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Bittersweet Ending / Web Animation

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  • While the first 3 Bunnykill movies ended triumphantly, Bunnykill 4 is more bittersweet, mainly because the potential love interest got killed by the Big Bad. While Mottis did state that the love interest's return was possible, the series ended with her still dead.
  • Crater Face, which ends with an astronaut successfully uniting two previously separated moon pimples, at the cost of his own life.
  • At the end of Chadam, Sandy is dead, and most of the city is destroyed, but Viceroy was defeated, and Chadam managed to at least save Ripley.
  • As one of the rules of DEATH BATTLE! is that the fights must end in death, it should be expected that some fights end on this note, particularly ones where both sides of the conflict are heroic individuals. For some notable examples:
  • Delusions of Grandeur ends with the world being saved from Razanak, but Fox has been fatally injured and dies after completing his redemption. On top of that, both Roy and Mewtwo decide to retire from participating in Smash tournaments.
  • In Grubhub Commercial: Revenge of the Kid, the Grubageddon is prevented and the Kid is destroyed in a dance-off with the Boogieman, saving the universe. However, the Boogieman was fatally wounded in the process and dies, and Salad Girl, Sushi Guy, and Sushi Girl were all killed by the Kid.
  • Helluva Boss:
    • "Loo Loo Land": The titular amusement park is destroyed during Blitzo and Robo Fizz's fight (symbolically representing Octavia’s lost innocence), and Octavia realises that her parents’ marriage is officially destroyed (not to mention they never loved each other in the first place). However, she and Stolas reconcile.
    • "Spring Broken": I.M.P. win their bet against Verosika, but Loona discovers that Vortex already has a girlfriend, meaning her previous lash-out at Blitzo was for naught (if somewhat justified, considering Blitzo kept her away from Vortex just because the latter was Verosika's employee).
    • "The Harvest Moon Festival": Moxxie finally begins to learn the respect of Millie's parents, but Striker escapes and still plans to collect his bounty on Stolas, and we're not even talking about the identity of Striker's client: Stella.
    • ''Truth Seekers": I.M.P. successfully escape back to Hell and Blitzo and Moxxie somewhat reconcile. Unfortunately, I.M.P.'s massacre and Stolas' appearance were secretly recorded, meaning it's only a matter of time until Hell's existence is exposed to humanity.
    • "Queen Bee": After some initial awkwardness and hesitation, Loona is able to enjoy herself at Bee-Lzebub's party and make some new hellhound friends. Unfortunately, she has to leave early to drive Blitzo home after he becomes drunk from trying to drown his sorrows over his shitty date at Ozzie's. When Blitzo drunkenly wonders if he's going to die alone, Loona places a blanket on Blitzo and reassures him by saying "I'll be there, Dad".note 
    • "The Circus": Stolas finally stands up to Stella, telling her in no uncertain terms that he cannot tolerate her abuse anymore and he doesn't give a shit what her familly thinks about it, even pointing out that the Goetia family couldn't care less since Octavia, the only thing his family wanted from their marriage, is almost an adult. However, Stolas' reputation and relationship with Blitzo are still in ruins, and if Stella's words are any indication, there's still going to be severe consequences for him to face.
    • "Western Energy": Stolas is saved from Striker, but the former is left alone at the hospital to recover from his grievous injuries and the latter once again escapes.
    • "Unhappy Campers" leans on a more Bitter than Sweet side though: Moxxie screws up his first mission as a lead and Blitzo, after spending a week searching for her, is told by his sister Barbie, who's also down a supplier, in no uncertain terms that she wants nothing to do with him. However, Millie and Moxxie reconcile and succeed in killing their target.
  • Kiwi! is about a kiwi who figured out how to fly. Once, as he is all but stated to have died trying.
  • Klay World: The finale, "All Gone" ends on this note. The Big Bad Dr. Bob is defeated by Chip, but in the process, every klayperson but him is dead, and Bob isn't in good enough shape to rebuild them(not like he was going to anyways). However, Chip resolves to rebuild everyone and turn Klay World into Clay World, where less violence and stupidity will happen.
  • In Lucky Day Forever, 514 got to be with his girl, but they're in a Lotus-Eater Machine, unaware that they're being used to revitalize the Whites's bodies.
  • Minilife TV: Season 4 ends with Minilife Studios getting destroyed by Baby Crotchrash, rendering the efforts to save it from debt moot. However, because Wilkins called Paglo Bricks earlier in the season, the company is looking to partner with Chris and Ian to continue Minilife TV and expand it to other franchise opportunities.
  • The flash animation Nightmare City Catastrophe ends with the hero succeeding in destroying the Lotus-Eater Machine, but since his Love Interest was a part of it, she fades away with a sad smile on her face before he can even reach her hand.
  • Tar Boy. A bunch of rich robot "fat cats" ruled the world and used robot slaves to work the land for their greed. Eventually, they found an easier solution for mining resources, and threw all the robot slaves in a boiling pool of tar. However, instead of dying, their memory chips infused with the tar and created a being made up of the tortured souls of thousands of robots. With every soul hungering for revenge, a battle erupted between Tar Boy and the rich, as he destroyed and blasted the fat cats' cohorts and robotic minions. But before Tar Boy could take revenge on the fat cats themselves, they tricked him into a room with a giant heater and melted him down, presumably killing him. However, it's revealed that the old grandpa robot narrating the story was the janitor at the facility, and managed to collect Tar Boy's gooey remains years ago; he believes that a piece of him escaped and is searching for the rest of his body — and when Tar Boy's body is complete, he will cast ruin on the fat cats once and for all.
  • Nomad of Nowhere: Don Paragon has been defeated, and so the Oasis and other surrounding communities will no longer suffer under his tyranny. Furthermore, the Nomad being responsible for that has further broken his Hero with Bad Publicity reputation around Nowhere, with him and Skout now having the courage to take the fight to El Rey's bounty hunters and Governors. Unfortunately, El Rey is now very much aware of the Nomad, and Toth's relationship with Skout has quite possible been irrecoverably ruined by the latter siding with the Nomad over her.
  • Puffin Forest: The ending to "My players LOSE the final fight!". The party stop Malikar's evil plan to destroy the world, but they fail to defeat him in battle and inadvertently sent him to Mount Celestianote . The fighter and his drow elf lover ended up in the Beastlandsnote , the sorcerer ended up in Arcadianote , the Mobile Suit Gundam Wing ended up in Ysgardnote , and the monk escaped the tower alive and was greeted as a hero. The monk lived on falsely believing that all his friends died in the tower that day and fearing that Malikar would one day return, he diligently waited until his old age wore down his body and then he gave the Mournblade to his son. The next campaign Retconned the events of that ending so Malikar survived and does return, but the heroes manage to reunite so they can go on one last adventure to stop him, which ended with them triumphing over Malikar and gaining immortality but having to part ways forever, for real this time.
  • Revenge Films:
    • "Someone comes to our door, and then my mom tells me to lock myself up in my bedroom": Hiroshi is only given a suspended sentence for his Attempted Rape of Takako due to his mental disability and Takako herself is still attending therapy to deal with all the sexual harassment Hiroshi did. However, Hiroshi’s father divorced his mother, who fully enabled said harassment and the attempted rape, and moved away with his son, ending both his harassment and his mother’s enabling for good. And Takako finally gets engaged to the man who stayed with her for ten years, finally confident that she would be able to love a man.
    • "A girl got injured so I called her mom but she wouldn't pick up. I took her home and...": Suzy ends up having to move away with her father so his parents can help rise her, despite her teacher’s hopes that she will stay. However, her father was able to successfully divorce his cheating wife, getting the alimony that he deserves, and Suzy and the teacher exchanged addresses before Suzy moved away, allowing them to communicate through letters.
  • SAKA MEN: The monk seals away the titular youkai, at the cost of one of his arms. And while he was unable to save either parent, their baby survives the ordeal and he decides to raise the child on their behalf.
  • In this video, Sawtooth Waves theorizes that Twilight Sparkle's rule ended this way: There was an unknown crisis similar to the one from the Season 8 finale, and because of the urgency, Twilight had to create the unicorn, earth pony, and pegasus crystals. In doing so, however, she sacrificed her alicornhood, separating her magic into its unicorn, pegasus, and earth pony components and infusing them into the crystals so that said magic can survive the crisis and be used by further generations. Her un-becoming an alicorn was seen by others the same way her transformation into an alicorn was: with her cutie mark in the sky, which explains the mural in the abandoned station in Zephyr Heights that Sunny, Izzy, and Zipp would wind up coming across. Without the alicorn magic that prolonged her lifespan, Twilight lived out the rest of her days as a mortal, the reason she is not around by A New Generation. Even as the pony tribes became separated and Twilight's sacrifice was forgotten about, Argyle's teachings to his daughter Sunny Starscout led her to find the crystals and restore magic to Equestria, avenging Twilight's legacy.
  • The Twins (2022): Lake no longer has to suffer the constant torment from Lucas or live in his brother's shadow and even has the chance to rewrite the narrative on just who Lake "was" as Lucas should he choose to. However, it comes at the personal cost of having to keep up appearances and pretend to be Lucas for the rest of his life, or at least until Lake becomes an adult and decides to live independently.
  • Xionic Madness: All of Bolverk Squad is dead; Askad sacrificing himself to ensure victory, Kary choosing to kill herself rather than die to XV, Omega successfully convincing Xero to put him down, and Xero himself going out in a blaze of glory against an entire army. But Enid will continue the fight.
