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     The Companions 

The Companions

Five immortal heroes who have joined forces to topple Morganem's tyrannical empire.

  • Easy Amnesia: They fall victim to Morganem's Reality Disruptor at the end of the Prologue, narrowly surviving but losing their powers and memories. In-game, the seemingly high-level party is reduced to a lone Level 1 Soul Reaver, and he and the others gradually regain their memories and powers as they complete the campaign and level up again.
  • Five-Man Band: They make a straight example.
    • The Hero: Soul Reaver is the first Companion you control, though he's an Anti-Hero. While never explicitly acknowledged as leader, he sometimes speaks for the group.
    • The Lancer: Fei Serumen is first seen turned against innocent townspeople, but Soul frees him instead of putting him down because Soul knows the circumstances are more the fault of their enemies than Fei's.
    • The Smart Guy: Cameron Aileron has Psychic Powers and advanced technology, and Soul assists him in creating an obstacle to block some enemies in order to buy the team time to rest.
    • The Big Guy: Kitharsis has high health, Strength, and armor, but needs help from his allies in a situation where these aren't enough to pull him through.
    • The Heart: Despite bitter enmity with Morganem's forces, Sera Poi can still empathize with them after their defeats more than her teammates do.
  • Friendly Fireproof: All of their area and multitarget spells ignore allies except for Soul Reaver's Sphere of Annihilation and Cameron Aileron's Cataclysm Ultimates.
  • One-Man Army: From the third mission, they start to be this, being able to finish off waves of Dharuk.
  • Resting Recovery: Each Companion has a Tent that lets the Hero sleep (complete with Catching Some Z's) in order to gradually regain 600 HP and 300 MP over 30 seconds. They wake up and stop healing if attacked.
  • The Smurfette Principle: Five Companions, four male and only one female.
  • True Companions: They appear so in the campaign, but Word of God says they're not personal friends to each other; they're just cooperating on this mission and not (all) (completely) evil, so they get along well and professionally.

Soul Reaver, the Immortal Dark Knight

A human soldier who gained immortality and the power of his soul in a battle against a Daemon Lord. Soul Reaver believes in honor and justice, but will not hesitate to use violence and questionable methods when needed to uphold these values.

  • Empowered Badass Normal: He used to be an ordinary mercenary before gaining immortality and the power of his soul during an ill-fated battle against a Shadowlord.
  • Flaming Sword: All weapons wielded by his summoned Fire Daemons become wreathed in flames.
  • For Great Justice:
    Soul Reaver: [M]y duty is to no immortal[....] I serve honour and justice: concepts that truly are undying.
  • Jack of All Stats: His Master of Battle passive ability allows Soul Reaver a chance to inflict critical hits and dodge attacks, but is less likely to dodge than Fei Serumen's Ultimate Grace and less powerful (but more likely to land critical hits) than Sera Poi's Deadly Marksman.
  • Magic Knight: Over the millenia he has become a mighty warrior and sorcerer commanding all orders of magic.
  • Magic Missile Storm: His Darkbolt Barrage spell bombards an area with Darkbolts, damaging and stunning enemies.
  • Meaningful Name: The manual says Soul Reaver can increase his power by absorbing the souls of his enemies.
  • Mook Commander: His summoned Nightmare generates unnatural fear that constantly damages nearby enemies.
  • Red Baron: His real name was Rhavin Ironheart, though now he's only known by the title Soul Reaver.
  • Shock and Awe: Lightning Storm, which creates a ball of scintillating electricity that strikes nearby enemies with lightning bolts.
  • Soul Power: He gained this ability in his backstory. Since souls are eternal, this gives Soul Reaver a theoretically infinite source of power, but Soul has yet to reach his full potential.
  • Sphere of Power: His Lightning Storm spell creates a hovering ball of electricity at a target point, while his Sphere of Annihilation Ultimate creates a small energy sphere that moves slowly from his location to its target area and explodes violently.
  • Status Effects: Between his abilities, items, and Summon Daemons Ultimate, he has many ways to do this.
    • His Darkbolt Barrage spell damages and stuns enemies within an area of effect, but the spell is interrupted and ruined if Soul does anything before the stun takes effect. Likewise, his Sphere of Annihilation Ultimate inflicts heavier damage and longer-lasting stun, but has its own delay and is not Friendly Fireproof.
    • His Blooddrinker's effects include weakening attack targets for a few seconds, and his Black Steel Gauntlets slow all nearby enemies for several seconds (during which Soul Reaver can't move) before inflicting moderate damage and stun. The bosses in Chapter II (and only those) are smart enough to move away and avoid the effects of the latter.
    • Of the Daemons called by his Summon Daemons Ultimate, Doomhounds have a passive Doomhound Venom ability that inflicts damage over time and slow with each attack; Damned Ones have a Wail of Anguish ability that reduces nearby enemies' attack damage; Fire Daemons have a Burning Weaponry passive ability and a Breathe Fire spell that set enemies on fire for damage over time; and Shadowlords have a Weaken spell that reduces an enemy's attack damage and movement speed and a Fireball that inflicts damage and stun to enemies in an area of effect.
  • Status Buff: His Iron Will ability boosts his movement and attack speeds.
  • Status-Buff Dispel: His Anti-Magic Amulet can be used to unravel spells and weaken summoned creatures.
  • Summon Magic: His Summon Daemons Ultimate opens a Warp Gate to Inferno to call Daemons to aid him.
  • Time Abyss: He has lived so long that everything that tied him to his former mortal life is now dust.
  • Who Wants to Live Forever?: In the background - while too well-meaning and not fatalistic enough be Driven to Suicide, Soul Reaver by no means really enjoys having become an immortal. Although he tries to avoid it, having once been mortal, he still (in spite of himself) forms emotional attachments to the comparatively fleeting things around him, inevitably leading to an eternity of loss. But it doesn't stop him from continuing on trying to help.
  • Your Soul Is Mine!: Word of God says that Soul Reaver can absorb the souls of his defeated enemies as a source of power, and that the effect of this on the victim is like endless, dreamless sleep. He does this to Maelstrom after killing him, and says that it would be a mercy for him compared to letting his soul reach the afterlife.

Fei Serumen, the Ancient Vampire Lord

The last of the Ancient Vampire Lords after killing and absorbing the others, Fei aids the companions with his own considerable vampiric powers and affinity with the Abyss.

  • Blood from Every Orifice: When Fei uses his Blood Corruption Ultimate, any enemy bearing a Blood Mark from the Yugitti will have their blood boil and clot within their bodies, beginning to bleed from every pore as their life drains away.
  • Blood Lust: Justified, since he's an Ancient Vampire Lord.
    (After killing several Dharuk in the Prologue): A crying shame, letting so much good blood go to waste.
  • Combat Clairvoyance: The Companions are better able to sense the movements of enemies hit by Fei's Yugitti before they even make them.
  • Damage-Increasing Debuff: Enemies with a Blood Mark from Fei's Yugitti become more vulnerable to attacks.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Of the entire cast, he makes sarcastic jokes most often.
  • Defeat Means Playable: He regains his self-control and joins Soul Reaver after his third defeat.
  • Dual Wielding: Two swords, the Kurusunami and the Yugitti.
  • Duel Boss: In Chapter II Soul Reaver fights Fei alone, without any other Companions or allies.
  • Fragile Speedster: Has the lowest HP, but the fastest movement speed and an Ultimate Grace passive evasion ability.
  • Friendly Neighborhood Vampire: Downplayed - he can be sarcastic at times, with a dark sense of humor, and the manual says he sometimes doesn't value others' lives as much as the other Companions wish he would.
  • Last of His Kind: He is the last Ancient Vampire Lord after killing and absorbing the others, and is equally comfortable in solitude as beside the Companions.
  • Life Drain: While his Blood Frenzy ability is in effect.
  • Locked Out of the Fight: His Soul Amulet allows him to temporarily retreat into it, discorporating his physical body. If he remains inside for the full duration of the ability without being interrupted, he regains some health.
  • Mook Commander: His summoned Abyssal Mass has an Abyssal Drain aura that constantly damages nearby enemies.
  • Our Vampires Are Different: Other than displaying the traditional vampiric immortality and thirst for blood, he seems to have few of the problems that other vampires do. Sunlight, for example, doesn't bother him at all.
  • Plague Master: His Blood Plague spell slows one target and inflicts damage over time.

Cameron Aileron, the Elemental

An Elemental, descended from a branching evolutionary line of space-faring humans, Cameron wields control over fire in addition to considerable psychic power. After serving for a time in an army of Space Marines, he has joined the Companions for the cause of good.

Kitharsis, the Tirthandara

A member of the shapeshifting reptilian Jataka race, Kitharsis hails from the Tirthandara lineage of his people's warrior-shamans, and wields power over desert sands that he amplifies with the ritual tattoos covering his body.

  • Anime Hair: The only hair on his body is his bright yellow mohawk, "which he appears to be quite proud of."
  • Black Magic: He has various "Dark" and "Shadow" abilities that are amplified by his ritual tattoos.
  • Blow You Away: His Sandstorm Ultimate creates a whirlwind that spawns tornadoes near enemies.
  • Chain Lightning: His Tirthandara Mage Skeletons' Shadow Lightning can bounce between up to 4 targets.
  • Dem Bones: His Create Skeletal Minions spell uses sand to forge partially-sentient Tirthandara Warrior Skeletons and Tirthandara Mage Skeletons, the latter of which have their own spells.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: Many of his abilities are powered by desert sands. His Bag of Sand item lets him throw sand at an enemy like a sandblaster to damage it and splash-damage surrounding enemies.
  • Dual Wielding: While he prefers unarmed combat or a war hammer, he wields a pair of "Rage Axes" in this campaign.
  • Elemental Baggage: He carries gourds and pouches of desert sand to fuel some of his powers.
  • Mana Shield: His Tirthandara Mage Skeletons can use Shielding to take MP damage instead of HP damage.
  • Mask of Power: His Shamanic Mask lets him rest to regain mana (but not HP) more efficiently than the Tent.
  • Magic Knight: As a Tirthandara warrior-shaman, he is a fearsome fighter with control over the desert sands.
  • Mighty Glacier: He is the slowest of the five Companions, but his Tirthandaran Constitution passive ability increases his Strength and Armor. Since Strength determines health, Kitharsis has the highest HP of the Companions.
  • Power Tattoo: All over his body, used for his Dark Lash, Dark Tendrils, and Unbridled Rage abilities.
  • Projectile Spell: His Tirthandara Mage Skeletons can increase their own attack damage with Energy Bolts. Kitharsis' own Dark Lash spell also counts, damaging and stunning one enemy for one second.
  • Status Buff: His Tirthandara Mage Skeletons can cast Minor Haste to boost one target's move and attack speeds.
  • Summon Magic: He can Create Skeletal Minions (Tirthandara Warrior/Mage Skeletons) out of sand.
  • Unexpectedly Realistic Gameplay: As a reptilian, Kitharsis is cold-blooded, which greatly weakens him in the blizzard-covered mountains of Chapter IV. The first part of the chapter requires you to help him reach a campsite and start a fire for him while his "Freezing Blood" severely debuffs him, slowing his move speed and HP recovery and completely draining his mana.
  • Unstoppable Rage: His Unbridled Rage Ultimate radiates multiple high-powered waves of energy through his tattoos.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: With bonus Loincloth. The manual mentions crossbelts with gourds and bags of sand that don't appear in-game.

Sera Poi, the Nephilim

A Nephilim daughter of a Fallen Angel and an elf, Sera aids the Companions with her skill in archery and her mastery of healing and nature magic.

  • Beauty Equals Goodness: She's the daughter of a Fallen Angel, but her beauty and divine heritage are interpreted by Prince Sorin and King Garamond Eridem as evidence of innate righteousness.
  • Combat Medic: She's the only Companion of the five with the ability to heal allies.
  • Critical Hit: Her Deadly Marksman passive ability gives Sera a chance to multiply her attack damage.
  • Death from Above: The Divinity Arrows are fired into to the sky before landing as a blazing comet of light.
  • Designated Bullet: She saved a special arrow to use against Kathryn Urdanna just before she becomes playable. Its animation model doesn't match her Divinity Arrows, attacks, or spells.
  • Designated Girl Fight: Against Kathryn Urdanna in Chapter VII. They're the only two named women in the game.
  • Friendly Fireproof: The Piercing Shot and Arrow Storm can both hit multiple enemies without hitting any allies.

     Morganem and the Council of Six 

Morganem, the Enchanter

An Aethen sorcerer and Immortal who believes that Immortals can rule mortals better than mortals can rule themselves, Morganem has become an emperor and taken control of a large portion of the Plane of Ithia.

  • Anti-Villain: See Well-Intentioned Extremist. He acknowledges after his defeat that he became a tyrant despite his goals, and asks the Companions for forgiveness before he dies.
  • The Archmage: His magical talent is unsurpassed in Ithia; during his boss battle in Chapter VIII, he uses a wide variety of spells with multiple different effects.
  • Asskicking Leads to Leadership: He defeated the Warmaster of the strongest Dharuk tribe to gain his loyalty, and unified the Dharuk into his empire's Badass Army to enforce his will.
  • Big Bad: The five Companions have joined forces specifically to topple Morganem's tyrannical empire.
  • Boss Arena Recovery: Every 1 percent of his health depleted spawns Mana Splinter items that instantly restore the Companion who picks them up to full HP and MP and give nearby Companions a Mana Surge that rapidly recovers their HP and MP. Don't waste them early in the fight, or you'll regret it later when you really need them.
  • Boss-Only Level: Chapter VIII is entirely dedicated to fighting him as the Final Boss.
  • Combat Tentacles: With the Void Children's power, he summons Void Arteries from the ground around him.
  • The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard: Morganem has a wider variety of spells and abilities than any single unit (Hero Unit or otherwise) should be able to cast.
  • Demonic Possession: By calling upon the help of the Void Children, Morganem becomes the host of Uthurak.
  • Dying as Yourself: When struck down, he is freed from Uthurak's Demonic Possession. He thanks the Companions for preventing Uthurak from destroying Ithia and asks forgiveness for his tyranny before dying.
  • Enemy Summoner: Limitless Void Children via purple Warp Gates (which you can destroy before the Void Child unit emerges), Dark Memories like the Void Child Despair summon, and Misery ghosts that rush you and self-destruct.
  • Face-Revealing Turn: He has his back turned to the Companions when they enter his Boss Room in Chapter VIII, and when he turns, he looks drastically changed from his appearance in the Prologue.
  • Fantastic Recruitment Drive: He gathered other Immortals to join him in ruling Ithia. Maelstrom was the first, and in turn he gathered most of the others.
  • Final Boss: Fought in Chapter VIII, he's the final challenge faced by the Companions.
  • Flunky Boss: Multitudes of Void Children units, with a Void Child Hatred, Void Child Despair, and a Hatred/Despair duo respectively at 75 percent, 50 percent, and 25 percent remaining health.
  • He Who Fights Monsters: He wanted to stop the suffering and infighting resulting from mortal selfishness and government oppression, but became a tyrant himself in the process.
  • Human Aliens: His Aethen race are intelligent and magically talented, but passionate and ambitious, humanoids.
  • Immortality: Morganem and his Warlords are The Ageless type, living forever until or unless killed. He seeks out other Immortals to join his cause for the (intended) benefit of mortals.
  • Immortality Immorality: Defied and (attempted) inverted - Morganem thinks that mortals are selfish and destructive to each other and that only immortals can provide "enlightened" rule over them for their own good.
  • Marathon Boss: He has 202,950 HP.
  • Mark of the Beast/Tainted Veins: When he is eventually met by the Companions in the final chapter, Morganem's in-game model is sickly pale blue with black veins on his face and black sclerae. It is probably a consequence of his possession by Uthurak, as during the prologue Morganem uses an unaltered Blood Mage/Kael'thas model.
  • Oh, Crap!: His reaction when the Companions storm Khaal Spire in the prologue while his Warlords are out on campaigns and unable to return to defend him in time, and again when Soul Reaver and Slayer explain the nature of the Void Children and their effects on Morganem after he summoned them.
  • One-Man Army: Being the final boss is the greatest example in history, needing 5 level 50 heroes to defeat him.
  • Puppet Kings: He isn't one; he appoints others as Puppet Kings over the lands he conquers.
  • Sorcerous Overlord: Though he wanted and tried to become a Benevolent Mage Ruler.
  • Status Buff: He can cast several on himself or the Void Children. When he summons Void Child Hero Units, he'll always Void Jump away and start channeling Void Nexus to give it/them rapid healing until they die (or until you interrupt his spell, in which case he and the Void Child Hero[es] fight you all at once).
  • Teleportation: His Void Jump spell lets him teleport himself anywhere in his Boss Room, and his Glimpse of the Void spell teleports one of your Companions away and stuns them momentarily.
  • Theme Music Power-Up: The background music changes to that of the Chapter selection screen when he reaches 25% health.
  • Total Party Kill: When he's almost dead, he starts casting an Apocalypse spell that summons 5 runes in the lower half of the stage and links them with energy one after another. If the runes are not attacked to disrupt them or Morganem killed in time, the runes form a pentagram and activate, killing your Companions all at once.
  • Turns Red: He uses increasingly dangerous abilities as his health is depleted, including summoning Mini Bosses at every 25 percent of health lost. When he gets to 25 percent remaining health, he starts using powerful spells such as Funeral Pyre, Void Breach, and (when brought down to four-digit hit points) Apocalypse.
  • The Unfought: Sort of. Technically Morganem is the Final Boss, though at this point he's no longer himself, but has become Uthurak Incarnate.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: He thinks mortals are too selfish and short-sighted to rule themselves without fighting and killing each other, so he created the Council of Six with the hope that Immortals would provide superior leadership.

Council of Six

Six Immortals chosen by Morganem to help him rule over Ithia and answerable only to him. In the order that they joined him, they are Maelstrom, Eryion Xanatha, Kathryn Urdanna, Kherek, Dustwalker, and Kaine Shariven.

  • Alas, Poor Villain: Except for Maelstrom and Kaine, the other four Warlords have somewhat sympathetic send-offs:
    • Kherek mourns the massacre of the Dharuk armies by the Companions when he is killed.
    • Dustwalker dies alone after failing to avenge Kaine Shariven.
    • Eryion Xanatha falls in battle with regret for the crimes he committed in Morganem's name, asking Cameron to remember him as a warrior who fought for honor.
    • Kathryn Urdanna bleeds out while begging for her lover Maelstrom, and Sera tries to comfort her by telling her that Maelstrom is rushing to her side. Kathryn dies surprised that she can still cry after everything that happened during her life, and Sera lampshades that her victory is bittersweet.
  • Anti-Magic: Each Warlord besides Kaine has a Mageslayer Ring that temporarily blocks magic damage (not debuffs).
  • Boss Arena Recovery: Due to the Companions' Power Orbs reacting to the Warlords', red and purple orbs appear on the battlefield during their duels; when approached, the orbs are converted into runes that heal the user's HP and MP when their health gets low. The reds are for the Companions and the purple for the Warlords, so you have to use your own wisely while preventing the Warlords from using theirs.
  • Boss Bonanza: In Chapter VI, you have to destroy the Mana Conduits protecting Eryion, Dustwalker, Kherek, Kathryn, and Maelstrom while they and their subordinate Dharuk and Void Children gang up on you.
  • Boss Rush: In Chapter VII, the Companions as a group start by fighting the Dharuk Warmaster and his direct subordinates, then the Companions split up to fight the remaining Warlords one-on-one. Downplayed because each Warlord's Boss Corridor is filled with enemies to kill in between Boss Battles.
  • Conservation of Ninjutsu: Justified Trope. In Chapter VI each member is a threat to the entire group of incompletely-recovered Companions while supported by their Mana Conduits, while in Chapter VII they are overcome in one on one battles after the Companions have regained their full powers.
  • Duel Boss: Except Kaine, the other five are each fought one-on-one (with summoned minions) Order  in Chapter VII by one of the Companions.
  • Immortality: Dustwalker is undead, and the others (including Eryion after he becomes an Animated Armor) are The Ageless; all will live forever until or unless killed.
  • Reactor Boss: In Chapter VI, the Warlords are unkillable because of their Mana Conduits, which heal back any damage they take. Destroying the Conduits and forcing them to retreat is the goal of the chapter.
  • One-Man Army: They are all level 50 heroes, and when fueled by the reactor, they pose a threat to the entire Companion group.
  • Status Buff: Besides Kaine, each Warlord has Bracers of Might that temporarily increase their attack damage.

Maelstrom, the Awakened One

An immortal Helgorn king who abandoned his people when he grew bored of his responsibilities. He thought that joining Morganem's crusade would give his life a worthy purpose, and believes that mortals' only value is to benefit Immortals.

  • Abdicate the Throne: Mortal Helgorn kings were required to do this to allow an immortal Helgorn ("Awakened One") to take the throne, but that's not how Maelstrom became king. Maelstrom did this himself after deciding that mortals were worthless and his position was more burden than boon, and became known to his people as the Traitor King.
  • Abomination Accusation Attack: Soul Reaver calls him out on being even worse than Morganem in no uncertain terms.
  • Bad Boss: He admits to Soul Reaver that he used Kurgah Ghar as a disposable obstacle for the Companions.
  • Berserk Button: Others endangering Kathryn Urdanna.
  • Big "NO!": In Chapter VI, at the start of the ending cutscene.
  • Coup de GrĆ¢ce Cutscene: The other Warlords' and Morganem's death cutscenes have them say their Last Words as they lay dying, but Maelstrom is standing and bleeding until Soul Reaver finishes him.
  • Desperately Looking for a Purpose in Life: In his backstory. He eventually met Morganem, and decided to help him build his empire in order to subjugate mortals.
  • The Dragon: To Morganem, along with the other Warlords and/or (depending on trope interpretation) Kurgah Ghar.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Kathryn Urdanna, and nobody else.
  • Fantastic Recruitment Drive: He himself gathered most of the other Immortals in the Council of Six.
  • Having a Blast: His Shatter Glyph spell creates a land mine-like orb that explodes after a delay, and his Obliterate Ultimate creates a series of explosions in front of him. He uses the latter in a cutscene to destroy the Obelisk of Strength in Khaal Spire in a failed attempt to prevent the Companions from using it to gain Power Orbs.
  • Immortality Begins at Twenty: His people, the Helgorn, have a noticeably higher frequency of Immortals than other races, and place a high cultural significance on them. When a Helgorn reaches 60 years without any signs of aging, they are proclaimed an "Awakened One" and required to take the throne as their people's king.
  • Klingon Promotion: If the Helgorn king is not also immortal when a new "Awakened One" is proclaimed, the mortal king must Abdicate the Throne so that the immortal can become king. If the current king is immortal, the two must Duel to the Death, and the survivor becomes (or remains) the king. Maelstrom became king by the latter method.
  • Little "No": In Chapter VII, when he realizes your possession of Power Orbs might enable Sera to kill Kathryn.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: Maelstrom. In light of his behavior and plans, his people's designation of him as an "Awakened One" fails to be a Name To Trust Immediately.
  • Pet the Dog: In his backstory, his search for a purpose led him to perform acts of both "highest heroism" and "basest cruelty." In the present time, his relationship with Kathryn is far more honest and reciprocal than one would expect given his attitude to everyone else.
  • The Starscream: He planned to eventually overthrow Morganem because Morganem wouldn't abandon his ideals of benefitting mortals.
  • Status Effects: His Fist of Destruction damages you and reduces your movement and attack speeds.

Eryion Xanatha, the Chained Soul

An honored knight and former mortal human, Eryion became immortal after putting on an enchanted armor that he found during an adventure. Having always dedicated himself to the causes of honor and justice, he traveled the planes on quests for the cause of good and was eventually convinced to bring his ideals to Morganem's empire.

  • Animated Armor: After donning an enchanted armor he found during an adventure, his body was disintegrated and his soul absorbed into the armor.
  • Carry a Big Stick: Since he uses the Revenant model, he wields a mace.
  • Combination Attack: His Soul Mirrors cast the same spells Eryion uses at the same time, such as by copying Eryion's Mirrored Lightning or summoning additional Coruscating Guardians or Black Skies lightning strikes.
  • Cursed with Awesome: He was initially afraid to put on the armor because he feared that it was cursed, despite his kingdom's mages assuring him they detected no evil within it. It was only after he was Refused by the Call that he finally put on the armor, becoming stronger than ever.
  • Damage-Increasing Debuff: His Energy Pulse spell damages you and decreases your armor.
  • Enemy Summoner: He often summons two smaller clones of himself called Soul Mirrors that fight alongside him.
  • The Fettered: Both during mortal life and as an immortal, he lives by a strict code of honor. He dies as a result of refusing to renounce his loyalty to Morganem.
  • For Great Justice: He fights for honor and to defeat evil.
  • Four-Star Badass: Even before becoming Immortal, he had served his kingdom in multiple campaigns and received many honors and decorations. He now serves as a general of Morganem's Dharuk armies.
  • Giving Up the Ghost: Another byproduct of his Revenant unit model - when he dies, his Animated Armor falls apart and drops to the ground, and his soul is released and disappears in a burst of electricity.
  • Honor Before Reason: He believes strongly in this, and Soul Reaver and he both try unsuccessfully to convince each other to stand down by contrasting Morganem's oppression of Ithia (Soul) to the noble intentions of Morganem's plans (Eryion). He realizes before dying that he cannot defeat Cameron, but refuses to break his oath of loyalty to Morganem and chooses instead to fall in battle.
  • Immortality Inducer: He was mortal before putting on the enchanted armor that made him immortal.
  • I've Come Too Far: He tells Cameron this is why he still serves Morganem despite the latter's devolution into tyranny.
  • Mana Burn: His Coruscating Guardians Ultimate creates sparking orbs whose attacks inflict both MP and HP damage.
  • Multiple Reference Pun: He is a "Chained Soul," both to his enchanted armor, and to his code of honor.
  • Power at a Price: When Eryion first found the armor, a warning of this nature was inscribed nearby. This made him reluctant to use it at first, though his kingdom's mages checked it for evil and didn't find any.
  • Refused by the Call: He was shocked when his good king declined his offer to fight in his old age on the grounds that he had already rendered enough honorable service for the kingdom, and this convinced him to put on his magic armor in hopes of continuing to serve the cause of good.
  • Shock and Awe: His Mirrored Lightning spell, and his Black Skies and Coruscating Guardians Ultimates.
  • Token Good Teammate: He is the only Warlord to value Honor Before Reason and specifically declare that he fights For Great Justice, and actively tried to root out the corruption in Morganem's empire.

Kathryn Urdanna, the Dark Maiden

An immortal Drakim who was born into slavery and raised and trained by the Temple of Assassins, she was eventually discovered by Maelstrom and became his lover and one of Morganem's Warlords.

Detailed information on Kathryn's abilities was posted by Soul Reaver at The Hive Workshop here.

  • Assassin Outclassin': She did this to the Temple of Assassins that had raised and trained her before joining Maelstrom in Morganem's Council. She is a victim of this twice at the hands of Sera Poi, the second time fatally so.
  • Being Evil Sucks: At first, she hated how her assassinations forced her to kill people after getting close to them, preventing her from forming and maintaining fulfilling relationships with them and causing her to see her victims' grief and anger at her betrayals. Then she met Maelstrom...
  • Curse: Her Blighted Fate spell slows a target's movement and causes their attacks to sometimes miss.
  • Designated Girl Fight: Sera Poi vs. Kathryn Urdanna, the only two named women in the campaign.
  • Femme Fatale: She was trained to take advantage of her beauty during assassinations.
  • Flash Step: Her Dagger's Caress Ultimate makes her rapidly dash back and forth while attacking her enemies before returning to her initial position. She's invulnerable while using it, so you can't stop the skill with your stuns.
  • Loves the Sound of Screaming: She may express this sentiment before attacking your party in Chapter VI.
  • Mage Killer: Her Wytchbane spell creates a ward that damages the Companions when they cast spells near it.
  • Master Poisoner: She is a trained and successful assassin with various poison-related abilities. One of her spells, Venom Storm, launches a wave of poison that damages a cone of enemies both immediately and over time.
  • Playing with Fire: In Chapter V, she maintains the Darkfire wall that kills your Companions or their allies if they touch it. When Sera's reserved arrow flies over the wall and hits her, it interrupts her channeling and brings down the fire wall.
  • Poisoned Weapons: Her Envenomed Daggers (a passive ability) makes her attacks inflict damage over time and slow.
  • Professional Killer: She was raised by the Temple of Assassins and became a successful killer, even more so after the Temple discovered her immortality.
  • Resignations Not Accepted: The Temple of Assassins had raised her since birth to be their best, and tried to recapture or kill her after she ran away.
  • The Smurfette Principle: She's the only female on the Council of Six.
  • Status Effects: Most of her abilities can inflict these, with an emphasis on poison and disables.
  • Summon Magic: One of her Ultimates summons four Sisters of Pain to fight alongside her. Their attacks can stun you and drain your health, and Kathryn can sacrifice them to restore her own HP.
  • Tyke Bomb: Her entire childhood was brutal assassin training.
  • Unholy Matrimony: With Maelstrom. Both times Sera overpowers her one-on-one, she cries for Maelstrom to help her.
  • Winged Humanoid: She uses a recolored Succubus model, so she has either wings or a cape attached to her arms.

Kherek, the Hive Ancient

A Hive Ancient of the insectoid Xikir, Kherek eventually left his hive after discovering his immortality and explored the various worlds. Being distraught by the petty selfishness of individualistic mortals in contrast to the Xikir hive mentality, he later found and admired the positive balance of individual ambition and social loyalty in the Dharuk, leading him to join Morganem as a commander of Dharuk operations.

Dustwalker, the Gravelord

Born Ayev Kalmis, he suffered of plague as a child and eventually used necromancy to escape death via undeath. Dustwalker's wanderings led him to eventually take Kaine Shariven as a protƩgƩ and join Morganem with Kaine.

Kaine Shariven, the Necromancer

A street child turned necromancer who eventually killed everyone in his hometown. He respects Dustwalker as a mentor in necromancy, and the two supply Morganem with armies of undead.

     The Dharuk 
A race of red-skinned humanoids from the planet Dhar, Morganem chose these to be his army after discovering they were both physically strong enough to enforce his will and mentally resilient enough to retain their sanity (and lives) while traveling through the Warp.

  • Asskicking Leads to Leadership/Defeat Means Respect: These determine leadership and status to the Dharuk.
  • Badass Army: Morganem systematically recruited the entire Dharuk race to serve as such.
  • The Berserker: All Dharuk (except their unmounted beasts and Siege Engines) can use Dharuk Battle Frenzy to increase their movement and attack speeds.
  • Bizarre Alien Reproduction: According to the manual, instead of normal genders, Dharuk intermittently withdraw from public life and enter a breeding cycle; their backs sprout egg-like pustules which are fertilized by airborne cells shed by other Dharuk, and the pustules mature and burst open to reveal juvenile Dharuk. The higher a tribe's mortality rate, the higher its members' fecundity seems to be, which is why their population remains stable and dominates Dhar despite their near-constant warfare.
  • Our Orcs Are Different: Dharuk are basically red-skinned "Blizzard-style" orcs, with an honor-based warrior culture and humanlike or better intelligence and magic (and better strength and toughness), and are portrayed in-game using the various Fel Orc unit models.
  • Proud Warrior Race: A quality that Morganem, Eryion Xanatha, and Kherek all appreciate.
  • Psychic Block Defense: Their minds are resilient enough to resist insanity caused by traveling through the Warp.
  • Sorting Algorithm of Evil: Stronger than the humans and zombies of the first two Chapters, but weaker than the Void Children who become more common in later Chapters.
  • Stronger with Age: The manual says that Dharuk live around 300 to 400 years, and constantly get stronger throughout their lives, only weakening in their last year or two. Most Dharuk die in battle before then.

Non-Hero Unit Dharuk soldiers

The rank and file of Morganem's Dharuk armies.

  • Beast of Battle: Dharuk Razorpigs and Dharuk Battle Wolves.
  • Black Mage: Dharuk War Mages can buff their allies and raise Dharuk Skeletons from nearby corpses.
  • Decapitation Presentation: The manual has an image of a Dharuk Warrior holding up a human[oid] man's severed head.
  • Degraded Boss: The first Dharuk Warrior was a Mini-Boss; later ones "merely" fill the Badass Army.
  • Dem Bones: Dharuk Skeletons raised by Dharuk War Mages.
  • The Dragon: A Dharuk Warrior serves as a bodyguard for Luther Arctus in Chapter I.
  • Elite Mooks: They're stronger than most worlds' humans/Human Aliens, but not as powerful as Void Children, to the point that when Void Children become more common, Dharuk become standard Mooks with the elite role given to Void Children.
  • The Goomba: Avoided at the beginning, where the role of Goombas was for human soldiers, while the Dharuk is more of a mini-boss, but as from the third chapter the Dharuk begin to be common enemies, with the Void Children being the elite, the Dharuk they begin to fulfill the role of Goombas.
  • Mounted Combat: The Dharuk Cavalry (which use the Fel Orc Raider model) ride wolves, and Dharuk Ghaurag Riders (which use the Fel Orc Kodo Beast model) have rhinoceros-like mounts that also carry War Drums.
  • Normal Fish in a Tiny Pond: The Dharuk in the first chapter is not special, but being in a low-level place, he is the most powerful non-hero unit on the map and Luther's personal enforcer.
  • Oh, My Gods!: In Chapter IV, a Dharuk Warrior complains about being sent on their mission, entering a frozen mountain range with some Void Children (only to find lots more), "for Garrogh knows what reason...."
  • Projectile Spell: One Dharuk War Mage spell launches an energy bolt that damages and stuns one target.
  • Siege Engines: Dharuk Siege Engines are catapults that cover a circular area-of-effect with Chaos Fire Projectiles.
  • Status Buff:
    • All Dharuk can use Dharuk Battle Frenzy to increase their movement and attack speeds.
    • Dharuk War Mages can cast Eldritch Fire to increase their own or their allies' attack damage.
    • Dharuk Ghaurag Riders' War Drums passively increases the attack damage of all nearby allies, including itself.
  • Status Effects: Dharuk War Mages have a spell that damages and momentarily stuns your Companions.
  • What Measure Is a Mook?: Kherek calls out the Companions for killing them, but Maelstrom doesn't care about them.
  • Worker Unit: Dharuk Slaves in Chapters V and VI.
  • The Worf Effect: In Chapter IV, some Dharuk are easily defeated by a group of Void Children to demonstrate the superiority of the latter.

Dharuk Officers and Dharuk Champions

Sub-leaders of the Dharuk armies who proved their worth over hundreds of campaigns.

  • Carry a Big Stick: The Dharuk Officers.
  • Flash Step: The Dharuk Champion has a spell which makes him jump up and dash to his target with an axe chop that stuns and damages his enemy.
  • Flunky Boss: In Chapters V and VI they attack with subordinate Dharuk fighters.
  • Know When to Fold Them: In the epilogue, when the Dharuk armies see that the Companions have escaped Khaal Spire alive after defeating Morganem, one of the Dharuk Champions leading the army lowers his head, and the armies scatter without fighting the Companions any further.
  • Lightning Bruiser: They can move quickly, kill you with normal attacks in about a minute, and have strong spells.
  • Make Me Wanna Shout: The Dharuk Officer's Deafening Battle Cry Ultimate damages and stuns nearby enemies.
  • Mini-Boss: They might be local-area bosses, but never end-of-Chapter bosses.
  • Mook Lieutenant: They serve Kurgah Ghar and the Council of Six, but lead the Dharuk armies.
  • Mounted Combat: The Dharuk Officers use the Mathog/Orc Warchief model, so they ride horses and wield clubs.
  • Reverse Shrapnel: One of the Dharuk Champion's Ultimates throws a large amount of bouncing blades that repeatedly attack enemies in a wide range around him.
  • Spin Attack: The Dharuk Champion's Whirling Frenzy Ultimate is a renamed Bladestorm - move while spinning with blade extended, hit all enemies around him for massive damage, and remain immune to magic until it's done.
  • Status Buff:
    • Both Dharuk Heroes' Greater Dharuk Battle Frenzy increases the speed of movement, attacks, and HP recovery.
    • The Dharuk Officer can use Enchanted Armor to increase his own armor, and can also use Rally Strength to strengthen himself and nearby allies.
  • We Can Rule Together: A variation - Dharuk Champion Gorhuk Takruhg offers to let King Garamond and Prince Sorin Eridem remain as Puppet Kings of the Blessed Lands if they surrender the five Companions that Morganem is hunting.
  • You Are in Command Now: Maelstrom to Dharuk Champion Bughar Kahjuk in Chapter V, while evacuating Kathryn after she is wounded by Sera's specially reserved arrow.

Kurgah Ghar, the Dharuk Warmaster

The Warmaster of the most powerful tribe of Dharuk before being defeated by Morganem, he was spared his life and position and made leader of all Dharuk in exchange for his loyalty to Morganem.

  • Asskicking Leads to Leadership: He was the Warmaster of the most powerful Dharuk tribe, and remained Warmaster after Morganem helped him unify the Dharuk.
  • Death Equals Redemption: After being defeated and realizing that his and his Dharuk's lives were wasted, he reveals to the Companions the damaged Obelisk of Strength and the danger of the Power Orbs it gave the Council of Six.
  • The Dragon: To the Council of Six.
  • Lightning Bruiser: His stats are much higher than other Dharuk Hero Units, which is why he's in charge.
  • Mook Lieutenant: Only in relative terms, since he himself commands Dharuk Officers and Dharuk Champions.
  • Old Master: Looks old, being bald and long-bearded, Model  but he is the Warmaster.
  • Spin Attack: His Whirling Frenzy Ultimate is the same as or stronger than the Dharuk Champion's version.
  • Wolfpack Boss: He is accompanied by two Dharuk Champions and two Dharuk Officers that are each almost as strong as him, as well as three Dharuk Warriors and one Dharuk War Mage.

     The Void Children 
Powerful beings of a mysterious nature, Morganem made contact with them and secured an alliance with them, summoning them to Ithia to help him fight off the Companions' initial attack on Khaal Spire.

Lesser Void Children

The weakest of the Void Children, taking the form of red or purple cudgel-wielding Cthulhumanoids. Models 

  • The Berserker: The Void Child Fury's Insane Frenzy increases its attack speed, but it takes damage over time.
  • Boss in Mook Clothing: Large Void Children are not Hero Units, but they are easily as dangerous as one. In Chapter V, enemy waves led by Dharuk Heroes may be easier to defeat than those led by Void Children. The little ones can also be dangerous, especially when they come in numbers.
  • Colour-Coded for Your Convenience: The red ones use melee attacks and prefer damage spells, while the purple ones use ranged attacks and prefer support magic.
  • Degraded Boss: The first Void Child Fury was a Mini-Boss released to fight your party in Chapter III while the Dharuk stood back to watch (out of aggro range unless the Companions attacked the Fury while it was still close to them).
  • Elite Mook: They end up replacing the Dharuk in this role.
  • Giant Mook: The Void Child Malice and Void Child Anguish.
  • Human Popsicle: The purple Void Children's Void Winds spell encases one of your Companions in ice for a short duration, preventing movement and combat; Soul Reaver's Anti-Magic Amulet can't dispel it.
  • Mini-Boss: Large Void Children usually perform in this role. They are usually as strong as a Dharuk hero and are dangerous, even if only one is present.
  • Pint-Sized Powerhouse: Even the smaller ones are strong enough to kill your heroes quickly in early Chapters.
  • A Sinister Clue: They wield their cudgels in their left hands and are all intrinsically evil.
  • Superpowered Mooks: According to the manual, "Their strength, agility, and intelligence are phenomenal, and the greatest mortal heroes would be hard-pressed to defeat even the weakest of the Void Children in a duel."
  • Teleportation: When reduced to half health, a Void Child Malice will warp up to a medium distance away. It then uses this spell like normal, and it always appears next to one of the Companions.
  • Theme Naming: The red ones are named after emotions harmful to others (Fury, Lust, and Malice), while the purple ones are named after emotions harmful to oneself (Fear, Sorrow, and Anguish).

The Void Growth

A bloated, pulsating mass summoned by the Void Children for an obscure purpose.

Void Child Hatred and Void Child Despair

Extremely powerful and dangerous Void Children, even by the standards of their kind.

  • Agony Beam/The Paralyzer: The Void Child Hatred's Pain Prison disables one enemy's movement and attacks and inflicts damage over time.
  • Charged Attack: Their Ultimates are powerful channeled abilities that will nuke you if not interrupted with stuns.
  • Colour-Coded for Your Convenience: Again, just like the lesser Void Children.
  • Degraded Boss: Downplayed. Initially they are introduced as bosses, but in subsequent chapters they are treated as Mini-bosses, but luckily they only appear at very specific points, and in most cases you only have to face 1 at a time.
  • Dual Boss: At the end of Chapter V.
  • Fireballs: The Void Child Hatred's Storm of Hate Ultimate summons a stampede of powerful fireballs that inflict massive area-of-effect damage on impact as long as the Hatred channels the spell.
  • Hero Units: Since they're not playable, this quality provides little more unique benefits to them than to give them unique proper names, since increasing their Character Level without killing your own Heroes is improbable and would likely require you to intentionally "feed" them your summoned units.
  • I'm Having Soul Pains: The Void Child Despair's Soul Rending Ultimate attacks all enemies within a target area-of-effect for heavy damage every 1.5 seconds as long as the Despair channels the spell.
  • King Mook: They have the same bodies as lesser Void Children, but bigger.
  • Mini-Boss: In Chapters VI through VIII. They are technically no longer bosses, but they are still tough heroes to beat.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast/Theme Naming: Void Child Hatred have physically violent names like Worlds Burning and Gore Storm, while Void Child Despair have emotionally depressing names like Hope's End and Eternal Darkness.
  • Power Nullifier: The Void Child Despair's Sorcerous Seal spell temporarily disables the spells and attacks of all its enemies in a circular area of effect. It doesn't disable items, and Soul Reaver's Anti-Magic Amulet can dispel it.
  • Signature Roar: The appearance of a Void Child Hatred is announced with a low, growling snarl, while the appearance of a Void Child Despair is announced with a higher-pitched, snake-like hiss. In Chapter V, these sounds are included in their introduction cutscene, but in later Chapters it plays immediately when each is spawned (and it proceeds to attack the Companions). If the snarl is quickly followed by the hiss, save your game and Prepare to Die!
  • Summon Magic: The Void Child Despair can summon a Dark Memory that copies itself after attacking a certain small number of times. Each clone can also copy itself, so either kill them before they overwhelm you or wait for the summon duration to expire (spawned copies last a bit longer than their "parent," but they will all die almost simultaneously).


A primordial quasi-deity once sealed "below" Ithia, unwittingly released by (and possessing) Morganem.



A mysterious figure with connections to the Companions, but serving a different employer.

  • Astral Projection: He sends these to talk to you and never appears in person until the Epilogue.
  • Establishing Character Moment: One of the only hints of his secret, evil true personality is a part of his exposition to Soul Reaver at the beginning of Chapter I. Just after explaining what Morganem has been doing to Ithia...
    Slayer: Like you usually do, you decided to take personal offense at this (beats me why you'd bother) and went after Morganem.
  • Evil Versus Oblivion: Word of God posted here reveals that Slayer is evil and serves an evil master, neither of which is known to the Companions. He sends an Astral Projection to manipulate them into preventing Morganem/Uthurak from destroying Ithia and personally confirms the disappearance of the Void Children so that his master "can later use Ithia for his own sinister purposes."
  • Eyes Always Shut: He uses a modified Human Chaplain model, and his eyes are always closed (but still have the Chaplain's blue sparks rising from under his eyelids).
  • Mr. Exposition: He reappears in Chapter VIII to explain the nature of the Void Children and the effects of their summoning on Morganem.
  • Mysterious Benefactor: He helps Soul Reaver escape the Prison Cube he was sealed in at the beginning of the game, but little is revealed about him in the campaign or manual.
  • "Where Are They Now?" Epilogue: He appears again in the frozen mountains from Chapter IV apparently to confirm that the Void Children have disappeared from the area.

Prisoners and Hektor's Brigands

Various prisoners (criminal and political) incarcerated in Greyholm Prison under Luther Arctus's watch.

Hektor Bliten, the Brigand Leader

The boss of a band of criminals, many of whom are incarcerated with him in Greyholm Prison.

Geierburg and Surrounding Villages

A group of towns near which Soul Reaver finds himself after escaping Greyholm Prison, and upon which Kaine Shariven has loosed a brainwashed Fei Serumen to kill their people and raise his undead armies.

Eivahin, the Elder Druid

The leader of the Druids of Heart Grove. His health and his forest's survival are linked, so the injury or death of one is the injury or death of both.

  • Coup de GrĆ¢ce Cutscene: If the Juggernaut gets too close to Heart Grove, a cutscene plays in which Eivahin sadly accepts his coming death and that of the forest; the Juggernaut then one-shots him, and all the trees fall down.
  • Druid: Both him and his followers.
  • Fetch Quest: Eivahin sends you to retrieve some acorns (three in the lower part of the map, four in the higher part) which he can grow into Treemen to fight off the Juggernaut. Eivahin can't go himself because he needs to prepare the Summoning Ritual, and his Druids can't go because the Dharuk will kill them easily.
  • Fisher King: He feels the damage inflicted upon the forest as if it were pain in his own body, and if he is killed, the entire forest of Heart Grove and all its inhabitants will die with him.
  • Hero Unit: Though with no active attack capability and little if any opportunity to level up.
  • Home Field Advantage: During the fight with the Juggernaut, you can heal quickly by standing near him in Heart Grove, but you must balance this against the time you spend walking between Eivahin and the Juggernaut.
  • Oh, My Gods!: He and the other Druids invoke the protection of a being or power they call Hyphistu.
  • Perception Filter: He uses this to conceal the Companions from the Juggernaut in the first half of Chapter III.
  • Squishy Wizard: His stats are 15 Strength, 15 Agility, and 105 Intelligence, with no basic attacks, but he can maintain his Home Field Advantage spell nonstop throughout the entire Juggernaut battle.
  • Treants: Treeman Guardians, Sentinels, and Elders grown from returned Acorns, and Animated Trees called by Druids.
  • When Trees Attack: If you bring him the acorns found scattered in Heart Grove, he and the other Druids plant them, growing them into the Treemen who fight to defend the forest. Regardless of whether or not any acorns are returned in time, the other Druids are also capable of creating Animated Trees from the forest to fight the Dharuk alongside them.
  • "Where Are They Now?" Epilogue: Eivahin casts a spell to purify the Blight and regrow the fallen trees in the forest.
  • White Mage: Eivahin conceals you from the Juggernaut's search and prepares the ritual to awaken the Treemen during the first half of the Chapter, and maintains a healing rain to help you recover during the second half, leaving direct combat to your Companions, his subordinate Druids, the Treemen and Animated Trees.
  • You Are the Translated Foreign Word:
    Eivahin: In times of great strife, we Druids can summon forth the mighty Kar'arak - the Treemen - to help defend Heart Grove.

The Guardians of the Blessed Lands

The people of the Blessed Lands under attack by Morganem's Dharuk armies.

Prince Sorin Eridem, the Guardian

Second son of King Garamond Eridem, Prince Sorin leads the armies of the Blessed Lands against the invading Dharuk.

King Garamond Eridem, the Guardian

King of the Blessed Lands, Garamond fights to protect the sovereignty of his kingdom from conquest by Morganem's armies.

Crown Prince Theros Eridem, the Guardian

Son of King Garamond Eridem and Crown Prince of the Blessed Lands, Theros headed a military delegation to neighboring Jutaria to request aid in staving off the invading Dharuk armies of Morganem.

  • Cavalry Betrayal: He returned with a report that Jutaria was completely destroyed, and led the Dharuk back to his country to convince his father and brother to surrender.
  • Conflicting Loyalty: He rationalized his choice by prioritizing his people's survival over his country's independence.
  • Due to the Dead: Even though he betrayed his people and country, his father and brother still regret his death, and are shown to visit his grave in the epilogue.
  • Gondor Calls for Aid: His father sent him to the neighboring country of Jutaria to request military reinforcements against the invading Dharuk armies. Your Companions have to Hold the Line until he returns.
  • I Did What I Had to Do: He believed that fighting Morganem's forces would end in failure and death, so he tried to surrender his country to spare his people's lives.
  • The Paladin: He uses the basic Paladin unit model, and is a Guardian of the Blessed Lands. Downplayed, since he betrayed his country to invading conquerors, but even his defection was intended to save his countrymen's lives.
  • Rank Scales with Asskicking: The king and the second strongest human unit.
  • Wolfpack Boss: He's accompanied by a Dharuk Champion, a Dharuk Officer, a Void Child Malice, and a Void Child Anguish that are each more or less as strong as him, as well as a large and varied host of both human (or whatever they are) soldiers and Dharuk fighters.
  • Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe: Like everyone else of his country.

     Other Villains 

Guard Forces

The various guards and soldiers that police the inmates at Greyholm Prison.

Karr Veriat, the Torturer

A torturer in the employ of Luther Arctus at Greyholm Prison.

  • In the Hood: His cowl is another feature of his character model, but it does suit his profession.
  • Loves the Sound of Screaming:
    (His only spoken line): Escapees!? But you'll go no further! I'll make you SCREAM!!
  • Mana Burn: One of his spells, though it may be called by a different name, like other spells in this campaign.
  • Power Nullifier: His Burning Torment disables one target's spells, lowers its attack damage, and inflicts damage over time for a limited duration.
  • Torture Technician: Identified as such; an Elite Guard later opines that Karr thinks of his job as an art.
  • Warm-Up Boss: The first enemy Hero Unit you fight; he's a lone Level 4 Hero with no items (besides the key you need to proceed), and you're at Level 3 with up to five allied prisoners and two powerful reusable items.

Luther Arctus, the Prison Commander

Commander of the guards at Greyholm Prison, he initially had Hektor Bliten and Soul Reaver sealed in Prison Cubes, then holds the line as the final obstacle in their escape.

  • The Alcatraz: He runs Greyholm Prison as such. It has magic wards to prevent escape, is staffed by full-time guards including human (or equivalent) swordsmen, elven archers, and Steel Automaton robots, includes a safeguard that seals in the Catacomb Dwellers (and the guards stationed at their only exit) if they are freed from their primary confinement section, and even has Prison Cubes for specific prisoners that negate the abilities of their occupants.
  • Black-and-Gray Morality: He and his greed for power are presented as a greater evil than the crimes of his prisoners.
  • Bond Villain Stupidity: He ends up regretting not killing Soul Reaver or Hektor Bliten when he had the chance.
  • Co-Dragons: Karr Veriat and a Dharuk Warrior.
  • Flunky Boss: Accompanied by his subordinate prison staff, Steel Automata, and a Dharuk Warrior bodyguard, and every last enemy must be killed before the last timer expires.
  • Gondor Calls for Aid: A villain use; one of Hektor's Assassins warns Soul Reaver that Luther has called for army reinforcements before preparing his Last Stand to forestall your escape.
  • Healing Potion: He carries one Potion of Healing to refill his health the first time he runs low.
  • Hold the Line: He tries to delay Soul Reaver and Hektor Bliten until army reinforcements arrive.
  • Inescapable Net: One of his spells throws an energy net around a single target, disabling its movement and attacks (but not its ability to cast spells).
  • Mounted Combat: He rides a horse indoors, again because of the Garithos model.
  • My Greatest Failure: While it's not a driving force for his character, he says before his Boss Battle that he should have had Hektor Bliten executed, and had he recognized the danger Soul Reaver posed to Morganem, he would have let Karr Veriat torture Soul to death.
  • Single-Use Shield: He uses one Potion of Invulnerability the second time he gets low on health.
  • Summon Magic: One of his spells creates Spirit Guards either from nothing or from slain Guard Forces.
  • Time-Limit Boss: The eight-minute time limit starts before you even meet him, but it's still enough time.

The Juggernaut

An enormous construct of infernal power sent to Heart Grove to hunt Cameron Aileron.
