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Characters / Dream SMP: Boomerville

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A small, neutral faction where many of the older members of the server stay to avoid the conflicts of the rest of the SMP. It's also the only faction in the server where the religion of choice is YouTube, rather than the Church of Prime. Boomerville has no official governmental structure. The faction is currently considered defunct as both of its members were abducted and killed by Dream. However, on 29 April 2022, Wilbur and Tubbo pranked/'invaded' the remains of the country and griefed it for fun and as a throwback to the past, not knowing the fate of its residents.
  • Bus Crash: The reason neither appeared is because Dream killed them over and over offscreen to test the revival book, and killed them permanently when he was done to make sure nobody knew.
  • Cool Old Guy: Being part of the "older generation" of Minecraft-based content creators, the members of Boomerville are presumed to have accomplished great feats in their prime, and Tommy in particular 'hero-worships' Vikk.
  • Death by Irony: Its neutrality and lack of outside ties allowed Dream to abduct its members and involve them in his experiments using the revive book without anybody noticing.
  • Out of Focus: The faction tends to fly under the radar, but considering that Boomerville is meant to be a retirement area away from the drama of the younger members of the server, it is likely that this is intentional... until it was revealed that both of its members were abducted and murdered by Dream, who was very deliberately exploiting this trope. The rest of the server seems to either believe them to have just disappeared without a trace (as seen in Eret's history tour to Eryn), or have forgotten about their existence altogether.
  • Pet Monstrosity: The two residents of the faction have adopted a pet polar bear named Bogey. While having a polar bear as a pet is all but outrageous in a real-world context, in Minecraft, polar bears only attack if they are attacked or if they have cubs and are being approached, making it relatively feasible to have a pet polar bear or other neutral mob.
  • Put on a Bus: Neither of the current "members" of Boomerville have been active since the late L'Manburg days. Later turns out to be a Bus Crash.
  • Retired Badass: The members of the faction were all prominent Minecraft YouTubers in their own right, and have chosen to settle and retire from the drama.
  • Team Switzerland: The faction was formed as a sanctuary away from all the "zoomers" and the members have not taken part in any major conflict against any other faction, instead choosing to sit all the action out.
  • Those Two Guys: The two members of Boomerville are very close to each other, from joining the server side-by-side, to sharing a house together.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Both initial members of Boomerville have been inactive for months, to the point that it is often considered dissolved ever since HBomb abandoned the faction to live in a savanna biome far away from spawn. Later turned around as the reason for their absence is revealed by Dream through a lore video in January 2022, a year after their disappearance from the server.

In-game name: Vikkstar123
Preferred name: Vikk
"Isn't the conflict what people really want at the end of the day? They want something to be mad about."

One of the server's more low-key members, who joined after the Manburg-Pogtopia War. A co-founder of Boomerville.

Vikk lost his three lives alongside Lazar in a Dream-induced Resurrection/Death Loop while he was testing out the revive book, and was ultimately killed permanently to keep the book a secret.

  • Bus Crash: Over a year after Vikk and Lazar's last appearance(s) on the Dream SMP, the two's whereabouts were finally revealed in Dream's January 2022 lore video — they had been killed by Dream after being human guinea pigs for the revive book.
  • Bystander Syndrome: Witnessed Fundy getting tortured by Techno and Tommy, but likewise refused to do anything other than watch. Even more so, he even talked pretty casually with his tormentors. The one moment he tried to save the fox was near the end, after Fundy was left in tears from it all, and even then, it didn't work out for Fundy.
  • Dead All Along: As of Season 4, it's revealed to have been dead for over a year, with him dying as a result of Dream's Resurrection/Death Loop.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: Vikk appeared in a video endorsing POG2020 several months before actually joining the server.
  • Famed In-Story: As a virtue of being an OG MCYT, most of the people on the server have watched his videos in their childhoods, and Tommy "idolizes" him.
  • From Bad to Worse: Attempted to save Fundy from his torture from Techno and Tommy, but wasn't aware that the the place they were in was built over a river in L'Manberg. Due to the fox's hysterical state, he ended up drowning to death.
  • Killed to Uphold the Masquerade: He was killed by Dream for knowing about and experiencing the effects of the revive book before everyone else.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: A firm believer in poetic justice, which is why he goes along with Lazar and Techno in getting back at Tommy for mugging Lazar.
  • Not So Above It All: While typically more cool-headed than Lazar, he's not above joining in on vying for revenge when slighted and has leaned support towards Techno's more destructive ways against governments.
  • Pretext for War: Following Techno's giving his peaceful motivations for retirement, Vikk expresses the belief that, regardless, people will find some reason to get angry because that's their desire.
  • Resurrection/Death Loop: Was put through this by Dream to test the revive book.
  • The Reveal: The reason why he was missing for over a year? He was used by Dream as a human guinea pig for the revive book and was murdered at the end of the ordeal.
  • Those Two Guys: With LazarBeam, as both of them joined the server at the same time and share a house together.

In-game name: LazarCodeLazar
Preferred name: Lazar
One of the server's more low-key members, he joined around the same time as Vikk, and founded Boomerville with him.

Lazar lost his three lives alongside Vikk in a Dream-induced Resurrection/Death Loop while he was testing out the revive book, and was ultimately killed permanently to keep the book a secret.
  • Bus Crash: Over a year after Vikk and Lazar's last appearance(s) on the Dream SMP, the two's whereabouts were finally revealed in Dream's January 2022 lore video — they had been killed by Dream after being human guinea pigs for the revive book.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: Being killed multiple times in immensely painful ways and getting revived at the end of those deaths before being finally put out of your misery is not a good way to go out.
  • Dead All Along: As of Season 4, he's revealed to have been dead for over a year, with him dying as a result of Dream's Resurrection/Death Loop.
  • Elder Abuse: On the receiving end of it, with his first day on the server resulting in him getting mugged by Tommy and would later be the target of theft by the others. Oh, and that happens to be the reason he and Vikk were chosen to test the revive book by Dream. For the record, the 'elder' part is only relatively speaking.
  • Games of the Elderly: Has said both he and Vikk like playing bingo back in Boomerville.
  • Grumpy Old Man: When he's online, Lazar can often be seen yelling at others to get off his lawn. He disapproved of both L'Manberg and El Rapids back when he was still active, the former because he saw it as a cult, the latter because they were on his property.
  • Innocently Insensitive: Agreed with Dream and Connor that the server looked better with Tommy out of the way... while Tommy was right next to them.
  • Kick the Dog: Joined in on bullying Tommy and getting him to blow up his own items during his exile period after some pressuring by Dream.
  • Killed to Uphold the Masquerade: He was killed by Dream for knowing about and experiencing the effects of the revive book before everyone else.
  • Mistaken for Gay: Poki's visit had her think Lazar was in love with Karl, much to his chagrin.
  • No Honor Among Thieves: Believes New L'Manberg to ultimately be this after being on the receiving end of poor treatment.
  • Pet the Dog: Tried to do this during Tommy's exile by giving him a disc as repayment for trying to save Lazar and to bury the hatchet... but a mixture pressure from Dream and Tommy killing him again (non-canonically) quickly soured things.
  • Resurrection/Death Loop: Was put through this by Dream to test the revive book.
  • The Reveal: The reason why he was missing for over a year? He was used by Dream as a human guinea pig for the revive book and was murdered at the end of the ordeal.
  • Those Two Guys: With Vikk, as both of them joined the server at the same time and share a house together.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Melons, as a result of his 2019 Minecraft series being played on a vegan diet and discovering that you could sell melons to villagers for emeralds. He has had two netherite axes with Silk Touch labeled "Melon Harvestor", one of which has been stolen and is intended to be fought over, and Boomerville has a melon farm featuring a giant cross made out of melons.
