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Shout Out / Iron Touch

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Being a Fanfiction of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, a series famous for its Musical Theme Naming, Iron Touch obviously has a lot of music references and Shout Outs. Most of the music references are compiled here and here.
Only characters and references original to Iron Touch will be mentioned here.

Character and Stand names:

Other music references:

  • Like the characters, most chapters are named after music references, usually borrowing from the music references of the characters (such as the Aces High and All Broken Down Inside arcs). However, there are some outliers with completely unique music references:
  • Michelle and the group all get breakfast at Café Bleu, aka Blue Cafe in Chapter 5.
  • Depeche's art gallery is called Rest Aria.
  • The group flies to America out of the Saxon airpark on a plane called Little Miss Magic.
  • There's a hidden beach resort called Chicago IX, which can only be accessed by driving through a rundown Royce car wash.

Non-music references:
