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Characters / The Dreamstone

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A guide to the residents of the Sleeping World in The Dreamstone.

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    The Land of Dreams 

Tropes shared throughout the Land of Dreams:

  • Adults Are Useless: Inverted. The younger characters spend a large portion of the show getting bailed out or otherwise outshone by their older peers.
  • Beauty Is Never Tarnished: The heroes rarely took part in the show's slapstick humour, and even during exceptions, it tended not to involve the same Toon Physics or Amusing Injuries that befallen the Urpneys on a regular basis.
  • Black-and-White Morality: The heroes firmly believe anyone who helps Zordrak spread nightmares is just as cruel and underhanded as he is, much to the dismay of Frizz and Nug, who are their constant Villain Ball Magnets.
  • Blood Knight: A light cartoony variant, but many heroes, especially Wildit and Albert, loved to knock down a few bad guys, to the point of sometimes dragging them back post-defeat when they felt they hadn't had enough. This trope got toned down significantly in later episodes, likely because it looked like tall order Disproportionate Retribution against the far more meek Frizz and Nug.
  • Born Lucky: Reality often bends itself so they are Immune to Slapstick, and even when the villains act halfway competent for once, they frequently win just as effortlessly through a contrived fluke. Granted as much of this can be down to the fact that their opponents aren't so lucky.
  • Bunnies for Cuteness: The Noops are basically green anthropomorphic rabbits, and the sweet residents of the Land Of Dreams' city.
  • Characterisation Click Moment: With a Serious Business provocation and very meek antagonists with greater stakes, the Noops often struggled to look heroic in the earlier seasons, and were often just reduced to Immune to Slapstick Hero Antagonists. "A Day Out" established a more dire penalty for losing the stone to Zordrak however, with most episodes following giving them more Sympathetic P.O.V. and a similar role to the Urpneys, allowing them to look more clear cut benevolent.
  • Compressed Vice: The heroes were usually perfectly harmonic in nature until the plot required them specifically to misbehave or screw up in some manner. Rufus was most commonly victim to this.
  • Depending on the Writer: Generally how competent and sympathetic they were varied from episode to episode, and how much Sympathetic P.O.V. the Urpneys were getting. The show also tottered on whether they were Immune to Slapstick or not.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: They are not against submitting enemies to sadistic pranks or lengthy beatings for trying to ruin their lovely dreams (or even being forced to do it), sometimes even dragging them back a second beating when they felt they hadn't suffered enough. Later episodes downplayed the Noops to be much more pragmatic, and more mischievous than overly violent.
  • Early-Installment Weirdness: The heroes followed more action adventure staples in the pilot and came off more as the underdogs, with their Born Lucky nature and the Comically Lop Sided Rivalry established afterwards. They were also generally far less merciful towards the Urpneys originally, favouring violent pranks and beatings, while by the end of the show they are almost as much Punch Clock Heroes as they are Punch Clock Villains.
  • The Easy Way or the Hard Way: In earlier episodes they tended to use the hard way by default. In their later softer bouts however, they were more liable to attempt this ultimatum first, likely from pattern that it actually worked with the Urpneys.
  • Elephant in the Living Room: They are quite persistently ignorant to most of the Urpneys being unwilling slaves and consider them pure evil, despite Frizz and Nug being very vocal about it and usually trying to escape the plan at the same time they pontificate them.
  • Flanderization: The entire hero cast suffered the brunt of this, mainly from the direction of making them Hero Antagonists to the Urpneys. When this direction toned back down, the Flanderization was reversed:
  • Flaw Exploitation: As the series progresses, the heroes seem to figure out the Urpneys are cowardly, and so can easily get them to retreat or surrender the Dreamstone with bluffs.
  • Giving The Sword To A Noop: Rufus and Amberley are almost always given the means to stopping the villains plans. Half the time it works. The other half they screw up, winning only through dumb luck or when their more competent allies give it a go instead.
  • Glass Cannon: The heroes almost always outmatch the Urpneys with little effort. Perhaps because of this however, they rarely ever anticipate the odd times the latter prove Not So Harmless, at which point they are usually left helpless and reliant on dumb luck or the Urpneys dropping the Smart Ball and ruining their own plan.
  • Good Is Not Soft: Don't let their cutesy nature fool you. They are not forgiving towards someone trying to take their stone, willingly or not.
  • Guile Hero: In later episodes, the heroes tend to favour less violent punishments, instead outsmarting their foes and making them unravel their own plans.
  • Hard Work Hardly Works: The heroes' plentiful magic and amazing luck mean they rarely require any effort or wit to win compared to what the Urpneys put to lose. Whenever the heroes actually try an elaborate plan, it usually fails in favour of the former examples. The few times the heroes laboured for a victory or even suffered a small loss was usually when the Urpneys fell into this trope.
  • Hero Antagonist: Most episodes tend to give the Urpneys the greater Sympathetic P.O.V. than the heroes themselves. There are occasional exceptions however.
  • Hero Ball: The heroes were not only far more intelligent and powerful than the villains, but blessed with unlimited magic and ridiculous Plot Armor. As a such, a lot of episodes were reliant on them letting their forces down ridiculously for the incompetent and powerless Urpneys to get any sort of upper hand, usually only to remember them by the time of the climax.
  • Horrible Judge of Character: Seem to be perfectly convinced that the Urpneys, especially Frizz and Nug, are diabolical and loyal enforcers of evil. Unfortunately for them, this often means Violence is the Only Option.
  • Immune to Slapstick: The heroes only sporadically took part in the cartoon violence and physics like the villains did, and even their verbal humour was fairly limited. This was generally due to them being on the clear winning side of the war, though even besides, they tended to play the wacky formula dead straight compared to the villains' constant Lampshade Hanging and Genre Savviness. Downplayed slightly by the end of the series, where the Noops had more comedic or sarcastic moments, and suffered from the occasional Amusing Injuries.
  • Invincible Hero: The Dream Maker and the Wuts have incredibly powerful and versatile magic that no one in the show can match, not even Zordrak. They were overpowered only a handful of times in the entire series. The Noops, by association and heavy Plot Armor, are Invincible Incompetents.
  • Kick Them While They Are Down: Since the Urpneys were often very quickly defeated, battles sometimes degraded into this, with the heroes attacking or toying with them post-victory to "teach them a lesson" or just for fun. Ends up their own undoing in "The Dream Beam Invasion" where they spend so much time tormenting Frizz and Nug their shrink spell wears off. They tend to avoid this trope in most episodes after, having seemingly learnt from this error.
  • Later-Installment Weirdness: For most of the early series, Rufus and Amberley were naive Tagalong Kids and usually pretty helpless without the elder heroes' guidance. By Season Four however, they were practically Good Counterparts to Frizz and Nug, doing most of the grunt work for their team and often coming across as a lot more savvy and observant. They also lost their Immunity To Slapstick.
  • Messiah Creep: The second season made the Land Of Dreams into a fully fledged Sugar Bowl.
  • Miles Gloriosus: Implied at times. Some occasions the Urpneys get too close to being the scheming evil menaces the heroes constantly tout them as, they start to look a lot more incompetent and panicky. The Noops and even Albert cowered before Frizz and Nug after they so much as implied they could fight back.
  • Mirroring Factions: Later episodes made occasional hints to Rufus and Amberley being as much errand runners for the other heroes as Frizz and Nug were for Zordrak (and similarly weren't totally oblivious to it either). They are often undertaking a long-distance task simultaneously with an Urpney mission, and even start to gain Punch-Clock Hero tendencies like their foes.
  • Mook Horror Show: Often the supplier of such, which is made somewhat amusing by how exaggeratedly cutesy they are otherwise. Deconstructed in "The Dream Beam Invasion". Apparently they didn't have a plan B if the Urpneys ever grew a backbone and fought back.
  • No Sympathy/Revenge Myopia: Being The Drag-Along and having brutal execution via your Bad Boss as your only alternative is no excuse to go around ruining good dreams, Frizz and Nug.
  • Not So Invincible After All: Very little of what the villains throw can match them. Urpgor's Spidermobile however, handily overpowers the entire Wut army attacking it at full power.
  • Out of Focus: While the Urpneys still had a hefty amount of Sympathetic P.O.V., the pilot still clearly played Rufus and the other heroes as the main focus. In a lot of later episodes however, they are Hero Antagonists.
  • Paper Tiger: Several episodes imply they only look like Invincible Heroes because the Urpneys are exceptionally pathetic adversaries. Though they do manage against Not So Harmless plans sometimes, generally they don't have many Plan Bs whenever the villains turn around the usual lethargic Curbstomp Battle, often relying on dumb luck to succeed as soon as this happens. The Noops got hit with this bad in Season Two, where the Urpneys became only slightly more competent, though they began to match it better afterwards.
  • Plant Aliens: The Wuts, while not technically alien (though they certainly don't live on Earth at least); in one episode, Pildit is unrecognizable as an aged-looking yellowish Wut until he gets a drink by stepping into a pool of water.
  • Plot Armor: The heroes almost always win effortlessly, if not through the Urpneys' incompetence and cowardice, then this trope in full throttle, to the point of verging on Born Lucky.
  • Polite Villains, Rude Heroes: Reconstructed. The heroes are pretty cheery and placid and look perfectly genial against a truly nasty villain like Zordrak. Against the meek and completely unmotivated Frizz and Nug however, even their soft penchant for beatdowns and righteous gloating looks like petty overkill. This downplayed as the series went on, though the Urpneys remained Villain Ball Magnets.
  • Pragmatic Hero: Few of the heroes seem to really give a flying fish if the Urpneys are Trapped in Villainy, and will take any brutal measure to stop them. Though they often supplied lengthy beatdowns and gloatings in early episodes, in later ones (particularly after "The Dream Beam Invasion") they tend to favour quick hassle-free victories, and may even be merciful to the Urpneys if it gets them out of their hair quicker.
  • Principles Zealot: In early episodes, the heroes gladly brutalised the Urpneys and ensured their potential torture and execution by Zordrak for trying to deliver even a single nightmare, and were rather outspoken in their beliefs they deserved everything that came to them. The closing points tried to gave the heroes a more lax approach and have them look more genuinely beleaguered by the Urpneys, even if they still have No Sympathy for them being Trapped in Villainy.
  • Punch-Clock Hero: Rufus and Amberley became this by the end of the series as a result of the above. Most of the time they just want to get on with their job without Blob's squad trying to ruin it.
  • Reimagining the Artifact: The heroes' Serious Business approach looked proportionate in the pilot where they were dealing with Zordrak directly and the level of menace was treated seriously. After the show turned into a Harmless Villain formula with the Urpneys however, their war-like methods looked more melodramatic and even mean-spirited. The last third of the series added a far more dangerous reason for Zordrak wanting the stone to justify their aggressive vigilance with it, and also revised the Noops into more comedic Mirroring Factions for the Urpneys to even back the sympathy value a little. At least one instance they reverted back to their original malice was treated as petty in-universe and ended with Frizz and Nug pranking them back as karma.
  • Ridiculously Cute Critter: The Noops and Wuts very frequently. And then there's the "ferocious" Wottles.
  • Selective Enforcement: The heroes devote a lot more time punishing Drag Alongs Frizz and Nug than they do the willingly malicious Zordrak.
  • Serious Business: Their entire provocation for most of the series is based on dreams and the stone that grants them. Great elaboration is put into making and perfecting them (including galaxy-wide trades among other things), and depriving people of them or, even worse, turning them into nightmares is considered nothing short of pure evil. Later episodes amped up the genuine threat level the Dreamstone could grant if Zordrak got it, downplaying the Disproportionate Retribution aspect of this trope.
  • Snooping Little Kid: Rufus, Amberley and Spildit regularly act as such when it's their turn to save the day.
  • So Unfunny, It's Funny: Their very mundane comedy occasionally overlapped into this. Pildit's cringe inducing anecdotes in "The Dark Side" for example, along with Rufus and Amberley's failed attempts to be clownish to cheer up Spildit in "The Jolly Bird".
  • Spotlight-Stealing Squad: The later episodes focus more squarely on Rufus and Amberley going up against the Urpneys, with the other heroes only getting a couple token key roles.
  • Strong as They Need to Be: The heroes' competence can range anywhere between completely outclassing the Urpneys with little effort, or Fools who rely on sheer luck to win. For the large part however, it abides by whatever makes the Urpneys' downfall most comically pitiful.
  • Sugar Bowl: The place is fairly cheery and peaceful, to almost saccharine levels outside when Zordrak and the Urpneys attack them.
  • Sugary Malice: When attacked by the villains, they often inflict this. It says something when such a cutesy environment can absolutely terrify the Urpneys.
  • Superpower Lottery: Rufus and Amberley are Badass Normals. Albert can swim in the air. The Dreammaker and the Wuts have magic abilities capable of Super-Strength, teleportation, dream creation, and borderline reality bending.
  • Sympathetic P.O.V.:
    • Besides the pilot episode, most episodes dominantly revolved around the Urpneys, and presented them as a Villainous Underdog to the heroes' utopian world. Season Four however gives more limelight to the Rufus and Amberley's day-to-day work load as assistant dream makers. To coincide with this, the Urpneys became more obstructively incompetent, while the Noops also had their Born Lucky Unscrupulous Hero tendencies toned down significantly, making them into more beleaguered Straight Men who just wanted to do their job in peace.
    • In addition, most nightmares and collateral damage from Zordrak's forces actually succeeding short-term were offscreen in early episodes, while in later ones, dreams were shown more often (including ones that were ruined), as well as shots of children waking up crying or terrified. Zordrak also gained a more genuinely menacing "Lord of Universe" plan for the Dreamstone, making the heroes seem more desperate and less prone to Disproportionate Retribution.
  • A Taste of Defeat: While usually well sheltered, the Urpneys sometimes succeeding in giving them nightmares or ruining some process:
    • "The Dream Beam Invasion" is the only episode to outright end on the Noops being humiliated by the Urpneys however. Doubles as Laser-Guided Karma since it only resulted from a Disproportionate Retribution tactic.
    • "The Spidermobile" has almost every member of the hero ensemble (including the entire Wut army) overpowered by the Urpneys' new weapon twice over. While they manage to get the stone back, it's through dumb luck, and the vehicle and Blob's troops get through the whole episode without so much as a scratch.
    • "The Statue Collection" reveals that Zordrak managed to successfully turn one hero into stone, Pildit the First. Given the Urpneys' clumsiness destroyed Zordrak's collection in the same episode, he's likely not coming back either.
    • Several later episodes ended with the Noops defeating the Urpneys' plans but getting their own agenda ruined in some way. "Little Urpip" is a noteworthy case where Rufus and Amberley get the comical Downer Ending while Frizz and Nug laugh off their own failure (largely due to the End-of-Episode Silliness that befalls Sgt. Blob).
  • Taught by Experience:
  • Technical Pacifist: The Land Of Dreams is usually placid to the point of being sickly sweet, however the Urpneys often learn the hard way the punishment the heroes can deal for trying to take their stone. This is still true in later episodes, though they are far more laid back and rather apt at Badass Pacifist tactics.
  • Terror Hero: Due to the extremely cowardly nature of the Urpneys, the heroes can often very easily intimidate them. This is a rather humorous contrast to their cutesy designs.
  • Took a Level in Cynic: It's rather downplayed, as they're still loyal and chipper workers, but in the final season, due to getting the Butt-Monkey role more often, the Noops show more self-awareness to the ridiculous goings-on around them, and sometimes even come off as a bit jaded and sarcastic, behaviour more expected of an Urpney. On the other side of the coin, they don't express nearly as much righteous indignation towards how evil the Urpneys are and generally just see them as a nuisance to get out their hair while they work.
  • Unnecessary Roughness: The heroes frequently applied such to the Urpneys. It wasn't much beyond the usual slapstick Humiliation Conga, but Blob's squad were so unwilling and meek even by Harmless Villain standards, meaning they didn't keep up a very good provocation. Later episodes often toned down the heroes' retaliations and added a Curb-Stomp Cushion, making things at least look more like self defence.
  • Unscrupulous Hero: A lot of their bouts go from protecting the stone to just screwing with the Urpneys for fun. Lessened in later episodes, where they are more in Pragmatic Hero territory, though they remain somewhat mischievous.
  • Violence is the Only Option: In early episodes at least, the heroes would usually Troll or physically threaten the Urpneys as warning for taking the Dreamstone again, despite the fact they couldn't quit if they wanted to.
  • We Have Become Complacent:
    • They fall victim to this in "The Nightmare Stone" after having defeated Zordrak in the previous episode, unaware he has survived and is planning a new attack. The Argorribles get a successful run of spreading nightmares because of it. The Dream Maker to his credit worried that this might happen from the get go.
    • Almost any rare setback the heroes suffered was a result of overestimating how incompetent the Urpneys actually were and being blindsided when they actually pulled something off. "Argorrible Attack", "Frozen Assets" and "The Dream Beam Invasion" are key examples (particularly the latter which was a direct result of toying with them for too long).
  • When All You Have Is a Hammer…: The Urpneys rarely put up a real fight, and even when they do, the Dream Maker and the Wuts' magic is powerful enough to neutralise even Zordrak with a flick of a wrist, let alone his incompetent minions. The one time Urpgor made a device capable of resisting the heroes' powers, they were left reliant on dumb luck to stop them. Due to having no magic powers, this often led to the main heroes, Rufus and Amberley, being redundant, though they did become more crafty on their own later on.
  • Wrong Genre Savvy: They assume the Urpneys are standard Stubborn Mule villains who never know when to leave them alone. In reality, only Blob and Urpgor match this at a stretch, while every other Urpney is Trapped in Villainy and well aware they are outmatched.
  • You Shall Not Evade Me: A standard since the Urpneys' primary approach was to steal the Dreamstone and, well, evade, which the heroes often countered with magic tricks. At least a few cases however, the heroes were incensed enough to drag them back for punishment even after securing the Dreamstone.

The Dreammaker / Lord Highest

The wise head council of Dreammakers, responsible for sending dreams within the sleeping world.

  • Characterization Marches On: In the first few episodes, the Dream Maker was a more eccentric Clueless Boss, with Albert something of a Hyper-Competent Sidekick. Episodes after present him as the most sensible and all knowing of the hero ensemble, usually acting as Mr. Exposition or a Reasonable Authority Figure. His originally shabby doddery attire and design is also upgraded to befit his more dignified persona Season Two onwards.
  • Dream Weaver: The Dreammaker is a positive example.
  • Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": Called consistently by occupation ("Dreammaker") or rank ("Lord Highest"). If he has a proper name, it is never revealed.
  • Foe Romance Subtext: He is heavily implied to requite Zarag's Villainous Crush on him.
  • Forgot About His Powers: The Dreammaker tends to overlook he is nearly invincible in magic abilities whenever the Urpneys successfully capture the stone, at least until the episode has nearly ended anyway.
  • Grandparental Obliviousness: In earlier episodes, he suffers from this, much to the grief of Albert whenever he's trying to warn him of enemy invasions. Also leads to classic lines such as this as he introduces himself to Rufus in the pilot.
    Rufus: He's floating! Do you float all the time?
    Dreammaker: What? Oh....yes...I suppose I do. Less tiring on the feet.
  • Guile Hero: He has unmatchable powers that could likely swat his foes like a bug, most of the time however, he prefers to just outsmart them.
  • Hero Ball: The Dreammaker nearly always sends the powerless children Rufus and Amberley to retrieve the stone (with varying degrees of success), despite the enormous army of Wuts, and even himself, often proving capable of stopping the Urpneys much more handily. Numerous episodes are resolved by him using a Deus ex Machina power he seemingly had access to the entire time after the Noops fail.
  • Imagination Based Super Power: Most of his powers and tools work as such.
  • Large Ham: If it concerns dreams, he's earnestly dramatic about it.
  • Messiah Creep: In the first season, the Dream Maker was the wise Big Good, but more eccentric and a bit of a Scatterbrained Senior. Season Two onwards he is a serious minded and near infallible authority figure.
  • Mr. Exposition: Often the one to explain the schematics of dreams and nightmares, especially in later seasons.
  • Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness: The Dreammaker has a rather advanced dictionary at times, and unlike Blob, seems to get it right (... we think...).
  • Showy Invincible Hero: The Dream Maker's magic is ridiculously powerful and versatile, meaning whenever he is forced to take physical involvement, any threat is instantly over, it's just a question of what trick he will use.
  • Story-Breaker Power: While the Wuts' powers were at least mostly limited to laser-esque orbs (and could be incapacitated with them stolen), the Dream Maker's powers often came off as limitless and borderline reality bending. The show never really explains why he doesn't take control more often, though out-universe it is certainly due to this.
  • Wizards Live Longer: The Dreammaker is said to have been old when the moon and stars were young.


The Dreammaker's loyal dogfish. Brought to life from a dream, Albert swims in the air and has the general mannerisms of a normal dog.

  • Angry Guard Dog: Not vicious by default, but whenever someone tries to take the stone, they are met with this.
  • Badass in Distress: After Amberley, Albert was most liable to be kidnapped in some scheme to get the Dreamstone. He frequently saves himself.
  • Big Friendly Dog: Very "boisterous" as the Dreammaker puts it, but very friendly overall...
  • Blood Knight: While none of the heroes (bar Spildit) are particularly sympathising to the Urpneys, Albert is the most exceptionally violent and merciless in stopping them. As the heroes' retaliations tamed a little, he seemed to settle for just scaring them off. Justified since Albert is more or less the form of a temperamental guard dog.
  • Breakout Character: Meta example. He was the mascot for Martin Gates Productions during the nineties.
  • The Dreaded: While the Urpneys are fearful towards nearly all of the heroes, they are terrified of Albert in particular.
  • Evil-Detecting Dog: Sometimes able to see through the villains' plans.
  • Flying Seafood Special: He's a fish who swims in the air rather than in water.
  • Hyper-Competent Sidekick: In some early episodes, where even the Dream Maker is ignorant to the Urpneys plotting right under his nose. Frequently met with bouts of Not Now, Kiddo.
  • Miles Gloriosus: Not consistently, but there are times he shows a fearful streak when the weaker fighter for once, eg. "The Dream Beam Invasion". Like anyone he's terrified of Zordrak as well.
  • Mix-and-Match Critters: Has the body of a fish and the face of a dog.
  • Narrative Shapeshifting: Often does this when trying to alert the heroes of impending danger.
  • Plucky Comic Relief: He's the only hero character who takes part in Toon Physics almost as much as the Urpneys.
  • Silent Snarker: Especially in earlier episodes where he vents annoyance at being the Dreammaker's Hyper-Competent Sidekick.
  • Terror Hero: Type 3. The heroes can usually easily sway the Urpneys away by threatening to send Albert on them.
  • Tulpa: Started off as part of a dream to an unsatisfied Noop. The Dream Maker was endeared by him so brought him into the real world so he wouldn't disappear with the rest of the dream.
  • Visual Pun: He's literally a dogfish - as in, he's part dog, part fish.
  • The Voiceless: The only word he has ever managed to say is a somewhat distorted "Tower!".
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Ironically enough, Albert is terrified of water. An Out-of-Character Moment occurs in the final episode where Albert nonchalantly swims in the ocean.

The young assistant of the Dreammaker. Clumsy and not too bright but often relied on to protect the stone when the Urpneys attack.
  • Aborted Arc: A handful of early episodes referred to his ambition to become a dream maker, learning light magic and at one point even suggested to have an Imagination Based Super Power. This is never looked into again afterwards.
  • Adventure Duo: With Amberley.
  • Advertised Extra: Lower scale example. He is a main character but most merchandise and promos billed him as the main character, in the show itself however he is usually eclipsed by the Urpneys and even some of the other heroes in spotlight.
  • Aesop Amnesia: It took him a good few times to realise not to fiddle with the Dreamstone.
  • The Artifact: Not as badly as Zordrak, but once the Urpneys took centre spotlight, Rufus' lead role and development was cut rather noticeably.
  • Characterization Marches On: In the pilot Rufus was played more as the main protagonist of the show. He is also far more eccentric and comedic, and almost as much of a Butt-Monkey as the Urpneys. In most later episodes, Rufus is downplayed into a Hero Antagonist and toned down into a cutesier and far less introspective character. The final season reverts him back partially however.
  • Chekhov's Skill: Rufus' fiction savvy came in handy a couple of times when trying to get the Dreamstone back.
  • Cloud Cuckoo Lander: A downplayed case, Depending on the Writer. Especially evident in the pilot.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass
  • Decoy Protagonist: In the pilot he is played as the lead and undergoes the most Character Development. Most episodes after overlook this in favour making the Urpneys Villain Protagonists. He becomes more important again later on, though he is probably still closer to a Deuteragonist.
  • Depending on the Writer: Out of the main cast, Rufus' personality tended to be the most erratic. His intellect and temperament were the most frequent victims, along with how much he was allowed to partake in the cartoon humour.
  • Desperately Looking for a Purpose in Life: In the pilot, Rufus has repeatedly failed to uphold a job due to his overactive imagination. Following Amberley's suggestion, he takes employment from the Dream Maker, his daydreaming being an ideal qualification.
  • Deuteragonist: When not a Hero Antagonist. Some later episodes attempt to give him and Amberley small side plots alongside the Urpney's schemes.
  • The Ditz: Especially in Season Two where he's regularly screwing things up.
  • Dork Knight: Balanced by being a somewhat competent hero on occasion.
  • Dumbass No More: He's conveyed as a lot more competent in the final season, getting the stone back through his own planning on several occasions (and far less often being the one to lose it in the first place).
  • The Everyman: Half the time, due to playing a Hero Antagonist role, Rufus is downplayed heavily. The aforementioned changes to his personality didn't help in this regard.
  • Fatal Flaw: The original story notes put heavy emphasis on Rufus being easily clouded by his temper. While this does come up a couple odd times in the show itself, more often it's his bad attention span and recklessness that get him into trouble, with Amberley or Albert playing the resident hot head more often.
  • Fat Idiot: Depending on the Writer. Other times he's merely spacey and otherwise intelligent.
  • Flanderization:
    • Subverted and Reconstructed. While he became more lucid and less cartoony after the pilot, he also lost the Dork Knight qualities that came with it. By Season Two he often just acts like a regular dopey kid, needing his older peers' help and screwing things up on a regular basis, generally winning only by posing as The Fool or the Urpneys' own (far more slapstick prone) incompetence causing him to luck out. By Season Four he is back to his goofier but more crafty characterisation from the earlier episodes.
    • In Season One, he was primarily responsible for letting the Dreamstone get stolen only a couple of times, and otherwise was outsmarted no more often than everyone else. In Season Two, Rufus doing something careless to get the Dreamstone stolen (usually despite heavy warnings from his peers) became an outright Running Gag. Again, this was dialled back by Season Four.
  • The Fool: Depending on the Writer Rufus can be rather formidable. Other times however, immense luck seems to be the only thing preventing him from being more pitiful than the Urpneys.
  • Forbidden Fruit: Anytime the Dream Maker wards the Noops away from something, it's almost certainly a sign Rufus will disobey it, usually with the stone getting stolen as a result.
  • Forgot Flanders Could Do That: After spending most of the series after the pilot downplayed into The Ditz, Season Four returned Rufus' more eccentric personality and occasional erudite moments. Similarly he went back to losing his Immunity To Slapstick.
  • Genre Savvy: At least two methods he had for solving the episode's dilemma he claimed were inspired from a book.
  • Guile Hero: He becomes rather good at tricking opponents by the final season. Even earlier on he had odd moments of brilliance, like creating a decoy Dreamstone for the Urpneys to steal.
  • The Hero: A strange nominal case. Rufus is usually billed as such, but is usually of no greater prominence than the others. In most of Seasons One and Two, he borders more as a Tagalong Kid.
  • Hero Antagonist: A lot less Sympathetic P.O.V. is given to Rufus in a lot of episodes, in favor of making the Urpneys Villain Protagonists. It varies from episode to episode however (in the pilot he is in fact the main protagonist).
  • Hidden Depths: Implied to be a great cook.
  • Idiot Ball: Usually whenever one of the heroes is required to say or do the wrong thing, he will take the role. Most often to happen when an act of carelessness is required for the Urpneys to get their hands on the Dreamstone.
  • Idiot Hero: Of varying degrees Depending on the Writer.
  • Indy Ploy: Most of his defining competent moments are these.
  • Invincible Incompetent: He has moments of bravado, but he relies very much on the Urpneys' complete incompetence most of the time. Either way, he is almost always on the winning end.
  • The Klutz: Not nearly as much as the Urpneys, but it's definitely there at times.
  • The Load: In Season Two, where any success rate he has is due to dumb luck or the other more competent heroes bailing him out.
  • Miles Gloriosus: Has moments of this, perhaps most blatantly in "The Dream Beam Invasion".
  • The Millstone: A lot of times the Dreamstone is stolen or a plan to get it back goes wrong is because of his carelessness or tendency to disobey rules. He had this really bad in Season Two.
  • Motor Mouth: At times. Leans into Talkative Loon territory in some episodes.
  • Mr. Imagination: Pretty much Rufus' most defining trait, and the key reason he searched for employment from the Dream Maker.
  • Muggle in Mage Custody: He and Amberley are apprentices to the Dream Maker, often helping him in his occupation of making dreams and protecting the title stone, as well as assisting his allies the Wuts, an army of equally powerful mages. This relationship is generally closer to a paid occupation, though odd jokes slip in later in the show that the two are often errand runners volunteered for grunt work their far more powerful authority figures would be far better suited for.
  • Non-Action Guy: Most of the time, he has Badass Normal moments however.
  • The Meddling Kids Are Useless: Starting from the second season, Rufus became rather ineffective in stopping the Urpneys, usually relying on dumb luck or his more competent peers sorting things out Despite the Plan. This reversed during the third season, though still shifts back every now and then.
  • Ornamental Weapon: Wears a sword on his belt in the first season, which remains there unused outside the first two episodes. It disappears altogether when he is redesigned.
  • Overshadowed by Awesome: Rufus is a Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass Muggle, while next to every other hero is more experienced, level headed and has near insurmountable magic powers on top of it.
  • Running Gag: Rufus tends to often be responsible for the Dreamstone getting stolen in some way. Especially in Season Two.
  • Simple-Minded Wisdom: Not nearly as much as Nug, but being over imaginative has its strong points odd times.
  • Smarter Than You Look: Depending on the Writer. Other times he is genuinely incompetent.
  • Took a Level in Dumbass: Zigzagged. Started off a fairly intelligent Cloud Cuckoo Lander, only to become The Millstone by Season Two. Season Three and Four gradually reverted him back into a dippy but deceptively clever hero.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: A more subtle case with Amberley. They're usually on good terms but his misbehaviour can make her rather impatient and snarky towards him.
  • The Watson: Usually utilised to ask questions about the current situations so the Dream Maker could provide exposition.
  • We Are "Team Cannon Fodder": The recurring formula for almost every mid-point episode was for Rufus and Amberley to get sent to stop the Urpneys' new plan, only to be outsmarted or captured until their more powerful comrades took over at the last minute. This was mercifully downplayed for the remainder of the series, where they could more frequently handle things themselves.


Rufus's best friend and fellow child assistant to the Dreammaker. Somewhat more level headed than Rufus, though equally boisterous.

  • Ms. Vice Girl: Amberley is generally lucid, well behaved and precocious, but somewhat Hot-Blooded, which can result in her sometimes being sharp tempered or rash. The Urpneys often easily capture her as such, though even they don't want her in these moods.
  • Muggle in Mage Custody: She and Rufus are apprentices to the Dream Maker, often helping him in his occupation of making dreams and protecting the title stone, as well as assisting his allies the Wuts, an army of equally powerful mages. This relationship is generally closer to a paid occupation, though odd jokes slip in later in the show that the two are often errand runners volunteered for grunt work their far more powerful authority figures would be far better suited for.
  • Not So Above It All: Amberley was usually established as more well behaved than Rufus, though at odd times could be randomly disobedient as well (she ignores the Dream Maker's warnings as quickly as he does in "Electric Eggs" for example, and is quickly goaded into joining a reckless mission in "Argorrible Attack").
  • Overshadowed by Awesome: Much like Rufus, Amberley is a Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass Muggle within a team of experienced and near omnipotent magical warriors. She fares slightly better than Rufus due to being Closer to Earth however.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: It is left unexplained how Amberley came to be employed by the Dream Maker between the pilot and the second episode.
  • Women Are Wiser: Downplayed example. Amberley is more level headed than Rufus, but still rather bumbling, and much more temperamental at times. She is far less competent than older peers such as the Dream Maker and Pildit as well.


The leader of the Wuts, who guard the Land Of Dreams. Usually mellow but intelligent and powerful in magic.

  • Disney Death: In the second episode: "Into Viltheed (AKA The Dreamstone: Episode Two)". He is crushed by a rockslide caused by Zordrak. Despite Rufus even checking his pulse, he reappears alive and perfectly fine during the climax.
  • Hyper-Competent Sidekick: In most of his appearances he is one of the most formidable and intelligent heroes, and usually ends up bailing the Noops out of trouble they cause for themselves.
  • Mr. Exposition: When the Dream Maker isn't around, Pildit usually takes this role.
  • Out of Focus: Makes only two or three appearances in Seasons Three and Four.
  • The Spock: Not a lot fazes Pildit, who is usually narrowly focused on his tasks and rather mellow and matter of fact about everything.
    Pildit: *after being attacked by the Urpneys' Whirlyped* Well...that was interesting...

Mr Blossom

The Dreammaker's curmudgeonly gardener.

  • The Chew Toy: The most likely to suffer collateral damage from the Urpneys' antics. Most of the rare occasions the heroes suffered a Downer Ending, he was at the main brunt of it (eg. having his surprise gift stolen in "Mr Blossom's Present", the Noops accidentally destroying his plant in "Trouble With The Miners" or crushing his glasses in "Little Urpip").
  • Hates Everyone Equally: Is apathetic to heroes and villains alike, especially due to their tendencies to take their war all over his precious garden.
  • Jerkass: The nearest the Land of Dreams can get to one at least. It's natural in that case he has odd Jerk with a Heart of Gold moments though.
  • Skewed Priorities: No matter what the villains are up to, mucking up the garden is the only thing to gain his ire.
  • Yank the Dog's Chain: Most of the instances the heroes' errands involve helping Mr Blossom in some way will be among the very few where they unambiguously fail.


Pildit's somewhat hyperactive grandmother. Also one of the most competant of the Wuts.

  • Affirmative Action Girl: Was introduced halfway into Season One and became one of the most pivotal heroes. Word of God is that she was created exactly for this reason, as Amberley was the only female originally.
  • Cloud Cuckoo Lander: She's one of the dizzier heroes.
  • Never Mess with Granny: Her age seems to do little against her energy and prowess. Especially in earlier seasons where she's one of the most frequent reasons Zordrak's plans are stopped.
  • Out of Focus: Not as badly as Pildit, but her prominence fades in the later seasons.
  • Spotlight-Stealing Squad: Since her introduction she often led the other heroes and sidelined Pildit and the Noops in importance. This was dialled down Season Three onward (see above).


Wildit's playful niece.

  • Friendly Enemy: She will stop the Urpneys when she knows they are committing evil, but she naively sees it as a game they are playing and is outright charitable to them when they don't seem to be causing trouble.
  • Go-Karting with Bowser: Spildit frequently alternates between threatening to bash in the Urpneys and offering a picnic for them.
  • Horrible Judge of Character: Is often oblivious to the Urpneys and even Zordrak being villains and obliviously helps (granted the Urpneys aren't really all that evil, but she often ends up duped into helping their schemes regardless).
  • Only Friend: About the only thing in the show's universe that doesn't loathe the Urpneys.
  • Plucky Girl
  • Sympathy for the Devil: Probably the one source of empathy Blob's men ever get.
  • Unwitting Pawn: Her sympathetic attitude was sometimes exploited by Blob, obliviously helping him steal the Dreamstone.

The Wottles

Shy creatures that help maintain the Wut forest from underground.

  • Remember the New Guy?: Their presence and involvement in making dream bottles isn't revealed until midway into Season Three. Justified as the heroes want their presence secret from foes, and the Urpneys, through faulty research, believe they are just another dwelling monster.
  • Shrinking Violet: Shy and easily frightened.
  • Shrouded in Myth: The Urpneys have been led to believe they are ferocious, terrifying monsters that attack and devoir trespassers. Exploited to their advantage in the first episode.
  • Smarter Than You Look: Prove crafty under pressure despite their less than intimidating appearance.


Tropes shared throughout Viltheed:

  • Achievements in Ignorance: The Urpneys were fairly incompetent villains, so much that they sometimes caused more harm for the heroes while failing to do a mission.
    • In "A Day Out" and "The Stowaways" a chain reaction from them botching a scheme gives them the upper hand, with the Noops having a much more difficult time reversing things than with most of the Urpneys' intentional attempts.
    • In "The Monster" they throw a single rock into a large scrap pile of Urpgor's discarded inventions, which somehow causes them to activate and merge into a giant robotic monster too powerful for the heroes or even Zordrak. When it is destroyed, they attempt to recreate it by throwing more rocks in the scrap pile, despite Urpgor even lamp shading what a bizarre fluke it was.
    • In "Mr Blossom's Present" and "Little Urpip" they actually ruin the Noops' side quest and cause them a Downer Ending, thus actually getting a small time victory over them, again without even meaning to or ever finding out they had.
  • Adorable Evil Minions: The Urpneys are somewhat schlubby humanoid creatures with reptilian features, and not nearly as cutesy as the heroic Noops, but they are rather cartoony and harmless and hard not to sympathise with.
  • Ain't Too Proud to Beg: Most of the Urpneys, to both Zordrak and to the heroes. And pretty much anything else looking somewhat menacingly at them.
  • Anti-Villain: The Urpneys are rarely actively evil or spiteful towards the heroes, and openly hate their job, Just Following Orders to avoid the wrath of their Bad Boss. In many episodes, Frizz and Nug spend more time trying to retreat or evade duty than do any effective villainy.
  • Being Evil Sucks: Most of the Urpneys openly loathe their job and the abuse it gets them. Only Blob and Urpgor seem enthusiastic about being villains (and even then Urpgor is pretty resentful about being one via Zordrak).
  • Better Living Through Evil: Despite said attitude however, later on they are shown more willing to stay in Viltheed under Zordrak's rule than fend for themselves.
  • Beware the Silly Ones: While it's not seen a whole lot, it seems Blob's team are actually capable of rare bouts of competence whenever they stop being the Sleeping World's Cosmic Playthings. In several other episodes they actually come close to getting the stone, only losing due to a contrived twist of fate rather than the heroes' own efforts.
  • Born Unlucky: The Urpneys to elaborate levels. Even when able to be competent, their horrible luck comes into play, usually leading to as handy a defeat as when they screw up. And of course being lucky to have Zordrak and Urpgor as their bosses...
  • The Chew Toy: The whole damn population.
  • Comic Trio: Sgt. Blob, Frizz and Nug. Blob leads incompetently, Frizz is a powerless Only Sane Man and dippy Nug (though similarly cowardly) usually just blindly follows.
  • Cut Lex Luthor a Check: Zordrak was implied to be a competent dream maker before hatred and power lust got the best of him. The Urpneys also appear to be very swift architects and carpenters despite their clumsiness (they rebuilt the whole of Viltheed within two episodes) while Urpgor's technology would be more advanced than any facilitations within the Sleeping World if it weren't for the heavy presence of magic. He even Lampshades he's wasting his resources on Zordrak endlessly.
  • Deconstructed Character Archetype: The Urpneys are one of the Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain. They are buffoonish, clumsy and outclassed by the heroes dramatically. However only their Bad Boss, Zordrak, is a standard Determined Defeatist. The Urpneys themselves are unwillingly shanghaied into every disasterous scheme by threat of torture or death, and the heroes either don't know or don't care and punish them as they would any villain. Frizz and Nug in particular are rather savvy to the fact that Failure Is the Only Option and repeatedly try in vain to get out of it.
  • Dirty Coward: While they try to get out of their job either way, the Urpneys have nothing against putting the heroes in constant peril if it will spare them from Zordrak's wrath.
  • Flanderization: The villains became much more ineffectual after the pilot episode, always losing handily to the heroes each episode, compared to the former where they were bumbling but a challenging mortal threat regardless. The Urpneys also evolved from standard Butt-Monkey villains, to Cosmic Plaything Villain Ball Magnets. This reversed a little by the end of the series.
  • Flaw Exploitation: The villains have at times manipulated the heroes' overconfidence against them, making rather easy surprise ambushes or exploiting a reckless stunt because they never expect them to prove Not So Harmless.
  • Friendly Enemy: Not being very motivated villains, the Urpneys make some passive replies to Spildit's kindness towards them. Subverted with nearly every other hero, who wouldn't trust an Urpney as far as they can throw them.
  • Goldfish Poop Gang: Sgt Blob's squad.
  • Hard Work Hardly Works: Most of the rare occasions they successfully stolen the Dreamstone were through elaborate chance.
  • Harmless Villain: Zordrak was usually inactive, sending his incompetent Urpneys to do his bidding. Especially prominant in early seasons where their plans rarely exceeded trying to give the Land Of Dreams scary dreams.
    • Not-So-Harmless Villain: Starting from "A Day Out", Zordrak expands his plans for the Dreamstone; to take it to the Nightmare Planet and corrupt its powers into his own so he can be "Lord of the Universe". Suddenly, there's much higher stakes whenever he and the Urpneys near stealing the stone, especially the odd occasion the Urpneys actually managed to pull something off.
    • The penultimate episode, "The Spidermobile" conveys Blob and his men as Invincible Villains inside Urpgor's new Spider Tank, only failing due to a well timed blunder by Zordrak and Urpgor.
    • Amusingly it is Frizz and Nug, not Zordrak or the Argorribles, that stand as the only villains that ever made the heroes submit in pure terror, after a blunder leads them to grow super sized compared to them in "The Dream Beam Invasion". A conversation afterwards clarifies that the Noops were totally convinced they were about to kill them.
  • High Turnover Rate: Straight from the pilot episode, the Urpneys are quickly revealed to have been dealt with in rapid pace by both the heroes and their own boss, with Sgt Blob, Frizz and Nug rightfully terrified when they take over as the Elite Squad. It is implied the only reason they didn't suffer the same fate is because both Zordrak and the Noops had conveniently decided to use more pragmatic approaches shortly in.
  • Laughably Evil: The Urpneys provide the overwhelming majority of laughs in the series. To a lesser extent, Zordrak also often provides slapstick abuse.
  • Lethally Stupid: By the end of the series, Blob's men are still incompetent, but manage to cause plenty of trouble for both their foes and allies just by botching their job and causing a Disaster Dominoes. For Frizz and Nug at least, this is less because they are "stupid" outright but simply apathetic and incapable of using Urpgor's convoluted machinery efficiently, with Blob seldom letting them get a word in when they notice something going wrong.
  • Minion with an F in Evil: The Urpneys are portrayed as meek bumblers, usually only victimizing the Land Of Dreams out of fear of Zordrak's wrath. Only Blob and Urpgor are evidently conniving and ambitious, though even they are often ineffectual.
  • Morton's Fork: The Urpneys were in a particularly bad one originally. They had to steal the Dreamstone for Zordrak or face punishment or worse, be executed horribly for defiance or failure. The heroes unfortunately did not empathise with their position, and usually threatened, attacked or even tried to kill the Urpneys themselves for crossing them. Quitting or appeasing one side was never an option (and they did try), thus the Urpneys usually suffered at the end of each episode. The later episodes downplayed this element, likely so the heroes could look more sympathetic.
  • Never Recycle Your Schemes: Partially averted. While the actual plots per episode usually differed, the Urpneys were unique villains in that they often kept and reused resources and gadgets from previous episodes. Many of Urpgor's vehicles in particular were used recurrently throughout the series.
  • No Sympathy: Due to the figure they serve, everyone is convinced the Urpneys are pure scum, and are apathetic to the fact they are dragged into schemes or the dire consequences they suffer should they not. For ruining dreams. Later episodes tried to justify this trope more from the heroes' side of things.
  • No Sympathy Between Mooks: As expected from a Bad Boss, Zordrak does not care for excuses. Blob and Urpgor in turn are often apathetic to their minions' well being. Frizz and Nug have frequently considered leaving the two for dead during a failed mission because of this mistreatment.
  • Ornamental Weapon: Similar to Rufus, the Urpneys wear swords on their belts in the first season that are never used. Season Two onward they just cut the formalities and take them off.
  • Plot Armor: Despite Zordrak's murderous lack of patience with previous cadets, Sgt. Blob, Frizz and Nug remained in his service the entire series and survived endless gruelling missions that should have killed them. Urpgor lampshades this in one episode, with Zordrak reasoning he had grown bored of executing serviceable forces by the time Blob took the role.
  • Polite Villains, Rude Heroes: Most of the Urpneys are Just Following Orders, and are thoroughly pragmatic and unenthusiastic about confronting the heroes, even being passively affable in more relaxed situations (most often with Spildit). Subverted for Zordrak and Urpgor, who are Faux Affably Evil at their very best, and Zigzagged for Sgt. Blob, who is Affably Evil and a Smug Snake.
  • Pragmatic Villainy: While they are willing to torment the Land Of Dreams if it means preserving their own skin, most of the Urpneys' efforts to steal the stone are non violent and rarely do they go out of their way to cause collateral damage or other unnecessary harm (if just as much out of cowardice than strategy). In the final episode they kidnap a bunch of civilians as ransom, though dump them all (mostly) safely after supposedly collecting the stone. Only punctuated by the heroes usually pulling a lot less punches than the Urpneys.
  • Pyrrhic Victory: Sometimes Zordrak's forces succeed in sending nightmares. It took a ridiculous amount of labour and usually a ton of slapstick abuse in the process (and usually after too when the heroes get their revenge), but still, they ruined some dreams. Frizz and Nug even lampshade it wasn't worth it most of the time.
  • Right Hand Versus Left Hand: A lot of plans fall apart because of this. Even cases one of the villains come close to succeeding, another will act as The Millstone. Most commonly the incompetence of Blob's men is their downfall, though Urpgor's Glory Seeking rivalry with Blob or Zordrak's dismissiveness or impatience towards a plan causes problems whenever they finally do something right.
  • Serious Business: Sending nightmares, or at least ruining good dreams. For Zordrak and the Argorribles at least. Most of the Urpneys couldn't care less, but given the wrath Zordrak inflicts for not getting to sending them, they still know better to comply.
  • Shoo Out the Clowns: Though often the most prominent characters in the show, the Urpneys would sometimes disappear from a plot when the heroes faced Zordrak or another more fearsome threat. They would of course always return in time for Frizz's final line.
  • Sliding Scale of Villain Effectiveness: Zordrak and the Urpneys go from "Creditable" in the pilot to usually "None" due to Villain Decay afterwards. They upgrade slightly into "Low" or "Inadvertent" by the end of the series, due to Zordrak heavily upgrading his Poke the Poodle ambitions, Urpgor's machines becoming more resilient, and at fail, the Urpney trio becoming more Lethally Stupid. Sympathetic P.O.V. from the Noops shows they're still not really a threat, though they do manage to make everyone's lives somewhat difficult.
  • Spanner in the Works: More than a few of Urpgor's plans backfired because of Blob, Frizz and Nug's incompetence acting them out or the latter's apathy to getting things done right. The exceptions where Blob's men performed competently, Urpgor's ill designs or competitiveness with Blob often caused setbacks.
  • Team Rocket Wins: On rare occasions, the Urpneys actually succeeded in sending nightmares to the Land Of Dreams (even if the heroes usually got some form of revenge before the episode was over). It is implied that Argorribles actually get past the Dreamstone's barrier on a frequent basis, but in very few numbers.
  • Trapped in Villainy: Most of the Urpneys are impersonal dim wits who only follow Zordrak's orders because of his tendency to turn Mooks into stone or feed them to his carnivorous pets should they annoy him. Granted it's not so much they have a conscience as much as they'd just prefer not to be sent out on dangerous missions with ridiculous gadgets in tow to steal from angry Noops and Wuts. They change to Punch Clock Villains in later episodes, even sabotaging one of Zordrak's schemes so he won't relieve them off their duties. Frizz and Nug would still rather not be dragged into missions however.
  • Then Let Me Be Evil/Kick the Dog: There are odd times the Urpneys lose their Pragmatic Villainy and are willing to get their own back on the heroes. They almost drowned Rufus and Amberley for a joke in "Electric Eggs" for example. In "The Dream Beam Invasion" the heroes, despite giving them a full Curbstomp Battle beforehand, noticed the difference in behaviour and ran away terrified of them.
  • Villain by Default: Next to everyone in the show knows Urpneys serve Zordrak and thus are no good.
  • Villain Decay: In the pilot episode, the Urpneys were bumblers, but acted out their mission and were at least something of a mortal threat to the heroes. Following this, they are perpetual laughing stocks who are completely no match for the heroes and struggle to even spread nightmares. Meanwhile, Zordrak went from a Knight of Cerebus to a full-time Orcus on His Throne who rarely commits any actual villainy himself. This reached such a low point that it actually seemed to dial back a little, and by the closing points of the series they are given a more menacing motive and revert to having moments of being Not So Harmless, even if just to the level that the heroes look like they're being threatened.
  • Villain Exclusivity Clause: They are antagonists in pretty much every episode. Later episodes establish an outside Rogues Gallery, but the Urpneys still tend to be heavily involved in some way.
  • Villain Protagonist: The majority of episodes give the Urpneys the larger Sympathetic P.O.V. over the heroes, with all but a couple opening and closing from their perspective.
  • Villainous Underdog: The Urpneys are less intelligent, powerful, and especially less lucky than the heroes by miles. Only Zordrak beholds formidable power, but is thoroughly inactive, and even otherwise usually proves no match for the heroes.
  • Villainous Valor: The Urpneys often partake in this. Though incompetent cowards, they tend to put a lot more hardship and effort into their failures (which involved elaborate inventions and stealth and cunning) than the heroes do winning (which usually involved dumb luck or a handy spell by the elders).
  • Walking Disaster Area: While in early episodes, the Urpney trio generally only caused harm to themselves, the later points of the show make their bungling prone to Disaster Dominoes. Urpgor is the most common (and vocal) victim of this, though by the final season, even Zordrak and the Noops become regular collateral damage, along with several one shot characters getting caught in the plot as a result of the Urpneys' screw ups. Naturally this leads to a more founded reason no one can stand the Urpneys.
  • Who's Laughing Now?: The Urpneys, while usually considered laughing stocks, get the odd moment they genuinely menace and intimidate the heroes. "The Dream Beam Invasion" and "The Spidermobile" are key examples. Between themselves, Frizz and Nug frequently get some Laser-Guided Karma payback on Blob and Urpgor, and even Zordrak by the end of the series.


The ruthless ruler of Viltheed who will stop at nothing to steal the Dreamstone and disperse nightmares to the Sleeping World. He has a very volatile temper, which is often lashed out on his minions, often making him more a threat to his allies than the heroes.

  • 0% Approval Rating: He is The Dreaded to both his enemies and forces alike due to his penchant for evil and nightmares, and recurrently abusive regiment. Blob is the nearest to a sincerely loyal underling, though even he knows to avoid his callous streak, while even Zordrak's own sister, Zarag, hates him after trying to dispose of her out of pettiness.
  • Advertised Extra: Partially due to being...
  • All-Powerful Bystander: He takes parts in schemes very sparsely, despite being far more powerful and competent than anyone in his Urpney army.
  • Arch-Enemy: Utterly hates the Dream Maker (the feeling is mutual). The lord of nightmares has repeatedly plotted to destroy and/or brainwash Lord Highest into servitude.
  • The Artifact: Zordrak's appearances became more and more superfluous as the show began to revolve more around the antics of Urpgor and Blob's squad, to the point he fulfils almost no role in the show outside his intimidation acting as a driving force for the Urpney's schemes.
  • Bad Boss: Zordrak has three primary punishments for his minions. 1: Turning them into stone. 2: As before, then throwing them into the watery pit filled with Extreme Omnivore crocodile/wasp/crab/things known as Frazznats. 3: Throwing them to the aforementioned carnivorous horrors while still alive. We actually see him do method three in the pilot, though of course there's a Gory Discretion Shot. Even when he doesn't kill them, Zordrak is not a kind master to labor under.
  • Berserk Button: He has a high octane Hair-Trigger Temper by default, though two of his nastiest actions; executing Captain Crigg and imprisoning his sister Zarag in magic vase, were specifically because the subject in question disagreed with him.
  • Big Bad
  • Card-Carrying Villain: Refers to himself as "evil" on multiple occasions. Hell his entire ambition is revolved around taking away the pleasant images in people's dreams and replacing them with dark and scary ones.
  • Characterization Marches On: Zordrak seemed more calculating and invested in the Urpneys' schemes in Season One, taking genuine interest in Urpgor's inventions and even giving passive compliments to them. After the failure and Humiliation Conga Urpgor's jet-powered throne caused him in "Megattack", Zordrak seemed to lose patience with him, reduced to a bored, irritable despot who only keeps relying on Urpgor because he has no other resources.
  • Cold Ham: Even when speaking in just his usual monotone gravel, he makes the entire scene chilling and foreboding. That it also provides a creepy echo helps.
  • The Comically Serious: Though rather intimidating, his role in the show largely consists of banter with his minions, a lot of which is pretty funny.
  • Determinator: He really wants the Dreamstone.
  • Determined Defeatist: He also seems well aware that his incompetent minions will likely never get it for him. Still wants it.
  • The Dreaded: His very name brings fear into allies and foes alike.
  • Dream Weaver: He used to be one of these alongside the Dreammaker, and could arguably be still classified as one, though now he focuses on creating nightmares (his "Argorribles" are basically living nightmares).
  • Drunk with Power: In his Start of Darkness flashback, he is shown exiled from his role of Dream Maker after using his position to attempt conquests and power plays, as well as to give people nightmares For the Evulz.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: A rare mix of this and Evil Sounds Raspy, courtesy of Gary Martin's baritone.
  • Failure Is the Only Option: Zordrak will never get hold of the Dreamstone, or at the very least hold of it long enough to do much beneficial with it.
  • Flanderization: His Bad Boss facets became the entirety of his role Season Two onwards, to the point he was almost exclusively a threat to his own minions instead of the heroes. His temper and voice patterns also took over his personality, compared to Season One, where he was more dominantly a Cold Ham.
  • Getting Smilies Painted on Your Soul: An inadvertent case happens in "Spildit" where taking a bad turn (thanks to Urpgor's bad driving) through the Whirlpool Of Time leaves Zordrak converted into a Benevolent Boss, just as Urpgor comes in with the Dreamstone. Zordrak gently chides "naughty" Urpgor about stealing and asks that he return it with some flowers as an apology gift. Shortly afterwards, Zordrak is converted back after a rock lands on his head, just in time to hear Urpgor come back and reveal he gave back the Dreamstone...
  • Greater-Scope Villain: Many later episodes skip over elaboration from Zordrak, with Urpgor and Blob's men independently thinking up a scheme to meet his whims. Even more so when more of the Rogues Gallery emerges to fight claim over the stone.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Zordrak can switch between reserved and stoic to earth shattering rage at the blink of an eye. Granted neither are particularly welcoming to his minions.
  • Hate Sink: After his involvement as Big Bad dwindled, he seems to exist as little more than the one legitimately evil fraction in Viltheed. The Urpneys' sympathetic blundering is usually interspersed with scenes of the heroes spouting the potential horrors should Zordrak actually get the stone.
  • I Control My Minions Through...: Fear, with a bit of Blind Obedience where Blob is concerned.
  • Karma Houdini: Zordrak is about the one genuinely villainous member of Viltheed, and is guilty of mass murder of his troops and at least one hero. Since he spends most of the series dormant in his lair however, he rarely receives punishment, his Mooks taking the brunt of the heroes' wrath the large majority of the time.
  • Karma Houdini Warranty: Until each season finale. He is the Butt-Monkey in the last three episodes of the final season instead of Blob's troops.
  • Knight of Cerebus: In Season One, and to a lesser degree, Season Four, he actually acts on his Big Bad role once in a while. Though not without his own comical moments, he is a far more sinister and intimidating villain than his minions and most other members of the Rogues Gallery by miles, usually the odd occasion he has active involvement in a plan is indication things are going to get a bit more serious.
  • Large Ham: Gary Martin's gravelly bellows help a whole lot.
  • The Load: As of Season Two, he contributes literally nothing to the vast majority of schemes, acting as little more than a driving force for the Urpneys via intimidation.
  • Mandatory Line: Usually stuck giving the odd unimpressed commentary towards the Urpneys' bumbling for most of Season Two onwards.
  • Nightmare Face: If his default expression doesn't apply, then his contorted anger from when he recovered from a brief Heel–Face Turn in "Spildit" certainly does.
    Zordrak: "You did WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!?"
  • Non-Action Big Bad: Zordrak is an incredibly powerful sorcerer, but remains dormant in Viltheed in all but a handful of episodes, tasking his incompetent minions, the Urpneys with stealing the Dreamstone.
  • Not So Above It All: Though evidently more competent and dignified than his minions, Zordrak himself has suffered the odd buffoonish defeat. His downfalls in "The Spidermobile" and "Argorrible Attack" are just plain humiliating.
  • One-Winged Angel: It's eventually revealed that Zordrak as we see him in the series is basically a case of somebody doing this and then staying that way. He was originally part of the Council of Dreammakers as a fairly normal looking, human sized being; when they ousted him for his evil ways, he first assumed his dragon-like form, then grew into the giant monstrosity he presently is.
  • Orcus on His Throne: Zordrak rarely comes off his throne, usually leaving his minions to do the dirty work for him. In later seasons, he loses involvement in tactizing as well, having little role except driving Urpgor and the other Urpneys into making new schemes to steal the stone.
  • Out of Focus: From about mid Season Two, Zordrak has little role outside the occasional rant at the Urpneys to hurry up stealing the stone.
  • Pet the Dog: He shows his Argorribles far more affection and care than he does his Urpneys. His obsession with sending nightmares seems as much to appease them as it is to terrorise the Land Of Dreams. He will also commend Blob for his sporadic moments of effectiveness.
  • The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything: From Season Two onward. Since Zordrak usually leaves the schemes entirely in the Urpneys' hands (both in plotting and in action), his role as Big Bad mostly consists of chewing out his minions and sitting on his throne bored. He returns to contributing to the tactical side of things a little in Season Four, but is still fairly inactive.
  • Pragmatic Villainy: While Zordrak seemed to exterminate mooks at whim in early episodes, when Urpgor later encourages him to do the same to Blob, he declines, coming to find the method as ineffective and "a waste of a perfectly servicable Urpney". Not that he won't frequently find other less lethal ways to punish his mooks however.
    • In "The Return" he doesn't bat an eyelid to Spildit playing around in Viltheed either, focused completely on his lair being rebuilt. When the Noops cause trouble as a rescue party however, he instantly sends in the troops.
  • Satanic Archetype: He was once a member of the Council of Dream Makers, but they banished him to the Land of Nightmares for using his powers to create nightmares. He now rules over an army of monsters, and is obsessed with destroying the Dream Maker and taking over the world. His name was originally going to be "Nasta Shelfim," an anagram of "Satan Himself," but this was changed out of fear of making the Satan connection too strong and offending religious groups.
  • Satellite Character: While he at least faced the heroes odd times in the first season, he remains dormant in Viltheed for the rest of the series, his interaction limited to Urpgor and Blob.
  • Significant Anagram: Zordrak's original name in the pilot, Nasta Shelfim, is an anagram of "Satan Himself".
  • Smug Snake: While he can add up to his bluster better than the other villains and is genuinely dreaded by everyone, he is still for the large part a lazy and unsavvy despot who forever relies on incompetents to do his bidding. Most rare occasions he tries to deal with things himself end in just as humiliating defeat as the Urpneys and a psychotic tantrum to boot.
  • Sorcerous Overlord: He rarely shows it, but Zordrak is a very powerful wizard in his own right, capable of creating horrors like his Argorribles and the Neemod, or turning creatures to stone. One episode reveals he even has his own spell book.
  • Suddenly Shouting: His trademark speech pattern, especially in later episodes.
  • Took a Level in Dumbass: In early episodes, Zordrak was The Strategist while Urpgor created the inventions to set out his plans. By the end of Season Two he pretty much lost all his calculating streak, reduced to an angry despot relying on yelling at Urpgor to get anything done.
  • Tranquil Fury: The Urpneys fear Zordrak when he threatens them in a demonic rage. They fear him even more when he threatens them in a ominously calm mood. Best shown in the pilot when he matter-of-factly asks if Captain Crigg just questioned his plans. Everyone, Crigg especially, knows what is going to happen next...
  • Villain Ball: Zordrak's Army of Urpneys measures thousands if not Tens of Thousands. He uses them en-masse in only a handful of episodes, and goes himself even less. For the rest of the entire series he just uses Blob, Frizz and Nug (and Urpgor at a stretch). Never deviating to use more or try different ones despite their consistent failure.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Prone to tantrums when the Urpneys screw up. Most evidently in "Zarag" after his sister costs him the stone twice over and in "Argorrible Attack" after the Wuts' Deadly Dodging drives him into a rage.
  • Vile Villain, Saccharine Show: Zordrak is a pretty creepy villain, even when not compared to a highly cutesy Noops.
  • You Will Be Spared:
    • Zordrak considers Blob just serviceable enough to not turn to stone for his failures (not that he has to know that).
    • Whenever Zordrak finds another means to take the stone, he usually fires Urpgor unceremoniously. In one instance, he claims this is a "reward" for his services, otherwise he would gladly turn him to stone like past insubordinate Urpneys.


Psychotic Mad Scientist and loyal right hand minion to Zordrak (at least when the time fits). Creates the many inventions the Urpneys use to attack the Land Of Dreams and steal the Dreamstone.

  • Boss's Unfavorite Employee: Despite Urpgor initially boasting to Blob he was Zordrak's most beloved asset, he is gradually revealed to be this, due to his treacherous nature and Zordrak's patience with his bungling inventions wearing thin. Blob is not exactly on favourable terms either, but Zordrak at least considers him loyal and serviceable enough to keep around, while Urpgor would be fired on the spot if Zordrak wasn't reliant on his schemes as a means to get the Dreamstone.
  • Breakout Character: In the first season, Urpgor's role was somewhat minor and more as a Satellite Character for the Urpneys. Later on he gains a more active role and is often as much a Villain Protagonist as Blob, Frizz and Nug (naturally this also begins his ascension as The Chew Toy).
  • The Bully: Loves tormenting lower Urpneys.
  • Bungling Inventor: Downplayed in that most of his inventions actually do what they're meant to, but their overelaborate design and mechanics often make them impractical in use, especially piloted by clumsy bunglers like the Urpneys.
  • Character Development: Season Two onwards, he is developed more sympathetically, being more opportunistic and insecure, and the pressure and abuse he gets from Zordrak spotlighted more. A lot of which is due to Blob's bumbling, making his hatred of him more justified.
  • Characterisation Click Moment: While Urpgor was always the Mad Scientist and Sitcom Arch-Nemesis for Sgt Blob, he was a fairly minor character in Season One. "Urpgor's Island" establishes that Urpgor is made to do all the scheming process in Viltheed, and has to answer to Zordrak whenever Blob screws up. This pressure not only made Urpgor's hatred of the latter much more justified, but led to most episodes after giving him a more central role, with more focus on his neuroses and failed attempts to keep things working as planned and stop Blob's squad ruining everything.
  • Characterization Marches On: In early episodes, Urpgor was more decrepit and even more manic (like a traditional Igor), he also seemed to be more on the winning end of his war with Blob's team, his implied favoritism from Zordrak seeming to be true. From the very start of the second season however, Urpgor starts gaining more Sympathetic P.O.V., from which his personality becomes more lucid and cynical and he is revealed to be even more of a Butt-Monkey to his master than the others.
  • Chaste Toons: He has a niece named Urpip.
  • The Chew Toy: Is regularly subject to slapstick like the rest of the Urpneys.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: To extremes.
  • Co-Dragons: Of the rivalistic sort alongside Sgt Blob to Zordrak.
    • Co Dragon-in-Chief: Urpgor is also responsible for devising and inventing every new plot to steal the Dreamstone. Though Zordrak makes sure he fears him, it is clear the key reason he doesn't dispose of him is because he is needed for nearly every scheme.
  • Comedic Sociopath: Enjoys torturing Blob and his men, actually thrives on the idea Zordrak will do to them what he did to their predecesor.
  • Cut Lex Luthor a Check: Urpgor lampshades multiple times how greatly his technical know-how is wasted on Zordrak's obsession with getting the Dreamstone.
  • The Dog Bites Back: Usually takes Zordrak's abuse relentlessly. When he outright attempts to dispose of him however, Urpgor wastes no time putting his new plan out of action, forcing Zordrak to keep him around. He destroyed both of Zordrak's attempts to obtain the Nightmare Stone and sabotaged his scheme using a solidified argorrible, all of which Zordrak made openly apparent were designed to make Urpgor redundant.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: He absolutely adores his niece Urpip.
  • Eyes Always Shut: In the first season, he has a near perpetual squint. This disappears after he is given a more expressive redesign in Season Two.
  • Freudian Excuse: Season Two onwards, it is made apparent that Urpgor is pressured to think up most of Zordrak's schemes for him, and usually gets blamed whenever Blob and his men screw them up, explaining his callous treatment towards the rest of the Urpneys (especially when they won't do a job and risk worsening his conditions with Zordrak), along with his constant insistence that Zordrak dispose of Blob.
  • Gadgeteer Genius: As buffoonish as he is, most of his inventions are very intricate and work exactly as are intended. It often more their mishandling by him or Blob's team that is their downfall.
  • Giggling Villain
  • Glory Hound: Often sends Blob's men to steal the stone and then takes full credit for any rare success they manage. On occasions he is desperate enough however, he will take part himself and become a Glory Seeker.
  • Goofy Print Underwear: Whenever his underwear is exposed, he can be seen wearing boxers with his face on them.
  • The Igor: Obviously, with a name like that.
  • Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain: The odd occasions Urpgor tries to go after the stone himself don't end up much better than Blob's attempts.
  • Insufferable Genius: He is a scientific genius and makes sure EVERYONE knows it.
  • Karma Houdini: Frequently got away with tormenting Blob, Frizz and Nug in Season One, and was implied to be favoured by Zordrak.
  • Karma Houdini Warranty: Until Season Two, where this is revealed to be a delusion, with Urpgor constantly belittled and pressured by Zordrak and usually Blob's incompetence only exacerbating it. Frizz and Nug also start getting more moments of revenge.
  • Large Ham
  • Let's See YOU Do Better!: In later episodes Urpgor sometimes has involvement in missions to steal the stone. "Urpgor's Great Adventure" in particular revolves around him trying to do the job himself after getting tired of Blob's incompetence, with the expected results.
  • Mad Scientist: A Gadgeteer Genius, and quite visibly looney.
  • Middle-Management Mook: Seems to be given a higher position than most of Zordrak's mooks. As a result he sees himself as superior to the other Urpneys, constantly giving orders or abusing them. All the while he is usually just as incompetant and spends the majority of spare time from making gadgets acting as Zordrak's favorite punching bag.
  • Misplaced Retribution: Often whenever Blob and his men screw up and aren't close by, Zordrak will turn on Urpgor instead. This is one of Urpgor's more founded reasons for hating their guts.
  • Mistreatment-Induced Betrayal: Most of his more effective double crosses on Zordrak were after threatening to fire him.
  • Not-So-Harmless Villain: Most of his inventions, no matter how elaborate, are still no match for the heroes' magic. His Spidermobile however was durable enough to resist the Wuts' full power and delivered the whole army a Curbstomp Battle. Impressive given even Zordrak was powerless against just two Wuts.
  • Psycho Supporter: To Zordrak, when not trying to usurp his throne for himself anyway.
  • Satellite Character: Urpgor usually remained in Viltheed, and even in most exceptions rarely faced the heroes directly, as such his interaction was limited to Zordrak and the Urpneys.
  • Sitcom Arch-Nemesis: To Blob for Zordrak's approval. Also to Zarag to a lesser degree after she unceremoniously fires him. Unlike with Zordrak, Urpgor was very willing to make his opinions on that clear, essentially leading to a screeching contest.
  • Slimeball: While his plans aren't as grand scale as Zordrak, he's the most arrogant, sadistic and willingly villainous Urpney in his command, and sees everyone else as a brainless stepping stone in his glory seeking endeavours.
  • Small Name, Big Ego: Equally bumbling as the rest of the Urpneys, but highly narcissistic, being "the flower of Urpney inteligence" and all.
  • Smart People Wear Glasses: Three pairs, to be exact.
  • The Starscream: Downplayed. He really thrives on the idea Zordrak may expire and leave him Lord of Viltheed, but rarely acts upon it (whenever Zordrak backstabs him however, he quickly sabotages things to become essential again). He does finally attempt a coup in "Auntie Again", with him and Auntie stealing the Dreamstone for themselves, though he quickly betrays her too after some disagreements over power.
  • Sympathetic P.O.V.: In Season One Urpgor was generally just a heckling Middle-Management Mook to Blob, Frizz and Nug. Season Two onwards limelighted Urpgor's much abused position serving Zordrak, constantly pressured into making schemes and getting blamed when Blob's squad screwed them up, explaining Urpgor's utter hatred of the three.
  • Troubled Abuser: His abuse and pressure from Zordrak is mirrored in how he treats other Urpneys.
  • Verbal Tic: Often lets out a big slobbery rasp after finishing a sentence.
  • Yes-Man: While secretly contemptuous of Zordrak and coveting his power, Urpgor is always smart enough to kiss up to his temperamental master.

Sergeant Blob

Gung-ho but dillusional military leader of the Urpneys (promoted after the previous leader was fed to the Frazznats).

  • Affably Evil: Sgt Blob is far more scheming and willingly devoted to Zordrak than most of the other Urpneys, though that's still not saying very much.
  • The Blind Leading the Blind: Pretty much sums up his leadership skills.
  • Boisterous Weakling: He has a loud mouth and puts on a formidable front, but often ends up handily outdone by two child Noops and their pet dogfish.
  • The Bully: Even under more casual terms, he is generally a pushy Jerkass towards his troops.
  • Fat Idiot: Par the odd moment of clarity or cunning, he's an overweight buffoon.
  • Fearless Fool: Blob plays with this, while he does have a cowardly streak, he seems to Know When to Fold 'Em a lot less often than Frizz and Nug.
  • Flaw Exploitation: When Frizz and Nug try to draw the line, he can still often get them to follow orders through fear or gullibility. Also has the odd savvy moment against the heroes (he exploits Albert and Amberley's overconfidence against Frizz and Nug to capture them in "Frozen Assets", and Spildit's naiveté by acting as False Friend in "Sport's Day").
  • General Failure: Blob has had slightly more success than his predecessor, enough for him to be considered serviceable. He is still however a thoroughly incompetent sergeant and obliviously leads troops that have absolutely no enthusiasm or battle skills.
  • Glad I Thought of It: A Running Gag where Nug obliviously suggests a plan. Blob commends him for coming to the same conclusion he did.
  • Glory Seeker: The only Urpney with a particularly devoted view to the cause. He does enjoy the spoils however and will often press gang Frizz and Nug into doing the grunt work.
  • Gung Holier Than Thou: About the only Urpney with an earnest sense of devotion to Zordrak and the Urpney army, so obnoxiously so that he is a massive headache for everyone else in the ranks.
  • Hypocritical Heartwarming: Urpgor shouldn't order and kick about his men. That's the chief commandeering officer's job.
  • The Neidermeyer: Zigzagged slightly. While he has some sense of camaraderie, he is a completely incompetent Glory Seeker that kicks Frizz and Nug into unpleasant situations constantly. The two have more than once considered leaving him at the heroes' mercy.
  • Only Sane Man: In the presence of Zordrak, yes, when the soldiers in his charge have forgotten themselves and risk provoking their master's Hair-Trigger Temper.
  • Overranked Soldier: Justified. Blob is an incompetent sergeant and every one in Zordrak's ranks is aware of that, Zordrak included. However since the entire Urpney army consists of cowardly buffoons that make Blob look like a relatively budding underling, Zordrak seems unwilling to dispose of him like his many predecessors.
  • The Political Officer: A more justified reason Zordrak keeps him around is that most of the Urpney army would likely not volunteer for anything unless Blob browbeaten them into subordination.
  • Sanity Ball: Though usually an overzealous buffoon, he can often play an Only Sane Man to his completely unthreatening comrades, and is often smart enough to keep them quiet around their Bad Boss. There are also a handful of occasions he is a surprisingly cunning villain.
  • Sitcom Arch-Nemesis: To Urpgor, who routinely banters with Blob and rivals for Zordrak's approval.
  • The Starscream: Played with in "Horrible Argorrible". Blob is loyal to Zordrak but not stupidly so, and when the prospect of being made redundant by one of Zordrak's own schemes arrives he had no qualms teaming with Urpgor to sabotage it and secure his job.
  • Smug Snake: He's quite arrogant and is always assured he has the upper hand over his supposedly foolish enemies, despite often being a cowardly buffoon whenever his plans unravel.
  • Team Dad: A very clueless and arrogant one, but compared to Zordrak and Urpgor, he does genuinely care about his troops in his own skewed way, and usually plays disciplinarian when they goof around, such as this textbook example:
    Blob: I will not have fisticuffs on duty! Apologise to each other at once!
  • Troubled Abuser: Not as blatant as Urpgor, but what he gets from Zordrak usually ends up on Frizz and Nug.
  • Villain Protagonist
  • Yes-Man: One of few that has a sincerely gung ho and complimenting disposition towards Zordrak and his goals. Granted given how his predecessor turned out for contradicting his lordship, who can blame him?
  • You Are in Command Now: After his superior, Captain Crigg, is executed for questioning Zordrak's plans one time too many, Blob winds up taking his place. Oddly, he isn't actually promoted and remains a sergeant.

Corporal Frizz

Neurotic member of Blob's "elite squad". Constantly moaning or suffering breakdowns from the abuse of missions.

  • The Artifact: A strange non character example; his eye colour. In the first season he wore spectacles. These are fazed out during the second season, though the lens colour remains on his eyes for the rest of the series.
  • The Chew Toy
  • Commander Contrarian: Any plan the villains make, no matter whether it works or not, he moans its ridiculousness. In fairness, he's rarely proven wrong.
  • Cowardly Sidekick: To Sgt Blob.
  • The Cynic: Sees no point in the Urpneys' missions, knowing from the start they will never work.
  • Deadpan Snarker: A trait which usually provides each episode's closing line.
  • The Drag-Along: Nothing he says or does can prevent him getting press ganged into the next mission to steal the Dreamstone.
  • The Eeyore: Not that he doesn't have good reasons.
  • Eye Glasses: To the point where, when he takes them off to clean them in "The Shrinking Stone", he takes his eyes off as well! This only applies to the first season, however — the glasses disappear after the third episode of the second season.
  • Failure Is the Only Option: Can never successfully squirm his way out of being Press-Ganged into a mission.
  • Flanderization: Part of his Divergent Character Evolution. Was intially a dim witted Cowardly Sidekick almost interchangeable with Nug. As the first season progresses he becomes slightly more intelligent, but much more neurotic and cynical.
  • Hypochondria: While he is entitled to fear for his well being given his occupation, he still moans endlessly over even the most menial jobs. In "Too Hot To Handle" he wraps himself completely with bandages and casts after suffering a small fall from a window sill.
  • Inelegant Blubbering: Very prone to this when danger is potentially afoot.

Corporal Nug

Other member of Blob's squad. Somewhat more upbeat than Frizz, but even more brainless.

  • Cloud Cuckoo Lander: Some of his theoretical observations lean him as this.
  • Cowardly Sidekick: Again to Sgt Blob — he's slightly braver than Frizz, but not by much.
  • The Cynic: Not as vocally as Frizz, but for the most part he's aware nothing will go right so long as they're after the stone.
  • Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant: Nug is an in-universe supplier of Fridge Horror, often inadvertantly scaring Frizz stiff with his unsettling predictions of the terrible situations they end up in.
    Frizz: I'm gonna fall!!!
    Nug: If you did, you'd probably break every bone in your body...probably.
  • Sanity Ball: Nug isn't all that bright but he does show good observation of his comrades' bumbling at times and like Frizz can often anticipate something bad coming their way.

Captain Crigg

The original leader of the Urpneys.

  • We Hardly Knew Ye: We don't see him for long before his one-way trip into the Pit of No Return.
  • With All Due Respect: Failing to meet deadlines already angered Zordrak, then he questioned his plans to collect the Dreamstone. He quickly regrets it.
  • You Have Failed Me: Zordrak gives him "a lesson in obedience," although it isn't one he can learn from, casting him into the Pit of No Return.


Planet Dreamstone

A sentient planet that acts as the leader of the Council of Dream Makers.

  • Big Good: It is the one being the Dream Maker and his associates answer to, the force which powers the Dreamstone with its magic and who expelled Zordrak for his treachery, as well as one of the most powerful characters in the series.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: It appears as early as the pilot in Rufus' dream as a Foreshadowing. Further appearances in Season One gradually reveal its role.
  • Genius Loci: It is the size of a genuine planet or moon, and is sentient and speaks intellectually.
  • Greater-Scope Paragon: It has charge over the Council of Dream Makers, powers their Dreamstones, and is the one to have banished Zordrak. It only sporadically appears in the series itself however, only interfering during one of Zordrak's most fearsome plans.
  • Not So Invincible After All: Implied to be the most powerful force of the show, though Zordrak does manage to fight it to a stalemate in their rematch in "Megattack", only winning because of the Noops' interference. It is also severely damaged by a meteor shower in "Urpjaws", requiring the heroes to repair it.


Zordrak's narcissistic sister. Both hate each other and compete for the Dreamstone.

  • Beware the Silly Ones: Despite her vain and buffoonish mannerisms, the Dream Maker and even Zordrak warn that she is deceptively devious. Especially evident in her final appearance.
  • Cain and Abel: Zordrak in fact banished Zarag into a bottle prison over a disagreement. This would supposedly have been indefinite if Nug hadn't obliviously released her some 500 years later. Her first action after being freed was to steal the Dreamstone and gloat relentlessly at Zordrak.
  • Eviler than Thou: Backstabbed her brother and the Urpneys several times (albeit after his own extreme penalty on her). Also poses as a slightly more challenging threat for the heroes.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Like her brother, she is very tantrum prone. Expect a lot of screeching and furniture throwing.
  • Laughably Evil: She's much more flamboyent than her brother.
  • Team Rocket Wins: Helped Zordrak send nightmares across the Land of Dreams in "The Substitute". She was less lucky snagging the Dreamstone however.
  • Villainous Crush: Heavily implied to have one on the Dream Maker in her first appearance.

Urpgor's Auntie

A relative of Urpgor's. Even more deranged and sadistic as himself. Resides on the planet Tempus Fugit.

  • Bad Boss: To her small alien associate. He is revealed to secretly loathe her.
  • Comedic Sociopath: Adores setting booby traps around her lair.
  • The Dreaded: The Urpneys are terrified of her.
  • Eviler than Thou: Tormented and duped the Urpneys in both her appearances. Urpgor actually ends up invoking this against her by betraying her in her final appearance however.
  • Evil Uncle: As made obvious by her other tropes here, Urpgor's aunt is, in many ways, far more evil than her nephew could hope to be.
  • Hoist by Her Own Petard: In "Auntie Again", she gets caught in one of her booby traps when the Urpneys pass by.
  • Faux Affably Evil: She has a very polite and welcoming front. In most cases it's to set up for some torturous booby trap or to steal from said victim.
  • Manipulative Bitch: Sweet talks Blob into entrusting her with the Dreamstone in "Auntie Again", secretly stealing it for herself.


A robotic bird created by Urpgor. Its singing is designed to entrance people, in hopes it would lure the heroes into handing the stone to it. However its effects on the Urpneys, and its disobedient personality, lead the plan to fall apart.

  • A.I. Is a Crapshoot: Malfunctions upon seeing the Dreamstone, treating it like an egg and flying off to nest it, ignoring and turning on Urpgor in the process.
  • Cute Machines: It's a small, candy-coloured robot bird.
  • Distracted by the Sexy: Urpgor creates a female Robobird to distract the original away from the Dreamstone. It works.
  • Mind-Control Music: The Robobird is capable of entrancing people with its beautiful singing. Someone as evil as Zordrak, however, only hears an unbearable din. Oddly and ironically enough, it doesn't actually work on the Noops, they just happen to like the singing.
  • One-Shot Character: Appears solely in the episode of the same name.

Mech Beav

A mechanical beaver created by Urpgor. Armed with an enormous buzz saw in its mouth, it was built to tear down the Wut Forest and dam its river, starving the bottle trees of water. Despite its competent effort, it and Blob were forced to retreat when they ran out of riverside trees, with both their plots to drain the forest and take the Dreamstone foiled.

  • A.I. Is a Crapshoot: Zigzagged. It's disloyal to Urpgor, but extremely fond of Blob.
  • Cute Machines: Small affectionate beaver like robot that acts like a dog.
  • Killer Rabbit: A cute little robot beaver... Armed with a huge buzz saw device in its jaw to tear down forests.
  • Loyal Animal Companion: More an imitation animal, but definitely to Blob at least. Less so towards Urpgor.
  • One-Shot Character: Appears solely in "Bottle Harvest".
  • Turned Against Their Masters: Downplayed Trope — the Mech-Beav doesn't try to kill Urpgor, but it attacks him when he insults Blob, and forces him into the river when he's giving the trio a chewing out at the end.

The Neemod

A massive stone monster created by Zordrak as a weapon, but which he learned was beyond his ability to control. As a result, he buried it somewhere around Viltheed, until it was accidentally set it loose again.

  • Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: It's a huge creature, around the same size as Zordrak himself.
  • Dumb Muscle: It's literally mindless, which is its greatest flaw; the creature doesn't respond to anything but its most fundamental programming, which is to track down the most potent source of energy that it can sense and absorb it for nourishment. This means it's completely beyond the control of anyone.
  • Golem: It's a just-barely anthropomorphic amalgamation of stone, forming a crude outline of a bipedal humanoid form.
  • Gone Horribly Right: Zordrak wanted an incredibly destructive, unstoppable stone monster. And he got one. It's just he made one that he couldn't control or even destroy himself; it caused far more damage to Viltheed than it did to the Land of Dreams before Zordrak finally managed to bury it forever.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Rufus and Amber manage to finally destroy the thing by preying on its drive to pursue power sources, which results in them letting it grab hold of a huge bubble full of concentrated sunlight, which overloads the Neemod and reduces it to rubble.
  • Implacable Man: Once it decides on a target, it will. Not. STOP. It crushes buildings, smashes through trees, tears down mountains and wades through armies to get to where it wants to go.
  • Nigh-Invulnerability: Pretty much nothing that anyone throws at it is capable of even slowing it down.
  • One-Shot Character: Appears solely in the episode of the same name.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: It was buried in the ground to keep it inactive, until the Urpneys accidentally dug it up while mining power crystals for Urpgor's new jetpacks.
  • Super-Persistent Predator: A justified example; it's a magical monster that literally exists only to track down a specific target (the most powerful source of energy it can sense). It has no mental capacity to think of anything beyond tracking down whatever it's currently on the trail of.
  • Super Prototype: The dialogue in the episode in which it appears actually implies an inversion; apparently, Zordrak created more than one Neemod before he buried this particular one, implying that it was a final model, possibly created to be far larger and tougher than the originals.
  • Super-Strength: As you'd expect from a giant stone golem, its strength is utterly massive, letting it tear through anything in its way.
  • Turned Against Their Masters: A variation in that it doesn't have the mental capacity to understand the concept of obeying Zordrak or anyone else.

The Jolly Bird

A large goofy bird. Both sides sought after its presence (the Noops for a feather, said to be able to bring happiness from tickling, and the Urpneys for its nest, made out of a powerful mineral).

  • Early-Bird Cameo: Fittingly. A near identical bird tries to eat the Urpneys in "The Shrinking Stone", aired three seasons prior to i's proper introduction.
  • Funny Animal: Is capable of talking (loudly) and using its wings as arms.
  • Mama Bear: When the Urpneys seemingly lose its egg, it goes apeshit and chases after them.
  • One-Shot Character: Besides its Early-Bird Cameo, it has only one official appearance in the episode of the same name.


A space traveller who uses the remains of used dreams to create his own. Shy and downtrodden, Hod got caught in one of the Urpneys' schemes, until Rufus and Amberley saved him.

  • Apologises a Lot: Once again, he's very sorry about sucking Rufus and Amberley up in his machinery.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Attempted. When the Urpneys confront him and try to hijack his ship, Hod actually gets rather antsy and tries to fight them off. Frizz and Nug still manage to overpower him however.
  • One-Shot Character: Like the above, has only one appearance in an episode with his namesake.
  • Shrinking Violet: Displays a rather meek personality.
