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Recap / All For Luz - Chapter 10

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S1 - Ep 10: The Raging Flames of Battle

Luz's team battles against their first opponent in the Death Camp. Three days later, something horrific happens the rest of their team.

This chapter contains examples of:

  • Ass-Kicking Pose: Julia and the rest of her team got into battle stances after Johnny is killed.
  • Battle Amongst the Flames: With Cody's Flame powers, his fight with Luz's team turns into this due to setting the surrounding area on fire.
  • Bilingual Bonus: Jean sometimes speaks French. Translations below.
    • Mange mon pied, paysan! (Eat my foot, peasant!)
  • Blood from the Mouth:
    • Kennedy does this after Stanley hard tackles him into a tree.
    • Julia does as she dies bleeding out.
  • Book Worm: Arla appears to like reading in her spare time.
  • Close-Range Combatant: Ronny, Stanley and Jean are these thanks to their Quirks and have to get in close to attack their foe.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Half Luz's team led by Julia are all brutally killed by the two enemy teams pulling an Enemy Mine on them.
  • Curse Cut Short: Darlene almost says a certain c-word until she realises Julia has just died.
    Darlene: C’mon, say something you daft cu— (Frowns as Julia dies) Oh… I see.
  • Determinator: Cody fought to the very end against Luz and her scouts.
    The tension in the air was suffocating. A five-on-one fight was unfair, and everyone knew that. But even then, the sheer look of determination on Cody Johnson’s face was enough to send a chill down everyone’s spines. The fact that he was brazenly standing there without a care in the world, ready and raring to fight, was enough to scare Luz. Because that kind of determination meant he knew damn well what he was doing. Or, at the very least, he had confidence in his ability to make up for skill. Confidence went a long way, sometimes. Sometimes, confidence could completely change the way a fight worked.
  • Didn't Think This Through: Luz at one point shot her Vines Quirk at Cody, aiming to subdue him. However, Cody lashes back with his flame arm, making them catch on fire as they rapidly devoured them. Luz, panicking, quickly retracted the Vines, however, that had been a mistake as the fire travelled with them towards her. Fortunately, Judy cuts off the burning vines before they burn her.
  • Dies Wide Open: Johnny's killed almost instantly but with a look of shock and horror marring his face.
  • Dying Dream: Julia's last thoughts while dying in pain are Luz’s bright smile and that she was glad she met Luz despite the horrible circumstances around them. Its enough to bring her peace of mind.
  • Elemental Shapeshifter: Cody can turn parts of his body into fire to dodge attacks. However, he can't do this with his whole body.
  • Evil Laugh: All for One does this in Luz's head after she's taken another Quirk, which causes her to shuddered.
  • Evil Red Head: Like Cody, Darlene has red hair and no quarrels about killing people for money.
  • Explaining Your Powers to the Enemy: Cody does this in chapter 10 with his Quirk. Luz (while Holding in Laughter) lampshades how he's acting like a stereotypical bad guy that tells the heroes their abilities that makes it easier for them to win. This arrogance costs Cody dearly.
    Cody: HA! Nice try! I can morph my entire body into flames! There ain’t no way you can get me with weak-ass attacks like that!
    Luz: (Thinking) Thanks for the info dump.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Darlene mock apologizes for "crashing the party" as Julia lies bleeding out from the wounds she gave her.
  • Femme Fatalons: Darlene has these and her Quirk turns them into Wolverine Claws.
  • Fiery Redhead: A literal example. Cody has red hair, a hot temper and actual fire powers.
  • Finishing Stomp: Darlene, the spear fingers girl, gives one of these to Julia as she's screaming in pain and bleeding to death.
  • Freaky Is Cool: Getting over his initial shock, Stanley admits Luz's Power Parasite Quit in action looked kinda cool
  • Good Is Not Soft: Despite not wanting to kill anyone, Judy is still more than prepared to fire a Boom, Headshot! at an enemy with her Quirk to defend herself and her team. She's also the only one who advocates killing the unconcious Cody in a form of Paying Evil Unto Evil.
  • Gratuitous French: Jean at one point speaks in French.
  • Hellbent For Leather: Darlene has a black leather jacket and boots.
  • Icy Blue Eyes: Kennedy has blue eyes and has no problems about leading a slaughter.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: While trying to warn her other teammates they're under attack, Julia meets her end like this at the hands of Darlene's Absurdly Sharp Claws In the Back.
  • Irony: Kennedy grumbles he's always hated the Wittebane’s seeing them as a bunch of pretentious douches, not realising he's just desecrated the corpse of the White Sheep of the family.
  • It's All About Me: Kennedy plans to keep the prize money to himself after he and his alliance wins the game.
  • It's Quiet… Too Quiet: Julia thinks this after three whole days of no attacks from the enemy teams before she and the rest of her team are ambushed.
  • Kill It with Ice. A variant. Johnny gets killed by an ice shard to the heart.
  • Kill It with Fire: The second casualty, Arla The Medic, meets a grizzly fate that gets burned alive by a beam of light, screaming in agony as she dies.
  • Killed Off for Real: Half of Luz's team, including Julia, are brutally slaughtered.
  • Last Disrespects: Kennedy gives Julia's corpse the Off with His Head! treatment before kicking it like a soccer ball into a nearby wall. There was no need for any of that.
  • Last Stand: Marcone and Carla go down fighting the Heaven's Devils and Foxtrot.
  • Lean and Mean: Kennedy is described as being thin as a stick, and has no quarrels masterminding murders.
  • Light 'em Up: One of the enemy team members has a laser beam Quirk that sets things on fire used to destroy the drawbridge of Alpha Squadron's Home Base. It was also latter used to kill The Medic of the team.
  • Logical Weakness; Luz's "Vine" Quirk being made up of real plants are Weak to Fire.
  • Men Can't Keep House: Implied. Julia shuddered at the stench wafting off of some of those boys’ beds. She describes it as smelling like Satan himself took a shit all over them. She knew why they smelt that way, due to lack of showers, but that didn’t make it any less bearable.
  • No-Sell: Unlike Ronny who got burn marks littered on his arms, Stanley didn’t even flinch at Cody's flame attacks.
  • Off with His Head!:
    • This happens to Theodore when the other 2 teams attack him. Surprisingly, this doesn't kill him but the sequent Finishing Stomp from a boy with a Spring Coil Quirk does.
    • Kennedy gives a post-mortem one to Julia for his sick kicks.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: Luz coldly notes they could leave Cody to die via running into a wild animal. Blinking, she does a Verbal Backspace to just tying him up instead. Its heavily implied to be due to All For One's influence.
  • Power-Up: Luz steals Cody's Quirk after he's defeated.
  • Properly Paranoid: Julia has shades this after three full days of no attacks feeling as if something bad was coming. Unfortunately, she was proven to be right.
  • Psychotic Smirk: Kennedy and Darlene have this when killing Julia.
  • Punctuated Pounding: Stanley does this to Cody by repeatedly slamming his head into a tree until he's unconscious for trying to kill him and his team.
    Stanley: HOW! ABOUT! YOU! SHUT! UP!
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Luz's eyes flash red when they steal Cody's Quirk.
  • Required Secondary Power: Luz's "Flame" Quirk acts as Cold Fire towards herself so that she doesn't get burned.
  • Sadist: Darlene seems to enjoy hearing Julia screaming in pain as she's stabbing her. Her voice is described as being filled with nothing but pure bliss, almost as if she revelled in killing people.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: With last two other team members deciding to pull a Do Not Go Gentle on their attackers, Julia tries to book it to warn the rest of the team... only to be murdered before she even comes close.
  • Shaping Your Attacks: Cody can shape his flames into fists.
  • She-Fu: Jean is a rare male version of this trope. He boasts that his gymnastics really did pay off when fighting Cody, before proceeding to kick him in the face 5 times.
  • Shout-Out: Luz notes she's seen in anime like Death Note, and Dragon Ball, where the main character would have so much confidence in their abilities that they’re able to take down any threat before them, even if said threat is vastly superior and stronger than them.
  • Smoke Shield: Johnny is killed because an enemy did this trick.
  • Smug Snake: Acts cocky and confident when things seem to be going his way. He honestly believes The Governor intends to honor his agreement to pay him billions for killing Luz, when reality the Arc Villain doesn't intend to let any of kids live.
  • Tap on the Head: Downplayed. Stanley has to bash Cody's head against a tree several times to knock him out.
  • Teens Are Monsters: The teams Heaven’s Devils and Foxtrot slaughter 6 of Luz's teammates in order to win the $15 billion prize money from the governor qualify as this with Kennedy, the ringleader, being the most notable, who has no intention of sharing it and Darlene who actually enjoys the act of murder.
  • Tempting Fate: Just as Julia thinks things couldn't get worse than smelling the boy's dorm rooms, she and her team are attacked by the enemies with lethal results.
  • Thou Shall Not Kill: Instead of following the "rules" of the Deadly Game, Luz and her team opt instead to tie up the unconscious Cody and have their leader De-power him.
  • Too Dumb to Live: Taking on Luz and half of her team by himself cost Cody the fight and his Quirk.
  • Torso with a View: The ice shard leaves a giant hole blasted through Johnny's body.
  • Undying Loyalty: Julia's last thoughts were even if she did know where Luz was she wouldn't betray her friend and saviour, taking her secrets to the grave.
  • Vine Tentacles: Luz uses her Vine powers to pull some trees back to block Cody's flame attack. She also uses it to save Jean from Cody's fire attack.
  • Wham Episode: In second half of the chapter, more than half of Luz's team gets massacred at their Home Base, the first characters to be Killed Off for Real in thi story. They're murdered by the other 2 teams, the Heaven’s Devils and Foxtrot, working together and trying to find The Leader to win the promised $15 billion from the governor. Even Julia, Luz's First Friend isn't spared.
  • Why Won't You Die?: As he reaches his Villainous Breakdown, Cody screams this to the Alpha Squadron.
    Cody: Just. DIE. ALREADY!
  • Wide Eyes and Shrunken Irises: Luz has these when Cody sends a fist-shaped fireball at her.
  • Your Mom: This exchange in with Cody and Jean.
    Cody: (After being repeatedly kicked in the face) That was a cheap shot, asshole!
    Jean: It was cheap for you to jump us, asshole!
    Cody: Touché. However, counter-argument, YOUR MOTHER!
  • Zerg Rush: Noticing Cody can only turn one part of his body into flames at a time, Luz urges her team to overwhelm him with this.
