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Characters / Tales of Innocence

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Tales of Innocence's cast.

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Main Characters

     As A Group 

     Luca Milda

Voiced by: Akiko Kimura

Luca is a shy, studious, cowardly nerd from a rich family in the Kingdom of Regnum. He is being raised to inherit his father's lucrative merchant business, but after his own Avatar powers awaken and he is forced to flee from the military, he embarks on a quest to discover the truth behind the events surrounding the Manifest thousands of years ago. His personal ideal is to become a doctor. He is the reincarnation of Asura.

Luca's weapon is a BFS, and his magical element is fire, both of which are largely at odds with his personality.

Tropes applicable to both original and R versions:

  • Adaptational Badass: Not that he isn't in the original game, but the manga adaptation amps it up to the point that in the first chapter he blocks a sword barehanded by letting it through the palm of his hand.
  • Apologizes a Lot: As a part of his Shrinking Violet tendencies, he apologizes over the smallest things.
  • Badass Adorable: A very sweet and polite boy, yet he can fight on the front lines wielding his broadsword with ease.
  • Badass Boast: When executing his Mystic Arte.
    "I will prove to you that I am the Supreme Ruler of the Heavens..."
  • Berserk Button: It's unclear if he inherited it from Asura or not, but the only time in the game that he really becomes angry is when a reincarnated soldier blames him for the deaths that occurred in the war that he led as Asura. He seems to dislike people who blame others in general.
  • BFS: It's bigger than he is. And for extra bonus in R, in some of his victory poses with Spada he actually manages to lift it one-handed.
  • Bookworm: There are a few skits where he comments that tests are fun and that he used to read books quite a bit. His father encourages him to study in order to succeed the family business, but he's also a big fan of adventure novels since they spoke of places and people he never had a chance to see in his life at the capital.
  • Butt-Monkey or even The Chew Toy: Picked on by everyone in the party except Ange (and in R, Kongwai and QQ) at least once. Ange usually has to step in once he starts crying.
  • Character Development: Judging from his interactions with his two friends at the end of the game, he has apparently become more assertive.
  • Cowardly Lion: Definitely so.
    Luca (before battle): I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid...
  • Crash-Into Hello: With Illia. Also Kongwai in R.
  • Cross-Dressing Voice: So far, the only main male Tales hero to be voiced by a woman.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Despite his cowardly nature, he is actually a fearsome warrior once he is determined to take his opponents down.
  • Dogged Nice Guy: Has this tendency towards romance, as shown when he tried to ask Illia on a date.
  • Expecting Someone Taller: somewhat subverted when you consider that he's about 5' 6", which is quite normal for someone his age (and ironically, taller than the much older looking Jude Mathis), but the trope still applies.
  • Expy: He got one in Emil. Also noted for looking similar to Trunks. His personality however is similar to Lucas', timid, sweet boy who has to save the world.
  • Heroic BSoD: The most notable of which ended up wiping out Sky Castle, AKA the remains of Devalorka (from a certain point of view, heaven) so quickly that his friends where forced to flee without him towards the airship.
  • Idiot Hero: Has his moments, although it is more due to his naivety. That said, he usually tends to be the only one who notices when something is off with other party members once their memories start coming back to them.
  • The Illegible: Spada notes that Luca is this. Apparently a sensitive subject, and funny since he wants to become a doctor.
  • Implausible Fencing Powers: Yes, he's Asura's reincarnation. Yes, he can kick your butt.
  • In-Series Nickname: "Dimwit Luca"note , courtesy of Illia.
  • Kid Hero: He's fifteen - and looks even younger.
  • Literal Split Personality: He and Mathias are both the reincarnation of Asura; Mathias was formed from Asura's grief and anger over Inanna's betrayal, while Luca inherits the rest.
  • Lonely Rich Kid: Apparently grows out of this by the end of the game, though.
  • Made of Iron: Besides being the mighty glacier of the group, story wise he survived things most people wouldn't like getting impaled by Hasta, as well as Sky Castle's crash on the ground. And it seems that the only reason that he was wounded to that extent is because of Hasta's own power. A skit has Illia ("accidentally") shoot him several times, point blank. It scares him and messes up his clothes, but doesn't actually hurt him.
  • Magic Knight: The class he was inserted into in Tales of the World. His abilities are actually even more varied than the trope would suggest.
  • Mighty Glacier: Very strong defence and (relatively) slow attacks that nevertheless deal the 2nd highest amount of damage per time among the playable characters.
  • Momma's Boy: Has shades of this, most likely inherited from Asura.
  • Muscles Are Meaningless: He's a short boy of 15 with an average build, but fights competently with a greatsword almost as tall as himself. When Spada tried to do the same, he cannot even lift the same sword. The justification for this is that Ruca is tapping into Asura's power while fighting. He is unable to even lift the sword in the presence of the Grigori, who cut off avatar's connections to their past lives' powers.
  • Nice Guy: Other characters even note as such in the Relationship Values screen once they're closer to him.
  • Older Than They Look: He looks like he's twelve. And he certainly sounds the part! Averted in the manga, however.
  • One-Man Army: The Avatars of important beings from Naraka are this in general, and Luca is generally considered the most powerful of the lot. The endgame has the party take on the two greatest armies in the planet to reach the final dungeon and rather than find the notion worrying, Luca instead worries that this makes them look like the villains.
  • Playing with Fire: Many of his attack artes have a fire element to them, as well as him having a couple of fire spells as well.
  • The Red Mage: Alongside the wide variety of physical attacks, he is also able to heal and increase his own attack stats as well as his allies, cast long range magical attacks to one enemy as well as deal massive damage to multiple enemies despite only using one element type.
  • Shrinking Violet: He is incredibly shy and tends to back down without much of a fight when teased by Illia and Spada.
  • Spell My Name With An S: Ruca/Luca. In Tales of Xillia 2 there is a DLC costume based on him, which uses the Ruca spelling.
  • Sleepy Head: Spaces out a lot in the beginning due to the awakening of his former life's memories, but overcomes this in the end.
  • Smug Super: He rarely shows it (and actually seems to become shy around people he knows), but he's fully aware of how powerful he is. In the original, he has a few moments where he mocks weaker Non Player Characters and the skit that unlocks Versus Style has him advice Asura that they should hold back in order to get a challenge from their opponents.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Cheese soup, apparently. In R, he also apparently likes "creamy" stuffs.
  • With Friends Like These...: Luca is treated pretty badly by his two friends at home, as well as most of the party members (especially Illia and Spada). Although, said friends of his turn out to genuinely care for him, as shown when they tried to hide him from Regnum soldiers.

Tropes applicable to original version:

  • Blood Knight: After overcoming his initial fear, he develops this personality in the hope that it will transform him into the badass he wants to be, but fortunately his friends stop him from going too far.
  • Evil Laugh: Just once but it was still far more creepy than anyone else's, especially because it was triggered by him enjoying killing reincarnated soldiers...
  • Idiot Ball: Seriously, Luca, when an Ax-Crazy tells you to come closer, regardless of whether or not he wants to tell you his final words, it's when you MUST run away.
  • Willfully Weak: The in-story explanation for Versus Style is that he holds back his power to give his opponents a chance.

Tropes applicable to R version:

  • Accidental Pervert: Courtesy of Spada during the Hot Springs Episode, and that's just one of a few other instances.
  • Bash Brothers: With Spada, as some of their victory quotes have them cross their swords together upward in the process.
  • Fusion Dance and Split-Personality Merge: With a (supposedly) unwilling Mathias, which allows him to activate the Manifest.
  • Optional Boss: The party is forced to fight him in a sidequest.
  • Picky Eater: Based on his reaction to cooking, he dislikes spicy foods.
  • Protectorate: For Spada. Although this also applies in the original, the tendency is more apparent in R.
  • Refusal of the Call / Freak Out: Instead of descending into Evil Laugh in the very same scene from the original game, Luca loses grip over himself and starts swinging his sword rapidly while lamenting over his power.

Tropes applicable to the manga:

  • Adaptational Badass: He's much less timid in the manga, and more willing to fight, even stopping a sword by impaling his hand on it.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Twice. First is when Spada and Illia are cornered by the Gigantess in the beginning, and later when he arrives just in time to deliver Spada's weapons during the battle against Hasta.
  • Fusion Dance and Split-Personality Merge: With Mathias in the ending, in order to activate the Manifest
  • Good Is Not Soft: He doesn't hesitate to fight if it means protecting his friends. That said, it doesn't mean he will always resort to violence as the answer, as seen when he calms the remaining of Thanatos' soul and merges Mathias back to him.
  • Healing Factor: Apparently so powerful that he recovers his injuries quickly. That includes getting slashed on the chest by Mathias.
  • Heroic Resolve: He quickly gets over his fear of fighting so he can protect his friends.
  • I Will Only Slow You Down: Invoked by Spada in the beginning...before he proceeds to save him and Illia several panels later.
  • Made of Iron: He is already one, and the manga amps this even further to the point he doesn't seem to be pained at all when injured.

     Illia Animi

Voiced by: Yuko Sasamoto

Illia is a loudmouthed girl from a small town which was attacked by the Arca cult. As a result, she has sworn revenge on the cult and on its leader, Mathias. A small critter named Coda follows her around, but is never explained in the plot. Illia probably has the most conflict of memories out of all the characters. She is the reincarnation of Inanna.

Illia wields two guns. Her element is water (and wind in R), and she also gains a handful of healing spells.

Tropes applicable to both original and R versions:

  • Amnesiac Dissonance: Inanna was the one who caused Asura's death and the fall of Devaloka. Illia, of course, knows nothing about this.
  • Berserk Button: Chitose. Also Hasta, albeit not to the personal level like Spada - she simply hates him because of how nuts he is and always creeps her out. In R, this gets to the point of her being more than happy to execute him personally until he stabs Luca.
  • Boke and Tsukkomi Routine: Her dynamics with Hasta tend to descend into this. Hermana even flat-out calls her tsukkomi at one point.
  • Book Dumb: A common joke she shares with Spada is that the politics and war conversations are too hard on their heads. She gets mad if you mention it. She is not, however, unintelligent, just too impatient for long conversations. Her dream is to build a school after all, since there wasn't one in her village.
  • Bottomless Magazines: She's never shown having to reload
  • Chewing the Scenery: Illia's voice actress really plays up the tsuntsun side of Illia's personalitly, possibly even to Large Ham levels.
  • Combat Medic: Gains access to healing spells much faster than Ricardo and Ange, but all of them target single ally.
  • Crash-Into Hello: With Luca
  • Curtains Match the Window: Red eyes and red hair
  • Doomed Hometown: Somewhat. The town is destroyed, but the citizens survive.
  • Dual Wielding / Guns Akimbo : Her weapons of choice are a pair of twin revolvers.
  • Evil Laugh: Every time she and Spada plan to pick on Luca. Then they proceed to note how creepy the other's laugh is.
  • Face Palm: Does this quite a lot, especially when it comes to Hasta.
  • The Gunslinger
  • Hate at First Sight: Chitose immediately rubbed her in the wrong way as soon as they met. For good reason, as she is the reincarnation Inanna, while Chitose is Sakuya's reincarnation.
  • Heroic BSoD: Briefly falls into one after the reveal that Inanna is responsible for Devaloka's destruction through betraying Asura.
  • Hey, You!: Related to the above, both Chitose and she barely refer to each other by names, always with "that woman" best.
  • Hidden Depths: Wants to be a School Principal, and is shown to be fairly studious.
  • I Can't Hear You: Invoked in Kelm Volcano when Ricardo is about to execute Hasta (and fails due to the spoilery event).
    Illia: Aaarrggh, I can't hear you I—CAN'T—HEAR—YOU!!! Come on Ricardo, just do it already!
  • I Hate Past Me: She starts the story rather annoyed at the whole past life thing, since it's the reason she had to run away from home. She also dislikes Inanna and her attitude. This culminates with The Reveal that her past life stabbed Asura in the back, at which point Illia outright despises her and vows to be different. Illia doesn't hesitate to show her distaste when Inanna appears in her dreams to bequeath her with her second Mystic Arte, Ruined Vain Wish.
  • I'm Having Soul Pains: Always has headaches when it comes to her past life memory. Even described as one by Mathias.
  • Making a Splash: One of the two elements she specializes in, the other being wind.
  • Meaningful Name: Her Mystic Arte, "Ruined Vain Wish". Though it relates more to Inanna than herself.
  • Signature Laugh: Ishishishishishi~, or alternatively, ihihihihihi~.
  • Spider-Sense: She sneezes upon unconsciously sensing Hasta around before the first boss battle against him.
  • Tsundere: Very tsuntsun, even in the moments where she is being notably kind to Luca.

Tropes applicable to R version:

  • Blow You Away: Spada's wind spells now belong to Illia. Some of her physical artes also have wind affinity.
  • Eyelid Pull Taunt: Gives one to Chitose early in the story (behind her back, of course). While not actually done on-screen, her line indicates so.note 
  • Get A Hold Of Yourself Man: She is the one who usually tells Luca to get a grip over himself early in the game.
  • Money Fetish: She comes from a relatively poor, backwater desert village, so she's quite big on making money. She inherits Rutee's "Search Gald" move and one of her victory quotes has her scouring the ground for Gald. Her first thought at finding lost items is to grin and think what a good price they would fetch. Ruca usually brings her to her senses suggesting the more honest approach of returning the item to its owner.
  • Picky Eater: Apparently dislikes fish and vegetables.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Based on skits, meat.

Tropes applicable to the manga:

  • Bottomless Magazines: Averted, which got her and Spada cornered by the Gigantess in the beginning.
  • Heroic BSoD: After Chitose revealed Inanna's betrayal, she doesn't take it well to the point of losing control over her power before Luca snaps her out of it.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: She doesn't bully Luca at all in the manga. It helps that Luca is much less timid than his game counterpart.

     Spada Belforma

Voiced by: Yuji Ueda

A hotblooded boy from Regnum. For some reason, he's cut himself off from his rich, noble family, except his butler. He is the reincarnation of Durandal, Asura's sword.

Spada has two swords, which he wields mostly like Lloyd, in a two-sword adaptation of Cless' classic fighting style. His element is wind and lightning.

Tropes applicable to both original and R versions:

  • Amnesiac Dissonance: Durandal, Asura's trusted blade...and co-conspirator and murder weapon when Inanna killed Asura.
  • The Atoner: The reason why he's so protective of Luca is because he subconsciously feels guilty for betraying Asura and allowing himself to be used to kill him.
  • Big, Screwed-Up Family: The Belforma seems to be this, based on what Spada told the party about what he had gone through.
  • Blow You Away: Although in R, only for some of the physical artes, as wind spells now belong to Illia.
  • Boke and Tsukkomi Routine: To Hasta, same deal with Illia.
  • Book Dumb: Church and politics fly way over his head, to the point where he complains to everyone to hurry the conversation along. When he sees Ange reading, he freaks out because her books have too many kanji and not enough pictures of pretty girls. He even notes that despite his rich upbringing, he wasn't the type to learn theoretical stuff very fast.
  • Chivalrous Pervert: He is really obsessed with Ange's... assets. Slightly less so in R, although at one point he tries to intentionally trip on Ange (albeit stopped by Ricardo), as well as attempting to peek on women in the hot springs several times (and failed). In addition, R actually lampshades this with two of his titles having "Pervert" tag on them.
  • Dogged Nice Guy: Ange doesn't seem to realize his feeling for her.
  • Dual Wielding: Uses two swords in a style similar to Lloyd Irving.
  • Embarrassing Nickname: "Obocchama"note . Illia mercilessly mocks him for this. Justified since he doesn't like his family at all.
  • Evil Laugh: Every time he and Illia plan to pick on Luca. Then they proceed to note how creepy the other's laugh is.
  • Face of a Thug: Luca is terribly scared of him the first time they meet. His brash personality doesn't help.
  • Glass Cannon: Deals the highest damage in the shortest time, but has trouble surviving direct hits.
  • The Heart: A bit more than one would expect; especially with Luca. He helps keep things together with a lot verbal support, always willing to back his friends up; especially at the beginning of their journey, in which Luca was often depressed.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: In addition to his tendency to pick on Luca, he is quite brash, as shown in his encounter with Kongwai and QQ. That said, he will protect his friends at all costs, even more so if it is Luca or Illia.
  • The Lancer of the Five-Man Band: Sometimes. Flip-flops with Illia on this role.
  • Man Hug: Gives Luca two (and attempts a third) in succession after the latter survives Hasta's stabbing. R also adds another to early in the game, after he finds out that Luca is Asura's reincarnation.
  • Meaningful Name: "Spada" means "sword" in Italian. Belforma is a combination of "Nice" (Bel) and "Form" (Forma).
  • Parental Substitute: Hartman is one for him, especially compared to his own father.
  • Shock and Awe: In the original, wind and lightning are combined into a single element (similar to Tales of the Abyss).
  • Sibling Rivalry: To the extreme. At one point, he stated that his brothers attempted to poison him due to feeling jealous of his skills.
  • Signature Laugh: Hyahahahahahaha~!
  • The Unfavorite and Parental Neglect: The reason why he doesn't seem to care so much about his family, as his father hardly paid attention to him at all.
  • Walking the Earth: After the game ends, not wanting to go back to his life as a noble.

Tropes applicable to R version:

  • Berserk Button / It's Personal: After Luca gets stabbed by Hasta and nearly dies, Hasta very much becomes one for him.
  • Butt-Monkey: Much less so than Luca, but in some victory quotes, his attempts to look cool tend to be ruined by other party members (usually by Illia, Hermana, and Luca).
  • Declaration of Protection: To Luca. Although this also exists in the original, R takes it further to the point becoming one of his victory quotes.
  • In-Series Nickname: QQ manages to remember everyone's name...except his, whom she calls as "weird guy" instead. It doesn't help that he gives bad first impression to her.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Based on his reaction to foods, seafood.

Tropes applicable to the manga:

  • Big Damn Heroes: On both the giving and receiving ends of this - he first breaks Luca and Illia free from the research facility, and later Luca saves him twice.
  • It's Personal: The deal with Mathias and Oswald, since two of his friends are killed while trying to protect him.
  • La Résistance: Leads one against the military. Their primary focus is to set free the captured Avatars.

     Hermana Larmo

Voiced by: Yuki Matsuoka

A young girl from the Kingdom of Regnum. Hermana runs an underground school for Avatar children who would be captured for study by the Imperial Capital. She has a heavy Kansai dialect, but is actually quite clever and savvy, and in every adaptation knows more about the war in Devaloka than the party. The manga adds a greedy streak: she won't stop charging and crediting the party for her tips. She is the reincarnation of Vrtra.

Hermana fights with her fists and feet, oddly for someone of her size; the antagonist of her segment comments on this. Her main element is earth.

Tropes applicable to both original and R versions:

  • Street Urchin: An orphan due to the war, she and the children she takes care of roam the streets as they get by any way they can.
  • Wise Beyond Their Years: Comes from taking care of other orphans. And from being the reincarnation of Vrtra.

Tropes applicable to R version:

  • Anti-Magic: Later in the game, her Style gives access to this, which gives immunity to both offensive AND support spells.
  • Dirty Kid: She throws in some rather perverted lines throughout the game, especially when it comes to Ange's assets. Also, in subsequent runs, a sub-event with Hasta in Galpos will have her replicate said assets above Hasta's chest while he is sand-bathing.
  • Happily Adopted: Possibly, since the new ending illustration shows her and the children eating Hartman's cooking at Spada's house in Naos. That, or at least Hartman is now helping her.
  • Heroic BSoD: Unlike in the original, she briefly fell into this after the orphans are taken away. Ange pulled her out of it, though.
  • Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: Has this dynamic with Ricardo in some victory quotes.
  • Parental Abandonment: Being an orphan and all. In New Game Plus, a sub-event reveals what happened to her parents as well as their graves.
  • Sleepwalking: In one of inn skits in Ashihara. Poor Luca nearly gets grounded the next morning if it weren't for Kongwai's intervention.
  • Sticky Fingers: Shares Ange's Thievery skill.

Tropes applicable to the manga:

  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Almost on the receiving end of it by Oswald after she shows him the way to Sky Castle, if it weren't for Ricardo crashing their airship on purpose.

     Ricardo Soldato

Voiced by: Hiroaki Hirata

A mercenary-for-hire eventually employed as Ange's bodyguard. He is a sniper, and as such wields a rifle and bayonet. He is usually the most rational, logical, and level-headed of the group, and rarely goes back on his word. His spells are primarily darkness- and earth- based, darkness being his primary element. Also the wielder of Area of Effect healing magic. He is the reincarnation of Hypnos, a reaper.

Tropes applicable to both original and R versions:

  • Cold Sniper: His role at the beginning of the story. He's quite cool and aloof due to his mercenary status, and his only concern is keeping his end of the deal with Ange. He gradually goes from this to Friendly Sniper.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Ricardo is a mercenary, so fulfilling contracts and keeping himself safe are the only rules he really obeys. He even notes he uses a rifle because it's the kind of weapon that allows him to snipe away at enemies without putting himself at close risk. He will, however, urge his enemies to retreat if defeating them is not in his obligations, like he does at the Western Battlefield.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Two counts.
    • Count 1: Ricardo's element is darkness.
    • Count 2: Ricardo is the reincarnation of Hypnos, the reaper.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: One of the elements he specializes in, alongside darkness.
  • Drill Sergeant Nasty: The skit in Northern Battlefield. Ange reprimands him when he makes Luca cry.
  • Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette: Noted by Illia and Ange in a skit. Hilarity Ensues.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: Has a small scar on his forehead,
  • Gun Nut: Noted in skits to be very knowledgeable about guns and their maintenance needs, beyond what would be expected from someone whose life depended on them.
  • Hitman with a Heart vs. Only in It for the Money: Played with. At first he's presented as the latter, insisting that he doesn't take a contract he doesn't intend to complete, but is quite willing to make a new contract with Ange that goes against his original one, as she was offering him more money as well as covering the breach-of-contract fee. As the game progresses and he gets to know the party, it shifts over to the former.
    • He also states that forming a good relationship with his clients is more important to him than the payment.
  • Icy Blue Eyes: Very piercing ones. Probably an effect of his past life having blue Glowing Eyes of Doom.
  • The Mole: For Gardel. He has his own reason, though, and he genuinely feels remorse over it.
  • Not So Stoic: Starts out as The Stoic, but gradually gets closer to the party and becomes a full-fledged Team Dad.
  • Papa Wolf: Upon finding out what the Grigoris are about to do to the party, he doesn't take it well and proceeds to rescue them on his own. After being the one partially responsible for the whole mess, to boot.
  • Parental Bonus: Let's just say that he often gives Luca the response "I'll tell you when you're older".
  • Sinister Scythe: For his Mystic Arte "Endless Tragedy," his rifle turns into Hypnos's scythe.
  • Team Dad: Typcially the one to guide the party and keep them on track when they start to goof off.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Spada (and Illia, to lesser extent) are not amused when he doesn't seem to care for Luca's well-being after he gets stabbed by Hasta. To his defense, it's not like he is not worried - it's simply in his nature.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Revealed to have a fear of heights after the party gets the Global Airship. Ironically, he was the very one chosen to pilot the thing.

Tropes applicable to original version:

  • Last-Name Basis: How he calls everyone in the party. This habit is gone in R version, though.

Tropes applicable to R version:

  • Accidental Pervert: In a hot springs skit, QQ accidentally enters the male section, prompting Ricardo to chase her off...and getting beaten by the ladies.
  • Butt-Monkey: Even Ricardo has his moments now, ranging from falling flat to Ange and Hermana's pranks to getting mercilessly teased by the party when they find out his fear of heights.
  • Embarrassing Nickname: "Rika-chan" in one victory quote, among other things. Again, courtesy of Illia.
  • Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: Has this dynamic with Hermana in some victory quotes.
  • Lampshade Hanging: He does have his moments in the original, but R somehow cranks this further with him lampshading the shenanigans around him during victory poses (for example, Spada and Illia's Evil Laughs).
  • Pet the Dog: One inn skit has him buy a doctor uniform for Luca to remind him of his dream.
  • Real Men Hate Sugar: Dislikes sweets.

Tropes applicable to the manga:

  • Big Damn Heroes: Saves Luca early in the story when he gets cornered by Avatar-transformed Garam soldiers.
  • Hitman with a Heart: Besides saving Luca regardless of his actual mission, he also crashes the airship on purpose before Oswald manages to kill Hermana.
  • Mercy Kill: Attempts this on the now out-of-control Thanatos, but Luca successfully prevents him from doing so by talking to Thanatos so he finally dies in peace.
  • Only in It for the Money: Again, this exists, but rather than for money, it is to find the reincarnation of Thanatos. When he finds out he is already dead and being used to empower Gigantess Omega, he is more than happy to turn against Oswald.

     Ange Serena

Voiced by: Kaori Nazuka

A sister from the sanctuary in the holy city of Naos. She is a holy woman who is skilled in healing spells and self-defense, and she knows a lot about politics. She uses primarily light-based spells and healing magic, but is also good at close-range combat, as she fights with knives. Her element is light. She is the reincarnation of Orifiel, a Ratio tactician whose ideal drove him to side with Asura.

Tropes applicable to both original and R versions:

  • The Atoner: The reason she was detained in Naos Base is that her powers went out of control and destroyed the sanctuary she had taken residence in. She let herself be captured out of guilt and feels she is dangerous, but Kongwai and Spada convince her that healing people and doing good is the best way to redeem herself.
  • Berserk Button: Her weight. Hermana pushes it in Kelm Volcano. Ange is not happy.
    Illia: Hot damn! She just stepped onto a land mine!
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Mostly Played for Laughs in the original (read: her weight), but this is also taken seriously in R. Notable in the latter when she calmly tells off the merchant who kidnapped Hermana's "children".
  • Big Eater: Of the "never gets fat" variety.
  • Boob-Based Gag: QQ is the most stacked party member, but Ange's are usually the source of humour when Hermana is involved. She feels Ange's chest is soft as a blanket and wants to take a nap.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: Some of her quirks are a bit off for someone like her, even more so in R.
  • Combat Medic: She learns the most useful healing spells, and plays like a rogue or thief -style character. It certainly counts when a healer is as adept at self-defense as she is.
  • Combat Stilettos: Which is odd, considering her specialty is her speed.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Leave it to a priestess to find a way to make deadpan snarky comments that don't sound deadpan or snarky at all...
  • Fighting Your Friend: Goes against the party members at one point to protect Albert.
  • Fragile Speedster: Even with Guardian Style in the original version, her defense is still not that good.
  • Gender Bender: For their Limit Break moves, the characters temporarily take the form of their past life. Ange's past life, Orifiel, was a man. Noted hilariously in a skit.
  • Good Shepherd: Ange is not just a cleric for looks. Before the game starts, she was using her powers to heal anything from blinds to cripples, to the point she became famous as Naos's holy woman who can cure any malady. She does so free of charge, is very understanding to children and generally dedicates herself to helping anyone in need.
  • Impractically Fancy Outfit: Her Combat Stilettos and poofy skirt look nice, but aren't very practical for fighting, especially for a fighting style that involves lots of darting around the battlefield.
  • Informed Flaw: She's stated to be overweight and out-of-shape.
  • Light 'em Up / Holy Hand Grenade: Uses a lot of light elemental attacks and spells.
  • Motor Mouth: Not as extreme as other examples, but still. Luca seems to be the only one who is willing to hear her when she starts talking about history of the Church and such. Apparently, this is also the kind of punishment she likes to give when the party members start misbehaving (case in point: Hermana in Kelm Volcano).
  • People Jars: How you meet her, being ejected from a war machine the party defeats after being used as its' power source.
  • Regal Ringlets: She ties her hair in a ponytail that has a noticable spiral to it.
  • The Social Expert: She is very intelligent and educated in social matters regarding the church and the faithful. This is further discussed in skits. Illia notes that Ange is way too nice and very good at dealing with people. Ange says her long involvement with the church had her involved with many types of people, so she cultivated her social skills. While she's definitely a Good Shepherd, she's not as saintly as she looks. She's smart enough to get into others' good graces and make no enemies.
  • Sticky Fingers: She (of all people) is the only one in the party who has Thievery skill. In the original, Illia and Hermana will call her out on this the first time you use her skill. Note that the jewel she gives Ricardo in order to convince him to enter a contract with her is an heirloom of Regnum's royal family that was donated to the sanctuary in Naos. Yeah.
  • Team Mom: Looks after the rest of the party alongside Ricardo, but she has a much softer and gentler approach compared to him.
  • White Magician Girl: Has a variety of support and party wide healing artes, and even learns the single target healing spells Ilia knows.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Afraid of dogs, although not revealed until very late in the game during the skit with Chien. This goes way back to her past life, when it turns out that Orifiel also tried to face Cerberus, but failed the trial due to his fear of dogs.

Tropes applicable to R version:

  • Not So Above It All: Due to her odd quirks taken up even further, she can be viewed in this way.
  • Picky Eater: Based on her reaction to foods, she doesn't like meat. Justified due to her insecurity over her weight.
  • Running Gag: While her Berserk Button is only mentioned once or twice in the original, R amps this up by making this appear frequently, ranging from skits to her victory quotes.
  • Something about a Rose: Her second (Avatar) Mystic Arte.
  • Troll: Teases and pulls pranks on other party members quite a bit. She even manages to do the latter to Ricardo at one point.
  • The Unsmile: Often gives this once she descends into Tranquil Fury, mostly regarding her weight.

Tropes applicable to the manga:

  • Damsel in Distress / Hostage Situation: The manga is not kind at all to Ange regarding this matter. This is downplayed, however - she could've avoided such situations, but she willingly goes so the children under her care can remain safe.
  • Healing Factor: Apparently also has this - at one point she gets shot near her chest, but it recovers several panels later.
  • Mama Bear: With her actions are driven to protect the orphans, what can be expected?
  • Parental Substitute: The orphanage for Avatar children is now run by her.


Illia's pet muse, a mouse-like critter, who really likes food.

Tropes applicable to both original and R versions:

  • Big Eater: A trait apparently exists to all muses, although unlike him, most of them seem to have certain Trademark Favorite Foods.
  • Butt-Monkey: R gives him a lot of moments when he's on the receiving end of punishment, like when Illia denies him food because he stole an apple. And then there are moments where he just gets to be the joke, like when Illia mistakes him for a pillow. During a pillow fight.
  • Call a Smeerp a "Rabbit": Usually used as an insult, he tends to be referred to as a rat or a monkey. Or both.
  • Near-Death Experience: Almost dying from cold in a skit in Celestial Garden. Played for Laughs.
  • Signature Laugh: Nufufufufufufu~. Less apparent than Illia and Spada, however.
  • Sidekick Creature Nuisance: He doesn't really do anything besides talk about how hungry he is. His only real purpose is to be the game's mascot. R lampshades it numerous times, most prominent when Hermana kicked him hard after he ate the mushroom she had been seeking.
  • Team Pet: He doesn't do much aside from following the party and acting cute.
  • Third-Person Person: Coda always refer to himself in the third person.
  • Verbal Tic: —-, you know.note 

     QQ Selezneva

Voiced by: Saki Fujita

A new character introduced in Tales of Innocence R. QQ is a spirited archaeologist from another world. Though she seems slow at times, she is energetic and loves to hug people.

  • Adventurer Archaeologist: When she introduces herself to the party, she loosely describes herself as an archeologist who is interested in the world of Naraka.
  • But Now I Must Go: She and Kongwai don't even say goodbye to other party members in the ending.
  • Chainmail Bikini: She bares quite a lot of skin, only wearing some armor on her arms and legs.
  • Cuddle Bug: She hugs everyone... Except Kongwai, as he is her enemy.
  • Double Weapon: Her choice of weapon is a double ended spear.
  • Enemy Mine: With Kongwai, as they are from opposing factions back in their home world, but work together for the time being for the sake of the party.
  • Eyepatch of Power: Has an eyepatch over her left eye, and is a well-seasoned warrior. In fact, she's the only purely physical fighter in the entire party.
  • Genki Girl: How she appears. Until you put her and Kongwai by themselves, that is.
  • Glass Cannon: Deals as much damage as Spada and Luca as well as the easiest character for comboing, but she has even less defense than Spada.
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom: Her second Mystic Arte cut-in. Also a literal case of Turns Red.
  • I Can't Hear You: In a non-verbal, less comedic example than Illia. When Kongwai inquires her what she was doing in the world of Innocence, she gives this gesture in response as if to taunt him.
  • Intercontinuity Crossover: She implies at one point that she is from the world of Tales of the Tempest.
  • Literal-Minded and Does Not Understand Sarcasm: Due to her limited language capability, she takes Blatant Lies and sarcasm at face-value. Not so much in her native language, though, as she is shown to be perfectly capable of making snide comments at Kongwai.
  • My Friends... and Zoidberg: Refuses to hug Kongwai under any circumstances. They are bitter enemies, after all.
  • Scarf of Asskicking: Features a long yellow scarf as part of her outfit, and is a purely physical fighter.
  • Sixth Ranger: Alongside Kongwai, she's a new character introduced in R who tags along with the party.
  • Spectacular Spinning: When she is happy, she will dance by spinning around.
  • Stripperiffic: Quite so. This is hilariously lampshaded if you take the girls (minus Ange) and Ricardo into battles in Tenos area, as the girls will complain about the cold.
  • Super-Strength: Easily breaks the prison doors of a ship at one point.
  • Third-Person Person: Refers to herself in third person, as she doesn't have a perfect grasp on the world's language like Kongwai does.
  • Verbal Tic: "QQ!"
  • You No Take Candle: Speaks like this because the language spoken in the world of Innocence is not her native language. Kongwai is also in the same position, but he is more intelligent and seems to have crossed the language barrier more easily.

     Kongwai Tao

Voiced by: Kenji Nojima

A new character introduced in Tales of Innocence R. Kongwai is a quiet and mysterious spellcaster from another world who dislikes disputes and often takes the role of mediator. He claims that his mission is to "save the souls" of two unspecified people.

  • Ambiguously Evil: [He and QQ are bitter enemies, and while the nature of the conflict between them is never elaborated on he is definitely the more morally questionable of the two, committing acts such as stealing souls.
  • Animal Motifs: Cats, apparently. May or may not double as Cats Are Mean, depending on how you view him.
  • Anti-Magic: Same with Hermana, his Style later gives access to complete immunity to spells, both offensive and support.
  • Berserk Button / Beware the Nice Ones: Men who try to hit on him and won't hear the word "no" tend to vanish without a trace.
  • But Now I Must Go: He and QQ don't even say goodbye to other party members in the ending.
  • Consummate Liar: Whenever the party asks what QQ and him are talking about while using their native languages. Justified, since the party is unaware of their hostility to each other, and there isn't much point on revealing it to them.
  • Does Not Like Spam: He truly hates tomatoes.
  • Dude Looks Like a Lady: Has a feminine face, alongside his clothes, but he dislikes it very much if someone suggests such a thing.
  • Elemental Powers: In addition to his initial Non-Elemental spells, Kongwai has access to all offensive spells in the game, and the only one who learns the high-tier spells (such as Indignation).
  • Enemy Mine: With QQ, as they are from opposing factions back on their home world, but they put aside their differences during the events of the story..
  • Head Pet: One of his unlockable costumes has a stuffed cat attached to his head.
  • Identical Stranger: A sub-event that takes place as soon as the party returns to Regnum for Hermana has a young boy mistake Kongwai for his brother. The boy's mother notes the resemblance as well, but is aware that her son was killed in the Western Battlefield. While Kongwai initially seems annoyed at the crying child, he reveals his kinder side and agrees to play catchball to cheer him up.
  • Kick the Dog: Played for Laughs in one skit. When the party picks on Ricardo for his dislike to sweets, Ricardo snaps and proceeds to lecture everyone one-by-one. When it is Kongwai's turn, he flat-out denies that he was laughing and points to Luca, with obvious result. This is notable since apart from this skit, he is one of a few who actually treats Luca well.
  • Kindhearted Cat Lover: Can be seen as one. At the very least, cats everywhere seem to be naturally attracted of him.
  • Ma'am Shock: Hermana refers to him as an Obasan in a skit. Needless to say, he is not amused.
  • Manipulative Bastard: Kongwai knows how to get things to go his way, even if he doesn't earn people's trust. He manages to tag along with the party by reminding them that they owe him their lives, and deflects Ricardo's suspicions by retorting that Ricardo himself is rather untrustworthy given his mercenary status and having switched sides earlier only because of the extra profits Ange offered him.
  • Mercy Kill: While Chitose was Driven to Suicide in the original, she has her soul "salvaged" by him in the ending of R to cut her cycle of reincarnation.
  • Mysterious Backer: He follows and fights with the party while having a personal mission he doesn't tell much about.
  • Power Copying: He can learn any offensive spell in the game simply by being hit by it at least once.
  • Soul Jar: His exact words are "With my own hands, I can only save two souls." Near the end of the game he reveals that he was being quite literal, as the souls he is meant to rescue are stored in his hands.
  • Spell Book: His weapon of choice, which he uses to channel his magic for spells and conjuring images of weapons for his normal attack.
  • Squishy Wizard: All of his artes are spells and he doesn't have very good defence.
  • Storm of Blades: His second Mystic Arte, which causes a bunch of swords to fly from a glyph before piercing the enemy with two giant swords from either side.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Seems to like vegetables in long as they don't have tomatoes in it.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Gets this a few times throughout the game, but a notable one (from subsequent runs) is done by QQ when she asked why he stops her from knocking out the Regnum soldiers and let the party be taken to Grigori settlement. And he knows about the whole thing Ricardo is up to.
  • Your Soul Is Mine!: He steals Hasta's and Chitose's soul in order to prevent their reincarnation.



Voiced by: Atsuko Tanaka

The mysterious masked leader of Arca, an influential cult of Avatars who seek to capture the Manifest. She appears at the beginning of the game, trying to capture Illia for unknown reasons.

Tropes applicable to both original and R versions:

  • Dramatic Unmask: She has Inanna's face in the original, while in R, it's worse: she has BOTH Asura and Inanna's faces.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: Somewhat. It is noted that the Manifest can only be activated by two people who share mutual bond and goal. Despite Chitose loving her (as Asura's reincarnation), she does not love her back and only views her as a tool, which is why she cannot use the Manifest.
  • The Heartless: Formed from Asura's grief and anger upon Inanna's betrayal.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: Her ultimate plan is to destroy the entire world to end all disputes
  • One-Winged Angel: She reveals her true monstourous form before the final boss battle. In R she gains two more after that..
  • Shadow Archetype: To Luca/Asura, being the reincarnation of Asura's Maou persona, which split from him when he died..

Tropes applicable to original version:

  • No Sympathy for Grudgeholders: Everyone tells Mathias they've had enough of their past selves haunting their current lives, and that she can keep her obsessive grudge against the world to herself. Illia, in particular, says she has no sympathy for someone so positively stubborn and unable to move on and live a new life. Only Ruca pities her a little, but Mathias just swears revenge against them for her next life.
  • Palette Swap: Infernal Wish is this to Mathias's final form.
  • Rapid-Fire "Shut Up!": Her final words before dying.

Tropes applicable to R version:

  • Adaptational Attractiveness: Played With. DS Mathias looked rather comical with her chubby, oversized red suit, goofy mask, and scrawny legs, but her face was relatively pretty. Mathias' redesign in R has a Cleavage Window and robes that make her look cultured and intelligent, but you do not want to look her in the eyes.
  • Bishōnen Line: Unlike in the original, she gains two additional forms as the Final Boss.
  • Cleavage Window: Her new design for R features this, compared to the original, which covered her whole body.
  • Foreshadowing: After she unmasks herself, notice how she has only one pointy ear visible.
  • Fusion Dance and Split-Personality Merge: Has this forced upon her by Luca in the manga and R, although she apparently subconsciously desired it.
  • Hide Your Otherness: At first, her bangs hide the left side of her face, which is Asura's face.
  • Two-Faced: Her more human appearance is a mix of Asura and Inanna, which includes Asura's black skin and one of his horns on the left side of her face.

Tropes applicable to the manga:

  • It Amused Me: She manages to be much less sympathetic by killing everyone here and there. This includes the Avatars Spada saved earlier (just so the trio will awaken their memories), her own followers, and lastly, Chitose.

     Chitose/Thitose Cxarma 

A young avatar from Ashihara who wants to join Arca. She is reincarnated from Sakuya - who harbored unrequited feelings to Asura, thus her crush on Luca.

Tropes applicable to both original and R versions:

  • Cassandra Truth: None of the party members believed her when she told them that Inanna is responsible for Devaloka's destruction through betraying Asura. Cue Sky Castle.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: She desperately wants Luca to be with her, and is very hostile towards Illia.
  • Fatal Flaw: Unlike the heroes (particularly Illia, her rival), she never gets past her former life and is ultimately consumed by it.
  • Hate at First Sight: Same deal with Illia. See her entry for more details.

Tropes applicable to original version:

Tropes applicable to R version:

  • Cute and Psycho: Due to the below trope, she seems to fit this trope now. Lampshaded by Spada after the first fight against her.
  • If I Can't Have You… / Yandere: Although the streak is there in the original, R takes it further by attempting to kill Luca twice. The second one involves putting Luca and co hostage in a ship and proceeds to blow the ship up when Luca refuses to cooperate.
    No one shall take Asura-sama away!
  • Mercy Kill: Apparently done by Kongwai in the ending to cut her from the cycle of reincarnation.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Unlike in the original where she goes quietly after Mathias' defeat, she falls into this in R before having her soul promptly salvaged by Kongwai.

     Chien/Sian Tenebro 

Voiced by: Miyuki Sawashiro

A young boy working for Arca. His dogs, Cer and Ber, are always following him around. They're his biological brothers, and all three of them are the reincarnations of Cerberus, each representing Cerberus' head.

Tropes applicable to both original and R versions:

  • All of the Other Reindeer: His backstory, where he was abandoned near a temple while he was still young, and then fled when Cer and Ber killed a monk who tried to kill them after they began to show their demonic powers.
  • Anti-Villain: He wishes for a new world where he could be accepted, thus his devotion to Mathias. When Mathias reveals her nature as Omnicidal Maniac, he does not take it well.
  • Break the Cutie: His past, and again when Mathias reveals her true nature as Omnicidal Maniac.
  • Butt-Monkey: Luca and Illia are completely unaware of his presence when he tries to talk to them in a skit. He proceeds to cry afterwards while lamenting how Cer and Ber are the only ones who can understand him.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Once Mathias reveals her true intention of destroying the world, he quickly defects from her side and decides to help out the party instead.
  • Sibling Team: The dogs he fights with, Cer and Ber, are actually his biological brothers, each of them being the reincarnation of one of Cerberus' heads.
  • Wild Child: A naive boy who lived in the jungle for most of his life until he joined Mathias.

Tropes applicable to R version:

  • Happily Adopted: The upgraded ending illustration in R hints that he is adopted by NPC Edgwar following the conclusion of the story.

Other Antagonists

     Hasta Ekstermi 

Voiced by: Mitsuaki Madono

A mercenary who apparently works for Oswald and is clearly not quite right in the head. He is the reincarnation of Gae Bolg, which may explain his insane nature.

Tropes applicable to both original and R versions:

  • Ax-Crazy: He is bonkers and makes no attempt to hide it. His ability to even walk and blend in with the townsfolk is rather questionable.
  • Boke and Tsukkomi Routine: His dynamics with the party are bound to end as this, especially with Illia.
  • But for Me, It Was Tuesday: Ricardo is the only person whose name he bothers to remember.
  • Cloud Cuckoolander: In a creepy variety.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: Well, he does lampshade it at one point. Of course, this being him, it doesn't happen.
  • Evil Counterpart: To Spada. Both are reincarnations of weapons, having polar opposite fighting styles, and in R, both have lightning affinity.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: When he first appears, apparently he's nothing special, and Ricardo is able to beat him to near-death. When he awakens to the memories of his past life, he becomes That One Boss.
  • Meaningful Name: No points for guessing what weapon he uses in battle. And he is the reincarnation of Gae Bolg, by the way.
  • Mighty Glacier: His strategy is to mosey on over to the heroes and obliterate anyone who gets close.
  • Motor Mouth: And in the worst possible kind. This gets to the point of Illia always covering her ears once he starts rambling.
  • Perpetual Smiler: Almost always grinning despite his murderous tendencies, clearly showing his insanity.
  • Psycho for Hire: His first job was to wreak havoc in the Western Battlefield, where he's introduced. The leaders of Arca later recruit him to get rid of the heroes. Joy.
  • Recurring Boss: If you weren't sick enough of him and his three fights in the DS version, R made sure to add extra ones at various points. You can never have enough of this guy, apparently.
  • Shout-Out: "Hasta la vista", which is his last words in the original and a random gibberish he spouts early in R.
  • Talkative Loon: Hasta never shuts up. Nor is he very coherent. He can go from chatting about food to announcing he will eat you for breakfast. With his voice randomly changing its temper. It is weird.
  • Verbal Tic: He bounces between talking very slowly and very quickly very often.

Tropes applicable to R version:

  • Early-Bird Cameo: He appears in the very first dungeon in R, sleeping like a baby in a monster-infested forest. His appearance in the DS version came much later. He then proceeds to threaten Ruca that he will eat him for breakfast. And then says he was just joking before walking away.
  • Gratuitous English and Spanish: Spouts quite a bit of them. For example, from the beginning of the game:
    Hasta (to Luca): You are my breakfast!
    Hasta: Hasta la vista, baby!
  • I Surrender, Suckers: While in the original he stabs Luca by having the latter picking Idiot Ball, in R he first throws his spear away while attempting to pick Luca's attention, which doesn't work thanks to Spada. However, it turns out to be a diversion while he retrieves his spear, and he proceeds to stabs Luca in the middle of his ramblings.
  • Parenthetical Swearing: Him calling Ricardo as "Ricardo-sensei" may qualify as one. Then again, since he is nuts to begin with....
  • Psycho Electro / Shock and Awe: Has access to equally-nasty lightning spells.
  • Slasher Smile: Gives a particularly chilling one before stabbing Luca.
  • Villains Out Shopping: In New Game Plus, a sub-event has Hasta sand-bathing in Galpos...and becoming a snowman in Tenos.

Tropes applicable to the manga:

     Oswald fan Kuruela 

Voiced by: Bin Shimada

A man in a high position in the Regnum army. He is in charge of researching ways to put Avatars to use in the war, including developing the gigantesses, large mechanical war machines powered by their bodies.

Tropes applicable to both original and R versions:

  • Disney Villain Death: After being defeated, he's unable to escape from the malfunctioning Gigantess Omega and promptly plummets to his death from the top of the tower after the Mini-Mecha stops working.
  • Fat Bastard: A rotund and thoroughly unpleasant man.
  • A God Am I: He obviously has this attitude after he kicks Gardel's ass. Well, let's just say it doesn't happen.
  • Godhood Seeker: Obsessed to obtain the Manifest so he can become the god of the new world.
  • In-Series Nickname: "Pigwald", courtesy of Hasta. Later, even Illia calls him using the same nickname.
  • Smug Snake: Oswald is convinced he's a bigger deal than he actually is. Most tellingly, his superiors don't think too highly of him and threat him with casual contempt.

Tropes applicable to the manga:


Voiced by: Norio Wakamoto

The enigmatic leader of the Grigori, who deeply loves Naraka. He is actually Thanatos himself, who never reincarnated. The Grigori are the descendants of the children he had with his human wife.

Tropes applicable to both original and R versions:

Tropes applicable to the manga:

  • Eldritch Abomination: Turns into this after his power went out of control and apparently consumed by grief of his lingering spirit. Luca manages to talk him through and lets him die in peace.
  • Posthumous Character: He appears in the manga...already dead and being used to empower Gigantess Omega.

     Albert Grandeioza 

Voiced by: Tomokazu Sugita

The leader of Tenos, who wants to use the Manifest for the benefit of his country. He is the reincarnation of Himmel, Orifiel's student who was executed by Ratio leaders due to their belief. Taking advantage of their past life and Orifiel's strong feelings for Himmel, he planned to sacrifice Ange to invoke Manifest, but she eventually talked him into helping the party instead.

Tropes applicable to both original and R versions:

  • Dual Boss: With Ange at the Tenos Munitions Factory when the party stops them before they head to the Sky Castle.
  • The Gunslinger: Uses a revolver as his weapon of choice.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Thanks to Ange he abandons his plans of using the Manifest and decides to help the party instead.
  • Jade-Colored Glasses: Himmel and Asura used to hold the same belief, however, after seeing Naraka, his view of the world becomes more or less the same as the Ratios. Until Ange snapped him out of it.
  • Last-Minute Hookup: With Ange, in the final cutscene, moments before the game ends.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: His reaction after Ange called him out.

Tropes applicable to R version:

  • Took a Level in Kindness: DS Albert was an asshole. He intended to sacrifice Ange remorselessly, knowing full well who she is and how she felt about him and their past lives. R Albert is a bit different. He intended to sacrifice himself, letting Ange use the Power of Creation for the greater good because he deeply cared for her.

Devaloka / Past Selves


Voiced by: Rikiya Koyama

The general of the Sensus Army, who wants to get the Manifest to reunite Devaloka and Naraka into one world. This is cut short when Inanna murders him to prevent this. When he reincarnated, his anger and pain at being betrayed by Inanna and Durandal became Overlord/Mathias, and the rest became Luca.

Tropes applicable to both original and R versions:

Tropes applicable to R version:

  • Big Brother Mentor: Has a few moments of this for Luca.
  • Fatal Flaw: In a way, Asura's stubbornness can be seen as such. One past-life skit with Orifiel had them discuss Ratio's ideals, in which Orifiel pointed out how much blood Asura had shed for his campaign of Devaloka and Naraka's unification. He also failed to understand why Inanna was strongly opposed to his plan, which ultimately led to her betrayal.
  • Living Emotional Crutch: A past life skit in R implies he is one for Vrtra.


Voiced by: Atsuko Tanaka

Asura's lover. By all appearances, the two are completely devoted to each other. However, Inanna opposes the plan to seize the Manifest and merge Devaloka with Naraka, and pleads repeatedly with Asura to give up his war.

Tropes applicable to both original and R versions:

  • Becoming the Mask: Subverted. Despite genuinely loving Asura, Inanna - also tormented by her pain over her mother's death by people of Naraka - ultimately chose to fulfill her mission and killed Asura.
  • Cynicism Catalyst: Why she hates Naraka so much, as her mother was killed by people of Naraka.
  • Et Tu, Brute?: She killed Asura by taking Durandal from him and stabbing him, betraying them both.
  • Even the Girls Want Her: It's implied that this is the case.
  • Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: She barely reaches Asura's waist.
  • The Mole: Sent by Ratio to assassinate Asura.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: She is named after the Sumerian goddess of sex and violence for a reason.
  • World's Most Beautiful Woman: She first met Asura when she defected from Ratio by walking in the middle of the battlefield and pledging her loyalty to him. Everyone stopped fighting, mesmerized by her beauty. This follows the usual trend of fertility goddesses.

Tropes applicable to R version:

  • Love Redeems: Perhaps. In the skit where Illia unlocked the Avatar Mystic Arte, Inanna asked Illia to use her power for "protecting Asura's reincarnation".
  • Passive-Aggressive Kombat: Her dynamics with Sakuya.


Voiced by: Yuji Ueda

A talking holy sword forged by Vulcan, Durandal was made to fight Vulcan's previous creation, Gae Bolg, who turned out to be somewhat violent. Durandal, of course, defeated Gae Bolg with the help of Asura, his wielder. Durandal then helps Asura with the war against the Ratio, up until he willingly allowed Inanna to use him to assassinate Asura.

Tropes applicable to both original and R versions:

  • BFS: Although apparently he can shrink his size, considering how Inanna hid him before she used him to stab Asura.
  • Empathic Weapon: He has a mind of his own, and would often converse with Asura during their free time.
  • Et Tu, Brute?:


Voiced by: Yuki Matsuoka

Vrtra is a large white dragon who was Asura's steed as well as a caretaker of sorts. It's implied that she's the oldest and wisest thing in all of Devaloka, with legends stating that she was born around the same time as the world itself, and continued to live long after the Fall.

Tropes applicable to both original and R versions:


Ratio's general, a Reaper and Asura's sworn enemy, who promised to judge Asura's actions in their next lives. As Thanatos's younger brother, he had to pick up the slack after Thanatos was exiled from Devaloka.

Tropes applicable to both original and R versions:

  • Glowing Eyes of Doom: The top half of his face is shrouded in shadows by his hood, but his eyes glow a bright blue despite this.
  • Grim Reaper / Shinigami: His job is to primarily harvest mortal souls to sustain Devaloka.
  • In the Hood: Half of his face was covered by his hood, although his eyes were still visible since they're glowing.
  • Sinister Scythe: Which is also a Double Weapon, for extra awesomeness.
  • Worthy Opponent: According to Ricardo, this is how Hypnos saw Asura.


Voiced by: Tomokazu Sugita

Ratio's tactician and Himmel's teacher, renown for his intellect, level head, and chivalry. Despite being a Ratio, Orifiel opposes the war and supports the unification of Devaloka and Naraka.

Tropes applicable to both original and R versions:

  • Friendly Enemy: With Asura. Even before he defects to Asura's side, Asura commends Orifiel's tactical prowess when the two of them meet on the battlefield.
  • High-Class Glass: Wears a monacle next to his right eye.
  • My Greatest Failure: Himmel's death following Devaloka's unification, after which he proceeded to side with Asura.
  • Parental Substitute: He was given custody of Himmel, in order to raise and educate him according to Ratio's values. They had a rather familial relationship.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: He failed when he tried to face Cerberus, due to his fear of dogs.

Tropes applicable to R version:

  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Himmel's death hit him hard, after which he suffered a breakdown and vowed to kill everyone. He then proceeded to kill the four leaders of Ratio with his own hands.


Asura's attendant, who was deeply in love with him.

Tropes applicable to both original and R versions:


The three-headed dog that guards the Manifest.

Voiced by: Miyuki Sawashiro

Tropes applicable to both original and R versions:

     Gae Bolg 

Forged by Vulcan to give its wielder great power, Gae Bolg had a nasty habit of turning people evil. He was eventually destroyed by Durandal, and then reincarnated as Hasta.

Tropes applicable to both original and R versions:


A reaper in service of Ratio, who was exiled to Naraka after he fell in love with a human woman. Hypnos is his younger brother.

Tropes applicable to both original and R versions:

  • Grim Reaper / Shinigami: Alongside his brother, his job was to harvest souls to sustain Devaloka.
  • Sinister Scythe: Just like his brother he uses a scythe for reaping souls.
  • Star-Crossed Lovers: He fell in love with a mortal woman while reaping souls from Naraka, and would eventully abandon his post to be with her.

Tropes applicable to R version:

  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: One of Ricardo's dreams has a conversation between Hypnos and Thanatos where the latter announces his intentions to leave Ratio because of his attachment to Naraka and because he's sick of their leaders' attitude. Hypnos protests that the elders would never let him get away with it. Thanatos doesn't care.
    Thanatos: You can tell those old men they need to hurry up and get lost from this world.


Orifiel's beloved student and one of the pillars of Devaloka. The Ratio leaders eventually executed him, as he shared Orifiel's favorable view on unifying Devaloka with Naraka, and they felt it would be easier to let him reincarnate and start from scratch than try to convince him otherwise.

Tropes applicable to both original and R versions:

  • Wise Beyond Their Years: Although he is also a bit immature at times. Especially apparent in R where the skits involving Orifiel and him had him being quite bratty.


The god of weaponry, as well as the creator of both Gae Bolg and Durandal.

Tropes applicable to both original and R versions:

  • The Blacksmith: He's the one who forged Durandal and Gae Bolg, and can forge ultimate weapons for each of the party members given the proper materials.
  • My Greatest Failure: In a way, his regret for creating Gae Bolg can be seen as this.
  • Posthumous Character: He only appears in Spada's memories from his time as Durandal. Not so much in R, though, as it turns out, he is still alive and well, albeit only if the player chooses to do some exploring.

Tropes applicable to R version:

  • Infinity +1 Sword: His sidequest will give each character this (at least, for the first run) as well as their Avatar Mystic Arte.
  • Last of His Kind: With Gardel's death, he is the only being from Devaloka left by the end of the game.

Other Characters


An old butler serving Belforma nobility, and the only person whom Spada didn't cut his ties with from his family.

Tropes applicable to both original and R versions:

  • The Mentor: Spada mostly learnt his philosophy from him.
  • Old Retainer: Though he is a former butler for the Belforma family, he still treats Spada as his master.
  • Parental Substitute: As noted on Spada's entry, Hartman is one for him.
  • Supreme Chef: Well, Coda truly loves his cooking, after all.

     Edguar Allen Pwo 

An eccentric old man the party encounters in Galpos Jungle, who seems to know about Chien quite a bit.

Tropes applicable to both original and R versions:

Tropes applicable to R version:
