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Linkara being an internet reviewer might as well be a magnet for trouble, and that includes his own Rogues Gallery. Whether out of petty reasons, destroying what they see as an obstacle to their plans for world domination, opposing him for personal conflicting goals, or Linkara simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time, Linkara has amassed a fairly substantial group of ne'er do wells to fight against.

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Major Antagonists

     Bandit Chief 

Portrayed by: Fes Works Voiced by: Martin "LittleKuriboh" Billany

A Champion who is both a notorious mercenary and a hardy survivalist. He's been in four previous Contests and made it to the semi-finals in two of them. Ruthless, cunning, and willing to do whatever it takes to get an edge over his competition, he is fiercely seeking to win the 1049th Contest of Champions by any means necessary...

See Characters - Contest of Champions for more on him.

     Doctor Insano 

Portrayed by: Noah Antwiler
A recurring character in both The Spoony Experiment and Atop the Fourth Wall, Dr. Insano is a mad scientist bent on world domination, and the former President of the United States. He's Linkara's original archenemy and the original owner of Neutro. Insano has a vendetta against Mechakara, whom he accidentally brought into this universe by meddling with hypertime, and who soon after forced him to get a haircut against his will. As Linkara's storyline has become more serious and elaborate, combined with the logistical difficulties of coordinating with someone in another state, the goofy mad scientist has played a much smaller part on Atop the Fourth Wall. See the character sheets for The Spoony Experiment, Kickassia, and To Boldly Flee for tropes that apply to him in those works.
  • Arch-Enemy: To Linkara in the earlier parts of the Atop the Fourth Wall storyline. He was quickly usurped in this role by Mechakara and Lord Vyce.
  • Badass Boast: All the time, though he's usually instantly defeated afterward or otherwise interrupted. Played straight in Star Wars 3D.
    "What have I to fear from you, worker ants? Scurrying about with your pitiful weapons, afraid of the purity of SCIENCE! I am DOCTOR INSANO! Your Alpha and your Omega! I have defeated time! Hypertime! And the worst Final Fantasy games ever! Eat death, you magical morons!"
  • Beware the Silly Ones: Compared to Lord Vyce or the Entity, Insano is pretty harmless... but he did torture Mechakara to death.
  • Big Bad Ensemble: While Jaeris and Holokara are the main threats for the majority of the "Gunslinger" arc, Insano is lurking in the background and becomes the Final Boss after Jaeris' origins are revealed.
  • Cut Lex Luthor a Check: Atop the Fourth Wall: The Movie reveals that he sold all of the stuff he stole back from the crew in the end of To Boldly Flee to the government. He says he would have done it earlier, he just thought it was so silly nobody would want it.
  • Demoted to Extra: Originally Insano was Linkara's archenemy, but because it was hard to coordinate with Spoony to do frequent cameos, his appearances grew fewer and fewer, until his role was taken over by Doctor Linksano, before the latter developed in a very different direction, and thus Insano fell to the wayside, only appearing as the Final Boss of the Gunslinger arc and patenting his work to the government in Atop the Fourth Wall: The Movie in what was basically a cameo, having not physically appeared since.note 
  • Diminishing Villain Threat: Started off as a menace to global society, reduced to a whiny punk that Linkara bullies for information. And then he Took a Level in Badass.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: At the conclusion of the Mechakara arc, he captures the crippled Mechakara and tortures him with a magnet. Why? The robot made him cut his hair.
  • Enemy Mine: Linkara quite frequently teams up with Insano to defeat worse villains.
  • Evil Laugh: He is pretty famous for his diabolical laughter.
  • Final Boss: Of the Gunslinger arc.
  • Giggling Villain: He can't help but let this out whenever he's gloating.
  • He's Back!:
    • At the end of Linkara's Marvel Team Up's 74, it's implied that he's suppressed all of Linkara's sorcery with, of all things, an anti-magic field generator. Ultimately averted though, he wasn't behind it..
    • However, at the climax of the ''Gun and Sorcery arc, he truly returns with a vengeance. He manages to slip on board Comicron 1, steal Neutro, and arms himself with upgraded versions of the power gauntlets made by JesuOtaku.
    Peoples of the Earth, your lord and master...has returned!
  • Large Ham: He cackles, laughes, and pontificates a great deal. Every word out of him is grandiose and dramatic, fitting his Mad Scientist personality.
  • Laughably Evil: He laughes madly and revels in his scientific genius, but isn't the most dangerous villain out there. But don't think he shouldn't be underestimated.
  • Mad Scientist: His name is Doctor Insano, he himself is a scientist, and is portrayed as insane, so yes he is this.
  • Not-So-Harmless Villain: When he gets his revenge on Mechakara. Or when he steals back Neutro and becomes the Final Boss of the Gunslinger arc. Pollo even respects him for not bothering to dress up his motivations or actions. He knows he's evil, and he revels in it.
  • Properly Paranoid: At the end of the "Warrior 2&3" review to Mechakara's remains, we learn he uses Restraining Bolts on Mechakara's remains even though he's dead, feeling "you can never be too sure." Said episode ended with Eye Awaken on Mechakara, showing he was right on the money.
  • Red Herring: Or not. It turns out that not only has he failed to sell any anti-magic field generators since their defect against blitzballs were discovered but he's still a Harmless Villain. At least, for the moment.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: Despite being one of the smallest-scope villains on the show, Insano's experiments in Hypertime literally cause every other greater threat to emerge.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Parodied. This was strongly implied at the end of Linkara's Marvel Team-Up #74 review, when it's indicated that he may have just disabled all of Linkara's magic with his anti-magic field generators. It wasn't the case and, if anything, he looks to be somehow even more harmless.
    • And then comes Star Wars 3-D #1 where he recaptures Neutro (briefly) and successfully fights both Zeo-Linkara and The Gunslinger at the same time with the Power Gauntlets he found on the U.S.S. Exit Strategy and upgraded...until Margaret makes good on her promise to cut loose and blasts him.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: His experiments in Hypertime are responsible for Mechakara's arrival in our dimension. And everything else went from there...
  • We Can Rule Together: To the Gunslinger, despite having no idea who he is and gaining nothing in return, seemingly just to spite Linkara. He's denied.
  • The Worf Effect: Him acting terrified of Mechakara in the "Countdown Part 2" review, a rare moment that isn't Played for Laughs with him, is one of the things done to show off the threat Mechakara is.

     Doctor Linksano/Oscar Schlumper
His brief tenure as President Linksano.
A Dr. Insano from an alternate reality where Linkara became Insano instead of Spoony. He is trying to take Insano's spot as Big Bad and designated science villain, but isn't very good at it. His latest failure led to Linkara hiring him as his scientific adviser, and he has remained on his side ever since.

     The Entity 
Click here to see its first identity. (SPOILERS)

Click here to see its second identity.

A being from Lord Vyce's home universe, described as a "glitch" that threatens all reality. Fitting, given that it's true identity is Missingno, an infamous glitch from the first Pokémon games, only now having somehow grown to become an eldritch creature capable of consuming universes. Along with Lord Vyce, the Entity ends up having a dramatic influence of much of the storylines to follow after it's introduction.

  • Adaptational Abomination: While Missingno is a bizarre being from an in-universe perspective, it's a relatively harmless being who messes up the Elite 4 Hall of Fame and duplicates items. The Entity is a universe-assimilating Eldritch Abomination more akin to the D-Reaper than a mere programming quirk.
  • Adaptational Badass: In Pokémon, Missingno is mildly creepy if you start applying Fridge Horror, somewhere between useful and annoying if you don't, and is nigh-universally pathetic in battle to the point of usually being incapable of victory. Now, he's a horror that makes Slenderman look friendly and harmless, and reduces entire worlds to nothingness. Also, Word of God says that in this case, all the other glitch Pokémon in existence are just different forms of this version of Missingno..
  • Affably Evil: After Linkara defeated Lord Vyce for it, The Entity was very appreciative and intentionally chose to leave him the last person alive on Earth as gratitude. It even chose to match wits with him, and allowed Linkara to review one final comic and ask as many questions as he liked. Linkara interpreted those last few things as The Entity choosing to toy with him and break his spirit, but it was sincere nonetheless.
  • Alas, Poor Villain: The piece left behind ends up as a rather pitiful figure, depressively contemplating how insignificant it feels and how there seems to be no meaning to anything. Linkara ends up comforting it before it destroys itself to return to the whole.
  • And I Must Scream: Linkara explains that the Entity's goal of absorbing everything in existence, including existence itself, would ultimately lead to this.
  • And Then What?: How Linkara manages to defeat Missingno. By pointing out that once it absorbs all of existence, it will have nothing else to do for the rest of eternity but exist, and manages to get it to kill itself by asking it what happens when an Outer God dies, which it decides to explore.
  • Arc Villain: It's the main villain of the arc A Piece Of The World Is Missing. It becomes the main antagonist again for The Sleepwalker, but ends up being a Disc-One Final Boss.
  • The Artifact: The Entity being Missingno was a plot point in the finale of A Piece Of The World Is Missing. However, when it's revealed to be Not Quite Dead in The Sleepwalker, it is only called The Entity and it's true nature as a Pokémon glitch is never brought up besides a quick reference in Linkara's final direct fight with it. The reason for this is most likely twofold: The Entity was Missingno In Name Only, and the show had generally stopped using characters from preexisting franchises in the storyline by then. It would later be retroactively classified as one of the Technumina, a race of eldritch beings original to Atop the Fourth Wall, all based around technology, with the Entity specifically representing computer glitches.
  • Batman Gambit: Rather than keep fighting Lord Vyce itself, it sat back, impersonated 90's Kid, and gambled on Linkara defeating its Arch-Enemy for it. It worked.
  • Beta Baddie: To absorb all and become all was Missingno.'s way of truly become meaningful, to become something instead of the nothing that it is. When Linkara points out that even after becoming existence itself, existence itself will also become pointless, it accepts the only thing that could bring meaning into its existence: Self-Destruction.
  • Big Bad Ensemble: The fragment it left inside of Linkara becomes the main threat for the "Sleepwalker" arc, playing a "game" with Linkara as it waits for the rest of its whole to return from death. Of course, Linkara himself believes Vyce to be the main threat, and the conqueror becomes the Final Boss after the Entity finally dies.
  • Break the Haughty: Thanks to Linkara deconstructing it's goal, leading to a Villainous Breakdown.
  • Character Catchphrase: That buzzing sound that's been heard throughout the series: HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMAAAAAAAAAN!!!
  • The Chessmaster: Literally represented through a chess game in the Sleepwalker arc. However, this is turned against it at the climax; the Entity is a being far more powerful than Lord Vyce, Mechakara, or any of Linkara's allies, and as such should not need to rely on any greater tactical manipulation. It's another sign that it is merely staving off the inevitable end, with no purpose in life.
  • Cosmic Horror Story: Deconstructed awesomely by Linkara in order to defeat it: if the world is truly meaningless as Lovecraft seems to think, then so are the various Eldritch Abominations of the universe. If it became everything, then it would still be just as pointless. It doesn't take this well. Ironically, self-destruction was its way to become meaningful.
  • Creepy High-Pitched Voice: Its voice is a shrill hiss strongly reminiscent of white noise.
  • Deconstructed Character Archetype: Is one for the Generic Doomsday Villain styled Eldritch Abomination. While at first played perfectly straight in its debut arc, the very climax of that arc has Linkara destroy the rationale for its goals by stating that if it views all of existence as meaningless, then if it succeeds in absorbing all of existence, then it too will become purposeless. This causes it to kill itself, but it is later revealed that it left a fragment of itself within Linkara's mind so that when it returned from death, it would have the answers to the question of when a god dies. Thus, the full deconstruction arises in The Sleepwalker; as a being who is so infinite in concept and power compared to the King of Worms, yet paradoxically has no greater importance than a lowly human. The Entity cannot find or determine what its purpose is due to its nature as a cosmic computer glitch, refusing to lower itself to a human being when Linkara suggests doing so, and thus ultimately fully disappears, unwilling to continue on any longer.
  • Death by Despair: How its last fragment goes out. It has not received any answer to the question of when a God dies, and cannot find any purpose despite its immense power. The only reason it's been toying with Linkara and company is to stave off the inevitable end. Seeing no purpose or point in any solution suggested by Linkara, the fragment dies on its own, being unable to continue going.
  • Desperately Looking for a Purpose in Life: The piece of himself that he left behind is still affected by what Linkara told him. He believes that, despite being a god, he's still insignificant and without purpose. He first tries to strive off the boredom of eternity by playing games with Linkara, but when Linkara refuses to participate anymore, he's left demanding a purpose to his existence.
  • Disc-One Final Boss: The Entity is finally destroyed for good in the Sleepwalker arc... but Lord Vyce refuses to believe it's gone out of sheer paranoia and becomes the Final Boss of the arc.
  • Driven to Suicide: Linkara convinces the functionally-confused Entity to do this after a successful Logic Bomb. However, he turned out to be Not Quite Dead. He does so again however, deciding that he can no longer bear an existence without a true purpose to guide him.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: Its voice is heard in a couple videos before being explicitly identified.
    • It also was shown in The Dark Knight Strikes Again Part 2 when Linkara made a joke about it.
      • It was also in Linkara's video about comics he won't review. When he's talking about webcomics you may see a page from Super Effective. This page.
  • Eldritch Abomination: A being composed entirely of data with no true form that can assimilate anything it touches, even entire universes.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: Usually inverted, but its voice becomes very deep if you piss it off.
  • The Fourth Wall Will Not Protect You: It actually starts leaving near-subliminal messages in the closing credits of various episodes; when the fans asked Linkara about this he claimed he didn't see anything.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: Missingno. started as a minor game glitch with laughably minor consequences... and went on to annihilate entire worlds, nearly swallowing the entire multiverse. And it only stopped because it agreed it was pointless. Even with the revelation of the Technumina, this trope still applies since it technically went from a barely-existent being to a universe-destroying threat.
  • Generic Doomsday Villain: Deconstructed-The Entity has no real plans beyond assimilating all of existence, and completely loses it when Linkara points this out. See Beta Baddie
  • Giggling Villain: Shrill enough to peel paint.
  • A God Am I: Even for a being with literally godlike powers, it’s seriously full of itself, regarding itself as the most perfect of all beings — which is thrown into perspective when it calls itself an outer god, but simultaneously knows it was the product of a programming error. This proves its undoing in the end — after being forced to acknowledge the meaninglessness of its own existence, it commits suicide.
  • God of Evil: Or at least, it's worshipped as one by Whately and his Cult. It says a lot about the monster, however, that this still tells us nothing about it. It is later confirmed to be a member of the Technumina, a race of cosmic horrors that each embody an aspect of technology, with even their weakest member, the King of Worms, being a Nigh-Invulnerable monster in the right conditions.
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom: The telltale sign that it was impersonating 90's Kid, and later possessing Linkara. Even scarier than most, since they're static screens.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: In the Vyce arc.
  • Hidden Villain: It operates this way during its arc; while we’re aware of its presence and Linkara eventually catches on, only at the end do he and we learn the identity it was hiding under the whole time: 90’s Kid. It’s even more of a Hidden Villain during the Sleepwalker arc, as while Linkara becomes convinced that it’s coming back, everyone else foolishly scoffs at the notion and condemns him as being paranoid, only to ultimately learn to their horror from 90’s Kid and Lord Vyce that Linkara was right all along, just not about how it was coming back — it was possessing him and influencing his actions.
  • His Name Is...: MarzGurl said something beginning with "M" before being taken by it. Turns out she was about to say Missingno...
  • Immune to Bullets: And everything else.
  • In Name Only: Despite being revealed to be Missingno it has very little in common with its namesake. If anything, it's more like the D-Reaper. The introduction of the Technumina, the race of abominations that the Entity is a member of, justifies this, implying that it only manifested using Missingno's name and being stated to represent the concept of computer glitches among the Technumina race as a whole.
  • Inhuman Eye Concealers: Until the big reveal, it wears opaque shades at all times to conceal the fact that its eyes are just empty sockets filled with glowing grey static. Plus, it's stolen the form of 90's Kid, who always wears shades anyway.
  • Invincible Villain: Acts almost unopposed until Linkara notices it, and he does see it just toys with him the whole time, he admits there's nothing he can do to stop it. It makes his Breaking Speech towards it all the more awesome. However, Vyce and the Entity itself suggest that it can be injured, or at least 'diminished', but the only person that has accomplished this, or even knows how it is done is Lord Vyce. The trope still applies when fighting a fragment of it; even at that stage, the Entity is powerful enough to just keep reabsorbing people and universes and return to full power, and the empowered Comicron Two it controls easily goes toe-to-toe with a full-powered Comicron One. The only way it loses is because of Death by Despair when it has no idea of what to do in the infinite span of existence.
  • Irony:Missingno, a Pokémon, is a computer glitch that evolved to a godlike being that gained life somehow. This makes it more like a Digimon than a Pokemon.
  • The Juggernaut: Nothing Linkara throws at it does so much as slow it down. It swiftly disposes of Comicron 1, and when Linkara makes an attempt to hide behind a forcefield, he's told by Nimune that it could just plow through it, it was just letting him go for the moment because it was toying with him. Linkara even outright admits it didn't matter if he tried building a better morpher or a stronger gun, it still wouldn't be enough.
  • Knight of Cerebus: THE darkest villain in the series. All of the levity dies when it shows up.
  • Logic Bomb: Linkara defeats the Entity this way, making it question the logic of its own end goal if it were to become the only thing left in the universe.
  • Madness Mantra: Immediately after the Logic Bomb is dropped. "Existence is purpose but purpose is undefined. Existence is purpose but purpose is undefined..." ""Then examine what cannot be known through existence, Then examine what cannot be known through existence..."
  • The Man Behind the Monsters: Inverted, as it's worshiped by Whately as a God of Evil.
  • Mood Whiplash: In its impersonation of 90's Kid, the Entity veers wildly between deliciously hammy and terrifyingly understated. See also Evil Sounds Deep above.
    Entity: (immediately after cackling wildly) [Lord Vyce] was a nuisance, not a threat. He could never hope to destroy my magnificence. However, his attacks diminished me. Made me less. IT WAS UNACCEPTABLE.
  • Near-Villain Victory: It absorbs all of humanity and has Linkara at its mercy before he hits it with a Breaking Speech.
  • Nigh-Invulnerable: It's perhaps the only villain in Linkara's Rogue's Gallery that no-one has managed to develop any kind of weapon against or true countermeasure for. Every single attempt to fight it off has been met with failure.
  • No Ontological Inertia: When it kills itself, everyone is restored to normal. Linksano suggests that it might have been an act of generosity or else just an effect of its death.
    • However, later information revealed that this only applied to the most recent victims: those from Linkara's world. It was already too late for the other claimed universes.
  • Nothing Is Scarier: Easily the most mysterious villain so far, and all the scarier for it. Even with Mechakara's backstory and motivations being unknown until the end of his story arc, we could latch on to the fact that he was a robot duplicate of Linkara. Here, we've got nothing to go on but some extremely esoteric phrases to know anything about what the Entity even is. Until the end, that is.
  • Not Quite Dead: A piece of himself survived by inhabiting Likara's body and mind in the Sleepwalker arc, while the greater whole committed suicide. It was a contingency so that once the rest of him found the answers he sought in the afterlife, he could have a link in the mortal world to return to.
  • Pokémon Speak: "Huuuuuumaaaaaan..." What else would a Pokemon say when taking human form?
  • Psychopathic Manchild: The fragment of The Entity acts as this, wanting nothing more than to play games with Linkara forever and even throwing a tantrum when he refuses.
  • Small Name, Big Ego: See A God Am I. Leads a Break the Haughty from Linkara's "The Reason You Suck" Speech.
  • Smug Snake: It could have easily gotten rid of Linkara at any point it wished, but didn't because it didn't take him for a threat. And he wasn't, not in the way it expected at least.
  • Straw Nihilist: The piece of him left behind is completely convinced that his eternal life is meaningless and without purpose. The best he can come up with to stave off his inevitable boredom is to "play games" with Linkara.
  • Walking Spoiler: The Entity is one big spoiler, with its very existence spoiling Vyce's motivations. You can't talk about it without spoiling its possession of 90's Kid, its identity as Missingno, and its survival by possessing Linkara.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifter: It doesn't have a form of its own, which is why it's spent an unknown amount of time impersonating 90's Kid.
  • Villain Song: "Beneath the seas, beside the flame, off the coast where the lost beast came..."
  • You Can Not Grasp The True Form: Played with. See "Voluntary Shapeshifter".

A holographic duplicate of Linkara, down to his very last mannerism and verbal tic, Holokara was created (using Star Trek tech) to fake out Whatley and his eldritch cult when he was forced to review another stack of Silent Hill comic books. Effectively identical to Linkara in every way, save for the fact that he's simply an electromagnetic light construct. Unfortunately, being identical to Linkara turns out to be more problematic than expected, given that Linkara around that time was slipping into evil...

     The Gunslinger, aka Jaeris 

Portrayed by: Will Wolfgram

A mysterious man from another dimension with his own Magic Gun, who wants to gets his hands on Linkara's. It's revealed in Youngblood #5 that he is a critic from a dimension where SOPA (or perhaps SUCKA) succeeded and created a dystopian government that he seeks to rebel against, and that he's taking other magic guns to aid said resistance, becoming Linkara's ally in the process.

     The King of Worms 

Voiced By: William DuFresne
An eldritch being that Linkara suspects may be behind Nimue's recent mental troubles. A "cousin" of the Entity, the King is unique among its family for being able to feel fear — and very well, to the point of being a Dirty Coward afraid to show its face directly. According to the Absent Grimoire, this constant, overpowering fear has twisted said face, turning it into a personification of fear itself and being unable to be mistaken for anything else by any creature that knows fear. Above all else, the King covets fear, and hopes one day to master its fear and heal its face, sending out its clockwork servants to gather information on it.
  • Ambition Is Evil: Has ambitions of ruling other Outer Gods, and is very much shown be evil.
  • Arc Villain: Of the Court of Worms arc.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: In the grand scheme of the series. It wants to go beyond being a lesser relative of the Entity, and ultimately dies from its desire to control fear because it comes across The Entity inside Linkara.
  • Brown Note: Inverted-from the sound of things, the face of fear is a weakness, since everyone who knows fear can immediately tell what the King is.
    • Played straight, in that IT suffers finding a Brown Note involving the Entity while probing Linkara's mind. The experience scares it to death.
  • The Cracker: Is stated to be able to possess machinery, to the extent of having "clockwork servants". Linkara later finds out it's controlling his cybermats this way.
    • It also takes over Sierra like this.
  • Death by Irony: The King of Worms is an Eldritch Abomination which wishes to use fear to control all of existence. In the end, it dies of a heart attack caused by fear itself.
  • Deity of Human Origin: It used to be a mortal, but outside forces ascended him to the pantheon of the Technumina. It plays against him however, as it means he is not as powerful as other Technumina (like The Entity), and is subject to the same rules of traveling between different universes as mortals like Doctor Linksano and Jaeris are.
  • Dystopia Justifies the Means: It’s ultimate goal is to create a multiverse where everyone, even the Outer Gods, are forever trapped in constant fear.
  • Eldritch Abomination: A fairly young and weak one, but still — that face sounds horrifying. The camera can't even hold a stable image when it appears. The image keeps sputtering and losing focus. Linkara is notably in discomfort from being near it.
  • Evil Sounds Raspy: It has a strange rasping voice and an odd, impersonal manner of speech.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: Due to awakening the Entity's fragment in Linkara, it is responsible for starting the Sleepwalker arc and likely contributed to Linkara's depressed state during Atop the Fourth Wall: The Movie. Later on, it's revealed that the dimensional energies it was using to exert influence on Linkara's apartment were responsible for stranding Mirrorkara in Erin's universe, which eventually led to the Clone Saga storyline.
  • Invincible Villain: Much like The Entity, the King of Worms is Nigh-Invulnerable when fought in his home dimension. It also easily out-maneuvered Linkara by slowly replacing his comrades with robotic duplicates note . While it is bound to the rules of multiversal travel in that some universes are ones that it cannot enter, it can still influence those universes and create the means to directly enter them unencumbered. Linkara and Pollo shoot at it with everything they have, and it doesn't even get singed, with the only reason it took those attacks being that the Entity was giving him a heart attack.
  • Jerkass Gods: It's much worse than The Entity, as it is actively malicious in its actions and isn't portrayed very sympathetically, having an even bigger ego than The Entity and a far more evil goal in spreading fear to everyone to rule over them. The Absent Grimoire states it drove an entire planet insane, causing the inhabitants to kill each other, then made the last inhabitant sane, driving them to suicide. It also states that after it gets what it wants from Linkara, it intends to spread fear and torture his planet.
  • Malevolent Masked Men: Not only does it wear a mask itself, within the Court of Worms it can control even organic people by means of a "platinum mask".
  • Mecha-Mooks: Operates primarily with robots and has a more physical form than the Entity, with its form having numerous hydraulic tubes within it. Lewis would later reveal that among the Technumina, the King of Worms represents robotics.
  • Normal Fish in a Tiny Pond: It's considered a lesser being among an Eldritch Abomination family, but it was still too powerful for Linkara and his allies to kill even with weapons enhanced with technology meant to kill beings like it. Even his title hints at the trope, as Lewis confirmed that he is among, if not the weakest of the Technumina, and thus is only technically a king by virtue of being more powerful than beings who are nothing but lesser than insects in the eyes of his kind.
  • No-Sell: When Linkara and all of the Pollo robots try to shoot it, the King simply freezes the shots in the air, then sends them back at the shooters. To make it worse, it isn't even necessary since Linksano's autopsy confirms that not one of the later shots that do hit it actually caused any damage.
  • Original Generation: The first villain in Atop the Fourth Wall to have no pre-existing franchise as a basis, or be a reference to them. The King of Worms is revealed to be a member of the eldritch race known as the Technumina, cosmic abominations based around technology, specifically referring to robotics.
  • Red Herring: The King of Worms exists, though it is not what is interfering with Nimue as confirmed by Lewis. Instead, it's Lord Vyce.
    • Then after Vyce is defeated again, it uses a cybermat to infect Harvey when Harvey is home alone, thus becoming the villain of the next story arc.
  • Rhymes on a Dime: Technically speaking, he doesn't, preferring to emphasize his status as a king, but the legends surrounding him, and his servants at times, do so.
  • Snake People: Not immediately obvious due to the limitations of Suede's costume, but Lewis revealed that, befitting the King's title, that he is not meant to have any proper legs and instead has a worm/snake-like body.
  • Twinmaker: It quietly replaced Harvey and Dr. Linksano with loyal robots a long time ago.
  • Why Don't You Just Shoot Him?: Subverted. Turns out that he actually DID attempt to attack and control Linkara when he had the chance. It didn't work, forcing him go the more complicated route to manipulate Linkara.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: Its meddling woke up the Entity which directly led to its death and had it not been for the Entity's continued existential crisis, could have led to the resumption of its rampage.
  • The Worf Effect: Not in actual combat, but the message is still there. Linkara's forces couldn't even singe it, but just being noticed by the Entity literally scared it to death.

     Lord Vyce 

Voiced by: Lewis Lovhaug
All That He Sees, He Conquers

A powerful Multiversal ConquerorAll that he sees, he conquers. And in his opinion, protects as well; he was a survivor of a universe destroyed by an Eldritch Abomination known as "the Entity", but grew fed up with his warnings never being listened to and decided it would be better if he took command.

  • Ain't Too Proud to Beg: With his destination locked for the Singularity portal and a high chance he'll die for good, Vyce pleads for Linkara to save him. Linkara doesn't take and leaves him to his fate.
  • Ambiguously Human: While he has a humanoid shape, since Vyce is never seen outside of his suit and is only heard through his distorted voice, it is unclear how human he really is.
  • Anti-Villain: See Well-Intentioned Extremist. Also takes the time to assure Linkara that the universe would be under his protection.
  • Badass Boast: In reference to his ship.
    "The Entity mocked me, likened me to a would-be slayer of dragons. Well, then: I am Lord Vyce, and this is my sword!"
  • Big Bad: He's a strong contender for the entire show. He is the villain of the "All That He Sees, He Conquers", "His Blue Soul" and "Ghost of the Machine" arcs, and became the Final Boss of the "Sleepwalker" arc.
  • Big Bad Ensemble: With the Entity for the "Sleepwalker" arc. The Entity is a far bigger threat than Vyce, even forcing the conqueror into an Enemy Mine with Linkara and his crew. However, once the Entity is dealt with, Vyce goes mad with paranoia and becomes the Final Boss of the arc when he tries to use the Singularity portal to destroy the universe in a final, deluded bid to kill his nemesis.
  • Big "NO!": The last thing Vyce said as he entered the portal that destroyed him.
  • Bond Villain Stupidity: Has the chance to kill Linkara after taking over Comicron 1 in the "Ghost of the Machine" arc in any number of ways, but arrogantly decides that acting on a grudge is beneath him. This gives Linkara the chance to reboot Nimue.
  • Broke Your Arm Punching Out Cthulhu: His constant pursuit and attacks on the Entity actually managed to hurt it significantly, rendering it vulnerable.
  • Cassandra Truth: He tried to warn other worlds of the Entity before, but no-one listened (after all, who would believe that a glitch from a Gameboy game has become an Outer God?) so he turned to the conquest route. Ironically, it initially seemed that he fell on the opposite side of this trope later on, refusing to accept that Linkara managed to beat the Entity, though he ended up still on on the same side as before as he was Properly Paranoid and had good reason not to believe so. Then he falls back on the receiving end of this more egregiously than ever when he refuses to believe the Entity's final death despite seeing it himself.
  • Crazy-Prepared: Despite his arrogance, he prepared for the possibility of his defeat and set up multiple plans if he's defeated and isolated.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: In what was likely a shout-out to Lord Zedd's devastating No-Holds-Barred Beatdown from Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers, Vyce gets fed up with indirect combat with Linkara and proceeds to completely wreck him before leaving when Linkara manages to inflict some damage to his armor.
    • Initially deals out one against Linkara and Iron Liz before the power supply from his ship is cut off.
    • He's on the receiving end in 2001: A Space Odyssey #1 once Nimue is fully functional. Turns out challenging a super-intelligent computer that can think much faster than the human mind while inside it, is a bad idea.
  • Determinator: Has survived a beatdown by Linkara et. al, escaped from the dead universe he was imprisoned on in order to recapture his ship, and even after his new robot body is ejected into space in the Star Trek III episode he STILL manages to return by interfering with Nimue. This conqueror does not let up.
  • Dimension Lord: Subverted. It turns out that when searching for The Entity he typically only conquered one or two planets before moving on, and his reputation was exaggerated. Vyce allowed the myth to spread to discourage resistance to him.
  • Doomed Hometown: States that he saw his own planet consumed by The Entity.
  • The Dreaded: Linksano summed it up that across the multiverse there are empires spanning from time unrecorded and Eldritch Abominations that destroy entire universes, but Vyce is feared above all else. Jaeris states that what he knew about him was enough for him to stay away from him. The Bandit Chief notes that he feared him as well and the fact that Linkara managed to beat him is enough for the Bandit Chief to take Linkara seriously as a potential problem in the Contest of Champions.
  • Evil Is Petty: Gets provoked into a trap by Linkara doing a prolonged "The Reason You Suck" Speech calling him a coward.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: Constantly speaks in a deep, growling voice that only makes him all the more imposing and menacing.
  • Evil Versus Oblivion: Part of the hints that it's not Mechakara in Pollo's new body, since he never attacks Earth with it.
  • The Faceless: We never see him take his helmet off.
  • Fallen Hero: When explaining his motives for being a Multiversal Conqueror, Vyce states he initially just warne people of the threat of the Entity in hopes they'd listen. No-one did, he decided he had to MAKE them listen instead.
  • He Who Fights Monsters: Lord Vyce has pursued the Entity across many dimensions, but doesn't seem to realize that both of them have the ultimate goal of annihilation and subjugation. This becomes more apparent after Vyce turns himself into living data...not unlike the Entity itself. Motive-wise, by the end of the latest story arc, he's arguably become WORSE than the Entity; the latter's actions were done out of what amounts to what it saw as natural, whereas Vyce willingly destroyed and subjugated, justifying himself along the way.
  • Heel–Face Door-Slam: In The Sleepwalker he shows signs that he's inching towards redemption, bonding with 90's Kid while working with him, forming an Enemy Mine with Linkara's team to free Linkara from the Entity's possession and to destroy it for good, and even recognizing Nimue as a Worthy Opponent and calling her by her name instead of just "Computer". Then The Entity kills itself again rather than dying through the plan they had made, and he goes mad with paranoia and attempts to destroy the entire universe. When he learns that The Entity he thought he was battling was a fake, his pleas to let him continue the hunt for The Entity fall on deaf ears, showing that he can never be trusted, and he is left to face his ultimate demise.
  • Hidden Depths: When on the destroyed wreck of his old ship, he's surprisingly introspective and sentimental.
  • Hijacked by Ganon: Thrice so far. First when appeared in Pollo's body after everyone assumed that it was Mechakara, though as Vyce pointed out, that conclusion was made based entirely on assumptions Linkara made, and Nimue's descent into insanity turned out to be a result of his meddling. He ends up becoming the Final Boss of the "Sleepwalker" arc after the Entity destroys itself and his paranoia takes over.
  • Humiliation Conga: He ends up being played for a sucker to get him away from his ship and powerless, suffering the combined force of every weapon in Linkara's arsenal, and marooned in a barren universe. And he only gets out of that by transferring into a half-built body for Pollo.
    • Happens AGAIN at the end of the Sleepwalker Arc, when, when tricked into going alone into Comicron-2 and blowing out its engines in an attempt to prevent what he believes is the still-living Entity from escaping as he steers the ship into his Entity-eating singularity...only for what he, in his endless paranoia, believed was the Entity to be Holokara. Unable to teleport to safety, he can only plead impotently for Linkara to save him.
  • Inspired by…: When viewed in parallel with Linkara's ongoing "History of Power Rangers" series, it's clear that the style of Lord Vyce (in particular his name and his use of a group of Putty-like mooks, the Shades) was inspired by Power Rangers villains, predominantly Lord Zedd.
  • Implacable Man: He beats Pyramid Head in one hit. Pyramid Head.
  • Insistent Terminology: He always refers to Linkara as "champion", that is, the champion of his universe, and to NIMUE as "the computer" even when actually talking to her.
  • It's All About Me: Vyce's constant proclamations of stopping the Entity from destroying reality fall flat when he constantly makes himself out to be the only one who is capable of stopping it. As many people point out, Vyce's insistence is ultimately a delusion that serves to feed his ego. Sure enough, when the Entity is destroyed for good, he flips out and refuses to believe it's dead unless it dies by his hand.
  • The Juggernaut: While Vyce takes Linkara off guard when his Zeonizer is recharging, it's made very clear that even with it, Linkara couldn't have stopped him. Linkara considered defeating him while he was receiving power from his ship impossible.
  • Joker Immunity: Not as blatant as Mechakara since Linkara has never been able to kill him, but so far he's Put on a Bus twice and came back. So don't expect him to stay gone unless he's actually dead.
    • Averted by the end of the Sleepwalker arc when Vyce enters a portal that was meant to destabilize and kill the Entity, which did so to his own data form.
  • Knight of Cerebus: After Mechakara's defeat, things went back to being silly when Dr. Linksano became the main villain. Then Lord Vyce came along…
  • Knight Templar: Vyce makes it a point he only conquers worlds for "the greater good", while everyone else points out it's just to feed his ego. He believes that his quest to destroy the Entity justifies all the conquest and destruction, while everyone else points to them as proof that he's evil and simply deluded himself into thinking he's good.
  • Large Ham: Especially when he's mad.
  • Magitek: Makes heavy use. All of his technology has magic as one of its main power sources.
  • Mind Rape: He downloaded himself piece by piece into Nimue's hardware and corrupted important files, causing her to lose her mind. He was also responsible for summoning the Dolorem that nearly mind raped Linkara.
  • Mooks: The Shades.
  • Motive Decay: Downplayed. At first he seems determined to stop the Entity, but when he reappears, he is more concerned with being recognized for his exploits then actually stopping the Entity, but is still obsessed with its destruction for the good of the world. As implied by Linkara after he was beat for the first time, his massive ego was always a part of his character, but it wasn't expounded on before their second encounter. Given that Lewis himself has criticized this sort of thing in several of the comics he's reviewed, it makes sense that he'd try to avoid it here. Ultimately subverted; his insistence that the Entity is still around turns out to be completely right. Then double-subverted when, despite seeing the actual end of the Entity via self-destruction himself, he still refuses to believe it.
  • Mr. Exposition: Regarding the Entity's threat, and whenever he makes a return, he takes time to gloat about how he did it.
  • Multiversal Conqueror: Well, one world per universe.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Vyce becomes so obsessed with destroying the Entity that he goes as far as to open up a dimensional portal that will consume the Earth if that's what it takes. He tries to trap the Entity on his own ship and then overload his ship's controls to prevent it from turning back, only to discover that the Entity is a fake controlled by Linkara and he realizes to his horror that he has overloaded his own controls with no way to turn back.
  • Necessarily Evil: He conquers universes so he can protect them from something even worse than him.
  • No-Sell: EVERYTHING. While in his original body and still receiving power from his ship nothing hurts him. The magic gun, the BFG, even when supercharged by a Sonic Screwdriver, Pyramid Head's BFS, Liz's swords, two Sonic Screwdrivers getting used on his suit, the only thing that did a slight amount of damage to him was one of his own weapons Linkara grabbed and used on him, and even then the effect of causing him to panic out of fear of a breach in his suit was more notable than any actual damage.
  • Put on a Bus: How his defeats occur. His suit made impossible to kill even when he was cut off from his ship's power supply, so Linkara stranded him a universe where he was cut off from his ship and his power would eventually run out. He returned by turning himself into data and possessing Pollo's body. His second defeat had him stranded at the end of the solar system with no apparent chance of return, but he still managed to hack himself into Comicron 1's computer. After his defeat at Nimue's hands, he managed to escape inside the body of a Shade, but this time Linkara knows that he'll be back. At the end of the "Sleepwalker" arc, he becomes trapped into his own Entity-eating singularity, but this time it's implied to have killed him.
  • Pride: Poking at his ego is a fast way to get under his skin. When he reappears after his exile, he refuses to believe that Linkara killed the Entity, believing that nobody but him could do that. Unfortunately, it turns out he wasn't wrong about it still being alive.
  • Properly Paranoid: It turns out that he was right about the Entity still being out there, though he doesn't seem to figure out how it survived its apparent death until the "Machinations of Worms" arc. However, he loses the "properly" part when he refuses to believe that the Entity self-destructed for good, even as he sees it for himself.
  • Save the Villain: Averted: Realizing, too late, that he has overloaded the controls of his own ship, he pathetically begs Linkara to save him and let him continue the hunt for the Entity, but Linkara won't have it and leaves Vyce to be consumed by the singularity.
  • Shrouded in Myth: Him conquering entire universes was an exaggeration of his conquests, which he allowed to spread since he figured that being more feared would mean his would be victims would offer less resistance.
  • Smug Snake: While he's a legitimate threat and a borderline Physical God, Vyce is nowhere near as strong as he thinks he is, believing himself to be a threat to beings like the Entity or the King Of Worms, which are far out of his league, and constantly underestimating his enemies, especially Linkara and his friends; he also insists that the Entity cannot possibly die by anyone's hand but his own. Ultimately downplayed; while he himself admits that he is prideful, he's still smart enough to learn from his mistakes, and he wasn't wrong about the Entity still being alive, though quickly subverted when even seeing the Entity kill itself for real just makes him go nuts in sheer paranoia.
  • Strong as They Need to Be: In his original body. His power varies depending on the laws of universe he's in, some he's a Physical God, and others he's powerless and needs to rely on his suit and weapons, and others he just plain can't enter them.
  • Villainous Breakdown:
    • Vyce is outraged to see that Linkara has freed Nimue from his control and decides to just destroy her outright. His breakdown is more pronounced not only when that fails, but more so when she attempts to erase him in kind.
    • After witnessing the Entity kill itself again, he still believes it's alive, and tries to use a dimensional portal to destroy the Earth, if not the entire universe, in order to finish the Entity for good.
    • He also is none too pleased to learn that the Entity he was battling is a fake controlled by Linkara. He demands to know where the Entity is and refuses to believe Linkara when he insists that the Entity is dead. When he realizes that he has overloaded his ship's controls with no way to avoid going through the portal, he then pathetically begs Linkara to save his life so he may continue the hunt for the Entity, but Linkara won't have it and leaves him to his fate. He has only enough time to scream "NOOOOOO!" before he is eliminated once and for all.
  • Villain Has a Point: For all of his faults, Vyce usually brings up good points.
    • It turns out he was right about one thing; The Entity was every bit the menace he claimed it was.
    • In the "His Blue Soul" arc points out that it was Linkara own mistake to wrongfully assuming he was Mechakara, and Vyce never deceived him at any point.
    • He was also completely correct that The Entity was still alive.
    • During the Sleepwalker arc, Vyce argues making contact with the girl inside Magic Gun would be a waste of time as the Entity would have already possessed her like it did Linkara. He was right.
  • Villains Never Lie: So far he hasn't, at least not in a direct conversation. Linkara initially assumed he made up the Entity as an excuse for his conquests, and boy was he wrong. Vyce points out that he never told them he was Mechakara when he took over Pollo's new body; Linkara and company assumed that on their own.
  • Virtual Ghost: He becomes one to escape from his exile in the dead universe. The fact that he is now exactly the same sort of entity as Missngno. is an irony not lost on him.
  • Vocal Evolution: His voice is much quieter and more whispery in his first few appearances but becomes more baritone later on.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: His whole motive is to destroy the Eldritch Abomination known as the Entity before it consumes the whole multiverse, but he's willing to do some incredibly cruel and selfish things to accomplish that.
  • Xanatos Gambit:
    • His going along with Mechakara's plot to have the powers of Silent Hill mentally destroy Linkara had two purposes: mentally destroy Linkara and/or see what Linkara and his weapon were capable of.
    • Sending Mechakara down for a rematch: If Mechakara won, Linkara would be dead and Vyce could procede with conquering his world. If Mechakara lost, which is how it ended up, Linkara would still be weakened for the battle and make things easier for Vyce on limited resources.
  • You Are What You Hate: Vyce started out as a Well-Intentioned Extremist of sorts (although one with an ego) who started conquering worlds to protect them from the Entity when others failed to heed his warnings. However, his continued conquests made him more and more evil and, after losing to Linkara, he transformed himself into living data much like his foe. Linkara comes to believe that the message from the future, which warns him that "a piece of the world is still missing", is not referring to the Entity but rather to Vyce, whose new form will eventually turn him into the new Entity. Turns out he's wrong; the Entity has survived by hiding inside Linkara.

Click here to see him in his upgraded form
Click here to see him in his true form
Click here to see him in his current form

An evil android lookalike of Linkara harboring nefarious plans. Actually the Alternate Universe doppelganger of Linkara's Robot Buddy Pollo, Mechakara started to believe he was a slave, so he killed his version of Linkara and grafted his skin onto his robotic body. Mechakara traveled to our world when Doctor Insano breached dimensions with his Hypertime device. Mechakara has since joined forces with other villains, including Lord Vyce and the Executor from To Boldly Flee. He was destroyed along with the Executor's space station, but has come back from the dead more than once before... He returns in Atop the Fourth Wall: The Movie. He is again destroyed but returns in the 10th anniversary storyline but in a twist, has become human.

  • Alternate Self: Though he doesn't look like it, Mechakara is a version of Pollo from a universe where a robot apocalypse happened. He wears the skin of the Linkara from that universe.
  • Artificial Human: He modeled his appearance after Linkara to infiltrate an Alternate Universe so he could find out more about magic in his quest to Kill All Humans.
  • Arc Villain: Of the first story arc.
  • Ax-Crazy: Very much so; despite his stoic demeanor Mechakara is quick to anger and violent action, especially if it involves Linkara, and his ultimate goal is to Kill All Humans. After becoming human, whatever self control he has is gone and he flies into murderous rage.
  • Bad Boss: When he returns in the movie having turned the crew of the Caelestis into his cyborg slaves, he doesn't hesitate to sacrifice their Life Energy to repower Malachite's Hand. The only thing keeping him from using all of them is that their life force wouldn't be enough.
  • Berserk Button
    • Being called "Mechakara." Technically his name is Pollo, being an evil alternate version of him, but everyone from this universe calls him Mechakara, due to looking exactly like Linkara (another thing he hates).
    • Linkara's voice tends to set him off as well, which he thinks sounds like a cat is dying. Part of the reason he killed his Linkara is because he couldn't stand it.
  • Big Bad: Of Atop the Fourth Wall: The Movie.
  • Back from the Dead: He just can't stay dead:
    • The first time was thanks to Lord Vyce.
    • Apparently again, via body-jumping into Pollo's new body from his old hand, but it turns out to be subverted when it's revealed that it's Lord Vyce who possessed the Pollo body via the hand, not Mechakara. However, To Boldly Flee eveals that he did indeed come back.
    • Yet again in Atop the Fourth Wall: The Movie. He even lampshades the fact that he always finds some way to survive.
    • Again in The Clone Saga, but with a twist: this time he's now a human due to the Plot Hole.
  • Breakout Villain: Originally only created because Linkara wanted a robot version of himself for the end of Superman vs. The Terminator. He decided to bring him back, even though at first he had no idea what to do with him. Eventually, this trope was even lampshaded.
    "I was a popular character and villain; seeing me again should drive up the viewers."
    • Once the greater storylines of the show truly started to get going, Mechakara became one of the most recurring villains; having a prominent presence during All That He Sees, He Conquers, being mentioned in several other arcs as a constant presence, being the Big Bad of Atop the Fourth Wall: The Movie, and returning to menace Linkara once again, outstaying Vyce and the Entity, by the end of The Clone Saga.
    • He's also the only member of Linkara's rogues gallery to feature outside his show (unless you count Insano).
  • The Bus Came Back: He shows up at the end of the 2022 Ashock the Fourth Wall storyline "Be All My Sins Remembered", rescuing the Mirror Universe version of the Magic Gun and intending on using her for revenge against Linkara
  • Came Back Wrong: The Plot Hole brought him back, but it also turned him human.
  • The Chessmaster: He didn't lay a finger on Linkara, his plots more driven at driving him insane, and only attacked him when all those plans failed.
  • The Comically Serious: While he's not Played for Laughs in To Boldly Flee any more than in his other appearances, his dark behavior puts him in sharp contrast with his Co-Dragons, the far more comical Zod and Turrell.
  • Complexity Addiction:
    • Somewhat acknowledged in-universe. He came to our universe to find the magic gun and adapt to it so he could kill the magic wielding humans in his own universe, but also planned to kill Linkara. However, rather than simply doing that he decided that since he didn't much satisfaction from killing his universe's Linkara, he decided to torture and kill ours. He was still at it under Vyce, choosing to try and drive Linkara to suicide. In his next appearance, he'd apparently learned his lesson, showing up to kill Linkara directly.
    • By the time of his appearance in Atop the Fourth Wall: The Movie, Mechakara's finally given up on trying to kill Linkara with complicated schemes and resolves to either blow him up with his spaceship or killing him face to face. It doesn't end any better for him then the last time he tried to kill Linkara.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: His first fight with Linkara. He won.
    • Does it again in their rematch, stopping everything that happened to him last time... Then promptly ends up on the receving end of one courtesy of White Zeo Linkara.
  • Cyborg: After getting turned into a human, he converts himself to this. Unsurprisingly, to be honest, given his hatred of organics.
  • Death by Irony: The exact reason Lord Vyce gave him his flesh appearance instead of rebuilding him as wholly robotic: he wants this universe's champion to be killed by his own image.
    • He was finished off by Neutro, a human piloted mecha.
  • Demoted to Dragon: Became this for Lord Vyce after he was rebuilt the first time. In rare example of the trope, he became more of a threat due to being upgraded, reducing the method he was defeated the first time to a Worf Barrage.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: The only reason he murdered his universe's version of Linkara and skinned him so he could use magical devices and started a Robot War to Kill All Humans...was because he thought Linkara's voice was annoying and then he wanted him to shut up.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: The review of Extreme Super Christmas Special #1 sees him posing as the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come, complete with robot hand and foreshadowing as to the fact he's really an alternate Pollo by pointing at Pollo, who says, "The day of reckoning is at hand."
  • Energy Being: Appeared to have become one thanks to the Magic Coin, having remained alive inside his hand until he could transfer to a new body, leaving a trace similar to that of the Entity, but see Red Herring below.
    • It should be noted, however, that Linkara has said that Mechakara's appearance in the Suburban Knights stinger has to do with this idea actually being correct.
  • Evil Counterpart: ...but actually Pollo's!
    • Works as Linkara's too, since they look the same and are both excellent strategists. This is especially the case after Mechakara became a human, and when he decides to rescue Mirror!Margaret from Moarte as an ally.
  • Evil Laugh: He lets one out when he and Linkara finally meet in person. Magnificent, Mister Lovhaug.
  • Evil Is Petty: His hatred of Linkara is driven by nothing but being annoyed at his voice and comic book obsession, and the only reason he wants to kill organic life is because he thinks it's inferior.
  • Eviler than Thou: Shortly after his arrival, Mechakara scares off Linkara's previous archnemesis, Doctor Insano. And forced him to get a haircut, apparently. But Insano gets the last laugh when, after Linkara defeats Mechakara, he teleports the robot to his lab for revenge.
  • Eye Awaken: The latest view of Insano's lab has a close-up of Mechakara's cybernetic eye. Which proceeds to flash on...
    • In the Power Rangers Zeo review, after Linkara sets Mechakara's hand on the bookshelf, it wiggles its fingers ominously.
    • At the end of Atop the Fourth Wall: The Movie, red smoke can be seen emanating from Mechakara's blown off hand, leaving the possibility for his return up in the air.
  • Fantastic Racism: He despises humans and all organic lifeforms, calling them "meatbags".
  • Forced Transformation: Being turned into a human has robbed him of his robotic strength, durability, and whatever remained of his sanity.
  • Gaslighting: Seems like his plan for Dead/Alive, using Linkara's already deteriorating mental state to torture him and try to convince him to kill Pollo in order to drive him over the edge. But the real plan was just for him to drive him insane using the unholy beast the girl from the introductions unleashed. He didn't count on the gun (i.e. the girl's life force) helping Linkara.
  • Go Mad from the Revelation: After he learns that he’s been brought back as a human, he goes completely nuts.
  • Irony: Mechakara originally came to this universe to, aside from murder Linkara, understand the intracies of magic so that he could eventually destroy it on his own universe. Yet Mechakara's life has been saved twice because of magic (once with the Magic Coin that he used during his second fight with Linkara and the second time with Malachite's Hand.
    • Mechakara's sole drive is to kill humans, and yet The Clone Saga reveals that the Plot Hole turned him into one.
  • Jerkass: Even though later villains were more dangerous than him, so far none have been as evil as him. He killed his universe's Linkara just because he was annoyed at hearing him review comics, and wants to wipe out all organic life simply because he hates it. The Silent Hill Dead/Alive reviews show how depraved he really is when his plan to kill Linkara consists of tricking him into thinking that he was the man responsible for the murder of Margaret.
  • Joker Immunity: To be very blunt, nothing seem to keep him down for long. He's been ripped apart at least twice by this point, blown up, etc. Even the destruction of the Caelestis did not see to his end; the Plot Hole's energy revived him as a human and he manages to escape to menace Linkara once more.
  • Karmic Transformation: In the Clone Saga storyline, it’s revealed that the Plot Hole has somehow resurrected Mechakara as the Linkara he’s been wearing like a suit for all these years. Whereas before, his disguise was only skin deep, now, he bleeds and sweats just like the organics he so despises.
  • Kill All Humans: His ultimate goal.
    • Omnicidal Maniac: He plans to go further than that and kill all organic life in every universe. He allies with a Black Lantern because they have the same goal.
  • Killer Robot: A robot who wants to Kill All Humans.
  • Knight of Cerebus: The original. While prior threats were played for laughs or Laughably Evil, Mechakara was the first villain on Atop The Fourth Wall (and Channel Awesome itself) to be have nothing comedic about him, and has remained as such in all his appearances. This especially notable in To Boldly Flee where the other villains have an element of comedy, while Lewis insisted he remain serious. Atop the Fourth Wall: The Movie, which follows up on To Boldly Flee, has him in this role as well, particularly for the other cast members, who rarely have to face off against a villain of his evil and brutality, and he's far more driven and direct there without the goofiness of Terl and the Executor to hold him back.
  • Manipulative Bastard: Every plan he had was to break Linkara psychologically. Though it failed and he eventually had to resort to physical violence, it's still his MO and he appears to have figured out the best way to do it.
  • Malicious Misnaming: He considers being called "Mechakara" this, as it's one of his personal Berserk Buttons.
  • Mask of Sanity: Initially. In his early appearances despite being a psychotic, murderous robot Mechakara is able to carry himself as a calculating, stoic villain who only lets this persona slip whenever Linkara triggers one of his berserk buttons. However his continuous defeats cause this mask to become more transparent, and once he becomes human he no longer bothers to hide how enraged and insane he really is.
  • Meatsack Robot: Much like his inspiration he's a robot wearing the skin of a human (his version of Linkara), though instead of infiltration it's because he needs organic components to use magic. Eventually he becomes entirely human instead of a robot wearing human tissue. He later manages to integrate some mechanical parts back into himself however.
  • Mighty Glacier: When upgrades himself for the climax of the movie, he's much slower, but is packing an arm cannon his Adaptive Ability made hurting him next to impossible.
  • More Despicable Minion: During his service to both Lord Vyce and the Executor. The former is a Well-Intentioned Extremist driven to slay an Eldritch Abomination, and while the latter's a Card-Carrying Villain he's a source of comedy despite that, and the other minion/s they have are comical and light-hearted. Mechakara however lacks any levity or sympathetic traits, being a sadistic Robotic Psychopath who's desire to make Linkara suffer and Kill All Humans is played completely straight.
  • Near-Villain Victory: His plan to kill Linkara "Silent Hill Dead Alive" review, his plan to trick into thinking he killed Margret worked, and Linkara tried to kill himself, but was stopped by Margret herself refusing to kill him and snapping him out of it.
  • Never My Fault: After being turned into a human by the Plot Hole, he blames Linkara for his condition, even though Linkara had nothing to do with it. Not only that, but had Mechakara merely taken the Caelestis back to his home universe instead of picking a fight with Linkara, he would have avoided getting destroyed and then transformed entirely.
  • Not Me This Time: Everyone thinks he broke the Continuity Alarm, but he admits he didn't do it and doesn't know who did. In reality, Linksano was the culprit.
  • The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: Before he revealed himself to Linkara, he killed anyone who could pose a threat to him, because Linkara was his and his alone.
  • Poke the Poodle: One of the first evil acts we see is him making Dr Insano cut his hair. It's pretty much his only light-hearted act of villainy.
  • Red Right Hand: More like "(comically small) skeletal robotic right hand". Or maybe not, given his original size.
    • After transforming himself into a cyborg after becoming a human, he sports a less comical mechanical claw.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: When Linkara first meets him face-to-face, Mechakara twists a knob on his neck, turning his eyes red as he breaks out into a mechanically distorted Evil Laugh.
  • Red Herring:
    • Appeared to be the Big Bad Back from the Dead of the "His Blue Soul" arc, but in reality, it was Lord Vyce.
    • It was initially believed that the clone of Linkara was in fact, a clone of Linkara made by Doctor Linksano. In reality, it was Mechakara, Back from the Dead once again, but with his mind transferred to the organic bits that had made up his human disguise, now fully grown into a flesh-and-blood duplicate of Linkara.
  • Robot Me: He's a robot whose appearance is modeled after Linkara. Except it turns out he's really an alternate universe version of Pollo.
  • Robotic Psychopath: He's a sadistic and psychotic robot who wants to Kill All Humans.
  • Sadist: He could've killed Linkara right away like he did to his own version of Linkara. However he'd prefer to psychologically torture and kill Linkara slowly, since he didn't get satisfaction from the quick death of his own.
  • Sanity Slippage: Saying that he didn't take being turned human well would be quite an Understatement...To sum it up, he tries cutting up his face, cries in despair and anguish, then tries to kill Linkara and Erin with a knife and his bare hands, ranting how he became like Linkara.
  • Self-Harm: When Erin goes to see him, he's shown to have repeatedly cut his face in a vain attempt to remove it, sick of wearing Linkara's face for nearly ten years straight.
  • Shout-Out: To The Terminator, being a psychopathic robot disguised with human skin. He also first appears in The Stinger of the Superman vs. Terminator review.
  • Smug Snake: He's extremely arrogant and condescending to Linkara (and all other organic life, for that matter), constantly boasting of his own superiority and Linkara's inferiority, even though his plans consistently fail and he keeps getting his ass kicked. This hits its apex in Atop the Fourth Wall: The Movie, where he won't shut up about machine life being inherently superior to organic life and claims that Linkara didn't actually win any of their prior confrontations, even though he did by any reasonable standard, and winds up getting his flesh disguise burned away and his head knocked off by Linkara after one hateful word too many.
  • Super-Strength: Since he's a robot, he's far stronger than a human.
  • Super Villain: He was the first one in the series to be incorporated into a serious story arc.
  • Terminator Impersonator: He was introduced as a reference to the Terminator after Linkara reviewed the Superman Versus The Terminator crossover comic, later becoming a recurring villain. He's a robot disguised with the flesh of the Linkara from the Alternate Universe he comes from, and like SKYNET wants to Kill All Humans.
  • The Stoic: He's easily among the most serious of Linkara's villains. In early appearances, he was more reserved and only started becoming aggressive when provoked, something which is admittedly pretty easy to do. Each successive defeat by Linkara has him becoming more prone to screaming and lashing out. When he finds out he’s become human, this is pretty much thrown out the window in favor of terrifying madness. He seems to have calmed down since becoming a Cyborg however.
  • This Cannot Be!: His reaction to seeing his plan to trick Linkara into killing himself, after seeing it nearly succeed, and neither he nor Lord Vyce seemed to understand why the plan failed.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Granted, he was already badass, but he got even stronger in his second fight.
  • Turned Against Their Masters: Both generally, in that he comes from a universe where humans are in a war with machines, and specifically, as he is an alternate version of Pollo who killed alternate-Linkara.
  • Villainous Rescue: Does this for Mirror!Margaret after Linkara invokes Moarte to defeat her. He then proposes an alliance to see to Linkara's destruction once and for all.
  • Vile Villain, Saccharine Show: He is incredibly dark, especially for a review show featuring a guy sitting on a green futon reading comic books. Later on, after many established story arcs, he continues to be these, lacking Lord Vyce's more humane nuances and The Entity's legitimately tragic lack of purpose. He is also significantly more psychotic, vicious, and deadly than most of the other threats in Linkara's rogues gallery, which is helped by his sheer refusal to die.
  • Voice of the Legion: His voice sports a metallic echo, though he's able to turn it off at will, which comes in handy when impersonating Linkara for an entire review. When he comes back as a human, he no longer sounds like this.


Portrayed by: Lewis Lovhaug
Click here to see him in his second outfit

An alternate version of Linkara, who began reviewing comic books in hopes that they could help him take over the world. He also controls a spaceship, and without the interferance of his world's Doctor Insano, he would have taken over the Mirror Universe in a matter of days.

  • Arc Villain: Of "The Clone Saga."
  • Asshole Victim: Is ultimately killed by the ghoulish Moarte for invading into his supply closet, but given what he's done nobody will miss him.
  • Bad Boss: He's petty and cruel to his subordinates.
  • Beard of Evil: Resembles that of Mirror Spock...except that, as Linkara notes in their showdown during the 300th episode, it's drawn on.
  • The Bus Came Back: Returns for the 300th Episode and later in "The Clone Saga."
  • Cartoonish Supervillainy: He lives and breathes this trope.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: Accused of this by Linkara-when he states that Humans Are Bastards, Linkara replies by saying he's just a jackass who wants to think people are like him to feel better about himself.
  • Evil Is Hammy: He is an evil version of Linkara, but adds extra hamminess for the sake of being evil.
  • Evil Versus Evil: Presumably. While the opening credits have changed, it still shows clips of Captain Linkara defeating the same villains as "our" Linkara. Then again, there is no indication that these versions are still villainous in the Mirror Universe...
  • Greater-Scope Villain: While the Entity was still the main villain of "The Sleepwalker", Mirrorkara still contributed to that storyline thanks to him using Erin to do his bidding. He later serves as this for Mirror!Margaret, being the one she choose, and later on, his loss motivating her to seek out a vendetta with Linkara.
  • Humans Are Bastards: He believes hypocrisy is the way of the human race and that, given the right reasons and enough free reign, everyone will always turns into a monster like him. Linkara tells him that he's full of it and that he just refuses to accept that he's just a jackass who blames all his problems on other people.
  • Kick the Dog: His entire plan with putting the now human Mechakara on Earth, it was just to torment Linkara. When asked about the actual Linkara clone that Linksano created, he states he tortured it to death.
  • Killed Offscreen: Walking into Linkara's supply room was a huge mistake, as he ends up running into Moarte... with only his screams and Moarte's laughter heard through the closed door.
  • "Not So Different" Remark: Iron Liz didn't see much difference between Mirrorkara and the Linkara she knew after their encounter.
    Iron Liz: You were egotistical, opionated, loud, and your review of Star Trek #2 was pretty much the exact same of what you said here. Oh, and you had delusions of grandeur because you owned a spaceship.
    Linkara: Oh, so aside from the review, I was clearly nothing like that other Linkara.
    Iron Liz: Riiight...
  • Not-So-Harmless Villain: Despite being Stupid Evil, the fact that he controls Comicron 1 means that this Linkara is still a legitimate threat, as well as showing that even HE was able to defeat a Multiversal Conqueror like Vyce. In fact, had it not been for a freak accident that allowed the main Liz to enter the Mirrorverse and give Good!Insano the password onto his ship, Mirrorkara would have WON!
    • When he reappears in "The Clone Saga." He released the now human Mechakara in Linkara's house, just to cause him pain, and nearly kills Linkara when he reveals himself. He also reveals that he kidnapped a Linkara clone and methodically tortured him to death just so he could know the EXACT amount of pain he can inflict on the original Linkara that would be not quite fatal.
  • Take Over the World: Of course!
  • Unknown Rival: After losing his fight with Linkara he wasted years preparing his revenge, while Linkara forgot all about him almost immediately. He is not amused when Linkara points this out.

     Mirror Magic Gun/Mirror Margaret 

Portrayed by: Alice Black (The Machination of Worms Storyline)

The Mirror Universe version of Linkara's Magic Gun and the soul contained within. While she has pretty much the same backstory, the difference is that she was willingly placed in the gun and possesses a far more bloodthirsty personality.
  • A God Am I: She views herself as a god after her change into the being she is today. Linkara flatly refutes this to her while being tortured, pointing out that not only has he faced god-like beings before, but that her behavior is nothing more than an angry child lashing out in cruelty at others to feed her delusions, and that when push comes to shove, people will only see her as nothing but a parasite who they'll be relieved to be free of, not a "god" to be worshipped. She doesn't take this well at all.
  • Always a Bigger Fish: She ends up being this compared to her former wielder Mirrorkara, by virtue of her coming to him and using him as her pawn. She ends up on the receiving end of this by Moarte, as for all of his indifference towards Linkara's "petty squabbles", he is far far more powerful than she is. If Mechakara had not narrowly saved her, Moarte would have eliminated her like he did Mirrorkara.
  • Arc Villain: The villain of the 2022 Ashock the Fourth Wall storyline "Be All My Sins Remembered".
  • Berserk Button: Being harmed. While she is fine harming others, she hates it when other people manage to harm her. In addition, do NOT insinuate or imply that she isn't a god.
  • Artifact of Doom: Played straight, in contrast to the normal universe's Magic Gun.
  • Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: Despite him still using his Magic Gun, Mirror Margaret curiously doesn't show up at all. She returns in "The Ring Vol. 3: Spiral" review. And she's bent on getting her revenge on Linkara for what happened to her version of him.
  • The Dragon: To Captain Linkara/Mirrorkara.
  • Evil Costume Switch: Her initial human avatar appears as a greenish skinned version of the normal Margaret wearing a black dress and sunglasses.
  • Freudian Excuse Denial: As Prime Universe Mark points out to her, Mirror Margaret suffered the exact same childhood as he did, and it's implied that for all of her attempts to claim she volunteered for the ritual, that deep down she was just as scared and confused as he was, forced into her position by the Cult her family was part of like him. The key difference however is that whereas he recognized the evil his parents had inflicted on him and decisively chose to destroy said cult to free himself of their mission, Mirror Margaret instead doubles down and continues to fight for her dark god out of sheer denial of just how truly broken she really is.
  • Point of Divergence: Unlike the Prime Universe Margaret/Mark, this version of Margaret openly embraced her world's dark god and relished the idea of killing in the name of their god. At least, so she claims.
  • The Starscream: She still blew up the cult who made her, even though by all appearances she's happy as she is and she volunteered for the ritual.

     The Voice 
The main antagonist of A Voice from the Dark, a being from another universe who lost its body upon arriving in this one. It now exists as living sound.
  • Big Bad: Of A Voice From The Dark.
  • Demonic Possession: Is able to possess people; a necessity given its lack of a body.
  • Eldritch Abomination: It's all that's left of one and yearns to have a proper body again.
  • Knight of Cerebus: Moreso for the anniversary movies that A Voice From the Dark comes after rather than Atop the Fourth Wall proper, but in comparison to the Laughably Evil villains in the anniversary specials, there is nothing humorous about this thing whatsoever, not helped by the fact that everyone has to deal with it trapped inside Scarsdale Manor, robbing them of an element of freedom in fighting it and its minions.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: It's trapped in Scarsdale Manor, and seeks to use the Critics to escape.
  • Voice of the Legion: It gives off this effect when possessing Lovecraft, fitting for a creature not of our world.
  • Weaksauce Weakness: Being a monster made of sound, another song of the correct frequency can drive it off.

Minor or One-Shot Antagonists

The main character of the Cable series. He was angry at Linkara for making fun of his comic and threatened to kill him with a BFG. Linkara defeated him with a magnet and took his BFG. He was later murdered by Mechakara.


Voiced by: Martin "LittleKuriboh" Billany

A demonic spirit sent to torture Linkara during the Halloween of 2020.

  • Asshole Victim: Considering Confession is a brutal Torture Technician who gladly tortures Linkara as brutally as possible, nobody is shedding any tears once Linkara kills it.
  • Always a Bigger Fish: It has absolutely no idea what the being seemingly performing an experiment on Linkara is and is in fact terrified of it, to the point where it begs Linkara to let them work together to figure it out.
  • Cassandra Truth: It tried to warn Linkara about the entity using Linkara as an experiment, but thanks to having just tortured Linkara and the entity wiping his memory of its existence, Linkara is in no mood to hear it out, and has everyone blast it to smithereens.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: It has a suitably deep, demonic, and echoing voice, provided courtesy of Martin Billany.
  • Horrifying the Horror: Confession is a powerful spirit capable of controlling its own sub-dimension to send its captives into, in order to torture endlessly without any chance of interruption. So when the strange being experimenting on Linkara casually dismisses its dimension and is thoroughly unfazed by it, Confession is nothing short of terrified.
  • Summoning Ritual: The product of one. It was summoned specifically to torture Linkara and find out what he fears. After it's killed, Linkara has Linksano scan the box it came in with the hopes of finding out who sent it. The audience however gets to find out immediately after that it was the Bandit Chief who summoned it for the purpose of beating Linkara in the Contest of Champions.
  • Torture Technician: Its entire purpose is to torture Linkara as brutally as possible until it gets valuable information.

     Countdown Monster 
All of the issues of Countdown to Final Crisis brought to life by Mechakara. Linkara defeated it with a Dragon Dagger.

     Dark Nella Cultists
Their spectral forms.
What they looked like in life:

Formerly known as Eric and Sarah Stonewick, they were a pair of horrible, nasty people who believed that Dark Nella would destroy the world and rebuild it to be better for people like them. They died many years ago undergoing a ritual in order to grant themselves power akin to their idol, and haunted the place where Linkara had moved into with Viga after his rent went up too much for his liking.

  • Berserk Button: Both of them have an immense hatred of Star Trek, which when Eric was alive was enough to drive him to assault a customer and lose his job. It ends up being used against them to lure them out against Ghostbuster Linkara and Viga.
  • Fate Worse than Death: They died in order to receive power, and are now resigned to being Linkara's Mons for however long he has their Pokeball.
  • Mons: Their ultimate fate.
  • Our Ghosts Are Different: They intentionally killed themselves in order to gain power to enact their hateful vengeance on a world they viewed as mistreating them.
  • Perfect Poison: Averted. We see them consume the poison that took their lives...and it was about as pleasant and painless as you'd expect.
  • Politically Incorrect Villain: From what Pollo got from Allen, they were noted as having a seething hatred in regards to race and orientation, implying the two were racist and homophobic. Combined with their history of stalking and harassing, and being arrested several times for assaulting peaceful protestors, and it's pretty evident they were not the nicest of people in life.


A demon created from the rage of the young girl who was sacrificed to create the Magic Gun. Lord Vyce somehow sent Dolorem to trap Linkara in the Otherworld of Silent Hill, subvert his mind, and make him think he was responsible for the girl's death, but just as Linkara was about to commit suicide the girl's spirit awoke inside the gun and snapped him out of it. Because the girl had since come to terms with her death, she didn't need Dolorem anymore, and Linkara was able to kill the demon.

  • Bandaged Face: Her face is wrapped almost completely ijn bandages, save her left eye which she uses in her attempts to Mind Rape Linkara.
  • Meaningful Name: It's Latin for "misery".
  • Mind Rape: Attempts it on Linkara and very nearly succeeds.
  • No Name Given: Dolorem's name isn't spoken in the episode, appearing only in the credits.

     Judas Liz 
An AU counterpart of Iron Liz, Judas Liz was recruited by Lord Vyce. She and Mechakara attack Linkara but she disappears after a morphed Linkara holds a gun to her head.

     Pyramid Head

The creature from Silent Hill. Tried to kill Linkara while he was stuck in the netherworld, but Linkara just trapped it in a Pokeball. Killed by Lord Vyce. Later, Whately appears with two of them and Linkara captures another before defeating him.

    The Ghost of Terence Baxter

A Jacob Marley-esque ghost, bound in chains made from his own sins. He convinces Eliza to free him under the pretense of helping her, but is actually quite malevolent and looking forward to what new destruction he can wreak.

  • Card-Carrying Villain: He's quite proud of the havoc he wreaked when alive.
  • Chained by Fashion: Just like Jacob Marley, he's weighed down by his evil deeds in the form of chains. Unlike Marley however, who in most popular incarnations is genuinely repentant for his past misdeeds, Terrance couldn't care less about how much damage he caused, instead only trying to escape his torment to continue his cruelty.
  • Corrupted Character Copy: He's a clear reference to Jacob Marley, being a spirit who's punished for their sins in life by being bound in chains. However Jacob was repentant and showed up to his old friend so he wouldn't suffer the same fate, while Terence Baxter is unapologetic and is using Eliza just so he can be free to cause more pain again.
  • Manipulative Bastard: He tricks Eliza into freeing him by pretending that he wants to atone for his sins by helping her, when in truth he wants to cause even more harm.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: Eliza has to unseal him from the Proton Pack before he can cause any harm.

     The Vohrsoth

A race of evil aliens from Star Trek: Elite Force. After the ending of the game, Lieutenant Munroe continued fighting against them and successfully destroyed most of their bases, until he came to the last one and found it ruled by a "boss" Vohrsoth that overwhelmed him. The aliens were experimenting with interdimensional travel to "our" universe, and Munroe was able to escape here. The Vohrsoth leader followed, but Linkara and Munroe were able to defeat it together. Munroe informed Linkara that the Vohrsoth were engineered by none other than Lord Vyce. To make things worse, when Munroe and the Vohrsoth beamed to our universe, something else followed behind them — the Entity.


The ineffectual villain behind the Silent Hill comics. He turns out to be a follower of the Entity and has been using the aforementioned comics to try and drive Linkara mad to the point of becoming his Cult's prophet... and also the person behind the sacrifice of Margaret to create the Magic Gun. Played by Loren Lovhaug.
