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Surprisingly Similar Characters / Troper Entries S-U

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  • This character comes from a world populated both by talking animals and humans. They are a genuinely nice guy who cares for their network of friends, but are just as notable for their flaws. For example, they are an infamously Big Eater, can be strikingly naive, and sometimes make decisions that baffle both peers and readers alike. Some of their friends include their longtime best buddy (a diminutive chew toy), a more caustic intellectual who still helps everyone out, and a Hot-Blooded newcomer who mellowed out after a while. This ensemble cast has actually overshadowed our hero art points, especially the hot head. People have also tied this character and their story to Taoist teachings. Is he Winnie the Pooh or Son Goku?
  • This character had their debut in a piece of Japanese media that began in the 2010’s and eventually received an anime adaptation. She is a young, orphaned girl who grows up in a thinly veiled expy of 20th century Germany during a time of global conflict. The catch is that they have supernatural abilities. One day, their orphanage is visited by people working for the pseudo-German government, who want to scout children to help with their operations. Despite this character’s young age, she eagerly jumps at the opportunity. After a period of time, they get to attend a school in their world’s counterpart of Berlin. Part of the allure of this character’s story is the constant misunderstandings characters have about one another, including her. And of course, this character ends up getting into far too much danger for anyone who isn’t even a teenager yet. Is the global conflict she's living through a hot war or a cold war?


  • This protagonist of a 1981 box-office sensation that went on to win at the Academy Awards — and has at least one poorly-received sequel — is larger-than-life. He's charismatic and witty; he could have stepped right out of a 1930s movie but has a modern edge. He practically defines his character type for a generation if not generations to come, and he and his movie will be memorably parodied by others (including The Critic). He has a plucky, feisty love interest and risks death itself to find his happy ending. He's played by an actor at the absolute pinnacle of his career. He has an iconic hat and wildly popular theme music. But is he Indiana Jones or Arthur Bach?


  • She is a ridiculously powerful emotions-based heroine and is widely considered to be the most powerful member of her superhero team, with the ability to fly and shoot beams out of her hands. She is generally The Stoic with a bitingly sarcastic demeanor. She has daddy-issues with her primary father figure who wants her to follow in his villainous footsteps, while she doesn’t. This also frequently leads to her struggling with her own duality in being a half-human, half-demon/Kree hybrid. She also has a fondness for the color blue and likes to keep her hair short. Is she Captain Marvel or Raven from the Teen Titans?

ShonenTrash98He's a fifteen year-old with no magical power whatsoever, letting him manifest a dreaded power to cancel others' magic and negate spells. He has a strong sense of justice, helping anyone in need and courageously fighting strong enemies. His strong moral uprightness inspires those around him to become better people, even enemies. His good nature has led him to receive the romantic attention of quite a few women. Is he Asta or Touma Kamijou?

Signore Mc Schneider

  • There's a blonde and a brunette. The blonde hates the brunette because he feels the blonde's ancestor gave something up to the brunette's ancestor, is belligerent in general, and swears he'll never be the brunette's second banana, while the brunette is a Lovable Coward, a goofball, and a Classical Anti-Hero, but nonetheless has the potential to unlock the same power or even greater than his ancestor. Are these two Caesar Zeppeli and Joseph Joestar or Terry Kenyon and Kid Muscle?
  • A trio of Humanoid Abominations ruled the Earth thousands, if not millions, of years ago. They have powers beyond mankind's understanding, and were sealed away, until one of them was released in the present day by certain humans interested in their power, setting in motion the release of the entire group. Are they the Pillar Men or the Inhumanoids?


  • A snarky bisexual horned demon in a sharp suit who owns a club, solves crimes and loves singing in public. He also has psychic powers that allow him to read people's desires. His estranged family who resides in a different world disapproves his affection for humans. Is he Lucifer Morningstar or Lorne


  • He is a blond light-hearted hero whose archenemy wears a dark suit and a Cool Helmet. He had one hand amputated and replaced with a prosthesis. He has an enemy within his family. His wife is a redhead Action Girl whose name has four letters, beginning with M and ending with –ra.
Is he Aquaman (married to Mera) or Luke Skywalker (married to Mara Jade)?


  • A super powerful girl that meets her death early at the hands of an enemy. Revived by a male friend who also loves her. Feeling numb and entering depression after her death experience. Starts a sexual relationship with someone else who love her, but does not return his feelings -only using sex as a way to finally feel something again. Is this Monet St. Croix in X-Factor, or season 6 Buffy Summers?

Skootz 524



  • He had a strained relationship with his police officer father. He was intelligent and superficially charming. He kills an accomplice when he's done with her. He affirms his identity once he is revealed, giving a long rant and raising his voice when caught. He dies at the hands of the same thing that allowed him to kill people. Am I Talking about Kieran Wilcox or Light Yagami?
  • He is a Small Name, Big Ego gangster. He shoots a foodservice worker for no good reason. He also kills a made man. As a result of these actions he is murdered by gangsters. Am I talking about Tommy DeVito or Tony Dogs?


  • A brilliant but ruthless Child Prodigy with severe older brother issues is orchestrating a war against a race of nonhuman creatures in a world far away from his home. However, this whole time he doesn't realize he's killing actual living things and figures the whole thing is just a big computer simulation. It isn't until immediately after the final battle that decides the war (and ends with a big explosion) that he's informed the entire thing was real. He is horrified to learn this and promptly goes into an Angst Coma lasting several days. Some time later, he feels the strange compulsion to go off in search of something and eventually finds what he was looking for: an egg containing the infant form of one of the creatures he terrorized, who will eventually grow into a powerful insectoid. He spends the rest of the series trying to atone for the atrocities he committed while taking the insectoid creature with him everywhere he goes. At some point when he was very young, he had something very painfully implanted in the back of his neck.
    Ender Wiggin or Ken Ichijouji?
  • This Anti-Villain from a classic and revered video game begins as a young boy whose Start of Darkness is the tragic loss of his older sister, whom he idolizes. Thousands of years later, he has become the extremely powerful and magic-wielding leader of an organization that violently antagonizes humans, but is in fact only manipulating said organization for his own ends out of an obsessive need to reunite with his sister. When he finally regains contact with her, she rejects him, believing herself incapable of being rightfully saved. He has both a younger and older persona, and the fact that they are the same person is considered the story's major reveal.
    Magus or Yggdrasill?
  • Two twin brothers with themed names and differing personalities are separated from each other at a young age after their family is broken up. After being severely injured and nearly dying (actually, he ''may'' have died) due to recklessness, the older twin is abducted by the Big Bad and Brainwashed/Reforged into a Minion, becoming his most feared and powerful enforcer. The younger twin, while unaware of this, is having problems of his own, as he is attempting to cope with the loss of his mother. Both twins have the same special powers and Chosen One status, meaning they must repeatedly face off against one another to determine the fate of the rapidly decaying world despite being only children, though the younger twin at least has his True Companions (including at least one Non-Human Sidekick) to help him out. However, the twins spend the majority of this time unaware of their relation to one another, as the older twin has had his memories suppressed and has a different appearance and identity (which comes with, among other things, a Cool Sword and big black wings). Also, given what happened to him at the start of the story, it's unclear how "alive" the older twin actually is. At any rate, the younger twin doesn't learn just whom he's been fighting until their final confrontation and is at least initially unable to fight due to the revelation. Meanwhile, thanks to the urging of a disembodied female voice, the older twin's memories (particularly of his mother) are resurfacing and destabilizing him. While their fight ends with the younger twin finally freeing his brother, thus ensuring the salvation of the world, the story ends with the older twin dying by his own hand... though admittedly the stories differ on whether the death sticks.
    Are the twins named Lucas and Claus or Koji and Koichi?


The show ran from 2005 to 2007. The main character is a Chinese-American preteen who lives with a younger sibling, and is accompanied by a magical pug-like/Sharpei dog that is hundreds of years old, lives with a grandparent that has extensive knowledge about supernatural things, and the grandparent acts as a mentor figure to help protect and maintain the balance between good and evil. Is it American Dragon: Jake Long, or The Life and Times of Juniper Lee?


  • A cheerful and optimistic, though not very bright, yellow-furred anthropomorphic male Labrador retriever living in a World of Funny Animals, who is a close acquaintance of a more cynical and brooding protagonist. Are we talking about Mr. Peanutbutter or Jack?
  • A large, chubby alligator who lives around New Orleans, is friendlier than he looks, loves music and dancing, and performs a musical number with the male protagonist. King Gator or Louis?


  • This bug-themed teenage girl has unprecedented psychic powers, which she uses to great effect in her efforts to better her Crapsack World (although her extreme methods don't endear her to many people). She's a Base-Breaking Character, as intended by the Trolling Creator. Her feats include killing people on flimsy reasoning, dying (but getting better thanks to another character's Story-Breaker Power), and fighting a dumbass Eldritch Abomination by controlling thousands of people from alternate universes. Characters she knows include:
    • Her greatest rival, who has the power to see the outcomes of decisions they make,
    • an omniscent screwball who manipulates her and gets into Gambit Pileups with the aforementioned rival,
    • and an ally with the power to obscure things who is STRONGLY dedicated to a stab-happy young girl.
      Is the character Vriska Serket or Taylor Hebert?


  • A blue-blooded prince of the sea who loves to dress in fancy clothes, specializes in a long-range weapon, and spends most of his time on land, despite being proud of his sea-dwelling heritage. Because of his pompous, self-absorbed attitude, he is not liked very much by the people around him, but he wants to be respected and, deeper down, to have someone care about him. He makes a Face–Heel Turn in a bid to gain power, killing two innocent people in the process, but is punished for his crimes by being horribly mutilated. He eventually comes to regret his actions, but by then it is too late to make amends for what he has done.
    Eridan Ampora or Theon Greyjoy?
  • A dark-haired Genki Girl in a green sweater with a 3-related Numerological Motif, who has a very obvious crush on a short-tempered boy and is a capable fighter despite her cute exterior. She's also good friends with a boy who always wears Cool Shades.
    Nepeta Leijon or Numbuh Three / Kuki Sanban?
  • A beautiful but emotionless and ice-cold young woman who is a Serial Killer and slaughters without remorse, but on very rare occasions can show sympathy for a would-be victim. As a child, she was a sweet and innocent young girl, but was tormented and ostracized by the people around her, who treated her like a freak. After she was seemingly betrayed by her Only Friend, her Start of Darkness began when her powers awakened and she killed her tormentors in a brutal fashion.
    Lucy or Enma Ai?
  • A leader of a special-forces team from a Cartoon Network show who wears red as their theme color, has Cool Shades, and sports a British accent. They have a stoic, level-headed demeanor, are highly dedicated to their job of protecting innocents, and are the Only Sane Man of their team, being the one to keep their comrades on track more often than not. They care about the members of their team more than anything else and on occasion will let down their cool facade to show a more playful side. They have also been to space multiple times.
    Garnet or Numbuh One / Nigel Uno?
  • He is 14 years old, brown-haired, and his name starts with the letter "S". He and his guardians are tasked with defending Earth from an extraterrestrial threat that turns out to be not that different from the human race itself. He has a Missing Mom who was reincarnated as a completely different person, and his life (as well as his guardian's) is adversely affected by her absence. Despite his talents and accomplishments, he has many doubts about himself and his ability to live up to the expectations his guardians have of him. One of the most prominent figures in his life is a hedonistic Cool Big Sis who acts confident and carefree to cover her own insecurities. Along his journey, he helps an alien to understand humanity and a Shy Blue-Haired Girl to come out of her shell. In the end (or close enough to it), he decides that, despite what everyone else around him wants him to be, the only person who can decide who he wants to be is himself.
    Who is he: Shinji or Steven?
  • The brown-furred son of a merciless tyrant, starring in the second installment of a series about talking felines, he wants more than anything to prove that he will not Turn Out Like His Father, but faces judgment from the ones around him. Not helping matters is his Strong Family Resemblance to said father, as well as an evil family member encouraging him to go down his father's path. He falls in love with a Rebellious Princess, the daughter of the noble leader who was his father's worst enemy, and is poised to become the next leader of his new clan after his "father-in-law".
    Kovu or Brambleclaw?
  • A female Japanese artist with black bobbed hair who is considered an expert at the top of her field, but has become disillusioned with her work because her main source of inspiration has become illegal in public society. Once the protagonists start working to make it legal again, she eagerly jumps at the chance to work with them. Despite her short stature, she has a loud mouth and and a very forceful personality.
    Edna Mode or Otome Saotome?
  • A big, strong teenage boy who loves animals and owns a pet rabbit. Despite his large size, he is friendly and rather timid. He is mostly a background character in his series. He is fond of most animals, but he has a paralyzing fear of one particular animal, and at one point is forced into a situation where he has to conquer said fear. With encouragement from a female classmate, he does so successfully.
    Koji Kouda or DJ?
  • A very short teenage boy who is most known for being a Casanova Wannabe and unsuccessfully hitting on various girls, to no avail. He is also a pain magnet and tends to get hurt a lot for the audience's amusement. Supposedly, he is very intelligent, but this trait of his is not shown very often, although he has demonstrated impressive cunning more than once when backed into a corner. In particular, he seems to be attracted to an Aloof Dark-Haired Girl who has violently rejected his advances multiple times, though he keeps trying to hit on her.
    Minoru Mineta or Cody?
  • Seven daughters of an Omnicidal Maniac and Evil Overlord, whose names all follow a pattern of starting with the letter "A", born to do their father's bidding and wreak destruction upon the land. Six of them remain loyal to their father while the seventh turns against him and becomes a heroine in order to stop him once and for all.
    The Seven Brides or the Seven Daughters of Aku?
  • A large, friendly, huggable, slimy Blob Monster with legendary heritage and power potential that loves everyone and everything.
    SCP-999 (according to this Foundation Tale) or Goodra?
  • This playful, purple-clad superhero stars in a Cartoon Network show. Their main power is to shapeshift into various forms in order to take their enemies down, and their transformed state always matches their unusual skin color. They're goofy, fun-loving, and rarely take things seriously, always looking to have a good time. They function as an Annoying Younger Sibling to the more serious-minded members of their team, who love them but are always trying to get them to be more mature. But despite being a major source of comic relief, they have their own insecurities deep down, and it's suggested that their silly nature is something of a front to cover up their own doubts and fears.
    Beast Boy or Amethyst?
  • This male Bug-type Pokémon, belonging to a commonly-found three-stage species, was unlucky enough to have endured horrendous suffering while in his cocoon stage. As soon as he evolved, he became an Ax-Crazy Omnicidal Maniac poised to Take Over the World. He has spent at least some time in the company of a young, inexperienced male Trainer who changed his personality significantly. Despite being very dangerous, he has a cute, harmless-sounding nickname.
    Dusty the Dustox or Pikachu the Beedrill?
  • A tall, ridiculously strong, beautiful and very busty blonde female knight from a 2016 anime series and the third member to join a harem of girls that follows around an Unlucky Everydude. She is very strong, loyal, and brave, but sometimes does not know her own strength. She doesn't like following her family's or people's traditions. Despite acting like a proper knight, she is also very kinky.
    Centorea Shianus or Darkness / Dustiness Ford Lalatina?
  • A bubbly, cheery, Fun Personified, child-like character with a pink color scheme. Her purpose in life is to make everyone laugh and have fun. Her movements and mannerisms are very cartoony even by the standards of her series. She thrives on affection and attention, but when she feels that a friend has rejected her, she becomes sad and angry to the point of her color scheme visibly darkening. Despite her goofy, fun-loving nature, she can be surprisingly competent and even dangerous.
    Pinkie Pie or Spinel?
  • A teenaged Disney protagonist whose most visible accessory is a pair of green glasses. They are perceived negatively by their family for having some physical flaw, but in spite of that, they want their family's approval more than anything. They try very hard to prove that they are special and worthy of love. When they see a sign of impending disaster, they attempt to warn their community about it, but their attempt falls on deaf ears and they're accused of being a troublemaker. In the climax, they save the day and finally receive the love of their family for their efforts. Outside of the movie, one of their older family members is reviled by at least a subset of fans for being an uncaring parental figure. Their movie itself came out during a period when Disney was perceived to be going through a slump.
    Chicken Little or Mirabel Madrigal?



  • This feline is considered an outcast among her peers- a large group of cats who seem to have reverence for the night sky. With her matted gray fur and old age, she's far from beautiful, and she has a bad reputation. Despite this, she's truly just misunderstood, and she eventually does find acceptance. Is she Grizabella the Glamour Cat or Yellowfang?
  • These two women were once friends. One of them is a kindhearted warrior, who wears armor and sometimes uses a sword. The other is a feline-human hybrid who now fights against her former friend.Are they Wonder Woman and Cheetah, or Adora/She-Ra and Catra?
  • This character is driven by revenge, and changed his name after he began his quest for vengeance. His hair is almost entirely black except for one notable white area. With his particular choice of sharp weapons, he is able to take down his foes, and shortly before his death, he finishes off the enemy who made his life a living hell. Am I talking about Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street or Scourge?

Star Android Jaguar


  • He is a Knight Templar from France. He spent time in prison through no fault of his own. He dedicated his life to justice, and will not let anything (or anyone) stop him. Intelligent and aloof, with markedly, um, unique ideas about theology, his unbending adherence to executing justice comes off to many as draconian. He is utterly convinced of his righteousness until he has a major crisis of faith. Partway through the book, he becomes suicidal. He is almost always depitched as having black hair. And his author was a famous Romantic of the French Ninteenth Century. Inspector Javert or The Count of Monte Cristo?
  • She is a girl with amazing supernatural powers and black hair who usually wears black and purple. She goes to a school of magic and related subjects, where she is hated by a sizable amount of the student body. She is friends with a sweet but shallow perky blonde girl who is the most popular at school, but as they have differing views, they are frenemys.Although many people think she is evil, she is not. Instead of going along with a plan that would violate her concisence, she rebels in a Moment of Awesome. She is a Deadpan Snarker. The malicious principal of the school of magic manipulates her through what she cares about. She decides to give up on her beliefs and her crusade after speaking with the aforementioned blonde frenemy.
    Elphaba from Wicked, right? Are you sure it's not Raven Queen from Ever After High?

Steel Edge

  • A young man betrays his friends at the prompting of a powerful individual originating from the British Isles, who is strongly associated with death. Refusing this individual is possible, but then the young man would certainly die. After his friends are dead, he is pursued by another friend who confronts him in the middle of a street. The young man kills many people on this street and leaves without any trouble from the law.
    Peter Pettigrew of Harry Potter? Or Nanashi on the Massacre route of Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse?
  • This young man has the power to turn inanimate objects into animals. Technically, he's actually the Kid with the Leash to another entity he shares a strong bond with who has to work his magic when the young man orders him to. In an incident involving employment seeking and a criminal organization, he makes friends with an older man who has the same type of power has him (but not the power of life-granting). He quickly discovers that there are many other people with the same type of power.
    Girono Giovanna of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind, or Benjamin of The Adventures of Wiglaf and Mordred?
  • These two people are technically the same person, in that they share a body. The one who deals with day to day life appears much younger than the other, and doesn't look his real age at all. The younger one is shy and Adorkable. When in danger, the Older Alter Ego turns up to fight whoever put them in danger. The older one actually looks the body's age. The younger one is initially unaware that the older one is taking over his body, but can contact him in a way that looks strange to passer-bys. It's revealed that they have two separate souls after they encounter someone who separates body and soul.
    Yugi Moto and Yami Yugi of Yu-Gi-Oh!, or Doppio and Diavolo of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind?
  • This fifteen year old wants more than anything to help fight the war looming on the horizon, but their father figure doesn't want them to become a full member of the organization that fights the threat. This teenager goes behind the backs of their family to prove that they are capable, and gains power in secret along with their friends. Their father approves of them seeking power, but doesn't want them in danger. A noble yet misguided mission eventually leads to events that end up with their father figure dying while trying to save them. Heroic BSoD ensues. The climax of the work feature the teenager making a Heroic Sacrifice.
    Harry Potter of Harry Potter? Or Asahi of Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse?
  • This blonde man became a Super-Soldier to protect the people he cared about, but the results come with huge drawbacks. When he is first playable, he comes with the basic electric and ice type spells. He lived in an underground city that has't seen the sun in years, but has seen the sun before. One mission boils down to blowing up one of their power plants for the sake of the planet. Midway through the game it's revealed that his best friend gave his life for his sake, and he is trying to live life for him. Also acts as guardian to an orphaned boy.
    Cloud Strife of Final Fantasy VII? How about Roland of Digital Devil Saga?
  • Late in the game, this blue-haired individual is revealed to be an artificial intelligence, and the result of a traumatic experiment that required them to slaughter many other AIs and absorb their data. Their stage of the experiment wasn't the end result, and they were practically discarded after the experiment was over. They were based on a real (dead) person, and they gained imperfect versions of that person's accent. Despite their circumstances, they can be quite energetic and offbeat at times. They look like they're in their teens, but they were created at that age. The organization that created them tries to capture them, with the help of one of the other AIs they created, but they run off and befriend some kids.
    Labrys of Persona 4: Arena? Cielo of Digital Devil Saga came first.
  • This resistance leader is the last member of the team to join; that is, the party keeps on getting split and rejoined, but they are the last characters to join for the first time. They are Mutually Exclusive Party Members to a fire magic user who betrays the party. They specialize in lightning magic, but learn a variety of skills that includes healing magic. Shortly after joining the party, they give the other protagonists the location of their enemies and access to their strongholds, the location of a female friend who is also a Love Interest to one of the heroes, and something that lets them get past security systems. They die in a Heroic Sacrifice resulting in a huge explosion, after provoking their enemies into the Godzilla Threshold, but they come back after dying.
    The Heroine of Shin Megami Tensei I, or Roland of Digital Devil Saga?
  • This main protagonist of an Atlus game is a Heroic Mime who leads a small army of demons. He fights with both gun and sword, but not at the same time, and wears a kind of futuristic armor. His primary power was gained in a computer simulation. He initially follows the orders of the leaders of their country, known as the Temple, but rebels. He has a close relationship with a girl he meets near the start of the game that could be romantic depending on interpretation, and she is technically his mother, although sex wasn't involved. Near the end of the game, it is revealed that he is an Artificial Human Younger Than He Looks due to an expedited aging process, and the Temple was involved with his creation. The individual who created him tried to get him away from the Temple's influence. His fellow artificial humans include a Hot-Blooded physical fighter who fights against him throughout the game, a kind healer who fights with gun and whip, and someone who has a deep connection with the leaders of the Temple and someone who is arguably one of the main antagonists. At the end of the game, he fights and kills God.
    Aleph of Shin Megami Tensei II, or Serph of Digital Devil Saga?
  • This brown-haired teenage boy is the son of the leader of his country, which was occupied by an empire when he was a child. He fights in white armor with gold edges, and is infamously powerful. He is very close with a princess around the same age as him.
    Suzaku Kururugi? Or Prince Leif of Leonster?
  • This Hardboiled Detective is also an Artificial Human, and is the protagonist in a universe based off of a classic work. He faces discrimination in the workplace, but is also very good at his job. He investigates a conspiracy that naturally goes deeper than he expected, and delves into a past that he cannot remember involving a child. The story questions when an artificial human becomes a human. Near the climax, he gets fed up with his superiors and dramatically quits to do what he thinks is right. He ends up dying after the climax, allowing someone referred to as a child to take the wheel as sort-of main character.
    Joe of Blade Runner 2049? Gesict from Pluto did it first.
  • This character used to be a member of a secret society. While in that society, he badly traumatized a child, and he regrets what he did to that child greatly. He is a tough guy with high physical stats, but he is also the party member that joins for the shortest period of time. He dies after being shot in the back while protecting the same child he traumatized, during an operation gone wrong involving a large celestial body being altered by supernatural forces. That operation also puts the world on the verge of destruction, but no one knew that. That child goes on to save the world.
    Shinjiro Aragaki of Persona 3 was predated by Heat O'Brien of Digital Devil Saga.
  • This main protagonist of a Playstation game woke up under bizarre circumstances and discovered that while they were unconscious, they were infected with a virus that gives them superpowers. This virus gives them the power to transform and turn their arms into weapons, including swords, but more notably gives them a Cannibalism Superpower. Eating other living things makes them stronger and restores health, and has some other beneficial effects. They have some form of amnesia, and they encounter a few people who knew them before they find out the truth over several reveals. One reveal is that they used to work for the shady government organization that developed the virus, were incredibly evil, and had a heavy hand in its development. The Crapsack World that they live in is actually their fault. The other reveal is that they actually died before the events of the game, and the last reveal shows that they're actually copies of the scientists who were responsible for the virus, and they were created without any input from the scientists.
    The viral clone of Alex Mercer from [PROTOTYPE], or Serph not Sheffield of Digital Devil Saga?
  • This main character of an Atlus game is put into life-endangering situations by a mysterious entity, as part of a test. When fighting for his life, the only stitch of clothing he wears is a pair of shorts. He is also a Horned Humanoid. The most chaotic ending of his game involves him defeating the King of Hell (or local equivalent), and transforming into a full demon. In that ending, he still looks mostly human, except his eyes change to red and he still has those horns.
    Vincent Brooks of Catherine, or The Demi-Fiend of Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne?
  • This Persona character is the hero's best friend. They were star athletes in track, but their legs were severely injured in an attack. They have an antagonistic relationship with the teachers and principal of their school. They are first shown as bitter delinquents who have given up on their dreams, and start hanging around with a shady crowd of Persona users, becoming one of the masterminds of an infamous group of criminals who attack the minds of their victims.
    Ryuji Sakamoto of Persona 5 was preceded by Anna Yoshizaka of Persona 2.
  • This orphan was trained in the military as a child. They technically weren't conscripted, but they didn't have much of a choice in the matter. They display great combat prowess and are hailed as heroes, but only want to live a quiet life with a sinecure. Unfortunately for them, they're the Only Sane Man in a warlike empire where their heroic reputation gets them constantly sent to the front lines. The god of their empire is real, and the orphan sometimes thinks that it's his fault they're in such dangerous situations. However, despite the orphan's distaste for the church, some believe them to be incarnation of this god's will. They are accompanied by an aide who buys in to the empire's propaganda, and support their boss wholeheartedly. The men and women in their unit also admire them despite the harsh punishments the orphan metes out.
    Commissar Ciaphas Cain, HERO OF THE IMPERIUM!!!, or Tanya von Degurechaff of The Saga of Tanya the Evil?
  • This middle-aged man is a Cowboy Cop from an impoverished noble family who marries one of the richest ladies in the city. At the start of his first book, he's lost faith in his job as a cop (and is depressed due to the loss of a woman he loved), until an antagonist with a strong association with gold shows up with the intent of abducting maidens from good families. The woman he eventually marries is abducted by this villain, and is rescued at the end. Despite his noble lineage, his most famous ancestor was well known for deposing a dictator, and he doesn't like mingling with other nobles, especially at parties. At the end of his first book, the gold villain is defeated by someone he took under his wing, and is subdued rather than killed.
    Sam Vimes of Discworld, Waxillium "Wax" Ladrian of Wax and Wayne?
  • This male royal is introduced to the audience as a Spoiled Brat, but is deeper than he looks. He is aware that he is the least competent person in his family; his father is a legendary king who conquered most of the territory in his country, his uncle is a famed general looking to atone for his bloodthirsty past, and his sister is an infamous genius and powerful magic user. The royal is desperate to prove himself and his honor and is reckless in combat, which means that his uncle has to step in from time to time. While prone to fits of anger, he's not a bad person as much as seriously in over his head, and he's jealous of the hero (the one who flies) because he sees him effortlessly solve problems. He is initially an obstacle to the heroes because he's a bad judge of character and can't tell the difference between those with his best interests in mind and those who are just using him, but he makes the right choice (his uncle) in the end.
    Prince Zuko of Avatar: The Last Airbender, or King Elhokar of The Stormlight Archive?

Storygirl 000

  • So, we have two teenagers–a girl and a boy, named Gwen and Kevin, respectively. Both gained superpowers at some point in their lives, and they’re rather close to each other, with plans to combat the forces of evil as a duo.
    Am I talking about Gwen Tennyson and Kevin Levin, or Gwen Stacy and Kevin?
  • This purple-haired girl is the daughter of the greatest villainess in her universe; however, while she does indulge in the occasional mischief, she doesn’t want to follow in her mother’s footsteps, much to the chagrin of said mother. This eventually leads to the daughter having to defeat her mother when she escapes her magical prison, and she manages to win with the help of her friends.
    Is she Raven Queen or Mal?
  • Long ago, there was a species of reptilian humanoids who occupied the Earth when we were little more than monkeys. A catastrophic event forced them into a deep sleep underground, but now they've woken up...and they're plotting to take the planet back.
    Am I talking about Homo reptilia/the Silurians/the Sea Devils, or His Eminence's people?
  • A bespectacled middle-aged man voiced by Keith Silverstein is the Big Bad of his story, seeking nothing less than ultimate power. He treats those who work under him terribly, and is a bad parent to his handsome teenage son, who is on the side of the heroes that oppose himnote . He also happens to be a pretty big Walking Spoiler.
    Who am I talking about: Masayoshi Shido/Samael, or Gabriel Agreste/Hawk Moth?
  • An Earth woman ends up stranded in space for years due to circumstances beyond her control. She befriends an alien man associated with the colors blue and green who seems to have her best interests at heart, but he is later revealed to be a Bitch in Sheep's Clothing who's only using her to further his plans for planetary conquest.
    Are they Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel and Yon-Rogg, or Della Duck and General Lunaris?
  • Our main characters are a trio of high school-aged best friends, two boys and a girl. The first one is a socially awkward dork who isn't high on the popularity totem pole and whose life is only further complicated by the fact that he lives a double life as a superhero, which only a few people know about. The second one is a computer nerd of color who normally serves as the first kid's assistant in dealing with his superhero life. The third one is a snarky, slightly macabre, but ultimately good-hearted girl who also knows about the first kid's double life and serves as his love interest.
    Which trio am I talking about: Danny Fenton, Tucker Foley, and Sam Manson or Peter Parker, Ned Leeds, and Michelle "MJ" Jones?
  • A moody teenager with control over fire and serious daddy issues initially serves as an antagonist to our main character, but after some time (and a fight with an extremely cunning villainess) they end up bonding and become close friends.
    Who am I talking about: Zuko or Warren Peace?
  • A dark-haired fourteen-year-old is chosen to become the latest in a long line of magical defenders. To do this, they receive a piece of headgear that allows them to transform into a red and black-colored superhero. Their best friend is a redhead with an older sister who, while occasionally selfish, will support them through thick and thin. They also face villains that seclude themselves in a dark room and take advantage of those feeling anything negative in order to turn them into monsters to fight the heroes for them, primarily targeting the hero's teenage peers.
    Who am I talking about: Randy Cunningham or Marinette Dupain-Cheng?
  • This character is one of the main characters of a Humongous Mecha show: a lanky alien (but human-appearing) teenager with black hair styled in a mullet. He's initially the most serious and stoic person on his team, but over the course of the series, he learns to loosen up. We also learn his backstory, which involves his father dying at a young age and him going to a military academy.
    Am I talking about Keith or Lance?
  • This duo consists of a well-off boy with short, light-colored hair and their competent partner with braided hair. The partner has been raised with the sole purpose of acting as a servant to the well-off boy, and — despite their "master's" opposing opinions on the matter — they aren't really able to see themselves outside of this role, which leads to tragic results.
    Which duo am I talking about: Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu and Peko Pekoyama or Kalim Al-Asim and Jamil Viper?
  • So we have a duo of characters with similar superpowers that pretty much embody the Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl trope. The male of the duo is a rational man of science, though while he has plenty of expertise in that area, he's also rather emotionally closed off in return. The female of the duo is more energetic, fun-loving, and openly caring of others, and — thanks to her power set — she spends more of her screen time flying rather than walking. They fight crime as members of a larger organization of superpowered people, and while they aren't officially together by the end, the Ship Tease between them is strong enough that they might as well be.
    Which duo am I talking about: Hank Pym and Janet van Dyne or Sasha Nein and Milla Vodello?
  • This character is a Latina teenager whose more macabre interests have left her alienated from her human peers. At the start of the series, she ends up following something to the doors to another world — a magical, monster-filled world that matches her interests perfectly. While she faces some discrimination for her human heritage, she takes to this new world quickly and finds a way to keep up with her new friends, including an academically-minded witch with multicolored hair and a dark-skinned person who has a fascination with humans; she also occasionally clashes with an Alpha Bitch associated with warm colors.
    Who am I talking about: Luz Noceda or G3 Clawdeen Wolf?


  • A young boy loses his mother in front of his eyes. After being gifted with a special power, he decides to search for his mother's killer, who happens to wear a trechcoat and a beanie. For a while, he fights alongside the killer, then eventually confronts him. The killer reveals that that it was not his intention for the mother to die. The two are attacked, and the killer protects the boy. The boy later makes a resolve to fight for both his mother and the killer.
    Are they Hope Estheim and Snow Villiers, or Ken Amada and Shinjiro Aragaki?
  • The plot concerns two sisters who were close until an incident in which the younger sister almost dies. The younger sister’s memories are repressed to avoid any further psychological damage, only for her to endure crippling loneliness after the older sister repeatedly neglects her, leading her to develop an obsession to cope with it. The younger sister continues to desire a bond with the older sister, even after learning of the secret the older sister has been keeping from her for years. Eventually everything is settled, and the two share an awkward sibling hug.
    Are they Elsa and Anna or Lana and Ema?

  • A Tall, Dark, and Snarky man from a harsh working-class Northern background ends up proving himself smarter and more competent than quite a few of his social betters. He knows more magic than some of his contemporaries expect, has an affinity for an aspect of the magical setting considered "dark", and is the trusted servant of an older, higher-class sorcerer, though his loyalties are complex and he is also on good terms with his master's rival. In the end, he plays a vital role in thwarting the magical villain, and is something of an Ensemble Dark Horse. Is he Severus Snape or John Childermass?


  • A tall, lanky man with messy dark hair and Seriously Scruffy, who lives inside the walls of a building with many moving parts. He has undergone severe Sanity Slippage due to his self-exile, and paints on the walls to possibly help counteract it. He has a connection to rats, and (probably due to schizophrenia of some kind) projects emotionally onto things that can't talk. He's placed all his hopes onto a young Determinator of a brunette girl, who he believes is The Chosen One. Is he Bruno Madrigal or Doug Rattmann?

Tasty Horse

  • A blonde woman who through genetic manipulation involving a militaristic race becomes one of the most powerful people in the galaxy. Are we talking about Carol Danvers or Samus Aran?

Taylor Hyuuga

  • The leader of a revolution against a corrupt government with a name related to a dragon and a red mark on his face who is also the father of a main character, but having left him in the care of someone else, with said main character's brother being a member of his revolution, and with a stare that is enough to terrify anyone in the vicinity. Dhurke Sahdmadhi or Monkey D. Dragon?

That Good Good

  • This blue-haired teenage girl lives in a world where it's possible to time travel. As the storyline for the series progresses, it gets incredibly dark. The girl is reckless and impulsive, which lands her in a good deal of trouble. She is slated to die in all timelines. Is she Sayaka Miki or Chloe Price?
  • This is a girl who is seventeen at the start of the series. She is a boisterous, quick-tempered, fiercely protective Blood Knight. She has near inhuman physical strength, can take a great deal of physical punishment, and favours the use of fire in combat. In the final few episodes of the third season of their respective series, they are nearly killed, left with severe, lasting injuries, and are so emotionally beaten from their Trauma Conga Lines that they shut themselves off from their loved ones, and for a while, can no longer bring themselves to do anything, let alone fight. Yang Xiao Long or Korra?
  • The main two teams of RWBY seem to have counterparts between one another.
    • Both socially clumsy, shy leaders with a penchant for strategy. Both feel that they have to prove themselves to their peers, and the death of Pyrrha Nikos damages them emotionally. Both have a female teammate who always looks out for them and supports them wholeheartedly. Ruby Rose or Jaune Arc?
    • Both wear long ponytails. They’re at the top of their classes.Their style of fighting is graceful and measured. They’re partners with their respective team leaders. Both grew up isolated with no friends, despite having what would normally be considered a blessed childhood. Weiss Schnee or Pyrrha Nikos?
    • Both black haired and light-skinned. They are quiet recluses who find themselves exasperated by their more high-strung peers. Each of have a Boisterous Bruiser Big Girl for a partner. They’re crushed on by at least one of their peers, but don’t exactly reciprocate. They both end up so fixated on defeating their respective nemeses that they take self-endangering actions in an attempt to defeat them. Realizing that they are needlessly risking their lives, their partners have to literally knock some sense into them. Blake Belladonna or Lie Ren?
    • Both are rambunctious girls who serve as the muscles of their respective teams, despite their cute/sexy appearance. They both gain power from taking blows. They are the most outgoing and laid-back member of their respective teams. Their respective partners are introverted, serious brunettes. Yang Xiao Long or Nora Valkyrie?
  • Many parallels can be made between the Sailor Team and Team Korra.
    • She is a Physical Goddess and the protagonist of the series. She is destined to save the world, and has unbelievable power to use for that purpose. She is sheltered for much of her childhood, and is impulsive and emotionally-charged, though she matures with time. She is uncouth and has her moments of being a Gasshole. Despite her selfish, impulsive tendencies, she is altruistic to the core, and would die to keep her world and her friends safe. She endures plenty of trauma and heartbreak over the course of the series, and uses her pain to relate to her foe in the finale, rather than trying to overpower her. Usagi Tsukino/SailorMoon or Avatar Korra?
    • They are the straight-laced mentor of the protagonist. They often struggle to get their charge to behave in a manner befitting the world’s saviour, and their charge often laments how uppity they are. They still want what’s best for the protagonist, and often find themselves worrying about the protagonist of the story. They can be resentful to their more laid-back partner. Luna or Tenzin?
    • This woman has extensive combat experience, which shows in her hardcore leadership and badassery. Her intense sense of duty causes her isolation and personal suffering. She had a romantic relationship fall apart due to conflicting goals with her partner. She mentors the protagonist, and garners great respect. She also acts as a disciplinary figure to the protagonist, having to reign her in before she does something impulsive. She wields metallic chains/whips and uses metal to fight in general. She can be dismissive and blunt, but she’s ferociously loyal to her loved ones, and will sacrifice herself without hesitation. Minako Aino/Sailor Venus or Lin Beifong?
    • She was born into great wealth, and tends to shock their friends with how much luxury she has at her disposal. However, she is estranged from her father, despite loving them deep down. Despite her fortune, she is utterly selfless and gentle, and her loyalty to the team is never questionable. In contrast to the team’s fire-wielder, her relationship with the protagonist is harmonious and free of any vitriol. She uses her resources to help her teammates. She is composed, ladylike and embarrasses herself the least of her teammates. She isn’t naturally a powerhouse, but makes up for it with technology, and her intelligence. Despite her gentleness, she can be ruthless towards her enemies. She knows her way around an automobile. Ami Mizuno/Sailor Mercury or Asami Sato?
    • They have Raven Hair, Ivory Skin, wield fire as a weapon, and is red-themed to match. They’re the self-reliant, rough-around-the-edges, no-nonsense member of the team, which makes them The Comically Serious around the sillier characters. They have a tumultuous relationship with the protagonist, and initially have tried to sabotage the protagonist’s authority, feeling as if they’re unfit for their position. They prove they’d do anything to defend their friends and innocent people. When push comes to shove, they are a pure Determinator, fighting while simultaneously taking ungodly amounts of damage. They are a professional-level athlete. Rei Hino/Sailor Mars or Mako?
    • Their powers relate to nature to some extent. Their thematic colour is green, and they have green eyes. They are sweet and optimistic to a point of naivete, despite having lost their parents as a child. They fall in love easily, though they get burned several times by it. Their sheer physical strength shows in their chunkier-than-average figure. They are sensitive, guileless, and none too cerebral, but possesses more than enough raw power to be a serious threat when the going gets tough. They are also a professional-level athlete. Makoto Kino/Sailor Jupiter or Bolin?
  • Likewise, Fairy Tail characters have much in common with those of Avatar: The Last Airbender
    • The main female protagonist. No matter what, she’ll defend anyone that needs them. She’s The Heart of her group, and is emotional and overtly compassionate. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t have a temper or a bossy streak; in fact, under extreme circumstances, she can be downright vicious. She remains optimistic and keeps moving forward despite suffering many traumas. She starts off lacking in combat skill, but becomes a formidable fighter with time, and slowly gains confidence in her abilities. That said, she fares better in the magical aspect of fighting rather than the physical. She’s introduced in the series as having a dead mother and an estranged father. She’s feminine and takes pride in her appearance. Katara or Lucy Heartfilia?
    • The second female protagonist. She has great confidence in her powers, and for good reason. She’s an exceptionally strong fighter from her introduction. She accomplishes feats deemed impossible over the course of the series. Violent and aggressive, she abhors showing vulnerability, despite being more sensitive than she lets on. She tends to push others unreasonably hard. She has some degree of blindness, and uses metal as weapons. She’s a tomboy, but enjoys girlier pursuits. Toph Beifong or Erza Scarlet?
    • The secondary male protagonist of the series. A sarcastic cynic that plays Straight Man rather often, though is just as quirky in his own way. He lacks the raw magical power of his peers, but makes up for it with strategy and skills, which he’s shown training to improve. He makes a point to show protectiveness over his female comrades. He has a clearly defined love interest. He’s associated with water/ice, and the colours blue and white. Sokka or Gray Fullbuster?
    • They are an innocent, adorable 12-year old kid. They’re unassuming, peaceful and good-natured and dislike fighting more than their peers do. However, when their loved ones are threatened, all hell will break loose. They primarily use air to fight. They’ve had to face the loss of a group of people they closely identified with. Avatar Aang or Wendy Marvell?
    • He starts off as a villain working under a bigger bad. However, he gradually makes a Heel–Face Turn, allying himself with the protagonists. He eventually earns his place alongside said protagonists after initially taking some abuse from members of the group. He has an elderly family member he looks up to, through he may not have given him the treatment he deserved. In contrast to the more easygoing heroes, he is antisocial, dark, and quick to anger, though he comes off as The Comically Serious rather often. Zuko or Gajeel Redfox?
    • Despite his old age, he is one of the most powerful characters in the series. He’s part of a council of elderly authority figures. He’s temporarily lost a son-like figure, only to welcome them back once they’ve had some time to repent. He’s deceptively wise, giving out sage advice, though he enjoys flirting with younger women. General Iroh or Makarov Dreyar?
    • The Team Pet and the closest companion of the main character. He’s a flying animal and generally used as a means of travel. Appa or Happy?
    • She’s the daughter of a bigger villain, and enjoys watching others suffer. She was abused at the hands of her father, and taught that compassion was a weakness, and strength meant everything, which made her the monster she currently is. She breaks down when faced with defeat, but not before coming within a hair’s breadth of killing the main protagonist. Princess Azula or Minerva Orland?
    • A mysterious young girl who dies, but remains in another plane of existence and actively aids the protagonists. She had a star-crossed lover, and died as a teenager. Princess Yue or Mavis Vermillion?


Thermal 7

  • Blond, muscular, megalomaniac britishman with penchant for severe cruelty and bombastic behavior who has murderous daddy issues and a serious bone to pick with his brother. Seemingly dies in the first installment but later comes back in another man's body and generally considered to be the most memorable and impactful villains in the series.
    Is it Dio Brando or Liquid Snake?

The Unhappy Twins

Theweb 0123

  • This character's race was wiped off long ago in a cataclysmic event. He, however, managed to survive that event and awakened many years later. After receiving some training in the art only his people knew, he becomes the last of his kind (aside from the occasional side-story partner or antagonist) and the defender of his current home.
    This could be Superman, Goku, Aang, or Sub-Zero. (Feel free to add more examples guys I'm sure this isn't all of them)


  • That lady with the initial E sing with the powerful voice of Idina Menzel, her "I Am Becoming" Song celebrate her new freedom after being crushed by the system, is close to a fair-haired other lady who is virtually the only one who trust her, have Big Sister Instinct. She have an incredible power everyone fear, and is considered evil while actually good. Still she was the villain in the original book her story is adapted from. Elsa or Elphaba?
  • Those two sisters are princesses of a northern country, and the eldest, who is very pale-haired, have powers on cold and ice. Until a tragic day when the youngest, in order to save her kingdom from a climatic disaster, must reason her big sister with the help of a blond young man she just met. Elsa and Anna or Hilda and Freya?
  • This baby boy was dropped on Earth, and found by a kind couple of peasants who raised him. Still, as a teenager, our hero learns that his real parents are rather extraordinary persons who couldn't keep him with them. It notably explains his supernatural strength, which tended to scare people in the small town of his youth. After years of training and the new found power of flying, said All-Loving Hero start a career of world-saving while wearing a cape and with an awesome Fanfare theme. And he have a lot to do mostly due to the tenacity of his archnemesis. Still, our hero is finally well adapted to the life on Earth, especially thanks to the love of a spirited, sarcastic brunette Damsel out of Distress with purple eyes. Is he Superman or the Disney version of Hercules?
  • He wears (a lot of) red, can fly, have his home in the north pole, is kindness and generosity incarnated and many children love him. Superman or Santa Claus?
  • That purple-haired student in a Royal School is the daughter of a fairy tale powerful witch. As such, everyone fear her, thinking she is a villain as well- but actually she is not, using her magical powers to do good deeds. The love of a prince charming who believed in her certainly helps. Is she Mal or Raven ?


  • The main cast of this webcomic is composed of eight teenagers who go to two different high schools in the same town. The group contains lesbian, gay, bisexual, asexual, pansexual, heterosexual, binary transgender and genderfluid members. A genderfluid group member is androgynous enough to pass as male or female easily just by changing their clothes, more often presents male, and is uncomfortable sticking to one gender but was not aware of the meaning of the term transgender until it was explained to them relatively recently. They live under the same roof as another group member who has brown hair, green eyes, is 5' 4", moved in recently and goes to a different school than they do. An unmarried close blood relative of one of those two group members also lives with them, is one generation older than the group, acts as a parental figure for the group having dealt with similar issues to the ones the group members face before and thus is privy to many of their secrets. Two of the group members are brother and sister who now go to different schools but at one point attended the same school. One group member is a cisgender lesbian who is fiercely protective of the ones she cares about, has a name with two "a"s, is 5' 4" and has had two-color hair at one point. She is romantically dating another group member who is a non-lesbian homoromantic girl. Said lesbian's previous relationship was non-romantic and was with a largely heterosexual (under almost all circumstances) guy in the group. Said heterosexual guy has a Germanic last name of which the second letter is "u", is 5' 10", is Childhood Friends with one of the non-cisgender group members (both of whom are introduced in the first storyline), is not afraid to defend gay guys from bullies and has expressed attraction to known AMAB (assigned male at birth) people under exceptional circumstances but still considers himself heterosexual. The gay guy has blue eyes, has a first name with the second letter of "u", has feelings for another group member who doesn't feel the same way toward him, is a Secret-Keeper for someone outside the group who's secret is similar to a secret kept inside the group and has an interest in presenting as a girl under certain circumstances but doesn't consider himself transgender. The transgender girl has brown hair which has had something major happen to it, has a name ending in "n" with two vowels, over 15 years of memories of living as a boy, is 5' 4", was presented as a female New Transfer Student near the start of the story, and whose relationship to the aforementioned heterosexual guy has secret aspects to it that are known to few outside the group. The pansexual girl has green eyes, has had a difficult childhood but tends to hide it from almost everyone through the personality she projects and also hides physical aspects of herself in public. She's now in a relationship with another group member who is non-cisgender, was initially very shy, is 5' 4", had a very significant haircut and has a four-letter name. The asexual girl has dark hair, is not aromantic, has blue eyes, exceptional height, has issues with her body's proportions, is the youngest of the group, has had issues trusting men, and was initially intended to be just a minor character being the second last character of the group to be introduced over four chapters into the story. The lone member who identifies as a heterosexual cisgender girl has blonde hair, goes by a name with two "a"s, and has a little bit of life experience of what it's like to be a boy but never identified as one. Affiliated with the group is a fellow student who is attracted to one of the group members regardless of the gender they present as and a school teacher who is aware of some of the group members' secrets and has taken steps to protect them at great personal risk. Also, one of the schools has an antagonistic principal for whom student safety is not a high priority and who wears a Dodgy Toupee.
    The cast of Rain (2010) or of El Goonish Shive?
  • A teen non-white girl growing up in the early 2000s in North America has the ability to transform into a larger version of a small mammal with a large bushy tail. She learns how to assume Partial Transformation variants of that animal form ranging from Little Bit Beastly to full Animorphism. She has this ability due to her ancestry. She learns to use her abilities to achieve Not Quite Flight. Her favourite subject is math which she excels in.
    Grace Sciuridae or Meilin Lee?
    • Alternatively, A teen Asian girl growing up in the early 2000s in North America has literal non-dyed red hair, is an Academic Athlete, can speak English, French and an Asian language, can fly, can transform into a form that was (possibly) bestowed by a deity specifically to protect people, has a complex relationship with her Education Mama who keeps big secrets from her involving magic and their family's genetic heritage, and has a father who's always in the background, rarely speaks and is generally a Henpecked Husband.
      Nanase Kitsune or Meilin Lee?


  • A gruff, middle-aged Anti-Hero who uses a revolver, had a daughter named Sarah who died, and later adopts a young girl whose name starts with "El", has special powers, and is hunted down by the government. Hopper or Joel?
  • A woman with a blue Color Motif who hails from another planet, travels on a spaceship to escape an all-powerful Lovecraftian entity, and has died multiple times. As a result of her Dark and Troubled Past, she believes she is the only person who can properly protect her friends, and in doing so enacts a series of risky plans that ultimately do more harm than good. She is attended to by a man who appears mentally challenged and emotionally placid (a condition she herself caused), but who when provoked is extremely powerful and dangerous. She is a Base-Breaking Character, viewed by some fans as the bravest, most heroic character in the story and by others as an evil Magnificent Bastard who deserves a horrible death. Lucretia or Vriska?
  • A Reality Warper named Hugo who is the closest thing to a god that exists within his story's canon, and spends his days influencing the ebb and flow of the universe from within a monochrome void room. Though the full extent of his powers is incredibly unclear, one fan theory speculates that he willed most of the other characters into existence. He is ultimately killed by a protagonist who, while originally on the side of good, has spent the plot becoming evil (and his death cements this character as completely irredeemable). Also, he has incredibly odd-looking eyes. Is this Hugo an ill child or a really stupid CIA agent?


  • This is the main character of a Sony-affiliated video game series. His name starts with the letter "K", and his story is about him pursuing Revenge. He starts out as a human, but later becomes a member of a fantastical race. Throughout his quest, he wields a variety of weapons and tools, and his main target of vengeance is a group of powerful beings. Said powerful beings are metaphysically linked to the land in which the story takes place, and as more of them die, the land falls further and further into decay and ruin. Centuries after he gains his vengeance, he is Older and Wiser, but has a frictional relationship with his son. Kain or Kratos?
  • This video game character, who is the protagonist of their game, is the wielder of a legendary sword, which they able to use due to their connection to an ancient God. They are also undead, and are being kept alive solely because of their connection to said God. One motivation they have is Revenge, and their Parental Substitute is a morally-grey person with seemingly larger plans than they let on. They have access to some sort of time ability or time manipulation, and are from a fictional world. Byleth, Raziel, or Shulk?


  • This video game character looks young, around 20-30, but is actually much older due to being placed in a form of storage for decades, and they work for a Science Innovation Corporation. The building where they work is ridiculously large and dangerous, full of moats containing toxic goo and turrets with an improbable number of bullets. Escaping this facility is a near impossible goal, but they manage to do so anyway, despite having no supernormal abilities other than the unusual guns they are supplied with and a status as a Determinator. Neither of them says a single word through their entire journey, which gets a touch of lampshading. Their signature weapon is a gun with somewhat physics defying properties, and they're almost always portrayed in orange clothing.
    Chell or Gordon Freeman


  • Wealthy, feminine teenage heiresses to a major industry run by their fathers, but strongly disagree with their fathers' ethics, so they rebelled and forged their own paths, aligning themselves with the heroes. Both wish to turn their fathers' company around for the better. Both of them have lost people important to them due to politics of their respective worlds, and both grow to become the main characters' closest female friend, despite initial tensions. Neither have the most raw power out of their team, but make up for it with strategy and cunning.
    Asami Sato or Weiss Schnee?

Troper No. 9001

  • He wears blue, has a brother who wears red, and loves making bad puns. Are we talking about Sans or Carlos?
  • She has pink hair, is/wears mostly yellow, is the sweetest and kindest character among the main cast, and is good with kids. She starts out shy, soft-spoken, and nervous, but over the course of the work, she becomes more confident and learns to stand up for herself. Is this Fluttershy or Tammy?




Turtlehats 0519

  • This redheaded Tomboy has an absent mother and spends her days palling around with a group of male friends in the backwoods, causing mischief and besting them at physical feats. She lives in a seemingly sleepy town with a dark secret and winds up facing off against a hammy, Chaotic Evil Eldritch Abomination. She has exceptionally good physical aim. Her male friends are gaga for her, and one of her admirers is an insecure, bookish nerd with a Friendless Background. Wendy Corduroy or Beverly Marsh?


  • PS2-era dual-wielding clones of their series’s main characters with polar opposite personalities to them that started off as members of a team filled with other clones that wanted to use their unique gifts to collect what’s essentially a fancy version of souls, all in service to the baldheaded puppetmaster manipulating them to perpetuate their immortality and fuel a major war. Eventually they ran away due to their team’s increasingly disturbing actions and would be hunted down by them due to their importance to their plans, eventually being forced to put down their closest friend that on the surface wanted to take them back but was in reality trying to free them and coincidentally, in the same games these happened in, the characters’ deaths gave them an ability they used in the final act. The characters’ attempts to run would be foiled when a stoic and frequently corrupted swordsman captured them. They would eventually find a happier life with new friends but tragedy would strike when they nearly died though they would come back from this eventually. They would now find themselves amongst a new group where they would battle a corruptive evil their former friends’ manipulators reigned terror on the world with. They would end up working with someone that possessed their same gift that they would eventually have to put down when they turned their blades on them, share a fighting style with a fellow cast members, were shown the ropes and most commonly worked alongside a red teammate and are supremely naive and even stubborn. Am I talking about Roxas or Axl?

  • The protagonist of this Sci-Fi action animated series is a rebellious yet kind hearted teenager who lives in a 20 Minutes into the Future world,lost a parent in a tragic incident, and spent most of their days lashing out against authority. Until one fateful day, when they meet a bitter, reclusive and outwardly cold old man who happens to be the face of a major corporate power. This man was a dashing hero in his prime, but has been marred by tragedy and alienated those who work with him. The kid volunteers to work for the old man as they fight to save their world from dark forces. The teen eventually steals a powerful craft belonging to the old man and despite the latter's initial hostility, proves worthy to be behind the controls. Along with a fellow teen/Love Interest who mostly serves as side-support, the hero encounters a myriad of futuristic villains, including an ink-black shapeshifter with a white face who isn't as evil as first perceived, a pompous, white-palleted crook who styles himself and his crew with a 16th century theme, a powerful, intelligent robot who desires to feel true human emotion, two rowdy clown-themed girls skilled in combat, and the manipulative, power-hungry,horrifically amoral being behind their parent's death, who can decay anything he touches and is introduced killing a seemingly more powerful character. Oh, and it turns out the old man is the kid's father.Is this Terry McGinnis or Eva Wei?
  • He appears to be an ordinary man, but is really a brutal, unfeeling killing machine in human flesh. While he started out as an ordinary child, the evil within him was nurtured from a young age, eventually leading to him taking his first life by stabbing his sibling. While at least one continuity posits he was infused with the power that drives him by an evil organization worshipping an Ancient Evil, the result was the same. He bleeds and ages like a human, but he's gifted with nigh-supernatural pain tolerance, immeasurable strength and stamina, deadly skill with blades, and a terrifyinglack of emotion for the people he mercilessly cuts down. Known to have wiped out entire groups of armed men he's no less deadly in his senior years, even blind in one eye. His final showdown was with a survivor of his most infamous massacre, who eventually wore him out after a brutal fight and even blew off parts of his arms. But he still maintained absolute calm and showed no regret in his defeat, even being stared down by the angry woman whose loved ones he killed. Is this man Fuhrer King Bradley or Michael Myers?
  • The true main villain of this animated series is an ancient, monstrously evil alien being, who thousands of years ago, was given the role of protecting and guiding the world. Unlike his fellow protectors, this entity viewed all life as weak, flawed creatures deserving to be wiped out by superior beings like himself. Sealed away in an underground prison for his treachery, the creature was nonetheless able to extend his influence beyond his cage, ruining countless lives and ultimately bringing together the heroes in his long bid for freedom. Although he wasn't active for most of the show, the entity's presence and plans were alluded to and forwarded by several other characters. Come the series finale, he is released from his prison and resumes his quest to destroy all life in the universe. When the heroes confront him, he reveals that he was the author of their entire lives, creating them as pawns to free him, with the sheer existential horror nearly breaking them down. Though he comes dangerously close to succeeding in his omnicidal plans, the entity is ultimately annihilated once and for all by one final act of heroism. Is this monster the Nibiru Entity or Canaletto?
  • This horror comic character has been around through the 60s. He was born from the odd union of two undead beings who died before his birth, one a mummy. Though he has a relatively human, albeit dirty and unkempt appearance, he can come back from things that'd kill any ordinary person. Despite his ghoulish, morbid demeanor, he isn't really evil and actually has a strong sense of justice. He's also very well connected to the supernatural forces of the world and has been featured in many short comic stories, but he mostly enjoys hanging out with his fellow ghouls. Is he Hakaba Kitaro or the Crypt Keeper?
  • This madman only made one appearance in his respective series, but that was more than enough to cement him as one of the most disturbing, depraved characters. He's introduced to the boy protagonist as a reclusive, friendly and slightly eccentric inventor who shows him around his lab and lets him study in his building. He is noted for his scientific skill, producing an array of strange and fantastical creations generally thought impossible. It's only later that the boy discovers, to his horror, that the scientist has been using human lives as ingredients for his experiments, even children. To take it further, the madman refuses to see anything wrong with this, claiming his atrocities are a necessary step to achieve progress. He's killed in an act of retribution not long afterwards.Shou Tucker or Mr. Toggle?
  • An elderly, stoic man who has the solemn duty of guarding an ancient, powerful relic. The power of this treasure has extended his lifespan beyond a normal human's, and he has spent centuries keeping it hidden. When the villain, a ruthless, greedy capitalist, interrogates him for the artifact's location, the old man warns him of the danger that seeking this object will bring. The villain ignores his warning...and comes to an unbelievably horrifying end from its power, his body grotesquely mutating before disintegrating into nothingness. Is this old man The Grail Knight or King Kidagakash?
  • An immensely powerful giant robot from a series of war-machines beyond the clouds crash lands on earth. Despite it's terrifying purpose, the machine befriends and protects a small child while pursued by the military and a crazed, power-mad government agent. In its final battle, the robot gives its life to save the kid from a nuclear missile. The Iron Giant or The Laputan Robot?
  • The Big Bad of this series is the ruthless, cruel ruler of a high-tech Steampunk inspired fortress that wages war across the world. A charismatic dictator, his armies capture innocent children from villages to mold into soldiers while feeding them the lie that his conquests are benevolent and just. His empire's main enemy is a fabled girl with an object that grants her ancient,world changing power. However, beneath this mask he's incredibly emotionally insecure,constantly paranoid about his allies betraying him and flying into a rage at any sign of insubordination. His soft side only comes out around his loyal female right hand, who he dotes on never to betray him. He is motivated by a constant need to prove himself and is terrified of being undermined and stripped of identity. But is this warlord Hordak or King Hamdo?
  • This young duo are a pair of socially awkward children living in a decaying, semi-futuristic world. Their father figure is an emotionally distant man who is never seen without half his face covered and wields destructive power when he feels the need to handle a crisis. The elder is a scrawny, excitable boy who is fiercely devoted to the supernatural, strives to please the superiors of his organization, and wields some magic of his own, albeit rather weak and rarely useful. Sadly he is regarded as a complete joke by just about everyone in his organization and often ends up humiliated for his efforts. His main nemesis is a boisterous green monster that he personally tries to hunt and destroy. The younger meanwhile is an irritable, slightly mentally unstable young girl with purple hair and a Goth/skull motif in her attire. She has no interest in her partner's vendetta, often teases him for his failure, and is generally self centred, but still cares for him in a begrudging sense. She also occasionally displays bizarre powers when she's feeling particularly irate. Are these kids Dib and Gaz or Fujita and Ebisu?
  • A brilliant young scientist who sought to take great leaps for mankind. His dream became a nightmare when he and several others were subjected to an experiment that destroyed their human bodies. His companions died from their new mutated forms while he lived on as a disembodied consciousness alone in cyberspace. The isolation eventually drove him over the edge and he became a cybernetic supervillain, coldly wreaking death and destruction in his twisted quest to avenge his fallen brethren. As a living program that can inhabit and control technology, this being is a danger to the entire planet. Despite initially appearing as a benevolent savior, he soon showed his true colors by threatening to destroy entire populations and became bitter enemy to an All-Loving Hero superhuman in red. In time, however, he came to regret the hollow hate-filled life he led and sought a way out.
Is this tragic cyborg Vinod Chanda or Cyborg Superman?
  • They are the Arch-Enemy to a hero who shifts into a giant, powerful beast. They're a skilled soldier as well as a gifted intellect and have a Dark and Troubled Past which led them to abandon their family. They're obsessed with besting their superhuman rival, who they regard as an inferior, unintelligent monster, but also have acted as protector to a society of people shunned underground by a dangerous world. Their obsession led them to mutate themselves into a massive, super-strong monster , at the cost of being trapped in a monstrous body, and doing some very terrible things to the hero's family. At the end of a brutal confrontation, they're ultimately left imprisoned and forced to face a horrible reminder of the life they lost. Their name begins with "Emil". Is this complex monster The Abomination/Emil Blonsky or Dr. Emilia?



  • The main villain of the work who styles himself as an omnipotent paternal figure who employ his children later revealed to not be his actual children but are in fact products of one of his experiments as his underlings and who in the past possessed a deep connection with the father of the protagonist. Is this evildoer Father or Father?
