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Characters / Metal Gear: Green

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    In General 
  • Badass Army: Fits this trope to a T.
  • Broken Pedestal: Some, like Grizzly, were heroes who decided to abandon their capes and take up rifles when it became clear heroics was not all it was cut out to be.
  • Death Glare: Many of the MSF members give death glares to the UA teachers. Most of them view heroes as glory hounds, and for some, had seen heroes do atrocities or even worse.
  • Driven to Villainy: Many of the ex-villains from Africa and Venezuela went into crime because they had no choice or say whatsoever. Others were desperate for the cash and for some, had dangerous quirks that required a support item to allow them to live a normal day-to-day life, or just wanted a second chance at life that was denied to them.
  • Everyone Has Standards: While they are a mercenary force, they do not - and will not, allow children to fight in wars. Upon finding hero students on the field, they order a cease of hostilities while extracting the hero students. They only started fighting when the Remnant forces started attacking both groups.
  • Fish out of Temporal Water: All the members that arrived originally alongside a captured Soviet Spy all become dumbstruck that they're 300 years in the future. Luckily, technology stagnated due to Quirks emerging.
  • Hate at First Sight: Many of the MSF members guarding UA flat-out despise the heroes. Justified as many of them had been stuck in rampant poverty and under tyrannical rule, with the MSF being the only organization that was helping them.
  • Hope Bringer: To those society mistreated. Abandoned. Left to die or suffer under evil. They are the second chance at life they all desperately crave.
  • Private Military Contractors: They are a mercenary company. At first numbering 300, by the time the UA arc has come forth, they number 3 million personnel, with the number climbing higher each day.
  • The Real Heroes: The refugees the MSF was helping view the MSF as this. When the heroes try to take away the captured MSF members, the refugees attack the heroes and free the captured MSF members.
  • True Companions: All are loyal to Big Boss first and to each other come hell or high water.


Big Boss - AKA Naked Snake

Quirk - Quirkless

In 1964, a man named John, an agent of the Black Ops Unit FOX, saves the world from nuclear Armageddon. Along the way, he's forced to slay his teacher and adoptive mother codenamed the Boss. For his actions, he is Christened "Big Boss" by the President of the United States and inherits his master's title of "The Greatest Warrior of the 20th Century".

He would go on to form the Militares Sans Frontieres. During a single mission to sneak into an enemy compound in 1972 and steal the tanks they had, he would find himself alongside his group transported to another world nearly 300 years into the future. The mission was supposed to be a grab and leave. He didn't expect to be teleported 300 years into the future, nor did he expect himself to be the adoptive father to a kid a corrupt organization abducted and horrifically experimented on.

But one thing's for sure. The world will know of Big Boss, and the world will learn of his actions to free the world from the oppression of the HPSC.

  • The Ace: Oh, yes. Snake against a small enemy tank company ends with him destroying all but one tank as the last tank crew surrendered.
  • An Offer You Can't Refuse: He offers a deal to the HPSC President: Have her heroes stand down and he'll allow them to leave. If she refuses, the press will rapidly gain more ammo, and if Night Owl's experiments come out, the HPSC will be possibly dissolved on the spot. She takes Snake's deal.
  • Armor-Piercing Question: When meeting with the guy who would later become a member of the MSF, Snake asks this.
    Freezer Boy: Saving lives, stopping the Bad Guy, making sure everyone is safe.
    Snake: Well, are you doing that now?
  • Assassin Outclassin': Successfully subdues Magnetic before the villain can kill Sainz.
  • Benevolent Boss: Is this to his fellow men.
  • The Dreaded: A legend among the people, feared by his foes. The South African Warlord Luan Igwe even admits that fighting him is suicidal.
  • Doesn't Trust Those Guys: While Snake does trust Nezu, he doesn't trust the rest of the heroes, All Might in particular. Granted, after finding out the Elementals kidnapped Izuku and murdered his entire family, Madam President sent 60,000 heroes to crush the MSF group in Africa, then got the Moscow Wolves to try and whack Snake, he is very wary of All Might and the other heroes, especially since this is the first time meeting them.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Upon seeing what had happened to Izuku, apart from explaining how the fuck he and his forces were 300 years in the future, he and the rest of the MSF seek to dissolve the HPSC, come hell or high water.
    • Despises the idea of child soldiers and upon hearing that hero students are in the field during the Hero attack, orders his men to infiltrate the hero ranks and get the hero students out.
    • While he understands calling those who commit war crimes or extremely unforgiving crimes villains, he outright refuses to use it to all criminals, as a petty thief isn't Adolf Hitler, and a robber may be desperate for money to feed his family.
  • Fish out of Temporal Water: Being sent 300 years into the future because of a corrupt organization's experiments is going to be a massive shocker.
  • Food as Bribe: The locals of one town under warlord rule are offered more food and water in exchange for not engaging the MSF. The locals eagerly take it, wanting to be out of Warlord rule permanently.
  • Godzilla Threshold: Orders the Showstopper base to be bombed to oblivion after the kids are rescued and at a safe enough distance when Nagant reports evidence of human experimentation in that base.
  • Heel Realization: Throughout the fic in the early chapters, Snake was left wondering what use soldiers had in a world of peace. As he was making his way to the Tyrant, he began to realize that what he thought the Boss wanted was completely wrong, and what he saw in the MHA world made it clear the Boss wanted a world where people decided for themselves, where soldiers fought the wars so that people didn't have to.
  • Morality Pet: Izuku is this to him.
  • Oh, Crap!: When investigating the base where Night Owl and the Ninth Circle was discarding all the rusted and useless weapons and vehicles, Snake is forced to stop himself from offing Night Owl when he reveals he has a nuclear bomb from the Congo Tyrant. And said nuclear bomb could be anywhere.
  • One-Man Army: Snake successfully defeats an entire enemy tank company by himself.
    • Earlier before, Diego points out how he killed an entire group of their members before they even noticed he was there.
  • Price on Their Head: Has as of now, a $1 billion bounty, with it probably being higher after the Tyrant Arc.
    • By Chapter 69, he now has a 3 billion bounty on his head. The author wanted it to be 12 billion, raised every six months, but was convinced not to as it sounded not only unrealistic, but would cause virtually all villain groups known across the globe to focus on the bounty rather than hire him.
  • Spanner in the Works: Successfully thwarts the Assassination Attempt on the Colombian President.
  • The Promise: As he heads to the Tyrant's lair to kill him and prevent more cities from being nuked, he realizes that his mentor wanted a world where people decided for themselves, not what he was seeing now. He promises to himself to fulfill her wish.
    Narriation: Now he was going to fulfill the Boss’s legacy. Her real legacy. And it starts, with the Tyrant’s end.
  • Toy-Based Characterization: Miller has a plushie of himself made for Izuku after his rescue. According to Miller, it helps the kid sleep better.
  • Villain Killer: Killing the Brothers, the Tyrant, and the Showstopper gains him respect and allies across the globe.
  • What the Hell, Costuming Department?: Upon seeing Roland's hero costume, he notes that this is impractical and dangerous for him to wear. He even notes that his gear in the 60s is more protective than this.
  • You Have GOT to Be Kidding Me!: When Snake hears that Roland is a student intern from Wisconsin, he is outright stunned at this.
    Snake: That doesn’t exactly sound right to me,
    Roland: What do you mean?
    Snake: You're what, sixteen, and they’re sending you out to battle terrorists. Legally you can’t even vote, and you're expected to learn how to fight for your life in the field.
    • When finding out the HPSC didn't even bother keeping tabs on the Ninth Circle and had its members listed as 15 for over a decade, his response is a mix of this and Oh, Crap!

     Izuku Midoriya 

Izuku Midoriya

Quirk - Quirkless

When Izuku was six, his parents were killed off by the HPSC while he was abducted to be part of dimensional exploration, where he would be the dimensional constant. Five months of agonizing pain and screaming followed before he was rescued by Snake. Now as the ward of the MSF's leader, he wants to go into the field, to help, hoping to help those in need.
  • Adaptational Badass: Izuku can hold his own in a fight, handle guns with ease and is able to subdue and defeat an unruly student who lost to him in a class exercise.
  • Adaptational Intelligence: Izuku can speak five languages, and is learning another four.
  • Adaptational Relationship Overhaul: He does not have his canonical relationship status with the students of 1A and the UA staff, barring Nezu. This starts to change in Chapter 62.
    • On the other hand, he becomes friends with Rody due to his family being with the MSF to avoid Humarise.
    • He and Mei quickly become friends when he sees how improved the exoskeleton Mei stole and wishes to see more of her inventions.
    • His relationship with Bakugou becomes far more sour than canon, with Izuku viewing Bakugou as nothing more than an idiot who probably peaked in middle school and is overcompensating to avoid irrelevancy.
  • Armor-Piercing Response: When Bakugou demands another fight and tells Akatani he'll blast his ass to hell, Akatani has this response.
    • Likewise, when Iida decides to chastise him for fighting while Quirkless, Akatani retorts.
      Iida: You went through the exercise without a quirk!? You could have gotten hurt!
      Akatani: But I didn’t. Furthermore, I beat all of you,
  • Bait-and-Switch: Izuku does the cardboard box trick on the soldiers to get past them. When they spot him and open it, they find out it was DD under the box and not Izuku. Izuku, on the other hand, had gotten past them and won the exercise.
    • During his tactical fight against Bakugou, he exploits the blonde's approach to have the heavy hitters on the front by swarming them with Cannon Fodder while waiting to strike the weaker heroes and steal the humanitarian aid trucks. This gamble causes Bakugou to fail the exercise.
  • Bullying a Dragon: Bakugou's stunt in Chapter 65 against him ends with Bakugou being humiliated, tied up and beaten.
  • Canine Companion: Adopts a dog he and Snake name Diamond Dog, or DD for short.
  • Cold Sniper: During the class exercise, Izuku was in the distance, using drones to keep tabs on his opponents and firing tranq rounds to knock them out.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Thanks to training from Snake and Nagant, he shows a better set of experience in playing dirty, knowing that in war, your life or theirs, no gentleman-like tactics.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Gives one to Class 1A. Much to the students embarrassment, they lost horribly to a kid with a few drones, tranq darts for his rifle and the kid was busy playing Minecraft with Victoria.
    • Effortlessly gives one to Bakugou when the moron tries to attack him.
  • Deadpan Snarker: During the discussion on their class exercise.
    Bakugou: Ha! Those extras were your biggest threats?
    Akatani: More so than you were. By the way, are you having difficulties over there? Because I thought someone as powerful as you would have freed themself by now.
  • Exact Words: When doing a test spar with Ochako, she points out that this is a sparring match when Akatani tells her she could've grabbed a pipe or wrench. Akatani tells her it's a sparring match with no knockouts, breaking limbs and win by restraining. He didn't say 'no improvised weapons'.
  • Excuse Me While I Multitask: During the battle trial, he is talking to Victoria while picking off 1A students one by one, while reloading and petting DD every now and then.
  • Food as Bribe: He offers MREs to Ochako in exchange for information over her's and the other 1A students' Quirks. She takes it, given how this costs her no money.
  • Gun Nut: Becomes a little like this after Snake finds him with four disassembled M4s that he didn't know how to put back together.
    • When chatting with Ochako, he explains that the three things he is very interested in are guns, Quirks and All Might.
  • Happily Adopted: Not legal, but Izuku is in the care of the MSF as the HPSC has killed off his entire family and they know putting him in foster care will go very poorly and can lead to the HPSC finding him for experimentation.
  • Morality Pet: Izuku is this for everyone in the MSF and a few A.I.s. This also extends to Ochako.
  • One-Man Army: Against a class training to be heroes, he successfully becomes this trope.
  • Out-Gambitted: He outfoxes Bakugou and has the competent villains attack the weak heroes while the cannon fodder villains hold down the heavy hitters. By the time Bakugou had got All Might freed, it was already too late.
  • Powered by a Forsaken Child: Izuku's fate for five months, much to the disgust of the MSF.
  • Precision F-Strike: Izuku after he loses a bet with Rody and has to wear a chicken suit for a week.
  • Same Face, Different Name: Goes by Mikumo Akatani when heading to UA. Justified as the HPSC would gladly send in heroes to try and abduct Izuku for dimensional experimentation again.
  • Security Blanket: As a kid, he received a Snake plushie to help him sleep better from the night terrors he got thanks to the HPSC.
  • Side Bet: Makes a bet with Rody about the next ball being a home run. He loses and has to wear a chicken suit for a week.
  • You Have GOT to Be Kidding Me!: When Bakugou confronts him over the battle trial, Izuku groans when he realizes Bakugou is bitching over his loss in a humiliating manner. He decides to humiliate Bakugou even further.

     Tsutsumi Kaina - Lady Nagant 

Tsutsumi Kaina - Lady Nagant

Quirk - Rifle

A hero used by the HPSC to assassinate those who refused to tow their line, she would reluctantly work as this. Following an unspecified incident where she blew off the head of the previous HPSC president, she is thrown into Tartarus and left to rot. A chance meeting with Big Boss while he was escaping Tartarus led her to be busted out and given a new lease on life.

Now as one of the MSF's top officers and Chief Assassin, she is given the chance to be a hero for those who had been abandoned like her by the HPSC.

Her Quirk, Rifle, allows her to transform her arm into a rifle while molding her hair into bullets that can be used to snipe out multiple targets from a distance.

  • Adaptational Heroism: Thanks to being rescued by Big Boss, Lady Nagant doesn't join the League of Villains and becomes one of the MSF's top officers and Chief Assassin.
  • Adaptational Relationship Overhaul: In canon, Lady Nagant was hired by All for One to hunt down and kill Izuku in the Tartarus Escapees Arc. Here, after being rescued by Snake, she becomes one of Izuku's trainers whenever Snake is on assignment. She very much cares for Izuku.
  • Are You Sure You Want to Do That?: When she hears Izuku mutter about how he wishes to do contract work after hearing Nagant's assignment (executing an enemy colonel on the front), she tells him that this lifestyle involves killing and that killing is largely done in many aspects. Rescue refugees, and kill enemy combatants who'd take advantage of it. Provide humanitarian aid, and protect it from terrible people. Rescue endangered animals from poachers, well, you'll have to kill a few poachers. While it does cause Izuku to realize that Nagant is right, he still believes there is a way to do it without killing.
  • Arm Cannon: Her Quirk is this in a nutshell.
  • Awesome, but Impractical: Her ultimate move makes her a large, fleshy target in the eyes of the enemies, but allows her to destroy helicopters. She only uses it during the MSF's fight with the Moscow Wolves.
  • Cold Sniper: Combined with her job as a Professional Killer and her Quirk, meant she largely was a sniper.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Even though she hates it, she implements a work in exchange for safety program for the refugees due to being swamped and needing more than 2,500 men to guard the post. The day it was implemented, their numbers doubled, mostly from defecting prisoners and refugees who view the MSF as the true heroes.
  • Girls with Guns: More like Girl with a Gun Quirk, but she is a deadly shot with both Quirk and actual gun.
  • Great Escape: When Snake is getting out of Tartarus, he busts Lady Nagant out in the process to give her a second chance at life.
  • Oh, Crap!: Becomes rightfully alarmed when Snake reveals the Congo Tyrant is building nukes.
    • Upon uncovering evidence of human experimentation, she is alarmed and when revealing this to Nezu and Snake, Snake orders the Showstoppers base bombed to oblivion.
  • Professional Killer: She was used by the HPSC to kill off those who opposed them. After she was rescued by Snake, she became an assassin tasked with either small man-operations, military command if she was the top-ranking officer, or eliminating enemy leaders on the front.
  • Willfully Weak: When Izuku was doing her training exercise against her, she used a bolt-action rifle as her Quirk would be overkill.
  • You Are in Command Now: During the African campaign, she becomes the head of the African unit after the highest-ranking commanding officer gets killed by artillery. She mentally notes that out of all the things hero work prepared her for, managing a war was not one of them.

     Eddie Soul 

Eddie Soul

Quirk - unknown

A man who was marked for recruitment by Humarise, he would contact the MSF to help get him and his family away from the psycho cult. Once they succeed, he becomes the head of MSF's R&D department.
  • The Chase: During the mission, the MSF members enter into a massive police chase while getting Eddie to his house and away from Humarise's grasp.
  • Cult: Is marked by Humarise to be recruited, willingly or by force.
  • Irony: Remarks that the MSF is now the one making technological strides while the heroes are forced to play catch up.
  • Is This a Joke?: Upon seeing the blueprints to make a B-2 Stealth Bomber a dogfighting plane, his response was akin to that of disbelief and outrage. Fortunately, the engineers wanted the laser weapon on the stealth bomber.
  • Oh, Crap!: Has this reaction when Humarise stages a traffic abduction with no cars about.
  • Who Would Be Stupid Enough?: He outright asks who the fuck was stupid enough to put line-of-sight weapons on a Stealth Bomber of all things.
  • You Are in Command Now: After Emmerich's trial, he becomes the head of MSF's R&D and Walker Gear production.
  • You Can't Go Home Again: After escaping Humarise with his family, they end up staying on the MSF as they know if they leave, Humarise will be on them like a fly on shit.
  • You Have GOT to Be Kidding Me!: Upon seeing blueprints to make a stealth bomber a dogfighter, the first thing he asks is if this is real. Fortunately, the members wanted the laser cannon on the stealth bomber.

     Kazuhira Miller 

Kazuhira Miller

Quirk - Quirkless

The main negotiator of the MSF as well as the one who'll meet with the Broker, Miller is one man who will not back down on a deal, even if the deal is outright pointless in the beginning. Brought along with Snake and the MSF, he soon finds himself in the war with the HPSC, and like Snake, he refuses to back down.
  • The Dragon: A good variation of The Dragon to Snake.
  • Everybody Has Standards: Upon hearing what had happened to Izuku, Miller becomes disgusted with this, and like Snake, he knew that this cannot be allowed to happen.
    • During the Showstoppers arc, despite being heavily disgusted at bidding on a girl, he does so to save her from a Fate Worse than Death as well as capture the Showstoppers teleporting servant.
  • Face Palm: Does this when he finds out the Broker's friend stole a cruiser and two submarines, lamenting at how ridiculously easy it is for warships to be stolen.
  • Fish out of Temporal Water: Like Snake, he is also displaced 300 years into the future.
  • How Is That Even Possible?: When asking the Broker how he got an aircraft carrier, the Broker casually says that the armies of the world aren't as great as they used to be. He often got the ships for free because the Broker couldn't spend millions to maintain the ships and didn't want them in his inventory.
  • Lured into a Trap: Upon uncovering that the Polish representative was hired by the Showstoppers to Lure Snake to Siberia for a deadly game, he immediately orders men to Siberia ASAP. Once they arrive, they find that he and Nagant have rescued all the captured children and killed the Showmaster.
  • Spotting the Thread: The death of Inko was listed as a drunken suicide, but when piecing the puzzle together, Miller, Osprey and Death Whale are able to figure out that Inko wasn't killed in a drunken endeavor, but brutally murdered through irregular blood splatters.
    • Likewise, he and Snake both find out that the Ninth Circle hasn't had tabs kept on them for nearly a decade, which is combined with Ocelot's intel on the JSDF selling their own guns.
  • Un-Sorcerer: He is Quirkless. Doesn't stop him from doing what is right.
  • You Have GOT to Be Kidding Me!: Shares this with the Broker when seeing the Ticonderoga Class Cruiser and two Virginia Class submarines the Broker's friend took.
    • When hearing that Nezu needs $42 billion in US dollars to fund his school after he turned it into a charity school, he becomes shocked at that as the MSF doesn't have the capital at the time. He does promise to get Nezu in touch with Nowak in exchange for helping him find Snake and the Showstoppers Base of Operations.
    • He does so again when finding out that Nezu needs a combat division's worth of men at the least to guard his school. Unlike the above, it is justified because UA is quite large.

     The Broker 

The Broker

Quirk - (assumed to be) Alcohol tolerance

A man who requests a meeting with the MSF because they have managed to successfully piss off the HPSC and get away with it. Offering weapons, explosives, and even ships, he becomes one of the MSF's best options for weapons, blueprints, or ships.
  • Arms Dealer: Sells weapons, tanks, info, aircraft, and even ships (though the last one he hates due to high-cost maintenance) to the MSF, eventually taking in ships when the MSF was forming Outer Heaven and needed a navy to protect its coastline.
  • How Is That Even Possible?: When Miller asks how this guy can steal naval ships from major nations like the US, the Broker's response was that the armies aren't as great as they used to be.
  • I Need a Freaking Drink: Upon seeing the Ticonderoga Class Cruiser and two Virginia Class submarines his friend managed to take from a US naval base, he realizes he's going to need more alcohol.
  • Oh, No... Not Again!: Upon finding out the MSF needs naval ships, he outright refuses to go along with it at first. When the MSF offers to pay him handsomely, he reluctantly agrees.
    The Broker: No. Hell fucking no. I’m not going through that shit a fourth time. First, it was the carrier, then the Arleigh Burkes, then the Cruiser and the submarines, and now this.
  • Too Desperate to Be Picky: Downplayed. While he is desperate to get rid of an aircraft carrier (even going as far as offering Miller cash to take the aircraft carrier), he's not so desperate that he'll give the aircraft to the MSF for free.
  • You Have GOT to Be Kidding Me!: Does this every time he has a ship to sell. Justified, as maintaining naval warships is going to cost a fucking fortune.
    • When Snake and Miller arrive and explain that they need ships due to them building a new nation, the Broker refused because he didn't want to go through with this shit. It wasn't until they promised to pay him loads of cash that he relented.



AI role - General Purpose AI.

Accidentally created during the Outer Heaven Arc, she is at first, hesitant and very aware of how dangerous she can be. But after some time and a few pep words from Snake, she ends up becoming one of the MSF's most valuable assets, alongside a slew of A.I.s all created as well.
  • AI: What she is.
  • Attack Drone: During the trial against Class 1A, she controls a slew of tiny surveillance drones to help Izuku see his targets. She also uses them to force Momo out of cover so Izuku can snipe her.
  • Benevolent A.I.: She is friendly to those she perceives as an ally.
  • Cuteness Proximity: Despite being a sentient AI, she is viewed as adorable by Izuku's class when first introduced.
  • Death Glare: Gives one to Bakugou when he attacks Akatani.
  • Didn't See That Coming: Her creation was this, much to the surprise of the MSF and Nezu.
    • When Ochako, Iida and Tsuyu see Victoria as a sentient, sapient AI, they are left awestruck and surprised at this.
  • Didn't Think This Through: Invites Izuku and Rody to help her mine an enchanted ruby in Minecraft without asking about their schedules. Both Izuku and Rody have training in three hours, leaving them to realize she was having an off day.
    • Likewise, when she tries again, saying that she's got everything nailed down, Izuku asks if she has their schedules nailed down. Victoria realizes she doesn't.
  • Inner Monologue: Upon finding out the full extent of hostile A.I.s, she tries to delete herself. It fails due to both hesitation and Snake talking her down.
  • Morality Pet: Izuku.
  • Spanner in the Works: Her creation ends up leading to Snake realizing that they need numerous amounts of A.I.s for varying reasons. Ranging from combat, intel gathering, protecting from cyber attacks, and whatnot, making the HPSC's job of getting rid of the MSF much harder.

Ocelot Unit

     In General 
  • Expelled from Every Other School: Downplayed, but the Ocelot Unit is comprised of UA students Aizawa expelled and never bothered re-enrolling.
  • Everybody Has Standards: They may be vocal and in many ways, give accurate admissions on students they dislike, but even they believe Fudaki didn't deserve to die at the USJ.
  • Hate at First Sight: The members of the Ocelot Unit to Aizawa, as many of them were expelled without just cause. Aizawa can't even put together why they hate him.
    • Likewise, Ocelot becomes more and more fed up with Aizawa's utter hypocrisy, to the point that his unit being made was due to his Trigger-Happy expulsions.
  • Side Bet: They take bets on when Aizawa expels his first student in Ochako's year. This also inadvertently reveals to Ochako, Iida, and Tsuyu that Aizawa wasn't bluffing about expelling them and was trigger-happy about it.



Quirk - Quirkless.

Brought forth during one of Night Owl's dimensional experimentations, Night Owl has him put into a position at the HPSC for an unspecified reason. However, he uses his position to become a mole for both Nezu and Snake thanks to his high level in the HPSC. At UA, he also acts as a teacher when Aizawa requests it.
  • A Lesson in Defeat: Gives one to one of Aizawa's classes years before canon. Aizawa ended up expelling them all except one (due to his license being on the line).
  • All for Nothing: Played for Laughs when he finds out he made all those preparations for the inevitable UA Robot uprising for naught because Nezu programmed them like that For the Lulz.
  • Armor-Piercing Question: During his "The Reason You Suck" Speech to Aizawa, the man becomes fed up with Aizawa's incompetence and asks the question after revealing Fudaki had died.
    Ocelot: How the hell can you still say your methods work, after all that?
  • Armor-Piercing Response: Gives one to the students whose asses he kicked. It caused several of them to realize heroics isn't their choice of career.
    Ocelot: You want to know what makes it better? Were this a real event, and not an exercise, all of you would be dead.
  • Brutal Honesty: Engages in this when teaching Aizawa's classes. He also tells the three dipshits that they are civilians training to be heroes and their methods did more harm than good, while warning them if they try another idiotic stunt like that again, they'll be blacklisted from ever getting a hero license.
  • Cool and Unusual Punishment: While All Might managed to convince Ocelot to not blacklist Shoto, Bakugou and Kirishima, he decides to punish them by having the three of them clean up the entire campus. All the testing sites, the new guard posts, and the school walls. When Todoroki protests it, Ocelot responds that he can just ignore All Might's request and blacklist all three of them for their idiocy.
    • He adds another week when the three fail to address him properly.
    • He threatens to add another week to Bakugou when the moron decided to Open Mouth, Insert Foot.
  • Deadpan Snarker: When Iida points out that they didn't know where the sniper was and that blindly searching for him would be a dumb idea if they don't know where he was, Ocelot points out that it's basic common sense, something Aizawa lacks.
  • Death Faked for You: Helps Snake escape Tartarus by giving him a fake death pill. Once Snake escapes with Lady Nagant, the HPSC President is not pleased at all.
  • Dramatic Ammo Depletion: Runs out of ammo while chasing Shigaraki across UA.
  • Exact Words: He promises All Might that he won't tell anyone in hero society about his injury. But only in hero society. MSF is free game.
    • Madam President pulls the Ocelot unit out of UA. Ocelot obliges... but stays around UA without Madam President knowing.
  • Everybody Has Standards: While he is a spy and a bit abrasive, he is disgusted at Aizawa's Sadist Teacher tendencies, with Ocelot noting that Aizawa refuses to control the more problematic students, expels students for the most petty and ridiculous claims (to the point the HPSC had to force him to not expel a single student), and of course, essentially praising the 'powerhouses' while demanding the rest die in futility.
  • Fish out of Temporal Water: Much like the rest of the displaced MSF, he is 300 years into the future.
  • Gun Twirling: Does this constantly when not in a firefight.
  • Internal Reveal: Reveals to Aizawa and Nezu that the man who broke into UA was Tenko Shimura. This throws Aizawa off alongside Ocelot as Tenko was reported dead 15 years ago.
    • Likewise, he reveals that all the guns he got from a JDSF armory were ridiculously easy to get, much to the UA staff and Naomasa's worry.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: While Ocelot is very brash when snapping at Aizawa for all the shit he does, he is right in that all the time he's entered Aizawa's classes, all Aizawa does is sleep, laze about, give expulsion scares for shits and giggles and his refusal to even do the bare minimum in teaching got Fudaki killed.
  • The Mole: Is this to Nezu and Snake.
  • Mook Depletion: Upon hearing Naomasa explain that the League busted Shigaraki and Kurogiri out, Ocelot is able to deduce that would be an impossible task as most of their members were captured or killed. It's a sign that Shigaraki is a puppet leader to All for One.
  • Nominal Hero: In the discussion between him and Ochako when she sees the AT weapons:
    Ochako: I thought it was for the monster. But why kill them? Heroes aren’t supposed to kill people.
    Ocelot: Heh, well little lady, I'm no hero.
  • Noodle Incident: Upon seeing Mineta wail over 'not being able to see everything', he remembered the time Snake defeated two guards with a cardboard box and a bikini model poster.
  • Oh, Crap!: Shares one with Nezu upon finding out Night Owl is going for the VP position.
  • Properly Paranoid: After the break-in at UA, he decides to set up weapon caches all across UA, with the USJ being the first area due to its distance from the main campus with JSDF weapons.
  • Rage Breaking Point: While explaining to Aizawa his methods do not work, he snaps and screams out that because of his teaching methods or lack of, Fudaki is dead. When Aizawa refuses to accept this reality (because it would be admitting he allowed someone to end up like Oboro), Ocelot basically has to sedate him with a tranq bullet to keep him from moving.
  • Sarcasm Mode: Upon Aizawa saying his methods work, Ocelot counters by pointing out that they are going to the internet, the most trustworthy place for advice.
    • When Akatani asks if everything is alright, Ocelot says this.
      Ocelot: Oh, everything’s just peachy. Had to break Aizawa’s arms a second time just to force him through the infirmary door.
  • Secret-Keeper: Refuses to let any details about a deadly virus he helped create out to the public, lest the HPSC decides to wage biological warfare on them.
  • Sitcom Archnemesis: Is this to Aizawa.
  • Surrounded by Idiots: The HPSC's desire to force UA students to fight on live TV when they could've done an audition tape for the past few years had Nezu mentally remark that it's a miracle that Ocelot hadn't gone insane from the HPSC's sheer idiocy.
  • Talk About That Thing: When All Might tells them they're going to talk about the AT weapons Ocelot brought along, Ocelot agrees when he points out they were alarmingly easy to get, causing All Might to rightly worry.
  • Temporary Substitute: Becomes 1A's substitute teacher due to Aizawa's injuries from the USJ. Well, that and the idea that moving about despite being injured to high hell is a very stupid idea.
    • In fact, when Aizawa decides to ignore the bedrest order, Ocelot has to shoot him with a Tranquilizer Dart, then re-break his arms to get his ass back into the infirmary, much to Recovery Girl's anger.
  • This Is Gonna Suck: Admits that Fudaki's death practically radiates a political clusterfuck for Nezu and UA as a whole.
    • Upon finding out Aizawa will be forced to take therapy, he sighs, knowing he's going to have to duct tape him up and bring him to the therapist.
  • Un-Sorcerer: Is Quirkless like the rest of the displaced MSF.
  • What the Hell, Costuming Department?: Wonders what the hell is wrong with the people designing the female UA student hero costumes to look Stripperific instead of practical.
  • Working the Same Case: Works alongside Hawks in investigating the murders of HPSC reps.
  • You Have GOT to Be Kidding Me!: Upon seeing how the UA staff were underestimating the explosive weapons by claiming Quirks are more dangerous than guns and explosives, despite the fact that a lot of them include explosives, vehicles and even anti-ship missiles, he is left dumbstruck at this.
    • When the Sports Festival comes up, Ocelot wonders why they don't have the hero students send in a video application and have them brutalize each other on live TV, where villains could easily see their Quirks in action and effectively counter them.
    • When Bakugou starts to lose his temper, Ocelot has to remind the kid that he's on thin ice already.
    • He becomes annoyed when Aizawa shows less common sense than before and has to sedate him to drag him back to Recovery Girl, breaking both his arms in the process again. It's enough to have Nezu force Aizawa to take therapy.
    • The next time he becomes fed up with Bakugou is when the idiot decides to call Snake a villain to his face... while in the MSF Command post.

     Ocelot Unit 
UA students who were expelled and never re-enrolled by Aizawa and ended up joining the MSF. Several of them become part of the Ocelot Unit and they all have a hatred for Aizawa. Trained with both Quirks and guns, they are more formidable than even their foes realize.
  • Everybody Has Standards: They all agree Fudaki's a dick, but he didn't deserve what the USJ Nomu did to him.
  • Hate at First Sight: They do not like Aizawa after he unjustly expelled them.
  • How Is That Even Possible?: They all wonder how the hell Aizawa is still a teacher after all the shit he's pulled over the years. Though with Fudaki's death, this may change...
  • Mugging the Monster: The villains in the Downpour Zone of the USJ decide to fight the Ocelot Unit that had arrived to retrieve any UA students as well as detain the villains. The well-armed, well-trained military unit that had a .50 caliber machine gun and a bunch of assault rifles and MGs. From Tokoyami's own words, there wasn't enough to bury any of the villains.
  • Remembered Too Late: The member who gave Ochako directions to 1A remembers Aizawa's logical ruses and tries to give the warning to her, but she doesn't hear it.
  • Side Bet: Four of them are seen engaging in a bet on when Aizawa expels his first student.
  • Too Desperate to Be Picky: They wonder whether or not UA would allow Bakugou into the school despite his canonical Jerkass behavior.

Ape Platoon

     In General 
A group of Soldiers in the MSF who joined for a variety of reasons. These ranged from being disgruntled with hero society, to being abandoned by heroes. Assigned to Japan alongside as part of the 5th Armored Division to guard UA.
  • Broken Pedestal: Some of them were ex-heroes or security for corrupt heroes back before they joined the MSF.
  • Everybody Has Standards: They are disgusted with the hero students fighting on the field and offer a group of hero students a surrender so that two of them can get urgent medical aid.
  • Ragtag Bunch of Misfits: A man heavily discriminated by society's views, two disgruntled security guards, a former hero turned MSF Member and a combat AI.
  • Shell-Shocked Veteran: Given that many of them had been cleaning a warzone and have horrific flashbacks, they all have this.
  • Trapped Behind Enemy Lines: During their fight with the Tyrant's men, the Platoon sans Iguchi and Marston, are encircled by the Tyrant's men in a bid to destroy them. By the end of it, they managed to secure an airport when the Tyrant's forces began to dissolve after their nuclear silos were destroyed and the Tyrant was axed by Snake.
  • True Companions: To Big Boss first and then to each other.

     Sergeant Eagle 

Sergeant Eagle

Quirk - Quirkless

A member of the MSF after previous employment as a security guard protecting corrupt heroes. Fed up with the life he lived and tired of the lies the heroes put forward, he joined the MSF. Despite not having a Quirk, he knows how to fight, and like many of the MSF members, they do not care about a person's Quirk status.
  • Break Out the Museum Piece: Discussed amongst his group. They were all stunned when Eagle pulled out a German Lugar from WW2 that he snagged off a dead militant.
    Grizzly: Geez, I knew they were getting desperate, but this?
    Eagle: It gets better. I’ve also got a couple of SKSs, Mosin Nagants, a pair of Lee-Enfields, and an MAS-36.
  • Broken Pedestal: Loses all faith in hero society upon finding out the Elementals were nothing more than backstabbing assholes who were more than willing to take a child hostage and abandon the heroes the MSF captured.
  • The Collector: Collects guns off the battlefield that aren't booby-trapped. This leads to the discussion underneath Break Out the Museum Piece.
  • Cool and Unusual Punishment: When Ape is taking photos of his reactions to Grizzly's first disasters at baking, Eagle retaliates by showing the group photos of Ape hanging upside down by his pants on the side of Mother Base.
  • Everybody Has Standards: Like everyone else, is disgusted at the HPSC using child heroes to fight in a war they were ill-equipped for.
  • Flipping the Bird: When Grizzly jokes about Eagle seeming rather interested in the Bikini Brigade, Eagle flips him the bird.
  • Hand Cannon: His sidearm is a Desert Eagle, which Ape thinks is (and later confirmed by Eagle) due to his codename, Desert Eagle.
  • "Not Making This Up" Disclaimer: Claims that UA has a hero dressed as a stripper for a teacher to Ape. Ape is honestly convinced that's a bad joke. They're at UA, so they can find out if Eagle's claim is true or not.
  • A Rare Sentence: Upon seeing the Bikini Brigade in person, he has this to say.
    Eagle: I expected many things in life, the Bikini Brigade was not one of them.
  • Shell-Shocked Veteran: After Venezuela, he is this alongside Ape.
  • Side Bet: Loses $20 when finding out that the Bikini Brigade dresses like Grizzly claims.
  • Un-Sorcerer: When discussing what Quirk Eagle has, his group is all shocked to find out he's Quirkless. Grizzly mentally notes that had he not joined the MSF, he'd probably be questioning why a Quirkless person is out on the front where they would die.

     Corporal Grizzly - Roland Gram 

Roland Gram - Freezer Boy - Grizzly.

Quirk - Ice Storm

A former hero turned MSF soldier due to the massive amounts of incompetence in hero society. Initially being an intern from the US with the name Freezer Boy when he met Snake, he was given the card in the event the hero life wasn't all it was cut out to be. Upon finding out what his life would be in the hero industry, he abandons it and joins the MSF to help those in need.

After five years of combat, he achieves the rank of corporal but is still called the rookie due to him not complaining about it. His Quirk, Ice Storm allows him to freeze his enemies or create cover for his allies to hide behind, but also causes him to suffer from frostbite if he overuses it.

  • An Ice Person: His Quirk in the field is very useful, capable of immobilizing enemies or providing cover for his allies. The only drawback is that it gives him frostbite if he overuses it.
  • An Offer You Can't Refuse: Offers the Bikini Brigade students the choice of surrender so that two of their members can get emergency medical aid while admitting that he doesn't want to end up being forced to shoot a bunch of kids. They only accept when it became clear that whether they liked it or not, the MSF was their only bet of them getting out of the warzone alive - especially since the Remnant forces started attacking them again.
  • Broken Pedestal: Becomes disillusioned with hero society upon finding out that most of his time involves autographs, annoying reporters with scandals that are annoying, the fact Heart Star is running a money laundering operation and nobody gives a shit, and joins the MSF.
  • Cassandra Truth: He has ample evidence of Heart Star running a money laundering scheme on his phone. The problem is that no one believes it's nothing more than a lover's quarrel thanks to Heart Star's manipulations.
  • Caught on Tape: How he captured evidence of Star Heart's money laundering scheme, much to Momo's horror.
  • Cheap Costume: His Hero costume had no air circulation, loads of blind spots and the boy had fainted while in it. Snake noted that the costume was even worse than the costume he had in the 60s. Upon finding out Deternat made the costume, Snake told him to get a costume overhaul due to how impractical and deadly the costume would be in the field.
  • Everybody Has Standards: Is horrified at the sight of hero students being deployed to a deadly battle zone.
  • Face Palm: He facepalms in annoyance when his fellow soldiers burst out laughing at hearing his embarrassing hero name from Momo.
  • Fake in the Hole: Tosses an empty clip to trick the attacking militants out so he can kill them. It works.
  • The Intern: When he first meets Snake, he is an intern under a hero called Infini Leap with a costume that Snake instantly notes is even worse than the gear he had in the 60s.
    • Upon finding hero students on the field, Grizzly notes that they could be on an internship like he was back when he met Snake.
      Lieutenant Ape: Well, some internship.
  • Lethal Chef: His first attempts at cooking... didn't go so well.
    • The first attempt had too many eggshells in the cake. Grizzly mentally thanked luck that it was Eagle who did the taste test and not him.
    • Second was so burnt, that it was discarded.
    • The third one was... something. Whatever it was, it brought the platoon over to see Grizzly's attempts at cooking.
    • 4th-6th attempts were when he mistook salt for sugar.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: Everyone didn't know what happened to Freezer Boy, except for the members of the MSF, as for all they know, he disappeared after a love scandal. It's heavily implied that he'll reveal it to the students of UA sooner than he wanted.
    • He reveals why he joined the MSF to Momo, Mina and Toru, along with the true nature of Heart Star.
  • Never Live It Down: Upon his team finding out two UA students identified him because of two gossip hens hearing about his possible relationship with Heart Star, he knows this will never be lived down.
  • Not What I Signed on For: Upon finding out his hero career is nothing but answering pointless questions and signing autographs, he realizes that heroics is broken and decides to abandon it to join the MSF.
    • Likewise, he asks Iguchi why he signed up for field work when he could've gotten logistics, R&D, or even medical, and finds out the reason why.
  • Paparazzi: Grizzly tells Momo, Mina and Toru that out of the three months in heroics, he stopped two villains and the rest were due to infinite fucking paparazzi, even going as far as screwing up his hero work. One such incident ended with a victim left in a permanent coma because the press decided to swarm Grizzly instead of letting him stop the mugger who did that.
    Grizzly: I could never walk three feet, without some random person asking for an autograph. At first, I was fine with this. I thought it would bring hope, inspire others, and whatnot. But then it got in the way of hero work. One day I was out on patrol and saw a mugging in progress. I tried to go and intervene, but a news crew saw me rushed over and blocked my path, By the time I managed to shake off the news team, the mugger was gone, and the victim had their skull caved in. They barely survived, and I’m pretty sure they’re in a coma to this day. But that’s how it was, day in and day out. It was nothing but autographs and interviews. I wasn’t saving anyone, I wasn’t helping anyone. I was supposed to be a hero, and yet all I did was stand around acting like a damn tourist attraction. None of it mattered, and I was so fucking tired of it.
  • Side Bet: Makes one with Ape and Eagle over the Bikini Brigade's costumes. Easiest $40 he ever made.
  • Shell-Shocked Veteran: After the African Campaign, he is this.
  • Wham Line: What Grizzly says that Momo translates.
    Grizzly: I am, was, Freezer Boy. But please, call me Grizzly.
  • You Have GOT to Be Kidding Me!: Despite making the rank of Corporal, he is still considered the rookie. Reason why? He never complained about it in the first place. He only started to while they were liberating a town from militant control in Chapter 54.
    • Likewise, he becomes annoyed when the UA students instantly recognize him based on his hero identity and his 'relationship' with Heart Star.

     Lieutenant Ape 

Lieutenant Ape

Quirk Telepathy

A security guard assigned to protect the other two of the Elemental Heroes, he is kidnapped by Snake while he is sent to capture the last two Elementals. Upon seeing how the Elementals behaved, he joins the MSF as one of the first new recruits in the MHA world and is the top lieutenant of Ape Platoon.

His Quirk, Telepathy, allows him to read people's emotions and find their locations, making him a highly versatile combat character in the field.

  • Broken Pedestal: Becomes disillusioned with hero society after seeing how the last two Elemental Heroes acted. Even more so alongside the captured Israeli heroes when the Elementals abandoned them, being the leading factor in them joining the MSF.
  • Equipment Upgrade: Upon the likely paranoia that the HPSC would find Mother Base, Kaz has all of the available hands armed with guns and sends Izuku to a FOB. Ape doesn't mind, since unlike his last job, they gave him a gun to help out.
  • Everybody Has Standards: He hates seeing children on the field, as sixteen-year-old kids who aren't legally able to vote shouldn't be sent off to a faraway nation to fight a war they are ill-equipped for and orders a total artillery stand-down to prevent anymore hero students from dying. When radioing this into MSF command, Snake orders them to infiltrate the hero ranks and get the hero students out.
  • Hidden Depths: He is a massive Warhammer fan.
  • Is This a Joke?: He asks Eagle if he's pulling one over when he tells him Midnight is a teacher a UA - a Pro Hero who wears what is essentially a Fanservice costume. Eagle swears he's not.
  • Not So Above It All: Despite being a soldier, he outright wants to know if it's possible to have a .50 caliber assault rifle. He mentally admits that it's childish, but he hopes it's possible.
    • He also takes pictures of Eagle's face whenever he ate Grizzly's first attempts at making a cake, with the intent to make holiday cards with Eagle's face.
  • Sensor Character: His Quirk, which allows him to pinpoint thoughts and read enemy minds, also enabling him to find their locations as well as predict their next move before they can properly act.
  • Side Bet: Loses $20 when Grizzly tells them about the Bikini Brigade.
  • Shell-Shocked Veteran: After Venezuela, he is this.
  • You Are in Command Now: The new head of his platoon after the highest ranking member of his platoon is killed in an ambush by the Tyrant's men.

     Private Fervent Gecko - Iguchi Shuichi 

Private Fervent Gecko - Iguchi Shuichi

Quirk: Gecko.

A Japanese man who had been fired from his last job and discriminated against constantly due to his quirk, he is running out of options as he looked through his computer to find a job. Upon finding the MSF logo, he signs up, desperate for the cash, and becomes the new rookie for Ape Platoon.

His Quirk, Gecko, gives him the ability to stick to walls while looking like a gecko. In the eyes of Ape, it's good for Stealth Ops and Urban Combat.

  • Abusive Parents: When back in Japan guarding UA, Iguchi reveals that he and his father do not talk at all due to Iguchi's mutation quirk.
  • Adaptational Heroism: After joining the MSF.
  • Adaptational Intelligence: He can speak both English and Japanese, much to the shock of the three UA students.
  • Didn't See That Coming: His reaction when he's told they will be deployed in an hour combined with Oh, Crap!. As Eagle points out, war waits for nobody.
    • He is also surprised when they are being re-deployed from the forests of Africa to Japan in order to guard UA.
  • Fantastic Racism: A constant victim of discrimination. Up to and including being unable to apply for a variety of jobs due to them not wanting Mutant Quirk users. When coming back to Japan as an assignment, he says the only good thing about Japan is the food to his fellow group.
  • Hidden Depths: While he did join for the money, the main reason was to prove all who said he would be a villain wrong. And upon his first firefight, it became clear that if he was going to die, he would die as himself, not as society viewed him.
  • Recruited from the Gutter: A variation in that while he is from the first world, the systematic discrimination and mistreatment he suffered from causes him to join the MSF, as his other options are Driven to Villainy or Driven to Suicide.
  • Riddle for the Ages: After the first battle, he is left wondering how the MSF has all the advanced technology in the world, a lot of it able to make everyday jobs a lot easier to do. An unheard of mercenary company (at least in the first world) with all the advancements in technology. The same can be applied to the UA students as well.
  • Too Desperate to Be Picky: Initially joined for the money. Grizzly points out he could've joined logistics, R&D, or construction during his first firefight.
  • Wall Crawl: His Quirk allows him to crawl up walls and ceilings, much like a gecko. However, it is great for both stealth missions and urban combat operations.



Role - Combat AI

An AI designed for combat, it is deployed as part of Ape Platoon to help control drone strikes, supply, and give a helpful eye in the event enemies are spotted.
  • Benevolent A.I.: Is this to the MSF. To his enemies, on the other hand...
  • Captain Obvious: When Victoria takes away the booze he and Texas are given, he responds that it was worth five gold nuggets, and the beer... was worth five gold nuggets.
  • Don't Celebrate Just Yet: When told he'll see frontline action alongside all the combat A.I.s, they all are cheering and ordering for more drinks. Then they're told they have about two months before they can be deployed.
  • Drowning My Sorrows: Alongside all the Combat A.I.s, they are drinking themselves sick in Minecraft because they are not on the field.
  • Equipment Upgrade: Marston tells Ape Platoon that they're one of the first groups to get the new guns, much to the platoon's excitement.
  • Precision F-Strike: Gives one when told it'll be two months before he can be deployed.


     In General 
UA is the most prestigious Hero School in Japan. The number 1 in the world. Its principal is stuck dealing with a massive power grab by the HPSC and using every trick he has at his disposal to avoid UA falling under HPSC control.
  • Control Freak: What Nezu rightfully views the HPSC as.
  • Damage Control: After the USJ attack and press break-in, Nezu sighs, knowing that with the death of a student, he's going to have to spend a lot of time getting the facts straight before the press or the HPSC decides to exploit it to put it under the HPSC's control.
  • Doesn't Trust Those Guys: Barring Nezu, the entirety of the UA staff do not trust the MSF, with many receiving glares from the soldiers that are even worse than the Ocelots give Aizawa.
  • Is This a Joke?: Most of the UA staff outright are hoping what Ocelot was claiming (getting the military-grade weapons from a JSDF depot easily) was a joke. Unfortunately for them, it's true.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: None of the staff are aware of Nezu's ties to the MSF until after the USJ attack. When this comes out, they are surprised and pissed.
    • Likewise, Mikumo Akatani is actually Izuku Midoriya, a kid who had been abducted nearly 10 years ago and horrifically experimented on by the HPSC. Only Nezu knows they are one and the same.
  • Loophole Abuse: Frequently engages in this.
  • Riddle for the Ages: Bar Nezu (who knows about the MSF) and Aizawa (who's in the hospital), all the UA staff are left wondering how they could afford all the things they were seeing the MSF unload.

     Principal Nezu 

Principal Nezu - The Principal

Quirk - High Specs

A creature of indeterminate species that runs UA High School, having been horrifically experimented on by humans. Holding little trust in the government, he tries to ensure UA stays out of government control, in particular, the HPSC's control. But a wave of controversies comes in to cause massive amounts of frustration and no end of problems for him. He becomes an ally to the MSF as the MSF is one of the few organizations who's pissed off the HPSC and is still around after 10 years.
  • Adaptational Early Appearance: In canon, he appears during the climax of the Entrance Exam. Here, he shows up when Ocelot arrives to 'tell' Nezu to revoke his international status.
  • The Alliance: With the MSF against the HPSC. He even provides them with the advanced blueprints of all the tanks, planes, and weapons before Quirks came into fruition that the Broker didn't provide them with.
    • Likewise, following the USJ attack, Nezu signs a contract with the MSF to get troops on UA grounds to protect his students, allow them to easily track Night Owl's movements in Japan, and send a big middle finger to the HPSC.
  • Armor-Piercing Response: When All Might asks why he didn't hire more heroes, Nezu gives this response.
    Nezu: And all are under the control of the HPSC. And those that are not are too few to keep the school safe.
    • Likewise, when the reporter asks if Nezu is ok with villains guarding his school, Nezu asks if she has any information to back up that claim. The reporter is unable to prove evidence, in part because the HPSC would be linked to even worse crimes.
  • Damage Control: With Fudaki's death, Nezu will have to do everything in his power to prevent UA from being put under HPSC control for good. And sure enough, signing a contract with the MSF will be the biggest way of preventing UA from being put under HPSC control.
  • Laughing Mad: When Nezu successfully pieces together the collapse of Africa from the Dawn of Quirks to today, the staff and Ocelot are afraid until Ocelot finds out why Nezu is laughing.
  • Loophole Abuse: Constantly engages in this to avoid the HPSC controlling UA, forcing the HPSC to resort to bribery or criminal methods to get the loophole sealed up while waiting for an ample opportunity.
  • Oh, Crap!:
    • Has this when finding out Night Owl is aiming for the HPSC VP position.
    • Has this when the Zero Pointer goes rogue.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: When Aizawa, Nemuri, and Yamada find out about Nezu taking Aizawa's coffee, they know something bad has happened. And upon finding out UA's international status is revoked after the African disaster, it's very much justified.
  • Secret-Keeper: Knows Izuku is on Mother Base.
    • When Izuku arrives under the name Mikumo Akatani, Nezu is the only UA member that knows that Mikumo is actually Izuku.
  • This Is Gonna Suck: Fudaki's death is going to be a PR nightmare for Nezu. He ends up turning it around to make it a PR nightmare for the HPSC, who then turns it around and makes it into a bigger nightmare for Nezu.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: All Might and several UA teachers call out Nezu for hiring the MSF without their permission. However, Nezu points out that there are too few heroes not under HPSC control while the rest do as the HPSC bids, and given Izuku is on UA as part of security detail, the last thing Nezu wants is for the HPSC to find out the Dimensional Constant is back in Japan.

     Aizawa Shouta - Eraserhead 

Aizawa Shouta - Eraserhead

Quirk - Erasure

The homeroom teacher of 1A, he is known for expelling people that he views as 'having no potential'. Often viewed as both a Lazy Bum and a Sadist Teacher, and is in a rivalry with Ocelot.

His Quirk, Erasure, allows him to disable the quirks of anyone he's viewing while in direct eyesight, at the cost of getting dry eye.

  • Achilles' Heel: His Quirk requires direct eye contact, so prolonged usage of it results in him getting dry eye.
  • Adaptational Early Appearance: Shows up alongside Nezu during Ocelot's visit, when he would've appeared on Izuku's first day at UA.
  • An Arm and a Leg: Has both his arms broken by the USJ Nomu.
    • When moving him back to the medical wing, he has his arms re-broken by Ocelot, much to Recovery Girl's anger.
  • Berserk Button: He does not like not having coffee on any basis.
  • Can't Kill You, Still Need You: More like 'Can't fire you, still need you', but Nezu's reasoning for not firing Aizawa for incompetent teaching methods stems from the HPSC and the belief that he could change. Ocelot can agree with the first one, but tells Nezu he was a fool for the second one.
  • Crippling Overspecialization: His Quirk is perfect and useful for Hit-and-Run Tactics. In a massive prolonged assault or against someone stronger than him, he is at a disadvantage as the fight wears on.
  • De-power: His Quirk can cancel out other Quirks that are of the Emitter or Transformation category. Mutation category is not possible.
  • Dramatic Irony: When calling out the 1A students for their disaster of a battle trial against Akatani, he basically tells Bakugou and Todoroki that they are the powerhouses while call Ochako a coward for hiding behind cover. In actuality, Bakugou and Todoroki were ranked lower than most of 1A based on Quirk practicality (Ochako being a higher threat than the two) and Ochako was being practical in finding cover, not idiotic like the two 'powerhouses' of 1A were.
  • Embarrassing Nickname: Is given the nickname mummyman by Present Mic.
  • Forced to Watch: He is forced to watch as Fudaki is brutally killed by the USJ Nomu.
  • Hobos: Despite being a teacher and underground hero, he dresses like a hobo.
  • Hypocrite: Claims that Recovery Girl is being illogical, but when he's trying to get up to teach despite the injuries he sustained when he should be resting, it makes him the illogical one.
    Recovery Girl: What’s illogical is you thinking you can teach a class in this state! Both of your arms are broken, as well as a dozen ribs, your skull was nearly cracked open, and a lung was punctured and had collapsed.
  • Insane Troll Logic: When lecturing Class 1A on their disaster of a trial against Akatani, he tells both Bakugou and Todoroki to not get beaten so easily next time while telling Ochako and the rest of Class 1A to rush out of cover and charge about like idiots. Ocelot rightfully views it as a Violation of Common Sense, as Aizawa is effectively telling the other 1A students to charge out of cover and die.
  • I Reject Your Reality: Aizawa refuses to accept the fact Fudaki is dead due to his own incompetence. Because if he admits it, it would be the equivalent of him admitting he had caused another person to end up like Oboro.
  • Irony: Of the darkest kind. Despite doing everything to prevent another student from ending up like Oboro, Fudaki's death had resulted in another Oboro occurring by his own damn hand.
  • Karma Houdini Warranty: With Fudaki killed by the USJ Nomu and evidence that Aizawa suffers from delusions, it is highly likely that Aizawa will have to go to therapy and will be forced to retire from teaching and heroics until he retakes every hero and teaching course out there, lest he be fired, blacklisted and thrown into Tartarus.
    • This is Subverted in the fact that while Aizawa needs therapy, he cannot be fired as he'll go to HPSC hands. Ocelot even notes how it was one of his missions before being 'reassigned'.
  • Lazy Bum: Doesn't usually like teaching and often leaves his students figuring things out for themselves... even though it's his job. Ocelot and Recovery Girl call him out on this because his methods got a student killed.
  • Logical Weakness: His Quirk can disable Quirks. But when it comes to natural strength, it is practically pointless to use his Quirk to save Fudaki, as Fudaki was already doomed.
    • It also cannot work against Mutation Quirks or Quirkless people like Ocelot.
  • Major Injury Underreaction: He cannot understand why Recovery Girl refuses to let him teach his class despite the fact that he's bandaged head to toe, has two broken arms, a dozen ribs, a nearly cracked skull and a punctured lung that collapsed.
  • Misplaced Retribution:
    • Attacks Yamada for using the coffee machine last because there's no coffee for him. Midnight explains that Nezu, a tea person, took all the coffee.
    • Blames Ochako for Fudaki's failure, even though Fudaki refused to cooperate and did the same approach as Bakugou did, only to lose.
    • He calls them out for hiding behind cover like cowards, despite the fact none of them know where the fuck Akatani was and charging out would've been suicidal, had the exercise been real.
  • Must Have Caffeine: Loves coffee and hates it when people take his coffee away.
  • Never My Fault: Refuses to accept that his failures are what caused Fudaki's death. The fact an HPSC rep who shouldn't be teaching gives better help to his class in a week than he's done in years makes it clear he's not a good teacher.
  • Noodle Incident: Something in the past happened that turned Aizawa into what he is now.
  • Sadist Teacher: Is expel-happy to such an extent that many of the students he expelled and never re-enrolled joined the MSF. Most of them hold a grudge against him for that.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: When seeing the tension between Nezu and Night Owl, he wisely decides to fuck right out of there before one of them tries to kill the other.
  • Selective Obliviousness: As Ocelot notes, he is suffering from what is essentially denial and refusal to accept his mistakes.
  • Self-Harm: Due to his actions in Chapter 65, Nezu classifies it as self-harm and can use this as the method to force him to take therapy.
  • Sink or Swim Mentor: Is this to all his classes. Some members of the Ocelot Unit even note that it's a miracle Aizawa hasn't expelled a student when Ochako's class starts their year. This comes back to bite him in the ass with Fudaki's death, with both Ocelot and Recovery Girl chewing Aizawa out for his subpar teaching methods.
  • Sitcom Archnemesis: Is this to Ocelot.
  • Tranquilizer Dart: Ocelot has to knock him out when Aizawa refuses to accept reality and refuses to accept he should be on bedrest, before he decides to go teach 1A.
    • When Aizawa gets out of his restraints and lectures Class 1A on why what they did was irrational, Ocelot arrives after Iida explains that they had no idea where Akatani was, so hiding behind cover is the best option, fires another tranq round at him in full view of 1A, then drags him back to Recovery Girl, breaking both the man's arms in the process again.
  • Trauma Button: Oboro is this to Aizawa. When finding out Fudaki died, Aizawa refuses to accept Ocelot's words, even when Recovery Girl points out Fudaki is dead and the police have his corpse in the morgue.
  • Trigger-Happy: When it comes to expulsions, he is very trigger happy. It's so bad the HPSC had to intervene and basically told him to find a student with potential or be fired.
  • Violation of Common Sense: The 'lecture' he gives Class 1A is viewed as this by many of the students and Ocelot. If there's an unknown shooter in the vicinity and his location is unknown, hiding behind cover is the best you can do.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: He is called out on his subpar teaching methods by both Ocelot and Recovery Girl, the former because an HPSC rep with no teaching skills is giving better advice to hero students in a week than Aizawa has done in years, and the latter because Ocelot's methods were lowering injuries due to self-inflicted accidents.

     Nemuri Kayama - Midnight 

Nemuri Kayama - Midnight

Quirk - Somnambulist

The R-Rated Heroine in Japan, and UA's teacher of Modern Art History. She is known to be flirty and give innuendos at the drop of a hat.

Her Quirk, Somnambulist, allows her to emit a sleeping gas from her body through her skin. However, due to her Quirk, skin exposure is majorly important for her Quirk to work.

  • Adaptational Early Appearance: Shows up during Ocelot's visit when she shows up during the entrance exam.
  • Knockout Gas: Her Quirk in a nutshell.
  • Lesser of Two Evils: When discussing the MSF being there and after seeing them deploy tanks, Midnight points out that if they are more morally grey, it's still better than true villains.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: Had no idea of Nezu's ties to the MSF until Chapter 62.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: When Nezu takes all the coffee, Nemuri notes how bad it is because Nezu is a tea person, not a coffee person.
  • Shameless Fanservice Girl: Her Hero Costume is a BDSM outfit made of an easy-to-tear cloth, for her to use her Quirk.
    • In a discussion between Ape and Eagle in Chapter 18, Eagle claimed to have heard a rumor that Midnight's original costume was just a trench coat. Ape outright said he was pulling his leg for that.

     Hizashi Yamada - Present Mic 

Hizashi Yamada - Present Mic

Quirk - Voice.

The English Teacher of UA and the Voice Hero, Present Mic. He is a joyful and caring person to those who know him, as well as running a radio show after school hours.

His Quirk, Voice, allows him to use his voice to create sonic waves at will. The only drawback is that it can cause severe damage to his vocal cords if overused.

  • Combat Commentator: During the physical entrance exam, he gives commentary on the students' progress and the amount of time they have left.
  • Death Glare: Discussed. Between All Might, Present Mic and Midnight, Yamada notes that he's received death glares from many members of the MSF, with some of them being worse than what the Ocelot Unit gives Aizawa.
  • Dumbass DJ: He can act like this, especially in comparison to Aizawa.
  • Large Ham Radio: Acts like this as part of his persona.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: Has no knowledge of Nezu's ties to the HPSC until chapter 62.
  • Misplaced Retribution: Aizawa is enraged when Yamada takes all the coffee of his particular choice. Yamada was the last person to get a cup of coffee. Midnight had to tell Aizawa that it was Nezu who took the coffee, not Yamada.
  • The Nicknamer: Gives the nickname mummyman to Aizawa, much to the man's annoyance. Then he brings Midnight along...
  • No Indoor Voice: Given his Quirk, it's why he's saved for heavy-level threats.
  • Sonic Scream: His Quirk.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Has a deep-rooted fear of insects.

     Yagi Toshinori - All Might 

Yagi Toshinori - All Might

Quirk - One For All

The Symbol of Peace. The Number One Hero of the world and in Japan, and now the new Heroics Foundation Teacher of UA, Yagi has spent 4 decades fighting for the peace he would later be known for giving. Any fight he arrives to, villains surrender instantly.

After losing a lung and most of his digestive tract in his fight against All for One, he becomes UA's new Heroics Foundation Teacher to find someone worthy of One for All. His Quirk, One For All, is a Quirk passed down from successor to successor, with the quirk having seven last holders.

  • The Ace: The world's greatest hero up to the Showstoppers Arc. Powerful, able to make villains surrender instantly.
  • Adaptational Early Appearance: Shows up in a press release after the disappearance of the Elemental Heroes, not knowing they had killed a kid's entire family and abducted the kid to be horrifically experimented on.
  • Adaptational Relationship Overhaul: In canon, Izuku and All Might had a father-son-like relationship throughout the series after the Sludge Villain. Here, because Izuku is on Mother Base, All Might has never met the kid until Chapter 62, when a disguised Izuku does his fanboying to All Might, which alleviates the tension.
  • Big Good: Quite literally fits this trope.
  • Broken Ace: After his fight with All for One five years ago while Snake and the MSF was fighting the Congo Tyrant's forces, he is reduced to a hero for three hours, resulting in him taking a job at UA to find a successor.
  • Chronic Hero Syndrome: Suffers from this constantly. This ends up leading to Fudaki's death.
  • Crippling Overspecialization: In the class exercise, many of the students over-relied on All Might to defeat the villains. However, this resulted in them losing as the officers and experts in military tactics swarmed All Might with Cannon Fodder and sent real villains to attack the objective, ending in failure for many of them.
  • Didn't See That Coming: He expected Akatani to have some sort of Quirk. Instead, he found out Akatani is Quirkless, and despite that, is even more surprised he won against a class of students. Because of that, he rushes off to apologize to Akatani for the unintentional insult towards Quirkless people.
  • Didn't Think This Through: Upon Melissa explaining the reasons why she's refusing One for All, All Might stops to realize that he had taken his issues in consideration, but not Melissa's path to become a successful inventor.
  • Fatal Flaw: His Chronic Hero Syndrome means he can't just resist helping those in need, even if another hero could easily solve this situation. This type of issue results in him not being at the USJ after wasting his time limit, resulting in Fudaki's death, marking this as an instance where the Fatal Flaw killed someone else.
  • In Harm's Way: Has to remove Bakugou, Todoroki, and Kirishima from the battle zone because they were not only in the way but actively hindering their efforts to handle the situation. Todoroki in particular was more of a hindrance than canon.
  • Internal Reveal: Reveals his skeletal form to Ocelot, much to the man's surprise.
    • He also ends up revealing this to the MSF members stationed at UA, in exchange that they sign NDAs. Granted, they ain't holding it against him.
    • He reveals this to Melissa while offering her One for All. She declines the offer, though.
  • Living on Borrowed Time: Because of his injuries, he can only be All Might for three hours a day. With All for One making moves again, it's heavily likely All Might will be out of the picture within a couple years at the most, a year at the least.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: Was not involved in what the hell was going on in Nigeria, with Madam President making sure he didn't know. The fact he was fighting All for One helped her, but when he does find out, he is rightfully pissed.
  • My Greatest Failure: Fudaki's death is viewed as this to him. If he hadn't wasted his time limit, perhaps the boy would be around.
  • Oh, Crap!: Upon finding out about the USJ Nomu having multiple Quirks, he is alarmed that All for One is still alive.
    • Likewise, while he at first brushes off Ocelot's warning about the guns and explosives missing from a JSDF armory, with Vlad King saying that a Quirk is more dangerous than a gun, he is left alarmed when he realizes that Ocelot's warning, combined with Akatani's training, meant that their Quirks are useless if a sniper's far enough before they can be spotted.
    • He becomes alarmed when he realizes Melissa is arriving at the MSF airstrip that Nezu gave her family permission to use, as he doesn't have time to make a valid explanation now.
  • Punch-Clock Hero: Despite his Chronic Hero Syndrome, he can only be All Might for 3 hours thanks to his injuries. It's also the main reason he takes a job at UA. He needs to find a successor and fast.
  • The Punishment: When Ocelot chews Bakugou, Kirishima and Todoroki out for their Unwanted Assistance, he reveals that All Might managed to persuade Ocelot not to expel and blacklist their asses from heroics for life. However, Ocelot punishes them by having them clean up the entirety of UA for three months. If they refuse, he can simply blacklist them and be done with it.
  • Restricted Rescue Operation: Justified as All Might was recovering from his fight against All for One, and sending a hero with his guts on the verge of spilling out completely to Africa where over 10,000 heroes were killed and thousands more captured would be a PR disaster for the HPSC. Not to mention that the HPSC President was in a small war with the MSF and if All Might found out the actual reason behind why over 20,000 heroes were killed or captured, with thousands more forced into early retirement, the fallout would be worse.
  • Super-Strength: One For All is powerful enough to allow him to punch hard enough to change the weather. However, it also means he has to avoid using his Quirk at full force, lest the average thug ends up being reduced to a bloody paste.
  • Talk About That Thing:
    • When he finds Ocelot and his group unloading not only guns but AT weapons, he tells them that after this, they need to talk about it. Ocelot agrees since it was alarmingly easy for him to get the weapons.
    • Upon calling Melissa to have her come to Japan once her father approves of it, he mentally sighs, knowing that he's going to have to explain the full aspects of One for All to them. He's considering cancelling it when seeing MSF members deploy tanks. While he doesn't cancel it, his offer of One for All to Melissa is declined when he realizes he forgot to take her dreams into consideration.
  • This Is Gonna Suck: Upon finding out Melissa is arriving via the MSF's airfield, he begins to realize this was going to be a long explanation.
  • Tranquil Fury: All Might doesn't get angry. When he does, somebody's getting beaten fifty shades of black and blue.
  • Wide-Eyed Idealist: Viewed as this by Madam President. Unfortunately, he brings in a good chunk of cash, so they can't get rid of him. They also know if he learns the truth, things can go wrong for the HPSC.
  • You Have GOT to Be Kidding Me!: Becomes resigned to Nezu's antics when he hired the MSF to be school security.
    • This becomes even more profound when a week of searching on the MSF yields only two photos.

     Kurose Anan - Thirteen 

Kurose Anan - Thirteen

Quirk - Black hole

The Rescue instructor of the USJ, she was expecting the training of Class 1A to go as follows: Teach them rescue operations, help them understand that civilians are put first before themselves, and whatnot. She did not expect herself to be in the middle of a villain attack, nor did she expect her day to go from normal to bad to worse.

Her Quirk, Black Hole, allows her to open up a cap on her fingers and suck up anything, ranging from debris to people. However, it also has a major drawback in that if it's done to her, it will severely harm her.

  • Hoist by Her Own Petard: Kurogiri uses her Quirk against her and takes her out of the fight.
  • Logical Weakness: While Thirteen is an experienced rescue hero, she is not an experienced combat hero, as Kurogiri points out when using her Quirk against her.
  • Long List: Gives off a large number of points when it comes to Quirk control and how it can easily kill someone.
  • Oh, Crap!: Is alarmed when Bakugou and Kirishima decided to attack Kurogiri - which not only fails but successfully endangers the rest of 1A.
    • Upon finding out her Quirk was being used against her, she screams in pain as she cut it off and collapsed into a pain-induced blackout.
  • Spanner in the Works: She would've been able to handle Kurogiri on her own had Bakugou and Kirishima not got in the way like a pair of idiots.
  • Unwanted Assistance: Views Bakugou and Kirishima's attempts to help as this. Justified as she is a Pro Hero and the two are hero students who've only been in UA for a week.
  • Weapons That Suck: Or Quirk that sucks, in this case, as her quick can suck up anything.

     Sekijiro Kan - Vlad King 

Sekijiro Kan - Vlad King

Quirk - Blood Control

Class 1B's homeroom teacher. His Quirk, Blood Control, allows him to control his blood to make weapons or defenses.

  • Assurance Backfire: Tries to assure Ocelot that they can handle the missing weapons and equipment. Ocelot and Nezu, who are aware of the Nigerian clusterfuck years ago, know that type of assurance is not only idiotic but spells just how naive they all are to the severity of the situation.
  • Doesn't Trust Those Guys: He holds no trust over the MSF. When Midnight points out the MSF could've taken a contract with Colombia, he points out what self-serving government could take a villain group on for a contract, while Present Mic points out Colombia made some of the best heroes.
  • Dramatic Irony: He dismisses the idea that the MSF took contracts from national governments, when in actuality, they did for the nations that still exist, like Colombia and Poland.
  • Is This a Joke?: Much like the bulk of the UA staff, they're hoping Ocelot's claims that the JSDF guns were very easy for him to get. Unfortunately, Naomasa can confirm he's telling the truth.
  • Oh, Crap!: When it becomes clear that Ocelot wasn't lying about the whole gun issue.
  • The Power of Blood: His Quirk.
  • You Have GOT to Be Kidding Me!: When finding out his class and the school will be under the protection of a private security firm, he becomes agitated as he and the others didn't have a say in it.


Snipe - real name unknown

Quirk - unnamed magnifying Quirk

The sharpshooter of UA and one of the best teachers when it comes to guns and weapons.
  • The Gunslinger: Uses two revolvers with his Quirk.
  • Oh, Crap!: Is rightfully alarmed at the concept of JSDF weapons going missing.
  • Only Sane Man: He is the only one who is aware that Ocelot's warning is very serious, but the rest do not seem to get the drift.
  • Spotting the Thread: Snipe points out that many villain groups would need to pool their funds together to even get the gear and materials the MSF has, something Vlad can't argue with.
  • Super-Senses: His quirk allows him to zoom in on a target and hit a point with extreme precision.
  • The Western: Speaks in a largely American accent. All Might wonders how he can speak in an American manner with a Japanese accent.

     Ken Ishiyama - Cementoss 

Ken Ishiyama - Cementoss

Quirk - Cement

UA's literature teacher and the head of construction at UA, his Quirk allows him to manipulate all forms of cement easily and at will, as long as all five fingers touch the ground.
  • Hands-On Approach: His Quirk, as long as it's on cement.
  • Ridiculously Fast Construction: He is able to make buildings in minutes, entire towns in days. Nezu tasks him with building the airport for the MSF, in part because the HPSC would never allow their forces to drive to UA.

     Higari Maijima - Power Loader 

Higari Maijima - Power Loader

Quirk - Iron Claws

The teacher of Class 1H and the coding expert of UA.
  • Absurdly Sharp Claws: His Quirk.
  • I Need a Freaking Drink: Heavily implied that this will happen once Izuku, Mei and Melissa would meet.
  • Oh, Crap!:
    • Panics when the Zero Pointer went rogue... again.
    • Much like the rest of the UA staff, he is alarmed that Ocelot has revealed he got his weapons from a JSDF armory that was selling guns like candy.
  • Precision F-Strike: Izuku swears he heard Power Loader say fuck the moment he asked if Hatsume Industries was offering anything.
  • You Have GOT to Be Kidding Me!: When Akatani finds the missing exoskeleton suit was taken by Hatsume, Power Loader facepalms in genuine resignation. Which gets worse when he finds out this one was unloaded an hour ago and Hatsume upgraded it in 30 minutes, and now Akatani wants to know more.



Quirk - Multiplication

The math teacher of UA and the Multiplying Hero.
  • Adaptational Early Appearance: Shows up during the meeting with Nezu about his plans to convert UA into a charity school.
  • An Arm and a Leg: He had lost both his legs on hero duty, relying on prosthetics to walk about.
  • Me's a Crowd: His Quirk has him vomit out clones of himself to do a variety of things. The drawback is that it hurts his throat.
  • Oh, Crap!: Much like the UA staff, they are alarmed that Ocelot got his weapons from a JSDF armory that was half-empty.
    • He and much of the UA staff are alarmed when the MSF shows up, believing they are villains until Nezu explains he hired them for security.

     Shuuzenji Chiyo - Recovery Girl 

Shuuzenji Chiyo - Recovery Girl

Quirk - Kiss

The Youthful Heroine of UA, tasked with keeping the hero students from causing permanent injuries to themselves.
  • Berserk Button: She doesn't like it when people ignore her orders of bedrest or re-injure recovering patients. Ocelot receives a beatdown from Recovery Girl because he had to re-break Aizawa's arms for his refusal to stay in bed.
  • The Dreaded: To All Might, given his recklessness. After the 1A class trials against Akatani, he asks Akatani when they'll wake up so that Recovery Girl won't lecture him again.
    • To Ocelot too, once he gets beaten up for having to re-break Aizawa's arms again.
  • Intimate Healing: Her Quirk. It accelerates the healing process, but not fully heals them.
  • Self-Harm: According to Recovery Girl, half of the injuries come from 1A and virtually all of them are self-inflicted wounds due to Aizawa's refusal to teach. Aizawa says they aren't training hard enough.
  • Tranquilizer Dart: Upon seeing the bullet Ocelot uses to knock Aizawa out, she asks if she could buy those bullets. Unfortunately, Ocelot declines the offer, much to her annoyance.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Gives one to Aizawa alongside Ocelot for his subpar teaching methods, and even admits Ocelot is a better teacher than Aizawa.
  • You Have GOT to Be Kidding Me!: Aizawa's refusal to see the severity of the situation leaves her and Ocelot utterly frustrated. The fact Ocelot has to knock him out to prevent him from exasperating those injuries makes it even worse.
    • She becomes even more frustrated and attacks Ocelot with her cane when she finds out he had to re-break Aizawa's arms for showing a glaring lack of common sense.


     David Shield 

David Shield

Quirk - Bendy Fingers

All Might's first support designer, close friend to All Might and the head of I-Island security, having been the one to make All Might's Golden Age costume.
  • Abnormal Limb Rotation Range: His Quirk.
  • Adaptational Early Appearance: Shows up in the ends of the Tyrant Arc when Night Owl visits, rather than the movie.
  • Cool, but Stupid: His design of I-Island is viewed as this by various villains and Night Owl. During the Brothers Arc, some of the Cartel members point out that all someone has to do is take control of the ship controls and threaten to ram it aground.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: Downplayed. While he does know All Might is the eighth holder of One for All, he doesn't know about the transferrable nature of it. Chapter 62 implies that he and Melissa will learn the full truth of One for All in a couple chapters.
  • Noodle Incident: When praising Melissa's accomplishments using a 20 dollar drone, she asks All Might if this reminds him of the time her father built a support item with nothing but scraps and a donut.

     Melissa Shield 

Melissa Shield

Quirk - Quirkless

The daughter of David Shield and honorary niece of All Might, she is one of the rising inventors on I-Island. However, because of Mirio's refusal and All for One still about, All Might has to make a choice...
  • Adaptational Early Appearance: Shows up audibly in a phone call in Chapter 62, when she would've shown up in Two Heroes.
    • Physically shows up in Chapter 68.
  • Internal Reveal: She is left shocked at All Might's injuries, and while she understands why he's looking for a successor, she declines the offer.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: Doesn't know about the full aspects of One for All or All Might's injury... at least, not until chapter 68.
  • Refusal of the Call: She refuses All Might's offer of One for All.
  • Un-Sorcerer: Like Izuku, Eagle and the displaced MSF members, Melissa is Quirkless. But All Might's plan to offer her One for All may make this a former status.

Class 1A

     In General 
The students of 1A, all training to become heroes. Consisting of 20 students until the USJ incident, with their teacher being Aizawa.
  • Didn't See That Coming: Every day the MSF is on Japanese soil, the class becomes more and more surprised at the sight of sentient A.I.s and whatnot.
  • Doesn't Trust Those Guys: The entirety of 1A doesn't trust the MSF personnel stationed around UA. Justified as the MSF is a new group the HPSC has been using Malicious Slander on for the past few weeks.
  • Figure It Out Yourself: Due to having Aizawa as a teacher, who is more of a Lazy Bum than a teacher at times, this is what they are. It also causes no ends of frustration for Recovery Girl, who tells Aizawa that Ocelot, an HPSC rep with no teaching background, lowers self-inflicted injuries from 1A by teaching the students while Aizawa lazes about.
  • Heroic BSoD: All surviving students of 1A have trauma after the USJ attack.
  • Oh, Crap!: When a disguised Izuku tells them that their classes start in five minutes, they all collectively pale at this because their teacher is Aizawa. Fortunately for them, Ocelot is their substitute.
    • However, they all panic when Akatani killed off the robot VIP and picks them all off, one by one. Luckily, it's sleeping bullets the MSF makes, but it doesn't hide the fact if the exercise was real, all of them would be leaving in caskets.
    • When Bakugou calls Snake a villain, the rest of the class collectively pales and becomes nervous, convinced Bakugou is trying to get them all killed. Fortunately for them, Bakugou is threatened with another week of cleaning duty to shut him up.

     Katsuki Bakugou 

Katsuki Bakugou

Quirk - Explosion.

A student of 1A with a Quirk that allows him to generate explosive sweat from his hands.
  • Adapted Out: The ten years of bullying he does to Izuku, along with the Suicide Dare and Sludge Villain attack do not occur due to Izuku being on the MSF (not that Katsuki knows at the time) and the Sludge Villain incident either not occurring or playing out differently. He still acts like a dickhead thanks to the Aldera district inflaming his ego immensely.
  • Adaptational Late Appearance: Canonically, his first appearance is in Aldrea when his and Izuku's teacher announces their future applications. Here, he shows up on the day of the Entrance Exam.
  • Adaptational Relationship Overhaul: His relationship with Izuku is more 'arrogant blowhard kid unable to understand he's not the hotshot' Bakugou against the 'cold, calculating, won't take shit from any assholes' Izuku.
    • After Chapter 68, it's clear to Class 1A that Bakugou is literally an idiot and making friends with him is pointless - or for a few, downright suicidal.
  • Appeal to Force: This appears to be Bakugou's strategy, when boiled down to it on a tactical level. As such, it was way too easy for him to be blinded with tunnel vision and lose. He still claims they nerfed All Might, when in actuality, this is based on realism.
  • Attack! Attack! Attack!: This is also Bakugou's approach, with it being made clear by the narrative that Bakugou views making plans as pointless, only charging headfirst to the enemy to win being the appropriate response.
  • Attention Whore: He believes himself to be the best of the best, but as Akatani proved in Chapter 65, Bakugou is nothing more than an arrogant blowhard.
  • Black-and-White Insanity: He suffers from this. He views the MSF as villains, himself as the hero and everyone from both sides as extras or cannon fodder. Being bested by Snake's son three times in a row has made him double down on this three times. It's heavily implied that Bakugou will set himself up for a hard fall that everyone will see as deserved.
  • Berserk Button: Possesses quite literally a fuckload of these.
  • Blinded by Rage: When he manages to find Akatani alone, he is completely blinded by rage that he didn't notice Akatani pulled out a gun and pressed it to his stomach until he points it out.
  • Blood Knight: Loves a good fight and hates it when people don't fight fair. As Akatani explains when tying Bakugou up, fighting fair is pointless in a fight. It's either win or die.
  • Bound and Gagged: Only bound, but Akatani binds Bakugou's arms in a way where he cannot use his Quirk without blasting himself or anything else except for Akatani or his restraints.
  • Didn't Think This Through: Bakugou and Kirishima's attempts to stop Kurogiri before 13 can use her Quirk fail because Kurogiri is a warping villain, meaning he can just warp their attacks back at them or at their classmates or 13. This results in their scattering and Fudaki's death.
  • Dirty Coward: Upon finding out he lost to Akatani, who no one saw, he effectively has a breakdown and demands Akatani fight him like a man. Ocelot has to remind him that he's on thin ice and if he attacks Akatani outside of class exercises, he'll be kicked out of UA.
  • Dramatically Missing the Point: When Ocelot calls him, Kirishima and Todoroki out for their stupidity at the USJ, he focuses on the fact Ocelot called him an idiotic dumbass at first.
  • Failed a Spot Check: When confronting Akatani over his Dirty Coward tactics, Akatani brutally turns it around by pointing out that he had a gun pointed to his stomach the whole time, before beating him up and zipties his arms behind his back.
  • Fatal Flaw: Pride, It's All About Me and Hair-Trigger Temper. Despite Izuku being on Mother Base for ten years, Bakugou still believes himself to be the future Number One Hero, possesses so many Berserk Buttons and believes that he's the main character while everyone else, including MSF personnel, are extras or Cannon Fodder and easy to beat. The result? An easily manipulated and utterly easy to provoke dumbass who will attack or insult the source of his ire without considering the consequences of his actions, even if doing so will ruin a well thought-out plan, get him expelled and blacklisted for attacking a TA or get himself and his class killled. It's heavily implied that if Bakugou doesn't receive the help he needs to snap out of these flaws, that he will be setting himself up for a hard fall.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Gets angry at the most trivial things and becomes agitated when a fight doesn't go the way he thinks it'll go. This is deconstructed when seeing Bakugou's anger rule him constantly as he possess many Berserk Buttons and is utterly blinded by Pride. The result is an easily manipulated and provoked dumbass who will attack or insult the source of his ire, even if doing so will ruin a well thought-out plan, get him expelled and blacklisted by attacking a TA of UA, or get him and his classmates killed.
  • Having a Blast: His Quirk.
  • Heroic BSoD: After USJ and Fudaki's death. He seems to forget about it when we see him next.
  • I'll Kill You!: Says this commonly and frequently. When he says this to Akatani, the boy has to ask All Might if he means it.
    Akatani: He isn’t actually going to try and kill me, right?
    All Might: No, that’s just something he says unfortunately.
    • In the next chapter, it becomes clear to Akatani that Bakugou really is such an idiot to threaten him despite the fact he's already on thin ice and that he is capable of defending himself.
  • Inferiority Superiority Complex: Given his pride, it's implied that he has developed this to be viewed as superior and if anyone of a 'lower' standard beats him, then he feels worthless.
  • It's All About Me: Like Fudaki, he has this type of arrogance. Most of the Ocelot unit and Ocelot know this kid needs that bubble popped.
    • Upon getting chewed out for their stupidity in handling the USJ Nomu, Ocelot decides to punch his ego a little by having him clean the entire campus alongside the two dumbasses who decided to sabotage a working plan rather than run to the stairs.
    • And during the trial, being picked off as quickly as possible without him seeing his opponent made him extremely pissed.
    • When Bakugou confronts Akatani and threatens bodily harm, despite the fact he could easily be expelled, Akatani quickly turns the tables around by pointing out he's got a gun pressed to his stomach, then proceeds to beat him up, ziptie him in a way where if he uses his Quirk, he hits only himself, or anything other than the restraints or Akatani, then mocked when it becomes clear he still hasn't gotten out of it, much to 1A's amusement.
    • In Chapter 68, it's completely clear that Bakugou has such an overinflated opinion of himself, as after being introduced to Miller, Bakugou instantly forgets his name, viewing it as irrelevant, while giving and calling his classmates insulting and degrading nicknames.
  • Jerkass: Is this to his classmates. Some of Ocelot's men wonder how the hell this kid acts and behaves like this.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: Despite being a Jerkass in the battle trials, he is right in telling Iida that what a villain would be doing is blitzing at their opponent, not what he was doing.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: Bakugou forces himself to bide his tongue, in part because Ocelot is an HPSC representative taking over for Aizawa, and also because Ocelot can and will ensure Bakugou is blacklisted for his idiocy at the USJ. Ocelot even warns him, Kirishima and Todoroki that it's still on the table if they try another idiotic stunt like that again.
  • Leeroy Jenkins: His method of approaching opponents. Works against Fudaki due to him having the same idea, but with less power.
    • Does this against Kurogiri alongside Kirishima, a warping villain. This fails and the results end with most of 1A scattered, 13 injured, and Fudaki dead.
    • He tries this against Akatani. The boy is dropped due to the MSF tranq bullet.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: Doesn't know Izuku is alive, for as far as he and everyone else knows, Izuku is dead.
  • Logical Weakness: Bakugou's Quirk allows him to fly, propel himself and make explosions. Akatani points out that explosions are very noticeable, so unless Bakugou was in an active warzone, he'd stick out easily like a sore thumb.
  • No Indoor Voice: He constantly screams many things, and when he goes quiet or grumbles, it's a sign that he's either biding his tongue or has a very creative slew of insults to use that could get him kicked out of UA.
  • Oh, Crap!: In part of the What the Hell, Hero?, Bakugou is forced to bide his tongue because the HPSC rep was not only pissed with him, Todoroki and Kirishima for being fucking morons, but also because the man can and will bar them from ever getting a hero license. The only reason he didn't was because of All Might.
  • Pride Before a Fall: When viewing Bakugou's actions throughout the past 14 chapters, it's clear he lets his pride and ego rule him. It's heavily implied that if he doesn't snap out of those, he will set himself up for a hard fall.
  • Psychopathic Manchild: Bakugou shows shades of this when things don't go his way. The only reason he doesn't have a temper tantrum like a child is because he'll get more time added to cleaning duty.
  • Small Name, Big Ego: Is largely viewed as this by Ocelot's men.
    • When Akatani uses tranquillizer bullets on them, he explodes in pure fury because Akatani didn't fight him like a villain should have. Ocelot telling him he's on thin ice forces him to back off on trying to pulverize Akatani. He still tries in Chapter 65, and fails epically.
  • Sore Loser: After he gets humiliated by Akatani in his class trial, he tries to find and pulverize the boy as punishment. This backfires epically.
    • He then tries to claim that they Nerfed All Might during the simulation, with Snake pointing out the simulation was to be as realistic as possible.
  • Too Dumb to Live: Calling Snake a villain when surrounded by his troops is a genuinely moronic idea. Ocelot threatens to add another week of cleaning duty to him to shut him up, though the point still stands that he would've gotten himself and his class killed.
  • Unwanted Assistance: His attempts to handle Kurogiri and the USJ Nomu are viewed as this.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: He, Kirishima and Todoroki are called out for their utterly unwanted intervention of handling the USJ Nomu, Shigaraki and Kurogiri. While they aren't barred from ever getting a license on All Might's behest, they have to clean the entire campus for three months for their stupidity.

     Shoto Todoroki 

Shoto Todoroki

Quirk - Half-Cold-Half-Hot

A classmate of 1A and the son of the Number two hero, Endeavor, his right side allows him to fire ice, while his left side allows him to use fire. However, due to issues with Endeavor, he only uses his ice.
  • Abusive Parents: Is raised under Endeavor in a Eugenics project to surpass All Might.
  • An Ice Person: Half his Quirk allows him to use ice. He prefers using it over his fire half.
  • Attack Backfire: When Shoto does an ice glacier on a building, Akatani instantly spots him and snipes him out. He tells 1A that had Todoroki not done something this stupid, he'd be a higher threat.
  • Fatal Flaw: Shoto's is the grudge against Endeavor. In a highly contested position like heroics, half-assing it is the epitome of being a moron with a death wish or showing no care for improvement.
  • It's All About Me: Because he is emotionless, no one notices how he has a high opinion of himself.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: His ice attack successfully destroys Ocelot's plan, gives Shigaraki cover and gets the USJ Nomu unpinned. Ocelot ends up calling Todoroki's interference a hinderance and threatens to revoke any attempt to receive a hero license if he tries another idiotic stunt like that again.
  • No Social Skills: Given he grew up under Endeavor's control, he has no idea how friends and whatnot works.
  • Not Helping Your Case: When he claimed they were only trying to help, it only infuriates Ocelot more.
  • Playing with Fire: His left half allows him to fire flames. He refuses to use it.
  • Scars Are Forever: Has one over his left side from an incident when he was six. It has been there for ten years.
  • The Stoic: Due to his upbringing, he rarely shows emotion.
  • Super Breeding Program: Is the fourth attempt by Endeavor to create a child with both ice and fire quirks to surpass All Might.
  • Unwanted Assistance: His assistance at the USJ attack for All Might and Ocelot's group could be described as unwanted at best and hindering at worst. The only reason Shigaraki didn't escape was because Kurogiri was still unconscious from a tranquilizer dart hitting his neck brace.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: He, Bakugou and Kirishima are called out for their utterly unwanted intervention of handling the USJ Nomu, Shigaraki and Kurogiri. While they aren't barred from ever getting a license on All Might's behest, they have to clean the entire campus for three months for their stupidity.

     Ochako Uraraka 

Ochako Uraraka

Quirk - Zero Gravity

A bubbly and cheerful girl who desires to become a rescue hero to help her parents and their struggling construction company. Her Quirk allows her to remove the gravity of anything she touches with all five fingers, at the cost of getting nausea.
  • Actually Pretty Funny: When she finds out that Bakugou is ziptied and still hasn't gotten freed, she bursts out laughing.
  • Apology Gift: In Chapter 65, she is given an MRE as a gift of apology and for helping Akatani understand her and her classmates' Quirks.
  • Black Helicopter: During her text chat with Momo, Hagakure and Tokoyami, she finds dozens of black helicopters flying past her apartment, some carrying vehicles, others carry personnel, heading towards UA, giving Ochako the answer as to what Nezu has decided to do.
  • Don't You Dare Pity Me!: Her pride prevents her from asking others for help, viewing whatever help as charity. Izuku (disguised as Akatani) sums it up thusly when she asks for a MRE due to the large number of poor people that have joined the MSF over the years.
    Akatani: Yeah, you want food, but you don’t want to just be given it. You want to have earned it, rather than have someone taking pity on you.
  • Food Interrogation: Izuku offers her some MREs in exchange for information on her and her classmates' Quirks. She reluctantly accepts, if only because the alternate is starving herself, and it comes with the bonus of not costing any money.
    • On one MRE, she gets I Z and U, as Akatani momentarily forgot that he shouldn't be using his real name in Japan.
  • Helpless Observer Protagonist: Throughout the USJ attack, she is largely this, much to her fear that she would amount to nothing in heroics.
  • Implied Death Threat: Fudaki threatens her to drop out of the hero course, or she and her family will pay the price. She refuses. Fudaki died before he could carry out the threat.
  • Internal Reveal: Alongside Asui and Iida, they both find out that Aizawa wasn't bluffing about expelling them.
    • Likewise, she finds out alongside Iida and Tsuyu that Akatani is Quirkless.
  • Luminescent Blush: When the Ocelot Unit praise her for stopping the Zero Pointer, she is left blushing from being praised.
    • Likewise, when seeing how ripped Akatani is while cleaning that beach, she blushes even further.
  • Misplaced Retribution: She is blamed for Fudaki's failure, despite the fact the boy didn't even bother wanting to work with her.
    • Aizawa then proceeds to chastise her for hiding behind cover instead of being a hero... despite the fact there's a sniper somewhere and in a real life scenario, he was basically telling her to ignore cover and die like an idiot.
  • Nice Girl: Her bubbly and cheerful personality is this.
  • No Gravity for You: Her quirk allows her to strip the gravity of anything she touches with all five fingers, including herself.
  • Oh, Crap!: When Aizawa glares at her, Ochako becomes very nervous and afraid, given the man's Trigger-Happy antics. Fortunately, Ocelot knocks the man out because he's still on bedrest.
  • Penny Among Diamonds: Is this when compared to the rest of 1A. In fact, virtually all her options to improve her training, entertainment and whatnot result in spending of money she doesn't even have.
  • Percussive Pickpocket: On the receiving end of this in Chapter 58.
  • Perpetual Poverty: Has spent her entire life in poverty. It's the main reason she wants to become a hero, to help her parents' construction company.
    • It's why Akatani offering MREs in exchange for Quirks is a lot better than virtually all other options. As it's info in exchange for food.
  • Point of Divergence: Because Izuku isn't at UA when she takes the Entrance Exam, she stops the Zero Pointer by taking a three-pointer with its gravity stripped and hurls it in a way that successfully jams the right-side tracks of the zero pointer and leaves it doing donuts.
  • Rescue: She dreams of becoming a rescue hero, much like her idol 13.
  • Think Nothing of It: When Izuku asks if Ochako is ok, she tries to wave it off. Izuku doesn't buy it and pries a bit deeper, finding her fears.
  • This Is Gonna Suck: When pitted up against Akatani with the rest of her class, she knows this lesson's going to go poorly for them.
  • Thou Shall Not Kill: Discussed when she sees Ocelot and his unit with AT weapons. Afterwards, she is afraid of the Ocelot Unit, even after the MSF arrives.
  • Too Desperate to Be Picky: She cannot back out of UA after the MSF's hiring, as she would never be able to pay for another Hero course, their finances are strained as is, and she cannot afford to spend the rest of her life in permanent poverty.

     Tenya Iida 

Tenya Iida

Quirk - Engine

An alumni from Somei, the younger brother of Tensei Iida, the Pro Hero Ingenium, he is a strict, by-the-rules person who also tends to be a bit overbearing. His Quirk allows him to run very fast due to the engines in his legs. It comes at the cost of having his legs overheat.
  • Armor-Piercing Response: When Aizawa is calling Ochako out for hiding behind cover, Iida points out the issue with it. It's also a huge warning sign that Aizawa was basically demanding the students be reckless and risk dying.
    Iida: Sir, Akatani was shooting at us from an unknown position. None of us knew who he was going to target next, so everyone needed to find cover,
  • Character Tic: Has a tendency to chop the air when explaining what's coming up.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: His family is discussed in Chapter 15 in the Brothers Arc when Snake and the Colombia Chief Officer alongside a couple policemen are discussing how their engines are fixed if it's Organic Technology.
  • Fragile Speedster: Given he can run fast, speed is the most important asset he has. Unfortunately, it also means his hero armor is rather lackluster. Akatani points out his speed is dangerous, but only if used practically. Otherwise, he's just a easy to hit target.
  • Friendless Background: It's heavily implied from Iida's own words and actions that he never had any friends growing up. Acquaintances, yes. But not friends.
  • Helicopter Parents: The reason why he was late meeting them? His parents and brother didn't trust the MSF.
  • Honor Before Reason: When told by 13 to run out of the USJ entrance to get help, he is left aghast at the prospect of abandoning his fellow classmates to villains that could potentially kill them. Sato points out that it's either that or they all die, forcing Iida to concede on that.
    • When Ocelot tells him to run back to campus, Iida protests it until Ocelot tells him that it's an order.
  • Internal Reveal: Finds out alongside Ochako and Asui that Aizawa is trigger-happy with his expulsions.
    • He, Ochako and Tsuyu then find out Akatani is Quirkless during lunch.
  • Open Mouth, Insert Foot: He unfortunately has a tendency to do that, before clarifying why he thinks that was logical.
  • Organic Technology: The engines in his legs are part of his Quirk, but also organic. Some of the Colombian cops and their chief wonder who they call if the engines break down.
  • Rules Lawyer: Is largely this.
  • Under Statement: When Asui and Ochako ask how covered in trash Dagobah Beach is, Iida practically leads them to what is essentially a massive illegal dump site.

     Tsuyu Asui 

Tsuyu Asui

Quirk - Frog.

A 1A student with a frog Quirk who is blunt and honest due to her quirk making her unable to express her emotions. She is one of Ochako's friends.
  • Animal-Themed Superbeing: Her Quirk gives her the attributes of a frog. It also means she suffers immensely in cold or in extremely hot environments.
  • Ask a Stupid Question...: When she asks why Akatani has the guns, she forgets that he admitted he was Quirkless until after the question is asked, making herself feel stupid. Fortunately, Akatani doesn't hold it against her.
  • Both Sides Have a Point: When discussing how Aizawa blamed Ochako for Fudaki's failure, Iida points out that heroes have to back each other up. Asui bluntly points out that there's a difference between offering backup and avoiding what is essentially a suicide charge. Given what happened to Fudaki in the USJ, Asui has more of a high ground.
  • Brutal Honesty: Due to her Quirk, she has to be blunt with her statements.
  • Cool Big Sis: To her siblings, even inviting them to the beach before Iida shows them the trash site of Dagobah.
  • Dope Slap: Gives one to Mineta for being a pervert.
  • Eat That: When Akatani explains about how he ate a frog, she is slightly disgusted at this, given her Quirk makes her have the attributes of a frog.
  • Home Field Advantage: During the USJ attack, she and Mineta are warped to the Flood Zone, where Tsuyu would be more than capable of fighting. However, it becomes a disadvantage when Fudaki's electric discharge electrifies the water and makes it too dangerous for them to cross without frying.
  • Internal Reveal: Finds out alongside Ochako and Iida that Aizawa is Trigger-Happy with expulsions by seeing the Ocelot Unit make bets on when Aizawa expels his first student this year.
    • Likewise, she, Ochako and Iida find out Akatani is Quirkless.
  • Multipurpose Tongue: She can use her tongue to wrap around allies and pull them away, hurl villains away from her or fellow allies, and whatnot.
  • Overly-Long Tongue: Since her Quirk gives her the attributes of a frog, she also has a very long tongue.
  • Verbal Tic: Tends to say 'ribbit' or 'kero' after every sentence.
  • Wall Crawl: She can climb walls with her quirk, as Akatani points out, or just hop to the top like an actual frog.

     Momo Yaoyorozu 

Momo Yaoyorozu

Quirk - Creation

A recommendation student for 1A, her Quirk allows her to create anything from the fat stores on her body, as long as she knows the atomic composition.
  • Actually Pretty Funny: While she doesn't laugh about it, when Hagakure says she has to admit seeing Bakugou restrained was funny, she admits it was amusing.
  • All for Nothing: During their exercise against Akatani, Momo crafts up a plan for them on the basis that Akatani is a 'attack directly' person. This ends up being for nothing when Akatani picked them all off from a distance while using drones to monitor their every move that were impossible for them to notice.
  • Broken Pedestal: Upon finding out her family has been donating to a Ponzi scheme run by Heart Star, she is left horrified at the revelation.
  • Explain, Explain... Oh, Crap!: When asking Jiro if she hears Akatani's movements, she says all she hears is a hive of bees. When hiding behind a tree with the robot VIP dead and nearly half her class out, she looks up and realizes that the 'hive of bees' Jiro heard, was a slew of mini drones monitoring their every move. Unfortunately, she is knocked out as well.
  • Failed a Spot Check: When using the strategy she has, she fails to notice that the villains would escape via sewers. When she does and reacts, it's already too late for her to do anything.
  • Helicopter Parents: Momo complains a bit about the helicopter parents, pointing out that's what they have the private security force for. She forgets not everyone is rich like her and Iida, mostly by accident.
  • Heroic BSoD: She and Jiro are left traumatized at seeing Tesla's death.
  • Hostage Situation: She and Jiro are stuck in a hostage situation where Tesla holds Kaminari hostage. Before Tesla could make any demands, one of Ocelot's men puts a bullet in Tesla's skull, much to the horror of the two girls.
  • Innocently Insensitive: Unintentionally flaunts her wealth, not knowing that many of them do not have the type of wealth she has, or in the case of Ochako, skirts on the poverty line every day.
    • When she asks Grizzly if everyone has private tutors, Grizzly knows she has no idea that everyone isn't as wealthy as she is.
  • Internal Reveal: Finds out that Akatani is the son of the MSF leader. Granted, she doesn't know that Akatani is adopted, nor does she know how Snake found Akatani in the first place.
    • She finds out about Freezer Boy's reasons for joining the MSF, as well as what the charity Heart Star runs really is for.
  • Jack of All Stats: Her Quirk renders her versatile in heroics or any career. After all, she could create medical supplies, weapons, explosives, and whatnot as long as she knew the compositions for all of them.
  • Logical Weakness: If she doesn't know the schematics of an item in question, she cannot make it as she would not know how it works, or it could potentially backfire and seriously injure or kill her.
    • Likewise, she figures out that Hero School trains them in dealing with threats that rush at you head-on. Not threats that pick you off from a distance.
  • Lonely Rich Kid: Given her family is one of the wealthiest, Momo hasn't had any real friends. The ones who got close to her did so because of her money.
  • Matter Replicator: Her Quirk.
  • Oh, Crap!: Both she and Jiro are caught flat-footed when a villain is still conscious from Kaminari's attack and takes the short-circuited boy hostage. They become even more alarmed when one of Ocelot's men puts a bullet in Tesla's skull to free Kaminari.
    • She becomes very alarmed when Akatani kills the robot VIP and manages to pick off nearly half of her class without even being seen, rendering her afraid as she realizes she is ill-prepared for heroics.
  • Private Tutor: Mentally thanks her parents getting her a private English tutor for her, as it allows her to understand the largely English-speaking mercs more easily as well as All Might.
    • It also allows her to understand the prominently English-speaking MSF members, explaining that Grizzly was once Freezer Boy before he joined the MSF.
  • Rich Genius: Given her Quirk, she is very intelligent due to having to know more than most teens would in their lives up to her point. Her wealth is based on the fact her family is one of the wealthiest in possibly the world.
  • Sensory Overload: When waking up, the most blinding lights of the recovery room cause her to force close her eyes before trying to open them up again. Bakugou's screaming ends up making her ears ring out in pain.
  • Spotting the Thread: Momo's search on everything Grizzly points out many, many glaring flaws... until she realizes that there's nothing on the MSF, which becomes alarming to her.
  • Stating the Simple Solution: When she, Mina and Toru see Grizzly's group, Mina comes up with a theory that she immediately dismisses. Momo suggests they talk to him to figure out why he's with the MSF. Mina agrees... then pushes Momo to talk to them.
  • Stripperific: Her Quirk requires exposed skin for it to work. As such, her costume requires open skin, but the design is akin to a stripper outfit.
  • Swiss-Army Superpower: What her Quirk essentially is.

     Kyoka Jiro 

Kyoka Jiro

Quirk Earphone Jack

A 1A student with a love for music and a quirk that allows her to transmit the sound of her heartbeat with great power into whatever she plugs the jacks into, human or otherwise.
  • Heroic BSoD: She and Momo are left traumatized at seeing Tesla's death.
  • How Is That Even Possible?: When Akatani moves from where All Might was to where Bakugou is, Jiro is left flabbergasted as she never heard the kid move.
  • Make Some Noise: Her Quirk allows her to channel the sound of her heartbeat into anything she plugs her jacks into.
  • Oh, Crap!: She and Momo become alarmed when Tesla takes Kaminari hostage. They become even more alarmed when one of Ocelot's men kills Tesla.
  • Sensory Overload: If she is hit with loud noises, she will be overwhelmed easily.
  • Super-Hearing: Her quirk makes her extremely sensitive to loud noises, ranging from Present Mic's Quirk to gunshots. Akatani listed her as the highest threat based on her heightened sense of hearing.
  • Unusual Ears: Her Quirk has ear jack plugs coming from her earlobes.

     Kaminari Denki 

Kaminari Denki

Quirk Electrification.

A 1A student whose Quirk allows him to store electricity and discharge it at the drawback of overloading the charge and rendering him in 'whey' mode for some time.
  • Actually Pretty Funny: Snorts, then laughs when seeing Bakugou ziptied in a way that he hasn't gotten out of.
  • Angst? What Angst?: Due to being in 'whey' mode, he is not aware that he was taken hostage by Tesla, nor does he know that one of Ocelot's men put a bullet in Tesla's skull.
  • Didn't See That Coming: He didn't expect to be praised by Snake for his good strategy and tactical planning.
  • The Ditz: He is good at history, literature and strategy, but science and math? He was screwed. This implies that he has dyslexia.
  • Elemental Hair Colors: Blond-haired and lightning focused.
  • Foil: Kaminari is this to Fudaki. Both have electric-based Quirks and are aspiring to be hero students. But while Kaminari is a bit of an idiot at times, he is good-meaning. Fudaki, on the other hand, is the child of a Pro Hero who believes he will be able to come out on top, no matter who he steps on. This culminates at the USJ incident, where Fudaki is killed by the USJ Nomu and Kaminari stays near Momo and Jiro for better chances of survival.
  • Hidden Depths: He is very good at strategy thanks to gaming.
  • Hostage Situation: Is taken hostage by Tesla in a bid for the villain to force Momo and Jiro to surrender. It ends with Tesla being shot in the head by one of Ocelot's men.
  • Logical Weakness: His quirk renders him in 'whey' mode for some time if overcharged, and will not affect anyone with electric or rubber-based Quirks.
  • Meaningful Name: His first name means "electricity" and his last name means "lightning".
  • Shock and Awe: His Quirk allows him to discharge electricity.

     Yuga Aoyama 

Yuga Aoyama

Quirk - Naval Laser

A flamboyant French student attending UA. His Quirk, Naval Laser, makes him fire an energy beam from his belly button. However, it causes stomach cramps and requires a support item to avoid it causing any accidental mishaps.
  • Agent Peacock: Loves to pose and is prone to flamboyant behavior.
  • Awesome, but Impractical: His Quirk is powerful and capable, but firing it hurts him. If this goes off on the canon traitor route, that's because it isn't his Quirk.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Acts in a flamboyant and strange manner.
  • Energy Weapon: His Quirk. Though, it could be likely that it isn't the Quirk he was born with...
  • Power Incontinence: Due to the quirk "leaking" out of him, he is required to wear a belt that acts as both a support item and a necessary crutch to prevent any accidents of both painful and fatal kinds.

     Mina Ashido 

Mina Ashido

Quirk - Acid

A cheerful and energetic girl with an appearance that gives her a resemblance to an alien. However, her quirk allows her to control the pH and viscosity of all the acid she hurls, but too much will cause her severe pain.
  • Acid Attack: Her Quirk in a nutshell.
  • Actually Pretty Funny: Seeing Bakugou lose to a pair of zipties is enough to cause her to laugh.
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: Mina wanted to know about the Freezer Boy-Heart Star lover's quarrel and thought it was a 'would they, won't they' scenario. Upon dragging Momo and Toru to him for answers, she gets her wish... and finds out that the 'lover's quarrel' was actually Grizzly exposing a money laundering scheme Heart Star was running.
  • Broken Pedestal: Upon finding out Heart Star intentionally riled her fanbase to assume that she and Freezer Boy was in a lover's quarrel to hide her money laundering scheme, she is left devastated.
  • Color Character: Given her quirk allows her to use acid in more ways than one, her skin takes on a pink tone similar to bubblegum.
  • Conspiracy Theorist: When the first theory is dismissed because he would've moved back and forth for press interviews and whatnot, she believes the MSF is holding his family or loved ones hostage, only for her to quickly dismiss it as too ludicrous. Momo suggests asking him why he joined the MSF to get an answer.
  • Cute Monster Girl: An attractive female humanoid... something.
  • Genki Girl: Is cheerful and emotional.
  • Gossipy Hens: Alongside Hagakure, she loves to gossip and hear whatever gossip is about.
  • Internal Reveal: Finds out about why Grizzly joined the MSF... and the true nature of Heart Star.
  • Noodle Incident: Apparently, from Ashido's anger when Ocelot calls Kirishima out for his stupidity, this isn't the first time his intervention did more harm than good.
  • Required Secondary Powers: Given her quirk can allow her to use acid at dangerous levels, a secondary aspect of her quirk allows her to have resistance to her acid. It doesn't however, make her immune to it.
  • Shipper on Deck: A downplayed variant. While she would want to ship Ochako and Akatani, she can't based it off of one interaction.
    • When she encounters Grizzly and remembers him by his former hero identity, she points out he was the basis of shippers with Heart Star to Hagakure and Momo. Grizzly points out Heart Star weaponized it to keep anyone from looking into her charity and finding out she was using it as a money laundering scheme.
  • Switch to English: The MSF members largely speak English, something Mina cannot do. Momo, thanks to a Private Tutor for English, can.
  • The Tease: Loves teasing everybody around her if she thinks someone is in love with someone else.
    • She will do it to Ochako and Akatani (a disguised Izuku).
  • You Have GOT to Be Kidding Me!: When hearing Ocelot tell them that Kirishima, Bakugou and Todoroki's intervention recklessly endangered all of them, she screams Kirishima's name in frustration.

     Eijiro Kirishima 

Ejiro Kirishima

Quirk - Hardening

Class 1A's friendliest and most Hot-Blooded member. His Quirk, Hardening, gives him the ability to have his skin become as tough as rock.
  • Ask a Stupid Question...: When he asks what he, Bakugou and Todoroki did wrong, Ocelot tells him that the reason he asks that tells him so much.
  • Boring, but Practical: His quirk is, on paper, rather plain and boring. However, given that most fights require CQC against villains, it is practically useful, and can even repel small-arms fire.
  • Didn't Think This Through: His and Bakugou's attempts to attack Kurogiri failed because Kurogiri is a warping villain. Even if Kurogiri was hit, it would've been more problematic than it was as they were hindering 13's attempts to handle the situation. This resulted in the bulk of 1A being scattered and Fudaki dying.
    • Likewise, when they and Shoto try to help All Might and the Ocelot Unit, they fail to notice that All Might and the Ocelot Unit do not need their help. In fact, their help not only endangers them but actually hinders their attempts to get the situation under control. Had Ocelot not knocked out Kurogiri, it would've resulted in both Shigaraki and Kurogiri escaping.
  • Fiery Redhead: Given he loves to fight, this is a given.
  • Human Shield: Offers himself as a human shield for his fellow classmates when seeing the MSF guards. Jiro hopes it doesn't come down to that.
  • Nice Guy: He is friendly to everyone, even the arrogant Jerkass Bakugou.
  • Super-Toughness: His Quirk makes his skin as hard as rock when active.
  • Unwanted Assistance: His help against Kurogiri and the USJ Nomu can be viewed as this.
  • What Did I Do Last Night?: A non-alcoholic variant, although it's more like last week, but when he asks this to Ocelot when he's chewing them out, Ocelot explains the reasons why they're in deep shit.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: He, Bakugou and Todoroki are called out for their utterly unwanted intervention of handling the USJ Nomu, Shigaraki and Kurogiri. While they aren't barred from ever getting a license on All Might's behest, they have to clean the entire campus for three months for their stupidity.

     Hanta Sero 

Hanta Sero

Quirk Tape

A cheerful student whose Quirk allows him to fire tape from his elbows.
  • Didn't See That Coming: When Akatani puts him as the second highest threat level in the exercise due to having a way to get to him, he is downright surprised.
  • Duct Tape for Everything: His quirk is this, allowing him to detain enemies, and swing around Spiderman style, the possibilities are endless.

     Mezo Shoji 

Mezo Shoji

Quirk Dupli-Arms

1A's tallest member, who looks intimidating, but is quite friendly.
  • Animal Motif: Given his Quirk, he can be seen as something akin to an octopus.
  • Combat Tentacles: Uses them to replicate parts of his body.
  • Cool Mask: The lower half of his face is always covered by a ninja mask.
  • Creepy Good: Is this when compared to the rest of his classmates.
  • Gentle Giant: Is this despite his Quirk.
  • Multi-Armed and Dangerous: Given his Quirk has six arms which he can use to replicate eyes, ears, mouths, and whatnot, he is a versatile hero student.
  • Sleeves Are for Wimps: Justified since his Quirk makes any form of sleeve-wearing clothing useless. Fortunately, UA accommodates for this by having a sleeveless student uniform for him.
  • Super-Senses: Since he can replicate ears, eyes and even mouths on his hands, Akatani points him out as one of the top three threats in terms of finding him during 1A's review.

     Toru Hagakure 

Toru Hagakure

Quirk - Invisibility

A bubbly and cheerful girl whose quirk renders her entire body permanently invisible. She is usually seen in a set of floating clothes - or in the case of her hero costume, a pair of gloves and a pair of boots.
  • Actually Pretty Funny: Much like most of 1A, seeing Bakugou lose to zip-ties is hilarious to her while explaining it to Momo.
  • Battle Strip: When fully nude, she can make the best of her Quirk.
  • Broken Pedestal: Much like Mina, she is left devastated that Heart Star intentionally riled her fanbase up to hide her money laundering scheme.
  • Genki Girl: The same as Mina, but even more so.
  • Helicopter Parents: After the USJ, her parents tell her to not leave their sights. Hagakure remarks over text that she's fifteen, not five.
  • Internal Reveal: Finds out about the reasons Grizzly joined the MSF... and Heart Star's true nature.
  • Invisibility: Her Quirk.
  • Invisible Streaker: Her costume is just a pair of gloves and boots, much to the horror of some of Ocelot's men and Ocelot. As while it can be beneficial to stealth, it offers no protection and she would be at a very high risk of friendly fire or death from elemental exposure.
  • Logical Weakness: Her Quirk makes her invisible to the naked eye. Under thermal vision, however, she is easily detectable, resulting in her being KO'd by a tranquilizer bullet.

     Fumikage Tokoyami 

Fumikage Tokoyami

Quirk - Dark Shadow

The Chuunibyou of 1A, his head with the appearance of a raven. His Quirk allows him to call upon his shadow for both combat and defense purposes.
  • Cassandra Truth: As Tokoyami points out, the accusations hold no evidence of any crimes the MSF committed. While he is right, the actual reason is that it would implicate the HPSC into even worse crimes.
  • Chuunibyou: Tends to speak in antiquated speech patterns.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Despite having a Quirk that many would call villainous, he desires to be a hero.
  • Didn't See That Coming: Is surprised at Victoria's existence as a sentient AI.
  • Heroic BSoD: He and Koda watched all the villains in the Ruins Zone get gunned down by the Ocelot Unit when the villain group refused to surrender and tried to attack a well-armed military group.
  • Living Shadow: His Quirk, which allows him to call up his shadow for both combat and defense purposes.
  • Logical Weakness: Despite having a powerful quirk in the dark, in the light he would effectively be at a massive disadvantage, not counting those with explosive or light-based Quirks.
    • He's also at a major disadvantage when it comes to ranged attacks. Since Izuku was sniping them from nearly a kilometer away, Dark Shadow was practically useless.
  • Not Enough to Bury: How Tokoyami described the brutal murder of the villains in the Downpour Zone.

     Minoru Mineta 

Minoru Mineta

Quirk - Pop Off

1A's most perverted student and the resident Butt-Monkey of the class. His quirk, Pop Off, allows him to make use of the balls on his head to either do ground control, detain enemies, and whatnot.
  • Brilliant, but Lazy: He knows how to use his quirk in creative and capable ways. But his perverted tendencies make it difficult for him to put in any effort.
  • Harem Seeker: If canon is anything to go by, he likely joined UA's hero course to try and obtain a harem.
  • Hormone-Addled Teenager: Very much so.
  • Improperly Paranoid: He believes the MSF are villains that have taken over UA. The problem is that if they were villains, they wouldn't show it so blatantly, and while the fears are somewhat founded due to Malicious Slander from the HPSC, it becomes pointless in the end.
  • Lured into a Trap: When seeing the MSF personnel, he believes it is a trap to trick them into UA. Granted, many of them do not trust the MSF at all.
  • Required Secondary Powers: He is immune to his Quirk's effects.
  • Sticky Situation: His quirk allows him to stick the balls on his head to anything, whether it be walls, floors, ceilings, or other people. Akatani points out that he could use it to climb walls and reach him in the battle trial, much to the boy's surprise.
  • You're Insane!: When seeing Fudaki get out of the flood zone and head to where the USJ Nomu, Shigaraki, and Aizawa were, Mineta was wondering if the kid was either insane or suicidal. Regardless of the answer, the outcome remained the same.

     Rikido Sato 

Rikido Sato

Quirk - Sugar Rush

A tall and strong-built 1A student who can make mean desserts. His Quirk, Sugar Rush, allows him to consume any type of sugar and gain a boost from it. However, his brain activity slows down the more sugar he consumes, eventually causing him to crash if he overdoses.

     Koji Koda 

Koji Koda

Quirk Anivoice

A quiet boy with a rock-like appearance, capable of speaking the tongues of any animal.
  • Gentle Giant: Despite looking like somebody who could kill without hesitation, he is a very friendly person.
  • Heart Is an Awesome Power: Given his Quirk can allow him to speak to and communicate with every animal in the vicinity, which can allow him to have more watchful eyes, and capture his opponents through psychological warfare and whatnot. Akatani marks him as the highest threat in the exercise.
  • Heroic BSoD: Alongside Tokoyami, he is thoroughly traumatized after seeing the villains in the dowmpour zone get gunned down.
  • Pet the Dog: Literally. When they meet DD, the dog greets them and requests Koda to pet him, which he obliges.
  • The Quiet One: Given his Quirk is constantly active, he cannot talk much lest he calls up every animal in the vicinity.
  • Speaks Fluent Animal: His Quirk.
  • Willfully Weak: He doesn't use his Quirk for insects, given that most of them would be in hiveminds, and would definitely give him a headache.

     Ojiro Mashiro 

Ojiro Mashiro

Quirk Tail

A serious student who is in 1A. His Quirk grants him a prehensile tail protruding from his lower back.

Former 1A students

     Shigai Fudaki 

Shigai Fudaki

Quirk - Electric Hair

A student that comes from a hero family, much like Todoroki. However, he acts in a vain, arrogant, and entitled manner, believing he's the next hotshot in heroics. His Quirk allows him to take strands of his hair and use them to make weapons or hurl them like lightning bolts.
  • Alternate Character Interpretation: Surprisingly, the author admitted his plan for Fudaki was to make him a lovable character that would end up being killed off in the USJ in a Heroic Sacrifice. However, he didn't know how to make Fudaki nice, so he went with the Jerkass and Hate Sink route.
  • Asshole Victim: Very few people will miss him for his Jerkass behavior, threatening Ochako, and whatnot. When Izuku asks Ochako about the boy, she explains everything, causing Izuku to come to the conclusion that Fudaki was a dickhead.
  • Attack! Attack! Attack!: His approach in heroics. This approach ends in his death.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: The USJ Nomu slams his head into the ground repeatedly to the point that brain matter was leaking out on the last slam.
  • Didn't Think This Through: His attempts to take down the USJ Nomu failed due to three issues: One, this was a creature way out of his league. Two, he's a hero student with a week's worth of hero training. And three, it already incapacitated his teacher. His inability to realize this ends in his death.
  • Elemental Hair Colors: His hair is blond, much like Kaminari's.
  • Fantastic Racism: Views Rescue Heroes as nothing more than glorified firemen and medical workers. When confronting Ochako in an alleyway, he tells her to drop out of the Hero Course, or else he'll have her life ruined.
  • Fatal Flaw: Pride and Arrogance proved to be his undoing at the USJ, ending in his death.
  • Implied Death Threat: It's heavily implied that Fudaki threatened to have Ochako and her parents killed off. And since his family are heroes who probably have ties to the HPSC, it's not that far-fetched for him to do something about it.
  • Jerkass: Is probably even worse than Bakugou, to an extent.
  • Leeroy Jenkins: Does this in his battle trial against Bakugou. He loses.
    • Does this again with Kurogiri. Kurogiri warps him to the Flood Zone.
    • The last time he does it is against Shigaraki and the USJ Nomu. This ends in his death.
  • Pride Before a Fall: Fudaki's pride led him to believe he could take on all the villains by himself, much to Ochako's shock. This ends with him being killed by the USJ Nomu. Ocelot rightfully calls out Aizawa for his incompetence in teaching.
  • Screw the Rules, I Have Connections!: He arrogantly tells Ochako that his parents are Pro Heroes and they can ensure that she, a poverty-stricken girl who forgot her place, will learn her place is at the bottom of the barrel if she doesn't do as he says.
  • Shock and Awe: His Quirk. It also fries all the villains in the Flood Zone of the USJ.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: He was a character for the UA arc. However, his death is the catalyst of Nezu getting a contract with the MSF to send a division to UA to act as security.
  • Too Dumb to Live: Fudaki's attempts to take down the USJ Nomu on his own when he didn't have an idea how it worked, the fact he was alone despite Aizawa's warnings, and the fact the damn thing took down Aizawa ends in his death.

Support Course

     Mei Hatsume 

Mei Hatsume

Quirk - Zoom

The resident mad genius of 1H. Her quirk makes her eyes act as a magnifying glass.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: While she has some seriously Skewed Priorities and is a bit scatterbrained, she is the best at invention.
  • Ditzy Genius: Very brilliant inventor, bad at social skills.
  • I Call It "Vera": Calls her gadgets babies. Anyone who doesn't understand what she's saying will get thrown off.
  • Mad Scientist: She is into her inventions and upon seeing new inventions, gets super excited. When Izuku is searching for the missing MSF exoskeleton, he finds that Mei has it in a bid to improve it, which she successfully does.
  • Super-Senses: Her Quirk.


     Tsukauchi Naomasa 

Tsukauchi Naomasa

Quirk - Lie Detector

A police detective in Japan and one of All Might's closest allies and friends, he is brought into the fold on the MSF's existence due to the aftermath of the USJ attack. His Quirk, Lie Detector, allows him to discern truth from lies from a person's own words.
  • Blessed with Suck: His Quirk allows him to discern truth from lies easily. Unfortunately, it also means that he can easily be aware of the hidden corruption inside the HPSC, and be powerless to do anything about it.
  • Down the Rabbit Hole: He is left to investigate the MSF thanks to All Might calling him up to ask for info about this unheard of mercenary company. It's heavily implied he won't like what he finds.
  • Internal Reveal: Finds out about the MSF's existence via All Might calling him up to get answers about them. Unfortunately, all he had after investigating all databases in one week were two photos: One of MSF helicopters leaving a power plant 9 years ago when a fellow cop took photos of it 'because it looked cool', and the other of Snake meeting Sainz seven years ago.
  • Lie Detector: His Quirk.
  • Oh, Crap!: When Ocelot explains how he got the JSDF weapons, Naomasa is the only one who can verify it as true, bringing unease to the group.

     Rody Soul 

Rody Soul

Quirk - Pinto

The son of Eddie Soul and best friend of Izuku, he alongside his father and family, is rescued by the MSF from Humarise. Having nowhere to go, they stay on Mother Base.
  • Best Friend: To Izuku.
  • Cool Plane: Has a fascination for planes.
  • Loyal Animal Companion: His Quirk is a bird that he named Pinto, who is with him every step of the way.
  • Oh, Crap!: He and Izuku share this when they realize their model F-14 is an actual F-14.
    Rody: Dad's going to kill me.
    Izuku: Most likely.
  • Side Bet: Makes a bet to Izuku about the next ball throw being a home run. He wins and Izuku is forced to wear a chicken suit for a week.
    • It's also how he'll get to classes on time, as his teacher makes a bet with him in order to entice him to make it to class on time.
  • You Can't Go Home Again: After being rescued by the MSF, his family cannot return home due to Humarise marking them for abduction on sight.

Other Heroes

     Infini Leap 

Infini Leap

Quirk - unknown.

A hero who arrives in Colombia to capture the 'escaped' prisoner Magnetic, only to arrive in time to see Magnetic subdued. He is also the ex-mentor of former Hero turned MSF member Grizzly.
  • Attention Whore: Is this to everyone.
  • The Cavalry Arrives Late: Arrives after Snake had subdued Magnetic. In fact, he was supposed to arrive after Magnetic killed Sainz, but Snake screwed that plan up.
  • Fake Ultimate Hero: He is awarded a medal from the Colombian government despite the fact he did nothing to stop Magnetic. Grizzly notes that the Colombians were very pissed at his award, when the award should've gone to Snake.
  • It's All About Me: Acts and behaves like this.
  • Medal of Dishonor: What his award is viewed as by the Colombian government and people. Justified as A: They hadn't arrived until after Snake subdued Magnetic. B: He took it from a man who rightly deserved it. And C: He was a ego-driven prick.
  • Oblivious to Hatred: During the award ceremony, Sainz is trying very hard to not sound degrading to Infini Leap in public. However, Infini Leap is very much hated for his over-entitled behavior by the entire Colombian audience, but he doesn't care.
  • Paparazzi: He loves the paparazzi, every step of the way.
  • Pyrrhic Victory: Despite successfully boosting hero propaganda in Colombia, Madam President's attempt to kill Sainz failed due to Snake's arrival.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: His actions and behavior cause Grizzly to realize that heroics is nothing more than a broken industry, where the ones who need help are ignored for having no money, leading to his former sidekick to join the MSF.

     Heart Star 

Heart Star - real name unknown.

Quirk - also unknown.

A corrupt international hero who runs a money laundering scheme across the globe via an international charity. She is one of many reasons Grizzly joined the MSF.
  • Caught on Tape: She was bragging about her plan to rake in thousands to millions via money laundering on tape. No one believes Grizzly's claims she's money laundering.
  • It's All About Me: Grizzly claims she's the most selfish, backstabbing narcissistic bitch he ever met, which is true.
  • Only in It for the Money: She joined heroics for the money, and knew how to get it easily.
  • Shipper on Deck: Weaponized to keep the public unaware of her money laundering scheme. Mina and Toru, two Heart Star fans, are left horrified at the realization they were used to cover up an illegal crime.

     Hawks - Tamaki Keigo 

Tamaki Keigo - Hawks

Quirk - Wings

The number three Pro Hero of Japan with a caring and well-free demeanor. He is tasked alongside Ocelot to find out who has been killing all the HPSC reps seeking the HPSC VP position.

His Quirk, Wings, gives him the ability of flight, as well as use his feathers to both incapacitate and restrain enemies or make weapons out of them.

  • Adaptational Early Appearance: Shows up during the Showstoppers Arc when he would've shown up in the Pro Hero Arc.
  • Flight: His Quirk allows him to fly through the sky.
  • Oh, Crap!: When he and Ocelot's only lead on who's been ordering the assassinations of the HPSC reps is killed, they are rightly aware that whoever's doing this is not only covering their tracks but could easily be in the HPSC ranks as well.
  • Working the Same Case: Is working alongside Ocelot to figure out who's involved in this mess.


     In General 
  • Adaptational Villainy: They are even worse than canon.
  • Control Freak: What Nezu rightfully views the HPSC as.
  • Corrupt Bureaucrat: Organization fits it better, but the HPSC is this for the world. Between human experimentation, funding warlords, and making deals with many villain groups, is it any wonder why people join the MSF?
  • Critical Staffing Shortage: Because the war with Outer Heaven has been racking up costs, layoffs have been made. Unfortunately, it makes a variety of things even more difficult to handle, such as intel gathering. As such, their layoffs only compound the situation with Outer Heaven even more.
  • Cutting Corners: 10 years of war with the MSF, and in the latter half of that, Madam President had been forced to cut the pay of many agents, causing a few to quit in anger. It got so bad Mera was complaining about staffing shortages. When Madam President finds out about the MSF having a navy, Techno explains that due to layoffs, he can't really gather intel as fast as possible, with him explaining that he hasn't had anyone manage those spy satellites in years.
  • The Gulag: Tartarus Prison is considered a massive human rights violation mixed with a Gulag by the MSF due to the high number of political prisoners being held there, while the real villains go in, then come out whenever they need it.
  • Hide the Evidence: For nine years, they hid every trace of the MSF from the first world, going as far as to censor all news from the second and third world. This makes it very difficult for Naomasa to find anything on the MSF, other than two photos, as well as prevents anyone from actively searching for what really happened in scenarios where the MSF were involved and painted in a positive light.
  • Pride Before a Fall: As the HPSC goes to more and more depraved lengths to get rid of the MSF, the world will see them eventually fall hard when the globe finds out how corrupt the Japanese HPSC branch really is.
  • Propaganda Machine: Since they control the vast majority of the internet and media outputs, they can effectively paint a narrative that people will believe in... at least in the first world. Second and third do not believe.
  • Proxy War: Is engaged in one with Outer Heaven via the African Warlords. It's not going well...
  • Would Hurt a Child: Given how they were willing to sacrifice hero students in Nigeria and use Izuku for dimensional exploration, this is a given.

     Madam President 

Madam President

Quirk - unknown

The Head of the HPSC, she acts like a caring and benevolent leader. Behind the scenes, she is a spiteful and vindictive bitch who cares little for the citizenry, trying to maintain her power through illegal and even extensive means. Giving the Green Light to Night Owl's experiments, she is forced to spend 10 years to have the control she so desired slowly slip away bit by bit as her war with the MSF rages on.
  • An Offer You Can't Refuse: She is on the receiving end of this when it comes to the MSF. She had no choice but to accept, lest the UN find out about Night Owl's experiments.
    • Likewise, she offers the African Warlords all the guns, artillery, tanks, AA, ships, and whatnot in exchange for getting rid of Outer Heaven and killing everyone who's a part of Outer Heaven and the MSF. If they refuse, she would have them executed before sunrise, provided the MSF doesn't show up on their doorsteps by then. The warlords comply.
  • Assassination Attempt: Sends Magnetic to assassinate the Colombia president in retaliation for destroying the Brothers cartel. Snake defeats Magnetic before the supposed hero, Infini Leap, could show up. The Assassination Attempt on the Colombia president failed, leaving her pissed.
    • She orders Techno to send assassins after Igwe and Langa when finding out the two warlords pulled their forces out of the war against the MSF. It's heavily implied that if this fails or succeeds, she's screwed herself even further.
  • Bad Boss: Was willing to sacrifice 60,000 heroes against the MSF, and clearly didn't care about the deaths, only the political aspect of this mess.
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: Madam President exploits Fudaki's death in order to force Nezu to do something lest the HPSC take total control of UA. He does, by hiring the MSF as security. Madam President is left enraged.
  • Beneath the Mask: Despite acting benevolent and caring, she is a very vindictive and spiteful bitch who signed off on murdering an entire child's family while having him used for Night Owl's experiments, and makes sure that the public never knows about this.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: While she acts pleasant and caring in public, behind the scenes, she is a vindictive, cruel, backstabbing bitch who would gladly approve anything if it gets her profit.
  • Cassandra Truth: She can easily paint the MSF as villains... the problem is that all evidence leads back to the HPSC.
  • Didn't Think This Through: Her stunt to hide the Tyrant getting nukes and getting rid of the MSF goes horribly wrong. Despite having the media focus on the areas she wanted, they found out about the catastrophic disaster that was the battle against the MSF and Remenant forces, resulting in over a third of the 60,000 heroes either being killed or defecting to the MSF.
    • Likewise, the refugees the MSF were helping didn't take this mess too kindly and attacked the heroes in rage.
  • Final Solution: When employing the African Warlords and offering all the arms and equipment they ever need, all she asks in return is for them to destroy Outer Heaven and kill everyone who is a citizen of Outer Heaven. Some of the warlords were hesitant or rightly viewing this as a suicide mission, but in the end, they all agree, if only to preserve their lands.
  • Gone Horribly Wrong: Her attempts to paint what happened in Nigeria while killing off the MSF go so badly, that she had to make a deal with Snake, lest her problems become worse.
    • Then her attempt to get rid of Snake via the Moscow Wolves backfires when they end up in a firefight with the MSF, as well as Poland's Hussars, forcing them to retreat and destroying what little trust the HPSC had with Poland.
  • I'll Kill You!: Tells Nowak that she'll have him killed for hiring the MSF and cutting all ties to the HPSC. Nowak tells her to Bring It.
  • Let No Crisis Go to Waste: Intentionally exploits Fudaki's death to create a propaganda campaign against Nezu. This ends up backfiring when Nezu signs a deal with the MSF to secure his school.
  • Malicious Slander: This is all she can do after finding out the MSF is on UA soil. It works enough to allow her to have the leverage to force heroes onto UA grounds for the Sports Festival, but it's not enough to kick them off.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: Her demands for Nezu to do something end with the MSF getting a contract to guard UA, and the world to soon begin asking questions.
  • Noodle Incident: Not much is known about what happened to the HPSC's last president other than Nagant whacking him.
  • Oh, Crap!: When told that Snake had escaped alongside someone named Nagant, she screams loud enough that the guards with Ocelot are aware they fucked up.
    Ocelot: I assume that's bad.
    Madam President: Of course it's bad, Ocelot. She killed the HPSC's last president!
    • Becomes terrified when the Congo Tyrant reveals he has a dozen nukes and unless she wants a city nuked, she was going to pull the HPSC out of Africa.
    • She ends up having another one when she found out that Nezu has established a contract with the MSF.
  • Pragmatic Villainy: She refuses Night Owl's request for a nuclear reactor because the Japanese government would be snooping around to check if it works. And if it comes out that it's being used to power dimensional travels using Izuku, the HPSC would be dissolved on the spot.
    • As Nezu points out, even though she would provide the African warlords with weapons, explosives, tanks, and aircraft, she wouldn't provide them with nukes. After all, why would anyone of sane mind give a Tyrant a nuclear bomb when they know their first target is the giver of said bomb?
  • Pyrrhic Victory: What she ends up spinning the African clusterfuck as.
  • Proxy War: Wages one against Outer Heaven and the MSF. By the time the USJ attack occurs, she is Cutting Corners because of how much the war was costing her.
  • Seven Deadly Sins: She is the epitome of Greed, Wrath and Pride, but she will never admit it.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: All Might chews her out for not informing him of what was going on in Nigeria and that he should've been down there to help out. Madam President had to explain that it would've been useless as the situation would've been resolved by the time he was called up, not counting his injuries with All for One.
    • Likewise, Nowak calls out her, the Russian and Belarusian Presidents for refusing to do anything about the Showstoppers, even after his daughter was kidnapped by them. When she told him that the heroes could handle it, his response was to tell her that he's cutting ties to the HPSC, signed a trade deal with Outer Heaven, and when threatened with assassination, Nowak tells her to Bring It.
  • You Have GOT to Be Kidding Me!: When being told that the warlords lost the 100 Type 99s she sent, she has Techno send a thousand more tanks to solve this problem.
    • She starts to become more and more livid when it becomes clear the MSF is an army, navy, marine and air force that is the most powerful force on the face of the Earth and she's only finding out about this now.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: When two of the warlords joke about the MSF kicking the asses of her precious heroes after their boss axed the Tyrant, she notes to have both of them executed after their mission is completed... provided Snake doesn't off them first.
    • When finding out both Luan and Razak have removed their forces from the MSF fight, Madam President orders Techno to send assassins to kill them.

     Night Owl 

Night Owl

Quirk - also unknown.

The head of research and later VP of the HPSC and the overall main antagonist of this series. When he gets his agreement with Madam President, he finds out just how much things can change and eagerly uses his wits, methods, and capabilities to be the ruler of the world.

While his Quirk is unknown, it is clear that to Big Boss, he is not to be underestimated.

  • Bearer of Bad News: Casually mentions the helicopters coming into the mainland, much to Techno and Madam President's shock.
  • Big Bad: This is him for the overall series.
  • Chaotic Evil: Night Owl is this in a nutshell.
  • Chekhov's Gift: When leaving Africa, the Congo Tyrant gifts him a nuke in response for letting him build as many as his heart desires. He uses it as a means of blackmail to keep Snake from killing him and forcing him to play his game.
  • Dead Man's Switch: The nuke the Congo Tyrant has gifted him is rigged to blow if he's killed, captured or whatnot. The only way for the nuke to be disarmed is for Snake to play his game long enough to find and disarm the nuke.
  • Deadpan Snarker: When he and the Tyrant are arguing over nuking Chicago because Chicago is the capital of Deep Dish Pizza.
    The Tyrant: You have no taste!
    Night Owl: Of course, I don't! All I can taste is the marinara!
  • Destroy the Evidence: Destroys all traces of the building he was using for dimensional exploration.
  • Foregone Conclusion: Knows Nezu will not revoke UA's international status but tries and see it predictably fail. Of course, that doesn't mean Madam President isn't going to try a different approach, which he shows by handing him a list of all the countries that revoke UA's international status.
  • Gratuitous French: He despises the French accents when discussing where to nuke in France with the Tyrant.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: He is the overall main villain of the series, being one step ahead of everyone.
  • If I Wanted You Dead...: When Snake asks why he was setting up a party for his arrival and not an ambush, Night Owl scoffs and explains that if he wanted to do an ambush, he'd be dead.
  • It Amused Me: When seeing the carnage before him at various battlefields, his response is usually to say that it's entertaining.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: When explaining that he needs a nuclear reactor for his experiments, Madam President shuts that down because she doesn't want the Japanese government to find out about it, or what Night Owl is planning. He accepts her reasoning.
  • Mad Scientist: So mad that some of the things he does confuses Snake.
  • No Accounting for Taste: The Tyrant accuses him of this when he calls Deep Dish pizza "the most overrated pizza in the world".
  • Oh, Crap!: Nezu and Ocelot become alarmed when they realize Night Owl is aiming to be the VP of the HPSC.
  • The Scapegoat: Frames the previous HPSC VP for giving nukes to the Tyrant after covering his tracks.
  • Skewed Priorities: When the building he was using for dimensional exploration is destroyed, Night Owl laments that he had a great speech planned and Reaper's men couldn't get the timing right.
  • Slasher Smile: Gives one while being announced as the VP of the HPSC. Techno outright said the press will use this against him, but Night Owl doesn't care.
    Night Owl: Who cares? They can tarnish my reputation all they want, but I’ll just claim I was following All Might’s example.
  • Spotting the Thread: When Miller and Snake look at Night Owl's next plan thanks to searching through the JSDF armory sellings, they realize that whatever his next plan is requires serious manpower, which is why he is going to the Ninth Circle. As they look at the numbers, it eventually comes to light that the HPSC hasn't had tabs on the Ninth Circle for almost a decade, keeping the number listed as 15 for those ten years, meaning that the Ninth Circle's numbers are far higher than that, and no one is aware of it.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: A non-lethal version of this. He has gathered enough materials and plans for interdimensional travel without the use of Izuku. He keeps it out of Madam President's ears so that she can't steal it from him for profit.
    • Played straight with Agent Matter.
    • After getting the desired results from Akira's research in the Brothers Arc, he kills off Akira so that he can't blab to Madam President on what he's really planning.



Quirk: Technokinesis

One of Madam President's intelligence-gathering agents, he has his hands full when it comes to finding information about her enemies and threats to her order. One of her loyal members, he works to ensure everything is done the way she wants it.

His Quirk, Technokinesis, allows him to manipulate electronic data and send it to any device without needing a computer or hand-held device.

  • Bearer of Bad News: Heads into Madam President's office to tell her that the Heroes have a problem in Africa. She angrily retorts that the whole front is having problems, causing him to explain that they have a problem with the locals.
    • When revealing the MSF has a navy, this becomes a nasty nightmare for her as they didn't know how long their navy existed. Not to mention it was now making cargo shipments to the warlords immensely difficult.
  • Blood from the Mouth: When he has a coughing fit, he hacks up blood, causing the man to realize he's either getting violently sick from sleep depravation or he was poisoned and needed to get to the hospital.
  • Critical Staffing Shortage: Combined with Poor Communication Kills, this is how they found out about the MSF's navy.
    Techno: That… would be my department’s fault. Layoffs have made intel gathering rather slow. The only reason I learned these ships were sunk, was from Igwe calling to ask why the shipments were taking so long to arrive.
    Madam President: You've had billion-dollar spy satellites at your disposal for years!
    Techno: And I’ve had no one to manage those satellites for years.
  • Digitized Hacker: While he gives info to Madam President daily, his quirk has also been used to hack into various groups and frame them for things they couldn't have committed.
  • Failed a Spot Check: When Night Owl tells him and Madam President about the unmarked helicopters approaching the Japanese Mainland, Techno is reduced to shock as he and Madam President realize Nezu signed a contract with the MSF. Granted, in Techno's defense, he's probably been heavily overworked due to Critical Staffing Shortage issues.
  • Incurable Cough of Death: While Techno is hospitalized, every sentence he says is filled with coughs as he explains to Madam President that Luan and Razak have pulled out of the war against the MSF. Whether or not he is dying is undetermined, but it is clear to Madam President that she cannot afford to lose her top intel officer.
  • Info Drop: Does this for Madam President whenever she wants an update on everything. From her war with the MSF to the number of captured MSF soldiers. However, her war with Outer Heaven for the past five years makes info gathering very difficult due to staffing cuts.
  • Interrogated for Nothing: Upon finding out the MSF prisoner Madam President was interrogating gave them nothing and even told them to kill him, it became clear that he knew this was the case.
  • Living on Borrowed Time: After drinking a supposedly poisoned coffee, he rushes off to get to the hospital before he drops dead. Chapter 68 shows that he did, but having him OOC would be detrimental to Madam President's info gathering.
  • Oh, Crap!: Shares this with Madam President when they find out the MSF is now part of UA security.
    • He begins to panic upon hacking up blood and rushes off to the nearest hospital.
  • Poor Communication Kills: Due to the layoffs in the HPSC's intel gathering, the intel on the MSF has been very slow to gather, with the revelation of the MSF having a navy not by sattelite, but because Igwe called them up to ask what the fuck is taking the tank shipments so damn long to arrive.
  • Tank Goodness: When telling Madam President that all 100 Type 99s they sent were either destroyed, captured or lack parts to repair, he is told to send another thousand tanks to get rid of Outer Heaven. Those get sunk before they reach Africa.
  • Technopath: His Quirk allows him to access the technological world, which makes sending info very easy. As of recently, however, it's more of a hinderance as his organization is understaffed.
  • Techno Wizard: His Quirk makes him a technology expert. Hell, his codename is Techno.

     Mera Yokumiru 

Mera Yokumiru

Quirk - unknown

An employee of the HPSC, his position is unknown.
  • Adaptational Explanation: In canon, Mera's constant overworked status is due to a severe staffing shortage that was likely due to the HPSC diverting funds for some purpose. Here, it's because the HPSC has been in a 10-year war with the MSF, and for the last five years, it has been a hot war.
  • Beleaguered Bureaucrat: Even more so than canon.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: He is mentioned by Madam President during her talk with Techno complaining about staffing shortages.

Los Hermanos Cartel

     In General 
A cartel run by two brothers, they control a large swath of territory in Colombia and Venezuela.
  • Government Drug Enforcement: Of the enabling and producing type, being blessed by the HPSC.
  • Knockout Gas: Uses knockout gas on Snake to capture him. It works.
  • Villain Has a Point: When two members are seeing the grand reveal of I-Island, one of the members rightly points out that announcing a city that can be easily taken over while saying how dangerous villains are is a bad idea waiting to happen.
  • You Have GOT to Be Kidding Me!: Focusing on the above point, the member who rightly points out I-Island is a bad idea waiting to happen is exasperated at what is essentially the most moronic idea in existence.

     Alejandro and Diego Galvez 

Alejandro and Diego Galvez

Quirks - Management (Alejandro), War Mind (Diego)

The heads of the Los Hermanos Cartel terrorizing South America on the HPSC's orders and the overall antagonists of the Brothers Arc. They become a target when Snake is tracking Night Owl to South America.
  • Asshole Victim: Upon their deaths, they are never missed.
  • Attack Drone: They are killed by a suicide drone strike by the MSF.
  • Both Sides Have a Point: When capturing Snake, Diego argues that they should just put a bullet in his head and be done with it. However, his brother points out that they need him alive to get the $40 million bounty on his head the HPSC is offering. Diego is forced to relent because of it.
  • Establishing Character Moment: The two brothers are introduced by looking into finding a new supply route after the Fascistas have taken control of Paso Del Rio and lead a raid on a neutral town, destroying it and enslaving the village, even going as far as shooting a child dead for being too feisty.
  • Fantastic Drug: They are approached by Night Owl to get literal fuckloads of Trigger. Diego is curious to why Night Owl needs that much Trigger.
    Diego: Why the hell do you even need so much Trigger? You trying to addict a city or something?
    Night Owl: Or something.
  • Genre Savvy: Diego knows that the moment Snake breaks out of whatever site the HPSC is holding him in, Snake was going to come back and kill their asses and wants to kill him immediately, knowing that this is a trained killer who'll kill them without even looking, only relenting due to the money promised by the HPSC.
  • Good with Numbers: Alejandro is great with numbers due to his Quirk, making loads of cash. This comes back to bite him in the ass when Snake escapes.
  • Heel Realization: Alejandro becomes aware that Diego is right when everything they built up was destroyed in a year by the MSF, shortly before they are killed in a drone strike by the MSF.
  • I Need a Freaking Drink: Diego pours himself a very strong concoction as he realized that everything they built up was going to come crashing down, and they were practically doomed.
  • I Want Them Alive!: Alejandro wants Snake alive to get the $40 million, despite Diego knowing it's a bad idea waiting to happen.
    • Averted with the Colombian Government, who wants the Galvez brothers dead.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: Diego is right when he tells Alejandro that they can't win wars with empty rifles if the MSF suicide drones their supply depots.
  • Karma Houdini Warranty: Theirs is destroyed when they decide to piss off Snake.
  • Knockout Gas: They use a prison filled with sleeping gas (though Diego wanted Deadly Gas) in order to get the bounty. It works.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: When Diego suggests cutting their losses and retiring, Alejandro opposes it, only coming to the realization Diego was right when they had lost everything.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: Their successful capture of Snake results in him escaping Tartarus with Lady Nagant, causing one of the best snipers in the world to be on the side of the MSF.
  • Rage Breaking Point: When Diego and Alejandro find out Snake escaped, Diego flips out before his anger is replaced with resignation and accepting of defeat.
  • Strategy Versus Tactics: Diego's Quirk, War Mind, makes him do better from a tactical and strategy standpoint.
  • Villain Respect: Losing everything and seeing the suicide drone come with C4, Diego can't help but respect the efforts of Snake bringing them down.

African Warlords

     In General 
Because Africa has been reduced to a war-torn continent south of the Sahara Desert, these warlords control varying swaths of land. From small islands to entire nations, with many seeking their own goals in mind. Madam President hires them to get rid of the MSF and Outer Heaven.
  • Asshole Victim: When they are killed, nobody will miss them.
  • An Offer You Can't Refuse: The HPSC offers them all the weapons, ships, tanks, planes, and whatnot in exchange for destroying Outer Heaven and killing everyone who is a citizen of Outer Heaven. She adds that if they don't, she will have them all executed before sunrise. She also adds that the MSF advances by the day, expanding at a rate unheard of. Eventually, they will either take the offer or be killed off. The warlords take the offer.
  • Break Out the Museum Piece: When Madam President asks about the 100 type 99 tanks she sent to them, Techno reports that the tanks were destroyed, captured, or lack parts to repair, with some resorting to using weapons from the World Wars. She becomes peeved and orders Techno to send them a thousand tanks to solve the Outer Heaven problem.
  • Deal with the Devil: What any deal with the HPSC boils down to, ranging from keeping tourism alive just to prop up a lie, or instigating a genocide campaign against a new nation.
  • The Dog Bites Back: On many occasions, if the locals under Warlord rule are given the opportunity to backstab them, they will take it at the first opportunity. For one town, they were offered food, water, and amnesty by the MSF in exchange for not engaging them. They took the offer, captured the Warlord and his loyalists, and offered them to the MSF.
  • Enemy Civil War: The Warlords, despite the HPSC's efforts, constantly find themselves at war over territory or who should lead the fight against Big Boss.
  • Enemy Mine: Zigzagged. On one hand, they all are declaring war on Outer Heaven and the MSF. However, they constantly find themselves in dispute over a variety of things, up to and including who gets the next weapon shipments.
  • Godzilla Threshold: When told the 100 Type 99s sent were destroyed, captured or rendered inoperable, Techno added that some of the warlords have taken drastic measures and started using centuries old equipment from the world wars.
  • It's Personal: Many of the warlords hold personal grievances against Outer Heaven and are willing to accept Madam President's offer. Five years later, and it's clear that most of these warlords are dead.
  • Proxy War: Hired to wage war against Outer Heaven. Five years of this, and not only have the warlords got nothing to show for it, but Igwe has pulled his forces out of the conflict for the time being, viewing it as a waste of time and resources.
    Narration: Five years of this conflict and it had gone nowhere. It was bad enough that the HPSC could never hold up their end of the bargain, with all of their promised equipment never being enough. At this point, he couldn’t care what Madam President threatened him with. He didn’t even care about Outer Heaven at this point, because why would he waste resources on a conflict so far away? Fighting it would only weaken his hold on power more.
    Luan, thinking: Better to use the other warlords as a shield, to prepare a better defense, though that was assuming those idiots up North could hold them off long enough.
  • Surrounded by Idiots: Luan hears their bickering and mentally remarks how it's a miracle the Tyrant didn't seize total control of Africa if his competition is like this.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: After this mission is complete, Madam President mentally notes to axe two of the Warlords afterward for making fun of the African disaster, and pointing out it's by the same group who axed the Tyrant.

     The Tyrant 

The Tyrant - AKA Congo Tyrant

Quirk - Minor Strength Quirk.

A vicious, cruel, and evil warlord that controlled territory from the Congo to the western edges of Nigeria to the eastern Edges of Ethiopia. From the northernmost tip of Chad to Botswana in the south. A vicious ruler who controlled nearly 3 million square miles of land. He becomes the Arc villain of the Tyrant Arc when Night Owl provides him with nuclear bombs in a bid to frame the HPSC VP at the time and get rid of him.

His minor strength Quirk makes him a bit stronger than the average foe, but as he proves, you don't need a very powerful Quirk to be a heartless bastard.

  • An Offer You Can't Refuse: The Tyrant gives the HPSC 48 hours to evacuate all of their personnel from Africa so that he can take it over. If they refuse or are still in Africa by the deadline's end, another city will be nuked, and he has 12 nukes to use. Luckily, thanks to the actions of Big Boss, the nukes are not launched but are detonated in their silos.
  • Asshole Victim: Killed by Big Boss, and given how cruel he was, nobody will miss him.
  • Blood Knight: Eager for a big showdown with Big Boss. He gets his wish.
  • Boring, but Practical: Turning the three cities under his control into concrete meat grinders while focusing on logistics is a bit of a dull approach. However, this approach eventually reached where he became the most dangerous Warlord in existence to date.
  • The Dreaded: Oh, you don't get the nickname The Tyrant without causing massive amounts of fear and discourse among both sides.
  • Establishing Character Moment: His first appearance is on a frontline near Sudan, making a deal with Night Owl. Upon seeing a soldier flee with a kid, he hands a knife to the kid and orders him to kill the soldier. When done, he has him armed up and sent to the frontlines. This makes him a heartless bastard that is damn proud of his atrocities.
  • Fair-Play Villain: Despite having a pistol to shoot Snake, he tosses it aside for good-old hand-to-hand combat. While he loses, he can't help but respect Snake for his efforts.
  • Nuke 'em: What happens to Gecko's group when they are sent to investigate him.
  • Serious Business: He is a cruel and vindictive bastard. But if you insult Deep Dish Pizza, he becomes insulted. The only reason he didn't cut Night Owl's throat was because the man provided him with means to build the nukes and snapped out the idea to nuke Detroit.
  • Super-Strength: A massively Downplayed version of it. When All for One asks his servant to define the minor strength quirk, the servant explains that it makes him able to lift 100 pounds more than the average man. All for One proceeds to have a Villainous Breakdown.
  • Villain Respect: Despite losing everything in the end, he can't help but respect Snake for being the one who brought him down.
  • Your Favorite: He is a fan of Deep Dish Pizza, which is why Night Owl's request to nuke Chicago for having the most overrated pizza in the world is insulting to him.

     Luan Igwe 

Luan Igwe

Quirk - unknown

The Warlord of South Africa and rival of Mozambican Warlord Razak Langa, he is called up alongside Razak and all the African Warlords to the HPSC to help get rid of Outer Heaven and Big Boss. Initially refusing at first, he reluctantly agrees on what he rightly views as a suicide mission.
  • Face Palm: Does this mentally when hearing the other warlords bicker.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: Refuses to go up against Outer Heaven due to having outdated equipment and the fact Outer Heaven is in Nigeria. Even after Madam President offers all the weapons of the world, he points out that they're going up against Big Boss, which in itself is a suicide mission. He only agrees when Madam President tells him it's either that, be assassinated or wait for them to come to his doorstep inevitably.
    • Upon finding out about the recent advancements the MSF made, he orders his men to get out of Cameroon and fortify South Africa.
  • Only Sane Man: During the meeting with the HPSC President, he fulfills this role, much to his annoyance.
  • Pragmatic Villainy: He was initially unwilling to go up against Outer Heaven or Big Boss, knowing that doing so after they axed the Tyrant would be tantamount to suicide. He only agrees after Madam President makes a massive convincing argument.
    • Upon receiving a report that the MSF advanced 15 kilometers deeper into Cameroon, with him realizing they had five more kilometers to go before liberating officially half of Cameroon, he orders his men to pull out of this front and get back to South Africa to fortify it.
  • Rage Breaking Point: He destroys the table the map was on upon finding out the MSF advanced 15 kilometers deeper into Cameroon, and Razak's forces were not in the area. However, he calms down enough to order a full retreat of his forces.
  • The Rival: To Razak Langa.
  • Surrounded by Idiots: Luan mentally remarks after hearing the warlords bicker like children that it's a miracle the Tyrant didn't have total control of Africa by that point.
  • Unusable Enemy Equipment: Inverted. When he calls up Techno to ask what the fuck is taking so damn long for the tanks to arrive, it leads to Techno realizing that the MSF has a navy. And said navy has been sinking the cargo ships for the past few years.
  • Villain Has a Point: While he is a reluctant ally in the War against Outer Heaven, he is right in viewing this as a suicide mission, given that Snake had fucking axed the Congo Tyrant.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: To Madam President, upon finding out he and Razak have abandoned the fight.

     Razak Langa 

Razak Langa

Quirk - unknown

The Warlord of Mozambique and rival of South African Warlord Luan Igwe, he is called up alongside Luan and all the African Warlords to the HPSC to help get rid of Outer Heaven and Big Boss. While he was a bit willing, he becomes dissuaded when his rival rightly points out that they axed the Tyrant and fighting Big Boss is suicidal. He only agrees when it becomes clear they are a threat, and to get bits of the Congo formerly under the dead Tyrant's rule.

The Showstoppers

     In General 
  • Human Traffickers: They kidnap children across the globe and force them to participate in unethical games before being sold off to God knows who.
  • Inhuman Human: Some of the guards and the Showmaster do not bleed and the ones that do only admit they took the job for money. One guard even admits he's never seen them sleep, eat, or for half of them, talk. When it turned out to be based on human experimentation, Snake, after rescuing the children alongside Nagant, orders the base bombed to oblivion.
  • Only in It for the Money: Many of the non-Inhuman Human members of the Showstoppers took this job because it offered a lot of money. Some outright said that if the money wasn't so damn good, they'd pick a different job.

     The Showmaster 

The Showmaster - real name unknown

Quirk - also unknown

Waking up in a dingy alleyway in Moscow with no memory of who he was, who he is, or what he was, he wandered the streets, eventually seeing a game show on. As he watched, he thought to himself, what is life but a game. He would go on to become the most dangerous human trafficking leader in history.

The overall arching antagonist of the Showmaster arc, he tasks Kowalczyk to lure Snake over to him so that he could have one good game.

  • Asshole Victim: He was a cruel human trafficker who forced kids to play horrific games for his depraved client's amusement. Upon his death, nobody will miss him.
  • Berserk Button: The Showmaster doesn't like when things go off-script. Upon Snake and Nagant disappearing, he flays Kowalczyk alive.
  • Boom, Headshot!: Gets shot in the head by Snake. It doesn't kill him.
  • Inhuman Human: He is revealed to be this during his last fight with Snake.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: When he had awoken in a dingy alleyway in Moscow, he didn't remember anything about his life. All he had was his cane, hat, and white suit, he would go on to be the most dangerous human trafficker in existence.
  • Lured into a Trap: Has Kowalczyk lure Snake into his main base for a game. While it works, it eventually becomes boring as he kills Kowalczyk for failing to deliver on his promise. Later on, the trap ends up killing the Showmaster.
  • Neck Snap: Has his neck broken by Snake. It too, doesn't kill him.
  • Not a Game: While the Showmaster believes his show and life are all but a game, Snake outright says it's not.
  • Rasputinian Death: Is shot in the head, gets stabbed in the neck, has his neck snapped, and plummets several thousand feet down to the bottom of the stairwell. If he survived that, he probably didn't survive the several thousand-pound bombs dropped on the compound.
  • Refuge in Audacity: Russia claims the Showstoppers do not exist... after Snake bombed the Showstoppers' main base to oblivion.

     Jan Kowalczyk 

Jan Kowalczyk

Quirk - unknown

A corrupt diplomat that meets with Snake and explains the bare details of what happens to Nowak's daughter, resulting in Snake going up against the Showstoppers, unaware that Kowalczyk was luring him in for a trap.
  • Corrupt Bureaucrat: He has ties to the Showstoppers.
  • Flayed Alive: His fate at the hands of the Showmaster.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: Kowalczyk intentionally gave as little information to Snake and Nagant with the intent to lure them into the Showmaster's game in Siberia. This backfires when he is killed by the Showmasters and despite all of this, Snake and Nagant disband the Showstoppers, rescue the kids and destroy the Showstoppers base.
  • Lured into a Trap: This was what he was tasked with by the Showmaster. While it worked, it resulted in him being Flayed Alive when Snake and Nagant go 'off-script'.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: His actions, as immoral and illogical as it was, is the final straw in convincing Nowak that the HPSC has no good intentions, made clear when his daughter is kidnapped and the HPSC were practically telling him to do nothing about it.
  • Rewarded as a Traitor Deserves: The Showmaster flays him alive when his targets go 'off-script'. Given he was corrupt, has ties to them and probably gave the information to kidnap Nowak's daughter, it was deserved.
  • Spotting the Thread: When Miller and Nowak discuss about the files, Miller points out that Kowalczyk didn't give him the details. When Nowak presses a bit deeper, he immediately explains that Kowalczyk was brought up on corruption charges well beforehand, causing the two of them to realize it was a trap, with Miller ordering all available hands to Siberia.

The League of Villains

     All for One 

All for One - real name unknown.

Quirk - All for One and all the quirks he's stolen over the past 2 centuries.

The Quirk Boogeyman. Arch nemesis to the holders of One for All. Killer of six of the eight wielders and the one responsible for All Might's injuries, he has been around for two centuries, longer than any man has ever been. While he works in the shadows, his main goal is to get One for All back into his hands, come hell or high water.

His Quirk, All for One, allows him to give and take Quirks at a whim, giving quirks to those who deserve it, or taking them from those he hates or for their strategic value.

  • Adaptational Early Appearance: Physically shows up in the Tyrant Arc when one of his servants tells him a nuke was detonated in Africa by the Tyrant when he physically shows up at Kamino.
  • Entertainingly Wrong: Assumes that the HPSC was mind-controlled into giving the Tyrant funds to make nukes or had a powerful fear Quirk. In reality, the Tyrant was given the nukes by Night Owl while the HPSC is largely oblivious to what he was doing before the nuke went off.
  • Great Escape: Busts Shigaraki and Kurogiri out of jail. He still leaves the other living attackers of the USJ to rot, though.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: His actions at making the USJ happen has the MSF now on Japanese soil at UA. Meaning that unless he wants to have a war with an army who outguns, outnumbers and outclasses his small group, he's going to have to try and attack All Might outside of UA or recruit heavy hitters with extremely powerful Quirks.
  • Power Parasite: His Quirk allows him to steal other Quirks or give them to those he deems worthy.
  • Suddenly Shouting: At the end of the sentence underneath Villainous Breakdown before All Might shows up.
  • Tranquil Fury: Is pissed at the Tyrant upstarting him, but maintains his calm... until he finds out the Tyrant's Quirk.
  • Villain Takes an Interest: Takes a massive interest in the Tyrant, believing his Quirk is powerful... until his servant tells him what the Tyrant's Quirk was, and he has a Villainous Breakdown.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Upon finding out the Tyrant's Quirk, he goes into a meltdown at the revelation someone with a near-useless Quirk upstarted his ass.

     Tomura Shigaraki - Tenko Shimura 

Tomura Shigaraki - Tenko Shimura

Quirk - Decay

The grandson of Nana Shimura, supposedly killed when he was five. Upon breaking into UA and escaping despite being shot by Ocelot four times, he would return with his army to kill All Might and bring down Hero Society.

His Quirk, Decay, allows him to decay anything he touches as long as all five fingers make contact with the target in question.

  • Bullet Holes and Revelations: How his identity came to light after his break-in at UA.
  • Destroy the Security Camera: During his break-in, he dusts the camera to make sure the UA staff don't know what he took. He also destroys a bunch of files to ensure no one knows which one he really took.
  • Hands-On Approach: His Quirk requires him to touch something with all five fingers for it to work.
  • Internal Reveal: When Ocelot's team is investigating his break-in, they can identify him as Tenko Shimura through blood samples from when Ocelot shot him, but they are not sure if it's real or a throw-off.
  • Jive Turkey: Speaks mostly in gamer lingo.
  • Make Them Rot: His Quirk.
  • Psychotic Manchild: Acts like this when things start to go sour.
  • Secret Identity: His real name is Tenko Shimura.
  • Talk to the Fist: On the receiving end by All Might, resulting in his capture. All for One busts him out before they can give any information, leaving his group still in play.



Quirk - Warp Gate

A sentient mass of black mist, he is Tomura's handler and caretaker before and during the UA attack. Despite being a sentient mass of mist, he has a metal brace that makes him vulnerable to any attack.

His Quirk, Warp Gate, allows him to create portals into any area as long as he has the location and understanding of where to go.

  • Affably Evil: Compared to Tomura, he is this.
  • The Caretaker: Takes care of Tomura for the past 15 years.
  • Logical Weakness: Despite being made of mist, he is still vulnerable due to his metal neck brace. When Ochako points this out to Ocelot, he uses a tranq round to knock out Kurogiri, rendering Shigaraki trapped in the USJ.
  • Thinking Up Portals: Teleports himself, Shigaraki, the USJ Nomu, and his army into the USJ, then teleports most of Class 1A across the USJ to be killed by the villains. Of the 20 students, only one is killed, and that was his own damn fault.
  • Tranquilizer Dart: Ocelot shoots his neck brace with a tranq round to knock Kurogiri out and prevent him from escaping with any other villain in the USJ attack. At jail, he and Shigaraki are busted out by All for One.

The Ninth Circle

     In General 
  • Cult: What Night Owl views the followers of Reaper as. Granted, given that they say 'Praise be to Reaper', it's not that far-fetched.
  • Failed a Spot Check: Not them, but the HPSC. The HPSC's incompetence means no one kept tabs on Reaper's men for nearly 10 years.



Quirk - Spectral Chains

The head of the Ninth Circle, Elective Mute and a very dangerous man, Night Owl approaches him for his assignment in Hokkaido.
  • Arms Fair: Collecting a slew of guns from JSDF armories except for the shotguns (it's heavily likely Night Owl got them from a police armory), as well as a variety of vehicles and anti-ship missiles.
  • Chain Pain: His Quirk.
  • Cold-Blooded Torture: Applies this to a man while Night Owl explains that he has to wait a little longer.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: Is mentioned by Ocelot in Chapter 13, having been arrested and released on the same day selling support items to criminals, numbering $430 million.
  • Elective Mute: Not once has anyone heard him utter a word. Yet his actions speak more clearly than what words would say.
  • Patience Plot: Despite getting all the arms and equipment, Night Owl has him wait until after UA is attacked by the League of Villains. Reaper doesn't like the patience, but obliges.
  • Pocket Dimension: He has a member with a Pocket Dimension Quirk, which makes transporting billions of dollars of military-grade hardware very easy.
  • Spotting the Thread: Night Owl approaches the Ninth Circle. A group that consists of 15 members with loads of arrests. The problem is that many of them have been arrested twice, thrice or four times or more. As Snake and Miller looked deeper, they found that the HPSC never kept tabs on the Ninth Circle, and never bothered to for 10 years.
  • Underestimating Badassery: Or in this case, 'underestimating danger'. Madam President has assumed the numbers are 15 members, unaware that they are actually higher, with Snake and Miller being able to conclude the HPSC never bothered keeping tabs on them for nearly 10 years.
  • Worth It: When getting the materials needed for Reaper's plan, Night Owl tells him that it was worth it.
