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Voice Clip Song

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Editing voice clips of someone famous into a full song (original or cover).

A common trait of Fanvids: it was not uncommon during the Turn of the Millennium to see a clip of a popular film or series remixed over a techno beat. In The New '10s, this was superseded by the trends of YTPMVnote  and 音MAD (oto MAD)note  videos, which tend more towards covering chiptune and Game Music. A staple of these videos (especially for YTPMV) is to chop up voice clips into syllables and phonemes and turn them into instruments; in this sense, they can be compared to Everything Is an Instrument.

See also Sampling.


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    Fan Works 


    Films — Live-Action 
  • Baby Driver: The main character likes to record snippets from conversations and remix them into songs. This causes him some problems later in the movie, considering how he's involved in crime: his cohorts catch him in the act of recording them and immediately jump to the logical conclusion that he's wearing a wire for the police, though he manages to defuse this by playing one of his songs to prove that he does remix them.
  • Planes, Trains and Automobiles: The song "I Can Take Anything" remixes dialogue from Steve Martin and John Candy's characters.
    "You're messing with the wrong guy!"

    Web Animation 

    Web Videos 

    Video Games 
  • Command & Conquer: This was part of Frank Klepacki's Signature Style when he composed music for the franchise and it was especially prevalent in the CD soundtrack to Command & Conquer: Tiberian Dawn, the in-game tracks omitted most of the voice clips so they didn't distract the player or drown out EVA's announcements. "Got a Present for Ya!" from Renegade brings this full circle by using voice clips from... Himself, as he voiced the Commando in Tiberian Dawn and he would record new samples for the Tiberian Sons version played at Super MAGFest 2019 which was re-recorded for the Remastered Collection.
  • Deltarune: A good majority of Spamton G. Spamton's themes are like this, mostly consisting of the singular phrase "NOW'S YOUR CHANCE TO BE A BIG SHOT!", the character's signature catchphrase, repeated in various glitched-out ways. Special mention goes to "BIG SHOT", which incorporates even more lyrics if you're keen enough to hear them.
  • Need for Speed: Eiarly entries with in-house composers were also fond of this, particularly in High Stakes and Porsche Unleashed with songs like "I Am Electro" by The Funk Lab, which uses the voice of Elektro the Robot, or "The Cost of Freedom" by The Experiment (also featured in Motorstorm) which samples John F. Kennedy's "The cost of freedom is always high!".
  • PAYDAY 2: It features "Donacdum", a Memetic Mutation of Houston's famous "Don't act dumb," line. It features a few other of the heisters and even Bain, but Houston's Donacdum accompanies a majority of the song.


Video Example(s):


The Secret Show

Aliens within a mechanical spider make a rap track with a few of the names used by Changed Daily from past episodes.

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5 (3 votes)

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Main / VoiceClipSong

Media sources:
