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Characters / Atop The Fourth Wall Main Characters

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The main cast of Atop the Fourth Wall. While some have since moved on or slowly faded from the cast, these characters are the most recurring people within Linkara's life.

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    In General
From Left to Right: Erin, Jaeris, Linkara, Harvey Finevoice, 90s Dude, Dr. Linksano

The Man Himself


Portrayed by: Lewis Lovhaug
Click here to see him in his second outfit
Click here to see him in his original outfit
A comic book fan with a hat who reviews horrible comics. Also happens to be the Champion of our Earth, defending it against mad scientists, cyborgs, interdimensional invaders and the like.
  • The Ace: Subverted, in that this is what he thinks he is at first. He perceives himself as a hero with wonderful toys and True Companions around him... and he wants so badly to be the perfect Nice Guy superhero and to think that he's much more than his Channel Awesome co-workers. He has a fairly big ego and a Selective Memory, his number one priority seems to be whether the fans watch him or not, and his Comedic Sociopathy is far creepier than the others because whereas they embrace it, he denies it. He does start to leave it behind altogether after being called out on it by Aplos the Wizard.
    • Later arcs torpedo this aspect even further; the enemies he encounters tend to be on a level of power far above his resources, he himself is quite vulnerable to making mistakes big and small, his combat skills are lacking, and compared to the other Champions in the multiverse as a whole, his skills and arsenal are pretty standard and par-for-the-course.
  • The Alcoholic: Word of God says that Lewis portrays Linkara as a "raging alcoholic" in place of making jokes about suicide. This is especially played up in Atop the Fourth Wall: The Movie once Linkara's existential crisis catches up to him.
  • Alliterative Name: Lewis "Linkara" Lovhaug. L.L., appropriately enough, and he was going out with a woman named Liz. Good thing he loves alliteration.
  • Alter-Ego Acting: Lovhaug has occasionally referred to "the Linkara character" in interviews and commentaries, but at the same time also calls him "basically me with the volume turned way up".
  • Ambiguously Bi: At least one alternate reality version of him is in a committed relationship with another man, but it's unclear if different versions of him share the same sexuality.
  • Anti-Hero: Of the Pragmatic Hero and Mr. Vice Guy variations. Linkara (the character) is an ultimately good guy who wants to do the right thing, but he has a huge ego and will often play dirty if it scores a win.
  • Arch-Enemy: Linkara has had quite a few over the years:
    • Linkara's original Archenemy was Dr. Insano, a parody of a Lex Luthor like super genius to compliment his faux Superman, whose plots include becoming President and controlling a Giant Robot of death. Eventually as Linkara's foes got more numerous and dangerous Insano became a lot more ineffectual as a villain although he did return briefly as the Final Boss of the Gunslinger arc and showed that he can still throw down with his foe.
    • After Insano, Mechakara appeared to menace Linkara who, in comparison to the ineffectual doctor, was a lot more menacing and evil. He also had a much more bitter relationship with Linkara being an alternate time line version of Pollo who stripped his versions Linkara of his skin to wear as a meat suit and desiring to make Linkara die as painful of death as possible. The feeling is very mutual on Mechakara's part who notes that, after his near destruction at the end of To Bodily Flee, the only thing that kept him sane was his hatred of Linkara. He's later brought back in the 10th anniversary storyline, and is still active by the end of it.
    • Finally we have Lord Vyce who has arguably supplemented the role of Linkara's archenemy from the other two. Vyce is a Multiversal conqueror who initially sought to kill Linkara in order to save the universe from the entity. However, over time, their relationship became more personal especially once Linkara defeated Vyce. Vyce then proceeded to become living data and hacked into Comicron 1 and Mind Rapeing NIMUE for good measure. The two have had numerous battles and he became Linkara's most reoccurring foe until the end of the Sleepwalker arc.
  • Badass Boast: Linkara gets one in Silent Hill Dead/Alive, made even more awesome by being scored with The Ecstasy of Gold.
    "I'm not some pretty boy with marital problems. I don't have some confused psyche or unresolved parental issues. You're not dealing with a Silent Hill protagonist here! Time and again, someone got it into their head that they could defeat me. Time and again they beat me down, they knocked me out, and they tried to make me give up. You come at me with insecurity, self-doubt, and angst? You try to make me doubt who I am? I am the man who defeated Pyramid Head. I am the man who conquered Countdown. I am the man who fought off the Vohrsoth and destroyed Mechakara! I am the liberator of Kickassia! I am a Starfleet captain! I am a Power Ranger! I'm That Guy With The Hat! I am Linkara! Who the hell are you?"
    • And then at the end of Youngblood #3, we have Linkara taunting Vyce:
      This is Linkara, calling Lord Vyce. If you are receiving this signal, then you may want to take that huge-ass helmet off you head and listen for a minute. Listen, I just wanted to tell you how deeply honored I am. You see, I was once told you were the stuff of nightmares for gods and monsters alike. And that's why I'm so honored, you see. You've seen fit to show me your true colors-and the main one is a big bright shade of yellow. All that you see, you conquer, huh? Well, I guess you never did really set your eyes on me then, you were too busy looking the other way and running for your life. And it's a good thing, too- you've shown just how inadequate you are. You're not up to the task of facing this "Entity" you're so afraid of. Tell you what- why don't you go tuck your cape between your legs and run home, while I deal with it- after all, it's what you're good at. However, if you want to prove me wrong, you know where to find me.
      • These boasts are also steadily deconstructed as the series goes on, as while they can come off as impressive, they're also indicative of his raging ego problems, and increasing tendency to disregard others, something Aplos the Wizard doesn't hesitate to highlight in his "The Reason You Suck" Speech. It's telling afterwards that most of Linkara's future boasts are substantially more targeted and less egocentric compared to his early days.
  • Blue Is Heroic: Invoked with his current attire. While he claims people would think of him as a Red Lantern due to all the rage he has in his reviews, he admits he rather considers himself a hope-bringer, thus he chose his new shirt in reference to the Blue Lanterns.
  • Brought Down to Normal: He's capable of using ability lost to him during the first third of the Gun and Sorcery arc due to the magic gun seeing that he was turning evil, and disabling his natural ability to use magic until he got his head on straight.
  • Caustic Critic: Like most of the Channel Awesome personalities Linkara loves pooping all over bad comics. Although unlike most examples of this trope Linkara tends to focus on trashing genuinely bad comics and even comics he hates he will try to highlight positive aspects of them. In recent years, he has even taken to reviewing Comics which he genuinely likes and enjoys, and thus the angle ends up being, for the most part, dropped, as Lewis feels it was excessively negative, and nowadays sticks to making more evenhanded reviews. That said, if he's reviewing a truly awful comic, he has no problem taking the gloves off.
  • Character Development: He was originally a fairly dysfunctional individual trying to present himself as hero, thrown into a Weirdness Magnet through his review of comics. As the first few arcs pass, this behavior fluctuates, wherein while he proves to truly have a heroic spirit and care for his friends, he also has glaring flaws such as his ego and getting too caught up in his personal beliefs. The Gun and Sorcery arc then deconstructs his entire presented character, first where he's revealed to be turning evil because of his ego, and his more callous decisions having consequences not long after. He is able to mature however, realizing how, no, he isn't perfect, and it is unavoidable that he is likely to make mistakes in the future. The Sleepwalker arc then throws him into paranoia albeit due to the influence of The Entity, and the 2018 Christmas storyline has him deal with the consequences of that, dealing with these in much more human ways than at the start. Nowadays, while he does have an ego, it's far better kept in check, and he's a much friendlier individual overall.
  • Characterization Marches On: In early episodes, Linkara was shown to have a crush on Harley Quinn. He was even roused into defeating the Countdown comics after imagining her Batman: The Animated Series counterpart cheering him on. Linkara seems to have grown out of this crush in later years, but the title card for the Batman: Harley Quinn #1 review does give it a nod by showing Linkara gushing over Harley, complete with heart eyes.
  • Chekhov's Armoury: You can often spot weapons that will be used in later episodes in earlier ones, such as Captain America's shield. He once had an entire set of videos dedicated to fixing up a Zeonizer (at one point hiding it from the camera on purpose) which was later put to use against Mechakara.
  • Cheshire Cat Grin: He does this a lot, mostly at the expense of the comic he's reviewing.
  • Chivalrous Pervert: Being a feminist gives him "an appreciation for the female body".
  • The Chosen One: Deconstructed. According to Lord Vyce, he is "the Champion" of his universe. Unfortunately this revelation changes nothing in the grand scheme of things, as it only marked him out for a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown at Vyce's hands. Furthermore, it's implied that this is why the Entity left defeating Vyce in his hands; because he expected that he'd be able to defeat him. Outside of Vyce and the Contest of Champions, being "Champion" is absolutely moot to his life events as well as the rest of his Rogues Gallery.
  • The Chosen Many: Expanding on this, there are numerous Champions, one for each different universe, it seems that his title as a chosen hero is less important than he'd like it to be. Lewis has stated that, while Linkara may be "a Champion" of his universe, he is not some chosen one destined to be the one person who can save the world and that there are others (such as Angry Joe) who also qualify. Vice's definition of the term refers to someone who is his greatest threat in preventing him from conquering the universe and thus he needs to kill them in order to make their universe fall. This is pretty telling in that Linkara almost never manages to actually defeat a Big Bad by himself instead needing the help of his True Companions, or at times just plain dumb luck, to accomplish it.
    • According to the Temlins and Jaeris, there might actually be more to this than previously thought, as according to them, a "champion" is the being best suited to defend a universe from attack. But that definition can vary from heroes, to tyrants. So despite there being many strengths, something about Linkara makes him the ideal defender of our universe. Maybe in part BECAUSE of his network of friends.
  • Comedic Sociopathy: Just like the rest of his colleagues. What makes it more interesting, though, is that while the other big names like Spoony, Critic, and Chick have fully embraced their nastiness, he's insistent that he's a good guy and his insanity just spills out in creepy bursts. He does start to leave this behind later on, however.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Linkara is a terrible fighter, having to rely on magic and technology to win. Against the Strong and Skilled Lord Vyce, who possessed both of these and direct combat capability, Linkara was crushed.Lewis' commentary lampshades the fact that, in order to defeat Vyce, he had to fight dirty at every conceivable opportunity; which is what led to the Worf Had the Flu-induced victory over him. In another case, he needed Bone Button to fight Heavy Wrex for him, as in an arena with no access to his equipment, Linkara stood zero chance against a professional wrestler. Even his final victory over Lord Vyce was not through some grand final battle, but rather an application of trickery and playing on Vyce's paranoia and ego.
  • Costume Evolution: After the events of the "Ghost of the Machine" arc, Linkara swapped out his plaid shirt, black T-shirt, and brown coat for a brown tie, white shirt, brown vest and overcoat combo as a vow to take down any and all future enemies. And after the events of the "Clone Saga" arc, he decides to change his outfit again, this time wearing a blue shirt, brown tie, brown scarf, and a darker brown-colored coat with the show's logo pinned on the collar.
  • Crazy-Prepared:
    • Linkara has a miniature fan to blow away the fog if Silent Hill starts to come for him.
    • Considering all of the craziness that tends to happen to him during Halloween, Linkara has gotten into the habit of filming multiple reviews weeks in advance so he can be prepared for whatever threats he has to face and has developed a tendency to plan contingencies for a wide array of scenarios.
    • Played for Laughs in one of the Halloween storylines, where Linkara is armed from head-to-toe in anticipation of a new Halloween threat.
  • Cuteness Proximity: Towards Cybermats. Lewis himself has made an entire collection of them, leading to his fandom (affectionately) calling him a crazy cybermat lady. He also has it towards his new cats.
  • David vs. Goliath: A recurring theme is that most of Linkara's adversaries tend to be either more powerful or experienced than him (sometimes both). Lord Vyce, the various Technumina, and his opponents in the Contest of Champions are but a few examples.
  • Deadpan Snarker: One his most common forms of comedy is to snark about a comic, an enemy, or himself while being either deadpan or wearing a false smile.
  • Demonic Possession: He becomes possessed by The Entity, as revealed in his Ultimate Power #4 review. A fragment of the Technumina was left dormant within Linkara as a guarantee to ensure that the full creature could revive, but was forcibly reawakened by the King of Worms. Under the Entity's control, Linkara becomes incredibly paranoid, with only a program brought by 90s Kid keeping his mind from being fully absorbed by it, and thankfully eventually freeing him.
  • Disqualification-Induced Victory: A close but ultimately averted case. As the Temlins deem him the winner of the 1049th Contest of Champions after Linksano reveals that Bandit Chief had broken the contest's rules by sending the Confession during Halloween 2020 via discovering the writing having a pigment that only he had access to due to being the only competitor from a universe it exists in, disqualifying Bandit Chief in the process. However Linkara refuses and demands the Duel Monsters match be finished. Arguing that while Bandit Chief should indeed not be allowed to have the Infinity Gauntlet no matter what, after 5 years (by his universe's timescale) of the contest dragging on, he didn't want to walk away with the knowledge of the audience asking if he could actually take on the Bandit Chief as well as not liking having an asterisk next to his name.
  • Driven to Madness: Happens often when a comic book seems to get worse and worse, then some final revelation pushes him over into madness. We find out in Part Five of Silent Hill Dead/Alive that Mechakara and Lord Vyce were trying to invoke this by providing him with the back story of his Magic Gun. The really scary thing is, it almost worked.
  • Driven to Suicide:
    • When Linkara reviewed "Superman: At Earth's End", he was so utterly disgusted by it that he almost tried to shoot himself, yelling "ANTI LIFE JUSTIFIES MY HATE!!" before breaking down into tears.
    • At the end of his three-part Amazon Attack review, when he realizes the whole thing was a tie-in to Countdown. He was so confused that he ended up trying to cut his wrists with his gun.
      Linkara: WHY DOESN'T IT WORK!?!?
    • Normally, Linkara plays this trope for laughs. Not so in his final Silent Hill Dead/Alive review. He finally finds out the truly depressing backstory of his magic gun. Long story short, a young girl was tortured to death by her own parents to create it. Silent Hill almost manages to convince him that HE was one of her parents — and Linkara, being the good guy that he is, couldn't take it and holds the gun to his head. Thankfully, he manages to realize that he's not a Silent Hill protagonist and that he wouldn't have done such a thing. Cue subversion of this trope and a truly awesome Badass Boast.
  • Failure Is the Only Option: He's won most of his fights, sure, but Linkara has rarely managed to finish any of his enemies off. It comes with them having Joker Immunity. Of the major villains in his Rogues Gallery truly out for the count, only Lord Vyce, the Entity, and the King of Worms have been permanently defeated, with the latter two not even being defeated by his own power, but circumstances outside of his control.
  • Fan Boy: Of comics, Star Trek, Doctor Who, Power Rangers, The West Wing, The Wire, 24, Babylon 5, Blake's 7... He also seems to have the ability to go into their canons, because where else would he have gotten those morphers, pokeballs, phasers, and four sonic screwdrivers?
    • He's actually a magic-user, and casts spells on toys that he has so that they take on the function of the things that they're supposed to be. Example: He has a toy phaser. He casts the spell, and it works like a real phaser. He has run into problems with this, though. He revealed that he had to work for months for the Morphers to work without a Morphing Grid in his universe, and once in the presence of an anti-magic field, the spelled items revert to being toys again.
  • Fatal Flaw: Several.
    • Greed, and the desire to milk it as much as possible. It's perfectly demonstrated by his Hologram duplicate, who didn't undergo the same character arc Linkara did and thus still felt they were wasting all the power in their possession by not forcing the world to behave.
    • His Pride and ego can count as well, if not being his true flaw that feeds into the above. Linkara is notable for being something of a gloryhound at times, especially after having genuine victories over far more powerful and threatening opponents. While he's gotten a better handle on it, it's still strong enough that when he tried reuniting his old colleagues, but accidentally got them thrown into another dangerous scenario, he was accused of doing it for the sake of proving himself as a grand leader due to failing to be upfront with his intentions, a trait even he himself notes is something he has to keep in check.
  • Fedora of Asskicking: Even though the asskicking came a bit later in the reviews, he has a "purdy hat" and wears it on all of his outfits.
  • Go Mad from the Revelation:
    • Amazons Attack being a tie-in to Countdown.
    • That Doom IV had a fanbase.
    • The ending to Maximum Clonage
    • The very existence of Sultry Teenage Super Foxes #2 causes him to retreat into his own subconscious.
    • The Pizza episode makes Linkara actually leave to cry during his history lesson on Power Rangers Turbo.
    • The Brain Drain comic completely missing the point of the Thing's character, and then finding that it was written by Tom DeFalco, former editor and chief of Marvel comics, causing him to have a literal Heroic BSoD.
  • Good Is Not Soft:
    • He may be willing to cut a deal with Linksano, but he also promised a sadistic punishment (being trapped on the same planet as Lord Vyce) to him should he ever try to double-cross him
    • When the Magic Gun stops working, Linkara goes after Insano, thinking he did it. He then threatens to physically beat Insano with the gun if he has to, and then says he'll make the doctor eat his own goggles if Insano's lying. It's not played for laughs either, Linkara is genuinely terrifying in that scene. What makes the scene even more uncomfortable is when it's finally revealed why he can't use the magic gun. He's turning evil!
  • Greed: One of his two major flaws as a person. Linkara's main source of power lies in his tremendous arsenal of weapons and gadgets and vehicles, many of which he acquired by defeating the previous owners. As his acquisitions grow, he wants more and more and feels more and more compelled to use them for selfish reasons. Even after major Character Development, he admits that there is a great temptation on his part to use them for reasons he knows are less than savory, and is terrified of this.
  • Guile Hero: Linkara frequently defeats and outsmarts villains FAR more powerful than he is, simply by virtue of being quickwitted, audacious, and Crazy-Prepared.
  • He Who Fights Monsters: As of the Catwoman: Defender of Gotham #1 review, he started to shift into that mindset due to the Entity's influence. He still blames himself for it afterwards after being freed, because while the Entity influenced him, Linkara was still the one who made the decision.
  • Heroic BSoD:
    • Just look at the guy's face after his defeat by Lord Vyce. Thank God Iron Liz managed to snap him out of it... By giving him a Care Bears comic.
    • He has a long, protracted one, during the events of Atop the Fourth Wall: The Movie once the weirdness of his life catches up to him and he begins to question if he even still cares about comics anymore after reading so much crap. However he is able to break out of it by the end and reifirm his love of reviewing bad comics.
    • A smaller one at the start of the Contest of Champions arc, due to feeling that he had crossed the line due to the Entity influencing him. An illusion of 90s Kid even lampshades it when Linkara battles Empyra, comparing it to sulking. Said conversation with the illusion gets him out of it.
  • Hopeless Suitor: He assumes he has to destroy Todd in the Shadows to win The Nostalgia Chick's heart, not getting that Todd has no interest in the Chick whatsoever.
  • Humans Are Good: When confronting Mirrorkara, Linkara expresses that he genuinely believes that people are Good, Decent and Kind, in stark contrast to Mirrorkara, who believes that Humans Are Bastards.
  • Humongous Mecha: He steals Neutro, who is one of these, and keeps him in his arsenal if he is ever required.
  • The Immune: For some reason, Linkara is unaffected by the King of Worms's influence, requiring a more complicated approach. Unfortunately, we later learn WHY he was immune, and it's anything but a comforting reason. The Entity had hidden itself in his soul, which blocked the powers of the lesser god.
  • If It's You, It's Okay: At cons especially, both Doug and Lewis (Doug in particular) like pushing the idea that Linkara has it bad for The Nostalgia Critic. Though after the fallout with Channel Awesome, this interest's current status is unknown, but given the We Used to Be Friends entry down below, is likely dead in the water.
  • Iron Butt Monkey: A lot of crap has happened to him, both comedic and dramatic, but he keeps on going.
  • I Shall Taunt You: His main strategy when fighting Lavidian Scarn is to conceal himself in his basement and strike as many nerves as he can relating to Scarn's past failures to get him to lower his guard. Needless to say, it works wonders.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: In the Sonic Live commentary, Lewis says that Linkara is a good guy, but he's still an asshole. He specifically points out the fact that Linkara's taken to using his new spaceship to win arguments with his friends, but he would never actually blast any of them.
  • Kindhearted Cat Lover: He has cats, who occasionally interrupt his reviews for some Fuzz Therapy.
  • Lack of Empathy: When Phelous has a skull with Critic's hat on top of it, Linkara mentions what happened in To Boldly Flee, but notes that he doesn't really care because he was locked in a closet for most of the movie's running time. Like several of the other traits here, it's been toned down to only purely comedic situations.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: When he was trying to revive Spoony after the latter died, he met with Doctor Linksano, who offered to help by cloning Spoony...and after the test confirmed that the technology to do so worked, inflicted Linkara with a mind-wipe virus to eventually erase all memory of the encounter.
  • Large Ham: Whenever he gets angry, and most of his imitations.
  • Laughing Mad: Subverted in the Rise of Arsenal #1 and #2 review. It looks like it at first, with a disbelieving expression melting into peals of laughter... And then it turns out he's actually amused.
  • Manchild: An advertisement for PowerMorphicon:
    Narrator: Do you like playing with Power Rangers toys?
    Linkara: Uh-huh!
    Narrator: Do you pretend you're morphing with your toy morphers?
    Linkara: Uh-huh!
  • Marty Stu Author Avatar: The concept is very thoroughly examined through his character. It started off when, as a result of his ever-growing ego, he began trying to invoke this in-universe during the Vyce Arc... and hoo boy did he suffer for it. Long story short, he'd become so confident in his preparation, strategy and combat skills that he more or less jumped into the fight with the Big Bad with the assumption that because he held his own better against Mechakara that he'd win. Cue Vyce's Curb-Stomp Battle, in which he defeated Linkara with pretty minimal effort.
    • Character Development: After the Entity Arc, this attitude vanished completely. He became a lot more sensitive to his friends' feelings and observations and expressed much more compassion towards them. Even before then, humility began creeping in during the arc. Case in point, look at how panicked he becomes when he realises that the Entity has taken everybody he loves. The proud Linkara of old probably wouldn't have acted that way.
    • Within a year, however, it started creeping back again: culminating in a massive boast after driving off the Gunslinger. It was also at this stage that his progression into a Stu was very firmly defied by Margaret, his magic gun, turning off her magic; since his pride was clearly moving him towards evil. Ever since then, he's had to re-learn what being a genuine hero means.
  • Medium Awareness: He holds some level of this.
  • Men Use Violence, Women Use Communication: "I AM A MAN!" (PUNCH!)
  • Moral Pragmatist: While Linkara is a strict pacifist who believes murder is always wrong, he does admit that he might not be able to stick to those ideals if faced with a situation where he has to kill for his own or others' defense.
  • Mr. Fanservice: Between the snappy dress sense, the feminism, and a reasonably attractive face, Linkara's got a lot of female fans. And not necessarily for pure reasons.
  • Mr. Vice Guy: Linkara enjoys power, and he loves to flaunt it. This is his greatest moral weakness, as otherwise he's a brave and heroic person. But once he has even a taste of power or glory, he wants to milk it for all it's worth.
  • My Greatest Failure: The death (albeit, temporary) of Allen in Atop the Fourth Wall: The Movie.
  • Narcissist: When the Chick can hear the thoughts of guys she knows, all she hears from him is "I'm awesome" repeated over and over. Lewis Lovhaug himself admits that both Linkara and himself has a Awesome Ego, though he does practice keeping it from going to far.
  • Never Bareheaded: He almost never takes off his hat, likely because of his thinning hair. In his introduction Q&A, he is unaware he's even wearing a hat.
  • No Indoor Voice: It's loud even when he's talking normally and not getting angry.
  • Nominal Hero: Deliberately invoked so it can be Played for Drama. Linkara is, arguably, one of the most sinisterly sociopathic members of TGWTG because he refuses to accept his darker side and keeps putting himself across as an incredible hero despite doing some unquestionably dickish things. He doesn't get the luxury of being a Karma Houdini, though. The Gun and Sorcery arc was in particular devoted to the deconstruction of his character, and from that arc onwards, Linkara is a much more subdued individual legitimately trying to better himself.
  • Normal Fish in a Tiny Pond: Made quite clear by the Contest of Champions arc. Linkara, by the standards of his associates like the former Channel Awesome Producers, has a legitimate arsenal of magic and technology that enables him to legitimately fight against evil threats and explore new angles of his universe...but as it turns out in later arcs, that's part-and-parcel for the other Champions and heroes of reality. Sphinyx Yonder, Tyler the Blue Knight of Titan, the Bandit Chief, and even Jaeris all have much more experience in these matters and the tech and magic know-how, and/or specialized traits like actual close quarters combat skills to go along with it. It also doesn't help that, as Linkara himself notes, he's lived a very sedentary lifestyle and the only reason he's even lasted as long as he did was only by strategy and tactics at best, or sheer dumb luck at worst.
  • Not So Stoic: He keeps his cool most of the time, unless they are about topics like bad comics, people like Frank Miller, Rob Liefeld, and especially Joe Quesada, or when he's almost killed or someone is trying to kill him, he can get pissed off. However, the moment he starts to actually curse and not use his Goshdang It To Heck stuff, Linkara becomes a bit more scarier.
  • Precision F-Strike: He says, "Yeah? Fuck you, too" to Mechakara in Atop the Fourth Wall: The Movie before said android's ass kicking.
  • Pride: His second and perhaps greatest personal weakness. The main reason why he'll never be the hero he thinks he is. His repeated victories and successful strategies tend to inflate his ego to ridiculous levels. It's only ever been brought down after being on the receiving end of a Curb-Stomp Battle from Lord Vyce and being subjected to the Entity making everything a living hell for him. Starting from the beginning of the latter's arc, his girlfriend and Harvey Finevoice have started calling him out on it. Linkara has been forced to grapple with this particular flaw outside of these arcs, in particular when he attempted to reunite his old colleagues and was accused of just wanting to stroke his ego when things went South, regardless of his main motives. He outright admits at the end that it is his greatest flaw as a person.
  • Reality Warper: A minor one - whenever he performs his "I AM A MAN! Punch", he tends to grab objects or people from off-screen.
  • Redeeming Replacement: After the Channel Awesome controversy he's taken over from the Nostalgia Critic as The Leader whenever the former TGWG staff are still together. While far from immune from making colossal blunders such as him being the one who invited the former Channel Awesome producers to Scarsdale Manor for a surprise party without considering the similarities to Critic's own past invitations, or doing a thorough enough search for the eldritch horrors lurking around, he's at least more willing to own up to his mistakes instead of trying to sweep it under the rug.
  • Robot Me: Mechakara
  • Seen It All: Due to experiencing over a decade's worth of fighting and/or fleeing from supervillains, evil sentient comics, robots, interdimensional weirdness, Eldritch Abominations, and other strange things, Linkara's rarely surprised at whatever happens at the end of a review.
  • Selective Obliviousness: Still appears to be baffled to Dr. Insano's true identity. Then again, so is everybody.
  • Self-Serving Memory: When he mentions the events of Kickassia, Linkara neglects to mention his attempt to seize control of the nation, instead claiming that he "liberated" it.
  • Silly Rabbit, Cynicism Is for Losers!: Has a strong belief in Hope, believes that there is always a solution, always a way to beat the bad guys. This is part of his motivation for wanting to defeat the Entity. Having heard many Lovecraftian Horror Stories about how hopeless it is to take creatures like the Entity on, he wants to defeat them just to show that every thing is important, every one matters, and that there is always hope.
  • Skeptic No Longer: He originally poo-pooed the idea of the Entity. Come the next story arc and he's absolutely scared s-less of it.
  • Skewed Priorities: Linkara's adherence to creating reviews often means that, regardless of what threat he is currently dealing with, he will only respond after a review is over which often leaves his friends and enemies dumbfounded. Even if the threat happens to be the Earth being sucked into a black hole. To his credit, he at least justifies himself by saying that, regardless of what happens, he still has to pay the rent after everything's over.
  • Smart People Build Robots: Is rather intelligent, and has a side hobby of building several robots of various types, and artificial intelligences to go with them. He directly lampshades this during a battle with Lord Vyce, noting:
    “There is something I have a special talent for: I am very good at building robots.”
  • The So-Called Coward: He definitely gets subjected to this during the Contest of Champions arc. Due to his tendency to be The Strategist and Combat Pragmatist, this often meant he would make choices and decisions within the rules set by the Temlins that ensured his own survival, even if it meant avoiding getting hurt, or in some cases getting involved in the fight at all. His fight against Heavy Wrex is a good example of this, since he opted to go for a substitute rather than deal with the inevitable outcome of being a sedentary comic reviewer against a professional wrestler. This gets him a lot of grief from the Bandit Chief, who while just as pragmatic (if not even more so) as him, claims that Linkara is a coward who lets others fight his battles for him. Linkara himself ultimately chooses to defy this in their final bout in a game of Duel Monsters, even after the Bandit Chief's cheating was revealed, primarily to shut Bandit Chief's mouth once and for all, and also so that he can finally prove that he's a viable champion without leaving people wonder if he was only able to win from the failures of others.
  • The Strategist: Was the one who planned the uprising against N. Bison during Kickassia.
    • This tends to also be his usual method of planning against his enemies, due to the simple fact that most of them tend to typically be much stronger than he is. As such, creating complex strategies and backup plans is necessary for him to attempt to even the playing field.
  • Stupid Evil: To paraphrase Film Brain, for a guy who reviews comic books, he makes a crap villain. invoked
  • Super Mode: Zeo Linkara and the Green Ranger. Neither really get used that often nowadays.
  • Surprisingly Realistic Outcome: Linkara himself notes that despite the many, many fights he's been a part of, his lifestyle is a very sedentary one, and it reflects in his physical appearance, and the reality that when pitted against professional fighters like Vyce, Jaeris, and Heavy Wrex (at least until he calls up a substitute), he struggles to keep up or gets his ass kicked hard.
  • Talking the Monster to Death: Literally. Linkara eventually realizes that there's no way he can beat The Entity/Missingno. by brute force, so instead he does this, asking it what it plans on doing '''after''' it becomes the only thing in existence and ultimately convincing it to explore what happens when an Outer God dies.
  • Token Wizard: Unlike most of his reviewer contemporaries, Linkara actually has access to various magical artifacts and engages in battles with interdimensional threats outside of his regular reviews. He even lampshades this in Batman: The Official Movie Adaptation by informing the Nostalgia Critic that these events are genuine life-threatening experiences and not skits.
  • Transformation Trinket: Linkara has a Power Morpher, a Zeonizer and a Gosei Morpher in his posession. Interestingly, he has to point out that they aren't actually connected to the Morphin Grid - they're toys embewed with his magic and they need time to recharge after every use.
  • Trekkie: Much like his real life actor Linkara is a proud Star Trek fan and often dresses up is star fleet uniforms whenever he is on Comicron 1. Hell he even converted the auxiliary power room on Comicron 1 into a replica of the Enterprise's control room.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Chicken. And not just the "he only eats chicken fingers" running gag either; he fully admits to liking chicken in general no matter how it's prepared. Pollo thinks that Linkara liked chicken so much he modeled his body after it.
  • Unfortunate Names: Was bullied at school because his last name, Lovhaug, is pronounced "love-hog".
  • Unusually Uninteresting Sight: Played for laughs during the end of the Mechakara arc wherein the episode after Linkara meets his robot doubleganger for the first time he just ignored him and started reviewing Youngblood #2.
    Mechakara: Excuse me I'm still standing here!
    Linkara: Hmm?
    Mechakara: You came in, I laughed, you sat down and started reviewing!
    Linkara: Oh right you're still standing there (searches for his Magic Gun) ah.
    (Shoots Mechakara, goes back to the review)
  • Waistcoat of Style: His second costume included one.
  • Waxing Lyrical: Whenever the comic includes text that happens to be identical or similar to the lyrics of a song, his response is usually a continuation of the lyrics.
  • We Used to Be Friends: While it was strongly hinted at in The Clone Saga storyline, the A Voice from the Dark audio play revealed once and for all that this is his sentiment (though generally hinted that this is an overall sentiment in his cast) towards Channel Awesome, with the fallout of the real life controversy being reflected in the story itself, the feelings of betrayal, and Linkara's own poorly considered plan unintentionally mirroring the Nostalgia Critic's own Lack of Empathy. While Linkara is still friends with many of the other former producers, it's safe to say that Nostalgia Critic is no longer Linkara's friend either. The 600th episode would later in-universe confirm his ties being cut with The Cinema Snob as well following the same reasoning.

Major Recurring Allies and Friends

    90's Kid/Dude

A character created by Linkara to poke fun at The Dark Age of Comic Books. An obnoxious teenage slacker who prefers blood, guns, and Rob Liefeld over plot, characterization, and good artwork. Also a huge fan of the Sega Genesis, the most hardcore console of all time which did what Nintendidn't. After the Sleepwalker Arc, he changed his name to "90's Dude" as an acknowledgement of his newfound maturity.

  • AM/FM Characterization: His theme music is Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit".
  • A-Team Firing: During the Silent Hill: The Grinning Man review.
    Iron Liz: "Nice shootin' Tex."
    90's Kid: "I-I-I meant to do that."
    Iron Liz: "The air's not attacking us."
  • Big Word Shout:
    • "DUUUUUUDE!"
    • "And one of them has the greatest superpower of all, GUUUUUNS!"
  • Black Comedy: Subverted; it looks like he's about to cheer Superboy Prime for vaporizing a pregnant woman, but he stops when it sinks in just how horrible that is.
  • Character Aged with the Actor: Downplayed, since they've never been the same age, but given that 90's Kid was originally intended to be 12-16 when the show started (and Lewis Lovhaug was only 21 when he first began playing him), it simply wasn't realistic for him to be a "kid" anymore nine years later when Lovhaug was 30, which is the real-life reason why his name was changed to 90's Dude at the end of the Sleepwalker arc.
  • Character Catchphrase:
    • "Duuuuuuuuuuude! [insert lame 90's comic, character or concept here] is AWESOOOOOME!!!"
    • "I'm 90's Kid, and What You See Is What You Get!"
    • (In response to his own rhetorical question) "Cha!"
  • Crosses the Line Twice: In-universe, his idea for a Nirvana reunion involves digging up Kurt Cobain's body and having zombie chicks play him like a puppet is just... going too far even by his standards. Turns out this is a clue that he's not really 90's Kid.
    Linkara: "There is something seriously wrong with you!"
    • It goes even further than that: Kurt Cobain was cremated. 90's Kid, being the big Nirvana fan he is, should know this.
  • Crossover: Is best friends with 80's Dan.
  • Damned By a Fool's Praise: He serves this purpose with regard to many of the worst qualities of The Dark Age of Comic Books.
  • Dark Age of Supernames: His ideal comic book hero is named "Bloodgun", and wields a BFG called "the Bloodgun of Bloodgun".
  • Darker and Edgier: A big fan of this.
  • A Day in the Limelight: Got to review Freak Force #1 when Linkara went missing. He got a more protracted one in the Sleepwalker arc, where he plays a major role due to everyone thinking that he's pulled a Face–Heel Turn by working with Lord Vyce, which is later revealed to have been an Enemy Mine.
  • Dead All Along: The Entity/Missing No. has been impersonating him. The real 90's Kid got taken before the KISS Comics review. Thankfully, he gets better.
  • Disco Dan: Possibly...his backstory and age aren't clear, and in his "Freak Force" review he specifically says he's not a man, he's just a kid. On the DVD, Lewis acknowledges his estimated age (between 12-16) would mean either he didn't actually grow up in the 90's, or he entered a time vortex ála 80's Dan
  • Distaff Counterpart: 80's Chick.
  • The Ditz: To the point that he appears in Todd in the Shadows's review of "S&M" to display the intellectual capacity of the website ("What's a Rihanna?").
  • Drop-In Character:
    Linkara: "Just ignore him — he's like a pop-up ad, he won't go away."
  • Drowning My Sorrows: When Rob Liefeld announces he's officially retired from comics, he winds up getting plastered... on soda.
    Harvey: I don't understand, he only has diet coke in that thing. How is he drunk?
    Dr. Linksano: I've learnt not to question these things.
  • Embarrassing First Name: Evelyn.
  • Enemy Mine: 90's Kid is revealed to be working with Lord Vyce at the end of the King of Worms arc and in fact has been gathering materials to repair Vyce's armour. However, Harvey believes that he is only doing so in fear of The Entity returning, but it turns that he knows Linkara will become the Entity and is working with Vyce to stop it.
  • Everyone Has Standards:
    • Even he thinks Superboy-Prime killing a pregnant woman was going too far.
    • He also agrees that "Deathblow" is a pretty stupid name.
    • Not directly said by him, but Linkara says that the idea of using Kurt Cobain's body as a puppet would be twisted even by his standards.
    • Despite his Enemy Mine with Vyce, once the latter proves to be too paranoid to believe seeing the Entity self-destruct for good with his own eyes and goes on a Villainous Breakdown and willingly seeks to destroy this universe in the process, he draws the line and attempts to first reason with, and then tackle Vyce, but gets thrown in the brig, along with Harvey, Pollo, and Linksano, in the process.
  • Face–Heel Turn: Subverted, he's working with Vyce...on stopping the Entity, who's now possessing Linkara. He didn't say anything, because he was trying to keep that fact away from it for as long as possible.
  • Fish out of Temporal Water: In the behind-the-scenes extras on the DVD, Lewis suggests this might be the case.
  • For Happiness: He loves The '90s so much because they were fun. He thinks everyone should just have a lot more fun.
  • "Friends" Rent Control: He appeared in a cameo in The Nostalgia Critic's review of Bio-Dome to explain how it was apparently the way things worked in The '90s.
    • And then Reality Ensued when his landlord arrived with an eviction notice... And a battering ram... And a sawed-off shotgun.
  • Genius Ditz: Despite his goofy behavior and love for the 90s, it turns out he really is a technological savant.
  • Gender-Blender Name: His real first name is Evelyn.
  • Gun Nut: One of his defining character traits.
  • The Heart: Develops into this over time as Cerebus Syndrome sank in. He was the first one to notice the anger-inducement shade while everyone else was bickering, and later arcs emphasize more on his For Happiness attitude and Hidden Depths.
  • Heroic BSoD: After the above Superboy-Prime incident. He gets better after picking up a Rob Liefeld comic.
    • He has another one when Oancitizen tells him that Nirvana is responsible for the creation of Nickelback. Which is especially funny considering how Linkara has stated that, unlike most critics, he actually likes Nickelback.
  • Hidden Depths: During his argument with Harvey Finevoice and Linksano in the Thing Story Arc, he revealed knowledge of Rock and Roll outdoing lounge music for decades, showing that he did have some knowledge beyond his 90's knowhow.
    • Subverted in the Wild Thing #1 review:
    Linkara: By the way, did you know 90's Kid is a technological savant?
    90's Kid: Duuuuuuude, I put a clock on a screwdriver!
    Linkara: He has his off days.
    • Turns out he wasn't joking; Atop the Fourth Wall: The Movie reveals that 90's Kid is actually the one who handles most of the maintenance on the ship. In fact, he has an entire speech pointing out he's not an idiot; he just REALLY likes the 90's...for the GOOD parts, not the bad parts. They were TRYING, even if it went in a bad direction. Plus, he likes being underestimated.
    • He has been spending his time with Lord Vyce, of all people, hashing out some sort of calculated plan to stop the Entity's return.
  • Keet: A very energetic individual with a very cheerful disposition.
  • Large Ham: To an annoying degree.
  • Leitmotif: Constantly has "Smells Like Teen Spirit" (and sometimes "Smells like Nirvana") playing in the background, except when he reviewed Freak Force where it was the song that played over the title card instead.
  • Like a God to Me: "Liefeld, you are my god!"
  • Limited Wardrobe: He's always wearing that Grungey plaid shirt and a black "WYSIWYG" (What You See Is What You Get) shirt.
  • Meaningful Rename: At the end of the Sleepwalker Arc, he proudly states to Linkara that his experiences have matured him, and so has accordingly renamed himself "90's Dude". Linkara then lampshades that everybody will still be calling him "90's Kid" out of habit, to which he half-sheepishly admits that he's well aware of that.
    • And yet, every video after the arc with a 90's Kid segment shows his name as 90's Dude.
  • Morality Pet: Revealed to be serving as this to Vyce in their secret collaboration. However, it doesn't last, though even as Vyce throws him in the brig when 90's Kid draws the line, the villain admits his sincere respect for the latter.
  • The '90s: Though he briefly turns into 60s Kid after Mickey Mantle punches a hole in reality in the Mickey Mantle #2 review, complete with "Smells Like Teen Spirit" being replaced by "Good Day Sunshine".
  • No Indoor Voice: His catchphrase is proof enough.
  • NOT!: In the "Raver #1" review, he calls out the title character for using this incorrectly.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: In Atop the Fourth Wall: The Movie, he tells Lupa that this is a major benefit of being so... well... 90's Kid.
  • Odd Friendship: While it sadly doesn't last, for a Totally Radical personality he got along surprisingly well with the serious Lord Vyce.
  • Perverse Sexual Lust: Has written both a fanfic and a review script where he makes out with Obscurus Lupa, though when he actually meets her in the movie, he tones this way down, to the point of it being a nonexistent trait.
  • Real Men Wear Pink: Judging from his Waking Non Sequiturs, beneath his love of the grim and gritty he harbors a secret fondness for the Care Bears.
  • Signing-Off Catchphrase: "I'm 90's Kid, and what you see is what you get!"
  • Small Name, Big Ego: During the Guns and Sorcery Arc, he claims that he's the main reason why people watch the show. Holokara takes it very poorly.
  • Smarter Than You Look 90's Kid is rather consistently underestimated or seen as a doofus by many. However, as is noted by Obfuscating Stupidity above, he's partly like that intentionally. He's a very good mechanic, being able to maintain Comicron 1 despite it's numerous alien elements, is capable of creating a number of guns with relative ease in a short timeframe during Atop the Fourth Wall: The Movie, and figured out years in advance that Linkara still had a small portion of The Entity inside him, pushing him to work behind the scenes with Lord Vyce to try to save his friends.
  • Surfer Dude: He gives off this vibe.
  • Sympathy for the Devil: After Lord Vyce is killed in the portal, he expresses some sadness that it turned out that way, since he'd been working with him for several years and had gotten to know him.
  • Totally Radical

    Allen Park 

Portrayed by: Nick "Lanipator" Landis

Linkara's liaison in the US government. Up until the conclusion of 2013's Halloween arc, he had not made a physical appearance or had any lines; he was only alluded to on the other end of Linkara's phone calls.

  • A Day in the Limelight: Atop the Fourth Wall: The Movie serves as his, to an extent. It details his background in meeting with Linkara, expands on their dynamic, and we get to see him on the job to boot when dealing with the Caelestis mission.
  • Been There, Shaped History: A minor and more contemporary example. Apparently, Donald Trump’s claim that windmills cause cancer can be traced back to a lie Allen told him to stop him from trying to take Comicron-1 from Linkara.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Becomes a loyal servant of the King of Worms for a short time. Shorter than the others, to be honest. His subservience isn't even shown on screen.
  • Deadpan Snarker: He kinda has to be in order to keep up with Linkara.
  • Disney Death: In Part 2 of the Movie. Comes back at the end of Part 4 as a result of Europa's energy field healing him.
  • The Ghost: Until 2001: A Space Odyssey #1. He sometimes shifts into this during arcs that might involve him, such as the last parts of The Sleepwalker arc, but the plot manages to shift in directions that don't require him to appear.
  • Moment Killer: Notably, he interrupts the dramatic reveal of Linkara's new costume.
  • My Greatest Failure: He becomes Linkara's in Atop the Fourth Wall: The Movie, dying in part 2. He gets better.
  • Properly Paranoid: The reason Linkara has a liaison in the US government, as Jaeris finds out, is that people would naturally get somewhat nervous over a large, heavily-armed spaceship floating in orbit.
    • The government has protocols in case he is replaced with a robot duplicate. Allen considers this an obvious set of preparations.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: He's usually depicted as a very on-the-nose individual, keeping himself rather composed and serious no matter the situation. But after four years of the Trump administration, Allen is shown to have become disheveled and at the end of his rope dealing with the current POTUS, eventually unloading a vicious, yelling rant that is detailed below.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Implied. Linkara states that he trusts Allen, but not his technicians.
    • The reasoning behind it is explained in the Movie, when it's revealed that originally the US government wanted Linkara assassinated for his possession of Comicron-1, but Allen dissuaded them from doing so as long as he doesn't do anything to affect the world geopolitical situation.
    • Deconstructed with Trump. The man's inane demands are shown to have worn Allen down, and the pandemic didn't help matters either. He's managed to stop some of the crazier/amoral schemes, but he had to use some equally inane and desperate excuses to do so to protect Comicron-One.
  • Sharp-Dressed Man: Always wears a suit and tie. Averted during his appearence in the 2020 end-of-year recap, where we see that the accumilated stress of 4 years of having to deal with Donald Trump as President has made him Seriously Scruffy instead.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: During his cameo in the 2020 year-end recap he gives a truly cathartic one to President Trump.
    "You know what? Yeah. Yes, I called you "sniveling prick", because, you know what, you're going to be out of the job soon. And I have put up with you for FOUR GODDAMN YEARS! So, when I tell you that you're a spineless, disgusting, slovenly, racist, sexist, homophobic, bigoted, drooling, pus-expelling abscess on the face of humanity, I say it because I've spent time with you for more than five minutes. Oh, your reading skills are less than developed than a first-grader. And I am fairly certain the noises I've heard when you go to the bathroom are actually you masturbating to your own picture. (mirthless chuckle) Yeah… Yeah. I am sick of looking at your kid's FUCKING FOREHEADS! There are hundreds of thousands of people dead and hundreds of thousands of more starving in the streets which they were thrown out to DURING A PANDEMIC BECAUSE OF YOU AND THIS GOVERNMENT FAILING THEM WITH YOU AT ITS HEAD!! Oh yes, I know. I know I'm fired, but you know what, I think I'll be back at this job in, I don't know, a month. Because I'm good at what I do. And, by the way...I'VE SEEN THE PEE TAPES!"
  • Vetinari Job Security: Claims to have this due to being a professional after Trump fires him due to the above speech. Considering his lack of concern afterwards when speaking with Linkara and treating his firing as a one month holiday, he is likely telling the truth.

    Eliza/The Walking Lizard 

Voiced by: Melissa Kaercher
Yes, that is a metal rod sticking out of her back. Perfectly necessary for her spine to work!
One of Linkara's childhood toys brought to life by Dr. Linksano as a Christmas present.
  • A Day in the Limelight: She's the main focus of the 2018 Christmas arc, where she's considering leaving the group after the events of the Sleepwalker arc.
  • A Tragedy of Impulsiveness: Though it's made clear that Eliza's hurt and mixed feelings towards Linkara are valid, she does let her anger get the better of her and refuses to even hear him out when he tries to warn her that materializing a spirit might not be the best of ideas.
  • A Lizard Named "Liz": Eliza, technically, but yeah.
  • Character Development: Introduced as a fairly uncertain individual, making her hesitant to assist when the King of Worms began subverting Linkara's allies, and considering leaving the group after Linkara's blow-up in the Sleepwalker arc. After the latter incident, she starts becoming a bit more self-assured, chill, and more willing to interact with the cast overall.
  • Foil: As her Day in the Limelight is revealing, she is this to Harvey Finevoice in some respects: Both were dragged into strange events that have dominated their lives, and both have issues with Linkara following troubling events that boiled over: (The Holokara-Shade incident for Harvey, and the Sleepwalker arc for Eliza). They keep their distance from Linkara after these events, and the Christmas Season ends up as a Day in the Limelight that reveal more about their characters. But while Harvey had known Linkara for quite some time, Eliza is a newcomer. Harvey is a lounge-singer, a position that's a fair bit removed from the inherent Weirdness Magnet, while Eliza's existence is anything but ordinary. Also, Harvey's arc happened at a hotel, far away from Linkara so as to put deliberate distance between the two, while Eliza's takes place at the house, where she ''could'' talk to Linkara about it, but chooses not to. Both also deal with Christmas-based ghosts, but while Harvey's were of the Yet Another Christmas Carol variety, meant to help him get over his past, Eliza's is a more malevolent ghost admiring his own sins, and does nothing to help guide her.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: Eliza is most certainly not a jerk, but she wonders if she is acting like one due to thinking about leaving the group due to the events of the Sleepwalker arc. The Ninja Style Dancer comforts her that her grievances are quite legitimate, and Dr. Linksano brings up how such difficulties with families are rarely ever clear-cut. Later on, when Linkara approaches her, she's correct that Linkara never apologized to her for his actions during that arc, specifically his verbal berating of everyone. Linkara's attempt to defend himself due to the Entity's Demonic Possession notably falls rather quickly during this.
  • Must Have Caffeine: Her only response to learning the metal pole sticking out of her back is a necessary part of her spine is to ask for coffee.
  • Naïve Newcomer: As a fairly late addition to the cast, she's not as familiar with the other characters or their history, which allows her to be used to catch the audience up. Deconstructed later on in the 2018 Christmas arc where her lack of familiarity means that she really hasn't built up relationships with the majority of the cast aside from Pollo, NIMUE, and Dr. Linksano, and is thinking about leaving after Linkara's descent into paranoia during the Sleepwalker arc. She later proceeds to revive the spirit of Terence Baxter, even though most of the spirits the cast has dealt with have been malevolent.
  • Neutral No Longer: Because she wasn't sure what side she should take, she just stood and watched several Cybermat attacks and didn't warn anyone. As of the The Thing From Another World: Questionable Science review, she seems to have made up her mind.
  • Put on a Bus: After Linkara's allies abandon him, Eliza chooses not to return for the remainder of the Sleepwalker arc, and played no role in the first part of the Contest of Champions storyline nor the tenth anniversary. She would finally return in the 2018 Christmas story-line, which is focused on her.
  • Samus Is a Girl: Linkara is quite surprised when she starts talking and confirms she's a woman.
  • The Stoic: Speaks in a completely bored voice despite the bizarreness of her entire existence.
    • Not So Stoic: Her voice does crack when she's talking to Dr. Linksano about leaving the group, saying that she was really and truly hurt by Linkara's verbal breakdown during his possession from the Entity. She also raises her voice when Linkara tries to broach the issue with her, and it is VERY clear that she's pissed.
  • Unwitting Pawn: Her attempt to materialize Terence Baxter... since as it turns out, he's quite admiring of the chains on his form that represent his misdeeds.


Portrayed by: Julie Sydor

A thief who appears one day in order to steal the Magic Coin. Erin is a fellow internet reviewer (albeit an much less successful one) who reviews ancient artifacts with her robot sidekick Ceres. After inadvertently saving Linkara's life by stealing the Magic Coin during the 2015 Halloween arc Linkara recruits her to become his historian on all things strange and mythical.

  • Alone with the Psycho:
    • At the end of the Ultimate Power #4 review, poor Erin ends up realizing that she hasn't been talking with Linkara at all, but instead the Entity. She quickly gets the hell out of dodge.
    • Happens again at the end of Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash: The Nightmare Warriors when the 'clone' reveals itself to be Mechakara turned human.
  • Badass Longcoat: Wears a red leather coat and regularly breaks into dangerous places to borrow magical artifacts to review for her show.
  • "Blackmail" Is Such an Ugly Word: Erin doesn't steal magical artifacts, she borrows them and has every intention on giving them back to their owners when she's done.
  • Cutting the Knot: While the rest of Linkara's friends and Vyce tried resurrecting Comicron 1 to inspire Linkara in order to break the Entity's hold on him, Erin comes up with the much more straightforward plan of shoving the Magic Coin into the Entity's face and forcing it to leave Linkara's body.
  • Distaff Counterpart: Serves as one for Linkara; she's a reviewer of lesser known properties (and thus doesn't have the largest fanbase), has a talking Robot Buddy that helps her, and relies on gadgets and wits to overcome stronger adversaries.
  • Meaningful Name: Turns out Erin is actually short for Erinyes, an ancient Greek spirit of vengeance. Her whole purpose for entering Linkara's universe was as a part of Mirrorkara's revenge scheme.
  • The Mole: Was secretly working for Mirrorkara until the events of the Clone Saga, where she did a Heel–Face Turn.
  • Ms. Exposition: She provides a lot of backstory regarding the origins of the Magic Coin. This is justified since she researches all of the artifacts she finds for her review show.
  • Put on a Bus: She leaves the show following the 10th anniversary storyline, with Word of God stating that she chose to explore the multiverse. This was due to both her storyline being finished and Julie Sydor moving to another state.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Despite being instrumental in freeing Linkara's mind from the Entity, she disappears at the end of that episode and isn't featured again for the rest of the Sleepwalker arc. She makes a return in the Contest of Champions arc.

    Harvey Finevoice
Linkara's other main alter ego, a lounge singer from The '50s with a touch of The Mafia.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Becomes a loyal servant of the King of Worms for a short time.
  • Closet Geek: How did he figure out the Entity's true identity? He's actually a big fan of Pokemon.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: He once had a family, but his son Charlie died (how old and cause of death unspecified) and his wife left him shortly thereafter. He more or less shut down until being rescued by Linkara during the Training Montage of Amazons Attack!. Unfortunately, rather than truly move on from his trauma, he ended up treating Linkara as a substitute for his son, which later on causes massive issues and resentment to build up when Linkara has to leave to find his magic again. After an explosive series of interactions due to outside forces, Harvey ends up stuck in a deep rut until the Ghosts of Christmas pay him a visit to finally make him confront his past traumas.
  • A Day in the Limelight: When Linkara was interdimensionally abducted, he guest-hosted the show and reviewed Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter.
    • In the December 2012 reviews, he gets another one with it being Christmas Carol themed.
  • Deadpan Snarker: He gets off some pretty sharp zingers.
  • Disco Dan: In a subtler way than 90's Kid, but still.
  • Elvis Has Left the Planet: In one of the joke Multiple Endings to Linkara's Silent Hill review, Harvey is actually an alien from a planet with good comics. An interview has confirmed the two are in fact separate characters, and Earth!Harvey wants to do a duet with Alien!Harvey.
  • Evil Stole My Faith: While talking with Nash during Atop the Fourth Wall: The Movie about their Near-Death Experience, Nash asks Harvey if he believes in God. After a moment, Harvey says no he doesn't, due to the death of his son, Charlie. However, he also says due to everything he has seen since meeting Linkara that he does believe there is something watching over them, even if it isn't God.
  • Freudian Slip: During his interactions with the Ghost of Christmas Past, he accidentally refers to Linkara as Charlie, his dead son's name. Thus revealing a major truth behind his tendency to nickname people, and why he's so frustrated with his damaged relationship with Linkara.
  • The Heart: During and after the Vyce Arc, Harvey became a lot more supportive of Linkara's True Companions, encouraging them to keep getting up during their battle with the Big Bad. Plus, when Linkara starts naming his spaceship, Harvey's tone implies that he thinks it should be "Vigilant", since that was the one chosen by his friends.
  • He Knows Too Much: The Entity gets him after he recognizes the words in the Silent Hill book.
  • Heroic BSoD: After the Gunslinger is ousted from the apartment in Treehouse of Horror #2 and everyone's perception is returned to normal, Harvey confesses that he really meant what he said—he really was so angry at Linkara over the Holokara incident that he was ready to kill him. This spurs him to put some distance between himself and the group for the time being with a concert tour.
  • Hidden Depths: Apparently a big fan of Pokemon.
  • His Name Is...: After taking a look at the Silent Hill book he comes to a realization, but runs into the Entity before he can warn Linkara.
  • Insistent Terminology: Consistently addresses both Linkara and Iron Liz as "kid." There's a reason for this, as the 2012 "Christmas Carol" arc shows.
  • More Dakka: In the Power Rangers review, he attacks Mechakara with a tommy-gun.
  • Mr. Fanservice: His singing voice and suave attitude has granted him many female fans.
  • My Greatest Failure: The Movie reveals that he feels this way about running away from Mechakara when he first fought Linkara.
  • The Nicknamer: Rarely, if ever, calls the others by their actual name. Linkara and Liz are both "Kid", 90's Kid is "the idiot", Pollo is "the robot".... This takes on a much darker undertone when it's revealed that he considers Linkara a substitute for his dead son Charlie, and thus likely never calls him by his name because he'd slip up.
  • Older Side Kick: Much older than Linkara, old enough to be his father even, in-universe. Somewhat deconstructed in his backstory, as Linkara reminds Harvey of his own son, now deceased. Even afterwards, he admits that he can't help but see Linkara in a fathery light.
  • Older Than They Look: He's old enough to be Linkara's dad, which he may think of himself as, despite being noted as looking very similar to him. Linkara apparently gets mistaken for Harvey on some occasions.
  • Outliving One's Offspring: As revealed in the "Christmas Carol" arc, he had a son called Charlie who passed away. His Papa Wolf behavior towards Linkara is because he sees him as a second Charlie.
  • Parental Substitute: He believes himself to be one to Linkara and even accidentally occasionally refers to him as Charlie, his deceased son.
  • Papa Wolf: Doesn't take too kindly to anyone trying to mess with the Kid.
  • Replacement Goldfish: He thinks of Linkara as his deceased son, Charlie. The Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future help him get over it.
  • Sharp-Dressed Man: Is always dressed in a nice suit and hat.
  • The Watson: During the Sleepwalker arc, especially in the face of 90's Kid's true allegiance, the repair of Comicron One, and how the plan to stop the Entity and later Lord Vyce works.

    Iron Liz
Her super mode.

Linkara's former Real Life girlfriend, who appeared sporadically in his reviews. During his disappearance, she filled in for him in a review and stuck around after he returned. She reviews Tabletop RPGs on her own website as well as Channel Awesome. After Liz and Lewis broke up in real life, her character disappeared from the show. Her final apperance was in the 300th episode, in which she makes a brief appearance revealing that she's currently searching for Judas Liz.

    The Magic Gun 

Portrayed by: S.S. Lee
Click here to see his first human appearance
Click here to see his current human appearance

Linkara's partner, the Magic Gun is true to its name. It shoots lasers, and is frequently used as a tool when a comic gets so bad it drives him to suicide. Or something else does. He can also rely on it whenever he's in a fight; when he can't, you know he's in trouble. Though one wonders where he got it...


Voiced by: Amethyst (All That He Sees, He Conquers - The Machination of Worms storyline), Teresa Dietzinger (Atop the Fourth Wall: The Movie), Allison Pregler (The Sleepwalker storyline - Present)
Click here to see her digital space appearance
The AI built to run Comicron 1. She also runs security in Linkara's house.
  • A.I. Is a Crapshoot: Linkara tests this by supplying a hypothetical Humans Are the Real Monsters scenario. Her final response invokes the Bystander Syndrome; she could easily turn her weapons towards the Earth and assume control over the populace, but that would get in the way of maintaining the ship.
  • Ax-Crazy: After Lord Vyce took her over.
  • Benevolent A.I.: Is completely loyal to Linkara, and her descent into insanity turns out to have only been because of Lord Vyce's meddling.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: NIMUE is normally a level headed stoic, but Mind Rape her for months on end and once she's free, she will not hesitate in ending you. Vyce found this out the hard way.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Lord Vyce did something nasty to her mind.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: At full capacity she can think thousands of times faster than a human, and she can think of 329 ways to take care of Lord Vyce after he invades her programing and implement one of them super quickly.
  • Madness Mantra: "Are you afraid?" This appears to be Lord Vyce speaking through her.
  • Mr. Exposition: Usually in regards to explaining unseen details, such as all of the Entity's victims returning to normal after its destruction.
  • Pre Ass Kicking One Liner: "Are you afraid?" Lord Vyce: "Yes" "Good."
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Uh-oh... subverted, that was Vyce
  • Sanity Slippage: She becomes afraid that this is happening to her.
    NIMUE: "What does it feel like when someone is losing their mind?"
    • As of the Brute Force #4 review, it is happening to her.
    NIMUE: "I see the beast inside you, I see the beast inside me, Moloch's love is oil and stone, self diagnostic started, self diagnostic cancelled, green, green, green, green, green."
  • Shout-Out: Nimue is the real name of the Lady of the Lake from the Arthurian mythos. Linkara has previously said that Camelot is his all-time favourite film (and he's also an Arthurian fanboy in general, as revealed on his blog).
  • The Smart Girl
  • Spaceship Girl: One with no physical body.
  • The Stoic: Despite being programmed to feel emotions, and while she does display them on several occasions, most of the time she's still very calm and reserved, the emotions only showing in subtle ways.
    • Not So Stoic: There are several times where she's clearly emotional, the first time is when she responds to Linkara's decision to finish reviewing a comic book despite the fact that the ship the two of them are on is about to explode, with a very confused "Why?". The second time is when she asks Linkara "Are you afraid of me?" in a mix of angry/upset voice, like she wants to be feared.
  • Suddenly Shouting: I'M NOT TALKING TO YOU!!
  • Third-Person Person: "This unit is programmed to refer to itself in the third person."
  • Wham Line:
    NIMUE: "Self diagnostic [beat] canceled."

    Ninja Style Dancer
The Ninja with one of his typical speech signs.

A ninja who likes to dance. Another Linkara character, based off the bizarre reference in Nightcat to the title character's backing dancers being described as "Ninja Style Dancers".

  • Almost Dead Guy: In the Entity arc.
  • Exactly What It Says on the Tin: He is a ninja who likes to dance.
  • Hidden Depths: The Ninja Style Dancer is shown to be surprisingly skilled, being capable enough to get in a few hits on Mechakara in the early storylines without needing other methods of attack, and has twice been the one to realize that something was horribly wrong in regards to the first attack by the Entity and the King of Worms, managing to evade their influence for much longer than Linkara's other friends. It's only due to him being hopelessly outmatched, or them getting the jump on him that ultimately does him in both times.
    • He's also very perceptive, having noticed long before anyone else how disillusioned Eliza had been with everything around her after the Sleepwalker Arc, and offering her sage advice on how to deal with her current situation.
  • Informed Attribute: As with many examples of The Voiceless, other characters (in this case Harvey Finevoice) nonetheless claims he's annoyingly talkative.
    • According to Iron Liz, he once beat Harvey in Karaoke, so it's possible he has an even better voice than the professional lounge singer.
  • Leitmotif: Has made three appearances thus far accompanied by The Vengaboys' "We Like to Party"
  • McNinja: Presumably.
  • Silent Snarker: He communicates via large text cards and isn’t shy about delivering the zingers, like, "Oh joy. He's back to normal."
  • Talking with Signs: He doesn't speak aloud (on-screen at least), so this is his main way of communicating with others.
  • The Voiceless: Except in Linkara's hallucinations brought on by the powers of Silent Hill.


Voiced by: MacinTalk (initial "voice"), Alex Tansley (post-"The Machination of Worms" storyline)
His primary appearance
post-"The Machination of Worms" storyline.

His primary appearance pre-"Atop the Fourth Wall - The Movie".

Pronounced "Poyo", he's Linkara's Robot Buddy and manager. He took over the show while trying to get Linkara back during the "Linkara Lost" arc. He also hates famed comics writer Garth Ennis and the A.I. Is a Crapshoot assumption about robots.

  • A.I. Is a Crapshoot: Subverted. As stated above, he hates this trope, and even had Linkara do the Strange Adventures review to prove his point.
    • His hatred of it is partially motivated by the fact that his AU counterpart is Mechakara, and he thinks Linkara sees him as a potential threat.
  • Back from the Dead: He returns from his heroic sacrifice below by transferring into Linkara's Tom Servo puppet and stays there while he waits for Linkara to make him a new body.
  • Bilingual Bonus: His name in Spanish means "chicken".
    • According to the DVD, this is because Liz thought he looked like a chicken, and Linkara used mostly imported parts to build him
    • It takes him years to finally figure this out and only until he learns of Chew's iconic character Poyo. The above reasoning is retconned into Linkara just liking chickens, though Pollo thought he looked good enough to eat.
  • Breakout Character: Was originally just a robot puppet for Linkara's Mystery Science Theater 3000 fanmovie, then a one-off gag for the Amazons Attack! review, but Linkara liked him enough for him to become a recurring character.
  • Brilliant, but Lazy: As shown by his fights with Linksano and Mechakara, he can be pretty crafty when he wants and is quite efficient as the show's manager... But also tries to avoid work as much as robotly possible.
    Linkara: What do I pay you for again?!?
  • Deadpan Snarker: So very much.
  • Drop-In Character: Began as this, but now appears more regularly and is important to the plot.
  • Heroic BSoD: His first appearance. Even he, a robot, can't handle the awfulness of Amazons Attack.
    Linkara: Okay, folks, this is my robot, Pollo. He's going to finish the review for me, because really, I can't take this anymore.
    Pollo: Alright, so then Wonder Woman... [shorts out] knickknackpattywhackgiveadogabone.
    Linkara: Aw, son of a... even robots can't handle this thing!
  • Heroic Sacrifice: He pulls one to save Linkara at the end of the review Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan #3
  • Hive Mind: He is capable of controlling each of his bodies simultaneously.
  • Missed the Call: Variation - according to the flashback in the Captain Flash review on the DVD, he was specifically built to host the show. But his voice wouldn't work, so Linkara decided to host it himself.
  • Robot Buddy: Natch. Pollo becomes more of a friend to Linkara over time, and he's annoyed by the evil robot trope.
  • Running Gag: He constantly complains about not having working arms in his bodies and pesters Linkara to build him a body with working arms.
  • Scarf of Asskicking: Pollo is some times shown to wear a Scarf?
  • Sidekick: For Linkara.
  • Sitcom Arch-Nemesis: Sierra, the Gunslinger's AI. Any scene with the two of them looks like it escaped from Red Dwarf or MST3K.
    • Suspiciously Specific Denial: The in-universe reason for his change of voice starting in the ROMTROSPECTIVE is that he's jealous of Sierra's snarky British voice, although he's quick to deny he is. Linkara doesn't buy it.
  • Synthetic Voice Actor: Until the ROMTROSPECTIVE, when he finally gains a human voice.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: Is genuinely friendly with Linkara and has saved his life more than once...and when he does, he takes every opportunity to screw Linkara over with embarrassing return favors.
  • The Voiceless: On the DVD, due to copyright reasons involving his voice software. This is very likely the reason Lewis decided to finally stop using the software and switch to an actual person's voice starting from ROMTROSPECTIVE: ROM The Space Knight #1-46, in time for the upcoming movie.


Portrayed by: Victoria Gadson
Not her typical outfit, but she had some ghostbusting to do, and non-rent paying ghosts to remove.

Linkara's roommate (and real-life wife), who would really appreciate it if he could cut down on the weird adventures.

Former Enemies

    Doctor Linksano/Oscar Schlumper
His brief tenure as President Linksano.
A Dr. Insano from an alternate reality where Linkara became Insano instead of Spoony. He is trying to take Insano's spot as Big Bad and designated science villain, but isn't very good at it. His latest failure led to Linkara hiring him as his scientific adviser, and he has remained on his side ever since.
  • Alas, Poor Villain: The Entity attacked him at the end of The Backstreet Project #1.
  • And Then What?: As explained below, with Cut Lex Luthor a Check, this is how Linkara get Linksano to join his team. Linkara points out that that, if Linksano did conquer the World, it would mean he would actually have to run it, too. Linksano admits, he had not thought about that, and just wanted to indulge in power fantasies. He then takes Linkara up on his offer of joining the team.
  • Arc Villain: Serves as the main villain of "The Other Insano." He's not very good at it, though.
  • Badass Longcoat: Minus the badass.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: Linksano tried to take over as Linkara's replacement for Doctor Insano, but proved even more pathetic then the good doctor (who at least to his credit actually managed a few victories against Linkara). Hell, Linkara didn't even know that Linksano existed until he finally showed himself at the end of the arc. It's why he eventually gave up on his Evil Plan entirely and joined the good guys instead.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Becomes a loyal servant of the King of Worms for a short time.
  • Brilliant, but Lazy: He is a competent scientist and great with machines, but is also rather impatient and short-sighted.
    • Linkara ultimately gets him to join him by pointing out that for all his talk of ruling the world, he never actually stopped to think of what he would need to do once he was actually ruling it, pointing out how it will be more trouble than it's worth. Realizing he really just wants to continue his scientific experiments and can satisfy his power fantasies on Comicron-1's holodeck, he agrees to work for Linkara.
    • During "The Clone Saga", he reveals one of his more viler plans during his villain days was to create clones of Linkara and his friends, while also erasing Linkara's memories of this. Despite the high probability of success this had, he ultimately chose to abandon it and focused on other less successful projects because like most other mad scientists he grew bored with it for taking too long for the clone to actually develop.
  • Butt-Monkey: Spends most of his arc ignored by Linkara and doesn't fare very well after it finishes.
  • Character Development: As Linkara himself says, Linksano has changed quite a bit since their first encounter, going from a rather ineffectual Mad Scientist Big Bad Wannabe to a much more competent scientific adviser with actual morals, though he's still a tad wacky.
  • Continuity Nod: He's actually Oscar Schlumper from Spoony's Party Mania review, while his brother Wayne is the Insano of their universe.
  • Cut Lex Luthor a Check: Linkara does just this to get him to become a member of his group. In addition to offering him pay as Linkara's scientific adviser, he also explains to Linksano just how much of a hard and thankless job running the world would be if he were to actually conquer it, and gives Linksano full access to Comicron-1's science lab (to satisfy his scientific urges), and holodeck (to satisfy every other power fantasy that running the world wouldn't actually give him time to indulge in). Mad scientist or not, Linksano realizes how much of a good deal that is, and signs on.
  • A Day in the Limelight: Hosted the 2018 Longbox of the Damned Summer videos, and after Moarte kicked him out, played a prominent role in the 10th anniversary storyline, the Clone Saga when it turns out a discarded plan from his villain days may have played a part in Linkara having a clone running around. It's eventually revealed the clone the crew was interacting with was a now-human Mechakara, while the actual clone had been tortured to death by Mirrorkara. He later calls in Linkara's allies to defeat Mirrorkara. He would get another one in the second half of the Contest of Champions arc, as his expertise with the multiverse made him invaluable in helping Linkara take on Billy Tor and the Bandit Chief.
  • Defeat Equals Friendship: Built a Cybermat to fry Linkara, didn't work, got himself a logic bomb dropped on him, Heel–Face Turn.
  • Divergent Character Evolution: Linksano started off as a straight-up Expy of Doctor Insano, with the biggest difference between them was that Linksano was somehow an even more incompetent villain than him. Once he performed his Heel–Face Turn, he shifted towards becoming The Smart Guy of Linkara's group and his villainy was significantly toned down. Nowadays, he's one of Linkara's True Companions and is willing to stand up when he starts to cross moral boundaries.
  • Enemy Mine: He teamed up with Linkara against their common foe Lord Vyce, tired of running from him through different universes.
  • Establishing Character Moment: His introduction has him reveal to the viewer that he broke the Continuity Alarm and plans to take over our universe in the most hammy way possible, and then gets hit the face by Linkara opening a door wondering if he heard something.
  • Even Evil Has Standards:
    • In Linkara's joint review of The Spirit with Film Brain, Linksano thinks that melting someone's face is acceptable, but melting a cat (as Octopus does in the movie) is just wrong.
    • Spoony question if there's a Linksano than in Linksano universe if Spoony is "Spoonkara". Linksano replies with a bit of humorous disgust and says that would be stupid.note 
  • Expy: He is one for Doctor Insano from The Spoony Experiment. Linkara created Linksano because he felt bad about asking Spoony to play Insano for him over and over. It's eventually justified as him being Insano's counterpart from alternate reality; then it turns out that he's Oscar Schlumper, which means he's actually the brother of that universe's Insano. The characters have since diverged, with Insano rejecting the same arguments that led Linksano to his Heel–Face Turn.
  • Filler Villain: Basically just a breather between Mechakara and Vyce. However, in the Vyce arc, he returns in a much more important role, and after the Entity arc, is eventually convinced to pull a Heel–Face Turn.
  • Freudian Excuse: After delving more about his past to Eliza, it can be inferred that Linksano's original evil actions had been a result of having only his brother (The Dr. Insano of his universe, who went evil due to being rejected by a girl) around, and having no other loved ones or real motivations to remain there. It certainly explains why his schemes beyond his scrapped clone project were rather pathetic and how easy it was for Linkara to eventually bring him in as an ally when the topic came up: Not having a great deal of motivation kinda puts a damper on the ability to focus on long-term schemes.
  • The Goggles Do Nothing: Well, they do give him access to social media at least.
  • Go-Karting with Bowser: Linksano briefly joins a rock band formed by Whately, even though he's still on Linkara's side.
  • Good Parents: As her creator, he's technically Eliza's father. She apparently gets along well enough with him, and during the 2018 Christmas arc, he gives her advice concerning the idea of leaving the group after Linkara's descent into paranoia during the Sleepwalker arc.
  • Ham-to-Ham Combat: With Dr. Insano in Warrior 2 & 3
  • Heel–Face Turn: in All-American Comics #16. It should be also noted that when when Linkara, albeit under the influence of the Entity starts hijacking satellites for space based weaponry, he leaves with the others due to moral objections.
    • A more gradual one after his original recruitment: Linksano settled into the group dynamic, and Linkara eventually let him off the betrayal leash.
  • Hidden Depths: The 400th episode shows he can play the drums and apparently has a life outside of his involvement with Linkara.
  • Hypercompetent Sidekick: Linksano proves to be far more effective as an ally to Linkara than he ever was as a villain. Because of his work during the Contest of Champions, he was able to reveal the true nature of Billy Tor and find a means to become president fast enough to use that power to help Linkara win his fight. Then he proves his mettle once again in the final bout, when his tireless efforts to figure out where the box with the Confession spirit came from allows him to reveal the Bandit Chief's deception and cheating. His status as scientific advisor is well earned at this point.
  • Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain: He was never really a competent villain, though it turns out that he did have a decent scheme when he first arrived in Linkara's universe via replacing everyone with clones, back when Spoony had died and Linkara was trying to revive him. Fortunately, he lacked the patience to see the plan through, and as he admits to Linkara ten years afterwards, his later plans were less successful.
  • I Was Just Joking: In the Paetron review of GaoGaiGar, he suggests throwing kids off rooftops and seeing if they survive when Taiga says that percentages is just numbers and a brave heart can overcome anything. When Mamoru throws himself out of a window, glows green and sprouts wings, he can only stare in shock and stammer that he's technically still correct.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: In Reagan's Raiders #1, after seeing Lord Vyce easily beat Linkara and Harvey, Linksano wisely decides not to confront him, knowing he's out of his league.
  • Large Ham: He's an alternate Doctor Insano, and is every bit as hammy as him. This does not drop after his Heel–Face Turn.
  • Logic Bomb: On the receiving end of one from Linkara, just before his Heel–Face Turn.
  • Mad Scientist: Given who he was originally an Expy of, this should be obvious. Even while on the good guys' side.
  • The Mole: Against Vyce.
    • And now for the King of Worms, it seems...until it was revealed to have just been an android made in his image. The real Linksano was trapped in the King of Worms' dimension, albeit under the King's control.
  • Mr. Exposition: His primary role post Heel–Face Turn, particularly in matters regarding how the multiverse and later clones work.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: A downplayed example, but he's shown to be very regretful of his cloning plan and how it turned out. Note that when the cast gathers after beating Mirrorkara, he's shown to be hanging his head in shame, even if Linkara is willing to forgive him.
  • Our Presidents Are Different: During the Halloween storyline of 2021, in a gambit to make Billy Tor forfeit in the Contest of Champions by putting his spirit at ease, he became President of the United States of Billy Tor's universe. He's a case of President Personable, making a presidential address to address the covered-up prison massacre that gave rise to Billy Tor, promising to build a monument where the prison grounds once were, compensate all descendants of the deceased, and formally apologize on the behalf of the United States and the state government of Colorado. However, he's also a minor case of President Buffoon, having accidentally leaked government secrets to one of his boyfriends who turned out to be a Russian asset, leading to his impeachment.
  • Polyamory: In the resolution of the Halloween storyline of 2021, he comes out as pansexual and polyamorous.
  • Reality Warper: Manages to build a machine called the "Black Light Generator" at the end of "Justice Act Of God" Part III, an obvious reference to the black light in the comic, that changes the world however he wants it... And he gets swiftly defeated by Pollo shooting it out of his hand.
  • Redemption Promotion: His science often still fails, but the story takes him far more seriously as an ally of Linkara's than as a villain.
  • Red Herring: It is originally believed that the Linkara clone in the apartment was derived from his experiments. Turns out it was actually the Plot Hole turning Mechakara into a human and that the actual clone was tortured to death.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: The minute he found out Lord Vyce was coming to his home dimension (though he later reveals to Eliza that he'd already been planning on leaving; his brother becoming that universe's Dr. Insano, and not having anyone else to talk to were not endearing him to remain there, Vyce was just the final push). Did the same when Vyce came to this one, but was eventually forced to work for him.
  • The Starscream: He stabs Vyce in the back so he could be a conqueror and latter tries to betray Linkara but after Linkara convinces him otherwise he seems to have some genuine loyalty to him.
  • Suspiciously Similar Substitute: He owes his existence to Linkara's desire not to need to bug Spoony for Doctor Insano footage.
  • Trrrilling Rrrs: His speech pattern holds this.
  • Unexplained Recovery: He comes back after the Entity's defeat.
  • Unknown Rival: His defeats have either been by accident or by Pollo. Linkara didn't even know about him until the final stage of his plan. The Clone Saga later expands on this, revealing that Linksano first met Linkara after Spoony died, and the latter didn't trust him in the slightest. Then Linksano wiped Linkara's memory via a virus that would delete Linkara's knowledge of having met him, which contributed to this trope.
  • Vocal Evolution: In his first appearances, his voice was high-pitched and screechy, but later on it got deeper and gained a slight accent.
  • We Can Rule Together: Extends this to Insano when they're fighting in "Warrior 2 & 3" review that could have a Villain Team-Up instead. Insano likes the idea, but nothing comes of it because Linkara a bunch of other reviewers how up and beat them and the rest of the Insanos up.
  • Wham Line: Has given out a few.
    • "Weep for your universe, Linkara. Weep for all universes! For Lord Vyce is coming, and all he sees, he conquers!"
    • "Now's where things get really interesting!"
    • "I hear and obey."

    The Gunslinger, aka Jaeris 

Portrayed by: Will Wolfgram

A mysterious man from another dimension with his own Magic Gun, who wants to gets his hands on Linkara's. It's revealed in Youngblood #5 that he is a critic from a dimension where SOPA (or perhaps SUCKA) succeeded and created a dystopian government that he seeks to rebel against, and that he's taking other magic guns to aid said resistance, becoming Linkara's ally in the process.

  • Ambiguously Bi: At least one alternate version of him was romantically involved with Linkara, but it's unclear if that version's attraction to guys applies to all versions.
  • Anime Hair: He has ridiculously long (and obviously fake out of universe) blond hair twisted into a braid.
  • Anti-Hero: Starts of as a Classical Anti-Hero who despite arguably being a better sorcerer than Linkara, in the sense that he created his own magic gun, is nowhere near as badass, being unsure of what to do, and leaving his world to find allies as he's not powerful enough to help it on his own. After the "magnificent seven" dies he becomes more of a Pragmatic Hero, stealing other magic guns to help the resistance and (presumably) gaining a few levels in badass in the process. At the time of his encounter with Linkara he's a borderline case of Unscrupulous Hero, not caring about anyone but himself and his cause and ignoring Sierra's attempts at dissuading him from attacking Linkara despite the latter's track record. It's only after becoming trapped in Linkara's universe does he begin to realise just how much harm he had caused and that his current predicament is his own fault, making amends with Linkara and eventually helping him fight Lord Vyce after he attempts to retake Comicron-1 again, becoming a genuine hero.
  • Anti-Villain: Type III-IV. He was stealing magic guns in order to arm the natives of his universe against a tyrannical government, after discovering that their original wielders, the so-called "magnificent seven", couldn't survive dimension hopping for long. Any time he has shown any clear villainous behavior/personality traits is just part of his ploy to anger Linkara.
  • Badass Bookworm: He's knowledgable enough in science and magic to build a dimension crossing starship, a fully sentient AI, and a Magic Gun powerful enough to be a match for Linkara's.
  • Badass Longcoat: He has an impressive long black coat and is tough enough to pose a serious threat to Linkara.
  • Big Bad Ensemble: The main antagonist for most of the "Gun and Sorcery" arc, introduced in the very beginning and returning in full force for the second half of the arc after a brief leave of absence in which Holokara becomes the villain. However, it's revealed in the end that he's actually a good guy trying to liberate his own universe. Dr. Insano proceeds to take his place as the main villain following this revelation.
  • Braids of Action: How he keeps his hair.
  • The Bus Came Back: Two years after his previous appearance, Jaeris returns to rescue Linkara from a space between universes in the The Real Ghostbusters in Ghostbusters II Review, even returning the mobile emitter to Linkara. A year after that, he returns again to assist Linkara in preparing for the Contest of Champions.
  • The Collector: One of his lines in his first appearance implies that he's successfully stolen Magic Guns from others in the past. His collection is revealed in the Marville #3 review.
  • Combat Pragmatist: He doesn't bother attacking Linkara head on, instead shooting him in the back when he least explects him. Also he's smart enough to predict that Linkara will board his starship during the space battle with Comicron-1, preferring to stay out of sight and ambush him when he has his guard down instead of fighting him directly.
  • Deadpan Snarker: He has his moments, such as after being told to fly Comicron-1 into the sun.
    Yeah, I can see that your plans are the height of sanity.
  • Death World: To the Gunslinger, Linkara's Earth is toxic to the point of potentially being fatal. That is, until he's forcefully bound to it. Now his world of origin is toxic to him instead.
  • Decoy Antagonist: While the most consistent threat in his tititular arc, it's eventually revealed that he's not actually evil, and is only antagonizing Linkara out of desperation.
  • Despair Event Horizon: After leaving his universe to find allies he assembles what he describes as "just like the magnificent seven, except there's nine of us." Nine magic gun wielders (including him) only to watch them slowly die as they couldn't survive in his universe for long which results in him developing his unwillingness to ask others for help, including Linkara. Which along with trying to get Linkara to attain an Unstoppable Rage to obtain a fully unlocked Magic Gun, ultimately results in him becoming permanently bonded with Linkara's universe. What follows is him drowning his sorrows. For months on end.
  • Distressed Dude: His capture in the King of Worms arc finally alerts Linkara to the King's activities.
  • Dual Wielding: Has the potential to do this, but hasn't actually done it yet.
    • His wife, Joanna, has his gun's twin.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: During the Christmas 2014 storyline, a woman is found to have infiltrated Linkara's apartment, much like Jaeris himself did. Turns out this is Joanna, his wife, who had been jumping around herself looking for him. Not only does Jaeris finally reunite with her, but Linkara, by that point, has finished Jaeris' new anchor for his home dimension. After gleefully hugging Linkara and thanking him and telling him a half-hearted "up yours" (because Linkara reminded him of who stranded him here in the first place), he heads off.
  • Expy: Visually, he's based on Yuber from Suikoden 3. Not so much in the personality department.
  • Gadget Watches: His pocket watch appears to serve as a teleportation device, allowing him to beam in and out of Linkara's home.
    • It also acts as an anchor to his home dimension, keeping him from being assimilated by this dimension, which would keep him from going home. Linkara eventually makes him a new one.
  • The Gunslinger: Of course.
  • Harmless Villain: Downplayed. While definitely a competent enemy, Jaeris' goal of stealing the Magic Gun is relatively tame compared to the Entity, Vyce's insane pursuit of it and willingness to destroy or conquer entire planets, Mechakara's murderous obsession with Linkara, and even Linksano's poor attempts at world dominantion. While Linkara losing the Magic Gun would definitely be bad (and might lead to a future villain actually beating him), there's much less immediately at stake. Thankfully, once this is revealed, Insano returns to usurp Jaeris' place as the Final Boss and provide a bigger threat for the climax.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Joins Linkara to fight Dr. Insano and, while not ready to accept him as a friend, does accept him as an ally.
  • Hero of Another Story: His entire background in fighting the tyrannical oppression of his world puts him in this the greatest out of Linkara's allies, having a wealth of multiversal travel experience that rivals Linksano's, as well as his work in his home universe being detached from the rest of the cast.
  • Knight of Cerebus: While he doesn't pose much of a threat when he first appears, right after words Linkara's magic stops working, kicking off a much more serious plot. Not-So-Harmless Villain showed how dangerous he could be later on at the arc's climax. Post Heel–Face Turn he's more comical, but his introduction overall marked the implementation of more character-based arcs.
  • Late-Arrival Spoiler: For tropers who have just gotten up to the Gun and Sorcery arc, him being listed in the Allies folder instead of the Villains folder will come as quite a surprise.
  • Morality Chain: Although he's not a fully malevolent villain, it's implied that his wife acts as one, though she's been left behind in his home dimension.
  • Morality Pet: Is extremely nice and openly friendly with his own AI Sierra, despite his former anti-villain status.
  • No Name Given: According to Linkara, he's just known as the Gunslinger. That is, until Pollo gets his video logs and his name is revealed to be Jaeris.
  • "Not So Different" Remark: As Pollo's quick to point out, he's not so different from Mechakara, Lord Vyce and the Entity in the sense that he falls back on the "I did what I had to do, for the best" argument to justify all the crimes he committed, without really thinking about how much harm he actually caused and whether or not it outweighs the good he thinks he does.
  • Not-So-Harmless Villain: He doesn't seem NEARLY as intimidating as Vyce or The Entity or even Mechakara, yet he is suprisingly effective at what he does. He succesfully manages to turn Linkara's friends against each other, steal the Magic Gun, and is shown to be a MUCH better fighter than Linkara, able to keep up with him even in the latter's "Zeo!" form. In fact, the only reason he lost their first fight was due to Linkara's universe weakening him.
  • Only Sane Man: He plays this role in the 2001: A Space Odyssey #1 review, acting as the more grounded voice of reason in contrast to Linkara's Just Crazy Enough plans.
  • Seen It All: In regards to the Contest of Champions. While Linkara is in utter shock and disbelief that this year's prize is the Infinity Gauntlet, Jaeris shrugs it off without a second thought, since he's seen these kind of prizes given out every time the tournament is held.
  • Southern-Fried Genius: What else do you call a southerner who made a flying spaceship house and an AI?
  • Soul-Powered Engine: His magic gun was created by Jaeris binding the soul of his wife, as well as his own, to it. As long as both of them are alive, the gun will work and he'll have something to fight for.
  • Walking Spoiler
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Arc Villain he may be, but once you learn his motives, it's hard not to feel sorry for the guy.
  • The Worf Effect: A retroactive one, but during his last Contest, he was defeated by the Bandit Chief, which helps set the latter up as a dangerous upcoming opponent.
  • You Can't Go Home Again: After his anchor is destroyed, he becomes assimilated into Linkara's dimension, which means his home dimension is now fatal to him. Linkara swears he'll find a way to fix this. He doesn't take it well. Eventually subverted; not only does he reunite with his wife who herself had been jumping around looking for him, but Linkara provides him with a replacement anchor.


    Comicron One (aka Lord Vyce's Ship)

Obtained by Linkara after his victory over Lord Vyce in "All He Sees, He Conquers", this Cool Starship becomes his transport of choice (when he bothers to use it at any rate), capable of travelling around the world and universe with ease. Armed with a powerful forward lance, a highly customizable scout ship in the Vigilant, and filled with other powerful alien technologies, it's easily one of the most powerful weapons in his arsenal.

  • Brought Down to Badass: Comicron One was arguably at its deadliest when under the control of Vyce, having access to a menagerie of weapons and elements that made repairing it very easy and gave it greater defensive capabilities. When he was gone (and eventually permanently killed off by the end of Sleepwalker), the ship was noted to have many of its useful abilities permanently barred from usage by Linkara and his friends, with what little they could access being very limited compared to its full might. That said, it's still a warship, and with the demise of most of its major enemies including the Entity that it was designed to hunt down, it's easily one of Linkara's most powerful and useful assets.
  • Cool Starship: An incredibly cool one, especially for a low budget web series. It also houses a smaller ship called the Vigilant.
  • Hard Light: Supposedly possesses a holo-deck that Linksano could use for his personal fantasies, though it has never actually been seen in the Storyline Compilations.
  • Imported Alien Phlebotinum: Part of the problem when it comes to understanding how the ship systems work is that the ship is made out of materials from multiple different universes (as Sphynx Yonder noted during her cursory examination of a small-scale model during her brief dialogue with Linkara). In addition, Linkara, Linksano, and others have attempted to gain access to parts of the ship that were only usable with Lord Vyce on board especially after his final death, to less than successful results. While most of the ship is usable and it's still powerful, Lord Vyce being tied to the ship means that the more advanced self-repair and weapons, in addition to temporal shielding are completely unavailable to them without him on board. These limitations unsurprisingly can make using and trying to maintain the ship a bit more challenging as a result...
  • No Plans, No Prototype, No Backup: And because of it's unique nature and design, trying to fix it without access to the Forge function is substantially more complicated. And if it were destroyed, salvaging it is basically the only option, given that trying to repair it is extremely difficult.
  • Only Friend: To Lord Vyce. Ultimately an indicator of just how much he's lost in the pursuit of the Entity when his only ally is a non-sentient ship.
  • Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony: Had a bottle breaking variant of this during the rechristening of the ship into Comicron One. The bottle doesn't break, much to Linkara's agonized frustration. And given that a bottle that doesn't break when christening a ship is considered to be a bad omen in maritime superstition, and everything that happens afterwards...
  • Space Fighter: The Vigilant is this, being a smaller scout ship that can be modified via the Forge into a number of other variants, including a science vessel, gunship, and speed-based version. It should be noted that the Vigilant was originally going to be the name of Comicron One itself, but was pushed onto the smaller scout ship as a compromise when Linkara decided he wanted to use a different name.
  • Self-Healing Phlebotinum: Has an advanced self-repair system called "the Forge", which can convert any material nearby to repair the ship, even if it has suffered catastrophic damage. That being said, its effectiveness is dependent on the availability of nearby materials to repair itself with, and without Lord Vyce, the repair function is greatly restricted.
  • Wave-Motion Gun: The Forward Lance is quite powerful, capable of puncturing holes in other ships' defenses with ease and has a more powerful variant called the Particle Disseminator (though this variant is only accessible with Vyce on board).

    Comicron Two

After Comicron One was destroyed due to an unfortunate accident involving an un-reprogrammed Cybermat left over from the "His Blue Soul" Arc, Linkara ultimately commissions the Angry Joe Army to create its successor using what they could salvage from the fallen vessel. Unfortunately, it was ultimately destroyed not too long after its maiden voyage, due to Lord Vyce commandeering it into a portal intended to trap the permanently dead Entity during a brutal breakdown in the Sleepwalker Arc.

  • Cool Starship: Like it's predecessor, although admittedly not as powerful in many aspects.
  • Demonic Possession: By the fragment of the Entity that lay dormant in Linkara. After it is ejected from him via the Magic Coin, it ends up commandeering Comicron Two in order to avoid it's own destruction by the dimensional portal. While under the control of the Entity, the ship exhibits a number of powers it most likely did not have normally, including an immediate ability to repair any significant damage to itself, and reversing it's own missiles in the opposite direction mid-flight.
  • Glass Cannon: Compared to Comicron One, it doesn't have the benefit of the advanced alien technology that its predecessor has, such as powerful shielding and self-repair abilities (or at the least, it hadn't been installed at the time). However, it's no slouch in the firepower department with a multitude of torpedoes, a powerful laser cannon, and missiles that can be redirected via the Entity's power, it ultimately proved itself as a fairly powerful and capable warship during the battle between a reforged Comicron One and itself while possessed by the remaining fragment of the Entity.
  • Hard Light: Like it's predecessor, it possessed an advanced holo-deck, though it is given more of a showing in that it could be used to reconstruct the main control room into whatever Linkara wanted it to be. The Entity ends up using it to create a hologram that it could possess after it was ousted from Linkara, allowing it to exist outside of another person.
  • No Plans, No Prototype, No Backup: It has never been rebuilt ever since its destruction at the end of the Sleepwalker Arc, possibly because it was relatively difficult to get the necessary materials in the first place, with only the destruction of Comicron One allowing for the salvage of the needed materials at the time.
  • Self-Healing Phlebotinum: It can instantaneously repair itself with the digital demonic powers of the Entity Fragment controlling it. Otherwise, it has no known ability to repair itself.


Small cybernetic drones based on the same robots from the Doctor Who series. Ranging from barely bigger than a mouse to being roughly the size of a house cat, they were designed initially by Doctor Linksano as yet another one of his numerous schemes to take over the world. After he was convinced by Linkara to change sides, he ultimately reprogrammed the cybermats to serve as sentries and the occasional saboteur drone for his new boss. Their continued usage and fair number of victories gained from them makes them probably the most successful creations of Linksano to date.

  • A.I. Is a Crapshoot: Unfortunately, they are very susceptible to being controlled by reprogramming or by control via the King of Worms. In addition, because they don't change their programming upon being disabled, they can just as easily become a nuisance if they reboot and continue their original programming long after it's needed. It's what ended up downing Comicron One during the Sleepwalker Arc.
  • Beneath Notice: An aspect of cybermats that makes them invaluable as scouts, sentries, and spies, and has helped them to get the jump on enemies that would otherwise be able to stop them easily. It unfortunately is used against Linkara during the Machination of Worms Arc, since their tendency to be ignored meant that no one except for the Ninja Style Dancer realized how much of a threat they were until it was too late.
  • Cute Machines: Linkara finds them to be quite adorable even from the beginning. Though their presence became extremely unsettling once Linkara is surrounded by them and the fake Harvey during their possession by the King of Worms.
  • Killer Rabbit: Despite their small size, they can be very dangerous against larger opponents if they manage to successfully shock you once, especially in vital areas. After all, a single cybermat that was forgotten for years managed to bring down Comicron One by accident. And you'd better hope that you aren't stuck in a small confined space with a swarm of them...
  • Redemption Promotion: Much like their creator, their threat level has increased dramatically when they are on the heroes' side. Their first proper introduction was as Linksano's minions, where they are instantly defeated by Linkara simply picking them up, reinforcing just how laughable of a villain Linksano really is. After Linksano joins Linkara however, they prove themselves to be some of the most dangerous machines the doctor has ever built, proving able to be a threat in large numbers, (especially under the influence of the King of Worms) and even managing to bring down Comicron One by accident.
  • Shout-Out: To the cybermats from Doctor Who. Though these ones haven't shown any teeth yet...

Neutro in its first appearance
Neutro in subsequent appearances

Linkara's personal giant robot after he won it from Dr. Insano. It is based on the robot from the comic book of the same name, and just as prone to being hijacked or used by less than scrupulous individuals as its namesake. It's nonetheless a powerful weapon in the right hands.

  • Fatal Flaw: Much like its namesake, Neutro is easily controlled by anyone who manages to get inside its cockpit, whether they be good or evil. This is how Dr. Insano managed to hijack it and use its power to go on his world-domination hungry rampages several times.
  • Humongous Mecha: More or less. It proves incredibly useful against Mechakara after he was made gigantic during an early fight, and was intended to be used against Destrogalga if Linkara ever fought against him in the Contest of Champions, since he likely would not have been able to win against the King of Creatures otherwise. It thus ends up being a huge surprise when the King is defeated by Sphynx Yonder, thus making Neutro unnecessary.
  • Informed Attribute: Not Linkara's robot, but the comic book variant is supposedly a superhero, but because it's a mecha without any sense of right or wrong, this is incredibly misleading to say the least.
