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Characters / X Chronicles X Hunters

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Main Character Index | X and Zero | Other Heroes | The X-Hunters | Villains

Not to be mistaken with the X-Hunters from the games, since there are both good and evil versions of them. This page is about the good ones. Note: the folders appear in order of their appearance.
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    In General 
    Dr. Cain 
An Archeobotanist who discovered X and used his design to produce Reploids, robots able to think for themselves. When they started going Maverick, he helped to form the Maverick Hunters.
  • Ascended Extra: He has a bigger role and appears more often in X Chronicles than in the games.
  • The Atoner: To a small degree, at least, compared to Zero. He was a painful subversion: every attempt he makes to rectify that mistake, only made things ''worse: Repliforce, Dr. Doppler, Sigma and the Cain Antivirus. At least joining the X-Hunters, helping the cyborgs and making Signas vice-commander of the Maverick Hunters (despite not knowing he actually gives this possition to Sigma) weren't bad moves.
  • The Mentor: One to both X and Zero. He acts as one to Sigma before Sigma went Maverick.
  • Name of Cain: Although he's not evil, his attempts to copy Dr. Light's research has ended in disaster.
  • Omnidisciplinary Scientist: Despite his field of study being old weeds, Cain could still reverse engineer X's design to create Reploids. This reverse engineering was physically sound, but he then subverts this trope when he neglects Light's warning about morally testing the new reploids.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: Cain had good intentions in creating the Reploids from X's design, but not being skilled enough to recreate him 100% and not doing the morality testing resulted in the Mavericks. He then created Sigma to lead the Maverick Hunters, only for the virus in Zero to turn Sigma into humanity's biggest threat in history. And just for extra measure, his formation of the Repliforce for military police work to take stress off the Maverick Hunters also backfired into a full-on war.
    Deepfreeze/Chill Penguin 
Deepfreeze is a member of Unit 32. In reality, however, he's Chill Penguin, one of the Mavericks in the first Maverick War.
    Airstrike/Storm Eagle 
Airstrike is a member of unit 14 and the most skilled pilot of the Maverick Hunters. In reality, however, he's Storm Eagle, one of the Mavericks in the first Maverick War.
    Inferno/Flame Mammoth 
Inferno is a member of unit 14. In reality, however, he's Flame Mammoth, one of the Mavericks in the first Maverick War.
    Shimmer/Sting Chameleon 
Shimmer is a member of unit 14. In reality, however, he's Sting Chameleon, one of the Mavericks in the first Maverick War.
A navigator among the Maverick Hunters. She was once on field duty until her unit was killed by Chill Penguin, prompting her to become a Navigator.
    Overload/Spark Mandrill 
Overload is a member of unit 32. In reality, however, he's Spark Mandrill, one of the Mavericks in the first Maverick War.
  • Anti-Armor: His Electric Spark can break through Armored Armadillo's polarized armor.
  • Eternal Engine: A different one from Flame Mammoth, he is set in a power plant that experiences rolling blackouts.
  • Good Old Fisticuffs: Has large arms.
  • Human Popsicle: More like "Mandrill Popsicle" at first, but This is what happens if he is hit by his weakness weapon.
  • Killer Gorilla: At first he was more of killer mandrill.
  • Logical Weakness: Mandrills live in tropical climates, thus hating the cold.
  • Shock and Awe
    Barrel/Armored Armadillo 
Barrel is a member of unit 53. In reality, however, he's Armored Armadillo, one of the Mavericks in the first Maverick War.
    Depthcharge/ Launch Octopus 
Depthcharge was a member of unit 14. In reality, he's Launch Octopus, one of the Mavericks in the first Maverick War. After Doppler Effect, he quitted the Maverick Hunters in order to live peacefully with a human named Jessica.
  • Combat Tentacles: Before joining the X-Hunters.
  • Fish People: More an octopus-person.
  • Homing Projectile: His homing fish (the Homing Torpedo).
  • Like a Son to Me: Jessica is like a daughter to him, so it's no surprise the reason he quitted the Maverick Hunters is to stay with her. While he told her that he acts like this because he promised Launch Octopus to, he actually is Launch Octopus, and he promised Jessica's grandfather to take care of her.
  • Logical Weakness: All of his homing weaponry doesn't do any good against a weaponized full-body shield.
  • Under the Sea: Was fought underwater.
    Quickman/ Boomer Kuwanger 
Quickman is a member of unit 53. In reality, however, he's Boomer Kuwanger, one of the Mavericks in the first Maverick War.
     Signas/Sigma Enigma 
     Tripwire/Wire Sponge 
     Spikesaw/Wheel Gator 
     Turbo/Overdrive Ostrich 
     Snapvice/Bubble Crab 
     Pyrostrike/Flame Stag 
     Blast Squirrel/Morph Moth 
     Mapteron/Magna Centipede 
     Warp Turtle/Crystal Snail 
One of the Navigators of the Maverick Hunters and Zero's Love Interest.
