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Greater Gods

    Dark Specter 
Dark Specter, Archdemon of Recycled Props (Grand Monarch of Evil)
  • Greater God, previously having an influence of an Overdeity
  • Symbol: A Table Filled With Costumed Baddies
  • Alignment: Neutral Evil
  • Portfolio: Orcus on His Throne, Dimension Lord, Galactic Conquerer, Greater-Scope Villain, Large and in Charge, The Man Behind the Man, Offstage Villainy, The Unfought
  • Domains: Evil, Props, Villainy
  • High Priest: Robby the Robot
  • Herald: All United Alliance of Evil members who did not betray him or performed a Heel–Face Turn.
  • Allies: Melkor, The Idea of Evil, Teridax, Vanitas, Sheev Palpatine, Sigma, Ultraman Belial, Century King Shadow Moon, The Dark Knights, Junko Enoshima and Monokuma, Redryu, Typhon, HYDRA, King Cold, Arktivus Brevon, SHOCKER, Odio, Evolto, Molag Bal, Galakrond, Ganondorf, Hades (Kid Icarus), Frieza, Mateus Palamencia, Yuuki Terumi, Barbatos, Chernabog, Nightmare Moon, Damien Thorne, Maleficent, Ansem, Seeker of Darkness, Khorne, Slaanesh, Albert Wesker, Crow, Angra Mainyu, the lesser Angra Mainyu, Dr. Weil, Lord Chaos, Lord Recluse, Megatron
  • Rivals: The Ebon Dragon, Dagon, Sauron, Darkseid, Thanos, Nicol Bolas
  • Enemies: Zordon, every Power Rangers in existence, every Super Sentai and Kamen Rider, all Starfleet officers, Cosmos, Clark Kent/Superman, Banager Links, Amuro Ray, Optimus Prime, Knight Gundam, Powerpuff Girls, Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy, Finn the Human, Luke Skywalker, Revan, Ahura Mazda, Meetra Surik, Zero (Mega Man), Statesman, Viewtiful Joe, X, Hal Jordon/Green Lantern, Team Lightyear, Master of Chaldea, pretty much anyone who's not evil
  • Opposes: Starscream
  • Conflicting Opinion: GOLB
  • Dark Specter for the longest time was head of the Toku Demonic Legion. As he was the the original leader of the United Alliance of Evil, Melkor naturally saw him fit to lead the villains of various tokusatsu under the GUAE’s banner despite most of them not ascending to the Pantheon proper. Dark Specter was originally content with his position but over the years, started to long for a title of divinity of his own in the Pantheon, after feeling that he was being shafted by Melkor’s other commanders in terms of popularity. Melkor heeded Dark Specter’s request and had him under... Prop Recycling. Melkor excused himself by saying that there were no other titles left before walking off, leaving Dark Specter in the dust. Take what you get, he supposed.
    • Now leads a new United Alliance Of Evil composed of the Legion's American faction, while his counterpart the Great Leader leads the Japanese factions under Shocker.
  • Likely THE strongest villain in Power Rangers, Dark Specter for eons ruled over the United Alliance of Evil and had taken most of the known universe by that point. However, his downfall started when Zordon went to Recruit Teenagers with Attitude to top the forces of evil. What truly caused Dark Specter’s demise though was not them but treachery in his own ranks with Astronema draining his powers and Darkonda getting him and himself blown up. Not a dignified way to go down. Since then, Dark Specter has been doing his hardest to wage a campaign against toku heroes of all spectrums, especially Power Rangers.
  • Not the most subtle of villains, as Dark Specter approve of anything done in the name of evil or evil actions for the sake of it. He does think that those who say they do evil for good intentions are lying to themselves and should just embrace villainy. He does not tolerate traitors either, considering his experience though understands that almost all of his supposed allies are cutthroats trying to knock each other down. He could at least respect their conviction.
  • Was once an Overdeity but ever since his power drain, he could never seem to achieve the level of power he once had in both influence and actual strength. He’s as big as an actual planet regardless, putting him above several people in his ranks. If Melkor, a size of a mountain could be an Overdeity then why shouldn’t he? Just some things Dark Specter ponders on.
  • There is a reason for his title and it is all thanks to the Power Rangers already fighting someone who looks exactly like him, Maligore. It is unknown exactly why Maligore looks exactly like Dark Specter. Are they related, the same species, who knows? Not even Dark Specter may know himself. He was chosen over Bobby the Robot, a known prop that was recycled over half a century due to it being easier to pinpoint his existence. Unfortunately for Bobby who acts as Dark Specter’s High Priest, it is now acts as The Chew Toy for the planet, being tossed around like a ragdoll.
  • Gets along with most of the fellow evil beings who sit by Melkor’s side. Most of them. Some are very much people Dark Specter is unfortunately familiar with, like the Psycho Rangers and Drakkon. Particularly dislikes the Psycho Rangers as they possess a good chunk of his power, power that was drained from him by Astronema to weakness him. He does like their style but finds their tendency for thoughtless vengeance really annoying. Drakkon is an even worse because because it is literally Tommy Oliver, an evil one at that. Is very distrustful towards Drakkon as a result and still wonders why Melkor would allow such an Obvious Judas to take command. The answer: because he’s useful.
  • Yes, his alliance’s name lacked the Grand title that the one he helps command does. He once shared the name with Melkor who loved it so much, he added the Grand for good measure. Dark Specter isn’t sure if Cosmos ripped Melkor’s name idea off, or if both ripped his name idea off.
  • Other relations to villains include:
    • The Idea of Evil is beloved by Dark Specter for being the concept of evil given form. The Idea of Evil also enjoys Dark Specter’s actions, as his armies have fueled the power of the Idea of Evil substantially.
    • Sheev Palpatine reminds Dark Specter of Don Armage, a villain who’s level of influence is one par with his United Alliance of Evil. Not that it’s a bad thing, as Dark Specter acclaimed Jack Matter for their conquests. Palpatine hopes Dark Specter could supply him with more competent troops though Dark Specter would beg to differ on that offer.
    • The Great Leader of SHOCKER and Dark Specter get along swimmingly. The Great Leader has supplied Dark Specter’s troops continuously and will continue to do so as long as Dark Specter protects SHOCKER’s interests. And why would he say no to that?
    • Really likes how Junko Enoshima brought her world into chaos by corrupting millions of people both directly and indirectly. Her Monokumas make for great monsters to use.
    • Dear lord, Molag Bal. What impressed Dark Specter is Molag Bal doesn’t even need to be there to usher people into doing heinous acts. Seeing all the horrible things his followers have done, Dark Specter could only whistle impressed.
    • Works with Mateus Palamencia and Megatron with their plots on obtaining higher power. Even if they are trying to achieve power higher than his, Dark Specter sees the amount of evil they have done and pitches in to aid in their endeavors.
    • Befriended Angra Mainyu. Not the god one but the one who became All the World’s Evil. Dark Specter likes the idea that this young man embraced his evil despite the title being forced upon him and giving him a really horrible life. He is willing to help Angra Mainyu get back at the world for this though finds it difficult with the Master of Chaldea influencing Avenger to be a better person. Dark Specter would like to target the Master of Chaldea though that would mean going through the literal army of Servants they have or even worse, end up as a Servant himself.
    • Enjoys the Crapsack World that Barbatos lives in. Dark Specter believes it would be much better if his monsters ran around in it. Barbatos wouldn’t allow it though said Dark Specter is welcome anytime.
    • There are plenty of other villains he would like more to say but what else is there? They are evil, through and through and Dark Specter uses all his power to help them. Unless they try going after him next, then he will crush them with all of his rocky might.
  • Has a rivalry over multiple conquerors who think they could eventually overthrow Dark Specter and take over his domains. While far less powerful, Dark Specter isn’t going just hand his domains over easily.
  • Obviously, his hatred far extends from toku heroes to heroes in general. A variety of those who have travelled the cosmos have shown hate for Dark Specter and his armies and are sworn to take him down. Dark Specter merely lies down, grabs popcorn and sends his minions to handle everybody.
  • Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy once arrived at his domain. Mermaid Man declared that Dark Specter must be eliminated for he is THE EEEEVVVVVIIIIIIILLLLLL. Barnacle Boy did his best to drag themselves out though Dark Specter was so annoyed, he squished them both with his claw. He then ate all his security guards afterward for having two old dudes somehow.
  • GOLB would be respected more by Dark Specter if GOLB was more proactive promoting evil than being just there. For crying out loud, he is literally a God of Evil and does no do anything with it, especially after the weird Fusion Dance between him and Betty. Hopes to have GOLB fully embrace The Dark Side and be actual sentient.

Intermediate Gods

    Guinea Creatures 
Guinea Creatures, Unholy Patrons of Normal Animals Passed Off as Monsters (Giant Guinea Creatures, Furry Death, Muerte Peludo)
A group of Guinea Creatures. Guinea Pirate is their Leader
Michael Chertoff, Guinea Pirate's human guise
  • Intermediate Deities
  • Symbol: Themselves
  • Alignment: Chaotic Evil
  • Portfolio: Rodents of Unusual Size, Adorable Animalistic Abomination, Terrifying Pet Store Rat, Roger Rabbit Effect, Main Threat of the Pandemic Arc, Weak to Peruvian Pan Flutes and Craig Tucker
  • Domains: Rodents, Evil, Ancient, Murder, Attack, Monsters, Special Effects
  • Allies: The Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog, Robert the Tire, Reptilicus, SCP-2006, The Lepus
  • Enemies: The Boys from South Park, Kuzco, Kronk, Hammond, The MST3K Crew, Most ascended Kaijus
  • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: Yzma
  • What started as an attempt by the U.S. Goverment to arrest all Peruvian Pan Flute bands and sent them to Guantanamo for being annoying ended up summoning the Furry Death, an ancient evil that hails from Peru. The Guinea Creatures rampaged through the whole world, killing hundreds in their wake, until thanks to the efforts of Stan, Kyle, Cartman, Kenny and Craig, the Peruvian Pan Flute bands were freed and the gigantic rodents were driven back to their nests. Except, not all of them were contained, as one of their more intelligent members, Guinea Pirate, broke free from Prison and resumed his rampage.
  • Their ascension was thanks to Guinea Pirate, haven't been seen since his escape from Prison, a gigantic Guinea Pig wearing Prison robes was captured in the House of Food. However, the lack of Peruvian Pan Flute bands coupled with the pirate's presence brought forth another Guinea Creature invasion. Thankfully, the Pantheon was better prepared to deal with them and all were recontained into a single temple.
  • Widely considered to be one of, if not the, silliest menaces in the pantheon, as their are just giant Guinea Pigs in costumes, but they are still dangerous for a reason. Before they were kicked out, Guinea Pirate, in the guise of Michael Chertoff, convinced the Court of Gods of letting them Guinea Creatures stay and take the title of animals that pretended to be giant monsters. It worked, for the most part, as he intended to use that appeal to reduce the security around the Guinea Creatures' temple but it was not the case.
  • The Guinea Creatures come in different flavours. Besides the standard Guinea Pig, you have Guinea Bees, Guineasauruses Rex, Guinea Rabbits, Guinea Cats, the list goes on. Whatever variant they are, all Guinea Creatures enjoy preying on humans, sometimes toying with their food but the added presence of Peruvian Flute Bands has diminished the effects of their rampages. If they ever get out of control, GUAG has even considered ascending Craig Tucker to deal with them.
  • Whenever a group of them gets out, some deities like to record them given their out of place look and bizarre mannerism, since most of the time they stand still without doing too much. This has proven to been a fatal mistake most of the time, since they are still dangerous, with several deities having fell prey to their unassuming looks.
  • Frequently a target of mockery by the MST3K Crew, given that they resemble many cheap effects of a handful of movies from the 60s and 70s, even if their creators did it on purpose. Even then, they know better than to provoke them.
  • Being one of the precursors of the Peruvians and an Incan Emperor, it's no surprise that the Guinea Creatures hate Kuzco for being one of their few weaknesses (also for being annoying). He is also one of the few deities they are unable to touch but Guinea Pirate has been on talks with Yzma, the former advisor of Kuzco, to kick him out and unleash the Guinea Creatures all over the pantheon. Unfortunately, her being a human also makes her a target and fairly disposable so she has been very careful when dealing with them. Kronk, Yzma's former henchmen, at first thought they were very funny-looking squirrels but after they tried to munch him, he has avoided the Guinea Pigs ever since.
  • So far considered the biggest rodents in the pantheon. Other rodents like to stay away from them since they are too murderous and destructive. The only two that are willing to ally with them are Twitch, a mean rat that could prove useful for them, and the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog, who shares the viciousness and ruthlessness of the Guinea Creatures despite all of them looking harmless at first while also sharing a very unusual weakness.
    • While most good and neutral rodents like to stay away from them, Hammond the Hamster has been a notorious opposer of the gigantic Guinea Pigs. Mostly because they remind him of the primates that revolted in the colony and killed most humans, only worse. While usually just a nomad, whenever one of the Guinea Creatures escapes, he likes to assist in containing them.
  • Often considered Kaijus even if they aren't as big as others. Even then, their destructive power is not as high as the other ones and usually prefer going after lower lifeforms like humans. However, they are on good terms with Reptilicus and Robert the Tire, one for being a strange-looking Kaiju and the other for hating humans like them and looking funny while at it.
  • SCP-2006 adores them and considers them one of the freakiest thing he's ever seen, so much so that one time when Guinea Pirate made his way towards the House of Villainy and later captured, SCP-2006 immediately assumed his form and made a mess in three other houses. They are trying to make him stick with his Ro-Man form to prevent another disaster.
  • While his name may imply otherwise, Guinea Pirate doesn't do much pirating. He just has the hat because he likes it. Other pirates are split on two fronts with him, either he looks to ridiculous or is too dangerous to work with. His human form has been outed after he attempted to get the Peruvians kicked out of the pantheon and so most of the times he is seen in his true form.

    Lasser Glass 
Lasser Glass, Unholy Instigator of Mirror Scares
  • Intermediate Entity
  • Symbol: Itself
  • Theme Music: Oculus Remix
  • Alignment: Chaotic Evil
  • Portfolio: Attack of the Killer Whatever, Magic Mirror, Artifact of Doom, Can’t be Shattered Directly, For the Evulz, Invincible Villain, May or may not Actually be Sentient
  • Domains: Mirrors, Curses
  • Enemies: SCP Foundation, Dark Pit, Salad Fingers, Jean-Pierre Polnareff, Pit, Gnome Chompski, Iron Checkpoint Crate
  • Interest from: Dark Meta Knight, Queen Nehelenia, Scarecrow, Mysterio
  • Foil to: The Magic Mirror
  • Feared by: Snow White of the Blood Team
  • Siblings Kaylie and Tim Russell acquire an antique mirror known as the Lasser Glass, a mirror that according to Kaylie, is responsible for the deaths of those that previously owned it, including her parents. Despite Tim’s initial skepticism about what actually happened, he ends up working with her to destroy the mirror when they witness the mirror’s supernatural properties. The Lasser Glass is able to distort reality around those who have the mirror, forcing its victims to perceive things that happened, but didn’t (and vice versa), can drive them to madness, and is able to summon corrupted spirits of its past victims. Kaylie’s attempt to destroy the mirror ends in her death and Tim is arrested for seemingly causing it, much like what happened when the two were children and Tim was arrested after their parents were killed.
  • The Pantheon was preparing to auction a number of items ranging from useless trinkets to rare finds at a high-end event and one such item that made it to the list of things to be auctioned included the Lasser Glass. There were murmurs among the audience given reports of bad things happening to those who owned the mirror, but the auction continued as planned and it ended up in the hands of what appeared to be a normal family. A few days later, news reports came in saying that the family who bought the mirror ended up dead, fueling worries about the Lasser Glass and some have suggested destroying the mirror to prevent any more fatalities. That didn’t work out as not only was the mirror still around, but the people sent to examine it died, angering those who were looking for a quick way to destroy another cursed item present in the Pantheon. It was eventually decided to lock the Lasser Glass away in a highly secure and isolated area to prevent any more fatalities until a final decision can be made on how to get rid of the mirror without risking any more lives. As with most other attempts to prevent tragedy, it wasn’t going to stop some wicked minds from finding a way to get the mirror out in the open and such a thing has happened more than once.
  • The SCP Foundation was no stranger to examining unusual mirrors that could threaten the livelihood of others and the Lasser Glass was no different in that regard. It found itself being contained by the SCP Foundation for a while as the group was looking for possible answers on why the mirror was causing its owners to lose their sanity. It didn’t take long before members of the SCP Foundation started to fall for the effects of the mirror, ranging from hallucinating an attack caused by SCP-682 (when the SCP in question was actually in a secure place at the moment) to causing bodily harm over actions that personnel thought was innocuous. The closest the Foundation got to finding any answers about the mirror was the possibility that a malevolent spirit was possessing it, but it became apparent that keeping the Lasser Glass for too long was causing problems within the Foundation and it led to the mirror being sent away to a far-off location. It hasn’t stopped the Foundation from finding potential additional information about the mirror and what can be done to stop it, but they’ve been more careful about examining the Lasser Glass since then.
    • Much like the SCP Foundation, Lobotomy Corporation has regularly confronted extranormal entities and it included a mirror known as the Mirror of Adjustment. Unlike the mostly malevolent mirrors that the Foundation dealt with, the Mirror of Adjustment is comparatively harmless and has been used by the Corporation to change the stats of its employees. Repeated use of the Mirror of Adjustment will eat away at the users’ humanity akin to how people lost their sanity the longer they had the Lasser Glass. While the Corporation has some awareness of the danger presented by the Lasser Glass, they don’t consider it as much of a threat (or at the very least as interesting) compared to some of the more extreme enemies that they’ve encountered.
  • While The Magic Mirror and Lasser Glass are both mirrors that are associated with evil, the extent of the evil they’re involved with are very different. The Magic Mirror is more or less a neutral entity despite being closely tied to The Evil Queen whereas the Lasser Glass is seen as malevolent and has destroyed many innocent lives of those who had such a mirror. Having heard arguments between other deities about whether the Lasser Glass was truly sentient or not, the Magic Mirror tried to communicate with it, but was unable to get any response from it. Despite being associated with villains, he has made more of an effort of being as honest as he can be with what he sees in contrast to the Lasser Glass being a harbinger of deceit and madness around those tied to it.
  • Since Dark Pit was born following a botched process with the Mirror of Truth, Pit had a feeling that there would be other mirrors that evildoers sought to use. What he and Pittoo were somewhat surprised by was that the Lasser Glass was a mirror that was actively evil without the need of anyone attempting to control it. As gung-ho as Pit is in his heroics, he had to be told that rushing headlong to try and destroy the mirror was a bad idea and that a more methodical approach was needed both to see if an evil spirit was really inside that mirror and to destroy it. Although Dark Pit isn’t as heroic as regular Pit is, a part of him is worried about the potential for a truly evil Pit knockoff that the mirror could create should Pit fall victim to the Lasser Glass’ machinations.
  • Having been sealed into a mirror and cursing Queen Serenity’s kingdom to ruin, Queen Nehelenia was someone who was dangerous with or without being bound to mirrors. The Lasser Glass and the potential for it to devastate those who get close to it was something Nehelenia wanted to know more about as she was able to see the outside world through mirrors and learn of the evil behind said mirror. Whether or not the Lasser Glass is possessed by a pre-existing evil spirit is true, Nehelenia knows that the Lasser Glass has the potential to be a deadly weapon thanks to amplifying her powers to work with what the Lasser Glass is stated to be capable of. The rest of the Dead Moon Circus is on board for using the Lasser Glass as a means to further their goals, especially if it means the destruction of the Sailor Senshi and their allies.
  • Although sending others to a mirror world is not part of the Lasser Glass’ supposed abilities, it hasn’t stopped those involved with such a setting from taking an interest in it. Dark Meta Knight, who was from the aptly-named Mirror World, has been listening in on discussion about the Lasser Glass to see if it can be truly effective in his desire for revenge. As it was his immense hatred that corrupted the Dimension Mirror and (unintentionally) made Queen Sectonia who she is, many are concerned about what could happen if he ended up trapped inside the Lasser Glass and make it even more evil than it already is believed. Given that the spirits of the Lasser Glass’ victims can manifest near the mirror, many feel that fighting Dark Meta Knight near it is a terrible idea, but it’s possible that such a scenario is something he wants if he is to get revenge of any kind.
  • There were a handful of deities who have had bad experiences with mirrors and to learn of a mirror that is believed to actively destroy the lives of anyone near it was not the kind of news they wanted to hear. Jean-Pierre Polnareff, who had to fight against J.Geil, a serial killer whose Stand could travel between reflective surfaces and was responsible for the murder of Polnareff’s sister, not only had a bad feeling that the Lasser Glass had a Stand of some kind that allowed it to mess with the minds of others if it was sentient, but that J.Geil could use it to continue his murdering spree regardless of the mirror’s true nature. Salad Fingers took great issue with the Lasser Glass’ existence as it meant that the Glass Mother and Glass Brother from the mirrors he had that made his life hell could be spirits within that mirror and was enraged at the fact that directly attempting to shatter the Lasser Glass wasn’t a feasible option since it could make his already shaky mental state even worse. Snow White of the Blood Team is one of a handful of entities who is scared of mirrors and given how the Lasser Glass can mess with the minds of others, she has done what she can to avoid it since confronting it meant having to worry about more than how she looked.
  • Befitting a supposedly supernatural mirror, the Lasser Glass is able to create elaborate illusions of various sorts to mess with its victims perception of reality and drive them to madness or death. Villains who specialize in illusions such as Mysterio are intrigued by reports of what the mirror has done to others and are looking to see if the mirror truly has anything unusual behind it so that those villains can enhance their illusory abilities, or take advantage of the weak-minded if the Lasser Glass is just and ordinary mirror. Dr. Jonathan Crane, who uses his Scarecrow alter ego to instill fear into others, has been active in examining the Lasser Glass and how effective it is as an item for scaring others in its vicinity. The psychology of how hysteria and paranoia can spread to others by spreading reports about an item with a dark background was something Scarecrow couldn’t ignore and it didn’t matter to him whether or not the mirror was supernatural.
  • Despite disagreements by others on whether or not the Lasser Glass is sentient or not, it’s generally treated by a majority in the Pantheon as a deity for being an apparently inanimate object with strange traits (and not something that’s unambiguously alive) the same way the Iron Checkpoint Crate and Gnome Chompski are seen as such. Unlike those two items, the Lasser Glass is treated as an item of evil and if someone sadistic enough were to create a room filled with mirrors similar to the Lasser Glass (in addition to the real mirror) and place a handful of Iron Checkpoint Crates there, it can use its powers of illusion to mess up anyone trying to complete that room and throw off the crates’ save function. This was seen as an even worse version of the “abusing save states for personal gain” trick some have attempted and something the Iron Checkpoint Crate was insulted by. As for Gnome Chompski, while nothing happened to him as he spent time in a room with the Lasser Glass, a couple of victims who were unfortunate enough to be in that same place found themselves harmed while trying to get Gnome Chompski out of that place. This led to reports that Gnome Chompski had a problem with the mirror for making things harder than it should be for others to move him around.

Lesser Gods

    Andy Serkis 
Andy Serkis, God of CG Characters Generated by Motion Capture
Andy Serkis with Gollum/Smeagol

    The Beast (Over The Garden Wall
The Beast, God of the Freeze-Frame Bonus (Death of Hope, He Who Haunts the Woods, Stalker of the Night, the Voice of the Night, the Beast of Eternal Darkness, He Who Carries the Dark Lantern, Satan, The Grim Reaper, Avatar of Depression and Suicide)
The Beast’s True Form
  • Lesser God, capable of manipulating Greater.
  • Symbol: A shadow in the darkness with two piercing white eyes. Alternatively, an Edelwood Tree.
  • Theme Song: Come Wayward Souls
  • Alignment: Neutral Evil
  • Portfolio: An Absolutely Immoral Chessmaster who manipulates everyone he sees and is NEVER played for laughs, Everyone in the Unknown is scared of him, Sucks at Xanatos Speed Chess, Body of Bodies, Botanical Abomination, Sinister Silhouettes
  • Domains: Manipulation, Shadows, Darkness, Trees, Forests, Souls, Despair
  • Herald: Adelaide of the Pasture
  • Allies: Junko Enoshima & Monokuma, Aku, Yapool, Specimen 8, The Slenderman, Siren Head, The Incubators, Bill Cipher, Queen Beryl, Tsumugi Shirogane
  • Rivals: The Beast (Doctor Who), Lord Voldemort
  • Enemies: Wirt and Greg, Dipper and Mabel Pines, The Hawkins Party, Coraline Jones, Fused Zamasu, Big Bird
  • Feared by: The Puella Magi, Ned
  • The Beast is a Malevolent Entity that resided in the Unknown, turning many people, children included, into Edelwood Trees, grinding them into oil to fuel his lantern, extending his life span constantly. He eventually manipulated The Woodsman by telling her it was her daughter’s soul trapped in the lantern. He became The Beast’s lantern bearer, but this ended when he revealed Greg, who was in the process of turning. Woodsman proclaimed his daughter wouldn’t want this and fought The Beast, losing. Wirt and Beatrice, who had found his lantern, soon encountered The Beast after he dropped the defeated Woodsman before them. He gave Wirt a choice to let his brother die and return home or become the new lantern bearer in place of Woodsman, which would keep Greg alive, though in reality, it would only keep the Beast from dying. He realized that it was his soul in the lantern and gave it to Woodsman, who blew it out, killing The Beast.
  • His ascension was made known one early morning. A few unfortunate deities ended up wandering into the woods and they didn't come back, prompting others to search for them. What they found was a few Edelwood Trees which hadn't been there before. They managed to save some of the unfortunate deities, but others weren't so lucky. Those deities were soon brought back to life in the House of Life and Vitality.
  • The Beast absolutely loves crushing people’s hopes, forcing them to become trees so he can grind out the oil in order to fuel his Soul Jar. Despite it being for survival, he absolutely loves doing it. He will resort to getting someone to exhaust themselves if he cannot crush their hopes so they will become trees that way.
  • Dipper and Mabel Pines really don’t like the guy. He reminds them of Bill Cipher, being an evil creature who uses deals tilted in his favor for his own ends. Bill Cipher gets along with him, as despite his goal of bringing about Weirdmageddon, The Beast only cares about survival and will do anything it takes to stay alive.
  • Unnerves the Puella Magi quite a lot. His Soul Jar is disturbingly similar to their Soul Gems, both of them needing to be attended to from time to time in order to keep them active. His penchant for despair makes things even worse, all of them knowing what happens should they give into it.
  • Is greatly despised by those who love nature. Gaea in particular views him as an abomination, Viridi sees him as a mockery of nature and Captain Planet hates him for using nature for evil. Others like Xerneas absolutely loathe him as well and have decided to aid in finally putting an end to him once and for all.
  • Ned Needlemeyer is scared shitless of him and goes to extreme lengths to avoid The Beast, much to his amusement. The Beast loves tormenting the poor boy, constantly trying to goad him into despair by falsely implying that his ascension was his fault.
  • One day, he was traveling through his forest when he encountered the Queen of the Dark Kingdom, who happened to be searching for him to propose an alliance. While he refused at first, she told him that there were many more powerful beings in the Pantheon who could easily defeat him when compared to his world, completely undettered by his true appearance as she leads an army of Youma, which are basically demons, and was one of the major factors in the destruction of an entire civilization, though she was an Unwitting Pawn to Queen Nehelenia. He reluctantly decided to accept her offer, and he's had much more success capturing people to fuel his lantern since.
  • As usual, upon learning of this guy, Zamasu went on a tirade of how mortals shouldn’t be dabbling in things that only gods deserve and has declared his desire to eradicate him with the rest of the mortals. The Beast simply ignored this, not caring for the beliefs of the Mad God, though he does know Zamasu’s power eclipses his, and he tries to stay away from him.
  • Other forest dwelling creatures include Siren Head and the Slenderman. Surprisingly, he managed to turn potential rivalries into an alliance, which goes to show just how good at manipulation he is. He stays away from The Snatcher, though, as he knows he could easily destroy him...and it doesn’t help that there was an incident where he began preying upon deities in his forest, which he soon realized was Too Dumb to Live.
  • Loves those who bring despair. Junko Enoshima is probably his favorite out of all of them, though, and he will sometimes linger around where she performs her Killing Games to catch anybody who has escaped or has been brought into despair. She’s fond of him too and will sometimes allow him to work as a “Punishment” in her games, which he was delighted by. He also likes Tsumugi Shirogane, though he much prefers Junko over her.
  • The Hawkins Party once encountered him in his forest and it took some quick thinking in order for them to get out of that sticky situation. He hates them for managing to outsmart him and wants Revenge. His opinion on the Shadow Monster, however, was clear. He stays the hell away from it.
  • Coraline Jones found him disturbingly similar to the Other Mother, something he takes great offense to as unlike the Bedlam, he commits his acts simply to survive. When some pointed out his Sadism, his response was “Yeah, so what?“
  • A big fan of Yapool’s for his large penchant for despair and has often taken those he’s driven to despair into his forest to grind oil to fuel his lantern. He also gets along with Specimen 8, given they are both Humanoid Abominations with the faces of their victims on their body.
  • Doesn’t get why everybody hates the Incubators, and gladly made himself allies with them after they learned of how similar his Soul Jar is to the soul gems that belong to the Magical Girls they have tricked. He believes it is a necessary sacrifice for them to become witches and be killed by the next generation of Magical Girls, as he’d rather the universe be intact so he can keep himself alive.
  • Despite them both being Satanic Archetypes, he has no relation to the other Beast, though they both admit that their methods are quite similar to each other. Exploiting the fears and weaknesses of others for their own personal gain is something both of them are really good at. The two have since become rivals. Voldemort was able to admire the lengths he’d go to in order to escape death, but was quick to remind The Beast that he’s the only one who should be immortal.

Reptilicus, Representative of Special Effect Failure
  • Lesser God
  • Symbol: Itself
  • Alignment: Chaotic Evil
  • Portfolio: Kaiju, Reptiles Are Abhorrent, Healing Factor
  • Domains: Reptiles, Regeneration
  • "Allies": "Hunter" Series, SCP-2006
  • Rival: Godzilla
  • Source of Interest for: Albert Wesker, William Birkin, Mesogog
  • Sitcom Arch-Nemesis: The Satellite of Love Crew
  • Somewhere in Denmark, a group of miners find a frozen reptile's tail underground. An attempt to study the tail further leads to disaster and a monster known as Reptilicus has run amok as a result. Regenerative abilities are the main gimmick for this monster, but it also has a couple of different abilities that just look silly, notably spitting out some sort of green acid. It also looks rather off in general, especially when trying to fly or eat someone.
  • It was yet another "normal" day in the Pantheon until someone found a part of a mysterious reptile washed ashore on a beach. The part was taken in to try and study it, but it didn't take long for chaos to happen. A giant reptile was running around, flying and/or spitting acid around the Pantheon. It took the effort of some armed forces to subdue it, but there any sort of attempt to get it removed from the Pantheon really didn't work out as some scientists, having learned about the mayhem from various reports, wanted to learn more about it and its attributes.
  • Despite what its title may suggest, Reptilicus is a monster that shouldn't be taken too lightly. It's regenerative abilities means that it's highly possible for a separate Reptilicus to be running around and cause problems for some while a different group has to fight against a different Reptilicus at the same time. Several measures have been put in place to subdue it without having it take advantage of its healing, though that's easier said than done.
  • Plenty of scientifically-minded deities have taken it upon themselves to study a part of Reptilicus further to see if there's anything interesting that can be found. Compared to what happened initially, management on making sure the Reptilicus parts don't regenerate have improved, but there's still a handful of instances where the Reptilicus parts have been missing as a result of some sort of external mishap.
  • Contrary to what some may think, it's actually one of Godzilla's more problematic opponents that isn't one of his already existing enemies. While Godzilla's atomic breath can blast through Reptilicus without much trouble, the real issue there is that after some time, whatever remains of Reptilicus lie around after that blast will grow into another Reptilicus. Some have tried to argue that Godzilla fighting Reptilicus when there's a lot of other giant monsters running around is a bad idea and that the King of Monsters should fight a more significant threat whilst any armed forces present will handle subduing Reptilicus.
    • On a more general note, there hasn't been a lot of reports of Reptilicus fighting other giant monsters besides Godzilla within the Pantheon. It might be due to it's very limited, if still troublesome, abilities despite largely being considered a mindless monster. It does make it easier for anyone trying to subdue the creature whenever they're tasked to so, but it doesn't mean the job is already simple as it is.
  • More than a handful of evil scientists have taken some curiosity on Reptilicus' regenerative properties to see how that can benefit their plans. Albert Wesker in particular is really interested in its abilities to see if a new entry in the Hunter line of monsters is possible. The monsters in the Hunter series are already bad enough as they are, but one that could potentially regenerate would be even worse, especially since it's likely to lack the questionably cheesier aspects of Reptilicus.
    • As for the actual monsters within the "Hunter" Series, they actually do get along with Reptilicus to some extent. Even though Reptilicus by default just lumbers around (or fly awkwardly at times) and spits acid every now and then, the creature has actually been seen with those monsters, something that Wesker is fine with as it helps him learn more about the creature.
  • In addition to Wesker, Mesogog has taken interest in Reptilicus' attributes. In particular, he sees the regenerative properties as a significant advantage in making his monsters, though it may take quite a bit of time for him to perfect the concept of a dinosaur army that can regenerate at a far faster rate than what Reptilicus can do.
  • SCP-2006 has come to see Reptilicus as a worthwhile friend and has even taken up Reptilicus as a potential transformation. A lot of the potential comedy that has come from them quickly stopped when the realization kicked in that with if SCP-2006 transforms into Reptilicus while the real Reptilicus is wreaking havoc, then it'd be very hard to tell which one is the SCP in diguise and which Reptilicus is the real deal.
  • Crow T. Robot and Tom Servo watched its initial appearance and made fun of a lot of it's aspects. They were somewhat surprised to see that it ended up in the Pantheon and even if they aren't going to pay too much attention to it, they still had to be warned that the creature running around in the Pantheon is no joke compared to when it originally showed up in that movie they saw.
  • Unlike what happened when it attacked Denmark originally, any sort of armed forces that are trying to attack it are actually within reasonable distance. The whole rumor of Reptilicus being further than normal from those forces and somehow looking worse than it is from a distance could be passed off as a "joke" from a few deities that don't really take things seriously.
  • A few think there's a very similar-looking creature with the same abilities known as Reptisaurus the Terrible. A smaller set of people think there's yet another similar creature known as Scarysaurus the Scary. Turns out that both Reptisaurus and Scarysaurus are indeed Reptilicus; it's just that the whole regeneration schtick means that some crazier deities will try to name any separate Reptilicus from a spare part a weird name.

    Sr Pelo 
David Axel Cazares Casanova, Divine Harbinger of Visual and Auditory Abuse (Sr Pelo, 123Pendejos, Pepo)
  • Lesser God
  • Symbol: An afro
  • Theme Song: Pelo's Comedy Club and Mogolovonio
  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
  • Portfolio: Bilingual Bonus, Black Comedy, Crosses the Line Twice, Funny Afro, Funny Gasping, Man of a Thousand Voices, Mind Screw, Nightmare Face, Saying Sound Effects Out Loud, Stylistic Suck
  • Domains: Animation, Loud Noises, Videos, Mexicans, Screaming
  • Heralds: Mokey Mouse, Dilan Duck, Groovy, JohnKnee and Ill, Cast of Underpants, and most of his other creations
  • Underlings: Skid and Pump, Ooga Booga
  • Allies: Most of the deities from Undertale (except that one time he did a Genocide run), Tom, Mario, The Inklings, Kirby, The Mann Co. Mercenaries
  • Enemies: Ned Flanders, The Slender Man
  • Conflicting Opinion: Mickey Mouse, The Simpson Family
  • Opposed by: Reaper
  • Sr Pelo, real name David Axel Cazares Casanova, is an animator with a very peculiar style. That which consists of being as loud as possible either by screaming incomprehensibly or just doing loud noises with whatever he has avaialable, usually his table. Pelo woke up in the Pantheon one day, in his avatar form and the sight of the Court of Gods stunned him. After being informed of his position, he screamed for a while and then promptly went to his temple.
  • Pelo doesn't live alone as apparently most of his creations live alongside him and deities placed near Pelo have reported several disturbances on a daily basis, like screams from a very strange looking mouse or a man being punch by his best friend for not sharing things with her. Deities have tried to get Pelo to calm the commotion or get evicted if he would fail to comply but his best efforts have barely put any stop to the chaos, though most believe he isn't even trying. And the table noises never stop.
  • Pelo is good friends with a lot of deities from Videogames, especially those who has made videos about but plenty are utterly confused by their depiction. Like Mario who goes by "Wahoo Man" or Kirby, who throws hearts at everything that stands in his way. Pelo even made an entire series focused on the story of Frisk, who he is very protective of (DON'T TOUCHA THE CHILD!) and understandably raged a lot when fighting Sans, but he is still friends with the skeleton. That said, that one time he did a Genocide Run did sour the deities from the Underground on Pelo but they find him well meaning if a bit of a loose cannon.
  • One of his most popular shows is Mokey's Show, and like most of his stuff, it's quite a trip, usually with Mokey and friends getting into a lot of crazy situations. Mokey even lives with Pelo as sometimes gets out to visit the pantheon on his own accord, which has certainly weirded the actual Mickey Mouse considering the first thing Mokey did upon seeing Mickey is make weird faces. And scream, lots and lots of screaming.
  • Pelo is not someone to make enemies just because but apparently most of his creation and even himself dislike the Slenderman ever since Mokey had a nasty encounter with Slendy. Since then, Mokey and crew avoid going away during the night and wander into woods in case they encounter the Slender Man again.
  • Apparently Pelo has made some historical videos too, though the validity of them has been put into question. For example, he once retold a story where Arnold Schwarzenegger was Tutankhamun, an history that somehow involved Ronal McDonald sealing Arnold in his tomb and Jontron being the one to unearth it. Yeah we don't understand it either.
  • Another of Pelo's many creations are JohnKnee and Ill, described as two inseparable and very good friends. The House of Friendship and Camaraderie has contested said claim, as they have witnessed Ill abuse JohnKnee for the smallest of things, like painting or simply being stuck. Some even believe the two are locked into an endless loop as JohnKnee seems to respawn and commence the cycle again. Ill has defended herself from those claims of abusing her friend, saying is not her fault JohnKnee does naughty things without her. (like looking at PORRRRRRRRRRRRRNOOOO).
  • According to Pelo, the Simpsons are a family of bumbling and destructive satanist, with Homer being the worst offender. The family itself has no clue what to think of this version of them and had to deny any ties to them or Sr Pelo. Ned Flanders was personally offended that he would demonize the Simpsons AND depict him as a psychopath that wanted to destroy the simpsons for their actions.
  • Pelo is often seen hanging with the Mann Co Mercenaries, one of the few groups that can tolerate his zaniness though they do find him very loud. Pelo even made videos about every class and has some weird habit of screaming "BOOM!" every time an explosion happens.
  • Apparently, Pelo is believed to be Gabriel Reyes mom. The latter hasn't confirmed nor denied anything regarding this but many have seen him squirm in fear everytime he hears Pelo scream, fearing for the wrath of LA CHANCLA!
  • Many have asked about the whereabouts of SANESS (WANNA HAVE A BAD TOM?!) and Pelo ignores all questions regarding him. That said, Pelo has been seen a lot with Tom the cat, some thinking he is the one behind that one Tom in the body of a turkey that attacked some storytime animators.
  • Pelo has continously denied that he abuses his table. Though the source of the loud noises hasn't been disclosed by him and no one believes his claims.
  • "scream"


    Arnold Ernst Toht 
Arnold Ernst Toht, God of Mundane Scenes Shot As Creepy
  • Demigod
  • Symbol: The medallion scar on his right hand
  • Alignment: Neutral Evil
  • Portfolio: Ax-Crazy Nazi Torture Technician, Stab the Salad, Bespectacled Psycho, Obviously A Nazi, Annoying Laugh, Giggling Villain, Fastidious Gestapo Officer That's A Psycho for Hire, We Have Ways of Making You Talk, Killed By The Very Thing He Sought After
  • Domains: Nazism, Torture, Mystical Items, Interrogation
  • Herald: Colonel Herman Dietrich
  • Allies: Pretty much any Nazi deity, (includes Millennium and Red Skull), SCP-542, Judge Doom
  • Headbutting Villains with: Ramses
  • Enemies: Indiana Jones, The Pillar Men, Steve Rogers/Captain America, the Basterds, Dr Ludvig Maxis, Moses, any Jewish god on principle (and those who opposes Nazis)
  • Fears: Any entity related to the Abrahamic God
  • Major Arnold Ernst Toht is a Nazi Gestapo agent, deeply loyal to Adolf Hitler. He was sent to secure the Ark of the Covenant, as the legends of the Ark suggest it will make Hitler's armies unstoppable. He ended up in conflict with Indiana Jones, all over said Ark.
  • As if being a dedicated Nazi wasn't bad enough, he's also a Torture Technician and really into it. Memorably he once spooked Marion Ravenwood by apparently getting torture equipment out, but it was just a coathanger. Seeing its reaction, he's decided to Troll his victims with tricks like these. Is also studying the House of Torture and Mutilation to refine his "craft".
  • Personally a skeptic in anything supernatural, but if his Fuhrer wills it he'll play the Ghostapo card. And given how he left the mortal plane, he's not as skeptical as he used to be. In modern times, he considers the Red Skull to be Hitler's successor and will gladly follow him to ensure the Nazis achieve world domination. The Skull has been giving him advice on how to better handle supernatural artifacts.
  • He is also willing to work with Millennium as they are a Nazi organization. While he believes their vampirism has proven useful for the Nazi cause, their goals aren't practical and he is more trying to steer them to a path that the Red Skull and other traditional Nazi officials find useful. SCP-542 finds most of his goals to be "boringly simple", but is willing to work with him as he was Nazis in general
  • As a Nazi, he has countless people who detest him, the Jews being the most obvious. Considering that the Ark of the Convenant was a sacred Jewish item, and one explicitly dangerous as The Bible describes, makes his decision to use it extraordinarily stupid. Toht defended himself by saying he didn't believe in it and he was ordered to by Hitler to get it, and people responded that it makes Hitler a moron. That only pissed him off more.
  • Because of being melted by the Ark of the Covenant, Toht has an enormous fear of any being in the pantheon who claims to be or is an angel in direct service of the God of Abraham. Or anyone who claims to be the Biblical God like YHVH. He has special loathing towards Moses, since he was the one who made the Ark in the first place. He's actually willing to work with Ramses because they have a common enemy, though it's tenuous given the Nazis and Ancient Egyptians wouldn't get along long term.
  • Captain America was pretty upset to learn that another Nazi has made it to the Trope Pantheon, and plans to sock it to him when Major Arnold Toht causes trouble again. Toht was deeply terrified to learn of the Basterds, who according to their own records shot Hitler and other high-ranking Nazis to Ludicrous Gibs. Dr Ludvig Maxis isn't happy to seem him in the pantheon either.
  • Seems fond of Judge Doom. Likely this is due to Doom's own Nazi-esque tendencies, shared sadism, the fact they both died melting away in a way they brought upon themselves, or they just really like each other's fashion sense.
  • Has a sister called Isla, who was a high-ranking Nazi like himself. She ended up trying to kill Indiana Jones to avenge her fallen brother, ultimately meeting her end in a violent plane crash. Arnold Toht really wasn't pleased to hear about this.

    Dr. Claw 
Dr. Claw, God of the Unreveal Angle (Edward Claw, Stanford Scolex)
Dr. Claw alongside MAD Cat
  • Demigod
  • Symbol: His Hand. Alternatively, the M.A.D Logo.
  • Alignment: Neutral Evil
  • Portifolio: His Face Is Never Shown To The Camera, The Series Main Antagonist, Extremely Deep Voices, The Comically Serious, Evil Is Hammy, Prefers To Watch From Afar, Henchmen Are Complete Morons, Usually Gets Away (Though Not Always)
  • Domains: Evil, Hands, Chairs, Crime
  • High Priest: Mental
  • Heralds: MAD Cat (his Right-Hand Cat), Talon (his nephew and Hypercompetent Sidekick) .
  • Allies: Moriarty, Ratigan, Oogie Boogie, The Shredder, Grogar, The Kingpin, The Empress
  • Enemies: Inspector Gadget, James Bond, Austin Powers, Dr. Evil, Santa Claus, Jack Skellington
  • Rivals: Diavolo, Giovanni
  • Frequently Employs: The Black Organization
  • Dr. Edward Claw is the nefarious leader of the criminal organization M.A.D, and is Inspector Gadget's arch-nemesis. More often than not, he tends to stay out of the action, preferring to monitor whatever evil plan he's cooked up from his chair alongside his Right-Hand Cat, though that hasn't stopped him from getting involved personally from time to time. Usually, he comes up with a plan to Take Over the World, has one of his minions enact said plan, and occasionally contact them to check up on how said plan is going. Said plan often has extra steps taken to stop Inspector Gadget, often completely overlooking the fact that it's actually his niece, Penny, that stops his plans. When inevitably thwarted, he'll curse Gadget and move on with the next scheme, with new henchmen and new steps.
  • Dr. Claw first made his presence known in the Pantheon by naturally plotting a robbery of the realms biggest bank, having planned out a full-scale assault on the bank so that he could steal millions. Unfortunately, Gadget was able to figure out that he had arrived, thanks again to Penny's indirect aid, and managed to thwart the robbery and arrest the criminals. It was later discovered that Melkor found out about Claw and, admiring how he was a genuinely effective villain despite the setting, had arranged for him to ascend under Unreveal Angle. Claw, who had escaped capture during the aforementioned robbery, now aims to make himself known in the Pantheon as its most successful villain.
  • As his title suggests, his face is usually hidden from sight, with only his right arm being visible. That being said, plenty of characters have seen his face and body, but for the audience themselves, the universe seems determined to hide it from plain sight every chance it gets. There has been a few times in spinoffs when his face was visible, consistently depicting a White-Haired Mad Scientist look, but their canonicity is questionable at best, and details regarding everything else seems to change. There was also the movie, in which he was visible all the time, but he was quite different there, so it isn't exactly a reliable source. That hasn't stopped Claw from using "Stanford Scolex" as a alias to throw potential enemies off.
  • As someone who's a Affectionate Parody of James Bond villains, specifically his nemesis Ernst Stavro Blofeld, he naturally gained the attention of the famous super spy himself. Bond was savvy enough to realize that, despite his failures against Gadget, most of them were do to luck and outside help, and he was otherwise a competent villain. In relation, Bond's own parody, Austin Powers, also ended up on Claw's shit list, seeing the spy as basically Gadget, but more competent. Thanks to Powers, however, he ended up discovering the one person he hated the most out of the group: Dr. Evil, the reformed twin brother of Austin. Dr. Claw was furious that a Card-Carrying Villain like Dr. Evil would even entertain a Heel–Face Turn, and vowed to cave the former villain's face in the next time they meet. Evil, obviously, has taken precautions to avoid him at all costs.
  • Being a Diabolical Mastermind, Claw found it fitting to find other similarly cunning villains to join forces with, the more notable of which include the original Professor Moriarty and the rat criminal Ratigan. While they generally get along, spending their time cooking up schemes to destroy their nemesis's, one thing that annoys the duo is that Claw can never seem to get that Inspector Gadget isn't the cunning Guile Hero that he thinks he is, but rather a bumbling moron who's just ridiculously lucky, which to be fair, doesn't make him any less dangerous. Claw always rebuts these claims, stating that only a genius is capable of thwarting him regularly. At the very least, they're currently trying to get him to notice the little girl who keeps sneaking in and foiling his plans, whom he's aware of but usually dismisses.
  • Another reason he constantly fails is that his minions are complete dolts who sometimes come across as dumber than Gadget. This is an issue he's painfully aware of, and tends to think little of his henchmen, with the exception of the occasional competent one. Nonetheless, the Pantheon has opened up numerous other mercenaries and criminals that he can hire, and while Claw is willing to give others a try, he's found that his favorite is The Black Organization, an entire league of assassins for hire. Naturally, he almost always hires them to take out Gadget and his friends. Despite the massive leap in competency they have compared to his regular henchmen, however, they still find themselves frequently thwarted by Gadget and his dumb luck, though this has not stopped Claw from still employing them, as they still make much more progress than his minions ever had.
    • Despite this, he's still forced to rely on his minions most of the time to save money for his schemes, much to his dismay. Thankfully for him, he has found a few other competent villains that are Surrounded by Idiots and ended up acquainting with them thanks to the fact. For instance, The Shredder is (sometimes) depicted as a serious menace, but is usually surrounded by incompetent dumbasses who get their asses whooped by the Turtles regularly. Another example is Grogar, who's a Gruesome Goat and terrifying sorcerer who's right hand man is a cowardly donkey that can't do anything right. Together, the three hope that their combined strength would get them better minions than they currently have.
  • Claw is among the many deities that tried to ruin Christmas, though unlike them he tried to go and outright ruin Santa's reputation by disguising as him and delivering unfinished and broken toys, tarnishing his name forever. While Santa obviously considers Claw to be on his permanent Naughty List, his close friend Jack Skellington despises the guy, considering Claw to be just as petty and cruel as Oogie Boogie. Unfortunately, as Claw took that as a compliment, he immediately started seeking out this apparently equally cruel villain and found Oogie Boogie, a sadistic bug sack with a love of death traps. The two quickly became fast allies, usually spending their time together coming up with traps and plotting revenge on Santa and Jack.
  • As his title would imply, Claw is generally a reclusive villain, coming up with plans and having his henchmen carry them out while he stays at his lair and monitors the whole thing. However, he's also not afraid to join in the plan physically, and plenty of his allies and enemies have seen him in the flesh, so it could be chalked up to simply hiding from the heroes instead of protecting any kind of identity. This has lead him to detest fellow crime boss Diavolo, who hides his identity from everyone out of paranoia and will do anything to kill anyone who's seen what he looks like, with Claw calling him a cowardly dolt for it. Doesn't help that, in a particularly strange case, he ended up catching a glimpse of Diavolo, who promptly vowed to tear apart him and his organization to secure his secret.
  • One day, Dr. Claw approached the leader of Team Rocket, Giovanni, and proposed a challenge: whoever's Right-Hand Cat is better wins, with Claw arrogantly thinking that MAD Cat was superior. Unfortunately for him, while MAD Cat was a lazy house pet who barley did anything other than get comically abused by Claw, Giovanni's Persian is a loyal Pokemon who can outright battle anyone that threatens his owner. Long story short, Giovanni ended up winning the bet easily. Afterwards, Claw can be seen training his cat to be a more competent lackey so that he can show up the former Gym Leader. It should be noted that Claw does generally respect the guy and his competence, and Giovanni does pity Claw for his henchmen problem, so their rivalry isn't quite as serious as Diavolo's grudge.
    • On the subject of cat-themed villainy, it didn't take long for him to discover the Metro Cats, a group of yakuza cats ruling over Nyakuza Metro. Impressed with how ruthless the group is, alongside finding the concept of literal mafia felines to be appropriately amusing, he organized a meeting with their leader, The Empress, and offered his assistance in exchange for hers, saying that her skills combined with his influences could make for a powerful combination. Seeing how the leader of a worldwide criminal organization could indeed be very useful, The Empress agreed and a partnership was born. Of course, the Empress was suspicious of such a generous offer, and as such has snuck in spies to keep an eye on Claw, unaware that he's doing the exact same thing to her under similar suspicions.
  • When he approached notorious mobster Wilson Fisk, AKA The Kingpin, Claw assumed that taking on heroes like Daredevil and Spider Man would be no different than his usual schemes involving Gadget. The second the two sprung a plan to once again rob the biggest bank in the Pantheon and Spider Man got involved, he realized that a Genre Savvy superhero was a much more different experience than a detective like Gadget. That's not to say that he didn't put up a challenge, a few of his traps keeping the web slinger on his toes, but ultimately he and Fisk were beaten and forced to flee. Since then, he's been training on how to better deal with proper superheroes while still keeping in touch with Fisk.

    Haruo Nakajima 
Haruo Nakajima, God of Rubber Suit Acting (Mr. Godzilla, The Man of a Thousand Monsters)
  • Demigod
  • Symbol: The original 1954 Godzilla suit
  • Alignment: Neutral Good
  • Portfolio: People in Rubber Suits, Kaiju, Toku, Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever
  • Domains: Monsters, Costumes, Acting, Stuntmen
  • Allies: Godzilla, Rodan, Baragon, Ultraman, Mashin Sentai Kiramager
  • Opposes: King Ghidorah, Hedorah, Gigan
  • Haruo Nakajima is a Japanese actor that began as a stunt actor for a few films such as Seven Samurai before becoming a suit actor for various kaiju-related projects such as the original Godzilla film. He has portrayed Godzilla (and even played some additional monsters during then) until 1972 where he retired from suit acting, but has remained employed at Toho (the company behind Godzilla) for several years and afterwards, attended a number of monster-themed conventions and wrote an autobiography about his life.
  • Some loud noises and stomping came from the House of Theater one day, prompting fears that something dangerous had found its way inside. Upon closer inspection, it turned out that a room was playing some old videos was being too loud, annoying a few deities that were scared for their lives. Some time later, Haruo Nakajima entered the room and joined in on the viewing party, looking back at his career of wearing rubber suits to play giant monsters. This excited some members watching that they wanted Haruo to stick around in the Pantheon, a request that was approved by the higher-ups.
  • As as a result of his experience in playing in kaiju films, Nakajima was able to understand relatively quickly that the monsters in the Pantheon are indeed real and not people in suits (or controlled puppets in some cases). While he's in danger of being caught in an attack by one of Godzilla's enemies much like a regular person, he has a special disdain towards King Ghidorah, Gigan, and Hedorah given how he fought rubber suit versions of them in his career. The real versions of these aforementioned villains don't really care what one person thinks of them and simply consider him to be another victim waiting to be destroyed.
    • Of the various kaiju that Godzilla has encountered, Haruo Nakajima's the closest with Baragon as he was in the Baragon suit four times. Since three of those times, Baragon was changed and given a new name like Neronga or Magular, Nakajima can recognize him no matter how much Baragon changes.
  • Although Ultraman has fought some of the monsters he's played as (including one that he swears was Godzilla wearing a frill), Nakajima is on good terms with the original hero of the Land of Light. Ultraman's human host Shin Hayata has also recalled encountering Haruo Nakajima outside of a rubber suit twice. First was as a comical father scolding his son for wearing a spacesuit when there were fears of a comet potentially colliding with Earth, and then as a cop who tried to shoot one of Hayata's teammates Fuji when she got turned into a giant by an evil alien.
  • On the topic of toku works outside of Godzilla and the Ultra series, he learned about the multitude of Kamen Riders and Sentai heroes from Shin Hayata during one of their conversations. Those particular toku heroes are noted to be far more agile in their suits than a typical monster. Nakajima took it as a sign that suit actors and the stunts they've pulled have come a long way since he took on Godzilla's role back then.
  • Given his expertise in suit acting and being a stuntman, the House of Theater has considered hiring him to play additional monsters for certain productions and have him be a stunt coordinator for some of their projects. As much as he appreciates the idea, it's not something that's going to happen too often.
  • At one point, Nakajima learned from others about different methods of having giant monsters appear on the screen. This led him to meet Andy Serkis, who served as a motion capture consultant for one of Godzilla's adventures. Serkis then provided Nakajima an explanation of what motion capture is and how it works. It came as a bit of a surprise for Nakajima to learn about and see more technologically advanced methods of bringing the characters that he once played to life.
  • Haruo Nakajima is familiar with the risks of suit acting perhaps more than anyone else in the pantheon. He's broken bones, almost drowned, and been burned by pyrotechnics multiple times! Those who are less likely to ridicule the "man-in-suit" technique are often quite impressed with how he never complained much in his career despite the kinds of hell he went through to bring monsters to life in those stuffy and uncomfortable costumes.
  • Some people, mainly those who know about kaiju-based works, have reported seeing Nakajima taking a job at a bowling alley in the Pantheon. As far as that job is concerned within the Pantheon, it's a part-time thing, though he's noted to be popular among those that frequent said bowling alley.

    The Lepus 
The Lepus, Collective of Tame "Scary" Animals
  • Demideities
  • Symbol: A rabbit with "ketchup" on its mouth
  • Alignment: Chaotic Evil
  • Portfolio: Ascended to Carnivorism, Cute, but Not Harmless, Troublesome Rabbits
  • Domains: Rabbits, Size
  • Allies: Guinea Creatures, The Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog, SCP-2006
  • Enemies: Judy Hopps & Nick Wilde, Bugs Bunny, Elmer Fudd, The Farmer, SCP-524
  • Sitcom Arch-Nemesis: Satellite of Love Crew
  • Source of Concern for: Fluttershy, Inori Yamabuki, Eliza Thornberry
  • Intrigues: Dr. Cortex, N. Brio
  • A bunch of rabbits are causing problems for a small town and to prevent them from breeding further, a serum is created that's meant to disrupt the rabbit's breeding cycle. Needless to say, this causes even worse problems when one of the rabbits injected with that serum escapes into the wild and comes into contact with even more hares. The end result is a bunch of giant bunnies causing a murderous rampage across least, what's being described here is supposed to be scary in theory. It's mainly just a bunch of bunnies running around with ketchup on their mouths and obvious "scary animal roars" dubbed in to try and make these things a threat.
  • Reports have been going around that crops have been damaged by some creatures whenever The Farmer wasn't looking, upsetting him enough that he wanted to know what was going on. He discovered some larger-than-normal footprints near his land and realized that whatever was encroaching on his territory was more threatening than normal. Some time later, some deities investigating these going-ons went inside a house and discovered a bunch of bunnies ransacking the place. After getting surprised at what they saw, the rabbits then attacked and those deities later found out that they were the same creatures that destroyed The Farmer's livestock previously. A plan was put in place to eliminate these threats via electrified rail-tracks and while it worked, it was later discovered that more of these creatures were running around in the Pantheon and that as unlikely and ridiculous it may seem, the Pantheon will have to put up with a legion of "giant murderous rabbits" that can attack without warning.
  • Many see the Lepus as what could happen if The Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog not only gave birth to a bunch of other murderous rabbits, but if that specific rabbit was suddenly given a similar growth hormone on top of that. The Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog has been reported to be a part of the rampages that the Lepus instigate, something that the latter doesn't mind all that much. A lot of deities really don't want the serum that caused the Lepus to rise (or something potentially worse) to end up near the Killer Rabbit lest an already dangerous cute creature becomes something more horrifying than normal. To put it lightly, it's going to take more than one Holy Hand Grenade to fend off a swarm of Lepus.
  • The Lepus are often seen with the Guinea Creatures, another group of giant cute creatures that go around causing havoc on unsuspecting denizens. There have been sightings of Guinea Creatures wearing bunny costumes and going around with the Lupus in terrorizing innocents, destroying property and possibly attacking anyone that somehow gets too close to them (with some Lepus inexplicably turning into humans wearing cheap-looking rabbit costumes when attacking other humans from time-to-time). Recording both the Lepus and the Guinea Creatures going on a rampage is an even worse idea than simply recording the Guinea Creatures causing chaos independently, as unnaturally enticing as the idea of seeing cute menaces together may sound.
  • SCP-2006 has taken a strong liking to the Lepus after seeing one of their rampages and wanted to try and copy them during one of their subsequent rampages. The SCP Foundation was later notified that SCP-2006 had somehow broken out of containment and was scaring a bunch of unsuspecting denizens, but searching for the SCP proved easier said than done. Some had a suspicion that the SCP transformed himself into a Lepus, prompting the Foundation to follow a Lepus trial and find which one was actually SCP-2006. It required a bit of effort, but the SCP has since been put back into containment, with the Foundation putting in measures to ensure that a repeat of this kind of mayhem wouldn't happen, be it with the Lepus or other movie monsters.
    • It was during that endeavor to get SCP-2006 back in containment that the Foundation noticed that The Lepus and their appetite was akin to that of SCP-524, though not to the extent as that of the latter. One time when SCP-524 broke out of his pen, he was following the Lepus around, causing some to worry that he's joined their army of ravenous rabbits. Things took an unexpected turn when Walter the Omnivorous Rabbit starting eating some of the Lepus all of a sudden, which later led to Walter eating himself and later materializing back at his pen. A few deities have considered using Walter as a means of countering the damage that's caused by the Lepus and repeats of the initial incident between Walter and the Lepus have happened intermittently.
  • The crew of the Satellite of Love is among those who have ridiculed the antics the Lepus has caused for a multitude of reasons. The crew has often mentioned the film the Lepus originally starred in during some of their conversations even though no one has really seen the crew directly watch it and make fun of. Like other weird-looking threats that have been a constant thing in the movies the crew has watched, the crew is aware that the damage these odd monsters is real and that they would need to keep their distance from the Lepus as much as possible to avoid a potential disaster on the crew's end.
  • Hoping to find a way to try and attempt to subdue the Lepus without attempting to kill any of them, some deities decided to recruit those dedicated to talking to and helping animals to see if a Lepus can calm down. Fluttershy (who has had experience in talking to an unruly rabbit before), Inori Yamabuki, and Eliza Thornberry were brought in to locate some Lepus and see if there's a way to stop their rampage. Despite their best efforts, it ended in failure, with Eliza getting a few bite marks in the process and needing some treatment. All three still believe that there has to be a way to calm the Lepus down in a non-fatal way even if there's a lot of risks involved.
  • Judy Hopps & Nick Wilde learned about the various attacks that the Lepus has been causing and noticed that the idea of normally benign animals attacking as a result of some sort of substance isn't that different from their case involving Night Howlers. Whereas the Night Howlers weren't meant for any benevolent use whatsoever, the serum that turned the Lepus into giant rampaging rabbits was meant to solve a problem related to it that caused something even worse. Judy is more than worried about dealing with a group of rabbits that can cause lots of trouble all-around and she and Nick have sometimes gotten involved in cases involving the Lepus, mainly to determine where those rabbits will attack next so that innocents who can't defend themselves will have enough time to get out of the Lepus' way.
  • During one of his regular hunts for Bugs Bunny, Elmer Fudd found not only "wabbit twacks", but also some footprints much larger than a normal wabbit. Elmer was a bit curious about these larger footprints and followed them, leading him well past Bugs' rabbit hole where the wabbit watched Elmer follow those tracks to see where they would end up. Elmer then discovered the Lepus and was frightened at seeing a bunch of giant wabbits and attempted to shoot them. He only managed to get a few shoots in before running away in terror getting chased by some Lepus. Bugs was witnessing the mayhem and while watching other rabbits mess around with Elmer was amusing enough to him, it wasn't a laughing matter if Elmer ended up killed by giant versions of an animal that he has long hunted against and decided to lead the Lepus away from Elmer via some trick. Both Bugs and Elmer aren't fond of the Lepus overall, with the wabbit coming up with plans to throw the Lepus off their attacks.
  • Given how the Lepus are the result of a serum, many good-aligned scientists, including those that reside in the House of Science are studying their behavior and seeing if there's some sort of chance that the effects can be undone. Discussions have also arisen about potentially worse scenarios involving the Lepus getting affected with other different serums (including those that are designed by N. Brio) and measures have been put in place to make sure the Lepus don't go anywhere near the House of Science. This hasn't prevented the Lepus from ransacking the place from time-to-time, but at least they haven't been able to get their paws on any serums there (or anywhere else in general) for the time being, especially if it's something dangerous such as the T and G Viruses or the FEV.
    • On a slightly related note, Dr. Cortex learned about the Lepus and how they came to be through N. Brio. Cortex saw it as an opportunity to expand his plans to create an army of mutant animals. The Lepus proved to be more than troubling for him to deal with initially, but he was later able to find out what they're capable of and the kind of serum that was used that later resulted in their rampage. While Cortex isn't going to actually use the Lepus in his plans, he is at least using them as a reference point of sorts for future attempts at creating mutated animals.

    Mouse Fitzgerald 
Mouse Fitzgerald, Representative of Deliberately Crappy Stylings (Fitz, Butch)
  • Demigod
  • Symbol: A bottle of alcohol labeled “XXX”
  • Theme Music: 12 Oz. Mouse (Amaranthe); F-Off
  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
  • Portfolio: The Alcoholic, Amnesiac Anti-Hero, Mind Screw
  • Domains: Alcoholism, Surrealism, Memories
  • Heralds: Skillet, Peanut Cop, Golden Joe, Roostre, Eye
  • Allies: Drinky Crow, Hank J. Wimbledon, Killer Bean
  • Drinking Buddies with: Rust Cohle, Misato Katsuragi
  • Enemies: AM, The Auditor
  • Pities: The Five Survivors
  • In Contact with: West Coast Cabbies, Neo
  • Avoids: Travis Bickle, Shukuro Tsukishima
  • In a world apparently made out of cardboard, but rendered as very cheap-looking drawings, Mouse Fitzgerald is a self-serving alcoholic who takes on various odd-jobs alongside his chinchilla companion Skillet so that he can buy more drinks. Repressed memories of his past life involving being a functional father with his wife and child lead Fitz on a surreal journey to figure out what is going on with himself and everything around him. Everyone around him seems to be hiding something, with some looking to take control of the world around him. Even when it seems like Fitz has managed to solve one problem regarding his unusual experiences, another equally bizarre one pops up and there’s always a lingering feeling that something hasn’t been fully resolved on Fitz’s end.
  • While there were plenty of denizens who have managed to find their way to the Pantheon under ambiguous circumstances that few, if any, can correctly guess, how Fitz ended up in that place is something not even he knows about. When confronted by a couple of Pantheonic denizens about his arrival, he only stated that he just ended up there by sheer coincidence. Fitz also believed that the Pantheon is very likely not a real place and that it might be an even more elaborate simulation than what he had to go through, so he had to be told that the Pantheon is a place where if one can think of something, chances are it’ll be there. He was also taking a drink of alcohol every so often during that conversation, but the main takeaway he had was that there were plenty of unresolved things going on with himself, this Pantheon that he ended up in, and everyone else involved with the place. Fitz was then told not to think too much about this wildly mishmashed world he was in, but he is likely going to take action if something is bothering him too much on a personal level.
  • Drinking alcohol is the one constant that Fitz has done throughout his confusing adventure to make sense of everything around him. The Pantheon has had plenty of drinking establishments for someone like him to frequent, including a dedicated Hall where alcoholic deities hang out (and a few random guests that normally don’t drink alcohol that show up at times). While Fitz does frequent the Hall of Alcohol whenever he isn’t busy doing anything else, his vague way of talking has confused patrons quite a bit, even if they understand his bizarre circumstances. Drinky Crow was one particular alcoholic that Fitz got along with given how they’re prone to taking on odd jobs that result in surreal chaos, with some patrons wondering which alcoholic animal had to go through crazier ordeals based on what they’ve talked about.
    • Rust Cohle and Marty Hart were a pair of alcoholic detectives that Fitz has met with at a few points, though he has gotten along better with Cohle for a few reasons. Cohle lost his wife and daughter through circumstances much darker than what Fitz divulged to him regarding his own past and both worked on solving a dark mystery where things don’t appear fully resolved. Cohle and Hart dealt with some vaguely satanic problems in their mysteries in addition to their personal demons, but Fitz’s very surreal adventure involving simulations and worlds at stake was unlike many other mysteries that Cohle and Hart went through both in their world and in the Pantheon. Fitz’s ordeal is something Cohle and Hart aren’t likely to get involved with and Cohle isn’t certain how to consolidate his cynicism with Fitz’s odd character, but given his past, Cohle is hopeful that Fitz can bring closure to his unorthodox mystery.
    • Another alcoholic who Fitz has talked to was Misato Katsuragi, who had to deal with conspiracies of her own. In contrast to Fitz’s openly deadpan personality in the face of weirdness, Misato had a mask of perkiness to hide her personal problems, with alcohol playing a role in that metaphorical mask of hers in the midst of an arduous professional job. She admitted to Fitz that she had to deal with unusual events around her trying to keep her world a safe place, and the fact that an alcoholic mouse existed was one of the less weird things that can be said about Fitz and his escapades. Fitz felt that the giant robots, otherworldly dangers, and unscrupulous organizations seeking power from the world that Misato was from wouldn’t be out of the ordinary where he came from, though he did feel that she tried to resolve her issues before things got worse. While she is still trying to get a better idea of Fitz as a whole, she’s open to hanging out with him at bars whenever they encounter each other again.
  • Much of Fitz’s personal problems come from the fact that he had a past life of being a caring father with his wife and baby before something happened and resulted in him being trapped in a simulation with his past memories being suppressed. AM was a supercomputer who tormented five survivors with an unending simulation of them being tortured, something that disturbed the normally deadpan Fitz greatly. While Fitz’s kidnappers were seeking to gain some form of control over the world they’re in, AM had nothing but hatred for humanity and only sought to gain more influence in the Pantheon so that it could find more entities to trap in nightmarish simulations, Fitz potentially included. Fitz surmised that if he was trapped in one of AM’s simulations, it would be very difficult for him to escape, so he’s since looked for others in the Pantheon looking to actively destroy AM to prevent others from being locked into a deadly simulation, even if merely shooting at places where AM has set itself up isn’t going to be enough. As for The Five Survivors who AM has broken many times over, Fitz has some pity towards them for their shared plight.
  • Fitz and Skillet often find themselves engaged in gunplay whenever they’re being attacked by someone and much of their battles in the Pantheon often result in explosions and bullet holes being left in their wake. One rather deadly shootout against a murderous criminal led them to encounter Killer Bean, who shot said criminal who happened to threaten Fitz at the time. Killer Bean wanted to know what sort of allegiance Fitz and Skillet had, but the mouse told him that he had no ties to anyone and was only interested in finding whatever truth there is in this strange Pantheonic world. While Fitz’s way of talking was a bit of an annoyance for Killer Bean, he decided that the mouse, his goals, and way with firearms was acceptable enough to let him be, even if Fitz is prone to engaging in actions that are a bit more over-the-top than the bean’s own. Both are looking to uncover their own conspiracies that they’re tied with (though Killer Bean has mentioned that dealing with something similar to what Fitz has gone through is hard-to-follow), and they have sometimes worked together in gunning down criminals that threaten to get in their way.
  • As someone who managed to find himself stuck in a simulation and had to look for the truth behind it all, Fitz found some common ground with Neo, who had to explore The Matrix and his own reality to prevent catastrophes from befalling both realms. Both were also considered chosen ones in different ways, with Neo being prophesied as such in the virtual world while Fitz was apparently responsible for creating many alternate realities and needed to find a way out with his friends. Neo had gone through plenty of mind-shattering revelations over the course of his adventures, but to learn of someone who was responsible for creating alternate realities and trapped inside a simulation with his memories changed was a lot to handle. Fitz learned of The Matrix from Neo and those who helped him in his journeys and while he hasn’t gotten the handle of some of the combat skills that can be achieved there, there is a part of him who believes that The Matrix might bring him a step closer to finding any remaining truths about himself.
  • Prior to getting back his fleeting memories of his past-life, Fitz worked on a handful of odd jobs for Shark, who later turned out to have aspirations of control over the world Fitz and the others were in with the help of Rectangular Businessman. In the Pantheon, Fitz hasn’t taken up such jobs as often, but he’ll engage in these on occasion solely to get more alcohol. Since Fitz uses a taxi-styled jet to get around town, he has sometimes gotten involved with being a part-time taxi driver for those in the Pantheon who want to use it. The fact that he’s using a wingless jet as a vehicle got the attention of the West Coast cabbies, who have made a name for themselves in getting passengers to their destination in wild ways. Fitz met B.D. Joe, one of those cabbies who had a car that could transform into a boat and a jet, and after seeing Fitz arrive with an upside-down jet still intact, suggested that Fitz upgrade it to a transforming vehicle for the sake of both coolness and practicality (for a given term for such). Fitz considered it for later use and has kept in touch with the cabbies and was told to be careful of Travis Bickle, a cab driver that was just as cryptic as Fitz is, but more unstable. From what little Fitz saw of Bickle, he’s keeping his distance from him as much as possible since he isn’t sure how much truth there is to how Bickle perceives things.
  • Fitz ended up somewhere in Nevada during his escapades and ended up greeted by a bunch of goons that wanted him dead for some reason. He and Skillet shot up those goons, but not before they turned their attention to someone else that was present at the time and many of those goons ended up slaughtered by that person, who was Hank J. Wimbledon. Fitz and Hank had a conversation after the latter used Fitz’s rocket-taxi as a weapon and what struck the two was the fact that they were in strange adventures involving fighting against someone that wanted to control the world they’re in. Fitz would learn about Hank’s adversaries through him, most notably The Auditor, who desired to take control of Nevada and likely the rest of the Pantheon. While Fitz lacked Hank’s eagerness for battle, he did share a similar unscrupulous disposition and given that The Auditor is someone who Fitz can’t take on by himself, the mouse is willing to hang out with Hank, especially if it’s someone who has a creative way of mixing firearms and fisticuffs in battle.
  • Much of Fitz’s troubles come from his suppressed memories of his past life and what other secrets his friends and enemies are hiding. It’s unclear how truthful his past memories are, but the Pantheon being home to those capable of manipulating memories has put Fitz on edge considering what happened to him and the issues that’ll happen if Fitz ends up encountering someone with fake memories. It’s the reason why Fitz greatly distrusts Shukuro Tsukishima, who has the power to alter the memories of anyone he comes into contact with and Fitz doesn’t want any additional troubles with memories related to himself or others. Tsukishima has since become more morally ambiguous than outright evil in the Pantheon, but Fitz isn’t taking any chances with someone who has ulterior motives beneath a calm demeanor.
  • Some have loosely described Fitz as an alcoholic gunman considering his disposition and how whenever violence occurs when he’s around, plenty of bullets and explosions will likely be added to the mix if there aren’t any. Some of Fitz’s misadventures resulted in him encountering martial artists that can enhance their combat skills via drinking alcohol and while Fitz is able to get out of them alive through some bizarre circumstance, he feels that alcohol should be able to provide a boost to anyone’s sharpshooting skills. The bottles of alcohol he has at hand (wherever they come from) haven’t impacted his shooting in any way and at one point decided to try and see if someone can come up with some alcoholic concoction that can improve one’s skill with a firearm. He requested that the drink not have aspirin pills (or asprind as he says), but the wait got interrupted by a violent brawl between other self-serving gunslingers that had some interest in this potential drink. The fight ended with the bar a mess and the other gunslingers having left due to them being wanted targets among others in the Pantheon, but Fitz was told that the concoction couldn’t be successfully completed in time and that it’ll take a while before something that is both drinkable and effective can come up. Whether the final product has corn dog flavoring is another random issue entirely, but Fitz is willing to be patient as long as alcohol is there for him to drink.

    The Muppets 
The Muppetsmajor members (Kermit: Singing Swamp King | Snail (for Kermit the Frog)
L-R Front Row: Zoot, Camilla, Gonzo, Miss Piggy, Kermit, Rizzo, Pepe, Scooter; Second Row: Swedish Chef, Janice, Floyd, Fozzie, Bunsen; Third Row: Dr. Teeth, Waldorf, Statler, Beaker, Rowlf; Back Row: Animal, Sam; these aren't all of them
  • Demideities
  • Symbol: Kermit's face
  • Theme Music: The Muppet Show Theme Song; The Rainbow Connection (especially for Kermit)
  • Alignment: Neutral Good/Chaotic Good for the majority of them
  • Portfolio:
  • Domains: Entertainment, Variety
  • Heralds: Several other Muppets
  • Allies: Sesame Street Cast, Mickey Mouse, The Storyteller, Emmet & Ma Otter, Jareth, Bugs Bunny, The Oz Gang, Santa Claus, Lady Gaga, Vinny
  • Enemies: Napoleon (mostly regarding Kermit & Piggy), Ratigan (mainly on Rizzo)
  • Sitcom Arch-Nemesis: The Goose
  • Wary of: Norma Desmond, Eve Harrington
  • They have a variety show set in a theater and have made additional ventures such as a television station to showcase different onstage and offstage shenanigans. They have provided their own spin on classic pieces of literature on different occasions. They have celebrated the holidays numerous times in different ways, including having their own spin on beloved holiday classics. They are a variety of different creatures and vaguely human things, with their most prominent members being a frog, a bear, a pig, and something that may or may not be an alien. They have had their own adventures together when they were just babies. They are known as...the Muppets, some sort of puppet-marionette hybrid created by a man named Jim Henson with a focus on comedy and general mayhem in different venues.
  • News in the Pantheon circulated about a group of entertainers that were preparing to set up a show in the House of Theater. That group turned out to be The Muppets, with Kermit spearheading their initial Pantheon performances. Naturally, there were plenty of hijinx involved when they first arrived and when the show was underway, but in the end, The Muppets put on some successful shows and have since decided to use the Pantheon as a means to continue their adventures and performances.
  • Despite a hefty number of Muppets present, the majority of the more prominent Muppets primarily represent the group, with most of the minor ones simply sticking around in the group's temple, which is reported to change on a whim. Sometimes it's a vacation house and other times, it’s a hotel room with a faulty bed. More frequently, it happens to be a backstage location for when the group is about to prepare for their various shows.
  • All of them are on good terms with Jareth, even if the latter doesn't hang out with the group most of the time. Both of them share a creator and Jareth has noted that these "Muppets" are a bit similar to his goblins when it comes to having fun, but more restrained. Jareth has shown up on occasion to help the Muppets whenever they're in a predicament that's more severe than what they can handle. Seeing as how Jareth has done some music and dancing, Kermit and some of the other Muppets have suggested a few times having Jareth to perform as a guest for a future Pantheonic Muppet production.
  • Whenever the holidays roll around, the Muppets are known to have held a number of special performances and works related to such. In addition to holiday spectacles featuring different musicians (with Lady Gaga being involved with one of them), the Muppets have also provided their own takes on A Chirstmas Carol and It's a Wonderful Life. Through these performances, The Muppets have gotten along with Ebenezeer Scrooge and George Bailey (the latter of whom Kermit can relate to given how their friends fall apart without them around). One other holiday adventure involved The Muppets traveling to the North Pole to get a couple misplaced letters delivered to Santa Claus.
    • Speaking of the holidays, the group learned about a set of Muppet musicians that mainly performed during the holiday season led by Emmet & Ma Otter, with the meeting being arranged by Kermit. The Electric Mayhem in particular were surprised that the otters were a jug-band making music out of ordinary tools. The otters initially saw The Electric Mayhem as a band that's on the more intense side akin to The Riverbottom Nightmare Band before Kermit assured the otters that The Electric Mayhem are much more good-hearted overall. The two groups of Muppet musicians being on good terms with each other was also helped by the fact that The Electric Mayhem has done a bit of holiday music as well, though they've focused more on faster-paced Christmas songs compared the otters' more calmer compositions.
  • Besides well-known Christmas tales, The Muppets have performed in adaptations of other stories such as Treasure Island and The Wizard of Oz. As was the case with the original stars of these christmas tales, those who originated from those stories have taken note of The Muppets, with Dorothy and her companions befriending them after learning that Kermit, Fozzie, and Gonzo played the roles of Dorothy’s friends. Miss Piggy has also tried to get a Muppet version of Wicked in production (believing that this is the next logical step in her stardom having played The Wicked Witch of the West), but there hasn’t been any real progress on that front.
  • Vinny is someone who is familiar with their work, having watched not only their classic performances, but even went to a museum exhibition dedicated to Jim Henson at some point. Of the group, he’s particularly fond of Fozzie and Rizzo, the former for having a similar penchant for dumb jokes and the latter for sharing a similar Brooklyn background. Vinny has even played some video games featuring the group at different points on his streams and even came up with his own idea of a Muppet movie when asked by a viewer of his. There’s no guarantee that The Muppets will exactly follow Vinny’s idea for a later project, but they can at least adhere to the basic idea of turning to the internet to find an audience.
  • Much like Mickey Mouse and Bugs Bunny and their respective ensembles, Kermit and the Muppets have performed a lot of different stories in different roles, though their personalities have generally been consistent regardless. In a general sense, Kermit considers Mickey (whom Kermit and The Muppets met at Walt Disney World previously) and Bugs to be versatile actors and has brought them and some members of their ensemble to review some upcoming Muppet performances before being seen by a wider audience. On a more specific note, Daffy Duck has taken a shine to Gonzo’s daredevil wackiness and has helped him with some stunts, provided that Daffy’s selfishness doesn’t get the better of him.
  • When Bunsen and Honeydew went to perform at a video game awards show and present an award to someone, they ended up encountering The Goose while the two were trying to promote their own brand of Virtual Reality and The Goose became a bit of a problem for them. Since then, The Goose has been a recurring nuisance for The Muppets overall, sometimes messing with some of their performances and sometimes stealing things that belong to them.
  • There are a number of actors and famous people in the Pantheon that have caught the attention of the Muppets to varying levels. Seeing as how the Muppets have gotten to work with a number of celebrities in various projects, they have considered getting some of these Pantheonic celebrities involved in their productions. Despite this, Norma Desmond is an actress that the Muppets have a number of concerns about despite her talents. It didn't help that Norma and Miss Piggy got into a heated argument over who was more talented. A similar situation has occurred in regards to Eve Harrington and her devious nature.
  • Kermit is the leader of the Muppets and the one that often has to put up with a lot of the shenanigans that result from the group. Even with all the chaos and commotion that occurs on a regular basis alongside the fact that there's a limit to Kermit's temper, the group can't exist without him.
    • Whenever Joel Johansson imitates his dad's voice when streaming, the voice sounds very much like that of Kermit's. The frog found out about this and doesn't have too many issues with Joel for the most part. Kermit does find it weird that in addition to the "Kermit impression", there are a number of images of himself during some of Joel's streams that get used in very bizarre contexts. Vinny has also done impressions of not just Kermit, but a handful of other Muppets as well.
  • Fozzie is Kermit's best friend and opposite in a lot of aspects. He provides plenty of jokes and puns in his stand-up material that often get ridiculed by Statler & Waldorf. Although his talent leaves a lot to be desired, his personality is quite approachable.
    • He made fast friends with fellow friendly bears Winnie the Pooh and Teddie and often holds conversations with them. Fozzie sometimes lets Teddie join him in his stand-up routines, providing additional puns to go with Fozzie's own. A lot more groan-induced facepalms and ridicule occur with the two than when Fozzie is performing alone.
  • Miss Piggy has had a very on-again-off-again type relationship with Kermit over the years. While not that bad of a pig overall, she is really eager to be in the spotlight whenever possible and has thrown fits of rage via karate chop when set off.
    • One of her various “roles” was in Pigs in Space, where she starred alongside a couple other pigs, one who was very egotistical and another who is sane, but badgered by what’s going on overall. While Miss Piggy hasn’t found any ideas for follow-ups to those productions, she did find good company in Piglet and Porky Pig, both of whom are rather benign compared to her more offbeat co-stars. The same very much can’t be said for Napoleon, who derided Miss Piggy for several reasons, chiefly for falling in love with a frog. It became clear that Napoleon was barred from going anywhere near the Muppets and Miss Piggy in particular after incurring her wrath, though he’s willing to find others willing to sabotage The Muppets just to direct retaliation towards her.
    • Given her taste in fashion, Miss Piggy has taken to hanging out with other fashion designers, mostly to help out with her own clothing, but to also provide costumes for future Muppet productions starring her. The likes of Rarity’s work and her shared quirk of acting like an over-the-top drama queen at times was something that went over well with Miss Piggy, though she’s not adverse to working with other (more sane) fashionistas.
  • As his name would suggest, Gonzo has a crazy personality amongst the main quartet, performing plenty of dangerous stunts and other random acts of entertainment. It's hard to pinpoint what Gonzo's species is, though it's been argued that he's an alien. Setting aside that confusion, the love of his life happens to be a chicken named Camilla.
    • Gonzo has done some additional work telling certain stories alongside Rizzo the Rat, with one of the stories being the aforementioned version of A Christmas Carol. While the main four Muppets get along with The Storyteller in general, it seems that Gonzo has made a decent number of visits to him, with Kermit sometimes accompanying Gonzo.
    • Befitting his nature as a performer of daring stunts, Gonzo has sought out others who have performed such feats. He has asked for help from Dumbo (a high-flying circus performer) and Tigger (who bounces around wildly) for help with his stunts and the two (Tigger moreso, though Dumbo doesn’t have an issue with Gonzo) have found good company in Gonzo. He has also looked at the Mythbusters’ exploits involving testing out dangerous stunts and has not only requested their help on testing out stunts, but to be used as a test dummy as well.
  • Scooter serves as the stage manager for the group and is a reliable person in spite of his quirks. He typically serves as Kermit’s off-stage in spite of not quite being on the same level of sanity as the frog’s, though Kermit trusts him well enough to make sure things don’t go completely wrong.
  • Before joining the Muppets, Rowlf appeared in dog food commercials and was a mascot for Purina. Since then, he’s sort of a blues musician who plays the piano and is one of the more straight-laced members of the ensemble.
    • Whenever he isn’t hanging out with the other Muppets, Rowlf can be seen in some bars and other refined establishments across the Pantheon, playing his music to various visitors. Even if there’s plenty of mayhem at whatever establishment he’s at, he isn’t too bothered by it much like how he takes the Muppet mayhem in stride and sometimes even plays appropriate music for when these occurrences take place.
  • Compared to the other Muppets, Sam the Eagle can act like a real stick in the mud. Generally speaking, he acts like a moral guardian and determines if something that the rest of the group puts out is up to his standards...and much to his disgruntlement it usually isn’t. He’s also noted to be pro-American and despite his claims and calling them weirdos, he’s every bit of a weirdo as the rest of the Muppets are.
    • At first, Sam was pleased to learn that there were a handful of deities that shared his admiration for America. After learning how some of these deities were far too dangerous for the sake of others, Sam opted to distance himself from those American patriots he deemed less-than-savory. Then again, even some of the friendly/heroic ones were too weird for Sam, with him finding Team America’s over-the-top shenanigans being excessive for him.
  • The eccentric Dr. Bunsen Honeydew and his beleaguered assistant Beaker are almost always seen together, with Honeydew prepping some kind of invention and having Beaker try it out. Things usually never work out for Beaker, even if Dr. Honeydew isn’t what one would call a despicable being. Beaker also only says Meep and only Dr. Honeydew is able to understand anything that Beaker says.
    • Bunsen and Honeydew have pitched a number of ideas through Muppet Labs on various inventions and have requested the help of some scientists for a few of these projects. Ludwig von Drake was one of the very few scientists that had a serious interest in what Bunsen and Honeydew had to offer and most of the more serious ones in that field felt that what the two come up with isn’t going to be useful in the long run.
  • As his name would have others believe, The Swedish Chef is a chef that happens to be Swedish...or at least have some sort of incomprehensible accent that’s supposed to come off as Swedish. He’s basically the primary chef among the Muppets and his attempts at trying to cook typically end in disaster and even if he does manage to get something prepared, it’s not really something that would be edible to put it lightly.
    • His visits to the various eating establishments in the Pantheon have proven strange, given his style of cooking and how the kitchen generally ends up being a mess when all is said and done. For all of his eccentricities and how his food turns out, there were a few in the Pantheon whose cooking habits are even stranger. Killian Experience, who happened to be Swedish, has made attempts at cooking, with the end-result almost always being bizarre no matter what. While he did humor the idea of hanging out with The Swedish Chef for a bit, according to many, the end-result of what would happen if the two worked on meals together is something that’s better left unsaid.
  • The Electric Mayhem is a five (sometimes six) person band that serves as the de facto musicians for the Muppets with Dr. Teeth playing keyboard, Sgt. Floyd Pepper on bass, Janice on guitar, Zoot on saxophone, and Animal (the most recognizable and wild member) playing drums, with Lips sometimes joining them on trumpet. They prefer playing rock music, but sometimes do other genres occasionally (though they're not really big on classical music) and travel around in a colorful bus.
    • While the band has largely done work for The Muppets in general, they have also traveled through different parts of the Pantheon and performed during certain events. They have also done collaborations with numerous musicians such as Epic Sax Guy, whom Zoot has taken a liking to for obvious reasons. While the band overall is open to collaborations, they won't associate themselves with villainous musicians especially since The Muppets can't really do anything to defend themselves from such.
  • There’s been a group of rats that have followed the Muppets’ insanity for a while. Rizzo started off as a member of those rats, but gradually became the most significant member of those rodents. He’s snarky, prone to getting into mishaps, and is best friends with Gonzo, often tagging along with the latter and helping with a story that Gonzo is telling.
    • While he usually hangs out with his own rat pack within the Muppets, Rizzo has wandered off on his own at times and has crossed paths with other rats in the Pantheon. He got along with Remy the Rat fairly well and even offered him a chance to appear in an event with The Muppet, but Remy politely declined the offer. In contrast, Rizzo has nothing good to say about Ratigan after being used as a hostage by him in a failed attempt to gain more power and had to be saved by the other Muppets once Gonzo found out.
  • Robin is Kermit’s nephew and very much the youngest Muppet of the team. He seems to be designed to appeal to young audiences more than the other Muppets and has a cheerful attitude to match most of the time.
    • It took a bit of time, but Robin was able to meet up with other frogs in the Pantheon thanks to Kermit befriending them during his spare time. Robin was fairly impressed with what those frogs and frog-like beings were capable of, though he’s content with just making people smile through his performances with the Muppets, something that Kermit’s frog friends (and in the case of Big the Cat, someone that likes frogs) has no problem with. Kermit and Robin’s most notable friendship came through Tiana and Naveen after the latter two heard about a version of The Frog Prince narrated by Kermit and starring Robin in the lead role.
  • Although he wasn’t with the Muppets from the very beginning and only joined them sometime later, Pepe the King Prawn still serves a prominent role among the ensemble. He has a strange accent, fancies himself as a womanizer, and apparently doesn’t look all that much like an actual king prawn.
    • Given the variety of pretty women present in the Pantheon, Pepe has tried his best to hit it off with them. It hasn’t worked out thus far, but he hasn’t given up and has already gotten along with other womanizers. That said, Pepe doesn’t like it if these womanizers end up being abusive or if the woman he loves turns out to be less-than-ideal.
  • Walter started off as a fan of the Muppets before becoming a proper member of the group following an attempt to bring them back into the limelight. He’s a friendly person and given his humble origins prior to meeting the Muppets, he’s a bit more normal in comparison, but still has quite a bit of the energy the Muppets are known for.
  • Statler & Waldorf are two grumpy seniors who show up for everything Muppet-related just to heckle at them. As to why the two do it on a regular basis, no one knows, but they do have a few things they genuinely enjoy outside of regularly mocking Fozzie (among other things) on a regular basis.
    • Outside of The Muppets, the two have taken to mocking other movies and have even hosted their own movie-centric program where they look at movies and have other Muppets contribute to the chaos in some way. This program has carried over into the Pantheon and they are looking to see just how many other visual works are out there waiting to get heckled. Outside of that, they sometimes join The Satellite of Love Crew with mocking numerous bad movies and are interested in having Tom Servo and Crow T. Robot in the audience for future Muppet productions just so there can be more hecklers besides the two old men.

    Statler: They say the Pantheon is supposed to have Gods that are the best of the best.
    Waldorf: Sure, but they have such ungodly pride they can’t own up to their mistakes.
    Statler: Like what?
    Waldorf: Everything up to this point!
    Both: Do-ho-ho-ho-ho!

    Ren and Stimpy 
Marland T. "Ren" Höek and Stimpson J. "Stimpy" Cat, Co-Gods of the Gross-Up Close-Up (Ren: Commander Höek, Three Fingered Höek, Mad Dog Höek, Robin Höek, The Unlucky Devil, Stimpy: Dr Stupid, Cadet Stimpy, Nurse Stimpy, Killer Kadoogan, Stupid the Kid)

Sakamoto, God of Mundane Made Awesome (Slope Book Sakamoto, Swagamoto)
  • Demigod
  • Symbol: His glasses
  • Alignment: Neutral Good
  • Portfolio: Parody Sue, Ambiguously Human, Cold Ham, The Stoic, Chaste Hero, Friend to All Living Things, Crazy-Prepared
  • Domains: School, Cool
  • Allies: Good-aligned members of the School (especially Eikichi Onizuka), Squirrel Girl
  • Opposed by: Trollkaiger, Biff Tannen, Libby Chessler, Eliza & Neil Reagan, Randall Boggs
  • Weird Relations: Daffy Duck
  • Gakubun High School might simply be another Japanese high school on first inspection, with a selection of students that includes plain-looking ones, girls with an interest torwards love, and a number of delinquents. Of these students, only one of them is able to catch the entire school's attention and then some: Sakamoto. With great looks and lots of confidence, this cool student is able to get through anything in his own unique ways. Even if it's something extremely mundane, Sakamoto will end up performing that action in a very over-the-top way, even if he is very stoic on the surface.
  • Word about him reached the School of the Pantheon and a few mischievious students decided to greet him in a manner that would ensure with him getting humiliated on his first day. They decided to put up a large whiteboard eraser on top of the door that would fall onto Sakamoto as he opened it. Unfortunately for the pranksters, Sakamoto caught the eraser as he entered the room, making the girls present excited and the students who planned the failed prank were originally jealous of him as a result.
    • Of the benevolent members of the School that get along with Sakamoto, Eikichi Onizuka is greatly friendly towards him since Sakamoto has had a record of meeting delinquents and making their lives more interesting and Onizuka, a former delinquent, has made it his goal to help his students enjoy life. The two often hang out with each other and exchange stories of their own adventures.
  • Despite him being popular amongst those who have seen him, there are a few deities (namely persistent bullies) who outright refused to like him for what he is, even if those who were jealous of Sakamoto initially grew to admire him (such as the students that tried to prank him). The fact that Sakamoto has come across them a few times bullying some friends that he made and thwarted the bullies just made them even more spiteful at him.
  • Trollkaiger has tried multiple times to ruin Sakamoto's reputation with a variety of pranks. Unfortunately for them, his stoic attitude, combined with strange circumstances that never ruin his good looks, have made these pranks failures. The group despises him since not only does he not have any real reaction to the stuff they throw at him, but the fact that Sakamoto's admirers are sometimes around when Trollkaiger unleashes their pranks at him have made the group feel humiliated, especially when it's Sakamoto they want humiliated, preferably in front of a large crowd.
  • He doesn't really have much interest in romantic relationships despite getting a varied set of female admirers (and there's a number of guys who are interested in Sakamoto as well). The fact that his sexual knowledge surpasses that of a normal teenager according to a health education exam that he took just made it a little more ironic.
  • If Light Yagami could take a potato chip and eat in the hammiest way possible, then Sakamoto could potentially take a different potato chip and eat it in the most stylish way possible. At best, the two are only indifferent towards the other and at worst, there's a general dislike between them.
  • Daffy Duck, of all beings, has a very strange relation with Sakamoto. Daffy has had a tendency to be hungry for attention, only to have these efforts be for naught. Sakamoto has gotten a lot of attention simply by doing things in a cool way. Daffy has often tried to get that attention directed at him, but to no avail. At some point, Daffy met up with Sakamoto and talked about how the duck tended to get upstaged by Bugs despite the Wabbit not trying as hard to get the attention (as Daffy puts it, Bugs simply munches on a carrot and people love the wabbit for it). Sakamoto had no ill will towards the duck despite that and while Daffy is still a bit resentful of Sakamoto's popularity, he has some sort of respect towards him since the talk.
  • He is good friends with Squirrel Girl given that they have gone through a variety of strange situations and solved them in equally wacky ways. Sakamoto has also taken a liking to the squirrels that she keeps and helps her take care of them every now and then.
  • A few deities have wondered whether or not he is actually a human considering, among other things, how extremely perfect he is and the fact that has actually teleported some short distances a few times before. There have been a number of guesses on that (one of these guesses is that he's apparently Bayonetta's son), but it's safe to say that many of these guesses can be downright crazy.
    • Even Denzel Crocker got in on the guessing game and, unsurprisingly, believed that everything that happens because of Sakamoto is the result of fairies. Even amongst the already bizarre guesses of Sakamoto's true identity and why strange things happen the way they do when he's around, it's one of the more ridiculous ones and has been considered by many to be a very unlikely possibility.
  • Some deities have expressed interest in a movie based on Sakamoto's adventures. Whether or not it can get made is an uncertain possibility. And then there's the issue of whether or not the theoretical movie will actually have him as the main character since some of the scripts proposed focused on someone else that Sakamoto met at different points (with those scripts telling the story from that person's perspective).
  • Traveling to outer space happens to be something of interest for Sakamoto. If anything, it's possible for deities to imagine space-centric adventures that Sakamoto will take part of. For the time being, astronauts such as Olimar have been visited by Sakamoto, mostly in relation to what kind of planets are out there.

    Scottie Ferguson 
John Ferguson, God of Dolly Zooms (Scottie)
  • Demigod
  • Symbol: A white spiral in a red background with a silhouette of two figures in front of it
  • Theme Song: The Vertigo theme
  • Alignment: True Neutral
  • Portfolio: Really afraid of heights (which is taken advantage of by Elster and Madeleine), Private Detective, shot zooming in while pulling the camera back at the same time (Trope Maker and Trope Namer), blackout shots, interested in Judy because she looks like Madeleine, obsessed with the memory of Madeleine
  • Domains: Fear, Investigation, Love, Obsession
  • Superior: Alfred Hitchcock
  • Allies: Stan Pines, Frasier Crane
  • Enemies: Regime Superman
  • Opposed by: L. B. Jefferies & Lisa Fremont, Lisbeth Salander, Peggy Carter
  • Pitied by: Dinah Lance/Black Canary, Ray Palmer/The Atom, Steve Rogers/Captain America, Diana Prince/Wonder Woman, Scott Summers/Cyclops
  • Envies: George Bailey
  • Complicated Relations: Alicia Huberman
  • Detective John "Scottie" Ferguson retired from the police force after his partner fell to his death in a rooftop chase, resulting in Scottie developing a crippling fear of heights. One day, he was sought by his old friend Gavin Elster to investigate his wife Madeleine's strange behavior. Scottie gradually fell in love with Madeleine, who claimed she was possessed by the spirit of her tragic ancestor Carlotta Valdes, which led her to attempt suicide. She eventually did so by throwing herself off a high bell tower, leaving Scottie powerless to save her. Then some time later, Scottie saw a woman who resembled Madeleine to an uncanny degree; her name was Judy and they began seeing each other, with Scottie determined to turn her into Madeleine, which Judy played along with as she was in love with him. When Scottie brought her to the bell tower to confront his fear, Judy revealed she had been paid by Elster to pose as Madeleine and fake her suicide while Elster murdered the real one. While Scottie was willing to forgive her, Judy accidentally fell to her death. In the end, Scottie lost his fear, but also the woman he loved.
  • Scottie was pulled into the Pantheon immediately afterwards, still in a daze over such shocking events and losing his love once more. He didn't pay much attention to his strange new surroundings at first, being bed-ridden and deep in grief (not unlike what happened when "Madeleine" died). Eventually enough time passed for him to return to a functional state, which is when he got notified that he had been made into a god thanks to the great influence his tale had. As he looked into his new circumstances, it came to his attention that the Pantheon is a place where dead people can come back. Thus he decided he would stay and look for a way to get Judy (who he remains obsessed with) ascended so they can be together forever, in-between keeping at his detective work.
  • The healthier parts of the House of Love and Affection condemn his obsession with Madeleine, what with him going as far as forcing a very reluctant Judy to wear her clothes, all to help the illusion of having Madeleine back. While many do pity him for everything that's happened to him, especially losing Judy, they are still somewhat hostile to him. The fact that he now has the goal to bring back Judy in the Pantheon somehow has gotten him labeled a yandere by some, which, after he learned what the word means, he finds pretty insulting (of course, several other deities find that label ridiculous for him, given he is an adult man from an old American film). For similar reasons he refuses any association with the Hall of Tainted Love, finding many of the inhabitants disturbing and not wishing to drag the divine public opinion of himself even lower.
  • It's no surprise that Scottie's treatment of Judy, as an object that he could mould into Madeleine, has resulted in several women in the Pantheon looking upon him very unfavorably. Given his work in investigations, he has sometimes crossed paths with Lisbeth Salander, who's made it very clear that she doesn't like him for his actions. She won't get violent with him like she would with others, though, since even Lisbeth thinks that would be going too far with someone like Scottie, who acted mainly out of deep grief. Still, she doesn't have to like him and keeps him under watch to make sure he doesn't cross any line. Scottie, for his part, finds Lisbeth rather intimidating for such a short girl because of her violent tendencies (especially now that he knows they could be turned unto himself), but acknowledges her talent as a detective of sorts.
  • There are some heroic deities who pity him for being taken advantage of by Madeleine/Judy to further Elster's plan, as well as for ultimately losing Judy. A lot of them are actual superheroes with a history of loving someone with a similar appearance to their original love interests, and so they relate to Scottie on some level, even if they really can't condone Scottie's treatment of Judy. These include Captain America, Cyclops, Black Canary, the Atom and Wonder Woman. Needless to say, their respective love interests who managed to ascend (such as Peggy Carter) have a much more unsympathetic opinion of Scottie, viewing him as an obsessive creep for his treatment of Judy and trying to make her more like Madeleine. On the other hand, when Scottie heard about Regime Superman's plan of kidnapping the alternative version of Lois Lane to replace his own dead one, he was absolutely disgusted by both the Superman's intentions, and to a lesser his tyrannical actions. That said, if one was hoping that being confronted with Superman's monstrosity caused Scottie to get a moment of clarity and change his ways, that... didn't really happen. Probably because as Scottie never attempted kidnapping Judy into another dimension, he has rationalized that he's not as bad.
  • Thus far you can surmise that Scottie is faced with some difficulty when it comes to finding genuine friends in the Pantheon, given how several deities that are interested in him find his story and character very objectionable. It has all made him somewhat apathetic about actively finding allies, especially as his mind is more preoccupied with reviving Judy. Then came the day when Scottie was visited by a rather vivacious and eccentric old man called Stan Pines, who told him he understood him... when it came to the matter of his former fear of heights. Stan himself once had that fear to crippling levels, just like Scottie. That was until the day when he was accidentally cured of it by standing on a wobbly tower. Scottie thought that was all very nice for him, but he wasn't incredibly interested in other people who feared heights. Stan Pines isn't deflated by this and keeps on visiting Scottie occasionally, reckoning he must be lonesome. Eventually enough trust grew between them that Scottie now calls Stan a friend without hesitating.
  • Due to his line of work, he is frequently seen visiting and assisting the Hall of Investigative Work. In one visit, he had an encounter with L. B. Jefferies and his girlfriend Lisa. After the excitement of how similar they look, the encounter ended rather poorly when the couple learned of his poor treatment of Judy/Madeleine. While sympathizing with his situation of having been manipulated, Jefferies still called him out for his obsession with having Judy become Madeleine. Scottie wasn't really surprised at this, given he's already familiar with the Pantheon's general perception of him, but it still felt particularly disappointing that someone with his exact same face would not fully understand him. But then Jefferies has Lisa, so of course he wouldn't understand. Scottie can't help but feel a bit jealous that they have each other.
  • Another deity he feels envious of is George Bailey, who, as if to rub some more salt in the wound, has the same face as Scottie, too. Bailey is someone who is surrounded with good friends and a happy family, and when he nearly threw it all away, he was given a second chance by higher powers. On some level, Scottie thinks he had a second chance of sorts with Judy when he thought "Madeleine" had died, and he completely failed at making it count. Scottie generally tries to avoid Bailey altogether, since the sight of him happy with his family makes him think of the life he could have had with Judy, which is too much for him to take without breaking down. Although Bailey has heard of Scottie's situation as well and, thinking that losing his wife would kill him, always sends Scottie wishes for happy holidays every Christmas, hoping Scottie can find some cheer in that season.
  • The matter of Jefferies and Lisa aside, Scottie isn't particularly close to other Hitchcock deities either, although he did take an interest in Alicia Huberman and her time spent pretending to be in love with a Nazi in order to expose his goals. Scottie thought, not without some resentment, that this was a similar ploy to Judy-as-Madeleine leading him on for Elster's own goals. That said, in Alicia's case, she was doing it for a noble cause (stopping the Nazis), something that Scottie fully understands and he respects the great risks she took. But he still doesn't want to be around Alicia for the bad memories it brings him.
  • Scottie is at least sufficiently self-aware to realize that his obsession over Judy/Madeleine is a problem that's negatively impacting his life. With that in mind, he started looking into getting psychiatric help, but sadly many of the ones present in the Pantheon are also psychotic. He settled on listening to Frasier Crane's call-in radio show. After calling enough times, Frasier decided to start seeing Scottie personally, which the latter gladly agreed to for a more personalized and private service (and also Frasier doesn't hold him at arms' length like so many other deities). Frasier seems absolutely convinced that Scottie's obsession stems from his mother, which is a likely reason why the Freud-idolizing shrink god took such an interest in Scottie.


    Neil McCauley and Vincent Hanna 
Neil McCauley and Lieutenant Vincent Hanna, Divine Duo of Peaceful First Meetings Between The Hero and Villain (Neil: Brother)
Hanna on the left, Neil on the right
  • Theme Song: Heat
  • Quasideities
  • Symbol: An LAPD Badge for Hanna and a hockey mask for Neil.
  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral for Neil, Lawful Good for Hanna.
  • Portfolio: A cop and career criminal who are dedicated to their professions, slowly bonded with each other due to similar personalities, no one is truly in the right or wrong, refusals to dedication outside of their job, considers each other as equals
  • Domains: Crime, Justice, Personal Lives, Standards, Pursuit
  • Heralds: Neil's Crew (Chris Shiherlis, Michael Cheritto, Trejo), the LAPD (Detectives Sammy Casals, Mike Bosko and Danny Schwartz, Sergeant Drucker)
  • Allies:
  • Respected by: Leonard Snart (for Neil), the House of Theatre and Spectacle
  • Avoids: The Houses of Family and Relatives and Love and Affection for Hanna and Neil respectively, Charlie and Nicole Birdman (for Hanna)
  • Enemies: Each other (also counts as Worthy Opponent), police of all kind including Leverage Consulting, Dimitri Rascalov, the Joker, the Houses of Law and Justice and Commerce (for Neil), the House of Crime and Transgressions especially by the likes of Omar Little, Raymond Reddington, Michael and Vito Corleone and the DiMeo and Soprano family (for Hanna)
  • Crime and justice go hand in hand as the criminals run away whenever the going gets tough or face the consequence of breaking the law, yet few times does this include intricate relationships between the officers and the criminals themselves. Take these two men of opposite professions: Neil McCauley, a man of expertise when it comes to heists and Vincent Hanna, who lives by his job more than his family. When the hunt for Neil began, Vincent was tasked to trail his moves and study his opponent, while the same was also being done by Neil towards him. After a streak of ambushes and a plan of one last heist, the two would meet in a diner, where the two would understand each other and see how they are not so different in terms of individual lives. As Neil puts it, "Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner.", seeing how both their lives past the profession have been falling apart. One last heist and a desire for personal revenge sealed McCauley's fate at the hands of Hanna, after betraying the very code he swore himself on.
  • Life on the city of Los Angeles is not easy, especially after a shootout in an airport where the authorities are investigating the fate of career criminal Neil who was shot by officer Hanna. Just as the investigation was coming to a close, a letter was sent to Hanna's office where a meetup was organized. To the officer's bemusement, a voice he was familiar with was heard, and was shocked seeing Neil alive once again. As he was about to draw his gun, two figures appeared right in front of the two with the promise of a new world beyond the lives they are living in. Hanna was skeptical of this deal but the sight of the criminal he shot dead being alive once more made him drop his doubts and agree with the terms. Few hours after the event and he was back to his quarters, only to hear the radio and news of a local bank robbery in progress, Hanna realized that both he and Neil were back to where they started, this time on the newly ascended Trope Pantheons.
  • As the two were getting adjusted to their new life in the Pantheons, both were invited to certain houses, the Houses of Crime and Transgressions and Law and Justice for Neil and Hanna respectively. Them being forced to share the same temple despite their profession has created more awkward moments for the two, though it makes sense as the two are more alike than they think. Hanna takes his profession as a police officer too seriously to the point that his family life has been questioned so many times, and many of those times does he admit that being a father is a difficult task. Neil does the same, as he has no family to speak of due to his code that makes sure he disconnects from anyone to avoid the sense of being followed. It works but has created a miserable life for the criminal, and when he does break the rule once, it is the last time he ever walked on the Earth. Them being invited to the Houses gives more room to focus on their profession as Hanna provides more manpower for the rising heists around the Pantheon and Neil creates more robberies for the criminals to participate on.
  • While the duo are against each other thanks to the nature of their jobs, the two's relationship is not on outright hate, in reality they share a common bond regarding their lives as they are very dedicated men with a lack of care for anything beyond their jobs, a risk that the two, especially Hanna, had to face the consequences for even after the case. Their ascension to the Pantheons still has not fixed this and as a result the two are dealing with this issue poorly, unhelped by them being recruited by various police officers and criminals in the realm. A common joke recurring between the two is that those who view the duo's life are simply spectating them for the massive shootout and not for the inner story between the duo's lives, something that the House of Theatre and Spectacle both agree and disagree with since both the story and visual effects are both what sold the movie for them.
  • Their hirings by certain Pantheon sects have introduced them a rather busy life despite being given the freedom to go wherever they please. Hanna's placement to the Pantheonic Police Force has him dedicated to tracking not just Neil but every single criminal he can catch, as well as organizing squads to prepare an assault, or as he calls it, anti-heist squads. The Police Force has been neglected but Hanna wants to reorganize it for better long-term efficiency. Neil on the other hand saw the rust bucket known as the House of Crime and Transgressions and saw an opportunity to put the disorganized syndicates into order, using his career criminal expertise on play and putting them back on the map, using the power of The Caper. This freedom of choice also made them wary about two houses, the Houses of Love and Affection as well as the Family and Relatives house as their lives were plagued with problems related to both love and marriage that they would not want to reminiscence their struggles before in their supposed new lives.
  • In the criminal world, heists are the crimes that aim for big scores. Money and fame are big but at the same time, risks are even bigger and may result in either death or prosecution to everyone involved. To keep an idea afloat in a place like the Pantheon, there needs to be a leader to prepare for the plan ahead. Neil McCauley decided to be the frontrunner of such endeavour and has been recruiting various criminals of such scale to accomplish capers of many kinds. This lead him to recruiting three main groups, each with their specialized roles in his career criminal revival, alongside him adding his crew as his heralds.
    • On the streets of France, four men known as Tony, Jo, Mario Ferrati and César were brought by Neil for recruitment, following him hearing their daring jewelry heist. Seeing that he is meeting the progenitors of the Caper Genre, he was thankful for their ideas and wanted them for good use. He organized the four for stealthy heists, utilizing the lack of noise and mastercraft of rappeling to steal any loot possible. While he admired the four, he does have his worry with César since his mistake of taking one bauble and exposing the crew's heist a day later could land a fatal blow if done again in the Pantheon. He holds no grudge against him since his safecracking skills are desirable for their role.
    • On a dilapidated warehouse, six men were contacted by Neil for another role. These six men, dubbed the Cabot Crew, were evaluated by Neil and were assigned for additional manpower, that being should one member be missing, a member of the crew can take the absentee's place. Mr. White was okay with the role, though Pink and Blonde argue they should have been given bigger stakes. He would have considered it but their shaky relationship makes it a risk, especially for Blonde and Pink, as the former's psychopathic tendencies and the latter's professionalism (read: apathy for anyone) is a clear sign that the Cabot brothers should have chosen better picks. In addition, he feels an odd sense of déjà vu with Mr. Orange but cannot put his finger in it, likely because he was responsible for the group's fall as he was a police rat.
    • A mysterious figure eventually contacted Neil of a heister group that could also fill a role in his plans. Meeting the gang known as the PAYDAY Gang and evaluating their history made them the perfect go-to group for loud heists, those that require a ton of firepower to steal cash. Dallas agreed with this and has been socializing with Neil thanks to certain similarities. The other heisters are fine with the team-up but Neil has his worries with Wolf and Hoxton as their temperamental attitudes could risk the loss of innocent blood, something he and Bain agree with that no innocent blood should be spilled when in a heist, unless its the police.
  • The criminal underworld grows with every day that passes and Neil's presence has sparked many criminals' view thanks to his charismatic personality and standards, which makes him a standout to the usual gangbangers and killers. After he recruited his group of heisters, he started focusing on criminals who would approach him so that he may gain more connections, most linked to the other heisters he recruited such as the Los Santos trio, Carl Johnson, Niko Bellic and the Boss of the 3rd Street Saints, all of which have their own mindsets and history of crime. While he is willing to recruit willing people into his planned heists, he always has a set of rules one must follow, else they risk getting a bullet to the head (and a double tap for good measure). The aforementioned people are not shy from their killing which makes them a tough sell, though Niko is the sympathetic of the bunch, stemming from history with war and revenge.
  • Before any heist could occur, there needs to be a way to plan these events to prepare for any form of distraction, as well as creating a hub that can connect criminals of various kinds. That was when he decided to collaborate with Raymond Reddington and an anonymous contractor responsible for the domain known as, giving the criminals the access to contracts of all kinds. Those in need of money can enter and assign themselves to arrangements, so as long as the job is accomplished and the contractor is willing to pay, a benefit to most syndicates and masterminds such as the DiMeo and Soprano family as well the Corleone brothers, who have used the website to their fullest extent. Typical of the nature of crime itself, there will always be contractors the most hardened veterans will avoid thanks to their reputation. That was what he found under Dimitri Rascalov and the Joker, the two people Neil considers to be for far too much for what he is getting. The reports of Dimitri's backstabbing habits and the Joker's lack of care towards his own men gave him a headache, likely from remembering the one criminal he allowed on his wing: Waingro.
    • Remembring Waingro was a pain for him, as his presence, alongside a deal with another client for revenge, is what arguably lead to his downfall and his path of revenge. His connection to him grows even further since it was him who killed off the eyewitnesses on his first heist and lead him to his runaway nature, a path of no return. For this, he has made a statement to anyone trying to join him, be it the Cabot Crew's Mr. Blonde, the PAYDAY Gang's Wolf and Hoxton and the other delinquents of any kind to not resemble any form of psychopathic attitude or its their ass getting booted from his crew, no questions asked.
  • Hanna on the other hand has been organizing the Pantheonic Police to a workable state. His first view of the establishment was with disappointment due to how messy the officers are stationed as well as the presence of corruption all-over. The person who was in charge, Commissioner Jim Gordon apologized but is willing to recruit officers of various kinds to revive the police force after years of inactivity. To compensate, Gordon gave Hanna a full police unit for his type of criminal activity he chooses. With his rival Neil in mind, he chose his unit to be specialized against capers, using full force to pursue heisters. Since Hanna was tasked for heists, he has picked a few members to aid him alongside his LAPD team, which he placed as his heralds.
    • First on the list was a police officer who could offer some assistance in firearms, the first officer to volunteer was Dirty Harry, who gladly took Hanna's offer without hesitation. A glance at his portfolio shows Harry is no stranger to criminals like Neil but has taken a far more vigilante-like approach, killing them off rather than apprehending them to the force, which has proven to do far more harm than good has costed him quite a harsh reputation among officers alike. Hanna appreciates his support and recruited him for firefights but has been told to watch him over, as some of his fellow officers are uncomfortable with a trigger-happy cop like him.
    • On the other side of his team is infiltration, or gaining information as informants, residing within criminal hideouts. Wei Shen and Thomas Angelo has offered support for Hanna's task force as their inside undercover history has shown to be valuable and can help them plan ahead in the case Neil and company strikes first. Shen's connection to the Triad and Angelo's connection to the mafia also gives them more connections, though risk should be considered if in the case either of them gets caught.
    • He finally hit big when Leverage Consulting came up front to Hanna after the group's bouts against the PAYDAY Gang and Cabot Crew, two of the groups linked with Neil. The information of the groups gave Hanna more information on him and predicted correctly that Neil was making something big as soon as he was heading back to being a career criminal, as well as him recruiting heisters. With him attracting more interested criminals, Hanna has the chance to do the same by recruiting more police officers into his anti-heist forces, giving him equal footing against Neil should the two see each other in the middle of a heist.
  • To hit Neil and his operations hard, he needs to strike at the heart of his profession, the House of Crime and Transgressions and with it, his associates. Attacking Neil will not be enough and so directed his attention to criminal syndicates of various kinds, starting with Raymond Reddington, who's connections are worth documenting. With a slowly reviving Pantheon Police, security has been tight and the entire House has been on lockdown to protect the other Houses of cases of theft, murder and various kinds. Despite his lack of sympathy towards criminals, he does a little soft spot for Omar Little, thanks to his legend of being one of those criminals who have a strict code and exploits drug dealers. Him hearing that he even visits his grandmother and takes a rest on Sunday did warm his heart a little, a shining light underneath the rotten underworld that is the House.
  • While it may be true that Hanna's performance on the force is exceptional, the more empathetic members of his unit has questioned his personal life and after reading his portfolio, show a shocking truth to his family and how his dedication to his job resulted to him being a failure of a father. This may explain why the House of Family and Relatives has been adament of not letting him in, as all the events that transpired from his absence, be it the near suicide of his own daughter due to neglect and his breaking marriage with his wife shows enough how his workaholic nature lead him to his failure. The House of Love and Affection also has the same feelings for him and he agrees as well, sometimes breaking down in tears after realizing how bad his ruined his family's lives, though such actions already happened and he will have to live with his own mistakes.
    • Divorce is very few and far between in the Pantheons, but none have taken Hanna's mistakes more seriously than Charlie and Nicole Birdman as their title is a reminder of how Hanna's dedication lead him to his predicament. His attitude also gives off a bad vibe between the two especially with his mistreatment of his daughter, which makes the two more proud of their child after seeing what happened to her. There was a plan for the couple to have a session with Hanna to help him amend his wounds, but he left the second session and never came back, proving to the two that Hanna's case may be something that they cannot help with.
