestial Envoy. Which is an actual fission bomb that can destroy a Bijuu-level monster.
  • Flight: His Jetfire Jutsu that lets him shoot fire out of his feet like rockets and allows him to fly.
  • Foil: To Canon Naruto: While C!Naruto is The Chosen One, Kazama is The Unchosen One. C!Naruto relies on power boosts from Sage Mode and the Kyuubi, while Kazama's Kyuubi is effectively dead and he can't access natural energy due to Amatsu-Mikaboshi. Canon Naruto mainly relies on close range combat and variants of the Rasengan: Kazama is a long range fighter who uses Katon jutsu due to Tsukuyomi teaching him. C!Naruto is highly idealistic, while Kazama is one of the most cynical characters in the story. When Kazama goes to the Falls of Truth, he actually confronts his light instead of his darkness, and it looks like C!Naruto.
  • Freudian Excuse Is No Excuse:
    • Hikari Naruto calls him out for constantly blaming other people for what happened to him instead of accepting it happened.
    "Everything comes down to the fact you just can't come to term your insecurities. You have to blame someone for your misery. Anyone. Yes, your life wasn't perfect… but you can't accept it just happened. No, you have to blame everyone for intentionally ruining your life, that the entire world is out to get you. It all comes down to your wounded ego. This armor is how you are in the inside. You keep wearing it convinced it's protecting you from everything. That it makes you look tough. That somehow by being some frightening dictator in control of everything, you can fix things and make them 'right'."
    • Teikoku!Obito also pulls a villainous one on him. When Kazama calls him out on using the Infinite Izanagi to wipe out his world, Obito reminds him of what he did against Konoha and argues that he did that against Konoha not out of justice, but out of self-righteous vengeance.
    Kazama: You can't destroy an entire world just because you didn't like it!
    Obito: You're the one to talk. Isn't that why you destroyed your Konoha in the first place? Because you didn't like it? Oh wait, that's right: you did it because it was justice, correct? Don't expect me to be impressed by your attempt at moral superiority. You just hated this place and wanted it gone. That's exactly what I did with my world."
  • Four-Star Badass: After becoming the Amekage.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: He's this in the Ame-verse. He arrived in the timeline before he was born and with only with the support of only four people killed Hanzo, Yagura, obliterated the Sanbi from existence and became the most feared man alive.
  • Generation Xerox:
    • Deconstructed with Kazama. He has inherited a bad character trait from every parental figure in his life; he got his father's Pride, inheriting his mother's bloodline just made him angry and bitter, some of his Kakashi's lack of responsibility has rubbed off onto him, Jiraiya being an Eccentric Mentor made him think Jiraiya didn't care about him, and Tsukiyomi is, well, evil. So, yeah, Freud would have a field day with the poor kid.
    • In an inversion, the Uzumaki are supposed to carry on the Senju's ideals but he's actually the perfect container for the Uchiha's Curse of Hatred; the other side of the Sage of the Six Path's family. People have even compared him to Madara in his youth.
  • Glass Cannon: Both a version of Jiraiya and Tsukiyomi think he'd be better off as one. Kazama eventually admits they're right and has changed his fighting style accordingly.
  • A God Am I: Due to him breaking the "Holy Shit!" Quotient meter in his fight with Hanzo and Yagura and the insane events that followed it have the citizens of Amekagure worshipping him a'la Pain — and he finds himself enjoying it.
  • A God I Am Not: He turned down a chance to become a capital 'G' God offered by Amatsu-Mikaboshi by hijacking the Shinigami's power and offered the ability to remake reality in his image. Kazama rejected the offer because he would become a pawn.
  • God Guise: He's pretending to be a god to keep order in Amegakure...Maybe. It's unknown how much he buys into the whole thing.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: He sometimes shows jealousy towards other Naruto that have better luck in life than he does, but always manages to reign things in.
  • Hazy-Feel Turn: This is Kazama's current Character Alignment. Until Chapter 45.
  • Heel Realization:
    • Has one of these when Naruko and Sasuke catch up to him after he destroys most of Konoha.
    • During his fight with Obito he realizes that nothing he did was ever right, and all of the horrible things he did were to disguise his petty attempts to lash out at the world.
  • The Hero: He's technically this, which is rather scary given how and what he's been doing recently...
  • Hero Killer: He had an extremely effective run as a villain, however short. His major kill list include Fukusaku, Jiraiya, Homura, Utatane, Tenten, Shino, Shikaku, Inoichi, Hiashi, and Neji, not to mention a large portion of Konoha.
  • He's Back!: After escaping from Amatsu-Mikaboshi's domain thanks to Tsukiyomi's sacrifice Kazama becomes The Atoner and gets his old determination and drive back, escaping from his divine sponsors grasp and utterly destroying Obito with his new power.
  • He Who Fights Monsters: Ends up becoming a major villain that shows the traits of everything he hates.
  • Horrifying the Horror: In the Ame-verse, after he accidentally killed the Sanbi, even the Bijuu are utterly terrified by Kazama.
  • Humans Are Flawed: He doesn't think Humans Are Bastards but he has acknowleged that humanity is not, nor ever will be perfect. Unfortunately, he's leaning towards the more pessimistic angle — that the 1% "truly good" people are worth more than the more flawed. Uh, Kazama — maybe you should take an ittsy look at the kind of people you've recruited, then tell us whether you still think this.
  • Humans Are Bastards: Kazama's misanthropy has had him graduate into this trope by chapter 41. This line sums it all up.
    Kazama: The people? Since when do the people know what's good for them?
  • An Ice Person: One of his Fuuton jutsu called Cold Wave unleashes a freezing gale that can...freeze things.
  • Intangible Man: Amatsu-Mikaboshi gave him the Madara's phasing abilities but he refuses to use it because he realizes that if he relies on Amatsu-Mikaboshi's power it will be easier to corrupt him.
  • Inferiority Superiority Complex: Looking back he began to develop this disorder back in the Wave arc when he found out about the Child of the Prophecy.
  • Informed Flaw: His Pride. Wrath is Kazama's main character flaw and most of his actions are motivated by it.
  • Intergenerational Friendship: While it never brought up in the story itself, this Naruto seems to have trouble befriending people in his own age group and gets along better with people older than him. Kazama's friend list throughout the story consists of the older Sasori, Kakashi, Zabuza, Konan, and Yugito. Evil Old Folks Tsukiyomi becomes his Big Bad Friend, Izanami, a woman in her twenties becomes his girlfriend, and most bizarrely he becomes the best and Only Friend to a version of Kaguya, who is Really 700 Years Old.
  • Insecure Love Interest: To Izanami. Without his megalomania, he acts rather shy and his self-esteem is so low he doesn't understand why she likes him and he considers her to be too good for him and out of his league.
  • Irony:
    • Sasuke joined Orochimaru for power because he felt that he was too weak after being defeated by a family member he hates. Kazama has now done the same thing after he was defeated by his father, Minato, whom he hates. He has become Tsukiyomi's apprentice in exchange for power. Then he fought Hanzo and Yagura to stop Nagato from becoming Pain but Nagato died and Kazama basically becomes Pain with people worshipping him as a god and everything. Kazama also became a village leader like he always dreamed of as a child but as an adult, he hates his position of authority and can't wait to vacate it. And on a multiversal level, Naruko got a good Fugaku and Mikoto as good parental figures while Kazama got Tsukiyomi. Also, every villain that is obsessed with Sasuke in Canon is obsessed with Kazama instead.
    • Minato and Kushina thought that he would become the Messiah, reality turned him into a Dark Messiah instead.
    • In canon Tobi/Obito tells Naruto that reality will catch up with him and make him just like him. Guess what happened to Kazama?
    • Tobi is obsessed with proving his ideals are superior to Naruto's. Can you guess what Kazama wants to prove to his parents?
    • Canon Naruto fights like Minato but has Kushina's personality. Kazama takes after his father mentally and fights with an Uzumaki fighting style.
    • Once more he hates his father, but different versions of the same person both became their Second Love and Confidant that keeps them in line and stops them from doing stupid things.
    • Canon-Naruto is the Chosen One and Messianic Archetype, Kazama is slowly becoming The Antichrist because he is an Unchosen One.
    • Here's a more comedic example: Kazama hates perverts, and his girlfriend is a super-pervert.
    • After losing his megalomania and god complex Kazama steals a spark of Amatsu-Mikaboshi's divinity essentially becoming a demi-god.
  • It's All About Me: According to Word of God, he suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder, which stems from his deep-seated insecurities about himself. That's what leads to this sort of behavior on his part. One of the reasons for his Face–Heel Turn is because he realized that the Inner Council wasn't out to get him.
  • It's Not You, It's My Enemies: Kazama tries to invoke this when he tells Izanami that she'll just be in danger by being in a relationship with him. She defies it by pointing out that if he alienates the people that love him it will just make it easier for Tsukiyomi to turn him into his Dragon Ascendant.
  • Jack of All Stats: At first, Kazama is trying to be one.
  • Jade-Colored Glasses: Hugely, his start of darkness begins when his inner jaded nature reveals itself in it's entirety.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Constantly tries to deny that he's a good person because he just thinks that it will make it easier for people to manipulate him, but Izanami points out that even though he has fallen very far he is still a very altruistic person.
  • The Juggernaut: Every thing Konoha did to try and stop him was completely futile.
  • Kid Samurai: Comes off as one when using the Kusanagi. He's not a very good swordsman but loves to use it for sentimental reasons.
  • Kneel Before Zod: What he plans to make Jiraiya do before killing him.
  • Knight in Sour Armor: Skirts a very thin line between being this and being a Knight Templar.
  • The Leader: A mix of Type II and Type IV.
  • Like Father, Like Son: Kazama clearly takes a lot after his father rather than his mother.
  • Likes Older Women: Every romantic relationship he's ever had has been with a woman older than he is. According to Moon!Obito, this is due to his mother issues with Kushina. Though after Kazama gets over his issues, he still prefers older women on top of Obito being a quack the diagnosis was most likely incorrect. Older women seem to like Kazama as well while women in Kazama's age group view him platonically.
  • Long-Range Fighter: Type III. Kazama's primary fighting style is to spam Kage Bushin and use them as a buffer then use his Chakra Chains to keep his enemies at a respectable distance while he bombards his enemies with his Hot Wave, Cold Wave, blast them with Katon Jutsu, set up his Storm Flail, or prepare his Blood Magic ritual. He has close-range skills but his taijutsu and kenjutsu are strictly average, and he's only competent in close range with the Rasengan.
  • Loss of Identity: As the story progresses Kazama Arashi has been finding it harder and harder to identify with his former persona of Naruto Uzumaki. Best shown during his private moments with Izanami; neither use their original names when talking to each other.
  • Love Redeems: His megalomania noticeably wanes — and sometimes outright disappears — when he has his private moments with Izanami.
  • MacGuffin Super-Person: His dimensional powers drive the entire plot. Lots of powerful people, organizations, and cosmic forces want him or his allegiance, much to his dismay.
  • Magnetic Hero: Downplayed. While he is rather good at getting people to work with him no one instantly agrees with him anymore because he's lost his Kyuubi empathy powers and people criticize him. Nowadays his friendships start out more as alliances of convenience that slowly grows into true friendship. Kazama himself has noted that he's not as charismatic as he used to be.
  • Man of Kryptonite: Kazama's Space Master powers make him the perfect counter to Kaguya's own reality warping. On top of that his chakra being filled with Mikaboshi's essence makes it too corrupt to be absorbed or negated by Six Paths chakra, letting Kazama use normal Ninjutsu effectively against her.
  • Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: While Kazama is masculine, in romance he takes the feminine role becoming submissive to Izanami who plays the masculine role convincing Kazama to take their relationship to the next level and acts a the dominant force.
  • Merger of Souls: With Kazama's identity and body destroyed by the void and Tsukiyomi not far from death, the elder Uchiha decides to give his soul and chakra to Kazama to let him escape. The end result is Kazama returning stronger than ever before.
  • Me's a Crowd: Kage Bushin as always. Although Kazama abuses the Kage Bushin training method.
  • Mood-Swinger: Kazama is able to change his personality extremely fast, he can be a Jerkass one minute and a Nice Guy the next. Switch from a loving boyfriend to a misanthrope in a second. And be a borderline Evil Overlord one day and a Reasonable Authority Figure the next.
  • Morality Chain: Izanami doesn't realize it, but she's as close to a Face–Heel Turn as Kazama is and their love is stopping her fall.
  • Must Not Die a Virgin: In an odd case where, Izanami, a woman, convinces Kazama to follow through with this trope.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: After he destroys Konoha and kills several members of the Konoha 11, he realizes just how much of a monster he's become.
  • Narcissist: Word of God describes him as akin to a realistic high functioning egocentric one, and he has the background to make him one; he has a bad childhood which gave him a low sense of self-worth, which later evolved into a full-blown inferiority complex when he found out about the Child of the Prophecy, making him think everything he achieved was worth nothing, which led to this disorder.
  • "Not So Different" Remark:
    • Minato has compared Kazama to Hanzo while Hashirama says Kazama reminds him of Madara when he was younger.
    • Jiraiya states that he has Orochimaru's eyes.
  • Odd Friendship: He forms a lot of them over the course of the story such as Sasori and Kaguya. Kaguya actually seems to consider him her Only Friend and treats him better than how she treats her sons.
  • Obviously Evil: Only in his mindscape, but like Sauron and Morgoth he can only take a form that shows all of the evil in his heart: In his case it's his Wrath, Envy, and Pride.
  • Official Couple: With Izanami.
  • One-Man Army: Konoha found this out the hard way.
  • Only Sane Man: Yes, really, long ago back in the aftermath of the Wave arc he was the most well put together member of the Arashi clan which led to him becoming The Leader.
  • One-Winged Angel: For the first chapter only. During his fight with Orochimaru, after his seal was twisted, he basically turned into a mutant version of his Nine Tails Chakra Mode. Discard and Draw then comes into effect exchanging his mutant One-Winged Angel Kyuubi form for his Space Master powers that drive the entire plot.
  • Parental Issues: He has a long list of grievences against both of his parents as Kushina found out when she learned he didn't like their destiny excuses at all.
  • The Perfectionist: As he slips into being Type 2 Lawful Evil Kazama has shown an Amatsu-Mikaboshi styled perfectionist streak, wanting everything around him to fit his idea of perfection.
  • Person of Mass Destruction: Thanks to his new Orebito jutsu. Later his Space Master powers and Fire Jutsu grow to the point to where he can keep pace with Ten Tails level opponents.
  • Pride: Just like dear old dad but with the added bonus of a God of Evil amplifying it. Though it's nothing compared to his Wrath.
  • Playing with Fire: Kazama begins to learn Katon Jutsu under Tsukiyomi's tutelage and they have become a vital part of his arsenal, almost eclipsing his Rasengan and its variants.
  • Poisonous Person: He can open portals to a dead world consumed by acid and drop the substance onto enemies by opening a portal above them.
  • Portal Cut: Like the long-range Kamui Kazama's spacial distortion can cut through anything with a touch best shown when he hurts Obito and Kaguya despite them being protected by Six Paths chakra.
  • Power Loss Makes You Strong: Losing the Kyuubi has made Kazama a much more competent fighter being forced to rely on his own skills instead of his regularly scheduled Kyuubi ex Machina. The lack of the Kyuubi has made all of his wins more impressive as he realizes during his fight against Yagura.
  • Power of the Void: Thanks to Amatsu-Mikaboshi. Best shown when he accidentally obliterated the Sanbi from resistance. Then he gains Ama-Minaka-no-Mushi: the Stolen Divinity giving him control over the void himself.
  • Purple Is Powerful:
    • His second outfit incorporates as much purple as it does orange.
    • His chakra has become purple, though that's not a good thing.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: This is the most important part of his fighting style. He finds a chink in his opponents psychology and then starts hammering away, he got his start with his own mother, then Orochimaru, followed by Yagura, Susanoo, and finally Hashirama.
  • Red and Black and Evil All Over: Zigzagged when he he wore an Akatsuki coat and when his clones use their Amatsu-Mikaboshi Blood Magic rituals.
  • Red Baron: Hanzo gave him two names. "The Maelstrom" and "August Star".
  • Revenge: What motivates him to kill Yagura and Hanzo, and what he wants on Tsukiyomi for the suffering he caused him. In general, Kazama is much more vindictive than his canon self, and he views revenge as something positive, rather than negative. That view goes out the window after he destroys most of his Konoha.
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: First played straight then it gets horrifically subverted when Kazama realizes that he's basically been hurting and murdering thousands of people who didn't even directly know him, and several of his friends, people who would have laid down their lives for him in the past. This causes his Villainous BSoD after he wipes out most of Konoha.
  • Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl: Has this type of dynamic with Izanami. Kazama likes to act mature, focused and antiheroic. While Izanami loves to be as hammy as possible.
  • Screw Destiny: His very existence could be considered the epitome of Screw Destiny.
  • Sex God: Izanami must be very skilled for Kazama to be able to enjoy his first time as much as he did.
  • Shoot the Dog: In the very first chapter when he killed Sai because it was the most convenient option in a horrible situation. As the Amekage he's shot a lot of dogs while performing a massive political purge.
  • "Shut Up" Kiss: He manages to turn the tables on Izanami during chapter 41.
  • Slowly Slipping Into Evil: A major part of his character arc. And the author has been really good at making him as morally ambiguous as possible leaving it up to the reader to decide how far he's fallen and if he's an Anti-Hero, Anti-Villain, Fallen Hero, Tragic Hero, a Pragmatic Hero, Unscrupulous Hero, a case of Good Is Not Nice, or possiblly the true Big Bad. His main saving grace is his Love Redeems moments with Izanami. After he destroys most of his Konoha in a rage, he realizes what he has done and become... and he's horrified.
  • Sour Outside, Sad Inside: He's a nice guy at heart, but he's very bitter and cynical to almost everyone save his family.
  • Space Master: His ability to jump across the multiverse that drives the entire plot — that he also really isn't good at using. By the final phase of the final arc he gains Ame-no-Minaka-nushi: the Stolen Divinity cranking his Space Master powers up giving him control over the Void Between Worlds and space itself.
  • Take a Third Option: Hikari Naruto wants him to kill himself, Amatsu-Mikaboshi wants him to join The Dark Side, he tells them both to screw off.
  • That Man Is Dead: This is how Kazama Arashi feels about his former identity of Naruto Uzumaki.
  • These Are Things Man Was Not Meant to Know:What ultimately caused Kazama's Face–Heel Turn was seeing the world from Amatsu-Mikaboshi's perspective.
  • Thinking Up Portals: By the beginning of the Reunion arc, by making minor deals with Amatsu-Mikaboshi, he's able to create much more stable portals to get him around the multiverse.
  • Tin Tyrant: As the Amekage, Kazama now wears spiky samurai-plate mail armor that Word of God describes as a fusion between the Shredder's and Sauron's armor.
  • Token Evil Teammate: This is how The Alliance that is being formed to fight Teikoku treats him. And with good reason.
  • Übermensch: Kazama's ultimate goal is to basically destroy destiny and prove that the Child of the Prophecy doesn't exist.
  • The Unchosen One: His very existence is a cosmic fluke. He never should have existed according to Amatsu-Mikaboshi.
  • Vengeance Feels Empty: After going sane again, he feels extremely guilty for nearly destroying Konoha and killing thousands after he snapped.
    It isn't worth it. It never is.
  • Villainous BSoD: After destroying Konoha, and realizing the magnitude of his actions, Sasuke and Naruko call him out on just how insane he's behaving, which leads one of these on his part.
  • Villain Protagonist: By chapter 45? Hell yes.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: He's in a phase.
  • Wise Beyond Their Years: You can sometimes forgot that the poor kid is sixteen given all of the responsibility that has been put on his shoulders and how old he acts.
  • Young Conqueror: He's definitely heading in this direction. He even took over a country and made it his base of operations.
  • Younger Than He Looks: People have commonly mistaken him for being in his twenties.

    Naruko Arashi — The Female Naruto 

Naruko Arashi — The Female Naruto

  • Action Girl: Certainly, becomes one herself when surrounded by highly skilled badasses.
  • Anti-Hero: Naruko of all people has become a Type I-II mix after fighting Kitsune's Kyuubi.
  • Attention Whore: A Played for Drama version. She will do anything to make people pay attention to her.
  • The Big Girl: Whenever Kurama's backing her up.
  • Badass Adorable: She's 13 years old, utterly nice (even if she can be stupid), and a Child Prodigy.
  • Beyond the Impossible: Naruko can trick herself, her mindscape, a emotion reading monster, and her own soul into thinking she is completely pure of heart.
  • Born Lucky: Naruko is the luckiest bitch to ever grace, or curse, the multiverse. This is a VERY big contrast to the the rest of her clan. Later on, however, she starts going through a very similar process as them. To her credit, however, she handles it pretty well.
  • Bratty Half-Pint: Downplayed as she's quite sweet, but she's still brash, loud and short like her canon counterpart.
  • Character Development: She starts relying less on Kurama as the story goes by, becomes more mature, and becomes strong enough to distract Red Zetsu by herself for quite some time.
  • Chess Motif: The Rook and the Queen.
  • Classical Anti-Hero: Turns into this by the Reunion arc as her need for attention and acknowledgement overwhelm her.
  • Combat Pragmatist: As Naruko undergoes Character Development she becomes a far dirtier fighter. Her fighting style tends to revolve around cheapshooting her opponents while they are either busy gloating or in the middle of a transformation, and when fighting with a team-mate she lets them fight their opponent directly so she can stab them from behind.
  • Consummate Liar: She can lie to herself so well that she can trick herself, her mindscape, a emotion reading monster and her own soul into thinking she is completely pure of heart. She doesn't even believe in her own ideals.
  • Discard and Draw: After Kurma sacrifices itself to free her from Red Zetsu, Naruko begins to wear Spiral as a suit who's also absorbed the power of the God Tree. Later, however, Spiral sacrifices himself to help stop the Warlord.
  • Dumb Blonde: Downplayed. She's not The Ditz but she doesn't have as many eureka moments as her canon self and tends to leave the deep thinking to Yugito and Kurama.
  • Fatal Flaw: By the Reunion arc it has become obvious that Naruko's need for attention and acknowledgement is her greatest weakness. Kazama himself notes that this is all Narutos Fatal Flaw, but this trait is the most noticeable in Naruko, due to her having her canon personality in a Darker and Edgier universe.
  • Gender Flip: The first and most prominent in the story.
  • Genki Girl: Fitting for a Genderflipped Naruto. She practically explodes with energy.
  • The Gift: She is the most naturally talented of the Narutos, with Itachi stating that she is more talented than himself. This is then deconstructed because Naruko thinks all of her talent comes from being the Child of Prophecy, making her a Hypocrite.
  • Heroic Wannabe: Despite making big speeches about truth, justice, etc. She doesn't really believe in it and only wants to be a hero for attention and praise.
  • Hero-Worshipper: Kazama's Number 1 Fangirl.
  • Honor Before Reason: After learning of the Child of the Prophecy and gaining Kurama's full power she gains this trait. She refuses to use Kurama's power because it was part of a prophecy to prove people like Susanoo and Neji wrong.
  • I Just Want to Have Friends: This is Naruko's motivation for everything. She wants True Companions so badly that she created a completely fake personality because she thinks that no one would like her more somber real personality.
  • Incorruptible Pure Pureness: Naruko appears to be this trope but in truth it is exploited. Naruko is such a skilled liar that she convinced herself and others that she is this trope.
  • Irony: Naruko, despite being the most like her canon self, thrives best under Uchiha philosophy instead of Uzumaki or Senju ideals.
  • Kamehame Hadoken: Her Imperial Water Tide, a Water chakra infused Rasengan that she can shoot as an Energy Ball with enough power to create a lake.
  • Lightning Bruiser: A lower level one when Kurama backs her up.
  • Making a Splash: Her main element is Water. But she never uses it in favor of the Kyuubi's chakra, until the Reunion arc.
  • Manic Pixie Dream Girl: Acts as one for Gaara.
  • Master of None: She isn't good at anything without Kurama to back her up. This is justified considering that she barely graduated from the Academy before Kazama accidentally dragged her along. After the Separation arc, however, she is becoming far more skilled, and helped Kazama fight Susanoo!
  • Me's a Crowd: She loves to Zerg Rush people with her Kage Bushin.
  • Mind Rape: Naruko has become a serial mind rapist by unwittingly using her Kyuubi's empathy powers to bend peoples' minds to her will and force them to agree with her ideals. She's horrified when she finds out.
  • Morality Chain: To Kazama.
  • Morality Pet: To Kazama.
  • Power of Friendship: Naruko is a big believer in this trope, and then it is deconstructed when it is revealed that her ability to make friends comes from Kyuubi Mind Rape powers and it is deconstructed again in the Reunion arc because the Power of Friendship causes her to flat out ignore her loved ones' flaws.
  • Screw Destiny: One of the few things she believes in despite unwittingly being the perfect Child of the Prophecy. When she finds out she freaks.
  • Selective Obliviousness: Tends to ignore the other Arashi's more... immoral moments. Namely Kazama's megalomania, Chibaku's lack of moral scruples, and Yugito's lack of regret over certain past actions.
  • Shut Up, Hannibal!: Gives an epic one of these to the Warlord when he tries to pull a Break Them by Talking on her.
  • This Is a Drill: The Rasenyari; a modified Rasengan she created that has a sharp end instead of being a sphere.
  • Undying Loyalty: Her entire world revolves around Kazama. She started blaming herself for him going crazy, until Sasuke snapped her our of it. And it's mutual: even with Kazama's descent into darkness, he still cares deeply for her.

    Sasori — The Puppet Master 

Sasori — The Puppet Master

  • Animal Motifs: Both the scorpion (duh) but also the spider.
  • Anti-Hero: A definite Type V. Though when Chibaku is involved he goes up the scale to a Type IV.
  • Adaptational Badass: This version of Sasori is a good-aligned Magnificent Bastard — he can solve almost any tactical problem in half a second. Has plans within plans. Effortlessly blackmails the Hokage. Breaks in and out of inescapable prisons like they're made of cardboard, stands up to the Juubi, and is immune to the Sexy no Jutsu.
  • Badass Adorable: a "few years" after his promotion to genin at age 7, he poisoned an enemy platoon's water supplies, single-handedly killing 50 enemies. He was promoted to chunin for this feat. Not hard to see why.
  • Badass Bookworm: Extremely well-read and very intellectual his knowledge is easily his best and most useful asset.
  • Blue-and-Orange Morality: Sasori's mind works on its own logic. It's what stops him from crossing the Moral Event Horizon and helps him be a Magnificent Bastard.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: Sasori is a rather dark version of this trope. While he is most definitely a loyal member of the Arashi clan, he completely lacks any of their morals: He does everything For Science!, is a grave robber, kills people and turns them into puppets on a regular basis, and uses biological warfare. All these things would normally put you past the Moral Event Horizon, but Sasori is just so damn good at what he does everyone just ignores his 'quirks'. This overlaps with him being a Magnificent Bastard.
  • Chess Motif: The Knight.
  • Control Freak: A self admitted one. He even compares himself to a spider instead of a scorpion.
  • The Consigliere: Acts as one towards Kazama. He is a far more competent and experienced shinobi than Kazama and seems to know almost everything there is to know but lacks Kazama's vision and the whole human puppet thing makes him somewhat untrustworthy to people who don't know him.
  • Crazy-Prepared: Sasori all the way. He has practically everything one could want or need sealed inside or built into his puppet body. One could wonder if he exchanged notes with Batman when he rebuilt himself.
  • The Cynic: Has currently lost the Most Cynical Person in the Multiverse Award to Kazama recently, though. He is still in second place.
  • Evil Genius: Depends on how moral you think this version of Sasori is.
  • Guile Hero: Depends on how how much of a hero he is, but he’s certainly guile.
  • Killed Off for Real: By the Third Kazekage.
  • The Lancer: Serves as one to Kazama, as his more intelligent and experienced second.
  • Lack of Empathy: Claims to be this. He is able to block Alpha's mental assaults but in the end he cares about his friends even though he'll never admit it. He's more of a Spock.
  • Mad Artist: His methods are mad, but his love of art isn’t.
  • Mad Scientist: This version is just as much as much a scientist as an artist.
  • Making a Splash: His water pressure cannon.
  • Manipulative Bastard: Depends on being which one is more pragmatic at the time.
  • Marionette Master: His fighting style in a nutshell, both on the battlefield and off of it.
  • Mr. Exposition: Thanks to his experience and curiosity he knows almost everything.
  • Nerves of Steel: He never loses his cool. Three unstoppable Hero Killers? Make a Kryptonite Factor. Unstoppable super zombies? Seal them.The Juubi? Improvise. He also weaponizes this to fight a Mind Rape specialist.
  • Number Two: To Kazama. At least, before his death.
  • Not Distracted by the Sexy: He's immune to Sexy no Jutsu. To be fair, it actually succeeded in catching him off guard, something even he admitted was impressive.
  • Not So Stoic: Whenever Chibaku's in trouble.
  • Odd Friendship: Forms a lot of these. Starting with Kazama mainly because they were the only two adults in the Arashi clan at the time. Then he bonded with Tazuna over architecture. Followed by Killer Bee over rap(He loves all forms of art). His last Odd Friendship is with Good Orochimaru. They just seem to get along despite being completely different.
  • Older Than They Look: This is Sasori.
  • Out of Character Is Serious Business: When he saw Alpha's Utopia, he was, for once, utterly disgusted.
  • Out of Focus: For a while, he didn't get to do much following the "Land of Waves arc". He finally took to the stage again and showed his prowess in the "Separation arc".
  • Papa Wolf: Do NOT hurt Chibaku, you WILL regret it. He won't even bother trying to experiment on the perpetrator, no matter how valuable their corpse will be to further his art.
  • Playing with Fire: His flamethrower.
  • Pragmatic Hero: He will always go for the quickest and most logical solution when dealing with a problem, morals be damned.
  • Poisonous Person: Just like in canon. But this version goes a step further having invented nerve gas.
  • Psychopathic Manchild: Averted. Raising Chibaku caused him to grow up mentally and act like a man in his thirties.
  • The Smart Guy: The smartest man in the group.
  • The Stoic: His default attitude to most, it's easier to count how many times he's not stoic rather than all his appearances of being composed.
  • The Spock: What he really is. But he will always claim it's because of Lack of Empathy.
  • They Called Me Mad!: When the Sandaime Kazekage declared him mentally insane when he came up with human puppets he responded by doing it to himself to show him up.
  • Token Evil Teammate: At first. When we meet him, he has practically no morals whatsoever (besides somewhat caring for Chibaku) but no one cares because he is a Magnificent Bastard. Around the time Sasori becomes more Chaotic Neutral he's replaced in this capacity by the Dark Wolf.
  • Toxic Friend Influence: Towards Kazama again. He honestly wants what's best for Kazama and wants him to become a great shinobi but unfortunately "what's best" includes tearing down every idealistic view he has for Konoha and his influence helped him become an Anti-Hero. Though Tsukiyomi and Amatsu-Mikaboshi did far more than he could have ever hoped to do or wanted to do. He later regrets his actions after seeing Kazama's fall in the Kumo arc.
  • Weak, but Skilled: Comes off as this due to almost every opponent he fights being either strong against puppetry or a Juggernaut.

    Chibaku Arashi — The Puppeteer Naruto 

Chibaku Arashi — The Puppeteer Naruto

  • Anti-Hero: Although Chibaku hides it quite well by being the Plucky Comic Relief of the Arashi clan he is a Unscrupulous Hero. He is very amoral at best, shown when he kills N. And if that isn't enough he commonly disappears on Sasori's orders and reappears with a very bloody kunai...
  • Chess Motif: The Knight.
  • Covert Pervert: Chibaku THINKS he's this. Nobody's fooled. He's even able to stay one after becoming a Cyborg and losing all of his hormones. That's how perverted he is.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Chibaku's snark reigns supreme in this story. It sometimes reaches Joss Whedon levels.
  • Death Ray: He gets one after being rebuilt. It was originally built for mining purposes, and can apparently alter the landscape if it misses.
  • Deconstruction: Of Naruto being raised by a cool Magnificent Bastard teacher. It left him with a rather flexible set of morals and signs of being a Sociopathic Hero or a borderline sociopath.
  • Hero-Worshipper: Sasori's only fan.
  • Let's Get Dangerous!: Chibaku is usually just the Plucky Comic Relief, due to him being a GIGANTIC Deadpan Snarker, and deludes himself into thinking that nobody knows that he's a Covert Pervert. But that just covers up that he is the most pragmatic amoral Naruto. This is best shown with the way he killed N. He was downright cold and somewhat terrifying, and it was one of the saddest moments of the story. Chibaku gets dangerous again later when he pulls a Shut Up, Hannibal! on Alpha.
  • Porn Stash: Has one of these, which apparently everyone knows about.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Just as much a part of his style as it is Kazama's.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Him and Naruko: she's very hotheaded, he always keeps his cool.
  • Shoot the Dog: Him killing N because it was the most pragmatic option.
  • The Smart Guy: Out of the four original Naruto.
  • Weak, but Skilled: Comes off as this at first. Later averted when he becomes a human puppet.
  • We Can Rebuild Him: After he suffers grievous wounds, he is built a new, artificial body a la Sasori. His personality remains unchanged, though.

    Kabuto Yakushi 

Kabuto Yakushi

    Kitsune Arashi — The Werefox Naruto 

Kitsune Arashi — The Werefox Naruto

  • Animal Motifs: The fox, the shark, and the dragon.
  • Anti-Hero: Moves up and down the scale from Type I to V depending on how much he angsts and which personality is in control. He seems to have finally settled on either Type II or III by the end of the "Separation arc", though.
  • Ax-Crazy: Whenever he loses control due to his horrid backstory. He gets better with time, though, and eventually his Kyuubi is Killed Off for Real, giving him emotional stability.
  • The Berserker: His attitude and fighting style.
  • Broken Hero: If his backstory, several personalities on the inside, and attitude towards life didn't tell you already. His hero tendency's only come out when he gets past this.
  • Creepy Child: At first, and for quite a while, though he grows out of it during the Separation arc.
  • Deconstruction: Of asking the Kyuubi for cool new powers. Kitsune did get some cool new powers but it has just reduced him into being his monstrous Kyuubi's meat suit and has psychologically destroyed him. He also noticeably never wins any of his fights and is a borderline load.
  • Expy: Kitsune has been taking notes from Shinji Ikari from Neon Genesis Evangelion.
  • Fusion Dance: Can merge with Samehada, just like how Kisame could. Even better when he gains control of his werefox form — then his form becomes similar to an Eastern dragon.
  • Heroes Prefer Swords: His weapon is Samehada, which he obtained in the Wave-verse, after Kisame entrusted her to him.
  • No-Sell: The Hyuuga clan's Jyuuken had no effect whatsoever on his werefox form.
  • Power Floats: Mu taught him how to use the flight jutsu.
  • Serial Killer: Under his Kyuubi's influence. He later throws it off.
  • Superpowered Evil Side: Kitsune's entire fighting style revolves around giving in to his Superpowered Evil Side. Later, he manages to rid himself of it.
  • Warrior Monk: Becomes one after his training at the Fire Temple.
  • The Worf Effect: Despite all of his power he's never won a major fight. Later subverted when he helps Karasu and Kuebiko defeat Mu.

    Kakashi Hatake/Kamui — The Copy-Nin 

Kakashi Hatake/Kamui — The Copy-Nin

  • Animal Motifs: The dog, thanks to Kenta. Even after getting away from him he shows dog-like Undying Loyalty to people he proclaims his lord.
  • Anti-Hero: Type III. He's an all around nice guy but will kill you without a second thought if you betray your principles even if he promised not to kill said person as part of an honorbound deal. Isn't that right, A?
  • The Atoner: Although he's never really done anything evil, it's all in his head.
  • Badass Bookworm: Well... it depends if you count Icha Icha counts as proper reading material. As for the badass part he killed the Raikge.
  • Badass Teacher: Kazama's main jutsu teacher.
  • Badass Transplant: His Mangekyo Sharingan.
  • Blow You Away: The Great Breakthrough.
  • Chess Motif: The Bishop.
  • Death Seeker: He has some shades of this trope, but Character Development fixed that.
  • Died Standing Up: Fighting the Raikage of all people.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: Mainly for making earth walls for defense.
  • Dying Moment of Awesome: See Died Standing Up.
  • Guardian Entity: His Susanoo which takes the form of a white samurai-Obito hybrid. Word of God says this is because he lives off of Obito's ideals.
  • Heartbroken Badass: Rin's death broke him.
  • Jack of All Stats: He is very competent in all areas of being a ninja.
  • Killed Off for Real: The third Raikage did him in.
  • The Lancer: To Kazama for the story's first half.
  • Magical Eye: His Sharingan, but this version's Mangekyo has some different tricks.
  • Making a Splash: Taught Sakura Suiton jutsu.
  • Meaningful Rename: Kakashi's becoming Kamui (albeit only in one world, where he meets a similar version of himself) actually coincides with his overcoming his Death Seeker qualities. It's much akin to a rebirth.
  • Mighty Glacier: Whenever he uses his Susanoo.
  • My Greatest Failure: He's so unlucky he got at least four of them. In order:
    • Obito's death.
    • Kenta coming back and killing Rin and his child.
    • Minato's death.
    • His Genin team's death.
  • My Greatest Second Chance: He sees serving Kazama as this.
  • The Not-Love Interest: To Yugito. Her deciding to stay with the Arashi clan came from how much she began to admire him but neither ever thought of taking it any further. Mainly because of Rin for Kakashi.
  • Orphanage of Fear: Grew up in one after his father committed suicide.
  • Pillars of Moral Character: He is a firm beleiver in them and represents all four. On or "Reprocity" towards Kazama for stopping him from committing suicide, Gimu or "Piety" he has absolute loyalty to Kazama because he saved him from himself and he believes that he can never truly repay him, Giri or "Duty" mainly with him serving Kazama once more, and finally Ninjo or "Compassion", mainly shown with his interactions with Yugito.
  • Platonic Life-Partners: With Yugito. They eventually become the best of friends and at times he seems to have more faith in her than loyalty to Kazama or Minato.
  • Playing with Fire: His Great Fireball jutsu.
  • Shock and Awe: Chidori and Rakiri. These are also his most used jutsu.
  • Undying Loyalty: First to Minato, then to Kazama. He's so loyal that he gave up living in a world where his father figure and Love Interest are still alive.

    Zabuza Momochi — The Swordsman 

Zabuza Momochi — The Swordsman

  • Anti-Hero: Very cynical and anytime he faces a threat he will use lethal force no matter how sympathetic they are in order to protect the people he cares about.
  • Badass Teacher: Kazama and Kitsune's main Kenjutsu teacher.
  • BFS: The Beheading Knife.
  • The Big Guy: His role among the Arashi clan.
  • Blood Knight: He's become addicted to combat because of his violent childhood.
  • Blood Magic: He once used his own blood to fix his sword.
  • Brutal Honesty: This is what makes him such an effective Team Dad. He tells you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear.
  • Chess Motif: The Rook.
  • Combat Pragmatist: He is a firm believer of this trope. He tries to teach it to all his students in order to help them survive. This trope really comes into play against Amaterasu. It was literally the only advantage over him. And it made all the difference.
  • Deadpan Snarker: He has a rather rude sense of humor.
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu??: Him killing Amaterasu.
  • Dying Moment of Awesome: Killing Amaterasu with the last of his strength.
  • Good Is Not Nice: One of the heros of the story, but easily the rudest of the Arashi clan.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He will always speak to someone as rudely as possible and he will always have their back.
  • Killed Off for Real: Amaterasu killed him off.
  • Knight in Sour Armor: He had grand ambitions of saving Kiri from Yagura but his life made him very rough and cynical.
  • Knight Templar Parent: Zabuza is this for Haku. Anyone who tries to make a pass at her is guaranteed to be castrated. His love for her is what drives him to deliver the final, fatal blow to Amaterasu.
  • Making a Splash: He uses Water Jutsu.
  • Master Swordsman: This version puts far more emphasis on his swordsmanship and cares about his BFS a lot more. Doesn't stop him from being a Combat Pragmatist, though.
  • Papa Wolf: To Haku.
  • Sadist Teacher: Played for Laughs. Zabuza is this to Kazama and Kitsune when teaching them Kenjutsu. It's almost always off-screen and while it's pure terror for Kazama and Kitsune it's hilarious for the readers!
  • So Proud of You: He tells Haku this soon before dying from his wounds.
  • Team Dad: For all the shit he's had to put up with, he's remarkably well put-together and acts as a councilor to many other members of the Clan.

    Haku — The Ice Woman 

Haku — The Ice Woman

  • Action Girl: A damn good one at that, she has long since surpassed her teacher.
  • BFS: Takes the Kubikiribōchō Edo Amaterasu uses and impales him with his own blade, enabling his defeat. Haku decides to keep the blade, seeing it as a sign that Zabuza watches over her.
  • Broken Bird: After the deaths of Kisame and Kimimaro, and later Zabuza. But she's slowly growing out of it. She grows out entirely after the Separation arc.
  • Chess Motif: The Bishop.
  • Elemental Shapeshifter: Becomes one thanks to the 2nd Mizukage's teachings.
  • Gender Flip: This is actually the only Haku that is confirmed to be female in the Echoes-multiverse. Kazama, Yugito, and Mei — all from different worlds — all basically say "But I checked, and found out he was a guy".
  • The Heart: Tries really hard to be this, but thanks to how dark this series is she isn't always successful.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: With Naruko. Kazama teases them about it not being heterosexual at all, to their dismay. It's incredibly tame compared to Mikoto and Kushina, however.
  • An Ice Person: Has gotten better and better over the story.
  • Making a Splash: Kuebiko, Zabuza, and later the Second Mizukage all taught her.
  • Mighty Glacier: While Haku starts out as a Fragile Speedster like in canon, as her offensive options and ice body increase in power she begins to rely on her durability and brute force instead.
  • Mentor's New Hope: Is this to both Zabuza and Kuebiko. Zabuza considers her to be the only thing right he did in his life. For Kuebiko, seeing her fight on par with Deidara convinces him that the Will of Fire wasn't completely worthless after Danzo, Alpha, and an alternate Hashirama destroyed his faith in the ideology.
  • Nigh-Invulnerable: Her ice eventually becomes so cold and hard that it's able to resist Deidara's Magma aura and touch him.
  • Nice Girl: Of course Haku would be one of the kindest people in the group!
  • Only Sane Man: In the scene where the Arashi were arguing over their name.
  • Out of Focus: After her Character Development in the fight against Deidara she fades into the background.
  • Precision F-Strike: Haku is very good at this.
  • Stockholm Syndrome: She began to emphasizes with Five. Unfortunately for her, he was far too smart to get Lima Syndrome and took full advantage of her sympathy.
  • Surpassed the Teacher: Becomes stronger than both Kuebiko and Zabuza triumphing where they failed against Deidara and an alternate Amaterasu.
  • Tsundere: Haku shows signs of being a Type B. Best shown when she deal's with perverts and her Precision F Strikes.

    Yugito Nii — The Cat 

Yugito Nii — The Cat

  • Action Girl: One of the biggest ones in the story.
  • Animal Motif: The cat. No matter how much she (and the Nibi) denies it.
  • Anti-Hero: Type III. This far up the scale because of her cynicism and for always going in for the kill.
  • Berserk Button: Being compared to a cat.
  • Bishōnen Line: Beyond her Bijuu form she has one final form that transforms her into a humanoid form made out of blue fire with two tails. She's confident that she's more powerful than the Hachibi in this form.
  • Braids of Action: Has these like in canon.
  • Butt-Monkey: She has become Izanami's Butt-Monkey, who seems to view her as some form of Reluctant Fanservice Girl.
  • Cat Girl: Doesn't like being reminded about it, though.
  • Chess Motif: The Bishop.
  • Chronic Hero Syndrome: She has a bigger case of this trope than any Naruto in the multiverse. While Kazama and Naruko seem to have this trope they secretly have selfish motivations underneath. Yugito will always do the right thing no matter how badly it will affect her, and no matter how much she dislikes doing it. She will do the right thing simply because it's the right thing to do! She has a stronger moral compass than anyone else in the entire story.
  • The Comically Serious: Due to being a professional no-nonsense kunoichi when paired with more eccentric characters such as Matatabi, Mei, Izanami, or Itachi's Genin Team (aka most of her social circle) she quickly takes up the Butt-Monkey role.
  • Cool Big Sis: She acts as one for Naruko and Gaara.
  • The Cynic: In Third Place in the Arashi clan, she always prepares for the worst.
  • Defector from Decadence: Yugito didn't join the Arashi clan because it was the right thing to do (originally) or because she agreed with their ideals. She joined because she was disgusted with working for Orochimaru and what Kumo had become... Plus it was better than falling to her death.
  • Face Palm: Izanami's eccentricities commonly elicit this reaction.
  • Fangirl: Yugito fangirls powerful kunoichi, such as Mito Uzumaki, Pakura, Tsunade, Mei Terumi, and later, Mikoto. She almost squees when she meets the latter two.
  • Full-Frontal Assault: Spent the end of her fight with the Third Raikage naked due to the heat feedback from her Plasma Cannon.
  • The Handler: Kazama has ordered her to be his handler in case he passes the Moral Event Horizon.
  • Hidden Buxom: As Izanami gleefully realizes when she has to wear clothes too small for her that accent her figure after her old outfit was vaporized.
  • Homing Projectile: Her Mouse Hairball technique.
  • Irony: Canon-Yugito lost to Hidan and Kakuzu while this Yugito survived a fight against two Adaptational Badass versions of them.
  • Jack of All Stats: In her normal form.
  • Knight in Sour Armor: Very cynical, but always tries to do the right thing even if it will bite her in the ass, like betraying Kumo to save it from Orochimaru or risk her life to help people she doesn't like, mainly Kakashi.
  • The Lad-ette: Downplayed. But her personality is rather gruff and masculine, plus, she's a Proud Warrior Race Girl.
  • The Lancer: Mainly to Kakashi/Kamui.
  • Lightning Bruiser: In her Jinchuurki tranformations.
  • Magic Pants: For once averted. After turning a Bijuudama into a Plasma Cannon the feedback vaporizes her clothes, much to Izanami's delight.
  • Magnetic Hero: While she doesn't realize it Yugito is charismatic, easily making the Arashi clan like her and follow her lead.
  • Man of Kryptonite: Yugito's soul vision makes her the perfect counter to Edo Tensei, allowing her to cut the soul sealed inside of the host, ending the jutsu by force.
  • Ms. Fanservice: This is how Izanami sees her after her clothes get vaporized. Izanami is now trying to make it official with Yugito becoming her latest grope victim.
  • No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: She saved Kumo from itself but by doing so she became its most reviled criminal thanks to events outside of her control.
  • Noble Top Enforcer: Back when she was working for Kumo, she was the epitome of this trope.
  • The Not-Love Interest: To Kakashi. Pretty much all of her Character Development comes from their relationship but it is purely platonic.
  • One-Winged Angel: Her full Bijuu transformation.
  • Oblivious to Love or Lust: Yugito seems to have no idea of how attractive she is and the attention it garners her. One example is Chibaku: despite him basically admitting it, Yugito can't seem to figure out that Chibaku takes dirty photos of her and uses his X-Ray vision on her regularly instead just seeing him as an "odd little boy" and then Izanami begins screwing with her groping her and offering her threesomes, completely freaking her out (as well as Kazama).
  • Only Sane Woman: While many other clansmen, such as Chibaku or Sasori will claim to be this trope, Yugito is the only Arashi clan member that isn't screwed up in some way. Best shown that her point of views are the ones used to give unbiased opinions. Kazama has realized this and has given her more authority than himself in the Arashi clan because of it.
  • Pillars of Moral Character: Yugito shows On or "Reprocity" because she will always fulfill her debts honorably, Giri or "Duty", shown in the Kumo arc when she betrays her village to save it from itself, and her joining the Arashi clan even though she didn't want to join, Ninjo or "Compassion" when she sympathizes with the Arashi clan because it was the right thing to do, and finally Gimu or "Piety" After Kakashi dies saving her life she swears to honor his last wish to protect the Arashi clan in his place because it was both the right thing to do and because Yugito felt that she will never be able to repay her debt.
  • Plasma Cannon: Her new trump card.
  • Platonic Life-Partners: With Kakashi, they understand each other perfectly but don't want a relationship.
  • Playing with Fire: Her Katon jutsu is so powerful that it becomes Technicolor Fire.
  • Proud Warrior Race Girl: Comes off as this. She takes great pride in being a tough as nails kunoichi that's a heavy duty combat specialist and not in a support role that needs to use her feminine wiles to win her fights.
  • Serial Escalation: Her Plasma Breath attack that makes her Bijuudama look like a peashooter.
  • Sixth Ranger: Early in the story.
  • Shock and Awe: She knows Raiton jutsu just in case. She was also taught by the 3rd Raikage after the fight with Susanoo.
  • Sour Prudes: This is how Izanami sees her.
  • Soul Power: Yugito can see people's souls thanks to the Nibi's powers.
  • Stupid Sexy Flanders: She's this for Izanami who couldn't help but check her out after she was forced to wear a more...form fitting outfit.
  • Super Mode: Her multiple Jinchuuriki transformations.
  • Take Up My Sword: she takes up Kakashi's sword after his death and after Kazama has it reforged.
  • Team Dad: She fits this better than Team Mom despite being female. Yugito has a rather masuculine personality, is a Proud Warrior Race Girl, but counteracts these tropes with her extremely strong moral compass, but is way too gruff and tough to ever be sweet enough to be the Team Mom.
  • Technicolor Fire: To represent her Soul Power.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: Has this dynamic with both Mabui and Mei with her as the Tomboy.
  • Wave-Motion Gun: Her Bijuudama, then it's exaggerated with an upgraded version called Plasma Breath.
  • You Are in Command Now: Kazama makes her the head of the Arashi clan after the Shinigami incident, deeming himself unfit to lead.
  • You Can't Go Home Again: Thanks to No Good Deed Goes Unpunished.


    Gaara — The Sand Witch 

Gaara — The Sand Witch

    Mei Terumi — The Not-Mizukage 

Mei Terumi — The Not-Mizukage

  • Action Girl: Fights S Rank Ninja and Kage.
  • Anti-Hero: The reason she joined the Arashi clan was because she wanted to fight in wars again. That's it.
  • The Big Girl: Her several kekkei genkai and attitude reflect his.
  • Black Mage: Despite being a heavyweight Blood Knight.
  • Blood Knight: She might trump everyone that has this trope, even Amaterasu. She joined the Arashi clan specifically to fight Magnificent Bastard, Omnicidal Maniac, and Hero Killer-class enemies for no other reason than fun.
  • Breath Weapon: Her lava release.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: High control of Earth release.
  • Hollywood Acid: Boil Release.
  • Killed Off for Real: By the Warlord, who says she only lasted a few seconds.
  • La Résistance: She joined Zabuza's resistance against Yagura in her backstory, though the true villain turned out to be Isobu.
  • Let's Get Dangerous!: She spends most of her time shallowly looking for a boyfriend. Then a fight starts, she flashes a Slasher Smile, and she reveals she loves fighting way more than she likes hot guys.
  • Magma Man: Magma Release.
  • Making a Splash: Knows high levels of water jutsu.
  • Playing with Fire: Knows Fire jutsu on top of Boil Release.
  • Punch-Clock Hero: She only cares about her fights.
  • Shoo Out the Clowns: She was the source of some humor but gets killed by the Warlord and replaced by her evil alternate self.
  • Smarter Than You Look: While she acts flighty she shows a lot of political know-how and savvy.
  • Smug Smiler: Whenever romance is involved she is extremely smug.
  • Slasher Smile: During her fight with the Second Mizukage she spent it all "grinning wickedly" and enjoying every second of the fight, she is definitely psychologically screwed up enough to be an Arashi clan member.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: The Girly Girl to Yugito's Tomboy. But underneath Mei's girliness lies a war-junkie while Yugito only fights when necessary.
  • Unscrupulous Hero: Not as vicious and immoral as most, but the only real difference between her and Amaterasu is that she wants a boyfriend and that she's pointed at the heroes enemies.
  • Younger and Hipper: She's only twenty-one and very happy about it.
  • War Is Glorious: Well, more like Peace Is Boring. Mei's entire motivation for joining the Arashi clan basically boils down to wanting to enjoy fighting again and hating how boring the peace of her homeworld is. Seriously, she makes Amaterasu look like a pacifist!

    Karasu Uchiha — The Uchiha Naruto 

Karasu Uchiha — The Uchiha Naruto

  • Animal Motifs: The crow.
  • Berserk Button The Sound!Naruto, since he nearly killed him and did kill his girlfriend, Kurotsuchi.
  • Break the Cutie: His life, to put it quite simply, has sucked up until now. It's truly incredible that he's as well-adjusted as he is right now.
  • Broken Ace: He has a Sharingan, is skilled in all forms of being a ninja, and has a powerful Super Mode but at the same time he has an extremely screwed up life but also at the same is he managed to grow up into a sane, rational human being and act like The Ace.
  • Cain and Abel: With his version of Sasuke. Karasu is obviously the Abel.
  • Cool Big Bro: Acts as one to Naruko and Kitsune.
  • Deadpan Snarker: To Naruko and Kitsune again.
  • Epic Fail: His attempt to summon his crows. To be fair, he wasn't informed about how unprepared summon contracts can't work cross-dimension.
  • Eyescream: He lost one of his eyes in his backstory to the Sound 4.
  • Foil: He is one for Kazama. They both have powerful bloodlines, they were both ostracized as children, but Karasu didn't end up anyway near as screwed up as Kazama, thanks to Fugaku being a good father figure (All of Kazama's father figures are either distant, screwed up, or evil... which in hindsight, explains a lot about him) and both become Big Brother Mentors to Naruko, Chibaku, and Kitsune, but while Kazama falls short due to his issues, Karasu is a successful one because he's handled a majority of his problems.
  • Guardian Entity: His Susanoo.
  • Happily Adopted: He really loved his stepfather. In another sense, he left Konoha and later joined Iwa, basically saying "Their hatred of the 4th was greatly exaggerated."
  • Hellfire: Amaterasu.
  • Heroic Bastard: His father had children with several women, and lead his mother to go insane and kill them both, and several others.
  • I Just Want to Be Normal: States after fighting the Teikoku that if he can ever settle down, without any need to fight anyone, he would be completely at peace with that.
  • Jack of All Stats: He has a rather balanced fighting style, with him being competent with Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Genjutsu, has a good relationship with his Kyuubi, and has a Super Mode. But a Running Gag is that while he's good at everything, he hasn't mastered everything, with his skills always falling somewhat sort. Best shown with Mu shrugging off everything he has.
  • Jerkass: Not Karasu himself, but the Minato from his home universe seems to have been a rather major one. He apparently slept with almost every woman in Konoha, including Mikoto, who was Karasu's mother, while dating Kushina. After he found out Mikoto was pregnant, he abandoned her. Then, Kushina went insane and released the Kyuubi to get revenge on him and destroy the village. After the Kyuubi killed him, Jiraiya managed to seal it inside Karasu.
  • Long-Range Fighter: He admits that he's one.
  • Magical Eye: The Mangekyo Sharingan, again...
  • Master of Illusion: Good enough to temporarily fool a Kage with Sharingan and Rinnegan enhancements.
  • Mr. Vice Guy: His problems ended up giving him a temper.
  • Nice Guy: He is a rather chill and happy guy, and is always happy to help people, and his backstory doesn't seem to bother him no matter how weird it is.
  • Playing with Fire: What would you expect from a Uchiha?
  • Power Gives You Wings: He grows wings in his Super Mode.
  • Sad Clown: He currently would like nothing more than to settle down somewhere peacefully.
  • Super Mode: His Tengu Mode. Chapter 51 states it's apparently a Sage Mode.
  • The Worf Effect: Takes over Kitsune's job as Arashi clan's jobber when he's Put on a Bus.

    The Dark Wolf 

The Dark Wolf

  • Absurdly Sharp Blade: Both of the Dark Wolf's swords can cut through the Third Raikage!
  • Action Girl: Yugito's got some serious competition for being the most badass female character in the fanfiction with the Dark Wolf on the prowl.
  • The Ace: In terms of combat few exceed the Dark Wolf in strength in skill, out of all her counterparts shown only the Warlord and Kazama are more effective in a fight than her.
  • Animal Motifs: The Wolf.
  • Anti-Hero: An obvious Type V and Nominal Hero. Clearly shown in his Establishing Character Moment.
  • Arch-Enemy: Red Zetsu is this to her. He destroyed her world and killed her beloved mentor.
  • Attack! Attack! Attack!: "Offense is the best defense." as the Dark Wolf puts it.
  • Ax-Crazy:
    • Downplayed, but he doesn't seem to be all there.
    • During the fight with the Third Raikage the Dark Wolf inverts this trope, able to transform it into Tranquil Fury.
  • Black Knight: Despite being a samurai, his black armor seems to invoke this.
  • Blood Knight: The Dark Wolf loves violence.
  • Brooding Boy, Gentle Girl: A Gender-Inverted Trope, the Dark Wolf is the Brooding Girl while Sasuke is the Gentle Boy.
  • Character Development: The Dark Wolf starts off cold, stoic, grim and callous from the tragedy's and wars in her life. Sasuke helps her change and care about people again, openly smiling and blushing in his presence.
  • Composite Character: Word of God describes the Dark Wolf as the unholy fusion of Saren, Meredith, and Darth Vader. It shows during the Third Raikage fight.
  • Co-Dragons: With Sasuke to Kazama.
  • Cool Sword: Two of them: Masamune and Muramasa.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Left Konoha, became a samurai, saw her mentor die and is now one of about a hundred or so survivors of Zetsu's genocide on her world's humans.
  • Dual Wielding: Justified, since he's ambidextrous.
  • Empathic Weapon: Muramasa and Masamune are described to always be radiating killing intent.
  • Establishing Character Moment: Killing three Zetsu...and a girl that they were holding hostage.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Despite her efforts against it, she's beginning to care for the rest of the Arashi.
  • Everything's Better with Samurai: Played with: She's on the side of the good guys, but Word of God is that she's Lawful Evil.
  • Flaming Sword: When using Hachiman's power.
  • Foil: Her birth was one to canon-Naruto. Minato and Kushina sealed the Kyuubi into Naruto after driving off Tobi, happy to have died defending their son and the village, their gambit paying off in the future. In the Dark Wolf's world Red Zetsu ate Kushina alive and defeated Minato, causing him to seal the Kyuubi into his daughter to salvage his failure, his sacrifice being pointless as Red Zetsu had gained the chakra he needed for his plans and would successfully destroy Konoha in the future. Canon Naruto was born in hope, the Dark Wolf was born in despair.
  • Friendless Background: The only person who ever believed in her was her mentor Mifune.
  • Genius Ditz: While an eloquent and sophisticated speaker, outside of swords and killing stuff, the Dark Wolf doesn't really come off as the sharpest katana.
  • Gender Flip: Yeah...Naruko is underneath that armor, and she is as hot as hell, much to the disturbance of Chibaku.
  • Heroes Prefer Swords: Get the Dark Wolf talking about kenjutsu and she will not stop talking about it and how great it is.
  • Icy Blue Eyes: Her eyes are as cold as her personality initially.
  • I Like Swords: Like you wouldn't believe.
  • Implausible Fencing Powers: So implausible and so badass that the Third Raikage got worfed by them.
  • Katanas Are Just Better: Uses two.
  • Lady of War: Subverted. While the Dark Wolf has the grace, finesse, dignity and skill to pull off this trope at first glance, she is way to psychotic and brutal to completely follow it to the letter.
  • Late-Arrival Spoiler: The Dark Wolf's a girl: specifically, an alternate Naruko.
  • Malevolent Masked Man: Refuses to take off his wolf mask. Until the 3rd Raikage destroys it.
  • Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: Ends up playing this with Sasuke of all people, the Dark Wolf is grim and closed off, while Sasuke is emotionally nurturing and supportive.
  • Master Swordsman: Let's count how many swords tropes the Dark Wolf has.
  • Nightmare Fetishist: The Dark Wolf seems to like talking about blood and guts a little too much...
  • One-Winged Angel: Averted: while the Dark Wolf has the Kyuubi sealed in her, Konoha tightened the seal so much she can't access any of its chakra, and none leaks into her system.
  • Religious Bruiser: Worships Hachiman, the Kami of war who gives the Dark Wolf cool powers...although in certain circles he's better known as Khorne.
  • Samus Is a Girl: More specifically, "he" is actually an alternate Naruko.
  • Scars Are Forever: Two of them, the first from swearing loyalty to Kazama, and the second from the Third Raikage fight.
  • Shoot the Hostage: Her Establishing Character Moment. When she has to do a repeat performance she finds that she no longer has the callousness to.
  • Token Evil Teammate: According to Word of God he's Lawful Evil. Replaces Sasori, who developed out of this phase over time.
  • Rōnin: Her backstory, much to his displeasure.
  • Samurai: The Dark Wolf can't use chakra for jutsu, similar to Rock Lee.
  • She Is All Grown Up: Karasu and Chibaku are a bit disturbed that Naruko will grow up to be as hot as her.
  • Spell My Name with a "The": The Dark Wolf.
  • Supernatural Gold Eyes: When getting a Hachiman power boost.
  • Undying Loyalty: Instantly swears it to Kazama when he learns that he's a warlord/Daimyo.

    Sasuke Uchiha — The Good 

Sasuke Uchiha — The Good

  • Adaptational Heroism: While he has done a canonical Heel–Face Turn in the manga, this Sasuke is infinitely more heroic, he lacks his counterparts sense of self entitlement, shows regret for trying to kill Kazama, believes that revenge is worthless, and is The Messiah.
  • Amazon Chaser: One of the things he deems attractive about the Dark Wolf is that she's stronger than him.
  • Ax-Crazy: Averted. Since Tsukiyomi wasn't around to mess with his head and tell him the truth about his clan's massacre, he ends up a lot saner than his canon counterpart.
  • The Atoner: After killing Itachi, he realized just how empty his life had been because of his obsession with revenge. Afterwards, he ends up trying to use Edo Tensei to resurrect Kazama. His failure makes him realize that Kazama is still alive, and he starts Walking the Earth searching for him.
    Sasuke: My entire life was built around avenging my clan, and when it was done… I realized I had nothing left to live for. It… it made me think about what I had sacrificed. I realized… I had lost my real brother for nothing.
  • Barrier Warrior: He noticeably uses a version of Amaterasu that specializes in defense.
  • Became Their Own Antithesis: His Heel–Face Turn has caused him to become a rather Nice Guy.
  • Brooding Boy, Gentle Girl: Gender inverted. The Dark Wolf is the Brooding Girl while Sasuke is the Gentle Boy.
  • Classical Anti-Hero: After his Heel–Face Turn, he sees himself as unforgivable when ironically he has become a better candidate to be The Hero than Kazama.
  • Co-Dragons: Along with the Dark Wolf to Kazama. He isn't aware of this.
  • Comedic Sociopathy: See Go Mad from the Revelation below.
  • Determinator: Sasuke joined late in the story so he's an underdog. All he's got is his early Shippuden skills, sensor powers, and a failing Mangykyo Sharingan, but through pure determination he manages to stand up to the Warlord.
  • Explosive Overclocking: His 'fighting style' to keep up with all the powerful monsters he fights Sasuke forces his Mangekyo Sharingan to accelerate its development through pure determination.
  • Expy: An In-Universe example with him trying to model himself after what Naruto used to be before his fall.
  • Foil: He is the redeemed villain to Kazama's Fallen Hero.
  • Go Mad from the Revelation: Parodied and Played for Laughs. When he finds out what Kazama and Izanami have been doing, (they had sex) he temporarily loses it after going into shock and tries to kill Kazama in a moment of Comedic Sociopathy.
  • The Heart: Ends up becoming this to the Dark Wolf's group, stopping Naruko from falling into despair and becomes the Dark Wolf's moral support, giving her the determination to win against Mifune.
  • Humble Hero: He's dropped being an Arrogant Kung-Fu Guy for several levels in humility downplaying several impressive accomplishments and kills he's made on his Redemption Quest.
  • Ironic Echo
    Sasuke (Speaking to Kazama): I guess in another world, our roles would have been reversed.
  • Irony:
    • Kazama is becoming like canon-Sasuke as he becomes consumed by revenge while this Sasuke is becoming more like canon-Naruto while becoming The Atoner.
    • During his fight with the Warlord he's almost killed by an lightning jutsu called Indra.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: He has no idea what Kazama has become and he has no idea that he's a Dragon to Kazama.
  • Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: The Dark Wolf is grim and closed off, while Sasuke is emotionally nurturing and supportive.
  • Morality Chain: He, Izanami, and Naruko seem to jointly be playing this role to Kazama these days.
  • Must Make Amends: He feels regret over his murder attempts on Kazama back during their battle at the Valley Of The End.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: After killing Itachi he thought things over and realized what a horrible excuse for a human being he had become and has decided to clean up his act and genuinely try to atone.
  • My Significance Sense Is Tingling: He has become a sensor, though he's not as good at it as Karin was.
  • Necromancer: Learned Edo Tensei in an attempt to bring Kazama back to life after he thought he died. But after he used it (He used an Asshole Victim as a sacrifice) became disgusted with himself and swore to never use it again.
  • Nice Guy: Due to becoming The Atoner.
  • Playing with Fire: As Uchiha he has this.
  • Raven Hair, Ivory Skin: His appearance.
  • Redemption Quest: This seems to be what he's aiming for, wanting to do good after all his years of being a Jerkass and then serving as Orochimaru's toadie.
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Discussed and defied. He basically tells Kazama that if he decided to seek revenge on those who wronged his family, he would simply be sullying the Uchiha's name, and would be no better than Orochimaru or Danzo himself.
  • Sanity Strengthening: Sasuke's current obsession is 'being a good person'. This has done wonders for his mental health.
  • Sequence Breaking: A rare non-video game example. He killed Itachi before Deidara. This turned out to be a big mistake as Deidara was a far greater threat than his brother.
  • Shock and Awe: His chidori.
  • Sole Survivor: Team Taka is dead because Deidara killed them all. Sasuke killed him in return.
  • Summon Magic: His Hawk Summons.
  • Taking Up the Mantle: After Kazama's incident, he swears to use all of his strength to protect the Arashi clan, Naruko in particular.
  • Token Good Team Mate: Due to being Locked Out of the Loop and being low on the Scale Of Anti Heroes he has become this to the Arashi clan as a whole.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: To the point of being an All-Loving Hero.
  • Undying Loyalty: Has sworn it to Kazama, believing that by serving him he can atone for his sins.
  • Vengeance Feels Empty: His new philosophy in life.
  • Warrior Therapist: He's become very zen. He's currently trying to talk the Dark Wolf out of revenge. According to Zetsu, she's actually taken an interest in him!
  • The Watson: Due to being new to the multiverse and everyone else having Seen It All he's the one who asks questions and freaks out when something weird happens.

    Konan — The Paper Woman 

Konan — The Paper Woman

  • Action Girl: She proves herself very powerful and badass successfully fighting foes such as Izanagi and Pain.
  • Alpha Strike: She has so many explosive tags stored inside of her body that she's basically a human carpet bomber.
  • Anti-Hero: You have got to be one when you're willing to go along with Kazama's schemes.
  • Badass Transplant: Nagato gave her his Rinnegan after his death.
  • Broken Bird: She becomes this after Yahiko dies.
  • Character Development: And not the good kind. It's rather jarring to look at the sweet Nice Girl she was before Yagura sunk his fangs into everything that she cared about and shredded it into bits and then ate it and the broken shell of a woman that came out of that tragedy.
  • Cynicism Catalyst: The whole Ame arc was this for her.
  • Dirty Business: This is what she sees going along with Kazama's plans as.
  • Flight: She can fly with her paper wings.
  • Heart Is an Awesome Power: Being made out of paper basically makes her the ninja version of a stealth bomber and since every part of her body is made out of paper sealing zombies is a rather easy task.
  • Nice Girl: pre-Yagura.
  • Not So Stoic: She tends to flip out whenever Kazama goes off to do something suicidally altruistic.
  • Official Couple: With Yahiko.
  • Paper Master: And it is an awesome power.
  • Pragmatic Hero: She fits this trope perfectly after her Cynicism Catalyst.
  • Straw Nihilist: Temporarily fell into this trope after Yahiko's death. Luckily Kazama snapped her out of it and helped her grow a spine.
  • The Stoic: post-Yagura.
  • Superpower Lottery: Konan's paper powers mixed with the Rinnegan makes her a borderline perfect fighter.
  • Throw Down the Bomblet: Her primary offensive strategy is to rain explosive tags down upon her opponents.
  • Took a Level in Badass: As Izanagi found out when they threw meteors at one another .
  • Trauma Conga Line: Things just went From Bad to Worse for her as each chapter of the Ame arc passed.
  • Undying Loyalty: Towards Kazama, but it doesn't seem to be healthy. He's basically all that she has to live for after the Trauma Conga Line that the Ame arc was for her. This later seems to have extended to the rest of the Arashi as well.
  • The Worf Effect: The only reason she wasn't killed by the Warlord was because he spared her for some reason.
  • Your Head A-Splode: The Warlord kills her by detonating a Rasengan inside her head.

    Naruko's Kyuubi/Kurama — The Gatherer 

Naruko's Kyuubi/Kurama — The Gatherer

  • Born Lucky: Well, for a Kyuubi anyway. This version at the very least had a civil relationship with Mito and Kushina and was on speaking terms with the latter. While Chibaku's Kyuubi was just ignored and Kitsune's Kyuubi was implied to have been abused by Kushina for stress relief. Compared to the others it got off easy.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Half of its fun comes from mocking Naruko's intelligence and Genki Girl personality.
  • Gender Bender: Same case as Shukaku (see below), only not quite as far.
  • Heroic Suicide: It makes itself explode to overload Red Zetsu who had possessed Naruko to save her life at the cost of its sentience.
  • Hyper-Competent Sidekick: To Naruko. She would have been a red splat on the ground long ago without its help.
  • The Kirk: It tries to act as one to the Biju, calming them down with logic and discussing the plan.
  • Only Sane Man: How it sees itself among its fellow Bijuu.
  • Smug Super: Downplayed. But even the nicest Kyuubi in the multiverse still thinks that it's the Ultimate Lifeform.

    Chibaku's Kyuubi/Kurama — The Nicknamer 

Chibaku's Kyuubi/Kurama — The Nicknamer

    Kitsune's Kyuubi — The Demon 

Kitsune's Kyuubi — The Demon

  • Arc Villain: Makes its move during the aptly named Confronting the Demon arc.
  • Ax-Crazy: All three of them. Especially the Rage. But that's nothing compared to when they fuse back together.
  • Become a Real Boy: Its endgame is to become a real demon.
  • Being Tortured Makes You Evil: It really isn't its fault that it's evil. First Hashirama and Madara used it was their personal WMD, then it was sealed it inside Mito who left it in sixty years of solitary confinement, then it was sealed into Kushina who was implied to have been a complete Jerkass to it, the straw that broke the camels back was being sealed inside of Kitsune's rather screwed up mind then seeing his broken nihilistic world view after being tortured by Shisui's jutsu. No wonder it's such a Jerkass.
  • Create Your Own Villain: It's an evil demon lord because everyone from Madara, to Hashirama, to Kushina, was a complete Jerkass to it. Madara and Hashirama at least had the excuse of thinking that it was just a wild animal, but Kushina goes the extra mile though, being a dick to it for no other reason than it existing. Great job, Kushina, way to ruin your son's life.
  • Emotion Eater: The reason why it's so much stronger than the other Kyuubi is because it absorbed all of the negative emotions its Jinchuuriki generated and directed towards it.
  • Gaia's Vengeance: How it sees itself.
  • Healing Factor: You can blow it into chunks but it will just put itself back together.
  • Jerkass: It learnt from the best Jerkasses in the multiverse — Humans.
  • The McCoy: When it pretended to work with the other two Kyuubi.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: The Kill All Humans type to be exact.
  • The Power of Hate: It learnt hate from humans.
  • Smug Super: When it isn't dishing out a Breaking Lecture, or performing Cold-Blooded Torture, it's ranting about how great it is.
  • Straw Nihilist: His treatment lead him to be this.
  • That Man Is Dead: The reason why it isn't called Kurama is because part of its endgame involves destroying its former identity.
  • Token Evil Teammate: It actually fits this trope best for the Arashi clan. It followed Kazama's orders for a few arcs while biding its time waiting for the best time to strike.
  • Villain Ball: It has pretty much won all of its fights, but whenever it's on the cusp of victory it stops to gloat or engage in pointless sadism allowing its enemies to regroup and counter-attack.

    Shukaku — The Ichibi 

Shukaku — The Ichibi

    Matatabi — The Nibi 

Matatabi — The Nibi

  • Deadpan Snarker: Her usual attitude to Yugito's rejection of romance options, and other people around her.
  • For the Lulz: It lets itself be sealed because it finds it fun to watch humans have their misadventures. It makes comments about Yugito's life like it's a Soap Opera.
  • Let's Get Dangerous!: As the plot progresses Matatabi has slowly grown more serious as it realizes how bad things are on a cosmic scale.
  • Mega Neko: Her cat form, but she says it's not her choice of form.
  • Oh, Crap!: The Nibi freaks when Hidan summons a fragment of Amatsu-Mikaboshi. Yugito then explains what Hidan's summon is, and a Mass "Oh, Crap!" ensues.
  • Parental Substitute: The Sage of the Six Paths was this to Matatabi: it even refers to him as 'dad.'
  • Playing with Fire: One of her main abilitys besides emotion sensing.
  • Shipper on Deck: Ships Yugito with every male it can think of For the Lulz.
  • Smug Super: It thinks it's the most awesome thing ever. Much like the other Biju.
  • Soul Power: Can see people's souls using "Soul Vision", which Yugito also uses.
  • Technicolor Fire: The fire turns blue.
  • Wreathed in Flames: What she usually has and gives Yugito.



    Spoiler Character 

Indra Ōtsutsuki‎

  • The Ace: Played straight. Indra was the talented one of his family and he proves it fighting a Perfect Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki by himself despite being a thousand years out of date.
  • All for Nothing: Indra is perfectly aware that everything he did in life amounted to nothing more than hatred and spite.
  • Adaptational Heroism: In canon, Indra needed to be redeemed through his current reincarnation, Sasuke. This Indra grew up and changed into a better man by himself.
  • Archenemy: With his petty grudge with Asura done with him and Black become quick enemies in turn.
  • All-Loving Hero: He tries to be this now, best shown from his interactions with Izanami.
  • Boomerang Bigot: Zig-zagged, he sees the Uchiha clan as his Villainous Legacy but at the same time don't believe that the individual members deserve to become as he did.
  • Born Winner: Deconstructed in life, but reconstructed in death.
  • Cold Ham: Indra's become a humble and friendly man but he talks grandiosely.
  • Evil Is Petty: Self-admitted, he admits that him being jilted about Asura and the battle he started was nothing more than petty vanity.
  • Foil:
    • While alive, Indra was a proud and vain man, gifted with natural talent, vaunted as a genius, did not see the point of friends and shunned them, and betrayed his brother out of vanity and selfishness. Izanami's talents were never recognized by the Uchiha clan and used underhanded methods to gain power, she had trouble making friends but held onto the few loved ones she gained putting them above herself staying loyal to them. Indra codified the Uchiha's most powerful clan techniques while Izanami's strongest powers don't come from her clan. While dead, Indra is an All-Loving Hero while Izanami is a Jerk with a Heart of Gold.
    • After almost a thousand years of reincarnation, Indra let go of his hate and changed his ways. Even after a thousand years of reincarnation, Black has refused to change, remaining as hateful and evil as ever.
    • Sasuke and Madara could never let go of anything without help, while this Indra let go of his grudge all by himself. This is most likely why he never reincarnated into Madara.
    • Both Indra and Hamura are related to Hagoromo and were forgotten by history. Indra passed on, his reincarnations making him shed his karma, while Hamura refused to fade becoming a Fallen Hero.
    • Both Indra and Kaguya are evil people who turned good, though Kaguya is still an arrogant Jerkass while Indra's far more humble.
  • Guardian Entity: His Susanoo fits this better than any other one in the story. He can detach himself from the construct, letting it fight interdependently of him. Doing this he fights the Kyuubi and Black at the same time.
  • Inadequate Inheritor: The Ame-Sage didn't have a high opinion of him, Indra agrees with the assessment.
  • Magic Eye: His Mangekyo Sharingan. Strangely, the Uzumaki-symbol like designs of his eyes fits Izanami better than him, given her love for the clan.
  • My Greatest Failure: This is how Indra views his entire life.
  • Red Is Heroic: His Susanoo is colored red.
  • Our Ghosts Are Different: He incarnates back into the world as ghost thanks to Izanami's Shiranui.
  • Synchronization: The flaw of his independent Susanoo. When it's damaged, he's hurt as well.
  • Villainous Legacy: He started the Curse of Hatred that the Uchiha clan would later follow, dooming the world to war as Black gleefully points out.
  • Walking Spoiler: The fact that an Indra never reincarnated into either Sasuke or Madara from his world is shocking; the fact that Mikoto is his reincarnation instead cranks it up.
