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The Syndicate

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The Syndicate is a new Villain organization founded by Izuku Midoriya after his slide into villainy and abandonment of U.A. and his old life. Composed of U.A. drop-outs, old League members, independent villains and common gangsters, through a combination of Midoriya's calculated planning and magnetic personality, the Syndicate has managed to quietly ascend very close to the top of Japanese villainous underbelly. Dealing mainly in weapons, illegal hardware, smuggling and fraud, it has assembled formidable resources and connections, biding its time until the Hero society was vulnerable enough for its grand debut. At the start of the fanfic, that time seems to have finally come.

  • Bad Powers, Bad People: Played with. Not all of the Syndicate has powers which would be considered "evil", but there's enough members who joined with (and sometimes because of) their powers being somewhat unseemly in nature - see Hitoshi's Brainwash, Mustard's Gas, Toga's Transformation and whatever the hell Dark Shadow has become.
  • Black Market: The main source of the group's income, unsurprisingly. Extremely cost-effective once Yaoyorozu joined the fold, since the elaborate designs Mei came up with to sell Momo could reproduce on the fly using her Quirk. Thus, the group could afford to sell caches-worth of illegal weapons and hardware for the high price of buying Momo six or seven boxes of pizza.
  • Corruption by a Minor: The group has managed to turn and coerce an impressive amount of people to their side, through sweet-talk, brainwashing, blackmail or simply by offering a better deal. Most of the senior members are also teens and young adults.
  • I Fight for the Strongest Side!: Essentially the reason why many League members abandoned the exposed, hunted and largely spent Shigaraki in favour of Midoriya. Not to mention this was long before Tomura could canonically undergo his Character Development, so few of the members truly cared about him.
  • Evil Power Vacuum: What allows the Syndicate to rise after the League of Villains is destroyed and Shie Hassaikai is crippled by the heroes.
  • Evil Versus Evil: The Syndicate formed proper after breaking apart and absorbing parts of the old League of Villains, with the Pros chasing after Shigaraki often finding only the remnants of Midoriya's handiwork. More recently, the Meta Liberation Army has grown to see the Syndicate as an obstacle. The feeling is very much mutual.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: Who would have guessed a mottley crew of high school dropouts, two-bit criminals and barely registered internet celebrities could come together to form the most dangerous criminal organisation in Japan?
  • Man of Wealth and Taste: Many of the Syndicate's hideouts are actually expensive rooftop apartments or suburban manors, owing to the group's considerable resources and a taste for the finer things in life. When hiding after Black Day, Midoriya and his companions casually hang around a private resort in Okinawa, with a fully stocked bar and a private stretch of the beach.
  • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: With the Shie Hassaikai during the Black Day Arc. Overall, what keeps the two groups from openly going for each other's throats is mostly the fact that they can't afford to quarell and fight the Heroes simultaneously.
  • Terrorists Without a Cause: While many members, Midoriya in particular, may spout lofty ideals and sophisticated reasons for their actions, most honestly see it as little more than a flimsy justification to pursue their private interests. Mei just wants to craft whatever she thinks up without being restricted, Toga simply wants to hurt and murder others at her leisure, Dark Shadow simply wants to kill and destroy whatever it fancies, Dabi has his own agenda and so on. Several members, notably Shinso, Mustard and partially Monoma, serve Midoriya out of personal loyalty and admiration. Of all members, only Momo seems to retain a modicum of genuine belief in their stated cause.
  • The Infiltration: Syndicate's preferred modus operandi. Using a combination of Quirks (usually Toga-Twice-Compress-Monoma), the group is noted to have succesfully infiltrated and exfiltrated heavily guarded areas on multiple occasions. The mission to Okinawa is an almost-perfect example of their conduct.
  • The Reveal: During the Black Day, the Syndicate reveal their existence and identities to the general public. And what a reveal it is indeed...
  • The Revolution Will Not Be Civilized: The group's main excuse for their heinous and criminal activity. Midoriya argues that, since the system is too bloated and unwieldy to alter "in time", it must be done away with by force:
    Midoriya: "Now we know that simply pointing out the need for change doesn't suffice. As urgent as the problems facing our society are, those at the top of the hierarchy would never willingly hand the reigns over to people like us, relinquish their power and influence, even as they continue to knowingly drive this country into the ground and ignore the consequences on the horizon. Change is hard to accept, after all, and radical change harder still. Sometimes a step in the right direction requires a bit of a push, and the old guard must be made to move aside by force. So no matter what happens today, no matter how it affects you and your personal lives, remember that everything we do is for the greater good."
  • The Social Darwinist: Most Syndicate members are of the opinion that the strong have the natural right to dominate and discard the weak, as it is pointless to try and accomodate them, especially in a world with rapidly diminishing resources. Notably, with their leader originally being a Quirkless nobody, the Syndicate probably doesn't mean only the strength of one's Quirk, but personal strength and prowess in general.
  • The Syndicate: Enough said...
  • The Usurper: The Syndicate's endgame, essentially. Midoriya aims to overthrow the Hero system, the Japanese government and even the Imperial family, styling himself as the new absolutist Emperor and his own version of the Symbol of Peace, and pulling the country through the impending crisis with an iron fist and necessarily brutal countermeasures. And the best part? He expects he can make the public nod along and support him every step of the way...
  • Villains Act, Heroes React: At this point in the story, the Syndicate has been the initiator of all major conflict, with both Pros and the government struggling to respond and contain them. Justified, seeing as the Syndicate are still relatively new players in Japan, and have had years to prepare many of the plans they have enacted thus far.
  • Villain Has a Point: Yaoyorozu's research into the economics and supply chains of the Japanese Hero society seems disturbingly credible, and coupled with the widely acknowledged theory of the Quirk Singularity, they might just bring about the Syndicate's vision of a nation brought to its knees under its own weight. Many people in-universe seem to agree, making the Syndicate...
  • Villain with Good Publicity: Not exactly good, but after the Black Day, especially after presenting evidence of Japan's impending socio-economic implosion and Hawks's treachery, the Syndicate begin to be seen by a considerable amount of citizenry as a harsh but fair neccesary evil instead of the villainous monsters that they are.
  • Your Terrorists Are Our Freedom Fighters: For a sizeable chunk of the public, the Syndicate are doing neccesary work, exposing the fragility, corruption and weakness of the incumbent system - by any means neccesary. Not that anyone in the Syndicate is really after freedom...

The Founders

    Izuku Midoriya 

Izuku Midoriya/Seraph

The Villain Protagonist of the story, Izuku in this version never gains a Quirk, yet compensates by becoming a consummate manipulator, corruptor and strategist, along with high-end tech and his signature Quirk analysis.

  • Ambition Is Evil: Midoriya's ultimate goal is essentially to prove to all those who doubted him and looked down upon him what a mistake they made. With such an attitude, no vision is too great for him to pursue.
    Midoriya: "The goal is me on the throne in Kyoto Imperial Palace, with Toga and my lieutenants at my side, as the head of state of this country, overseeing the beginning of a new era."
  • Artificial Limbs: After slicing off his arm to escape Kendo, Midoriya opts to have Mei make him a metallic artificial arm instead of trying to regrow it, to remind himself how dangerous Itsuka can be to him.
  • Awesomeness by Analysis: As per canon, Izuku retains his obsessive analytical tendencies, combining them with an array of support gadgets and the additional disregard for restraint when fighting and planning.
  • Ax-Crazy: Not nearly as much as many of his subordinates, but still noticeably violent and bloodthirsty with those who displease him.
  • Berserk Button: Several. Do not call him Deku. Do not mention his mother. Do not mention Katsuki Bakugo. Do not mention his past weakness. Do not mention him being bullied. Uraraka presses all of these in rapid succession.
  • Bloodbath Villain Origin: Desperate to prove himself, Izuku procures a power gauntlet from Mei which he uses to try and apprehend a criminal. As a scuffle ensues, Midoriya, broken, beaten down and already suffering from Sanity Slippage from stress and overwork, beats the man's face to a pulp and reduces his chest to Ludicrous Gibs. Horrified by what he did, he flees the scene at once, especially after he realises how good it felt to finally exert power over another person.
  • Blood Knight: Enjoys his newfound strength a tad too much. He sees the killing of regular thugs as little more than dummy sparring and takes the opportunity to turn his fight with Kirishima into a practice run for his new armour.
  • Break Them by Talking: A favourite tactic of his, using his talent for analysis and twisted empathy to take people apart on a psychological level before finishing them off. Most notably used on All Might, Kendo and David Shield. When he ends on the receiving end from Uraraka, he takes it very poorly.
  • Broken Pedestal: All Might, and Hero society in general. Though it is somewhat implied that, even up to the point when he murders him, Izuku never truly stopped measuring himself up to All Might in terms of success and prowess. As such, he spends most of their final exchange trying to bring the Symbol of Peace down to his own level.
  • Card-Carrying Villain: Izuku revels in his newly-acquired freedom, strength and confidence, and relishes every part of his new life, be it brutally murdering a crew of rival thugs in an alley for "practice", leading the heroes on wild goose chases just to mess with them, or getting revenge on those he believes have wronged him in the past. At one point, an ignorant victim of Toga's begs Izuku to save him from the crazy killer. Midoriya simply grins and asks what makes the man so certain that Izuku isn't crazy as well, then gleefully snaps his neck.
  • The Chessmaster: Izuku has become quite fond of laying out complex, risky plans which mostly involve him watching from the sidelines, although thanks to Mei's exo-suit, he can participate in the fight directly should it prove neccesary.
  • The Corrupter: One of his defining attributes. What makes Midoriya the undisputed head of the Syndicate is not so much his martial prowess or his analytical mind, though both are potent weapons - rather, it is his uncanny ability to understand and deduce the motivations, personalities and weaknesses of most people around him, allowing him to use and abuse this knowledge at his leisure. The disparate members of the Syndicate are largely held together and in line by his magnetic personality, and his ability to quickly acquire new allies and assets has been one of the group's greatest strengths. Not to mention, Midoriya greatly enjoys messing with others on psychological level, as it feeds into his rapacious Power High:
    Seraph almost shuddered with satisfaction at the sight. Everything he was saying was true, but he still couldn't deny how good it felt to hold someone's emotions in the palm of his hands, to persuade them into laying bare their soul with a just few words of gentle coaxing.
  • Create Your Own Villain: Played with. All Might, Aizawa and Bakugo, the three people crucial in Izuku's fall from grace, all take a different measure of responsibility. All Might refuses to consider he is directly responsible for the murders Izuku has carried out, but feels he'd failed the boy himself and caused his downwards spiral. Aizawa refuses to accept any measure of complicity and remains largely in denial of his part in the affair. Bakugo instantly realizes he is probably somewhat responsible for pushing Izuku over the edge, and just as immediately represses those thoughts into the background, vowing instead to kill Midoriya personally.
  • Dark Messiah: What Seraph presents himself as. His plan involves not only usurping absolute power over Japan, but doing so with the people's explicit consent and blessing. Not to mention what plans he might have for Kendo and One for All...
  • Didn't See That Coming: Midoriya is shocked to see Kendo returning to U.A. much earlier than he'd been expecting. Seeing her unleash Blackwhip catches him completely off-guard.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Eventually admits to being genuinely infatuated with Toga, noting that although he initially accepted her advances out of convenience, her attitude and intense nature seduced him completely and he refers to Toga as his one weakness. Her capture at the end of the U.A. Graduation Arc rattles him surprisingly hard and he relegates command to Shinso to take some time to come to terms with her loss. He also seems to hold some remnants of affection for his mother, though it is currently unknown how he feels about her specifically or how he handled her Attempted Suicide.
  • Evil Feels Good: A major reason for Midoriya's descent into villainy. After a life of weakness, meekness and bullying, Midoriya finds he enjoys having power over people's lives after his first (accidental) murder. After the Time Skip, he has fully embraced his murderous tendencies, giving in to his impulses as often as he can afford to.
  • Evil Is Petty: Midoriya at one point has Toga use Aizawa's blood during their sparring, to get more of a kick out of "beating" his hated former teacher. This wastes a precious resource for no material gain, other than satisfying Midoriya's inferiority complex. He also reacts very childishly towards Ochako's taunts. For all his breaking speeches, he apparently can't stand being at the receiving end.
  • Evil Gloating: Another habit he has picked up quite eagerly, especially before All Might and Kendo. When he hijacks the U.A. Graduation Ceremony broadcast, his entire speech mostly consists of gloating to draw attention.
  • Fallen Angel: His entire aesthetic screams this. His villain name, his origin, his Wicked Cultured appearance, his Pride and his nature as The Corrupter all paint the picture of a once brilliant young man who had fallen into the lowest depths of cruelty and depravity.
  • For Want Of A Nail: The point of divergence from the canon was the Sludge Villain failing to escape from All Might's pocket. This leads to Izuku being unable to prove himself to the Symbol of Peace, to pushing himself overboard in training only to be rejected by the Hero course, to then having his hopes of transferring to the Hero course brutally crushed by Aizawa. This pushes him first to vigilantism and, soon after, into full-fledged villainy.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: From a hapless, Quirkless nobody to the most wanted criminal in Japan, as well as the man who killed All Might and levelled U.A.
  • Genius Bruiser: Courtesy of Mei's exoskeleton, Izuku can now take on even tougher Pro Heroes one-on-one and stand more than a fighting chance. As per canon, he combines his martial skills with detailed analysis of his opponents, ranging from their personality to their preferred tactics, along with the strengths and weaknesses of their particular Quirk. Kirishima finds all this out the hard way...
  • Hero Killer: Izuku kills All Might on Black Day, ambushing him with Toga's aid before crushing his ribcage and sending him flying off of U.A.'s rooftop to be impaled on a tree stump. Even if All Might was depowered and retired by this point, it remains one of the single most impactful deaths within the fanfic. He is also directly responsible for the deaths of Aizawa and Uraraka, though he wasn't the one to finish off either of them.
  • Hidden Agenda Villain: For all his talk of a new era and semi-meritocratic ideology, Izuku's true, highly personal plans regarding Kendo and Bakugo remain vague at best.
  • Hypocrite: Desires a society where the weak are discarded and used by the strong at their leisure. Had Midoriya himself been forced to grow up in such a society, it's very likely he wouldn't have lived to his teen years.
  • Inferiority Superiority Complex: Midoriya's entire motivation for doing what he does is ultimately to force the whole world to see and recognise his power and successes, and then apologise for having cast him aside years prior. And he takes being called out on this, or reminded of the precise ways in which he failed to measure up, extremely poorly.
  • Interplay of Sex and Violence: With Toga. Midoriya works around Toga's compulsive need to kill anyone she loves by allowing her to periodically draw his blood and has Twice make clones of him for her when she really can't help it. Setsuna sums up the accounts of their intimacy thusly:
    Setsuna: "It was incredibly gross, for the record."
  • It's Personal: With All Might, Aizawa and Bakugo, all of whom he loathes for different reasons. After killing All Might, he extends this to Kendo as well.
  • Just Toying with Them: What his duel with Kirishima amounts to, as he could have dispatched the hero far quicker but wanted to test the limits of his exo-suit. His treatment of Kendo also has shades of this, as multiple characters note that she has been at his mercy on multiple occasions by now, yet he never made an attempt on her life, preffering to humiliate and isolate her instead.
  • Life-or-Limb Decision: After Kendo arrives to save All Might sooner than Izuku had expected, she uses newly-awakened Blackwhip to catch the escaping villain. Midoriya responds by slicing his own arm off without blinking.
  • Manipulative Bastard: Revels in messing with people's heads, be it allies' or enemies'. Even when ostensibly providing Twice with genuinely useful advice, Midoriya's first thoughts are how good it feels to hold people's souls in the palm of his hand.
  • Mind Rape: To Uraraka, courtesy of the Baku neural-chip implanted by Mei.
  • Nerd in Evil's Helmet: Is still as interested in heros and Quirk as always.
  • Powered Armor: A sleek black exosuit, a gift from Hatsume, complete with a pair of thrusters and an A.I. assistant program. Izuku usually wears it retracted beneath his blazer.
  • Pride: In keeping with his Fallen Angel aesthetic. Midoriya's Inferiority Superiority Complex becomes the main driver behind his villainy, and he will stop at nothing to prove all those who had looked down upon him in his previous life horribly wrong, no matter the cost. His pride also comes to bite him in the backside on more than one occassion, as he fails to consider other people might actually be equally competent.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Delivers an absolutely devastating one towards Kendo during the U.A. Graduation Ceremony, calling out her arrogance and overconfidence, lamenting her status as an unworthy heir to the Symbol of Peace and rendering her absolutely powerless and completely at his mercy all the while, in full view of the public.
    Midoriya: "Ah, what's this? Are you attempting to negotiate with me?"
    Kendo: "I... I have more value as a hostage! Just let everyone else go – Eraser, Ochako, the protestors... They have nothing to do with this!"
    Midoriya: "Honestly, Itsuka, can you even hear yourself speak? Your sheer hubris is blinding. You call yourself a hero, pretend to hold fast to their ideals, but when it comes time to show who you really are, you tell me that your life is worth more than everyone else's. I hope the rest of you are listening – all of you who have been deemed less valuable. This is who you've pinned your hopes on. This is All Might's successor."
  • Religious and Mythological Theme Naming: Seraph, in Christian theology, refers to the highest rank of angels. Later Seraphs are depicted as celestial beings with six burning wings, however, in its Judaic inception, the term was also used to refer to serpents - making Midoriya's serpentine role as The Corruptor all the more pronounced.
  • Revenge: One of his main goals, aimed at the Hero system in general and All Might, Aizawa and Bakugo in particular.
  • Sadist: Greatly enjoys inflicting pain and suffering upon any and all of his enemies or innocent bystanders, in keeping with his Evil Feels Good attitude towards possessive power and violence. His relationship with Toga likely also influenced his development of such attitudes.
  • Sanity Slippage: Begins to suffer from this during his final year in middle-school, as he desperately overworks himself in order to stand a chance at the Hero Course examinations. Then he fails miserably regardless, and is resolutely dismissed from his attempts to transfer. It gets worse soon after...
  • Satanic Archetype: Midoriya's Fallen Angel aesthetic, from his name to his malicious, corrupting influence, as well as his tragic fall from grace, make the parallels very blatant. Partially justified, as Midoriya is consciously styling himself as a Dark Messiah and is undoubtedly the greatest threat the Hero society has faced since the fall of All for One. The corrupted Recruits are also a very blatant Deal with the Devil scenario, and Midoriya's driving sin, from the start of the story, has always been Pride.
  • Start of Darkness: Already suffering from Sanity Slippage due to months of overwork and having his dreams dashed repeatedly, Midoriya accidentaly murders a gangster in an effort to prove himself as a hero (and finds he enjoyed the feeling it gave him). Returning home some time later, he finds the gangster's companions waiting to exact revenge, but is able to neutralise them with Shinso and Hatsume's help. All three are aware what will happen if they let the gangsters be captured by the police, so the trio makes the unanimous choice to kill the robbers and arrange it to look like a squabble ensued between them. However, all three begin to feel uneasy trying to pretend as though nothing had changed, and soon devise a plan to escape their old lives and build a future for themselves outside of society's restrictions and prejudices.
  • Took a Level in Badass: From a scrawny, awkward nerd who got pushed around by Bakugo to a confident Diabolical Mastermind able to spar on even ground with some of the more powerful Quirk users of the setting.
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: From a sympathetic, polite nerd to a depraved sadist and ruthless criminal, blackmailer, kidnapper and murderer.
  • Toxic Friend Influence: Is directly responsible for corrupting Shinso and Mei to his side, although ultimately both of them made the choice to follow in his footsteps freely.
  • Unholy Matrimony: With Toga, especially after the Time Skip. Midoriya admits he initially intended to use and discard her, but grew genuinely infatuated with her after some time and keeps her as his lover to this day. Not to mention her talents and abilities proved key in ensuring the Syndicate's success on multiple occasions. Her capture hits him suprisingly hard as well.
  • Used to Be a Sweet Kid: As in canon, little Izuku was a kind-hearted, empathetic child whose greatest desire was to be a hero who could save people with a smile on his face. After his fall from grace, the only smile Izuku still truly cares about is his own. Despite all that, Inko still cannot bring herself to see him in any other way.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Has suffered two thus far. The first was a courtesy of Uraraka successfully pressing all of his buttons in rapid succession, leaving him desperate to hurt her while knowing he couldn't afford to. The second, downplayed example comes after Toga is captured, though Midoriya doesn't openly allow his facade to break.
  • Villain Protagonist: And how. Any pretenses of Midoriya being Not Evil, Just Misunderstood are strangled early on in the Prologue Arc, showing clearly how his descent into villainy was a conscious choice for the broken boy. After the Time Skip, Midoriya shows almost no signs of regret or shame over anything he does. And boy does he do a lot...
  • Visionary Villain: Izuku develops a very specific idea of how his ideal future should look like as he begins contemplating the faults of the current Hero society, coming to the conclusion that all systems are doomed to eventually collapse and take the weakest members of society with them when they do. Thus, it only makes sense to reward the strong with more strength and do with the weak as they wish, seeing as they are doomed from the beginning.
  • Wham Line: Delivers one to Kirishima at the climax of their fight:
    Midoriya: "Tell Kacchan I said hello."
  • Wicked Cultured: Surprisingly seems to have become this, despite spending the last two years building his power base. He is always seen wearing an elegant black blazer, white shirt and gloves, and has a library stacked with philosophical literature, including the Hagakure, works of Nietzsche, Kafka and Camus and debates on the concept of entropy and collapse of social structures.
  • Worthy Opponent: Acts this way towards Kirishima, though it's more about toying with him and testing his own limits rather than genuine respect for his opponent.

    Hitoshi Shinso 

Hitoshi Shinso/Synapse

Midoriya's second friend and eventually his right-hand man, Shinso followed Izuku into villainy out of disgust for U.A.'s (and the Heroes' in general) hypocrisy and prejudice, and out of loyalty towards his Quirkless friend. He also develops a relationship with Hatsume.

  • Amplifier Artifact: Mei creates a set of goggles for Shinso, which focus his telepathic Quirk and remove the requirement for answering one of his questions. With them on, all Shinso requires to Brainwash someone is a few seconds of sustained eye contact - something he is careful not to disclose to his enemies.
  • Bad Powers, Bad People: Unlike in canon, Shinso makes full use of the abuse his Quirk could technically allow him, and it shows. Whereas in-canon, Hitoshi could only make limited use of his Quirk due to the combat-heavy nature of U.A. training exercises, here, Shinso practically makes the Founders' escape from U.A. possible by Brainwashing people into providing them with anything the group needs for free, providing them with a base upon which to build their organisation.
  • The Beastmaster: Initially acted as this for Dark Shadow, before the Quirk developed enough of a personality to function independently. Even so, Hitoshi is usually sent into missions alongside the sentient Quirk, to ensure it doesn't fly off the leash too much, especially since it now sees Shinso as a more rightful master than Tokoyami.
  • Best Friend: To Midoriya, along with Hatsume. Though Izuku might have gained many new admirers and loyal lackies since the Syndicate's inception, he continues to treat Shinso and Mei alone as genuine friends and equals, albeit only in private after he puts away the boss mask for awhile. Izuku also completely trusts both Hitoshi's loyalty and competence.
  • Boring, but Practical: Especially now that he can make use of his Quirk on civillians and government employees, and not only opponents in the heat of battle, it becomes one of the keys behind the Syndicate's rapid growth and vast array of connections.
  • Broken Pedestal: U.A., and the Hero society in general, after seeing how Midoriya was treated by Aizawa. Coupled with the prejudice he has had to face his entire life, and having acquired what are implied to be his first two genuine friends, Hitoshi has little issue scrapping his old dream, seeing it as flawed from the start.
  • Confusion Fu: Shinso's main tactic when in combat. After receiving a Next Tier Power-Up via Mei's goggles, all Shinso has to do to gain an edge over his enemies is immobilise them for a couple of seconds or have them answer a question. To that end, he will change his voice, hide out of sight and strike from behind to stand a chance against more combat-oriented Quirks.
  • The Creon: The only person Midoriya trusts completely to both be able to effectively lead the Syndicate and not try to undermine his position, seeing as Hitoshi has little interest in commanding others but is immensely capable and completely devoted to his old friend.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Unlike Izuku and Toga's somewhat depraved romance, Shinso and Mei seem to have a mostly normal relationship, with Hitoshi getting worried about Mei whenever he sees her overworking herself too hard and trying to keep her obssesive tendencies in check. He also keeps several cats in one of the Syndicate hideouts and is concerned about what his family might go through after The Reveal on Black Day.
  • Exact Words: Brainwashes Hawks into answering the questions asked of him in a very specific way so as to help spread the lie that Hawks was genuinely in cahoots with the old League of Villains.
  • Fallen Hero: Would likely have been accepted into the Hero course proper had he stayed at U.A., as Aizawa remarks Shinso has a chance to make a name for himself if he doesn't screw himself over. Alas, Hitoshi chooses his friends over his career.
  • Glass Cannon: His Quirk has the potential to end any fight before it really begins, yet should his opponent recognize him and keep his mouth shut and eyes averted, Shinso's utility decreases drastically.
  • Introverted Cat Person: Despite becoming a villain, Shinso remains quite introverted and private with his thoughts and ideas, generally content to let Seraph do the talking. And, while he can't really be considered a Kind Hearted Cat Lover any longer, he still cherishes and cares deeply for his pet cats.
  • Irony: In this version of events, Shinso becomes exactly what everyone around him always feared he might become precisely because everyone kept insisting he would walk the path of the villain. All it took was Shinso deciding proving them wrong alone was not worth the alternative...
  • I Shall Taunt You: Much like in canon, he does this to trick people into answering one of his questions and providing him with an opening. Now, however, his barbs are noticeably more vicious and snide, and his voice modulator makes it a rougher game still for any opponents.
  • Mind Manipulation: His Quirk, as per canon, though now he can also Brainwash his victims after a few seconds of sustained eye contact, provided he is wearing his custom Amplifier Artifact.
  • Must Have Caffeine: Hero or villain, some things never change about people. Fondness for coffee is one such thing for Hitoshi.
  • Non-Action Guy: Even though Hitoshi has improved in terms of raw physical ability and martial skills, he is well aware how foolish it would be for him to try and engage with most Heroes in hand-to-hand combat. To this end, he prefers to stay away from the heaviest fighting, using his Quirk and tactical mind to support the Syndicate's frontline fighters.
  • Number Two: Though Monoma and Yaoyorozu may be Midoriya's more powerful high-ranked enforcers, Izuku noticeably tends to entrust Shinso with commanding Syndicate forces whenever he is indisposed. This is implied to be because he knows he can trust Shinso the most out of all his subordinates, and Shinso in turn understands Midoriya better than any of his other comrades.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The calm, quiet, introverted Blue to Hatsume's energetic, bombastic and exciteable Red. Made all the more apparent by their respective natural hair colors.
  • Reforged into a Minion: Does this temporarily to Epicenter in order to have him bring down the building they were fighting in and provide the Syndicate with cover to make their escape.
  • Relationship Upgrade: With Hatsume, after the Time Skip.
  • The Reliable One: For Midoriya. Though he has obviously become more ruthless and cruel, Shinso hasn't developed any particular personality Quirks or obsessions which might impede his reasoning and performace. Thus, whenever Midoriya needs a sensitive matter handled, he is comfortable with entrusting command to Hitoshi.
  • Set a Mook to Kill a Mook: No longer holding back, this has become standard practice for Shinso. Works on Heroes too...
  • Then Let Me Be Evil: In this version, Shinso gives in to villainy partially as a result of the discrimination from a Hero system which, in his estimate, is too unjust and pretentious to pass such judgments upon him. To be fair, however, he does become quite an impressive villain in a short amount of time...
  • Time to Step Up, Commander: Downplayed, but when Midoriya has to take a break to compose himself after Toga is captured by the Heroes, Shinso is abruptly left in charge of pulling back the Syndicate forces from their latest twin assault. Though he steps up to the task, he is not at all happy about it.
  • Took a Level in Badass: While by no means a frontline fighter, Hitoshi has had plenty of time to toughen himself up during the two years that the Syndicate was waging war on other villain groups across Japan. And it shows. During his fight with Yo Shindo, he is capable of matching the Hero blow for blow, and only gets physically overwhelmed when Ojiro, a talented Bare-Fisted Monk, attacks him. Combined with his Amplifier Artifact and voice modulator, the Heroes have learned not to underestimate Shinso's combat utility.
  • Trash Talk: Is noticeably more cruel and contemptuous than in canon whenever engaging in this, as part of his descent into villainy.
  • Undying Loyalty: Towards Midoriya, partially due to the latter's magnetic personality, partially due to seeing Midoriya as perhaps the only person who'd been treated more cruelly than himself by the system, yet who never stopped fighting to prove his worth nevertheless.
  • Voice Changeling: Receives a voice modulator to help broaden the utility of his Brainwash. Sero finds this out the hard way...
  • Weak, but Skilled: As mentioned, his Quirk is still not exactly flashy, but he has expanded the ways in which he is able to use it to great effect, and already has years of field experience.

    Mei Hatsume 

Mei Hatsume/Longshot

Midoriya's First Friend and ardent supporter, Mei is a crucial and high-ranked member of the Syndicate, as she acts as tech support, lead designer and chief engineer all in one. She also develops a relationship with Shinso.

  • Abnormal Ammo: Have we mentioned that her gauss rifle can fire explosive cluster rounds? Not even mentioning the flechettes, armor-piercing flak shells and incendiary rounds...
  • Addiction-Powered: Yaoyorozu designs a special chemical compound which serves as a "long night-shift booster" for Hatsume, allowing her to postpone her fatigue and not require sleep for extended periods of time. Izuku and Shinso both rightfully worry about Mei abusing the substance, with both threatening to sedate/Brainwash her into getting some rest if she doesn't start taking better care of herself. Mei pays them as little mind as she dares whenever the topic comes up, however.
  • Arms Dealer: What she effectively becomes in order to provide for the Syndicate. Mei is the chief designer and creater of every product the Syndicate releases onto the Black Market - whenever she is satisfied with a design, she creates the first item and then has Yaoyorozu mass-produce the product to sell to buyers across Japan and beyond. Over time, she comes to enjoy designing weapons over most of her other "babies".
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: For all her upbeat, cheery nature, gimicky personality and lack of social tact, Hatsume is arguably one of the most dangerous members of the Syndicate. Not only has she grown into an unmatched weapons expert and her Arms Dealer activities bring in the bulk of the group's income, her Quirk support items also help make many of her comrades exponentially more dangerous and versatile than they would regularly be.
  • Crazy-Prepared: You wouldn't think Mei has a "baby" developed/on the way that can solve almost any issue the Syndicate runs into during their operations. You'd be wrong. While not infallible, her gadgets have been as much a part of the group's path to success and Midoriya's leadership and Yaoyorozu's administrative talents.
  • Didn't See That Coming: When Yoarashi effortlessly deflects one of her sniper rounds with his tornado, Hatsume is left completely stunned and irate with disbelief at what just happened.
  • Ditzy Genius: Despite her bubbly, hyperactive and Innocently Insensitive personality, Mei is undoubtedly the most intelligent Syndicate member from a technical point of view, and many of her creations can be considered revolutionary even by the canon setting's standards.
  • The Engineer: The chief designer, mechanic and technician of the Syndicate, as well as more than decent tech support, though still not as skilled as La Brava. Responsible for all of the group's technical know-how.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Unlike Izuku and Toga's somewhat depraved romance, Shinso and Mei seem to have a mostly normal relationship, with Mei genuinely worried whenever Hitoshi or any of his duplicates get into hot water.
  • First Friend: To Izuku. Meeting on accident, the two quickly bonded over their shared love of all things Hero-related, and Mei quickly grew to deeply admire Midoriya's spirit and iron will, providing him with all manner of custom-built support items.
  • Friendly Sniper: Well, friendly towards her companions at least. Mei is probably the finest marksman in the setting, save perhaps Snipe, owing to her Quirk and technical know-how. She also remains consistently upbeat, cheery and exciteable, even when it clashes with the general mood.
  • Gadgeteer Genius: Whenever the Syndicate needs a new gadget, either to boost their own Quirks or cripple a Hero's, Mei is the person to turn to. She has created power boosters for Midoriya, Shinso, Mustard and many other members at one point or another, and many of her inventions border on the implausible. Her nastiest invention, however, would probably be the Baku mind-control neural-chips, implanted directly into a person's brain to allow remote control.
  • Hero Killer: Obliterates Gunhead and Air Jet on Black Day with her railgun, and is the brain behind the bomb which kills Tiger and Death Arms during their botched raid. Later she is also the one to control Uraraka and make her execute Aizawa.
  • Improbable Aiming Skills: To the point that she can effortlessly cover the rest of the Syndicate forces from a range considered impossible by any modern military, and practically never miss unless her shots are deflected.
  • Jet Pack: One of her duplicates uses this to fight off a hero assault. It's not very effective and demonstrates why the real Hatsume prefers to keep her distance.
  • Just Toying with Them: On Black Day, she almost allows the grievously wounded Gunhead to drag himself behind cover, even semi-sincerely cheering for him to make it. However, when the Pro tries to use his comms to warn his allies, Mei obliterates him without batting an eye.
  • Lack of Empathy: Unlike the outwardly malicious Midoriya or Monoma, Hatsume simply never seems to consider that her targets and test subjects are actually also people who don't want to die.
  • The Madness Place: With an emphasis on the "madness" part. Without someone like Power Loader to keep Mei's obsessive tendencies in check, it has fallen to Midoriya and Shinso to at least try and get Mei to take some time and go through with the boring, useless stuff, like showering, eating and sleeping. To quote Shinso:
    Shinso: "You have to shower before you pass out. I love you, but you smell like a drum of oil dipped in sweat right now, and I'm not washing our sheets again like last time. I don't want to use my Quirk again, but I will if I have to."
  • Mad Scientist: Descends into this after running off with the Syndicate. After years of producing weapons both for their own use and for selling to other villains, Mei derives the most joy from creating inventions capable of new and interesting forms of murder and mayhem, as well as those that push Quirks to their limit, showing sociopathic disregard for the lives of anyone outside the Syndicate.
  • Mood Whiplash: Mei is prone to utter playful, silly nonsense when obliterating the Syndicate's enemies with her Sniper Rifle, and seems to hold no explicit malice (or any other feeling, for that matter) towards her targets, unless they threaten her friends or, worse, make her babies look bad.
  • Motor Mouth: As per canon, Mei says almost anything she has on her mind, no matter the place and time, even to Izuku (who tolerates her speaking to him in such way in private due to their Villainous Friendship) and certainly to everyone else. And for the love of all that is holy, don't get her to start talking about her "babies" in detail...
  • Noodle Incident: When scolding Mei for abusing her booster once more, Izuku mentions he "doesn't want another incident like Nagano", to which Hatsume protests and claims that circumstances were extraordinary back then. Midoriya seems unconvinced.
  • Perky Female Minion: A high profile minion, but remains consistently cheery and eager to get over with whatever is on the day's schedule, be it crafting new babies, providing ranged cover or blowing out some poor sod's brains with an experimental laser.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The energetic, bombastic and exciteable Red to Shinso's calm, quiet and introverted Blue. Made all the more apparent by their respective natural hair colors.
  • Relationship Upgrade: With Shinso, after the Time Skip.
  • Sniper Rifle: Several, most notably a miniaturized (meaning huge but still barely portable) electro-magnetic railgun, the L-7 Javelin, with the power of a small cannon and a range to match, which she uses on Black Day. That's not even mentioning that, unlike real gauss rifles, this one can fire different types of projectiles - including all sorts of Abnormal Ammo.
  • The Sociopath: Seems to have developed a complete disregard for the suffering of people she doesn't personally care about, and can only seem them as either targets, test subjects or useless clutter. When regarding the kidnapped David Shield, who had been reduced to a shell of his former self after weeks of imprisonment, Mei thinks to herself she might almost have pitied him if she didn't want to try her sonic cannon out on him so hard.
  • Super-Senses: Makes full use of her actual Quirk, "Zoom", to become a proficient sniper and invaluable support for the group. Coupled with her inventions, she was able to hold Kendo at her mercy from two kilometres away after Itsuka was Temporarily Depowered.
  • Teen Genius: As per canon. While Mei was always skilled, within the story so far, she has designed and produced portable anti-aircraft cannons, telepathy-compatible boosters, high-powered retractable exo-suits, Artificial Limbs, plasma pistols, sonic cannons and a neural-chip allowing remote control of the host's body. To say some of her inventions push the envelope of plausibility would be an understatement, especially as she is effectively a high-school dropout in this version of events.
  • Tested on Humans: Most of her "babies" are, nowadays. Hatsume also seems to derive unhealthy joy from the tests themselves.
  • Workaholic: Has begun going so far as to drug herself in order to require less sleep and spend more time working on her "babies", as well as attending to her other duties. It is clearly bad for her health, as she loses track of time and even her own identity when Twice creates a duplicate of her, and both Midoriya and Shinso are growing increasingly worried for her. Hitoshi has had to Brainwash her into bathing and getting some sleep at least once already.
  • Wrench Wench: As per canon, and possibly even more pronounced in this version, as Mei is regularly described wearing sweaty, greasy working clothes that smell of motor oil and coolant, a by-product of her obssessive nature and next to no checks imposed by her teammates.

    Neito Monoma 

Neito Monoma/Chaudron

The first student to be corrupted by the original trio, Monoma joined the Syndicate out of a mix of ambition, envy and resentment, and has since become one of Izuku's most prized allies due to his powerful, versatile Quirk and skill at carrying out the group's dirty work.

  • Ability Mixing: A signature of Monoma's within the fanfic is his ability to mix others' Quirks in interesting and often devastating ways. During Black Day, he and Yaoyorozu do most of the heavy lifting bogging Hawks down when Neito uses his Double, Creation and Brainwashing combo to whip out a small army of clones and keep the Number One Hero on his toes. During the assault on Deika Tower, he uses Double, Brainwashing, Confession, Compress and Half-Cold Half-Hot to navigate the enemy base and hold off MLA pursues at the same time.
  • Adaptational Badass: As mentioned above, working alongside stronger Quirk users and two years of field practice have turned Monoma into one of Izuku's most powerful lieutenants, and he has already fought head-on against several Pro Heroes, notably Ryukyu, Hawks and Suneater.
  • Ambition Is Evil: Apart from his resentment, ambition was the main reason why Monoma pledged himself to Izuku back in the day. Neito had hoped, and still hopes, that after the current regime is overthrown and the dust begins to settle, he'll be able to "play the lead role" in his own story, to become known as a "true hero" to the people for whom he'll build a new future atop the rubble of the past.
  • Badass in a Nice Suit: Wears a black suit and coat with a slim silver tie as his signature outfit. He also makes sure to always keep his clothes neat and clean, in contrast to other Syndicate and Hassaikai members.
  • Co-Dragons: Along with Yaoyorozu, they are Izuku's chief enforcers with some of the most powerful Quirks among Syndicate members.
  • Clocks of Control: Is very obssessive when it comes to timing and schedules, and tries to always keep some kind of time-measuring device around to check on the expiration time of his copied Quirks, as well to simply placate his perfectionist nature.
  • Creature of Habit: Operates on an extremely tight and precise schedule, both during his assignments and on a day-to-day basis, rising early and adhering to a strict routine. Overhaul lampshades this, mockingly calling him "Monoma the Machine".
  • Dragon with an Agenda: Neito's loyalty towards Izuku is great, but still plays second fiddle to his own ambition of carving out his own path when the time comes to begin reforging society to see it through the impending crisis. Thus, Neito is occasionally plagued with thoughts of usurping Midoriya, but has thus far always strangled them with logic and admiration he holds for his commander, telling himself to be patient.
  • Driven by Envy: Towards most everyone, really, as envy is the driving force behind most of his actions, coupled with the resentment it induces. Particularly strong towards Kendo, however, whom Monoma instantly recognized as "textbook protagonist" and someone who would handily overshadow him without trying. This is also the main reason for his devotion towards Midoriya - Izuku is pretty much the one person in this world whom Monoma can't envy, yet has managed to push through the system and make something of himself despite his "curse".
  • Evil Former Friend: To Kendo and Class 3-B. Itsuka clearly considered Neito a friend and is devastated by the reveal of his treachery, blaming herself for not being a empathic enough towards him. It's left ambiguous how much she actually contributed to Neito's fall, however, or whether he even considered her a friend to begin with.
  • Evil Is Hammy: Turning into a villain hasn't stopped him from peppering his speech with grand declarations and convoluted wordplays he was known for among his student peers, not to mention his bombastic presentation. Deconstructed, as it is revealed that Monoma's entire persona was built out of his desire to be seen as the "main character" in his story - thus, he is aware of his hammyness and actively feeds into it.
  • Evil Laugh: A cackling one to go along well with his Evil Gloating.
  • Face–Heel Turn: From U.A. and his friends in Class 1-B to the Syndicate's mottley crew. The first of many hero students to betray his old allies.
  • Flowery Insults: Not exactly flowery, but whenever he scolds his subordinates, he is noticeably more colorful with his wordplay than other Syndicate commanders. He delivers this speech to Dabi in particular:
    Monoma: "Why yes, I think you should - an excellent suggestion, seeing as they never would have found us if you hadn't gotten 'carried away' yesterday and tried to burn down an entire apartment building when our meeting went wrong. So please, do go clean up your mess."
  • The Heavy: One of Midoriya's two Dragons, though while Yaoyorozu prefers to direct and command others from the sidelines, Monoma is frequently stuck carrying out the actual dirty work, due to the power and versatility of his Quirk and the combinations he's come up with. He is notably the only Syndicate member to have actively participated every single time the group has launched an attack.
  • Hidden Depths: Beneath his smug, conceited, overbearing persona, Neito is actually painfully aware that in grand scheme of things, he has always been a side character. He believes that the only people who get to be heroes and main protagonists have to be special, and the nature of his Quirk, in his eyes, makes him the opposite of special and unique - it makes him a copycat. Thus, his faith in the Syndicate's stated goals stems from the belief that, after the old system is torn down, Monoma will be able to write his own story in big, bright letters, in a world which allows him to be the protagonist - a "true hero" in his words.
  • Humanshifting: Monoma makes frequent use of Toga's Quirk with no apparent difficulties, which is also one of the reasons why he's in charge of the "Recruits" initiative, as it often requires approaching potential candidates in disguise.
  • I Am What I Am: Came to believe he was a "side character" early on in his life, recognising he could never hope to be completely unique. That hasn't stopped him from resenting that observation, however, and has fueled his downwards spiral ever since.
  • I Just Want to Be Special: The root of his misery in a nutshell. From an early age, Neito realised that the nature of his Quirk will never allow him to be truly special, that he'll always be an imitation at best and is doomed to eternally play second fiddle to someone more "heroic" than him. His main reason for joining with the Syndicate is his desire to build a society where even people like him have the opportunity to become protagonists of their own stories.
  • Inferiority Superiority Complex: Beneath his smug, overly polished mask, Neito actually gets hurt and offended by the comments of others remarkably easily. A passing remark from Aiba sends him into a deeply depressing existential contemplation, and for all his constant denegration of and antagonism towards others, he is shown to desperately crave recognition and validation from the people around him.
  • I Shall Taunt You: Gleefully engages in this during any and all confrontations. Partially justified, seeing as he has copied Brainwash on several occasions, but ultimately, Monoma is all too eager to denegrate those around him without needing any kind of excuse.
  • Meaningful Rename: Yves Chaudron was one of the most notorius art forgers in history, notable for making essentially perfect copies of the Mona Lisa after he helped steal it. One of Monoma's combos is even called "Pandora Forgeries", explicitly invoking his new villain name.
  • One-Man Army: Combining Double with Creation, Neito has developed the super move "Pandora Forgeries", a continuously self-duplicating stream of Monomas imbued with Yaoyorozu's ability to create weapons in the blink of an eye. He is also known to have duplicated various other members of the Syndicate when pushed into a corner.
  • The Perfectionist: His obssession with his appearance and performance, his irritation at failing to adhere to strict schedules and time limits, as well as ludicrously high standards when it comes to both allies and enemies make him a classic example of one.
  • Power Copying: His Quirk, Copy, as per canon. During the Time Skip, he has expanded it to be able to hold five additional Quirks instead of four, and keeps locks of hair from his allies and any powerful Quirk users the Syndicate captures, which he can touch to "refresh" his time limit and which have an "expiration date" of about three hours. Which is usually more than enough for him to get the job done.
  • The Power of Hate: What he primarily draws his strength from. From the time he realised he could never be the protagonist, Monoma remembered and loathed that realisation, drawing his power to push forward from resenting the fate he was dealt.
  • Secret-Keeper: He is aware of Yaoyorozu's romantic advances towards Midoriya, and lets both of them know, indirectly with Momo and directly with Izuku, warning him not to take unnecesary risks.
  • Self-Duplication: Has used Twice's ability more often than Twice himself so far, on both allies and himself. Justified, seeing as he has none of Twice's traumatic baggage when it comes to using the Quirk which canonically kept Jin from utilising it to his fullest. Like Twice, Neito has also taken to regularly taking measurments of himself and any allies he might want to duplicate during missions.
  • Sharp-Dressed Man: Always wears a suit and a tie, even in combat, and gives a lot more thought to his appearance than he might want to admit, remaining ever impeccably groomed and shaved. He even uses cologne. He is to be a "true hero", after all, and must look the part.
  • Smug Snake: Holds pretty much everyone except Midoriya and Shinso in extraordinary contempt, and doesn't bother hiding it unless Midoriya asks him to reing himself in a little. His entire statement on Black Day is basically one big, gleeful denegration of U.A. and its students. And even years after both of them abandoned U.A., Neito never fails to remind Yaoyorozu how "limiting" her Class 1-A background is for her...
  • The Starscream: An interesting case, as Neito's deepest desire is to be the "hero of his own story" and he often worries that, despite his elevation to the position of The Dragon within the Syndicate, he'll be doomed to forever play second fiddle to Seraph unless he usurps him. However, Monoma actually reprimands himself not to be selfish whenever such thoughts come across him, maintaining that Izuku has earned his spot at the top and often proclaiming that his main goal is not to fail Midoriya.
  • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: With pretty much anyone, especially Shie Hassaikai members. Due to his attitude, Monoma doesn't have much of a Team Spirit. Due to his abilities, he is practically forced to cooperate with more powerful allies regularly.
  • Undying Loyalty: To Midoriya. Monoma sees Izuku as the only person more "cursed" by the world than he'd been at birth, yet one who nevertheless pushed through and began carving out a destiny for himself, whereas Neito remained too passive to take the first step alone. For that, Monoma actually deeply desires every bit of gratitude and respect he is shown by Seraph and works so dilligently at least partially not to disappoint his commander.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: He copies Ryukyu's Quirk during their fight, transforming into a male version of her draconic form. He does this again when escaping from Suneater, copying his Quirk and letting a crab's carapace grow all over his body in an instant.
  • Wicked Cultured: Monoma's combat attire consists of a dark suit and overcoat with a slim silver tie, he regularly participates in Gentle's tea parties and has a very eloquent, colorful ay of speaking which makes him instantly recognizable and distinct from other Syndicate members.
  • You Have Failed Me: Demonstrates his callous attitude by shooting a pair of Overhaul's thugs dead after they allow Ryukyu to escape her confines. Not that this is considered unusual by Shie Hassaikai standards.

    Momo Yaoyorozu 

Momo Yaoyorozu/Creati/Pandora

The last of the Founders to join, Momo was originally kidnapped during the Forest Training Arc to boost the fledgling Syndicate's ranks. However, after becoming interested in Izuku's new philosophy, she genuinely switches sides and becomes one of the keys to the Syndicate's success. She also develops a one-sided infatuation with Midoriya.

  • Air Jousting: Has an epic aerial fight against Hawks on Black Day, using a Jet Pack she creates and repairs literally on the fly.
  • An Ice Person: A part of her Chaos Regalia armor is a set of cryo-grenades, which she uses to immbolise her opponents.
  • Antagonistic Offspring: After Black Day, the Yaoyorozu clan resumes their quest to get their daughter back, offering ludicrous financial rewards in exchange for information on her whereabouts and publicly pleading for her to return home whenever possible. This comes to an abrupt end after evidence of the clan's more shady past dealings are delivered to a local newspaper, signalling the Yaoyorozu's got the message. Whether Momo did this to prove her loyalty to the cause or to protect her family from Midoriya's potential ire is not entirely clear.
  • Came Back Wrong: Disappeared as a sweet, caring, slightly ditzy girl genius beloved by her friends. Reappeared two years later as a high-ranked lieutenant in the most infamous terrorist organisation in Japan. Her old friends are undertsandably shaken by her revelation.
  • Co-Dragons: Along with Monoma, they are Izuku's chief enforcers with some of the most powerful Quirks among Syndicate members. Additionaly, Momo is also prized by Izuku for her brilliant mind and skill with organisation and finance management.
  • Cool Mask: Creates a silver-and-black harlequin mask to top off her Chaos Regalia
  • Cool Sword: Creates a sleek, curved blade laced with a neurotoxin custom-designed by herself and capable of paralysing her opponents after a single cut.
  • Conflicting Loyalty: Zigzagged. Though she doesn't seem to retain any of her old loyalty towards U.A. or the Hero system, Yaoyorozu still feels slightly uncomfortable whenever the group discuss hurting any of her former friends, especially one of the Class 3-A girls or Todoroki.
  • Dark Action Girl: Her fall from grace has robbed her of precisely none of her martial prowess, and if anything, her lack of restraint has served to her benefit. She is arguably one of the most effective close-quarters fighters within the Syndicate, utilising a vast array of weapons and gadgets simultaneously, and has a tactical mind to match.
  • Evil Former Friend: To Class 3-A in general, Jiro and Todoroki in particular. It is specifically noted by the author that Jiro sought Kendo's company at least in part to substitute for Momo after she went missing.
  • Face–Heel Turn: After being kidnapped by the fledgling Syndicate hoping to add powerful Quirks to their ranks, Yaoyorozu became intrigued by Midoriya's views and philosophy and eventually chose to willingly join with the villain group to help bring about their vision of a new era and save Japan in doing so.
  • Fallen Heroine: The second hero student to be corrupted by the Syndicate, Momo was always quite a bit more genuinely heroic than Monoma and joined the Syndicate for a far more idealistic reason, albeit one that might already have succumbed to Motive Decay. That said, there is precious little heroic left about her conduct nowadays...
  • Femme Fatale: An almost textbook definition of one. Darker colour scheme? Check. Expert at gentle manipulation and suggestion? Check. Uses suggestive sensuality rather than naked appeal to lust? Check. Is trying to seduce one of the heroes to her side for personal reasons? Probably check. Runs in direct contrast with Toga's preferred approach as The Vamp.
  • Hero Killer: She is the one to execute Hawks by slitting his throat on Black Day.
  • Grayscale of Evil: Changes the color scheme of her costume from red and yellow to silver and gray. She also sometimes uses a silver-black harlequin mask in combat.
  • Imagination-Based Superpower: As per canon, her power allows her to create anything inorganic she can think of. The author has stated he greatly enjoys playing around with her particular Quirk. Pandora has been seen generating caches-worth of weapons in the heat of battle, refilling her ammunition and repairing entire segments of her armor, and has designed and mass-produced everything from burner phones to booster drugs.
  • Instant Armor: A lethally elegant set of high-tech armor she has named the Chaos Regalia. She can generate a set directly onto her body using her Quirk, and it comes complete with a Jet Pack and thrusters, an electroshock-inducing shield, rotating gauntlets stacked with gadgets and weapons, chest, arm and thigh protection and a Cool Mask to add to the intimidation factor. Hawks remains unimpressed by it, unfortunately.
  • Jet Pack: Uses one as a part of her Chaos Regalia to fight on even terms with Hawks.
  • Knightly Sword and Shield: Seems to have become quite skilled using a sword and a shield in tandem, along with a host of lesser gadgets and sidearms. When your sword can immobilise your opponent after a single cut, and your shield kicks harder than an electric fence, it pays to get some practice with both.
  • Lady of War: One of the Syndicate's elite frontline fighters and commander, Yaoyorozu remains as deadly as she is elegant when battling Pro Heroes and other villains across Japan. That is, she is very elegant and very, very deadly.
  • Love Makes You Evil: Though the specifics of her villainous evolution haven't yet been specified, it is implied that she began to care more about Midoriya than her original, somewhat noble goal, after developing an attraction towards him. She certainly cares more for his approval than simply a mission's success nowadays.
  • Manipulative Bitch: Is set to feed Todoroki false information and convince him she wishes to aid in his escape due to rekindling her old feelings towards him. Whether this is genuinely what she is doing or playing her own game remains uncertain.
  • Master Swordswoman: Is able to take on Hawks himself in a one-on-one aerial duel, her poisoned sword against his feather blade. Not to mention she holds her ground long enough to tire the Number One Hero out, leaving him vulnerable to a decisive surprise attack. Hawks would have won eventually, but considering the massive gap in experience and age, it's still quite impressive.
  • Meaningful Rename: Decides to ditch her old Hero name, Creati, in favour of the more sinister, meaningful Pandora during The Reveal on Black Day.
  • Motive Decay: Originally joined the Syndicate out of idealistic reasons, believing Utopia Justifies the Means after doing a lot of independent research into the topics the Syndicate seemed concerned with. After two years of constant fighting and criminal activity, she seems little better than most of her comrades, revelling in battle and bloodshed and enjoying her position of esteem and power within the group. This might have at least partially been caused by her growing infatuation with Midoriya on a personal level.
  • Mouth of Sauron: Often steps in for Midoriya during liasoning and Syndicate meetings whenever he is, for whatever reason, not available. She is also the one to usually present the Syndicate's agenda and philosophy in greater detail.
  • Number Two: Izuku explicitly calls her the Syndicate's second brain, and while he usually delegates direct command to Shinso due to his greater trust in his old friend, Momo is the one he usually keeps running the day-to-day administration, resource distribution and financial matters, arguably making her more directly influential than Shinso. Her talents and perseverance as an administrator are noted to have accelerated the Syndicate's rise to power manyfold when she joined in earnest.
  • Poisonous Person: Frequently makes use of toxins, coating her blade with a paralysis poison and outfitting her gauntlet with neurotoxin darts. She has also shown to be quite knowledgeable in biology and chemistry, having personally designed several toxins and drugs she now mass produces with her Quirk.
  • Religious and Mythological Theme Naming: Pandora, in Classical mythology, was the first woman, sent down to Earth by the gods to punish man for his trickery by opening a box containing all the sorrows of the world. Given how most of Creation's products nowadays are focused on inflicting death and misery, the comparison seems apt.
  • The Rival: Develops a vicious rivalry of sorts with Curious during the infiltration of Deika Tower after the MLA lieutenant accidentaly ruins her plans.
  • Start of Darkness: After being kidnapped along with Tokoyami during the Forest Training Camp Incident, Yaoyorozu is offered a spot in the Syndicate, who present their views and world philosophy to her in great detail and generally treat her affably and with respect. Despite herself, Momo becomes intrigued by their claims and views, and requests access to their information sources, so that she might double-check their claims. Thanks to Shinso and Monoma, Yaoyorozu gains access to people and locations she couldn't have dreamed of while being a hero, and her findings in such places convince her that the Syndicate's views are not only valid, but a neccessary evil to save the nation from utter collapse. It all goes downhill from there...
  • Single Woman Seeks Good Man: A villainous example. The main reason why she becomes attracted to Izuku is, to quote:
    Yaoyorozu: "Sometimes one's emotions demand a temporary cessation of logic. I explained it in perfect detail when I confessed to you- I'm attracted to intelligence, and simply put, you're the smartest man I've ever met. Confident, too, and so disciplined- you're everything I wanted to be, back when I was still pretending to be a hero. I can't stop myself from wanting this, even if I know I might come to harm in the process."
  • The Strategist: Has come up with most of the Syndicate's security counter-measures and safety protocols, and is one of the masterminds behind the Black Day and other Syndicate attacks. Though Momo's combat prowess is impressive beyond doubt, she repeatedly proves her head to be more dangerous than her body.
  • Subordinate Excuse: The main reason why she seems to remain a Syndicate member is not so much out of loyalty for the cause, but rather due to her immense attraction towards Midoriya personally. Indeed, she repeatedly puts emphasis on not disappointing Izuku rather than simply succeeding in her mission in her inner monologue.
  • The Tease: Makes full use of the fact that Midoriya knows he can't afford to simply reject all her advances, and gets more than a little affectionate with him to test the limits of his resolve when she believes they are alone.
  • Teen Genius: As per canon, with Momo being able to perfectly recall the formulae and structures of many, many high-tech weapons, gadgets and inventions without any aid or pointers, not to mention helping manage a nation-wide criminal empire and designing her own chemical compounds on the side.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Not that she was a pushover back in U.A., but over the course of the story, Yaoyorozu single-handedly takes on some of the toughest opponents the Syndicate faces and walks away on her own two feet. She can now generate entire sets of armor and complimentary weapons in the middle of a life-or-death battle, and has become noticeably more self-assured and confident because of this.
  • Turncoat: Abandoned Class 1-A in favour of the Syndicate after being presented with the specifics of their beliefs and coming to believe she would have more of an impact serving as their lieutenant.
  • Villainesses Want Heroes: While her old crush on Todoroki seems to have understandably waned over the years, she claims he still is precious to her, and given some of her other inner monologue this might not be a complete lie on her behalf. She is ordered to pretend to fall for him to trick him into becoming a Manchurian Agent, though her true intentions in this regard remain uncertain.
  • Utopia Justifies the Means: Her original outlook when joining the Syndicate, believing them to be the only viable alternative to the total collapse that awaited Japan.
  • Walking Armory: Owing to her Quirk, Momo can generate buckets of weapons in the blink of an eye, and create buckets for all those weapons just as quickly. Oh, and she has her Instant Armor literally grow onto her out of her body. Yeah.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Starts out this way, intending to support what she sees as the only succesful way of preventing total societal collapse in the near future. How much of her is "well-intentioned", and how much is now just an "extremist" remains a matter of some debate.
  • Wicked Cultured: Carries herself with the same upper-class dignity she possessed during her heroing days, and is a frequent participant in Gentle's tea parties.

Villain Operatives

    Himiko Toga 

Himiko Toga/Carmilla

Midoriya's first Villain, first agent and first love, Toga has become one of the most valued and important Syndicate members after helping Izuku overthrow and kill Shigaraki. She is also Midoriya's lover and the person in charge of the Recruits programme along with Monoma.

  • Affably Evil: Despite her Ax-Crazy nature, Toga is strangely friendly and playful even with people she is trying to cut to shreds or otherwise mutilate, and indeed dotes on Class 3-A girls in particular as though they were old friends. It turns out she is actually friends with at least one of them. This attitude is also one of the reasons why she is in charge of the Recruits initiative, aiming to bring in new members to the Syndicate's side from amongst the Heroes' ranks.
  • Attack the Mouth: Toga cuts off Tsuyu's tongue early on in the story, but not before making her beg for mercy, which she gleefully denies her.
  • Ax-Crazy: As per canon, Toga is still extremely prone towards impulsive violence. Her Yandere tendencies have have made her even more so, believe it or not, and not even Midoriya is immune to her flights of violent fancy, as his numerous scars can attest.
  • Bad Powers, Bad People: The vampiric nature of her power is played up even more than in canon, and she even takes up the villain name Carmilla to emphasise the vampire theme and her place in the Syndicate.
  • Break Them by Talking: Enjoys this quite a bit after she is captured and imprisoned at Site 113, either threatening her captors by showing off pieces of information she is not meant to know, or grossing them out with graphic descriptions of her violent and/or sexual encounters. She also seems to have no issues taking charge of the conversation no matter who tries to speak to her, much to the Heroes's dismay.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: Just as in canon, one might not expect the eccentric, Quirky Toga to pose much of a threat, but she has thus far been instrumental in almost all of Izuku's major operations, from sabotaging the League through managing the Recruit program to infiltrating U.A. and ambushing All Might.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: Her reaction to Izuku taking an interest (non-romantically) in Kendo is quite telling. Izuku also tells Momo (as she is trying to seduce him) that if Toga sees her like this, she will "be dead before her body hits the floor".
  • The Corrupter: Is in charge of the Recruits program, seeking out susceptible Heroes and Hero candidates and probing them as prospective Syndicate moles and double agents. This is thanks to her weirdly affable, friendly personality, as well as her shapeshifting Quirk which allows her to go undercover more easily. So far she was confirmed to be directly responsible for corrupting at least Hagakure to the Syndicate's cause.
  • Dark Action Girl: Though her primary role within the Syndicate is infiltration and espionage, she has little issues engaging in violence and is surprisingly efficient in close-quarters, with a great affinity for blades and prodigious gymnastic skills which allow her to match even several Hero interns blow for blow. As for the dark part, the rest of the listed tropes ought to make that self-evident.
  • Fights Like a Normal: She does not have a combat Quirk and relies primarily on knives, as in canon. Despite this, she is frighteningly competent in close-quarters, managing to defeat Asui early on in the story and putting up a fierce enough struggle that Bakugo is left disturbed by her savagery.
  • Fingore: Bites off one of Shishida's fingers whilst trying to turn into him.
  • Hemo Erotic: As in canon, her erotic fixation on blood remains unchanged, but, due to her active relationship with Midoriya, it gets explored in a greater amount of detail. Specifically, she falls for Izuku after seeing him wounded by Dark Shadow and bleeding from an open wound, which excites her to the point of passionately kissing him. To keep her placated, Toga is entitled to draw one bottle of Izuku's blood a week, which she is free to use at her leisure. She even goes so far as to paint over his vial of blood with hearts and other cute pictures, to make it stand out among the rest. Toga also gets turned on by Izuku sending her photos of the ravaged corpses of his recent victims - this is implied to be something of a regular occurence.
  • Humanshifting: Toga's Quirk, Transformation, allows her to transform into anyone whose blood she ingests for a limited amount of time, just as in canon. Although it is unknown whether she has managed to attain her canon Awakened level of being able to also perform Power Copying, due to the Syndicate's preferred modus operandi, she is already seen as one of their most powerful and dangerous operatives.
  • In Love with Your Carnage: Toga revels in watching Midoriya maim and murder others almost as much as she enjoys maiming and murdering herself, and at one point Midoriya sends her photos of some thugs he had just killed to please her. The pictures indeed leave her quite distracted, and it is implied this was not the first time he had done so for her.
  • Inside Job: Became the main reason for the original League's downfall after falling for Izuku during the Forest Training Incident. Feeding the nascent Syndicate information in return for... "favours" from Midoriya, she is implied to have been the one to eventually turn most of the surviving members against Shigaraki, leading to the League being disbanded and absorbed into the Syndicate.
  • Interplay of Sex and Violence: Her relationship with Midoriya in a nutshell. It is softly implied that their relationship is one of the main reasons why Midoriya enjoys violence so much post-Time Skip, and the details of some of their exploits are quite... squick. Setsuna sums up accounts of their relationship thusly:
    Setsuna: "It was incredibly gross, for the record."
  • Meaningful Rename: Carmilla is the most famous female vampire in literature, and is sometimes presented as Dracula's bride in popular vampire-themed fiction. Fitting for the Big Bad's lover.
  • Protectorate: Midoriya. Toga is expectadly clingy and over-protective of her lover, and reacts violently whenever she gets the impression someone might be defying/disrespecting him, such as when she tried to stab Uraraka in the head for taunting him and threatened to cut Kendo into pieces for making Izuku slice his own arm off to escape.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Provides one to Itsuka after she is captured and interrogated, stating that she used to hate her for acting like a shining beacon of morality but grew instead to love her when she realised what an act all of that was on Kendo's part.
  • Turncoat: Was the first to betray the League of Villains for Midoriya, purely due to her attraction to him.
  • Unholy Matrimony: With Midoriya, their relationship actually being an essential plot point in Izuku's rise to power, as Toga became his first ally within the old League and her Quirk has been essential for the success of many of the Syndicate's infiltration missions.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: Toga's over-indulgence when revealing the Syndicate is aware of Itsuka and Katsuki's One Night Stand leads her to accidentally out Kaminari as one of the Recruits, after Mera is able to check who could have spotted Kendo and Bakugo that night via backed-up camera recordings.
  • The Vamp: Far more pronounced than in the original, as Toga often uses naked appeal to lust to seduce her targets and lure them into isolated locations, where she can easily do with them as she and the Syndicate please. Her relationship with Midoriya is also quite shameless and downright depraved, in stark contrast to Yaoyorozu's Femme Fatale act.
  • Yandere: With Midoriya. Izuku tells Yaoyorozu that if Toga were to find out about her attempts at seduction that she would be reduced to Ludicrous Gibs, regardless of circumstance. She also doesn't take at all kindly to anyone hurting Midoriya, physically or psychologically, as demonstrated quite succintly with Kendo and Uraraka respectively.



Dabi, like many other League members, was eventually convinced by Toga to betray Shigaraki for Midoriya, presumably viewing the Syndicate as a better vessel for achieving his enigmatic goals. Despite The Reveal already taking place within the manga, Dabi's true identity and motivations within this timeline is yet to be revealed.

  • Ax-Crazy: Even more so than within the main series, Dabi revels in burning people to cinders, be they allies or enemies. He relishes his fight with Ryukyu and Shoto despite the physical toll it takes on him, and during Black Day he can not shut up about what a great time he is having as he gleefully incinerates scores of policemen.
  • Badass Boast:
    Dabi: "I hope you guys are enjoying yourselves so far, because god knows this is the most fun I've had in a while. Well, on second thought, I did fight a dragon last week, so maybe it's a tie, actually. Tell you what, I'll get back to you after we're done here."
  • Blood Knight: Revels in fighting both Ryukyu and later Shoto in particular, and his only response to Uraraka breaking a couple of his ribs is that he'll have to "teach her a lesson for that".
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Plenty has been hinted to concerning his canon backstory, but nothing has been revealed as of yet. Notably, after Shoto is taking prisoner by the Syndicate and Midoriya suggests Dabi talk with him, Dabi rejects the notion, stating he can barely stand being around Shoto due to "bad memories".
  • Dynamic Entry: Ambushes Ryukyu's interns in the prelude to Black Day, flanked by Hassaikai Expendables and ready to start slinging fire, even as a dragon emerges rampaging from the underground.
  • Evil Gloating: Dabi gleefully trashes any and all of his enemies, most notably the Tokyo P.D. officers unable to effectively stand up to him on Black Day.
  • Evil Is Burning Hot: As per canon, he wields a powerful fire Quirk and is alltogether too eager to make use of it against anyone he dislikes - which amounts to an extremely broad category of people.
  • The Heavy: Is one of the Syndicate's most powerful fighters with a devastating offensive Quirk, and is appropriately handed some of the tougher assignments throughout the story.
  • Hero Killer: Aids Overhaul into tricking and murdering Gran Torino on Black Day, though Chisaki is the one to deliver the coup de grace.
  • Hidden Agenda Villain: His motivations for joining the League of Villains and subsequently the Syndicate remain, as of now, undisclosed within the fanfic, though plenty of hints have been made towards his canon backstory.
  • Laughing Mad: Enjoys every bit of random destruction and mayhem he can inflict to its fullest, and then some.
  • Out of Focus: After playing a secondary role during the Black Day Arc, Dabi and the other Squad Vandal members are mostly left in the background, as the narration follows the other half of the Syndicate and their Hero opponents more closely. Notably, Dabi's big reveal has, as of now, still not occured within this timeline.
  • Person of Mass Destruction: One of the reasons why Dabi is paired with Overhaul during the attack on Tokyo P.D. is that his powers are better at killing scores of people at once and damaging infrastructure, making him more useful for such a plan than the other team's task of assassinating Hawks.
  • Put the "Laughter" in "Slaughter": Dabi is charged with filming the Syndicate's attack during Black Day, and fully unleashes his innder sadist doing so, taking perverse pleasure in every minor bit of destruction the Syndicate and Hassaikai inflict.
  • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: With Overhaul on Black Day, much to the latter's irritation. Exploited, as they play nice and form a plan just long enough to trick Gran Torino into believing he could defeat them due to mutual bickering.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: Dabi's sadistic tendencies almost sabotage the entire Black Day plan, as him destroying a villain warehouse with his flames after a failed negotiation is what draws Pro Heroes to the Syndicate's local base.
  • Villain Team-Up: Is sent by Midoriya to assist Overhaul on Black Day, along with Mustard and Dark Shadow. While both he and Overhaul make plenty of jabs and threats towards each other, they work together well enough to take down Gran Torino and escape from Mirio.

    Mr. Compress 

Atsuhiro Sako/Mr.Compress

Mr. Compress, like many other League members, was eventually convinced by Toga to betray Shigaraki for Midoriya. He is currently a mid-ranked member of the Syndicate and often acts as a mentor of sorts to Gentle Criminal after he joins the team.

  • Affably Evil: Balances between this and Faux Affably Evil. While Compress has a knack for toying with his opponents and victims, he is genuinely pleasant and friendly towards other Syndicate members, and being one of the oldest members even fills the role of a Team Dad for the lower-ranked members. Notably, he takes it upon himself to show Gentle the ropes within the organisation after Danjuro joins the group, and seems to be the only one concerned when Toga is captured at the end of the U.A. Graduation Arc.
  • Cynical Mentor: Compress warns Gentle early on about what will be required of him now that he has joined with the Syndicate, warning him that if he wishes to prove his worth to Seraph, he will have to go all out, and soon.
  • Faux Affably Evil: While genuinely kind to his comrades, Compress has been seeing toying with his victims while undercover, such as when he singles out and compresses a terrified journalist for Toga to play with later.
  • Gentleman Thief: His villain persona is very well-mannered and elegant, and he is the one Midoriya usually assigns with smuggling and theft, be the items required tools, crafting materials, bodies or Syndicate operatives.
  • Hero Killer: Is the one to deal Hawks the decisive blow by compressing both his wings, though Yaoyorozu is the one to later actually slit the hero's throat.
  • It Gets Easier: What he tells Gentle Criminal after making it clear to him that Gentle will have to kill at some point if he is serious about joining the Syndicate. After Gentle does murder a couple of U.S. pilots who shot La Brava, he congratulates him on "crossing the bridge at last".
  • Odd Friendship: With Gentle Criminal, whom he takes a shine to due to their mutual interest in performance art and theatrics. He is also the one to look out for Gentle and La Brava the most in general, and works to aid both of them purely out of personal affection.
  • Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right!: Downplayed, but he does at one point break Syndicate security protocol to help deliver the mortally wounded La Brava to ensure her survival before Gentle was done fighting Suneater, doing so for no other reason than his sympathy for Gentle and risking Midoriya's displeasure all the while.
  • Shoot the Mage First: On Black Day, Hawks quickly realises how dangerous Sako's Quirk could be for him, and so he pierces the villain's side with one of his feathers as soon as the fight begins. This backfires on Hawks, however, when he underestimates the speed of Compress's recovery and later drops his guard besides his body.
  • Stage Magician: His entire villain aesthetic embodies this trope, much like in canon.
  • They Look Just Like Everyone Else!: Sako is seen far more often without one of his signature masks within the fanfic, and the author describes his face as "kind, warm, even fatherly" and completely unremarkable, to the point that, on some of their missions, Mr. Compress can hide by simply not wearing his mask or signature outfit.
  • Villains Out Shopping: Besides regularly partaking in Gentle's tea parties, he also has a humorous scene where he tries to teach Twice how to make pancakes, not that he's much better at it himself. All around, he is easily the most laid back and relaxed member of the Syndicate, even on missions.
  • Wicked Cultured: Mr. Compress remains well-mannered, theatrical in his presentation, well-versed in both stage magic and criminal activity, and is a frequent participant in Gentle's tea parties.


Jin Bubaigawara/Twice

Twice, like many other League members, was eventually convinced by Toga to betray Shigaraki for Midoriya. He is currently a mid-ranked member of the Syndicate and usually works closely with Monoma, who can Copy his Quirk and use it even more freely than Jin.

  • Affably Evil: Much like his canon counterpart, Jin straddles between this and Laughably Evil, since he aids the Syndicate not out of malice or more traditional villainous motives, but rather because they seem to be the only people who accept and value him despite his shady past and mental state.
  • Dual Boss: Takes on Hawks along with Gentle at one point during their fight, and Shinso notes their respective combat styles mesh together remarkably well.
  • Handicapped Badass: Due to already maintaining several clones of Syndicate members on Black Day, Twice is unwilling to risk producing any more to take down Hawks, leaving that task to Neito.
  • I Just Want to Have Friends: Twice's main motivation for serving the League and betraying Shigaraki to the Syndicate, presumably after surmising the Syndicate as a more tight-knit, compatriotic organisation.
  • Immediate Self-Contradiction: As per canon, does this a lot, much to Neito's vexation (as Neito is usually the one assigned to work with Twice).
  • Out of Focus: Despite being a major League member within the manga and having a character arc of his own, within the fanfic Twice rarely gets the spotlight pointed on him, usually present only in the background or participating through the numerous clones Midoriya and Monoma have him create.
  • Story-Breaker Power: What his Quirk has the potential to be, should he ever manage to push aside his mental issues. Neito, who has no issues using his Quirk, repeatedly demonstrates what a One-Man Army Twice has the potential to become should he apply himself fully.
  • Undying Loyalty: To the Syndicate and its members, much like with the League within canon, for seeing him as a valuable member and (some of them) as a friend.
  • Villains Out Shopping: Has a rather humorous episode with Mr. Compress trying to teach him how to properly make pancakes. Not that Sako is neccesarily much better at it...



With no Deku to stop him early on, Muscular rampages across the forest unchecked, forcing Kendo and Tetsutetsu to discard Mustard in order to protect their friends. The young villain uses this opportunity to escape and regroup with the League, and eventually, like many other League members, was convinced by Toga to betray Shigaraki for Midoriya. He is currently a mid-ranked member of the Syndicate.

  • Adaptation Expansion: As the author has confessed to being a fan of the original character, Mustard is given a lot more screen time in this version of events, though he mostly a side character for the time being.
  • Adaptational Badass: While he lost his only fight against Tetsutetsu and Kendo in canon, within the fanfic, Mustard has already gone toe-to-toe with several Pro Heroes and sidekicks, even managing to impress Overhaul when he rescues him from Mirio by blowing off two of his fingers.
  • Equipment Upgrade: With Mei's aid, Mustard can now store his gas within gas grenades and carries a portable grenade launcher, which allows him to greatly expand the effective range of his Quirk.
  • Fingore: Blows off two of Mirio's fingers with his revolver to give Overhaul a chance to escape.
  • Ominous Fog: Literally blots out the sun with his Gas on Black Day, to allow Dark Shadow to manifest at peak strength. This allows the two to hold off most of Tokyo's security forces long enough for the Hassaikai and Dabi to wreck Tokyo P.D. HQ.
  • Poisonous Person: As in canon, Mustard's Gas is not lethal, but will quickly knock out anyone who inhales it, especially in the heat of battle. Syndicate members operating alongside him always make sure to carry some kind of a gas mask on them, to allow him to use his Quirk more freely.
  • The Reliable One: Apart from his seething contempt for most Hero students, Mustard lacks any noticeable character defects many other Syndicate members suffer from, and takes to his orders dutifully and without complaints. He largely acts as the diplomat between the Syndicate and Shie Hassaikai crews when he is assigned to support Overhaul on Black Day, apologizing for his comrade's irreverent behaviour.
  • Villain Respect: Manages to earn quite a bit from Overhaul, of all people, after helping Dark Shadow fend off a city's-worth of reinforcing Pro Heroes and later saving Chisaki from the pursuing Mirio.
  • Villain Team-Up: Is sent by Midoriya to assist Overhaul on Black Day, along with Dabi and Dark Shadow. After their mission, the three remain in hiding with the rest of the Hassaikai, acting as the Syndicate's representatives to the Yakuza. Noticeably, Mustard seems to be the only one whose presence Overhaul can somewhat tolerate.


Shuichi Iguchi/Spinner

Spinner, like many other League members, was eventually convinced by Toga to betray Shigaraki for Midoriya. He is currently a mid-ranked member of the Syndicate and usually carries out more simple, support-focused tasks, since Midoriya is hesitant to entrust him with anything more important.

  • Determinator: Whatever else may be said of Iguchi, it must be mentioned that no matter how many times he gets beaten, injured or dismissed, he will not stop trying to claw his way back and through whatever problems he might have been facing. This is what primarily allows him to withstand the Cold-Blooded Torture Skeptic puts him through after his capture.
  • Didn't Think This Through: On Black Day, Spinner is the first to charge Hawks himself, yelling at the top of his lungs. He immediately gets sliced up and put into critical condition by the Number One Hero.
  • The Driver: Spinner is usually reduced to driving the rest of the Syndicate around, since he possesses no remarkable combat ability and is considered too absent-minded to properly do much of anything else. Apparently, he learned how to drive playing GTA, so even these skills of his are up for questioning.
  • Fantastic Racism: What motivated him in his canon backstory. While hiding away in Hokkaido countryside, Gentle gets to witness the treatment Spinner often receives firsthand.
  • Fights Like a Normal: The few times Spinner gets to show off his fighting skills, he displays his pre-established skill withe the blade and a decent amount of acrobatics.
  • The Friend Nobody Likes: Though he is tolerated by the rest of the Syndicate, it is clear most of them don't think highly of him, and are quick to reprimand him whenever he gets out of line. Midoriya is frequently dissapointed by Spinner's slacker nature, and considers him disposable enough to use as bait for the MLA.
  • Hostage Situation: Spinner and Gentle Criminal are kidnapped by Geten and the MLA while hiding away on Hokkaido, who imprison them inside Deika Tower and torture them for information.
  • Hot-Blooded: As per canon, best seen when he tries to take down Hawks on his own and gets immediately trashed for his trouble.
  • No Indoor Voice: Whenever Spinner gets either excited or upset, he is very likely to make his feelings known loud and clear to anyone within his vicinity, be it in battle or watching a TV with his colleagues.
  • To the Pain: Skeptic tortures both him and Danjuro for information while they are locked up in Deika. Remarkably, despite his gruesome methods, Spinner refuses to answer any of his questions and frequently slings vulgar insults at his captors, driving Skeptic into incredible rage.
  • Trash Talk: Spinner has little impulse control and is prone to screaming insults and slurs whenever anything upsets him, be it in the heat of battle, watching the TV or getting brutally tortured by Skeptic. One has to admire his tenacity, despite how often it lands him into unnecesary trouble.
  • Undying Loyalty: To the Syndicate and Midoriya, for accepting him and rewarding him for loyal service. It's so firm that when captured and tortured by the Meta-Liberation Army, Spinner refuses to divulge anything he might know about the Syndicate, and when told Midoriya sacrificed him and Gentle in return for a deal with Re-Destro, he outright refuses to believe it.

    Dark Shadow 

Fumikage Tokoyami/Dark Shadow

After being kidnapped during the Forest Training Arc to boost the fledgling Syndicate's ranks, Tokoyami firmly clung to his heroic ideals and refused to be tempted by his captors. Hatsume, however, realised that at its full strength, Tokoyami's Quirk was exactly what they needed, and created a device which prevents Fumikage from regaining control over his body and keeps his Quirk permanently activated. Too single-minded for most tasks, the Syndicate uses Dark Shadow only when they know gallons of blood will have to be spilled.

  • And I Must Scream: It's left unclear how much Tokoyami himself is still aware of what his Quirk is forcing him to do, but when preparing to finish off Shigaraki, Fumikage tries to mouth the words "I'm sorry" with tears visibly streaming from his real eyes. Safe to say, his mind is likely to have taken a severe toll.
  • Animalistic Abomination: Though Dark Shadow superficially resembles his user's humanoid bird-man appearance, after growing larger it basically loses any definite shape and proportions, with only its eyes and beak discernible in the sea of violent, solid shadows.
  • Attack Animal: His main purpose within the Syndicate. Dark Shadow has very limited capacity for reasoning - as a combat-oriented Quirk, he isn't interested in or equipped to carry out menial duties or espionage missions. However, when the chips are down and the Syndicate needs to break out the big guns, Dark Shadow is one of their most prized assets. And for good reasons. While not much of a team player, with the amount of power he brings to the table, he doesn't need to be - all Shinso needs to do is point and make sure Dark Shadow stops rampaging at some point.
  • Attack! Attack! Attack!: It's primary tactic when it comes to combat. Dark Shadow is not exactly clever when it comes to fighting, but it can sling around so much raw force and mass it rarely has the need to.
  • Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: Though usually covering Fumikage's body as a thin layer of warping shadows, when attacking, Dark Shadow can grow to a size of a mid-sized building, upon which he becomes a writhing mass of blackness and sharp edges, with only his eyes and beak discernible by onlookers.
  • The Berserker: Cares about precisely nothing except bloodshed and violence, and can easily fly off the handle unless steered clear by Shinso. Its battle against Tokyo's Pro Heroes turns the street they are fighting on into a veritable no man's land as it crushes people and buildings alike.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Was essentially forced into villainy after Hatsume designed a device which kept his Quirk permanently activated and agitated, and kept Tokoyami unable to control his own body. Whether Tokoyami's consciousness has been altered is not entirely clear, but his Quirk seems to have both clawed hands on the steering wheel every time it appears.
  • Dark Is Evil: A sentient mass of semi-solid shadows and a strong candidate for the Syndicate's most bloodthirsty, monstrous member. Enough said.
  • Demonic Possession: What Tokoyami's situation amounts to. Though the root of his problem is the device Hatsume planted on him, and not the Quirk itself, due to being sentient, Dark Shadow seems to enjoy power of his original user and serves the Syndicate willingly and faithfully.
  • Eldritch Abomination: How better to describe a sentient, bloodthirsty mass of writhing shadowy claws and tentacles, topped off with a pair of glowing red eyes and a raptor-like beak?
  • Fighting from the Inside: Tokoyami himself seems to be at least partially conscious and aware of his surroundings, and when during his chronologically first appearance, he seems to still be giving Dark Shadow some trouble controlling their shared body, with their steps being described as labored and slow. Unfortunately, it is unknown whether this still appplies post-Time Skip.
  • In Love with Your Carnage: Not exactly in love, but it does express a great deal of newly-found respect and reverence for Gentle Criminal after learning of Gentle's first kill during the escape from Okinawa. It almost gets dreamy reminiscing what it feels like to take a life for the first time.
  • Living Shadow: Not only is the semi-solid shadowy Quirk sentient and independent of Tokoyami's thoughts, now he also has full control over his original user's body and can pretty much do whatever the hell it desires.
  • Ludicrous Gibs: The inevitable result of getting it actively involved in any operation. It reminsces about tearing a man's face off and throwing the rest out of a skyscraper, and finds the whole thing hilarious. When Overhaul summons it to clear his path of an elite SWAT squad during the attack on Tokyo PD, it reduces them to flaps of meat and bone and levels most of the office along with them.
  • One-Man Army: Holds off dozens of Pro Heroes and most of the Tokyo PD on Black Day, with only Mustard providing active support, to buy Overhaul enough time, killing dozens and turning the street around the building into a warzone.
  • Parental Substitute: Or rather a user substitute, but Dark Shadow sees Shinso as more worthy of commanding it than Tokoyami. This because Shinso was originally in charge of handling it before Hatsume came up with her device, and Dark Shadow continuous to restate how the only one with the right to command it is Master Shinso.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Usually retains its original shining yellow eyes when covering Fumikage's body. However, should you see its mass begin to swell and its eyes turn crimson red, best start practicing your Nike-jutsu.
  • Reforged into a Minion: An almost literal example, as the Syndicate is unable to get Tokoyami himself to join their side, but realise Dark Shadow would probably be a lot easier to coerce. To that end, Hatsume creates a device that suppresses Tokoyami's control over his body and Quirk and allows Dark Shadow to operate independently. As such, the original Tokoyami is left Fighting from the Inside, unable to prevent the abuse of his powerful Quirk.
  • Villain Team-Up: Is sent by Midoriya to assist Overhaul on Black Day, along with Dabi and Mustard. While it is quick to denegrate Overhaul when the latter tries to reprimand it, Dark Shadow declares it will start respecting Overhaul should he succeed in killing more foes than it during the attack.

    Gentle Criminal 

Danjuro Tobita/Gentle Criminal

With no Deku to stop them during the U.A. School Festival, Tobita and Aiba became notorious across Japan for succesfully infiltrating U.A. and even besting several of its teachers during their escape. Their Yo-Tube channel exploded in popularity, and Aiba's success in breaching the school's defenses becomes one of the primary reasons why Izuku seeks them out early on in the story.

  • Adaptation Expansion: Gentle is given significantly more room to shine, joining the Syndicate early on in the story and often serving as the POV for various battles and missions. The fanfic also explores the possibility of Danjuro not being rescued from his descent into villainy by someone like Deku, instead choosing to continue giving in to his darker impulses in return for power and success, giving him one of the stronger characters arcs.
  • Adaptational Badass: While no slouch in the original either, Gentle was only actually seen fighting Deku and losing. Not only does he get to do more within the fanfic, he is also shown to have expanded his skillset considerably since the day he snuck into U.A., making him considerably more of a threat to the heroes.
  • Barrier Warrior: As per canon, Gentle's preferred tactic remains using his Quirk on the air around him, creating solid, elastic shiels and often layering these onto one another to create thicker barriers. When charged with Lover Mode, these barriers can become strong enough to repel helicopter missiles.
  • Berserk Button: Harming La Brava in any way. When Manami is riddled with bullets on Okinawa and on the verge of death, Danjuro instantly enters into a state of Dissonant Serenity and crosses the Moral Event Horizon, murdering the soldiers and brutalising Suneater to the point of permanently crippling him. He also gets progressively more Hot-Blooded each time Manami uses her Quirk on him, though it's unclear whether this is a side effect of the Quirk or just a habit Gentle has developed.
  • Brains and Brawn: The Brawn to La Brava's brains. Though Gentle is by no means a moron, he is anything but tech savvy and tends to be too trusting and naive when it comes to dealing with people. La Brava, on the other hand, has a much more cynical worldview and eyes most others with suspicion and distrust, making her mroe suite for business negotiations. She is also completely in charge of actually managing their Yo-Tube channel and other tech.
  • Cartoonish Supervillainy: Prior to joining the Syndicate, this was what the two primarily concerned themselves with, growing their internet following and reputation by committing small-scale crimes and felonies against corrupt or unpopular groups. Mr. Compress informs them that, if they plan to stick with the Syndicate, they'll have to get more serious.
  • Catch and Return: How he kills the U.S. Airforce pilots sent to rescue the Shields, repelling a missile fired by them back in their direction. The results aren't pretty.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Gentle might seem like a goofy manchild playing the part of a comical British supervillain, but he is smarter than people give him credit for and much better at fighting than most might suspect. He has gone blow for blow with Hawks and lived, defeated both Sero and Yoarashi almost single-handed and absolutely demolished Suneater in a one-on-one while already injured. Granted, he is at his strongest when using La Brava's Quirk in tandem with his own, but the actual fighting has to be done by him all the same.
  • The Dandy: Is very fond of his fancy, elegant outfits and keeps an immaculate beard and mustache at all times. Even on simple scouting missions, he is dismayed after being forbidden from bringing along one of his favoured costumes.
  • Determinator: Displays unyielding resolve multiple times throughout the story, but most notably when refusing to betray Midoriya and the Syndicate after he is kidnapped by the MLA and meticulously tortured by Skeptic. Though to be fair, it is uncertain how much of that comes from a place of loyalty to his comrades, and how much is fear of what Midoriya might do to La Brava should he find out Gentle talked.
  • Dual Boss: Takes on Hawks along with Twice at one point during their fight, and Shinso notes their respective combat styles mesh together remarkably well.
  • Gaining the Will to Kill: Compress informs Danjuro that he will have to "cross that bridge" sooner rather than later if he plans on being taken seriously as a Syndicate member, much to Gentle's dismay. He eventually does so during the mission on Okinawa, when La Brava is put in critical condition and Gentle has to kill to get her to safety.
  • Gentleman Thief: His villain persona in a nutshell, much like in canon. Also the main reason why he gets along well with Mr. Compress, as the two quickly bond over their shared love of professional showmanship.
  • Hostage Situation: Danjuro is kidnapped by the MLA along with Spinner during their stay in Hokkaido in an attempt by the MLA to gather information about their enemies. Unbeknownst to him, his capture was a ploy by Midoriya to help the Syndicate uncover more information about the MLA.
  • Instant Armor: "Gentle Armor", a new technique of Elasticity Gentle can use during Lover Mode, involving encasing his whole body in a dense layer of elastic air.
  • It Gets Easier: Sako assures Tobita that killing gets easier after one's first kill, though Gentle is not eager to find out how accurate that assessment is just yet. His reaction to almost killing Tamaki after already killing a couple of soldiers indicates he still hasn't lost his reservations entirely.
  • Literal Disarming: What he does to Tamaki during their fight, literally ripping off his injured arm to prevent him from growing more animal organs, before cutting off his leg in a blind rage.
  • Living Emotional Crutch: To La Brava, as per canon, who loves him with all her heart and treats him as her sole reason for existence. The feeling is mutual, as Gentle relies on La Brava greatly both professionally and personally. When he is kidnapped by the MLA, Manami almost overworks herself in her attempt to organise his rescue, and demands Twice create her a clone of Gentle to keep her company whenever he has clones to spare.
  • Love Makes You Crazy: His Despair Event Horizon comes entirely from La Brava being skewered by bullets and left in critical condition before his eyes, sending him into an Unstoppable Rage and allowing him to easily dominate his opponents with brute force. Even before this, every time Gentle has used Lover Mode made him noticeably more unhinged and aggresive than his usual affable personality.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Has had this moment twice so far, first when he goes slightly overboard fighting Gale Force on Black Day, which causes the young hero to almost fall to his death, and a second, much bigger one, after murdering a couple of U.S. soldiers and crippling Suneater while trying to save La Brava. Gentle actually vomits after the second incident and it continues haunting him over the following weeks.
  • Odd Friendship: With Mr. Compress, with whom Gentle quickly bonds over their shared love of showmanship, elegance and exotic costumes, as well as both of them being among the older members of the Syndicate. Sako actually takes to looking out for Gentle while the newer member is still getting to know his new position, and actively rescues La Brava during the Okinawa incident. Yaoyorozu has also mentioned being fond of him on several occasions, and is the one tasked with rescuing him and Spinner from the MLA.
  • Razor Wind: "Gentle Swords", a new technique of Elasticity Gentle can use during Lover Mode, pushing his elastic energy to the limit by combining it with kinetic energy applied over a small amount of air around his hands, to devastating cutting effect.
  • Sacrificial Lamb: Is deemed one by Midoriya along with Spinner, to help lure out the Meta-Liberation Army. Though Gentle is a competent fighter, he is also the newest and least informed member of the Syndicate and contributes much less than his hacker-prodigy partner, thus Midoriya deems him more useful as a hostage.
  • Super Mode: "Lover Mode", the state of greatly enhanced strength, speed and agility Danjuro gains whenever Manami uses her Quirk, "Love", on him, just as in canon and exaggerated like many other Quirks.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Since his successfull infiltration of U.A. two years prior, Danjuro has not only become exponentially more popular online and infamous throughout Hero society, but has also greatly expanded his move set and experimented with both his and La Brava's Quirk in many ways, developing several new powerful techniques which make him one of the stronger fighters in the Syndicate.
  • To the Pain: Is viciously tortured by Skeptic, both physically and psychologically, during his capture by the MLA. Despite the abuse, he refuses to cave in and betray the Syndicate, which only serves to further enrage his tormentor.
  • Tranquil Fury: The state he enters after his Berserk Button is pressed - specifically, when La Brava is critically injured and Danjuro resolves to stoop to killing to save her life. He only snaps out of it after realising how brutally he had just maimed Suneater.
  • Villains Out Shopping: Gentle has taken to organising "tea parties" for him, Manami, Yaoyorozu, Monoma and Sako regularly partake in pleasant small-talk while sampling exotic and rare brands of tea and other beverages.
  • Wicked Cultured: Has a fondness for dressing sharp, keeps an immaculate mustache and beard, presents himself as a Gentleman Thief and is the main organizer of the Syndicate's regular tea parties, where the more "cultured" Syndicate members regularly sample a wide variety of exotic and expensive beverages.
  • Worthy Opponent: Has this mutually during his fight with Yoarashi on Black Day.

    La Brava 

Manami Aiba/La Brava

With no Deku to stop them during the U.A. School Festival, Tobita and Aiba became notorious across Japan for succesfully infiltrating U.A. and even besting several of its teachers during their escape. Their Yo-Tube channel exploded in popularity, and Aiba's success in breaching the school's defenses becomes one of the primary reasons why Izuku seeks them out early on in the story.

  • Appearance Angst: After joining the Syndicate, La Brava begins to frequently worry that her short, child-like appearance will cause Gentle to leave her for Yaoyorozu, with whom he is on friendly terms and whom she envies her looks, height and intelligence. This despite the fact that neither Gentle nor Momo have ever expressed any signs of romantic interest in each other.
  • Beware the Silly Ones: She might act like a Cutesy Dwarf and a lovesick Fangirl around Danjuro, but take him out of the picture and La Brava is fully capable of calculated, intelligent decisions and cold, bussiness-like attitude. She is also competent enough at her job as The Cracker that even the resident Teen Genius Hatsume cannot compare with her hacking and decryption skills.
  • Brains and Brawn: The Brains to Gentle's brawn. Though Gentle is by no means a moron, he is anything but tech savvy and tends to be too trusting and naive when it comes to dealing with people. La Brava, on the other hand, has a much more cynical worldview and eyes most others with suspicion and distrust, making her mroe suite for business negotiations. She is also completely in charge of actually managing their Yo-Tube channel and other tech.
  • Cartoonish Supervillainy: Prior to joining the Syndicate, this was what the two primarily concerned themselves with, growing their internet following and reputation by committing small-scale crimes and felonies against corrupt or unpopular groups. Mr. Compress informs them that, if they plan to stick with the Syndicate, they'll have to get more serious.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: Very much acts this way towards Gentle whenever any other Syndicate girls, particularly Yaoyorozu, are around, and gets frequently annoyed whenever he pays any of them attention over her for any amount of time. One of the few things within the series that gets consistently Played for Laughs.
  • The Cracker: Straddles between this and Playful Hacker. After she is recruited into the Syndicate, La Brava is repeatedly tasked with breaking government-level encryptions, erase vast swathes of data, disable security at specific locations or hijack public broadcasting systems to enable Syndicate's terrorist plots. A far cry from their previously restrained crimes, La Brava actually brings up her reluctance to participate in such crimes with Gentle, but has so far gone along with all of them for his sake.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: Acts this way towards Yaoyorozu, greatly envying her height, beauty, combat prowess and intellect while privately calling her a "hussy" for "trying to steal her Gentle away" - this despite the fact that Yaoyorozu has expressed zero romantic interest in Gentle and vice versa.
  • Hackette: Was actually Midoriya's primary target when trying to recruit her and Gentle, as she had cracked U.A.'s security system two years prior and could likely do so once more. She has since become the Syndicate's main hacker and code-breaker, and often runs tech-support along with Mei and Momo.
  • Living Emotional Crutch: For Danjuro, being his first and, for the longest time, only fan, as well as being an absolutely dedicated accomplice. The feeling is very much mutual, as La Brava views Gentle as her sole reason for existence and would cross any lines to help and please him. When she is critically wounded on Okinawa, Gentle enters into a state of Tranquil Fury and crosses his Moral Event Horizon, killing her attackers.
  • Near-Death Experience: Is riddled with bullets from a helicopter machine gun during the mission to Okinawa, putting her into critical condition and only barely managing to survive the whole ordeal due to Compress being present.
  • Only Sane Man: Has shades of this with Gentle. Not that Danjuro is neccesarily dumb by comparison, but he is a lot more trusting and kind-hearted when it comes to dealing with others, unlike the cynical, pragmatic Manami. Notably, she is the one to make the neccesary background checks on Izuku during their negotiations and selects a place where any of Izuku's allies would be easily identified and disadvantaged. She is also the brains behind the duo's internet fame, being far more technically apt and familiar with the internet.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: She might act goofy and lovesick most of the time when with Gentle, but threaten him or endanger their dream in any way and she will take you to task for it. La Brava is the sounder businessman of the duo and is the one truly in charge of negotiating their "merger" with the Syndicate, something Izuku picks up on very quickly. Similarly, whenever engaged in her work, her disposition will change greatly and she becomes much more efficient, straightforward and pragmatic than usual.
  • Playful Hacker: Straddles between this and The Cracker. While working with Gentle, La Brava would rarely use her considerable hacking skill to commit anything more serious than a break-in, which rarely resulted in people getting so much as injured, and put most of her effort into managing and maintaining their Yo-Tube channel. However, she IS fully capable of using her skills to cause far greater damage, as mentioned above.
  • The Power of Love: A very literal example, as per canon, since her Quirk, "Love", only works to boost the power of the person she loves once a day.
  • Propaganda Machine: One of Manami's ongoing duties is to continue editing the footage captured during the various Syndicate missions, releasing clips and images periodically on the web via scrambled IP addresses. She effectively works as the Syndicate's main propagandist.
  • Smarter Than You Look: Izuku initially underestimates the small and timid-looking La Brava and focuses on Gentle when negotiating with the pair. Only after Gentle leaves does La Brava reveal she is aware not only of Izuku's background and true identity, but that she was also able to instantly pick out Compress as a Syndicate agent due to not being one of the regular patrons. Izuku is impressed with her quick thinking and immediately realises he has to convince her if he wishes to get the duo onboard with his plans.



Unlike the rest of the League, Kurogiri remained loyal to his master Shigaraki to the bitter end, eventually being taken prisoner by the Syndicate, who wanted to make use of his Quirk. Despite finally agreeing to willingly serve Seraph, Kurogiri's true motivations remain ambiguous and he has remained largely out of focus for most of the story.

  • Flat Character: Doesn't have much characterisation besides his loyalty to Shigaraki and reluctant acceptance of Midoriya's plans, though it's possible this is deliberate on Kurogiri's part.
  • Forced to Watch: Shinso forces the brainwashed Kurogiri to watch the defenceless Shigaraki be brutally beaten by Midoriya after both are captured, causing him visible pain despite his lack of facial features. He is led away by the Syndicate just before Shigaraki is finally executed by Dark Shadow.
  • Hidden Agenda Villain: After Shigaraki's death, Kurogiri secludes himself in contemplation while the Syndicate ponder what to do with him. Just as Midoriya resolves to (reluctantly) kill him, seeing as Monoma is unable to Copy his Quirk and Shinso cannot be expected to continuously Brainwash him, Kurogiri emerges from his cell and declares he has decided to side with the Syndicate, seeing them as the best current option for carrying out All For One's final wish. Whether this is the true extent of his motivations remains dubious at best, though he has served Midoriya faithfully thus far.
  • Out of Focus: Is easily the least developed Syndicate member, which at least partially is a deliberate choice, since he joined unwillingly and his current motivations are uncertain at best. For the most part, he simply acts as the Syndicate's go-to method of transportation and escape.
  • Plot Device: Exists mostly to help the Syndicate make a quick getaway and move around Japan more freely, but has thus far lacked anything resembling a character arc and barely interacts with the rest of the cast.
  • Undying Loyalty: To Shigaraki, actually, largely explained by his canon backstory of being literally created to serve him. He is incredibly pained as he is forced to watch his master be brutalised and murdered by the Syndicate in the prologue, his anguish evident despite lacking a face.


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    Shared Tropes 
A group of students and Pro Heroes turned through the efforts of Izuku, Monoma and Toga, now acting as sleeper agents and saboteurs for the Syndicate. All of them are codenamed after the Major Arcana, a courtesy of Monoma being the one in charge of managing the whole program. Currently they count Emperor (Kaminari), Temperance (Hagakure), Tower (Kamakiri) and Hierophant (Shishikura), along with three prospective members codenamed Hanged Man (Yanagi), Emperess (Utsumashi), Chariot and Justice.

  • The Corruptible: All of them have, at one point or another, fallen from grace and into the clutches of villains, though all of them thus far had been won over through different means and for different reasons.
  • Defector from Decadence: How some of the members see themselves. Notably, Kamakiri has expressed a strong disdain for the corruption and prejudice he experienced at the hands of his superiors, while Toru is shown resenting the fact that, just because her Quirk was not as obviously flashy and powerful as many of her classmates, she was deemed unimportant and continued to be overlooked.
  • Double Agent: All of them pretend to be Heroes and work within the system to begin with, but as time goes on their true loyalties are revealed, first to the readers and, in some instances, to their former comrades as well.
  • Inside Job: All of their actions on the Syndicate's behalf, most notably their part in levelling U.A. and murdering Aizawa, Vlad King and Ochako.
  • Sadistic Choice: Several of them started down the darker path after being forced to go through horrible, life-threatening events and making the wrong choice in the heat of the moment. That said, their attitude when it comes to accepting their part of the blame has been shown to vary.
  • Tarot Motifs: Monoma, who is in charge of identifying and researching potential Recruits, assigns them all codenames derived from the Major Arcana based on thematic poignancy. So far, most of them have been accurate:
    • Kaminari was codenamed "Emperor", owing to his status as the first U.A. asset Izuku had acquired and having had a long experience of providing sensitive information to sources outside the school, making him their key for gaining a foothold on the inside.
    • Toru was named "Temperance", presumably for her ability to keep up her cover and supress her desires for the longest period of time, as she is implied to have been one of the earliest-turned members.
    • Kamakiri was coded as "Tower" for his violent, destructive attitude and abilities, and was tasked with sowing mayhem and confusion during the Graduation Ceremony.
  • Turncoat: At least two members, Hagakure and Kamakiri, have been turned by Toga after enrolling into U.A. and becoming disillusioned by it, throwing their lot in with the Syndicate in the hopes of forging a better system. Denki came to U.A. already in league with Shigaraki and merely extended his services to Midoriya after the League was absorbed by the Syndicate.


Denki Kaminari/Chargebolt/Emperor

The original U.A. traitor in this version of events, Kaminari is portrayed as a tragic victim of circumstance, rescued from death by the old League of Villains and becoming their mole out of gratitude. Since then, Izuku has "inherited" his services by blackmailing him, threatening to release the details of his treachery lest he cooperates with the Syndicate.

  • Affably Evil: Thus far, Kaminari has not been shown to derive any joy from his undercover activities, both for the League and the Syndicate, and he seems to be on genuinely good terms with all his classmates and friends. His personal opinion regarding his crimes remains unknown for now, but given the circumstance of his treachery, it is very likely he genuinely cares for many of his fellow students and only does what he does out of fear for his life and reputation.
  • Ambiguous Situation: His current feelings about his friends and the nature of his treachery have not yet been revelead to the audience, leaving the question of just how invested Kaminari is in his crimes and what he actually thinks of the Syndicate, U.A. and the Hero society in general remain up for discussion.
  • Because You Were Nice to Me: His main reason for proposing to help the League with their goals. After a long day full of death, danger and trauma, Giran and Kurogiri are the only people willing to help Kaminari free of charge and even support his decision to save himself at the cost of others' lives.
  • Blackmail: How Midoriya originally secured Denki's loyalty. Finding a burner phone with a miscellaneous number in Shigaraki's old safehouse, Midoriya called it and had Hatsume track the call, immediately learning Kaminari's identity and true allegiance. Izuku agreed to keep it Kaminari's secret from the authorities, provided Denki starts working for him of course. It is currently unknown whether Kaminari has been provided with additional motivation to work for the Syndicate, but it is very unlikely that the threat of leaking his past crimes would have been pulled off the negotiating table.
  • The Corruptible: Though it could be argued that Kaminari was more forced by circumstance than consciously decided to stoop to aiding villains, he nevertheless was convinced to make the choice to help the League to save his own prospects, rather than risk being unjustly punished.
  • Corrupt the Cutie: The League of Villains, Giran in particular, tell Kaminari precisely what he wanted to hear at the moment - that the accident was not his fault, that it would be unfair to blame him for protecting himself and that no one really needs to find out about any of it. Kaminari, devastated by recent events and desperately in need of emotional support, gives in and goes along with the cover-up.
  • Despair Event Horizon: Crosses it after accidentally killing four people, including two Pros, with his Quirk, not only ruining his chances of getting into U.A., but also likely ruining his life forever and ending up in a juvenile detention center for what was a poor decision in a heated, life-or-death situation. Making him easy prey for the League to ingratiate themselves to.
  • Double Agent: Though he is a fully licensed Hero at the present, he has been working as a villain operative ever since enrolling into U.A., first for the League and then, more reluctantly, for the Syndicate, being the de facto oldest of the Recruits.
  • Face–Heel Turn: Agrees to become the League's mole even before entering into U.A., to repay them for saving his life and clearing his name of any possible crimes. Since then, he has actively gathered and divulged sensitive information, installed villain devices into private locations and even actively sabotaged U.A.'s defences on at least two occasions.
  • Fallen Hero: Was on the right path to become a premier U.A. student until he got pushed right off of it by a series of very unfortunate events, and was only aided back up by a group of very untrustworthy individuals. That said, seeing as he was a mole before even coming to U.A., it remains uncertain just how truly heroic Kaminari has ever really been.
  • Forced into Evil: After accidentally killing four people with his Quirk, Kaminari was left with a choice - either come clean and confess to his part in the incident, which would certainly erase his chances of getting into U.A. and probably earn him some punishment as well, or let the League help him get rid of the evidence and pretend like nothing happened in exchange for owing them some favours. He chose the latter. Made even more apparent by Midoriya literally blackmailing him into joining the Syndicate after the League is disbanded, threatening to reveal his dual life.
  • Horrible Judge of Character: Denki has been proven time and time again to be too trusting of people he doesn't know well for his own good. It's how he gets kidnapped in the first place and the reason he throws in with the League, although in the latter case at least one could argue he didn't have much of a choice.
  • Jumping Off the Slippery Slope: Though Kaminari's intentions might initially have been somewhat noble, trying to repay the only group to have aided him a tough spot and helped him achieve his dreams, years of betraying his classmates and teachers whilst committing more and more heinous crimes have likely done little to preserve his innocence.
  • The Mole: Was already in the League's employ by the time he attended U.A., specifically tasked with providing the League with intel and a way in should they ever decide to attack the school directly. After Midoriya took charge of his mission, his tasks expanded to installing spyware and delivering sensitive material to locations Midoriya desired access to.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Gets hit with this reaction hard after accidentally frying four people with his electricity, two of whom were trying (albeit sloppily) to rescue him from danger. His first reaction is to try and revive the heroes to little avail, then immediately resolves to turn himself in for the killing. He is only stopped from this course of action due to the deceased kidnappers' friends returning and attacking him, driving him into the League's hands.
  • Sadistic Choice: Kaminari became stuck as a hostage in a high-stakes situation that was likely to end with him dying no matter the outcome. He could have tried to save himself using his Quirk on his kidnappers, but that would have meant electrifying the two Heroes come to rescue him as well, likely fatally. Denki opts to save himself and regrets it almost immediately as all the people around him are burned to a crisp.
  • Secret Secret-Keeper: He is eventually revealed to have been aware of Kendo and Bakugo's one night stand all along, having recorded the incident on his phone right as it began and sending it to Midoriya and the Syndicate. Him teasing Bakugo about his relationship with Kendo takes on a whole new level when read in retrospect.
  • Tragic Villain: Denki never fell prey to his darker impulses, nor was he disillusioned with society's nature in order to turn to crime. He simply was at the wrong place at the wrong time, accidentally killing several people in a desperate bid to save his life. To compund the issue further, he was rescued and cleared by precisely the worst sort of people and thus owed them a debt of gratitude, with the need to repay the favours provided by them being his sole drive towards villainy.
  • Trauma Conga Line: Well, let's see - first, right after applying to take the U.A. exams, he is drugged and kidnapped by a pair of human traffickers who seem to have very unsavoury intentions towards him. Then, when the duo is ambushed by a pair of low-level Pros, the criminals take Denki hostage and use him as a human shield. Kaminari sees a puddle below him he can use to save his life, but which would also result in the heroes getting cooked. Desperate to avoid being killed in the standoff, he does it anyway and immediately is hit with massive amounts of shame and regret after witnessing the bodies of the people he'd been forced to kill. Then, while he is sailing over his Despair Event Horizon, contemplating how harsh of a punishment he might receive, he gets attacked again by the friends of the murdered kidnappers and chased like an animal across the surrounding alleys. It is only when the League of Villains intervenes and kills the traffickers that Kaminari is finally allowed to catch a break, by which point he has been thoroughly traumatised and scarred for life.


Toru Hagakure/Lightwave/Temperance

The first of the revealed "Recruits", Hagakure's treachery was brought about due to years of being neglected and overlooked by her teachers and friends in favour of stronger, flashier students. She was scouted out and eventually turned by Toga, becoming much stronger, deadlier and more psychotic than her canon counterpart. She plays a key role during the Graduation Ceremony Arc.

  • Adaptational Badass: Toru has been shown to be much more powerful, both in terms of raw strength and her Quirk's power, developing several new moves and punching Aizawa in the face with enough strength to daze the veteran hero.
  • Amplifier Artifact: Hatsume's stealth suit, which she created for Hagakure specifically, allows Toru not only to turn off her Quirk at will, but also vanish with her clothes on, move completely silently over any terrain and possibly is the source of her Quirk's expanded range which she demonstrates to Uraraka.
  • Berserk Button: Flips out when Uraraka claims Toga to be evil, so much so it manages to impress even the violent Kamakiri, and demands Uraraka retract her statement.
  • Evil Former Friend: To Class 3-A girls in general, Ochako in particular, as she was directly responsible for killing her.
  • Fallen Heroine: Was an affable and well-liked student at U.A., as well as a promising Hero in the making, before giving in to her bitterness and throwing in with Toga and the rest.
  • Hero Killer: Stabs Ochako in the neck at the climax of the Graduation Arc, executing her. She also helps cripple Aizawa to the point that Hatsume (using Uravity's Quirk) is able to execute him.
  • Invisible Streaker: Deconstructed. Being forced to go buck naked to use her quirk was incredibly embarrassing and frustrating for her, especially since it means she has to go into battle completely unprotected. Coupled with with U.A’s inability to provide a solution for her problem, something Hatsume solved in two days, this served as a major factor in provoking her Face–Heel Turn.
  • Living Emotional Crutch: What Toga appears to have become for her. The exact details of their relationship are as of yet unclear, but Hagakure seems to have become almost emotionally dependent on Toga and can't stand anyone so much as badmouthing Himiko in front of her. Her first thoughts after feeling guilt over murdering Ochako were to run away and talk to Toga, seeking emotional support.
    Hagakure: "I need to get over there and find Himiko, make sure she's safe. I'll stop feeling this way when I see her again. She'll know what to say. She always knows."
  • Love-Interest Traitor: Ojiro appears to have no idea his girlfriend works for the same organisation which nearly murdered him and his friends early in the story. He is especially distraught after a clone of her's unceremoniously disappears in the middle of the Graduation Ceremony mayhem, distraught over what might have happened to her. Whether Toru holds any genuine feelings for him and how deep they may run remains to be seen.
  • Mistreatment-Induced Betrayal: Perhaps the defining example among the Recruits. Years of being overlooked, literally and metaphorically, passed by and neglected by the teaching staff of U.A. and other Pro Heroes caused Hagakure to grow bitter and disillusioned with the Hero system. This was best exemplified with her repeated requests for a costume which could not only turn her visible - something she is shown to crave deeply - but also prevent her from the numerous instances of physical stress and discomfort using her Quirk entails otherwise.
    Hagakure: "Three years. I went to this school for three years, and the support department never could design me a costume that could turn invisible with my body, much less find a way to deactivate my Quirk. Do you have any idea how humiliating that was?! My provisional license exam, my finals? I had to take them all naked because you morons couldn't fix a problem that Hatsume Mei solved in two days! What, did you think I actually liked it?! Did you think it was fun for me, prancing around like some kind of exhibitionist?!"
    Aizawa: "I'm sorry. The costume designers told me they did all they could, but nothing worked. I should've pressed them again. You never told me how you felt about it."
    Hagakure: "You never asked."
  • Mistress of Illusion: Lightwave was seen to have expanded her Quirk's utility by several degress, now being able to bend light not only around herself, but also within a certain vicinity of her body, effectively cloaking both herself and her allies with minimal effort. The fact that, thanks to the costume Mei designed for her, she can now also become visible while remaining completely anonymous had also helped her pass unnoticed around people who were otherwise familiar with her.
  • Odd Friendship: With Toga, of all people, who scouted her out as a promising Recruit, befriended her and introduced her to the Syndicate, thanks to which Hatsume was able to grant Toru her dearest wish - to be seen. Hagakure seems to be not only immensely grateful to Toga for this, but also shows an almost child-like level of devotion to her, impatiently inquiring Izuku about how soon she might be able to speak with her again. Toga also tutored Hagakure in things such as changing one's voice, moving around without being heard, and stabbing people in a way that debilitates them without killing them outright.
  • The Reveal: Double reveal in fact, and a very dramatic one to boot. First, she helps ambush Aizawa himself along with the mind-controlled Ochako, making herself visible yet unrecognizable to both Eraser and the audience. It is only after she uses her signature "say cheese!" move that a realisation begins to dawn upon Aizawa, by which point he has a knife sticking out of him and Toru's true colours are, literally and metaphorically, revealed.
  • Stealth Expert: THE stealth expert within the series, in all due likelihood. Not only is Toru naturally completely invisible, her skillset has expanded to include cloaking any clothes she might be wearing and even larger areas around her, muffling her movements, changing her voice and using perhaps her most surprising weapon - her real, completely anonymous face - to run circles around other Pros while sabotaging U.A. Under Toga's tutelage, Hagakure has also seemingly filled the gaps in her knowledge concerning matters such as knifework and close-quarters-combat, meaning she is fully capable of hurting people after sneaking up on them.
  • Stronger Than They Look: Aizawa notes after getting slugged by Hagakure that her punches are far stronger than what she would usually display during training, and wonders just how long Toru could have been holding back her true power level from everyone else. It doesn't hurt that Hagakure was always one of the most overlooked Class 3-A students to begin with.
  • They Look Just Like Everyone Else!: A bizarre example, since due to Toru's Quirk remaining permanently activated without her suit, she was completely invisible to everyone else her entire life. Once Hatsume creates a device which allows her to turn it off, her regular appearance remains anonymous to even her closest acquaintances - Aizawa fails to recognize her until it's far too late, though she was at least changing her voice to fool him.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Lightwave here is considerably more dangerous than her canon counterpart, enhancing her invisibility to include clothes and material on her, entire areas around her, has become stronger, faster and quieter when moving and fighting, and seems to be pretty handy with a concealed blade. She is also the only Recruit whose cover remains completely intact.
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: Par for the course of being a Syndicate member, but Toru in particular seems to have developed a nasty, vicious side to her otherwise cheerful personality, especially when dealing with her old acquaintances. She doesn't hesitate to beat Aizawa to a pulp for his years of neglect, and slaps Ochako hard across the face after Uraraka correctly states that Toga is an evil person.
  • Turncoat: Was the first Recruit introduced within the story, and is stated explicitly to have undergone a Face–Heel Turn due to her perceived mistreatment by the U.A. staff. Unlike Kamakiri and Denki, she seems very loyal to the Syndicate on a personal level, particularly Toga, and remains one of the Recruits whose cover remains intact at this point in the story.
  • We Used to Be Friends: Ochako is absolutely devastated by the revelation of Hagakure as a Syndicate operative, and she continues begging her to stop and "return to normal" all the way until the end, even after Hagakure viciously slaps her across the face for insulting Toga, the same psychopath who weeks prior maimed Tsuyu and Todoroki. Despite this, after Toru slits her throat, she feels deeply conflicted and guilty over the event and runs off in a panic, seeking validation for her actions.
  • Willfully Weak: Is shown to have been deliberately holding back a lot of her newer, flashier moves, as well as her overall level of prowess, in order to not betray her training sessions with the Syndicate. Not that she was very happy about it - in her own words, it's difficult to place oneself in the bottom third of the class on purpose.


Togaru Kamakiri/Jack Mantis/Tower/Scimitar

The second of the revealed "Recruits", Kamakiri's turn to villainy was brought on due to a series of violent incidents involving his inability (and/or reluctance) to better control his Quirk, resulting in several people getting injured or killed and Togaru getting disproportionately punished. He plays a key role during the Graduation Ceremony Arc.

  • Absurdly Sharp Blade: His Quirk, aptly named "Razor Sharp", allows him to instantly sprout a variety of lethal blades from any part of his body - it has been demonstrated he is capable of instantly cutting through sinew, bone and even welded metal plates without issues.
  • Blade Below the Shoulder: Kamakiri's Quirk allows him to sprout metallic blades of varying size, length and curve anywhere on his body, making him something of a Human Weapon
  • Blood Knight: Kamakiri has a violent, bloodthirsty nature, one not at all aided by the harsh treatment he received from his superiors and Hero Agency workers for his mistakes, which was further exploited by Toga and the Syndicate after Kamakiri was recruited. Couple his dangerous and versatile Quirk with a fondness for high-stakes combat and Scimitar makes for a dangerous opponent now that his true colours have been revealed.
  • Defector from Decadence: What Kamakiri perceives himself to be. After killing a man he suspected of attempting to shoot a crowd of civillians, he was investigated, suspended from his Hero work and would likely have been kicked out of U.A. and stripped of his licence entirely had his family not threatened to sue. Most damning, however, was the U.A. staff keeping the whole thing under wraps so as not to damage the school's reputation, which solidified Kamakiri's loss of faith in the system.
    Kamakiri: "Yeah, that's when I knew. When it first started to sink in what goddamn joke this system is- all this performative bullshit about justice and righteousness, and in the end it all boils down to making sure some rich fuck's wallet gets lined with ad revenue from Uwabami's latest perfume commercial. People like me - people with 'dangerous' quirks, ones that don't allow us to take villains down without spilling some blood - we get in the way of that. All of the sudden it was so goddamn obvious!"
  • Fallen Hero: Not only did he actually gain his Provisional License, Kamakiri clearly also tried to display what he considered to be heroic behaviour, saving a crowd of innocent people at the cost of his personal record. Unfortunately, after getting the impression his sacrifice was not appreciated, his heroic resolve soured greatly.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Scimitar was always rather disagreeable, but a series of unfortunate events where he failed to reign in his more violent instincts resulted in him becoming outright homicidal, stating he fantasized about decapitating people he found annoying or contemptible on many occasions. When Uraraka spits in his face in an act of spite, Hagakure has to physically restrain him from murdering Ochako then and there, plan or no plan.
  • Hero Killer: It was his double made by Twice, but Kamakiri's clone was the one responsible for decapitating Vlad King and putting Present Mic in critical condition by slashing through his vocal chords. It is stated that Kamakiri had been itching to slice his old teachers up for some time now.
  • Human Weapon: Kamakiri's Quirk, "Razor Sharp", allows him to sprout an unspecified number of blades of any size, length and shape from any part of his body, turning him into an almost literal Swiss-Army Hero, sans the hero part. Unfortunately, the nature of his Quirk also meant it was very difficult for him to fight without seriously injuring or even killing his opponents, which, in his own words, wasn't very marketable in the modern Hero society.
  • Lean and Mean: Is rather tall, lean and has an athletic build, and is probably one of the most violent, bloodthirsty operatives at the Syndicate's disposable. He claims to have desired for years to slice Kendo, Tetsutetsu and especially Jiro up whenever he saw them, and seems gleeful about his clone having been the one to murder Vlad King, his former homeroom teacher.
  • Literal Disarming: What he does accidentally to Awase during a bout of friendly sparring between the two. Kamakiri gets a little carried away and decides to unleash his full potential against Awase, who had likewise been trying to push his limits. He ends up slicing off Yosetsu's arm, and though it gets reattached almost immediately without complications and Awase himself seemed understanding of it being an honest mistake, it began a series of events which progressively disillusioned Kamakiri with the society he'd intended to serve.
  • Love-Interest Traitor: Setsuna, who is implied to have a crush on him, refuses to consider the possibility that Togaru could be a traitor and maintains that, since the one doing the murders was a clone, the real Togaru may just have been kidnapped and used to create a saboteur by Twice. Kamakiri, for his part, never mentions Tokage at all and is very unlikely to hold any particular feelings for her.
  • Meaningful Rename: While "Scimitar" is a distinctly more ominous and deadly name than the more Rule of Cool "Jack Mantis", Kamakiri's codename undercover is perhaps even more poignant - within the Tarot, the "Tower" card represents looming catastrophe, disaster for the heroes and widespread destruction. Which is precisely Kamakiri's forte when it comes to dealing with his former friends.
  • Never My Fault: His attitude towards the incidents that brought about his corruption. Kamakiri sees his decisions as either "honest mistakes" or "neccesary evils", utterly failing to consider his part in how the incidents were received or whether he could have acted with more care and restraint. He is firmly convinced he is one of the select few who are wise to the truth of the world, and that everyone else is a "brainwashed little zombie", too indoctrinated to see the flaws within the system.
  • Sadistic Choice: Kamakiri remembers running into an apparently mentally unstable man while on patrol. Seeing the man attempt to draw a gun and begin firing into a crowd, Togaru makes a split-second choice between taking him down alive and risking innocent bystanders getting killed, and killing him before anyone has a chance of getting hurt. He opts for the latter as is harshly reprimanded for his decision by both U.A. and the Public Safety Commission. To add insult to injury, while it was confirmed that the man was indeed mentally unstable, the gun he would have used to fire into the crowd as an airsoft imitation, meaning there never was a threat of anyone else dying. This experience embitters Jack Mantis greatly and leaves him vulnerable to the Syndicate's influence.
  • Slaying Mantis: Kamakiri has a head reminiscent of a praying mantis, the "slaying" part is now equally if not more apt, what with allowing a clone of his to murder his homeroom teachers in cold blood and planning a "big debut" to announce his true allegiance.
  • Speak of the Devil: The moment he questions the wisdom in Seraph's decision to keep Kendo alive despite having ample opportunities to kill her, Izuku steps out from around the corner to announce his presence, giving Kamakiri a major freakout and instantly sending him into obedient-soldier mode, while both Monoma and Midoriya simply chuckle in amusement.
  • Then Let Me Be Evil: In Kamakiri's own view, heroes with Quirks like his, ones that are too dangerous and volatile to be used completely safely, will always be viewed with suspicion and resentment by the rest of the Hero society, as there's always the risk of things getting bloody and ugly whenever they use them. Dissatisfied with a system that puts marketability over merit and thus already sees him as a menace, Kamakiri throws his lot in with the Syndicate in order to help build a more just world... and take out his anger on those he loathes and disdains.
  • Turncoat: Midoriya refers to him as "his newest subordinate", implying he is the most recently recruited member of the group. Indeed, Kamakiri was genuinely loyal to U.A. and the Hero system, until becoming disillusioned with the system due to the treatment he received after a number of violent incidents.


Camie Utsushimi/Glamourous/Empress

The first recruit candidate, revealed during the HSPC Tower Attack. She is also Bakugo's girlfriend, and no doubt was recruited in order for Midoriya to keep a close eye on his former friend.

  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: She puts on a very bubbly and silly persona to hide the fact that she is one of the Syndicate's moles.
  • Love-Interest Traitor: She is dating Bakugo, no doubt for Seraph to keep an eye out for his hated enemy.

    Hanged Man 

Reiko Yanagi/Poltergeist/Hanged Man/Devout

The second candidate to be revealed during the HSPC Tower Attack. Yanagi is also an agent of the Meta Liberation Army codenamed Devout, and Phantasm's niece.

  • Double Reverse Quadruple Agent: She is an agent of the Meta Liberation army, infiltrated in both the Pro Hero system, as well as the Syndicate as one of its newest recruits.
  • Two Aliases, One Character: Reiko Yanagi, who goes as Poltergeist as hero, Devout as an MLA operative and Hanged Man as a Syndicate mole.


Seiji Shishikura/Rodin/Hierophant

The third recruit to be revealed. While the reasons for his betrayal have yet to be revealed, it's implied that he is also a follower of Stain, believing that the current hero society is beyond saving and needs to be restarted. He is the one who initiated Utsushimi/Empress into the Syndicate.
  • Jerkass: Judging from members of the Syndicate, it's his defining characteristic

Allies and Associates


Kai Chisaki/Overhaul

With no Deku to run into Eri during her escape attempt, the raid against the Shie Hassaikai goes very differently than in canon, with the heroes pulling back after discovering and rescuing Eri, but at the cost of allowing Overhaul and most of his minions to escape. After this, Chisaki engaged in a two-year game of cat-and-mouse with Sir Nighteye, constantly on the backfoot before Izuku comes to him with an alliance proposal in preparation for Black Day.

  • A Day in the Limelight: He is one of the main POV characters for the back half of the Black Day Arc, being one of Midoriya's Strike Team leaders, showing off his altered characterisation and reminiscing on his actions since the point of canon divergence.
  • Bad Boss: While Overhaul has been shown to value his men slightly more than in canon, it seems to be nothing but the result of having lost a great deal of assets and resources to Nighteye already and being reluctant to sacrifice more if he can help it. Fact remains, he is still perfectly capable of vaporising unruly subordinates for the slightest displeasure and has no issue sending his Mooks on suicidal attacks if he deems it prudent.
  • Combat Medic: Overhaul's Quirk allows him to effortlessly repair even fatal wounds dealt to him or his allies, provided the damage is very recent and there isn't too much flesh missing from any open wounds. He can also use that same Quirk to instantly reduce his enemies - or any part of them - into a puff of bloody mist, as well as reshape the very enviroment around him into weapons and obstacles. Just don't go casually expecting his services after every injury you suffer - something Hatsume seems oddly fond of doing.
    Hatsume: "Or wait, is she the original, and I'm the clone? I've slept so little lately that I honestly can't remember! Could you help me check? Just chop off one of my fingers real quick, or even the whole arm if you want- Overhaul can put it back on."
    Overhaul: "I've told you before, I'm not your personal medic."
  • Death Is Cheap: Provided the damage is recent enough, Overhaul can effectively revive his allies even after they've been killed in action, provided there isn't too much of them missing. He manages to heal Setsuno from a bullet to the head, and is later revealed to have repeatedly revived Uraraka after Hatsume's failed attempts to install the Baku neurochip into her brain.
  • Evil Is Petty: Despite being in a tense, high-stakes operation, he takes the time to stage an ironic demise for Gran Torino after blowing off his legs. He makes a hole in the wall of the building and throws the now hapless Pro out, taunting him even as Sorahiko plummets to his death below.
  • I Surrender, Suckers: Uses this ploy when a few Tokyo P.D. officers try and ambush the Hassaikai emerging from an elevator on Black Day. He comes out with his hands up, asking the officers to forgive these "sick people" for their wrongdoings... only to suddenly duck and allow Chronostasis to immobilise all of them with one slash of his clock-hair.
  • Hates Being Touched: As per canon, Overhaul is a raging germaphobe and despises physical contact of any kind. Even Dabi, who shows few restraints when teasing and trash-talking Chisaki, is smart enough to realise that casually touching the Yakuza boss would probably result in him getting hurt.
  • Hero Killer: He takes out Gran Torino along with Dabi, removing the old Pro's legs with his Quirk before taking the time to deliver an ironic death by throwing the now effectively Quirkless Sorahiko out of a building.
  • Ludicrous Gibs: The result of using his Quirk on living opponents. Demonstrated effectively on Tsukauchi's arm and Gran Torino's legs.
  • Mook Depletion: Has been suffering significant losses at Nighteye's hands over the course of the Time Skip, so much so that he will actively try and rescue some of his subordinates from danger so as not to waste any more assets. Despite this, at the current point in the story, the Hassaikai has been reduced to Overhaul, Setsuno and a handful of footsoldiers, though Overhaul believes he will soon be able to retrieve all of his captured subordinates.
  • Neat Freak: Much like in canon, Chisaki is a major germaphobe along with a number of other possible personality disorders, which compel him to detest filth and uncleanliness of any sort.
  • Oh, Crap!: Despite the considerable power of his Quirk, Overhaul has bitten off more than he could chew on a couple of occasions. First time, he was incredibly shocked and frightened after the effectively Quirkless Naomasa managed to blow off his right hand, rendering him vulnerable for the first time. A second, much bigger scare, occurs when Mirio phases into Tokyo P.D.'s main server room besides Overhaul, prompting something close to a panic attack in the Yakuza who remembers how unbeatable Mirio came across during their last encounter.
  • Person of Mass Destruction: His Quirk allows him to destroy any object on a cellular level, but when boosted with Trigger, Overhaul gains enough power to effortlessly collapse large buildings into the ground and then seal the cracks back up - which is exactly what he does to the U.A.'s main building.
  • Pragmatic Villainy: Though he is something of a Bad Boss and it's easy to get on his bad side, years of loss and defeat have taught Overhaul to value his subordinates more than he used to, and he repeatedly makes an effort to rescue and repair them whenever he can. His alliance with the Syndicate in general is very much a quid pro quo affair based on mutual interest.
  • Revenge: One of his main reasons for joining forces with the Syndicate is Izuku's promise of getting revenge against Sir Nighteye and Lemillion, the two Pros who have cost him Eri and thus his Quirk-destroying project, as well as a considerable number of other resources.
  • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: With most every Syndicate member, but most notably with Dabi, whose cocky attitude and jovial insubordination he cannot stand. Exploited, as both of them plan ahead just enough to trick Gran Torino into attacking them while they were engaged in staged bickering, allowing them to get the drop on him at the same time.
  • Underestimating Badassery: What almost costs him his life when dealing with Tsukauchi during the attack on Tokyo P.D. Dismissing him as a regular cop, Overhaul fails to consider Naomasa might just be more competent than he appears, and pays for his mistake with his right hand, barely being able to repair it thanks to Setsuno interfering in the nick of time.
  • Villain Team-Up: He is recruited by Midoriya to aid the Syndicate's operations early on in the story, and the two groups have cooperated and exchanged their operatives ever since. Notably, Overhaul is still in charge of his own men and Midoriya ostensibly treats him like an equal, even as it becomes clearer and clearer which one of them has more power.
  • We Have Reserves: His general attitude towards his subordinates. Despite starting to suffer from Mook Depletion due to Nighteye and Mirio hounding him across Japan for years, he still has no issues ordering his men into suicidal missions if he deems it neccesary for the mission's success. Thanks to Midoriya's promises, he also isn't too concerned with having his Expendables captured by the heroes, as he believes he'll be able to retrieve all his lieutenants with the Syndicate's aid eventually.


Hari Kurono/Chronostasis

Continuing to serve as Overhaul's right hand man, Chronostasis eventually plays a key role during Black Day, and is the most prominently featured of the Hassaikai within the fanfic.

  • Combat Pragmatist: While Kurono is not much of a fighter and his Quirk has only limited utility in a battle, he will absolutely use any weapons at his disposal, be it his clock-hair, his gun or his bare hands.
  • Improvised Weapon: Uses his clock-hair arrowheads as whips to rapidly knick a large number of enemies, neutralising them at once and leaving them at the villains' mercy.
  • Number Two: To Overhaul, as per canon and accenuated by the fact that Mimic and many other Yakuza have by now been captured by Nighteye's Pros.
  • Revolvers Are Just Better: As per canon, uses one as his standard weapon and is not at all shy about using it to execute Overhaul's enemies.
  • Self-Sacrifice Scheme: Downplayed, as he likely wasn't counting on having to actually pull the trigger, but he does threaten to shoot himself to tie Lemillion's hands for a moment and allow Overhaul to escape. Justified, seeing as even if he survived, Kurono would almost certainly be facing a life sentence at Tartarus once Mirio took him in.
  • Stop, or I Shoot Myself!: What he demonstrates to Mirio after Lemillion corners him, Chisaki and Dabi in the Tokyo P.D. server room. Unable to overpower Mirio with their Quirks, Kurono threatens to take his own life, forcing Mirio to focus on neutralising him and giving Chisaki a very narrow window to escape.
  • Undying Loyalty: To Chisaki, as per canon. Takes on a wholly new literal meaning when Kurono uses the threat of killing himself to distract Mirio and allow Overhaul a chance to escape.
  • Villainous Virtues: Scum though he may be, he is absolutely and unconditionally loyal to Chisaki out of simple admiration and respect for his vision and conduct. He doesn't hesitate to put his life on the line for the boss, clearly seen when he threatens to shoot himself or end up in jail for life simply to give Overhaul an opening to flee.


Kagero Okuta/Giran

Giran, like many other League associates, eventually switched teams and cut his ties with Shigaraki, offering his services to the Syndicate instead. He remains a provider and informant for the group, and is even trusted enough to be allowed into their headquarters.

  • Arms Dealer: A part of his job as the Syndicate's go-to Black Market guy, Giran is usually the one to arrange and oversee weapon shipments to other villainous and criminal groups in and out of Japan. When the Heroes capture him and try to use him to bust a Syndicate weapon's deal, he is ordered to play the part once more, though he manages to weasel his way out of the hoax.
  • Black Market: The Syndicate's (and before, the League's) main broker and contact when it comes to procuring more resources or generally doing business with the underworld. Aside from that, he also provides them with intel and presents promising recruits to them whenever the group needs to fill out their ranks - much like he did with Kaminari]].
  • Body Language: Uses this successfully to make Shinso aware of the fact the operation that's unfolding has been staged and there are Pros ready to assault their position. This very likely saves his life.
  • The Corrupter: Is the main person resposnible for corrupting Kaminari to the League, scouting out his potential, organizing his rescue in the nick of time and then aiding him in covering up his crimes rent free, not to mention providing him with a warm drink and a sympathetic ear.
  • Double Reverse Quadruple Agent: Ostensibly has started working with the Syndicate, but when he is arrested and questioned by the Pros, he agrees to sell out the villains with whom he's set to do business. However, as soon as the negotiations actually begin, he discreetly lets the Syndicate know of what is actually going on, allowing them to turn the tables on their pursuers early on.
  • Hostage Situation: In his first appearance, Giran has just been taken in and interrogated by Yoroimusha and his sidekicks, and agreed to help stage a deal with the Syndicate in order to capture some of their agents. However, as the heroes guarding him are not well-versed in the proceedings such and operation might have, they allow Giran to easily alert the Syndicate to the truth and slide out of danger at the same time.
  • I Surrender, Suckers: Pretends to work with the Pros to capture the Syndicate operatives after he is interrogated... only to immediately let Shinso know they are being set up and escaping with the Syndicate members.
  • Knowledge Broker: Aside from arranging deals with other criminal organisations, Giran has been shown to provide the Syndicate (and anyone else who might pay, presumably) with valuable intel concerning the underworld and various movements within. Izuku even trusts him enough to bring him into several Syndicate hideouts, trusting the dealer not to betray his organisation.
  • Turncoat: Originally worked for the League and Shigaraki, and while he was never a member, he seemed to be a close associate of his. However, it could be argued that, as a bussinessman first and foremost, Giran simply followed the money and only ceased providing Tomura with his services after Shigaraki could no longer pay for them. Safe to say, he placed his bets on the Syndicate some time before Shigaraki's death came about.

Pro Heroes and Students

Strike Team Fenrir

    Shared Tropes 
A government-mandated task force with the sole objective of eliminating the Syndicate by any means necessary. Founded by Best Jeanist after Black Day,the group combines Pro Heroes and their respective interns into three specialised units, each charged with threatening the Syndicate from a different angle. Many of its members have already suffered personally due to the Syndicate's machinations, and most of the heroic POV characters eventually join their ranks as well.

  • Badass Crew: The team currently comprises some of the most veteran Pros still in operation, including the current Top Three and several other Top Ten members, the finest students U.A. has to offer and their respective team members and sidekicks.
  • It's Personal: Many of the members joined after being personally affected by the Syndicate's and/or Hassaikai's actions, directly or otherwise. Notable examples include:
    • Kendo and Sir Nighteye ostensibly joined to avenge All Might and ensure his legacy is not tarnished by Midoriya.
    • Bakugo, while he too wishes to avenge All Might, also feels partly responsible for corrupting Midoriya and has vowed to take him down personally.
    • Endeavour signed up almost solely to rescue Shoto from Syndicate captivity.
    • Sir Nighteye and Mirio also wish to settle their score with Overhaul after rescuing Eri and learning of the abuse she'd been put through.
    • Ryukyu has suffered personally at Monoma's hands during her interrogation, and has seen Nejire and Tsuyu maimed and Ochako kidnapped and murdered by Syndicate members, providing her with all the reasons she could ever need.
    • Ms. Joke wants to bring Aizawa's murderers to justice.
  • Super Team: The largest Hero team thus far presented within the story, and certainly filled with powerful and competent members.
  • Taught by Experience: Nighteye, Jeanist and Edgeshot have spent a great deal of time reviewing and learning from any and all footage of the Syndicate's operations, studying their preferred tactics, safety measures and individual members in great detail. Jeanist in particular seems intent not to allow the Syndicate to keep up their element of surprise.
  • The Infiltration: At least two Syndicate Recruits, Hagakure and Kaminari, have already infiltrated the Hero team. While doubt has been cast on Denki due to Toga's accidental slip-up, Hagakure remains beneath suspicion.
  • Villains Act, Heroes React: So far, the Team, much like other Pro Heroes, has been forced to react to the Syndicate's attacks and operations, having to adapt to fighting a new kind of unpredictable enemy. Jeanist is determined to change this and has already tried to preempt the Graduation Ceremony Attack by changing his orders at the last possible moment.

    Itsuka Kendo 

Itsuka Kendo/Battlefist

The new Symbol of Peace, the fanfic's Deuteragonist and Hero-Antagonist. In this timeline, she inherits One for All shortly after the Forest Training Camp arc after trying to save her classmates from Muscular, impressing All Might with her heroic instinct and fearless resolve. Unlike Deku, Itsuka has already been publicly aknowledged as All Might's heir, which is precisely the reason why she becomes a focal point of Izuku's plans.

  • The Ace: Is considered this by most everyone from her class, as she has above-average grades, is a natural leader and excellent at fighting and using her quirks. Above all else, however, All Might sees in her the heroic resolve required for a Symbol of Peace.
  • Ascended Extra: Went from a minor character to the main Hero Antagonist.
  • Blessed with Suck: One for All has made her a prime target for the Syndicate and the quirk itself will eventually kill her.
  • Butt-Monkey: Has been repeatedly humiliated since the Syndicate debut and is rapidly losing public support.
  • Cool Big Sis: To Class-B and after the time skip to Alass-A to a minor extent.
  • Sizeshifter: Her original quirk allows her to enlarge her hands.
  • Smug Super: As other characters in story have pointed out repeatedly becoming All Might's successor and gaining one for all has not made her humble. Not to say that she is overt about it.
  • Your Days Are Numbered: One For All has drastically reduced her lifespan due to already possessing a quirk before receiving it.

    Katsuki Bakugo 

Katsuki Bakugo/Ground Zero

With no Deku to refuse to feed into his Inferiority Superiority Complex, Bakugo has over the years developed an intense hatred for Kendo, All Might's chosen successor, becoming more unstable and desperate as a result. When his old friend/victim resurfaces as Japan's most wanted terrorist, Bakugo takes it predictably poorly.

  • Always Second Best: Resents the hell out of it too the point where he is shaping up to be another Endeavor.
  • Character Development: Averted, without Izuku he never developed as a person. He is still acting the same way he did in his first year.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Is horrified when finding out what happened to Uraraka to put her under Syndicate control.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: Envies Kendo for inheriting One For All and being All Might's successor.
  • No Social Skills: A prick to everyone around him. It's a wonder why anyone even tolerates him.

    Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu 

Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu/Real Steel

One of Kendo's inner circle, Tetsutetsu remains mostly unchanged from his canon counterpart, and is often the one to mediate disputes between Kendo and Bakugo along with Kirishima. He has also had an on-again off-again romantic relationship with Kendo, before making them official during the U.A. Graduation Ceremony.

    Kyoka Jiro 

Kyoka Jiro/Earphone Jack

One of Kendo's inner circle, Jiro was hit hard by Momo's abduction during the Forest Training Incident, and sought out Itsuka's favour as a Replacement Goldfish of sorts. She has since become one of Itsuka's best friends and close confidants, and has been interning alongside her under Miruko.

    Mina Ashido 

Mina Ashido/Alien Queen

One of the student interns allowed to join the Task Force, Mina becomes increasingly disturbed by the events unfolding around her over the course of the story, and begins resorting to alcoholism to cope with her struggles - something readily exploited by Syndicate agents.

    Setsuna Tokage 

Setsuna Tokage/Lizardy

One of the student interns allowed to join the Task Force, Setsuna is one Kendo's closer acquaintances. She is initially kept from the spotlight, but her contributions become crucial during the Graduation Ceremony Arc.

Other Pro Heroes

    Shota Aizawa 

Shota Aizawa/Eraserhead

Just as in canon, Eraserhead remains the homeroom teacher of Class 1-A at U.A., and is the one assigned to assess Midoriya's request to be transferred to the Hero Course. His blunt and somewhat brutal denial, coupled with punishing Midoriya and his friends with detention, crushes any remnants of hope Izuku might have been holding onto, and starts him down his downwards spiral.

  • Freudian Excuse Is No Excuse: Openly refuses to acknowledge that he had any hand in causing Midoriya or anyone else to turn evil.
  • Not the Fall That Kills You…: How he ultimately dies. He gets lifted more than one hundred feet into the air by Uraraka's Zero Gravity, and dropped onto the ground a la Canon!Curious.
  • Stern Teacher: Heavily deconstructed in his talk with Midorya, Shinso, Hatsume, and later Hagakure as well. Aizawa gives a harsh speech about how Midorya cannot become a hero by relying on support items and punishes Shinso and Hatsume for eavesdropping and speaking up against his decision. This results in the trio's Start of Darkness. It was also likely a factor in Hagakure's willingness to go along with having him killed.
  • This Is Reality: Aizawa's reasoning behind telling Midorya that he cannot become a Hero.
  • The Unapologetic: To the Syndicate Founders in particular. He scoffs at the notion that he caused the Midorya, Shinso, and Hatsume to turn evil, and refuses to apologize to them.
    Aizawa: I assume you're expecting an apology? (chuckles) For what, a detention? A necessary dose of reality? I'll tell you what, Midorya- if you want one so bad, maybe I'll consider giving it, after you beg forgiveness for all the lives you've taken and destroyed. Try to balance out the scales, if you're aiming for reciprocity. Until then, you can go fuck yourself, you murdering psychopath.

Other Students

    Ochako Uraraka 

Ochako Uraraka/Uravity
