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Characters / AkaSeka Miyabi Country

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This page covers the natives of the Miyabi country. This country and its people represent the Heian period.

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    In General 
  • Blue Blood: All of them, except Seimei who isn't stated to be part of an aristocratic family and Yoshinaka who has a rural background. Even Yoshinaka himself is part of the aristocratic class now, so he qualifies to an extent.
  • Gentleman and a Scholar: The poets, at least. They are as cultured as they are pleasant, even Teika who is at most a Lovable Alpha Bitch.

    Abe no Seimei 
    Fujiwara no Teika
Voiced by: Takahiro Sakurai
Rarity (Base): Very High
Element (Base): Water
A vain aristocrat obsessed with beauty and always thinks himself and the poems he composes the most beautiful things since sliced bread. An all-around narcissist.
  • Alternate Character Reading: His name can also be read "Sadaie", but he specifically requests to be called Teika.
  • Berserk Button: If you're Narihira, do not sweet-talk his retainers.
  • Can't Take Criticism: In Gekka, he pens his own romance story and asks the heroine to review it. She finds the characters' personalities unrealistic, but he disagrees on the grounds that being beautiful trumps being realistic.
  • Curtains Match the Window: His hair and eyes have the same cyan color.
  • The Dandy: He's pretty good-looking himself, and beauty is pretty much the only thing on this guy's mind. He believes beauty is the most important, isn't interested in anything he deems isn't beautiful enough and judges everything based on beauty.
  • Does Not Like Spam: Nattō.
  • Friendly Rivalry: He dismisses Narihira as "irreparably un-beautiful", but still admits his poetry talents and states that he doesn't outright hate him.
    Heroine: But you two do seem to get along pretty well.
    Teika: No, we don't!
  • The Illegible: For all the pride he displays about the beauty of his poems, the script he uses to write them is nigh unreadable. Truth in Television in that the notoriously indecipherable Asian cursive script is a genuine calligraphy style, and therefore is considered beautiful.
  • Large Ham: And it just gets more and more evident. If he's feeling like giving a lengthy lecture about his opinion on beauty complete with flailing all over the place, so be it.
  • Lovable Alpha Bitch: He's beauty-obsessed and arrogant, but is not mean.
  • Narcissist: He believes that he's some sort of "Herald of Beauty" and that everything he creates is the most beautiful thing in the world.
  • Royal Brat: A vain, narcissistic Fujiwara aristocrat.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Sakura-mochi.
  • Tsundere: A (ostensibly) platonic version regarding his relationship with Narihira: though he displays overt disdain for and constantly bickers with him, he still acknowledges Narihira's talent and admits he doesn't flat-out hate him.
  • Western Zodiac: Sagittarius (December 1).
  • Winged Humanoid: His Yin Nagaruru Zaika form, making him look like a Tengu.
    Ariwara no Narihira
Voiced by: Toshiki Masuda
Rarity (Base): Medium
Element (Base): Fire
A womanizing playboy who longs to achieve true love. He is a charismatic smooth-talker and also tends to get into silly arguments with Teika.
  • Berserk Button: For some reason, he's perfectly fine with others commenting on his shameless philandering, but loses his shit when they attack his "coolness".
    Narihira: Are you saying I'm not cool enough? How dare you speak like that? I am cool, I'm telling you!
  • The Charmer: It seems flirting with the first woman he sees is built into his instincts, as seen when he immediately compliments the heroine, puts a flower in her hair and takes her into town when they first meet. Teika is not amused.
    Narihira: You're drawn to my sweet scent just like a butterfly.
  • Curtains Match the Window: Blond hair and yellow eyes.
  • Does Not Like Spam: Potatoes.
  • Friendly Rivalry: He and Teika often get into arguments over silly matters. Also, Teika would very much rather Narihira stopped flirting with his servants.
  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold
  • Prince Charming: A handsome aristocrat and a suave lady-killer.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Shrimp.
  • Western Zodiac: Cancer (July 14) and has the "emotional" trait down.
  • When You Coming Home, Dad?: His mother died when he was young and his father was too busy with his high-ranking job that he couldn't properly take care of him.
  • Winged Humanoid: His tengu-like Yin Nagaruru Zaika form.
    Ki no Tsurayuki
Voiced by: Hiro Shimono
Rarity (Base): High
Element (Base): Fire
An effeminate Camp Straight who wears feminine clothing and employs feminine speech, but can still behave in a masculine way when he gets down to business. He's not a crossdresser, he's just In Touch with His Feminine Side.
Voiced by: Takuya Eguchi
Rarity (Base): Medium
Element (Base): Light
A huge Neat Freak whose obsession with cleanliness is on par with that of Levi's. An intimidating and short-tempered man.
  • Bad Boss: He is not above yelling at his servants if they fail to adhere to his extremely arbitrary idea of cleanliness.
  • Berserk Button: When his house is not clean enough according to his ridiculously high standard.
  • Curtains Match the Window: Green hair and green eyes.
  • In-Series Nickname: Sady by Iemitsu.
  • Neat Freak: He yells at his servants for still leaving his place a mess… even though the only thing that's dirty is the soot gathering at the lamps.
    Sada'akira: When did my house turn into a garbage dump when I'm away?
    Heroine: (narrating) "Garbage dump"? But it looks perfectly clean.
  • Only One Name: Which doubles as Odd Name Out since the rest of the Miyabi cast have both first and last names.
  • Royal Brat: A short-tempered aristocrat who is extremely hard to please when it comes to cleanliness. It must be hard working for him.
  • They Call Me MISTER Tibbs!: The opposite of Kiyomori in this aspect. He objects to the heroine's calling him kun and requests her to switch to the more formal san.
  • Western Zodiac: Capricorn (January 2) and is at once "hard working" and "cold".
    Fujiwara no Michinaga
Voiced by: Kengo Kawanishi
Live-acted by: Kōhei Midō (stage play)
Rarity (Base): Medium
Element (Base): Dark
A Kansai-dialect-speaking Perpetual Smiler who is seemingly all nice and well, but is actually the resident do-S Yandere who likes to intimidate other people.
  • Bully Hunter: He gets a Moment of Awesome for himself when he steps in to stop an aristocrat from bullying a commoner woman, though the reason he gives on why he hates bullying is not exactly heroic.
    Michinaga: I hate bullyin' the weak. Ain't fightin' the strong much more fun?
    • This becomes even less heroic since the introduction of his charge Shikibu who goes through a series of bullying himself that Michinaga doesn't seem to lift a finger to put a stop to.
  • Does Not Like Spam: Bitter oranges.
  • Fiery Redhead: Has nice red hair and is pretty scary once you get on his bad side, or when he's taken an interest in you.
  • Parental Substitute: To Shikibu. He saved him from his previous abusive family and had taken care of him, because of which Shikibu feels indebted to him.
  • Perpetual Smiler: He is almost always seen sporting a wide smile across his face.
  • Pet the Dog: For all his creepiness, he is genuinely nice to Shikibu, having saved him from a hard life… though the definition of "nice" in this case is up for debate, since Michinaga seems to be the least helpful in helping Shikibu with his massive problems if the latter's individual story is anything to go by.
  • Prince Charmless: The opposite of Narihira in this regard. He may be an always smiling handsome aristocrat, but he is also a Yandere Jerkass who likes screwing with other people for the hell of it.
  • Sadist: Don't be fooled by his smile and his mannerisms. Hidden behind it is a creepy do-S personality.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Somitsu.
  • Western Zodiac: Leo (August 18). His hidden sadistic side also makes him rather fitting.
  • Yandere: Isn't he ever! His behavior grows progressively creepier over the course of his route. If he wants to give you a fancy gift, he will make you receive it even if you refuse. He has also referred to the heroine as his personal possession to others more than once. His actions are toned down after the branching point, but are still possessive and creepy.
    Michinaga: Ain't nobody's allowed to hurt ya but me.
    Taira no Kiyomori
Voiced by: Jun Fukushima
Rarity (Base): Medium
Element (Base): Fire
A Kebi'ishi officer whose angry mouth and rude behavior belies a genuinely nice personality. He hates pointless fights and will go to any length to stop them, albeit not in a nice way.
  • Cool Horse: In Ōshōbu, it's revealed that he has a horse called Mochizuki, similar to his historical counterpart.
  • Cowboy Cop: He's a Kebi'ishi member who isn't afraid to rough up troublemakers.
  • Does Not Like Spam: Bitter melons.
  • Don't Call Me "Sir": At one point, he angrily asks the heroine to stop using polite language and honorifics when addressing him.
    Kiyomori: 'Sides, it's not Kiyomori-san, it's just Kiyomori! Stop with the honorifics already, it's just weird!
  • Insistent Terminology: At one point, Inaba mimics his gorwaaaa! but says it as goraaaa! Of course, Kiyomori has to correct this, even though the two sound exactly the same.
  • Technical Pacifist: He hates pointless violence and will step in to stop it… by using violence. It earned him a bad reputation in the past.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Fried snacks.
  • Tsundere: He's definitely good-natured, but always behaves in such a rude way it's hard to like him at first.
  • Verbal Tic, gorwaaa! He even adds it as he's reading the game title when the title screen shows up.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: Along with Sarashi for good measure.
  • Western Zodiac: Aquarius (February 10).
    Kiso Yoshinaka
Voiced by: Yūta Aoki
Rarity (Base): Low
Element (Base): Light
A Country Mouse who is unfamiliar with the way of life in the city and longs to make friends with the city aristocrats. He likes gagaku and is a skilled dancer.
  • Com Mons: He is 2 stars, so expect him to pop up a lot during summoning.
  • Country Mouse: He is from the countryside and is self-conscious about his upbringing, wanting to fit in with the city people.
  • Curtains Match the Window: Brown hair and brown eyes.
  • Does Not Like Spam: Cucumbers.
  • Long-Haired Pretty Boy
  • The Medic: His special skill allows him to create heart tiles.
  • Palette Swap: A staple of low-rarity summons. His kimono is simply changed to green and his hakama to white in the Yang form, while in his Yin form his kimono is purple and grey and he wears normal trousers instead of hakama.
  • Western Zodiac: Gemini (June 6).
    Fun'ya no Yasuhide
Voiced by: Shin Nagai
Rarity (Base): Very Low
Element (Base): Wind
A man who loves jokes, and often makes terrible puns that only he can laugh at.
  • Blue Is Heroic: His color scheme is blue from head to toe, which goes well with his calm personality.
  • Cannot Tell a Joke: He has a thing for comedy and makes jokes himself, but his jokes are so boring he is the only one finding them funny.
  • Com Mons: His base form is 1 star.
  • Costume Porn: Two words: Nagaruru Zaika.
  • Curtains Match the Window: Blue hair and eyes.
  • Does Not Like Spam: Spinach.
  • Laughing at Your Own Jokes: Annoyingly frequent.
  • Palette Swap: Since his base form is low-rarity, this is all he gets for Awakened forms. The Yang one has his kimono changed to a lighter blue and is sleeveless, while the shirt underneath is lavender instead of white. His kimono in the Yin form is a darker, desaturated blue and the bottom of the garment is changed into a pair of dress trousers.
  • Pungeon Master: From your run-of-the-mill homophone jokes to making words out of the last syllables of sentences, Terakado Tsū-style.
  • Statuesque Stunner: This guy is 191 cm tall. Even without that knowledge, one can easily see how ridiculously tall he is compared to the rest of the cast.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Miso.
  • Western Zodiac: Aries (April 1) and fits the "playful" type. The fact he was born on April Fool's Day certainly helps.
    Murasaki Shikibu
Voiced by: Mitsuki Saiga
Rarity (Base): Very High
Element (Base): Dark
A talented writer who goes by a feminine name in order to promote his works. He can keep a cheerful and enthusiastic facade around others, but is really a lazy guy who loves to stay indoors all the time and badmouth others in his diary as a result of his inability to be honest about his feelings around others, courtesy of a Dark and Troubled Past.

The first Tsukuyomi danshi who is a Gender Flip of his historical counterpart and whose base form is a Geppaku summon.

  • Because You Were Nice to Me: He feels indebted to Michinaga for taking him in and saving him from a difficult life. Because of this, he never refuses any request Michinaga makes, or disrespects the name he gave him.
  • Cannot Spit It Out: He grew up in an abusive adoptive family, so he had to keep his feelings a secret for fear of being kicked out and becoming homeless. As a result, he is now unable to state his true feelings and opinions to others, often keeping them only in his diary.
    Shikibu: If I tell the truth, I'll be hated for sure.
  • Cleavage Window: The shirt underneath his kimono has a small opening that shows a portion of his chest.
  • Costume Porn: Once given a Geppaku Awakening, he dons a jūnihitoe, a multi-layered kimono worn by Heian noblewomen.
  • Curtains Match the Window: Brown hair and eyes.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Let's see, he spent his youth living with an adoptive family that treated him like shit, but he had to keep his mouth shut and put up with them or become homeless. Then he was taken in by Michinaga, but even then he's faced with bullying by other aristocrats who think him a low-life. Still, that's not the best part; he's been putting up with the whole thing because he's lost the ability to stand up for himself. Are you feeling sorry for him now?
  • Does Not Like Spam: Fried food.
  • Friendly Address Privileges: Towards the heroine by the end of his route.
  • Gender-Blender Name: Even the heroine lampshades how feminine the name Murasaki Shikibu is. Not that his real name Kaoru is any more masculine.
  • Gender Flip: Obviously. He is by far the first and only character to be genderflipped from their historical counterpart.
  • Graceful Ladies Like Purple: In case his name doesn't mean anything to you. He wears a lavender robe which makes him all the more elegant.
  • Hikikomori: He is very lazy and likes to lock himself in his room all day. His profile on the official website ouright refers to him using this word.
    Shikibu: Haa, I'm so tired. I wanna go back to my room.
  • Japanese Pronouns: Boku.
  • Moustache de Plume: He goes by the pen name Murasaki Shikibu because Michinaga advised him that a feminine name makes his literature more popular.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname/Pen Name: "Murasaki Shikibu" is not his real name; it was given to him by Michinaga. He uses this feminine pen name in order to promote his literature.note  His real name is Fujiwara no Kaoru. Note that though the game refers to him as Shikibu, in the story itself, his real name is used more than the pen name. He is even referred to as Kaoru when travelling outside of Miyabi.
  • Secret Diary: He owns one, which he uses to write scathing remarks about others. He understandably freaks out when the heroine discovers it and makes her promise not to speak of it to anyone else.
  • Secret Identity: In a Hannah Montana-like fashion, he's known as Shikibu to the high-class nobles and Kaoru to everyone else. It's important not to let the latter group know these two names belong to one person, because imagine the scandal that would ensue if certain people knew that the "court lady" Murasaki Shikibu and the lowly boy they've been picking on are one and the same.
  • Shout-Out: His real name is very obviously a reference to The Tale of Genji.
  • Stepford Smiler: He behaves in two distinct modes: a cheerful and adorable facade around most people and a sad, reserved true personality in private.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Tsubaki-mochi.
  • Verbal Tic: In his "friendly mode", many of his sentences end with a music note.
  • Western Zodiac: Cancer (July 14). Funny enough, he was born on the same day as Narihira.
