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Fairy Tail guild

Formed by Mavis Vermillion, Yuri Dreyar, Precht Gaebolg (who would later become known as Hades), Warrod Sequen, Zera, and Sparda, Fairy Tail is the most famous wizards' guild in the Kingdom of Fiore, most widely known for producing some of the most powerful wizards in the history of magic—so powerful, in fact, they cause unintended destruction no matter what they do.

    In General 
  • Badass Crew: Fairy Tail easily outnumbers the other guilds in terms of badass members by a dozen-fold. They're also a colorful, tightly-knit bunch of goofballs who consider each other closer than any family.
  • Beware the Silly Ones: They baffle all ordinary folks (and sometimes each other) with their eccentricities, but they all have one thing in common: mess with their guild, and they will end you.
  • Family of Choice: Act as this to all their members offering them a home and a source of solidarity during any emotional times.
  • Light/Darkness Juxtaposition: Although the guild is more associated with fairies and light-based powers, Fairy Tail is free to use any kind of magic, including darkness-based powers.
  • Mythical Motifs: Fairies, with their three most powerful spells being light based attacks.
    • One of their most prominent members, Erza, is given the title Titania, which is the name of the queen of the fairies, and her Unison Raid with Dante is called Fairy King: Crimson Oberon, as a reference to the king of the fairies.
    • They gain a strong demon/devil motif as the story progresses thanks to members like Dante, Trish, Modeus, and Nero. It's even revealed that Sparda is also an founding member of Fairy Tail.
  • Power of Friendship: In each arc, they use their teamwork and bonds as a primary way to defeat their foes.
    • In the Vergil arc, although weakened after being captured, they try to help Dante fight Vergil, but to no avail. When Natsu later achieves Dragon Force to battle Vergil, he's motivated for the sake of the guild and his friends.
    • In the Devil Hand arc Arkham knows that Fairy Tail prides itself on its unity, and manipulates the inside of Temen-ni-Gru, using Divide and Conquer tactics for Fairy Tail's fight with the Seven Sins.
      • The remaining members come to help their comrades, with Arkham keeping them at bay with demons.
    • Tenrou Island: It's instrumental in fighting off Grimoire Heart; although outmatching them in magic power, and being a fierce battle, they fight off their enemies with the motivation of protecting each other.
    • While they couldn't outmatch and handle Acnologia, they were able to survive thanks to joining their powers together to form Fairy Sphere, having unshakable faith in each other.

Main Cast

    Natsu Dragneel

A Fire Dragon Slayer and the famous Fairy Tail wizard who is known as "Salamander". He was raised from a young age by the dragon Igneel, who mysteriously disappeared seven years ago on July 7, X777. Ever since then, Natsu has been on a personal journey to find the dragon and learn what happened.

  • Awesomeness by Analysis: Surprisingly for someone who prefers to rush headfirst into a fight, he excels at learning the fighting styles and abilities of any opponent he faces. Erza outright states between this and his sheer stubbornness, his ability to match opponents who previously bested him borders on Adaptive Ability.
  • Bash Brothers:
    • Quickly hits it off with Dante and the two make a good team in a fight, displaying excellent teamwork against Vergil.
    • He later forms this with Nero, as the two show near-perfect teamwork against Berial, and later Sanctus.
  • Batman Grabs a Gun: Natsu primarily fights with his fists and his magic, but on occasion, he does use weapons.
    • In the Edolas arc, Dante gives him Agni and Rudra to use when he loses his magic.
    • In the Devil Hand arc, he tries to attack Arkham with the Devil Sword Sparda, enraged when he learns Arkham's full plan, which included kidnapping Natsu's friends and tricking everybody around him. Unfortunately, this allows Arkham to grab the sword and escape.
  • Battle Aura: His magic aura is fiery orange in color, and sometimes takes the shape of a Dragon.
  • Blood Knight: There are few things Natsu loves more than a good fight, eagerly leaping into the fray against whatever Arc Villain's they're up against, and his old guildmates in between each crisis.
  • The Big Guy: Natsu a Fire Dragon Slayer and one of Fairy Tail's heavy hitters. The combination of his strength, speed, toughness, and sheer offence make him incredibly hard to beat, furthered by his sheer tenacity.
  • Birds of a Feather:
  • Borrowed Catchphrase: Uses 'Jackpot' in Dawn of Light alongside Dante and Vergil when fighting Arkham.
  • Character Development: His early encounters with Vergil leave him afraid of an opponent for the first time, and he even freezes up in some of their rematches. Hearing Gildarts advice on Tenrou Island gets him to start accepting and dealing with this issue, which helps greatly in the three on three match in Devils and Dragons.
  • Childhood Friend Romance: Had this with Lisanna in the past. Unlike canon, they pick up where they left off after the Edolas arc, sharing several intimate moments, and he blushes every time Lisanna kisses him or makes another display of affection.
  • Dangerous Forbidden Technique: After Lisanna is mortally injured by Cragnar Natsu recalls a healing technique Igneel taught him called Dragon Slayer Secret Art: Blood Soul Fire that uses red flames instead of his usual orange. The downside is that it uses large amounts of his own energy, which leaves him incredibly drained and is only fit as a last resort. It also gave Lisanna a Dragon Soul Takeover.
  • Dumbass Has a Point: While smarter than he lets on, he usually plays the role of an Idiot Hero to a hilt. Every now and then he makes valid point.
  • Expecting Someone Taller: Gets this from Dante when the latter meets the famous 'Salamander' for the first time.
    Natsu: Hey are you to call me short! You're only one foot taller than me!
    Dante: (laughing) Which also means you're one foot shorter than me.
  • Extremely Protective Child: Griffon threatening to kill Igneel in revenge for his many defeats is enough for Natsu to go berserk and take him down.
  • Finger Gun: Natsu joins in with this in the iconic "Jackpot" scene in beating Arkham.
  • Fire/Water Juxtaposition: He spars with Juvia in Grinding Down, Leveling Up to train for the Grand Magic Games, at her suggestion. She points out they never fought, which will be good practice for facing new opponents, and their opposite elements are equally matched, meaning they can train their power by trying to repeatedly overcome one another.
  • Foil:
    • With Dante, being the children of powerful and noble nonhumans (Sparda and Igneel respectively), are well intentinoed heroes that greatly enjoy fighting, and are prominently associated with the colour red. But whereas Natsu is a straightforward and passionate Idiot Hero that prefers the direct approach whenever possible (something that leads to him being the subject of mockery from his friends), Dante frequently proves to be just as sharp as he is strong, maintaining a composed, irreverent demeanour that leads to him being on the giving end of a joke more often than not. Their fighting styles also contrast, with Natsu preferring hand to hand mixed in with his fire magic where Dante is a master of an arsenals worth of weapons, each with their own unique powers rather than his innate demonic power, though he does come to use that more as the story progresses. One important distinction between them is their approach to family, with Natsu being Happily Adopted by Igneel, has nothing but positive feelings towards him, and fit right in at Fairy Tail from day one, Dante has complicated feelings for his birth father Sparda, and despite getting along with Fairy Tail, kept a degree of emotional distance between them before their first encounter with Vergil.
    • With Nero. Both enjoy a good fight, are fiercely protective of their respective Family of Choice, have a Childhood Friend Romance with a girl they raised an Exceed with, and are the offspring of powerful non-human beings, Igneel and Sparda respectively. However, Natsu is a Bare-Fisted Monk who heavily uses his magic in a fight, has a red Color Motif, and is just as quirky as his teammates, even being the butt of several jokes owing to his status as an Idiot Hero. By contrast, Nero primarily uses his weapons in a fight, having only recently gained any demonic powers, dresses in blue, and for all his snarking actually acts as the Only Sane Man of his group, generally being The Reliable One, with no one questioning his competency.
    • With Vergil. Being the children of powerful nonhuman beings that they inherited great power from and enjoy a fight with a worthy opponent, albeit Vergil is more subdued about this than Natsu. However, where Natsu is a Hot-Blooded and idealistic Idiot Hero that fights for his friends and family and believes in The Power of Friendship, Vergil is a cold, logical Anti-Villain that derides the idea of bonds and believes power is all that truly matters. Natsu greatly admired Igneel and tries to live up to his example to this day, while Vergil acknowledges Sparda's power, but cares little about his beliefs and shows no remorse for undoing his accomplishments. Natsu fights with hand-to-hand while mixing in his Fire Magic whereas Vergil prominently uses Yamato (and other weapons he has on hand) and even his demonic powers mainly manifest Summoned Swords or enhance his existing weapons.
  • Force and Finesse:
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: Natsu intercepts a swing meant for Wendy from Vergil; this leaves him with a permanent diagonal scar across his chest.
  • Hot-Blooded: Now with Dante and his friends joining the party, Natsu's got even more regular sparring partners, and he's ecstatic about it.
  • Inferiority Superiority Complex: While amazed with Dante's capabilities, Natsu feels very frustrated for being unable to compete with the former the way he is now, and doesn't know how to use Dragon Force and Lightning Flame Dragon Mode currently.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Lampshaded by Lucy, who notes he has little concept of things like manners, personal space, and frequently challenges friends to fights, yet is utterly loyal to the guild and all of it's members, being the first to leap to the defense of any of his friends. Mavis even remarks he embodies all the best principles of his guild.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Serves as the benchmark of physical ability amongst Dragon Slayers, being strong enough break even with a Beowulf enhanced Vergil (himself an example of this trope) in a Punch Parry, fast enough to avoid the light based attacks of Job, and tough enough to come out from a sustained fight with Vergil using Yamato in relatively good shape.
  • Lightning/Fire Juxtaposition:
    • He is this with his other love interest Lucy, between his Fire Dragon Slayer Magic and her Celestial Spirit Magic.
    • He alongside Lisanna in her Dragon Soul pit their Fire Magic attacks against Job's Holy Devil Slayer Magic.
    • After eating Laxus's lightning during the battle against Hades in "Tenrou Island arc", he gained Lightning Flame Dragon Mode. His body becomes wreathed in flame and lightning, and all his attacks carry the secondary lightning element for extra damage. He assumes this form again during the final fight with Sanctus. After training for three months, Natsu can now enter this mode whenever he likes.
  • Male Might, Female Finesse: Natsu has this with Lisanna, notably her Dragon Soul, where both use fire magic. Natsu primarily uses his raw strength and fists, while Lisanna primarily uses her flight and claws.
  • Mythical Motifs: Dragons, as befitting for a Fire Dragon-Slayer. He's even got a scarf made from scales.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business:
    • On the anniversary of Lisanna's death, Natsu is uncharacteristically somber and subdued, coldly scolding Gray for drawing on his face in his sleep, and refusing to get into a fight with the latter. What's more, he never raises his voice the whole time.
    • After his first encounter with Vergil, any mention of the man is enough to make him deadly serious, being the first person he is actually afraid to fight, especially given the scar the guy left in his chest. It takes a talk with Gildarts to assure him that it's all right to be afraid of such an opponent.
    • Upon seeing Nero using Masayoshi, he briefly stops fighting to frantically question where he got it, having mistaken it for Yamato.
  • Personality Powers: The Hot-Blooded, Blood Knight has Playing with Fire powers, being a deadly combatant who burns anyone in his path. However, he is always very protective and supportive of his Family of Choice, reflecting how softer flames can be used to warm those surrounding them.
  • Playing with Fire: That's Natsu for you and the primary basis of his Fire Dragon Slayer Magic.
  • Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs: Literally, as one of his moves, Flame Lotus: Fire Dragon Fist, engulfs his fists with fire as he punches the enemy fast like a machine gun.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The red to Dante's blue, constantly eager for a fight, excited and outspoken, and being quite straightforward in combat and speech. While Dante shares a lot of these traits, he's typically more laidback, and enjoys Trolling people by dancing around them in a fight, and riling them up when well delivered quips.
  • Smarter Than You Look: Despite happily playing the part of Hot-Blooded fight maniac, Natsu has shown on occasion that he can be a tactical thinker when needed, suggesting to counter Vergil's speed boost from Beowulf by simply stealing the weapon, and coming up with a plan to defeat the Mundus-enhanced Hades after a prolonged battle despite everyone being exhausted and the latter having plenty of power left.
  • Spanner in the Works: Natsu manages to completely derail the Holy Sword's plans by being able to enter the Savior to the shock of everyone, as it had been made explicit that only the Infinity Clock's original owners or their descendants could do so. Unknown to everyone else, of course, Natsu is related to said owners through his ties to Zeref, and he ends up instrumental in freeing Nero and helping him kill Sanctus.
  • Strong and Skilled: Is a Dragon Slayer that possesses powerful Fire Magic and incredibly physical prowess. Additionally, being trained by Igneel (a dragon!) and years of experience as a Fairy Tail wizard have honed his martial and magical skills, wielding both in tandem for devastating effect.
  • Super Mode:
    • Natsu has entered Dragon Force twice, against Vergil in chapter 19 A Son of Sparda and a Son of Igneel, and in chapter 58 Dawn of Light against Arkham. according to Word of God (for the latter), that it may be connected to Natsu's demonic nature.
    • And in chapter 75 Into the Devil's Heart, Natsu has obtained Lightning Flame Dragon Mode after Laxus transferred all of his Magic Power to Natsu by giving him to eat the lightning.
  • Sword and Sorcerer: With both of his love interests, Lisanna and Lucy. Natsu is a fist rather than a sword, but otherwise fits, preferring to brawl up close with his Fire Dragon Slayer Magic. The the two girls can change into Animal Soul and Dragon Soul forms and summon Celestial Spirits as back up along with Celestial Spirit Magic respectively.
  • This Is Unforgivable!: His reaction to anyone who attacks Fairy Tail, best seen when Natsu tells Lucy that although she wants to give Vergil a second chance, he can't find it in himself to forgive the man for what he did to them. Lucy is understanding of where he's coming from.
  • Trauma Button: Boisterous as he usually is, his encounter with Vergil did a number on him, to the point Natsu confuses Gildarts with him during the S-Class Trials, leaving him frozen with fear.
  • Villain Killer: Natsu killed plenty of villains in the story: Griffon in Vergil arc, Nelo Angelo with Modeus' teamwork in Edolas arc, Cragnar in Devil Hand arc, Berial in the Order of the Sword arc.
  • Violently Protective Girlfriend: Gender-Inverted. Anyone threatening Lisanna makes him deadly focused and sends him into a chilling Tranquil Fury should they manage to hurt her, as Cragnar found out the hard way. This protectiveness extends to unwanted attention, frequently knocking Dan Straight away whenever he starts flirting and getting too close to her and socking Bacchus in the jaw after learning of his bet with Elfman.
    • The same also goes for Lucy as well. After Minerva's beatdown on Lucy during the Naval Battle, Natsu is completely livid, attacking Minerva and threatening to kill her if she ever comes near Lucy again.

    Dante Redgrave

The Demon Slaying Half-Human Hybrid, son of Sparda and a human named Eva. After losing his mother to demons as a child, Dante grows up to become a demon-hunting mercenary who runs his own devil-hunting business named Devil May Cry. After his shop is destroyed (again) he joins the Fairy Tail guild.

    Lucy Heartfilia

A Celestial Wizard who uses a set of magical Gatekeys to summon otherworldly Celestial Spirits to fight on her behalf.

  • Always Someone Better: Yukino considers her this compared to herself, as not only does Lucy have more of the Golden Zodiac Keys, she displays broader tactics with the Spirits at her disposal on top of being a proficient Devil Hunter by the time of the Grand Magic Games.
  • Ancestral Weapon: Capricorn explains that the Morningstar was forged by Sparda himself in this story and given to Lucy's ancestor, Anna Heartfilia. It's then been passed down the family to Lucy's mother, Layla.
  • And This Is for...: As she subjects Flare to a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown during their match, she declares every punch and strike is meant for everybody in Fairy Tail that Raven Tail has hurt so far.
  • Apocalypse Maiden: Sanctus and Midnight planned to use her, a Celestial Mage and descendant of Anna Heartfilia, next to her cousin Dante, a son of Sparda, to control the Savior.
  • Borrowed Catchphrase: Uses 'Jackpot' in the second chapter of Devil's Retribution.
  • Butt-Monkey: Just as in canon, and occasionally overlaps with Reluctant Fanservice Girl.
  • Cosmic Motifs: She is a Celestial Spirit wizard, with her spirits being based on the western Zodiac, similar to her mother and ancestors. Also counts as Personality Powers, owing to her kind nature and desire to support her friends.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Her match with Flare ends up being this as well as being a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown, as she outmatches her in melee combat and has Scorpio continuously cut her hair as soon as it begins to regrow. The few comebacks Flare has fizzled out quickly, and her attempt to take Asuka hostage is quickly foiled by Modeus. Had Obra not drained Lucy of her magic at the last second, Flare would have surrendered and given Lucy the victory.
  • Foil: To Lisanna, being an All-Loving Heroine that is one of the saner members of the guild, favours versatility over raw power and has a strong bond with Natsu. But while Lucy uses Celestial Spirit Magic to summon Spirits to fight alongside her at a distance, Lisanna makes use of Take Over Animal Soul to take on the traits of various animals to fight up close. Lisanna's relationship with Natsu arose from childhood, having grown stronger since, while Lucy grew quite close with him despite having only been part of Fairy Tail, and knowing him for less than a year.
  • Green-Eyed Epiphany: In the Devil Hand arc, Lucy becomes uncomfortable seeing all of Lisanna's Ship Tease moments with Natsu. While she doesn't understand why at first, she later confirms it during a talk with Trish, though admits she's content with Natsu and Lisanna so long as they are happy together. Lisanna however talk her that she rather wants to share him.
  • Grew a Spine: In regards to her interactions with Aquarius. When summoning her to help deal with Kain Hikaru, the spirit, as usual, starts complaining about Lucy interrupting her date, despite Lucy doing so because their opponent was close to killing Trish. Lucy cuts her off with a slap and calmly but firmly states that while she respects her spirits' wishes, she refuses to allow her friends to be hurt simply to satisfy the mermaid's whims. Aquarius is impressed and admits she was trying to invoke this trope all along.
  • I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: Admits that she has feelings for Natsu to Trish, and feels jealous seeing him with Lisanna. However, she acknowledges the two have much more history, having raised Happy and having a Childhood Friend Romance, and confesses this to Lisanna herself, making it clear she wants to keep them both as friends, and is surprised when Lisanna suggests they share Natsu.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em:
    • In the Devil Hand arc she wants to help her friends in the climactic battle, but she concedes to Lisanna, Trish, and Modeus' advice to sit out the fight with Vergil, acknowledging she is no match against him.
    • In the Naval Battle she quickly realises that Minerva has her outmatched in terms of magic and combat prowess and opts to knock them both to force a draw out rather than risk a prolonged confrontation.
  • Light/Darkness Juxtaposition: With her cousin Dante. Lucy is a Celestial Spirit wizard, while Dante is a half-demon. While Lucy wears light blue outfits, Dante wears a dark red long jacket. It's also revealed that the Heartfilla's helped the Dark Knight Sparda for generations with Anna Heartfilia being one of the founders of the Order and Sparda eventually marrying one of her descendants, Eva. This makes sense since the stars, as well as the darkness, are combined in the night.
  • Light Is Good: She has blonde hair, usually wears light colored clothing, is a Celestial wizard and among the guilds most heroic members.
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Delivers this to Flare in their match at the Grand Magic Games, knocking out a tooth and even dislocating her arm. The beatdown was so bad for Flare, she had a traumatic breakdown due to being triggered for what Ivan would do for failure, started begging for mercy, and nearly surrendered willingly before Obra drained Lucy of her magic.
  • Related in the Adaptation: Dante learns in Edolas that Lucy's counterpart is the niece of his mother's counterpart, leading him to wonder if the same is true back home. Sure enough, Capricorn reveals that his mother, Eva, was the older sister of Layla, Lucy's mother; therefore, Dante and Vergil are cousins with Lucy.
  • Short Range Gal Long Range Gal: Whenever she teams up with Lisanna. Lucy fights at a distance with her whip alongside her summoned Celestial Spirits, while Lisanna uses Take Over: Animal Soul to take traits of animals and fight up close.
  • Summon Magic: Lucy is a Celestial Spirit wizard that summons Celestial Spirits, through the gate keys.
  • Sword and Sorcerer:
  • Thicker Than Water: While she clearly sees Fairy Tail as a Family of Choice she is very happy to hear that Dante is her cousin. She even wants to try and reach out to Vergil so they can connect as a family again, even if he might not accept it.
    • Despite not being related by blood, is honored to have Sparda as part of her family, considering him a Cool Uncle and the father of her beloved cousin.
  • Took a Level in Badass: As a result of training for three months before the Grand Magic Games, Lucy has become more skilled to the point that not only can she summon two Zodiac spirits at once, but also learns hand-to-hand combat. As a result of her training, her match with Flare ends up being completely in her favor, only losing because of Obra's interference.
  • Villain Killer: Unlike in canon, Lucy in this story did commit a murder by killing Asmodeua in Devil Hand arc.
  • Weak, but Skilled: She is pretty smart, and a skilled fighter, but not that strong against the likes of Vergil, who outmatched her on separate occasions. When teaming up with her guildmates she has proven to be a valuable asset, providing plenty of support and strategic input in fights to turn the tide. This is emphasized more after training for the Grand Magic Games. While she can summon more Spirits at once for greater firepower and is now an accomplished melee fighter, she still doesn't have the strength of powerhouses like Erza and Dante. As such, she focuses on strategic use of her Spirits and weapon, frequently catching her opponents off guard with how fast she can switch tactics and capitalising on that so they can't bring their full strength to bare.
  • Weapon-Based Characterization:
  • You Killed My Father: Upon discovering Sanctus killed her father, she exclaims this with great sorrow and hatred.
    Lucy: You... You killed my father...? YOU KILLED MY FATHER!

"Aye, sir!"

An Exceed, a race of cat-like beings from the parallel world of Edolas, whose egg was found and hatched by Natsu, and the two have remained inseparable friends ever since.

  • Berserker Tears: He does this twice and the cause is Vergil.
    • In "Epic Clash: Natsu vs Vergil" when Natsu took the damage for Wendy and almost dies, Happy angrily calls him a monster and flies straight to him to seek revenge only for him (in his Devil Trigger) almost squeeze him if it wasn't for Dante saving the cat just in time.
    • He does it again in "Brotherly Rivals Evermore" when Vergil defeats Dante again and took his Perfect Amulet, Happy angry tells him to give him back that it belongs to Dante, only for Vergil to point his sword right to Happy's face causing, causing him to stop his track to the tip of the sword to an inch of his face, only for Vergil telling him that he is an insect and isn't worth squatting and left leaving teared up Happy behind.
  • Birds of a Feather: Gets along very well with Dante due to a shared love of messing with people as well as poking fun at them.
  • Blue Is Heroic: He is a blue-furred Exceed, his magic has a blue aura, and he is always ready to help to save the world.
  • Borrowed Catchphrase: The first to use Dante's signature 'Jackpot', doing so after chopping wood with Lucky.
  • Commonality Connection: He quickly bonds with Dante owing to their shared love of messing with people, particularly Lucy.
  • Hidden Depths: In Old Friends he wonders if he can reach Panther-Lily's level after everyone's training, surprising Carla and Lisanna that he would care about such a thing.
  • Spanner in the Works: He, Carla and Panther-Lily attack the Devil Heart, the source of Hades' power, while he is busy fighting the main group.
  • Support Party Member: Has little ability in the way of direct combat, but his Flight and ability to carry a passenger gives his allies a level playing field against opponents who can fly and a leg up against those that can't.
    • He and Carla did this for Gray and Gajeel in their fight with Nightmare.
    • Helps Dante out in his fight with Ibis, leader of the Seven Deadly Sins of Devil Hand, since she could fly and he couldn't outside of his Devil Trigger, which drains his stamina. This naturally grates on her Pride.
  • A Taste of Their Own Medicine: Frequently finds his "You liiiiike him/her" Catchphrase turned back on him whenever he attempts it on Dante.
  • Team Pet: How the villains see him, with Fairy Tail viewing him as just another member. Given how he's helped out in big battles, he certainly qualifies as more, to the villains' surprise.
  • The Tease: Loves to tease potential couples, to the point that his Catchphrase is 'You liiiiike him/her'.
    • Gets into an argument with Dante about this when the latter keeps flirting with Ibis in the middle of their fight.
      Happy: Again with the flirting with girls thing, that's seriously getting old.
      Dante: This coming from the cat who always says 'you liiiike her' all the time.
      Happy: That line is a classic! Classics never go out of style!
      Dante: Like you know anything about style.
  • Weak, but Skilled: Happy is not as powerful as most of his teammates, but his flying abilities are a valuable advantage. This is proven true when he carried Dante during the latter's duel against Iblis, the leader of the Seven Sins. When she unleashes her Heavenly Black Hole maneuver, both Happy and Dante combine their speed to destroy the black hole.

    Gray Fullbuster

An ice wizard and rival of Natsu, who happens to be a fire wizard. Though more down-to-earth than most of his guildmates, he has the unhealthy habit of taking off his clothes without thinking.

  • Battle Aura: His magic aura is cyan blue.
  • Blood Magic: During his fight with Ultear on Tenrou Island, Gray manages to get around her Arc of Time by using his Ice-Make Magic to create weapons out of his own blood, which are immune to Ultear's magic.
  • Borrowed Catchphrase: Uses 'Jackpot' in 22nd chapter: Between Heaven and Hell of Devil's Retribution.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Not quite at Dante's level, but Gray's got his moments. Especially with Natsu around.
  • Force and Finesse: He is the finesse to Natsu, Erza, Dante, and Gajeel's force. Although he lacks their raw power, he makes up with wit, cleverness, and skillful use of the weapons and objects he creates with Ice-Make Magic.
  • An Ice Person: He is an Ice-Make wizard.
  • Multi-Melee Master: Gray can shape his ice into traditional weapons, and his time with Dante leads him to copy Rebellion, Cerberus and Beowulf, in which he proves skilled at using them.
  • Personality Powers: Is an Ice Make Wizard who can create objects, and not only is he a Deadpan Snarker, he's quite resourceful and clever to boot.
  • Sore Loser: After Vergil beats him, he is frustrated that he got sucker punched and has been looking to get payback on him ever since.
  • Swiss-Army Superpower: Aside from just freezing things solid, he can use Ice-Make for both offensive and defensive purposes, travel, and a limited version of healing (at least where burns are concerned).
  • Underestimating Badassery: Gets hit with this several times throughout the story, especially when compared to the likes of Natsu, Dante and Erza.
    • Mammon, the Greed of the Seven Sins of Devil Hand, dismissed him as an 'ice stripper', calling him small fry compared to the likes of Natsu and Erza. Gray proceeds to prove him wrong by freezing his molten gold, impressing the dark wizard.
    • Vergil dismissed him as some human with fancy ice magic, especially since he defeated him before. Gray then proceeds to be pivotal in stealing Beowulf from him.
    • Ultear continues to condescend his chances at overcoming her Arc of Time, continuously boasting that it renders his Ice-Make magic useless. He proceeds to work around this by using his blood instead, and quickly turns the fight into a Curb-Stomp Battle in his favor, even after she breaks out her own Ice-Make magic.
  • Villain Killer: Killed Dagon in the Order of the Sword arc.
  • Weak, but Skilled: Although his Ice-Make Magic is impressive, it lacks the raw power compared to what Natsu, Erza, and Dante can bring to bear. He makes up for it with his creativity and quick thinking, frequently exploiting his opponents' weaknesses and catching them off guard.

    Erza Scarlet

Fairy Tail's most powerful female wizard, renowned throughout the kingdom as "Titania", the Queen of the Fairies. Using her magic, The Knight, she can "Requip"—instantaneously exchange and equip—hundreds of different weapons and suits of armor that enhance her already tremendous strength and swordsmanship.

  • The Ace: She is among Fairy Tail's strongest, most skilled, and most intelligent wizards, making her one of their most capable members. There are few foes she can't match in brains or brawn and fewer that surpass her in either.
  • Always Someone Better: While she is on the giving end of this trope to most people, there are a few who rank above her, to the shock of everyone.
    • Her first spar with Dante ended decisively in his favor, and in the Edolas arc, she admits she has yet to defeat him once. This also makes Vergil a case to her, having defeated her in each fight, albeit after pushing far more than anyone other than Dante.
    • After Gildarts' return, Lady and Trish comment that they thought she was Fairy Tail's most powerful mage. Erza humbly admits she can't hold a candle to him.
    • While the two never encountered one another, Dante states that Iblis (the leader of the Seven Sins of Devil Hand) is her superior in terms of power, and may even exceed her in terms of sword skill.
  • Awesomeness by Analysis: She didn't just become S-Class for her strength alone. She is clever and can figure out what to do in fights.
    • In ''Devil Prince vs Fairy Queen, she admits to holding back against Vergil, as he is doing the same as well, with Vergil admitting he does so to test his opponents and see if they're worthy of experiencing his Devil Trigger.
    • Sins Born of Sorrow: She notes that while Leviatha/Sheeree's Magic Drain lets her copy powers, she's still inexperienced in their fight. When Wendy later fights, she and Erza both discover that combining so many different powers quickly exhausts Sheeree.
    • Although the rest of her guild is suspicious of Jester, she is the one that really felt something inhuman in him, which is later proven true when Jester is revealed to be Arkham in disguise.
    • Between Heaven and Hell: She, along with Modeus, figure out why Cobra never gained a Caduto form like the other members of the Oracion Seis: because he still hopes to see Cubellios, and is afraid that she will fear him, next to having achieved Dragon Force.
  • Bash Siblings: Forms this with Dante, with the two mentioning that they spar rather frequently. This shows when they display excellent teamwork against Azuma, who notes that he'd definitely lose if the fight went on.
  • Battle Aura: Her magic aura is scarlet red.
  • Berserk Button: When confronted by someone who sacrificed their humanity for power, she will be pissed.
    • Her first solo fight with Vergil, when she learned about him severing his human part, she wanted to beat him up for that only to lose badly.
    • When fighting Credo for the second time in his Credo Angelo form, she questions why he would sacrifice his humanity for demonic power (which, according to him, he didn't sacrifice anything of that sort). Unlike above with Vergil, she won this time, and to prove even though she is an ordinary human and him being a demon or an Angel she still can beat him.
  • The Big Gal: Erza is among Fairy Tail's best fighters, using Requip Magic to easily swap between her arsenal of weapons, on the top of her absurd physical power to take down any opponent that dares make an enemy of her guild.
  • Blue Is Heroic: She has a dark blue Fairy Tail emblem on her left arm and is among Fairy Tail's most heroic members.
  • Foil:
  • Force and Finesse:
  • Humans Are Special: At her core, she believes in the goodness in humanity.
    • In the Vergil arc she is shocked and outraged that Vergil wishes to cut off his humanity and become fully demonic. She attempted to make him pay but was unfortunately outmatched against him.
    • During the Edolas arc, part of her fight with her counterpart Erza Knightwalker is a debate on humanity. Knightwalker believes humanity is about greed and conquest, but Scarlet believes that at their core, humans are good and compassionate.
    • In her second fight with Credo during the Order of the Sword arc, she asks the latter how and why he would sacrifice his humanity for his Angelo form. Unlike her first fight with Vergil, she is able to defeat Credo with her remaining power, while giving a Badass Boast.
      Erza: I don't know what you did to obtain this power, what you've had to sacrifice or anything of the sort. But I will not allow myself to lose to someone like you, someone who is willing to forsake his humanity to become something else, be it demon or angel. I am an ordinary human, and I will defeat you!
  • Magic Knight: Her Requip: The Knight allows her to swap between different armors and weapons with different abilities, which she uses with great power and finesse.
  • Multi-Melee Master: Erza's got an even bigger repertoire of weapons than Dante (except for firearms) and knows how to use every piece of it flawlessly.
  • Mythical Motifs: Fairies. Her guild is named Fairy Tail and her guildmates are sometimes called fairies, but she is Titania the Fairy Queen and one of their strongest members. The Unison Raid with Dante is called "Fairy King: Crimson Oberon".
  • Person of Mass Destruction: She's already an One-Woman Army, but in Chapter 20: Storming the Hellgates, she gains a Devil Arm armor called Armadura Diabla, and the armor's ability is destruction, destroying everything and anything that is touched by her demonic spear, and additionally, her armor grants her an enhanced physical capability and protection.
  • Personality Powers: Her magic is Requip: The Knight, which lets her quickly switch between armors and weapons with different abilities and specialties, making her an master melee fighter in terms of power and versatility. Fitting given her strong will and resourceful nature honed over her rough life.
  • Red Is Heroic: She got long scarlet hair upon which her last name is based, her usual magic aura has a magenta color, and like the rest of Fairy Tail is one of the main heroes.
  • Red Is Violent: When Erza requips to her Devil Arm armor Armadura Diabla, her body glows dark red color as opposed to a bright golden color, and she becomes more unhinged and violent the more fight is dragged out.
  • Simple, yet Awesome: During the three month training for the Grand Magic Games, Dante suggests that rather than using an armor with the specific weapon it's paired with, she mix and match several weapons in her arsenal with different armors. While she admits it's more draining than her usual method, and how basic such an idea is, doing so completely averts the Crippling Overspecialization each of her armors has and vastly expands her versatility, letting her switch between a staggering number of combinations of defensive and offensive options. She can even multiple weapons with different properties for extra oomph as needed.
  • Strong and Skilled: Is a talented and experienced Magic Knight whose physical power is the benchmark for the S-Class wizards in her guild. On the magical side, she has immense reserves of power and an armory's worth of enchanted weapons and armor to take advantage of it, giving her a level of versatility far beyond most of her guildmates. She wields all of them with exceptional skill and displays a keen sense of tactics, making optimum use of said options to counter her opponents powers and abilities, even overcoming those that are stronger than her.
  • Team Mom: Erza is always ready to help others in her guild. Wendy even admits during the Edolas arc that she sees Erza as a mother. She stands by Lady throughout her time trying to kill Arkham, and hugs her when she succeeds.
  • Worthy Opponent: Being an S-Class mage and Master Swordswoman, she is a force to be reckoned with, which even her enemies acknowledge.
    • Throughout the Edolas arc, Dante is full of praise for her abilities, having sparred with her quite frequently. She reciprocates the sentiment, confidently telling her Edolas counterpart there's no way Dante would lose to her.
    • Despite viewing most humans as insects, Vergil commends her for lasting the longest out of her comrades, as well as matching him in combat. He has to break out his Devil Trigger to net himself a win, something he greatly respects her for.
    • While initially hostile, she and Erza Knightwalker develop mutual respect for each other's combat prowess and willpower over the course of their battle, even parting on good terms.
    • Being a Noble Demon and Blood Knight, Azuma of Grimoire Heart respected her power even before their fight. This only grew as their fight raged on, and after seeing her excellent teamwork with Dante. Even on the verge of death, he sincerely commended them for defeating him, and kept his promise to restore their allies' power.
    • Develops this with Credo, Supreme General of the Order of the Sword, whose sword skills she calls 'perfect', and matching her despite lacking any magical powers at the time. He reciprocates, being one of the few members of the Order to remember Fairy Tails' former reputation, respectfully referring to her title of 'Titania' in their first match, and even while winning their second, sincerely praises power and skill. Even in loss, he calls it a great fight. When a dying Credo almost falls, she grabs him, and look at each other eyes not just as fellow warriors, but also kindred souls that value the lives of their loved ones above all else and vowed to honor his last request to save both Kyrie and Nero.

    Wendy Marvell

A young Sky Dragon Slayer known as "Sky Maiden", was raised by the dragon Grandeeney in the art of healing and support magic, until her disappearance in X777.


Carla is Wendy's serious-minded but well-meaning female Exceed partner and caretaker, born and raised at Cait Shelter after being sent from her native Edolas by her mother, Queen Shagotte.

  • Jerkass Has a Point:
    • In the Vergil arc, although she could have said it a lot better, she was quite right to call out for Dante not telling them about Vergil sooner, since doing so meant they were not prepared for him when he attacked the guild.
    • In the Devil Hand arc, despite admitting she never liked the girl, and her lack of sympathy for her plight, she accurately points out to Leviatha/Sheeree that she chose her own path as a Dark Wizard and unfairly blames everything that went wrong for her on Wendy. Subverted, and potentially deconstructed, after learning that it was not entirely Sheeree's fault either, on account of being manipulated by Arkham at her lowest point, on top of Carla's own attitude indirectly helping her down the dark path. To her credit she recognizes this and apologizes.
  • Mama Bear:
    • She is pretty protective towards Wendy, though can sometimes veer into My Beloved Smother territory.
      • In "Vergil arc", when Vergil attempts to kidnap Wendy, Carla immediately protects her, but she is no match against him. When the rest of the guildmates found out where Vergil held her and the rest of the kidnapped members, she went instantly to save Wendy from the half-demon and was happy to see her, being the first one she freed.
      • In Devil Hand arc, repeatedly tries to dissuade her from joining in the assault on Temen-ni-gru, only relenting when she could join and still being protective. Also continues to be wary of Jester, going to attack him each time he comes near Wendy, but sadly, not always with success.
      • During the Tenrou Island Arc, she was already suspicious of Mest, but quickly accompanies Panther-Lily to fly the entire way to Tenrou Island at the mere possibility that Wendy might be in danger.
    • Later develops this with Patty in Devil's Retribution, being concerned at the girl gambling and being glad that Dante takes her out of the high stakes game.
    • Despite not knowing the girl as long, quickly develops this for Katja, owing to her resemblance to Wendy. Makes when Racer kills her hit all the harder.
  • My God, What Have I Done?:
    • Gets hit with this hard in the Edolas Arc after seemingly betraying her friends, especially Wendy.
    • In the Devil Hand arc when she hears the full extent of Sheeree/Leviatha's Dark Trouble Past, she realizes she played a part in her Start of Darkness with her prior callousness. She is ashamed and regretful of what she did and apologizes to the girl shortly afterward.
  • So Proud of You: Displays this whenever Wendy shows just how far she's come, especially in her battle against Sherria in the Grand Magic Games.
  • Weak, but Skilled: Like Happy she is not that powerful and is outmatched against any opponent, but working together with the rest of the guild she proves her use. Notably, during the Devil Hand arc, she helps Natsu and Dante against Arkham in his One-Winged Angel form, helping defeat him with the aid of Vergil.

    Lisanna Strauss

Mirajane and Elfman's younger sister, who seemingly died on a mission years ago. Later revealed to have been transported to Edolas, and reunites with her friends from Earthland upon their arrival.

  • And This Is for...: Delivers this to Nelo Angelo in their brief fight during the Edolas Arc for all he's done to the Edolas version of Fairy Tail.
  • Animal Motif: While she's got all sorts of Animal Souls, her most frequently used seems to be Cat Soul.
  • Ascended Extra: In canon, she was largely Out of Focus, even during her debut in the Edolas Arc. Here she joins the main group from the beginning of said arc and frequently accompanies Natsu and Happy on jobs after returning to Earthland.
  • Big Sister Instinct:
    • Inverted, she is the youngest of the Strauss Take Over siblings but she is just as worried and protective of her older siblings as they are of her.
      • In the Devil Hand arc when she finds out that her older sister Mira is kidnapped by the Seven Sins to use her blood, she is naturally worried and wants to find her. When she encounters Asmodeua, who says she looks like her older sister, she demanded where she is and is happy when she heard she is okay with telepathy.
      • When Grimoire Heart attack Tenrou Island she again is worried for her older siblings. When she came back to camp she wasted no time hugging her older (and injured) brother and was quickly worried seeing how bad her older sister looked.
    • Straightforward with Wendy just like the other members of their team. When they faced Zancrow the Fire God Slayer she protected her and when he said he was going to Rape Wendy, Lisanna tried to protect the younger wizard (luckily for both of them that didn't happen).
  • Borrowed Catchphrase: After receiving her Take Over: Dragon Soul, she begins to use Natsu's signature 'I'm fired up'.
  • Childhood Friend Romance: With Natsu, and unlike canon, it is much more prominent between the two, with Lisanna kissing Natsu for affection.
  • Crippling Overspecialization: Discussed and Averted. Mentions that after Tenrou Island she wants to avoid becoming too dependent on her Take Over: Dragon Soul, and focuses on training the other animals in her arsenal.
  • Fighter, Mage, Thief: Compared to her older siblings, her Take Over: Animal Soul best fits the role of a thief. While it's lacking in raw power, it compensates by being the most versatility, having a broader range of animal traits to choose from. Her Dragon Soul is her most powerful form, giving her elements of fighter and mage on account of letting her imitate Natsu's abilities.
  • Fire/Water Juxtaposition: She uses her Dragon Soul against Juvia's water magic in Trial by Fire and Fear.
  • Friend to All Living Things: She's one of the few humans Porlyusica can tolerate for this reason. She has compassion for all living creatures, especially animals, and the reason why she got Animal Soul to begin with.
  • It Was His Sled: She was the one who gave the speech to Byro, not Happy.
  • Kindhearted Cat Lover: Is one of the nicest members of Fairy Tail, and has a great love of cats, especially since she raised Happy. Her Cat Soul form is also her most used form, next to her Dragon Soul.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: Although she wants to help her guildmates, she, along with Lucy, Trish, and Modeus, decide to sit out the fight with Vergil, acknowledging she is no match against him.
  • Little Bit Beastly: Her Animal Souls give her the powers of various animals, including traits like wings, claws, and snakes for arms.
  • Male Might, Female Finesse:
    • She is the finesse to Natsu's might, notably in her Dragon Soul. Compared to Natsu, who uses brute strength and fists, Lisanna primarily uses her claws and flight.
    • She also has this with her brother Elfman. While her Animal Soul has more versatility than Elfman's Beast Souls, Elfman's Beast Soul is more physically powerful.
  • Multiform Balance: Lisanna's Animal Soul let her transform herself and parts of her body into animals of different species, giving her several abilities.
  • Nice Girl: Like in canon, with her greater screentime letting this shine more. One such example is Lucy confessing her feelings for Natsu and stating despite being jealous of their relationshup she wants him to be happy and to be friends with Lisanna. Lisanna is the one to suggest sharing Natsu, with Lucy agreeing with that logic.
  • Personality Powers: She is a Friendto All Living Things, especially the Exceed she raised, Happy. Her Take Over is Animal Soul, which gives her transformations based on animals that reflects her love of them.
  • Pink Means Feminine: Her magic aura color is vibrant pink and next to her Action Girl, she has a plenty of positive femine traits.
  • Playing with Fire: Her Dragon Soul has Fire Magic, with Vergil noting that it is near identical to Natsu's: the flames of a dragon.
  • Related in the Adaptation: In the Devil Hand arc, it was revealed that Mirajane, Elfman, and her are distant relatives to Angel/Sorano and Yukino because they are descendants of one of two priestesses whom Sparda was forced to sacrifice to lock Temen-ni-gru.
  • Short Range Gal Long Range Gal: Whenever she teams up with Lucy. Lucy fights at a distance with her whip alongside her summoned Celestial Spirits, while Lisanna uses Take Over: Animal Soul to take traits of animals and fight up close.
  • Strong Family Resemblance: It's noted by other characters that she and Yukino Agira looks nearly identical despite only being distant relatives, with the only major difference being their hairstyles and eye color.
  • Sword and Sorcerer: With her love interest, Natsu. Natsu is a fist rather than a sword, but otherwise fits, preferring to brawl up close with his Fire Dragon Slayer Magic. Lisanna can change into Animal Soul and Dragon Soul forms.
  • Took a Level in Badass:
    • After a near-fatal wound, Natsu heals her with a blood-based dragon ritual that gives her a Take Over: Dragon Soul.
    • She also has more Animal Soul powers including; "Animal Soul: Bull" for head-butting with horns; "Animal Soul: Snake Arms" act as stretching arms acting just as Boa Constrictors; "Animal Soul: Barracuda" for heavy underwater assault with incredible speed and devastating blows.
    • This culminates in her being chosen to take part in the S-Class Exams.
  • Weak, but Skilled: Compared to her siblings Mirajane and Elfman, who are also Take Over users, her Animal Soul forms are lacking in power. She makes up for it by having a wider array of forms, and being more versatile in her options. Dragon Soul lets her drop the 'weak' part thanks to its powerful Fire Magic and physical power, though she still doesn't pack as much of a punch as the likes of Natsu.

    Trish Heartfillia
Click to see her Devil Trigger

A demon woman created by Mundus to kill Dante, deliberately giving her a striking resemblance to Dante's deceased mother, only for Trish to betray her former master.

  • Adaptational Badass: Trish is initially just as formidable as in canon, but here she eventually gains her own Devil Trigger, something her canon self lacks, and boosting her power level to match Fairy Tail's heavy hitters. In Between Heaven and Hell chapter, she absorbed Gloria's demonic power after killing her, changing lightning's color from blue to white.
  • Always Someone Better: Dante and even herself admit that Laxus' lightning is stronger than hers.
    • To her consternation, Gloria is also this to her, having lightning equal to Laxus' and overpowering her in their first fight. She turns the tables on Gloria later on, however, and even claims her clone's power upon defeating her.
  • Amazing Technicolor Population: Her Devil Trigger gives her grey-black skin.
  • Battle Aura: Her demonic power manifests as a bright yellow colour when she gets ready to battle.
  • Cool Sword: Trish still uses the Devil Sword Sparda here as in canon, despite certain parties being interested in it.
  • Cool Big Sister: She is this for Wendy, Lisanna, and, of course, Lucy.
    • She develops a bond with Wendy and is protective of her when she is in danger. When she sees a drawing from Reedus having a flat chest, Wendy feels some despair, so Trish awkwardly offers to give her some womanly advice to help her out(without guarantees) with the younger girl begging her to do so.
    • She immediately offers to partner up with Lisanna for the S-Class Trials.
    • Develops this with Lucy over time, even listening to her issues with Natsu and Lisanna and offering advice. This becomes even more prominent in the Order of the Sword arc, from Capricorn's comment about her being the kind of daughter Eva would have liked, asking if she could be considered a Heartfilia.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: She is a demon that usually wears black leather, and her Devil Trigger is quite scary looking but is a hero through and through.
  • Domino Mask: Has one in her Devil Trigger.
  • Happily Adopted: Lucy eventually gets official legal papers with Morrison's help that make Trish an official Heartfilia. The demon cries Tears of Joy when she learns of this.
  • Healing Factor: As a demon, she is quicker recovering from injuries than her human guildmates.
  • Just Friends: She's made it clear that she only sees herself and Dante as close friends and partners.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: In the Devil Hand arc, she wanted to help her guildmates, but she, along with Lucy, Lisanna, and Modeus, decide to sit out on the fight with Vergil Though in her case, it is because she was exhausted.
  • Let's You and Him Fight: Her debut chapter has her come into conflict with Erza over the latter mistaking her for a demon. Trish could have easily cleared it up, but wanted an opportunity for an all-out fight against the famous 'Titania'.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Downplayed given she is typically overshadowed by the likes of Dante and Erza, but she displayed enough power and speed to clash with the latter in her debut chapter, and is typically tough enough to take plenty of hits and keep going. Bonus points for her Shock and Awe powers making her a literal Lightning Bruiser.
  • Magic Knight: She is a lightning wielding she-devil that mainly uses the Devil Sword Sparda. Later she adds Azrael and Dive Sepid to her arsenal after defeating and killing Erigor and Gloria respectively.
  • Power Gives You Wings: In her Devil Trigger form, she gains large bat-like wings.
  • Rage Breaking Point: After being controlled by Mary Hughes' wand several times, culminating in being forced to impale Capricorn, she shocks the latter unconscious. Afterwards, she remarks that she's had enough bad experiences with people using her as a puppet.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Has solid red eyes in her Devil Trigger.
  • Ride the Lightning: Can turn herself into a bolt of lightning to zip around the battlefield. By Devil's Retribution, she can even carry passengers.
  • Shock and Awe: Her favored means of attack. In Devil's Retribution, she's learned how to transform into lightning for extra speed.
  • Sinister Scythe: Trish gained the possession of this pseudo-Devil Arm scythe; Azrael, after she killed Erigor in The Black Wings Of The Caduto chapter. During three months of training, Trish learned that Erigor's residual of demonic power have been imprinted into the scythe, thus the pseudo-Devil Arm has the ability to manipulate the black wind.
  • Super Mode: Gains access to a Devil Trigger of her own during Grimoire Heart invasion.
  • Villain Killer: Killed Zoldeo in the Tenrou Island arc, Erigor with Wendy's teamwork and Bael in the Order of the Sword arc.
  • Yellow Lightning, Blue Lightning: Has blue lightning. Her Devil Trigger has multiple colors, including blue, yellow, purple, and white. After killing Gloria and absorbing her power in Between Heaven and Hell chapter, her lightning color has switched from blue to white.


A Badass Normal demon hunter formerly known as Mary. Her current name came from Dante's penchant for just calling her "Lady" after she refused to introduce herself.

  • Badass Normal: Is the only member of the guild to have no powers, magical or demonic. She more than makes up for it with her extensive arsenal of guns, explosives, her signature rocket launcher, and Improbable Aiming Skills. When participating in the S-Class trial, Dante chooses her as his partner, showing his faith in her skills over the others' magic.
  • Battle Aura: When she uses her Devil Slayer Magic, she gives off a silver aura.
  • Blade Below the Shoulder: One of her moves is Steel Devil Void Blade, which transforms her arms into long straight swords with a jagged blade at the end. And they look much shinier than Gajeel's iron sword.
  • BFG: Her Kalina Ann, as per canon. Using her Steel Devil Slayer Magic, she can make one with a move called Steel Devil Bazooka, which fires the rockets.
  • Borrowed Catchphrase: Uses Dante's signature 'Jackpot' in her fight against Nebra during True Justice.
  • Breath Weapon: Her Steel Devil Rage attack is similar to Dragon Slayers' Dragon Roar attacks.
  • Chrome Champion: She can use her Steel Devil Skin to coat her skin with smooth and shiny silver steel for defense.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Wields Devil Slayer Magic, which is explicitly stated to use demonic power (which has a corruptive effect), and is firmly one the side of the heroes.
  • Foil
    • To Erza, with both being badass Action Girls with dark pasts, The Dreaded to their group of friends, and primarily fight using their respective weapons. But while Erza is a mage who makes use of a vast array of armors and melee weapons, Lady is a Badass Normal whose arsenal consists entirely of firearms prior to developing magic. Erza, despite her intense demeanor is openly affectionate towards her friends, and acts as a Team Mom for the group, while Lady is typically abrasive and rarely ever openly shows affection. Each had someone they were close to as a child who ultimately betrayed them, Jellal and Arkham respectively. While Erza was given her last name by Jellal and keeps it to this day, Lady actually discarded her birth name of 'Mary' because it was Arkham who gave it to her.
    • To Gray, with both being dark-haired, snarky individuals with a Dark and Troubled Past relating to the loss of a parent. They are also both companions to their respective friends in red while being unafraid to insult them as much as they help them. However while Gray lost both his parents (and later his foster mother Ur) to the demon Deliora, and has long since let go of revenge, Lady lost her mother to her father and wishes to avenge her to this day. Gray's arsenal of weapons are made using his Ice-Make magic and are almost entirely for melee, while Lady carries an armory's worth of guns on her, with only Kalina Ann having a blade attached for melee. And while Gray and Natsu have known each other since childhood, Dante and Lady met well into their respective devil-hunting careers, though they were close enough to share their respective Dark and Troubled Past's much sooner than the former two did.
    • To Lucy, having issues with their fathers, using fighting styles that focus on combat at a distance compared to their friends up close and personal ones, and being the saner members of Fairy Tail. However while Lucy had issues with Jude, the two ultimately care for one another, with her being appalled at Vergil asking why she didn't kill him, and him coming to greatly regret his poor parenting over the time skip. By contrast, Lady very much wants Arkham dead, and he clearly shows no regrets about killing her mother in his pursuit of power, making the animosity very justified. Lucy uses her magic to summon Celestial Spirits for combat alongside her her whip, a mid-range weapon, while Lady fights herself with an extensive range of firearms. And while Lucy prefers to avoid a fight whenever possible Lady relishes a good challenge. Even their appearances contrast, with Lucy being blonde who wears bright colors and Lady being black-haired and wears rather plain clothing.
  • Empowered Badass Normal: As an experiment, Arkham implants a lacrima into Lady. It's not until the Tenrou Island Arc that it takes effect, giving her Steel Devil Slayer Magic, on top of her extensive arsenal of firearms and explosives.
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom: When her Devil Slayer Magic is activated, her eyes glow green and red.
  • Good Wears White: Averted. Lady prefers darker colors, as shown when she's wearing a black wedding gown with a gothic style.
  • Extra-ore-dinary: An implanted Lacrima gives her Steel Devil Slayer Magic, letting her coat her skin, form a blade from her arm, and use Steel Devil's Rage.
  • He Is Not My Boyfriend: Is incredibly annoyed at Happy's suggestion that she has feelings for Dante, angrily listing the latter's bad qualities (constant debt, slovenly living space) before threatening to shoot the talking cat if he ever suggests it again.
  • Magic Knight: [[spoiler:Her Steel Devil Slayer Magic allows her to cover her body with steel for defense, as well shapeshift weapons made of steel, like sword, gauntlets, bazooka, as well enhancing her guns and bullets with the steel.
  • Metallic Motifs: Steel, reflecting her status as a bonafide badass with an unyielding will and an arsenal of forearms on her at all times. Fits her even more once she gets Steel Devil Slayer Magic.
  • More Dakka: Just as in canon, she primarily uses firearms in battle. When she uses her Devil Slayer Magic, she can power up her weapons and make them rapid-fire, called Steel Devil Bullet Barrage.
  • Multi-Ranged Master: Lady always carries a collection of firearms wherever she goes. She even becomes a ranged weapon herself with Steel Devil's Rage when she unlocks Steel Devil Slayer Magic.
  • Mythical Motifs: Devils and demons. She is a Devil Hunter that kills demons for a living. Becomes more when she is empowered with Devil Slayer Magic, particularly Steel Devil Slayer.
  • Villain Killer: Killed demonized Yomazu with Gajeel's combination breath attack.
  • Weapon-Based Characterization: Her preferred weapons are firearms like guns and her signature rocket launcher. Her Steel Devil Slayer Magic lets her to morph her arms into melee weapons like swords and gauntlets, but she prefers to use that power for enhancing or morphing into firearms, showing how greater her Action Girl status has become.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Justified since Leviatha/Sheeree was an enemy that captured her. When she heard of her Dark and Troubled Past and that Arkham used her as an Unwitting Pawn she let it go.


One of the two apprentices of the Legendary Dark Knight, Sparda. He was entrusted with the will of Sparda before his master's revolt in the Demon World.

  • The Ace: Modeus is among the most well rounded members in the guild in the terms of intelligence and fighting prowess. Comes with being a former student of Sparda himself, as well as 2,000 years of experience.
  • Adaptational Badass: In canon he had one fight against Dante, which he lost easily. Here, he is a Martial Pacifist and displays the kind of power you'd expect from an apprentice of Sparda.
  • Ascended Extra: Was a one-off character in the animated series, who was killed in his debut episode. Here he avoids the events that lead up to his death and joins the main cast.
  • Battle Aura: His demonic power is silver/white color.
  • Bad Moon Rising: One of his most powerful attacks is Demon Sword: Chaotic Moon which he formed a full red moon that fires red lightning.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Modeus is a polite, gentle person, but he's also a former apprentice of Sparda and hasn't forgotten his lessons.
  • Cosmic Motifs: The Moon. He is known as the Demon of the Moon, and many of his attacks are strongly associated with the moon.
  • Cool Sword: Previously, Modeus used two black swords in combat, but started to use a new sword: Hunter's Moon, at the end of Tenrou Island arc as his main weapon.
  • Cool Teacher: He is this towards Wendy, with promising results.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: He wears mostly black clothing, and his true demon form is covered in black scales and has claws. However, he is arguably the nicest and most heroic member of the guild, and Wendy does not find him that scary.
  • Dual Wielding: Modeus is a master with his twin swords.
  • Energy Bow: His most powerful spell, formed by combining his two swords, 'Lunar Goddess of the Hunt: Artemis'.
  • Friend to All Children: He sure is, which is why he bonded with Wendy rather easily and when he encounters Leviatha/Sheeree he's shocked and asks why she joined a dark guild. He even asked her to leave after their first confrontation because her forces are no more. A while later when Sheeree reformed Modeus is among those standing up for her against the Rune Knights when they come to arrest her.
  • Genius Bruiser: Is a Master Swordsman who was trained by Sparda himself and has all the power and skill that entails. He is also very knowledgeable about a wide variety of topics, frequently serving as Mr. Exposition to Fairy Tail, and proves capable of identifying the scope of an enemy's abilities from a brief description.
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom: In his true form his eyes glow orange.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: He always strives to help his comrades, but in the Devil Hand arc, he, along with Lucy, Lisanna, and Trish, decide to sit out the fight with Vergil, as he was too tired to match someone like him.
  • Light Is Good: Although he is more of an example of Dark Is Not Evil, his demonic aura has a silver/white glow and his guild emblem is white.
  • Long-Haired Pretty Boy: Despite being 2,000 years old, he looks quite youthful with long black hair and delicate features. He is outright called pretty boy by multiple characters.
  • Lunacy: Has a moon motif and his attacks are moon-based too. He is even called Demon of the Moon.
  • Mage Marksman: Lunar Goddess of the Hunt: Artemis is one of his strongest attacks and manifests a bow and arrow.
  • Magic Knight: Although he's peace-loving demon, he's still an former apprentice of Sparda as ever and his fighting style makes use of his demonic power, which is quite similar to magic.
  • Master Swordsman: He was trained by Sparda himself, so this is to be expected.
  • The Mentor: Wendy asks him to train her on how to fight properly.
  • Morality Pet: His first one was his brother, Baul, but after his death, he joined Fairy Tail and Wendy became his new Morality Pet, having a father-and-daughter relationship with her. Carla even says that Wendy is quite fond of him and he could be a better role model for her than Dante and Natsu.
  • Mr. Exposition: Having been an apprentice of Sparda and being over 2000 years old, he is quite knowledgeable on many things, frequently playing this role to his guildmates.
    • During the Edolas arc, he (along with Dante) confirm that Nelo Angelo is a demon, and explains how it is that they have no Edolas counterparts, originating from the demon world and not Earthland.
    • He explains that Temen-Ni-Gru was created by demon worshippers as a bridge between Earthland and the Underworld, as well as a prison for demons representing the seven deadly sins that were sealed with the sacrifice of a human priestess. He also realizes that Lisanna, Elfman, Mirajane, and Angel are likely descendants of said priestess, hence why Devil Hand is after them.
    • He is the only one to realize the significance of the magic the Eight Kin of Purgatory from Grimoire Heart use, being shocked that they have access to lost magic.
    • Addresses Acnologia by several of his titles upon the monster's appearance, such as the Black Dragon of the Apocalypse, the Dragon King, and the Dragon Butcher. Reveals that he slaughtered countless dragons, to the shock of the dragon slayers.
    • When Credo is told about the magic Kyrie wields which is called Arc of Seraph, one of the very first Magics used by mankind that's so sacred and divine that's even stronger than most demonic powers.
  • Only Sane Man: It says something about Fairy Tail when a demon is one of its most level-headed and calmest members.
  • Papa Wolf: Gets very protective whenever any of the villains threaten Wendy when he is nearby.
    • He later protects Asuka when Flare tries to take her hostage in her match with Lucy.
  • Parental Substitute: Wendy reveals to Patty that she's come to see Modeus as a father figure.
  • So Proud of You: In the Grand Magic Games, is immensely proud of Wendy's performance in her fight with Sherria.
  • Power Gives You Wings: He has insect-like wings on his back in his true form.
  • Really 700 Years Old: Despite his youthful appearance, he's actually over 2,000 years old.
  • Secret-Keeper: The Eclipse Project reveals that he knew Acnologia killed Sparda. He didn't tell Dante this out of fear that Dante would go after Acnologia in an attempt to get revenge, a move that would be borderline suicide.
  • Spared by the Adaptation: In canon, he attempted to avenge his brother after Dante killed him (in self-defense). Here Modeus himself was forced to do so and does not attempt the same.
  • Strong and Skilled: Is a Master Swordsman trained by Sparda and over a millenium of experience makes him among the best fighters in the guild despite being pacifist. While the strong part was initially downplayed, he quickly grows into it after unlocking his own equivalent of Devil Trigger, putting him in the same weight class as a Mundus-empowered Nelo Angelo.
  • Super Mode: The strength and will of his teacher Sparda passed onto him lets Modeus gain his own Devil Trigger, becoming more formidable than ever.
  • Sword Beam: Demon Sword Phantom Moon, it allows him launch series of crescent-moon-shape phantom projectiles.
  • Villain Killer: Killed Nelo Angelo in the Edolas arc, Job in the Tenrou Island arc.
  • Weapon-Based Characterization: Modeus can use two swords with great skill and dexterity. [[spoilers:He formed both of these swords into one called Hunter's Moon with tenacity to defeat Grimoire Heart and protect Fairy Tail]].


A trash-talking Antisocial member of the Order of the Sword. A rebellious yet noble and good-hearted young man who is somehow part demon, which his right claw proves. Nero is the youngest Son of Sparda and an unknown nun, making him the youngest of the Dark Knight's children. After the events of the Infinity Clock, he and Kyrie decide to join Fairy Tail.

  • Adaptational Backstory Change: In canon, he is the son of Vergil which makes him Dante's nephew but here he is not Vergil's son and it's unknown what his origins are. In chapter 16 A New Devil Awakens, it was revealed that Nero is actually an artificial Son of Sparda himself and a unknown nun who served in the Order, making him the younger half-brother of Dante and Vergil!
  • Adaptational Badass: A downplayed case at first, but his Devil Bringer displays Energy Absorption powers that his canon counterpart lacks. He also gets the Devil Arms from the Devil May Cry 4 bosses instead of Dante, giving him a much greater arsenal than in canon.
  • Bash Brothers: Forms a surprisingly good team with Natsu in their fight against Berial, with the latter even noting that their coordination is flawless.
  • Battle Aura: His demonic power manifests as a blue colour and even forms his Devil Trigger, manifesting as an ethereal warrior.
  • Big Brother Instinct: Towards Coco, whom he has known since childhood, and is protective of in a fight.
  • Big Brother Worship:
    • Downplayed with Credo, whom he regularly mouths off to, but he clearly respects the guy, having learned how to fight from him. When he suspects the Order of hiding something after seeing the empty Angelo armors, he does suspect Credo but makes it clear he hopes he is wrong. Sadly becomes a Broken Pedestal after discovering he was (mostly) complicit in Sanctus and Midnight's plan.
    • On the receiving end from Coco, who very clearly looks up to him and is the only one whom he doesn't have to persuade to keep his Devil Bringer a secret. After learning of his origins, she consoles him with the fact that he was and always will be her big brother. When he and Kyrie decide to join Fairy Tail and say their goodbyes to the Order of the Sword, Coco cries into his chest saying she will miss him. Nero shares the sentiment with a single tear, calling Coco his little sis.
  • The Big Guy: Fit this role for the Order of the Sword and later Fairy Tail. He is counted among the strongest fighters of each group, using straightforward and powerful attacks with either his swords skills or Devil Bringer punches. Not surprising given he is an artificial Son of Sparda.
  • Blood Knight: Apparently enjoyed his second fight with Dante, and after joining Fairy Tail wastes little time participating in their usual group brawls.
  • Blue Is Heroic: He wears a long dark blue jacket and his Devil Bringer is mostly blue. When he joins Fairy Tail, he gets a dark blue emblem.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Wears a dark blue coat, has demonic powers and is at worst a Jerk with a Heart of Gold who is one hundred percent loyal to his friends.
  • Dual Wielding: Uses Red Queen and Blue Rose (his gun) in each hand while in combat. In his fight with Credo he does this with Red Queen and his new sword, Masayoshi, unleashing a relentless series of slashes to defeat his opponent.
  • Energy Absorption: In Chapter 11: Fairies, Demons and Angels, when Dante used Agni & Rudra to unleash a large vortex of fire and wind towards Nero, the latter managed to absorb it with his Devil Bringer by accident, enhancing its power by coating his spectral fist with the flames and wind.
  • Foil: With Natsu. Both enjoy a good fight, are fiercely protective of their respective Family of Choice, have a Childhood Friend Romance with Kyrie and Lisanna respectively and are the offspring of powerful non-human beings, Sparda and Igneel respectively. However, Natsu is a Bare-Fisted Monk who heavily uses his magic in a fight, has a red Color Motif, and is just just as quirky as his teammates, even being the butt of several jokes owing to his status as an Idiot Hero. By contrast, Nero primarily uses his weapons in a fight, having only recently gained any demonic powers, dresses in blue, and for all his snarking actually acts as the Only Sane Man of his group, generally being The Reliable One, with no one questioning his competency.
  • Foreshadowing: There are a few clues that he's related to Dante from the start: He looks and smells exactly like him (Dragon Slayer noses can pick up the scent), he has demonic powers similar to Sparda, and during their first fight, Dante notices that Nero's fighting style is similar to Vergil's.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Comes across as rather abrasive, foul mouthed, and has a problem with authority. Yet he is consistently the most polite and reasonable member of the Order of the Sword, greatly respects his honorary brother Credo, and is downright bashful whenever he interacts with his girlfriend.
  • Katanas Are Just Better: Does not get Yamato in this story, as Vergil is still alive and well. Instead, he obtains Masayoshi, an artificial Devil Arm Agnus made to replicate Yamato's properties, being an Absurdly Sharp Blade capable of producing Razor Wind's.
  • Light/Darkness Juxtaposition: He is the darkness to Kyrie's light. He usually wears darker clothing including dark blue jacket, while Kyrie wears a white dress with gold accents. Both have contrasting Mythical Motifs relating to demons and angels respectively, with Nero possessing demonic power from being an artificial son of Sparda and Kyrie having the Arc of Seraph which is referred to as the divine magic of angels.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Manages to match fellow Lightning Bruiser's Dante, Natsu, and Gajeel, and in his fight with Lucia (The Ace of Mermaid Heel) proves to be even stronger and tougher than his more experienced opponent.
  • Male Might, Female Finesse: Nero's fight with Lucia has this on display with their respective Devil Triggers. Nero is the might, being less experienced and noticeably slower than his opponent, enduring her hits, using his unique Devil Trigger and attacking by grabbing, slamming, and punching her with his Devil Bringer. Meanwhile, Lucia is the finesse, as she is not only more experienced, but uses her greater speed and Flight to dance around her opponent, while using light demonic energy spears for range attacks, and her graceful sword skills up close. Also subverted in the later stages as Nero shows precise use of the Masayoshi to land some hits, and does so by breaking down her fighting style's timing, while she sticks to overwhelming offence.
  • Meaningful Name: His katana is called 'Masayoshi', which translates to 'Justice', as an in-between to Dante's Rebellion and Vergil's Yamato (which translates to 'Tranquility'), reflecting how Nero has the positive traits of both of the brothers.
  • Mighty Glacier: While usually considered a Lightning Bruiser, he comes across as this compared to Lucia in their fight, observers noting the latter's speed severely outclasses his own. That said, he manages to deal much more damage with the hits he does land.
  • Mythical Motifs: Devils and demons, just like his older half-brothers Dante and Vergil.
  • Official Couple: With Kyrie.
  • Only Sane Man: Is the only one of the Holy Knights who actually tries to talk to Fairy Tail before things went south.
    • Also, he might be an anti-social sardonic punk, but he is still more serious (and sane) compared to Coco, Mary Hughes, Sugar Boy, Dan, and Samuel. He even says they're all bunch of morons to his allies with a tone indicating that he is used to it.
  • Red Is Heroic: In addition to his blue jacket, Devil Bringer, and Fairy Tail emblem, he wears a red zip-up hoodie underneath his jacket, his Devil Bringer as some red to it, and when in his Devil Trigger, his eyes turn red. He also has a red Fairy Tail emblem sewn on his jacket after joining them.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Ironically, comes across as the red to Dante's blue, being more emotional and foul mouthed compared to the elder Son of Sparda's laidback demeanour and preference for quips. His fighting style also favours brute force to the more experienced Devil Hunters polished emphasis on style.
  • Revolvers Are Just Better: Nero retains his crack-shot ability with Blue Rose, his double-barreled revolver.
  • Strong Family Resemblance: It's pointed out Nero looks a lot like Dante and Vergil, which makes sense given he's their younger half-brother. Even those who don't know the connection like Frosch, Lector, and Sting are able to pick up on the semblance with just a bit of staring.
  • Super Mode: In A New Devil Awakens he unlocks Devil Trigger, and develops a Battle Aura in the form of a devil manifested from his soul.
  • Sword and Sorcerer: Is the sword to Kyrie's sorcerer. Nero fights with swordplay, gunslinging, and powerful head on attacks like punching and grappling, while Kyrie use Arc of Seraph magic, which gives her various light based powers like healing, solid light shields and projectiles.
  • Token Good Teammate: Of the group sent to collect the Infinity Clock Hand from Fairy Tail, he is the only one who doesn't act like a Jerkass, advocating simply talking things out and being willing to listen to the Guild's request that they explain why they want the artifact in question. Even when things do devolve into a fight, he makes it clear it's Nothing Personal, and slugs Mary Hughes when she takes Patty hostage.
  • Worthy Opponent:
    • After the match against Jura, the two develop mutual respect for each other's capabilities, with the two hoping to have a rematch in the future.
    • During the final day of GMG against Lucia, as they engaged in epic clash in their respective Devil Trigger, the two acknowledged each other as one of the strongest opponents they ever faced, with the two enjoying fighting each other.


Credo's younger sister and Nero's girlfriend. Like Nero, she joins Fairy Tail after the events of the Infinity Clock. Kyrie is the wielder of the extremely powerful Lost Magic: Arc of Seraph.

Other Guild Members

    Makarov Dreyar

The (former) Guild Master of Fairy Tail and the third (currently tenth)-ranked Wizard Saint.

  • Adaptational Badass: While in canon he was ranked fifth amongst the 10 Wizard Saints, and was stated to have dropped a few ranks after the time skip, here he is ranked third, and retains that position even after seven years have passed, implying that the others were unable to surpass him in that time. The only ones ranked above him are God Serena and Kurenai. Subverted come Origins, though, when Bruni explains that his ranking has indeed changed since the time skip... to dead-last.
  • Anything but That!: In "Turbulent Showdown! Dante vs Laxus!", his reaction to Dante fighting his grandson Laxus is "THEY'RE DOING WHAT?!", followed by "No... please god no... Not those two... Anybody but those two...!" as he falls on his hands and knees with comic fear at what could result. He later stopped both Dante and Laxus from continuing to fight with their respective power-up forms angrily noting they could destroy Magnolia.
  • Battle Aura: His magic aura is golden yellow.
  • Big Damn Heroes: In the Devil Hand Arc, while Dante, Natsu, Gray, Happy, Lucy, Ezra, Juvia, Lisanna, Mira, Elfman, Modeus, Trish, Lady, Wendy, Carla, Panther Lily, and Gajeel defeated Devil Hand's elite the Seven Sins, and other members alongside Blue Pegasus as well Lamia Scale stopped the invading demon hordes, and Natsu Dante Carla and Vergil stopped Arkham as well as Lady killing Arkham, it was Makarov who ends up destroying Temen-ni-gru for good with Fairy Law.
  • Dirty Old Man: Yup, like in canon.
  • Horrifying the Horror: He was able to intimidate Vergil, The Dreaded One-Man Army half-demon, with just a magic pulse a Death Glare alone with Vergil slightly backing off, admitting that, even at full power, he might not win against the Fairy Tail guild master.
  • The Mentor: Acts as this to Cana, teaching her how to use Fairy Glitter both to hone her use, and as part of her punishment for deserting Lucy, with her being unable to do jobs for the three-month training period.
  • Old Master: He may be a senior citizen, but Makarov is still an immensely powerful wizard. When he exerts his authority, even Dante and Natsu listen to him. Vergil himself didn't favor his chances in taking the Master of Fairy Tail on.
  • Papa Wolf: Makarov considers every member of Fairy Tail as his children and when someone is foolish enough to hurt them on his watch, they're gonna get it.
    • When Vergil kidnaps and beats many of the members, although he's calm and keeps himself under control, under the surface, he is waiting to lash out at the one responsible. Although when he encounters Vergil at the end of the Devil Hand Arc, he offers to let him join Fairy Tail and he declined, he gives the half-demon advice. He then gives a warning that if he ever harms his children, he won't hesitate to obliterate him, a threat that actually caused Vergil to back away.
    • In Devil Hand arc: When the titular dark guild goes after Lisanna, Makarov is understandably worried, even more, when Lisanna decides to go after them, but she convinces him to let her go. When Levhatha/Sheeree, a member of the Seven Deadly Sins is revealed to be a former member of Cait Shelter that's not an illusion and targeting Wendy, he told the Sky Dragon Slayer to stay in Magnolia as it is bad enough that one of his children is already a target, and he won't allow it to happen to another one.
    • After hearing everything that Arkham has done, not just to his own children but his exploitation of Sheeree/Leviatha and Adrian, he assures Lady she was perfectly justified in killing him, saying he would have done so himself if he had ever met him face to face.
    • During the Tenrou Island arc, when encountering his old guild master Precht, now Master Hades the latter mentions he's interested in meeting Dante. While he knows the man can handle himself, he still fiercely states Hades will have to get through him to lay a finger on Dante.
    • When Zancrow attempted to molest Wendy and Lisanna and make Natsu watch it all, Makarov quickly grabs him with his giant hand and squeezes the insane God Slayer, all while telling him with a Death Glare how he dares he tries to violate his children in front of him. When Zancrow attempt to kill the Guild Master, he refuses to let go, willing to lose his hand if it ensures the maniac's death.
  • Parental Substitute: Being the guild master, he acts as this to many of the members, even calling them his children.
    • While they don't interact too much, Dante sees him as a second father and is one of the first to go back to help him fight Acnologia.
    • Lady eventually comes to see him as this as well, confiding in him about her Dark and Troubled Past, and hugging him with tears in her eyes after he comforts her (while threatening to kill him if he touches her ass). In the Tenrou Island arc, she is greatly worried for him upon seeing how injured he is.
  • Retired Badass: He officially retires after making Gildarts the new guild master following the Order of the Sword arc, with Gildarts staying on instead of leaving like in canon.

    Mirajane Strauss

Elfman and Lisanna's older sister, her Magic is "Satan Soul", a type of Take Over which allows her to utilize the power of demons.

  • The Ace: Mira is among Fairy Tail's best wizards rivaling fellow S-Class wizard Erza on an equal level.
  • Always a Bigger Fish: Although her Satan Soul is powerful, and is even nicknamed the She-Devil, according to Vergil she lacks the power of a true Devil, which is proven true as Vergil's Devil Trigger outmatches her Satan Soul rather easily.
    • In the Devil Hand arc, she and her brother encounter the Wendigo Soul which both siblings are rather intimidated by, with Mira noting that her Satan Soul (which has the powers and abilities of various demons) looks like Peter Pan compared to the cursed Wendigo.
    • In the Tenrou Island arc, she fought against Dante and Lady, two skilled Devil Hunters pretty well, but Mira admits that Dante's Devil Trigger can easily overpower her, with Lady herself agreeing that he could flatten her in seconds if he used it, only for Dante stating that he doesn't want to be too dependent on it.
  • Battle Aura: Her magic aura is purple.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Although she isn't the same violent bully as in her youth, she's still known as She-Devil through both her strength and popularity.
    • In the Devil Hand arc when Lady faces Arkham, she quickly stood up and protected her (despite being somewhat creeped out by him early and finding out that he is Lady's father) and warned him, which Arkham knows pretty well that he never could beat the mighty She-Devil (as he already had Sheeree/Leviatha, Satan, Belphegor and Asmodeua to battle her and Lady).
  • Big Sister Instinct: She's always been extremely protective of her younger brother and sister ever since they lost their parents, with Elfman saying that he always admired that part of her.
    • In Satan Soul vs Devil Trigger When Vergil beats Elfman, Mira quickly challenges him with a Death Glare and tells him she will not allow him to hurt her brother, transforming into her Satan Soul. Too bad Vergil beat her too.
    • In the Devil Hand arc, she shows this instinct again in several chapters.
      • In Dragon Soul, when she heard that Lisanna is a target of the new dark guild called Devil Hand, one filled with demons, she along with Elfman are worried sick for her despite her assuring that she is okay. When she decides to join Natsu and his team to escort a prisoner that happened to be a target too, both the older siblings are worried about it; however compared to Elfman (Gentle Giant), Mira is willing to fight her younger sister, proving that her Animal Souls are outmatched compared to her Satan Soul, and even gives her a "Reason You Suck" Speech that she is not ready for this and will be more in the way than helpful. But then Lisanna unleashes her Dragon Soul and gives her a better fight, ending with Mira gladly deciding to let her go. But when she questions Natsu how she got that new Takeover he tells her (alongside her brother Elfman, Makarov, Happy, Ezra, Gildarts, and Dante) how she got her Dragon Soul after almost being killed too she is completely happy and grateful for Natsu saving her little sister and hugs him (along with her younger but bigger brother Elfman almost squeezing them both) and tells her younger sister to be careful.
      • In Rise! Temen-ni-gru even when she is at the mercy of the Seven Sins and terrified of Vergil, when Asmodeua comments on hoping to see her little sister she glared daggers at the woman not liking how she spoke of Lisanna.
      • In Sins Born of Sorrow when Beelzebub in his Wendigo Soul Takeover overpowers and almost kills Elfman, she quickly frees herself and saves him just in time urgently asking him if he is okay (with him saying he is not) and when Beelzebub got up Mira told her brother that she'll take over from here and fought the Wendigo by herself, but it overpowered her too. Elfman comes to help just in time, and when she used her Soul Extinction on Beelzebub she quickly came to her injured brother hugging him while he cried.
      • In Let's Welcome Chaos she carries an injured Elfman, telling him to take it easy and be careful till his injuries are looked at, with Elfman rolling his eyes with a slight smile, finding Mira being overprotective makes her the best older sister there is but she hoped that Lisanna is all right (since she came Temen-ni-gru to stop Vergil and save Mira to). Despite Elfman saying that she will be okay she just can't help it if something bad happened to her again she won't ever forgive herself.
      • In Ascension to Hell when she makes telepathic contact with the guild, her first response is asking if her sister is okay and is relieved to hear that Lisanna is okay along with Elfman again.
    • In the Tenrou Island arc, when the Axe-Crazy Holy Devil Slayer Job almost kills Lisanna, Mira quickly stopped him and protectively stood in front of her youngest sibling while giving him a Death Glare.
      Mira: Don't you ever threaten my little sister!
    • In the Order of the Sword arc, the thing that makes her hit her Rage Breaking Point is Mary Hughes using her powers to badly injure her friends and her brother Elfman, prompting a vicious "The Reason You Suck" Speech. She then proceeds to break out her Satan Soul: Halphas, and delivers one of the most one-sided beatdowns in the story.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Despite her Take Over using demons, she stands out as one of the nicest members of Fairy Tail.
  • Fighter, Mage, Thief: Of her siblings Take Over's, hers best fit role of the wizard, her Satan Soul gives her variety of powers and darkness based attacks. Given the physical boost, she also has shades of fighter as well.
  • The Mentor: She becomes this to Lady in order to help her to control and harness her Devil Slayer Magic so that she can use it more effectively.
  • My Greatest Failure: Lisanna's (apparent) death is this for her, something she shares with Elfman, deeply regretting how she failed to protect her sister. Thankfully, Natsu and later Lisanna herself are able to talk her out of it.
    • Gets another one in the Devil Hand arc, after Adrian/Beelzebub pulls a Heroic Sacrifice. She tearfully admits she was unable to save a poor boy in immense pain.
  • Mythical Motifs: Demons, being nicknamed the She-Devil of Fairy Tail, with her primary Take-Over being Satan Soul, that comes with plenty of darkness-based spells. Used to be a case of Personality Powers given her attitude as a bully, but she has since mellowed into a kind, if scary Cool Big Sis.
  • Nice Girl: Is among the friendlier members of Fairy Tail, rarely engaging in the usual exchange of fights and insults of her guildmates.
  • Purple Is the New Black: Mira wields darkness powers and it's color dark purple, matches the S-Class wizard.
  • Related in the Adaptation: In the Devil Hand arc, it was revealed that Elfman, Lisanna, and her are distant relatives to Angel/Sorano and Yukino because they are descendants of one of two priestesses whom Sparda was forced to sacrifice to lock Temen-ni-gru.
  • Shameless Fanservice Girl: In Battle of the Femme Fatales, she opts for a fanservice battle against Jenny instead of a conventional one, much to the cheers of the watchers (Dante especially).

    Elfman Strauss

Mira's younger brother and Lisanna's older brother, his Magic is "Beast Soul", a type of Take Over which allows him to transform into or transform parts of his body into that of various monsters and ferocious beasts.

  • Adaptational Badass: In The Will of a Man he displays two Beast Souls he lacked in canon. Hawk-Man, which gives him flight, talons, and increased speed, and Werebear, boosting his already impressive strength.
  • Always a Bigger Fish: While his Beast Soul is a physical powerhouse, Adrian/Beelzebub's Wendigo Soul proves even more dangerous and savage several times over. He was barely able to slow it down and would have become it's next meal if not for Mirajane saving him just in time.
  • And This Is for...: In the Grand Magic Games, he punches Vergil for previously recruiting Adrian (a child) into a Dark Guild. Even Vergil agrees it was deplorable and simply allows him to deliver said punch.
  • Big Brother Instinct: He is just as caring and protective of both of his sisters.
    • In the Vergil arc, he is looking for his kidnapped guildmates with Mira and making sure that Mira stays close to him (although Mira is his older sister and also one of the strongest members of the guild), and when Vergil beats him, Mira steps in to protect her brother, with Elfman telling her to get back worried for her and then Vergil beats his sister, he angrily demanded the half-demon to let her go, but to no avail.
    • In Devil Hand arc:
      • Played for Laughs first when Lisanna returns to Earthland and is about to take her first job coming back with Natsu (her Childhood Friend Romance), he declared that Natsu better not take away his sister's innocence.
      • But in the same arc, it became a lot for Played for Drama in the chapter Dragon Soul when the new Dark Guild called Devil Hand (a guild mostly made out of demons), one of the demons named Cragnar tried to kidnap Lisanna, he alongside Mira were deeply worried sick for her when Lisanna decide to join, he is the first to say "No way! Absolutely not!", but when Makarov decided he give her blessing, although wanted to protest, but he is still a Gentle Giant compared what Mira got in store fight with Lisanna, with Elfman trying to stop his two sisters fighting.
      • Fallen Angel, when Natsu tells them that Lisanna almost dies but Natsu saved her, he and Mira hear it and are grateful for what Natsu did, giving him a big hug (also giving Manly Tears) and saying he is a real man and when Lisanna still wanna come, Elfman makes an attempt to let him come to protect his sister and showing those demons a real man fist but she declines and letting him know she will be fine and make a promise that she will be careful.
      • Rise! Temen-ni-gru!, when Mira is kidnapped by Arkham (whom he called "that creepy bald guy") he smashed a table in anger and wants a piece of him. When they hear Vergil may be affiliated with the Devil Hand, he's puzzled why they wanted his sisters, frustrated why Devil Hand was first after Lisanna then Mira, wanting to know why unmanly demons are after his sisters. Realizing Lisanna is with Natsu, Happy, and Lucy, he immediately goes to save his sisters (and friends), but Dante tells him that they are talking about Vergil, saying he'll eat him for breakfast (considering that he fought Vergil before and lost badly). Elfman doesn't care as his big sister is kidnapped, and he isn't about to lose his little sister (again)
      • Sinner's Advent he reunites with Lisanna and tells her that he was worried "those Devil Hand creeps" hurt her and when Lisanna heard they got Mira, Elfman reassures her that they're gonna get her back. When he learned the real reason they want his sisters' blood is because he, along with his sisters, are descendants of the priestess whom Sparda sacrificed to seal the tower, learning that Vergil used his sister's blood to do it, he angrily punched a rock to pieces and swears that Vergil will pay for that.
      • In the chapter Brotherly Rivals Evermore/Sins Born of Sorrow: when Jester pointed out where Mira is, he immediately went in the direction to save her without Natsu, Gajeel, and Panther Lily because he failed to save Lisanna (when everyone thought she died). Natsu knows this because it hurts him alongside the Strauss siblings the most and even got Manly Tears showing Natsu understood that and let Elfman handle it. When he found his sister, he faces Beelzebub, the Sin of Gluttony that possesses the cursed "Take Over: Wendigo Soul". Elfman almost gotten killed if weren't for Mira freeing herself and helping her brother. When Wendigo overpowered even Mira in her Satan Soul, Elfman, although in bad shape, forced himself to hold the Wendigo so that Mira could use her "Soul Extinction" in an attempt to stop the Wendigo. Soon after that, Mira went to her injured younger brother while he cried, saying he is sorry that he couldn't protect her.
      • Dawn of Light: When he along with his sisters and their guild, with Lamia Scale and Blue Pegasus, are surrounded by the demons he told both his sisters and the rest of Fairy Tail that they're at least going down in the manliest way possible as a family and when Makarov destroys the tower and it collapses, he carries both his sisters away to safety despite his injuries.
    • The Will of a Man, Elfman was already motivated when pitted against Bacchus, a wizard who was described to be on Erza's level. But it was when the man made a bet to have both his sisters 'keep him company for a night' should Bacchus win that truly fueled Elfman to push his limits in order to win.
  • The Big Guy: Elfman is one of Fairy Tail's toughest fighters. This is thanks to the combination of his (MANLY) size, strength, and toughness, and further reinforced by his Take Over: Beast Soul, using ferocious monster forms to battle close up and personal (and MANLY).
  • Fighter, Mage, Thief: Compared to his sisters his Take Over's, his Beast Soul neatly fits the position of fighter, letting him turn even bigger and tougher creatures to fight enemies head-on.
  • Genius Bruiser: Elfman might be a big, tough man who relies mainly on brute force, but he can use brains as well, displaying good tactical sense when cornered. He was able to defeat Bacchus, the strongest member of Quatro Cerberus, and score the first win of Fairy Tail Team A, despite the power gap by switching to his Lizardman Take Over and outlasting his opponent.
  • Male Might, Female Finesse:
    • He has this with Lisanna, as his Beast Souls are more powerful while Lisanna's Animal Souls are less powerful but more versatile.
      • Plus, her Cat Soul is faster than his.
    • He also has this with Evergreen, being a more imposing tough guy while Evergreen uses wings for speed and has Fairy Magic in power.
  • Mighty Glacier: While Elfman is quite faster than his appearance shows, he relies more on strength, leaving him vulnerable to enemies who are both Lightning Bruiser and Strong and Skilled.
    • In his fight with Vergil, he tried to smash him, only for Vergil to easily dodge every attack and defeat him.
    • When he later fights Erza during the S-Class Trials, she lectures Elfman on relying too much on brute force, even saying that while useful, it's no good against a fast opponent.
  • Multiform Balance: Like his sisters' respective Take Over, his Take Over: Beast Soul increases his physical prowess and gains various effects.
    • His primary Beast Soul is based on melee combat in both strength and toughness.
    • Hawkman gives him flight with increased speed.
    • Werebear increases his already impressive size and strength.
    • Lizardman is an Mighty Glacier with the strong defense and endurance that actually hurts his opponent while he defends himself.
  • My Greatest Failure: Lisanna's (apparent) death is this, being haunted by the fact that losing control caused such a tragedy. Even after she returns he goes through a phase of borderline My Beloved Smother.
    • In the Devil Hand arc, he is distraught at Adrian/Beelzebub's Heroic Sacrifice, made all the worse since he can painfully relate to the feeling of killing a loved one because of an out-of-control Take-Over.
  • Mythical Motifs: Beasts and monsters, being the source of his Take-Overs. Quite fitting for a big, tough man like him.
  • The One Guy: As Happy points out, Elfman is likely the only living male in his entire family line since his only known living relatives other than his sisters are the two Agira sisters.
  • Related in the Adaptation: In the Devil Hand arc, it was revealed that Mirajane, Lisanna, and him are distant relatives to Angel/Sorano and Yukino because they are descendants of one of two priestesses whom Sparda was forced to sacrifice to lock Temen-ni-gru.

    Gajeel Redfox

Black Steel Gajeel the Iron Dragon Slayer and former member of Phantom Lord.

  • Battle Aura: His magic aura is green.
  • The Big Guy: Gajeel is among the most savage and toughest fighters in the guild, on top of greatly enjoying any chance to scrap.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Has a dark colour scheme, his Iron Dragon Slayer magic manifests dark looking weapons, and (attitude aside) is a loyal member of Fairy Tail. Becomes more prominent after gaining access to Rogue's Shadow Dragon Slayer magic.
  • Foil: With Lady. Both are tough, strong-willed, and foul-mouthed, while also having dark hair and black Fairy Tail emblems, and use weapons. While Gajeel's weapons come from his body with his magic, Lady carries her weapons around with her. Gajeel's hair is long while Lady prefers her hair to be short. And while Gajeel uses magic, Lady is a Badass Normal until gaining Steel Devil Slayer magic, giving her something in common with Gajeel.
  • Grievous Harm with a Body: He was the body, courtesy of Satan in the Devil Hand arc.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: How he finishes off Agnus in the Order of the Sword arc, using his Iron Dragon Sword.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Is easily one of the guilds most abrasive members, his interactions with the others being strained even by Fairy Tail standards. Yet he's always one of the first to volunteer to help out in a crisis, never hesitates to take the bullet for a teammate, and is quite friendly to anyone he considers a good friend, something that helps ease up everyone's attitude to him.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Comes with the territory as a Dragon Slayer. He's strong enough to push back a powerful demon like Phantom, fast enough to keep up with Vergil (however briefly), and his Iron Scales puts him ahead of even his fellow Dragon Slayers in terms of durability, taking a prolonged beating from a powered up Satan.
  • Metallic Motifs: Iron, duh. Doubles as Personality Powers, since he's a strong-willed, rough individual, who slowly warms up to those around him.
  • Mythical Motifs: Like all Dragon-Slayers, dragons, his being an and Iron Dragon, Metallicana.
  • Taught by Experience: His longtime camaraderie with Juvia lets him quickly identify the Necessary Drawback of Rogue's Elemental Shapeshifter abilities, namely that he needs to be at least partially tangible in order to land attacks.
  • Super Mode: During his fight with Rogue/Legion during the Grand Magic Games' Battle Royale, Gajeel, finding himself in a tough spot, eats and absorbs some of Rogue's Shadow Dragon Slayer magic, allowing him to obtain Iron Shadow Dragon Mode.
  • Training from Hell: During the three month gap for the Grand Magic Games, he had Nero repeatedly beat and chip away his Iron Dragon Scales with Gilgamesh and Masayoshi respectively to grow stronger ones in their place.
  • Victory by Endurance: In the Devil Hand arc when he fights Satan, The Brute of the Seven Sins, he realizes that his powers come from more violence, he uses his Iron Dragon Scales acting as a Stone Wall to defeat him and succeed.
  • Villain Killer: Killed Phantom in the Vergil arc, demonized Yomazu through Lady's combination breath attack, Echidna and Agnus in the Order of the Sword arc.

    Juvia Lockser

A former member of Phantom Lord's Element Four who later joined Fairy Tail. She has a massive crush on her beloved Gray.

  • Adaptational Badass: Downplayed, but she gets a lot more moments to show off her competence in fights, and more consistently uses her entire arsenal of abilities, only being outmatched by particularly powerful and/or clever opponents like Vergil and Mammon. What's more, she frequently displays great perceptive skills in the sequel, being the first to figure out the puzzle for the Infinity Clock piece and deducing the Angelo soldiers weak spot. All of this, plus the fact that willing to tone down her obsession with Gray in serious situations makes it clear why she was an S-Class wizard in Phantom Lord.
    • Thanks to training with Natsu, she learns several new spells, including one that takes the form of a water dragon. She also learns how to harness and control her anger in battle, giving her better control over her Sierra technique.
    • The most prominent display of her skills comes during the Battle Royale in the Grand Magic Games, where she faces Sting in the final fight, and not only manages to hold her own against him, but eventually wins.
  • Battle Aura: Her magic aura is blue.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Her fight against Sting ends up being with this, as Juvia had the upper-hand against Sting throughout the entire battle, with the former completely outmatching the latter in both hand-to-hand combat and magic, even when her opponent was using Dragon Force, and successfully defeating him with barely a scratch on her.
  • Kung-Fu Wizard: Throughout three months of training, especially with Natsu, her hand-to-hand combat skills have greatly improved to the point she was able to completely overpower Sting in both close-range fight and magic during the final fight of the X791 Grand Magic Games.
  • Magic Enhancement: Sierra, a spell that is tied to Juvia's emotions which allows her to increase her strength and speed, steam evaporate from her body, and in addition her water becoming scorching hot. Throughout three months of training, thanks to her friends' advice, especially from Natsu, she was able to learn to control and harness her anger, thus successfully obtaining complete control over Sierra.
  • Platonic Life-Partners: While there's not as much focus on the two, she and Gajeel are close friends from their time in Phantom Lord, with Makarov offering to let him join Fairy Tail at her request. In Devil's Retribution, they both visit their old colleague Totomaru, happy to catch up.
  • Shut Up, Hannibal!: She gives this to Mammon in the Devil Hand arc when Mammon uses Gray's guilt and feelings for Ur and Deliora, saying that he is just as greedy and almost kills Gray, Juvia quickly protects him and says this.
    Juvia: [to Mammon] You don't know anything about Gray! Greed is only a selfish desire, everything he does is solely for the sake of others! He'd even throw his own life in jeopardy if it means he's protecting those he loves! That's who he is! Gray Fullbuster is the most selfless person I have ever met and I'll be damned if you ever say otherwise! WATER NEBULA!
  • Underestimating Badassery: Gets this by Sting as he dismissed her of being a simple water wizard. She quickly shattered his confidence by completely outmatch him in the fight and eventually wins against the White Dragon Slayer with barely a scratch on her.
  • Violently Protective Girlfriend: Minus the "Girlfriend" part, but she will put down anyone who threatens Gray in any way.

    Levy McGarden

The facto leader of team Shadow Gear. Her magic is Solid Script.

  • Eating the Eye Candy: She ends up staring at Gajeel's abs at one point.
  • Ms. Exposition
  • Rousing Speech: In the Devil Hand arc when Fairy Tail battled the demon army she glances at the ominous tower named Temen-ni-gru knowing that not only their friends are in it, but also the Devil Hand heavy hitters as well as Vergil, Dante's brother (which she knows how dangerous he is), but also heard about Lady's father Arkham that part to feeling real tragically that their families how divided there are, but decided there is no time for it now and tells her fellow guildmates this.
    "We don't have time to worry about that right now. Dante, Natsu, and everyone else are working their hardest to try and stop Devil Hand, we should be doing the same! We're all members of Fairy Tail just like they are; no matter how many of these monsters stand in my way, there's no way I'm going to let them keep me from helping my friends!"

    Cana Alberona

Fairy Tail's heaviest drinker and Gildarts's daughter.

  • The Alcoholic / Hard-Drinking Party Girl: This is Cana we’re talking about.
  • Adaptational Badass: She retains the use of Fairy Glitter rather than it being a one-off spell, albeit she needs training to use it properly. By the time of the Grand Magic Games, she can apparently cast it at will.
  • Adaptational Karma: In canon when she betrayed Lucy, she just got a slap on her wrist. Here, Trish isn't as forgiving (which she makes a clear couple of times like not being worried for her safety, punching her in the face, and just insulting her) and Makarov is disappointed in her, putting her on three months' probation (but also training her with Fairy Glitter).
  • Borrowed Catchphrase: Uses 'Jackpot' in 72nd chapter: Fairy Glitter and the Tenrou Tree.
  • Instant Expert: Averted. While she received Fairy Glitter, her magic is insufficient to cast it properly, doing more damage to herself than her opponent. It's for this reason that Makarov decides to train her.

    Gildarts Clive

Fairy Tail's strongest wizard and Cana's father. At the start of the Grand Magic Games arc, he becomes the 5th Guild Master of Fairy Tail.

  • The Ace: Stands on the top as Fairy Tail's strongest member, even outclassing fellow S-Class wizards Erza, Mirajane, and Laxus, which speaks volumes of his power.
  • Adaptation Expansion: Instead of taking off, he decides to become the new Guild Master of Fairy Tail at the start of the Grand Magic Games arc.
  • Battle Aura: His magic aura is white.
  • Big Damn Heroes: He, along with his master and Jura, helps his fellow guildmates, Lamia Scale, and Blue Pegasus, against the hordes of demons at the last second and, along with Makarov and Jura, destroy every single one without breaking a sweat.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Even though Gildarts is very known to be a womanizer (having been with thirteen women since leaving his ex-wife), he was angered when Bacchus made a bet to spend a night with Mira and Lisanna, even stating that he will pound him into the ground if he'll actually tries to do that.
  • The Force Is Strong with This One: While some of the newer members are skeptical of him being the strongest member of Fairy Tail, Modeus is able to sense his magic power and comments it is among the most powerful he's ever encountered. Considering this is coming from a demon who is over 2000 years old, that is very high praise.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Is considered the strongest member of Fairy Tail, and has exactly the kind of physical prowess that implies, dwarfing the likes of fellow Lightning Bruiser Natsu. Best showcased by him clashing evenly with Bluenote Stinger, when most people struggle to stand in his gravity field.
  • Papa Wolf: Like Makarov, he is this towards younger members of Fairy Tail. When Grimore Heart invaded Tenrou Island and ruined the S-Class promotion Trails, he is beyond pissed that they interrupted something important for the younger members, giving a glare that could even gave demons a heart attack and took on Bluenote Stinger.
  • Rank Scales with Asskicking: When Makarov retires, Gildarts' new position as the Guild Master fits this perfectly.
  • Smarter Than You Look: Is more perceptive than his initial appearance would suggest, being the first person to deduce Natsu has a Trauma Button related to Vergil, and providing the young Dragon-Slayer with sound advice on how to handle his fear.

    Panther Lily
Click here to see his battle form

A black-furred Exceed who became a partner to Gajeel.

  • Cool Sword: In Chapter 76: Out of the Abyss - Into the Daylight, after Lily kills the Baskerville, Grimoire Heart's demon guard dog, it transforms into a Devil Arm, taking the appearance of the 20 feet long ebony sword.
  • Genius Bruiser: He is both strong and smart and is the first one to realize where Satan's powers come from.

    Laxus Dreyar

Master Makarov's grandson, a Lightning Dragon Slayer, and an S-Class wizard. He used to be the leader of the Thunder Legion before he was expelled from Fairy Tail. At the start of the Grand Magic Games arc, he's reinstated into the guild by Gildarts.

  • Always Someone Better: Dante and even Trish admit that Laxus' lightning is stronger than the latter's.
  • Battle Aura: His magic is electric yellow in color.
  • The Big Guy: Is physically quite imposing, has powerful magic, and naturally serves as a heavy hitter for whatever team he's a part of.
  • Holy Hand Grenade: He tried to use Fairy Law against the Savior, but the artificial demon didn't receive any damage at all, much to his horror.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Has enough strength, speed, and toughness to keep pace with Dante in a fight, even before he starts using his magic, which ups his speed and power even further and turns him into a literal example of this trope.
  • Mythical Motifs: Dragons, of the lightning variety, with his Dragon Force having yellow scales.
  • Shipper on Deck: Upon hearing about Lisanna's Dragon Soul Takeover, he asks if she got in bed with Natsu. While she denies them going that far, he simply says 'about time' with a smirk at the indication that they are an Official Couple.
  • Super Mode: In chapter 7: "Turbulent Showdown! Dante vs Laxus!", Laxus has shown the capability to enter Dragon Force during his fight against Dante, which was noted in the Author's Note that after he got expelled from the guild, he trained to better harness his Dragon Slayer Magic.
  • Thunder Hammer: Lightning Dragon Mjolnir, which Laxus uses as his finishing move against his father Ivan.
  • Worthy Opponent:
    • To Dante, and vice versa.
    • Develops this with Sapphire over the course of the Grand Magic Games.

    Thunder Legion
From left to right: Bickslow, Fried, and Evergreen

Laxus's loyal followers and some of the strongest of Fairy Tail.

  • Hypocrite: When Fried questions why Vergil is attacking his own brother, he points out they betrayed their guild, and didn't even share in their leader's punishment.
  • Undying Loyalty: They're immensely loyal to their leader Laxus and won't tolerate anyone badmouthing him (like Vergil and Rustyrose). They were beyond relieved to see him again on Tenrou Island and even more so when he becomes a member of Fairy Tail again.

Fried Justine

The current leader of the Thunder Legion, and one of Fairy Tail's most loyal and level-headed members.


A puppet mage who wears a full suit of armor. Eccentric, but nonetheless very loyal to the guild.
  • Always Someone Better: His magic proves to be this to Mary Hughes', allowing him to create multiple autonomous puppets simultaneously, while hers only lets her control one person at a time. What's more, he was able to take control of the Alto Angelo, signified by its glow changing from red to green.
  • Badass Boast Promises to show Mary Hughes what a real puppet master can do.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Wears dark and macabre clothing, his magic involves controlling various objects through spirits, on top of his Magical Eye inflicting People Puppets on anyone who shares eye contact. He's also a part of the team that is among Fairy Tails most fervent defenders.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Can come across as rather flippant and mocking to even his fellow Thunder Legion members, much less the rest of Fairy Tail, but is a reliable ally to whomever he fights beside against, and has no bones expressing worry for their wellbeing.
  • People Puppets: Downplayed in that he doesn't use humans for puppets, but rather several spirits that inhabit artificial bodies.
  • Villain Killer: Killed the demonized Kawazu in the Tenrou Island arc.


The Action Girl of the Thunder Legion, as well as its most haughty member.
  • Mythical Motifs: Takes the "fairy" theme of the guild the furthest, manifesting wings on her back and her magic outright being called "Fairy Magic".
  • Proud Beauty: When the Thunder Legion is preparing to take the fight to Temen-ni-gru in the Devil Hand arc, she calls the demons monstrosities compared to true beauty like herself.
  • Taken for Granite: Her Magical Eye inflicts this upon anyone who makes eye contact with her (unless they wear glasses).

    Romeo Conbolt
Pre-Time Skip appearance

Son of Macao Conbolt and a fire wizard just like his idol Natsu.

  • Ascended Extra: After the missing members return from Tenrou Island, he begins helping them out on missions, such as searching for the Infinity Clock's pieces and fighting the Neo Oracion Seis.
  • Big Brother Worship:
    • Has been a fan of Natsu since childhood, and he became a Fire Magic user to emulate him. He even modelled his look after him.
    • Is on the receiving end with Asuka, who happily calls him "big brother Romeo".
  • Everyone Can See It: To his mortification, practically the entire guild is aware of his crush on Wendy.
  • Imagination-Based Superpower: One of the flame magics he learns over the time skip lets him shape it into objects with mass. Bonus points for being green flames.
  • Precocious Crush: To Wendy, something that he didn't really lose during the seven-year time skip.
  • Weak, but Skilled: His fire magic is lacking in terms of raw power compared to his idol, but he makes up for it with a greater variety of flames that give him plenty of options in combat.

    Macao Conbolt
Pre-Time Skip appearance

A fire wizard that became the 4th Guild Master of Fairy Tail in the 7-year gap.

  • Ascended Extra: Unlike in canon, Makarov shows Macao the Lumen Histoire along with Gildarts, due to Macao being the guild master during the 7-year gap.
  • Bash Brothers: With Wakaba in Devil Hand arc, arriving to help Dante and Natsu with the rest of the members. He challenges how many demons they can get on their own.
  • Throw the Dog a Bone: After spending seven years holding the guild together, he is formally acknowledged as the 4th Master by Makarov, and thanked by everyone for his efforts. Makarov even opts to show him Lumen Histoire along with Gildarts in recognition of his efforts.

    Wakaba Mine
Click here to see his pre-Time Skip appearance

    Jet and Droy
Droy (left) and Jet (right)

Two other male members of Team Shadow Gear.

  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: They tried to do this to Vergil for what he did to his brother Dante and showing he can't mess with Fairy Tail, with Macao and Wakaba joining in...only for Vergil to show them how outmatched they are, and with just a fraction of his power, gives them a beatdown which all four of them couldn't take.
  • This Is Gonna Suck: Uttered word-for-word by Droy when Gildarts declares that Fairy Tail will participate in the Grand Magic Games.

    Connel Family
Alzack, Bisca, and their daughter Asuka

In the 7-year time skip, they're married and are a family with their daughter Asuka

Alzack Connel

  • Badass Boast: When encountering Vergil alongside Bisca and Cana, he calls the trio insects, with Alzack response is this:
    Alzack Connell: 'Insects' huh?! Well, this Insect is packing some serious heat!

Bisca Connel (née Moulin)

  • Violently Protective Girlfriend: When Vergil beat Alzack, Bisca was first shocked and later angered at what the half-demon did and swears that Vergil is gonna pay for that and requip Big Bazooka, only for Vergil slicing it up, much to her shock before she is beaten too.

Asuka Connel

Their daughter that was born in the 7-year time skip.

    Warren Rocko
Click here to see his pre-Time Skip appearance

A wizard that uses telepathy.

  • Non-Action Guy: His telepathy magic has no combat applications, with Warren himself asserting the worst he can do is give someone a headache.
  • Squishy Wizard: In the Devil Hand arc, he is brought only for communication with the members in the Temen-ni-gru, but isn't a much of fighter like the rest of Fairy Tail, which leaves him somewhat frustrated that he's unable to help his guild members and the rest against the demon hordes.

Click here to see her pre-Time Skip appearance
Click here to see her as Cubellios

An amnesiac member of Fairy Tail who joined the guild somewhere before the Edolas arc and currently works as a waitress. She used to be a snake named Cubellios as Cobra's former pet snake.

  • Animal Motif: Snakes. She used to be a serpent belonging to Cobra/Erik.
  • Heroic Bystander: In Chapter 22: Between Heaven and Hell, although she sneaked in the Christina to find the person she wants to find (Cobra), she tried to save a young girl by using herself as a shield from incoming Shade demons' incoming attacks, luckily Lisanna in her Take Over: Dragon Soul form came just in time for the rescue.

Founding Six

    Mavis Vermillion

Fairy Tail's First Guild Master and one of the guild's founders. She's also an daughter of Sparda. Making her and Zera the eldest of the Dark Knight's children.

  • Beware the Nice Ones: Sweet as she is, Mavis was the first Guild Master of Fairy Tail, and she's not one to cross. She noticeably exudes a menacing aura when the dissection of Sparda's corpse is brought up, intimidating their guildmates.
  • The Gadfly: Mavis shows a bit of a mischievous side from time to time. She casually calls Sparda "Daddy" in front of the others while they're cheering him up, them only realizing her choice of words a few seconds later. Mavis giggles at their subsequent reactions, saying it was funnier than expected.
  • Happily Adopted: In Origins, it's revealed that Sparda adopted her and Zera as his daughters after saving them from Blue Skull and Red Lizard's war. Mavis unashamedly refers to him as "Daddy" and generally shows deep respect and love for him.
  • Interspecies Adoption: Mavis (human) was raised and adopted by Sparda (demon) as his adoptive daughter, after the Blue Skull attacked the Red Lizard.
  • Mythical Motifs: Fairies. She has a fairy-like appearance.
  • Related in the Adaptation: As Sparda's adoptive daughter, Mavis is the older sister of Dante, Vergil and Nero, as well as a cousin of Lucy and Trish.
  • Targeted to Hurt the Hero: When Moloch realized that he could never hope to defeat Sparda in in any other way, so he went after the daughter in order to hurt the father. While he didn't kill Mavis, he did something that caused her an immense amount of suffering which devastated her father as well.



See his folder here

    Precht Gaebolg 
See his folder here

    Warrod Sequen 
See his folder here


Mavis' childhood friend and daughter of Sparda. Making her and Mavis, the eldest of the Dark Knight's children.

  • Happily Adopted: After Sparda saved her and Mavis from Blue Skull and Red Lizard's guild war, he adopted them as his daughters and raised them.
  • Interspecies Adoption: Zera (human) was raised and adopted by Sparda (demon) as his adoptive daughter, after the Blue Skull attacked the Red Lizard.
  • Related in the Adaptation: As Sparda's adoptive daughter, Zera is the older sister of Dante, Vergil and Nero, as well as a cousin of Lucy and Trish.
  • Spared by the Adaptation: Origins reveals that she survived the war between Blue Skull and Red Lizard thanks to Sparda's intervention.
