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Characters / Dream SMP: Neutrals

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These server members have chosen not to align themselves with any particular faction.

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"Sam... after everything I've done for you? After everything... Sam, please..."
Click here to see his initial Eggpire skin. 
Click here to see his regular skin. 
In-game name: Ponk
Preferred name: Ponk
"Are you good at making bridges? I know you are good at burning them."
One of the eight original members. He's quite eccentric, often conducting strange tests (generally involving cats). Ponk has always been quietly important, though never at the forefront. Ponk ended up losing a arm at the hands of his own boyfriend, Sam, causing him to get corrupted by the Egg. Ponk ended up getting freed from its influence, and began growing a very close relationship with Foolish. In addition, he had since set up base in the New World.

Ponk has one life left. He was first killed by Awesamdude after stealing some of the keycards for Pandora's Vault, then killed again by Awesamdude in a fight after threatening Fran.
  • An Arm and a Leg: Sam cut off his left arm after Ponk refused to give him back the prison keys, making him a triple amputee.
  • Artificial Limbs: He lost his legs after getting blasted during Technoblade's massacre and replaced them with bionic legs.
  • Black Comedy Animal Cruelty: Has a reputation of sacrificing Minecraft cats, which is never played seriously and pales in comparison to the many, many other acts of cruelty committed on the server.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Tends to work on his own agenda and often refuses to elaborate about his strange actions when questioned.
  • Dreaming of Times Gone By: He's had at least one strange dream about the life of his ancestor Jack, from "The Village That Went Mad". Exactly why is unknown.
  • Fate Worse than Death: He'd rather lose all of his canon lives than continue to see Sam, his ex-valentine, descend into cruelty as the warden of Pandora's Vault.
    Ponk: You can take my canon lives, Sam! You know why? Being a ghost seems better to me than being alive, you know? Just– seeing you! Act like this!
  • Flower Motifs: Lemons, as seen by his constructed lemon trees, and his chat taking the form of lemons. It also helps that lemon blossoms have the floriographic meaning of "fidelity in love".
  • Foil: To Sam. Sam is a cold and stern warden who harshly upholds the rules of the prison and is willing to harshly punish those that violate the prison rules and protocol; Ponk is a emotional, eccentric prankster who was willing to side with the Eggpire to thrive on chaos away from harsh punishment, though the ultimate reason he chose to become corrupted fully was because he felt that Sam broke his heart.
  • Ironic Allergy: Despite being known for sacrificing cats, he is allergic to them.
  • Love Hurts: Was quite in love with Sam, asking him to be his valentine and kissing him under the mistletoe, only for Sam to take one of his lives, his left arm, and torture him after angering Bad by messing with the prison.
  • Love Makes You Evil: Somewhat deconstructed. Ponk has admitted that the reason he fully gave in to the Egg's influence was because he needed a sense of stability after Sam broke his heart, and he thought the Eggpire could offer that.
  • Mad Scientist: Known for his bizarre cat experiments.
  • Malicious Misnaming: He's the only one on the SMP to call HBomb "HBoob".
  • The Medic: Played With. Ponk himself says that he's not a medical doctor but is rather a doctor of architecture, though he does dabble with essential oils and has a medical license courtesy of Schlatt.
  • Nice Guy: For the most part, Ponk is on the kind and friendly side and is even able to sympathize with Dream, specifically regarding him being fed exclusively raw potatoes in the prison.
  • The Prankster: He loves to play practical jokes on members of the server society.
  • Serial Prostheses: He lost limbs on two occasions, once in the aftermath of the Manburg Massacre, and the other time as a result of messing around with Pandora's Vault.
  • Token Good Teammate: Possibly to the Eggpire, alongside Punz. Ponk claimed he was not aware of the rest of the Eggpire's plan to sacrifice people to the Egg during the Red Banquet and thought it would be peaceful, though he still helped the Eggpire during the event for unknown reasons. Afterward, Ponk fled to Foolish's summer home and sought forgiveness, losing influence from the Egg in the process.
  • Yandere: Shows shades of this with Foolish, yelling "Foolish, love me!" as he blew up Foolish's property.

"Hey, I'm happy that the Egg can move forward."
Click here to see his normal skin. 
In-game name: Punz
Preferred name: Punz
"I'm sorry, Dream. You should've paid me more."A skilled fighter who usually keeps to himself. Punz fights for himself only, and no matter what is more than willing to follow Dream's orders as a paid mercenary, causing him to serve as The Dragon for Dream until Punz betrayed him for a better price at the Disc Confrontation (or so everyone thought). Punz eventually fell under the Egg's influence, fighting for it at all costs. Strangely, when it was time for the Red Banquet, Punz was not there unlike the other members. After the Eggpire's collapse, he went back to working for Dream.

Punz is deceased. While it's unknown when it happened, he revealed that he had lost two lives to Dream as they experimented with the effects of the Revive Book on each other. He lost his final life in the detonation of Project Early Dawn.
  • Ambition Is Evil: Ultimately, Punz is a man that wants money, chaos and, above all else, power. He often switched allegiances if it benefited him and when the Egg promised him chaos, Punz joined the Eggpire of his own volition in the pursuit of causing more chaos on the server. Once Dream escaped from prison? He immediately joined back up with him again for the chaos and fun it'll bring. Punz even recounts the power the Revival Book grants him into being a potential god as something that drives him into still partnering with Dream and going along with the atrocities that they did, and even plan to do.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Punz leads The Cavalry to save Tommy and Tubbo from Dream in the Season 2 finale.
  • Big Fancy House: Punz's house features a glass roof and many beehives for beekeeping, while his massive backyard has a tower with floors rented out to various members on the server. The property is so large that it's even bigger than the territory L'Manburg — a whole country — used to occupy.
  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: He can be easily bribed as long as there's money and chaos for him to obtain.
  • Demoted to Extra: Was notably the only member of the Eggpire to not be present at the Red Banquet. However, his absence for the event was never explained.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: He killed KSI with his trident for mispronouncing his name as "Poonz".
  • The Dragon: Took over this role after George and Sapnap's falling out with Dream. Punz has been Dream's most consistent ally and even though Punz claims to just be a mercenary he admits to having grown a real bond with Dream.
  • Dragon Ascendant: With Dream on the run in the Disunion Era and later in prison, Punz has become the de-facto leader of the Greater Dream SMP in his absence... well, in theory. In practice, Eret is really the one consistent ruler.
  • Foil:
    • To Technoblade. Both have very anarchistic mindsets and often times capable of switching allegiances on a whim. However, while Techno has Undying Loyalty to his friends, Punz only cares about money and can easily be bribed to betray his friends for profit. Punz wishes to keep the server in a permanent state of chaos, whereas Techno wishes to use anarchy to create a more peaceful world.
    • To Sapnap. Both are good at PVP and have a chaotic mindset to thrive on violence in major wars. Whenever the conflict is over, however, Sapnap settles down and stay loyal to his friends, and has experienced Character Development to become more peaceful, but Punz only cares for his own profit and is willing to betray anyone as long as there is money for him to obtain, and even in his loyalty, it most often lies with figures with faulty moral compasses like Dream.
  • Friend to Bugs: Punz runs a large beekeeping farm in his house.
    Eret: (while giving Techno a tour) That's Punz's house... full of bees, if you like bees...
  • Heel–Face Turn: After realizing Dream never really gave him much, he defects to Tommy... except it is later revealed that Punz never truly betrayed Dream and was merely pretending to have switched sides.
  • Hero Killer: Much like Dream is this to Tommy, Wilbur's first two lives were both taken by Punz.note 
  • Hired Guns: He's a mercenary and a rather effective one at that given how DreamXD even praised his skills because it gave the God more souls to acquire.
  • I Fight for the Strongest Side!: Punz is an even bigger Wild Card than Sapnap or Technoblade, often switching allegiances mid-battle to whoever is winning at the moment.
  • The Mole: Punz acts as this for the rest of the server just before the Doomsday War, having feigned a falling out with Dream to make it more convincing.
  • Necromancer: Punz is aware of the contents of the Revive Book and is able to bring people Back from the Dead as a result of this. Other than assisting Dream in testing the book on Vikkstar and Lazarbeam, he has brought Dream back after the latter was killed by Tubbo.
  • Only in It for the Money:
    • A good way to get Punz on your side is offering him enough materials and resources.
      Punz: Dream said it best. I'm a mercenary.
    • This proves to be the one thing that drives him to turn against Dream whilst the latter threatens to kill Tubbo and imprison Tommy whilst in Dream's secret base.
      Punz: I'm sorry, Dream. But you should've paid me more.
      • But this turns out to be subversion when it's later revealed that Punz was a Fake Defector.
  • Pet the Dog: Punz the content creator said his character has had a soft spot for Tommy after rescuing him. However, following Tommy and Tubbo killing Dream, that stance seemed to have gone out the window as he angrily tells both off before he revives his comrade.
  • Plot-Mandated Friendship Failure: Invoked by Dream, who stages a falling out between the two of them (by killing a Body Double of Punz' horse, Bumpkin) so that Punz looks like he's no longer associated with Dream, making the rest of the server completely blind to his efforts as a spy. However, things soon get out of Dream's hands when the staged falling out becomes a real one, with Punz turning against Dream and bringing half of the whitelist to Dream's secret base because of the former only wanting resources from Dream... or so it seemed.
  • Pragmatic Villainy: When Dream began talk of experimenting with the Revive Book on people, Punz was the one that stopped him for going after Philza of all people. Considering who Phil is friends with, he essentially just talked Dream out of suicide with extra steps.
  • Tested on Humans: Aided Dream with his revive book experiments on Lazarbeam and Vikkstar. It was later revealed both Punz and Dream had done this to each other.
  • Token Good Teammate: Implied to be this to the Eggpire. He quietly said, "But I saved him..." and briefly expressed grief over Tommy's death despite the Crimson influencing him to celebrate it, and he was the sole member of the Eggpire (other than Skeppy) to not show up to the Red Banquet.
  • Undying Loyalty: Punz is the most faithful to Dream out of anyone on the server, even his former friends like Sapnap and George, with them sharing Dream's desire to learn more about their world and the power the Revive Book brought them. To put in perspective, Punz was trusted not only with the book that could bring anyone back to life (the same book that has been sought after by people like the likes of Quackity, mind you), but also being trusted enough that Dream allowed Punz to kill him, even though it could have resulted in him being stuck in Limbo!
  • Villain with Good Publicity: Well, as much good publicity being a merc will get you, but it's worth that his ties to Dream has never been revealed to most of the server, thus allowing him to remain in their good graces. Tommy even notes that fact would make people believing that Punz was evil all along quite difficult.

Tommy has his own page here.

"If I can't make people smile, I will make them cry."
Click here to see his regular skin 
Click here to see his L'Manburg skin 
In-game name: ItsFundy
Preferred name: Fundy
"If gods can bleed, gods can die."
A member of L'Manburg jokingly stated to be Wilbur's son by a salmon lady. Fundy appeared to be loyal to Jschlatt, but in reality, he played the role of a spy. He joined Pogtopia to take back L'Manburg, and started working with the rest of the L'Manburgians to try and rebuild under his new position as Foreman and also was a member of the Butcher Army. However, when the loss of Wilbur, Tommy's exile, and Dream leaving him at the altar all got too much, Fundy left with Niki and refused to fight alongside L'Manberg, even going out of his way to sabotage their supplies after feeling like fighting back was pointless. He later joins Las Nevadas in a desire to seek approval, validation, and worthiness, ultimately to no avail. After that, Fundy moves far away from the main part of the SMP, cutting contact with those around him, and ultimately throws himself into the L'Manburg crater to get away from Wilbur and most likely live out his last canon life alone.

Fundy has one life left. He lost his first life in the Final Control Room, and he lost his second jumping into the L'Manburg crater.
  • Always a Child to Parent: Fundy hated being babied by Wilbur; Ghostbur doing it caused Fundy to lash out at him. After his revival, Wilbur ultimately apologizes to him for this.
  • Animal Motifs: Foxes, which comes with being a clever, mischievous anthropomorphic fox.
  • Ape Shall Never Kill Ape: During the early stages of the First Pet War, this is cited to be the reason he, an anthropomorphic fox, convinces Niki to "pet" Skechers, one of Sapnap's pet foxes, with a stone pickaxe instead of doing it himself.
    Fundy: Because I can absolutely never fucking kill a fox.
  • Berserk Button: The easiest way to get under Fundy's skin is to call him a furry.
  • Broken Pedestal: While Fundy initially joins Schlatt's cabinet with the intention of serving as The Mole, Schlatt's uncharacteristically and seemingly genuine kindness towards and appreciation of Fundy starts to make him genuinely consider Schlatt a friend and even entertains the notion of him being a good leader in his own right. Schlatt's actions at the Festival serve as a wake-up call to Fundy, making him realize that Schlatt is a sadistic tyrant who needs to be brought down as soon as possible. Schlatt's remarks when he learns of Fundy's betrayal only further breaks the pedestal.
  • Butt-Monkey: Deconstructed. It's not uncommon for Fundy to be treated poorly and jokes to be made at his expense, from his appearance to his personality to him being an orphan. It was often Played for Laughs... until Fundy finally explodes from frustration.
    Fundy: (bitter laugh) This is– They're toying with me! They're toying with me. They're actually– Everyone is toying with me, they ARE ALWAYS TOYING WITH ME!! EVERYONE IS!! I'M ALWAYS BEING PLAYED WITH! WHY?? Why does it always have to be me? Every single time...
  • Calling Parents by Their Name: In order to help keep his status as a spy a secret from Schlatt, Fundy would call his father "Wilbur" or "Mr. Soot". Even after the war and after Wilbur's death, Fundy does this, only referring to Wilbur as his father to other people but never to his face.
  • Carnivore Confusion: A unique case, Fundy doesn't eat salmon, and seeing dead salmon causes him to freeze as he fears it could be his mother. For this reason, he is deeply uncomfortable with others eating salmon as well.
  • Demon Slaying: Fundy, Tubbo, and Sapnap are all part of the Dreamon Hunters, a group of investigators who seek out and destroy Dreamons.
  • Despair Event Horizon:
    • Getting yelled at by Ranboo after Doomsday seemed to have been the last straw for Fundy. After that, he had seemingly given up on helping others or trying to gain their love and support. Instead, he believed that getting them all to hate them is the only option left for him. He snapped out of that after a while.
    • At some point, he crossed it again during his time in Las Nevadas, having decided to cut everyone out of his life and move far away where no one can find him.
  • Divine Parentage: Downplayed. His grandfather is Philza, who, while not explicitly an angel, has lived longer then any mortal should and has wings. However, neither Fundy nor his father, Wilbur, seem to share these supernatural traits and, outside of Fundy's odd prophetic dream insomnia and being born a fox, are average mortals.
  • Dreaming of Things to Come: On Fundy's March 30th 2021 stream, it is revealed that he suffers from some form of insomnia which links events in reality to Fundy's dreams — in shorthand, his dreams are prophetic. Takes a turn into Fridge Horror when one remembers the terrifying atmosphere of this stream, which took place almost entirely during one of these dreams.
  • Embarrassing Middle Name: One of Fundy's middle names is "Georgina". When Quackity asks him to sign a document with his full name, Fundy makes him promise not to tell anyone.
  • Face–Heel Turn: Subverted in the L'Manburg Civil War. Though it initially appears that he's betrayed Wilbur and Tommy to side with Jschlatt, he's actually an independent mole working to dismantle Jschlatt's operations from the inside.
  • Fake Defector: Unbeknownst to both Manburg and Pogtopia, Fundy was actually working for Pogtopia. Fundy compiled data concerning Manburg and Jschlatt in a journal, plotting to gain enough power within Manburg to take down Jschlatt once and for all. Schlatt's seemingly genuine appreciation for and friendship with Fundy does tempt him to become the mask, but Schlatt's execution of Tubbo pretty much dashes any chance of this happening.
  • Fever Dream Episode: A majority of Fundy's March 30th stream was about him being stuck in a Nightmare Sequence. It is later being revealed that Fundy suffers from a rare illness that causes him to have insomnia in his own dreams and said dreams are connected to reality.
  • Fox Folk: Fundy's skin is based off an anthropomorphic Minecraft fox.
  • Furry Confusion: Being an anthropomorphic fox, it gets a bit weird when Fundy interacts with actual foxes in the Minecraftian Dream SMP world. It is acknowledged in Season 3 when Fundy adopts Yogurt, an arctic fox, as his son rather than a pet.
  • The Gambling Addict: Off-handedly mentioned to have become one in the Las Nevadas finale, though he is never seen in the livestream outside of flashbacks.
  • Hates Being Alone: After losing both of his parents, Eret not showing up for his adoption, Philza disowning him, and slowly drifting apart from Ranboo and Niki, it's no wonder Fundy feels a lot of pain from being alone. This doesn't end well.
  • Hates Their Parent: It's complicated. Ultimately, when Wilbur finds him in the Pogtopia ravine and tries to bond with him again, Fundy ends up venting out his issues to him, and while he accepts Wilbur's apology, he doesn't forgive Wilbur and wants him out of his life.
    Fundy: I need him to be y'know... I don't wanna see him, but I really do! (nervous laugh) I want him to be gone but at the same time I really just... I want him to be there for me again but...
  • The Heart: Fundy is the most emotive member of the OG L'Manburgians, as well as Wilbur's son and moral grounding.
  • Heinz Hybrid: If one version of the canonical family tree is to be believed, Fundy is the son of a salmon and a presumed human, who is in turn the son of a semi-immortal Winged Humanoid (presumed human by most) and a Samsung Smart Refrigerator, making Fundy 50% fish and 25% fridge at the very least. Oh, and have we mentioned that Fundy himself is a humanoid fox?
  • I Have No Son!:
    • Inverted and subverted when Fundy disowns Wilbur as his father for refusing to follow Schlatt, but only did so as an act to convince Schlatt of his loyalty.
    • Played straight when Fundy is disowned by his grandfather, Philza, for joining the Butcher Army to execute Technoblade, though they have since tried to repair their relationship.
  • I Just Want to Be Loved: A platonic version. He craves recognition from the authority figures in his life.
  • I Should Have Been Better: Fundy feels insecure being not able to meaningfully impact in the conflicts he's a part of, such as his spy diary being quickly forgotten, not being able to prevent the destruction of his country — multiple times, and failing to accomplish anything with Dry Waters. This is just one of many insecurities Quackity is able to exploit during the Las Nevadas arc.
  • Kindhearted Cat Lover: Fundy has three cats, Boots, Mittens, and Socks, and is a relatively decent individual, especially in comparison with the people he is on the server with.
  • Leave Me Alone!: After spending time with his revived father, Fundy rejects Wilbur's apology and says he wants nothing to do with him anymore. However, it's not just his father Fundy no longer wants to be around, but everyone on the server, so he has isolated himself by moving far away and cutting off all contacts.
  • Less Embarrassing Term: Fundy insists that he is just an anthropomorphic fox and not a furry.
  • Missing Mom: He hasn't seen his mother in 12 years, having been apparently lost and possibly even eaten by Wilbur.
  • Mysterious Watcher: Although he was not an active participant in the event, both Foolish and himself were present watching over the prison escape in dark cloaks. It's unknown why they didn't intervene beyond helping kill the Withers Niki let loose.
  • Orphan's Ordeal: His father was dead and his mother is missing (apparently misplaced or eaten by Wilbur), and although Fundy's relationship with Wilbur wasn't the best, Fundy still missed his father.
  • Overly Long Name: According to his copy of the Las Nevadas contract, Fundy's full name is "Fun Jonatahan micahel vincent georgina james sus Dy".
  • Parental Neglect: Again, it's complicated. While Wilbur loved Fundy dearly, the times he did acknowledge his son he tended to be very patronizing, which Fundy hated. Things got worse during the Manberg arc where Wilbur believed Fundy had betrayed him and left him behind in Manburg. Wilbur even outright says he despises Fundy to his son's face after the fox revealed he was always on Wilbur's side as a spy and became very distant towards his son. Wilbur's death has only left Fundy with even more issues, Ghostbur tried his best to make up for Alivebur's shortcomings, to no avail. While he still harbors many unresolved feelings, Fundy has expressed that he does not want his father to be revived and has a hard time accepting that his father is back when it happens.
  • The Prankster: Very fond of playing pranks and scamming others, even if it occasionally backfires on him.
  • Raised by Grandparents: He was under the care of his grandfather Philza for a while after Wilbur's death.
  • Random Species Offspring: Fundy (a fox) is somehow the biological son of Wilbur (a human). It only gets weirder from there if Fundy is telling the truth about his mother being a literal salmon. Although he tells Schlatt later on that he was created from a piece of Wilbur that fell off, it's very likely he only said this to gain Schlatt's trust by further distancing himself from his father.
  • Rejected Apology:
    • He doesn't forgive Sapnap for killing Fungi.
      Niki: (explaining the situation) Sapnap killed [Fungi].
      Fundy: WHY?!
      Niki: Sa– Yeah, I don't know, but he apologized.
      Fundy: WHAT DO YOU MEAN, HE APOLOGIZED? How is that even justifi– I swear to God, this Sapnap boy– this Snapchat man must pay.
    • Though Fundy is glad to hear Wilbur is trying to do better, he still rejects his father's apology to him.
  • Retcon: Fundy was originally written as a transgender man in Season 1 of Dream SMP, but this was later retconned as cc!Wilbur and cc!Fundy weren't really sure if they could portray this accurately, and fans had begun to believe that Schlatt's "real man" comment towards Fundy was intended to be transphobic, which wasn't the case. Despite being retconned from canon, cc!Fundy has stated that he is fine with people choosing to still headcanon his character as such.
  • Sanity Slippage: Fundy was already teetering on the edge of this but his constant nightmares have started to push him over the edge enough to start doubting his own memories and drove him to blow up his own home with TNT. This seemingly culminates with him purposely isolating himself away from everyone — to the point that he was willing to jump to his death get away from Wilbur.
  • Shell-Shocked Veteran: Going through many bloody wars has not done wonders for his psyche.
  • Shout-Out: Fundy wears a black hat with gold decals in almost all of his appearances; it matches the one worn by Jotaro Kujo from Jojos Bizarre Adventure.
  • Speaks Fluent Animal: Several clips show that Fundy can understand certain other animals, being an anthropomorphic fox himself. These animals have so far included other foxes and possibly sheep.
  • Stepford Smiler: He puts up a cheerful front to hide his loneliness, insecurities, and trauma.
  • Trauma Button:
    • Very heavily implied during the Red Banquet. His reaction to finding out he and the other attendees were trapped was terrified screaming and trying to escape. This happened to be a situation eerily similar to the Final Control Room, where he and his war comrades were similarly Lured into a Trap to be slaughtered mercilessly, which also happened to be an incident that canonically traumatized Wilbur and Tommy. Many fans have also noted that Fundy was actually the last person to die in the Final Control Room massacre, meaning that he watched his fellow soldiers (read: his friends and father) die in front of him before being killed himself. Considering that the Eggpire was planning on publicly executing the attendees one by one, it's no wonder that Fundy was absolutely horrified by the situation.
    • His nightmare also shook him rather badly. Being confronted by the closed front door in his home causes Fundy to become tense and anxious, fearing that he's trapped in another nightmare from his prophetic dream insomnia. He hesitantly opens the door and relaxes after seeing his usual front yard.
  • The Un Favourite: Phil claims his favourite grandson is Michael because his other grandson was "pretty much just a pleb" and "betrays [him] like every second he gets". Fundy, being that other grandson, is understandably hurt by this.
  • Vote Early, Vote Often: Fundy attempts to rig the votes for the L'Manburg Presidential Election in favour of his party, Coconut2020, with approximately 120,000 fraudulent votes being supplied from the same IP address. This gets defied when the fraudulent votes are disqualified during the election in the end.
  • Watching Troy Burn: After considering Ranboo's speech about sides the night before the battle, Fundy refused to fight alongside Tommy during Doomsday and intentionally sabotaged their supplies to fight back against Dream and Techno.
  • "Well Done, Son" Guy:
    • A more subdued example, but Fundy's strained relationship with his father partially stems from Wilbur's refusal to take him seriously and his tendency to baby Fundy. Being treated like an adult by Schlatt almost made Fundy question betraying the president, until the festival showed just how bad Schlatt truly is.
    • After Season 1, Wilbur the content creator confirms that the main thing Fundy strives for is "to be loved by an authority" and greatly seeks their acceptance, even if many of them eventually turn their backs on him. This desire for approval ends up making him susceptible to manipulation, and fuels an unhealthy cycle for Fundy's mentality on the SMP.
  • Zero-Approval Gambit: Fundy planned to do a dark version of this trope around Doomsday, giving up on reaching out to others and aiming to bring them all together by making them hate him. He ended up not going through with it, instead taking a vacation away from the main Dream SMP to process his emotions properly.

"I do my best."
Click here to see his regular skin 
In-game name: Purpled
Preferred name: Purpled
"And when the time seems right, I'll do whatever I have to do."
A young man who prefers to stay out of conflict. He was allied with New L'Manburg, but was never fully loyal to their side, and did not join any faction after L'Manburg's final destruction for several months.

After Quackity destroys his UFO following the events of the Red Banquet and invites him to Las Nevadas, Purpled eventually accepts the offer, but is later revealed to have joined to gather information to take revenge against Quackity for his act of destruction.

Purpled has two lives left. He lost his first life after being knocked off of the balcony of the Las Nevadas Hotel by Slimecicle.
  • Affectionate Nickname: Some people call him "Purp".
  • Ambiguously Human: In Quackity's fourth "Las Nevadas" stream, Purpled reveals in a monologue that the UFO is related to his heritage. This may refer to the popular fanon that he's an extraterrestrial or is descended from one, or something else entirely, since no context is given in the episode. His content creator counterpart prefers to leave it up to audience interpretation, further solidifying the ambiguity.
  • Assassins Are Always Betrayed: A variation, as he isn't necessarily an assassin, but a mercenary nonetheless. A week before the Red Banquet, he catches Quackity filling his UFO with TNT, but is convinced to help him crash the Banquet after being promised payment from Las Nevadas. After the Banquet, Purpled collects his money... only for Quackity to blow up his UFO anyway... and then try to convince him to join Las Nevadas with promises of a legacy now that his UFO is gone.
  • Best Served Cold: It took several months for Purpled's revenge against Quackity for UFO-destruction to take hold, and that's just the first part of the equation.
  • Big Damn Heroes: He is one of the three who crashed the Red Banquet to save the attendees from being murdered and fed to the Egg.
  • Canine Companion: Purpled likes to occasionally bring his beloved dog, DogChamp, on walks. He also considers DogChamp his most prized possession, as he has been with him since he first logged onto the server.
  • Child Soldiers: Purpled participated in the Manburg-Pogtopia War at age 17 (if we're going by content creator ages).
  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Anytime Purpled is involved in a major faction or conflict, chances are he'll probably switch sides before its over, though why he's betraying tends to vary.
    • In the Revolution, Purpled initially fought for Manberg, but a combination of being outnumbered and his own ideals had Purpled defect to joining the Pogtopians midway through the battle.
    • Purpled was initially hired by the Eggpire to assassinate Puffy... but ended up switching over to aiding Quackity, who had a better price, and months of not doing his assigned job.
    • Despite aligning himself with Las Nevadas, Purpled had secretly still resented Quackity and only kept working with him up until he thought Quackity got the Revive Book, wanting the power for himself.
  • Conflicting Loyalty: Spent most of the war struggling to decide which side he wanted to fight for before finally siding with Pogtopia.
  • Color Motif: Purple, to the point that he's named after the colour.
  • Create Your Own Villain: While Purpled was never the most morally upstanding guy to begin with, the main reason he grew deeper into an antagonistic role and into the lore in the first place is Quackity perpetuating the cycle of violence, trauma, and revenge on him, leading to several atrocities in Purpled's own quest for revenge.
  • Flying Saucer: He used to live in one before creating a new base. It has since been destroyed by Quackity using TNT.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: While his murder of Slime cannot be justified in any shape or form, Purpled's anger towards Quackity is entirely understandable and while he accused Quackity of "spoonfeeding [them] lies", it's hard to blame him for thinking of Quackity's manipulation as 'lying' when they are based on his personal experience that Purpled hasn't necessarily experienced or understood from Quackity's perspective. Plus, Quackity blowing up his UFO was definitely a dick move.
  • Killed Offscreen: While him being knocked off of the Las Nevadas casino is shown explicitly in the "Las Nevadas" finale, whether he died from the fall is not shown for unknown reasons. It took cc!Purpled to explicitly confirm that it was a canon death.
  • The Mole: He joined Las Nevadas to gather information against them, though the side he's working on appears to be his own self-interest.
  • One-Man Army: Implied. While Purpled rarely displays his combat prowess due to his lack of involvement in most of the server's events, Quackity hires him to take on the Eggpire with him, calling him the best mercenary he could find across the land and one of the best fighters on the server.
  • Only in It for the Money:
    • Is bribed by the Eggpire to trap Puffy with the Egg, or kill her if she refuses. He makes it a point to tell them that the job wouldn't come cheap, and that they'd have to pay him a lot.
    • He later goes against the Eggpire and crashes the Red Banquet for the same reason, this time with Quackity as his sponsor.
  • Out-Gambitted: Manages to thwart Fundy's attempts to scam him by snappily making rebuttals against every fake point Fundy tried to make.
  • Purple Is Powerful: Is named after the colour purple, wears a purple hoodie, and is a highly competent mercenary and warrior.
  • The Quiet One: Purpled doesn't appear on the server very often, and whenever he does, he usually doesn't talk to others.
  • Sadistic Choice: Quackity presents him with one in his May 22nd 2021 stream, after he blows up Purpled's UFO. In short, Purpled could take the money Quackity paid for his mercenary work and run for it, while risking the loss of his legacy on the SMP (according to Q, at least), or he could join Las Nevadas and 'preserve his legacy', but have to continue associating and interacting with Quackity. After much deliberation, Purpled chooses the second option... though it's later revealed that he has highly personal motives behind his choice to join the casino country.
  • Team Switzerland: Purpled shies away from factions and political intrigue, preferring to be his own man. While he may accept working under other people, it's only for monetary gain, and he's quick to return to solitude again when the goal has been reached. This is subverted during the Las Nevadas Arc, and then it becomes a Double Subversion when Purpled reveals his own personal motives behind his joining the faction.
    Purpled: I am Switzerland. Keep that in mind, guys, I am Switzerland, it is true. I don't fight unless I have to. But when I do fight, I will win.
  • Technicolor Eyes: He has bright purple eyes.
  • This Is Unforgivable!: As revealed in the fourth "Las Nevadas" stream, Purpled does not take the destruction of his UFO lightly.
    Purpled: I've not yet forgotten Quackity's heinous crimes against my heritage. The UFO explosion is a crime which I will not, and cannot forgive.
  • A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: While in Las Nevadas.
    Purpled: I've been trying to get closer to everyone in order to appear friendly.

    Jack Manifold
"I guess I just enjoyed when we were friends. And I've not really had any friends."
Click here to see his standard skin 
In-game name: JackManifoldTV (formerly Thunder1408)
Preferred name: Jack
"I finally feel like I've got my win after so many times of losing. So many times. And yet, even still, my win wasn't even my win."
A former ambitious leader who created his own nation called Manifold Land. Jack's small nation was annexed into L'Manburg after the war but Jack considers his nation independent. Jack was added to the server back in August but went on hiatus for IRL reasons up until November when he started being more active. Jack moved to Snowchester when Tubbo invited him to his safe haven, however, Jack's true goal was to get closer to Tommy so he could relay anything he found out about the boy to Niki, so they could get their revenge.

After Tommy was locked in prison, Jack chose to take over the Big Innit Hotel, as he was the sole employee, renaming it the Big Jack Manifold Hotel. Following Tommy's death on March 1, Jack burnt down most of Manifold Land, officially defuncting his own faction. However, after being left alone to drown his sorrows in the hotel for months, Jack has retreated to a desert far away from the mainland of the SMP to found New Manifold Land, planning to sell items out of a van to emulate the early days of L'Manburg.

Jack has two lives left. He lost his first life when he was killed by Wilbur during the Manburg vs Pogtopia War, his second when he was pushed into lava in the Nether by Tommy and his third in a duel with Technoblade. He was sent to Hell after losing his third life, but came back to exact revenge on those who wronged him, thus giving him all three of his lives back. He lost the first of those three lives in the detonation of Project Early Dawn.
  • Aborted Arc:
    • Back during L'Manburg, Wilbur appointed Jack as the country's ambassador, and it was suggested by Niki that he work as a double agent to spy on the Greater Dream SMP for them. This never got much further than the idea, especially after Jack's two-month streaming hiatus.
    • After Tommy came out of the prison alive, Jack decides to become a prison guard so he could kill him the next time he went to visit Dream. As a part of this scheme, Jack promised Sam to work as a detective and discover who stole cameras from his base in the Badlands in order to get a favour from him and get a job as a guard. However, the next time Tommy goes back to the prison in order to kill Dream, he is permanently banned from it, and when Jack finds out about it, he drops the case before he could discover the thief.
  • The Alcoholic: For the months after Tommy's revival up until the one-year anniversary of Jack joining the server, he locked himself up in a room in the hotel for over two months, drinking heavily the entire time, unable to cope with the feeling of abandonment when his friends didn't bother to stop by.
  • Antagonist in Mourning: Has shades of this starting from when Tommy lost his final canon life.
  • Anti-Hero: Claims to be one when he starts plotting his revenge against Dream for burning his land and home. This takes a turn into straight-up villainy after Doomsday.
  • Arc Words: "Be worse", the shortened version of "Be worse than Schlatt", which Jack used as his motivation to run Manifoldland before it went defunct.note 
    Jack: Be worse than the people who hurt us, to the people who hurt us.
  • Back from the Dead: The Ur-Example of the Dream SMP universe. He lost his last canon life to Technoblade during Doomsday and momentarily got sucked into Hell before willing himself back to life with 3 more canon lives.Meta explanation 
  • Badass Boast: Occasionally, he will bring up his experience with death and his escape from Hell to make one.
    Jack: One time I fell through the ground and went all the way to Hell, gentlemen. And you know what I did? I just came back.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: He's determined to become the villain of the story, but none of his evil plans actually work. For example, he filled Tommy's vacation home with clay and tried to pin it on Dream to spark conflict between the two, only for Tommy to be exiled the next day.
  • Boisterous Weakling: He's quick to challenge, but has a rough time backing it up. The most blatant example being when he believed he could take on Technoblade by himself during the Doomsaday War, despite the battlefield being filled with Withers, L'Manberg mostly in ruins and it being the same guy who defeated Jack, alongside Ponk and Antfrost, after their ambush on Techno goes south. Needless to say, Jack loses. As a consequence, another Wither is spawned on his fallen loot and destroys his items.
  • Butt-Monkey:
    • Jack's lack of luck or skill to back up his claims of grandiose leads to him being extremely easy to pick on and kill. No one really seems to take him seriously either.
    • Due to Ze Haus's close proximity to L'Manburg and its Podium, strange activity often frequents Jack's house whether or not he's around, to his frustration.
      Jack: (in response to Niki being imprisoned for the first time by the Schlatt administration) Why, whenever something's going on, it's always on my balcony?
  • "Could Have Avoided This!" Plot: He fought to save L'Manberg because his own house was so close by to the country and, as a result, loses most of his belongings and his final canon life in the battle. Unfortunately, it gets pointed out later that Jack's house was left completely unscathed next to the ruins of L'Manberg, thus making his involvement wasted effort.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: Jack Manifold's second death involved swimming in lava for two and a half minutes in real time.
  • Desperately Looking for a Purpose in Life: When Tommy dies, he realizes he's spent months devoting his life to trying to kill him, and now that he's truly gone, has nothing. When Tommy turns up alive, he seems glad to have motivation again.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: During his spiral in Logstedshire, Tommy spleefed Jack to die in a sea of lava in the Nether and didn't know it was a canon death, and so didn't take it as seriously as Jack did. This motivated Jack to attempt to kill Tommy during the early days of Season 3. While his desire for vengeance is somewhat understandable, considering he had enough rage in him to claw out of Hell for the sake of revenge, trying to blow Tommy up with a nuke is probably a little overkill.
  • Divide and Conquer: This was his M.O for awhile. Jack is trying to increase tensions between New L'Manburg and the SMP in retaliation against Dream for lighting Manifold Land on fire, and Tommy, who indirectly caused Dream to do it by griefing George. However, after Tommy was exiled, Jack decided instead to focus on turning George and Sapnap against Dream, unaware that George and Sapnap are already against Dream.
  • Drowning My Sorrows: Until the first anniversary of L'Manburg's Independence Day, Jack spent months drinking his life away in the hotel. His character is also stated to be "more broken than angry".
  • Enemy Mine: Jack wants to get revenge on Tommy but he wants to get revenge on Dream too so he's more then willing to team up with Tommy if it helps him take out Dream.
  • Escaped from Hell: After losing his third canon life to Technoblade during the Doomsday War, he dragged himself out of Hell to exact revenge on those who had wronged him, regaining all three of his canon lives in the process.
  • Foil: To Niki, his former partner-in-crime. Both were original members of L'Manburg, the only two who joined after the War for Independence, and as time went on, both of them grew to feel outcasted by the other citizens. They both even destroyed a monument of L'Manburg that survived Doomsday, the L'Mantree and the bakery for Niki and Ze Haus for Jack, after growing to hate the memories attached to them. However, when Tommy was killed by Dream, Jack began to feel guilty and started to reflect and move on, Niki outright refused to believe he was dead. And when Tommy gets revived, where Niki was able to find a support system in the form of the Syndicate, realizing she was targeting Tommy for the wrong reasons and dropping her plans to try and kill him, Jack only got angrier, abandoning his plans for change and putting his everything back into trying to kill him. At the same time, Niki turned against the people and country she was initially loyal to, while Jack was initially only to himself but eventually grew to care about the people he was supposed to despise.
  • Full-Name Basis: Most people refer to him by his full name, even Jack himself.
  • Hates Being Alone: Jack struggles with abandonment issues after having drifted apart from his old friends back in L'Manberg, feeling lost without them in his life.
  • I Just Want to Have Friends: Jack is a very lonely person with very few people he considers friends, which is why he clings to Tubbo, who he sees as having been consistently kind to him. He treasures his friendship with Niki, but fears the only thing sustaining it is their shared hatred for Tommy. Even as he plotted to kill Tommy, he wished they could go back to being friends again, even admitting that the reason he enjoyed spying on him was that he liked pretending they were still friends. After meeting again after Tommy's resurrection, the two get into an argument that leaves Jack mourning the friendship they once had.
  • In-Series Nickname: Before changing his IGN to JackManifoldTV, Jack was also sometimes called "Thunder" as derived from his old IGN, Thunder1408.
  • Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain: He's tried playing the role of a villain, but almost every time, outside interference ruins his plans, such as when Tommy got exiled the day after he set up a prank in his home.
  • Inferiority Superiority Complex: Jack tends to talk himself up to great lengths, and often comes off as extremely self-centered. However, this stems from his abandonment issues and feeling like a side character in his own life.
  • Killed Off for Real: Subverted. After being fatally wounded in a duel against Techno in the Doomsday War, Jack loses his third canon life, but manages to bring himself Back from the Dead in a freak resurrection with all three of his canon lives intact again.
  • Mirror Character:
    • Ironically, he shares quite a few similarities with Tommy — especially after Dream revived Tommy. Both Jack and Tommy are loud, brash, and use a confident front to hide their insecurities. They both fear being replaced or left behind by their friends. They are also currently two of the three members of the SMP to have come back from losing their third lives, an experience that has left them heavily traumatized.
    • He also shares a few similarities with the Big Bad of the server, Dream — most notably, their shared fixation on Tommy and apparent lack of motivation outside of him. However, while Dream seeks to harm Tommy as a means of entertainment for himself, Jack seeks to kill Tommy as a form of retribution for Tommy unintentionally killing him during his mental spiral while in exile and making him lose his items. Jack even points out that getting rid of Tommy would make Dream lose his one fixation, which is why Dream revived Tommy.
  • The Mole:
    • Jack agreed to live in Snowchester when Tubbo asked him to stay in order to spy on Tommy and report whatever he finds out to Niki so the two can get their revenge on him. This later ends up being subverted, as after Tommy dies and his partnership with Niki dissolves, Jack decides to live in Snowchester because he likes it there, dropping most of his ulterior motives.
    • The original plan for his character was to be a double agent, working for both L'Manburg and the Greater Dream SMP, however this never fully went through.
  • A Molten Date with Death: His second canon death occurred this way. While visiting Tommy in Exile, Jack was dropped into the sea of lava in the Nether by a mentally-spiralling Tommy, and Jack proceeded to spend the next two or so minutes getting burnt through his fire-resistant Netherite armour. This traumatized Jack greatly and became the start of his grudge against Tommy, who didn't know it was a canon death and therefore didn't take it as seriously, even though he apologized.
  • Monumental Damage: Burns his house in Manifoldland down, after growing to hate the memories attached to it and wanting to have some sort of control in his life. Keep in mind Ze Haus, similar to the L'Mantree, was one of, if not the last remaining monument from the original L'Manburg, surviving both November 16th and Doomsday.
  • Morality Pet: He hates Tommy with a burning passion but has made it clear that, while he is using Tubbo to get closer to Tommy, he considers Tubbo to be a genuine friend and does not want any harm to come to him. This is ironic, considering his goal of killing his best friend would most certainly hurt Tubbo, a fact he lampshades after Tommy does die at Dream's hand.
  • Odd Friendship: Jack, who's a very outgoing and snarky guy, and Antfrost, who's usually very reserved and calm, have become good allies with one another.
  • One-Person Birthday Party: Jack spends the one-year anniversary of him joining the server completely alone, except for when Tubbo logs on briefly to tell him he smells like shit.
  • Personalized Afterlife: Jack's afterlife took the form of some sort of Nether void — the sky was a dark grey and the floor was a dark black which looked like a void; in the distance was a red glow which surrounded him, but was unable to be reached.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Jack is the loud-mouthed and snarky red to Niki's more soft-spoken and reserved blue.
  • Resurrection Revenge: Jack managed to pull himself out of the Afterlife out of sheer anger and vengefulness, and proceeds to start planning to get revenge on those who have wronged him in his past lives.
  • Small Name, Big Ego: He enjoys talking himself up and claims to be very powerful. He even tells Ranboo that he could protect him from Dream, despite not having much, both in terms of PVP experience and resources.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: At one point, when Technoblade tries to kill Jack, the latter logs off before Techno has any chance to kill him.
  • Shout-Out:
  • Sour Outside, Sad Inside: Uses a mask of ego and self-obsessiveness to hide his insecurities and trauma.
  • Take a Third Option: He attempted to make his own nation, Manifoldland, but his land ended up being annexed into New L'Manberg after the Manberg-Pogtopia War, resulting in it becoming a district of it and thus making Jack a L'Manberg citizen. Jack doesn't quite agree with this decision and keeps fighting for its independence.
  • Then Let Me Be Evil: After Tommy comes out of prison alive, Jack snaps, falling back into his old ways of planning to kill Tommy and abandoning his plans for change and starting over.
  • We Used to Be Friends: Genuinely considered Tommy a friend, only turning against him after Tommy killed him in the Nether. Yet, even after he made plot after plot to try and kill him, Jack missed having him as a friend, and after Tommy's death reminisced on how close they used to be during the L'Manburg days.

Click here to see her normal skin 
In-game name: hannahxxrose
Preferred name: Hannah
"I'm sorry, Puffy... I had to do it. I had to tell them... it was the only way."
Hannah is one of the newest members of the SMP, joining several days after Doomsday and growing close with Purpled. She was briefly kidnapped by the Eggpire after her arrival, and though at first she seemed to be fine, it was revealed she had been corrupted by the Egg, and betrayed the others for the Egg at the Red Banquet, embracing the Egg. In the future, following the Eggpire's collapse, a reformed Hannah currently works at the server's bank and member of Sam's construction company.

Hannah has two lives left. She lost her first life being pushed into lava by Bad while she's trying to kill Eryn, during a disagreement over how to deal with the Egg infestation.
  • Action Girl: Hannah is well-known for her PVP skills.
  • A Birthday, Not a Break: On her first anniversary of joining the server, Boomer blew her up in her house, causing her to lose her armour and her Elytra wings.
  • Broken Angel: Her wings were burnt off in an explosion in one of Boomer's harmful pranks.
  • Caring Gardener: She spends a lot of time tending to plants on the server and is heavily associated with them.
  • Flowers of Femininity: Naturally, she has a rose motif going on, the first thing she did after getting toured by Purpled on the SMP was place a rose called "Hannah's rose".
  • Flowers of Nature: Roses help calm Hannah and keep her alive. When Blood Vines grow all around her house ruining the flowers, she falls extremely ill. Hannah later adds that the Blood Vines affect her differently when compared with other members of the Eggpire, because they are also nature-based, which further implies that Hannah's life force is tied to nature and plant life.
  • Girly Bruiser: Hannah is heavily associated with flowers and plant life, especially roses, and colours such as pink and red, and is generally a kind and friendly person. She's also renowned for being good in a fight.
  • Green Thumb: cc!Hannah confirms her character can control nature to a limited extent in an interview in June 2021.
    cc!Hannah: My character grows stronger with the roses surrounding her house, and can even control the environment around her to an extent.
  • Good Is Not Nice: Threatened to kill Bad, CPK, Eryn and Ponk, as well as a cat, when they tried to enter to catacombs leading to Sam Bucket's lair. Granted, this was due to understandable distrust given evidence found and trying to prevent people from becoming victims in such a clearly wrong place.
  • Like Brother and Sister: Her first interactions with Purpled show shades of this dynamic developing in the future, with them often playfully teasing each other.
  • Morally Bankrupt Banker: She's the manager of the server's bank, but frequently expressed the desire to get some of the money for herself and is disappointed when Sam refuses.
  • Mercy Kill: Does this to a cow and her three dogs after the Blood Vines infest her home, to spare them the pain of being corrupted by it.
  • The Mole: She has been working for the Eggpire for an unknown amount of time after being exposed, and betrays the Pro-Omelette crowd at the Red Banquet.
  • Our Fairies Are Different: Hannah's species has been confirmed to be this (though also similar to a nymph), and her life force is connected to roses and to an extent, other plant life.
  • The Smurfette Principle: Was the only girl of the Eggpire at its height, and one of four girls who have been full-on members of the server.
  • Soul Jar: Implied to be Type 1a. Hannah doesn't just like roses, they seem to be connected to her life force in some way. She feels stronger and healthier when she has them on her person, and she falls ill when the Blood Vines contaminate the flowers near her home, even from several thousand blocks away.
  • Winged Humanoid: As a fairy, Hannah has a pair of wings.note  Considering that this is the Dream SMP, a world of chaos even without the wars, this doesn't last.
  • Would Hurt a Child: She was perfectly willing to kill Eryn, a teenager and the youngest of the cast since she felt that was needed to prevent the Egg's machinations from coming into fruition. She even threatened to kill Michael the zombie piglin when a group of players were at Snowchester.

"Quackity from Las Nevadas, we have one thing in common. Through everything we've been through. The same human ruined our lives. Because you are not a good person."
Click here to see his dormancy skin 
Click here to see his scarred Las Nevadas skin 
Click here to see his initial Las Nevadas skin 
Click here to see his regular skin 
In-game name: Slimecicle
Preferred name: Slime or Charlie
"Quackity, this human shit doesn't make any sense!"
Slime officially joined at the start of Season 3, but did not get involved in the lore until much, much later. He's a sentient piece of slime that has crawled up to the surface and assumed a humanoid form to better fit in. After being caught by Quackity, he was roped into Las Nevadas to become a spy.

He doesn't know anything about typical human conventions, and is terrible at pretending to be a human, constantly insisting that he's not slime and that he definitely has bones. He appears naïve and gullible, but is far more wise than he initially seems to be due to his many years of observing the world's activity. After killing both Quackity and Purpled during the last Las Nevadas stream, his current whereabouts are unknown.

Slims has two lives left. He lost his first life after Purpled pushed him into a pool of lava.
  • Absurd Phobia: He's apparently afraid of pants.
  • The Anti-Nihilist: He states multiple times that in the end, everybody "turns to dust". Doesn't stop him from being a rather jolly fellow, though. In spite of this, he did express some disbelief in human entertainment, like tennis and ice skating, because of his belief that everybody dies.
  • Arc Words: "Legacy", as of the 4th Las Nevadas stream, has become one for Charlie, as Quackity tells him the only thing you leave behind after death is your legacy. Rather aptly, Charlie would leave Quackity an encoded message reading "L E G A C Y" after his death, before disappearing from his room.
  • Armor-Piercing Question: Slime delivers two of these during "The Lessons" segment of the fourth "Las Nevadas" stream.
    • During Week 2, in response to the lesson that "Politics are the way to power", Slime asks Quackity a question that he doesn't answer. Cue flashbacks to the first day in the Manburg era that show Quackity's personal experiences with trying to use politics to gain power.
      Slime: Quackity from Las Nevadas, do I need to want power?
    • In Week 11, Quackity tries to teach "Seek successful revenge because if you fail, the consequences are going to be bitter". However, since Slime has been observing the happenings of the world and the server for hundreds and thousands of years (or an even longer amount of time), he delivers some philosophy while interrupting Quackity's rant.
      Slime: Is it worth it? [...] I've been watching for a long time — one person lashes out and then the other does, until they're both gone. From what I've seen, it feels like people don't stop taking that revenge. Is it ever worth it?
      Quackity: (quietly) No. No, it's not.
  • Character Catchphrase: "Dap me up!" or other variations of it.
  • Characterization Marches On: During his earliest appearances on the server, he generally acts like the chaotic, sarcastic, punny self of his content creator counterpart. After a hiatus from the SMP, he rejoins as a key part of Las Nevadas lore and is shown to be naïve about humanity and is significantly different from his initial characterization, though still an oddball by "normal" human standards.
  • Character Overlap: Notably averted in regards to SMPLive, from which Connor originates, as when he seems to recognize Slime from SMPLive in Las Nevadas, Slime has no idea who he is.
  • Corrupt the Cutie: Invoked. While having been kidnapped by Purpled sometime between the 4th "Las Nevadas" stream and the finale, Dream (via Punz as his messenger) convinces Purpled to get his revenge on Quackity by corrupting Charlie into thinking Quackity abandoned him and betraying Quackity in turn. By the time the livestream's titular "end of Las Nevadas" rolls around, Charlie is threatening to "slap [Quackity] up... with a fucking sword". Cue the "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight... which turns out to be subverted, in that Charlie is much more perceptive than he lets on.
  • Death of Personality: After being killed by Purpled, Slime is left completely green and dormant, with his death having essentially removed his sentience. At least, at first. During a two-month span, he eventually became lucid enough to write a code that says 'legacy' to Quackity... before disappearing when Quackity went to check up on him again. He makes a comeback later down the line.
  • A Dog Named "Dog": Or rather, a slime nicknamed "Slime".
  • Establishing Character Moment: His introduction into the lore has him say "HELLO, FELLOW MEAT BROTHER! FLESH GUY!" to Quackity, showing how terrible he is at social interaction.
  • The Gambling Addict: Played for Laughs when he accidentally gets addicted to using the slot machine in his first lore stream, which he calls "a feeling in [his] stomach", to Quackity's annoyance.
  • Good Is Not Dumb: Slime might appear naïve and gullible on the surface, but especially during Quackity's "lessons" based in his life experience, he shows plenty of insight from his observations over centuries, if not longer, to the point that instead of him becoming corrupted with cynicism, he causes Quackity to reflect on himself and overall learn to let go of his grudges and regain some of his initial idealism.
  • He Knows Too Much: Defied. Quackity considers killing him for overhearing a conversation between him and Purpled because of this trope, but decides against it, instead choosing to utilize his Hidden in Plain Sight abilities for his own purposes.
  • Hidden in Plain Sight: As a slime, he is able to blend into his surroundings to the point of being able to hide in a restaurant for "years". He also knows a lot from being able to do so, such as Foolish and his regrets, "a purple guy"note , "two green guys"note , "a guy with a red shirt"note , and "a guy who was dead but isn't anymore"note . Quackity takes advantage of this ability of his and recruits him as a spy.
  • Human Aliens: He's apparently a slime that's Really 700 Years Old who looks perfectly human for the most part, other than a few bits of green slime stuck to his body (at least, before his first canon death). In his defense, he is disguising himself to look human.
  • Innocently Insensitive: Due to his inexperience with human interaction, Slimecicle sometimes says things that aren't usually brought up in polite conversation. At one point, he asks Fundy, "What's wrong with salmon, your father loved them!"... when Fundy's Missing Mom is a salmon.
  • Literal-Minded: Due to his lack of life experience in the human world, he tends to take metaphors literally. When Quackity tells him not to let anyone play him dirtynote , the first thing he exclaims in response is "Gross!" He also throws a Totem of Undying off a cliff after reading its name in the inventory. When Quackity tells him that he must first experience what he has experienced before becoming his heir, he immediately presumes that this means he's gonna literally turn into Quackity.
  • Manchild: While he's absolutely ancient, he has no idea how humans (or the surface-world, for that matter) work. As such, he's excitable, gullible, and has trouble grasping even the most basic of concepts. However, for some reason, he knows what capitalism means despite having never heard of it in a livestream.
  • Mayfly–December Friendship: Charlie is a human slime who's been alive for a very very long time. He develops a close friendship with Quackity, a mortal with only two lives left at the time.
    Quackity: Look at me, How long do you think it'll take for me to turn to dust?
    Charlie: I... I'll make sure you never turn to dust, Quackity from Las Nevadas!
  • Morality Pet: He was initially a somewhat-downplayed one for Quackity. As usual, there was an element of manipulation to Quackity's kindness, and he did only keep him alive in the first place to use him as an asset, but despite that, Quackity does seem to be warming up to him and does try to look out for him, such as being concerned for him developing a gambling addiction and stopping him from recklessly jumping off a skyscraper.
    • Eventually, it gets to the point that Quackity starts showing protective tendencies to Slime after learning that Tommy 'kidnapped' Slime as a hostage in exchange for Linda, his shovel, causing this trope to gradually become played straight.
    • Played fully straight by Quackity's fourth "Las Nevadas" stream, where Quackity prepares Slime to inherit Las Nevadas if/when he dies in spite of Slime representing Quackity's repressed old values and demeanor, and when Slime is knocked into lava by Purpled in his betrayal, Quackity dives in to try to save him with zero hesitation. After that, in the weeks following Slime losing his canon life, Quackity stops taking care of himself entirely, spends every waking moment researching a way to bring him back and documenting their memories together, gives Slime a human name, talks to his catatonic body, and is ecstatic when he finds Slime's attempts to communicate.
    • Ultimately becomes deconstructed during the Las Nevadas finale, Quackity is at first ecstatic when Charlie saves him from Purpled... but then Slime cuts his joy short when he starts to brutally calls Quackity out on how he treated him during the time together and his hypocrisy over the lessons he'd preach before taking Quackity's second life.
  • Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant: Slime occasionally carries shades of this due to his nihilistic streak from living for so long.
  • No Name Given: He doesn't actually have a name, and will respond to just about anything. Most people call him "Slime" or some variation of "Guy". Subverted in Quackity's fourth "Las Nevadas" stream, where he renames Slime "Charlie" after his first canon death, though he still answers to "Slime".
  • No Social Skills: As demonstrated by his Establishing Character Moment above, he appears to be quite oblivious to how human social interaction works.
  • Obliviously Evil: Since he is a slime, he knows very little about the world, so when he meets Quackity, he completely trusts every word he says. This makes it easy for Quackity to convince him to do shady things, like tricking Connor into debt or spying on Purpled. It's later revealed that Charlie is quite aware of what's happening to both himself and others.
  • Opaque Lenses: He wears glasses that appear to have lenses that look like another pair of eyes.
  • Put on a Bus: After his initial debut and Connor's Big Drama Party, he has not returned to the server or its lore... until Quackity's May 22nd "Las Nevadas" lore stream.
  • Really 700 Years Old: He's a sentient piece of goop that has crawled up to the surface over hundreds of years, though he's implied to be much older. Going off his description of himself as "primordial ooze", that might mean he predates humans, or even sentient life in general.
  • Reestablishing Character Moment: Following his death and dormancy, Slime returns very different than he was before, both physically and mentally, brushing off an attempt at manipulation from Purpled and Punz in direct contrast to his earlier appearances being so focused on him being easy to use as a pawn.
  • Slime Girl: He is a Spear Counterpart, a sentient piece of slime that has assumed the form of a human man.
  • Straight Man and Wise Guy: During the Las Nevadas arc, he is the wise guy to Quackity's straight man... not to say that Quackity himself is all that 'sane', just that no matter how weird things get with Quackity, Slimecicle is usually ten times weirder than him due to his inexperience in the human world.
  • Suspiciously Specific Denial:
    Slimecicle: Quackity from Las Nevadas, I just want to emphasize, I definitely am not a piece of goo that has crawled to the surface over hundreds of years, disguising myself as a person.
  • Time Abyss: According to him, his hobby is sitting in caves for "hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds time stretches out eternally of years".
  • Visual Development: His skin as of the Las Nevadas finale shows him properly re-developed after dormancy, yet much more overtly slimy than he looked earlier. This ties into his rejection of the manipulation he is subjected to by various characters, something which in his previous appearance he referred to as having taught him to be human — this new look visually signifies his departure from trying to be something he's not.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: He is a piece of goop that has taken on the form of a human, though the introduction cinematic in the May 22nd stream implies he can be just about anything.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: A Meaningful Echo of Quackity's "Lessons" to Charlie are recounted in the "Las Nevadas" finale, and it ends with Charlie calling Quackity out for ruining his own life and others' for not being "a good person" and killing him in the ruins of his own nation.

"Capital M, lowercase everything else — that's the way it should be!"
In-game name: Michaelmcchill
Preferred name: Michael
"Come and find Serenity."
Michael is a newer member of the SMP, joining two weeks after Wilbur's resurrection. He is currently at an unknown location away from most of the residents of the server, but has his own radio station he uses to broadcast his thoughts.

Michael has three canon lives left.
  • Alliterative Name: Michael Mcchill.
  • The Aloner: Following an incident where his house burnt down, he was motivated to get away from the rest of server society.
  • Conspiracy Theorist: Essentially his character, with him trying to obtain answers as to why certain things are occurring throughout the server, such as Dream being arrested in prison after getting essentially no real answers from the others.
  • Cosmic Plaything: Winds up being forced to build a floating stone cube when the Server demands of it. When he asks what happens if he refuses, it threatens to kill him. When he goes about the cube's construction, the Server has no qualms in delaying it being completed by partially blowing it up or forcing Michael to deal with mobs, thus making the task much harder than it needed to be. Even upon completion the Server either misunderstands his rewards requests, can't do it, or just flat out gives Michael stuff he never asked for.
  • Exact Words: Following the completion of the Server's request, he asked for 100 gifted subs... which he got. It just so happened to be 100 sandwich subs instead of the Twitch subs he expected.
  • Forbidden Zone: Ultimately, he declares the ruins of L'Manberg to be something of the effect, warning in his broadcast to stay away from there and to find his location, in addition to finding 'Serenity'.
  • Love Martyr: Michael, despite having no idea what Dream has done to get locked up, has made it his goal to break him out of Pandora's Vault. He even dressed up as Harley Quinn while laying out his plan, which he explained as purely coincidental. This was later retconned.
  • Name McAdjective: Michael Mcchill.
  • Radio Voice: Has it when giving out his warning during his radio broadcast.
  • Sympathy for the Devil: Due to lacking context for why Dream was thrown into the prison, Michael is one of the few that expresses a degree of pity for Dream's situation and even tried to break him out. Following Dream's jailbreak, his view has considerably mellowed out, but notes on how he's still left in the dark on a lot of details and criticizes the older cast's way of handling things, such as Sapnap not really checking in on Dream. This has likely been rendered non-canon as Michael meeting Dream has been retconned.

In-game name: BoomerNA
Preferred name: Boomer
Boomer is one of the newer members of the SMP, joining on October 28th, 2021. While not officially a part of any factions, he is affiliated with Sam's construction company as its resource collector and helps run the server's bank, alongside Hannah. However, he has previously visited the SMP twice by proxy, having played with Hannah and Sam on livestreams as they met up in real life — though these visits are dubiously canon at best. At the end of Volume 1, Boomer had survived the Egg's takeover, having run away to Sam's former village and castle. After freeing Sam's original body, he found a portal that could connect him to his home and jumped in. His current location is unknown.

Boomer has three lives left.
  • Amnesiac Hero: Like many others on the server, Boomer holds memory issues related to his past. What he can remember is that he's looking for his family.
  • Animal Motifs: They are often identified with frogs, most notably seen on their hat in Minecraft.
  • Bubblegloop Swamp: Boomer's main residence is in a swamp a bit ways out from everyone else. However, he was eventually forced to leave it behind when the Egg attacked.
  • Deadly Prank: Turns out has a knack for this from burning down Ponk's lemon tree to accidentally destroying Hannah's wings while trying to blow up her house for her anniversary.
  • Dimensional Traveler: It was mentioned that Boomer was "transported through time or an alternate universe or something", but is not a time-traveller like Karl.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: Boomer went from being a two-time proxy visitor to the SMP to becoming a fully-fledged member of it.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He can be an immature prankster that goes too far and struggles to take responsibility for his wrondoings, but he's a good judge of character and a caring companion to his friends, especially Sam.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: The incident where Boomer got Hannah's wings destroyed in an accident? She exacted revenge by blowing up his house.
  • Meaningful Appearance: Most of the colour from Boomer's body and clothing was taken in exchange for the true power of his hat as gifted by his adopted family. This includes white hair and clothing, pale skin, and light grey eyes.
  • Meaningful Name: Their name is Boomer and it just so happens they were involved in major destruction via use of heavy explosives. Hannah's wings? Punz's home? Blown to bits thanks to Boomer's involvement.
  • Mysterious Past: cc!Boomer has dropped various hints about his character's pre-SMP backstory and origin, but all in a fairly vague context that is yet to be revealed, mainly related to his hat and its connection with his adopted family. It's known that his character is still trying to figure it out, though.
  • Mystical White Hair: Boomer has white hair, and from what his content creator counterpart has revealed, it's indicated that his hair was sapped of its original blond colour in exchange for mystical powers.
  • Nepotism: How he got his job under Sam's construction company in the first place given their long lasting friendship, much to Hannah's chagrin.
  • Never Bareheaded: He is always seen wearing a green hat shaped like a frog. Boomer the content creator has also stated that it was significant to their character as it represented his origins... and it appears to carry some sort of mystical power that only Boomer can harness. See the hat's own entry below for more details. invoked
    BoomrNAlt: c!Boomer has had his frog hat for as long as he can remember. They were given it by his family at an extremely young age. The hat is something more significant than just for looks. It means something. Not just to him but to the place from which they came from. That’s all for now!
  • Older Than They Look: Confirmed in a Q&A on cc!Boomer's Twitter alt account, as well as the fact that Boomer doesn't age in the same way as most people on the server.
    Echlosion_: (replying to @BoomrNAlt) Does c!Boomer and c!Sam known each other’s before the dsmp ?
    BoomrNAlt: Yes. Also, c!Boomer is not as young as they might appear, so maybe they've seen things long long before the dsmp.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: As soon as he sees the Egg vines coming towards his swamp home, he immediately bails from the area and goes looking for the castle in his visions. He's been doing this for years given how far reaching the Egg has gotten.
  • The Voice: During his visits, he could only be heard in the background.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: His ending in the Volume 1 finale has him vocalize his apparent fear of ghosts.


"If I can't get answers from anyone else... then I know the one thing that can give me answers. The one thing that can give me answers... is myself."
In-game name: Ranboo
Preferred name: Ranboo
"They say I'm built different, and I am built different in the fact that I have no moral backbone."
Ranboo "hacked" his way onto the server after the second war so he could start his presidential political campaign for the next election. He originally aligned with New L'Manburg, serving as Tubbo's minutes-man and advisor and a member of the Butcher Army, and helped Tommy both before and after his exile.

He values personal relationships over loyalty to any one faction, a belief re-enforced by the Doomsday War. After the destruction of L'Manburg, he found a home in the tundra with Philza and Technoblade and later joined the Syndicate.

Ranboo lost one of his lives under unknown circumstances. He lost his second life by purposely setting off an explosive trap in place of Tubbo, then he was Killed Off for Real by Sam during Dream's escape from Pandora's Vault. He initially roamed the server as Boo, but is eventually brought back by the god of death.
  • Accomplice by Inaction: Ranboo believes that people should be prioritized over picking a side in a given conflict, and says that helping those in need is more important... which makes his inaction during certain moments involving people in danger contradictory. His fear of choosing a side correlates to his refusal to step in, but it usually ends in him hurting the same people he claims to support. He eventually calls himself out on this and is trying to do more to protect the people he cares about.
  • Actual Pacifist: Ranboo hates violence and war and prefers to stay out of conflicts. However, he's more than willing to break his moral code and take action against those that have threatened his loved ones.
  • Alien Blood: Zig-Zagged as Ranboo has two blood colors: the standard red blood and bizarre lime green blood. They also match the colors of his eyes.
  • Ambiguous Situation: Did Ranboo have one life from the start, like Philza? Or did he originally have three lives and somehow lost two of them offscreen? A tweet from "Z" has them imply the latter.
    Z: You had more.....what happened?
  • Ape Shall Never Kill Ape: Subverted. Ranboo will kill endermen if he has to, but he really doesn't like killing them and tries his best to avoid having to do so.
  • Asshole Victim: What Sam regards him as. He helped break out a convicted felon, and paid for it with his life. Shockingly, Ghostboo agrees with this stance.
  • Because You Were Nice to Me: Ranboo's affiliation with any given character or society on the server solely depends upon this. He is willing to align himself with anyone as long as they have treated him with kindness or have assisted him in some way, and will do his best to repay them in turn.
  • Berserk Button:
    • Making direct eye contact with him makes him extremely uncomfortable. He also dislikes people forcing him into uncomfortable experiments due to his unusual biology.
    • Insulting Philza or threatening Michael the baby zombie piglin also get him uncharacteristically angry.
  • Character Witness: While he and Tommy didn't have the best first impression, Tommy still decided to lie about Ranboo's involvement in griefing George's house despite doing so not benefitting him at all. Later on, after Tommy's horribly failed attempt to blackmail Dream with Spirit's remains, Tommy gets into an argument with the other members of New L'Manburg's cabinet that leads into Tubbo calling Tommy selfish. Ranboo disagrees and defends Tommy by revealing how he'd protected Ranboo back during the trial.
  • Conflicting Loyalty:
    • Possibly due to his Extreme Doormat characteristics, Ranboo has made friends with most people on the server and has a hard time when pitted against anyone. This has been especially notable in the conflict between New L'Manberg and the Anarchists.
    • After the destruction of L'Manburg, Ranboo realizes that he can't prevent others from taking different sides. Instead, he decides to act as a sort of mediator should tension rise between people he cares about. This is part of his reasoning for joining the Syndicate, along with just not liking government much.
  • Duality Motif: He is half-enderman/half-something-else, has a distinctive black-and-white design, and has heterochromatic eye colours (green and red, respectively). To a lesser extent, this also applies to his beliefs, in that his people-over-factions philosophy often leads to him helping more than one side in a given conflict.
  • Eyes Always Averted: Ranboo doesn't enjoy eye contact because he's part-enderman. He gets increasingly uncomfortable the more people look at him, which is one of the reasons why he became abnormally agitated after Dream revealed him to be a traitor in front of half the server. He doesn't seem to have as much of an issue with eye contact if the person's eyes are non-humanoid, like with Techno (who is cross-eyed), Eret (who doesn't have pupils) and Slimecicle (who is entirely made of goop). He's also less averse to eye contact when it comes from someone he completely trusts, like Tubbo and Tommy.
  • Fatal Flaw: Ranboo's fear of choosing a side combined with his dislike of arguments. He has a strong desire to resolve conflicts peacefully, and does his best to see from both perspectives of any given issue in order to achieve this. In theory, this could allow him to mediate things and help two sides reach a compromise. In practice, his issues typically lead to him shutting down before he can actually do much. Ironically, his desire to understand both sides of an argument (and his usual success in doing so) only makes his inability to choose a side worse, though Ranboo the content creator has confirmed on Twitter that he would choose to side with whoever he has a closer emotional connection to if pushed.
  • Foil:
    • To Tommy. Both have been considered to be protagonists as a result of their incredibly heavy involvement with the story of the SMP and their connections to certain characters (Dream most of all), and them working together to grief George's house is what kicks off the conflict of Season 2. They also fill the protagonist role differently: Tommy is loud, rude, and often messes with other people on the server, but is a genuinely nice person underneath the bite who doesn't want to be a villain and wants the best for the server. Ranboo, on the other hand, is polite, kind, a doormat, and much more well-liked, but has also helped Dream while Enderwalking. Tommy is also extremely fierce in sticking up for the people he cares about, even if it gets him hurt, while Ranboo's Extreme Doormat tendencies lead him to sit on the sidelines and make him too scared to do anything about it. Case in point, after Tubbo's execution, Tommy was furious with Techno, fought him in the pit and treated him with nothing but contempt until he literally had no other choice. Ranboo, meanwhile (after being told by Tubbo what happened), refuses to bring it up with Techno out of fear of confrontation.
    • To Wilbur, to the point where Wilbur himself acknowledges this after meeting Ranboo for the first time. Wilbur values his nation over his personal relationships and believes that the only way to achieve power is through violence, the threat of violence, or careful manipulation. He also sees the world in black and white and considers Dream a hero, both for bringing Wilbur back to life and for filling in the power vacuum formed by Wilbur's death. Ranboo, on the other hand, values his personal relationships over loyalty to any one group and doesn't care much about gaining or keeping power at all. He also acknowledges that people usually aren't totally good or totally bad and thinks of Dream as a villain due to all of the bad things that Dream has done.
      • Ranboo also parallels Ghostbur to a degree. Both have memory loss triggered by stressful or negative situations, but Ghostbur's is much more severe.
    • To Slimecicle. Both are humanoid-looking mobsnote  who joined the server, only to be dragged into events bigger than themselves that they didn't understand, Ranboo because of his passivity and Slimecicle because of his naïvete.
  • Forgetful Jones: He has very bad short term memory, often writing things down in his memory books to compensate for that.
    • While he does tend to remember the gist of particularly important or emotionally intensive events, there is a good chance that he will legitimately forget about something if he fails to write it down. This has led to him forgetting otherwise important things, like the Shulker Box deal he made with Foolish.
    • He's also very much capable of lying about how bad his memory problems are to get out of trouble, and did so during the trial over George's house once he realized Tommy was defending him.
  • Guilt-Ridden Accomplice: It was initially hinted and later ambiguously confirmed that Ranboo set off the TNT under Dream's instructions while Enderwalking to cause the prison lockdown and subsequently Tommy's death, but did not remember this in his normal state. In his first Enderwalking stream, however, it's implied that he remembers this and thus asks Sam to lock him in the prison, to which Sam refuses... which eventually backfires the day before Dream's prison break, when Sam goes back on his decision.
  • Happily Married: He is married to Tubbo and the two have an adopted son.
  • Hearing Voices: Has heard Dream's voice multiple times, accusing him of doing terrible things on Dream's behalf and telling him to remember. He has also heard the voice of the Egg.
  • Hidden Depths: Despite his somewhat anxious nature and kind despostion, Ranboo is surprisingly adept at lying when he feels the need to do so — even going as far as lying to his own Ender particles at one point.
  • His Name Really Is "Barkeep": For a long while, fans of cc!Ranboo started spreading this gif of a heart locket opening with a picture of Ranboo's Minecraft skin with the text "Ranboo, my beloved" in it on social media. After this, Ranboo later states that his character's middle name is 'My'... henceforth canonizing 'Ranboo My Beloved' as his in-universe full name (prior to marrying Tubbo in the roleplay).
  • Ignorance Is Bliss: Ranboo acknowledges this as a major reason why he's unsure about potentially correcting his memory issues.
    Ranboo: Well, 'cause it's nice to not remember things sometimes.
  • In-Series Nickname:
    • Wilbur repeatedly calls him "Ranbus" throughout The Wilbur Van.
    • Aimsey refers to them are "Ran" in xyr character finale and epilogue.
  • Kill It with Water: Ranboo is vulnerable to water and rain due to the fact that he is half-enderman, and he wears armor to prevent contact with water. It's implied that brief contact with water is merely irritating, but the longer he's exposed the riskier it gets. Unfortunately, this weakness also applies to his own tears, and Ranboo has stated that there are burn scars on his cheeks from crying in the past. He refrains from tearing up for this reason, because if he does, the scars will reopen and get deeper, causing even greater pain.
  • Kindhearted Cat Lover: Has owned several cats, and his most treasured pet is a black cat named Enderchest that he keeps safe in his secret vault. He's also a polite and kind person who is generally on the lighter end of the Morality Kitchen Sink.
  • Kind Restraints: After starting to realize the extent of what the Enderwalk is capable of, he runs to Sam and begs to be locked up in the prison, just so he can't hurt anyone else. Sam refuses.
  • The Kirk: The mediator Ego of the Freudian "Bench Trio", balancing out Tommy's Hot-Blooded Id and Tubbo's logical Superego.
  • Living Emotional Crutch: During the Exile arc, Ranboo was one of the few people to have consistently sought out Tommy's company regardless of distance or circumstance, even interacting with him through letters when he wasn't online. Ranboo also tried to combat Dream's narrative of manipulation over Tommy, insisting that Tubbo still cared about himnote  and telling Tommy that he never received an invite to the beach party. This parallels Wilbur and Tommy's dynamic during their time in Pogtopia, with Ranboo acting as the voice of reason trying to stop Tommy from harming himself or others.
  • Madness Mantra: He fills several pages of his memory book with "I don't want to remember" while surveying the crater from the Doomsday War.
  • The Maiden Name Debate: Ever since his marriage to Tubbo, Ranboo's full name has been Ranboo Underscore-Beloved, combining both his and his husband's surnames.
  • Mysterious Past: Many aspects of his past are shrouded in mystery, particularly what exactly his non-enderman half is and who he was before coming to the Dream SMP.
  • Mysterious Watcher: During the Red Banquet, he wears a skin of himself with a dark cloak over his suit and a bandage that covers his eyes, and watches what happens from in the rafters/ceiling blood vines. Later, when talking to Sam about it, he claims to have been far away during the Red Banquet and had no memory of what happened, suggesting that Ranboo was Enderwalking during the event.
  • Nice Guy: Ranboo is generally a polite and kind person who cares a lot for his friends, family, and pets.
  • No Matter How Much I Beg: After finding out that he'd visited Dream in the Enderwalk numerous times, Ranboo tells Sam in no uncertain terms to never let him into the prison again. This bites him in the ass months later, when he actively wants to be locked in prison, and Sam refuses to do so, partly because of what Ranboo made him promise, and partly because of what happened to Tommy.
  • Non-Human Humanoid Hybrid: Ranboo has confirmed that he is half-enderman. The other half has yet to be revealed, but it's presumably not human.
  • Odd Friendship: With Tommy. Tommy is much more outgoing and confrontational than the more mellow and composed Ranboo. Their friendship is especially notable considering that one of Ranboo's presidential goals was to punt Tommy once he joined, and that their first impression was less than stellar, with Tommy complaining that Ranboo was taller and older than him.
  • One Head Taller: When compared with Tubbo.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: The times Ranboo gets legitimately angry can be counted on one hand, and it always means something serious is happening. Notable moments include:
    • During the argument after the Green Festival, when Ranboo's status as a traitor towards L'Manberg is brought up, he raises his voice and verbally lashes out when defending himself. This outburst is sudden and unlike him enough that it earns a temporary Stunned Silence from the other characters present.
    • In his "The Lessons" lore stream, he starts acting far more aggressively than he usually does after Sam refuses to put him in the prison.
  • Painting the Medium: During his "The Lessons" lore stream, Ranboo periodically remembers a handful of numbered lessons in the form of moving text appearing on-screen, accompanied by enderman sound effects. What makes it this trope is that is was all done live, rather than as an edited video.
    Lesson 14: If you have the opportunity to gain a favor, take it.
    Lesson 27: Do not reminisce on what you have lost for it will weigh you down.
    Lesson 53: Never fully trust anyone.
    Lesson 67: Leave no evidence of what you have helped with.
  • Papa Wolf: He is very protective of his adopted piglin son Michael, to the point that he complies with Sam after Sam tells him that he had kidnapped Michael and would harm him if he didn't comply.
  • Personal Horror: Ranboo has a solution to end the Enderwalk, but is reluctant to use it as the two end results are either remembering everything (like the Enderwalk) or forgetting all of what he doesn't already remember (like him normally), and he has no way of knowing which one would happen. Essentially, the former would be Loss of Identity alongside remembering whether or not he's actually done some of the terrible things he's been implied to, and the latter would be permanent Wistful Amnesia with no chance of ever regaining his memories.
  • Personalized Afterlife: Ranboo's afterlife was the allegedly the saddest of the afterlives when this was first brought up. While it was initially joked that it was actually a giant plastic ball pit, full of loads of rainbow balls, Quackity's "Las Nevadas" finale reveals that Ranboo's version of the afterlife was one where he was standing on a single grass block in the middle of a seemingly-endless ocean, with nothing and no one other than a memory book/book and quill for company... that is, until Mexican Dream sails by his tiny island in the middle of Limbo.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech:
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Ranboo is the anxious, introverted Blue to both Tommy's confident and Tubbo's wild, extroverted Reds.
  • Room Full of Crazy: His Panic Room is covered in signs such as "Dream is the reason". While he initially meant for the room to be a safe place, it gained an added level of crazy when it became the only place he encountered the disembodied Dream Voice, later clarified to be Ranboo's own subconscious giving a voice to his catastrophizing and panic.
  • Sharp-Dressed Man: He is almost always seen wearing a dark grey suit with a red tie.
  • Spiteful Suicide: How Ranboo lost his 2nd life. After witnessing the ridiculous lengths that Wilbur and Quackity would go to just to get the upper-hand over each other (e.g. Wilbur stealing Quackity's beloved skeleton horse just to blow it up, and forcing Ranboo to argue with Tubbo to the point of making him cry), Ranboo finally reached his Rage Breaking Point and decided to prove a point to Wilbur and Quackity... by blowing himself up in order to show that in their rivalry, they had become so consumed with trivial things that they had forgotten about the emotions and happiness of the people around them.
  • Split Personality: Subverted with the Enderwalk. On his May 22nd lore stream, Ranboo admits to having figured out that the Enderwalk is still him, just with all of his memories. It isn't yet clear what the mechanism behind the Enderwalk is, though.
  • Take Care of the Kids: Implied. While Ranboo didn't explicitly ask Techno to save Michael before he died, he did give him a photo of him, implying that that was what he wanted him to do.
  • Theme Naming: Ranboo names many of his tools after Puns based on what tool it is. One of his netherite axes is even named "I cant think of any more axe puns".
  • Thousand-Yard Stare:
    • He spent Doomsday aimlessly walking around the destruction and muttering to himself in utter despair.
    • He did this again after hearing that Tommy was dead.
  • Treasure Room: Ranboo's secret basement vault is full of the valuable items he's hoarded, like diamonds, a full chest of emerald blocks, and around 40 Totems of Undying.
  • Unishment: Fearing for his family's safety, he begs Sam to lock him away in the prison, claiming he "opened Pandora's box", which just so happens to also be the namesake of the prison, Pandora's Vault... also known as the local inescapable Hellhole Prison.
  • Unreliable Narrator:
    • Ranboo has really bad short-term memory, so he tries to write down the things he wants to remember in his memory books, but doesn't always do so. He also has periods of time where he enters the Enderwalk, a largely unknown state that he describes as being similar to sleepwalking, where he doesn't have any memory of his actions.
    • His tendency to forget stressful situations has lead to him sometimes misremembering or forgetting/repressing things that he does manage to recall from the Enderwalk, like the revelation that Dream apparently gave him a discnote . He also tends to gloss over odd events like his chests and/or inventory having a suspicious amount of materials suddenly appear or disappear with no real explanation.
  • You Remind Me of X: After meeting Slimecicle for the first time, Ranboo says that Slimecicle reminds him of himself from back when he first joined the Dream SMP.

"Death was supposed to be my saving grace."
In-game name: Ranboo
Preferred name: Boo
"Oh, you would've HATED me when I was alive! I was the most annoying piece of crap the whole time! Oh my goodness, I was just– I was just awful!"
Boo, or Ghostboo, was the ghost of Ranboo roaming the server after his living self's death at the hands of Sam. Despite this, he claimed to be freed from all of the stress and anxiety that had plagued him when he was alive and had a much more cheerful disposition.

As a ghost, Boo has no canon lives left.
  • Abnormal Allergy: For some reason, Boo has stated that singing or dancing will lead to his immediate and permanent disappearance, and he stressed the importance of the other SMP members stopping him immediately if he ever did such a musical thing.
  • Alien Blood: Half of his wound appears to be green while the other half is a more normal red.
  • Dark Secret: Boo was hiding absolutely everything about his former life from Aimsey, including that he's a ghost. He used a a netherite chestplate to cover the stab wound on his chest, told them that the bloodstain on his pants was a ribbon, and tries to ignore or go around Aimsey's questions about anything that's even vaguely personal.
  • Dissonant Serenity: He was previously surprisingly happy and cheerful even when discussing about the circumstances that led to his death. This was eventually explained in-universe as Boo did not understand that acting without thinking about how much emotion the soul would feel could actually hurt it, and began to act more accordingly after discovering this through their communication in the Do Not Read book.note 
  • Foil: Boo is one towards Ghostbur, as both were the ghosts of members of the SMP who hated their past selves. However, whereas Ghostbur's dislike of Wilbur came in the form of amnesia and avoidance, Boo pronounces how much he hates Ranboo.
  • I Hate Past Me: He doesn't think too highly of his old self when he was alive.
  • Pet the Dog: Boo is extremely apathetic and spiteful towards his past life, which is a clear indicator that he was rather unhappy while he was alive. However, when interacting with Tubbo and his son Michael for the first time, he's very gentle and obviously happy to seem them, which at first can be seen as fairly out of character for him seeing as his Establishing Character Moment was him going on about how much he hated his past life. In reality, this just shows that even through everything that happened, he remembers the parts of his life he spent with his family with love, and still deeply cares for them, even after death.
  • Scars Are Forever: He retains a noticeable wound in his chest, presumably from Sam's sword.
  • Unreliable Expositor: When explaining the past history of the server to Aimsey, Boo often resorts to using phrases like "not that good" to describe horrific events such as the entire carpet bombing of a nation, and refuses to expand on parts that he himself has bad memories of, like Tommy's exile. This behaviour has caused Aimsey to have a skewed perception of the server's history, believing that it's something that could be fixed, when in reality, there's little to nothing that they can do.

In-game name: Seapeekay
Preferred name: Seapeekay
"Here, we see the consequences of one's actions."
Seapeekay, or CPK, is one of the newest members of the SMP, joining on 16 March 2022.

Seapeekay has two canon lives left. He was killed by Antfrost over a disagreement on how to deal with the Egg infestation in Puffy's house.
  • Dimensional Traveler: CPK is one, capable of traveling from the Dream SMP dimension to one that contained the Minecraft Championship.
  • The Empath: Seapeekay claims to be one, though not as powerful as Eryn in this regard. While Bad was trying to sell Logstedshire as real estate to him to settle, CPK says this:
    "As– I don't know what it is, but as– as an empath, I'm just sort of feeling a lot of emotion from this place."
  • Fox Folk: CPK appears as an anthropomorphic fox, though his Minecraft skin is more stylized than Fundy's.
  • Hearing Voices: A little girl's voice could be heard as he was farming levels at the spider farm, and it's heavily implied it might have been the Egg's voice trying to reach him.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: Inverted. He acts as such as the Consequencer, where he dresses up in a superhero outfit and enacts 'consequences' onto those of the server who did wrong. Of course, this being the Dream SMP, his idea of consequences for both Boomer and Aimsey (who was supposed to helping him restore the tree, mind you) destroying Ponk's lemon tree is to both destroy their houses, with the added bonus of getting Aimsey killed in a pit trap.
  • Naïve Newcomer: Being one of the newest server members, CPK's lack of awareness of server society etiquette (namely the fact that some people can't be trusted) has lead him following along in trapping Foolish... to winding up getting influenced by the Egg after Bad lures him near its chambers.
  • Only Sane Man: Often acts like this to Ponk or any of the wackier server members during their antics, but often still gets roped into their schemes. Tragically, his attempt at trying to sway the remaining partygoers during the Egg Massacre just gets him hacked to death for his troubles.
  • Revenge: As his alter ego, the Consequencer, he promises to give 'consequences' on the server for those who do wrong.
  • Rousing Speech: Subverted Trope. After Puffy is abducted by the Egg, both search parties for her eventually find her caged and trapped on the Egg, believing the other party to have done this. CPK tries to calm down both sides with one such speech and open up the possibility of both parties being innocent, but ends up being stabbed to death by Antfrost, who refuses to see reason.
    Seapeekay: I know the Egg is dangerous and I know we have to stop it, I just don't think we have to tear our friendships apart to do that. If we just stop and listen, we could(is killed)


"I'm Girl Dream. Dream left. Dream went away."
In-game name: Dream
Preferred name: Girl Dream / Mamacita
"You asked for it, sexist pig! I'm gonna kick your ass! Girl power!"
Mamacita, or Girl Dream, as she calls herself, is well... female Dream, albeit one that's much kinder then her male counterpart. She was Mexican Dream's girlfriend and a former member of El Rapids before its dissolution. Ever since Mexican Dream lost his final life, she has not made a return to the server.

Mamacita has presumably three lives left.
  • Action Girlfriend: She's quite capable of defending both herself and her boyfriend.
  • Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: She hasn't appeared since Mexican Dream's visit to Logstedshire, and her whereabouts are currently unknown.
  • Good Counterpart: To Dream. Both of them are highly analytical, socially intelligent, and played by cc!Dream, but Mamacita uses her abilities to gain allies and make friends, while Dream uses his to manipulate and hurt others, cutting himself off due to believing that attachments like friendships are a source of weakness.
  • Leitmotif: Occasionally, whenever other members tell Mamacita to think, the iconic Minecraft Manhunt song starts playing. The same applies to her Spear Counterpart, Dream.
  • Showing Up Chauvinists: While the future members of El Rapids are by no means chauvinistic, Mamacita is very clear about her boundaries and refuses to let it be insinuated that she is being objectified, wrongfully accused or held to double standards.
  • The Smurfette Principle: She's the only girl in El Rapids.
  • The Social Expert: In her debut appearance, she immediately understands the communication style of Mexican Dream, George, and Sapnap, and quickly fits right into it, establishing herself as an equal who can keep up with their style.

    Mexican Dream
"Ey man..."
In-game name: Quackity
Preferred name: Mexican Dream
"You fucked with the wrong boys, you fucked with the wrong motherfucking boys! Come here, you son of a bitch!"
Mexican Dream is a mysterious entity connected to the now-defunct nation of El Rapids. He also parodies Dream as a Funny Foreigner.
Mexican Dream is deceased. He lost his first life to a zombie while saving Mamacita, his second life while taking a bullet for Juan Mendez, his father figure, and his third to Dream in Logstedshire.
  • Affectionate Parody: Mexican Dream himself is this, who parodies Dream as a Funny Foreigner and all the stereotypes that come with being Mexican, e.g. being addicted to drugs and speaking in Gratuitous Spanish.
  • Amazon Chaser: Implied, as he was in a relationship with Mamacita before his death, to the point that he claimed she "taught him how to love", and Mamacita has been seen killing mobs and kicking ass more times that M.D. himself has.
  • Ambiguously Related: Since M.D. once mentioned that he hates the fact that Sapnap was dating his cousin, it implies that he might be related to either Quackity or Karl.
  • Berserk Button: In the Afterlife, Mexican Dream hits Ranboo for calling Mexican L'Manburg "just a giant dirt wall".
  • Beware the Silly Ones: Mexican Dream started out as a Joke Character, roping Tommy into helping him build a house and do drugs, cheering him up properly for the first time since he was exiled. However, once Dream has enough of him and tries to get rid of him by beheading Juan in front of him, MD flies off the handle and attacks Dream in a blind rage, before being murdered. He appears as a ghost very occasionally, but is extremely protective over Tommy and hostile towards Dream, fully prepared to break into prison to murder him for what he did.
  • Bilingual Bonus: In his first appearance, he says Dream's intro in Spanish.
    Mexican Dream: De acuerdo a las estadísticas de YouTube, solo un pequeño porcentaje de ustedes están realmente subscritos. Así que si te termina gustando el video, porfavor considera suscribirte. Es gratis. Siempre podes desubscribirte más adelante.
  • Big Brother Instinct: Mexican Dream loathes Dream, especially after being murdered by him while visiting Tommy in exile. After finding out Dream destroyed Sapnap's old home (the Community House) and falsely assuming he destroyed El Rapids, he was dead-set on killing him where he stood, and was not satisfied with him being in prison, explicitly citing Dream's treatment of Tommy as one of his motivations.
    Sapnap: I hope... I dunno, I hope maybe one day, he'll come out of there and he'll be better, but... I dunno. He's in there for good reasons.
    Mexican Dream: Better?! He fucking killed me, man!
    Sapnap: I don't think that was him! I– Look–
    Mexican Dream: You're telling me the guy who fucking– can KILL people, fucking EXILE LITTLE KIDS, fucking put 'em in– You're telling me he can fucking just stay in jail, man?! I'M GONNA GO IN THERE AND FUCKING KILL HIM, MAN!
  • Bury Your Gays: Inverted. He and Mamacita were one of the only straight couples in a server filled with LGBTQ+ ones, and he lost all three of his lives in quick succession. Mamacita, on the other hand, hasn't been seen ever since his death.
  • The Cartel: He is apparently addicted to cocaine and met Mamacita while doing drugs.
  • Character Catchphrase: "Ey man?"
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Implied. He claimed that he had spent his entire life in tents and that the only flooring he knew was "the concrete of the streets", and has stated that he was homeless.
  • Don't You Dare Pity Me!: He refuses Dream's "handouts" of steak despite being homeless and likely lacking a stable source of food.
  • Enmity with an Object: He hates walls. This is implied to be a joke on the wall on the Mexican border Donald Trump claimed he was going to build while he was still the President of the US.
  • Foreign Cuss Word: He is quite prone to swearing in Spanish. When M.D. overheard Dream telling Tommy during the latter's exile that he didn't like M.D, M.D. started going on a vulgar tirade in Spanish while chasing after Dream.
    Mexican Dream: Hijo de la chingada madre vas a escuchar, hijo de tu puta madre– [...] Tu no sabes nada, tu no sabes nada de mi vida, yo, el barrio y los cholos nos vamos a venir por ti, motherfucker!
  • Funny Foreigner: His entire character based around the concept of Dream having a Mexican background, accent, and the ability to speak Spanish.
  • Gratuitous Spanish: He peppers his speech with Spanish words, calls people by the Spanish variation of their names (e.g. Tommy = Tomás, Karl = Carlos) and is sometimes prone to foreign language tirades in Spanish.
  • Hidden Depths:
    • While he behaves like a thuggish, drug-addicted cholo, at the end of the day, it takes Dream decapitating his friend to actually get him violent.
    • He tries to move in with Tommy during his exile to keep him company... and possibly to ward off Dream.
  • Hope Spot: His entire visit to Tommy during the latter's exile is this. Because Dream is too thrown off by Mexican Dream's presence, it's hard for him to do anything to Tommy, and overall M.D consistently just lightens up the tone and makes Tommy happy by being there. Then, in a twisted turn of events, Dream begins slaughtering M.D's "homies" and then M.D. himself when he retaliates.
  • Knight Templar Big Brother: After finding out that Tubbo exiled Tommy and made him sad, Mexican Dream was infuriated and was ready to murder Tubbo because "nobody messes with [his] homies". The only reason Tubbo's not dead is because Tommy physically talked him out of it.
  • Insistent Terminology: He refuses to call El Rapids by its new name, considering it to be "bullshit", and instead refers to it by its original name of "Mexican L'Manburg".
  • Leitmotif: His "speedrun music". In other words, "La Chona".
  • Magnificent Moustaches of Mexico: A variant, he has a goatee and is from Tijuana, Baja California.
  • My Sister Is Off-Limits: He apparently doesn't like Sapnap because he's dating his cousin.
  • Non-Action Guy: Implied, as he hasn't been seen getting into fights very often, and sometimes relies on his girlfriend to kill mobs to protect him.note 
  • Ocular Gushers: In his post-mortem appearance to initiate Corpse Husband into El Rapids, tears can be seen flowing from his eyes after his death.
  • Only Known by Initials: Downplayed, as he is sometimes just known as "M.D", a shortened nickname that Tommy gave him while in Exile.
  • Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping: Mexican Dream's accent has slipped into what seems closer to an American accent on a few occasions.
  • Parental Abandonment: It is not confirmed what happened to his parents, but considering that he grew up "on the streets" with "the boys" and was used to sleeping in tents his whole life, it can be surmised that he likely lost his family at a young age.
  • Patriotic Fervor: He's very prideful of his culture, willing to blackmail and shame people, ruining them over Twitter if he hears anything that could be an insult to his Mexican heritage.
  • Personalized Afterlife: Mexican Dream's afterlife allegedly looked like an OXXOTranslation . He states that in the afterlife, nobody visited him; he only got alcohol, and that an alcoholic person (most likely referring to Schlatt) came to his shop every day to asks him questions and tell him about being president.
  • South of the Border: He is an Affectionate Parody of Mexican stereotypes, including a strong association with drugs.
  • This Is My Name on Foreign: He often addresses other characters with their names renditioned in Spanish, e.g. calling Tommy "Tomás".
  • Undying Loyalty: One of Mexican Dream's main character traits, most notably seen when he decides to build a house to stay with Tommy in Logstedshire after finding out he was exiled (something that no one else had done before), and acted fairly protective of him. This ultimately ends up being what brings about his doom, however, as his first two canon lives were lost trying to protect his loved ones (his girlfriend and his family figures/"homies", respectively), and he lost his last canon life trying to kill Dream for hanging up one of his homies' decapitated head like a trophy.
  • Vengeful Ghost: Mexican Dream hates Dream for killing him and hurting Tommy, and would've broken into prison to kill him if it weren't for Sapnap and George.
  • Verbal Tic: He tends to end his sentences with "man".
  • Wearing a Flag on Your Head: The Mexican flag — or at least, a simplified version of it — is painted over his 'Dream blob'. Glatt also claims that he has the Mexican flag draped around his shoulders, which would likely be the more realistic interpretation of his skin.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: He's the only thing that genuinely unnerves Dream. Dream finally has enough of it during Tommy's exile and murders him.

    Sam Nook 
In-game name: awesamdude
Preferred name: Sam
Sam Nook is an entity created by Awesamdude to help Tommy with the construction of the Big Innit Hotel.
  • Expy: Of Tom Nook from the Animal Crossing-series. He plays Tom Nook's babbling sounds whenever he speaks, tasks Tommy with collecting items for him to later build the hotel with, and shares a last name with him.
  • I Will Wait for You: During the time period Tommy was dead, Sam Nook waited for him by the hotel, believing that he'd be back from his prison visit eventually. No one had the heart to tell him what had happened.
  • Nigh-Invulnerability: As a robot, Sam Nook cannot be dented or damaged with enchanted netherite weapons (even with critical hits) or from fall damage.
  • Paste Eater: He eats Hearts of the Sea and is implied to be powered by them. Justified by the fact that he is a robot and not a human.
  • Robot Buddy: Sam Nook serves as this to Tommy during the early parts of Season 3, and is later reactivated in Season 4 after Dream's escape.
  • Speaking Simlish: Whenever Sam Nook speaks, he plays Animalese (the sound of Animal Crossing-characters speaking) through his microphone while typing his dialogue in chat.
  • Welcome to Corneria: At the start, whenever Tommy tried to push back against the amount of stuff Sam Nook tried to get him to do, Sam Nook would start repeating his dialogue from the beginning.

In-game name: DreamXD
"You play me for a fool, I'll play you for a dead man."
DreamXD is the "canon" God and protector of the Dream SMP's End portals and its rules. He is the only person with canonical access to creative mode.
  • Powered by a Forsaken Child: He draws his power from people dying, though it doesn't matter if they stay dead — because of this, he wants people to be revived and for the cycle of war and death to continue so he can continue to feed on those deaths.
  • Top God: He's all but confirmed to serve as this within the world of the SMP, possessing Tomes of Eldritch Lore, being able to bestow powers to others, and creating demigods in the form of the respective Overseers of the Inbetween and the Other Side.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom:
    • In a conversation with Foolish, XD revealed that he is the original owner of the revival book, having dropped it on the Overworld a millennia ago until it was later found by Schlatt, which has since kicked off the server conflicts revolving around it from Season 3 onward.
    • The Tales episode "The Maze" also casually reveals that XD was the one that gave Karl his time-travelling powers... which in turn makes him responsible for the Fiancés' fallout in "Las Nevadas" Episode 4, at least on Karl's end, and indirectly responsible for triggering Quackity's spiral in the "Las Nevadas" plotline as a whole. This hurts exceptionally by the fact that XD explicitly knows how detrimental the memory-loss effects of time travel are, yet still allows these miscommunication-induced breakdowns to continue, likely to draw power from the death and destruction ensued.
  • Voice of the Legion: His voice fluctuates from having a echo to sounding incredibly demonic when his Berserk Button is pushed.
  • Winged Humanoid: According to Eryn, XD flies around on a pair of wings, though he looks significantly less human than other winged members of the server.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: In The Stinger of "The Maze", XD mentions that he had appointed a previous time-traveller before Karl, but their Loss of Identity persisted to the point they lost their own memory that they were a time-traveller in the first place, which prompted XD to "[get] rid of" them. To drive the point home, while most of XD's lines were highlighted in lime green subtitles in the episode, the phrase is written explicitly in red subtitles.


    Ponk's chat 
Ponk's chat are represented by little lemons with arms and legs. See the Main Character Index for more information about them.

    Fundy's chat 
Fundy's chat manifests as a swarm of miniature clay figures that only he can see. See the Main Character Index for more information about them.

    Jack's chat 
Jack's chat manifests as voices coming in through his headset. See the Main Character Index for more information about them.

    Michael's chat 
Michael Mcchill's chat takes the form of his mascot Alesa, who he carries around in his backpack. See the Main Character Index for more information about them.

    Seapeekay's chat 
Seapeekay's chat appears as wisps, which call themselves "dirt" or "dirt wisps". See the Main Character Index for more information about them.

    Boomer's hat 
A frog-shaped hat gifted to Boomer by his adopted family in exchange for his colours. The hat itself is sentient in nature and helps Boomer to connect with nature, and has mysterious powers that only Boomer can use... if he knows all the hat truly does.
  • Audience Participation: It has been revealed that part of the hat's conscience consists of Boomer's stream chat.
  • Hat of Power: It's unknown what the powers are for now, but apparently only Boomer can harness these powers through the hat.
  • Sentient Phlebotinum: Boomer the content creator has described the hat to have a conscience of its own.

    Aimsey's chat 
Aimsey's chat is an old walkie-talkie. They cannot always understand what the walkie talkie says. See the Main Character Index for more information about them.
