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Characters / Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Earth Alliance

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Spoilers for all previous Gundam entries in the Cosmic Era continuity, including Mobile Suit Gundam SEED and Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny, will be left unmarked.

Oppose Militancy and Neutralize Invasion Enforcer

Oppose Militancy and Neutralize Invasion Enforcer is a military alliance consisting of the nations who funded the construction of the PLANTs, formed just after the Coordinators living there declared themselves independent in CE 70. Unlike ZAFT, they're essentially Only Known by Their Nickname as the "Earth Forces", never formally as Oppose Militancy and Neutralize Invasion, OMNI, or OMNI Enforcer. Devastated by ZAFT's Neutron Jammers and mobile suits, they secretly develop the five GAT-X units on Heliopolis with neutral nation Orb in order to counter this. Initially presented as the more sympathetic faction of the war, they're still no barrel of laughs, confining Orb teenagers who've been exposed to their military secrets and later conscripting Kira to defend the Archangel. As the series progresses, they become less and less sympathetic as the true nature of the leaders running it is revealed.

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    In General 
  • Ax-Crazy: Blue Cosmos being in total command of the Earth Alliance by the time of SEED Destiny pretty much an open secret, most of their high commanding officers tend to be zealous advocates of their extremist, genocidal ideology. Also the body and mind enhancements of the Extended pilots leave them like this.
  • Contrasting Sequel Antagonist: Downplayed in SEED Destiny. The Extended are still insane like the Biological CPUs of SEED, and need regular re-conditioning after battle. Compared to Azrael's team, the Extended pilots don't have a time limit on their performance, do not often rely on chemical stimulants for their prowess, and appear more focused. Their re-conditioning only requires erasing their past memories and rewriting them new ones. This makes them more stable than the Biological CPUs, as long as you do not push their specific Trigger Phrase.
  • Dark Is Evil: Many of Phantom Pain's mobile suits and ships are colored black.
  • Eviler than Thou: As compared to the more dangerous and self-interested Durandal in SEED Destiny. The Atlantic Federation was already a violent, racist military intent on wiping out Coordinators in the last series, but here they take it to a whole new level.
    • The local OMNI soldiers at an Indian Earth Alliance base force the local civilians to work on the new base under construction, and gun down civilians who try to flee.
    • They're still using Tyke Bomb Slave Mooks as Gundam pilots, obviously, but in a Wham Episode midway through the series we see where the Extended were created — an Expy of Auschwitz. It's shown again in the original 4th opening of SEED Destiny.
    • When the Eurasian Federation seeks independence from the Earth Alliance, LOGOS leader Lord Djibril has Federation unit Phantom Pain unleash the Destroy machine to destroy several cities in Europe as a response, including Berlin.
    • If all of that wasn't enough, Djibril finally uses the Requiem superweapon to destroy six fully-populated PLANT colonies in SEED Destiny, making the Bloody Valentine look minor.
  • Government Conspiracy: LOGOS has total control of the entire Earth Alliance in SEED Destiny, effectively making them the phantom rulers of the whole Earth Sphere, and while it's ambiguous if they are actually into war for profits, they're certainly opposed to the existence of all Coordinators if only because the PLANTs are a threat to their power.
  • Heel–Face Turn: In SEED Freedom, after serving as one of the main antagonistic factions in the previous shows, especially in SEED Destiny, the Atlantic Federation, the most powerful member of the Earth Alliance, is one of the major powers supporting Compass alongside Orb and ZAFT, having finally purged Blue Cosmos' influence and their LOGOS backers in their ranks.
  • Informed Attribute: Durandal claims LOGOS to be a conspiracy of military industrialists using the anti-Coordinator Blue Cosmos as a front to stir up war for profit, but they allowed/attempt full-on nuclear strikes against them that would immediately end the lucrative source of conflict and LOGOS's leader Lord Djibril shows genuine racism against them. While it would be in-character for Blue Cosmos/LOGOS to be short-sighted evil and Durandal to lie to manipulate the public against them, nothing in the shows or side materials touch upon if this was the case.
  • Muggles: The Earth Alliance are comprised of Naturals, normal humans born without any genetic enhancements unlike Coordinators.
  • Quantity vs. Quality: The Earth Alliance have found themselves on both ends of this trope.
    • The famous Strike Gundam has won many battles for its sheer versatility that it inspired ZAFT to create their own concept of the Strike: the Impulse Gundam. They have pioneered powerful technologies that will eventually become commonplace such as handheld beam weaponry, Phase Shift Armor and Mirage Colloid. They have also created their own exclusive technology such as the Geschmeidig Panzer and Positron Reflectors.
    • Despite these technologies, the Earth Alliance relies on a strength-in-numbers approach where they manage to match ZAFT by their sheer number of soldiers compared to ZAFT's declining population of stronger Coordinators.
  • Super-Soldier: The Biological CPUs and the Extended.
  • Training from Hell: The Extended all underwent a nightmarish training regimen during their youth involving things like being subjected to drugs and other alterations and killing each other in large cages.
  • Trigger Phrase: Each Extended has a "block word".
  • Two Guys and a Girl: Sting, Auel, and Stella, the Evil Counterparts to the Minerva's initial redcoat pilot team in SEED Destiny.


    George Allster 

Voiced by: Toshihiko Seki (Japanese); Kevin T. Collins [NYAV Post dub] (English)

Vice-Foreign Minister of the Atlantic Federation in Mobile Suit Gundam SEED and Flay’s father. Posted at Heliopolis at the beginning of the show, he gets killed very early on and it causes his daughter to go into a deep spiral of despair.

  • Doting Parent: While he is busy, it’s clear he loves his daughter. And the feeling is undoubtedly mutual.
  • Fantastic Racism: Downplayed. He's a high official for the Atlantic Federation, which is the most virulently anti-Coordinator part of the Earth Alliance, but his short time on screen doesn't contain any particular racist remarks. Although his adoring daughter got this trope from somewhere, even she doesn't speak of him as saying or doing anything that could be interpreted like this.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: His death causes his daughter to break, remain in a state of mental and emotional disruption for most of the show, and try her hand at manipulating and further breaking Kira in turn.
  • Significant Double Casting: He's voiced by the same actor who plays Rau in most dubs, because Flay ends up latching on to the latter since he has her "Daddy's voice".

    Joseph Copeland 

Voiced by: Taiten Kusunoki

The president of the Atlantic Federation by the time of Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny.

  • Flat Character: He has virtually no defining characters of his own; he's just Djibril's 100% subservient political pawn.
  • President Evil: As the Atlantic Federation president, Copeland is the one that officially enacts all of Djibril's genocidal plans.


Voiced by: Yurika Hino

The president of the Atlantic Federation by the time of Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom.

  • Only One Name: Her given name isn't revealed.
  • Redeeming Replacement: Foster is notably not involved with Blue Cosmos unlike every other Earth Alliance leader, and is actively hunting them down.

Archangel Crew

See their section on the Three Ship Alliance page


    Lewis Halberton 

Voiced by: Naoki Tatsuta (Japanese); Richard Newman [Ocean dub], Marc Thompson [NYAV Post dub] (English)

"Firing on retreating men? You're a damn disgrace, Le Creuset."

The commander of the EA's 08th Fleet in Mobile Suit Gundam SEED, Rear Admiral Lewis Halberton was the commisioner and mastermind behind the G-Weapons' project that created the Gundams. A capable battlefield commander, and a mentor Captain Ramius, Halberton is one of the few high-ranking OMNI officials to have any sympathy for the Coordinators, and Kira Yamato in particular.

  • Badass Normal: Like all EA personnel not named Kira Yamato, he's a Natural.
  • Baritone of Strength: Courtesy of Richard Newman and Marc Thompson's deep voice.
  • The Brigadier: The first officer we meet to have any sympathy for the Archangel, and one of the rare OMNI personnel to understand Kira's position.
  • Cool Old Guy: One of the oldest of the crew and is non-prejudiced against the Coordinators.
  • A Father to His Men: Leads his troops in person from his flagship, the Menelaus, and will not demand they make any sacrifices he isn't willing to make.
  • Four-Star Badass: A world-famous admiral who leads from the front.
  • Frontline General: A fleet commander who puts his flagship in the thick of the action.
  • Going Down with the Ship: Goes down with the Menelaus.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Sacrifices his ship in SEED to buy the Archangel time to escape.
  • Meaningful Name: Not Halberton himself, but his ship, the Menelaus, which is named after a Greek king, whose wife was kidnapped, starting a war. Given that SEED opens with the G-weapons that Halberton had built being stolen, it seems likely that this is more then a coincidence.
  • The Mentor: To Captain Ramius, who was one of his students at the military academy.
  • Mentor Occupational Hazard: He acts a mentor to Ramius, and dies fairly early on in the series.
  • Mutual Kill: With Captain Zellman of the Gammow, as it and the Menelaus sink one another.
  • Officer and a Gentleman: He tries to be one anyway, and regards officers like ZAFT's Le Creuset as the lowest of the low.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: He assists the Archangel crew, and is notably the only member of the Earth Alliance High Command to do so.
  • Token Good Teammate: Most of the Earth Alliance's high-command consists of pretty messed-up people, but he is an exception who shows sympathy for Coordinators.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: He's killed during the same sortie that we meet him.

    Lieutenant Commander Natarle Badgiruel 

Voiced by: Houko Kuwashima (Japanese); Sarah Johns [Ocean dub], Lisa Ortiz [NYAV Post dub] (English)

Originally an Ensign on the Archangel in SEED, she graduates to Murrue's Number Two after the attack on Heliopolis. Harder and more pragmatic than Murrue, Natarle remains loyal to the Earth Forces, and is eventually named captain of the Archangel's Evil Counterpart, the Dominion. A professional soldier, she buries any doubts she has behind her ironclad faith in the military, even when forced to work with Muruta Azrael and his squad.

  • Authority in Name Only: When Captain of the Dominion in SEED, she has very little actual authority, with her job being to enact the will of her psychotic Political Officer.
  • Badass Normal: In much the same vein as Murrue Ramius, proving that as a ship captain she's more than capable of taking on supposedly superior Coordinators.
  • The Captain: She was briefly the initial acting captain of the Archangel in SEED, before passing the role to Murrue. She later becomes the actual captain of the Dominion.
  • Commissar Cap: Rarely is seen without it.
  • Commander Contrarian: Towards Murrue in SEED. She often questions her acts, though she isn’t wrong, especially early on.
  • Consummate Professional: She focuses on her job and doesn’t take any mistakes in it.
  • Defrosting Ice Queen: Goes from being a super hardass to ultimately being the reason towards one of the main antagonist’s downfall.
  • Dying Moment of Awesome: She ultimately rises up against Azrael at the end of SEED, trapping him on the bridge of the Dominion with her after ordering the rest of the crew to abandon ship.
  • Endearingly Dorky: Whenever she's placed out of her depth (aka out of regulations and military decorum) she immediately starts stuttering and even blushing at times.
  • Everyone Has Standards: She does end up caring for Kira despite herself, and is somewhat uncomfortable when Sutherland tries to blame Kira for Heliopolis (to say nothing of her disgust towards Azrael).
  • Face Death with Dignity: Natarle accepts her death calmly, content that Azrael will die with her.
  • Fantastic Racism: Downplayed. She is leery of Coordinators but still doesn't buy into Blue Cosmos ideology (and she does care for Kira whether she wants to admit it or not.)
  • Field Promotion: From Ensign to Deputy Captain.
  • Going Down with the Ship: She stays aboard the Dominion to make sure that Azrael goes down with it.
  • Go Out with a Smile: The last thing she does before being obliterated on the Dominion is to smile, content that Azrael dies with her.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: She didn’t care about her own life so long as Azrael was taken down with her too.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: Most of her more abrasive moments are the result of having to make a snap decision in a moment of crisis, especially in regards to Murrue's early indecisiveness. There's also the moment after the crew rescues Lacus when she calls out Murrue's hypocrisy about not wanting to involve her due to Lacus being a civilian when she had already involved Kira and his friends.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: She's very principled and by the rules, but often shows worry or sadness for those hurt or in danger. See her reaction to finding herself the (apparent) sole survival of the Heliopolis attack on the Archangel and her concern for Kira in episode 4 despite showing misgivings about him being a Coordinator and civilian just the previous eps. She also shows a soft touch for children in episode 18 of SEED. Her "caring commander" aspect is most probably why she turns on Azrael when he hurts Flay.
  • Military Brat: Natarle is mentioned to be a trained officer from a military background, and the loyalty and lifestyle seems to be all she's ever known.
  • My Country, Right or Wrong: She visibly becomes increasingly uncomfortable with the actions of the Earth Alliance under Blue Cosmos, but remains a loyal military officer. Until the very end when she turns on Azrael.
  • Not Quite the Right Thing: She orders Orga to rescue Flay when she's launched in an escape pod in the middle of a battle between Archangel and Dominion. This not only ends up giving Azrael the data on how to get around N Jammers but ends up putting Flay in the position in the finale to get killed. Where as if she'd allowed Kira to rescue her they'd have been reunited and done wonders for Kira's mental state and she would have been safe on Archangel and not in a position for Rau to kill her later on.
  • Number Two: To Murrue in SEED at first. She ends up as Azrael’s, though she quickly rebels against him.
  • Rage Breaking Point: Natarle is a stickler to the rules and always abides by them and her superiors, no matter how harsh or unreasonable they may be. Azrael hitting Flay was the breaking point that Natarle decided enough was enough and stood up to him.
  • Redemption Equals Death: At the end of SEED, she turns on Azrael, trying to save the Archangel, just a little too late to save herself.
  • Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right!: She turns on Azrael at the end of SEED, deciding that his orders conflict with what is right.
  • Sergeant Rock: She believes that military regulations and the mission take precedence over helping people. She still cares about her subordinates, though.
  • Senseless Sacrifice: She saves Flay from Azrael....only for Rau to murder her and the rest of the Dominion escapees to fuck with Kira.
  • Significant Birthdate: Born on Christmas Eve, her Meaningful Name is almost identical to the Italian word for the holiday ("Natale"), and she has a very bloody, painful, and graphic death while sacrificing herself to take out one of the world's bigger sources of sin and evil, fulfilling her part as a Messianic Archetype.
  • Sole Survivor: She is the only person who was supposed to be on the Archangel's crew. The others were killed.
  • Sudden Principled Stand: After being a loyal OMNI soldier for much of SEED, she turns on Azrael after he assaults Flay.
  • Taking You with Me: She locks down the bridge of the Dominion, trapping both herself and Azrael as it's destroyed at the end of SEED.
  • Token Good Teammate: When Azrael and his goons enter the Dominion and prior to Flay joining in, she does not share Azrael's bigotry, is pretty much reasonable and knows how to think things through while under pressure from his tirades.
  • Tragic Hero: She had to side against the Archangel because she kept following orders and was killed by it because Azrael wouldn't quit.
  • You Are in Command Now: Briefly during the Battle of Heliopolis at the start of SEED, though she stands down after she finds a surviving officer who outranked her (Ramius).
  • You Monster!: Said almost word for word to Azrael.

Soldiers and other notable members

    Flay Allster 

Voiced by: Houko Kuwashima (Japanese); Tabitha St. Germain [Ocean dub], Erica Mendez [NYAV Post dub] (English)

"Why didn't you save him? It's because you're a Coordinator, too!"

Living on Heliopolis at the beginning of Mobile Suit Gundam SEED, Flay is the daughter of the Atlantic Federation's Vice Foreign Minister, George Allster. She'd recently begun dating Sai at the beginning of the series, though Kira had had a crush on her for some time. A fairly air-headed type, the war is not kind to her.

  • Beauty Is Bad: Flay is very pretty and stylish and presented as anxiously vain and self-centered about it, then uses it as a weapon, and is not at all a nice person for most of SEED.
  • Becoming the Mask: She pretends that she loves Kira in SEED because she blames him for her father's death and wants to make sure he'll die as punishment, but later she finds herself really falling in love with him. Sai says it to her directly.
  • Belated Love Epiphany: Flay and Kira share a very unhealthy relationship wherein she basically tries to manipulate him onto a path of self-destruction (blaming him for her father's death), but it's not until Kira is seemingly killed by Athrun that Flay realizes she has fallen for him for real in the meantime. That particular subplot doesn't end well at all.
  • Betty and Veronica: The sexy and demanding Veronica to Lacus's wise and nurturing Betty, for Kira's Archie.
  • Bigot with a Crush: She starts off as distrustful towards Coordinators and it gets worse from there, but she finds her false relationship with Kira becoming real.
  • Break the Haughty: She comes off as prideful and arrogant with an extreme amount of prejudice towards Coordinators. Her father soon dies and she’s left with almost no one to turn to.
  • Bridge Bunny: She gets upgraded to this trope when she works with Natarle as a Communications Officer on the Dominion at the end of SEED.
  • Broken Bird: The poor girl has, politely speaking, massive issues due to her father's death.
  • Character Development: While her Becoming the Mask phase happens earlier on, the more obvious development happens very late in SEED, after Rau brings her to ZAFT and she spends time with him and Yzak, seeing the conflict from the other side.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: She really doesn't like Kira spending time with Cagalli in SEED, and huffs when one of Cagalli's caretakers walks her off the Archangel after putting her into a princess dress. Justified, since she's using Kira and doesn't want anyone interfering with her control over him.
  • Cute and Psycho: She's a pretty teenage girl who tries to shoot an injured and restrained prisoner.
  • Custom Uniform of Sexy: A subverted example. She initially wears thigh-high stockings and an extra-short skirt as part of her uniform, and she even has a tank top instead of the standard t-shirt underneath. Eventually, she wears the more modest standard ZAFT and OMNI uniforms.)
  • Daddy's Girl: Flay speaks rather fondly about her father George, and it's partly why she takes his death so badly and why she doesn't really start getting it together again until she finds a Parental Substitute in Rau.
  • Dead Person Conversation: Played with, as while there is a scene that invokes this trope, it's framed in a way that makes it clear Kira can't actually hear what she's telling him, so no true conversation is actually happening between the two. Subverted in the manga adaptation of SEED, where Kira and Flay do have a conversation.
  • Destructive Romance: Her relationship with Kira is very unhealthy and Everyone Can See It. On the other hand, while Kira gets almost nothing good out of it except surviving the end of SEED, Flay developing genuine feelings for him and feeling guilty and wanting to atone and apologize are part of what lead her to eventually start behaving like a better person, subverting this on her end... at least until she dies solely because Kira is still unthinkingly trying to protect her and Rau kills her just to hurt him, possibly without knowing who she was.
  • Don't You Dare Pity Me!: She accuses Kira of pitying her for her father dying (he didn't go to visit his parents) and snaps back at him. There are two interpretations: that she doesn't want pity from Kira, and also that she cannot stand that he is still being so nice to someone like her. Or both.
  • Drama Queen: Flay's hysterics (and whining, pouting, and death threats) are a recurring theme, especially because she's the only one having them. Even when she encounters Large Ham Rau, in some ways her Spear Counterpart, he comes off as calm and rational and easily talks his way out and breaks her by talking.
  • Enfante Terrible: A downplayed example. Flay is an awful, bloodthirsty teenager, but one who makes the most of her pretty and helpless appearance to the full. Also, despite being the worst, she is the youngest of all the Heliopolis students — which might play into it. She has nothing else to do with her traumatized self but connive.
  • Entitled Bitch: Along with all her other originally charming qualities, Flay believes she's entitled to all the luxuries of her former lifestyle despite enlisting in the military and living on a warship, Kira's complete devotion and protection no matter how she treats him or secretly feels about him (given Kira's eager-to-please and self-sacrificing nature, it's part of what makes them such a Destructive Romance), and an endless source of complaints despite being one of the least-hardworking people on the Archangel.
  • Everyone Can See It: After she and Kira hook up everyone realizes that Flay's up to something even if they don't know the full extent. Sai also much later bluntly points out to her that she clearly has feelings for Kira even if she wants to claim otherwise.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Flay manipulates Kira through active seduction despite already being engaged to Sai, but even she is horrified when Kira lashes out at her ex-fiance. Evidently, while Flay put her desire to see Kira die over her relationship with Sai, Kira grabbing the Jerkass Ball and harming Sai due to her manipulation was not what she wanted at all.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: Flay has a few of these moments, but most strongly in the Don't You Dare Pity Me! scene with Kira above. It's what causes him to break up with her and slowly begins her Character Development.
  • Evil Redhead: When she tries to manipulate Kira hoping he'll die. More horribly messed up than evil, but she's not portrayed particularly sympathetically at all for the first three-fourths of the show, before or after her father's death.
  • Fallen Princess: She goes from a spoiled Daddy's Girl to the Princess in Rags wreck she spends most of the series as; she eventually adapts enough to arrive here.
  • False Friend: Her relationship with Kira is complicated because she views him as an object of hatred and manipulation while still being in desperate need of his protection, but for the period where she's pretending to be his sympathetic girlfriend while secretly hoping he'll die, she qualifies.
  • Fantastic Racism: She had issues with Coordinators even before the war, to the point that she agrees with Blue Cosmos' views on the issue. Her father's death only made things worse. Finally overcomes it towards the end of SEED to the point where she's horrified seeing Azrael's genocidal mania.
  • Fille Fatale: She's only fourteen and already seducing Kira into doing what she wants.
  • Foil: To both Lacus and Cagalli in SEED, with her general bitchiness, immaturity, and self-centeredness contrasting with both Lacus' forgiving nature and Cagalli's insistence on joining the fighting. She's the Princess in Rags to Lacus' All-Loving Hero and Cagalli's Rebellious Princess.
  • Freak Out: After her father's death, she goes into a downward spiral of depression and manipulation. It lasts for most of SEED.
  • Gilded Cage: The time she spends with the Le Creuset team; even though she's a prisoner, she's given a lot of privileges (she's allowed to attend military briefings, wears a ZAFT uniform, and otherwise seems to have a lot more autonomy than one would expect).
  • Girly Girl And Tomboy: The girly one versus Tomboy Princess Cagalli in SEED. Flay is concerned with her looks and prefers passivity, using her wiles on her Unwitting Pawn Kira. Cagalli gets repeatedly mistaken for a boy and needs to be shown there are ways to fight other than putting yourself in combat. It's also Tender Tomboyishness, Foul Femininity given how Cagalli is a Nice Girl who cares about Kira's welfare even when she's rough and loud at other times, while Flay has an extensive list of flaws to go with her feminine persona.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Goes from a horribly racist and hysterical girl to a much more sensitive person who knows right from wrong.
  • Heel Realization: It started around the time she realized she was really falling for Kira, then was even further developed during her time as Rau's captive, seeing what it was like from ZAFT's side. Meeting Azrael and seeing his plans firsthand cemented it. Notably in the manga adaptation Azrael asks her "The war will end when the Coordinators die. That's what you believe, isn't it?" Flay remembers her previous attempt to murder Dearka and breaks down in tears of disgust.
  • Hidden Depths: Flay considering piloting the Strike has almost nothing to do with Kira, since she had no idea he'd be back at that point. While it does symbolize her desperation and Kira's right that it's impossible, it does lead to the question of what she would have done without Kira and without trying to channel all her negative emotions through him, for better or for worse.
  • Ignored Epiphany: There are several moments when Flay actually does look guilty at what she's doing...only for her to brush them off and continue her manipulation.
  • I Have Boobs, You Must Obey!: She takes her uniform jacket off and ties up her undershirt to divert Kira's attention away from Cagalli.
  • I Let Gwen Stacy Die: After spending the majority of SEED motivated to protect her, Kira is devastated when Rau kills her right in front of his eyes, and enters a unique rage mode that he uses to kill Rau in turn.
  • Inconsistent Spelling: Flay in North America, originally Fllay.
  • Informed Ability: Flay certainly tries to be coldbloodedly manipulative and is presented like this, but she's not very good at either part — her manipulations basically amount to seducing a Nice Guy who was already attracted to her, and then inadvertently falling in love with him. Rau demonstrates just how bad she is at both, even when she has a gun pointed at his head.
  • It Meant Something to Me: Flay tries to deny this and Sai has to point out that, yes, she did (and does) have real feelings for Kira.
  • It's All About Me: Her self-absorption is a defining trait, ranging from mild or increasing vanity to the point where she immediately threatens to kill Lacus in desperation to save her father and really does try to kill Dearka, assuming because he's an enemy Coordinator that Miriallia must want him dead as well.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: She blames Kira for her father's death, believing he held back in the fight where it happened because he was fighting against other Coordinators. Kira was in fact not going all out, though not for the reasons Flay believes.
  • Kick the Dog: She rebuts Sai's attempt to talk by revealing that she was sleeping with his best friend, and then is rather dismissive of him.
  • Lack of Empathy: It fuels things like her Don't You Dare Pity Me! scene with Kira, whom she finally taunts for suffering. Flay isn't very capable of understanding or caring that especially since it's a war, other people are hurting just as badly as she is. She explicitly acknowledges this after she dies, telling Kira she "couldn't understand anything" (and was thus always scared) before.
  • The Load: Despite having volunteered in SEED, Flay has no significant role aboard the Archangel, and while she does do things like laundry, she spends most of her time hiding in Kira's room, complaining about things like a lack of hair care products, and causing emotional trauma in Kira and Sai. She herself acknowledges this during her time on the Dominion, where she insists on becoming a part of the bridge crew and makes a genuinely sincere effort to be useful to Natarle.
  • Love Hurts: Her feelings towards Kira; notably there's a scene when Birdy lands on Sai just like how he landed on Kira and Flay's visibly cringing at the comparison.
  • Love Redeems: It's developing genuine feelings for Kira that ultimately start her on the path towards redemption.
  • Magic Skirt: Subverted in the HD Remaster of SEED version of the deck scene, which takes particular care to display her short and tight skirt from such an angle that part of her uncovered rear end is clearly visible.
  • Manipulative Bitch: She pretends to love Kira because she wants him to die in battle as punishment for not being able to save her father. She phases this trope out later on.
  • A Match Made in Stockholm: To Rau Le Creuset, who reminds her of her dead father, despite the fact that she tries to shoot him twice from fear. It's also played with, in that if she hadn't been abducted she would have died in the activated Cyclops System at JOSH-A and no one would ever have known, so it's really a Rescue Introduction. Le Creuset also treats her perfectly politely, much better than a POW has a right to expect, and once he points out that she's not a soldier, she stops playing with guns, and has some exposure to Coordinators, Flay actually ends up much healthier and saner than she was on the Archangel.
  • The Mentally Ill: Flay's just this side of going completely insane. She starts to recover near the end of SEED, though she's never able to fully rebuild herself.
  • Missing Mom: Like many characters in the show. She mentions her unnamed mom died when she was (seemingly much) younger, and it's apparent her father never remarried.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Exploited in SEED. She's aware of her charms and uses them to seduce Kira as part of her plan to have him die in battle.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: In the manga adaptation of SEED, Azrael mentions how the war will be over when the Coordinators die and then asks "That's what you believe, isn't it?" This prompts Flay to remember her attempt to murder Dearka, and break down crying while saying "No, I don't."
  • Mythology Gag:
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: Her name is Flay as in "flaying". The original kana is also a match for "fray", as in a fight, or "coming apart".
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: If she hadn't volunteered for military service on the Archangel, her Heliopolis classmates wouldn't have stayed, nor would Kira — and they all might have died when Yzak blew up the shuttle with the other civilians. It's also a case of Nice Job Breaking It, Hero because if Kira hadn't been fighting Yzak in the Strike, Yzak may not have turned on the shuttle — and Kira's continuing service in OMNI takes an extremely heavy toll on him.
  • "Not So Different" Remark: Flay's a sympathizer to Blue Cosmos' philosophy that Coordinators are inherently against the way of nature and believes that every Natural deep down feels the same way. For a while none of Kira's friends refute her until Miriallia stops her from killing Dearka and proclaims she is not like Flay.
  • The Ojou: She's a spoiled version with a rich and prominent father.
  • Parental Abandonment: Her mom died when she was a child, then her dad George died in front of her.
  • Pink Means Feminine: She wears a pink civilian dress before wearing her Archangel crew uniform, and is the most Girly Girl character on the ship.
  • Princess in Rags: Flay spends most of SEED alternately denying, clinging to her cosmetic remnants of, and dealing very badly with trauma and the loss of her privileged life.
  • Redemption Equals Death: At the end of SEED, Flay genuinly attempts to become a better person, helping Natarle on the Dominion and trying to reunite with Kira and the Archangel with the crew of the Dominion but she died before even reaching the ship.
  • Rescue Introduction: She's saved at Alaska by Rau. Flay has many, many regrets, but due to her massive Daddy Issues it's only after meeting him that she finally (eventually) calms down and starts acting like a better person.
  • Rich Bitch: She's a rich girl who acts like a Spoiled Brat and manipulates Kira because she wants him dead.
  • Right for the Wrong Reasons: Flay accuses Kira of holding back in the fight where her father got killed because he was battling against other Coordinators. Kira did in fact avoid going all out in the fight against another Coordinator but it was because said Coordinator was his Childhood Friend Athrun.
  • Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right!: She tries warning the Archangel of Azrael's attack at the end of SEED, despite being a member of the Dominion's crew, and Azrael holding her and Natarle at gunpoint.
  • Significant Wardrobe Shift: She stops wearing her pink OMNI Custom Uniform of Sexy when she stops using her sex appeal as a weapon and grows a bit from her It's All About Me immaturity. Lampshaded by Rau about how it didn't suit her, she never wears it after that.
  • Sixth Ranger: She was a last minute addition to the crew of the Dominion at the end of SEED.
  • Sleeps in the Nude: A couple of times in Kira's room, where she apparently doesn't keep any of her clothing. Done first after the reveal that she had sex with Kira. In the compilation movies and Remaster of SEED, much later, after she's abducted by ZAFT, she's also seen sleeping naked with her OMNI Custom Uniform of Sexy hanging on a chair, despite being dressed in ZAFT uniform in her few preceeding scenes. Subverted in the original broadcast version of SEED, where she's sleeping in the tanktop from her Archangel uniform.
  • Small Name, Big Ego: Flay kind of has Kira as an Unwitting Pawn wrapped around her finger, but not as much as she thinks she does, ignoring the fact that Kira would have always fought for the rest of his friends whether she seduced him or not. Makes a little more sense when you remember that Flay isn't well, and ignoring (or not knowing) that about Kira, she has a desperate need to feel in control of something in her disintegrating life.
  • Spoiled Brat: At one point in SEED, they're in the desert and are low on water. Naturally, Flay wants Kira and Cagalli to buy luxury beauty products while they're shopping incognito for necessities. Cagalli points out that they don't even sell the things Flay's asking for in that hardscrabble part of North Africa.
  • Stepford Smiler: Pretends to love Kira and be a supportive girlfriend; secretly wants him dead. Gets subverted when she both ends up really falling for him and breaking down screaming.
  • Sex for Solace: Part of Flay's act of manipulating Kira is by seducing him into sex while he's traumatized over the little girl who was killed in the shuttle.
  • Targeted to Hurt the Hero: In the final battle of SEED, Rau notices that Kira is trying to protect a shuttle that is transporting Flay. He shoots it just to cause Kira grief, though it's not clear whether he specifically noticed Flay aboard.
  • Teens Are Monsters: Flay, a 14-year old girl, reacts to increasing amounts of trauma by threatening Lacus, manipulating Kira — including sexually — and initially hoping he'll die, and even trying to murder an injured prisoner of war while his hands are still tied behind his back. Ironically, after spending time with the far more manipulative and dangerous Rau Le Creuset, she finally starts acting like a better person.
  • Their First Time: Uses hers with Kira to subsequently try and control him in SEED.
  • There Are No Therapists: Although the Archangel still has medical staff. She could have used one as badly as her boyfriend.
  • Token Evil Teammate: Of the Heliopolis students in SEED. The show justifies it if you look closely enough: Flay is the daughter of a high-ranking Atlantic Federation official; all of the others are Orb citizens. Given what we see over the course of the entire show, of course she's going to be openly racist. And not much of a token, given the rest of the Atlantic Federation... The rest of her bad attitude has nothing to do with politics, however.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: While she never got the chance to apologize for her behaviour, being reassigned and meeting ZAFT really humbled her for the better.
  • Town Girls: The Femme to Cagalli's Butch and Miriallia's Neither.
  • Tragic Villain: Despite being horrible, it is to be remembered that she's a scared kid who lost her dad. It becomes more pronounced when it's clear that she DID love Kira despite her protestations otherwise.
  • Tragic Keepsake: Granted it's only for a few episodes of SEED but during the episodes on the Archangel before being transferred she keeps Birdy around because he reminds her of Kira.
  • Unwitting Pawn: She has one in Kira in SEED, who has no idea of the depth of her dark side or how that plays into their relationship. She eventually becomes one for Le Creuset, who uses her to deliver the plans for the N-Jammer Canceller to Azrael.
  • Used to Be a Sweet Kid: Downplayed. Before anything happened, she was seemingly a normal, nice enough teenage girl who was the object of Kira's admiration. After the destruction of Heliopolis but before her father's death, she's portrayed as variously vain, shallow, spoiled, racist, airheaded and panicky, very much the Token Evil Teammate – but still more sympathetic than the Yandere she becomes.
  • The Vamp: After her father's death, she decides to spend most of her relationship with Kira checking all the boxes (beautiful, evil, sexy, using her wiles on a good guy for bad purposes)... at least until she does get swayed away from this, partly due to Becoming the Mask and being broken up with.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Her emotional breakdown in episode 28 of SEED where she starts accusing Kira of pitying her; despite having seduced him to get him killed she unwittingly ends up falling in love with Kira for real; seeing Kira show her pity (or so she thinks) when she's trying to get him killed forces her to face her own cruelty, which prompts her to break down crying and screaming at "how can you pity me?"
  • With Friends Like These...: Given how Flay manipulates him and hopes for his demise along with the rest of "his kind", the only thing keeping her from being an outright enemy to Kira is the fact they're on the same side of the war, a stark contrast to Athrun. Her relationship with Kira even distances him from his three genuine Heliopolis friends: Tolle, Miri, and Sai.
  • Yandere: She starts off using Kira, but comes to love him for real, which just makes her mental state worse.

    Edward Harrelson 

Voiced by: Yasunori Matsumoto

A South American pilot during the Bloody Valentine War, appearing in Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Astray, near the war's conclusion he defected from the Alliance in order to support his home nation of South America in their bid for independence. He is considered a hero by South America and is a major morale boost for them, but is considered a deserter by the rest of the Alliance, including his former wingmen. He pilots a Sword Calamity Gundam.

  • BFS: One of his signature Mobile Suits is the Sword Calamity, a variant of the Calamity Gundam that exchanges the Shoulder Cannons for Anti-Ship swords. His signature move is to use swords to replicate his original feat with airplane's wing and make enemy mobile suits "bleed".
  • Not Quite Dead: Survives his final battle, but goes to live in seclusion on the PLANTS, rather than continue to be hunted by vengeful Earth Alliance operatives.
  • Razor Wings: He got his name below after using his jet fighter's wing to slice a mobile suit in half, causing it to "bleed" oil in the process.
  • Red Baron: "Ed the Ripper"
  • Scary Black Man: Not so much, despite his nickname.

    Jane Houston 

Voiced by: Yumi Touma

Edward's former wingmate from Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Astray, and an expert in underwater mobile suit combat. Edward's desertion of the Alliance stings all the more terribly for her since she was in love with him. She pilots the Deep Forbidden Gundam.

  • Red Baron: "White Whale"
  • Was It All a Lie?: Asks this during her battle with Ed. Jess then displays an earlier interview he'd recorded of Edward, convincing her that Ed still cares about her. At that point, she joins him in his desertion.

    Rena Imelia 

Voiced by: Asami Mukaidono

One of the Earth Alliance's top Aces, she initially pilots Dagger units, until upgrading to a Sword Calamity. Though a Natural, her piloting skills are through the roof, and it is suspected that she could pilot a Mobile Suit even without the support OS. She is Ed's final opponent in South America in Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Astray.

  • Ace Pilot: A Natural who can pilot Mobile Suits without the support OS. That's saying something.
  • I Am Not Left-Handed: Despite using Buster Dagger as main unit during the first war, Rena is really a master in close combat.
  • Red Baron: "Sakura Burst"

    Morgan Chevalier  

Voiced by: Tōru Ōkawa

Known as "Moonlight Mad Dog", Morgan was a Lieutenant in the Eurasian Federation tank corps when the First Alliance-PLANT War broke out. The "Moonlight" part of his nickname comes from the fact that he excelled at nighttime operations, and the "mad dog" comes from the fact that his maneuvers, which were so far ahead of their time, seemed reckless at first glance. He is Ed's 2nd opponent in South America in Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Astray.

  • Attack Drone: Like Mu, He is skilled at using wired weapons.
  • Home Field Advantage: He uses fake news to lure Ed into space so he can fight at his best.
  • Old Soldier: He's 48 years old at time of First Alliance-PLANT War and 50 years old in Second.
  • Red Baron: "Moonlight Mad Dog"

Blue Cosmos/LOGOS


    Muruta Azrael 

Voiced by: Nobuyuki Hiyama (Japanese); Andrew Francis [Ocean dub], Todd Haberkorn [NYAV Post dub] (English)

"Misunderstandings create enemies, and when you have enemies, you shoot them."

The leader of the anti-Coordinator terrorist group Blue Cosmos in Mobile Suit Gundam SEED and a powerful figure in the Atlantic Federation. Boyish. Charming. Very evil. He joins the crew of the Dominion with his squad of modified soldiers, more or less subverting Badgiruel's position as captain.

  • 0% Approval Rating: By the time he has his full breakdown the entire crew willingly leaves him to his fate.
  • Adaptational Nice Guy: Nice is a bit of a stretch, but the Azrael that appears in SEED's manga adaptation isn't quite as overwhelmingly evil as his anime counterpart (however, he still manages to give Flay a Heel Realization by talking about Coordinator extermination). Part of it is Compressed Adaptation cutting out some of his more vile moments, but when he shoots Natarle he's notably stunned and horrified by what he has done, stammering that he didn't mean to and she leaped out at him, unlike the anime Azrael who shows no remorse at all for it and does it again like half a dozen times.
  • Attack! Attack! Attack!: He rarely considers a retreat. Justified after ZAFT fires GENESIS and he wanted his recuperating forces to keep fighting, before ZAFT fired on Earth.
  • Ax-Crazy: You get hints about just how crazy he is throughout SEED. Then the last few episodes hit and holy crap.
  • Bad Boss: He controls Shani, Clotho, and Orga through drug addiction, and everyone else through fear. It really starts to show after his Villainous Breakdown.
  • Barely-Changed Dub Name: The SEED HD Remaster's English dub changes his given name from "Muruta" to "Multa".
  • Big Bad Wannabe: A truly nasty—and very competent—one in SEED. He's the real leader of the Earth Alliance and seems to be heading the war opposite Patrick Zala, is stated to have been responsible for nuking one of the PLANTs. However, he's nothing more than Rau Le Creuset's Unwitting Pawn. It's still worth noting that of all the contenders for this title in SEED he is without a doubt the most evil.
  • Big "YES!": When he receives the plans for the Neutron Jammer Canceler technology, enabling him to Nuke 'em once again. His ecstatic reaction has hit meme levels.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: His public-facing personality is gently polite and he's quick to give effusive praise to his subordinates when they please him, but these qualities are just the sugar hiding some very deadly poison underneath.
  • Blood Knight: To a much greater degree than his Coordinator counterpart, Patrick Zala. When nukes are obliterating Boaz he looks positively gleeful.
  • The Cameo: He appears multiple times in SEED Stargazer, albeit being silent.
  • Corrupt Corporate Executive: Of the "effectively rules everything" variety. His official position is Director of the National Defense Industry Association, which would make his actual job being the face of the defense contractor industry in government circles. Despite this, he dictates strategic level decisions throughout the war. The Real Life equivalent would be if the CEO of Raytheon could sit in on meetings of the Joint Chiefs at will and had the pull to order them to start new wars on a whim. And then walk onto the bridge of a carrier in a combat zone and push the captain around.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Azrael's motivation to kill all Coordinators stems from the fact that he was bullied by them as a child.
  • Dissonant Serenity: Looks eerily at peace in his first appearance in SEED Stargazer, as he inspects the facility.
  • Driven by Envy: Heavily implied by his backstory. He's less angry about the Coordinators being better than humanity than he is about them being better than him.
  • Dub Name Change: His first name goes from Muruta to Multa in the SEED HD Remaster's English dub.
  • Evil Is Petty: A condescending sexist and all around jerk, as well as a genocidal madman. Better yet, even his genocidal intentions are rooted, not in ideology, but in childhood grudges. He's petty all through.
  • Evil Laugh: He gives an epic one when he receives the plans to ZAFT's defenses and N-Jammer Cancellers.
  • Eviler than Thou: To Flay Allster; while both are racists (due in part to their parents) Azrael's bigotry is infinitely more toxic and horrifying; made especially clear in the manga when Azrael says that the war will end when all coordinators are killed and than asks "That's what you believe too, isn't it?" Flay's reaction is to break down in horror.
  • Evil Versus Evil: With Coordinator-supremacist Patrick Zala. Both would go to lengths turning the war to the point of extermination between races towards the near end of the series.
  • Face of an Angel, Mind of a Demon: The page picture should nicely demonstrate both sides of that; a handsome face and shining blonde hair, but that sinister expression reflects something ugly.
  • Fantastic Racism: His motivation. Worst of all, he can't understand why everyone else doesn't feel the same way he does.
  • Faux Affably Evil: His polite mannerisms and excitable personality only serve to enhance how much of an arrogant psycho he is.
  • Final Solution: He plans to nuke the Plants, ending the war, and killing every Coordinator in existence in the process.
  • Freudian Excuse: The reason why Azrael wants to destroy all Coordinators is because he was bullied by them as a kid, and when he asked his mother why he wasn't born a Coordinator, he was slapped and told that she would never have her son to be a "monster" like them. It is inverted in that it is intended to make him more despicable, not less.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: For SEED Stargazer, Azrael is the whole reason Sven, Mudie, and Shams exist, yet a newcomer could be forgiven for not knowing his name.
  • Hated by All: While he ostensibly acts as an observer on Natarle's ship he quickly assumes a captain-like role, only allowing her to make tactical combat decisions. The uncomfortable looks the bridge crew give him make it clear that he's not popular, least of all with Natarle or Flay. When Natarle orders the crew to abandon ship, nobody even hesitates before abandoning Azrael to his fate.
  • Hate Sink: At the end of the day, Azrael is a psychopathic, misogynistic xenophobe with the personality of a murderous teenager. He's there to make Patrick Zala and Rau Le Creuset look sympathetic by comparison. This was even lampshaded by the director, who stated in the DVD commentary that he avoided exploring Azrael's background because he didn't want to make him look too much like Rau (and then he goes and gives us the guy's backstory anyway in the movies).
  • He-Man Woman Hater: Has some aspects of this. He's openly contemptuous of Natarle after finding out she's a woman, condescends to her because of her gender ("Listen to me, woman!") and is the only character in-series to use the word "bitch" to describe a female character.
  • Hypocrite:
    • Genetically modifying fetuses to create Born Winners is evil! Using drugs and mental torture to create Super Soldiers out of children is not! It's also hinted that his hatred of Coordinators is a case of Driven by Envy, making him an even bigger hypocrite.
    • He calls Coordinators barbaric monsters for the use of the GENESIS cannon. Not only is this the same person who killed thousands of Coordinators using nuclear missiles hours earlier but he also attempted to use them against space colonies full of civilians twice. Azrael also ordered the nuclear missile fired at Junius 7, causing the entire war.
  • Improbable Age: He is a successful businessman, the head of a global terrorist organization, and The Man Behind the Man to the entirety of OMNI at the age of thirty.
  • Kick the Dog: His first scene in ''SEED'' is about how "unfair" it is that Orb claims neutrality in the war and how the "fair" thing to do is to push it off the fence or burn it to the ground. He kicks more dogs as the series continues.
  • Knight of Cerebus: His appearance in the series kicks off a new level atrocities as he shows he will go to any lengths and destroy anything to get what he wants.
  • Lack of Empathy: Orb is neutral? Burn them to the ground for convenience sake. My super soldiers are in pain? Good, it'll convince them to fight better.
  • The Leader: Of Blue Cosmos in name and the Atlantic Federation (and therefore OMNI) in everything but at the time of SEED. He's a charismatic personality, ruling through charisma and fearmongering.
  • Light Is Not Good: Has a religious name and wears a white suit, but he's a genocidal madman.
  • The Man Behind the Man: To the Atlantic Federation president in SEED. Think of him as a very powerful businessman and lobbyist... who just happens to head a combination KKK and Nazi Party. Also this to the super soldier project in SEED Stargazer.
  • Man of Wealth and Taste: His fashion sense is one of his few redeeming qualities. Come to think of it, it's about his only redeeming quality. He does look good in that blue suit.
  • Mask of Sanity: Azrael puts up a veneer of charisma, superficial charm, and a cheerful facade on the surface. He'll quickly drop the act when he is about to hear the sounds of Coordinators screaming in agony or lash out at anyone who disagrees with (or actively defy) him.
  • Muggle Power: His mom didn't make him a Coordinator, so no one gets to be one.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: He's named after the Angel of Death.
  • A Nazi by Any Other Name: Not in any specific way but has the generic qualities (blond, genocidal, racist, villainous) that those looking for Nazis in their fiction can point to and say "Ah-ha!".
  • Never My Fault: As his Villainous Breakdown begins following GENESIS' first shot, he starts madly ranting at the surviving officials, blaming them for them being military types that let the war go on too long... despite the fact that he pushed for this offensive upon receiving the N-Jammer Canceller data, rather than solving the energy crisis. This is after he lords over his position to Natarle about being the person at the top who "sees the bigger picture" some episodes prior.
  • Non-Action Big Bad: Toyed with. He's no fighter, but he's certainly willing to go to the front and place himself in the line of fire.
  • Nuke 'em: He tries to fire nukes at the PLANTS twice.
  • Politically Incorrect Villain: Calling female characters "bitch" purely for their gender is the least of his problems.
  • The Political Officer: Practically his role on the Dominion, is to make decisions that further his agenda but make no sense on the battlefield, thus making sure his plans are fulfilled.
  • Psychopathic Manchild: Azrael's smarter then most characters of this type, but still has the attitude, reacting like a spoiled child when he doesn't get his way. "You'll pay for treating me like this!"
  • Put the "Laughter" in "Slaughter": Azrael is taking a little too much enjoyment in watching people get nuked.
  • Revenge Before Reason: He prioritises destroying PLANT over stopping GENESIS at the end of SEED, and you know, saving the human race.
  • Rich Bastard: He seems to have a very affluent background given his nice suit and well-groomed appearance. Flashbacks to his childhood further show that he had apparently attended a very prestigious school and when he confronted his mother about not being Coordinator it's shown that their home is equally as lavish.
  • Sadist: To a more terrifying degree that even Natarle and Flay are afraid at his level of depravity when he sends nukes to the PLANTs.
  • Screw the Rules, I Have Connections!: It's an open secret in the Atlantic Federation High Command that he's responsible for the Bloody Valentine incident (a nuclear terrorist attack that killed roughly 200,000 civilians) whih caused the war in SEED. Despite that, the influence of Blue Cosmos in the halls of power is so great that nobody ever considers offering ZAFT his head to prevent or de-escalate the war, even at times when it's clear that Earth is losing.
  • Shadow Archetype: What happens if Flay's hatred of Coordinators takes a physical manifestation of its own? On a more extreme level, it's this guy.
  • Sharp-Dressed Man: Azrael's always dressed to kill.
  • Shut Up, Kirk!: Played with. When Natarle offers a surrender to the Archangel, he mocks her for making such an attempt and says everyone's just better off shooting at each other.
  • Skewed Priorities: Wiping out Coordinators in their entirety is Azrael's number one goal, to the point that more than once he prioritizes Coordinator extermination over literally saving the world.
    • The first time it happens is shortly after he acquires the data for N-Jammer Cancellers; he's eager to use them to launch a nuclear attack against ZAFT. The OMNI board suggests using their regained nuclear technology to solve the energy crisis on Earth but Azrael shoots them down. His irrational hatred of Coordinators overrides any sense of priorities.
    • After witnessing the destructive power of GENESIS he seems to come to his senses and expresses for the first (and last) time sentiments that are reasonable, arguing to Natarle that despite the heavy damage their fleet has taken that retreating in the face of a superweapon capable of wiping out all life on Earth is not an option and to save the world their only choice is to attack GENESIS directly. This is rational enough to convince Natarle, who re-mobilizes the fleet, but after GENESIS fires a second shot Azrael loses all sense of priorities and frantically radios to Admiral Sutherland to fire their nukes at the PLANT colonies instead of GENESIS.
  • Smug Snake: Ungodly arrogant, and self-assured to the point of suicidal overconfidence... and all while having no idea he's dancing like a puppet to Le Creuset's tune. It's worth noting that simply holding a conversation with him can be a trying experience for characters like Natarle.
  • The Sociopath: He hits every requirement on the checklist. Heck, just read the page quote. He moves reeeaaalllly quick from "difference of opinion" to "murder".
  • Sore Loser: He goes out ranting and screaming about how he always wins at the end of SEED.
  • Stepford Smiler: An odd example in that he's not hiding his evil (which is public knowledge), but just how unstable he is.
  • Straw Hypocrite: It's heavily implied that Azrael's muggle power rhetoric is just that; his real motivation is jealousy and childhood grudges.
  • Stupid Evil: Azrael is too focused on nuking the PLANTs rather than worrying about GENESIS when it wiped out half of OMNI's space forces in just one shot.
  • Taking You with Me: When faced with the possibility of defeat, Azrael tries nuking the PLANT colonies, determined that if he's going to lose that he'll damn well make sure the Coordinators have nothing to go back to either. Fortunately the Freedom and Justice shoot down all of his nukes and the ZAFT superweapon is destroyed before it can fire a third shot targeting Earth. He is on the receiving end of this when Natarle locks him with her on the Dominion's command bridge just before being destroyed.
  • There Is No Kill Like Overkill: Why settle for defeating your enemies through strategy when you can just Nuke 'em? And then there's putting an entire magazine into Natarle.
  • This Is for Emphasis, Bitch!: He does it to Flay while backhanding her.
  • Throwing Down the Gauntlet: After mocking Natarle in her attempt to negotiate with the Archangel, he declares war against it.
  • The Unfettered: There is nothing Azrael won't do. He will start wars against countries populated by Naturals if he thinks it will aid his goals.
  • Unwitting Pawn: He never realizes that he was being used by Rau Le Creuset, until it's too late.
  • Villain Has a Point: Despite his racism and fanaticism, Azrael's correct about the threat that GENESIS poses to Earth and he's not wrong in calling out ZAFT for condemning nuclear weapons as "barbarous" while being willing to use GENESIS. One shot from GENESIS can make most of Earth uninhabitable if it hits the planet due to sheer amount of heat and radiation, making it countless more times more devastating than their entire nuclear stockpile.
  • Villainous Breakdown: By the end of SEED, he gradually loses his Faux Affably Evil demeanor he's shown through his appearances.
  • Villainous Valour: For all of Azrael's copious faults as a leader and as a person, no one can accuse the man of being a Dirty Coward. From the episode he's introduced he joins the troops on the frontlines, and even after faced with the overwhelming firepower of G.E.N.E.S.I.S. he refuses to retreat, correctly concluding that the ZAFT superweapon has to be destroyed ASAP if Earth is to be saved. Of course, he then goes on to target the PLANT colonies instead because valor doesn't necessarily equate to sanity.
  • Villain with Good Publicity: Played with in SEED. His racism is well known and publicized, but in the Earth Alliance, anti-Coordinator sentiment is hardly uncommon. He's all but worshiped by the OMNI high command, and is a well-respected figure in the Atlantic Federation. What he's hiding from everyone is what an utter psycho he is, and the fact that he couldn't care less about individual Naturals.
  • The Voiceless: He's never heard to speak in SEED Stargazer (though he is visibly shouting at one of the trainers at one point).
  • We Have Reserves: Azrael doesn't give a damn about casualties, and goes so far as to classify Shani, Clotho, and Orga as equipment, rather than soldiers, making them totally expendable. After GENESIS is revealed, he still prioritizes destroying the colonies over stopping GENESIS and saving the world.
  • Western Terrorists: Blue Cosmos got its start as a terror group that assassinated prominent Coordinators, and despite Azrael's public legitimacy, he's still one of these at heart.
  • Would Hit a Girl: Is putting it very lightly. He bitch-slaps Flay, tries to strangle Natarle, and then empties his gun into her. He also would create a project that puts children through Training from Hell and turns them into Brainwashed and Crazy Super Soldiers as shown in SEED Stargazer.
  • Would Hurt a Child: He's not above hitting children either, as seen by his aforementioned treatment of Flay and his remorseless weaponizing of the druggie trio.

    William Sutherland 

Voiced by: Minoru Inaba (Japanese); Ron Halder [Ocean dub], Mike McFarland [NYAV Post dub] (English)

"For the preservation of our blue and natural Earth!"

A member of the OMNI General Staff and a card-carrying member of Blue Cosmos in Mobile Suit Gundam SEED, Captain Sutherland is a key member of Azrael's network and provides his link to the upper echelons of the Earth Forces' military. The mastermind behind the use of the Cyclops system at JOSH-A, Sutherland sees to it that the worst of Azrael's proposals are made a reality by the military.

  • Armchair Military: Surprisingly, no. Sutherland is every inch the Obstructive Bureaucrat in terms of personality, but at the Battle of Jachin Due he's on the frontlines in the Earth Forces' flagship, The Doolittle.
  • Bad Boss: He approves the JOSH-A plan which sacrifices uncounted thousands of his own troops to wipe out the ZAFT invasion force.
  • The Captain: Though as a General Staff officer he wields far more authority than the title would imply. He becomes a more traditional example after taking command of the Doolittle.
  • Commissar Cap: He wears one in tradition for EA officers, as well as to mark him as the series equivalent to Bosque Ohm.
  • The Dragon: He's the closest thing that Azrael has to one, being of the "detail-oriented administrator" variety.
  • Evil Genius: As Blue Cosmos' strategist and a member of the General Staff he does double-duty as both this trope and The Dragon to Azrael.
  • Fantastic Racism: He's a member of Blue Cosmos, and is part of Azrael's plan to exterminate the Coordinators.
  • Final Solution: He's the one who approves the use of nuclear weapons at Jachin Due; like Azrael he wants every last Coordinator reduced to radioactive ashes.
  • General Ripper: Absolutely. He fully supports Azrael's agenda and works to make it a reality.
  • Insane Admiral: He's not as frothingly mad as his boss or as brutal as his UC counterpart Bosque, but he's still an adamant supporter of a man who cares more about genocide than about helping his own people.
  • Knight Templar: The most charitable interpretation of his character. Unlike Azrael (who's Driven by Envy) he genuinely seems to believe that the Coordinators need to be exterminated in order to save the Naturals.
  • Muggle Power: Blue Cosmos is dedicated to wiping out Coordinators in order to "protect" the Naturals.
  • A Nazi by Any Other Name: In the same way as his boss.
  • Non-Action Guy: He's a General Staff officer, so he doesn't become personally involved in combat. His willingness to go to the front captaining The Doolittle keeps him out of Armchair Military territory though.
  • Nuke 'em: Commands the nucelar attack on ZAFT.
  • Obstructive Bureaucrat: He acts as one during his initial appearance, where he heads the investigation into the Archangel's actions, and even after his Insane Admiral status is unveiled, clearly has the heart and soul of a pencil-pusher. The absolutely banal nature of his evil provides for a sharp contrast with his flamboyant boss; he's essentially Adolf Eichmann to Azrael's Adolf Hitler.
  • Oh, Crap!: Immediately before being blown up by Yzak.
  • The Political Officer: Crossed with Obstructive Bureaucrat. He acts as Azrael's man on the General Staff and enforces Blue Cosmos' bigotry on everyone else.
  • Politically Incorrect Villain: A racist jackass, just like his superior.
  • Rank Up: By the time of the last few episodes, he's been promoted to Admiral, as shown in Episode 47.
  • Smug Snake: Much like his boss, though with less Axe-Crazy and more Obstructive Bureaucrat.
  • The Strategist:: All those horrific plans you see the Earth Forces implementing? Blame this jackass.
  • Villain in a White Suit: Wears a white EA uniform. We find out he's high up with Blue Cosmos.
  • Weapons of Mass Destruction: He's the one who decided to use the Cyclops system, and turns the key to activate it, while giving a little speech about preserving the Earth's purity.
  • We Have Reserves: Like his boss, Sutherland doesn't care too much about individual lives. At JOSH-A he deliberately sacrifices the lives of thousands of his allies in order to halt ZAFT and weaken Eurasia's influence.

    Lord Djibril 

Voice Actors: Hideyuki Hori (Japanese); Alistair Abell [Ocean dub], Ian Sinclair [NYAV Post dub] (English)
"And now, Chairman Durandal, I shall play... A REQUIEM FOR YOU AND ALL YOUR KIND!"

Azrael's successor as the leader of Blue Cosmos, and a major antagonist throughout Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny, Lord Djibril is best described as a total bastard. Vicious, cruel, arrogant, and not especially bright, he wants to slaughter all Coordinators while simultaneously establishing his own control over the world. Responsible for the creation of the Extended, the creation of Phantom Pain as a whole, and much of the misery in-series.

  • Aristocrats Are Evil: Invoked by his title.
  • Bad Boss: He uses drugs to control the Extended and brainwashing on Neo. He regularly leaves his men behind to die while he escapes, fully believes in We Have Reserves, and treats his subordinates like imbeciles. Pretty much the worst boss ever.
  • Big Bad: As the leader of the Earth Forces, Blue Cosmos, and Phantom Pain, he's behind a lot of problems and high ranked among the bad guys. While he's not the only contender for the title, he's the only one that everyone—in-series and out—agrees is an irredeemable psycho with no good qualities.
  • Big Bad Ensemble: He competes with Gilbert Durandal for the position of SEED Destiny's Big Bad, losing out to him in the final stretch of the show.
  • Contrasting Sequel Antagonist: He's this to Murata Azreal. While Azrael was superficially charming and willing to stand his ground in the face of danger, Djibril is rude and spiteful and will gladly abandon his men to save himself.
  • Diabolical Mastermind: He's got the secret lair, hordes of minions, Ominous Multiple Screens, an Evil Plan, and a Right-Hand Cat that this trope seems to demand. While intellectually he's no Lex Luthor, he still has the resources, influence, technology, and total disregard for human life to be a serious threat.
  • Dirty Coward: Granted he's a politician and not a soldier, but every time things go south, he's quick to bail and leave his troops in a lurch.
  • Dragon Ascendant: Was apparently Azrael's Number Two during SEED, but was nowhere to be seen during it. Given Djibril's preference for operating behind the scenes this makes a certain amount of sense.
  • Evil Is Hammy: Of all the characters in show, he's easily the one who chews the most scenery. Somehow it just makes him all the more disgusting.
  • Fantastic Racism: Against Coordinators. Like his predecessor Azrael, he wants to see them all exterminated, no matter what it takes.
  • Final Solution: Djibril has a vision for the future, and it doesn't include Coordinators.
  • Flat Character: For such a major antagonist, Djibril recieves very little development. We know next to nothing about him, even at the end of SEED Destiny.
  • General Failure: While he generally leaves the tactical decisions to Neo, Djibril's involvement in overall strategy frequently screws his own side over. In a variant on the trope, this is more because of his being a public relations disaster looking for a place to happen than any real strategic incompetence; suffering from a total Lack of Empathy will do that to you. See the business with the Destroy for a good example.
  • A Glass of Chianti: Frequently pictured with one.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: In Stargazer, where first Azrael, and then he, are the ones giving Sven his orders.
  • Government Conspiracy: Heads up a conspiratorial group of racists and arms dealers who remain well-entrenched in the EA, and particularly the Atlantic Federation, even after the death of their original leader, Muruta Azrael, during the First Bloody Valentine War. This makes Djibril the leader of most of the world, despite their not being aware of his existence.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: There's a lot of rage inside Djibril, and it's not particularly difficult to bring it out.
  • Hate Sink: Djibril has the worst traits of his predecessor, Murata Azrael, while lacking the style, competency, or charisma that made the latter popular in-and-out of universe. He also gets overshadowed as the driving villain by Durandal, who exploits Djibril's vileness to get popular support for his own agenda.
  • Hypocrite: Like Azrael he believes that Coordinators are abominations. This doesn't stop him from using drugs and torture to create his own army of Super Soldiers to oppose them.
  • Improbable Age: Thirty-one years old, and not only does he head Blue Cosmos, but he's controlling the Atlantic Federation as well.
  • Jerkass: While Azrael managed to hide his malice beneath a charming facade, Djibril treats both his enemies and his allies with contempt.
  • Kill Sat: After trying to nuke the PLANTs failed, Djibril tries (with better success) a giant laser fired from the moon. He even boasts how he personally pulled the trigger.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: Toyed with. Djibril has no issues with forcing his troops to fight to the last man (something Neo does not do) but despite his arrogance, he does have a healthy respect for his own skin. Knowing when it's time to bail out saves his life at Heaven's Base, and during the battle for Orb in SEED Destiny, and he's in the process of trying to make yet another getaway when Rey catches up to him at the lunar base.
    • And despite his hatred of Coordinators when push comes to shove Djbril is actually willing to attempt an alliance with the Clyne Faction in order to take out Durandal. Lacus rejects the idea though.
  • Lack of Empathy: The only person who matters to Djibril is Djibril. This is actually a problem for him, as many of his actions—the nuclear assault on ZAFT, unleashing the Destroy, firing Requiem—serve only to turn people against him, something that his sociopathy honestly doesn't let him see coming.
  • Last-Name Basis: His first name is never brought up, even when Durandal exposes LOGOS and its members to the world, he is still curiously listed as 'Lord Djibril'. Then again, in a world with names like Neo, Sting, and Shams, 'Lord' may very well be his actual first name rather than just a title. It is also possible that 'Lord Djibril' is a pseudonym and his real name is unknown.
  • The Leader: Of Blue Cosmos in SEED Destiny which he runs on the basis of his money and political clout.
  • The Man Behind the Man: To the Atlantic Federation in SEED Destiny and this particular incarnation of the Earth Sphere Alliance.
  • Meaningful Name: "Djibril" is the Arabic of "Gabriel", as in Archangel Gabriel. It fits in nicely with his status as successor to Azrael, who was named for the Angel of Death.
  • Muggle Power: As the new head of Blue Cosmos in SEED Destiny.
  • A Nazi by Any Other Name: As the head of Blue Cosmos in SEED Destiny this goes without saying.
  • No Indoor Voice: Even when he's trying to be quiet, Djibril is loud.
  • Non-Action Big Bad: Of the Earth Alliance in SEED Destiny. Unlike Azrael, Djibril prefers to stay behind the lines, where it's safe.
  • Nuke 'em: Tries to nuke the colonies right at the start of the war.
  • Obviously Evil: We first see him in a secret underground lair, surrounded by televisions, having A Glass of Chianti and stroking his Right-Hand Cat.
  • Oh, Crap!: Has two moments in SEED Destiny. First is when Durandal reveal the existence of Logos and its members, including him, to the world. The second is when he spots the Legend through his battleship's window, mere seconds before it reduces him to ashes.
  • Ominous Multiple Screens: Surrounds himself with TVs, through which he views the world and communicates with his subordinates.
  • Politically Incorrect Villain: He seems to lack Azrael's misogyny, but makes up for it in terms of how intense his Fantastic Racism is.
  • Psychotic Smirk: His usual expression.
  • Reduced to Dust: Djibril is gruesomely vaporized at the end of SEED Destiny when he gets a face full of the Legend's beam spikes.
  • Right-Hand Cat: And it's a black cat to boot.
  • Shock and Awe: In SEED Destiny, the Nibelung is a massive Tesla coil-like defensive weapon that projects from an artificial hill on Heaven's Base which takes out an entire ZAFT paradrop. However, in the HD Remaster, it's redrawn to fire innumerable amounts of beam bolts in a widespread spray fashion.
  • Sissy Villain: Subverted. He has the look certainly, but none of the attitude, and his deep voice undermines any femininity his look lends him.
  • Smug Snake: He's sneeringly arrogant, none-too bright, void of redeeming qualities, and completely unlikeable.
  • The Sociopath: With his explosive temper, impulsiveness, and total Lack of Empathy, Djibril's a very good example of a low-functioning sociopath.
  • Stupid Evil: Djibril is very bad at keeping his violent tendencies in check, typically responding to any perceived threat or betrayal with overwhelming destructive force. This generally hurts his cause far more than it helps.
  • Take Over the World: Unlike Azrael, this seems to be more Djibril's overall goal. While Azrael was Driven by Envy, Djibril saw Coordinators as a threat to LOGOS's surreptitious dominance over the Earth Sphere.
  • There Is No Kill Like Overkill: Between the nukes, the Destroy, the Nibelung, and the Requiem, it's clear that he, like Azrael, is a firm believer in this trope.
  • Uncertain Doom: Not Djibril (considering he gets graphically disintegrated onscreen), but rather his pet black Persian cat — in the original airing of SEED Destiny, it seems to disappear after Djibril escapes Orb in the Seiran shuttle, leaving it ambiguous if it was also aboard the Girty Lue with its owner when Rey in the Legend destroy the vessel. Averted in the HD remaster of SEED Destiny, where a scene is reanimated to show the cat escaping just before Djibril boards the shuttle and later shown wandering around an Orb marina.
  • Unwitting Pawn: Possibly of Durandal's, though it's never made clear whether the Chairman is using Djibril, or he is actively seeking his destruction.
  • War for Fun and Profit: If Durandal is to be believed, Djibril's real objective is to make as much money off of the conflict as he can. However, the fact that Djibril is zealously willing to nuke the PLANT colonies (which would presumably cost him half his clientele) kinda undermines that allegation.
  • Weapons of Mass Destruction: Loves these as evidenced by the nuclear weapons, the colossal, city-killing Destroy, the Nibelung Tesla coil, and the Requiem Wave-Motion Gun.
  • We Have Reserves: Lives don't mean much to Djibril. He'll gladly throw away his troops if he thinks it'll let him win.
  • Western Terrorists: Under Djibril, Blue Cosmos has returned to its terrorist roots.
  • Would Hurt a Child: He and Azrael created a project that takes children from their families, and puts them through Training from Hell in order to make them grow up to be teenaged super soldiers. That's without mentioning the Extended program.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: In the novelization he kills Yuna Roma Seiran after he is no longer needed.
    • Averted with the Reqiuem crew. He tells them they've served him well and he brings the captain with him in escape and says he'll make up some excuse to not incriminate the rest of them once they follow his final order to shoot it. This doesn't help them though as Rey destroys his escape ship killing the Commander along with him and the rest of the crew (if they aren't killed in the Zaft attack) are arrested by Zaft.
  • Younger Than They Look: He's only thirty-one. That makes him three years younger than Durandal and only three years older than Murrue. And a year older than Neo.


A member of the Earth Alliance forces who serves as the leader of Blue Cosmos by the time of Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Freedom.

  • Contrasting Sequel Antagonist: Michael has none of Djibril or Azrael's charisma or political pull; he seems to be purely a soldier.
  • Dropped a Bridge on Him: Gets wiped out by the nuke the Foundation used while trying to board a helicopter.
  • Fantastic Racism: New leader of Blue Cosmos. Natch.
  • Flat Character: He's just a new face for Blue Cosmos and is never even heard speaking throughout the movie.
  • How the Mighty Have Fallen: This guy is pretty much a representation of how low Blue Cosmos fell after Destiny. While it's previous leaders were multi billionaires who had half the planet in their pocket and near unrestricted access to the Alliance's resources, Michael is just a random Colonel in the Alliance forces who has little to his name and has to scrape together what little stuff they have left to mount any kind of threat.
  • Only One Name: His surname is never given.
  • The Voiceless: He does not speak during the entire movie.
  • The Remnant: His faction of Blue Cosmos can barely be considered 1/1000th of what Blue Cosmos had been in SEED and SEED Destiny.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: Kira, while under mind crontol, spotting Michael trying to escape starts off the Foundation’s betrayal and framing of Compass.
  • Theme Naming: Continues the Blue Cosmos trend of their leaders sharing names with prominent angels.
  • Unwitting Pawn: To the Foundation.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: The Foundation use him as bait to lure Compass into attacking Blue Cosmos' headquarters before proceeding to fire a nuke in order to eliminate both forces simultaneously.


    Biological CPUs 

Clotho's Voice Actors: Hiro Yuki (Japanese); Andrew Toth [Ocean dub], Tony Azzolino [NYAV Post dub] (English)

Main mecha: GAT-X370 Raider Gundam

"How should I know!? I only kill because otherwise I'll be killed! That's my ONLY reason!"

Orga's Voice Actors: Ryohei Odai (Japanese), Matt Smith [Ocean dub], Chris Jai Alex [NYAV Post dub] (English)

Main mecha: GAT-X131 Calamity Gundam

Shani's Voice Actors: Shunichi Miyamoto (Japanese), Richard Ian Cox [Ocean dub], Jon Allen [NYAV Post dub] (English)

Main mecha: GAT-X252 Forbidden Gundam
Right to left: Shani, Orga, Clotho, this is about as nice and chill as you will ever see them..

The three Biological CPUs, Clotho Buer, Orga Sabnak, and Shani Andras, are the Earth Alliance's most powerful soldiers, brought in by Azrael to pilot his three newly-built Trans-Phase Gundams during the final weeks of the First Bloody Valentine War in Mobile Suit Gundam SEED. Fed with a steady stream of drugs that are both performance enhancing and highly addictive, though it's unclear whether this is what drove them insane or if they were always that way. Regardless, the trio are capable of fighting Coordinators in superior mobile suits on equal footing and coming out on top more often than not, despite being completely and utterly psychotic. Clotho pilots the Raider; his primary hobby outside of battle is playing Shmups, and he's fond of shouting video game-inspired battle cries in combat. Orga is assigned to the Calamity; outside of battle, he's usually found reading paperback novels. Shani pilots the Forbidden, and spends his downtime ignoring the rest of the world by listening to music on his headphones.

  • Ascended Extra: Clotho to an extent. He tends to get the camera focus in combat, actually manages to disable Kira one time, manages to outlive the other two and even Azrael for at least one episode, and is the only one of the trio to actually attempt to speak to Kira and Athrun. Granted all he really does is reiterate to Athrun that he's totally nuts but still. Clotho even gets a small cameo in Destiny where his records indicate that he was trained in the Lodonia laboratories.
  • Ax-Crazy: At least in combat; outside of battle they tend to ignore everyone around them. Shani is probably the worst.
  • Being Tortured Makes You Evil: The hell that Blue Cosmos put them through has left them unstable, psychopathic wrecks.
  • Berserk Button: Okay, they're all pretty unstable, but Shani's even more likely to snap than usual if someone whom he considers weak tries to stop him.
    "Who's that guy taking a shot at me!?"
  • The Berserker: Any one of them can snap at any time in battle if they get ticked off at the wrong moment.
  • BFG: The Calamity is a flying artillery platform, and after the Buster, features the largest cannons seen in series.
  • Blood Knight: Clotho treats war as a game and the other two just love destroying things.
  • The Brute: The three of them serve as Azrael's Brute squad, providing the Earth Forces with vicious, expendable muscle.
  • Character Catchphrase: Orga loves to say "Hey, hey, hey!" when firing at Mecha-Mooks.
  • Chest Blaster: The Calamity's energy cannon.
  • Creepy Monotone: Despite how Axe-Crazy he is, unless he's really riled up, Shani's normal voice in battle is almost completely devoid of inflection.
  • Death from Above: The Raider and the Forbidden are both flight capable. Typically Clotho provides fire support, while Shani closes with the target.
  • Deflector Shields: The Forbidden's shield which doesn't absorb beam damage, but bounces it away at another angle.
  • Dragon Their Feet: Clotho outlives Azrael but he's left a broken, insane mess, who just gives one last ditch effort to kill the heroes before dying himself.
  • Drama-Preserving Handicap: Shani's Forbidden has a field that deflects beam shots. This makes him a perfect counter for the new Freedom and Justice with their unlimited energy and powerful beam weapons since Shani is immune to it and can shield the other two preventing Kira and Athrun from just wasting them with firepower like they do most other enemies late in the series. After Yzak finally kills Shani, Kira and Athrun are easily able to close in and destroy Orga without the former to shield him anymore
  • Drugs Are Bad: Psycho serum is, anyway.
  • Epic Flail: The Raider features one in mobile suit mode.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: For all their extreme flaws, they do care about each other.
  • Evil Laugh: None of them are afraid to indulge in one.
  • Evil Redhead: Clotho is a redheaded enforcer for a racist hate group.
  • Flawed Prototype: They manage to be this and Super Prototype at the same time. While it's true that they have far superior combat skills to their successors in the Extended from SEED Destiny, they're also highly unstable emotionally, cannot be trusted with any jobs outside of piloting, and have a two hour time limit on combat that is absolutely crippling when it comes to usability. The later versions essentially swap out the better piloting skills for increased loyalty and versatility, and a far longer time limit (they only have to be maintained once a day).
  • Freudian Trio: Orga's the Ego, being the group's leader; Shani's the Id, being the least restraint of all three of them; and Clotho's the Superego, being the only one of the trio who converses with the heroes and talks about his reasons for fighting. Although, all three of them are certifiably insane.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: They're all easy to set off, but for Clotho, that may as well be 'permanently enraged'. He even gets mad at Orga for requiring to ride on his flight-capable Gundam to escape from battle.
  • Half the Man He Used to Be: Orga is bisected by Athrun at the end of SEED.
  • Hide Your Otherness: Shani cultivates his bangs to obscure his heterochromia. They help to enhance his rather emo appearance when he's out of combat.
  • Horror Hunger: The withdrawal symptoms are fatal, and exceedingly painful.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Shani, courtesy of Yzak at the end of SEED.
  • Kick Them While They Are Down: A Laughing Mad Clotho tries to attack the disabled Buster towards the end of the Jachin Due battle.
  • Lack of Empathy: All three have got it bad. Clotho views it all as some sort of real-life video game, Orga doesn't care who he mows down with his BFGs and Shani... Shani's an out-and-out psycho who kills enemy soldiers for fun.
  • Laughing Mad: Clotho following the deaths of Shani and Orga is left a laughing, Empty Shell.
  • Minor Injury Overreaction: Shani does this for his Gundam, going ballistic when it's damaged to the point where Orga has to cool him off.
    Shani: But... but that guy!
    Orga: We have to leave right now! Do you want to feel that pain again!?
  • Mysterious Past: All records of their pasts have been erased from the EA's military database and the director stated in an interview that he never intended to reveal any of their backstories. The usual fan theory is that they were juvenile criminals who volunteered to be Boosted Men to escape execution, but there's no proof of that in any canon materials. The most that is available is that Clotho's data was found in a lab in Lodonia that converts and trains children into Extended.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: The Calamity, The Raider, and The Forbidden? I think I'm going to be... somewhere else for a while.
    • The three of them have the surnames of demons in the Ars Goetia, a tome of demonology. Clotho is based on President Buer, Orga on Marquis Sabnock, and Shani on Marquis Andras. Notably, Marquis Sabnock is a lion-headed soldier who constructs towers full of weapons, a reasonable description of the blond Orga piloting the Calamity, while Marquis Andras is far and away considered one of the most dangerous, unpredictable, and violent—pretty evocative of Shani.
  • Nightmare Fetishist: Shani actually considers nuclear explosions to be dazzling, which he says in an awed voice, and later says they're too pretty while defending the Peacemaker forces carrying the nukes.
  • Non-Uniform Uniform: All three have customized their uniforms: Shani wears his top unbuttoned and with ripped jeans instead of the normal uniform pants, Orga's has no sleeves and a popped collar, and Clotho's looks more like a crop top than anything else.
  • Not a Game: Clotho seems to have trouble understanding that he isn't playing a video game. He keeps right on killing, not out of patriotism or loyalty, but because he hates to lose.
  • Only Sane Man: Orga tends to be the one to remind his teammates about their objectives and most sensible enough to understand when to retreat.
  • The Pawn: They're well aware Azrael is using them for his profit, but are happy enough to continue being Blood Knights.
  • Psychopathic Manchild: Clotho and Orga both view fighting as nothing but a game; Clotho in particular also states that he only fights because he hates losing, and has an absolutely horrible temper, while Orga seems to treat the whole thing as child's play.
  • Psycho Prototype: It's revealed in SEED Destiny that they are the forerunners of the Extended program. The Extended might have issues, but compared to these three, they're pillars of stability.
  • Psycho Serum: Used partly to increase combat performance and partly to ensure loyalty; the effects of withdrawal are fatal, precluding any attempt at desertion.
  • Psychotic Smirk: Orga often has one. It’s rare to not see him grinning outside of arguments or his death.
  • Put the "Laughter" in "Slaughter": All of them, but especially Shani, love laughing in combat.
  • The Quiet One: Shani's this outside of battle. During battle he's a cackling lunatic.
  • Quirky Miniboss Squad: Substitute "quirky" for "psychotic and persistent" and you've got them.
  • Restraining Bolt: Their Psycho Serum serves as one. The effects of withdrawal are fatal, firmly anchoring their loyalty to Azrael.
  • Sanity Slippage: A little crazier with every episode as their Psycho Serum does its work on their minds.
  • Say My Name: Shout each other's at regular intervals (typically because one of them has just tried to shoot the others).
  • Screaming Warrior: Clotho tends to yell constantly at the top of his lungs whenever he's fighting.
  • Sinister Scythe: Shani's Forbidden Gundam features the Nidhoggr Heavy Scythe, designed for slicing battleships and mobile suits.
  • Slasher Smile: All three, but most frequently Shani have this mad battle lust grin.
  • Slave Mooks: They're only loyal to Azrael because they will die without frequent doses of Psycho Serum.
  • Sociopathic Soldier: Despite being virtual slaves, hating their boss, and being designated as equipment rather than personnel, they still really enjoy their work.
  • Sore Loser: Clotho, who rants about how much he hates to lose at one point. Clearly the boy has spent too much time around Azrael.
  • Special Ability Shield:
    • Shani's Gundam, the Forbidden, in the form of a pair of shields attached to the superstructure that redirect beam weapons away from his Gundam.
    • The Raider and the Calamity both have an arm-mounted shield with a built-in range weapon.
  • Super Prototype: To the Extended of SEED Destiny. They have a better combat record, but with such mental liabilities that the Extended dialed it back.
  • Super-Soldier: Chemically-enhanced soldiers intended to take on the Coordinators.
  • Teens Are Monsters: If you go off of their original backstory, they were already monsters long before they became Sociopathic Soldiers.
  • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: None of them are team players, which occasionally devolves into them fighting each other instead of their enemy. Orga is rather careless about what he's shooting at, Clotho hates it when his teammates need to hitch a ride on his flight-capable Gundam, and Shani prefers to ignore his teammates' existence entirely during combat. Still, when they do cooperate, it really sucks to be the other guy.
  • Transforming Mecha: Raider switches between a normal MS mode and an almost bird-like flight mode, while The Forbidden features a retractable superstructure and deflector shields.
  • Unfriendly Fire: On several occasions Orga comes very close to hitting his partners.
  • Verbal Tic:
    • Orga's "hey, hey, hey!!"
    • Clotho's fondness for shouting video game battle phrases.
  • Villainous Breakdown: When they start to go through withdrawal, it gets ugly. Clotho gets worse after losing Shani and Orga.
    Clotho: You know what...? I'm gonna...!
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: They may not like each other very much, but they hate the rest of the world far more, and are pretty dependent on one another for emotional stability. When Shani dies, the other two freak.
  • With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: The best pilots the Earth Forces have to offer, they've essentially traded in their emotional stability for the ability to fight at the same level as the Coordinators.

Phantom Pain

Phantom Pain is an irregular special forces unit within OMNI Enforcer, acting as the arms branch of LOGOS. In SEED Destiny, its prominent members consist of three "Extended", biological CPUs who are shown to be as violent, yet more stable than their predecessors.

Neo's Team

    Neo Roanoke 

    Stella Loussier 

Voice Actors: Houko Kuwashima (Japanese); Lalainia Lindbjerg [Ocean dub], Francesca Calo [NYAV Post dub] (English)

Main mecha: ZGMF-X88S Gaia Gundam, GFAS-X1 Destroy Gundam
"Shinn... you said you'd protect me."

One of the Extended (a group of drug-enhanced Naturals who can fight on par with Coordinators), Stella is first seen participating in the Armoury One raid. While in battle she behaves like a berserker, off-duty she is childlike and innocent, curious over even the most mundane of things. She also sees Neo as a father-figure. She has a huge fear of death — she fights so aggressively because she's afraid of her enemies, and so lashes out at them. She develops a relationship with Shinn.

She is at first the pilot of the ZGMF-X88S Gaia Gundam (redesignated the RGX-03), a Transforming Mecha that can turn into a fox-like mobile armor suited for ground combat, and later is placed in the cockpit of the first GFAS-X1 Destroy Gundam, which is a humongous Gundam of mass destruction.

  • Affably Evil: Stella is unstable, paranoid, and dangerous. But when she's calm and feels no threats, she's quiet, curious, sweet, and even loving.
  • Ambiguous Situation: It is unclear whether Stella's spirit in Freedom was her spirit awakened to protect Shinn, or an apparition that Shinn sub-consciously creates to defend himself against the Black Knights. The film does not explicitly confirm or deny anything while the novel only states that it was Shinn's love for Stella protecting him, making it unclear on either possibility. It is likely that it was Stella herself protecting Shinn given that Athrun had to consciously think of Cagalli when he countered Shura but officially, neither possibilities are confirmed.
  • Animal Mecha: The Gaia's MA mode resembles a mammalian quadruped.
  • Anti-Villain: Stella has no real idea of the extent of what she's doing or why she's being ordered to do it. She's evil because of who she takes orders from, not her personality.
  • Ax-Crazy: Beneath her Cloudcuckoolander exterior she's just as violently insane as (if far more pitiable than) Auel.
  • Badass Adorable: The quiet little blonde girl in the pink coat or pretty dress can rip your throat out.
  • Beware the Quiet Ones: Stella doesn't say much. She might gut you while she's not talking, though. Auel even considers her more dangerous than him when she is in fight-mode.
  • Bigger Stick: The Destroy is a 400-tonne, 56-metre-tall stick.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Stella's memory is regularly rewritten by Neo, leaving her with little in the way of a functioning personality.
  • Broken Bird: The process that made her an Extended did not leave her mind in good shape.
  • Character Development: As with Shinn, it's all negative. Neo's mindwipes, combined with increased exposure to drugs, and the general stress of both war and her relationship with Shinn cause Stella to regress further and further into childhood as a means of mental defense. By the end of SEED Destiny, the poor kid is not much more than a frightened little girl that reacts to almost everything via screaming and crying in terror.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: A dark version in SEED Destiny, underscoring her mental problems.
  • Custom Uniform: Her pilot suit has pink accents.
  • Custom Uniform of Sexy: Though not quite as blatant as Luna's, if only because all three Extended have modified their uniforms to some extent.
  • Dark Action Girl: One of the Earth Alliance's most dangerous pilots in SEED Destiny. Even her fellow Ax-Crazy Auel knows it.
    Auel: You'd better stop. We're from the 81st Autonomous Mobile Group. She may seem a bit absentminded... but when she gets angry, she's the scariest thing alive.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Zigzagged. Pilots the dark and sleek Gaia Gundam but is the most sympathetic and easiest to reason with out of the Extended. In SEED Freedom, Stella can take the form of a monstrous ghost with sharp teeth and glowing red eyes. She does this in her most heroic portrayal to scare the Black Knights from trying to mind control Shinn.
  • Deflector Shield: The Destroy Gundam is equipped with three shields called Positron Deflectors, which reflects all sorts of solid and beam attacks. It is located at its head and the detachable arms. They can only be bypassed by close-range beam weapons such as beam sabers and the anti-ship beam swords.
  • Designated Girl Fight: Starts off as this against Lunamaria's ZAKU Warrior during their space battles. Averted during the Earth fights as she engages with Shinn in the Impulse more.
  • Drone Deployer: The Destroy's hands are equipped with beam cannons in each of its fingers, and can be deployed to attack independently of the suit from various directions.
  • Drugs Are Bad: Considering what they turned her into, yes.
  • Dumb Blonde: Played with in SEED Destiny. Aside from her childlike and nearly mute demeanor, Stella proves smart enough to know hacking and reprogram an entire MS operating system, follow stealth infiltration tactics, and become a fearsomely intimidating opponent if focused. However, she still manages to dance off a cliff into the ocean without even knowing how to swim.
  • Elemental Motifs: Despite not being the one with the aquatic Gundam, Stella loves looking at the ocean, gave Shinn a seashell, and has a pet fish. Her character song is even called "Loneliness of the Deep Sea". It may all be due to a Pun — stella maris is Latin for "star of the sea".
  • Even Evil Can Be Loved: However you want to view it, Shinn moves heaven and earth trying to protect her.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: She loves Shinn in SEED Destiny, both romantically and platonically. She also adores Neo.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: Subverted. Stella may be a Tyke Bomb Slave Mook, but she picks up the concepts of "kindness" and "protection" from Shinn awfully fast.
  • Evil Is Bigger: The Destroy Gundam is roughly the size of a battleship at Mobile Suit mode.
  • Fragile Speedster: The Gaia has a notably more lithe body frame compared to other Gundams, emphasizing its focus on mobility and versatility on the many different terrains on Earth. The SEED Destiny official website states that the Gaia is the weakest in firepower of the stolen Second Stages.
  • Freudian Trio: The Id, to Auel's Ego, and Sting's Superego.
  • Good Cannot Comprehend Evil: Downplayed. Outside of her survivalist Moral Myopia, Stella doesn't appear to understand good or evil, and never questions what she does or what she's doing in Phantom Pain. However, she does manage to ask if everyone on Earth will be killed due to the fall of Junius Seven, and doesn't seem happy about it at all.
  • Idiot Savant: She barely functions above the level of a three or four year old, but give her a weapon or get her behind the controls of a Gundam, and she becomes every bit as dangerous (if not more dangerous than) as Auel and Sting.
  • I Let Gwen Stacy Die: In an agonizingly sad fashion in SEED Destiny, she becomes this to a grieving Shinn. In a small twist, she finally communicates with him at the end that she learned to understand 'yesterday' because of him, and because of that she'll see him 'tomorrow'.
  • Inconsistent Spelling: Japanese sources list her name as "Stellar". North American sources, as well as the R1 DVDs, use "Stella".
  • Innocent Fanservice Girl: She warmly smiles at a blushing Shinn when they had to sit naked together next to a campfire as their clothes dry.
  • The Juggernaut: When she's turned loose in the Destroy she slaughters half of Eurasia, forcing her way through cities and entire armies before finally being stopped in downtown Berlin.
  • Lack of Empathy: Downplayed with the Junius Seven drop. See Good Cannot Comprehend Evil. It's not just the thought of her own death that bothers her.
  • The Lost Lenore: For Shinn due to the injuries she sustained from Kira in her sortie piloting the Destroy. This causes Shinn to seek revenge on him, and promotes his own character breakdown in the last part of SEED Destiny.
  • Magic Skirt: Both her civilian and military outfits miraculously prevent Panty Shots.
  • Meaningful Name: The Gaia is a land-bound mobile suit.
  • The Mentally Disturbed: Experimented on as a child, and subjected to massive quantities of mind-altering drugs, Stella is an Idiot Savant who can fly a Humongous Mecha, but otherwise functions at the mental and emotional level of a five year old. Terrified of the world around her, she lashes out at anything that her superiors tell her is going to hurt her, burning down most of Berlin in a panicked effort to "make the scary things go away".
  • Mighty Glacier: The Destroy, though she's more mobile than most, bludgeoning her way through much of Eurasia and into the heart of Berlin.
  • Minidress of Power: Underneath her uniform, Stella wears a white and light blue mini-dress. She wears it until she becomes a prisoner/patient in the Minerva's infirmary.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: The GFAS-X1 Destroy is not a pretty name for a Gundam that destroys everything in its path.
  • No Social Skills: Stella has the social skills of a three or four year old, if that.
  • The Not-Love Interest: For Shinn. Their relationship smacks of Star-Crossed Lovers, but is never explicitly romantic (and given Stella's extremely young mental age, she likely doesn't even understand the concept of romantic love).
  • One-Man Army: Not at first—although she's very good—but once she gets into the Destroy, she's essentially unstoppable.
  • Pink Means Feminine: The only girl in Phantom Pain, she wears the OMNI female draftee pink uniform jacket (although modified with cut sleeves as part of her Custom Uniform of Sexy), and has two pink pilot suits.
  • Posthumous Character: After her death in SEED Destiny, her spirit ends up sleeping inside Shinn in SEED Freedom after dying and only woke up to scare off the Black Knight Squad when they attempt to use mind tricks on him.
  • Psycho Knife Nut: She wields a knife in the Armory One infiltration.
  • Psycho Serum: As part of the process that makes her an Extended.
  • Psychopathic Womanchild: She's mentally and emotionally very, very young. Unusually for this trope it just makes her more sympathetic and not less.
  • The Quiet One: Stella's not usually one for complete or complex sentences, let alone talking.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Her ghost-like apparition in SEED Freedom had glowing red eyes to scare the Black Knights.
  • The Rival: At times, can be seen as Lunamaria's.
  • Sanity Slippage: She was already unstable, and the stress of the war sends her overboard into Ax-Crazy, although she remains sympathetic.
  • Screaming Warrior/Screaming Woman: A little bit of both actually whether it be brawling enemies in the Gaia, or atomising all the targets she sees in the Destroy.
  • Slave Mook: She has no choice when it comes to working for Neo.
  • Small Girl, Big Gun: More accurately a childlike girl with the Destroy.
  • Sociopathic Soldier: Though not to the same degree as Sting and Auel. She's insane, not evil.
  • The Smurfette Principle: She's the only female Extended in her team's trio.
  • Star-Crossed Lovers/Like Brother and Sister: Her relationship with Shinn.
  • Stellar Name: Literally, originally. See Inconsistent Spelling.
  • Super-Soldier: Though you'd never know it to look at her.
  • Thanks for the Mammary: Her first encounter with Shinn involves him accidentally grabbing her chest.
  • Third-Person Person: Almost always refers to herself as "Stella". If you listen closely to the original Japanese, however, she refers to herself in the first person when she fights in the Gaia.
  • Tragic Monster: Stella didn't ask to be turned into an Extended or to be turned loose on Shinn, whom she genuinely seems to have cared about. By the time we meet her though, it's far too late to change any of that.
  • Transforming Mecha: The Gaia can transform between bipedal and quadrupedal forms; later, she gets the Destroy, which has a mobile armor and a mobile suit mode.
  • Trigger Phrase: Mention the possibility of her death in her hearing and she flips out. Most notably used on her by Auel during the Armory One raid, but Shinn also manages to hit it entirely by accident.
  • Tyke-Bomb: Bred and trained for Phantom Pain since young.
  • Vapor Wear: She's not wearing a bra in her civilian outfit, at least.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: In SEED Freedom, she takes the form of a Kayako-esque ghost to distract the Black Knight Squad, giving Shinn and Hilda the opportunity to finish them off.
  • Weapon of Mass Destruction: The Destroy series is built with mass destruction in mind.
  • With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: Seems to be the case with all the Extended, what with the drugs and fierce, cutthroat training they receive, but it's most obvious with her.

    Auel Neider 

Voice Actors: Masakazu Morita (Japanese); Brad Swaile [Ocean dub], Ben Diskin [NYAV Post dub] (English)

Main mecha: ZGMF-X31S Abyss Gundam

Another Extended member of Phantom Pain. Auel is usually easygoing and cheerful, which translates into mocking arrogance (and at times outright sadism) in battle. His blockword is "mother", apparently because one female scientist was kind to him during his days as a test subject.

He pilots the ZGMF-X31S Abyss (redesignated the RGX-02), a Transforming Mecha which can turn into a stingray-like mobile armor that enhances its performance in amphibious combat.

  • Adapted Out: Out of the Extended trio, Auel gets the least battle appearances in the Super Robot Wars games whereas Sting retains his usual appearances as per canon (depending on where the SEED Destiny plot is at) while Stella is usually an Ascended Extra. L has Auel be an NPC who is never fought as the Abyss makes map-only appearances while K has the events of Destiny be long after Auel has been killed as per canon.
  • Animal Mecha: The Abyss's MA mode resemble a stingray or a horseshoe crab.
  • Ax-Crazy: Probably the worst of the three, at least initially, especially when killing his enemies as brutally as possible.
  • Beam Spam: When not underwater, the Abyss usually provides long-range support with its impressive array of beam weapons.
  • Blood Knight: Though whether it's the fighting or the killing that he likes more is open to debate.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Auel, like the other Extended, has little idea of who he really is or why he's fighting.
  • Custom Uniform:
    • His open shirt and orange shirt are not part of the standard Earth Alliance uniform.
    • His pilot suit has blue accents.
  • Drugs Are Bad: They've wrecked his mind.
  • Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas: The Lodonia episode shows that "mother" is not just his block word, but also a person that he loved. Although it's extremely unlikely she was his biological mother, just a Parental Substitute from Auel's perspective, when ZAFT discovers the laboratory in Lodonia and Auel finds out about it, he freaks out, because his "mother" was stationed there.
  • Even Evil Can Be Loved: Stella cares for him enough that she ventures off to Lodonia on her own to save Auel's "mother" after seeing him freak out from his block word activating. All this despite him being a Jerkass to almost everyone he talks to, Stella included.
  • Evil Laugh: He laughs wickedly more often than not.
  • Faux Affably Evil: If Auel is acting friendly he's probably ten seconds away from gutting you. He knows how to act friendly enough to not arouse suspicion when posing as an ordinary civilian. Slightly subverted with the latter as Athrun recognizes him from seeing him at Armory One but does not learn that he was the pilot of the Abyss Gundam.
  • Freudian Trio: The Ego (tending towards Id), to Sting's Superego, and Stella's Id.
  • Graceful in Their Element: In the ocean, the Abyss moves with the speed and mobility of a dolphin.
  • Guns Akimbo: In the first episode, with submachine guns.
  • Hidden Depths: Likes playing basketball in his downtime and even invites Sting and Stella to play in a drama CD.
  • Hot Sub-on-Sub Action: Sinks a ZAFT command sub while in submarine mode.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Meets his end when he thinks he got a clean shot at Shinn, only for Shinn to outfox him by letting Auel destroy the Silhouette pack, which he detaches at the last second, and then throws the javelin he was holding straight into the cockpit of the Abyss.
  • Irony: Despite being the most Ax-Crazy, Auel never pilots a Destroy Gundam despite being the best candidate to do so for causing mass destruction. His Abyss Gundam is loaded to the brim with beam weaponry and can perform a Beam Spam, yet is an aquatic suit. In early promotional art, the Abyss Gundam is heavily featured in the middle while the Gaia and Chaos are at the side, hinting that Auel is going to be the leader or a major antagonist. Out of the three Extended, Auel has the least plot relevance as he dies early on and is the only one not to pilot a Destroy Gundam.
  • Jerkass: Towards Stella, and anybody who isn't a member of Phantom Pain. Even Neo isn't immune to this at times.
  • Kick the Dog: Probably the nastiest of the three, as evidenced by his use of Stella's Trigger Phrase as well as his sneering disregard for other people's lives.
  • Knight Templar Big Brother: Towards Stella. When a soldier attempts to move her out of the way by grabbing her, Auel's reaction is to almost stab the guy to death. Given his treatment of Stella, this may be partially subverted and he was just looking for a reason to pick a fight.
  • Lack of Empathy: He's a sneering, arrogant bully who treats everyone—excepting Sting and maybe Stella—as though they deserve to die.
  • Meaningful Name: The Abyss is ocean-going.
  • Mighty Glacier: Unless its underwater, the Abyss is the probably least agile of ZAFT's Second Stage Gundams. It's heavily-armed with long-range beam and shell-based weaponry and huge shoulder shields, but that just adds to its weight and overall mass. The SEED Destiny website states that the Abyss Gundam has the highest firepower of the stolen Second Stages.
  • Mommy Issues: Given that his block word is "Mother" it seems likely.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: The Abyss Gundam. I don't even want to pilot that, let alone fight it.
  • Pet the Dog: See Knight Templar Big Brother It doesn't make up for his sadism or cruelty, but it's nice to see the drugs did leave something human behind.
  • Psycho Serum: As part of the process that makes him an Extended.
  • Put the "Laughter" in "Slaughter": Constantly cackles as he cuts people down.
  • The Rival: To Shinn in the first half of the series.
  • Shoulder Cannon: The Abyss' huge shoulder binders are each equipped with triple-barrel beam cannons and dual-barrel shell-firing cannons.
  • Slasher Smile: Almost permanently, especially when sortieing with and/or killing enemies, sometimes while laughing. The fact that he's a murderous, drugged, Ax-Crazy instrument of war does not help either.
  • Slave Mook: He's not as sympathetic as Stella, but Auel doesn't have any choice.
  • Sociopathic Soldier: Whoo boy. Auel is having far too much fun whenever he gets behind the Abyss's controls.
  • Super-Soldier: The drugs and brainwashing let him fight at Coordinator level.
  • Transforming Mecha: The Abyss can transform into a mobile armor suited for underwater operations.
  • Trigger Phrase: His is "mother". Take from that what you will.
  • Tyke-Bomb: Raised since early childhood to be a killing machine.
  • Villainous Friendship: With Sting, especially when they cover each other when fighting other enemies. Also, when Auel unwittingly mentions his Trigger Phrase and emotionally collapses, Sting tries to calm him down. Of course, this doesn't stop them from bickering with each other every now and then. Their drama CD where they are the main characters is even called "Friendship of Basketball".
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: With Sting. They tend to quarrel about trivial things, even in battle, but they still got each others’ backs.
  • With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: The Psycho Serum seems to have had the worst effect on Auel, as he's (initially at least) the least stable of the trio.

    Sting Oakley 

Main mecha: ZGMF-X24S Chaos Gundam, GFAS-X1 Destroy Gundam

Voice Actors: Jun'ichi Suwabe (Japanese); Brent Miller [Ocean dub], Xander Mobus [NYAV Post dub] (English)

The oldest and most stable member of Phantom Pain. Lacking Auel's bloodlust and Stella's childishness, he comes off as the most well-adjusted of the group, which is probably why he acts as the trio's unofficial leader, keeping them in line when Neo is unavailable.

He's the pilot of the ZGMF-X24S Chaos (re-coded as RGX-01), a Transforming Mecha capable of transforming into a bird-like mobile armor, giving it an edge in aerial combat, and later another Destroy.

  • Animal Mecha: The Chaos's MA mode is vaguely birdlike.
  • Armed Legs: Chaos has a beam blade on both feet. Strangely, they're barely used.
  • Ax-Crazy: Yes, even him, but only later in the series when he gets to pilot the nigh-unstoppable Destroy.
  • Big Brother Mentor: Is a bit of one to Auel, albeit of the "hellishly dysfunctional family" variety.
  • Bigger Stick: The Destroy, a 56-meter and 400-tonne stick of murder, mass destruction, and property damage.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Sting's memories have been tampered with, to the point of forgetting about Auel and Stella after their deaths.
  • Custom Uniform:
    • His open shirt is not standard for the Earth Alliance.
    • His pilot suit has green accents.
  • Death from Above: He and Neo provide the air support, while Stella handles ground combat and Auel takes care of the water.
  • Drone Deployer: The Chaos is equipped with two weapon pods. They can in fact operate on Earth, but because the Chaos requires them for sustained atmospheric flight, they don't see as much use as they did in space. He gets to pilot a Destroy later which can detach its arms to serve as remote weapon pods.
  • Drugs Are Bad: Drugs have left him a sociopath.
  • Evil Genius: While not a genius by any stretch of the imagination, he fills The Smart Guy role in the Five-Man Band, largely by being the most rational of the three Extended.
  • Evil Is Bigger: The Destroy is bigger, taller and more destructive than his Chaos Gundam.
  • Evil Laugh: Sometimes, he lets out a cackle; starts happening a lot more post-Sanity Slippage.
  • Freudian Trio: The Superego, to Auel's Ego and Stella's Id.
  • Genius Bruiser: Comparatively. He's got all the Super-Soldier training of his compatriots, but a far stronger grip on reality, allowing him to actually make tactical decisions.
  • Half the Man He Used to Be: His Gundam, but fortunately not Sting himself. In the Battle of Berlin, a trio of Murasame manage to overwhelm the Chaos allowing one of them to slice it in half. They apparently missed the cockpit though as Sting survives.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Sting later does meet his demise at the Battle of Heaven's Base while piloting a Destroy, being skewered right through the cockpit by Shinn's BFS.
  • Irony: Tells Kira (piloting the Freedom) that piloting a mobile suit has less to do with the mobile suit itself and more to do with pilot skill. And then for an extra helping he is beaten by a trio of Mook Suits.
  • Jack of All Stats: The Chaos Gundam has the most well-balanced weapons, having close-combat weapons and good ranged weaponry. Unlike the Abyss and Gaia, it can be used on the most terrains where it is primarily a space fighter but also decent on the ground and quite effective in the air.
  • Jerkass: Mocks and belittles Auel and Stella. Of course, Auel gives as good as he gets.
  • The Juggernaut: In his Destroy. He easily wastes the ZAFT soldiers attacking LOGOS' snow-laden base while the attackers try and fail to scratch it. Shinn takes care of that by running him through with the Destiny's Arondight Sword.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: He's the only member of the Phantom Pain trio with any concept of tactics, including when to retreat.
  • Lack of Empathy: He's got a better understanding of other people's emotions than Auel and Stella do, but at the end of the day, Sting's cold-blooded enough to utterly disregard them.
  • The Leader: Of the Extended (as Neo is normally busy running the war effort as a whole) and the Heaven's Base Destroys. At Heaven's Base he leads by example rather than instruction.
  • Mid-Season Upgrade: From the Chaos to the Destroy, much to the dismay of ZAFT's Heaven's Base assault force.
  • Mighty Glacier: Sting pretty much uses the Destroy as a mobile pillbox, taking advantage of its massive firepower and heavy armor to survive attacks.
  • Mirrored Confrontation Shot: He and Shinn do this during the last part of their battle, both screaming their lungs out charging at each other.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: Both the Chaos and the Destroy. Arguably his real name as well (unless you're a big fan of The Police).
  • Not the Intended Use: The Chaos was designed for space combat, yet ultimately sees more use on Earth. It still operates pretty well under atmospheric conditions, but in this environment the Chaos is generally unable to use its weapon pods because of gravity and they have to stay attached to the mobile suit since they're what allows the Chaos to stay afloat.
  • Only Sane Man: At least compared to Auel and Stella. He's certainly the only one with any common sense.
  • Pragmatic Villainy: Knows when to fight and when to retreat. When Shinn, Athrun and an unnamed ZAFT soldier return Stella to them, Sting tells Auel to keep quiet about recognizing Athrun as a red coat elite to not blow their cover. In the same scene, Sting thanks Athrun and Shinn for returning Stella and leaves without issue rather than fight Athrun and Shinn for being a part of ZAFT.
  • Psycho Serum: As part of the process that makes him an Extended.
  • Psychotic Smirk: Frequently. Becomes a full on Slasher Smile once he gets the Destroy.
  • Put the "Laughter" in "Slaughter": Once he gets the Destroy, he starts enjoying himself a little too much while he's decimating scores of ZAFT ships and mobile suits.
  • Sanity Slippage: Following Auel and Stella's deaths and upon getting his hands on the Destroy.
  • Screaming Warrior: While piloting the Destroy.
  • Slave Mook: Sting, like Stella and Auel, is kept brainwashed and addicted to ensure his loyalty.
  • Sociopathic Soldier: For a guy who's normally cold-blooded and unemotional, Sting enjoys shooting enemy soldiers just a little too much. He might actually be the best example of the three, as he lacks Stella's handicaps and Auel's obvious craziness, yet still gets a real kick out of violence.
  • Super-Soldier: Frequent doses of Psycho Serum let him fight like a Coordinator.
  • Transforming Mecha: The Chaos can transform into a Space Fighter. And like Stella, he pilots the Destroy later in the series.
  • Trigger Phrase: It was never stated in the show, but Word of God is that it was Dream.
  • Tyke-Bomb: Like all the other Extended.
  • Villainous Friendship: With Auel. While they do argue over trivialities, they still work great as a team, even with Stella. Then, he tries to comfort Auel when he breaks down from inadvertently mentioning his own Trigger Phrase.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: With Auel. They tend to quarrel over small matters, such as when Auel used Stella's Trigger Phrase to get her to retreat in the second episode, but they still make sure to cover each others' six.
  • Weapon of Mass Destruction: Following Stella's death he's given command of a Destroy, and leads a squadron of them at the Battle of Heaven's Base.
  • With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: Like his fellow Extended, Sting is already a bit of a loose cannon, thanks to years of abuse and drug addiction (although compared to the "Druggies" he's a pillar of stability), but he truly flips when — after already losing Auel and Stella — he gets his hands on the Destroy.

    Ian Lee 

Voice Actors: Tadahisa Saizen (Japanese); Lee Tockar [Ocean dub], Paul St. Peter [NYAV Post dub] (English)

Neo's second-in-command, Ian usually runs the ship while Neo takes care of strategy. A capable officer, he seems to get along well with his boss, despite the latter's eccentricities.

  • The Captain: Oddly, yes. He's the actual captain of the Girty Lue, although he's outranked by Neo.
  • Commissar Cap: As part of his uniform.
  • Number Two: To Neo in Phantom Pain.
  • Oh, Crap!: Has one when he is about to be killed by the Legend, although his expression is not as obvious as Djibril.
  • Punch-Clock Villain: Ian seems pretty unhappy with the worst of the crimes he's made accessory to, yet commits them anyway as part of his job.
  • The Strategist: He's willing to plan out strategies in battles.

Sven's Team (from Mobile Suit Gundam SEED CE.73: Stargazer)

    Sven Cal Bayang 

Voice Actors: Daisuke Ono

"It's not like I have a choice..."

A stoic young man who serves as one of Blue Cosmos' elite pilots within the Earth Alliance. Having been raised from childhood to be a Super-Soldier he displays almost no emotional affect, barely speaks, and carries out his orders without complaint. He flies the Strike Noir.

  • Ace Pilot: One of the highest-scoring Natural aces of the Second Bloody Valentine War.
  • All Your Powers Combined: Like the Strike Rouge IWSP, Perfect Strike from SEED and Strike Rouge Ootori from SEED Destiny, the Strike Noir is equipped with a combination of the three basic Striker Packs. It also has weaponry reminiscent of the Moebius Zero such as its linear guns and anchors and uses the same beam rifle as the Duel Gundam rather than the Strike's.
  • Anti-Villain: Sven's cold, ruthless, and doesn't care at all about the people he's hurting, but when his backstory comes out it becomes very apparent that this isn't his fault.
  • The Atoner: Becomes this in the manga adaptation's epilogue of SEED Stargazer, as he left the Earth Alliance and is on the verge of joining the DSSD on Selene's invitation.
  • Badass Normal: The best on-screen (true) Natural (no Deep Spacial Awareness, SEED factor or any known biological enhancements like the Biological CPUs and Extended) pilot of the Cosmic Era.
  • BFS: The Strike Noir carries a variant of the original Strike's anti-ship sword, though Sven doesn't favor it.
  • Building Swing: Within a Space Station, using the Strike Noir's grappling hook.
  • Close-Range Combatant: Downplayed. Sven and the Strike Noir are certainly effective enough at longer ranges, but the Striker Pack he normally equips comes with beam pistols and a sword, rather than a beam rifle, BFG, or other long range weapon, making Sven and the Noir more capable in close quarters combat, and less competent at distance combat, than Kira or La Flaga and the original Strike were.
  • Colour-Coded for Your Convenience: The Strike Noir, black with reddish-orange eyes and grey highlights.
  • Contrasting Sequel Protagonist: Is one to Shinn as both lost their family in a tragic incident leading them into becoming soldiers of the evil faction for good purposes and lost to the hero antagonist leading them to redemption. Shinn is hot-headed and impulsive while Sven is calm and level-headed with no sign of emotion. Unlike Shinn who is indecisive when it comes to orders and disobeys them, Sven is a loyal soldier indoctrinated from a young age and does not hesitate especially when ordering Phantom Pain to slaughter the ZAFT camp as per Blue Cosmos doctrine. Both are anti-heroes but the difference is that Shinn is a Tragic Hero while Sven fits the mold of a '90s Anti-Hero. Most of Sven's actions are far more brutal for a noble cause than Shinn's. In the end, Shinn lost to Athrun in spite of his ideals realizing how far he has fallen, while Sven lost to Selene and was cured from the indoctrination that Blue Cosmos had on him in their interaction. Both have a happy ending regardless: Shinn stayed on PLANT until his return to Orb, while Sven works for DSSD after his mental recovery.
  • Dark Is Evil: The Strike Noir, the Evil Counterpart to the Strike and Strike Rouge.
  • Deuteragonist: The second most important character after Selene in SEED Stargazer. Ironically, he gets the most screen time out of all the characters.
  • Dual Wielding: Favors using both swords instead of just one. Considering that the Strike Noir doesn't have a shield, it's probably necessary.
  • Dull Eyes of Unhappiness: His eyes are permanently like this.
  • Dull Surprise: Done deliberately, to show his lack of effect.
  • Emotionless Boy: Sven's training has left him quite dead inside.
  • Fantastic Racism: Has had this drilled into his head by Blue Cosmos, though he lacks Mudie's fanaticism. The idea that Coordinators are evil is just something he accepts.
  • Freudian Excuse: The training that he was forced to undergo left him quite emotionally damaged.
  • Grappling-Hook Pistol: The Strike Noir mounts five of these.
  • Guns Akimbo: With his mech's twin beam pistols. This is effectively the Strike Noir and Sven's personal signature. Occasionally he also uses a pair of beam rifles, specifically the ones used by the ''Duel'' Gundam
  • Heel–Face Turn: After meeting Selene and being rescued by her. In the SEED Stargazer manga's epilogue, he has left the Earth Alliance and is about to join the DSSD.
  • Inconsistent Spelling: The official translation is Bayang, but Bayan, Payan, Payang, Vayan, and Vayang have been thrown around in various unofficial translations.
  • Just Following Orders: He lacks Shams and Mudie's enjoyment of killing, but nevertheless follows all of his orders to the letter, no matter how many lines they require him to cross.
  • Lack of Empathy: Sven isn't totally devoid of it, like some of Blue Cosmos' members, but he's clearly impaired. He follows orders irrespective of the consequences, shows no emotion when Mudie dies, and generally fails to connect with people.
  • A Lighter Shade of Black: Compared to Shams and Mudie, it's shown he Used to Be a Sweet Kid before his training, not Ax-Crazy, and limits his installed Fantastic Racism to what he's ordered to do. He's the one who gets redemption.
  • Magnetic Weapons: The Strike Noir has a linear cannon on each of its wings.
  • The Musketeer: Uses his anti-ship swords and beam pistols with equal proficiency and frequency.
  • No Social Skills: Accused of this (with a lot of justification) by Shams.
  • Parental Abandonment: His mother and father died, and then a scientist handed him over to Blue Cosmos only to regret it as the last minute and try to get him back.
  • Politically Incorrect Villain: Though not to the extent of Shams or Mudie.
  • Punch-Clock Villain: Sven's harmless off-duty. On duty, he'll kill you in a heartbeat, but it isn't personal.
  • The Quiet One: Almost never speaks.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The Stoic blue to Shams' Revenge Before Reason red after Mudie dies.
  • Shoulder Cannon: The Strike Noir can mount a cannon on each of its wings, just above the shoulders.
  • Sociopathic Soldier: Blue Cosmos' objective was to turn him into one of these, and to a large degree, they succeeded. Sven has no respect for the rules of war, kills anybody he is instructed to, and displays no emotional reaction at all.
  • The Stoic: Sven is cold, and that's putting it nicely. You could replace him with a robot and it would not impact his interactions with others at all.
  • Super-Soldier: Though achieved through mental conditioning and Training from Hell as opposed to Psycho Serum, the way the Extended were.
  • Throwing Your Sword Always Works: The Strike Noir leaped in the air and threw its sword on the ground. One BuCUE, who drove at high speed, crashed into it and exploded.
  • Training from Hell: From what we see of it.
  • Two Guys and a Girl: With Shams and Mudie.
  • Used to Be a Sweet Kid: As the flashbacks show, Sven used to be a human being.
  • Villain Protagonist: It's pretty clear by the second episode he doesn't care what he does as long as he just follows orders.
  • Villainous Friendship: With Shams and Mudie.
  • White Hair, Black Heart: A white-haired emotionless foot soldier for a genocidal Government Conspiracy who has no problems with brutally violating The Laws and Customs of War if ordered to.

    Shams Couza 

Voice Actors: Hiroshi Kamiya (first two episodes of SEED Stargazer broadcast), Mamoru Miyano (all other appearances, including redubbed DVD release)

"We're allowed to kill them you know."

One of Sven's two teammates, Shams Couza is talkative, violent, and aggressive, in a sharp contrast to Sven. He believes wholeheartedly in Blue Cosmos' cause, and is convinced that Coordinators are evil. He's also fiercely defensive of his partners, and in particular Mudie. He pilots the Verde Buster.

  • Be Careful What You Say: In the second episode of SEED Stargazer, when the team is being attacked, Mudie casually remarks that the enemy is being very persistent, to which he replies that they probably want to have fun with her. It doesn't end well.
  • BFG: Four of them, at once.
  • Bifurcated Weapon: His rifles can be combined into a Wave-Motion Gun, similar to Wing Zero's twin buster rifle.
  • Bottomless Magazines: Averted. He runs out of ammunition when his mech runs out of power.
  • Discard and Draw: Compared to the original Buster, the Verde is an improvement with the new rifles having bayonets to adapt to close combat. Unlike the original Buster, the Verde is unable to combine its original beam cannon and gun launcher as they are now shoulder mounted.
  • Fantastic Racism: Already has anti-Coordinator feelings from his training and being in Phantom Pain, but it gets increased upon Mudie's death.
  • Go Out with a Smile: When Shams realized he's cornered without any energy left, he gives a smile before getting shot to death.
  • Guns Akimbo: Make use of two huge beam rifles, even larger than the original Buster's gun launcher and beam rifle.
  • Long-Range Fighter: The Buster Verde relies exclusively on rifles and cannons, unless you count the bayonets at the end of the rifles.
  • Magnetic Weapons: Has a Gun Launcher fixed on its right shoulder.
  • Moral Myopia: Has no problem with killing enemies by the truckload, but freaks out and rants about how he'll never forgive ZAFT when Mudie dies.
  • More Dakka: Armed to the teeth and able to solve most problems with loads of ammunition. He not only has two huge beam rifles, but also the original Buster's guns fixed on its shoulders.
  • Nerd Glasses: Toyed with. Shams has the look, but not the personality.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: With Sven after Mudie dies. He's the Revenge Before Reason red, Sven's The Stoic blue.
  • Revenge Before Reason: After Mudie dies, he goes completely berserk, recklessly firing the Verde Buster's weapons until it runs out of energy.
  • Sanity Slippage: Mudie's death triggers this.
  • Scary Black Man: Shams looks Black and Nerdy, but his aggressive personality and BFG push him into this territory easily.
  • Shoulder Cannon: The Verde Buster mounts one on each shoulder.
  • Super-Soldier: Went through the same program that Sven did.
  • There Is No Kill Like Overkill: In the third act, Shams shoots far too many shots at enemy mobile suits, even thought they were clearly beaten.
  • Training from Hell: Though he seems to have recovered from it better than Sven has.
  • Two Guys and a Girl: With Mudie and Sven.
  • Villainous Breakdown: During the battle with the DSSD. Completely out of his mind, he empties all of his guns into the base while ranting about how he can't forgive the Coordinators for Mudie's death, and is killed when he runs out of energy.
  • Villainous Friendship: With Sven and Mudie.
  • Villainous RRoD: Runs his mech into the ground during the battle at the Space Station.

    Mudie Holcroft 

Voice Actors: Rina Sato

"The only good Coordinator is a dead Coordinator."

Shams and Sven's teammate, Mudie loathes Coordinators and enjoys killing them. In spite of her vicious streak, she is on good terms with her partners, and is very close to Shams in particular. She pilots the Blu Duel.

Other Members

    Ile de Llorar 

A pilot for Phantom Pain appearing in Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Astray, he flies a stolen Proto-Saviour. He is also known to be a graduate of "Circus", making him a Coordinator on top of being Extended.

    Matisse Adukurf 

A high-ranking member of Phantom Pain who answers directly to Lord Djibril, appearing in Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Astray. She serves as the primary antagonist in Destiny Astray. She does not actually agree with LOGOS or its ideals, but is using them to gain power so that she can one day rule the world herself. Ruthless and uncaring, she makes heavy use of Extended pilots, stolen Gundams, and propaganda to further her aims.

  • Half-Identical Twins: with Matias, her considerably more moral brother
  • Tyke Bomb: her backstory reveals that her parents were the ones who groomed her into what she is.
