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Sandbox / Our Mermaids Are Different Wick Check

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    Correct - Describes what makes the mermaid(s) different (19/50) 
  • Animation.Mermaid: As noted above, the rusalka solve the Mermaid Problem by being fully human in body. That's because they aren't actually fish people: they are the spirits of young women who either drowned themselves or who were murdered by drowning. And instead of being cutesy, they are malevolent: see The Fair Folk above.
  • Anime.Ponyo On The Cliff By The Sea: Ponyo and her sisters resemble the traditional depictions of ningyo (mermaids) from Japanese folklore. Unlike European mermaids, they're basically fish with human faces (although the folkloric ones tend to be far more grotesque and monstrous). As Toki points out, catching one is indeed a sign of misfortune.
  • Anime.Doraemon Nobitas Great Battle Of The Mermaid King: Sophia and her kin are former humans who became adapt to living underwater, with their mermaid transformation being facilitated by turning a button on their clothes. They can survive on dry land for quite a while, but the moment they start drying up they'll need to submerge themselves in water, notably in Sophia's first meeting with the gang - she passes out after flying for several minutes on the Takecopter, but luckily the tub at Shizuka's house is always full of water.
  • Bloodborne.Tropes J To Z: The Old Hunters has what's probably the closest analogue to mermaids in the Bloodborne world. They're white, woman-shaped mollusk-like creatures that frequently inhabit large ammonite shells who appear to worship Kos, and have been transformed into their state by her influence.
  • Film.Aquamarine:
    • The movie uses the Splash method of wet = tail and dry = legs. However she must change back into her mermaid form at sunset.
    • The movie also gives merfolk the ability to grant wishes.
    • The book treats it in a vastly different manner: Aquamarine cannot change at all. Hailey and Claire have to use a wheelchair to move her around on land.
    • Aquamarine also not only speaks and understands English perfectly but claims to speak every known human language and says such a power is standard for mermaids.
  • Film.Pirates Of The Caribbean On Stranger Tides: They're freaking spooky, and siren-esque man-killers.
  • Literature.Deep Trouble: The mermaids in the book are strong enough to take on sharks, communicate via sonar, and are extremely protective of their own kind.
  • Manga.My Bride Is A Mermaid: Merpeople in this setting can take on human form — though exposure to water can forcibly revert them to their true forms unless they build up a resistance — and possess magic vocal powers that range from Mind-Control Music to Super-Empowering to accelerated healing to sonic blasts.
  • WesternAnimation.Luca: The humanoid sea monsters are a take on mer-folk but have two legs and a tail. When they are not wet, by leaving the ocean or leaping high out of the water, they take a human form.
  • AnimalMotifs.Video Games: Hornet Man and Splash Woman from Mega Man 9 have bees and fishes for their designs, respectively. Like Centuar Man, though, Splash Woman has her animal motif limited to her lower half, and is thus basically a Robot Mermaid.
  • Characters.Chrono Cross: Unlike some mermaids in fiction, she has no trouble navigating on land. note 
  • Characters.Courage The Cowardly Dog Minor Villains Season 1: She lives underwater and takes on an angler-like form when Courage comes to rescue Eustace. note 
  • WesternAnimation.Magi Nation: Orothians have blue skin, human-like hair, and fin-like ears. All those shown have fish tails with horizontal flukes. These tails can turn into legs for locomotion on land.
  • WinxClub.Tropes M To R: Andros' realm has a winged version of mermaids and tritons. They have powerful voices and the ability to fly. Some have also magical powers.
  • WesternAnimation.Xiaolin Showdown: At least the one the group runs into; in water, she has a very beautiful form. Out of water, though, not so much.
  • WhatKindOfLamePowerIsHeartAnyway.Video Games: Wakasagihime becomes stronger in water. And she's still a stage 1 boss. During an incident that empowered the weak.
  • VideoGame.Mother 3: Deep under Cerulean Beach you encounter not mermaids, but... mermen? Anyway, these mermen, or Oxygen Machines, supply your party with oxygen, when you kiss them that is. Pucker up!
  • TheFairlyOddParents.Tropes K To R: "The island of beautiful mermaids that all look like Trixie Tang." Jorgen (who for once is the storyteller in "Timmy The Barbarian") quickly glosses over the fact.
  • SuperMarioOdyssey.Tropes N To Z: The Lochladies of the Lake Kingdom. They all have blue skin, are excellent seamstresses, and can easily maneuver and survive on dry land. Oh, and they're exclusively female.
    Misuse - Simply mentions this is a mermaid (15/50) 
    Misuse - Ties mermaid theme to character who isn't a mermaid (13/50) 
    Other (3/50) 
