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Tropers / Lakitu Al

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This page is a personal project, just for fun. It categorizes the troper and his Troperrific aquaintainces, as if they were part of an actual Slice of Life show.

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A Bilingual Bisexual Mexican Cartoonist Cook, and fellow Troper.


An Irish-Scottish-Chinese American student Al met thanks to Michael. On a certain day, Al noticed Joe used Trope Speak, and realized they were both Tropers. Thus, TV Tropes enhanced another life.


Resident Chew Toy, he is a big middle finger to Unfortunate Implications: It would seem he gets a ton of abuse for being African American, but in reality it's just he is rather prone to abuse. Nevertheless, he endures and fights back like nobody in business.


A cashier at a pharmacy who Al met on a random day, and through whom he met most of the members of the crew. Has a fondness for biking, skating, airsofts, Nerfs, videogames... drinking, swearing and trolling too.


A friend of Joe's, Patrick is a student of Irish blood who, thanks to his tendency to talk for long periods of time, has been nicknamed "the first male banshee". Aside from that, he is a rather swell and mellow guy. Very knowledgeable when it comes to computers, his hobbies include reading fanfictons, playing Pokemon and Minecraft.


A watermelon that was at Michael's house for the longest of times. Well, for a fruit, at least. It became a honorary member of the team until it expired.
