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Funny / The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You: 03

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    Volume 13 (Chapters 105 - 113) 

Chapter 105

  • While Kishika is contemplating how much Yaku dotes on everyone else without being doted on herself, Momiji starts groping Kishika, who doesn't seem to notice. Karane can be seen in the background looking slightly perturbed.
    • Speaking of Yaku's doting, she, Hahari, Naddy, Ahko, Kurumi, and Chiyo are giving each other head pats in that order (Clearly by age). True to character and in irony, Kurumi and Chiyo are the only ones who look embarrassed.
  • Kishika stands in front of Rentarou and places her hand on the wall while telling him about her concerns. Rentarou's heart starts beating while Kishika doesn't seem to realize that she just did a Wall Pin of Love.
  • Kusuri and Shizuka are spying on Rentarou, Kishika, and Yaku's date while wearing sunglasses because Kusuri's annoyed by the thought of her grandma being "stolen" by Kishika. Then the two immediately hop on a Merry-Go-Round.
  • Rentarou is more scared of a haunted house than Yaku or Kishika. Kishika takes his hand to calm him down out of pity. Now his heart is racing for a different reason.
  • Yaku sweating droplets while riding an "Iron Dragon" (a roller coaster), and spending the ride questioning who's steering the thing. She actually finds that scarier than the ride itself.
    That should not be the scary part...!
    • Next the three take a ride on a Drop Tower. They're actually having fun and Yaku seems perfectly calm until Rentarou and Kishika notice Yaku's soul slipping out.
      Rentarou: NO NO NO NO NO NO!
      (Afterwards, while the two are panting)
      Yaku: Hm? I must have nodded off, yes yes.
  • Rentarou teaching Yaku how to operate a Go-kart. And Yaku not knowing what a pedal is.
  • While riding a Ferris Wheel, the wind starts to rock the cart the three are in. Kishika thinks that this will get Yaku nervous enough for Rentarou to dote on her. Instead, it reminds Kishika of a rocking cradle and causes her to regress to baby-mode. The same deal happens with a train, a Merry-Go-Round, a teacup ride, and a stationary kiddie ride.
    Kishika: (On her knees in shame) Why...?! Why did you allow me to...?!
    Rentarou: Ah, sorry! I was just so happy seeing you enjoy yourself...!
  • Kishika and Yaku participate in a whack-a-mole game where they have to hit the targets when they light up with foam swords. When they tie, all the lights turn on at once. Kishika "sheathes" her sword while Yaku starts frantically hitting all the targets, thinking the game is still ongoing. Kishika believes that Yaku continuing to wield her "sword" makes her something all knights aspire to be, while Yaku is sweating and surrounded by question marks.
  • After Yaku allows Rentarou to pamper her, she asks Kishika to come over to be pampered, too. Kishika tries to refuse even though she's gradually getting closer to Yaku with a hilariously frustrated face. The moment Yaku starts patting her head, Kishika enters baby mode and hugs her while saying "Gwannyyy♥".
  • Kusuri and Shizuka reappear at the end of the chapter (Kusuri with star-shaped glasses and both with bags of stuff). Realizing that Kishika was trying to get Rentarou to spoil Yaku, Kusuri begrudgingly takes her leave with Shizuka patting her shoulder.
    Shizuka: "You're a real man among men."

Chapter 106

  • After Kurumi thanks Hahari for taking them to an all-you-can-eat yakiniku, Hahari starts Giving Up the Ghost like she often does. Except this time, her ghost almost gets sucked up by the vents in the restaurant, requiring Mei to yank it free.
  • To accomodate Yamame's pyrophobia, the yakiniku they go to has induction grills that use electricity instead of fire. When Meme explains this to Yaku, she just imagines a lightning cloud striking the grill.
  • Everyone orders their drinks before they can start eating.
    • Despite the sheer number of people present, everyone orders a different drink.
    • Nano just wants water while Kusuri, rather appropriately, wants Dr. Pepper.
    • Uto wants hot coffee with sugar and three kinds of syrup. Karane calls out Uto for trying to act cool even though she can't deal with bitter flavors.
    • Naddy orders the "All-'Murrican" Reggae Punch. Nano points out that Reggae Punch actually originates from Japan, and reggae comes from Jamaica.
      Kurumi: So she's wrong on every single level.
      Mimimi: That is hardly new for her, now is it?
  • Hahari says she can't wait for Mei (who's 19 years old) to grow up to drinking age (which is 20 in Japan) so they can drink alcohol together. Upon hearing this, Mei says she will age a full year in short order.
    Hahari: Please don't, you're actually scaring me.
  • Iku wants to eat rice so she can fill up before cramming in the rest of her food. Apparently, Iku enjoys the pain of overeating, too.
  • Kishika is melting while reading the menu. It turns out she's melting over the kids' meal.
  • Karane describes loin as a lean cut without much fat, while for kalbi, she just points her thumb at Hakari while saying, "Well, see for yourself." This causes Hakari to furiously ask, "WHO'RE YOU CALLING KALBI?!"
    Hakari: (smiling with a cross popping vein on her cheek) Oh, Karane-san, I'm so jealous of the way every inch of you embodies loin.
    Karane: HUUUHN?!
    • When Rentarou says he loves kalbi and loin, Hakari asks Chiyo to get 100 orders of kalbi, while Karane wants her to get 100 orders of loin.
  • After Kurumi gives a detailed explanation on why they should eat salted tongue first, Kusuri calls her a guru, and everyone chants, "Guru, guru! Yakiniku guru!" much to Kurumi's embarrassment.
  • Uto likens the process of making and eating yakiniku to life itself. Kurumi agrees very enthusiastically with her.
  • Iku gulps while watching her meat cook.
    Chiyo: That gulp was because it's so appetizing, right?
  • After Meme trades her lettuce wrap with Mimimi's, she disappears even though all she did was eat Mimimi's lettuce wrap.
  • Yaku mishears cow tongue as cow dung.
  • All the girls get so hooked on addictive cabbage that when three bowls of it arrive, they all swarm it like ravenous predators, with Yaku going so far as to twirl through the air to get hers.
  • Rentarou checks the menu and discovers that the addictive cabbage was provided by the Serious Group, meaning it's literally addictive.

Chapter 107

  • The chapter opens with the word cabbage, with the letters "abbag" pushed away by "ocain" so it spells cocaine. In Japanese it shows キャベ ("kyabe"; cabbage) morphing into シャブ ("shabu"; uppers/speed).
  • Rentarou initially considers stopping the girls from eating addictive cabbage by eating all the cabbage in the restaurant. He only changes his mind because that would cause the girls to enter withdrawal, and he doesn't want to make them suffer that.
  • His next plan is to read out stories of people whose lives were ruined by cabbage addiction to scare them off it. When he looks up "my life was ruined by cabbage addiction" on his smartphone, he gets zero results.
  • After the girls ignore the black kalbi Rentarou cooked for them, he combines it with the addictive cabbage to make a stir fry. The girls proceed to pick the cabbage while avoiding the kalbi.
    Rentarou: Don't be such picky eaters!
  • Naddy drank so much alcohol that she's crying while apologizing that she can't stop eating cabbage, prompting Hahari to call her a sad drunk. When Naddy apologizes for her English being "an absolute travesty", Hahari notes that she's regressed to her Nadeshiko persona.
  • Hahari gets Naddy to cheer up by having her kiss Rentarou. Rentarou notices that neither of them are suffering withdrawal even though they stopped eating the cabbage. That's when he realizes that the girls are more addicted to kissing than they are to the cabbage.
  • Rentarou snaps the girls out of their cabbage addiction by holding yakiniku in his mouth while kissing them. He describes himself as being their tongs.
  • When Rentarou kisses Mei, he's suddenly interrupted by a furious Mai, who demands he get his lips off her "sister." Rentarou offers to kiss Mai, who angrily rejects it. He then realizes that Mai isn't addicted to kissing because he hasn't kissed her yet.
  • Mai tries to force-feed the addictive cabbage to Rentarou. Even though he knows its effects and tries to avoid it, he still happily accepts it before realizing what he just did.
    Footnote: As if this idiot boyfriend had any hope of dodging something his girlfriend was feeding him.
  • Rentarou gets so hooked on the addictive cabbage that his thoughts are quickly filled with nothing but the word cabbage.
  • Despite his newfound addiction, Rentarou still manages to break free by eating some yakiniku. Since he was kissing everyone while he had yakiniku in his mouth, the taste of it reminded him of those kisses, allowing him to shake off his cabbage addiction.
  • Mai still refuses to kiss Rentarou, until he points out that the last person he kissed was Mei, meaning if Mai kisses him, she'll get an Indirect Kiss with Mei. Mai immediately proceeds to kiss Rentarou.

Chapter 108

  • Momoha Bonnouji, the school's gardening club advisor and ethics teacher, lives in a tent in the school garden. She also becomes soulmate #21 when she pops out of said tent totally sloshed with a huge bottle of alcohol.
  • Before moving to the school, Momoha used to bathe in a nearby river... in the winter.
    Momoha: That was the experience of a lifetime... or rather, a lifetime-ending experience...!
  • Momoha switches from flippantly talking to Rentarou about her poor use of money, crying under the (admittedly correct, but non-insulting...) assumption that he thinks she's a loser, sternly telling him to not become like her, and then right back to her casual self.
  • Normally when a soulmate makes a confession they're given the treatment of beautiful artwork. Momoha gets such a page devoted to her straight up asking Rentarou for sex like a confession.
    • The irony of an ethics teacher teasing a student (and previously offering him a sip of her drink) does not fall on her at all. When Rentarou points out the risks of her request:
      Momoha: Are you... an ethics teacher...?
      Rentarou: That's what I've been asking you!
    • She accepts his decline but doesn't let up on the prospect when he leaves or when they meet again.
      Momoha: I'll be here if you ever wanna bang!
      Rentarou: Forget it!
      Momoha: Oh! Morning, Aijou! Aren't you here early— don't tell me you... you wanna... you know... young boys like you do get a certain way in the morning—
      Rentarou: Not why I'm here.
  • Rentarou assures Momoha there'll be no problem with them dating, because he already has 20 girlfriends, one of whom is 89 years old, and they're all precious to him regardless of age or position. Momoha's reaction?
    Momoha: (sweating) Uh... well, I'm really glad, but... you... are familiar with the concept of ethics, right...?
    Ending Caption: Should've seen that one coming.

Chapter 109

  • During Momoha's introduction, Nano can be seen in the background covering Chiyo's eyes while Chiyo is trembling with anger.
  • After everyone decides to have a drinking party with Serious Kids' Beer, which is supposedly non-alcoholic juice, Rentarou has a dream where a silhouette with the words "The Big Cheese of the Publishing Biz" on it appears, who tells him the drinking party is a no can do because they can't present minors drinking alcohol in any sort of desirable light. It later turns out that everyone had the exact same dream, which Nano finds absurd.
  • Kusuri's "makes-you-act-drunk drug" got a no-can-do, Uto's attempts to refute the point failed, Mei tried to remove the obstacle countless times to no avail, Iku showing off her guts in a one-woman paddling tournament didn't work, and Momiji said it didn't even feel good to grope.
    Karane: The hell were you people doin'?
  • Rentarou decides to get around the Big Cheese by having everyone Playing Drunk, which includes:
    • Giving everyone fruit juice that he put all of his love into making, giving them flushed faces as they get the love throb. Just seeing how happy they are does the same to Rentarou.
    • Raising the room temperature and giving them cold drinks, which stimulates the diaphragm and gives them hiccups.
    • Having everyone recite tongue twisters until their speech becomes mangled enough to simulate drunken slurring.
      Kishika: My Mei and Meme must mind Mai's mess!
      Mai: Me, Mimimi, and Mimimi meet making three! Me, Mememei, and Mei Mei Mei met Mei-king me!
      Kurumi: Don't think we didn't see what you did there.
      • Iku ends up biting her tongue while reciting her tongue twister, which she naturally enjoys.
      • Uto says her tongue twister flawlessly three times in a row.
        Kishika: Your tongue seems quite adept at twisting.
      • Everyone's speech gets mangled after the tongue twisters, except for Shizuka, whose phone is saying random words. Nano believes Shizuka is so tired that her phone's autocorrect is misreading her fingers.
  • Rentarou says just in case someone is just flipping through the pages or tries to take a panel out of context, a disclaimer saying, "No alcohol or anything with similar effects has been consumed," will be placed on any problematic panels. Once the cast starts Playing Drunk, every single panel gets the disclaimer.
  • When Hakari asks Momoha if she has any experience doing "naughty stuff," Momoha admits that she's never had a boyfriend before Rentarou, but she has plenty of experience doing it "solo." Hakari admits she does too, leading to the two shaking hands in solidarity.
  • Hakari then asks Yaku about what she did with her old husband. Yaku says a good woman has to keep such things private. Hakari then claims that she doesn't care for that kind of talk, prompting Momoha to call her a turncoat.
  • When Naddy starts acting like a sad drunk again, Chiyo tries to cheer her up by telling her a joke, only to laugh uproariously at her own joke, causing Momiji to label her a happy drunk.
  • Ahko's speech is so garbled that Kurumi asks if she's speaking an alien language, which is followed by Rentarou revealing that Ahko was calling Hahari a happy drunk too. It gets to the point footnotes start popping up translating what Ahko's saying into normal Ahko-speak, which continues into the next chapter.
  • Rentarou tells a story about how adorable his girlfriend is when she melts into a puddle after getting stroked on the head. Kishika does a Spit Take as she realizes the story is about her, Nano calls Rentarou a chatty drunk, and Mimimi notes Rentarou would have an unlimited supply of stories about his girlfriends.
  • After Ahko gives Rentarou a hug, Karane, in contrast to her usual manner, gently tugs on his shirt and asks for a hug too, prompting Meme to call her a needy drunk.
  • Mei turns out to be a needy drunk too, as she keeps begging Rentarou to give her an order. He ends up asking her to let him love her forever, which she accepts. Her suddenly mouthless appearance makes her look even more adorable than usual.
  • Shizuka suddenly stands up and thumps the ground, which Yamame compares to a rabbit being rebellious or in a bad mood, causing Naddy to wonder if Shizuka is a mean drunk and turning delinquent. The chapter ends with the narration asking, "What manner of heinous, inhuman acts will the newly delinquent Shizuka get up to...?!"

Chapter 110

  • It turns out the "heinous, inhuman" act Shizuka wanted to do a book while lying down. Which everyone thinks is naughty, yet adorable.
  • Mai holds her head high while she's boasting about the family and keeps tilting her head back further and further until her face is pointing straight at the ceiling.
  • Nano keeps patting the heads of everyone who acts cute, leading to Kishika calling Nano a patting drunk. Then Nano starts patting Kishika and the latter enters infant mode. When Nano leaves Kishika to pat Shizuka, Kishika cries "Mommy!" in anguish.
    • Shizuka still tries to act grumpy in her delinquent state, but she can't resist cracking a smile when Nano pats her.
  • Meme of all people turns out to be a huggy drunk, as seen when she hugs Kurumi and subjects her to Marshmallow Hell.
  • When Kurumi says Meme smells nice, Meme's anxiety kicks in and she disappears. Kurumi then starts to smell other people's scents, getting her labeled a sniffy drunk by Chiyo.
  • Somehow, being fake drunk causes Momiji's perpetually-pouty lip to flip into an underbite. She staunchly denies that this is the case.
  • Kusuri complains that all she's done is go to the bathroom, causing Chiyo to call her a peeing drunk and laugh so hard that her glasses fall off. This causes Chiyo to somehow laugh hysterically and sob uncontrollably at the same time.
  • Mimimi compliments Mai's brow while stroking the latter's chin, which Hahari calls an (alcohol-free) alcohol-fueled encounter. Mai suddenly blurts out, "Nobody but me is worthy of being my shishter's shishter!" which is out of left field even for her.
    Hahari: And nobody implied anything to the contrary.
    • Mai and Mimimi then engage in "brow sumo," which involves pushing their foreheads against each other. Mimimi wins thanks to her smooth skin causing Mai to slip and fall. Or maybe that's just Mai's clumsiness kicking in. Or both.
  • Mimimi then takes on Yamame, except Yamame thought it was regular sumo, resulting in her effortlessly slapping Mimimi down. When Nano starts patting Mimimi, the latter is so delighted that her ghost starts ascending while attended by a pair of cupids.
  • Kurumi figures that Iku would be eager to challenge Yamame, except Iku turns out to be a girly drunk who timidly turns down challenging Yamame. She's still fine with being spanked, though.
  • Kishika demands that someone kill her instead of spank Iku, asks that someone kill her again while claiming she's somehow responsible for Iku, and angrily requests that someone kill her for neglecting to maintain her chivalry, which gets her labeled a kill-me drunk.
  • When Kishika asks Yamame to kill her, and Rentarou says she'll have to kill him first, Yamame, in her pseudo-drunken stupor, is actually about to go through with it in a disturbingly friendly tone. Then it turns out that Playing Drunk has caused Uto's chuuni traits to go into overdrive as she claims to have an Evil Eye that will reduce Yamame to nothing. Yamame decides to yield, which leads to Mei declaring Uto the champion.
  • Hakari claims she's so sensitive, she can tell if she's kissing her beloved without even looking at them. When she kisses her mother, Hakari immediately declares it's not her while Hahari is so pleased she's Giving Up the Ghost. When she kisses Karane, she declares she's the one and continues to kiss her. Well, she never specified which beloved.
  • When everyone falls asleep, we get treated to some funny images:
    • Shizuka is still in delinquent mode as she hits people in her sleep, while Momoha turns out to be a snorer. Mai is uncomfortable with the snoring and Shizuka hitting her in the face, but Iku is fine with Shizuka kicking her butt.
    • Nano is patting Yaku, Ahko and Kusuri look like they're posing for a picture (or doing the Sailor Moon salute), and Chiyo appears to be consoling Naddy.
    • Momiji is snuggling herself in Yamame's chest, Mei is still raising Uto's hand in victory, and Kurumi and Meme are hugging each other.
    • Hahari is indulging Kishika's desire to be pampered while Hakari and Karane are still hugging and kissing each other.
  • Continuing on from the last chapter, almost every single panel has a disclaimer saying, "No alcohol or anything with similar effects has been consumed," aside from the page where everyone falls asleep, which has no disclaimers, and two panels of a flashback depicting Momoha passed out drunk, which has the disclaimer instead say "Alcohol has been consumed here."
  • When Momoha once again asks Rentarou to have sex with her, Rentarou's reason says it's not gonna make it and asks that he bite his tongue or something to get it together. Rentarou indeed bites his tongue while Momoha ends up falling asleep.

Chapter 111

  • It turns out the Wayfarer Café is an outdoor campground where everyone cosplays as bards like Uto.
  • When Rentarou tells Uto's friends he's on a "quest" to discipline himself so he can better care for his 21 girlfriends, they assume it must be some crazy backstory, unaware that he's actually telling the truth.
  • Ahko decides to play along and describes her dream of opening her own shop to sell cute items as making a kingdom full of cute stuff. Unlike Rentarou, Uto's friends take Ahko at her word as they express shock that someone as laidback as her would have such grand ambition.
  • After Uto speaks as if she's going to be gone for a long time, Ahko suddenly hugs Uto from behind and begs her not to leave. This actually causes Uto to lose her composure and yelp in surprise, followed by Rentarou revealing that Uto was just going to the bathroom.
  • Rentarou gets Dragged into Drag in order to be able to go into the Gal restaurant. A side note reveals they detoured to school to get outfits from Hahari.
  • The Gal restaurant is guarded by a Gal Bouncer who's huge and muscular.
  • When Uto takes a bite of Rentarou's crepe, she gets shocked again when she notices Ahko's face is just inches away from hers as she also tries a bite.

Chapter 112

  • When Mimimi is recruited by the muse-ical club, everyone assumes Mimimi will have to act and sing, until Nano clarifies that it's the muse-ical club, not a musical club. The muse-ical club puts on plays about their muse and is otherwise a drama club, causing Kurumi to ask why they don't just call it a drama club.
  • Rentarou suggests that Mimimi can practice her acting by imitating the other girls, resulting in some spot-on and hilarious impressions.
    • When imitating Yaku, Mimimi covers her hand like Yaku's kimono by pulling her sleeve over it.
    • Mimimi has to resort to Saying Sound Effects Out Loud for some of her impressions, such as the "Fsh" when Meme disappears and Kurumi's Growling Gut.
      Shizuka: (on her Meme impression) "The Master's technique" "is soundless."
    • Mimimi uses the classic Tsundere line "It-It's not like I like you, or anythin'!" when impersonating Karane. Karane is unamused.
    • Momoha still urges Mimimi not to be like her even though she's just acting.
    • Hakari sweatdrops a little when Mimimi (impersonating her) asks Rentarou for a spot of "Mwehehe".
    • Mimimi has a bit of trouble mimicking Nano because she's still enthralled by the latter's beauty.
    • When she gets to Kishika, Mimimi does an impression of her usual knightly self, which gets Kishika's approval, and her infant self, causing Kishika to immediately demand, "Desist at once!"
    • Her impression of Chiyo is of her OCD mode, complete with the "Rrrgh!" Chiyo is facepalming in the background while apologizing that Mimimi has to screw up her face to mimic her.
    • Iku is puzzled by Mimimi imitating her "Oof!♥"
  • Upon finding out that Mimimi plans on dropping out of the play because there's a scene where she'll have to kiss someone else, Rentarou excuses himself as he leaves the school and goes into the middle of a forest. He then starts screaming as he bangs his limbs on the ground like a child throwing a tantrum, saying he'd rather be shot or be buried alive in the Tottori Sand Dunes than watch Mimimi kiss a man she doesn't love. Then he comes back to the others completely calm.
  • Rentarou tells Mimimi she shouldn't force herself to drop out of the play for his sake, because he knows how much it means to her. Mimimi then coldly tells him that she chose to drop out of her own volition, as the thought of kissing anyone but him disgusts her. She even says she should be the one telling him not to force himself.
  • Earlier, the captain of the muse-ical club believed with smug certainty that Mimimi would still be in the play even with the kissing scene. When she tells him she's bowing out, he panics and immediately removes the kissing scene.
  • Mimimi is so beautiful during the play that the rest of the muse-ical club is too paralyzed to go on stage, as none of them believe they can compare to her beauty. Upon finding out, Rentarou furiously threatens to bury every single one of them if they won't go on stage, while the captain begs Rentarou to go instead.
  • Since Rentarou went through the whole script while he helped Mimimi practice, and the entire muse-ical club is too scared to go on stage, he ends up playing all the other roles during the play. This results in him having to walk offstage and change costumes each time a new character enters the story.
  • One of the costumes has Rentarou dress up as a fairy. He's embarrassed as usual while Hakari and Hahari go wild.
  • At one point, Rentarou somehow manages to play all of his roles simultaneously, including background objects like the trees.
  • The play proved to be a massive success, but it didn't make Mimimi's beauty famous. Rentarou playing all the other roles ended up getting the most acclaim, with one girl calling him the "16-role-man." Mimimi takes it in stride and congratulates a visibly embarrassed Rentarou while proclaiming she'll have to improve herself to keep up.
  • The ending blurb that usually says what the next chapter will be about says the manga will be on break next week so the play can be put on again.

Chapter 113

  • At the start of the chapter, Kusuri asks what ethics are. Given Kusuri's track record, it explains a lot.
  • After Momoha gives a surprisingly thoughtful explanation of ethics, Iku assumes that Momoha must live an ethical life where she considers everything carefully.
  • Mei believes that ethical behavior is whatever Hahari deems appropriate. While Mai admires Mei's devotion, Hahari herself is exasperated by Mei's answer.
    Karane: That sounds more like theology.
  • When Rentarou, Nano, Mei, and Momoha go to a light show, Nano reveals that she planned everything they should do right down to the second, including the toilet break.
    • Nano's schedule only allows 20 seconds for most of the attractions, with the exception of the love-themed area, which lasts a whole minute.
  • Mei thinks everyone sees her happiness as a stone along the roadside. Rentarou says he'd call it a stunning diamond the size of Uluru, a sandstone formation that's over a thousand feet tall.
  • After Rentarou thinks about how Momoha really is an ethics teacher few can match, Momoha proceeds to take a chug from her bottle of booze. He adds, "Public drinking notwithstanding."
  • Kusuri thinks the best answer to her ethics question is to drug everyone at once.
    Chiyo: An ethics class really is just what you need.
  • Nano and Mei are both inspired to take Momoha's ethics class because her guidance helped them understand their feelings better. The two of them even express a desire to be more like Momoha someday.

Volume 13 Extras

  • Shizuka and Kusuri had so much fun at the amusement park that they forgot why they were there in the first place.
  • Ahko plays the old "here comes the airplane" game while feeding Kishika the Kids' Meal at the yakiniku restaurant. Kishika herself is also holding a kid-sized fork and spoon.
  • Rentarou realizes that by his own logic, all the girls are having Indirect Kisses with one another every time they kiss him.
  • When the Big Cheese confronted Iku in her dream, Iku spanked herself with a bat. All the Big Cheese said was, "I'm leaving."
  • After the drinking party, some of the girls are really embarrassed by what they did while they were Playing Drunk. Kurumi is facepalming (and/or has a headache), Hakari and Karane are nervously looking away from each other upon realizing they kissed each other again, Meme is covering her face in shame, and Yamame is apologizing to Mimimi for hurting her.
    Narration: Remember that it's best to drink in moderation (even if it is just non-alcoholic juice, which it definitely was).
  • Uto gets embarrassed again after Ahko kissed her on the cheek.
  • Mimimi is tilting her head so far back after Meme and Nano praised her performance in the play that her "Hmhmm, naturally" is upside down.
  • Nano and Mei wanted to be exactly like Momoha, as shown by the Imagine Spot they shared, where they're both dressed like Momoha and lying on the ground in front of her tent.
    Nano: (with her usual stoic expression) I looove booze. Dude, I wanna hit the pachinko parlor.
    Mei: (with her usual poised expression) If only a windfall of a hundred mil would grace me.
    Real Life Momoha: DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!
  • The Extra Chapter shows how Momoha's love of gambling and drinking was born.
    • A three-year-old Momoha goes to a candy shop to buy some candy, then hears of a lottery that can get her more money. After she participates in the lottery by betting the 30 yen she was given by her mother, Momoha gets 100 yen as a prize, getting 100s in her eyes.
    • Momoha is about to buy all the candy she wants until the shopkeeper brings out another lottery. This one costs 100 yen to enter, but it can give the winner as much as 1000 yen. Upon being told that's as much as ten 100-yen coins, Momoha gets 1000s in her eyes as she floats in space with a pair of photorealistic cats.
    • Unfortunately, Momoha lost the lottery and only got a packet of Kids' Beer as a consolation prize. Momoha lowers her head in disappointment as her mother walks her home.
    • Momoha's dad uses the packet of Kids' Beer to create kid-friendly booze for her. When Momoha drinks it, she gets a Beergasm.
    • What does Momoha want Santa to get her? A thousand yen.
      "Well that ain't cute at all!"

    Volume 14 (Chapters 114 - 122) 

Chapter 114

  • When the narration reveals that Rentarou, Karane, Kurumi, and Mai are on a date to a shrine for love blessings, the God of Love pushes the corner of the page away asking why they aren't coming to his.
  • Every time Rentarou does something with the girls, Karane and Mai act like tsunderes while Kurumi bashfully agrees to do it with him.
  • It's said that if two people walk through a particular torii gate while holding hands, their happiness is guaranteed... with a margin of error of a hundredth of a millimeter.
    Kurumi: Kinda picky for a god.
    • While Mai walks under the gate with Rentarou, she says she's just rehearsing for when she comes with Mei.
  • Their next stop is a two-headed statue. It's said if two people pat the statue's heads at the same time, their happiness is guaranteed, but they have to get the timing just right.
    Karane: What is this, a Rhythm Game?
    • While patting the heads of the statue, one of the heads gets a small crack and appears to be sweating after Karane pats it.
    • When Mai pats the statue with Rentarou, she says she should dust it off so Mei's hands won't get dirty.
  • Up next is a round, heavy stone. It's said if two people express their love while lifting it, their happiness is guaranteed.
    Mai: Is that the only blessing we can get here?
    • As Karane lifts the stone with Rentarou, she tries to say, "I love you," only to say, "Lunch ain't complete without soybeans, the meat of the field!" while throwing it at him, although Rentarou manages to catch it.
      Rentarou: This is the wrong way to throw a bowling ball!
    • Karane apologizes to Rentarou while he tells her he'll accept her love no matter what form it may be in.
      Kurumi: Some things are better dodged!
  • The next attraction is a bell. Rentarou tries to say what happens when two people ring the bell together, but he's interrupted by Karane saying she'll try it. In the next panel, Karane launches Rentarou into the bell before tearfully apologizing as he comforts her.
    • When Rentarou offers to ring the bell with Mai, she insists she'll ring it with her (invisible) sister.
    • Mai's clumsiness reaches a new level when her attempt to ring the bell causes her to slip so hard that she ends up launching herself away.
    • After Rentarou catches Mai, her heart beats so much that the panel is filled with "ba-dmp" sounds, which she wants to get off of her. Mai stands next to Kurumi and pretends the heartbeats are coming from the latter, but Kurumi knows what she's trying to do.
  • The four of them enter a contest where they shout their love for each other as loud as possible.
    • Karane's declaration of love is so loud that Rentarou acts as though it's actually pushing him back.
    • Mai initially tries to proclaim her love for Mei, even though the latter isn't even there. After Karane tells Mai she should say her true feelings, Mai shouts she hates Rentarou. Karane and Kurumi are sweating as "Seriously...?" appears above them while Rentarou looks like his heart got broken.
    • Mai proceeds to rant about how she hates Rentarou for trying to "steal" Mei away from her and how confused she gets by his ridiculously handsome face. This is accompanied by a diagram showing Mai has to release all of her hate before she can admit her love.
    • Mai ends up doing a hate-filled spoof of the series' title.
      Mai: I just, really, really, really hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate haaaaaaate you!
    • With all her hate out, Mai then admits she loves Rentarou a million times more. When she realizes what she said, she slips and falls onto her back while claiming she didn't mean to say that.
    • Hearing all of their love causes Rentarou's mouth to grow so wide that his lower jaw splits apart as the judge says he's turning into Shin Godzilla. Rentarou proceeds to scream a "love you" so massive it takes up two pages.

Chapter 115

  • Girlfriend #22, Rin Baio, initially looks like a perfectly innocent and refined girl, but when she treats a cut on Rentarou's hand, she suddenly sprouts Scary Teeth as she trembles with excitement.
    Narration: Baio Rin is a violin aficionado. But she's a violence aficionado on top of that.
  • Young Rin's initial glimpse of a Resident Evil film leaves her glassy-eyed for a good while afterwards, thinking about it while eating, in the bath, and lying in bed, with her memories of the film censored with pixellation.
  • Rin gets increasingly excited as she plays the games in the arcade, with her face getting scarier after each one. This culminates in a Resident Evil arcade booth, where Rin becomes so ecstatic that she's giggling and drooling.
  • Rentarou hugs Rin after he assures her there's nothing wrong with her fetish and accepts her confession. Normally this would just be a heartwarming moment, except they're still in the arcade booth, meaning they're surrounded by the sounds of screaming, snapping, and other violent noises. Rin can be seen drooling while Rentarou hugs her.

Chapter 116

  • Mimimi says with Rin's arrival, they finally have "a natural-born, prim and proper lady" in their midst. Hakari objects that she's right here while sporting a literally blank face that makes it look like she's channeling Tranquil Fury. There's also a caption saying "Don't forget her" pointing to Naddy doing her happy pose, since Naddy was raised as a Yamato Nadeshiko in her youth.
  • It turns out Uto and Rin are in the same class, although they never talked to each other before now. Rin hopes to hear Uto play her ocarina someday, unaware that Uto is a Dreadful Musician.
    Kurumi: I'd temper my expectations.
    Shizuka: "Partner, trust me, you ain't ready."
  • Everyone praises Rin for her kindness, with Nano calling her "a respectable human being" and Hakari remarking, "It's been a while since we've had one of those." Mai asks what they mean, since it hasn't been that long since she joined.
  • Rin's violence fetish comes out after everyone sees how much she enjoyed hitting Iku's butt with a bat, with Karane saying, "That don't look good at all." Rin starts to panic as she thinks she'll be shunned, only for everyone to assure her that they all have their own issues, so there's no reason for them to ostracize Rin. Kusuri then calls out Karane for making Rin cry while Hakari calls her a big bully, with Karane surrounded by a dark haze unable to defend herself.
  • Everyone decides to play zombie nurse tag, which is like zombie tag, except all of the zombies are dressed as zombie nurses.
    • The first four girls to start as zombies are Karane, Shizuka, Kusuri, and Mimimi. Everyone who turns into a zombie also gets decked out in a nurse's uniform.
  • Since the people playing the zombies aren't allowed to run, Hakari teases Zombie Karane by staying just out of her reach while literally running circles around her, with Karane clearly being annoyed.
    Chiyo: And now you're just playing with her.
  • Even though it's just a game, Yamame still insists that zombies are living things too.
    Nano: That is by definition incorrect.
  • No one can bring themselves to shoot Zombie Shizuka, except for Rin, who really enjoys shooting her with fake blood.
    • Rentarou refuses to shoot his girlfriends period, even if it's in a zombie game.
  • Meme is briefly distracted by Mimimi's beauty even as a zombie before trying to shoot her, but Zombie Mimimi manages to dodge every shot since she wants to avoid getting her clothes stained, resulting in Meme getting turned into a zombie.
  • Kusuri really gets into the game by acting like she's in an And I Must Scream situation. Yamame falls for it despite Chiyo's warnings and gets turned into a zombie.
    • Chiyo's OCD kicks in during the game when she angrily tells Zombie Kusuri, "Just stay dead rrgh!" Momoha points out that would be a "pretty grave thing to say" in any other context.
    • Chiyo manages to stop Zombie Kusuri by shooting her, but Kusuri gets around it by turning into her older form to increase her reach and grab Chiyo, since getting shot only stops the zombies from walking for five seconds.
  • After Kusuri turns Chiyo into a zombie, Yaku notes that Chiyo has "such well-practiced groaning." Looks like all the times Chiyo said "Rrgh!" whenever her OCD was triggered gave her plenty of training.
  • Momoha's drunkenness causes her to miss all of her shots when she tries to shoot zombie Meme. After Momoha gets turned into a zombie, Kurumi points out that her Zombie Gait is no different from her drunken gait.
    Nano: Zombies and drunkards have a similar dearth of reason.
  • While Mei and Mai are being Back-to-Back Badasses, Mai thinks, "This is an awesome shot. I need this copy of Young Jump so I can clip this panel out and frame it."
    • The volume release has a footnote saying Mai also bought the volume and kept it in mint condition, complete with shrink wrapping and everything.
  • Naddy fires several shots before doing a Smoking Barrel Blowout. Then Naddy gets bitten by Zombie Mimimi and Zombie Shizuka as Mai points out Naddy missed every shot.
  • Zombie Naddy says a zombie's only after one thing: "Gettin' full as a tick on 'Murrican brains!" Kurumi points out there aren't any Americans here, while the footnote says, "Aren't ticks more like vampires than zombies?"
  • While Zombie Karane is still trying to catch Hakari, Momiji starts to grope Karane's butt, even though Momiji is supposed to be avoiding her. Karane furiously asks Momiji what she's doing while Hakari reminds Karane that she's not allowed to talk. This is followed by zombie Chiyo biting Momiji, with Chiyo looking like she did it just to stop Momiji from groping Karane. As Momiji turns into a zombie, Karane is in the background glaring at her.
  • Ahko is out of shots and too tired to run away, leading to Zombie Momoha turning her into a zombie. Uto muses that Ahko is likely happier as a zombie since there's no need to run.
  • When Hahari is about to be bitten by Zombie Momiji, Kurumi tackles the former out of the way. Kurumi says she was ready to do this from the start, followed by an internal monologue revealing she'd rather get zombified than ever give Hahari an excuse to nibble on her. Meanwhile, Zombie Momiji is just groping Kurumi's stomach instead of biting her, with Kurumi demanding Momiji literally bite her.

Chapter 117

  • Kurumi's stomach starts growling and she grimaces in hunger after becoming a zombie. Iku gulps before saying, "She seriously looks like she'll take a bite out of you!"
  • Uto stays out of sight as she confidently believes keeping a cool head will let her succeed. Then Zombie Ahko shows up behind Uto while being held upside-down by Zombie Yamame. Uto loudly shrieks in terror before blushing and covering her mouth in embarrassment as Ahko bites her.
    • After Uto turns into a zombie, she makes one of her usual wishy-washy statements.
      Uto: One could say I've finally broken free from fearing pursuit.
      Kishika: Desist your coping, and make with the groaning.
  • When Zombie Kurumi tries to sneak up on Rin from behind, Hahari blocks Kurumi and gets bitten on her breast. Hahari cries in joy and collapses in ecstasy while Kurumi looks a bit uncomfortable. Rin apologizes for what happened, but Hakari assures her she doesn't have to apologize because this is exactly what Hahari wanted.
    • Upon seeing Zombie Hahari, both Hakari and Kishika think to themselves that they really can't afford to let her catch them.
  • Nano shoots Zombie Uto when the latter tries to get her from behind and makes a speech about how a moment of hostility allowed her to detect Uto's presence, before realizing that Zombie Shizuka is biting her hand. Nano didn't notice Shizuka because the latter doesn't have an ounce of hostility in her.
  • Zombie Karane is so ticked off at Hakari for messing with her earlier that when she bites the latter, she breaks the rules by biting with her teeth instead of her lips. Despite this, Hakari is still turned into a zombie, looking very displeased with a bite mark on her neck.
  • As the zombies surround the survivors, Kishika panics and accidentally shoots Yaku, her ally. Kishika explains that she's terrible at using any weapon that isn't a sword, especially guns, because as she puts it, "Fighting from distance is antithetical to chivalry!"
    Mai: Let's focus on the fact that you shot an ally.
    • Yaku then assumes that the rule to not move after getting shot applies to her, a non-zombie, and stays still for the zombies to swarm her.
      Kishika: YAKU-SAAAN!
      Naddy: 'Murrican zombie chomp!
      Yaku: Oh dear, I'm done for.
  • After Yaku is turned into a zombie, she asks what a zombie nurse is, or "zom binners" as she says it.
    Zombie Nano: The reanimated corpse of a healthcare professional.
  • Zombie Yaku asks if anyone wants some zombie medicine. Zombie Chiyo wonders, "Wouldn't that be poison?"
  • When Zombie Yamame gets shot twice in a row, she laments about how she's such a big target.
  • Zombie Hakari gives orders to Zombie Yamame and Zombie Momiji with grunts that lead to Yamame throwing Momiji, which is dubbed "the Zombie Zoomer." Hakari boasts that this tactic allows a zombie to move far and attack someone even if they're shot, although that last point doesn't really matter since the person they're attacking is Kishika, who completely misses Momiji.
  • Kishika's usual utterance of "kill me" takes on a whole new meaning now that she's a zombie nurse.
  • When the remaining survivors get surrounded, Iku tries to distract them while thrusting her butt out, followed by Rentarou standing between Iku and the zombies declaring as their boyfriend, he has to protect them no matter what. Then Mai shoves Rentarou out of the way because he was about to be bitten by Zombie Mei, which Mai wants to happen to her instead. Mai is positively giddy when Mei bites her.
    Mai: Oooh kingdom come!!
  • After the zombies capture Rentarou, Zombie Hakari and Zombie Hahari try to go for his pants and discover that his underwear is either as hard as Astro Boy's briefs, or they really are Astro Boy's briefs.
  • Rentarou himself is put into a female nurse's outfit after he's turned into a zombie, followed by all the girls rushing him so they can make out.
  • Even the narrator becomes a zombie during the closing narration.

Chapter 118

  • Naddy claims she's speaking differently than usual because she feels off whenever the seasons change, but Kishika points out that spring never ends in this manga.
  • After Utsushiro Fumi, the teacher who told Naddy she should speak more normally, admonishes Rentarou for believing everyone should understand Naddy just as well as him, everyone else in the family suddenly appears protesting they can understand Naddy just fine. Each member even has a caption showing their grade or occupation to spell out just how diverse they are.
  • Utsushiro decides to test if everyone really does understand Naddy by having her recite a passage from a textbook in her usual speech and have everyone write down what she means. Naddy mangles it so badly that everyone is sweating and grimacing as they have no idea what she's saying. With the exception of Rentarou, of course.
    • For context, Naddy's version of the passage goes so far into Word-Salad Humor that the scanlators chime in to explain that this is why they have to get creative with how her vernacular is localized.
      The given passage: At times, life gives rise to cruel miracles. Eventually, the brothers will battle so fiercely it beggars belief, but for now, they share a bond of blood none could test. However, a single fateful encounter has the capability to twist and eschew the future irreparably. The two will come to kill each other, bringing about an eternal, unquenchable hatred.
      Naddy-speak translation: Come the blue moon, life might maybe what see some mean mockered whatsits. Bime-by, them bubs fixin' to slog'n'brush somethin' fierce but 'fore any squabash sparks, they're thick as thieves. Anyhoo, a twistical tilt on runs roads agee but good. So they lam and whale and mollywop and fakkyuu seein' some hollow maze right on.
      Actual literal translation: From time life will oh my god unbelievable good morning. The mans will eventually HP gambler extreme Smash Brothers, but now half and half blood are best fit double double people. However, destiny hello because future is hyper crazy. By fuck you and fuck you the not fuck you fuck you is happy birthday.
  • Everyone tries to remember the words of encouragement Naddy said to them so they can understand her better. Most of them are heartfelt messages in Naddy's usual tongue, with two exceptions. Naddy's message to Momiji has her stutter and hesitate as even Naddy is a bit uncomfortable with Momiji's groping, while her message to Yaku is just a bunch of shapes because Yaku can never understand what Naddy's saying.
  • When Utsushiro starts grading everyone's papers, she's shocked that all of them are accurate, with Rentarou's, in particular, being a word-for-word copy of the passage Naddy said.
  • Utsushiro admits defeat and rescinds her warning, but she says she'll be back the moment she receives a complaint from a student. The footnote says, "Nobody's complained about Naddy yet because they like her so much. Isn't that nice?"
  • It turns out Yaku wrote a message about how much she treasures her friendship with Naddy and asked Utsushiro to forgive Naddy. Naddy assumes Yaku's message convinced Utsushiro to let her off easy, but when she shows Yaku's paper to everyone, one person describes Yaku's handwriting as "chicken scratch from hell." Uto believes Utsushiro gave up because she was unwilling to admit she couldn't understand the cramped calligraphy. Naddy was able to read it because it was similar to the writing she saw in her youth, while Kusuri just assumed Yaku couldn't write properly to save her life.

Chapter 119

  • The chapter opens with Uto and Rin playing their ocarina and violin, respectively. As you can imagine, Rin's playing is a stark contrast to Uto's. Kusuri describes it as "mixing high class caviar with one of those D.I.Y. candy kits".
  • When Rentarou approaches, Uto asks if their performance has left him speechless... only for Rentarou to suddenly grope her. It takes a second for Uto to realize what is happening before she freaks out and is left speechless for a bit.
  • After Rentarou has gone on to grope Rin, who becomes aroused at being on the receiving end of violence, and Karane, whose string of insults quickly degrade into a bashful "dummy", Hakari attempts to rally the other girls to fight back against him. Even if this is a bizarre, once in a lifetime opportunity... to nobody's surprise, she surrenders almost immediately.
    Shizuka: "The heck's wrong with ya?"
  • When he moves on to Chiyo, Kusuri is quick to claim the "class prez is giving in to lust". Kurumi immediately tells her not to phrase it like they're in a doujin.
  • Kishika quickly suspects that it isn't actually Rentarou and attempts to dispatch him, only for Rentarou to grope her as she begs someone to kill her.
    Mai: Is your self-esteem made of glass?!
  • Rentarou attempts to fondle Kusuri, but because her body's so young, she gets tickled instead of embarrassed. She decides to take the negation drug, to raise her tolerance for tickling... only to become embarrassed as Rentarou continues to fondle her now-matured chest.
    Hahari: Two handfuls turned into four...
    Hakari: She's a package deal...
  • Hahari and Momoha, naturally, throw themselves at Rentarou to grope them. They're practically offended when he doesn't go any further.
    Karane: Two morons join the fray.
    • At this point, it becomes overwhelmingly clear that Momiji is involved in Rentarou's sudden change.
  • While most of the girls start running from Rentarou, a few stay in place: Mei insists that Rentarou use her as he wishes, Naddy claims he has the freedom to grope however he pleases, Nano decides this is an efficient way to progress their relationship, and Yaku is simply confused and thinks the family is playing "zom binners" again.
    • Yaku's only response to being groped is to playfully scold Rentarou, telling him he's still too young for that.
  • Ahko and Shizuka collapse from exhaustion, with Iku telling them the match only ends when you give up. Rentarou gropes the two of them before moving onto Meme, Kurumi, Yamame, and Mai.
  • Iku offers up her butt for Rentarou to grope, but he still goes for her chest, to Iku's frustration.
  • Mimimi goes so far as to strike Rentarou as he's grabbing Iku's chest, asking him if he thinks what he's doing is beautiful. Rentarou responds by grabbing Mimimi's chest and calling her breasts beautiful, which temporarily distracts her and makes her fall back into "Hmhmmm, naturally!" behavior.
  • It is finally here when Momiji charges onto the school roof, and explains that she and Rentarou switched bodies using Kusuri's drug from Chapter 23. While most of the girls seem surprised, an internal monologue reveals that many of them suspected as much and were secretly enjoying it while it lasted.
  • "Momiji" insists that "Rentarou" kiss her so they can return to their own bodies. "Rentarou" instead decides that there's one last chest that hasn't been groped yet: her own.
    Kurumi: What, you mean to grope your own man chest next?
  • After they finally return to their own bodies, Momiji insists she was only experimenting to feel a new tactile sensation, and that she doesn't understand why everyone got so embarrassed... only to realize that Rentarou's hands are still on her chest, and immediately start blushing and stammering.
    How about you tell us what's so embarrassing.

Chapter 120

  • When Ahko starts crying while watching a movie, Karane asks what she's crying for while handing her a handkerchief. It then shows Karane herself is crying while trying to deny it. Ahko gives Karane her own handkerchief and the two of them later blow their noses in the restroom.
  • Mai tells Momoha not to act like her older sister when the latter pats her head, saying only Mei is her older sister. When Momoha hugs Mai and calls her big sis while the latter is cleaning her tent, Mai tells her not to act like her younger sister either.
  • Meme often uses Shizuka as a hiding place even though the latter is much shorter than her. When Meme seems to be embarrassed, Shizuka spreads out her arms in anticipation of Meme disappearing, but Meme doesn't actually hide, causing Shizuka to blush in embarrassment. Meme eventually catches on to what she's doing and plays along by walking behind Shizuka and "hiding" beneath her hair.
  • Rin seems to enjoy Uto's music, causing everyone to wonder why she likes it. Rin's thoughts reveal that she actually thinks it's so terrible that it comes out as a violent tune, which fits her violence fetish.
    • The other girls' reaction to this: While Uto is playing, Nano tells Rin that "She is not in fact joking. Try not to be too hard on her." Kishika belts out a Big "WHAT?!" when Rin expresses amazement. Kusuri thinks Rin took an "Ear Rot" drug.
    • As Rin praises her, there is a text box next to Uto telling the audience that she can barely contain her own joy. Uto's own expression is the same as it always is.
  • Rin is hitting Iku's butt with a bat again, with Iku saying "Ow...!♥" and Rin saying "Molto violento!" after each hit.
    Mai: These two are a perfect supply and demand duo.
    Naddy: Hence why it's called S & D, ain't that right?
    Hahari: M. Although search and destroy isn't too far off.
    • During a flashback, Hakari once found Mei in the middle of the night doing practice swings... to keep her edge in "pleasing" Iku. Hakari understandably has a "Gah..." reaction.
    • Said flashback belonged to Mei herself, who's actually implied to be bothered by the idea of not paddling Iku anymore ever since Rin joined the harem and keeps it to herself since Iku's happy... until Iku and Rin have her join in for one final swing.
  • Mimimi is so excited to hold hands with Nano that she's vibrating to the point where she appears blurry, which the person taking their photo points out. Nano is also making a V-Sign with a blank face.
  • Momoha wonders how 18-year-old Kusuri acts with Yaku. Momiji notes that Kusuri has more shame at that age and figures she won't be so needy. Turns out, older Kusuri acts exactly like her younger self with Yaku, hugging her and calling her granny.
  • The Hanazonos are tempted to eat a parfait even though they're on a diet, as their morning walk won't be enough to make up for one parfait. So they figure that splitting it so they only have half a parfait each is only half as wrong.
    Footnote: They would later regret this.

Chapter 121

  • Rentarou, Hakari, Mimimi, and Rin approach what seems to be a Sylvanian Families store, only for the sign to depict animal toys dressed as mobsters, complete with guns and one having a Rugged Scar across its eye.
  • Rentarou says these toys are called Nirvana Families, and any resemblance to Sylvanian Families is purely coincidental. They're remote control toys that are meant to be used in mafia battles, but Rentarou says a lot of people use them more like pets or for competitions, with Rin wondering if they're like Pokémon.
  • While the girls are making their Nirvana Families toys, Rentarou says they're so into it he's melting while turning into a white blob.
  • After everyone makes their toys, their word bubbles come out of the toys as they play with them.
  • Hakari's toy spills nonexistent tea on Rentarou's toy, which Hakari uses as an excuse to have her toy try to pull the pants off his toy.
    Rentarou's toy: Give me back my graceful date!
    Rin: (thinking) Hakari-senpai is the same as always...
    Mimimi: (thinking) Even make-believe with Nirvana Families toys can set her off...
  • Mimimi is trying to make her toy wipe its mouth with a handkerchief, but the toy's movement is too limited to pull it off. This bothers Mimimi because drinking tea without wiping your mouth isn't beautiful, so Rentarou's toy does it for her.
  • Rin's toy gets hit by a toy car and loses its right arm. A mother and daughter apologize for what happened, with the daughter being the same girl who accidentally ruined Mei's gift for Hahari back in Chapter 47. The girl once again says Rin can kill her if she wants, but Rin doesn't mind since the violence turns her on, calling it "Normal, average mezzo violento...!" Seeing Rin's Slasher Smile causes the girl to think "She weally will kill me...!"
  • One of the players is a woman in dirty clothes who takes the original purpose of the game way too seriously. Her toy is a massive Cyber Cyclops bear with a pair of Backpack Cannons and gatling gun Arm Cannons.
  • When the woman tells the girls to get lost, they're initially content to play somewhere else as they feel that arguing with her is a waste of time. Then she insults Rentarou by calling him a coward. The girls take that personally and challenge her to a battle. Rentarou offers to help too, but they insist it's their fight.
  • Mimimi's Super-Reflexes even extend to her toy, which effortlessly dodges the bullets the woman's toy fires at it, much to the woman's shock.
  • Hakari's toy manages to avoid the bullets through a series of swift, precise movements. The woman wonders how Hakari's fingers are able to do that.
    Narration: (It's the result of mwehehe practice.)
  • After Hakari's toy lands a blow on the woman's toy, she gives the latter a "The Reason You Suck" Speech while adopting a sinister pose like her mother.
    Rentarou: (thinking) There's that old Hahari-san in her blood...! Hakari's usually so sweet, but... This is nice, too!
  • Rin and Mimimi's toys push the woman's toy on its back, but the woman still has an ace up her sleeve. Then Rin declares it's not enough and she needs to be more thorough. Rin's toy proceeds to sprout chainsaws from its arms and head like Chainsaw Man.
  • Rin laughs maniacally as her toy tears the woman's apart.

Chapter 122

  • Meme disappears on the first page and hides under a table because she's embarrassed at the thought of Rentarou looking around her room. Rentarou offers to keep his eyes closed the whole day, even though they're supposed to be watching a movie in her room.
  • After Meme tells Rentarou he doesn't have to keep his eyes closed, they sit on a cushion together, only for Meme to disappear again. When Meme crawls out under her bed, Rentarou offers to sit like he's on an invisible chair, even though he's visibly shaking trying to maintain his pose and the movie they're watching is two hours long.
  • Meme convinces Rentarou to sit on the cushion with her, but just as she starts the movie, she disappears yet again. After she emerges from her closet, the cushions are pulled apart so they'll sit far away from each other.
  • When a life-sized knit doll of Rentarou falls out of Meme's closet, Meme is so mortified that when she disappears, the toy she leaves behind is wearing a shirt that says, "Please don't look for me." The narration tries to say that's the last time anyone ever saw her while Rentarou is already ripping the page out and calmly telling the narration to shut up.
  • By the time Rentarou finds Meme, his thoughts reveal it took about 3,000 pages for him to find her.
  • Meme says, "Please just kill me..." when Rentarou finds her, prompting him to say, "C'mon, you aren't Kishika-senpai."
  • After Rentarou tells Meme he's happy she made a life-sized replica of him, she talks about how she would have it next to her while she watched TV and stuff as well as sleep with it. Rentarou gets torn up after hearing this because he's jealous that the toy version of him can do those kinds of things with Meme without embarrassing her, to the point where he starts wishing he could turn into a stuffed toy.
  • Meme is worried that Rentarou is going into "Obsessive Boyfriend Mode" and will do something crazy, so she cheers him up by having him wear the knit covering of her replica of him.
  • While Rentarou is pretending to be the toy version of himself, Meme does the things she normally does with it, like resting her head on its lap, sitting on its lap, having it hug her, and lying on the bed with her. Rentarou is seriously tempted to reciprocate Meme's affection even though he's not supposed to move. When Meme starts kissing him, he shouts "I love you!" and kisses her back, which looks really creepy while he's inside the knit covering.
  • Rentarou hugs the toy version of himself as he thanks it for giving Meme the affection he can't give her. When Meme sees it, it causes her to get a very stimulating dream that night.

Volume 14 Extras

  • Rentarou and the girls visit an Indian restaurant after their date, with the waiter serving them wearing a smile. Considering Kurumi's here, Karane wonders how long that smile will last.
  • Rentarou and Rin play a claw game, during which the claw pokes a teddy bear in the eye. Rin thinks the game is about torturing caged stuffed animals with a mechanical claw.
  • Hakari shoots Karane point blank and then taunts her about not being able to get Kurumi. Karane herself is really ticked off at this point.
  • A fake zombie spinoff of the manga gets "advertised" after the game of zombie tag, complete with a parody of the Volume 1 cover depicting Hakari and Karane as zombie nurses.
  • It turns out that Naddy's students actually liked her because of her mangled attempts at speaking English as opposed to Japanese. In fact, Naddy's odd way of speaking was improving her students' grades because it made her class more interesting and forced them to concentrate harder to decipher what she says. This means Utsushiro Fumi's attempt to make Naddy speak normally was actually hindering the students' ability to learn.
    Footnote: How stupid is that?
  • Momiji gave all the girls massages as an apology for her actions, but she lets slip that she plans to body swap with Rentarou again at some point.
  • Rentarou started a "girlfriend joy fund" when he was a toddler.
  • Rentarou, Hakari, Mimimi, and Rin all dressed up as their Nirvana Family dolls.
  • Meme was bouncing all over the place dropping stuffed toys while Rentarou was looking for her across 3,000 pages.
    Rentarou: What is this, Naruto?
  • The Extra Chapter reveals that Rin has been fascinated by violence even when she was just a few months old. After her father saw how much Rin enjoyed watching violence, he started banning everything with violence in it so her upbringing wouldn't be hindered. This included Snow White, matryoshka dolls, stuffed animal bags, and old men fighting each other.

    Volume 15 (Chapters 123 - 131) 

Chapter 123

  • Girlfriend #23 acts very grumpy to Rentarou after bumping into him, but when she notices all the cards he dropped on the ground, she turns sweet as she helps him pick them up.
  • The girl only helped Rentarou pick up the cards with numbers on them while the cards with letters are still on the ground. When Rentarou points this out, she callously says those cards aren't worth a second glance.
  • Rentarou notes that the girl goes "hah wah wah" with the numbered cards, but when he shows her the cards with letters on them:
    Girl: Get that actual trash outta my face.
    Rentarou: You're all over the place!
  • After Rentarou asks the girl if she likes numbers, she tells him that's ridiculous. She doesn't "like" numbers. She's in love with them.
  • When Rentarou tells the girl, Suu Hifumi, that he's in Year 1, Class 4, she suddenly perks up as she tells him she's in Year 1, Class 1. Suu proceeds to talk about how much she loves the numbers 1 and 4.
    Rentarou: You turn into a literal giddy school girl when talking about numbers, huh?
  • Suu asks Rentarou if his attitude changes when he's with something he loves compared to when he isn't. Rentarou thinks about how happy he is when he's with Nano and Shizuka, in contrast to how annoyed he is when he's with the God of Love and admits she's right.
  • Since Suu loves numbers so much, Rentarou assumes that she must be good at math. Nope, she actually has a perfect, round 0 in math. She can't even comprehend why 1+1=2.
    Rentarou: So you struggle with basic arithmetic.
  • Suu wonders what happens to the 1s if they make a 2 and believes that math dehumanizes numbers into things to be thrown away for calculations. She even swears she'll make it so 1+1=11 somehow.
  • When Rentarou asks Suu if she has a favorite number, she tells him she can't pick a single number, which is why she still hasn't picked a number to date.
  • As Suu talks about how much she loves each number and how she can't settle on just one, Rentarou compares it to how he loves each of his girlfriends and believes he himself is no different.
  • Since Suu has only been talking about Arabic numerals so far, Rentarou asks if she likes Kanji and Roman numerals, too. Suu says she loves them as well, as she feels it's like seeing them in new outfits and hairstyles, which Rentarou thinks is like his girlfriends. She then says seeing numbers as their usual selves is the best for her, which Rentarou also agrees with.
  • After Suu tells Rentarou it's impossible for her to love him because she's wired to love numbers, he meets her later while wearing a black bodysuit and tells her he'll turn into numbers for her. He proceeds to contort his body to form different numbers, which excites Suu.
  • When Rentarou forms a 9, Suu thinks back to the time she tried to become the numbers she loved by bending her body to form them like Rentarou, only to get frustrated when she couldn't make a 10. After Rentarou asks her to come to him, Suu becomes overjoyed when she realizes the two of them together form a 10.
  • Suu is conflicted over confessing her love to Rentarou because she can't choose between him and all the numbers she loves. Rentarou assures her that he knows how she feels since he couldn't pick between his 22 girlfriends.
    Suu: Wh... 22?! Really?! But... (becomes blissfully happy) That's as many as 2 2s...♥♥♥
  • Note that the chapter number is 123 (all three numbers come after one another), introduces a girl with a Number Obsession, her full name is spelled with the Kanji for Number 1 2 3, and this chapter was published in January (the 1st month of the year) of 2023. Nakamura Rikito was playing the Long Game with this one.

Chapter 124

  • When Rentarou introduces Suu to everyone, she starts off pretty grumpy, until she sees all of them as multiple 1s. Then she greets them cheerfully.
  • The first time Suu fell in love was back at Sports Day in kindergarten. She talks about how quick the runners were during the sprint— and then fell in love with the numbers 1, 2, and 3 on the victory podium. She can't even remember the faces of the kids standing on it, which is shown in the flashback where their faces are represented as square mosaics.
  • Suu recounts the time she was with her childhood friend 7, which was the number 7 on her jacket. She offered ice cream to it before remembering stains were a problem for it. Then she saw the 7 on a 7 Heaven sign that she went stargazing with the other night. Suu told the 7 on her jacket that it wasn't what it looked like, the other 7 was just lost and she wanted to help it, before telling the 7 on the sign that the 7 on her jacket was just a childhood friend.
    Mimimi: This truly sounds like a riddle, before anything else.
    Chiyo: Are they not... the same seven...?
    • According to Suu, one 7 is gentle and calming while the other 7 is stylish and beefy.
  • Upon learning that Suu is having trouble bonding with everyone because they aren't numbers, Ahko helps Suu by teaching her how to associate each of them with numbers, such as 9no for Nano and 9ddy for Naddy.
  • After practicing with Ahko, Suu starts to identify everyone by the numbers she associates with them.
    • For Momoha, Suu points out that her name spells 108. As Momoha is currently drinking, she assumes that it's just a cool nickname.
    • Suu identifies Hahari as 8-8. Hahari sweats while asking if Suu is just using Japanese number substitution wordplay, and she doesn't mean her weight in kilograms or her age.note 
    • MeI and MaI are identified as the 1s. Mai doesn't know what this means, but she's so happy to be paired with Mei that she praises Suu for having a keen eye for judgment. Mei on the other hand is just puzzled.
    • Shizuka, Chiyo, and Kishika are the 3 4s. "A.K.A. the babies," as Kusuri puts it. Kishika is outraged that Kusuri called her a baby.
    • Meme's bangs are associated with "the 9s that show 0 eyes," making her 9-0. Meme still doesn't get it.
    • When Suu struggles to remember Rin, Ahko asks Iku if she wants to get paddled. Rin starts smiling while Iku says, "Do you even have to ask?" Rin proceeds to paddle Iku while exclaiming "molto violento!" That's when Suu remembers that VI0lento means Rin is 60.
    • Karane is identified as 4-20. While possibly a coincidence, it's pretty funny that Karane is associated with the same number as marijuana. That's the sort of thing you'd expect Kusuri to get.
  • The end of the chapter has twenty-four 1s, as a reference to this being Chapter 124.

Chapter 125

  • As Kusuri and Kishika are about to leave school together, some of their classmates ask how they're friends since they don't seem to have much in common. Kusuri says it's because they have the same boyfriend. This elicits shock from everyone else in the classroom, with one person wondering if they're letting him cheat and another saying they'd expect this kind of thing from Kusuri but not Kishika.
  • Kishika overhears what they're saying and frantically denies she and Kusuri are dating the same boyfriend. Despite this, the other students continue to whisper among themselves, much to Kishika's discomfort. Kusuri asks if Kishika is worried because she wet herself.
  • Kusuri and Kishika end up fighting over the former openly talking about their relationship with Rentarou to other people. This culminates in Kusuri running away while directing a lot of insults toward Kishika.
    Kishika: That one is pure projection!
  • When Kishika and Kusuri meet at school the next day, Kishika tries to talk to her while Kusuri tells her to stay away. Not because she's still mad at Kishika, but because she really screwed up this time. Kusuri is holding back a door full of people saying "Ba-boo" because she made them drink the "erases-memories-relating-to-Kusuri-and-Kishika's-love-drug." Kusuri wanted to make it up to Kishika by making all of them forget what they said about their boyfriend yesterday, but it ended up erasing all of their memories, causing them to regress into babies.
  • While Kusuri is running to the chem lab, the Vice-Principal tries to stop her from running in the halls, leading to Kusuri splashing her with a drug and ruining her makeup foundation again like in Chapter 12. Kusuri proceeds to insult the author for not letting her have "a nice dramatic run in peace".
  • At first, Kishika was having trouble watching over the baby-like students while Kusuri was making the negation drug. When Kusuri arrives, all of the students are crawling in a line following Kishika, who's also acting like a baby.
    Kusuri: (looking very smug) Guess the biggest baby leads the pack, yep yep...
  • Upon seeing Kusuri, who still looks very smug, Kishika is so mortified that she does her usual "Just... kill me...!" spiel, which the other students also mimic in Baby Talk.
    Kusuri: Are you asking for bioterrorism?
  • After the negation drug is given to everyone, Kusuri expresses relief that their memories were just blocked instead of erased, because once a memory is gone, it's never coming back, even with the negation drug.
    Kishika: This really was just one step away from legitimate bioterrorism.
  • It turns out Kusuri's drug really did fulfill its original purpose of making everyone forget what happened yesterday. When the students again ask how Kusuri and Kishika are friends, Kusuri tries to come up with an explanation that will satisfy Kishika, only for Kishika herself to say the same thing Kusuri said yesterday.
  • Thanks to how Kishika worded it, the other students are more accepting of their relationship this time. Kusuri assures them that Rentarou would never let anything weird happen while recounting some of their past activities in the worst way possible. It doesn't help that only some of these are Less Disturbing in Context.
    Kusuri: We just do stuff like pee pressed up on each other, roleplay as babies, handle slimy rods for him, (pretend to) get totally wasted together, neck each other all over in zombie nurse costumes, and grope each other to compare boobies, yep yep!
    Other Students: Huh...? (murmur... murmur...)
    Kishika: KUSURIIIIIII!

Chapter 126

  • The chapter begins with Uncle Hiro on his knees, holding up a date guidebook as he begs Rentarou and a perturbed Chiyo to use the date plan he made for them. The next moment, Rentarou and Chiyo cheerfully arrive at a place called... Adult Theme Park. Both of them start nervously sweating.
  • Attendants at the Adult Theme Park have to form pairs and wear bangles. They have to stick together at all times, aside from the restrooms or changing rooms, or else they'll go boom. They won't actually explode though, the bangles will just play a big boom sound at max volume.
  • Rentarou and Chiyo's date begins at the merry-go-round. It starts off surprisingly normal at first, until "Adult Rodeo Time" happens, causing the merry-go-round to move wildly to encourage people to hang on to each other to avoid flying off. Chiyo enjoys being held by Rentarou, but she quickly gets irked when other people start flirting very suggestively with each other. Chiyo assumes Rentarou must be weirded out by this, but he's actually treating the merry-go-round like it's a rowdy horse. Chiyo notes that he's just being "a merry-go-round cowboy."
  • Their next date is on the spinning teacups, which also start normal until "adult mode" kicks in, causing the cups to spin so quickly that Chiyo gets flung into Rentarou by centrifugal force. The other couples flirt with each other again, while Rentarou reveals he brought motion sickness medicine, called Tummyachen't, in case she needs it. Chiyo is touched that Rentarou is only worried about her.
  • In the Adult Haunted House, the couples have to hide in lockers when the ghost appears. The usual flirting from the other couples happens again, while Rentarou is shivering in terror as he tells Chiyo he'll protect her from the ghost.
  • While exploring the Totally Massive Maze, Rentarou and Chiyo keep running into couples making out at each of the dead-ends. Chiyo blushes when they run into an empty dead-end, but Rentarou tries to punch through it while declaring he's about to go Armored Titan on the wall. Chiyo holds on to Rentarou as she tells him not to do that.
  • After Rentarou and Chiyo change clothes following their ride on the Sopping Wet Rollercoaster, the two of them go on a Ferris wheel as they wait for their clothes to dry. Even though the Ferris wheel's gondola looks like something out of a love hotel, Rentarou just points out the sights to Chiyo like they're riding a normal Ferris wheel. Chiyo thinks about how Rentarou has been doing everything he can to prevent her from feeling uncomfortable, which makes her fall even more in love with him. Rentarou on the other hand is just barely keeping a grip as his heart pounds heavily. The other gondolas are also visibly rocking back and forth.
  • Chiyo wants to kiss Rentarou while they're watching the sunset from the top of a lighthouse, but she's too embarrassed by all the other people around them. When Rentarou suddenly says there's a dolphin, everyone tries to look for it while Rentarou uses the distraction to kiss Chiyo. This causes Chiyo to remember the time her Mom told her about her first kiss with Chiyo's Dad. Hiro distracted everyone by saying the Loch Ness Monster is there. This still causes everyone to look in confusion even though they know it's not even Loch Ness.
    Chiyo's Mom: —Daddy's kind of hopeless, isn't he?
    Chiyo: Yes. Way hopeless.
  • When Rentarou and Chiyo return to her home, Rentarou is sweating while Chiyo looks like she's in OCD mode, no doubt upset that her father sent them to such a lurid theme park.
  • Despite how uncomfortable the theme park made Chiyo, the date did make her love Rentarou even more than before. Chiyo bashfully thanks Hiro for planning their date, which causes him to cry Tears of Joy as he yells about how Chiyo is the real main heroine. This makes Chiyo say a very loud "RRRGH!" in response.

Chapter 127

  • After Hahari announces they'll all be going to a night pool, Hakari notes they're finally getting another swimsuit chapter, but Mimimi points out the sheer amount of dialogue would hinder their ability to show off to Rentarou. Karane calls the author a moron for writing so much moronic dialogue, while Yamame says the author is a living thing, too.
  • To cut down on the dialogue, Kusuri reveals she created a "makes-you-only-use-two-words-max-per-speech-bubble" drug. Suu enjoys hearing the number 2, Karane says, "See that, you moron author? Huh?" and Yamame says morons are living things, too.
  • Shizuka is also affected by the drug, even though she still uses her phone to talk. When Shizuka says "Getaway" around Hahari, she assumes Shizuka is telling her to go away, followed by Shizuka saying she actually meant "splendid" "detour."
  • Momiji approaches Meme in the pool while raising her hands out of the water like a Shark Fin of Doom, complete with several "duhh-dun"s like the Jaws theme. When Momiji starts groping Meme's thighs, Meme disappears while leaving behind a toy bunny wearing a swimsuit and goggles. Chiyo enters OCD mode and goes "RRRRGH!" at Momiji before swimming after her, while Momiji is still making a shark fin with her hands.
  • Meme reappears on a diving board, where she loses her footing and falls into the pool. Shizuka tries to pull Meme out of the water, only for Meme to accidentally drag her in. Since Shizuka can't swim, Nano has to dive in and rescue her.
  • Iku and Mei decide to jump off the diving boards. Mai holds a sign saying 100 for Mei's dive while Nano is uncomfortable over how high they are. When Iku jumps, she makes sure to hit the water butt-first, saying "Ow!" when she lands.
  • Uto is relaxing on a floatie until it gets tipped over by Chiyo and Momiji, with Chiyo still chasing after the latter. Uto panics and calls for help before getting rescued by Yamame.
  • Chiyo's glasses get knocked off by a beach ball and fall to the bottom of the pool, causing her to cry. Kurumi and Mai try to retrieve them, but they can't see because the water hurts their eyes, so Mei gets them instead.
  • Upon seeing Kishika launching beach balls with a foam sword, Iku and Rin just give each other a look before Rin hits Iku's butt with a foam sword.
  • Kusuri and Yaku wear sunglasses and caps while serving as DJs, complete with turntables. Yaku manages to pull it off despite being confused the whole time.
  • Hahari brings out a very childish inner tube for Kishika to use. Kishika objects before acting like a baby when Hahari pats her head. As Kishika happily uses the inner tube, Hahari is floating facedown while blood starts spreading through the water.
  • When everyone starts dancing, Momiji in particular is pointing her finger in the air like she's disco dancing.
  • Mai and Chiyo have a water gun fight with Kishika and Yaku, with Kishika once again shooting Yaku by accident.
  • The chapter ends with all the girls shouting "Love you!" generating a word bubble that covers their swimsuits, which the narration points out. The narration itself is also covering up the girls.

Chapter 128

  • Hahari convinces Kusuri, Chiyo, Suu, Momiji, and Shizuka to participate in Fall Kids, a survival playground theme park for kids, because of how short they are. Kishika can be seen melting and drooling in the background, no doubt envious of them, which only Naddy notices.
  • Suu is initially happy because Hahari asked if the five of them would want to go, before realizing she doesn't really care about that kind of stuff. She changes her mind when Rentarou and Ahko say they want to see her go, too.
  • The girls are put into big, pudgy animal costumes, including Yaku, who entered the contest by accident because one of the employees mistook her for a kid.
    • All the girls are smiling in their costumes, except for Suu, who has a small frown.
  • Yaku is completely unaware that she entered the competition as she wonders where Hahari and the other guardians went.
  • In stage one, the girls have to make the same pose as the host, with the losers falling through pits that suddenly appear beneath them. The first pose causes Rentarou and Hahari to give up the ghost, while the second pose makes their ghosts pop. Suu is still frowning the whole time.
  • Stage two has a sticky Advancing Wall of Doom that the girls need to escape from, but their path is hindered by a ton of pillows. Seeing so many pillows spread about messily causes Chiyo's OCD to kick in as she starts cleaning them up. By the time she's done, she's created a clear path bordered by neat stacks of pillows.
  • For stage three, the girls have to grab an apple from a tree by bouncing on a trampoline. When Shizuka jumps, she goes so high that she ends up on top of the tree.
    Kusuri: Do you even weigh anything at all?
  • Stage four requires the girls to keep moving while the area is filled with a Knockout Gas created by the Serious Group. When Shizuka, Suu, Momiji, and Chiyo fall asleep, Rentarou and Hahari start turning into blobs. Kusuri and Yaku are unaffected as they drag/carry the girls with them because they take drugs like that for breakfast. That's right, the drugs Kusuri's family makes are so hardcore that even the Serious Group doesn't stack up to them.
  • In stage five, the girls have to cross a bridge while avoiding the giant fruit tumbling across it. These fruits are so massive that they're bigger than people.
    Kusuri: If Kurumi saw this, she'd ascend to a higher plane, yep yep.
  • For stage six, the girls have to stand on the same number the host calls out, with the numbers disappearing after a while. Unsurprisingly, Suu is really useful in this round as she guides the girls to the correct places.
  • The final stage requires the girls to hang on to soft poles hanging in the air while being buffeted by wind from a powerful fan and balls launched from a cannon. The girls all grab onto each other, with Momiji serving as the anchor. Kusuri says they're all hanging off of nothing but Momiji's grip strength.
    Chiyo: I think it's less grip strength and more grope strength.
  • When Ahko goes to congratulate them, she's dragging along a blob with two smiling faces that the manga identifies as the remains of Rentarou and Hahari.
    Ahko: They like, literally melted.
  • Yaku asks where she's supposed to support the kids from, still unaware that she just participated in the competition.

Chapter 129

  • Rentarou asks Hahari, Iku, and Momoha if they can take a walk around the park after lunch. They say it sounds good, but they never get the chance to do so because Hahari kept spanking Iku while Momoha got drunk and laughed at what they were doing. This keeps going until it's night.
  • On the next day, Hahari, Iku, and Momoha have a meeting where they discuss how they never did what Rentarou wanted to do yesterday. They decide to have a do-over date where they'll make sure they'll do what Rentarou wants this time. What follows is a panel where everyone is in the exact same pose and says the same thing word-for-word as yesterday, with the only difference being their clothes. Even the footnote is the same.
  • The girls all try to stop each other from indulging in their usual activities, with Iku pushing away Hahari's arm, Hahari grabbing Momoha's arm holding a bottle of sake, and Momoha covering Iku's butt. All of them are trembling and sweating as they do this.
  • During their walk, they come across the park's Oni Obstacle Course, where people have to carry a heavy block on their back, push a wheel to lift a gate made of logs, dodge a swinging log, and climb a rope against a waterfall.
    Momoha: What is this, Ninja Warrior from hell?
    • Iku is seriously tempted to go on the obstacle course even though they're still supposed to be on their walk. Momoha gets her to snap out of it by biting her ear.
  • When they encounter a vendor renting out Oni Baby costumes, Rentarou offers to wear one for Hahari. Now Hahari is the one who's tempted to go off track. Iku gets her to stop by doing an impression of her daughter Hakari scolding her.
  • Their next stop is a place where people can get free sake and watch horse races. This time it's Momoha's turn to be tempted. Hahari stops her by pulling a stack of money out of her cleavage and slapping Momoha across the face with it. This causes Momoha to say the yen symbol and her eyes to turn into two 100 yen coins.
  • After their date, the group is about to go home until they see a place where all of the park's attractions are mixed together: people in Oni Baby costumes participating in the Oni Obstacle Course while spectators are given free booze and bet on the contestants. With all three of them tempted at the same time, the girls are unable to keep each other in check as they indulge without restraint.
  • While Rentarou has a peaceful smile on his face, in his mind, he's drooling and has hearts in his eyes like the girls.
    Rentarou: (thinking) Seeing them happy makes me happier than anything!

Chapter 130

  • The first page consists of everyone celebrating the anime's announcement, except for Yaku, who asks if anime is like a manga. Even Kusuri doesn't know how Yaku doesn't get that.
  • Rentarou says, "They move! They talk! They're girlfriends...!" prompting Karane to ask if he's doing a stuffed toy ad.
  • A humanoid silhouette with the words "Common Sense" on its face says a 100 Girlfriends anime can't be done because of the various logistical problems, like the sheer number of major characters making the animation and voice acting insanely expensive, and some of the stuff they do isn't fit for public broadcasting. Rentarou screams at the figure to shut up while tackling it off the roof, causing the girls to shout his name in concern. Their landing creates an explosion that says "TY♥FOR ANIME", which makes the girls shout his name with even more concern. When Rentarou climbs back up alive while bleeding from the head and mouth, they shout his name with love.
  • While watching Shizuka get patted on the head by Nano, Kurumi feels a strong urge to pat Shizuka too, but she thinks that would be weird and rude since Shizuka is older than her. Shizuka notices Kurumi is staring at her and starts to pat Kurumi on the head. Kurumi is embarrassed by this but eventually decides it's not so bad. Kishika is melting as she watches them, while Kusuri is giving Kishika a smug look.
  • As Hahari works in her office, she notices Yaku is starting to fall asleep while sitting up. Hahari finds the sight so adorable that it gets her more pumped for work, which the manga calls "office therapy." Mei and Mai are in the background as they provide a blanket and pillow for Yaku.
  • Rentarou dresses up as a gal again as he goes to several gal-only places with Ahko. When he's about to cheerfully enter the "gals-only bathroom" with Ahko, Rentarou suddenly refuses when he realizes that's a girls' toilet. Ahko on the other hand doesn't know what's wrong.
  • Hakari and Momoha discuss their dreams about Rentarou with each other. Their dreams got so explicit that some of their dialogue is replaced with bleeps. The two of them decide to put their dreams in writing and trade them with each other so they can read them, "Alone. At night." The subsequent image shows the two of them holding up their books with one hand while their other hand is conspicuously absent. When Hakari gives "the goods" to Momoha, she says it will knock the latter off her feet, while Momoha says she might have to pull an all-nighter.
    • Later, when Mai helps a drunk Momoha back to her tent, the latter drops her book by accident. When Shizuka looks at it, she goes wide-eyed with a blush on her face.
  • While Naddy and Chiyo eat at McDonald's, the latter cleans some ketchup off Naddy's face. Chiyo assumes that Naddy would just brush it off, but Naddy is actually embarrassed by what Chiyo did. This causes both of them to blush and sit in silent embarrassment.
  • Uto recounts some of her usual tall tales, which are called lies by everyone but Yamame, who believes every one of them. Yamame's approval causes Uto's claims to escalate, to the point where she says she breathed life into man as they know it. After Yamame expresses amazement, she points out that would mean Uto is God, before showing shame over how buddy-buddy she was with Uto. This actually causes Uto to panic a bit as she calls her own remarks "a slight exaggeration" and denies being a god.
    Meme: Uto-san's backpedaling...!
    Momiji: Smoking out lies not by doubting, but by believing them— Mmh, pretty profound.
    • When Karane says Uto's big mouth can't stop escalating, Naddy pops in asking if someone said Big Mac.
  • Karane asks Mai if the latter ever has issues about chest sizes, considering she lives with the Hanazonos. Mai claims it doesn't bother her until she realizes how much Mei admires Hahari, who has a large chest. Mai is too flustered to ask Mei herself, so she has Karane ask if Mei prefers big chests or smaller ones. Mei imagines that if she had a big chest, she wouldn't be able to catch Hahari in time if she fell from a great height, while a smaller chest would allow her to catch Hahari with ease. After Mei says she prefers a smaller chest, Mai hugs her while Karane tries to deny liking Mei's medium-sized chest. Mei herself is confused by their reactions.
  • When a girl on the tennis court hurts her leg, Kusuri and Momiji appear in nurse costumes to help her. Kusuri decides this calls for one of her drugs, but she lets slip that it's still experimental and quickly covers by shoving it into the girl's mouth, while Momiji massages her leg before cupping a feel of her chest. The girl is healed, but she believes it was Kusuri and Momiji's soothing cuteness that really healed her.
  • During math class, Rin is inspired by Suu's Number Obsession to see them as people with numbers on their head. She imagines "three plus five" as two people being forcibly fused together, with 5 saying "kill me" and 3 screaming in pain. "Nine minus six" is 9 getting torn in half by 6. "Seven times five" shows multiple 5s and 7s painfully budding from each other. "Eight divided by four" has 8 getting cut into pieces by 4 with a sword. Rin is so excited by these fantasies that the next time she meets Suu, she has a Slasher Smile on her face as she asks Suu to recount more tales of love.
    Kurumi: Not exactly a face that screams "love talk."
  • Nano shows Meme a stuffed toy she knit as a present. Even though the toy is so well-done that it looks factory-made, Nano thinks it still doesn't have the warmth that Meme's toys have. Assuming that Nano wants to give it to Rentarou, Meme suggests that Nano hold it all day while keeping the recipient in her thoughts. Nano proceeds to do just that while walking home from school and sleeping in her bed. Several days later, Nano reveals the toy is actually a present for Meme as thanks for giving her clothes to wear when she shrank back in Chapter 72. Meme trembles as she accepts Nano's present, with the narration saying the toy was soon used for a misdirection.

Chapter 131

  • Yamame's aunt and uncle own a tea shop named Mt. Tea, Aye.
  • All Yamame's uncle ever says is "Aye-aye."
  • When someone says, "Hot dog! Japanese Yamato Nadeshiko!" Yamame assumes it was Miss Naddy, only for it to be a man even taller than Yamame who clearly has a poor grasp of Japanese.
  • The man flirts with Yamame and tries to kiss her hand, only for Yamame's squirrel to slap him before making a thumbs-down gesture. He assumes the squirrel is a love rival.
  • Rentarou and the man are about to engage in a sumo match over Yamame until a bear suddenly appears. Rentarou manages to scare it off by screaming "I LOVE YAMAME-CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!" The word bubble comes out of Rentarou's mouth like a Breath Weapon and pushes the bear away.
  • Seeing Rentarou scare off the bear impresses the man so much that he has tears in his eyes as he envisions the former as a samurai. He proceeds to ask Rentarou for his autograph before saying sayonara.
  • As Yamame and Rentarou go to bed, her aunt gets a glint in her eye. All that's in their room is a single futon and a box of tissues.
    Narration: A young man and woman, and a single futon... It's easy to see where this is going— They gabbed the night away, and then slept.
  • Rentarou wakes up in the middle of the night to find Yamame is still asleep while clutching him to her chest. He briefly feels comforted by the way she holds him before trying to free himself from her grasp. However, Yamame tells him to stop fussing and holds him even tighter. By the time it's morning, she finds Rentarou completely colorless and lying motionless in the futon.
    Narration: And then he needed plenty of mouth-to-mouth (and chest compressions).

Volume 15 Extras

  • Rentarou and Suu pose together to make 22.
  • Two of Kishika and Kusuri's classmates found out they were acting like babies because of the latter's drug. One of them figures that was why Kishika was acting like a baby, too. Kusuri is about to tell them that Kishika was stone sober, only for a smiling, profusely sweating Kishika to cover Kusuri's mouth.
  • Hiro made a preliminary investigation into the Adult Theme Park to fill out his date guide book, although he was too scared to check out the rollercoaster. Hiro himself was Disguised in Drag while his "date" was a life-sized doll of Rentarou.
  • There's a page that gives a better look at some of the girls in their swimsuits in Chapter 127. The featured girls are the more well-endowed ones, except for Karane. Although Karane looks calm, her big "WHY ME?" indicates she isn't happy.
  • Chiyo, Shizuka, Kusuri, Suu, Momiji, and Yaku are all holding hands as they head home, while Ahko is still dragging the blob Rentarou and Hahari became.
  • When Rentarou is dressed up in the Oni Baby costume, Hahari, Momoha, and Iku are all ecstatic. Hahari's thought bubble contains a heart, Momoha's has a male symbol going through the hole in a female symbol, and Iku's has the spiked bat Rentarou is holding.
  • Common Sense's head and limbs get blown off its body as the narration says, "And thus, at long last the manga broke free of the yoke of common sense."
  • Yamame indeed gave Rentarou mouth-to-mouth after she accidentally smothered him in her sleep.
  • The Extra Chapter covers Suu's days in kindergarten.
    • It turns out Suu went to a kindergarten called Onetwothree Kindergarten.
    • While the other kids played outside, Suu sat in the shed next to the 1 2 3 podium she fell in love with. She said 1 is the fastest, 2 is so cool, and 3 is big, strong, and nice. When Suu said she loves them, she assumed since no one said no, they all love her, too.
    • On Graduation Day, the students and the teacher all tearfully said goodbye to each other while Suu was expressionless. When Suu's mother informed Suu that the latter won't be going to kindergarten anymore, and thus she can't go to the shed the podium is in, Suu bursted into tears. Suu's mother was surprised that she's actually crying.
    • Suu's teacher assumed Suu was crying because they won't see each other anymore. The teacher is in tears again as she tried to comfort Suu, only for Suu to shout, "I don't reawwy care about thaaaat...!" while still crying.
    • The problem was resolved when Suu's mother took the podium home with her. She offered to pay for it, but the teacher just gave it to her because it was going to be replaced next year anyway.
    • Back in the present, Suu is wiping the podium clean. The walls of her room are covered in numbers and her bookcase is holding various number-themed objects.
    • Suu says there's someone she wants the podium to meet today. That person turns out to be Rentarou, who calls the podium "Misters One, Two, and Three."
  • One drawing depicts Iku as a jellyfish called Jelliku Fish, who stings herself with her tentacle.

    Volume 16 (Chapters 132 - 140) 

Chapter 132

  • A woman warns some men that if they don't leave her alone, they'll regret it. When she beats them up after they tried to attack Rentarou for asking them to stop, one of them says, "She was right, I do regret this!"
  • After Rentarou gets a ZING!! with the woman, revealing she's #24, he asks if he can treat her to some tea or coffee. She accepts, much to the chagrin of the men who say, "Oh, come on! That's literally what we asked!"
    • While they cry on their knees in shame, the men's inner thoughts reveal their belief in All Girls Want Bad Boys. They then declare the age of bad boys being popular to be over and turn over a new leaf.
      "It's all about regular-ass, generally nice dudes now! I'm going to start being kind to people!"
  • #24, Eira Kaho, makes a strong first impression as a practitioner of capoeira... until she freaks out when a ladybug lands on her drink, causing the ladybug itself to fly away while sweating bullets. Eira explains that since she's never been able to touch bugs, she can't hit them with a kick, and she's scared of anything she can't take out with a physical attack.
    Rentarou: (thinking) That is a strangely primal point of view.
    • Rentarou also catches her drink out of the air without even looking, while still shocked by her sudden Freak Out.
    • The pose Eira makes after falling on the ground looks quite similar to Yamcha's infamous death.
  • The next thing that scares Eira is an adorable cat. She says it's hard to tell what animals want because they might lash out if you try to touch them, and if you can't touch them, you can't physically strike them.
    • The cat itself is accompanied by the words "'Ello. Gimme some'n," and keeps asking people "gimme," culminating in the cat chasing a man who's allergic to cats while the cat says "Gimmeee."
  • Eira freaks out again when a man sneezes, because you can't take out a cold with a kick.
    Rentarou: As strong as your physical stats may be, you're totally open to Special Attacks.
  • Allergies don't worry Eira because she can't catch them, but she does freak out when she notices an old woman walking a dog behind her.
    Rentarou: (thinking) Uhh... at this point... isn't she basically just... a scaredy-cat...?
  • A woman trips over a rock (i.e. gets swooped into the air), causing the baby in her stroller to tumble out before immediately crawling away with stars in their eyes.
    Rentarou: Like a beast set free into the wild...!
    • Just before the baby is run over by a car, Eira stops the car in its tracks with a kick, without the slightest hint of fear. The spectacle isn't what registers in Rentarou's head.
      Eira: A car can be taken out with a physical attack.
    • The driver of the car asks if Eira is alright. She apologizes for kicking his car, while he's more worried about her.
    • The baby is scared stiff after what happened, either because they were almost run over, or because they just saw Eira stop a car with a kick.
  • Eira freaks out when Rentarou brings the baby to her because "You could accidentally kill a baby with even the lightest of touches," and if she can't touch it, she can't physically strike it.
    Rentarou: I doubt you're going to need to strike a baby any time soon.
  • The baby's mother screams in relief and rapidly says "thank you" and "sorry" repeatedly before saying she'll pay for the damages.
  • When a thunderstorm begins and lightning strikes, Eira cowers in fear. Despite being a more understandable fear, Rentarou figures she's afraid because she can't take out lightning with a kick.
  • Rentarou tries to have Eira take shelter in a playhouse, but she screams in terror because you can't take out darkness with a kick. Rentarou has to use his phone's light to brighten it up before she can enter.
  • After Eira confesses she likes Rentarou, she starts freaking out before he can utter a word back. She assumes Rentarou won't go out with her because she's a second-year college student, and she can't kick heartbreak. Eira closes her eyes, covers her ears, and sings "lalala" as she begs Rentarou not to say "it." She even tells him not to shake his head.
    Eira: Hear no evil, see no evil!
  • Eira calms down (for a second) after Rentarou kisses her, but then she starts shedding Tears of Joy while professing that she's afraid of having to say goodbye someday. Rentarou assures her he won't let that happen, but she says you can't kick goodbyes. Then he says he'll do all he can to learn Special Attacks.
    Ending Caption: He'd kick the laws of nature to the curb, if it was for her.

Chapter 133

  • When Eira tells everyone she's a second year in college, Karane says, "Finally branchin' out into college, huh?"
  • Momoha, who's already drunk, assumes Eira must be at least 20 since she's in college and asks if she has a favorite booze. Eira says her birthday is 8/3 (August 3rd), so she isn't old enough to drink yet. After Hakari and Rin comment about Eira's birthdate, a Beat Panel passes before they come to a sudden realization.
    Hakari: A girlfriend with a birthday!
    Rin: Of course, it only makes sense the first college student is in a league of her own...!
    From offscreen: Do we all not have birthdays?!
  • Uto speaks on behalf of the author to say, "When would that be opportune to bring up?" Kishika points out the author has the power to create whatever opportunity he wants, while Hahari wants to know everyone's birthdays so she can see art celebrating their birthdays on social media.
  • Rentarou proceeds to reveal every girl's birthday in a Wall of Text that nearly covers half a page. Not as massive as the one in Chapter 37, but it's still impressive enough to give Meme and Yamame a love throb.
    Rentarou: I'll say that Iku's birthday is 1/9, Suu's birthday is 1/23, Ahko's birthday is 2/5, Miss Naddy's birthday is 2/11, Mimimi-senpai's birthday is 3/3, Nano's birthday is 3/14, Momiji-chan's birthday is 4/8, Kusuri-senpai's birthday is 4/18, Mei-san's birthday is 5/10, Hahari-san's birthday is 5/12, Uto's birthday is 5/16, Hakari's birthday is 6/22, Yaku-san's birthday is 8/9, Rin-chan's birthday is 8/10, Yamame-chan's birthday is 8/11, Kurumi's birthday is 9/3, Mai's birthday is 9/6, Karane's birthday is 9/9, Chiyo-chan's birthday is 10/1, Momoha-sensei's birthday is 10/8, Meme-chan and Kishika-senpai's birthdays are 10/10, and Shizuka-chan's birthday is 11/1!
    • Some of the birthdates are amusingly appropriate. Suu's is 1/23, Mimimi's is 3/3, Nano's is 3/14, Yaku's is 8/9 like her age 89, and Momoha's is 10/8.
  • Suu gets her own mini-Wall of Text as she happily recites the numbers of everyone's birthdates.
    Suu: 1 9 1 23 2 5 2 11 3 3 3 14 4 8 4 18 5 10 5 12 5 16 6 22 8 9 8 10 8 11 9 3 9 6 9 9 10 1 10 8 10 10 11 1!
    Mai: Good lord.
    Karane: Don't just start glitchin' out!
  • For posterity's sake, Mei reveals Rentarou's birthday is 5/1.
    Shizuka: "Apropos of nothing" "into the void."
    Mei: No, that was for the honored readers.
  • Eira has trouble remembering everyone's birthdays, but Kusuri assures her it's fine since no normal person could, while Chiyo suggests Eira just continue her introduction.
  • After Eira mentions she's half-Brazilian, Naddy and Ahko express amazement. Eira asks them why that's so interesting, since she assumed from their blonde hair and blue eyes that they're half-American, too. Nano tells Eira they're full-blooded Japanese.
  • While Momiji is massaging Eira, she calls Brazil "the land of buttocks" and is so tempted by Eira's rump that she starts nuzzling her face on it, calling it "a Brassilian behind." Momiji actually apologizes when Eira reacts with shock.
  • Having heard that Eira practices a martial art, Rin makes a Freudian Slip while asking Eira a question.
    Rin: May I ask what vio— what martial art you practice?
  • Yaku has a really hard time trying to pronounce capoeira, as she pronounces it as cuppo, capulera, and capybara.
  • Kishika challenges Eira to a duel where they try to pop balloons on each other's heads. When the duel ends in a draw, Rin can be seen trembling with excitement, which Uto notices.
  • The next person to challenge Eira is Iku, who's holding a bat across her shoulder like a delinquent. Iku places her balloon behind her butt, which leads to Eira literally kicking Iku's butt while popping the latter's balloon. Iku enjoys the pain so much that she passes out.
    Eira: What just happened...?!
    Kurumi: She's just weird like that. You don't have to worry.
  • Everyone is admiring how cool Eira is, until Uto points out there's a pillbug on her. Eira proceeds to fall in terror and desperately says "get it off" repeatedly.
  • After Yamame manages to get the pillbug off Eira, Momoha asks if it was an ohmu.
  • Rentarou informs everyone that Eira is scared of anything she can't touch and take out with a physical strike.
    Karane: What kinda meathead reasonin' is that?
  • Kusuri gives Eira a vial containing her "kills-bugs-if-you-splash-it-on-them" drug, while mentioning it also kills humans if you splash it on them.
    Kishika: So you brought a chemical weapon to school.
    • Eira tumbles backward in horror saying she can't take out a chemical weapon with a strike, tossing the drug in the process. After Kusuri catches it in a panic, she yells if Eira has some kind of death wish.
      Suu: You really shouldn't be handing out deadly drugs willy-nilly.
  • Mimimi tries to help Eira back to her feet, but the light bouncing off the former's forehead scares Eira, who calls it a Solar Flare.
  • While proclaiming she can't beat light-attribute attacks with a kick, Eira bumps headfirst into Meme's chest, causing the latter to disappear. Eira shrieks in fear as she calls it Instant Transmission.
    • Nano tries to assure her that was misdirection, not Instant Transmission. Eira frantically asks if it can be kicked while Shizuka says it isn't a supernatural power.
      Kurumi: (thinking) She kinda makes it look supernatural, to be honest.
  • Shizuka gets lifted into the air again when a strong wind blows, with Hakari remarking that a baby could beat Shizuka in a fight. Since Eira is already scared of babies because she's afraid of hurting them, she yells, "JUST ONE WRONG TOUCH COULD KILL HER?!"
  • Hahari starts pampering Kishika, causing the latter to enter baby mode, which makes Eira roll back in terror.
    Karane: You got a screw loose if you see an actual baby here.
  • Kishika notices the balloon on Eira's head leftover from her "duel" with Iku and tries to hit it with her sword, saying "Baboo! Ba-bout!" This leads to Eira cowering and shrieking in fear while Kishika is saying "baboo!"
    Ahko: This's got like, a waaay diff vibe from their last fight.
  • Chiyo enters OCD mode saying, "That's just bullying rrrgh!" as she tries to stop Kishika, but the latter accidentally knocks Chiyo's glasses off, causing her to cry. Uto tries to retrieve Chiyo's glasses but gets spooked when Kishika pops Eira's balloon. Kusuri is watching all of this with a smug face before calling Chiyo, Eira, and Uto The Three Muskittisheers.
  • Once Kishika regains her senses, she ends up in a Pose of Supplication while saying, "Gaagh... Not again...!" Eira says she was blown away that Kishika had a "trump card" like that the whole time and calls it the latter's win.
    She's been defeated in every sense of the word.
  • Uto is already standing by the spectators as she gives Chiyo, Kishika, and Eira a reassuring speech. Momiji notes that Uto rallied quick.
  • To get everyone to cheer up, Hahari says they should smooch Rentarou. Eira assumes Hahari is joking and calls it the most paper-thin excuse for a kiss she ever heard of. Everyone else is fidgeting with anticipation behind Eira.
    Suu: Ahh, well, sounds good to me. Time for a kiss?
    Mimimi: Naturally.
    Nano: It would be efficient.
  • When everyone but Eira starts kissing Rentarou, she sweats and wonders if she just got mixed up with some seriously deranged gang. She decides it should be fine since she can take out the vast majority of them with a kick.

Chapter 134

  • When Shizuka explains through pantomime that her phone is broken, Ahko says she'd literally die if her own phone broke.
    Suu: Then it's a good thing Shizuka's not a gal.
  • Shizuka tries to communicate with everyone through charades. When Kusuri asks what Shizuka watched last night, the latter flaps her arms, which Kusuri guesses is a bird. Then Shizuka starts waddling like a penguin, which Kusuri realizes is Pentarou. Hahari and Kurumi get a love throb as they find the sight adorable.
  • There are some familiar sights in Nano's room, like a miniature mannequin wearing the doll clothes Meme gave her and a Paddle-kun keychain Nano won from Iku and Mei's booth back in Chapter 88.
  • Nano is so captivated by how cute Shizuka is that the former wrote "Adorable," "Lovely," and "Headpats" as the answers to her math homework.
  • While reading a book together, Nano asks Shizuka what the protagonist is feeling. Shizuka puffs up her cheeks to show the protagonist is mad, but she looks so cute that Nano thinks the protagonist was swallowed up by bottomless cuteness. Nano wonders why he would suddenly feel that way about his longstanding foe, before deciding human emotions are very complex.
  • Shizuka is briefly taken aback when Nano invites her to join her in the bathtub.
    • After letting Shizuka borrow her phone to type out messages, Nano explains that she wanted to create a relaxed environment for Shizuka to open up to Nano, who suspected something was amiss and that Rentarou wanted to respect her privacy.
  • After Shizuka revealed that her mother took her phone from her, Nano calls Rentarou and asks him to come to her house. Rentarou says he'd drop everything if Nano needed him, even if he was in surgery.
    Nano: If that were the case, I would prefer you stayed there.
  • Rentarou is about to ring the doorbell to Shizuka's house until her mother appears behind him. It looks like Rentarou is about to have a Zing with her, only for NO ZING! to happen.

Chapter 135

  • Shizuka's mother tells Rentarou that after he graduates, he'll meet all kinds of girls in the world, like pretty girls, smart girls, and reliable girls, before asking why he would want to be with Shizuka in particular. Unbeknownst to her, Rentarou is already dating 23 other girls, some of whom match the above categories, among many others.
  • Once her mother finally accepts the way Shizuka "talks" with the text-to-speech app, Shizuka finishes off the conversation with "Ayup."
  • When Shizuka meets up with Rentarou and Nano, she tries to talk to them with her actual voice, looking comically flustered as she does so. Rentarou and Nano tell Shizuka she can just use her phone to talk while Nano pats Shizuka's head.
  • Nano whispers to Shizuka that if she does want to express her feelings to Rentarou with her mouth, there is a more efficient method. Shizuka proceeds to walk up to Rentarou and kiss him.

Chapter 136

  • The narration says the family is at school to see the breathtaking night sky, followed by Eira saying "Breathtaking...!"
  • Rentarou gets scared when he sees a figure in the school window. He briefly thinks he's just seeing things until he wonders if it's someone trying to take creep shots of Momoha in her tent. An x-ray of Rentarou's brain appears saying "Exterminate."
  • Sometime after Rentarou left to investigate the figure, the girls hear a loud scream coming from the school. While speculating what happened to him, Uto suggests Rentarou encountered a strange apparition haunting the school, causing Eira to tumble back in terror.
  • Nano says they should split up to find Rentarou, but Kusuri and Momiji point out that they could be ambushed if they're all alone, leading to Chiyo proposing they split into groups of two people. Even though everyone was supposed to be paired up randomly, all the girls team up with someone they already share a bond with.
  • Hakari and Karane are paired up together, with Hakari hiding in the back. When Karane asks why Hakari is using her as a human shield, Hakari asks if Karane is scared. Karane angrily denies it, which gives Hakari an excuse to stay behind Karane, to the latter's frustration. While Karane complains about having to babysit a total wuss, Hakari blows on Karane's neck, causing her to scream in terror.
    Hakari: You're totally scared.
    Karane: You lookin' to get socked?!
    • A nurikabe (wall monster) appears before Hakari and Karane as it repeatedly says "flat wall." While Hakari is horrified, Karane is furious instead because she thinks the monster is calling her a flat wall. Hakari tries to pull her away while Karane is daring the monster to say that one more time. The monster is actually sweating bullets while struggling to say "flat wall."
  • While paired up with Suu, Ahko says she's spooked out of her mind, even though she looks like she has a determined expression.
    • Ahko lets out a deadpan "Waaah" when an amabie (a fish that stands on three webbed feet, has long black hair, and a beak on its cheek) appears. She even starts shaking while saying she's freaking out like crazy. When Suu asks what it does, Ahko says she doesn't actually know because of how obscure it is. The two of them decide to take some selfies with it.
    • The duo then encounter a cyclops-like creature. Suu shouts, "Oh... Oh my god...!" before gushing over how the creature only has one eye. Ahko says Suu has a new bestie to chat about numbers with.
  • Shizuka is trembling in terror as she clings to Nano's arm. Although Nano tries to assure Shizuka that there's nothing to worry about, Nano notices that her own pulse is rising and wonders if Shizuka's fear is affecting her, too.
    • When they encounter a rokurokubi (a youkai that looks like a woman with an extendable neck), Shizuka is so horrified that she struggles to say "long" in her actual voice. Nano on the other hand declares there's no issue because unscientific entities can't exist, so this must be a human wearing a costume. The rokurokubi starts sweating when Nano tries to walk past it.
    • Shizuka has an adorably terrified face as she desperately begs Nano not to walk her next to the rokurokubi. Noticing that Shizuka's fear is affecting her again, Nano relents and takes a different route instead.
  • Momoha is so scared that she wants to drink until she's too out of it to be scared, but Yamame won't let her because she doesn't want to look after Momoha while she's drunk. When Momoha asks if Yamame can drive back a youkai like a bear, Yamame says youkai are living things too, prompting Momoha to say, "Uhh, pretty sure they're not..."
    • Upon running into a soul flame, Momoha screams in terror while Yamame collapses in horror because it's made of fire; Momoha is surprised that it's the fire that scares Yamame. Momoha has to carry Yamame as she runs away in a panic, bumping into more fire-themed monsters as they go. Every time, the only thing that scares Yamame is the fire.
      Momoha: You know there's other things to be scared of here, right?!
  • When Iku and Mei are approached by a faceless ghost (a noppera-bō), Mei asks the ghost if it saw Rentarou, causing the ghost to sweat. Iku has to drag Mei away while the latter explains she sensed the shape of a person, so she assumed it was "an honored human." They then run into a kappa who demands they give it their shirikodama. Since the shirikodama is said to be located in the behind, Iku turns her butt to the kappa and moonwalks toward it, daring it to take hers. The kappa runs away screaming while Iku continues walking backwards toward it.
  • Mai asks Chiyo why she isn't scared at all. Chiyo says she has a lot of practice calming down people who get scared easily, accompanied by a flashback of her father Hiro clinging to her in terror because of a scary movie ad. Young Chiyo remains perfectly straight and pats her dad on the head while sporting a blank expression.
    • They then bump into a goblin-like creature (chirizuka kaiō, a king of garbage) who's enjoying the pile of trash it's hoarded. Chiyo enters OCD mode and starts cleaning up the trash, driving the creature to tears. Mai tries to use her maid skills to help as she imagines Mei saying, "If anyone can, my little sister can." However, Mai's clumsiness just makes things messier, which cheers the creature up. This causes Chiyo's OCD to get worse, to the point where Mai says she can't tell which one's scarier.

Chapter 137

  • When a talking, floating doll appears before Naddy and Yaku, the two reminisce over how they used to have a doll like that, with Yaku holding it and calling it cute. Then a girl in a kimono with bangs covering her eyes asks them to give the doll back to her. Naddy and Yaku simply return the doll to her with no fuss and tell her she should go home, causing her to sweat.
  • Eira is clinging to Uto in fear because of how dark it is while Uto calmly reassures her. When they hear a series of loud noises, Uto and Eira shriek in terror until a walking statue approaches them. Uto immediately calms down because while sudden, disturbing noises frighten her, moving objects are "utterly mundane to witness." Eira adopts a fighting pose and says she can take out the statue no problem.
  • Kusuri is so scared that she considers taking her "kills-your-sense-of-fear-forever-and-ever" drug, but Rin tells her fear is necessary because it's what makes violence so stimulating.
    Kusuri: I couldn't care less about that, nope nope.
    • Upon seeing a bloodstained schoolgirl whose bottom half appears to be severed from her body, Kusuri screams in horror while Rin exclaims "Molto violento!" As Kusuri runs away pulling Rin with her, they run into more gruesome youkai, like a bloodstained woman holding her own head and a walking anatomy model with exposed muscles and organs. Each time, Kusuri screams in terror while Rin says "Molto violento!"
  • Meme comments on how scary the school is at night, but Mimimi thinks the school is much more frightening during the day because of the damage ultraviolet rays can do to the skin.
    • A woman wearing a face mask walks toward them and asks them if she is pretty. Meme recognizes her as the slit-mouth woman, Kuchisake-onna, who will reveal her slit-open mouth if you say she is pretty or slice you if you say she's not. Mimimi says the woman is pretty, but not as pretty as her, causing Meme to wonder which answer is that. The woman doesn't know either as she can't decide whether to take her mask off or not. Meme shouts "Pomade" three times to invoke the spell that will drive the woman away, but nothing happens. Mimimi asks if Meme needs a hair product before the latter disappears in embarrassment, leaving a toy ghost behind. The woman yelps in terror before running away shouting "Ghooooost!"
  • Kurumi and Momiji encounter a wrinkly, grotesque youkai with two fleshy balls where its eyes should be (a nuppeppō). Momiji thinks the youkai's eyes look like a chest and wants to grope them, prompting Kurumi to shout, "Are you nuts?!" before running away while dragging Momiji with her. The two then bump into another youkai called the adzuki bean washer (the adzuki arai), which causes Kurumi to get hungry.
    Momiji: And you got on my case.
  • Hahari and Kishika meet a woman that the former identifies as an ubume, the baby-snatching youkai. Kishika points out how well-informed Hahari is.
    Hahari: Any enemy of babies is an enemy to me.
    • They try to run away, but the ubume saying, "Baby... My cute little baby..." causes Kishika to say "Mommy" and enter baby mode. When Kishika starts walking toward the ubume, Hahari tries to stop Kishika by pampering her, with Hahari looking very panicked as she does so. Then the ubume jealously snatches Kishika away from Hahari.
      Ubume: Give her to me...! Give me my baby...!
      Hahari: She's mine!
      Narration: She's not.
    • Hahari and the ubume keep pulling Kishika back and forth from each other, saying "Mine...!" each time they do so. Their fighting makes Kishika cry, which is followed by a monstrous roar from somewhere, causing Hahari to wonder what youkai is going to pop up next. It turns out the roar came from Rentarou, who appears walking on all fours and sporting a Nightmare Face while yelling, "WHO DARES MAKE MY GIRLFRIEND CRYYY?!" His presence causes the ubume to shriek in terror.
      Narration: Answer: The boyfriend youkai.
    • Why was Rentarou crawling? He said he passed out earlier when he ran into some youkai. Kishika's crying woke him up, but he still couldn't get his legs to move.
  • Hahari notices that the ubume is actually Yokai, the head of the Youkai Research Club. Yokai in turn realizes that Hahari is the school's chairwoman. This is followed by Yokai, Hahari, and Rentarou with question marks in their speech bubbles, while Kishika says "Baboo".
  • It turns out that the Youkai Research Club was holding its annual haunted house competition. They split into two groups, with one being the youkai and the other being the humans to be spooked. The club assumed Rentarou's family was the human group because the costumes and darkness made it impossible for them to tell they weren't club members.
  • Yokai says they got permission in advance, but Hahari thought it was next week. Mai was supposed to add it to Hahari's schedule, but the former realizes she was so distracted while watching Mei that she made a mistake. Mei notices that Mai is sweating and approaches her ominously before it cuts away from Mei presumably spanking Mai again. Iku gulps as she and Ahko watch it happen while Mai apologizes and Eira calls out Mai for scaring her half to death.
  • Some of the girls mention being scared by the club members before Rentarou says he was scared by a turbo granny. Yokai says none of them were dressed as a turbo granny, causing Rentarou and most of the girls' faces to darken as they realize there really could be a monster on the loose.
  • A footnote at the bottom of the page reveals the turbo granny was the vice-principal without her makeup, who snuck into the school at night so she could look for boys' lost items.

Chapter 138

  • Eira and Uto are on their way to meet up with Rentarou, Chiyo, and Rin, only to encounter a roadwork sign. They're not too bothered since they can take a detour until they find another roadwork sign. When Uto says they'll be late if this keeps up, Eira collapses in horror because she can't take out being late with a kick.
    • Uto tries to calm down Eira by asking if being late in and of itself has ever killed anyone. Eira in turn asks, "Does someone need to die before you feel fear?!"
  • When they see another road work sign, Eira shrieks in terror and starts running while carrying Uto in her arm. Uto calmly messages everyone on her phone that they'll be late, followed by Chiyo and Rin saying they're late too because of all the roadblocks. Rentarou says they can postpone their meeting by an hour.
  • The two of them meet up with Chiyo, who was watching a cat on top of a wall. Naturally, Eira falls down in fear because of the cat. When Chiyo tells Eira not to hurt herself doing that, Eira says it's fine because she has band-aids, since you can't take out germs with a physical strike. However, when Eira checks her pocket, they aren't there; Uto believes Eira lost them when she fell over in fear of being tardy. Eira claims she doesn't need them right now, but after they walk for a bit, Chiyo notices Eira is quaking in terror because of her fear of germs. When Chiyo reveals she has band-aids, Eira tearfully hugs her.
  • After meeting up with Rin, the girls run into yet another road work sign. A man says they can go through his arcade, but they have to clear one of his games first. When one of the girls shouts, "You charge a road toll?!" the man says his arcade hasn't been doing too well these days since everyone is playing mobile and social network games.
  • Rin notices the arcade has RE: Biohazard (with the H blurred out with a mosaic) and volunteers to play it, while Chiyo points out they can finish it faster with two people playing. Uto declines because she isn't good with jump scares, and Eira says she can't kick a zombie in a game while adding she'd rather deal with real zombies.
    Chiyo: Most people would say the opposite.
  • Eira offers to pay for Chiyo and Rin, but they insist on paying for it themselves. After Eira notes that Chiyo doesn't have that much pocket money, she inserts her coin into the machine before Chiyo does and takes her place. The moment the game starts, Eira immediately screams in horror and collapses while Rin is giggling. With Eira unable to play, Rin picks up her gun and plays for both of them.
    Rin: Double the molto violento for the price of one!
    • Afterwards, Eira nervously thanks Rin, who's so happy she's surrounded by sparkles.
  • On their way to their destination, the girls see a runaway bulldozer being driven by a dog, who's happily wagging its tail with its tongue out. Unsurprisingly, the only thing about this that scares Eira is the dog, to Chiyo's disbelief.
  • Just before the girls are run over by the bulldozer, Eira stops it in its tracks with a kick and even catches the dog when it gets launched out of the dozer. It isn't until the others point out the dog that Eira promptly tumbles back in fear.
    Uto: Eira is as Eira does.
  • Around the corner, the girls find... another road work sign. Things seem hopeless until a road worker informs them they were supposed to work all day and night on the road, but a boy working like a man possessed allowed them to finish early. The boy turns out to be Rentarou, who helped the workers so they could use the road. Rentarou's name gets rendered as "Rentarou-kun-san-senpai" because all the girls are talking at once.
  • The girls apologize for the wait, but Rentarou claims he just got here.
    Narration: What a liar.

Chapter 139

  • Kusuri offers Rentarou a large tray of bread she and Momiji made. Karane finds this suspicious and asks Kusuri what she spiked it with.
    Kusuri: Wow, rude much! All we did was knead my "Takes-the-taste-of-the-person-who-warmed-it" drug into the dough, yep yep!
    Karane: That's what we'd call spikin'!
    • Kurumi is standing next to Karane, drooling.
  • The drug causes the bread to change taste based on the person who warms it in their hands. Eira is surrounded by a dark haze as she says she can't take out chemical weapons with a physical strike. Kusuri says it's just seasoning, not a weapon, noting, "You wouldn't die from a bit of sodium glutamate either."
  • When Rentarou eats Kusuri's bread, he says it's bursting with a sweet flavor like D.I.Y. candy, while Momiji's is squishy and tastes like cotton candy.
  • After Rentarou agrees to eat all the girls' bread, Hakari drools at the thought of Rentarou "tasting her," while Rin imagines Rentarou chomping on her arm so hard it causes blood to spurt out.
    Shizuka: "Together, they are" "ladies of noble birth."
  • Hakari's bread has a springy texture and a rosy fragrance, but it also causes Rentarou's body to feel flush.
    Karane: The hell?! Do you just secrete aphrodisiac 24/7?!
  • When Karane feeds Rentarou, she actually succeeds in putting the bread in his mouth instead of his eye. Rentarou points this out, calling it, "The rarest of all Karane gacha pulls...!" The bread has a soft texture and tastes like spicy fried chicken, along with a sweet honey glaze. Hakari and Hahari tease Karane about how sweet she is, prompting her to yell, "Shaddap! I'll bust you up good!"
  • Momoha's bread has the taste and smell of sake. Rentarou knows this despite being a minor because his dad accidentally gave him sake bonbons once when he was a kid.
  • Kurumi's bread tastes full of crunchy kurumi walnuts. When Kishika questions how a drug can become walnuts, Kusuri reveals even she doesn't know, causing someone to ask if the bread is full of a foreign contaminant. Rentarou clarifies that it isn't actually full of them, it just tastes like crunchy walnuts, whatever that means.
  • Meme fears her bread is tasteless when Rentarou says it tastes like bread, but she's relieved when he mentions it also has a sesame seed filling taste hidden in it.
  • Naddy's bread tastes like a hamburger, which she takes as proof of her "'Murrican soul." Rentarou elaborates that it tastes like a teriyaki burger, which Naddy calls, "The taste of 'Murrica!"
    Nano: Incorrect. Teriyaki burger is a Japanese food.
  • Suu's bread tastes like Coke Zero, appropriately enough, prompting Suu to make a 0 with her arms.
  • Shizuka's bread has a nice, sweet, cookie taste... and is shaped like a rabbit.
    Iku: The taste has a shape?!
    Chiyo: What did you put into these?!
    Kusuri: I'm telling you, it's not the drug. Rentarou's girlfriend sense is just wigging out, yep yep.
  • Chiyo's bread has a mellow texture with the comforting taste of a rolled omelet— along with freshly cooked salmon, pickled vegetables, and miso soup.
    Mai: A full course family breakfast?!
    Yaku: What a wonderful meal, yes yes.
    Momoha: Ahh, what I'd do to marry her.
  • Kishika's bread has a melty texture and tastes like a hamburg steak. She believes it's the result of tempering her body and chivalry every day, with Eira saying, "That's so you, Kishika-chan!" in approval. Then Rentarou reveals it's actually a kids' meal, a hamburg steak filled with cheese.
    Uto: A fierce façade fielding a melty core— as one might say.
    Kishika: Silence!
    Eira: That's so you, Kishika-chan...
  • Eira's bread tastes like churrasco, a Brazilian food that has lots of beef cuts, vegetables, and fruits carved up and grilled on skewers. Yamame thinks beef and veggies sound great, Ahko thinks grilled pineapple is "sooo glam," and Rin is just fascinated by the words "carved up" and "skewered."
  • Hahari's bread tastes like milk, Mei's tastes like black tea, and Mai's tastes like milk tea. Hahari points out that it's almost like Mai is her and Mei's baby. Mei is flustered by Hahari's comment while Mai is indignant.
    Mai: My dear sister's my dear sister, not my dear mother!
  • Most of the girls say "Aaah" when feeding Rentarou, except for Yamame, who says "Aaaaye" and Mimimi, who says "Aaah-turally."
  • After Rentarou eats everyone's bread, he says all of them have one-of-a-kind tastes and textures. Momiji reveals that Rentarou picked up on her contribution. All the textures he described... are accurate descriptions of the feel of everyone's chests. Meme is embarrassed while Karane demands Rentarou block that out of his memory immediately. When Hakari says he can forget Karane's but asks that he never forget what hers feels like, Karane suddenly demands he better not forget hers either.
  • Next, it's Rentarou's turn to feed the girls his bread. When they eat it, they all feel like Rentarou is filling their mouths, which is visualized as every girl having a dancing mini Rentarou in their mouth. Rentarou in turn feels like all the girls are dancing in his mouth. One person says, "What's with the Bollywood production goin' on in your mouth?!"

Chapter 140

  • The chapter opens with Rentarou and Yaku visiting an antique exhibition. Yaku has stars in her eyes as she admires all the antiques, saying there's no way such magnificent items could be forgeries. Then a squad of police storm in, complete with body armor and riot shields. One of them says, "This gallery's bought countless forgeries off of Yahoo and is trying to pass them off as the real deal!" so they're shutting it down. He then tells everyone to run because it's dangerous and forgeries can rot your eyes if you stare at them too long. Rentarou notices that Yaku is blushing and shaking in embarrassment.
  • Yaku admits that her eye for antiques is actually quite lacking. She mentions one time she was almost tricked into buying a vase that was supposedly worth 500 million for 500 thousand from a shady-looking street vendor. Yaku was giddy while Kusuri's dad and Kusuri herself tried to stop her with their eyes popping out.
  • Kusuri tells Yaku she wants to see the latter go to the Anything Appraisal Troupe's show so she can see Yaku on TV. Yaku questions if that's really necessary since they'll all be on "Annie May" (anime) soon anyway.
    • When Yaku asks if that show only occurs inside that box (the TV), Kusuri says it's a real thing that actually happens. This causes Yaku to ask if that means there are birds that talk like humans. Kusuri assures her that Pentarou isn't real.
  • After Yaku reveals the vase she brought to the show was a gift from her late husband, Rentarou refers to him as Grandfather even though he isn't married to Kusuri yet.
  • Several beautiful items are appraised on the show. Yaku believes the object is real each time, only for the troupe to announce, "It's a faaake." Yaku gets more nervous after each announcement while Rentarou gets increasingly sweaty. By the time it's Yaku's turn, Rentarou is sweating up a storm while Yaku is praying her vase is real.
  • Yaku's vase is revealed to be "unmistakably a forgery." While Rentarou and Yaku are walking home in the rain, Yaku is so miserable that her face is scrunched up like Kusuri's.
  • Rentarou sees a reflection in a puddle showing there's something written on the bottom of Yaku's vase. When he asks her if he can see it, Yaku, still looking miserable, asks if he's going to shatter it.
  • The vase has "Thank you... always" written on the bottom in English. Rentarou realizes that since Yaku's old husband was too shy to express himself, he wrote a message to her in a language she couldn't read so he could share his feelings for her by hiding it in plain sight. While the vase itself isn't the original, it was still something Yaku's old husband made for her himself.
    • Yaku didn't recognize the letters at all, as she thought they were just a funny-looking scrape.
  • When Yaku remarks on how a message was hidden there all along, Rentarou thinks to himself that calling it "hidden" would be very charitable. He also notes how Yaku's "discerning eye" sure is something else if she believed something with such a conspicuous message was the genuine article.

Volume 16 Extras

  • Rentarou tried to learn how to do Special Attacks by wearing a fundoshi, taping two spoons to his head, and holding his palm out like he's trying to bend the spoon in his other hand. He's clearly straining to do so judging by how much his body is vibrating.
  • Chiyo, Eira, and Uto are dressed up as The Three Muskittisheers, with Chiyo crying, Eira trembling in fear, and Uto looking shocked.
  • Shizuka's charades leads Kusuri to think she's trying to imitate No-Face.
  • Mei looks up "how to get shirikodama" on her phone, no doubt for Iku's sake.
  • The manga points out that one of the hiragana is supposed to be ろ (ro), not ち (chi), ら (ra), or the number 5 (five). Suu proceeds to say 5, with the manga again saying ろ.
  • Eira considers taking out the "Road Work Ahead" signs with a physical strike, but Chiyo holds her back while telling Eira to calm down.
  • After learning that the breads' textures are based on the girls' chests, Karane holds two rolls of bread in front of her chest as she considers stuffing them in her bra. Hakari is watching her around the corner with a smug look.
  • Yaku recalls how she once considered covering up the "scratches" (the message from her old husband) on the bottom of her vase with clay. She sweats as she thinks, "Thank goodness I never did..."
  • The Extra Chapter reveals how Eira became terrified of everything she can't take out with a kick.
    • When Eira was younger, she thought she could take out anything with a kick, like colds.
    • After Eira's father tried to teach her that not everything can be beaten with a kick, Eira refused to believe him because the Hulk and All Might can clear out fires and change the weather with sheer wind pressure.
    • Eira heard a knock at her door and opened it to reveal a Bedsheet Ghost. She was briefly intimidated by the ghost before trying to strike it down, but none of her attacks worked. Eira became terrified and tumbled backwards before passing out. It turned out Eira's father held the ghost up with a fishing rod.
    • Back in the present, Eira's father thinks about how Eira's learned to fear things that she should be afraid of. Then lightning strikes and Eira tumbles backward in terror saying she can't take out lightning with a strike. The other students look perturbed as they watch this while Eira's father thinks it might've worked too well.
  • Eira is drawn as an otter breaking a clam, as clams can be taken out with a strike.
  • Nano is drawn as a sushi roll and says she is not Yoshimoto Shizuka, referencing Chapter 21 where Shizuka was wrapped up like a sushi roll.

    Volume 17 (Chapters 141 - 149) 

Chapter 141

  • Rentarou comes across a woman dressed like a cat sitting in a box that reads "Please adopt me" with the narration saying "Uh... Zing...?" When Rentarou makes eye contact with her, he gets a ZING!! for real. Rentarou's thoughts show he isn't so sure about this one.
    Zing? Seriously? What does the author expect me to do with this...?
    • A Running Gag in the chapter is Rentarou breaking into Overly-Nervous Flop Sweat as he tries to get to grips with... well, everything about his latest girlfriend. Even for him, she's a weird one.
  • The woman, named Tama Nekonari, constantly speaks in cat puns and trills her Rs like she's purring. When Rentarou points out that she looks like a human, Tama says that's just the vestiges left over from when she was a human.
  • Tama was so fed up with her life that she almost threw herself in front of a train so she could reincarnate as a cat. The only reason she backed out was because she realized she has terrible luck and nothing ever goes her way, meaning she might keep reincarnating as a human if she killed herself. So she decided she'd just act like a cat.
  • When Rentarou feeds Tama some bread, he asks her what she'll do if no one ever adopts her. Tama says she's already accepted the possibility that she'll just starve to death if no one takes her in.
    Tama: Give me felinity, or give me death...
  • After Rentarou "adopts" Tama, the two of them play together in the park while she acts like a cat, such as Running on All Fours, pawing at a cat toy Rentarou's holding, and lying down while Rentarou pats her belly.

Chapter 142

  • Unsurprisingly, Hahari is really excited to see that Tama is a Cat Girl.
  • After Rentarou explains that Tama quit being human to become a cat, Eira assumes she's an actual cat and freaks out.
  • When a nervously sweating Karane points out that Tama is obviously human, Rentarou says that's just the leftover vestiges from when she was a human.
    Kurumi: Then she's nothing but vestige.
  • Suu finds Tama very weird.
    Suu: What the heck is this girl on? Humans can't become cats.
    Kusuri: Yep yep, but you really don't have much room to talk here, Little Miss Number Lover.
  • Naddy believes people are free to live however they want, Ahko says, "I mean, liiike, kitty, person, whatevs, she's cuuute," as she pets Tama's head, and Momiji gropes Tama while saying she hardly feels different from a cat. Tama meows in confusion with a heart.
  • Rentarou reveals he brought cat ears and tails for everyone so they can understand how Tama feels and get along better. When Karane objects, Rentarou says he thought they'd all look really cute wearing them. Karane immediately tells him to just hand it over.
  • Shizuka says, "Mewling could be heard," when she's dressed up like a cat.
  • Now that Eira is dressed like a cat, she hopes she can learn how a cat thinks as she nervously reaches for Tama.
    Uto: Or a human, as one might say.
    • When Tama and Eira poke their fingers together, the latter celebrates over finally touching a cat.
      Uto: Or a human, as one might say.
  • Tama notes that Yamame feels strangely calming as she curls up and allows the latter to pet her.
    Hakari: Well, she is a veritable animal whisperer, so...
    Mai: Even for fake animals?
    Chiyo: Humans are... technically animals, too...
  • When Tama boops her nose against Yamame's, Hahari is so turned on that blood falls from her nose, which Mei catches in her hands. Yamame explains that cats do nose kisses when they love and trust each other. Kusuri thinks that sounds fun and suggests they all do that, but Hahari gets carried away.
    Hahari: (running towards Kurumi) Okay kitty witties! Come kiss Mommyyy!
    • Some notable highlights when the girls give each other nose kisses are an excited Hahari paired up with a somewhat nervous Kurumi and the ever-stoic Nano paired up with a really nervous Mimimi.
    • After Mai gets a nose kiss with Mei, the former is so thrilled that her ghost flies away with tears of joy saying "yeeaah" and "whooo", to Chiyo's shock.
    • When Tama has a nose kiss with Rentarou, Momoha says now he has to be a cat, too. Rentarou briefly asks if that's a rule before saying he didn't bring any cat gear for himself. Hahari then reveals she always has some on hand for Rentarou.
    • Rentarou is really embarrassed as he tries to say meow. The girls are so excited that they all curl up on the ground twitching.
      Rentarou: A mass catnip trip!
      (Rentarou curls up too)
      Rentarou: Seeing you all flopping around, I can't help it either!
  • Three hours later, Nano says she understands Tama better, Iku says being a cat is so much fun, and Karane says it's not all bad while her tail is somehow wagging. Tama says she'd prefer if all of them stay as humans so they can pamper her.
    Person 1: How fickle can you be?
    Person 2: What are you, a cat?!
    Tama: Nyes...?

Chapter 143

  • The opening reveals that Hahari and Rentarou are going to a 48-hour Teddy Baby full series endurance watch.
  • When Hakari and Mei first met, the former asked how Mei liked to play. Mei revealed she didn't even know what the concept of "playing" was.
    Hakari: You've never played?! At all?!
    • After Hakari suggested they play with her dolls, Mei asked what the rules and conditions for the game were. Hakari told her it wasn't a competition.
  • Back in the present, Mei says if she had a sister, she always felt it would be someone like Hakari. Hakari playfully pokes Mei with her elbow while telling her to behave; Mei in turn offers to let Hakari take her life as compensation.
    Hakari: I wasn't chastising you.
    • Mai is so shocked to hear Mei say she sees Hakari as her sister that she collapses on the floor with a fever. When a doctor checks up on her, he diagnoses her with "Little Sister Anxiety." The doctor asks if there's someone Mai looks up to like they were an older sister.
      Hakari: You could say that.
    • "Little Sister Anxiety" is the result of those feelings exploding in volatility. Mai's brain can't bear the stress and is overheating, which is the cause of her fever.
      Such... a rare illness...
    • The only way Mai can be cured is to change the towel on her head once a minute, with a hand like a gentle older sister.
  • Upon getting some Pocari (a Japanese sports drink) for Mai, Hakari wonders how Mai is supposed to drink it. Mei drinks some of the Pocari and gives it to Mai through a kiss. This conjures a "Dear Sister Meter" that shows the "Fever" bar is shrinking while the "My dear older sister" bar is growing.
    Mai's Brain: Emergency! Emergency! Direct injection of Big Sister Energy!
  • When Mai says Mei looks like Hakari's older sister, Mei thinks back to some of the things Hakari taught her, like how to play with dolls, what a macaron is, and how rubbing your groin on the corner of a table makes you feel fuzzy inside.
  • After Mei says Hakari is like an older sister to her, Mai proceeds to celebrate how this means she's still Mei's little sister, before hugging Mei and Hakari and telling them their relationship has her full support.
    No. 1 Little Sister Spot Defended!

Chapter 144

  • Karane becomes sullen when the question of her family life is brought up, leading the reader to wonder what the problem is. A while later, circumstances lead to Rentarou meeting them, and it turns out the entire family shares her tsundere personality. Her parents, her older sister, her younger brother, her grandparents, her niece, and even her nephew, who's still a baby. All of their names also start with "Kara."
  • An Argument of Contradictions breaks out between Karane and her family while Rentarou is just standing there nervously sweating.
  • After Karane and her older sister Karano ask Rentarou which of them is right, he realizes if he sides with Karano, he'd be telling Karane she's wrong, but if he sides with Karane, he'd be saying she isn't happy. He instead changes the subject by introducing himself, declaring he'd put his life on the line to make Karane happy, and saying it's nice to meet all of them.
  • Karane's family offer Rentarou something to eat and drink as they plant items onto the table in the most tsundere manner possible. The baby even offers his bottle.
  • Karane is so mortified that Rentarou saw her whole family that she runs away. Rentarou runs after her along with the rest of her family, who shout, "IT—IT'S NOT LIKE I'M CRAZY WORRIED, OR ANYTHING-GET ME—(and so on and so on)."
  • Upon finding Karane, Rentarou starts to make a Wall of Text speech about how cute she is. Karane cuts him off by making her own Wall of Text speech, saying it's not like she didn't want him to meet her family because she feared if he found out everyone in her family was a tsundere, he'd think her baby would be a tsundere too, and he wouldn't want to marry her because that would be too much to deal with.
  • Karane is really embarrassed when she realizes she just talked about marrying Rentarou and having a baby with him. Rentarou laughs a bit before saying if they ever do have a child together, they'll make that baby the happiest in the world. Karane agrees and kisses Rentarou, but partway through, something dawns on her.
    Rentarou: Huh? Yeah, it was.
    Karane: IT WAS?!

Chapter 145

  • As everyone wonders where Rentarou is, Tama is curled up on Yamame's lap while a drooling Hahari is petting her.
  • Karane asks everyone if they ever dream about what married life would be like. Chiyo says she'd be happy if she could cook for Rentarou every day and hear him say he likes her food. When Kurumi says, "Me, too!" Suu is surprised that Kurumi likes to cook as well, only for a starry-eyed Kurumi to say she wants to eat Chiyo's cooking, too.
    Oh, duh.
  • Momiji would like to heal Rentarou and everyone else with massages after bath time. Meme, who usually dislikes Momiji's groping, nervously says, "Y-Yes please...!" no doubt hoping to get a massage to relieve her shoulder pain from her D-Cup Distress.
  • Mai says her dream would be to marry Rentarou so she could live under the same roof as him and Mei. Uto notes that the part involving Mei has already happened since she and Mai live in the same household. Mai then tries to hide her affection for Rentarou by claiming living with Mei would be her only reason for marrying him. Her thoughts on the other hand show her dressing him in a suit while gushing about how hot he is.
  • Rin's dream is for everyone to watch Friday Road Show together as a family, like Ghibli movies or Resident Evil... or Resident Evil... or Resident Evil.
    Kishika: Why not just acquire a DVD at that point?
  • Kusuri says once the "immortality drug" is complete, they can all smooch and cuddle forever. The background depicts a futuristic city with flying cars... and a flying tanuki, for some reason.
    • Momoha points out that the planet will only last for 5 billion years max before the Sun turns into a red giant and engulfs the Earth. Eira trembles in fear while saying she can't take out the expansion of the sun with a kick.
      Kusuri: Fine, whatever, when that happens, I'll just make an "un-immortality drug" or a "stops-you-from-thinking drug," yep yep.
  • Unsurprisingly, Hakari's dream is for everyone to make babies with Rentarou, with the image showing Hakari, Momoha, and older Kusuri naked in bed with him. Karane says, "We get it! We get it!" while Momoha says, "Count me in, too!♥"
  • After that, Hahari says it would be the very first baby boom for Rentarou's family. Kishika says she'd be overjoyed to care for the infants, but the moment she says "nurture," she enters baby mode.
    Hahari: I'll nurture you right away!♥
  • When Yamame mentions she wants to have a big family with plenty of children and pets, the Imagine Spot shows Yamame's squirrel also has children.
  • Eira says she and Rentarou would do everything in their power to protect their family, with her as the physical sweeper and him for the special coverage. The way Rentarou is depicted in Eira's image prompts Naddy to call him Doctor Strentarou.
  • With everyone's dreams out, Eira asks what Karane wants. When Karane claims she doesn't have any, the other girls start urging her to tell them. Hakari asks if it's too "mwehehe" to say out loud before calling her Inda "Closet Pervert" Karane-san. Karane says it's not like she's thinking about kissing him goodnight, good morning, or to see him off.
    • Momoha notes that if they all kiss him in a row before bed, it might flip a switch or two, with Mimimi adding they would be unlikely to stop and Uto saying their nightly necking would turn into morning mouthing.
  • Suu points out that Rentarou would only be able to marry one of them, causing all the girls to get sullen expressions, with Kusuri and Tama in particular making scrunched-up faces. Everyone except for Karane, who's beaming with a huge grin and her hands behind her back.
    Hakari: And what are you hiding? Inda "Massive Closet Pervert" Karane-san.
  • Karane then says it's not like Rentarou proposed to her directly or anything, prompting a Mass "Oh, Crap!" from everyone but Yaku, who just seems puzzled.

Chapter 146

  • Following the previous chapter where Karane blurted out that Rentarou proposed to her, Hakari expresses shock over it. Karane asks how Hakari knows Rentarou proposed to her.
    Momoha: Uh, you just told us...
  • Upon everyone confirming they all want to stick together as a family instead of being in a two-person relationship with Rentarou, Rentarou offers everyone a bouquet full of pink four leaf clovers. Considering it took him a whole night just to get two, one can only wonder how long it took him to get a bouquet of them.
  • After Rentarou proposes to everyone and they all accept, all of them turn into stick figures with wildly flailing legs as they celebrate about it.
  • To commemorate the event, everyone holds a mock wedding together.
    • When everyone changes into western or Japanese wedding dresses, Naddy wears a Japanese one despite her obsession with American culture. Instead of choosing between a western or Japanese-style groom outfit, Rentarou wears both at the same time, wearing a western one on the left half of his body and a Japanese one on the right half.
    • Mei serves as a priest while overseeing Mai and Rentarou's marriage. When Mei wants to get married next, Hahari rips Mei's priest outfit off, revealing Mei in her wedding outfit, complete with the hood coming out of nowhere.
    • When Shizuka throws the bouquet, she somehow manages to toss herself as well.
      It's a bouquet toss, not a bride toss!
    • Kurumi eating the entire wedding cake.
  • The chapter ends with everyone using their bodies to spell marriage in kanji. The scanlation also provides a version in English.

Chapter 147

  • The chapter begins with Tama moping on Yamame's lap because the former can't find a part time job. Tama's bombed so many job interviews that she's lost count; Suu says she can count for her.
  • Karane asks Tama what kind of answers she's giving at her interviews. A flashback shows the interviewer asking why Tama wants to work at their shop. Tama (who's wearing a shirt with the kanji for "person" on it instead of her Cat Girl outfit) bluntly says she doesn't actually want to work.
    Kurumi: Well there's your problem!
  • Hahari (who's sweating a bit) offers to just keep Tama, as she's sure the readers expected her to take in Tama by now.
  • After Hahari introduces Tama to her dog and cat as their newest family member, the dog has a slight Jaw Drop while the cat is sweating a little. Tama proceeds to circle and sniff the animals before Hahari plays with her using a cat toy. Everyone, including the animals, finds this weird except for Mei, Tama, and Hahari herself.
  • The next morning, Tama acts like a cat as she hangs out with Hahari's pets. Highlights include eating onigiri off a plate on the ground and lying on her back just like Hahari's cat.
  • Tama imagines the others studying and working at school right now, but the people she thinks about are Iku sitting at her desk writing and Momoha in a classroom holding a book and a piece of chalk. Of all the people Tama could think about doing normal human things, she chooses the matchless masochist Iku and the Anti-Role Model Momoha.
  • Upon seeing how miserable Tama is through a pet camera, Hahari realizes that instead of making Tama happy, all she's done is take away her will to move forward. Hahari goes to her house to pick up Tama and leaves her in a box on the roadside before running away.
    Hahari: I can't bear it! I can't look at you and hold back this desire to slurp and smooch all over your face! Goodbye, Tama-chan...!
    • When Tama says Hahari can slurp and smooch as much as she wants, Hahari is briefly tempted to go back before forcing herself into the car and ordering Mei to peel out.
      Mei: Peel out? My organs? To be sold?
      Hahari: Drive, fast!
  • Thanks to a flyer Tama found in the box Hahari left her in, she manages to find a job at the Flower Mommy Baby Food Factory. Eira says that company is "impossibly, improbably ethical in its employee treatment," which is incredibly ironic since the company is owned by Hahari.
    • The flyer was left in the box by Hahari because she knew Tama would get the job, since "As long as you're cute, then you're hired, no questions asked." Hahari is drooling as she thinks this.
  • Several girls pet Tama's head while Momiji gropes her chest instead, but Tama doesn't mind.
  • When Tama asks Hahari if she can drop in to play at her house sometime, Hahari tearfully says, "YES, YOU CAN! ANYTIME!" Tama then hugs Hahari while saying, "I love you..." Hahari manages to look dignified even though she's making blubbering noises.

Chapter 148

  • Rentarou took so long to meet everyone on the roof because he was helping the Vice-Principal, who was trapped under a vending machine. The footnote says she was looking for boys' lost things.
  • When Uto suddenly snuggles up to Rentarou while saying his name with a heart, he says her name with a loving face, before Suddenly Shouting "What's wrong?!" with the same loving expression.
    • Uto then claims she's dizzy as she bumps into Rentarou while drooling and sniffing him.
    • Rentarou immediately figures out it's actually Hakari as he assumes she got in Uto's body with Kusuri's drugs.
      Hakari: Should've known not to underestimate you...! To think you would've noticed so quickly...
      Rentarou: I'm reasonably sure the readers noticed just as fast.
    • Hakari says they changed bodies again to show fresh new sides of themselves and make sure they don't fall into any kind of rut or fatigue stage.
      Rentarou: I'd have to be old and senile before anything like that happens. Actually, no, not even when I'm senile.
  • A quiz asks the readers if they can guess who's who. If they get all the swaps right, they get a special title. What does the upside-down text providing the answer say?Answer
  • Upon seeing "Ahko" without her smile, Rentarou looks like he's sad and scared as he asks her if she's really unhappy about something, before saying she's still cute even when she's pouting.
    "Ahko": It-It ain't like I'm happy to hear any'a that!
    Rentarou: (thinking) A tsundere Ahko...!
  • "Eira" has a Playful Cat Smile as she says, "At last, the fittest, buffest bod belongs to none other than Kusu— I— uhh, I'm Eira, yep yep."
    Rentarou: Kusu— uhh, Eira-san.
    • Then "Eira" has Rentarou toss a ball at her so she can kick it, only to miss entirely.
      "Eira": Once again, an unworthy target defiles my leg, yep yep.
      "Ahko": Ya didn't even hit it, though.
    • When "Eira" cheerfully runs after a cat chasing the ball, Rentarou calls her "A pure and unrestrained Eira-san!"
  • "Momiji" suddenly screams in terror and tumbles backward saying she can't touch a cat or take it out with a kick.note 
    A scaredy— uh, cat Momiji-chan...!
    • When "Eira" kicks the ball for the cat, she accidentally launches it at Rentarou's head. Just before the ball hits him, "Momiji" effortlessly deflects it with a kick.
      A capoeirista Momiji-chan!
  • The ball rolls by "Hakari", who proceeds to play with it like a cat. "Ahko" comments on the way she keeps saying "Balls...♥"
    "Ahko": Comin' from you, that sounds dirty as all get-out!
    "Uto": It wasn't even me who said it!
    • Just the sight of "Ahko" and "Uto" with angry faces is hysterical.
  • "Mei" calls "Hakari" a truly beautiful feline, but says her beauty fails to stack up to hers. Seeing Mei of all people with such a big ego is hilariously wrong.
    A narcissistic Mei-san...!
    • "Mei" still has her eyes closed, even though she can't tell where she's going like the actual Mei. When she trips on the ball, she gets caught by "Mai", who says, "Are you well? My honored self?"
  • When "Mei" asks who "Mai" is, the latter says she isn't Mai before flawlessly serving everyone tea.
    A perfect maid Mai...!
  • "Hahari" calls "Mai" her "dear sister" and gushes over how the latter makes her body so graceful.
    A little sister Hahari-san...!
    • When "Hahari" tries to help "Mai", the former is so distracted by how graceful "Mai" is that she mentally composes a haiku about it, causing her to trip, which in turn prompts Rentarou to call her "A clumsy Hahari-san!" "Mai" catches "Hahari" while outright calling the latter Mai, before glaring at her as she reminds her that she's in Hahari's body.
  • "Kusuri" is sweating and trembling so much that Rentarou says her name in concern. "Eira" responds to Rentarou before realizing her mistake and claiming she's Eira. It turns out "Kusuri" is panicking because her bangs are gone.
    "Eira": Hey, there's some bangs. Rude.
    • Despite her best efforts, "Kusuri" is too embarrassed to show her face.
      A super shy Kusuri-senpai...!
  • "A cool Miss Naddy" tells "Kusuri" she should imagine she peeled Kusuri's face off her body and is hiding her own behind it. "Eira" tells "Naddy" to not skin people without asking, while "Momiji" says it would be better to compare it to a mascot costume.
    • An off-panel voice in a familiar southern drawl says Nano "could prattle 'Murrican like nobody's business!"
      "Naddy": I certainly can speak English, but that does not mean Yamato Nadeshiko can.
      Rentarou: (thinking) Miss Naddy, actually speaking proper English...!
  • It turns out the voice was coming from "Yaku"!
    A 'Murrican Yaku-san...!
    • "Yaku" says they should sing the American national anthem, but she starts singing "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" instead.
      "Eira": That's not the American anthem.
    • To make things even more American, "Yaku" wants to chow down on a Big Mac. She starts asking everyone if they have a Big Mac they can share.
      "Hahari": It's not like candy or gum or something.
      "Ahko": Not even Americans just walk around with burgers in their pockets.
  • The repeated mentions of Big Macs causes "Meme" to get hangry. Rentarou tries to offer "Meme" a manjuu bun, but "Meme" angrily says a manjuu bun is no substitute for a Big Mac. She then orders Rentarou to apologize to manjuu buns and Big Macs for his transgressions.
    Rentarou: I'm... so very, very sorry, manjuu buns, and Big Macs...
  • "Kurumi" reveals that she had a Big Mac in her pocket.
    • Rentarou is having trouble trying to tell who the "boyish Kurumi" is because both Iku and Uto have boyish charm.
      "Ahko": Better question is who even cares?
      "Naddy": It is highly probable the author desired to force a cliffhanger.
      "Eira": Should be obvious who she is if I just kick her butt, right?
      Ending caption: To kick, or not to kick ass is the question.

Chapter 149

  • "Eira" kicks "Kurumi"'s butt, who says "Ow Ow Ow Ow!♥♥♥" in pleasure. The narration bluntly says, "It's Iku."
  • The manga doesn't even bother trying to keep the girls' identities a secret anymore, as arrows point each girl's name at them.
  • The person in Iku's body says she doesn't get what's so fun about getting your butt kicked.
    An ice-cold Iku...!
    • The actual Iku says once you've felt the joy of experiencing and overcoming pain, it's impossible to go back.
      "Ahko" (actually Karane): Spoken like someone who's well and truly crossed the line.
    • Iku tells the person in her body to give it one try. Hearing "one" causes the girl to perk up and say sure. "Eira" (actually Kusuri) proceeds to kick Iku's body in the butt, causing the latter to scream in pain.
      Actual Iku: ?
  • The girl in Karane's body asks if "Iku" is okay. Hakari is surprised that "Karane" is being nice while the actual Karane asks what that's supposed to mean.
    • "Iku" exposes her butt so "Karane" can rub it better. Seeing her injury causes "Karane" to exclaim "Molto violento...!" while her usual Cute Little Fangs look more like vampire fangs.
      A violenchanted Karane...!
    • When "Karane" starts patting "Iku"'s butt, Hakari uses this as a chance to call the actual Karane a pervert who will grope whatever rump's presented to her.
    • The real Iku offers to let "Ahko" take her anger out on her butt, only for Kurumi to point out that's her butt, not Iku's.
  • "An aloof Suu" says, "Your gluteus maximus, it may be— but perhaps it may not." Kurumi says, "No buts about it! It's definitely my butt!" "Suu" then says if someone were to touch the butt of the body Kurumi is in now, she wouldn't take offense since it's not hers. Cue "a gropey Rin-chan" groping Kurumi's butt and nuzzling her face in it.
  • "Suu" and "Rin" both avoid Kurumi's attack when she lashes out at them. Kurumi is so mad that she's hungry again, so "a granny-cat Tama" gives her a rice cracker. As Rentarou thinks about how he wants to stroke "Tama"'s belly, "Tama" points out he looks like he wants to stroke her belly, before saying he's ten years too young for that.
  • "Momoha" doesn't seem that different as she laughs about how "Tama" looks like a nekomata. Then "Momoha" realizes she's a minor and chastises herself for being drunk while requesting "waterrrrrgh!"
    A serious class prez Momoha-sensei...!
    • "Mei" asks if they're safe here and if "Momoha" being drunk would summon you-know-who. A footnote says, "So long as nobody underage consumes alcohol, it's a can-do."
    • "Momoha" zips her jacket up when she notices how much skin she's showing. Rentarou thinks this feels fresh and hard to describe. Then she places her bottle of booze on the ground because teachers shouldn't be carrying alcohol on school grounds, which "Naddy" (actually Nano) agrees with.
  • "Mimimi" picks up the bottle with clear intention to drink it, prompting someone to shout, "Now this would definitely count as underage drinking!" "Momoha" holds "Mimimi" back while The Big Cheese of the Publishing Biz suddenly appears. "Yaku" is shocked that The Big Cheese is here while Mai fears they're gonna get axed. Then an off-panel voice offers "Mimimi" some easy cash if she doesn't drink, which the latter accepts.
    A vice-ridden Mimimi-senpai...!
  • It turns out the voice came from "a bugging out Chiyo-chan," who offers "Mimimi" money if she gives her a smooch. "Mimimi" has 100 yen coins for eyes as she says she'll do anything if "Chiyo" pays her.
    Karane: What kinda ethics do ya teach?!
    • "Momoha" is struggling to hold "Mimimi" back while Hakari tries to stop "Chiyo" so she won't be defiled. The actual Mimimi asks what is going on with her body.
      "Suu": Ignorance Is Bliss— as they say.
  • When Hakari calls for aid, "a country girl Nano" tries to help, but she isn't able to do much since her current body isn't strong enough to do it. Yamame's squirrel is accompanying "Nano" and tries to help out by pulling on her hair.
  • "A teeny creature Yamame-chan" is using a phone to talk and tries to lend a hand, with Rentarou thinking that her size now matches her spirit. However, she isn't able to make them budge, prompting Rentarou to think, "Never mind."
  • Just before "Mimimi" and "Chiyo" can kiss each other, "a knightly Shizuka-chan" places her bamboo sword between their lips. "Chiyo" pats "Shizuka" on the head for being so cool and cute, causing the latter to become "a baby Shizuka-chan!" Seeing the already adorable "Shizuka" acting like a baby is "cuteness incarnate!"
  • "A grinning gal Kishika-senpai" cradles "Shizuka" like a baby while "Chiyo" takes pictures with her phone. Then "Shizuka" calls her "Mommy Kishika...♥"
    Kurumi: What kind of state is she in to say something like that? Honest question.
  • After Rentarou enjoys everyone's new faces, he kisses them back to normal... except the sheer number of girls this time meant they got mixed up again, with many of the girls switching with their opposites.
    • "Meme" is flaunting her beauty while "Mimimi" is embarrassed.
    • "Yaku" and "Kusuri" both have Playful Cat Smiles and Confused Question Marks.
    • "Kishika" is cradling "Hahari" like a baby.
    • "Iku" is paddling "Rin"'s butt.
    • "Suu" has a dopey smile while "Ahko" has a neutral expression.
    • "Hakari" and "Karane" are covering their chests, with the former asking what's with this chest and the latter asking where her chest went.
  • It took about 10,000 kisses before everyone got back in their bodies. The narration says it hopes the readers learned something from this: Please don't swap bodies just to mess around.

Volume 17 Extras

  • Tama practiced being a cat by reading books and watching documentaries about them. She even corrected herself when she said, "Now I see..." by saying, "Meow I see..."
  • While hanging out, Chiyo notices Mei looking wistfully at a table corner, and Mei says it reminds her of a precious memory of Hakari. Meme thinks it must be a beautiful memory because of Mei's expression, unaware that said memory was of Hakari telling Mei how to use a table to pleasure herself.
  • Not only are four generations of the Inda family tsundere, so is the family pet, Karatarou the hamster.
  • Yaku grapples with the English word "Proposal."
  • We see Rentarou hunting for pink four-leaf clovers for his bouquet with such fervor that it freaks out the vice-principal, who thinks he's a youkai.
  • Rentarou is trying to figure out who's in Kurumi's body by analyzing her breathing rhythm and the frequency of her blinks. The others tell him not to guess because he'd get it right and spoil it.
  • When "Karane" says, "Where'd my chest go?!" "Hakari" furiously gets on "Karane"'s back and performs a camel clutch on her. "Karane" screams in pain and warns her that she's going to break her own spine.
    "Karane": You're about to snap your own spine! Are you stupid or something?!
  • Tama is telling her mother about how she got a job all on her own and has joined a group of good friends. Her mother thinks Tama is finally growing up from her childhood dream of wanting to be a cat and laze around... only for the scene to cut to Tama being petted and pampered by Rentarou.
    • One flashback shows Tama's mother telling her to get a job while pulling her legs, while Tama is tearfully clinging to a cushion.
  • Hiro was so happy that Rentarou "married" Chiyo that he's in the same flailing leg pose as everyone else. Another page shows him going so wild that he's all over the page.

    Volume 18 (Chapters 150 - 158) 

Chapter 150

  • When Kurumi and Meme talk about how Kiki transferred to school, Rentarou asks if it's Kiki with the delivery service.
  • Ahko shows a video of Kiki singing, with the lyrics being rather funny.
    Kiki: Though our double-edged hearts muddle
    Even porcupines need to cuddle
  • Rentarou recalls how the old women's restroom has an urban legend about it being haunted by an opera singer who died from diarrhea. He tries to reassure himself that it's just an urban legend with a small sweat drop on his face, until he hears some singing coming from the bathroom's window. Rentarou proceeds to slide across the ground and scream in terror, causing his head to end up in a traffic cone.
  • Upon meeting Kiki, whose real name is Himeka Saiki, Rentarou doesn't immediately realize he got a ZING!! with her because his thoughts were covering it up, which he points out in the next panel. He proceeds to pull back the page so he can check; Himeka doesn't seem to notice anything odd about what he's doing.
  • It turns out that Himeka was practicing her singing in the bathroom because it has good acoustics for singing. When Rentarou points out that people normally save that for the bath, Himeka gives him a smug face, prompting a "What?!" from him. Himeka in response says, "What, what?"
  • Himeka quickly reveals she has an abysmal way of treating injuries.
    • If Rentarou had scraped himself, she would've washed the scrape with sparkling water. Keep in mind that a carbonated liquid would cause a scrape to hurt much worse than before.
      Rentarou: Are you trying to kill me?
    • Then she would've dressed it with a decorative sticker, which is a mouse with lightbulbs for ears and a plug for a tail named Pekachu.
      Rentarou: And not, like, a band-aid?
    • When Himeka gives Rentarou a smug face again, he asks, "Again, what?!"
  • After noticing Rentarou hurt his palm, she proceeds to pour water on it. Rentarou braces himself for the pain, only to find out she's using normal water before she covers it with an actual bandage. Himeka admits that she's not the "abnormal genius talent" everyone sees her as, just a "typical, garden-variety genius talent."
  • Himeka was singing in a toilet stall and planning on doing terrible first aid because they're abnormal behaviors. She's just putting on a show so people will see her as an abnormal genius instead of an ordinary genius. Rentarou thinks that stuff just made her look inept instead of an eccentric genius.
  • Rentarou almost calls Himeka abnormal before asking why she wants people to see her as an abnormal talent.
    Himeka: Because! Abnormal talents are just so much cooler, than typical geniuses!
    Rentarou: (thinking) This is some chuuni-level desire to stand out...!
  • Being called a genius for so long means Himeka doesn't feel happy anymore when people call her one. When she saw Yonezu Kenshi wearing high heels in his music video, she thought it was abnormal and cool. This inspired her to wear high heels during her performance, where she thought everyone saw her as an abnormal talent with a smug look on her face.
    Rentarou: (thinking) I can tell you not a single solitary person thought that...
  • One way Himeka tried to be abnormal was to use her chopsticks upside-down. Rentarou again thinks that's just inept instead.
  • Even though Himeka likes Rentarou, she won't go out with him because she thinks he's an Ordinary High-School Student, saying that's a normal thing to do and no one would see it as abnormal. As anyone who's read this series can tell you, Rentarou is the farthest thing from normal you can get in a harem series.
  • When Himeka starts to walk away, Rentarou realizes she dumped him before he could even confess, which would be even worse than his 100 rejections. Rentarou desperately tries to prove that he's "as far from normal as possible" to her.
    • Rentarou mentions that his eyebrows are a lot thicker than most peoples'. Himeka says there are plenty of people with thick eyebrows, meaning that's normal. She'd be more interested if they were a unibrow.
      Rentarou: Kh...! If only I was that legendary Tokyo Beat Cop...!
    • Next, he brings up that he spoke to god face to face. Himeka points out that people who start their own religions or hold seminars claiming that are a dime a dozen, making it normal.
      Rentarou: True, the internet is full of them...!
    • At this point, Rentarou starts to berate himself for being born perfectly ordinary, completely oblivious to how weird he can be.
  • Suddenly, the judo club comes running their way. Even though they're so sweaty that their own sweat is blinding them, their captain orders them to keep running until they take the nationals, prompting an enthusiastic "Yes, sir!" from them.
  • Before the judo club can trample Himeka, Rentarou holds them back by himself. The judo club think they hit a wall, followed by the captain saying, "If we hit a wall on the way to the nationals, we knock it down!" When Himeka warns Rentarou that he's in serious danger, he says he can do anything with The Power of Love on his side, finally tapping into his status as a Love Freak.
  • Rentarou suddenly warns the judo club that the Vice-Principal is here, causing them to scream in horror and decide to give up on the nationals in favor of running away from her.
  • It turns out the easiest way for Rentarou to get Himeka to date him was to mention all his girlfriends to her, because the moment he reveals he has 25 girlfriends to Himeka, she shouts that's ridiculously abnormal and asks him to go out with her.

Chapter 151

  • Upon being introduced to everyone, Himeka asks where they start eating taiyaki from. After hearing several girls suggest normal spots like the head, tail, back, and belly, Himeka smugly says she starts with the anal fin.
  • Himeka assumes that everyone in Rentarou's family is perfectly ordinary as she tells them she has no intention of hanging out with them. When Karane objects to Himeka's attitude, Rentarou tricks the former into saying, "It—It ain't like I like oxygen or anythin'!"
    Himeka: Was she just tsundere for... oxygen?
    Rentarou: That's right. Nothing is exempt from Karane's charming tsundere attitude. She'll tsun oxygen itself without even blinking.
  • When Karane says she's never letting Himeka go out with Rentarou, Kishika concurs, as she considers Himeka's attitude towards people she's never met to be the furthest thing from chivalry. Then Hahari starts patting Kishika's head as she urges her not to fight, causing Kishika to enter baby mode. Himeka finds this abnormal, calls Ahko strange for finding Kishika's behavior cute, and dubs Hahari the most deviant of all when she starts drooling with her tongue out while exposing her breast and asking Kishika to suck on it.
  • Iku asks Himeka if she likes baseball while Rin offers to share a musical performance. Himeka thinks she's finally found some normal girls, until Iku realizes she forgot the ball, so she has Rin paddle her instead.
    Himeka: Weird and weirder!
  • Mimimi hates being considered "normal" and asks if her stand-out beauty means nothing. Himeka says gorgeous people are hardly rare, but when Rentarou says Mimimi sees herself as the most beautiful person in the world and adds, "honestly, she is," Himeka says that's "abnormal, even for a narcissist!"
  • Himeka thinks Uto pretending to be a bard is pretty normal, but she changes her mind when Rentarou says Uto acts like a bard "24 hours a day, seven days a week, with friends, family, and in class."
    Himeka: Your mind's as eccentric as they come!
  • Momoha says she loves money, booze, grub, gambling, and sexy stuff, noting she can't help herself from all forms of pleasure. Himeka says people like Momoha are a dime-a-dozen, until Rentarou mentions she's also the school's ethics teacher. Momoha proceeds to drink while flashing a V-Sign.
    Himeka: Of course! That makes her abnormal on every single level!
  • Himeka doesn't see anything unusual about Momiji's desire to treat women's bodies with massages - up until Momiji asks politely, but bluntly, for permission to fondle her breasts.
    Himeka: You're just unusual by your nature, aren't you?!
  • Kusuri introduces herself by saying she loves making drugs. Himeka says there are plenty of people like Kusuri if you look in the right places like research labs, making her normal. When Himeka asks how old Kusuri is while mentioning she looks like she's in elementary school, Kusuri informs her she's actually 18, but she looks 8 thanks to her failed immortality drug.
    Himeka: That's abnormal, even for drug addiction!
    • Then Kusuri reveals her grandmother Yaku looks 8 but is actually 89.
      Himeka: It's not abnormal to lie about your age, but it is to do it by over half a century!
  • Suu is getting tired of the "abnormal, abnormal" nonsense, asking if that's all Himeka can say.
    Kusuri: But it's funny! She's like a broken toy!
  • Next, Kusuri unveils some of the other girls' abnormal traits in rapid succession, with Himeka saying, "Well, that's abnormal!" for each one.
    • Mei can't open her eyes, so she drives with them closed; Mai builds her identity on being a little sister, without having an older sister; Naddy is a Japanese lady who's pretending to be American; Tama gave up being human to become a cat; Yamame keeps real flowers and butterflies in her hair; and Hakari is known to lizz when she gets too excited.
    • Kusuri's height in each image changes depending on how tall the girl she's talking about is. Most of her upper body is visible for Tama, while only her arm and the top of her head can be seen for Yamame.
  • The number of "strange strangers" is a bit overwhelming for Himeka, but she thinks Shizuka, Meme, Chiyo, Eira, Kurumi, and Suu look pretty run-of-the-mill. Then a gust of wind blows in a porno mag, a flying squirrel, the scent of curry, and a zero-yen cell phone flier.
    • Shizuka gets blown away by the wind.
    • Chiyo enters OCD mode as she considers the porno mag to be litter.
    • Eira rolls away in terror from the flying squirrel because she can't touch such a fragile creature and take it out with a kick.
    • Kurumi gets hangry while asking where the curry is.
    • Suu holds the zero flier while calling it handsome.
    • Meme also vanished all of a sudden, either because the wind was blowing away her bangs or because the porn magazine triggered her D-Cup Distress.
  • Himeka says every last one of them is abnormal and enters a Pose of Supplication as she apologizes for her earlier remarks. The girls realize that Himeka admires abnormality and was complimenting them every time she called them abnormal, meaning she was identifying their unique charms and appreciating them in her own way. When Himeka says, "You're the most abnormal bunch I've ever seen, by a country mile...!" the girls sweat as they can't help but feel that accepting those compliments would be conceding something.
  • As the girls reconcile with Himeka, the flying squirrel confronts Yamame's squirrel on her shoulder.
  • When Himeka says Rentarou would be a perfectly ordinary, perfectly kind man if he never dated this abnormal bunch, Naddy and Uto take out two copies of the manga and flip through the pages to show Himeka the many, many Zany Schemes Rentarou has gone through across the series. Himeka says she loves Rentarou's abnormality and Rentarou says, "I love you too!" before they kiss each other.

Chapter 152

  • When Hahari tells everyone that the planning committee for a town event wants the idol group Rentarou's Family to be a part of it, Eira mentions she and the newer girls saw a video of their performance. A footnote says it was from Hahari's collection of creep shots.
  • Around two weeks before the event, Hahari receives a call informing her that the event has to be moved up a week because of a typhoon. All thirteen members of the idol group say they have plans set in stone that day.
    Tama: God must be playing tricks, meow...
    Uto: Or the word of God, as the case may be.
  • Hahari is about to cancel their appearance until Himeka points out that Rentarou's family has 13 more available members. The other girls are about to object until Rentarou says all of them would be so cute. They immediately say they'll do it.
  • Quali Tina returns to help the new girls practice for the event. Although Tina is less strict than before, she still has a big emphasis on quality.
    Tina: Idols are about, one! Camaraderie! Two! Quality! Three, four! Quality! Five! Quality! Now, say it back!
    Girls: Oh... uh... Idols are about—
    Suu: 1! 2! 3, 4! 5!
    Tina: I said more than just numbers!
  • As the girls practice dancing, Tina once again analyzes each girl's quality:
    • Starting with the girls doing well, Himeka and Rin have "rhythmical quality," Eira has "capoeira quality," Kishika has "sports club quality," and Momiji has "eccentric quality."
    • Ahko and Uto have "sedentary quality" as both of them are visibly exhausted.
      Ahko: It's sooo over.
      Uto: This is... not quite... a bard's... specialty... A dancer... would be... a more... appropriate class...
    • Unsurprisingly, Mai has "clumsy quality" as she falls on her face with the rest of her body sticking up.
    • Yamame is just flailing around randomly due to her "hectic quality." Her squirrel is also dancing with her.
    • Yaku has "traditional Japanese quality" as she dances differently from everyone else. Appropriately, her panel is an exact recreation of Naddy's dance from last time.
    • Momoha is requesting booze as she pushes herself off the ground, which is dubbed "alcoholic quality."
    • Tama is just stretching her arms up and down like a cat, which is called "kitty quality."
    • Suu has "numerical quality" as she forms a 9 with her body.
  • Next up is the singing lesson.
    • Yaku sings, "Aye, aye, aye one two?" when she was supposed to sing, "I want you!"
    • Suu just flatly says her lines with no energy at all. When Tina asks, "Where's the emotion?!" Suu says, "I don't give a damn about the song."
    • Yamame, Tama, Ahko, and Uto all have their own takes on the song.
      Yamame: Ah love you, aaaye.
      Tama: Never nyat thinking of you, meow...
      Ahko: I'm aaalways like, mega hyped with you, forreal
      Uto: I wish to see you again quick, for I can only be called lovesick.
  • While everyone is practicing at their homes, Yamame is dancing with her squirrel and butterflies.
  • As everyone practices, Tina identifies each of the girls as different kinds of students:
    • Eira, Himeka, Kishika, Momiji, and Rin are "brilliant students."
    • Yaku, Momoha, and Mai have improved significantly, with Yaku being an "attentive student" while the latter two are "students who can do it when not distracted by alcohol or sisters."
    • Suu is a "forgetful student."
    • Tama, Uto, and Ahko are "out of breath students," with Ahko looking like she can barely stand.
    • Yamame is grouped with "students with living creatures in their hair" even though she's the only one that matches that description. While Yamame herself isn't doing the dance properly, her squirrel is.

Chapter 153

  • Momoha asks Nano how she can make her dancing as sharp as the latter's perfect moves. Nano says she just memorized the performance. Then Momoha asks if there was anything specific Nano tried to keep in mind. Nano gives a Blunt "No", but not focusing on anything might be the key, so Momoha should empty her mind. Momoha forms a thought cloud as she tries to think of nothing. When a bottle of booze appears, she waves her hand through the cloud to get rid of it, only for the booze to come back.
    Momoha: I can't stop thinking about booze... What do I do?
    Nano: I would not know. Consult a physician.
  • Ahko wishes her dancing could be "cooly-cute" like Karane's, causing the latter to be flustered. Karane bashfully says she thinks Ahko's dancing is plenty cute as-is. Ahko is flattered, but she still wants to go from "plain cute" to "cooly-cute."
  • Suu asks Iku to give her some pointers, but she tells the latter to skip anything involving hard work, guts, or butts because she doesn't want to hear it. Iku tries to say something, only to be at a loss for words, with the shine disappearing from her eyes and her open mouth closing into a flat line.
    Suu: So there's literally nothing else in that head of yours?
  • Tama is trying to get Hahari to judge her performance, but Hahari keeps saying gibberish because she's too distracted by how cute Tama is.
    Tama: Mrrr, that doesn't help...
  • A crestfallen Momiji tells Kurumi she wants to talk to her. Kurumi notes that's pretty rare for Momiji and asks what the problem is. Momiji can't focus during her lessons because of all the swaying breasts and jiggling behinds around her.
    Kurumi: What else did I expect?
    • Momiji points out that all that activity must've made Kurumi hungry and asks how Kurumi dealt with her cravings. Kurumi had to stuff herself silly until she could stuff no more. Before exercise, too. The flashback shows Kurumi with a Balloon Belly and a large pile of empty food containers behind her
    • From this, Momiji figures she should grope until she can grope no more, starting with Kurumi's chest.
      Kurumi: Hands off!
  • When Rin tells Mimimi that she's struggling to match the rhythm, Mimimi says Rin should start with a mental image of what she wants to achieve. If it's difficult to visualize, Rin should try something more abstract, like imagining herself flowing down a musical staff with the notes. The imaginary Rin then gets pierced by an eighth note like it was a sickle, causing the actual Rin to form a Slasher Smile.
    Mimimi: What on earth could you be imagining now?!
  • As Kishika is watching a video of Kusuri's performance, Kusuri has her sleeves pushed together like a wise monk while staring at Kishika with a smug face. Kusuri points out she's technically Kishika's senpai when it comes to being an idol before offering to answer any questions Kishika may have. Kishika claims she doesn't have anything to ask, but when Kusuri says spurning your seniors isn't very chivalric, Kishika gets on her knees and begs Kusuri to teach her how she managed such energetic dancing. Their classmates watch this while looking perturbed.
  • Mai is so happy to get personal lessons from Mei that she thinks her leaking brain juices are making her dehydrated. When Mai falls on her face, Mei notes that Mai seems to be especially accident-prone while she's the one teaching her. Mai admits that Mei is so entrancing that she can't keep her eyes off her. Mei concludes that she's at fault for Mai's problem and slaps herself in the face. Mai realizes in horror that Mei will take it out on herself if she screws up and tells herself to focus like her life depends on it.
  • When Yamame tells Hakari she wishes she could move her body better, Hakari says she faced the same issue, as her movements were so sluggish that she'd constantly be one step behind everyone else and drag behind the "body" like huge boobs do. That's when Hakari realized that since no one can change the speed their breasts sway, she should change the timing instead of the speed by moving one beat early so she'll be on tempo. Hakari then gives Yamame directions using breast metaphors, which Kusuri finds questionable.
    Kusuri: Hakari's perverting Yamame again.
  • Uto says exercise has never been her forte, which prompts Shizuka to say the same. Since Shizuka has to use book passages to communicate her thoughts, she ends up sounding a lot like Uto, causing the two to bond with each other to the point where they perform a ballroom dance together... which is nothing like the dance Uto is supposed to be learning.
    Kishika: You would be better served practicing the performance's dance.
  • Yaku asks Naddy how she's able to sing English lyrics even though she struggles with English, too. Naddy says she just parrots back what she hears, noting she doesn't even know what a "murry christmas" is. Taking Naddy's advice into action, Yaku tries to sing the strange song everyone was singing during lessons. Apparently, Yaku mistook everyone saying, "One. Two. Three. Four," for singing.
    Yaku: Want you sea floor
    Naddy: Not exactly a song, missy.
  • Eira tells Chiyo she's worried because she can't take out anxiety with a kick, as she's always struggled with performing before a crowd. She even says she's so scared right now she could barf.
    • Chiyo asks Eira if she's ever heard of writing the kanji for "person" into her palm and swallowing it for good luck. When Eira struggles to respond, Chiyo says she does that with the word "dad" because that's how her father taught her. After Chiyo found out what you're supposed to do, her father said he taught her that way because he wants Chiyo to "swallow him."
    • Both Chiyo and Eira find this funny, with Eira saying she's "utterly keen" to try it out. Hahari mishears this as "udder licking" and pulls out her breast, causing Eira to scream in fear and Chiyo to enter OCD mode.note 
  • When Himeka asks Meme if there's anything she can do to improve her performance, Meme says it was perfect. After Himeka urges Meme to think of any little details she noticed, Meme considers bringing up the angle of Himeka's hands, but she dismisses it as overanalyzing. Himeka then asks Mimimi for feedback, who just says it wasn't as beautiful as her.
    Himeka: Why does everyone here keep answering questions that nobody asked?
    • Recalling how Himeka said she was "considerate" earlier, Meme decides to tell Himeka her thoughts. Meme is really nervous as she says Himeka's hands were misaligned and suggests that she angle them to be parallel. When Meme starts apologizing and tries to take it back, Himeka sincerely thanks Meme for the suggestion. Mimimi watches this with an innocent smile, but she's confused on what just happened.
      clunk, naturally

Chapter 154

  • When the girls take the stage, the audience notices that they aren't the same people as the previous Rentarou's Family. Rentarou himself keeps shouting, "Look! Rentarou's Family!" as the panels zoom in on him until the audience decides to believe him.
  • Standing next to Rentarou are stuffed replicas of the other girls like Meme and Hahari.
  • Each girl has their own segment where they dance their own way. While they start off reasonable enough like Eira's capoeira dancing, Tama's kitty-cat dancing, and Ahko's gal dancing, the girls eventually start doing weird ones.
    • Mai has maid dancing where everyone dances with brooms.
    • Momoha has drunk dancing where they hold bottles of booze. This is the only one Rentarou himself finds perplexing.
    • Momiji's grope dancing involves groping the air while sticking her leg out. Tama and Yaku are also copying her.
    • Suu has numerical dancing where they pose as 3s. Suu is happy as expected, Uto is calm as usual, and Kishika looks a bit uncomfortable.
    • Yamame's farm dancing has them swing hoes.
  • The audience finds the girls' dance moves weird. Rentarou says, "You f-," only to get cut off by another person saying it's lame.
  • Rentarou shouts how cute the girls are at the top of his lungs, but the audience remains unswayed. Just when things look hopeless, some familiar voices start talking about how cute the girls are. It turns out the voices came from the stuffed dolls Rentarou made of the other girls, thanks to Rentarou borrowing the newer girls' phones and placing them in the dolls, allowing the older girls to watch their performance through video calls. Since Yaku doesn't have a phone, Rentarou used his own for one of them.
    Mimimi: Beautifully cute, naturally!
    Mei: These honored people are most certainly cute.
    Nano: This embodies the concept referred to as "cute."
    Shizuka: "Ye ignorant masses. Is their" "cuteness" "not readily apparent?"
    Hakari: Full of cute and mwehehe kind of charm!
    Karane: It... It ain't like I think they're— uh... not cute, or anythin'!
  • Everyone's cheering convinces the audience that the girls are cute, in a strange way at least.
    Naddy: Super ultimate galaxy level cuteness, ya hear?!
  • Uto singing, "Not just like, but above, also better known as love♪" prompts one audience member to say her solo "has a funny flavor to it!"
  • Rentarou wants his tear ducts to cease for a second so he can see the girls sparkle and shine, but he ends up crying anyway as he shouts, "I LOVE YOUUUUU!"
  • After the performance, Rentarou runs to the girls to congratulate them, revealing that the dolls of the absent girls are all attached to him by a long pole strapped to his back. This causes him to make a lot of loud thumping noises as he approaches them.
  • The absent girls each praise the newer girls while Rentarou himself is just saying symbols.
  • Each girl hugs the doll of the girl they paired up with in the previous chapter. Mai in particular is crying Tears of Joy as she hugs Mei's doll.

Chapter 155

  • Kurumi is standing in line at 5 AM for a chance to try the ultimate fluffy daifuku, an award-winning pastry so popular that the line to try it lasts year-round and has security sentries constantly on watch to keep anyone from disrupting the line.
  • Who does Kurumi happen to see in line right behind her but Momiji, who's waiting for an opportunity to grope the fluffiest daifuku in the world.
  • While waiting in line, Momiji gets a look at Kurumi's behind and remarks "speaking of rear ends, how about Shiritori?" Kurumi agrees, but asks for her to repeat that first part.
    • As they play shiritori, Kurumi only lists words relating to food, while Momiji lists words relating to soft and squeezable objects. Talking about so much food inevitably gets Kurumi hungry, who asks who keeps naming foods.
      Momiji: Don't look at me.
  • A pair of married women in front of them are making small talk about their married lives - one of them does nothing but list different cutesy pet names for her husband, while the other just says "wife" over and over.
    • They end up waiting in line for so long that just making small talk is enough to leave the two women out of energy. As they pass out, they're disqualified for disrupting the line and are forcibly dragged away by sentries. Kurumi shudders upon seeing this.
  • As the day and the line progresses, even more people begin to pass out from lack of food and water and are removed for disrupting the line.
    • Fortunately, Momiji is willing to share a bottle of juice with Kurumi, not minding that their lips are both touching the same bottle. Their lips do kiss the same boyfriend, after all.
    • Kurumi prepares to eat her last CalorieMate until Momiji's stomach starts grumbling while the latter's expression is the same as always. Although Momiji tells Kurumi not to worry about her, Kurumi decides to share her CalorieMate with Momiji.
  • Being stuck in line in the sun for so long, eventually some people start hallucinating from heatstroke and are pulled away for disrupting the line. Soon, however, the weather changes into pleasant, life-giving rain... and then quickly into heavy, life-threatening rain.
    • The rain is so heavy that no one can see anything. The line sentries start removing people for either leaving the line by accident or standing still in line. The silhouettes of people getting dragged away look like something out of a horror movie.
    • Fortunately, Kurumi is able to lead both of them to the line thanks to being able to smell the daifuku through the rain. Momiji questions if that's even possible since not even police dogs can track scents in the rain.
    • Kurumi instructs Momiji to hold on and follow her lead. No guesses where Momiji holds on to.
      Kurumi: Not like that!
  • After so much time in line, running out of food, water, and energy, Kurumi feels she's going to lose the strength in her legs soon. Momiji then comes to the rescue, massaging her legs in order to revitalize them. Kurumi fears that Momiji will run out of energy herself, but Momiji insists that what she needs is "gropergy".
    Footnote: Grope energy. Recharged by fondling women's chests and rears.
    • As thanks, Kurumi willingly places Momiji's hands on her chest. Momiji starts saying, "Oh hoho," as she gropes Kurumi's chest, prompting the latter to tell her not to make weird noises.
  • Finally, the two of them make it to the front of the line and can order the ultimate fluffy daifuku... only to discover that only one is left for the day, and that they'd have to wait in line until tomorrow for more. The two then begin to argue over who should get the last one, each claiming that the other deserves to get it.
    • The head chef himself then emerges from the kitchen, enamored by the friendship the two of them shared. He bemoans that the long line, and the impatience it grows, causes anger and strife to grow between friends, family and strangers, and lists as an example the fights that break out between couples at Disneyland.
      Footnote: Just a personal opinion, of course.
    • He explains that he was watching the two of them through hidden cameras on the sentries' sunglasses, and praises them for taking on the line together as one - dubbing them as "one-liners."
  • As a reward for their patience and enduring friendship, the chef rewards Kurumi and Momiji with the "big bang ultimate fluffy daifuku", which happens to be bigger than both of them combined. The girls still insist that the other can have the daifuku first, causing the chef to cry tears of joy as he admires the girls' bond with each other.
  • Eventually, they agree to enjoy it together, digging their faces - and their groping hands - into the daifuku. They even took off their shoes first before stepping onto the plate.

Chapter 156

  • Rentarou and Miss Naddy go on a car date together, and she immediately gives him a "good morning" hug. As it turns out, Rentarou is incredibly conscious of Naddy's chest whenever she hugs him, and gets flustered every time... so she decides to increase his hug defense and give him plenty of surprise hugs during their date.
    • The first hug comes right after Rentarou gets into the car, before he can even buckle up, which she appropriately calls a "car hug".
  • Miss Naddy only listens to all-'Murrican songs on the radio while she's driving. Songs include... "We Wish You A Merry Christmas" and "The ABC Song". As the footnote points out, Merry Christmas is a British song.
  • They stop at a Mac's drive-thru for lunch, and Naddy answers the intercom with a cheery "Howdy-doo!" This then prompts the one taking their order to speak to them in English. Naddy initially assumes it's a form of Japanese she's never heard of, before turning into a nervous wreck as she tries to tell the speaker her English isn't very good. Rentarou clears up the awkwardness by taking their orders in Japanese.
  • After stopping at the "I'm Lovin' It Public Park" to eat their Macs, Naddy says "the culmination of all recorded human wisdom" led to Big Macs. Rentarou agrees, because "the cute way Miss Naddy eats Big Macs is the culmination of all recorded human wisdom." Naddy then surprises Rentarou with a "Mac hug" from behind.
    Rentarou: I think you mean a back hug!
  • Naddy shares the rest of her large fries with Rentarou, along with a "say aaah hug" that gets an elderly couple mistaking them for a romantic pair of foreigners. The elderly husband decides he'll outdo their passion in the name of Japan and clutches his wife's hand tightly... only for Naddy to give Rentarou a tight "stroll hug" that knocks the old couple off their feet.
    Elderly couple: There's no winning against the Black Ships of the West!
  • Once they're back in the car, they decide that Rentarou will give Naddy directions on where to go, with the destination being a surprise. They quickly get confused on whether to go left or right.
    Rentarou: Next light, turn lef— sorry, right.
    Naddy: Next light! Gotcha! Makin' me a left turn at the light, right?
    Rentarou: No, right. Not left, right.
    Naddy: Right? Left, right? No?
    Rentarou: No. Right.
  • Eventually, they finally make it to Rentarou's date spot: a drive-in theater, like the kind Naddy's seen in American movies, playing an American film with Japanese subtitles. The footnote feels the need to explain what drive-in theaters are.
  • Whatever the film is, it sounds more like a commercial for Japanese tourism.
    Male Hero: Listen, Sara, it's true! One serving of Kourakuen's miso vegetable tanmen contains about 12 ounces of vegetables, which is your daily necessary intake!
    Sara: That can't be true! It tastes so good!
    Male Hero: But it is true! I swear upon this Samurai Mac! So— Will you marry me?
    Subtitles: Please, marry me.
    Sara: Of— Of... Of course!
    Subtitles: Off of of course.
  • After their date, Naddy asks Rentarou if he's gotten more used to her hugs. Rentarou is so red in the face that Naddy says he's "red like ketchup between the buns."

Chapter 157

  • Ahko and Uto go out to see a scary movie together: it turns out to be so scary that Uto loses her cool and screams out loud multiple times, while Ahko lets out a very blank-faced "Eep" each time.
    • Once the movie is over, Uto is quick to proclaim that the movie wasn't really that scary, since she clearly wasn't scared to death, while Ahko freely admits that she was scared silly.
  • While Kusuri is engaged in a sumo match with Eira, Yaku calls Momiji away for a secret rendezvous; it turns out that she's secretly receiving expert shoulder massages from Momiji, away from Kusuri's jealous eyes.
  • As a special Mother's Day gift, Hakari gives her mom a surprise: Kishika swapped into Hakari's body, for Hahari to pamper to her heart's content. Kishika objects strongly to being set up like this without her consent, up until she starts regressing from being pampered. When Kishika starts sucking on Hahari's breasts, Hakari starts feeling second-hand shame from seeing her body act in this way.
    Mei: Hakari-sama... your filial piety is second to none, of that I assure you.
    • At the beginning of the scene, Tama is drawn like an actual cat as she plays with the cat that lives on the school's rooftop.
  • Shizuka finds a new book and dearly wants to share it with the rest of the family, but because the book revolves around two women in a boss-subordinate relationship and has mature content, she feels uncomfortable recommending it. In her eyes, it'd be too awkward to share with Rentarou, Nano wouldn't understand their relationship, Meme would be far too embarrassed by the content, and Uto wouldn't be interested in that kind of fantasy.
    • At that moment, Mai happens to walk in on her at the bookstore - as it turns out, she's already a huge fan of that book, and they immediately hit it off.
      Shizuka: "Now you're talkin' my language!"
  • While Naddy and Kusuri are out on a stroll with Chiyo, they notice her staring at a poster for an upcoming Mother's Day fair. Thinking she might be having feelings about her late mother, they quickly change into more motherly outfits (Naddy letting her hair down and putting on glasses, and Kusuri taking the negation drug to grow up) and offer to take care of her. However, it turns out what Chiyo was really thinking was how could it be Mother's Day when their entrance ceremony in April had been several months ago by now, and that the passage of time in the manga was all sorts of mixed up.
  • Tama doesn't drink because cats get drunk on catnip, so that's all she needs. Momoha takes Tama to her tent so they can spend the night drinking together.
    • Momoha is groping Tama's chest as she expresses surprise that the latter never had sex considering her "ballistics." Tama says her mother always told her not to follow strangers.
    • When Momoha asks why Tama let Rentarou pick her up, Tama says she felt a zing when she first met him, prompting Momoha to say, "Jusht like me!"
    • By tomorrow morning, their hangovers are so bad that the sun is unbearable, so they find something to cover their eyes. Mai arrives to see the tent a mess and both Momoha and Tama with bras over their faces.
      Mai: ...and what on Earth have you two been up to?!
  • Eira happens to meet Mimimi at a cosmetics shop and pulls seniority to pay for a product as a gift for Mimimi. Meme happens to see the whole thing, and the sight of Mimimi being treated as a junior gets her so flustered that she immediately rushes home and squeezes her Rentarou doll as tight as possible.
  • While Kurumi is a huge fan of Himeka's music, having seen how she acts in real life after her joining the family has left her intensely disillusioned.
    Himeka: I wash my shoulder blades first! How abnormal is that?!
    • Kurumi's headphones fall off when she tries to get something to eat, only to be caught by Himeka. As Himeka puts Kurumi's headphones back on, Kurumi is so mesmerized by her appearance that her face throbs, much to Himeka's confusion.
      Narration: Kurumi was played like a fiddle.
  • Ahko warns Nano about a swarm of wasps, but the former's lack of exclamation marks means she's likely saying them in a deadpan tone. Nano starts reciting pi to keep her cool. Once the swarm is led away by Yamame, she finally recovers her senses, only to see Suu staring at her with stars in her eyes. Completely dumbstruck, she continues to recite pi, while Suu is completely enraptured.
    Kishika: Which do you suppose will run out first? Nano's memory, or Suu's zest?
    Shizuka: "If ya ask me" "I'd bet on" "the pages of the chapter."
    • The chapter's number is 157. That number doubled is 314. Nano's and Suu's bit revolves around Suu enjoying Nano's reciting of Pi.
  • Rin decides she wants to help Karane feel better about her violent nature, so she takes her out to an arcade to play the punching machine. Right before Karane is about to hit the machine, Rin plays a voice clip of Rentarou saying "I love you, Karane," which causes her to lose control and send the machine flying. As it turns out, everyone around is very impressed by her strength, and she keeps that positive feeling in mind the next time she punches Rentarou into the air.
    Rentarou: I love the feeling of my beloved Karane's entire being instantly concentrated against my body! I need it daily!
  • Iku and Yamame are tasked with picking up a box in the supply room that's so high up, even Yamame can't reach it. She decides carrying each other piggyback would do the trick; Iku agrees, and lifts Yamame up herself. Carrying Yamame is so difficult that Iku's legs are vibrating like crazy. When Iku tries to carry the box afterwards, her legs are so exhausted that she can't walk, so Yamame carries Iku in a bridal carry, to Iku's embarrassment.

Chapter 158

  • As the family listens to one of Uto's performances, Karane tells Himeka it must be painful to hear for a legitimate singer. Then Himeka says she wants Uto to mentor her, much to Karane's shock. Karane points out that since Himeka is the better singer, having Uto mentor her would just make her singing worse. Himeka reiterates that she wants to be an abnormal genius talent, and Uto's songs are "as abnormal as talents get."
    Karane: Abnormal, yes. Talent, no.
  • Himeka laments how she tried to sing strange songs to seem like an abnormal talent, but all of her songs turn out okay at the bare minimum. She then proclaims, "Singing strange songs strangely is a gift! A gift that I lack!"
    Kusuri: You dissing her, yep yep?
    Himeka: Just the opposite!
  • When Himeka calls Uto a modern day Yonezu Kenshi, Kurumi points out that Yonezu Kenshi is the modern Yonezu Kenshi since he's still alive, so it's not like he's some figure of legend.
  • The first thing Uto does with Himeka is fish in a puddle. After Himeka asks why they're doing this, Uto says, "One could say we are fishing for nothing at all— Or perhaps, one could not."
    Himeka: I see. I don't get it at all.
    • If nothing else, this is still very abnormal, causing Himeka to make a smug face as she "fishes" with Uto.
  • Some of the other activities they do include using a smartphone's light like a campfire and standing on top of a playground dome to enjoy the wind, with Himeka having a smug smile the whole time.
  • At her home, Uto is reading a book on how to play the ocarina, with the monkey on the cover saying, "If you can't manage this, it's over."
  • While Uto listens to the radio, the listener "Daughter is Life" wrote that since their daughter is the cutest thing in the entire galaxy, seeing her off to school is always stressful. They then ask, "How can I put an end to every wicked soul on the planet? For good? Kill them, I mean."
    Host: Pray you find a Death Note somewhere, I guess.
  • Uto sleeps on a hammock in her room instead of a bed.
  • A student takes a peepshot of Himeka so he can post it online and say he knows her for real. When she demands that he show her the picture, the student claims he was just taking a picture of the hallway, so she just ended up in the photo incidentally. Before he can run away, Uto takes a picture of him while giving the same reason as him. She says she'll show the photo to a police officer relative of hers, and the guy would likely be identified and have his phone confiscated. The student is intimidated into deleting his photo.
    • Himeka asks if Uto really does have a police officer in her family. Uto says, "Among my parents', parents', parents... and of the many brothers and sisters across those generations... I am sure one or two may be found, if the effort to search was put forth." In other words, she was bluffing.
