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Sandbox / The Bartender Wick Check

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This is a wick check for The Bartender.

  • Why?: The Bartender, judging from the laconic, is likely supposed to mean 'Bartender gives life advice', but often gets misused to refer to bartenders existing.
  • Wicks checked: 50/50

  • Final verdict: Almost all of the wicks are describing that a character is a bartender, which isn't a trope on its own. It also has a lot of Zero Context Examples, and the single correct wick indicated that 'Bartender gives life advice' might be Too Rare to Trope'.

  • Solutions
    • Nuke trope and yard tropable concepts.
    • Rename trope to something like Life Advice Giving Bartender and redefine it to be specifically about life advice giving bartenders.

    Bartender gives life advice (Correct) (1/50) 
  • Boldores And Boomsticks: The Bartender: Oranguru moonlights as one, advising Blake in her issues with Adam. This is correct, if a bit ZCE-y, as it states that the bartender gives life advice.
    Bartenders exist (32/50) 
    Other misuse (3/50) 
  • Hard Boiled: The Bartender: John Woo plays one who gives Tequila advice. He mentions at one point that he also was a cop. This is advice, but doesn't state anything about life advice.
  • Skyrim.Tropes 0 To C: The Bartender: Each tavern and inn has a non-generic NPC filling this role. Beside selling food and drinks, they can be asked for rumors (sometimes related to local quests) and work (official bounty hunting quest). This is rumors, not life advice.
  • Don't Bother to Knock: The Bartender: Joe, the bartender at the club, is a sympathetic ear for Lyn’s troubles. He also gives Jed some friendly advice. The troubles and advice are unrelated here.
    ZCE and Unclear use (12/50) 
Just a pothole describing Jill as a bartender. But not about her giving life advice.Same as above.
    Non-tropes (1/50) 
    Miscellaneous examples (1/50) 
  • Hear the Wind Sing: The Bartender: J, who runs the aptly-named J's Bar and tries to steer the kids in the right direction. I can't figure out what the example means by 'Steer the kids in the right direction', so I'm putting it here.
