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Lenneth's Einherjar


Jelanda (JP:Geraldo)

Voiced by: Kae Araki (Japanese), Rachael Lillis (English)
Class: Sorcerer

"Now face a princess's true wrath!"

A Rebellious Princess from the kingdom of Artolia who tries to get back at Arngrim for insulting her father. Unfortunately, she doesn't realize just what kind of political machinations are going on behind the scenes, leading to her being mercy killed by Lenneth after being given a drink laced with Ghoul Powder and transforming into a demon. As a mage, her Finishing Move is from the pool of twelve Great Magic attacks.

  • Black Magician Girl: Your starting mage. A decent and reliable one, too. Commonly ends up being the Closing Mage, too.
  • Body Horror: Changed into a demon by the Ghoul Powder. The transformation is offscreen in the original, but is shown in its full glory and details in the PSP remake. Her transformed and possessed body goes on a murderous rampage while she watches helplessly, a prisoner in her own vessel. She has to be killed in order to set her soul free and join Lenneth's party.
  • Bratty Half-Pint:
    • Lives and breathes this, initially. Throws her scepter during a temper tantrum soon after Arngrim has humiliated her father in front of his own knighthood by exposing him as a coward.
    • Later, she disguises herself to hire Arngrim for a job on which she intends to pay him back. While discussing the "job" with him, she makes a scene over what she deems inadequate food at a restaurant before accidentally downing alcohol and passing out on the floor.
  • Break the Haughty: A particularly horrifying example.
  • Character Catchphrase: "10,000 deaths are not enough for the likes of you". She says this phrase in a fit of rage after Arngrim disrespected her father, and twice later when she disguised herself as Angela and made a scene in a restaurant, and when she talked in her sleep inside Arngrim's room.
  • Clark Kenting: Glasses + babushka = her alias, Angela.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: One of her lines to Arngrim.
    Jelanda: Arngrim, it hurts!
  • Dub Name Change: From the somewhat masculine sounding Jeraldo to Jelanda.
  • Graceful Ladies Like Purple / Purple Is Powerful: Her princess dress is purple.
  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: For all her bossy attitude, she's a genuinely good person and rather unaware of the outside world as a princess.
  • Kill It with Fire: Starts out like this.
  • Mercy Kill: By her eventual Big Brother Mentor Arngrim and Lenneth after being transmogrified into a terrible beast.
  • Older Alter Ego: Anatomia featured an older version of Jelanda for a Valentine's Day event, known as "High-Handed Jelanda".
  • Pimped-Out Dress: As a royal, she wears a grand dress. It can be seen in her concept art and recruitment scenes.
  • Playing with Fire: One of her initial spells is Fire Storm.
  • Pretty in Mink: As a sorceress, she wears a cape trimmed with white fur.
  • Rebellious Princess: Despite the wishes of her father and the chancellor, she's willing to do whatever she thinks is right or necessary. It's part of what gets her targeted for the plan that ultimately kills her.
  • Red Mage: Starts with fire spells, but can also heal your party.
  • Regal Ringlets: Seen in her character art. Befitting for a proper young princess.
  • Squishy Wizard: She's got one of the lowest defensive values of the game, and her hit points fairly quickly lag. She's almost inevitably the first mage sent to Asgard by players for that reason.
  • Starter Mon: She's one of the first two Einherjars of Lenneth, alongside Arngrim.
  • Talking in Your Sleep: When her disguise fell off as soon as she fell asleep in Arngrim's room, she also speaks about her father in her sleep, as well as her Catchphrase. This clues Arngrim that she is simply trying to get revenge of some sorts when she offered him a job.
  • Tomboy Princess: A trait of Jelanda that is even lampshaded by Arngrim.
  • Treacherous Advisor: Is the victim of one of these. Her father's advisor is actually a double agent for the enemy nation and arranged for her to be delivered to them. If the plot is unveiled, she was drugged, and the soldiers sent to her rescue were ordered to give her some medicine in order to wake her up.
  • Tsundere: Her temperamental side comes out in front of people like Lombert and Artolia's subjects, but she has a kinder side that she shows to Arngrim and Lenneth.
  • You Kill It, You Bought It: Technically, Lenneth killed her in order to recruit her, but Jelanda was transformed into an undead monster via ghoul powder at the time.


Arngrim (JP: Aluze)

Voiced by: Hiroki Tochi (Japanese), Maddie Blaustein (English, first game), Dameon Clarke (English, second game)
Class: Heavy Warrior

"I grow tired of you!"

A mercenary who insults the king of Artolia, and thus becomes a good distraction for the powers behind the throne to use while trying to plunge the kingdom into further chaos. He first teams with Lenneth to take down the monster that Jelanda was changed to. His death is suicide; he would rather die by his own hand quickly than the drawn-out process of being executed by Artolia. His Finishing Move is Final Blast, an explosive dash with his absurdly large sword. He has an Expy in the second game, who is actually the same guy, thanks to reincarnation.

  • The Ace: During a skirmish against monsters in the prologue, he and Lawfer defeated the last monster. As a reward, Arngrim was acknowledged by the King of Artolia and rewarded with cash and a statue. Later on, word of this spread quickly, to the point that Badrach already knew him even before Arngrim introduced himself.
  • Anti-Hero: Freya doesn't consider him to be of quite the stock Valhalla is looking for in its heroes. Mechanically, this means Arngrim is one of the few party members you acquire that cannot be sent to Valhalla.
  • Ascended Extra: Thanks to his popularity, he returned in the second game and got a lot more of a speaking role.
  • Better to Die than Be Killed: He commits seppuku rather than be taken in for the crime of killing Jelanda (which he technically did, but Jelanda was already effectively dead because of the Ghoul Powder; he just released her trapped spirit).
  • BFS: One of the largest in the series, perhaps only matched by Dylan's in the sequel.
  • Big Brother Mentor: Becomes this to Jelanda. Was also this for Lawfer, training the younger warrior in the use of the spear and helping him realise his self-worth.
  • The Big Guy: In pretty much every respect - one of the tallest characters, built like a wall of muscle, can equip the heaviest of weapons and armor, and hits like a truck.
  • Blood Knight: Part of why he's a mercenary (as opposed to an enlisted soldier) is that he gets way more opportunities for battle.
  • Boisterous Bruiser: He's more at ease on the battlefield with his sword in his hand rather than having to deal with people.
  • Chainmail Bikini: A rare male example. Arngrim wears shoulder pads, gauntlets, and armored boots, but no chestplate, and he's shirtless. Guess that just goes to show how much of a badass he is. He's more covered up starting in the sequel, but still has some of his torso exposed.
  • Driven to Suicide: Played straight in the first game and narrowly averted in the ending of the second.
  • Death Seeker: Is implied to be this after the fall of Dipan.
  • Dub Name Change: From Aluze to Arngrim. A fitting name considering there is an Arngrim from Norse mythology who was a berserker.
  • Enemy Mine: The first one against Hrist. The second one against Lezard.
  • Expy:
    • Is actually an Expy of Ancel in Covenant of the Plume, but only in combat. Played straight in the second game.
    • There's no denying it. He's Guts from Berserk.
  • Expy Coexistence Valkyrie Anatomia had a crossover event with Berserk, allowing Guts to be a playable character. Meaning you can have both Arngrim and Guts in the same party.
  • Face–Heel Turn: Forced into it by Hrist in the second game. Later reversed into a Heel–Face Turn when he sides with Alicia and Rufus.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: A long one running down the left side of his face.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: With Lawfer.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Sure, he's gruff and rude, but he's a caring brother, has a couple of Warrior Therapist moments with Lawfer, and he's one of the leaders of the revive Lenneth and save all of creation plans in the "A" ending.
  • Leeroy Jenkins: His standard operating procedure. Only he makes it work for him.
  • Macguffin Escort Mission: Ends up on a permanent one, protecting the Dragon Orb from all those who would abuse it as its official guardian.
  • Meaningful Name / Named After Somebody Famous: Besides the Aesir and their enemies, Arngrim perhaps is one of the few human characters in the game who has his original mythological counterpart (the mythological Arngrim is a berserker in the Tyrfing Cycle of the Norse Mythology).
  • Mighty Glacier: He hits like a truck, but his most of his attacks only hit a few times.
  • Morality Pet:
    • His crippled younger brother.
    • He himself is arguably one to Hrist in Silmeria.
  • One-Handed Zweihänder: In Silmeria, he actually uses one hand for a lot of his attacks.
  • Out of Character: He claims that he doesn't accept delivery jobs without checking the package first. This comes back to bite him as a realization when he and Badrach are escorting a sleeping Jelanda in the main road, and none of them checked what's inside. This made them ambushed by the Knights, all according to Lombert's plans.
  • Punch-Clock Villain: How he tries to justify siding with Hrist after becoming her Einherjar. Emphasis on "tries."
  • Rage Against the Heavens: Covenant Of The Plume says he was put through reincarnation after calling out Odin over his actions in the unaltered-timeline version of the events of the second game.
  • Rugged Scar: Has a long one running down his left face, which he received in his youth.
  • Starter Mon: He's one of the first two Einherjars of Lenneth, alongside Jelanda.
  • Stripperiffic: Arngrim's missing a huge chunk of armor from his chest.
  • Together in Death: He offers this to Brahms at the end of Silmeria, but Brahms refuses and tells him that the Dragon Orb still needs protection.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: Doesn't matter whether he's going through the frosts of Nifleheim; Arngrim will never stop showing off his pecs and abs.

Voiced by: Kazuhiro Nakata (Japanese), Ted Lewis (English)
Class: Light Warrior

"You have paid the price for your evil!"

Noble from the kingdom of Gerabellum, Belenus is a widely respected man who treats his servant slaves well. Belenus fell in love with Asaka, one of his servants, but he was stuck in a loveless marriage to a noblewoman out of obligation and duty. His love for Asaka earned the ire of Belenus's wife, who formed a pact with a demon named Lady Beliza to take Asaka's life. Belenus dies in the process of Soul Transfer, which he willingly undergoes to save his beloved. His Finishing Move is Extreme Void, which holds an enemy in place as a BFS impales them from below.

  • Balancing Death's Books: He begs the Valkyrie to help Asaka, and she offers the ritual of Soul Transfer. Asaka lives, he dies and goes with the Valkyrie, and this is how he becomes an einherjar.
  • Blue Blood: He's rich enough that he owns a fairly large manor with several slaves.
  • Cool Sword: Particular the giant spectral one summoned with his Purify Weird Soul.
  • Cultured Warrior: Belenus fights with an air of nobility befitting a man of his class.
  • Defector from Decadence: Compared to the decadent nobles of Gerebellum who attempt to pull The Purge on the slums for one pickpocket being caught, he stands for fairness and justice to both commoner, knights and slaves alike. Granted, he moved to Lassen some unknown time later.
  • Dull Surprise: Several of his quotes show him being somewhat bored in battle.
  • Equivalent Exchange: His use of Soul Transfer to save his beloved's life.
  • Happiness in Slavery: One of his defining characteristics is that he treats his slaves well, and that he's legitimately in love with his slave, Asaka. Up to the point that he gives up his life for hers.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Willingly gives up his life to save the life of his beloved.
  • Meaningful Name: His name is the same name as the Celtic God Belenus, who is an equivalent of Apollo and known as "The Shining One". It helps define Belenus' nature in comparison to the corrupt Nobles of Gerabellum.
  • Yandere: His wife. While she was a perfectly good woman in most respects, she knew how much her husband loved his servant, and this put her in touch with Lady Beliza.
  • You Can't Fight Fate: In one scene, he spends several moments wondering if everything that happened to him was the result of fate. He then realizes this after his servant dies.


Llewelyn (JP: Lowry)

Voiced by: Daisuke Sakaguchi (Japanese), Tara Jayne (English)
Class: Archer

"With enemies like this, even I might have a chance!"

A reluctant young archer from the religious kingdom of Crell Monferaigne, who is drafted into the military, and leaves his beloved to fight in the wars enveloping the world. Although he promises to return to her, he's killed at sea before he even sees battle. His Finishing Move is Layer Storm, a Rain of Arrows all focused on a single foe.

  • Dub Name Change: From Lawry to Llewelyn.
  • Ensign Newbie: He's clearly out of his depth in the army, and a big chunk of his scenes are to ultimately show that War Is Hell by killing him off.
  • Rain of Arrows: His finishing move, Layer Storm, bombards a single foe with arrows. It's the single-most effective attack for continuing combos; using it guarantees that the combo meter will refill so that someone else can do another finishing move.
  • Roboteching: One of his normal attacks and his Purify Weird Soul do this with arrows.
  • Starcrossed Lovers: According to the developers, Llewelyn was a commoner and his fiancée Millia was from a noble family that disapproved of their relationship. It seemed they were doomed from the start.
  • War Is Hell: War forces him to leave the girl he loves, who breaks down after his death. It's even remarked that he's too gentle a soul to participate in war.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Llewelyn's sprite is used to represent one of Hrist's Einherjar in Dipan. However, unlike with Arngrim, there is no indication whether he is supposed to represent an incarnation of him, simply being referred to as a "Young Archer". In the sequel, this archer is nowhere to be found, with Arngrim being the only one accompanying Hrist.


Lawfer (JP: Lawfa)

Voiced by: Atsushi Naito (Japanese), Maddie Blaustein (English)
Class: Spearman

"I pledge my strength to the lady Valkyrie!"

A young soldier from Artolia following in the footsteps of his knightly father. From a noble lineage, Lawfer had to combat the expectations of others and struggle to compete with the more skilled Arngrim. His death is never shown, although it's generally assumed that he was executed for helping Arngrim's brother escape his own execution (which he was sentenced to due to Arngrim's suicide). His finishing move, Justice Stream, starts with him hitting the enemy several times and ends with catching the enemy in a violent whirlwind.

  • Always Second Best: Compared to tactical genius Arngrim. Doesn't help that his father is captain of the knights, as well.
  • Badass Normal: One of the top knights of Artolia, without any sort of magical power or history (prior to his recruitment) of supernatural assistance.
  • Blow You Away: His Purify Weird Soul, Justice Stream. This can also cross as a Razor Wind.
  • Dare to Be Badass: Arngrim calls him out on this during a flashback of Arngrim kicking his ass in training.
    Arngrim: "Genius? That's what losers say. He's 'different', he's 'special'. Pick up your spear, all you can do is your best."
  • Hard Mode Perks: Downplayed. Lawfer is one of the strongest Einherjar with the third strongest PWS in the game. Because of this, he will not appear on easy mode.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: With Arngrim.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Implied. He attempts to release Arngrim's brother, Roland, from prison, and is then recruited to Valhalla.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Lawfer hits hard, fast, and his Purify Weird Soul happens to be one of the most powerful among the regular Einherjar.
  • Put on a Bus: He is somewhat important to the storyline considering he's just a lowly Einherjar, but he only appears in the first game of the series. An incarnation of Lawfer appears as one of Hrist's Einherjar in Dipan, but he is nowhere to be seen in the second game.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?:
    • How he died is never shown onscreen. The manga states that Lawfer was turned into a vampire and Arngrim, who had already become an Einherjar, killed him. It is implied that he tried rescuing Roland, but was killed during the jailbreak.
    • An incarnation of Lawfer was seen alongside Hrist in Dipan, but in the second game he was nowhere to be found.

Voiced by: Natsumi Yanase (Japanese), Tara Jayne (English)
Class: Sorcerer

"I have drawn daikichi: excellent fortune!"

After both her parents died, she was adopted by a Shinto priest and chosen to inherit the shrine duties after his own daughter, Minayo, died as a stillborn. Her upbringing has left her honest and self-sacrificing, but also fatalistic and resigned to the vicissitudes of fate. As a mage, she uses the pool of twelve Great Magics for her Finishing Move.

  • Determinator: She set out to prove that familial bonds can transcend simply being of blood in order to obtain her family's power.
  • Disc-One Nuke:
    • Her heirloom sword, Dragonbane, which can be obtained after recruiting her. It is the strongest mage weapon in the first disc (outside of Element Scepters and Ether Scepters, both of which have a high chance of breaking when used, and the Unicorn Horn, which is one of the several endgame-tier weapons potentially available via Transmutation) and can be equipped by any sorcerer).
    • She also starts with Lightning Bolt, which can be used to one-shot many early-game enemy encounters. Especially when combined with the Dragonbane.
  • Gratuitous Japanese: Much like the other characters from Hai-Lan, Nanami uses many Japanese phrases in battle.
  • Happily Adopted: She shows nothing but love to her adoptive parents.
  • Hime Cut: A sign of her miko and aspiring Yamato Nadeshiko status.
  • Miko: A Japanese themed shrine maiden in a Norse Mythology-inspired RPG.
  • Playing with Fire: Starts with Fire Storm as one of her initial spells.
  • Prone to Tears: She cries at the drop of a hat and Fragile is listed as one of her negative traits as an Einherjar.
  • Replacement Goldfish: She was this for her parents, because their original daughter died as a stillbirth.
  • Sacrificial Revival Spell: She sacrificed herself on a soul transfer to let Minayo, her adoptive parents' real daughter, live in her body.
  • Shock and Awe: Starts with the Lightning Bolt spell.
  • Silk Hiding Steel: She is very ladylike and seems frail, but possesses a lot of willpower and inner strength.
  • Squishy Wizard: Like all sorcerers, it's recommended to keep her in the back so that enemies won't be able to attack her.
  • The Fatalist: She believes this, and it's one of her Hero Traits.
  • Wutai: Hails from the land of Hai-Lan.
  • Yamato Nadeshiko: A Nice Girl from wutai who has a hime cut and works as a miko.

Voiced by: Masaya Onosaka (Japanese), Scottie Ray (English)
Class: Samurai

"No matter who the opponent, I shall not yield!"

A young man from the land of Yamato, Jun wields two swords with a style all his own. Jun's goal is to find a miracle drug that will cure his beloved sister, Ai, of blindness. His life is devoted solely to his sister, whom he cherishes. However, his greed gets the best of him; he's turned into an ogre by it, and Lenneth is forced to kill him. His finishing move, Senko-Jin, is a series of rapid slashes while he moves around in lightning speed.

  • Big Brother Instinct: According to his story, his own clouded eyes are what caused his sister to become blind. Some of the director's notes contradict this, as they saw Ai was blind from birth.
  • Dual Wielding: Notably the only character in the game to do so, at least visually, although he still only equips a single sword.
  • Grand Theft Me: For defeating the Ogre, the demon possessed his body afterwards.
  • Gratuitous Japanese: Jun speaks Japanese for some of his attacks, including his Purify Weird Soul.
  • Half-Identical Twins: With his sister, Ai.
  • Katanas Are Just Better: As with the other katana wielders, subverted - he does much better if equipped with the European-style swords used by standard light swordsmen. He still appears to wield katanas regardless, however.
  • Morality Pet: His sister, Ai.
  • Samurai Ponytail: Wears his very long hair in a topknot ponytail that reaches down to his waist.
  • Wutai: Hails from the land of Hai-Lan.
  • You Kill It, You Bought It: Lenneth kills him to obtain him, but in her defense, he was transfigured into an ogre who was ripping out people's eyes.
  • Your Mind Makes It Real: His fiendish desire to save his sister turned him into a monster that had a penchant for taking the eyes of his victims.

Voiced by: Tetsuya Iwanaga (Japanese), Jimmy Zoppi (English)
Class: Heavy Warrior

"Aw, over already? I still wanted to fight!"

Disdaining all profit and personal gain, he travels the land in search of adventure. He wields an enormous sword to prepare for his meeting with a certain person. He shows no disdain toward those who fight for their ideals. His death comes via Heroic Sacrifice, both to save his ally Celia's life and to defeat a medusa preying on a town. His Finishing Move is Flashing Blade, where he leaps up and impales his foe on his zweihander.

  • BFS: Second to Arngrim.
  • Blood Knight: Several of his battle quotes include expressing excitement over the start of a battle or disappointment when it ends.
  • Curtains Match the Window: Dark blue hair and blue eyes.
  • Jumped at the Call: Unlike some of the others, he's adventuring because he wants to do good and can't wait to do it.
  • Nice Guy: One of the more pleasant humans that Lenneth recruits as an Einherjar.
  • Ship Tease: Some dialogue suggests that he and Celia (one of his companions, along with fellow Einherjar Aelia and Grey) have feelings for each other; in one scene he accidentally calls Lenneth by Celia's name, and Celia herself is far more devastated by his death than the deaths of Aelia and Grey. The director's notes state that the two of them are more than friends, but not lovers.
  • Speak of the Devil: How he taunts the demon before it unexpectedly showed up right in front of him and impaling him.


Janus (JP: Jake Linus)

Voiced by: Norio Wakamoto (Japanese), Scottie Ray (English)
Class: Archer

"How long must we keep fighting the same battles?"

A disgraced former knight and sniper from Crell Monferaigne, Janus lost his social status and was disowned by his family due to the public fallout of an assassination mission he undertook on behalf of his liege. He desires to return to his rightful position, which is used to manipulate him to his death by those who don't want the truth of his actions to come to light. His Finishing Move is Guilty Break, a repeated stream of arrows pinning his target before finishing with an explosion.

  • Automatic Crossbow: Unlike other bow users, he uses one of these.
  • Badass Normal: The best Archer you'll have after Lenneth who, lest we forget, is a super-powered immortal Valkyrie.
  • Cold Sniper: Played with, as he acts this way, but is wounded deeply by his past.
  • Death by Irony: He was unwaveringly loyal to his king and Crell Monferaigne to the point he would do assassinations for them. He was killed because the politicians in power were afraid he'd expose them, which he wouldn't do.
  • Doomed Appointment: He tried to give back documents that someone stole from the kingdom. He was instead killed then and there out of fear that he would instead try to expose all of his work.
  • Dub Name Change: Named "Jake Linus" in the original Japanese version.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: Has a long scar running down the center of his left eye.
  • Handicapped Badass: Seems to be missing his left eye.
  • Hitman with a Heart: Even though he's responsible for killing people, he still treats people kindly and is nice to a kid as well.
  • Master Archer: Known in his backstory for being a skilled and renowned archer and he happens to be the strongest of the ones that Lenneth can recruit.
  • Status Effects: Can inflict poison with his Diseased Needle attack, one of the few Einherjar who can do so.
  • The So-Called Coward: What most people call him, when he really took up assassination missions due to his loyalty.
  • Undying Loyalty: So much to the King of Crell Monferaigne that he willingly took up assassination and espionage missions.


Aelia (JP: Aimi)

Voiced by: Ai Orikasa (Japanese), Veronica Taylor (English)
Class: Spearman

"I love a good battle!"

A beautiful spear-wielding woman clad in green armor, Aelia is a powerful fighter. Due to possessing the Dragon Gem, she has the power to transform herself into a dragon. However, she is unaware that this transformation is a form of necromancy that is slowly robbing her of her human form. She is tortured to death by Gandar, trying to wring the secrets of the Dragon Gem from her. Her finishing move is Dreaded Dragon; she transforms into a dragon and attacks the enemy with a powerful energy beam in a similar fashion to Bahamut.

  • Action Girl: One of the few women to fight physically, and only one of two female Einherjar who are soldiers rather than wizards.
  • Blood Knight: Much like Kashell (who was her compatriot in life), several of her quotes exult in the thrill of the fight.
  • Boyish Short Hair: Her short red hair only frames her face and she is one of the only female warriors in the first game.
  • Chainmail Bikini: Not as extreme as some examples, but her armor does accentuate her curves and she has absolutely no armor on her thighs. She also does seem to be wearing a chainmail leotard underneath her armor.
  • Challenge Seeker: Her battle quotes make her sound excited to test her combat abilities against strong opponents.
  • Chest Blaster: Uses one in her dragon form in lieu of a Breath Weapon.
  • Defiant to the End: She refuses to divulge her secrets to Gandar, which leads to him just killing her.
  • Does Not Like Men: This is listed as a negative Hero Trait on her, but it has no effect in game and comes off as an Informed Flaw. She's close friends with Arngrim, Lawfer, Kashell, and formerly Grey, and has no problems with men in the game. Though this entire trait is justified since she is not a human. According to an interview with the developers, she dislikes relying on men due to her tomboyish personality.
  • Dub Name Change: From Aimi to Aelia.
  • Fiery Redhead: She's spicy and fiery, even when near death. And has bright red hair.
  • Impossible Hourglass Figure: Not so obvious her character art, but her battle sprite has her head be almost twice the size of her abdomen.
  • Javelin Thrower: Aelia can throw her spear like a javelin for one of her attacks. It can magically return back to her hand afterwards.
  • The Lad-ette:
    • Has "drinker" as a positive trait that Valhalla favors.
    • One of her scenes in Valhalla is enjoying herself at the "post-everyone fights to the death that day and get resurrected" feast.
  • Lady of War: Her poses with her weapon are very graceful.
  • Leotard of Power: As mentioned earlier, Aelia appears to be wearing a chainmail leotard underneath her plate mail.
  • Macguffin: Gandar believed that the Dragon Gem she possessed was the Dragon Orb, the Sacred Treasure of Midgard. It wasn't, and that's what led to Aelia's death.
  • Ornamental Weapon: Her artwork shows her with a rapier in a scabbard that she carries at her waist, but is never used.
  • Our Dragons Are Different: Dragons exist in this world, but her transformation is actually a form of Necromancy.
  • Scaled Up: Her Purify Weird Soul maneuver, one of the most powerful strikes in the game, involves her transforming into her dragon form.
  • Sucking-In Lines: She gathers energy before firing her Purify Weird Soul move. Although unlike the usual trope, this sucks into the gem in her chest rather than her mouth.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifter: She can turn into a dragon with the Dragon Gem.


Yumei (JP: Yumeru)

Voiced by: Hiroko Emori (Japanese), Tara Jayne (English)
Class: Sorcerer

"Father, Mother; watch over me!"

A young and feisty mermaid that lived off of the coast of Yamato, Yumei was born to a mermaid mother and a human father. Throughout her life, Yumei was ostracized by the mermaid community for her human blood, and felt she could never be accepted by either race and learned to suppress all of her emotions. After her mother died, Yumei attempted to locate her father by hitching a ride on a small fishing boat operated by a man and his son. Yumei struck up a friendship with the boy, Fuyuki, and revealed to him her desire to find the Cerulean Lapis, a rare jewel said to grant any desire. Her death comes after Fuyuki finds the Cerulean Lapis and wishes that the despondent Yumei could be reunited with her parentsnote . She is a mage, and her Finishing Move is one of the twelve Great Magic attacks. Her Wait Reaction familiar is a white cockatiel.

  • All of the Other Reindeer: At least among merpeople society. She was treated as an outcast since her father was a general who waged a war against the merfolk, but eventually changed his ways.
  • Apparently Human Merfolk:
    • Only in concept art. Yumei's mermaid form has human hands and legs in her concept art, but whenever she transforms in-battle, she looks like a typical mermaid with a fish tail and webbed hands.
    • Yumei eventually made a reappearance in Anatomia and this time, she was able to shift into the mermaid form seen in her concept art.
  • Break the Cutie: Outcast among her people for being a Half-Human Hybrid, leaves her home alone to find out her father is dead, and is inadvertently killed by her friend when it turns out the wish he was granted was a Literal Genie.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: Yumei also starts out with the Stone Torch spell.
  • Dub Name Change: From Yumeru to Yumei.
  • Failed a Spot Check: Not her but Fuyuki. She tells him that she wants to see her father and mother again, but she also states that her mother died and that she thinks it's unfair that they are together again without her. Fuyuki apparently didn't catch that meaning and proceeds to make a wish with the Cerulean Lapis that Yumei will be with her parents again which kills her, though Lenneth does honor the wish by taking her soul to Valhalla where apparently she'll reunite with her parents' souls.
  • Half-Human Hybrid: Because of this, she is a pariah among the merpeople.
  • An Ice Person: Two of her default spells are Icicle Edge and Frigid Damsel.
  • I Wished You Were Dead: When Fuyuki invoked this trope by saying "Lapis, grant me my heart's desire!", You will cry when you know the context... See below in Literal Genie.
  • Literal Genie: She's a victim of one. Yumei dies when Fuyuki wishes that she could be with her dead parents again. Developer's notes say she reunites with them after Ragnarok.
  • Macguffin: Her story revolves around the Cerulean Lapis. After she is recruited, she can pick it up to use in battle, granting her near-immunity to ice spells.
  • Our Mermaids Are Different: She can transform between forms as will and can use powerful magic, for starters.
  • Squishy Wizard: Like all the sorcerers, it is recommended to keep Yumei in the back to keep her safe.
  • Stepford Smiler: Present in some of her story. It's pretty clear she's lived a horrible life, but she tries to be cheerful.
  • Together in Death: According to the developers, she is able to reunite with her parents in Valhalla. They wanted to include a scene of it in the game, but didn't have enough time.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: Is able to shift between mermaid and human form at will.

Voiced by: Naoko Kuda (Japanese), Megan Hollingshead (English)
Class: Sorcerer

"Depart now, you grotesque thing!"

Lorenta was the intelligent and refined headmistress of the Flenceburg Sorcery Academy. She was very well-respected, though strict. She considers Mystina her favorite student, but is secretly hated by her. She was responsible for expelling Lezard Valeth from the Academy, and is later killed by him on her 36th birthday. Specifically, Lezard uses Ghoul Powder to transform her beloved husband into a demon, which crushed her spine. As her position indicates, she's a mage and uses Great Magic for her Finishing Move.

  • Badass Teacher: The Headmistress of Flenceburg Sorcery Academy, and the first Einherjar you'll get who knows Mystic Cross.
  • The Bait: She and her husband are used by Lezard as bait to draw Lenneth to his tower by cruely killing them (giving the husband Demon Powder which turns him into a monster that kills Lorenta violently.) It works.
  • Happily Married: Until Lezard decided to use her and her husband as a sacrifice to attract Lenneth's attention. Thanks a ton, jerk.
  • Holy Hand Grenade: Has Mystic Cross as a starter spell, which so happens to be useful in the very dungeon you enter after getting her and for the rest of the game.
  • Kicking Ass in All Her Finery: One of the most well-dressed Einherjar who can blast people apart with her magic.
  • Pimped-Out Dress: Wears a beautiful floor-length gown fitting for the headmistress of a magical academy.
  • Playing with Fire: Starts off with Fire Lance when she joins the party.
  • Power Floats: She's apparently so powerful, she can wield her staff by having it hover near her.
  • Purple Is Powerful: Most of her outfit is purple and she happens to be one of the strongest sorcerers to join Lenneth's party.
  • Prim and Proper Bun: Emphasizing her regal demeanor.
  • The Red Mage: One of the few sorcerers to join the party knowing both attack and healing magic in her repertoire of spells.
  • Schoolmarm: Certainly in appearance.
  • Squishy Wizard: As with all sorcerers, Lorenta excels in battle casting spells from the back kept away from the enemy's attacks.
  • Stern Teacher: At least to Lezard and Mystina. Despite this, she's considered a favorite instructor at the Flenceburg university.
  • Unwitting Pawn: To Lezard.


Mystina (JP: Meltina)

Voiced by: Wakana Yamazaki (Japanese), Rachael Lillis (English)
Class: Sorcerer

"You freaks have no reason to exist!"

Born and raised in Flenceburg, Mystina is a graduate and researcher of the Academy. While Lorenta sees Mystina as a favorite student, Mystina secretly loathes her for her strict personality and expresses a distinct lack of grief when she discovers that Lezard Valeth murdered her. It could be seen as Laser-Guided Karma that Lezard's next victim is her; he freezes her to death after explaining his plan to her. She has the array of Great Magic attacks as her Finishing Move, befitting a mage.

  • Allergic to Routine: Mystina's character backstory describes her as finding everyday life uninteresting, which is one of the reasons she uses her astral projection machine to travel wherever she wants. She doesn't seem to mind being turned into an einherjar since there are many things she can achieve that she wouldn't have been able to as an ordinary human.
  • Always Second Best: Well, when your peer is Lezard Valeth, what do you expect? The only reason she became top of her class was because Lezard was expelled from the magic university. This is also why Lezard killed her, since her power is a threat to him.
  • Alpha Bitch: Celebrates Lorenta's death, for starters.
  • Anti-Hero: Like Arngrim, Mystina is dubbed not suitable for Valhalla, so she remains in Lenneth's party for the rest of the game. This makes her of particular importance to Ending A where she and Arngrim remain loyal to Lenneth even after Hrist takes over as Valhalla's Valkyrie.
  • Bat Out of Hell: Mystina's unique Familiar is a bat, representative of her personality.
  • Casting a Shadow: Knows the spell Dark Savior by default. She also has the strongest elemental affinity for Darkness.
  • Chekhov's Gun: The elf homunculus that Mystina stole from Lezard's tower.
  • Dub Name Change: From Meltina to Mystina.
  • For Science!: Stealing valuable homunculi from a dangerous, insane necromancer and considers being an Einherjar an improvement over being alive, since she can learn about Bifrost and Yggdrasil, among other things.
  • Hair Color Dissonance: She has dirty blonde hair in her character art and portraits, but her sprites in the first game show her with auburn hair.
  • Hoist By Her Own Petard: She astrally projects herself into Lezard's tower and steals some valuable data, and later, she's killed when Lezard freezes her astral projection machine.
  • Holy Hand Grenade: Knows both the Sacred Javelin and Mystic Cross spells by default, making her a force to be reckoned with as many demons and monsters are weak against Holy magic.
  • Hot Witch: And she knows it, too. In one of her battle quotes, Mystina will tell the enemies to "feast their eyes" on her as it will be their last vision of beauty.
  • Karmic Death: She acts cold about her teacher's death at Lezard's hands, and then Lezard kills her by plunging her body to absolute zero.
  • Lady of Black Magic: Very feminine and ladylike, particularly when compared to some of the more tomboyish sorceresses like Jelanda.
  • Magic Staff: Wields wands just like all sorcerers in the game, including her personal wand, the Infinity Rod. It can be acquired after she becomes an Einherjar.
  • Narcissist: Her narcissism is considered a negative trait in Valhalla. Not that she can be transferred in any case.
  • Ms. Fanservice: In the game, but most noticeably in the Manga, with plenty of panels dedicated to her body to boot.
  • Nominal Hero: She isn't a very good person. In fact, she is one of only 3 Einherjar that Lenneth acquires that cannot be sent up to Valhalla, the other two being Arngrim and Gandar. Though she isn't completely unredeemable, she commits to saving Lenneth when she replaced with Hrist by Odin and Freya with Arngrim and Lezard.
  • Of Corsets Sexy: In her adventuring outfit, at least, emphasizing her bust.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: Her pictures usually have her looking smarmy or indignantly angry, but the only time she ever has a face that looks seriously pissed is when going against Hrist and saying she won't let Lenneth die.
  • Put on a Bus: Despite her relative importance to the plot, especially compared to other Einherjar, Mystina did not make an appearance in the second or third games. She did return as a playable character in Valkyrie Anatomia, though. She's also gone on to make crossover appearances in many other games, such as Final Fantasy Brave Exvius, Bravely Default, and Star Ocean.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Red to Lezard's blue.
  • Squishy Wizard: Does best in the back row casting spells where she's kept safe from enemies.
  • Super-Powered Alter Ego: In the mobile game Valkyrie Anatomia, Darkness Mystina is described as a version of Mystina from another realm who has trouble controlling her immense magical power. She also became an einherjar to that realm's version of Hrist.
  • Tsundere: Shows her warm and compassionate side to her companions such as Lenneth and Arngrim, but is very cold to Lezard.
  • Vain Sorceress: A rare heroic example. Well, sort of.
  • Victoria's Secret Compartment: After collecting the fragments of Lenneth's soul in a crystal, she stores the crystal in her bust.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: In the first game, Mystina's sprite is used to represent one of Hrist's Einherjar in the city of Dipan. However in the sequel, Arngrim is the only one actually seen with Hrist, with the others nowhere to be found. Valkyrie Anatomia confirmed that Mystina became one of Hrist's Einherjar in at least one alternate universe.


Lucian (JP: Lucio)

Voiced by: Nozomu Sasaki (Japanese), Eric Stuart (English)
Class: Light Warrior

"Valkyrie, grant me power!"

A young man from a poor village in the Villnore Region. Haunted for years by the tragic death of his childhood girlfriend, Platina, he sees the vestiges of her in Valkyrie. Strong in battle, but lacking the true spirit of a hero. His death comes when overmatched as a mercenary. His Finishing Move is Round-Rip Saber, a Teleport Spam attack.

  • Always Save the Girl: He attempts to do this... with varying degrees of success.
  • Anchored Ship: With Claire. Type 2.
  • The Atoner: Still feels guilty over being unable to save his Unlucky Childhood Friend, Platina.
  • Back from the Dead: On the best ending.
  • Big Brother Mentor: He's this to the orphans in Gerebellum.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Lucian may not be king of this trope, but he has a spot in the king's court.
  • Dysfunction Junction: He came from a village that was selling most of their children into slavery, and after escaping, fell in with a Ragtag Bunch of Misfits in Gerabellum.
  • First Boy and Girl Win: Lucian and Platina were childhood friends, and they end up together at the end, as Lenneth the Creator and Lucian the Einherjar.
  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: While the sprites show him in a dark blonde/ Light brown hair. His illustrations, manga, and FMVs, he's show with blonde hair. And at worst, he can be considered a Robin Hood like figure.
  • Harmful to Minors:
    • A big part of his backstory. You do not want to be a child in Coriander Village at the time Lucian, his little sister, and Platina lives there.
    • Gerabellum also counts. Lucian ended up having to fight off hordes of royal soldiers in order to save Claire and the orphans when a purge of the slums was commencing. Why did the royals order this? One guy from the slums stole from a noble.
  • He Knows Too Much: Killed by Loki after he uses the Water Mirror to speak to Lenneth, which Loki used as a cover to sneak and steal the Dragon Orb without Odin realizing it, then framed him for stealing it.
  • His Heart Will Go On: A rare male example. Reversed back into a straight Her Heart Will Go On later before he comes back from the dead.
  • I Just Want My Beloved to Be Happy: When he begins to suspect that Lenneth is Platina after he finds out that valkyries live as humans when not active and that their human memories are sealed, he doesn't hesitate to try to bring them back. This unfortunately leads to ... He Knows Too Much.
  • Jack of All Stats: Balances out his mediocre PWS with powerful regular attacks, and can break an enemy's guard frequently.
  • Just Like Robin Hood: His occuptation in Gerebellum - thievery from the rich and giving to the poor.
  • Kill the Poor: Present in Lucian's backstory. He was part a of a band of thieves that steals for the poor. Consequently, in retribution, soldiers were sent to kill not only the thieves but also the rest of the slum's dwellers.
  • Letting Her Hair Down: Convinces Lenneth to do this.
  • Love Makes You Dumb: Dumb enough to trust Loki.
  • Mangst: Can you blame him?
  • My Greatest Failure: Not being able to save his sister or Platina.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: He trusts Loki - you know, the guy that everyone calls the god of trickery. Set off the events that lead to The End of the World as We Know It.
  • Nice Guy: Shows signs of this - it's mostly set back by his feelings for Platina affecting him. Also, he's the only Einherjar who's hero value starts off in the positive number scale.
  • Official Couple: With Lenneth, the protagonist of the first game.
  • Put on a Bus: After the first game, Lucian would not make another appearance in the series until Anatomia.
  • Red Is Heroic: Definitely. Also, contrasts with Lenneth. While they don't show the whole Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy trope. They're opposite colors.
  • Skyward Scream: In the prologue, Lucian screams to the skies, shouting Platina's name as the girl dies in the Weeping Lily Meadow.
  • Star-Crossed Lovers: Things didn't work out how he planned with Platina. A mere human and a goddess. It doesn't get anymore star-crossed than that. However, when Lenneth becomes the Creator at the end, that problem is nullified. You wanna question her choice of romances? Have at her. Just don't do it near me.
  • Shock and Awe: Oh, yes, 12 hits, and and his Limit Break Round Rip Saber.
  • Single-Target Sexuality: Even with Claire and her short, short skirt around, his heart still only belongs to Lenneth/Platina, a girl who for all intents and purposes to the mortal realm had been dead for years. The game even lists this as a weakness, yet he and Lenneth still end up together. Broken Aesop?
  • Took a Level in Badass: He killed Sleipnir without the help of Loki in the manga.
  • Underestimating Badassery: He's quite capable as a warrior, but fangirls tend to look down at him, when he's actually one of the best warriors in the main storyline.
  • Unwitting Pawn: To Loki.
  • Victorious Childhood Friend: In the Golden Ending, he's finally able to reunite with Lenneth, who has her memories and feelings as Platina restored.
  • Violation of Common Sense: Just because Lucian is a top-tier character and plot-important doesn't mean that you shouldn't put him on a bus to Valhalla if you want to get the Golden Ending.

Voiced by: Urara Takano (Japanese), Veronica Taylor (English)
Class: Light Warrior

"There are plenty of foes left to fight, let's go!"

Jayle was born as a noblewoman of Gerabellum named Leticia. Eventually, she disguises herself as a man and takes on the name "Jayle" to join her country's legion of knights. She's killed by the vampire Genevieve after she avoided being hypnotized (as Genevieve's powers only work on men). Her Finishing Move is Eternal Raid, a Spam Attack with her rapier.

  • Bifauxnen: She's masquerading as a male knight and has the androgynous appearance to match it.
  • Dying Declaration of Love: An odd variation which has her wishing for him to win, but it has the same effect as the trope itself.
  • Jeanne d'Archétype: A plot purpose, being a woman disguised as a man.
  • Lady of War: Keeps a regal air about her as she fights.
  • Immune to Mind Control: If only Genevieve's, as her bewitchment powers only work on men and Jayle no sells it by the fact that she's a woman.
  • Master of None: In terms of stats, she's the most well-rounded of all the physical fighters.
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Her goal was to get revenge on the man that killed her parents.
  • Sweet on Polly Oliver: Her Commanding Officer, the only one who knows her secret.
  • Sweet Polly Oliver: Jayle's actually a woman named Letcia.
  • The Teetotaler: One of her qualities is that she doesn't drink, something that Valhalla considers a negative trait.
  • The Vamp: Defied, subverted and acknowledged. Jayle is afraid she's using the Captain and the other men for her own means, which is something Genevieve calls her out on.


Badrach (JP: Badluck)

Voiced by: Mitsuaki Madono (Japanese), Jimmy Zoppi (English)
Class: Archer

'"Goddess, I'd give my life for you... shyeah, right!"

A thief who works alone, having refused to enter the Thieves' Guild. His power is unquestionable, but his unique ability to make enemies makes him unpopular. He has a notorious weakness for women and drink. He also handles any mercenary work, so long as he gets paid; he accompanies Arngrim on the mission to escort Jelanda before they're killed. His death comes from an arranged hit, from elements that worry he knows too much. His Finishing Move is Sphere Strike, in which he sets explosives around his foe and sets them off (with a shot in the American version, with his cigarette in the original).

  • Anti-Hero: Type IV, and this is exemplified by the fact that he has the absolute lowest hero value among the Einherjar (negative 111 points). Only two other characters are with the negative one-hundred range with him (Arngrim and Gandar) and neither of them can be sent up to Valhalla anyway.
  • Blood Knight: Part of why he's a mercenary is because he loves fighting and killing in all its forms.
  • Boisterous Bruiser: Several of his battle quotes show someone who takes lots of joy in his work... if it's easy. He tends to complain about closer battles.
  • Digging Yourself Deeper: In Badrach's recruitment scene, Lenneth starts out collecting his soul for Hel to torment him for eternity; she asks if he's done anything good to warrant becoming an Einherjar, and Badrach, in a panic, starts listing off things like, "I helped a kidnapper! I sold women into slavery!" Lenneth is about three seconds away from booting his ass down to Nifleheim before he comes up with his one good deed, which he did out of spite anyway.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: Badrach is one of the earliest named characters shown in the game; he's one of the mercenaries hired to bring Jelanda to her destination.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: One reason why Lenneth accepted Badrach, as he freed a little girl from slavers, even after all the crimes he has done.
  • Final Speech: Badrach makes a rather long one to convince Lenneth to not send him to Hel, the goddess of Nifelheim.
  • He Knows Too Much: The reason that one of his previous employers has him killed; he's done too many below-the-board missions without any sort of professional code for anyone to feel comfortable.
  • Jumped at the Call: When he saw Valkyrie, he was all too happy to be picked up to be brought to Valhalla, mainly because the alternative was to rot in Nifelheim instead with Hel.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: Badrach was just hired to deal with mundane threats when he was picked to guard Jelanda, like kidnappers with no magical skills. When he sees that she's been transformed into a raging demonic monstrosity laying waste to everyone around, he knows he's both outclassed and dealing with something well beyond his agreed contract, so he books it.
  • Meaningful Name: His name is Bad Luck in japanese, and sounds close to Bad Rap in English. It doesn't get much better than that considering what kind of person he is. Ironically, he had a stroke of good luck being recruited by Lenneth, as he'd have gone to Nifelheim if she didn't take him.
  • More Dakka: His attacks fire off more shots than anyone else in the game - more than ten more, at best, than anyone else. However, he generally will only connect with less than a quarter of this unless fighting a really large foe.
  • No Smoking: He's a smoker in the original Japanese version; the removal of his cigarette takes away from the effect of his finisher.
  • Only in It for the Money: Badrach makes it clear that personal profit is his only motivator; part of why he's killed is because one of his clients worries that Badrach would sell out said client for the right price. This even carries over to being an Einherjar - as the above quote shows, Badrach doesn't want to risk his continued existence for Lenneth's sake; he's just going with her because it beats the alternative (going to Hel).
  • Professional Killer: He's a sellsword that is willing to take any job. It leaves a bad taste in the mouth of Arngrim, who also is a mercenary, but one who has standards as to what jobs to take.
  • Right for the Wrong Reasons: Mentions one time he was stiffed by slavers; he let a girl get away to screw them over. This is the one thing that allows Lenneth to take him with her. It is implied that the girl was Lucian's sister.
  • Schizo Tech: Guns in early Norse Medieval times. Though he equips bows like any other archer and his artwork shows him with a crossbow.

Voiced by: Tatsuya Nagatomo (Japanese), Eric Stuart (English)
Class: Heavy Warrior

"Even in the face of defeat, I shall never surrender!"

Grey is a mysterious man who is only seen in black full plate armor. Upon dying, he was saved by his love, Lemia, who sacrificed herself for the the Ritual of Soul Transfer. He attempted to return the favor, but discovered too late that Soul Transfer cannot revive someone who sacrificed their life via Soul Transfer. However, his comrades Aelia, Kashell, Celia, and others mistakenly believed he had killed her, and he was forced to go into hiding. His finishing move is Icicle Disaster, which assaults the enemy and encases it in an ice block before scoring the final blow.

  • The Atoner: He regretted that his wife did a soul transfer for him.
  • Animated Armor: Grey, his body seemingly destroyed by the time his wife performed a soul exchange, so his soul was fused into a suit of armor to allow him to live. His companions were later confused as to why he never removed his armor, not aware that he was now literally living armor. It's suggested that Grey doesn't have a body anymore; his spirit is holding up his armor.
  • Black Knight: How he was viewed as by his compatriots. Given his guilt over the matter, he has no interest in changing their minds.
  • Creepy Monotone: Well, he doesn't have vocal chords anymore, only a spirit inside a hollow armor.
  • An Ice Person: One of the few physical fighters that can create energy attacks outside of his finisher, with two small icicles flying after him when he charges an enemy.
  • Sacrificial Revival Spell: He was revived from death by his lover via the Soul Transfer ritual. Grey attempts to do the same to revive her, but learns that it cannot be done to regain someone who already used it to revive someone else.
  • Stone Wall:
    • Why most people don't like him; he has rather low attack, though most don't notice his increased defense.
    • As the game eventually becomes about doing as much massive amounts of damage to the enemy before they do the same to you, with plenty of options to be automatically revived after death, having a high defense doesn't really make up for a weak offense.

Voiced by: Yuri Shiratori (Japanese), Tara Jayne (English)
Class: Sorcerer

"It's a blessing I cannot look upon you."

A song maiden, her goal was to use the enchanted nature of her song to empower her countrymen in battle against Yamato. However, she finally started to realize just what her power was being used for. In horror, she stopped singing, and was massacred on the field of battle. She's a mage, and uses the Great Magic spells for her Finishing Move.

  • All of the Other Reindeer: She was feared for the power of her songs.
  • Blessed with Suck: Although her powers made her nation's army unstoppable, she was treated like crap for her entire life.
  • Blind Seer: Her blindness doesn't impair her in battle in any way, implying she has some magical means of knowing where her allies and opponents are.
  • Broken Bird: She thinks of herself as just a tool of war at first, though events on the battlefield cause her to question this at the worst possible time.
  • Defrosting Ice Queen: Which actually leads to her death - a battlefield is a bad place to have a My God, What Have I Done? moment.
  • Disability Superpower: Shiho is blind, and this focuses her magical power.
  • Facial Markings: She has a third-eye chakra on her forehead.
  • Handicapped Badass: Can become this if you choose to level her up.
  • Heroic BSoD: She was so sick of what she was doing she stopped one day during her songs.
  • Hime Cut: Fitting for an Einherjar from Hai-Lan, which is based on feudal Japan. Although, unlike many examples, Shiho actually has light brown hair rather than black.
  • Magic Music: She's called a song-maiden for a reason.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: She is so sick of what she does when she realizes the horror of the death she causes.
  • Ship Tease: With Suo.
  • Squishy Wizard: Shiho is best placed in the back of the party to keep enemies from physically attacking her.
  • Together in Death: An optional scene near the end of the game shows her and Suo falling in love in Valhalla.
  • White Magician Girl: The one mage that actually fits the archetype; she starts with all of the defensive spells, but is the only mage that does not start with an offensive spell.

Voiced by: Akimitsu Takase (Japanese), Ted Lewis (English)
Class: Samurai

"My path is strewn with corpses!"

A samurai from Yamato; his life was a constant series of battles that he began to question more and more as Ragnarok approached. He was part of what led to Shiho's Heroic BSoD, which later led to further doubts on his behalf. He died while trying to clear out a town supposedly filled with warriors by a man trying to cover the escape of women and children, not sure anymore if fighting further was actually worth it. His Finishing Move is Hyoso-hojin, a deep slash with his no-dachi.

  • BFS: His no-dachi is longer than most of the other sword-wielders' weapons.
  • Cool Helmet: Suo wears a samurai-style kabuto with a faceplate that looks like a demon.
  • Gratuitous Japanese: Like his fellow samurai Jun, Suo speaks Japanese for some of his attacks, including his Purify Weird Soul, Hyoso-Hojin.
  • Heroic BSoD: Much like Shiho, he becomes horrified when he realizes how much death he has caused on the battlefield.
  • Katanas Are Just Better: Actually a no-dachi, but most treat it like one. As with Jun, though, it's better to actually equip him with the swords any others use.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Suo suffered a Heroic BSoD, allowing a peasant to strike him down as he was deep in thought.
  • Together in Death: With Shiho, see above.

Voiced by: Kikuko Inoue (Japanese), Rachael Lillis (English)
Class: Sorcerer

"Such abominations should not be allowed to exist!"

A descendant of the Jotun Mimir, her sorcerous power was so great that she feared it, deliberately sealing it by sealing her body and soul in ice. Odin orders Lenneth to set her free, which she accepts if Lenneth can prove that the valkyrie can contain her power. Her death is at Lenneth's hands, and her Finishing Move is from the list of Great Magic.

  • Half-Human Hybrid: Half-human, half-Jotun, which grants her such out-of-control power that she intentionally seals herself away.
  • Hard Mode Perks: She's the only party member found exclusively on Hard mode. While she has one of the highest base magic stats, there are already a slew of mages to pick from, so her exclusivity loses its value.
  • Light 'em Up: She starts with all of the Holy spells.
  • Mysterious Past: Developers state that she was born around the same time as the creation of the world. Most of her backstory was never elaborated on since at one point, it was planned to be elaborated upon in future games.
  • Permanently Missable Content: If you send her to Asgard, you'll never get her back at the end of the game.
  • Restraining Bolt: She's hoping Lenneth can be one.
  • Sealed Good in a Can: She sealed herself, no less.
  • Squishy Wizard: Lyseria is physically frail like all sorcerers in the game and should be positioned in the back row to keep her safe.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: According to the developers, Lyseria had a more complicated backstory and at one point was even connected to Jayle, but most of it ended up being cut and simplified. She only ever appeared in the first game.


Gandar (JP: Ganossa)

Voiced by: Mugihito (Japanese), Ted Lewis (English)
Class: Sorcerer

"My sorcery makes even the gods tremble!"

A maniac mage behind most of the mortal chaos that others had to trudge through, his goal is to arise to the stature where he can become a god himself. Odin sends Lenneth after him on the theory that, no matter how insane and evil he is, his power would be a great last-minute addition to his Ragnarok forces. Lenneth kills him as well, and he uses one of the Great Magic spells as a Finishing Move. His Wait Reaction familiar is a small red dragon.

  • 11th-Hour Ranger: He's recruited in the last chapter of the game; particularly in Hard Mode, he's generally ignored because his stats aren't appreciably higher than Mystina's (who can be recruited around the halfway point of the game) and he has considerably less time that one can use him to bring him up to the level of mages recruited much earlier.
  • Badass Cape: Gandar has a long cloak that blows in the wind as he casts magic.
  • Casting a Shadow: He knows Shadow Servant as one of his default spells and casts Dark Savior when faced as a boss.
  • Dub Name Change: From Ganossa to Gandar.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: We first meet him during Aelia's recruitment, where he tortures and kills her for information about the Dragon Orb.
  • Evil Laugh: Has a few of these in his in-game battle quotes, fitting for an evil sorcerer.
  • Evil Sorcerer: The only characters with as low of a ranking on Asgard's scale of virtues are Arngrim (who has a bit of a grudge with the gods, and it's mutual) and Badrach (who was literally just one good deed away from being sent to Hel). Gandar manages to put them both to shame.
  • Magic Staff: He uses his cane to focus and direct his magic spells in battle.
  • Obviously Evil: He dresses the part of an Evil Sorcerer, and his first appearance is him torturing Aelia in one of his dungeons during her recruitment phase. Nothing about Gandar is subtle.
  • Playing with Fire: Fire Lance is one of the spells Gandar knows by default when he joins the party.
  • Physical God: His goal is to become one of these.
  • Restraining Bolt: He's upset to discover that Lenneth can be one.
  • Shock and Awe: He knows Prismatic Missile, a lightning-elemenal spell, as one of his default spells.
  • Smoking Is Cool: In some of his concept art and character portraits, he is shown smoking a pipe.
  • Squishy Wizard: Despite his body armor, Gandar is still a sorcerer and should be put in the back to keep him safe from enemy attacks.
  • Token Evil Teammate: Despite the fact that he has absolutely no positive traits whatsoever, and he doesn't even have the single good deed that Badrach managed to dredge up, Odin is pretty gung-ho about having Lenneth recruit him. He is also one of the few Einherjar that Lenneth recruits that can't actually be sent to Asgard.
  • Wizard Classic: Gandar seems like an evil version of the trope: he's an aging wizard, he carries around a pipe and a wizard's staff which doubles as a cane, and even his English name is similar to Gandalf. However, he is pretty heavily armored for a wizard, wearing scale and plate armor.
  • You Kill It, You Bought It: Unlike other cases where Lenneth pulls this off, which generally fell under Mercy Kill, Lenneth kills him solely so that she (and by extension, Odin) is in control of his immense power.

Silmeria's Einherjar

    Shared Tropes 

Silmeria: "They exist within me."

Unlike Lenneth, who collects the souls of warriors as they die, Silmeria already has the souls of her Einherjar within her from her previous incarnation. Once she finds a relic that they used to posess (usually their former weapons) she is able to use it as a conduit to manifest their souls physically and once she has strengthened them sufficiently (through combat) she is able to release them in mortal form to live out their lives once more.

  • All There in the Manual: Their origin stories are all explained in their character menus (and are gone into greater detail here).
  • Belated Happy Ending: Once Silmeria has sufficiently trained her Einherjar she is able to release them back into Midgard as mortals. In many cases this means that related heroes who died tragically can be reunited again in peace and live out their lives together.
  • Hero of Another Story: All of Silmeria's Einherjar have been dead for centuries and therefor have little to do with the current plot, yet they all were heroes once and many of them had interweaving storylines of their own.
  • Written by the Winners: The bios given in the character profiles are presented as how history remembers them. Their actual stories can often differ from recorded history or are understood much better by comparing them to each other. As such their listed tropes may be inconsistent with their profile above.

Voiced by: Kenji Nomura (Japanese), Patrick Seitz (English)
Class: Heavy Warrior
Age: 28, 772cc - 800cc

"I will cut asunder your earthly bonds!"

An Einherjar materialised by Silmeria. He lived 150 years ago as a heavy warrior who swore loyalty to the Kingdom of Dipan. Dylan happened to be accompanying Silmeria when she was transmigrated by the Sovereign’s Rite, and thus he came to reside within Alicia as well. While other transferred Einherjar souls deteriorated, Dylan’s spirit remained strong, as did his body upon materialization. Thus, he was summoned forth to protect the Princess of Dipan, Alicia. Knowing that Dipan is in danger, he steps forward to protect and assist Alicia. His taciturn gruffness belies a deep sense of honour and the kindness in his heart. His Finishing Move is Violent Rage, a series of attacks done with his enormous sword.

  • Badass Normal: Like any Einherjar, he's just a warrior who doesn't seem to possess any special powers.
  • The Big Guy: In terms of size, he's even bigger and more muscular than Arngrim, who is already a big guy to begin with.
  • BFS: He carries an enormous greatsword that's even larger and broader than Arngrim's.
  • The Comically Serious: Whenever Alicia and her party have a lighthearted moment (few as they are), Dylan usually maintains his trademark grim face throughout.
  • Gentle Giant: Despite his gruff and grim exterior, he is pretty soft-spoken and kind, especially when it comes to Alicia / Silmeria.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: He has a large scar on each of his shoulders, but their origin is never explained.
  • Magikarp Power: He starts off a little worse than your other heavy warriors, but he becomes a beast in the Seraphic Gate.
  • Mighty Glacier: Like most Heavy Warriors in the series. Dylan also happens to have the most powerful Heavy Warrior attack in his arsenal.
  • The Reveal: Is really Brahms in disguise.
  • Undying Loyalty: In his lifetime, he served as a loyal warrior to Dipan and eventually to Silmeria herself. Gameplay-wise, he's one of the few characters who cannot be released as an Einherjar due to his plot importance, similar to Arngrim and Mystina in the first game.

The Beginning Years

Voiced by: Dai Matsumoto (Japanese), Chris Kent (English)
Class: Mage
Age: 29, 112cc - 146cc

"Be calm! Do not show weakness"

Led the military of Fraelgard, a country that existed on the island south of the continent from 80cc to 234cc. It is said Mithra was behind the construction of hidden fortresses at key points on the island that fended off would-be invaders from the continent. However, a mistake by a subordinate raised suspicions of treason against the King, during a battle in 145cc Mithra was left to die on the battlefield and eventually captured. For the entire year he was held captive in a dungeon, Mithra was subjected to unspeakable tortures, yet never spoke a word. When his corpse was later delivered to Fraelgard without eyes, ears or tongue, the King is said to have broken down in tears at his own shameful folly.

  • Et Tu, Brute?: Subverted. He never actually betrayed his King.
  • An Ice Person: One of only two mages to use ice magic.
  • Making a Splash:
    "Awaken the song which speaks of empty skies! Now hearken thee the voice of the ocean's lord! Tidal Wave!"
  • Mutilation Interrogation: Was horrifically tortured after his capture, as seen above it included both Eye Scream and Tongue Trauma.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: From the King of Fraelgard upon seeing Mithra’s corpse and realising the mistake he made.
  • Rewarded as a Traitor Deserves: During battle he is Left for Dead by his King who suspected him of treason.
  • Robe and Wizard Hat: He's a mage who wears a traditional wizard's pointy hat.
  • The Strategist: Showed great defensive strategy in his placement of fortresses, May also qualify as The Engineer if he had a part in their actual design/construction.
  • Synchronization: After the Sovereign's Rite in Dipan he is able to sense that Silmeria is in distress despite the fact that his connection to her was severed after his release. Presumably this is because he has been with her for centuries longer than any other Einherjar.
  • Torture Always Works: Subverted. Despite repeated gruesome torture Mithra never spoke a word (although maybe they simply started with his tongue).

Voiced by: Yuri Amano (Japanese), Erika Lenhart (English)
Class: Archer
Age: 25, 308cc - 333cc.

"I despise the gods, but you I trust"

A member of the Tehm, a small tribe from the north of the continent. The tribe excelled in the ability to handle horses. They rode as fast as the wind and flew over mountains like birds. Tehm tribal custom calls for a Protector, one who is sacrificed for the blessings of the gods. However, the Protector of the time broke the laws of purity by bearing a child. Atrasia was this Protector. Without a Protector, the tribe was attacked by a group of undead and wiped out. Atrasia managed to escape to a nearby town with her child, but died of exhaustion and physical injuries.

  • Bargain with Heaven: The Tehm had a deal with the gods to become Einherjar upon their deaths in exchange for Divine protection.
  • The Chosen One: Atrasia was supposed to be a pure sacrifice to the Gods. Subverted in that she broke the tradition and had a child.
  • Deal with the Devil: The truth however was that Atrasia distrusted the Gods and voluntarily tried to break the traditions of her people by working with Hel, the Mistress of Niflheim, in exchange for the protection of her child.
  • I Love the Dead: Well not quite that, but she does have a lot of respect for the undead and none for the Gods.
  • Jerkass Gods: In retaliation the Gods destroyed her tribe yet allowed her child to live.
  • Sole Survivor: After her tribe was destroyed by the Gods she survived only long enough to get her child to safety in another village, leaving it as the last of her people.
  • To Hell and Back: Supposedly her child died and a saddened Atrasia ventured into Niflhiem to retrieve her child's soul.

Voiced by: Yuri Amano (Japanese), Hunter Mackenzie Austin (English)
Class: Light Warrior
Age: 22, 324cc - 346cc.

"Is it my turn now? I've waited an eternity"

A member of ‘Truth’, a band of treasure hunters spanning the entire continent. A treasure hunter through and through, Lwyn travelled with her father from a young age, slaying numerous monsters and discovering countless relics and ruins. She was last heard from in 346cc, in the desert region to the south of Artolia Pass. She disappeared soon after reporting to Truth Headquarters regarding her discovery of an ancient dynasty's royal tomb.

Voiced by: Joji Nakata (Japanese), Travis Willingham (English)
Class: Heavy Warrior
Age: 25, 350cc - 375cc.

"I'll watch our backs! Now go!"

An adventurer from the outskirts of Gerabellum. Blaming The Undead for the death of his parents, Falx spent his entire life seeking vengeance by defeating Brahms, the Lord of the Undead. Falx not only excelled in wielding a sword, but also used his knowledge of contraptions and sorcery to his advantage in battles. After his extraordinary fighting ability skills finally caught Brahms' eye, he soon lost his life.

Voiced by: Joji Nakata (Japanese), Travis Willingham (English)
Class: Mage
Age: 28, 390cc - 418cc.

A sorcerer from Solde. Although originally a Dipan soldier, Aegis become widely known because of his extraordinary contribution in the battle against the Principality of Paltierre, which once existed in the northeast of the continent. A master at reading the ocean, it was said he could take on any numbers of enemies at sea. However, despite being undefeatable on the water he was not so invincible in it, as he couldn't swim. While skirmishing with pirates in 418cc, he fell into the water and drowned at sea.

  • Beat Them at Their Own Game: Is vulnerable to Water/Ice magic.
  • Death by Irony: The great naval strategist and commander is unable to swim.
  • Elemental Rock-Paper-Scissors: Subverted. He is weakest to his own element.
  • Gameplay and Story Segregation: Averted. His weakness to water is both a gameplay element as well as the original cause of his death.
  • An Ice Person: One of the only two Mages able to use Ice magic.
  • Kill It with Water: Both his main attack and his main vulnerability.
  • Making a Splash: One of the only two Mages able to use Water magic.
  • Power at a Price: Sometime before he became a naval commander Aegis made a deal with some water nymphs wherein he sacrificed his ability to swim in exchange for the ability to read the water.
  • Pride Before a Fall: Averted, Aegis understood that 'Pride and misplaced bravado are not always conducive to victory, and someone who cannot put that aside will never beat someone who can.'
  • The Strategist: Maritime strategist at that. He also believes in having the wisdom to not fight losing battles whether by fleeing, changing strategies or by simply not turning up.

Voiced by: Taiten Kusunoki (Japanese), Kyle Hebert (English)
Class: Mage
Age: 27, 423cc - 450cc.

"Things are getting interesting!"

A genius sorcerer from the Principality of Paltierre, which once existed in the northeast of the continent. Psoron created Fire Storm, the most widely used offensive magic spell, and Guard Reinforce, one of the most basic defensive magic spells. He was the court sorcerer for the king of Paltierre. After creating these two magic spells to fight the undead, he disappeared. More than half the magic spells in existence would not have been, were it not for the creation of Psoron's two basic spells.

Voiced by: Naoko Matsui (Japanese), Karen Strassman (English)
Age: 23, 445cc - 468cc.

"I am sorry; I am not ready for my journey to end."

Raised by a merchant family in the Nethov region. A girl of such prosperous upbringing should never have been exposed to the brutishness of the world, but one day her destiny took a sudden turn. Her father, the wealthiest man in town, was ensnared in a trap that cost him his entire fortune- and his life. Her fiancé broke off their engagement when her house went bankrupt. Faced with starvation, Jessica decided to become an adventurer. In 468cc, she came across an enormous gemstone while adventuring through some ruins. Unaware that the stone sealed the spirit of an evil dragon, she removed it from its resting place.

  • Action Mom: Par for the course for any einherjar that happens to be a parent.
  • Combat Stilettos: Wears high-heeled boots in battle like many other swordswomen in the game.

Voiced by: Dai Matsumoto (Japanese), Chris Kent (English)
Age: 25, 464cc - 489cc.

"Our will cannot be broken so easily."

A warrior from Nethov, a town vital to the Principality of Paltierre, a power that ruled in the northeast of the continent. Gerald was one of the many who volunteered to slay a dragon- a menace that often appeared near town. He and 99 other volunteers charged into the dragon's den, ready for a fight. As his sword plunged into the dragon's chest, a fountain of poisonous blood spurted from the wound, killing not only the soldiers in the area, but all living creatures in the Nethov region.

  • Call-Forward: The Nethov swamp, and the dragon that comes with it, are one of the earliest dungeons in the first game.
  • Disappeared Dad: A discussion with Jessica after releasing her implies that she doesn't even know who his father was, to boot.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: To the entire Nethov region, basically. If you release him he points out that Odin was masterminding the calamity, and it would have happened regardless.
  • You Killed My Mother: Why Gerald took up arms against the dragon to begin with.

Age of Turmoil

Voiced by: Yuri Amano (Japanese), Hunter Mackenzie Austin (English)
Born: 562cc.

"All set? Weapons ready!?"

An aristocrat from Gerabellum. Crescent was only ten years old when the neighbouring city suddenly attacked in 572cc. She managed to escape with the help of a Mercenary. This sudden attack began an era of war from what would later be called the War of Camille Hill, a battle that lasted four years. However, because of her young age, Crescent was merely used as a bargaining chip by the kingdom for political purposes. After the war, she returned home, only to find her stepmother still holding reign over her father's land. The one she once called mother threatened her. She realized the attack itself was her stepmother's plot and exacted revenge. Afterwards, she and her heroic mercenary travelled the world. In 580cc, she enlisted with the Rosetta Dynasty, a power that once existed in the south of the continent. She joined the royal guard, the Knights of the Sun, and was appointed Meridian General. In 581cc, she joined the Year-Long War. She vanished after the Battle of Artolia Pass. Her body was never found.

  • Combat Stilettos: Wears leather high-heeled boots in battle.
  • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: With Adonis, if you put them together in battle. She occasionally tells him to go to Hel if he makes fun of her, and if Adonis falls in battle, Crescent isn't afraid to hide her gleefulness at the turn of events.
  • Undying Loyalty: With Ehlen. When you acquire her, the first thing she wants to know is where he is, and if you put them together in battle, she'll declare that she'll be by his side until death. Given that they're both Einherjar now, that'll probably be a long time indeed. Adonis teases her about this if they're together in battle.

Voiced by: Dai Matsumoto (Japanese), Chris Kent (English)
Age: 32, 549cc - 581.

"I shall never retreat, never!!"

Formerly working as a mercenary mainly in the Gerabellum region, Ehlen was part of the Gerabellum Army in the War of Camille Hill that began in 572 C.C. His name was often found at the top of the list of the Seventeen Commanders of Camille, which included only the mightiest warriors. He was a fighter who never gave up, and had been through much in his lifetime. People looked at him with awe and fear. Thus he was given the nickname "Demigod Ehlen". He wandered the land after the war, but in 580 C.C., he sided with the Rosetta Dynasty, which once existed in the south of the continent. He was appointed as Horizon General of the royal guard, Knights of the Sun, and participated in the Year-Long War, which began the year after. He demonstrated his amazing fighting skills during the war as he held his own against the two major powers- Paltierre and Dipan. However, during the battle of Artolia Pass, he gave his life to protect his friends from an ambush by the Undead.

Voiced by: Takako Honda (Japanese), Gina Grad (English)
Age: 27, 556cc - 583cc.

"Smash the silver chains that bind thee to life!!"

Celes led the troops of Dipan in the War of Camille Hill from 573cc to 576cc. Her myriad battle tactics earned her a position as one of the Seventeen Commanders of Camille, and also earned her the moniker "Warrior Princess Celes." After the war, she married the lord of Lassen and lived a peaceful life. However, in 581cc, the Rosetta Dynasty, a power existing in the south continent, launched an invasion that resulted in her capture while her husband was away. This battle, known as the Lassen Invasion, was the cause of the Year-Long War, which ended with the whole Continent's involvement. Celes participated in this war as Eclipse General of the Knights of the Sun. They fought against Dipan's navy, which was said to be ten times the size of their army. Near the end of the Year-Long War, she was wounded at the Battle of Rosetta by her birth sister Phyress, Queen of Dipan. She died two years later as a result of the wound.

  • Chainmail Bikini: Her armor worn in her character art is quite form-fitting and leaves some of her upper arms and legs exposed. However, her in-game character model is actually more covered up.
  • Combat Stilettos: Wears armor plated high-heels in the same style as many other female Light Warriors in the game.
  • Warrior Princess: She was known as Warrior Princess Celes after all.

Voiced by: Yuri Amano (Japanese), Hunter Mackenzie Austin (English)
Age: (Appearance) 17 (Actual) 58, 564 - 622cc.

"Ta da!"

A former queen of Dipan. Phyress participated in the Year-Long War which began in 581cc, with only two comrades. She was a heroine in the Battle of Paltierre, the Arkdain uprising, the Battle of Artolia pass and the Battle of Rosetta. Were it not for her the surrounding four powers would have been unable to completely contain Rosetta. During the Battle of Rosetta near the end of the Year-Long War, she lost her arm and decided to give up her warrior life. She married her childhood friend King Cyphel of Paltierre. She supported her husband governing the country, but in 622cc she caught an endemic disease and passed away. Mourning his wife, the king of Paltierre died five years later. Phyress had possessed the skill and knowledge of a great bowyer. She also compiled the writings of alchemy scattered throughout the continent to create the Tome of Truths.

  • An Arm and a Leg: Lost an arm when she fought her own sister, Celes.
  • Childhood Friend Romance: With her husband, King Cyphel of Paltierre.
  • Genki Girl: And how... Even though she's practically a 58 years old former Queen.
  • Mage Marksman: Of the Arcane Archer type. Like many archers in the series, she has many elemental and magic-infused attacks. She also learns a handful of attack spells.
  • Older Than They Look: Phyress was actually 58 when she died, but she specifically requested Silmeria to materialize her at a much younger age.
    Phyress: I'll come out, but I better look young!
  • Playing with Fire: All of her Initial Attacks are fire-elemental. This Might have something to do with her fiery personality.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The Red to Celes's Blue.
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something: Phyress was a prominent figure and heroine during much of her lifetime. She participated in numerous battles across Midgard for peace, defended her kingdom from invasion, and freed Xehnon when he was possessed by the Manuscript of Manifestation.
  • Tomboy Princess: As noted by Khanon:
    Khanon: Hmph. If it isn't Dipan's own tomboy.
    Phyress: Well, everyone in my family was the same. Must be in our blood.

Voiced by: Naoko Matsui (Japanese), Karen Strassman (English)
Age: 27, 550cc - 577cc.

"I believe in us... In our strength..."

A captain of the White Lily, Count Leon's royal guard. The count's domain was the western territory of what was once the Arkdain Kingdom, located in the northeast of the continent. Richelle was one of Camille's renowned "Seventeen Commanders" in the war of Camille Hill, and was later dubbed "Richelle of the Simmering Samite." In 574cc, under orders from the Count, Richelle fought in the War of Camille Hill. Her superior swordsmanship saved a defensive line from the brink of collapse and drove the enemy back into the mountains, resulting in victory. She commanded the frontline patrols for two years following the war and was eventually ordered home in 577cc. However, on the way home, the entire guard went missing after visiting a town in the Gorlha region.

  • Chainmail Bikini: Her armor in her character art shows off her cleavage and leaves her thighs exposed. In the game itself, her armor is less revealing.
  • Combat Stilettos: Wears armor plated high-heeled boots like many of the other female Light Warriors.
  • Razor Wind: Her generic Soul Crush, Whirling Ripper, sends out a tornado from her sword that tears into enemies.
  • Starter Mon: One of the first Einherjar that can join Alicia in the Royal Underground Path, with the other choice being Sylphide.

Voiced by: Hiroshi Kamiya (Japanese), Johnny Yong Bosch (English)
Age: 29, 548cc - 577cc

"Forward soldiers, and crush the foe!"
Captain of the Knights of the Bloodsword, crown defenders of the Arkdain Kingdom that once spanned the continent's northwest. Roland was one of Camille's renowned Seventeen Commanders in the War of Camille Hill, and was later dubbed, "Roland of the Thundercry". In 574cc, by order of the king of Arkdain, Roland fought in the War of Camille Hill. His unparalleled strategic command saved a defensive line from the brink of collapse and drove the enemy back into the mountains. He commanded the frontline patrols for two years following the war and was eventually ordered home in 577cc. However, he went missing and was last reported seen in the Gorlha region.

Voiced by: Taiten Kusunoki (Japanese), Kyle Hebert (English)
Age: 28, 553cc - 581cc.

"Stick together and charge!"

A captain of the Knights of the Bloodsword, crown defenders of the Arkdain Kingdom that once spanned the continent's northwest. Even though he began to realize the king was eccentric, he was loyal to his duty as a knight and continued to wage war against the king's brother's troops. In 581cc, he killed a captain of the king's brother's troops, the Knights of the White Lily, in one-on-one melee. However, after the war, he refused treatment for his wounds and passed away quietly.

Voiced by: Naoko Matsui (Japanese), Erica Lenhart (English)
Age: 25, 556cc - 581cc.

"We shouldn't waste time. Finish this quickly."

A Captain of the Knights of the White Lily, Count Leon's royal guard. Count Leon was the younger sibling of the King of Arkdain. The Arkdain Kingdom once existed in the continent's northwest. In 578cc, Fraudir accompanied the count in revolting against the King and his corrupt ways. In the battles known as the Arkdain Uprising that raged until 581cc, she fought as Count Leon's right-hand guard. After invading central Arkdain, she faced a captain of the Knights of the Bloodsword in a duel. She lost her life without the chance to unsheathe her sword. However, she died with a content look on her face, knowing the count had succeeded in achieving his goal.

Voiced by: Dai Matsumoto (Japanese), Chris Kent (English)
Age: 42, 539cc - 581cc.

"Kill 'em!"

Originally a mere lord of a small region of Gorhla, Khanon began to make frequent appearances in Arkdain after several casualties in the War of Camille Hill that began in 575cc. He eventually gained enough power to make decisions concerning state affairs. He created a neutral clerical faction that opposed both parties that caused the War of Camille Hill, the king's and his brother's. At the same time, he created the Division of the Sacred Cross, a troop with a church. This inalienable right gave his clerical faction solid political ground. In 581cc Khanon was shot in the heart with an arrow while being anointed in the lake temple in the southwest region of the Arkdain Kingdom.

Voiced by: Hiroshi Kamiya (Japanese), Johnny Yong Bosch (English)
Age: 24, 562cc - 586cc.

"Death is no great thing... Just a fleeting pain..."

Xehnon was a servant of the Rosetta Dynasty, a dynasty that once existed in the south of the continent in 578cc. He accidentally got a hold of a divine book, The Manuscript of Manifestation, and became possessed by its strong, godly powers. Under its spell, he managed to become the court sorcerer to get close to the king of Rosetta. Eventually, he was able to persuade the king to invade the rest of the continent. Xehnon was possessed for three and a half years, until the book was burned by Queen Phyress of Dipan. Once freed, he began searching the lands for a means to rectify the state the world was in, but in 586cc, he was attacked and killed by a group of rioters.

Voiced by: Joji Nakata (Japanese), Travis Willingham (English)
Age: 28, 553cc - 581cc

"I'll kill you all."

Formerly a stray mercenary. Adonis participated in the War of Camille Hill, where he became one of the Seventeen Commanders of Camille and earned the nickname "Black Blade Adonis".He often did not fight for a particular side, but he would often strike a deal with the troops of the area he happened to be in. It is said that he once destroyed troops he sided with just two days prior. People regarded him as one of the strongest warriors of the time.He sided with the Rosetta Dynasty, which once existed in the south of the continent, after the War of Camille Hill. He led the Eclipse Troop of the Knights of the Sun. He was part of the invading troops during the Lassen Invasion. After a fierce duel, he was beheaded by Warrior Princess Celes, another one of the Seventeen Commanders.

  • Jerkass: In spades. The only other einherjar that he acknowledges and isn't an ass to is Circe, but that's just because he's too busy giving her a Badass Boast about his swordplay to insult her.
  • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: With everyone he knew when he was living, though in some cases it's pretty one-sided on his part.

Voiced by: Joji Nakata (Japanese), Travis Willingham (English)
Age: 26, 551cc - 581cc.

"You didn't want to die? Too bad."

Ehrde was appointed the Twilight General of the Knights of the Sun of the Rosetta Dynasty during the Year-Long War that began in 581 C.C. It was he who captured the feared Warrior Princess Celes during Lassen's Invasions. He stayed in Lassen and fought against the Arkdain troops from the northeast of the continent. However, after Artolia Pass to the east was overtaken by Paltierre forces, his troops became isolated. Although he fought valiantly, he lost his life. Ehrde not only achieved fame as a general, but also carried out many espionage missions for Rosetta. It is rumoured that he was directly involved in the assassination of the king of Arkdain.

Voiced by: Dai Matsumoto (Japanese), Chris Kent (English)
Age: 35, 546cc - 581cc.

"Let's go! I will clear the way!"

Guilm participated in the War of Camille Hill to aid Queen Celes, the leader of the Dipan Army. He was considered one of the Seventeen Commanders, and was given the nickname "Baron Blade Guilm". After the war, he resigned from his position as general and served his country as a mere soldier. However, during Lassen's Invasions six years later, he participated in the battle alongside Queen Celes's sister, Queen Phyress. In 581cc, during the Battle of Rosetta near the end of the Year- Long War, he laid down his life to recover the life of a friend he had lost.

Voiced by: Naoko Matsui (Japanese), Karen Strassman (English)
Age: 32, 567cc - 599cc.

"We fight battle upon battle, will peace ever come?"

An attendant of Dipan's Queen Phyress for as long as she can remember, Sylphide stood by the queen's side unquestioningly and ended up fighting in the Year-Long War that raged across the continent. Though not suited for war, the healing magic she wielded is said to have saved Queen Phyress from myriad dangers. Sylphide almost lost her life near the war's end in the Battle of Rosetta, but was rescued from the clutches of death by a companion. Upon her return, she spent her days quietly in Dipan's chapel, but she was found murdered by the undead during the Mist of Nifelheim- the dark ages that began in 599cc.

  • Combat Medic: In her character backstory, Sylphide felt more accustomed as a healer to Queen Phyress rather than a warrior. In game, she has access to some support magic.
  • Combat Stilettos: Her outfit has a pair of leather high-heeled boots.
  • Magic Knight: She has a high INT growth, which serves her well if used in combination with her elemental sword attacks and she learns some healing magic.
  • Razor Wind: Her Soul Crush is Whirling Ripper, possessed by other generic Light Warriors. It sends out a tornado that rips into enemies.
  • Starter Mon: One of the first Einherjar that can join Alicia in the Royal Underground Path. The other possible Light Warrior that can join her is Richelle.

Voiced by: Taiten Kusunoki (Japanese), Kyle Hebert (English)
Age: 27, 554cc - 581cc.

"Teamwork wins it!"

Farant hailed from Lassen, a town in the southwest of the continent. Farant created an organization which consisted of the remaining soldiers from the troops that participated in the Year-Long War from 581cc. The organization was formed to resist any powers that might try to assume control over Lassen. His troops used guerrilla tactics and were victorious with only 100 soldiers against an army of 5000. Even the generals of the Rosetta Dynasty, which ruled over Lassen, feared Farant's power and asked for reinforcements to help with this matter. During the Battle of Artolia Pass, near the end of the Year-Long War, he commanded a feint operation. Although the plan was a success, he was killed by the Meridian General of the Knights of the Sun. He died without ever seeing Lassen liberated.

Voiced by: Joji Nakata (Japanese), Travis Willingham (English)
Age: 38, 563cc - 601cc.

"You sleep now, and never awake..."

The second prince of the Principality of Paltierre, which once ruled in the north-eastern region of the continent. Alm was the son of Dragon Scale Sigmund, one of the Seventeen Commanders of Camille. His eyes were like his father's- similar to those of a dragon. He was known for his vast knowledge of magic. When his brother and father left for the mainland in 581cc for the Year-Long War, he stayed to keep the country in order. In the Mist of Nifelheim that began in 599cc, he commanded a regiment and fought off the undead invading the country. During one of the ensuing battles, he was attacked and killed by the underworld's dragon king.

Mists of Nifelheim

Voiced by: Hiroshi Kamiya (Japanese), Johnny Yong Bosch (English)
Born: 573cc.

"O gods! Give me courage!"

Raised in Rand, a small town along Artolia Pass. During the Year-Long War that began in 581cc, Rand was attacked by an opposition group. These groups had rapidly increased in number due to the decrease of public safety. Seluvia was Rand's lone survivor. He was rescued by a woman who later went on to become Queen Phyress of the Principality of Paltierre. In 593cc, he disappeared, fearing that his existence would cause a war to breakout among the heirs to the throne. He then became a minstrel and travelled many lands, sealing the undead along the way.

Voiced by: Taiten Kusunoki (Japanese), Kyle Hebert (English)
Born: 582cc.

"You will never break through our guard of steel!"

A warrior priest for Dipan. Dyn was one of the heroes that became legendary for his contribution during the Mist of Nifelheim (Beginning in 599cc). According to town minstrels, he risked his life to close the passage between Nifelheim and Midgard.

Voiced by: Yuri Amano (Japanese), Hunter Mackenzie Austin (English)
Born: 583cc.

"Well, I'm sure we'll be okay. ...maybe."

The only daughter to King Cyphel of Paltierre. Paltierre once existed in the northeast of the continent. In 598cc, Chrystie left the country to pursue a minstrel who happened to drop by the palace. In 599cc, during the three year Mist of Nifelheim, she and the minstrel travelled to many lands to seal and destroy the undead. However, she never returned to her country even after the door to Nifleheim was closed. She merely disappeared, never to be seen again.

The Age of Restoration

Voiced by: Hiroshi Kamiya (Japanese), Johnny Yong Bosch (English)
Age: 32, 630cc - 662cc.

"If your interests clash, war is the only answer."

Hailing from a remote village on the north side of the continent, Kraad was one of the original founders of Villnore. They say his sword arm sliced enemies armour and all, while his steel-like body could repell speeding arrows.It is said that Villnore's first king gave Kraad his own sword and armour after gazing upon his battered arms, as repeated battles during the founding had taken their toll. Three years after the country was founded, Kraad was struck by a poison arrow while putting down a rebellion, ultimately leading to his death.

Voiced by: Naoko Matsui (Japanese), Erica Lenhart (English)
Age: 24, 634cc - 658cc.

"Might makes right. Think about that."

From the mines in the north-western region of the continent. Circe was both a warrior and a legendary swordsmith. Using the Secret Law of Principles, it was said her swords could cut through the hardest of rock, and her armour could repel even the sharpest of arrows. One of the founders of Villnore, she died in battle at the age of 24 before she could pass on her knowledge of the Secret Law.

Voiced by: Yuri Amano (Japanese), Hunter Mackenzie Austin (English)
Age: 23, 627cc - 650cc.

"They were good! I'd like to mass-produce them."

Hails from a nameless island far to the southwest of the continent. Clever with her hands, Sha-Kon was the creator of mechanical dolls with various complex components. She travelled alone to the continent in hope of obtaining necromancy that enabled one to control a dead soul. Her desire was to fill her dolls with these souls, bringing them to life. After a long and painful journey, she succeeded in learning the spell. As a result of much experimentation, she managed to create a doll with a soul...Or so she thought. Her final creation was merely a doll that used the soul as energy for mobility.

Voiced by: Takako Honda (Japanese), Gina Grad (English)
Age: 23, 639cc - 659cc.

"What the heck happened!?"

Raised in Lassen, a town in the southwest of the continent. Tyrith claimed to be the descendent of the Warrior Princess Celes, a heroine who lived more than 100 years ago. She sided with Arkdain which once existed in the northwest of the continent, and contributed tremendously in the battle against Villnore. She became as famous and as strong, if not stronger, than Celes, giving her soldiers courage to fight even at their most exhausted. In 658cc, during the Battle of the Lake Temple, the Villnore army's strategic plans sank the temple, killing Tyrith in the process. Although she claimed she was related to General Celes, she was actually a mere merchant's daughter.

Voiced by: Hiroshi Kamiya (Japanese), Johnny Yong Bosch (English)
Age: 23, 658cc - 681cc.

"This might be trouble!"

Masato hailed from a nameless island far to the southwest of the continent. Not only did Masato excel at magic, but he was also able to perform the secret art of inscribing runes to create barriers. He devised a plan to assassinate the tyrant who ruled at the time, but was betrayed by his best friend. He crossed the ocean to flee from his pursuers. After reaching the continent, he lived a peaceful life, while chasing away the undead who attacked villages. However, his body began to wither as a repercussion of a failed spell. He eventually died, his body reduced to a mere skeleton.

Voiced by: Naoko Matsui (Japanese), Erica Lenhart (English)
Age: 20, 704cc - 724cc.

"Fine. If you want to die, come and get it!"

From the desert town of Kalstad, Rasheeka was one of the several heroes who protected the town from the spreading forces of the powerful Crell Monferaigne. With her knowledge of the land and by controlling the water supply, she managed to protect the town from the colossal Crell Monferaigne army. In 724cc, she received a fatal wound during the Fourth Kalstad Invasion and died in the arms of her lover. When the Crell Monferaigne army later heard of her demise, they immediately regretted missing the opportunity to take Kalstad.

  • Dying Town: Kalstad. If Rasheeka is released, she does theorize that the town can be saved if it's rebuilt a day and a half walk away.

Voiced by: Takako Honda (Japanese), Gina Grad (English)
Age: 19, 705cc - 724cc.

"Forward, forward! Keep pushing forward!"

Raised in the desert town of Kalstad, Arcana was one of the heroes who saved the town from Crell Monferaigne, a kingdom trying to spread its power over the continent. With her superior knowledge of weather patterns, she managed to avoid battles during the disadvantageous rainy season, and kept the Crell Monferaigne troops from taking the town. In 724cc during the Fourth Kalstad Invasion, she suffered a deep wound and died in the arms of her most-trusted friend. Her death came at a young age, and it is said that even the Crell Monferaigne battalion mourned her death.

  • Dying Town: Kalstad. Unlike Rasheeka, if Arcana is released, she's more concerned with preserving old traditions.

Voiced by: Joji Nakata (Japanese), Travis Willingham (English)
Age: 28, 724cc - 752cc.

"Ugly, ugly..."

A ruthless alchemist who kidnapped the Queen of Crell Monferaigne in 746cc. Hiding out in the hinterland of Salerno, Woltar was rumoured to have spent his days and nights engrossed in horrifying experiments. However, in 752cc he was found and punished by officers from Crell Monferaigne. A month after the queen was rescued from her prison, she took her own life by throwing herself from atop the castle wall.

  • Affably Evil: While he's not really too evil, per se, he did commit some gruesome experiments in his day... while also being a caring father and lover in his spare time.
  • Badass Family: With Lylia and their daughter, Lydia. Only the best warriors qualify for einherjar, after all.
  • Mad Scientist: According to his backstory, anyway. If you release him, he mentions that he's going to return to his experiments.
  • The Hermit: If you release him, he mentions he's going to become this because of what happened to him in his last life.

Voiced by: Naoko Matsui (Japanese), Karen Strassman (English)
Age: 22, 730cc - 752cc.

"I will be strong!"

The daughter of a lord in Crell Monferaigne, Lylia was a holy child who received the blessings of Frei at birth. In 746cc, she was about to marry into the royal family, but ran out in the middle of the ceremony. Despite a thorough search for the new queen, she was nowhere to be found. Time passed, and people began to forget she ever existed. However, six years later in 752cc, mayhem broke out when she was spotted in the Salerno region. She returned to Crell Monferaigne, but in a fragile mental state. Awhile after her return, she threw herself from atop the castle walls in front of the king.

  • Badass Family: With Woltar and their daughter, Lydia.
  • Runaway Bride: Whether or not she was this or outright kidnapped by Woltar on her wedding day is up to debate, and the accounts differ depending on whose history you're reading. Either way, she did fall deeply in love with him regardless.
  • Supernaturally Young Parent: Lylia and Lydia look very close in age because Silmeria brings back einherjar to when they were their physical best in life.
  • Together in Death: Her suicide was at least partially committed because she wanted this with Woltar. The whole family has the potential to be reunited (at least, in combat), although Lydia hates her mother for abandoning her in life.

Voiced by: Yuri Amano (Japanese), Erica Lenhart (English)
Age: 21, 748cc - 769cc.

"I will strike the target."

The daughter of a Queen of Crell Monferaigne. Lydia suffered shame and disdain, as she was not the legitimate daughter of the king. To find her purpose in life, she trained hard and demonstrated great skill on the battlefield from a young age. However, her younger brother-in-law, Prince Cain, was jealous of her skills as a warrior and hired a group of thieves to kill her. Although she died at a young age, her prowess as an archer was legendary. It is said that during one battle, she was able to save an ally by disarming an enemy one hundred meters away.

  • The Ace: In her backstory. Subverted in the gameplay, as when compared to the famous archers that have become Silmeria's einherjar, where she's merely average.
  • Improbable Aiming Skills: Was actually known for this in life. Her starting skill, True Seeing, references this ability.
  • Mad Scientist's Beautiful Daughter: Definitely qualifies, given her father's background. However, he was executed before she really had a chance to learn about him and his work.
  • This Is Unforgivable!: Lydia feels this way about her mother's suicide, and tells her so if you happen to put the both of them in combat together.

Voiced by: Naoko Matsui (Japanese), Karen Strassman (English)
Age: 29, 773cc - 802.

"I only wish to be free..."

Millidia lived a simple life in Gerabellum with her elder sister. Her entire life changed when her sister caught the eye of their lord. From then on, she was able to live the life she had only dreamed of- finally, shelter, and an abundance of food. However, unaccustomed to luxury, she requested to live in a house in the corner of town where she spent her days living a simple life.Shortly thereafter, she began to notice changes in her sister. Perhaps because her sister was not used to living in luxury, or maybe because she wanted to erase her past, her sister began showing disdain towards the poor. With the passing of her husband, her sister's attitude towards the poor only became worse. She disowned Millidia as her sister and even went as far as to burn the poor area of the town they once inhabited. She switched places with her sister to stop her from doing such horrible things with some help from the thieves' guild. Once she began governing the country, there was nothing but peace in Gerabellum.In 802cc, for some unknown reason, she set fire to the thieves' hideout and she burned herself to death with half the guild. The real cause of her death was covered up. The general public was told she died in a fire at the theatre.

Voiced by: Takako Honda (Japanese), Gina Grad (English)
Age: 24, 772cc - 796cc.

"Stay cool. We can't afford to throw away victory..."

Sophalla grew up in a poor neighbourhood of Gerabellum. Sophalla was raised as an assassin by a thieves guild, but caught the eye of a local lord and she married at 16. Her life changed completely as she became a member of the upper class overnight. However, unable to erase her past, she received letters of threat and blackmail from the guild. After coming clean about her past to the lord, they devised a plan to destroy the guild. However, in 790cc, the lord was assassinated by a member of the guild. After this incident, Sophalla continued to fight the guild on her own. In 792cc, she was kidnapped by the guild, who crushed her throat and sold her as a slave.

  • In Love with the Mark; She was ordered to assassinate the local Lord but she fell in love with him and they were married.

Voiced by: Taiten Kusunoki (Japanese), Kyle Hebert (English)
Age: 22, 754cc - 776cc.


An adventurer from Quiryl, a small town near Loahm Hill. Zunde became famous for discovering the legendary sword Grand Sting, in an old shrine he passed on his journey. Later, as he and his friends travelled through Camille Hill, he received a request to slay the monsters in the area. He set out full of confidence, never to be heard from again.
