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Summer’s Cauldron is an ongoing Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary campaign that revolves around a group of young fey in the town of Creekwater


Player Characters

     Viceroy Suzanna Green 
A friendly and energetic Pooka Wildling that works as a twitch streamer

  • Break the Cutie: Poor Suzanna has been through a lot these past few years
  • Bunnies for Cuteness
  • Character Death: She is killed at the end of sophomore year after being shot by Trent’s poisoned arrow, and finished off by Heathcliff’s blood magic.
  • Character Development: By the end of the campaign, Suzanna has grown much stronger, and doesn’t allow herself to be taken advantage of by others anymore

     Viceroy Mori Nelson 
The friendly neighborhood drug dealer with a heart of gold

     Viceroy Arlo Karlman 
A shy and naive armadillo pooka

     Viceroy Chloe Davis 
A quiet Sidhe who is haunted by a great tragedy

     Viceroy Adler Waters 
A Ghille-Dhu that runs a shop with his parents

Sunset Court

Other Viceroys

     Viceroy Penny Connors 

An unhinged, energetic punk rock guitarist

  • Abusive Parents: She doesn’t realize it, but her father is absolutely terrible to her
  • Amnesiac Hero: She is missing some memories as a result of her time Bloome’s chair. It is later relieved that this includes learning of Bloome’s involvement in the famine
  • Big Eater
  • Brainless Beauty: “This is just like Hamilton but in real life!”
  • Breakout Character: In-universe. Her music becomes very popular, and fans latch on to her quirky and upbeat personality
  • Cloud Cuckoo Lander
  • Expy: Heavily inspired by Dulcie from Going Bovine
  • Genki Girl
  • The Heart
  • Hollywood Homely: Several antagonists (especially Bloome, to an obsessive degree), comment on Penny being unattractive, despite her being primarily described as “average looking” and “kinda pretty”
  • Instrument of Murder: Her guitar
  • Love Interest: For Mori
  • Nightmare Sequence: Suffered one that lasted a month while captured by Bloome
  • Perky Goth
  • The Pollyanna: Despite being raised in a junkyard by an abusive alcoholic, spent a month being tortured by human traffickers, and all sorts of other misfortunes befalling her, she remains upbeat and and positive no matter what
  • Talkative Loon
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Don Queso Pizzeria and Grill. She is absolutely devastated when she finds out that they are actually a front for the United Court

     Viceroy Porcelina Joi-Marjory Coldwater III 
The former baroness of the Winter Court

     Viceroy Gertrude Pinnick 
The elderly matriarch of the Hoskins family

Bodyguards and Security

     Kenneth Largo 
A heroic and upbeat warrior of the court

     Polliver Trench 
The captain of the Summer Court’s guard

A combat expert


     Frank Hoskins 
A confused but supportive Kinain man

     Rowan Hoskins 
Franks’s carefree and flirtatious son

     Dorina Hoskins 
Franks’s shy daughter

     Ralph Pinnick 
Granny’s son that specializes in spying and deception

  • '90s Anti-Hero
  • Big Bad Friend: Ralph ends up being an Ironblood leader that plans to steal the Winter’s Cauldron
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Ralph acts friendly and fatherly to the rest of the Sunset Court, but in reality, he is a cruel, spiteful bastard that’s okay with hundreds of innocents dying to take down the United Court
  • Cool Uncle
  • Dirty Coward: He gives up on trying to save Rowan and flees because he is intimidated by Heathcliff
  • Freudian Excuse: He had to live in fear of Heathcliff and the Shadow Court for his entire childhood, and was the one to discover his father’s flayed corpse. He eventually grew to resent Granny and her inaction, and joined the Ironblood
  • Hidden Disdain Reveal: He actually despises Granny forcing them to live with Heathcliff’s torment
  • Invisibility: His main magic ability
  • Large Ham: Members of his kith are known for being quiet and shy. Ralph on the other hand, is loud and extroverted
  • Karma Houdini: Sort of. He escapes and gets away guilt that he couldn’t protect his family from Heathcliff despite his hatred of his mother for the same thing
  • Knows a Guy Who Knows a Guy: Ralph has lots of connections. He has informants in the United Court, and was able to arrange negotiations with the Ironblood
  • Lovable Rogue
  • Master of Disguise
  • The Mole: For the Sunset Court in the United Court. Also for the Ironblood
  • The Spymaster
  • Villainous Breakdown: After Suzanna and Mori stop him from detonating the Winter’s Cauldron

A powerful and charismatic lord. He is the son of the Summer Court’s founder

     Florence Lowry 
Amber’s aunt, and a former lord of the Summer Court

  • Cool Aunt
  • Face–Heel Turn: When they find her the United Court, she reveals that she was manipulating them all along and is evil. Later subverted when it turns out it’s just an act to stay under the radar until she can escape with Camila
  • Killed Offscreen: She is struck down by Castlehead while protecting Colin before Suzanna reaches her
  • Offscreen Moment of Awesome: While the players are trapped by Ralph she leads the civilians of the Sunset Court to escape from the advancing Ironblood forces
  • Shipper on Deck
  • Team Mom
  • Undignified Death: Subverted. Boggs claims her death was this because she screamed as she died, to which Suzanna of course calls bullshit

     Camila Rodrigo 
A Summer Court lord with a short temper

     Amber Reese 
The niece of one of the lords who owns a bakery in the Summer Court

     Warren Yang 
A Summer Court-aligned sorcerer that teaches at the local high school

     Darius Aat 
A former Winter Court member that stays in Marie’s nightclub

     Artemis “Art” Akamatsu 
A former Ironblood commander who joined the Sunset Court

     Neo (Spoilers)  
A mysterious boy found by Mori and Suzanna with no memory

     Jamie C. 
Local bully, captain of the football team

United Court/Shadow Court/Don Queso Pizzeria and Grill


     The Beast (Spoilers) 

The ruthless leader of the Shadow Court. Eventually revealed to be John Osborne, who is staying alive on the fear that the town still has of him

  • Abusive Parents: His mother was physically and emotionally abusive towards him, and his father just didn’t pay attention to him
  • Affectionate Nickname: His parents refer to him as “Johnny Boy”
  • Achilles' Heel: His fear of his mother
  • Bad Boss: He is infamous for his cruel treatment of his underlings
  • Batman Gambit: He manages to trick the party into serving as his bodyguards by creating Neo, an artificial being with a kind and innocent heart that they quickly grew attached to. The entire time, his damaged essence was dormant inside Neo, until it healed, emerged, and killed him
  • Big Bad: Of Freshman Year
  • Big Brother Is Watching: The Beast uses black roses that contain eyes and ears watch over the entire town
  • Complete Monster
  • The Corrupter: To all of Creekwater
  • Dark Lord on Life Support: During the second half of Freshman year
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Despite being misogynistic, psychotic, necrophiliac murderer, he is disgusting when his own niece aggressively makes out with him
  • Eldritch Location: His final form is a hotel made of flesh
  • Flaw Exploitation: His fear of his mother is found out early on and constantly exploited by the players during the road trip arc
  • Freudian Excuse: He blames his mother’s treatment of him for his actions, but it’s implied that this is simply his nature.
  • Grand Theft Me: He tries to steal Suzanna, Mori, and Adler’s bodies after his second death
  • I Love the Dead: Just like the real serial killer he’s based on, John has a…fondness for his victim’s corpses
  • Immortality Immorality: The Beast’s final plan would make the entire fey population immortal which would be great if it didn’t involve agonizingly transforming an entire town into sentient blobs of amorphous misery
  • Karmic Death: He is finally torn apart by the tortured souls of Creekwater that he tried to manipulate into accepting an existence of predictable misery, destroying him for good
  • Kick the Dog: He is fond of doing this just to remind his victim who’s in charge.
  • Leit Motif: If It Rains by Paul Mcneil
  • My Death Is Just the Beginning: Twice. First, when he is executed in prison, and then again when he allows himself to be killed during the battle with Bliss
  • No Historical Figures Were Harmed: Osborne is based off the real-life serial killer, Edmund Kemper, also known as the Co-ed Killer
  • Not-So-Well-Intentioned Extremist: Most of the United Court believe he wishes to bring immortality to all fey. In reality, he simply wants control
  • Personal Raincloud: Heavy rain begins every time the Beast is near
  • Psychopathic Manchild: His true nature, which shows once he’s been pushed too far
  • Sadist: All of his plans are way more sinister and cruel than they have to be
  • Serial Killer
  • Skull for a Head
  • Ungrateful Bastard: Birchmire spends all of sophomore year continuing John’s plans in his absence, and even making more progress than he did. When John returns, scolds and mocks Birchmire for not being forceful enough, and is clearly threatened by his competence
  • Xanatos Gambit: It turns out he was pulling one the whole time

     Vincenzo Romano 
The Emperor of the Northern Summer Court

  • Anti-Villain: Vincenzo genuinely cares for his people and wants to protect them, but he lacks the bravery to be a good leader and his cowardly actions usually cause more harm than good
  • Apologetic Attacker: He sends the party an apology letter for trying to murder them
  • Boom, Headshot!: How Polly finishes him off
  • Bring My Brown Pants: According to rumors, he shit himself as he fled from a battle
  • Dirty Coward
  • Face Death with Dignity: When the Sunset Court prepares to execute him, he spends his last moments watching the sunset in peace. It is then subverted as he takes off running and screaming before being shot down by Polly
  • Foil: To Kestrel
  • Miles Gloriosus
  • Puppet King
  • The Quisling: Despite all the suffering they have inflicted on him and his court, he still ends up allying with the Shadow Court out of fear
  • The Scrappy: Despite his Anti-Villain qualities, he is one of the most despised characters in the campaign due to his constant cowardice and half-hearted attempts to reconcile with his victims to clear his own conscience
  • Would Hurt a Child

High Council

     Harvey Birchmire 
One of the Beast’s right hands and top strategist.

The enigmatic, bloodthirsty right hand of the Beast

  • Ax-Crazy
  • Bad People Abuse Animals: It is noted that he often murders neighborhood pets just to watch their owner’s grief
  • Being Tortured Makes You Evil: Downplayed. He was always evil to begin with, but Granny keeping him in excruciating pain for an entire decade was what caused his mind to break completely, making him much much worse.
  • Blood Knight
  • Bloody Murder
  • Co-Dragons: With Birchmire
  • Combat Sadomasochist
  • Complete Monster
  • Dead Person Impersonation: His true name is actually William Henry Pleasance. The real Heathcliff was Gertrude’s lover that Pleasance killed out of jealousy, and started going by his name as a result of his obsession with her
  • The Friend Nobody Likes: Most of the United Court are disgusted with Heathcliff and horrified by his actions, but hey, at least he gets the job done. The only people who actually like him are Prudence, who thinks he’s some kind of misunderstood brooding emo boy, and The Beast, who admires his complete lack of fear
  • The Heavy: He is the most consistent and dangerous threat to the players throughout the campaign
  • Hero Killer: He kills Stephen at the beginning of the story, and has a reputation in general for killing powerful warriors. He is also the one to kill Suzanna, making him the only villain to kill a PC in the campaign
  • Karma Houdini: He always gets away with his atrocities due to the United Court’s connections. To everyone’s frustration, he gets away with killing a player at the end of sophomore year with no consequences other then some wounds that barely phase him
  • Karma Houdini Warranty: It takes all 42 sessions, but he is finally killed, courtesy of Jasper
  • Kick the Dog: Constantly, but most notably when he torments Dorina at the Birchmire’s Christmas party
  • Nightmare Fetishist
  • No Hands Barred Beatdown: Gets one from Frank and the Hoskins twins following his defeat
  • Older Than They Look: He still looks to be in his mid 20s, when in reality he is at least a century old
  • Sadist
  • Sins of the Father: He extends his grudge with Granny to her family
  • Undignified Death: He gets one of the most humiliating deaths in the campaign. He is stabbed in the neck by a bulldog with a cold iron dagger in it’s mouth
  • Villainous Crush: On Granny

     Salvatore Bloome 
A sociopathic crime boss

  • Asshole Victim: Bloome is one of the most unlikable characters in the entire campaign. When he is eventually assassinated by the Sunset Court, no one sheds a tear
  • Back from the Dead: The Beast resurrects him along with Demographic
  • The Friend Nobody Likes: Like Heathcliff, most of his allies hate Bloome and see him as a necessary evil. Despite how valuable he was to the United Court, most of them are glad to be rid of him when he dies
  • Fat Bastard
  • Hate Sink: Bloome is an utterly vile person with no redeeming qualities
  • Might as Well Not Be in Prison at All
  • One-Winged Angel: Glenn transforms him into a giant mushroom monster when the players defeat him again in the Orchestra
  • Opportunistic Bastard: He took advantage of the famine to gain power by generating glamour himself. Later subverted, he is actually The Chessmaster, he was responsible for the famine and everything was part of his plan.
  • Sinister Shades: There are no eyes beneath them, he has eye stalks instead
  • The Team Benefactor: He provides glamour to not only the Shadow/ United Court, but all of Creekwater. This provides his allies with lots of resources and more importantly, leverage.
  • Undignified Death: He is stabbed and beaten, and finally bleeds out sinking in water filled with his own shit
  • Villainous Breakdown: When Suzanna and Arlo destroy the Id’s Glamour reservoir. Once again when Glenn abandons him
  • Villain Decay: After his resurrection, he has become much less composed and pragmatic, only caring about killing Mori, indulging in constant pleasure, and staying out of hell

     Thurston Langley 
The CEO of Don Queso and Birchmire’s son-in-law

     Myranda Birchmire 
Harvey’s youngest daughter

Low Council

The CEO of Blisscorp, a problematic beauty company

  • The Bad Guy Wins: Downplayed. She is defeated and killed by the party, but still is able to become Creekwater for a little while, flooding her with the love of the townspeople
  • Blob Monster
  • Cannibalism Superpower: She gains the traits of anything she consumes. This becomes a problem when when she sets her sights on the Town Key, the avatar of Creekwater itself
  • Dragon Lady: Downplayed. She isn’t Asian, the body she currently inhabits is

  • Evil Former Friend: Revealed to be one to Granny
  • Genius Loci: She turns into one for Creekwater after consuming the Town Key
  • Grand Theft Me: She steals the bodies of others routinely
  • Green-Eyed Monster: Her main character trait.
  • Hero Killer: She kills Lord Eredin in the catacombs

     Abigail Bridges 
The vicious head of the PTA

  • Abusive Parents: Among other things, she forced her daughter to star in a TV show she wrote about how having her ruined her life
  • All for Nothing: In the afterlife, Gail realizes how meaningless her cruelty was now that she’s dead
  • Devour the Dragon: She eats her husband in the battle at the resort battle to heal herself
  • Kick the Dog: Virtually everything she does to her daughter
  • Killed Mid-Sentence: She’s still rambling about her testicles when Suzanna slashes her throat
  • invokedSquick: After eating her husband, she grows a pair of testicles on the side of her head

A monster that can control media

  • Forced into Evil: After his resurrection, the Beast forces him to comply with him by threatening his son’s family
  • Freudian Excuse: Being sent off to fight in the Second World War only to come back and have his career fall apart was what started his descent to villainy
  • The Host: He often talks one. this is because he was once a popular radio show host during the 30s, before the rise of television made him irrelevant
  • Humanoid Abomination
  • Irony: He hates TV, but becomes a creature of TV after using magic to try to destroy it
  • Performance Anxiety: He suffered an extreme version of this that made it impossible to pursue an acting career, leading him to become a radio host instead.
  • Tragic Monster: At the end of the day, Demographic is a lonely man stuck in limbo desperately trying to relive the good old days, too scared to accept change


     Eugene Kraster 
Birchmire’s second-in-command, who has a talent of coming back from the dead

     The Handler 
A well-dressed man that uses United Court prisoners for missions

     Joshua Gray 
A private school student with a crush on Suzanna

  • Abhorrent Admirer
  • Even Evil Has Standards: It’s clear that Joshua is uncomfortable with the increasing brutally of the United Court, but by now, they’re the only allies he has left.
  • Fashion-Victim Villain: During year 2 he wears a cloak and medieval-style armor…and a pair of bright blue crocs
  • Fate Worse than Death: He is pushed off the bridge by Joshua, falling out of the Orchestra and through a bunch of other dimensions. He ends up landing in, where he stays trapped for a whole year
  • Freudian Excuse: As loathsome as he is, his home life is pretty awful. His mother clearly preferred his older brother, and after she was arrested, she stopped paying any attention to Joshua and even spent his college fund on liquor
  • Hypocrite: It’s perfectly fine for him to insult Suzanna, but when Trent does it, that’s crossing a line!
  • Jaded Washout: His fate at the end
  • Jerkass: Despite having a crush on Suzanna, he’s pretty nasty towards her, and even nastier towards her friends
  • Karma Houdini: Joshua gets out alive and well in the end, but his reputation is ruined, and with his powerful allies all dead, he has little chance of accomplishing anything.
  • The Mole: In the Winter Court
  • Never My Fault: Through some impressive mental gymnastics, he convinces himself that Rowan is an abuser and Suzanna’s friends are toxic, so his actions are justified
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: He ends up on the receiving end of one from Rowan
  • Sanity Slippage: He slowly grows more unhinged and delusional as the campaign goes on

     Glenn Wells 
A deranged drug-addict that works for Bloome

     Vandal “Big V” Sinclair 
Salvatore Bloome’s second in command

     Genevieve Pike 
A corrupt police officer that works for the Shadow Court


     Esme and Prudence Langley 
Two sisters that work for the Beast

  • Always Identical Twins: The only difference between the two (according to them) is that Esme thinks the opposite of fire is water and Prudence thinks the opposite of fire is no fire
  • Decapitation Presentation: They put Kraster’s severed head on top of a snowman after Heathcliff kills him at the Christmas party

     Trent Langley 
The oldest son of the Langley family

  • Duel to the Death: Leading up to the finale, he challenges Mori to a poisoning duel. He doesn’t win
  • Hero Killer: While he doesn’t deliver the final blow, his attack is what leads to Suzanna being killed by Heathcliff

     Arthur Osborne 
John Osborne’s father

  • Irony: He fakes being a senile old man in his first few appearances in freshman year. When he reappears in Junior year, he has developed Alzheimer’s.
  • Never My Fault: Well, never his son’s fault. He holds everyone responsible for John’s actions except John himself
  • Put on a Bus: He is absent for all of sophomore year
  • Redemption Quest: He wants to help his son in order to make up for not being there for him before

     Iris Bridges 
Abigail’s daughter

     Kendephiles Killigan 
One of the Court’s slimy lawyers.


     Nancy (Spoilers) 
A redcap punk, and the new player character following Suzanna’s death

A rock-obsessed boggan

An eccentric Summer Court inventor, later taken prisoner by the United Court

A mysterious “reality hacker”

A deaf eshu that Nancy befriends

The Ironblood

The aggressive and paranoid leader of the Ironblood

     Orin Worth 
A strict Ironblood general

  • All for Nothing: His master plan against the United Court fails horribly and leads to not only his death but the complete annihilation of the Ironblood
  • Anti-Villain
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: The Beast tears his stomach open and then tears his head and spine out
  • Dark and Troubled Past: His daughter was kidnapped, tortured, and held for ransom by Castlehead. When they paid the ransom, he just sent pieces of her dismembered corpse. Castlehead got away with it unpunished, and when he tried to confront the Shadow Court about it, the Beast shredded his face
  • Dragon-in-Chief: He’s much more responsible and sane than Khazan, leading to most seeing him as the real boss of the Ironblood
  • Facial Horror
  • Rage Breaking Point: Hearing the Judge make another promise after not helping for so long causes Orin to snap and kill him with cold iron
  • Speech Impediment: He has a heavy lisp and stutter due to his injuries
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds

     Red Tommy 
A deadly warrior who was imprisoned 40 years before being freed by the Sunset Court

The soft-spoken representative of the Ironblood

An agent hidden in the Sunset Court who has been leaking intel to the Ironblood. See Ralph Pinnick for more info

     Cletus Heidnik 
A former children’s doctor that works for the Ironblood

Independent Fey and Fey from past Courts

     The Judge 
The highest impartial authority in Creekwater

The owner of a local nightclub

  • Drag Queen
  • Macho Camp
  • Mama Bear: Messing with the residents of her club is a bad idea
  • Team Mom: She looks out for the outcast residents of Creekwater, in particular, queer teens that have been disowned by their family.
  • Team Switzerland: She stays out of fey politics, fearing that it would put a target on her club and the people that seek refuge in it

     Donald Callahan 
Guidance counselor at Creekwater High

  • Adults Are Useless: He’s a pretty shitty guidance counselor and usually ends up making everything worse. Justified in that it’s really just a cover for his revenge plot
  • All for Nothing: Callahan spends years capturing Nightmare Chimera for his plan to get revenge on Kestrel and the Summer Court. His plan fails completely, Kestrel doesn’t even hear his speech about all the wrong he did, and the giant chimera he unleashes during his Last Stand only manages to kill him before being instantly killed by Summer Court guards
  • Faux Affably Evil
  • Freudian Excuse: He was tortured and nearly executed with cold iron by Kestrel for the atrocities he committed during the Sidhe regime. His fey side was destroyed, but he held onto his memories, forcing him to simply watch a whole other side of life he can’t be a part of anymore.
  • Just Desserts: He is devoured by one of his nightmare chimera
  • Powered by a Forsaken Child: The nightmare chimera he uses are born from the misery he inflicts on the students
  • Smug Snake
  • Starter Villain
  • Villainous Breakdown: Once his plans are foiled, he goes on a drunken rampage and takes Colin hostage

     Madame Finch 
The High King’s ambassador to the United Court

  • Can't Argue with Elves
  • Condescending Compassion: Her defining trait. She essentially assumes anyone below her or that doesn’t agree with her is a moron and talks down to them like a child
  • Gonk
  • Villain Has a Point: While she is correct about how the division between courts makes fey more vulnerable to outside threats, her solution of just blindly going along with whatever the United Court does isn’t exactly ideal

Summer Court

     Grand Lord Roderick 
The young, video game-addicted ruler of the Summer Court

  • Defiant to the End: He spends his last moments mocking Vincenzo and telling him he’ll never be a true leader
  • Young and in Charge: He is 14 years old, and the leader of the entire Summer Court

A laid pack lord that loves to party, also Suzanna’s boss

The Thallain

     David Boggs 
An elderly bogeyman sniper

  • An Arm and a Leg: Colin tears off his arm during his fight with Nancy
  • BFG: The massive sniper rifle he carries around. He needs a magic gauntlet to even pick it up
  • Even Evil Can Be Loved. He has a daughter who loves him and is concerned about him. This doesn’t stop Nancy from attacking him right in front of her
  • Grumpy Old Man
  • Hero Killer: He shoots down Art after she saves Suzanna and kills some of his men
  • Hate Sink
  • Karmic Death: He bursts into flames after Colin damages his gauntlet. As Colin points out, Boggs could have survived if he deactivated it, but he was so fixated on killing the party that he burned to death instead
  • Kick the Dog: He commands his forces to massacre a group of fleeing Sunset Court civilians out of spite, leading the the death of Florence and several others
  • Kill Tally: He etches a stick figure on his gauntlet for everyone he kills
  • Old Soldier
  • Politically Incorrect Villain: Nearly every line of his dialogue contains a slur or bigoted insult
  • Retired Monster: Boggs committed numerous atrocities during the Vietnam War, mostly on civilians. These days are behind him now, although he still brags about them. He has found a new calling as a Thallain General
  • Sociopathic Soldier
  • Straw Nihilist: He is so disgusted by the modern world that he goes as far as to claim it would be better if everyone just died.
  • Things That Go "Bump" in the Night
  • Would Hurt a Child

     Jason “Castlehead” Teale 
A murderous ogre warrior with a gruesome reputation

     Jean-Baptiste Dradin 
A perverted mandrake wizard

     Roger Carmichael 
A goblin torturer that oversees the dungeons

     The Shadow King 
The leader of the Thallain, and the ultimate personification of evil

Mortals and other Supernaturals

     Chris Mcallister 
Suzanna’s close friend

     Ricky Wilson 
Jamie C.’s right hand man

     Marvin Icehead 
The principal of Creekwater High

  • Adults Are Useless: Despite being one of the least malicious authority figures in the campaign, Icehead’s utter stupidity and immaturity allow all sorts of evil to take place in his school
  • Clueless Boss
  • Horrible Judge of Character
  • Manchild: He acts like a teenager and clearly cannot handle any of his responsibility
  • Putting the "Pal" in Principal: He buys his students food, seemingly never punishes anyone, and even hands out cigarettes. He even lets Rowan borrow his car! (Which he drives into the lake)

     Dorothy Osborne 
John Osborne’s mother

     Calroy Hoskins 
Frank’s wealthy father, who is fully paralyzed other than his hand and eyes

     Samuel Kinkaid 
A loud mouthed televangelist that somehow knows that fey exist

One of Mori’s clients who has a fractured relationship with his daughter

     The Australians 
A duo of teleporting hitmen that specialize in the supernatural

This work contains examples of:

  • Adults Are Useless
  • Anti-Climax Boss: The Ironblood, who are built up as a major threat, only to be completely wiped out by the United Court in one session
  • Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence: When changelings live long enough and gather enough power, they ascend into true fae. This eventually happens to Granny
  • Arc Villain
    • Callahan for sessions 1-4
    • Demographic and Bliss for sessions 5-10
    • John and Arthur Osborne for sessions 11-14
    • Bloome for sessions 15-21
    • There isn’t a specific one for sessions 22-25, but the closest is probably Thurston and Trent Langley
    • Khazan seems to have been this during the timeskip at the end of sophomore year
    • Kinkaid for sessions 27-31
    • Red Tommy and Cletus Heidnik for sessions 32-34
  • Ascended Extra: Polly, who was just supposed to be The Dragon to Kestrel and ending up being a regular supporting character, and Chris who was supposed to just be a one off character and ending up being one of Suzanna’s closest friends.
  • Alternative Character Interpretation
    • Lord Kestrel. A vicious, irresponsible zealot who’s hypocrisy and cowardice lead to the downfall of the Summer Court?? Or a devoted, strong leader who tried his best and acted realistically for the situation he was in?
    • Samuel Kinkaid. Selfish conman that exploits other’s faith and ignorance for attention, power and money? Or actual Christian that genuinely believes he’s helping the townspeople and doing the right thing
  • Atrocious Alias: Joshua’s twitch username is “spinyrimjob47”
  • Badass Family: The Hoskins
  • Being Evil Sucks: As powerful as the Shadow Court is, being a member is a miserable experience. Everyone hates each other and are constantly scheming against each other. Most of the lower ranked members are treated horribly by the higher ups or even randomly killed.
  • Big Bad: The Beast
  • Big Bad Ensemble: Junior year pits the party against The Beast, Samuel Kinkaid, Khazan, and their respective factions
  • Big Good: Granny
  • Body Horror: The Beast and Glenn often invoke this
  • Bolivian Army Cliffhanger: Nancy, Winston, and Harvey about to fight the Thallain forces
  • Chekhov's Gun: The Town Key
  • Clockwork Creature: These are very common around the courts, usually created by Lenworth
  • Complete Monster
    • The Thallain as a whole are a clan of savage, hedonistic criminals. They are so powerful and disconnected with the real world, that they view everyone around them as objects to be toyed with, tormenting enemies and allies alike. In addition to all of this, they are incredibly racist, sexist, and even homophobic, despite one of their leaders being gay. They’re basically a bunch of psychotic frat boys
  • Covert Group with Mundane Front: All of the Courts do this. The Summer Court was accessed through a porta potty, the Shadow Court through a tomb, and the United Court has multiple entrances that are accessed through a chain pizzeria called Don Queso
  • Crapsaccharine World
  • Decoy Protagonist: Stephen, who seems like he was gonna be a major character, even having his mysterious backstory teased, only to be unceremoniously killed off about ten minutes after he appears
  • Dude, Where's My Reward?: Samuel Kinkaid takes the credit after the party saves the children from Democraphic
  • Draco in Leather Pants: In universe. Frank refuses to see Calroy as who he really is, insisting that he’s a misunderstood old man that’s just confused by the strange new world. Also Esme viewing John Osborne as a sexy rogue rather than a misogynistic serial killer
  • Dream Land: The Dreaming
  • The Empire: The Shadow Court, oh sorry, I mean the United Court
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Pretty much everyone else in the Shadow Court is disgusted by Bloome and Heathcliff
  • Everyone Is Bi: The majority of characters are canonically bi
  • Evil Teacher: Most of them, notably Ms. Powell and Mr. Lewis
  • The Fair Folk: Most notably Heathcliff
  • Fantastic Nuke: The Winter’s Cauldron
  • Flanderization: The Ironblood portray the Sunset Court as a bunch of centrist hippies that just want everyone to get along
  • Good Parents
    • The Hoskins. Bonus points for Frank, who doesn’t understand any of the fey stuff, but loves Lori and his kids enough to follow them through it regardless. In session 20, he is fully willing to confront Heathcliff for what he did to Dorina. However does lose points for not standing up for them to his father.
    • Chris’s parents, who fully support her throughout her transition, and protect her no matter what. Her dad goes as far as to beat up Mr. Callahan for outing her.
    • The Nelsons, despite being hippies that raised a drug dealer. They join the Sunset Court, not caring about the danger, just wanting to support their child
    • The Carlmans relentlessly support everything that Arlo does
  • Growing Up Sucks: This is Changeling: The Dreaming after all
  • Hate Sink
    • Gambino, the Lord that replaced Eredin. He was a spoiled brat that was rude, petty, and spiteful to the players throughout this short appearance. In addition, he fetishes Japanese culture and kept a huge collection of stolen Japanese artifacts. He went as far as to try to have the party killed during the road trip arc purely because they kept insulting him.
    • Salvatore Bloome, also known as the King Crab, a vicious sociopath motivated purely by greed. He is the one responsible for the Famine, one of Creekwater’s biggest tragedies, as well as the fall of the Summer Court. Apart from this, he is just a vile person who acts entitled and condescending to everyone around him.
    • Genevieve Pike, the corrupt pedophile cop that works for the Shadow Court. Even before her crimes are revealed, Pike is a rude, childish bully. She also arrests Frank violently right in front of his family, and kicks Jasper.
    • Calroy Hoskins, Frank’s abusive father. He hates all fey and treats Frank’s wife and children like garbage, especially Stella. Calroy constantly insults people and then plays the victim, whining about how sad his life his life is and how everyone abandons him.
    • All of the Thallain are terrible void of any redeeming qualities
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Deconstructed. When Kestrel is tortured and threatened by Bloome, he sells out the Summer Court rather than dying in honor. While this makes him a hypocrite, you can’t really blame him for being scared of death. He had romanticized the idea of sacrificing himself for his court before, but when that moment comes, he realizes there’s nothing romantic or glamorous about throwing his life away, and can’t go through with it.
  • Hufflepuff House: The Winter Court receives very little focus before it’s destruction at the hands of Birchmire’s forces
  • Karma Houdini: Subverted with the Thallain. They finish their job, and prepare to leave town, while spending the night in luxury hotel rooms, only for all of their generals to be brutally murdered by Nancy and Mori
  • Killed Off for Real: Cold iron destroys the fae and mortal side of a kithain, killing them completely. So far, the only character to suffer this fate is Bloome
  • La Résistance: The Sunset Court
  • Lethal Joke Character: Granny describes the Shadow Court as “an inside joke that got taken way too far”
  • Love Confession: All of them are incredibly weird and awkward. Most of all Mori confessing to Penny during the Halloween party. Penny doesn’t recognize then in their costume and rejects this mysterious stranger because she already has a crush on Mori
  • Luxury Prison Suite: Thanks to Bloome’s connections, he is able to escape to one after the glamour harvesting ring is destroyed. He was even to get a hot tub installed
  • MacGuffin: The keys to the town, which give whoever holds it the power to control the town’s very essence, and mold it like clay
  • The Magic Goes Away: Downplayed with the Dream Famine
  • The Masquerade: Most of Creekwater is completely unaware of the supernatural
  • Moral Event Horizon
    • Heathcliff crosses it within the first 10 minutes of his introduction by killing Stephen.
    • Callahan kidnapping Colin and taking him hostage
    • Birchmire taking control of the clay soldiers and using them to massacre defenseless Summer Court fey
    • Bloome starting the dream famine that killed 53 people just to fill his pockets
    • The Beast tricking the party to protecting him by creating Neo, a sentient “cocoon”, and then killing him when he emerged
    • Trent shooting Suzanna with a poisoned arrow, leaving her to die at Heathcliff’s hands
  • Noodle Incident: Pretty much everything that happened during the timeskip
  • Nightmare of Normality: Esme and Prudence do this to the party during their first encounter
  • Pædo Hunt: Coach Thomas, Lola Chambers, Genevieve Pike
  • Plot-Triggering Death: Castlehead’s brutal murder of Audrey Worth causes much of Junior year’s conflict after he returns
  • Politically Incorrect Villain: Oh boy. Gambino, John Osborne, Mr. Lewis, Mrs. Powell, Mr. Callahan, Lola Chambers, Bloome, Vandal, and the rest of their game, Arthur Osborne, Kinkaid, Genevieve Pike, and a few others
  • Portal Door: How most Courts are accessed
  • Psychic-Assisted Suicide: Amber reluctantly does this to one of Bloome’s goons
  • The Republic: The Summer Court
  • Road Trip Plot: The patty’s journey across America during the second half of freshman year
  • The Scrappy: Vincenzo Romano
  • Soap Within a Show: Graysky Academy, the horrible, exploitative teen mental health drama created by Lola Chambers that Suzanna and Chloe briefly star in
  • Superhuman Trafficking: Bloome and his gang traffic fey and harvest glamour from them by trapping them in a coma tormenting them with intense nightmares and illusions
  • Start My Own: The players decide to start their own court rather than submitting to the United Court
  • Stepford Suburbia
  • Sucky School: Creekwater High
  • Tear Jerker:
    • Eredin’s Heroic Sacrifice
    • Demographic accepting reality and dying
    • Clockwork Penny’s brutal murder
    • The destruction of the makeout house
  • Town with a Dark Secret
  • Urban Fantasy
  • Welcomed to the Masquerade: The exposition dump that is given to new fey is referred to as “the urban fantasy speech”
  • Wham Episode:
    • Session 16, where the Summer and Winter Courts are destroyed and the Grand Lord is killed and replaced by Vincenzo
    • Session 26, where Vincenzo is assassinated, Neo is revealed to be the Beast’s cocoon, and a battle breaks out that ends with Suzanna’s death
Session 36: The Beast reveals himself to the people of Creekwater, harvesting their fear to gain more power. He uses this to resurrect Demographic and Bloome to carry the United Court’s master plan. Later, Ralph is revealed as the traitor and traps the party in a beach cottage for the rest of the session
  • Wham Line:
    • “Hello Mori”
  • Why Am I Ticking?: The Shadow Court kicks off their siege on Summer Court by hiding a bomb in Kraster’s suitcase that detonates when when he opens it at the meeting
  • World of Jerkass: Creekwater is a very unforgiving place filled to the brim with horrible people
