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Footsoldier "D"

Voiced by: Yūsuke Kobayashi
"Our enemies, I'm gonna beat 'em."
Click to see D's first human infiltration disguise.
Click to see D's second human infiltration disguise as "Hibiki".

A Duster Footsoldier of the Evil Kaijin Army, who serves as the main protagonist of the story. D's an arrogant and dirty fighter, and is one of the few villainous Footsoldiers still determined to accomplish the Invaders' goal of world domination. However, D also has a sense of justice as he seeks freedom against the Dragon Keeper Rangers who've been enslaving the Footsoldiers to perform in televised battles that make the Dragon Keepers look good to the public.

After 12 years of consecutive defeats on scripted battles against the Dragon Keepers, D's had enough, and decides to take action against them. His aim being to gain enough power in order to defeat the Keepers and reveal the truth to the world. With the ability to shape-shift, D takes the default form of a young man in order to infiltrate the Ranger Association; hoping to destroy the Dragon Keepers from within their own ranks. Said disguise is quickly outed by Yellow Batallion's Yumeko Suzukiri, but to D's surprise, she offers a team-up to help with destroying the Ranger Association rather than turning him in. Things get even more complicated when the Independent ranger, Hibiki Sakurama, learns of D's undercover operation, and asks the opposite to work together so that they can change the Ranger Association for the better so that everyone can live in peace.

Thanks to his team-up with Yumeko, D succeeds in leaving the first ever black mark against the Ranger Association by stealing away the Red Keeper's Divine Tool. The rangers hunt for D following the theft, but when they find him, Hibiki sacrifices himself with a switcheroo plot to save D's life. This allows D to take on Hibiki's identity to infiltrate the Ranger Association properly, starting as a cadet. In his "Hibiki" disguise, D starts off as a cadet assigned to become a Red Battalion member. However, he ends up being appointed to Green Battalion after passing the cadets' Bailong Exams due to showing off skills that mesh well with covert operations, which Green Battalion specializes in. Their main mission is to hunt and kill Invader Executives, who D just so happens to have a beef with as well since he feels that they abandoned their Footsoldiers. Thus, putting D in a position where he gets to fight both sides.

Tropes associated with Footsoldier D

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  • Accidental Public Confession: Refusing to introduce himself, D falls for Hibiki's scheme, being distracted by comments praising D for how dangerous he is until Hibiki asks who D is, with D ending up providing his name as Footsoldier D.
  • An Arm and a Leg: Loses a leg fighting Komachi. However because she had imbued herself with one of the IRA's version of the Divine Tools, D is unable to regenerate it. He'd later get a prosthetic replacement from Yakushi. He'd also lose another limb after punching the Giga-Invader Death Messiah so hard his forearm disintegrated, though in this case it regenerated back moments later.
  • Appeal to Flattery: D seems to take compliments really well to the point that saying something nice about him will distract D from what he was previously trying to achieve. One example is in chapter 8 when he's trying to get Hibiki to stop helping him, but the moment Hibiki starts to praise D's non-human abilities, D switches tone by instead happily showing off said abilities in front of Hibiki. Shortly after, D ends up unintentionally giving Hibiki his name after Hibiki dumped a bunch of compliments upon D.
  • Anti-Villain: He's entirely focused on killing the heads of the Ranger organization as well as world domination, and he's a Combat Pragmatist that will beat you senseless with a golf club if he gets the opportunity. But it's life or death in the situations he finds himself in, the footsoldiers have a damn good reason to be upset with the Rangers, he actually has standards compared to the worst of his foes, and ultimately is a scrappy underdog working to break apart an abusive and corrupt system, albeit for selfish intentions.
  • Attack! Attack! Attack!: He tries to follow Tsukasa's method of just attacking head on during the Bailong Nest training against Footsoldier holograms. It doesn't really work out as he just gets used as bait by the Green Battalion candidates.
  • Back Stab: As part of his dirty tactics, D will always view stabbing his target in the back with a knife, or any sort of weapon, as a viable option.
  • Badass Boast: Given that he's the actual Invader, D calls out Shun and Kanon for their "performances" at having to act as Invader enemies during the Bailong Exams at the end of chapter 19.
    You wanted a real fight, didn't you? If you're playing Invaders, then commit to it. Invaders never say that stuff. You just have to win. It doesn't matter what you have to do. As long as you win, you can get away with anything. And the losers might as well be trash.
  • The Bait: During the Bailong Nest training against Footsoldier holograms, D and Tsukasa attempt to attack them head-on, but all that does is draw their attention to allow Angel and Sojiro to shoot them and score the kills. Sojiro even thanks them for being the lure.
  • Beat: In chapter 13, he's left stunned silent at the sight of the Colorless cadets all choosing to just suddenly attack and destroy the footsoldier holograms rather than take it slow and assess the situation first.
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: After 12 years of humiliation, all D wanted was to escape the Rangers' clutches and have the organization taken down so the Sunday battles could stop. He gets his wish thanks to Hwalipon catching Red Keeper throwing one of his violent tantrums on film, and as a result public support of the rangers dramatically decreased. None of it made D satisfied since it happened at the behest of an Executive who's got the public wrapped around his finger and because D didn't get to take down the organization with his bare hands.
  • Becoming the Mask: Began showing shades of this since the Bailong Exam, having began to view the Colorless Rangers he was grouped with as True Companions. It further extends to Green Battalion after the conclusion of the Dreamy School Arc especially after learning Chidori is Green Keeper, a revelation that made him question if every Keeper needed to die. Seemingly averted as of chapter 78 following a failed assassination attempt on Green Keeper. The "Reason You Suck" Speech he gave D steeled his resolve as a Footsoldier and reminded him who his true enemies are.
  • The Bet: Before splitting up, D and Hibiki make a bet regarding how they will deal with the Ranger Association. Either D fully destroys the Ranger Association, or Hibiki manages to fix the Ranger Association before D fully destroys it.
  • Big Damn Heroes: He comes in and saves Hisui at the last second before she's killed by Wakaba.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: During the battle with Hekiru, D calls out Hibiki in chapter 11 for trying to start a big flashback when they're still in the middle of grave danger. However, D relents due to Hibiki making it clear that understanding his past will help with the battle.
  • Bring It: He will gladly call people out to bring it on, such as towards Shun during their Bailong Exams fight at the tail end of chapter 21.
  • Car Fu: In chapter 19 during the Bailong Exams, which a parking garage is set as the arena, D drives a car to cause a massive car pile-up in order to distract the Rangers that are testing them. He ended up getting Green Battalion's Kanon caught up in the stunt, much to her annoyance.
  • Character Development: After fighting alongside his fellow human Colorless cadets during the Bailong Exams, D starts to view them as his True Companions that he wants to rule the world with.
  • Chekhov's Gun:
    • When D infiltrates the Ranger Association to steal away Red Keeper's Divine Tool, he stumbles across the tool being packed away in a golf bag filled with golf clubs. In the following fight with Red Battalion's Shun Tokita, D uses one of said golf clubs as a weapon to knock Shun out.
    • The unused dynamite from Yumeko that he shows off against Shun during their chapter 4 fight comes into play in the next chapter to have D fake his death in front of the 5 Dragon Keepers the moment Blue Keeper attacks him with his Divine Tool.
  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: He's all in for the Dusters, but as we see during the Bailong exams, he flips between helping the Colorless and helping Peltrola at the drop of a hat, and keeps switching sides when it would get him killed otherwise. His mid-fight revelation shows that at the end of the day, he wants a world where both the Rangers and his Executive leaders are gone, so he'll happily work towards that goal.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Given his loads of experience trying to take on the Dragon Keepers from the show matches, D will fight using any means necessary that he's capable of in order to win, even if it means needing to fight dirty.
  • Cross-Popping Veins: He'll sometimes be sporting these due to how easy it is to anger him, such as when D got pissed off in chapter 20 that Shun and Kanon were only attacking him while they ignored the other Colorless cadets.
  • Culture Blind: It's quite clear early on that D doesn't really understand Earth customs, or even how humanity does certain things. Chapter 2 quite literally has him struggling to eat like a normal human when Hibiki and Yumeko invite him out to lunch during the ranger entrance exam.
  • Death as Comedy: D getting beheaded by Yumeko due to his hot-headed and rebellious attitude is kind of a Running Gag of the series. He won't die from it, but that's not stopping her.
  • Defiant to the End: Crosses over with Too Dumb to Live. No matter how many near-death experiences he had or how the others try to advise him, he still gives in to his rash impulses and refuses to learn from his mistakes, often claiming that adapting is a human way of survival, and since he isn't human he shouldn't follow the human way to survive. This comes across as largely ironic considering his speciality is human disguises. This gets mitigated when he's forced to disguise as and replace Hibiki in the Ranger academy, with it being his biggest chance to foil the Keepers from within, and after everything the original Hibiki did for him he actually does his best to imitate him and keep his true identity under wraps for the sake of the bigger scheme, and actually learns from his mistakes to avoid being injured and outed.
  • Despair Event Horizon: In the aftermath of the Ranger's collapse, D tried desperately to get any of them to fight him by dropping his disguise where the Sunday battles were held. When no one comes, he wastes away at an internet cafe watching the old tapes of the original Dragon Keeper series while still being plagued by what Yakushi questioning his hesitation and seemingly lack of purpose. As news breaks out about the swarm of monsters appearing from IRA headquarters and the remnants of the Rangers rushing into stop them, D breaks out of his malaise and joins the fray.
  • Detachment Combat: Due to how a footsoldier's body dusts and reforms, D tends to rely on this type of combat a lot. His main body could be in one place while his arms would be elsewhere doing other things, such as in chapter 5 where he uses one of his detached arms to try to shove the top of a water tower down upon Red Keeper.
  • Determinator: Unlike his fellow footsoldiers, D has not given up on the Evil Kaijin Army's eventual goal of world domination. Even though they're the villains, the day will come that they will finally win against the Dragon Keepers. Having grown tired of being stuck in his loser loop, D remains determined to defeat all the enemies before him, his primary target being the 5 Dragon Keepers, who've kept him in slavery for the past 12 years, with D's desire being to burn away all the humiliation that he and his fellow footsoldiers suffered to them.
  • Devious Daggers: He brings a knife along to try to off a Dragon Keeper during his first ranger HQ infiltration, but he couldn't bring himself to do it...then Yumeko takes the knife from him.
  • Didn't Think This Through: Hibiki calls him out on this due to D's overall plan being to just "beat the next enemy he comes across over and over." What D should really be doing is decide on what it is that he truly wants, and what it is overall that he needs to defeat in order to get what he wants.
  • Dirty Coward: He'll sometimes rely on dirty methods to avoid fights. Like in chapter 18 where he shoves Kai forward to be the fighter when they're met by Yumeko as an opponent in the Bailong Exams.
  • Disguised Hostage Gambit: The plan he puts together with Hibiki in order to fool Hekiru revolves around this. Near the end of their fight with Hekiru, it looks like D has taken Hibiki hostage when in actuality, it's Hibiki disguised as "D" that is holding D as "Hibiki" hostage. It gets to a point where "Hibiki" chops "D's" fake head off, which is enough to fool Hekiru into believing that Hibiki stayed loyal to the rangers. Thus, allowing D to infiltrate the Ranger Association still disguised as "Hibiki".
  • Don't You Dare Pity Me!:
    • During the 999th show match where D decides to change the plot, the human audience starts to cheer D on as he charges towards the 5 Dragon Keepers. However, D hates that they're doing it, knowing that they're only cheering him on because they're expecting him to just be the Jobber that gets done in.
    • He was on the verge of being fully on board with the Invader Rights Association until they started preaching about how the invaders are pitiful creatures that humanity needs to help them rise up. As a result, D's left disappointed that the Invader Rights Association doesn't truly view the invaders as equals.
  • Dressing as the Enemy:
    • His first mission after teaming up with Yumeko is to infiltrate the Red Garrison while taking the form of Sosei Akabane, the Red Keeper, in order to steal his Sword Divine Tool.
    • D pulls this again later on once he truly infiltrates the Ranger Association as the colorless ranger "Hibiki".
  • Enemy Mine: Given that he's a footsoldier infiltrating the Ranger Association, he ends up gaining multiple allies amongst the rangers, starting with Yumeko and Hibiki, to push forward his own goals.
  • Establishing Character Moment: Having grown tired of the same losing act over and over, D deciding to stand as a simple Mook against the Dragon Keepers in an attempt to change the plot makes for one heck of a 1st chapter character introduction.
  • Even Evil Has Standards:
    • D loudly proclaims he's going to kill all the Rangers and rule the world, but concentrates his vengeance entirely on the heads of the organization that rightfully deserve it. Collateral damage and harming innocents are things he tries to avoid to do, he doesn't go out of his way to try to fight any lesser Rangers unless they pick a fight, and between the Eviler than Thou situation with people like Red Ranger and the bastards of the Executives who are as bad, if not worse, than the Rangers, D ends up being probably the most benevolent "villain" around.
    • When Hibiki suddenly cuts his own hand off as part of his disguise, even D is freaked out despite his general dislike of him.

  • Faceless Goon: Like all Dusters, he's one of the many Mook demon/skelton-face soldiers. Though given that D is the one who uses human disguises the most, you actually get to see D showing face expressions.
  • "Facing the Bullets" One-Liner: Just before exploding to Blue Keeper's Divine Tool attack, D shouts that Red Keeper will remember him. Given that D ends up successfully stealing away Red Keeper's Divine Tool, Sosei sure will remember this.
  • Faking the Dead: He fakes his death in front of the Dragon Keepers in chapter 5 by using the dynamite he was supplied from Yumeko. The explosion right as Blue Keeper stabbed him with his Divine Tool makes it look like Blue Keeper had killed him. Though given that D was still stabbed by a Divine Tool, he did not get away uninjured.
  • Fatal Flaw: His lack of foresight. D's main problem is that he hardly has a plan to take down the Dragon Keepers, with the flaws in his overly simplistic approach to just take down each opponent as they come made abundantly obvious by Yumeko and Sakurama. Even after he wises up and assumes Hibiki's identity to infiltrate the Rangers, he still doesn't have an easy time due to initially putting little effort towards understanding human norms or his new teammates, and the failed assassination attempt on Green Keeper makes him realize he didn't consider his companionship with his fellow Rangers would interfere with his goals.
  • Foil: To Kai when they were Red Battalion candidates in the Bailong Exam. Kai is more about finding the enemy quickly and battle them out in the open while D would rather wait in hiding and ambush the opponent, which causes them to butt heads. It's no surprise that the two of them ended up on different Battalions afterwards since D's way of fighting is more appropriate for Green Battalion's stealth methods while Kai's way of fighting is exactly what Red Battalion wants.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: To say D is way out of his depth against even various generic and low-class Rangers would be an understatement, as footsoldiers are pitifully weak. So he takes every advantage he can get, uses his Genre Savvy from years of being a footsoldier, and ends up gradually helping dismantle the entire organization from within.
  • Game-Breaking Injury: In order to survive against the Blue Battalion ranger, Hekiru, D's forced to fight with a gaping stab wound in his chest that he received from Blue Keeper's Divine Tool. The wound of course makes it a lot harder for D to properly fight.
  • Genre Savvy: Due to all the times that D's suffered losses to the Dragon Keepers during the show matches, D knows full well what it's like to be the underdog loser, and uses the knowledge he gained from said experiences in order to make it through his current objectives. Some examples being knowing how to react towards stronger foes, or when to fight dirty.
  • Goal in Life: Even after their Executives were defeated, D's the one Duster footsoldier who's still striving to make their original goal of world domination of Earth a reality, and is determined to defeat the 5 Dragon Keepers, and the remaining Executives who've abandoned the footsoldiers, to make it so.
    • In chapter 8, he tells Hibiki that the only way he knows how to live in order to one day become free is to take down all the enemies standing in the way, which is something that D was influenced by from an Executive in the past.
  • Golf Clubbing: Utilizes a golf club to knock out Red Battalion's Shun Tokita during their chapter 4 fight. D then proceeds to continue to hit Shun with the golf club until he knocks him out.
  • Good Feels Good: He may be a self-proclaimed villain, but when he actually does save lives as a Ranger cadet, he notably seems pleased with himself. At least until the people he rescues are assholes about it.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: The sight of Red Keeper during a TV commercial happily promoting a Dragon Buster tool makes D envious and pissed at the good life said ranger's living to the point of hoping the Red Keeper chokes.
  • Hates Being Touched: Hates when people seem to invade his personal space. It's also somewhat justified given that being touched, even if it's just the slightest bit of damage to his body, is an easy way for D to lose his disguise.
  • Healing Factor: No matter how they are attacked, even if they get their limbs cut, beheaded or even explode: the Kaijins will always regenerate. The only thing that can kill them are the Divine Tools that the Dragon Keepers possess.
  • Heel Realization: Just when he's caught between joining back up with Peltrola and keeping up his disguise as Hibiki Sakurama, D has a daydream about a world where the Rangers lose. While he finally gets the respect and praise he's craved, his subconscious makes him realize that the ideal world he's fighting for would not only make the lives of the humans he's bonded with meaningless, but also never get him out of the thumb of his Executive leaders. Though since he's D, this realization just fires him up as he decides the Executives are another obstacle to be eliminated for the sake of accomplishing his goals.
  • How Dare You Die on Me!: Despite everything, D's still very upset when Blue Keeper gets killed by a third party. He repeatedly orders him to get back up, use his supposed healing Ranger powers, or simply fight him man-to-man.
  • Human Disguise: D's said to be pretty good at putting on human disguises compared to his fellow Duster footsoldiers. Thus, it's somewhat of a specialty of his to disguise himself as human beings.
    • In the first few chapters, his primary disguise is an unnamed male civilian.
    • During the theft mission to steal away Red Keeper's Divine Tool, D goes in as "Sosei Akabane," the Red Keeper himself.
    • During his main Ranger Association infiltration, D's longest lasting disguise has been as "Hibiki Sakurama" in order to start as a ranger cadet that will then rise up in the association. Funny enough, he was also "Hibiki" in his initial infiltration attempt when he was quickly outed by Yumeko.
  • Immortality Hurts: The fact that they are practically immortal is the very reason why the Dusters were kept alive by the Dragon Keepers. Since they can regenerate and shape-shift, they can play the role of villains every Sunday and get defeated by the Rangers each time, which often includes a "finisher move" where they explode and become dust in the air. This doesn't mean they don't feel pain, though, as explained by D.
  • Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy: In chapter 19, D attempts to use his Dragon Gadget's Gun Form in his Bailong Exam duel against Shun. However, due to lack of gun practice, D's aim with Gun Form is so bad that Shun's able to easily avoid his shots.
  • Improbable Weapon User: Due to needing to rely on dirty fighting against more powerful opponents, D will resort to using anything he can find as a weapon against his enemies.
  • Improvised Lockpick: Given his shapeshifting abilities, D can pick locks by changing his finger into a key.
  • Ineffectual Loner: At first, he's fine with being alone and fighting for nobody's sake but his own given that it's what he was taught by the Executives, but his constant team-ups with the rangers cause his lonely life to start to crumble, and he even starts to desire friendships with these people.
  • The Infiltration: D's whole plan to take down the Dragon Keepers revolves around infiltrating the rangers by disguising himself as various humans.
  • In-Series Nickname: Green Keeper refers to him as "Kid".
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: While he acts brash and filled with hate towards the Dragon Keepers, he ultimately does care for his comrades and even humans who get along with him like Hibiki.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: In chapter 13, he accidentally breaks Hibiki's laptop due to it making so much noise that D just wanted it to stop. Turns out that D really needed Hibiki's laptop as it had the notes on all of D's fellow ranger cadets.
  • Laughably Evil: His journey towards his overall goal of world domination is arguably evil, but boy does he provide a lot of funny moments along the way. Particularly how he always has something witty to say regarding all the crazy shit going on all around him.
  • Laughing Mad: After suffering a verbal beatdown through Green Keeper's "The Reason You Suck" Speech and being sparred by him despite the assassination attempt, D's left laughing like a madman. He gets better the next day, now rediscovering the resolve Green Keeper called out he had lost.
  • The Leader: During the Bailong Exams, D ends up in this role once it became clear that Sojiro had put together a "strong team" aiming to win said exams. D becomes the leader of a 5-man "weak team" alongside Ranmaru, Yamato, Angel, and Tsukasa in order to face off against the "strong team." In addition, he becomes their overall leader later on in the Bailong Exams when it turns out that Executive Peltrola has infiltrated the Bailong's Nest, and they work to defeat said Executive.
  • Leave Me Alone!: In chapter 8, he wants nothing to do with Hibiki trying to help him when the latter finds an injured D in the forest after escaping the encounter with the Dragon Keepers atop the Red Garrison. Given D's not able to move much due to the injury, and Hibiki's continued insistence to help, D's forced to accept it.
  • Let's You and Him Fight: In chapter 20, D manipulates the Bailong Exam battlefield under the cover of smoke by disguising between Shun and Kanon and attacking them as the other, which pisses the two of them off into attacking each other.
  • Look Behind You: Given that D tends to rely on dirty fighting, he will sometimes pull this stunt to trick people during battle.
  • Lovable Coward: As part of his dirty fighting, D shows no shame in choosing to run away if he deems a fight to be too hard.
  • Kill Steal: Inadvertently. After trapping Yakushi and his subsequent Despair Event Horizon, the Giga-Invader Death Messiah avatar he was controlling went inert just before Red Keeper could strike it down. Yellow Keeper accurately assessed its true form must have been taken out, much to Red's rage.
  • Meaningless Villain Victory: After Sosei inadvertently outed himself as the Ax-Crazy psychopath he really is, the media empire the Rangers built collapsed in a matter of weeks. Not too dissimilar to Blue Keeper's death, D wanted to be the one to bring his hated enemies down. In the week after the Sunday battles were canceled, D stood at the former battlegrounds yelling for the Dragon Keepers to fight him but to no response.
  • Megaton Punch: Performs this to Hekiru in chapter 10 when the latter decides to Settle It Without Weapons. Hekiru goes straight back to using his Divine Tool Replica afterwards.
  • Nervous Wreck: D spends a lot of his first attempt to infiltrate the rangers in chapter 2 sweating in nervousness due to constantly messing up and believing that he may have done something that outed himself.
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: He continuously beats Red Battalion's Shun Tokita with a golf club until knocking the latter out during their chapter 4 fight.
  • Not Quite Dead: After supposedly dying at the end of chapter 5 to Blue Keeper's Divine Tool attack, it's revealed at the end of chapter 7 that D survived. Thanks to the dynamite Yumeko provided for him before infiltrating Red Garrison, D destroys himself with said dynamite the moment Blue Keeper's Divine Tool hits him to make it look like said ranger permanently killed him. Thanks to this, D's able to regenerate his body away from Red Garrison, though still retaining the stab injury from the Divine Tool's attack. Blue Keeper also catches on that something felt off about him "killing" Footsoldier D, which results in the Blue Battalion ranger, Hekiru, getting sent out to hunt for D.
  • "Not So Different" Remark: Defied. Attempts to give one to Komachi as D could empathize with her grief over Shougo's death, however he's cut off when Komachi jams her Divine Tool straight into D's throat.
  • Now What?: At the end of chapter 14, D's put in a weird situation not knowing what to do when Hibiki's ranger sister comes to visit him, and then just seconds after she turns up he finds a hidden Footsoldier in Hibiki's closet, quickly figuring out it would be bad if the two met. He does manage to get out of it though.

  • Off with His Head!:
    • In order to fool Hekiru during their battle in the forest, D disguised as "Hibiki" chops off the fake head of "D" that Hibiki was disguised as in order to fool Hekiru into believing that Hibiki killed the footsoldier that was keeping him captive.
    • D puts this stunt to use in chapter 16, most likely a trick that he picked up from Yumeko. In order to get out of a tricky situation that had D stuck between Footsoldier XX and Hibiki's sister finding out that a Footsoldier is in Bailong Nest, D chops off the head of Footsoldier XX, and then traps it in a box until the coast is clear.
  • Oh, Crap!: He tends to have this reaction whenever he feels like he let his human disguise slip.
    • D gets back outside the Ranger Association after stealing away Red Keeper's Divine Tool only to be met by the Red Keeper himself after being informed about D's infiltration. Of course, D reacts this way the moment he sees Red Keeper.
    • Several times in chapter 14. The moment D in his "Hibiki" disguise realizes that Hibiki Sakurama's sister has come to greet her brother, D freaks out and instantly runs away given that Hibiki didn't tell him about having a sister. D then freaks and tries to run away again when he finds that Hibiki was hiding Footsoldier XX in his closet.
    • Has this reaction in chapter 18 when D sees that the first Ranger opponent that he and Kai came across to start off the Bailong Exam is Yumeko given that D has already experienced how she acts. They try to retreat, but Yumeko goes after them given that for the exam, she has to act as the Invader.
    • His initial reaction to stabbing Peltrola as he was seemingly unfazed. Peltrola did go down fortunately for D, but thanks to his ability he didn't stay down.
    • His reaction to stabbing Sosei as he more or less stabbed him the same way he did to Peltrola. Unlike Peltrola however, Sosei went down without even processing he had been stabbed. Sosei got better though.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: If D doesn't get a good look at someone, his human disguises will have imperfections. In chapter 20 for example, his Shun and Kanon disguises weren't perfect as he based them on Angel's drawings of them. However, D used the smoke of a blasted fire extinguisher to hide those imperfections.
  • Perfect Disguise, Terrible Acting: Easily D's biggest flaw when it comes to trying to disguise himself amongst humanity as his actions tend to make it somewhat obvious that he's not acting as the person that he's supposed to be disguised as. So much so that Yumeko pretty much caught on instantly to his attempt to disguise as Hibiki in chapter 2. It also doesn't help that not only is he not used to human customs, he's kind of dumb in the sense that he doesn't do research beforehand to know how he's supposed to act as his disguise target.
  • The Plan: D desires world domination, and the defeat of all his enemies, such as the Dragon Keepers who've kept him enslaved for the past 12 years. His plan revolves around disguising as a human and infiltrating the Ranger Association in order to destroy his enemies from within.
  • Power of Friendship: During his fight with Hekiru moments after the latter went on some big speech about friendship and bonds making him strong, D attempts to invoke this in chapter 10 by constantly transforming into many people that he's seen before, with D talking as them as if they're giving D praise and support. Given that it's clear that D doesn't understand friendship with other people, Hekiru's not amused.
  • Put on a Bus: He's nowhere to be seen in the chapters following the Three-Way Battle arc since D got himself locked up in the IRA's prison room as part of Green Battalion's plan to trap Yakushi Usukubo within it. After Yakushi starves to death over a year later, Angel lets him out of the prison room while informing him of the world since he's been away.
  • Pyrrhic Victory: D's antics throughout the back half of the Bailong Exams does get a Keeper killed, just like he wanted—but the kill wasn't his and all the efforts his Colorless teammates went through were for nothing since Peltrola turns out to have lived. He can't even be happy about any of the other Rangers dying.
  • Revenge:
    • D desires retribution against the 5 Dragon Keepers for his and his fellow footsoldiers' enslavement for the past 12 years.
    • He later desires this against his boss Executives after realizing that they completely abandoned the footsoldiers.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Dishes this out to Hibiki after witnessing Red Keeper kill Footsoldier F in chapter 3, which cements D's determination to defeat the Dragon Keepers rather than go Hibiki's more peaceful route.
    You really...make me sick. You're just full of fancy sounding bullshit. Rangers and villains ceasing hostilities and joining arm in arm? Never gunna happen. You and I are enemies. Never speak to me again. You... you're not cut out to be a ranger.
  • Rivals Team Up: Given that his whole mission is based around infiltrating the rangers, D will often end up in this situation having to fight alongside the rangers against whatever his current target is.
    • Much to D's surprise, Yumeko offers him a team-up in order for the two of them to crush the rangers together. He instantly tries to refuse, but given how overpowering she is compared to him, he ends up going along with it.
    • While D rejects teaming up with Hibiki at first, the former's forced to team up with the latter in order to survive against Hekiru, who was ordered to hunt for D following the successful theft of Red Keeper's Divine Tool. This of course leads into the switcheroo plot where D as "Hibiki" fake kills Hibiki as "D" in front of Hekiru to make it look like Hibiki did his ranger duty killing off a footsoldier. Thus, allowing D to properly infiltrate the rangers as "Hibiki" while the real Hibiki disappears to go down his own path towards his goal.
    • During the Bailong Exams, D's forced to team up with Kai due to the two of them being put into a team as the two Red Battalion candidates. However, this breaks apart once it becomes clear that only one candidate is allowed to pass, and the candidates end up forming 5-on-5 "strong" vs. "weak" teams.
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: After having a crisis of faith over who to side over between the Rangers and the Invaders Rights Association, D instead opts to massacre anyone he comes across.
  • Scars Are Forever: After getting his leg vaporized by a Divine Tool-grade weapon, D proves unable to regenerate it even over a year afterwards. Fortunately it doesn't carry over while he's in disguise though.
  • Shapeshifting: His specialty. While all Dusters have a specialty in what they can transform into, D's specialty is "humans," and he pulls it off a lot better and faster than his fellow Dusters. Though he is still able to shapeshift as objects too, such as making his arm look like the Red Keeper's Divine Tool in chapter 5.
  • Ship Tease: With Usukubo once they both join Green Battalion.
  • Shut Up, Hannibal!: In chapter 20, D's left unimpressed by Shun's and Kanon's attempts to scare them by playing as the "Invaders" during the Bailong Exams. That there's nothing terrifying about them because all they actually got over the cadets is better strength.
  • The Smart Guy: Amongst his fellow footsoldier Dusters, D's considered the smart one, such as everyone agreeing to go along with his Tiger idea as their next Fake Executive design for the show battle against the Dragon Keepers.
  • Smoke Out: As part of him being a Combat Pragmatist, D will sometimes rely on smokescreens in order to fight or run away, such as blasting a fire extinguisher to get away from Shun in chapter 19. He gets even more fire extinguishers in the next chapter in order to confuse Shun and Kanon into fighting one another while under smoke cover.
  • Stealth Expert: While he struggles a lot early on due to suffering a hard case of Perfect Disguise, Terrible Acting, D develops more into this once he gets the hang of being a disguised ranger.
  • Stuff Blowing Up: Pulls out some dynamite that he was supplied from Yumeko during his chapter 4 fight with Red Battalion's Shun Tokita, and threatens to blow everything up. However, it turns out to be a fakeout as the moment Shun attempts to shield himself from what he believes to be an incoming blast, D wacks him in the head with a golf club. He actually does use the dynamite in the next chapter to fake his death by making his body look like it exploded in front of the 5 Dragon Keepers the moment Blue Keeper struck D with his Divine Tool. Thus, the belief is to make everyone think that Blue Keeper killed him.
  • Super-Reflexes: Most likely a result of all his combat experience from the show matches against Dragon Keepers, D tends to be really good at dodging attacks.
  • Survival Mantra: At times, D will try to reassure himself in his thoughts to keep himself focused on his current objective. Especially when he's disguised as he knows that one slip up will blow his whole under cover operation. His attempt to infiltrate the rangers' headquarters in chapter 2 is basically D trying to remain "cool and collected" while under his human disguise the whole time.
  • Tactical Withdrawal: He'll sometimes perform this if a battle isn't going well in order to have time to come up with a new plan. In chapter 10, he ran off with Hibiki the moment Hekiru was distracted, which the two of them used to come up with a plan to truly deal with Hekiru.
  • Take a Third Option: In chapter 92, D's in a crisis of faith where he has to make a choice to either follow along with the Invader Rights Association to help the Invader Executives take over the world, or he continues his infiltration as a Green Ranger to help the rangers fight back against the Invaders. Given that D has reasons to believe that both options suck, he ends up creating a 3rd path by choosing to fight both.
  • Take Over the World: He's one of the few Invaders still holding onto their original goal of wanting to take over the world.
  • Taught by Experience: A lot of D's dirty play comes from what he learned trying to battle the Dragon Keepers during the show matches. It's a huge benefit for D once he starts taking on weaker targets that aren't used to such tactics.
  • The Team: Once it became clear that Sojiro had put together a "strong team" aiming to win the Bailong Exams, D gathers up the remaining cadets in order to form a 5-man "weak team" alongside Ranmaru, Yamato, Angel, and Tsukasa that faces off against the "strong team."
  • Technically a Smile: In chapter 8, D happily smiles at the thought that he managed to defeat the Third Class ranger of Red Battalion, Shun Tokita, in a duel, which the watching Hibiki finds to be creepy given that the normal D looks like a demonic skeleton.
  • Training from Hell: Due to taking place moments after replacing Hibiki as a rookie ranger, his time in the Bailong's Nest training facility is this. Just the first day alone is enough to instantly tire D out.
  • Try Not to Die: After successfully pulling off the switcheroo stunt with Hibiki, D hopes that Hibiki doesn't go and get himself killed as such a case would just bring D trouble while under his "Hibiki" disguise during his Ranger Association infiltration.
  • Two Roads Before You: In chapter 3, D's given two choices regarding his infiltration into the Ranger Association. He can either team-up with Yumeko to destroy the association (his original path), or he can team-up with Hibiki to change the association for the better. After witnessing Red Keeper's murder of Footsoldier F, D's reminded that the two sides are at war, and decides to remain on the path of destroying the Ranger Association from within.
  • Unwanted Rescue: An injured D doesn't want Hibiki's help in chapter 8, but given that Hibiki is a Nice Guy that wants to befriend him, D ends up going along with it.
  • Use Their Own Weapon Against Them: He attempts this during the fight with Hekiru by managing to steal away the latter's Scythe Divine Tool Replica only for it to turn out that D can't hold said weapon as it's too hot for him to handle, and the weapon ends up back in Hekiru's possession since he has the ability to handle it.
  • Villain Protagonist: Self-proclaimed, and his goals are unmistakably to murder the Rangers in charge of tormenting the footsoldiers for continued publicity. It just so turns out that the heads of the Rangers are far, far more Eviler than Thou, while he's effectively stuck in Laughably Evil between his hard-earned fight victories.
  • Villain Team-Up: Teams up with Footsoldier XX during the Bailong Exams in order to take down the rangers. The alliance eventually falls apart due to their opposing viewpoints on Peltrola.
  • Walking Spoiler: It's almost impossible to talk about D without giving away that there's a massive switcheroo scheme going on between him and Hibiki, and that D in his "Hibiki" disguise was assigned to Green Battalion after passing the Bailong Exams.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: In chapter 2, Yumeko calls D out (while disguised as Hibiki) for trying to push his luck too far with Shun. Shortly after when she proceeds to unmask D, she calls him out for being so weak and not careful that he outed himself, and that she was saving his butt all day.
What You Are in the Dark: On at least three occasions, he opts to save Hisui from danger instead of finishing her off, with increasingly flimsy "justifications" for why he didn't.
  • Who Are You?: Asks this to Yumeko moments after she unmasked him by slicing his head off when he was disguised as Hibiki.
  • Who's Laughing Now?: D successfully steals Sosei's Divine Tool but is soon intercepted and defeated by Red Keeper and then the Dragon Keepers. After Sosei de-transforms and goes to retrieve the stolen article, it becomes dust. Turns out that during the fight, D outplayed him by transforming his own arm into a replica while Sosei wasn't able to look, and delivered the real one to Yumeko while he was dealing with the Keepers.
  • You Make Me Sick: Says this to Hibiki in chapter 3 after witnessing Red Keeper murder Footsoldier F, calling out Hibiki for actually believing that there can be peace between the rangers and Invaders.
