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Funny / History of Power Rangers

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  • From the intro to the series:
    • "...Otherwise, this will be an attempt at serious analysis. Yes. Serious analysis of Power Rangers. I'll let that part sink in for a moment."
    • "Liking a cheesy kids' show to the point that I'm actually doing analysis of it doesn't make me a freak any more than someone who thinks that The Phantom Menace was the best Star Wars movie is a freak... though that is very sad."

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    Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 
  • Season 1:
    • His WTF moment at Zordon's request for "five overbearing and overemotional humans" to help save the world.
      Linkara: Are you supposed to be joking? Five overbearing and overemotional humans? Yeah... those are traits that make for great superheroes. Has someone changed the water filter in your tube lately?
    • When talking about Bulk and Skull's character arc, a still of the two during their introduction is subtitled: "The faces of heroism!"
  • Season 2:
    • Before the theme, when Lord Zedd mentions his dimension is "The Otherworld":
      Linkara: Oh my god, Lord Zedd has access to the Otherworld of Silent Hill? No wonder he looks so freakishly awesome! ...Though he must've hired an interior decorator or something. His version of the Otherworld is rather well-lit and has a surprising amount of foliage.
    • Linkara's epic rant about the scene with the runaway baby carriage.
    • Summarizing the conclusion of Zedd's introduction arc:
      Linkara: Anyway, to make a long story short, they decide it's time to "can this bitch"...
      Jason: Time to can this fish!
      Linkara: ...and defeat it. Lord Zedd takes it well.
    • After talking about Richie's pointlessness to the overall plot of Season 2, Linkara ends with this:
    Linkara: Farewell Richie, you're not even mentioned on this season's Wikipedia page.
    • The PWNED caption over the scene of Tommy telling Goldar "You are... out of your mind!" and then landing a flying punch on his chest before kicking his sword away.
    • At one point Linkara calls Season 2 The Tommy Oliver Show Featuring the Power Rangers. What makes the line funnier is how nonchalantly he says the line.
    • Linkara's remarks about Zedd's "backswing", given that he says he'll hurl Rita "into the farthest regions of the universe", and she's back halfway through the season.
    • Linkara is talking about Rita's return and subsequent plans when he stops mid sentence after realizing something he'd just said.
      Linkara: The second phase of Rita's plan is a Love Potion that she puts into Zedd's tubes, ma-hmmm, making him fall in love with her.
  • Season 3:
    • He repeatedly refers to the Zeo Crystal as the "MacGuffin Crystal", saying that it will never be mentioned again. It's the way he says it.
    • This joke after it's revealed that Alpha 5's vacuum cleaner taking up a plug resulted in the command center's power being off.
      Zordon: All this time, our power outage has been due not to a sinister force, but to a simple household appliance!? Is that true?
      Alpha 5: [embarrassed] I'm afraid so, Zordon. Hehe!
      Linkara: [as Zordon] That's it! I'm starting work on Alpha 6!
    • When pointing out the change in the morphing call during the third season, from shouting their animal names to "[Color] Ranger Power!", he notes that it's a good thing they include the word "Ranger", as without it Tommy's call would have been invokeda little awkward.
  • When Master Vile departs the show, leaving Lord Zedd as the main villain once more, Linkara remarks he "expresses his happiness about being in charge again with his expected level of restraint and subtlety."
    Lord Zedd: YEEEEEEEES! I never thought I'd be happy to see the goody-goods triumph, but Goldar, I am very, very happy! [kisses him]
  • The teaser with Billy and Adam sticking their hands out of the ground to grab some Tenga.
    Linkara: Oh my god, Ninja Zombie Power Rangers! This show is freaking awesome!
  • "They find Ninjor inside of a bottle and it turns out he's voiced by Dudley Do-Right." (Clip: "I am the Great Ninjor")
    Dudley Do-Right!Linkara: Nell!
  • His complete and utter befuddlement at Master Vile's "End of the World" Party being held at the Juice Bar.
  • Linkara talking about the brainwashed Katherine's "clever ruse" to get Tommy alone.
  • Linkara going though a Wild Mass Guessing spree on what the Metallic Armor would look like, before angrily yelling it's "Frickin' glitter!". He then accuses Zordon about still being mad at them breaking the Thunderzords. Then, after a rant against said Metallic Armor, we get this line after mentioning that they were barely used:
    Linkara: Thanks for taking us from the story again to remind us that you are a toy commercial.

    Power Rangers Zeo 
  • When going through the color changes of the season, when he gets to Tommy:
    Linkara: And yes, Tommy, the Native American, is now the Red Ranger. invokedWhoops.
  • His knocking on the Dawson Casting when talking about the infamous episode, "There's No Business like Snow Business" (paraphrased):
    Linkara: This is a little uncomfortable, as she's supposed to be in her thirties, while Tommy is still a teenager. Well, in the show, anyway. I don't think anyone in the casting department has ever seen a real teenager.
  • "Last time on Power Rangers," *scenes of the Command Center blowing up* "Eh, nothing that important happened."
  • In the remastered version: When the Rangers are visibly feeling sorry for Tommy receiving a "Dear John" Letter from Kimberly, the camera pans over the newcomer Tanya, with the quotes "Who the hell is Kimberly?"
  • All the ways he had described the Timey-Wimey Ball approach to Time Travel in the Power Rangers universe, and the effects it had on the space-time continuum—being "repeatedly kicked in the groin", "gotten food poisoning", "trying not to drown"...
  • His reaction to seeing Rita and Zedd's Pursonator monster fighting Mondo's gear monster... in the Super Zeo Megazord and Zeo Megazord respectively.
    Linkara: This isn't quite as surreal as Master Vile's little party, but it's up there; two monsters from opposing evil factions are fighting each other... using the Rangers' Zords. WOW.

    Power Rangers Turbo 
  • "Welcome, friends, to Power Rangers Turbo: the series that almost ended the franchise."
    • Recall that this line was preceded by a 2-minute montage of Turbo footage that showcased the most awesome moments from the feature film ending with Justin saying "Guys, I'm the new Blue Ranger!"
    • The remastered version features him instead reacting to a scene where Justin has a Dull Surprise reaction to Ashley actually being a robot with "Well based on that line read, she's not the only one."
  • He's unimpressed that Larigot's magic consists of sparkles, speculating that he was the one who created the Metallic Armor.
  • The remastered version has footage of Gekisou Sentai Carranger with the caption "Go-Go-Go-Kart Rangers!"
  • "After a filler episode where [the Rangers] get baked into a giant pizza... Excuse me a moment. (walks away) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! (walks back in, calmly continues review)" Poor guy, there's only so much he could take.
  • His response to the Turbo Zords, which can be summed up in one word: "WHY?!?"
    • "Uh, yeah, you've got cars now; they're super awesome. Here's the keys and your ranger powers- byyyye!"
  • "Tommy is suspended over the Vortex of Eternal Sorrow. I imagine it's like replaying this season in an endless loop."
  • Footage of Tommy pulling out the manual to his Zord is treated with the caption "How was flying the Radbug easier than this?!"
  • Suggesting that Alpha 6 was a member of Team Skull.
  • His scathing rant at the end of part one:
    Linkara: This should've been the team graduating to the next level, dealing with the harsh world of adulthood as metaphor for growing threats and more dangerous adversaries. The stakes should've been higher, the audience should've grown along with the characters, and the characters developed to their fullest. Instead, we've got a friggin' twelve-year-old driving around in a supercar, the Rangers tossing the keys to their weapons over to a bunch of untested newbies, our wise leader and quirky-but-intelligent robot buddy replaced with a woman pretending to be deep and her jive-talking faux-street robot, intergalactic empires with armies of deadly soldiers replaced with a woman whose mask doesn't fit right in a submarine along with her incompetent nephew, and her tendency to whine every five seconds because she doesn't have the good sense to set her damn explosives for thirty seconds instead of an hour, AND WE HAVE A POLICE LIEUTENANT RUNNING A FREAKIN' JUICE BAR! GAAAAAHH!
    Rita Repulsa: I have a headaaache!
    • Followed by the first thing you hear when Part 2 begins, with straightforward deadpan to contrast the above rant — "This season just blows".
  • This line during one of his rants against Divatox:
    Linkara: Every time she talked about taking over the world, I just looked at her like you might look at someone who just said their wallet tastes good!
  • In the finale, Zordon tells the rangers not to come help him. Linkara interprets this as reverse psychology:
    Rangers, don't come to Eltar. Don't bring your super-advanced weaponry and guns and stuff to the planet to help. I totally don't want you to help me. Oh, god, why did I ever leave my tube? Alpha, this is all your fault.
  • The Stinger at the end of the video, where the Blue Senturion stops the two pizza-controlled vehicles.
    Blue Senturion: Their evil pizzas were no match for a simple stoplight.

    Power Rangers In Space 
  • "They remove Psycho Yellow from the Megazord by using the anti-virus technique of hitting it with a sword."
  • "There is however one good part where Raph hits Elgar" * shows clip of Raph hitting Elgar* "And I like Elgar getting hit, as a matter of fact lets see that again. * shows the clip again.* Hah! That's for Zordon's tube, you cone-headed freak!
  • His authentic glee at the fact that the battlizer isn't just glitter.
  • "But we soon learn that Darkonda actually has extra lives. No seriously, he has extra lives. Though we've yet to see if he has a saved game he can load, or additional continues."
  • When T.J. says something about heading to the Dagobah system, Linkara says, "And hey, if Yoda can't help them find Zordon, who can?"
  • His utter glee at Elgar being destroyed by the Z-Wave.
  • After Andros demorphs, Linkara calls him "Legolas".

    Power Rangers Lost Galaxy 

    Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue 
  • "Thank God! We'll be saved by Clark Kent, The Pink Punk, Mega-Porn-Stache Man, The Mighty Crossdresser note , and Elderly Woman!"
  • His abject glee at Carter trying to destroy a monster by running its ass over.
  • The honour of "Dumbest Person in Power Rangers Ever" goes to... the woman telling the girl that there's no such thing as monsters.
    • In a series where the Rangers DON'T have secret identities and defend the town from monsters ON A REGULAR BASIS.
    • In the team-up, the episode that confirms that, yes, the last seven seasons DID happen.
    • Including the time that two years before that episode, ALIENS NEARLY CONQUERED THE WORLD in "Countdown to Destruction," where the Rangers saved the world.
    • This is followed by said girl going to Carter and he instantly believes her with Linkara stating: "Carter Grayson, NOT AN IDIOT".
    • Apparently he's still not over this incident years later. In his Twitter comments, he notes that Santa is a confirmed being in this universe after watching Dino Charge, and yet this woman is still disbelieving in monsters.
  • This little bit, right after the Red Ranger runs at a giant monster with only his gun;
  • His brief comment on the Titanium Ranger's gun that turns into an axe.
    "Melee weapons that become guns are fricking awesome! And no, gunblades do not count since it's not a gun that transforms into a sword, it's a sword whose hilt is shaped like a gun, which is stupid."
  • His reaction to Vypra being consumed by Queen Bansheera: "Oh, now you learn how to act! Little late for that now, lady!"
    • In the updated review, he settles with showing this little Futurama clip to convey the same feeling:
    Harold Zoid: Now he emotes!
  • Referring to Carter's direct attack on Bansheera as the "I AM A MAN!" punch.
  • This video's updated version probably has the most script alterations among the redos. Including a bevy of new humor. Highlights include:
    • "Ryan is literally trying to punch a tattoo to death. I love this show."
    • "Knowing how bad a boss [Bansheera] is, it's more likely she'll just dock you for not putting in for time off." (in response to Diabolico's first destruction)
    • "It'd be a real shame if in a later series adding adjectives onto a 'mega' name just got really confusing and stupid."
    • "Professional life-saving individuals everybody." (Regarding the rangers letting the little girl tag along with them during the team-up.)
    • "And this kids is why the best time to unionize is before your boss lets your best friend get killed."

    Power Rangers Time Force 
  • Starting the review with a clip from the original series of the Rangers optimistically hoping for a future with no suffering or war... then cutting to the villains blowing things up and kicking the future Rangers' asses.
  • Mixing up the Time Force finale 'The End of Time' with the Doctor Who special of the same name.
  • This exchange:
    Wes: Eric, is that you?
  • Also this bit:
    (After Katie throws a driver out of his vehicle after telling Jen to be polite to him)
    Linkara: That's Katie. I like Katie.
  • Linkara excitedly wonders if Vypra has learned to act since Lightspeed Rescue. Then she says her first line.
    Linkara: ...Well, sometimes you work with what you've got.
  • When Vypra fails to retrieve the crystal at the museum:
    Vypra: Curses...
    Linkara: [as Vypra] Damn, foiled by easily breakable glass!
  • The captions pointing out Fridge Logic yet again add some humor.
    Trip: How has the future been changed?
    Alex: I can't tell you.
    Caption: ...Why not?
  • From the re-released video, after mentioning a scene when Nadira watches Masked Rider, Linkara first speculates that after Count Dregon was defeated off-screen,note  Dex sold the rights to his story so it could be fictionalized on TV. Then, he suggests that Masked Rider isn't canon to Power Rangers and that "A Friend in Need" was an In-Universe Backdoor Pilot that Zordon made, whereupon he sold the rights to a TV studio (since he was in contact with NASADA so he could probably contact others).
    Zordon: Rangers! Alpha's salary keeps going up every year and your not bringing in the merch revenue you used to. I need to sell some scripts or else we'll never afford the Power Chamber upgrade.
  • From the re-released video, he mentioned that while Vernon Wells was know for his role as Wez in Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior, Linkara mostly knows him as Bennett in Commando. He eventually adds references to the movie from now on including the Bond One-Liner "Let off some steam, Bennett" when Wes and Ransik explode.

    Power Rangers Wild Force 
  • His interpretation of Danny's pantomiming in The Teaser: "Actually, it sounds like it was about a kissing booth run by witches who pray to their god, Danny. The townspeople forced to write up their wills and drink themselves to sleep in fear. But, hey, props to Max for understanding any of that."
  • His growing confusion over the narrator. "Seriously, Mr. Narrator, who the hell are you?"
  • "Yes, this is the new Red Ranger... and he's talking to a monkey." (technically a chimpanzee, which was corrected in the revised version of the review)
  • "Oh boy, here we go..."
  • The vicious caption riffing on the backstory of the Animarium. "Sewer systems hadn't been invented yet, but the animal/human peace was what was important."
    • "His CGI was toxic to nature!"
    • The kid asks his mom to read him the story again, he points out the kid is asking to be read a story where the perfect paradise is being destroyed by evil.
  • "Despite his tactic of screaming like a madman, Merrick is knocked aside."
  • His reaction to Jen's outfit - "Holy crap, Jen. THAT'S special assignment gear for Time Force?!"
  • When Taylor punches Cole in the stomach and "drafts" him into the Rangers, he imagines how it would've been if Zordon had done things that way. "You have been chosen to form an elite group of heroes to fight Rita. And if you don't join up, Alpha will kick your asses until you do."
  • After the flashback of Shayla and Merrick singing to the Deerzord, Linkara shouts "Do you people begin to understand why I miss Ron Wasserman so much?!"
    • "They used to sing to it, accompanied by horrible green-screen shots of nature."
    • In the rereleased version, he make more fun of the song by saying that it wanted to be "Colors of the Wind" but because of the insipid lyrics and bad green-screen effect, it reminded him of David Hasselhoff's "Hooked on a Feeling".
  • His reasoning for thinking about why Bulk and Skull respected Tommy so much in Forever Red.
    • To elaborate, a clip used from the early season of MMPR, where Bulk and Skull try to intimidate Tommy and he simply scares them off with his green glowing eyes.
    • Before that, when asking how Bulk got back from Miranoi, Linkara's answer is: "Shut up and don't question it! Bulk and Skull are back!"
  • When discussing the problems they had had with funding "Forever Red", he sums up Disney's feelings on the matter: "Why are you advertising old toys that aren't made anymore?"
  • The Re-release video:
    • The episode begins with Onikage mocking the Rangers for attacking them in their sleepwear, leading Linkara to snark out that sleepwear was the Sentai theme that year and they had no other choice!
    • When Jindrax and Toxica sing, he plays a clip of Bandora's song from Kyōryū Sentai Zyuranger.
      Linkara: God, it feels weird to make a Sentai reference like that in History of Power Rangers...
    • When Zen-Aku summons the Dark Wild Zords, Linkara snarks that his next trick will be to summon a Wyrdeer. This is followed up by, when the Predazord is introduced, playing a snippet of the Predator theme as Alyssa jumps over a log to escape Zen-Aku.
    • Linkara comparing Victor Addler with Tommy Wiseau due to their voices.
    • During Ransik's return during the first team-up, he uses more clips from Commando's Bennett including his infamous "I'M GONNA KILL YOU NOW!" when he and the mutorgs explode.

    Power Rangers Ninja Storm 
  • The inevitable response to the Rangers getting a bee weapon.
  • His complaining about Ninja Storm not taking seriously the fact that Power Rangers are real, and that in several seasons, important public events should be proof enough that the Power Rangers are real. Just the way that he almost whines in angry frustration makes it absolutely hilarious.
    • "This stuff happened! You can't deny it!" It goes on to the point where you think he's dealing with the PR-verse equivalent of 9/11 truthers.
    • "There was a freakin' alien invasion!"
  • The demonstration of how similar the theme song is to "Help Me Rhonda".
  • "Anyone else looking at the color-coded Ninja academy uniforms and seeing Slifer Red, Obelisk Blue, and Ra Yellow?"
  • The caption on when Sensei Guinea Pig is explaining how he was transformed.
  • The growing amount of times he says, "Because... uh... I have no idea"
  • "And now it's time for another edition of Weirdest Martial Arts Techniques EVER!"
  • The Re-released Video:
    Homer Simpson: [smacking TV] Stupid TV! Be more funny!
    • Linkara tries to make heads or tails of Cam using the Scroll of Time and how it awkwardly affects time in the present leading to:
    Miles O'Brien: I hate temporal mechanics.

    Power Rangers Dino Thunder 
  • "Oh yeah, and there was that period where time kinda reversed and we all became children and a bunch of aliens took over for us and Aisha remained behind in Africa in the past except she became a teenager again when time was restored and her family moved over to Africa too and this girl named Tanya joined us and...well, I guess all of that wasn't important. Also, Kimberly dumped me."
  • Ninja Staring Contest.
  • "Zeltrax gains a new Zord and-HOLY CRAP, HE JUST BLEW UP A MOUNTAIN!!!!!"
  • Doing his best to build up what the franchise did for its 500th episode, before admitting it's a Clip Show.
  • He refers to the team sacrificing the Zords as "The T.J. maneuver."
  • Linkara has a surprisingly philosophical idea about why Tommy goes through what he does in this season, such as being locked in morphed form, stuck as invisible, or fighting his former Ranger selves in the depths of his mind... before admitting that he's probably just rambling.
  • Pointing out the suggestive line from the first episode.
    Elsa: My master calls me Elsa.
    Linkara: Gee, Mesogog is into some kinky stuff!
  • This gem...
    Mesogog: Launch an aerial assault. The citizens of Reefside will think that idiot Lothor has returned.
    Linkara: Heh, I like Mesogog already.
    • Similarly this line from the Clip Show during the Ninja Storm portion.
      Linkara: I also love how Tommy says in the narration that it was the Thunder Rangers that gave them their biggest challenge. Further proving how worthless Lothor was as a villain.
  • His disbelief at the silver stripe on the Green Ranger's helmet, pointing out that, as the suit was featured in the Clip Show, they really shouldn't have made such a mistake.
    Linkara: Geez, maybe Tommy's coma did some brain damage...
  • He refers to the Tyrannodrones as "the Stingwingers' demonic cousins." Particularly funny when you remember that the Tyrannodrones are in fact heavily modified Stingwinger costumes.
  • Linkara realizes that Tommy shouldn't be creating Tyrannadrones unless he really was planning to take over the world.
    Dr. Forrester: "Why"?! Because it's science, that's why!

    Power Rangers SPD 
  • The first time the Omega Ranger & Battlizer-equipped Red Ranger strike dramatic poses, the screen flashes up "Crotch Shot" thanks to the camera being positioned directly inline of their crotches.
  • Go Go Power Sexism! (in response to Sky saying he wouldn't follow Syd into battle because she's a girl).
  • "I am Omega. Physics for losers." He says this as the Omega Ranger picks up laser pellets (as a result of censorship of bullets from Dekaranger) fired out from the enemies' guns.
  • Snarking about how Jason David Frank not returning for the second Dino Thunder/SPD crossover, even in voice over form, works out great since it just means that all we see of Tommy is his morphed form & that was how he was seen for a large chunk of Dino Thunder anyway.
  • "Sam... has no character development. He is a ball of light. Moving on."
  • His slight befuddlement at the series' lackluster titles for its opening episode and finale. ("Beginnings" and "Endings", respectively.)
  • As truthful as it is in regards to its overuse, is actually kinda hilarious hearing his complaining about the abundance of explosions this season and how it make both heroes and villains look like poor shots.
  • "There. Happy, now? I made a Room joke in this. Moving on." (During Doggie's first appearance)
  • At the very beginning of the series, mentions the EPIC way the show starts with Grumm blowing up a planet, followed by him commenting earnestly, "And there's your nightmare fuel, kids!"
    • Speaking of EPIC, once he's gotten through part 1 of the finale, he says, "And yes, that was all part 1."
  • When he talks about the Sam two-parter he's perplexed by how it seems the rangers never questioned their powers or how they got them.
    Linkara: They just woke up one day and figured "Hey! I can walk through walls! Neato!" Weird.
  • In the first team-up Linkara goes on a mini-rant about Broodwing's forces attacking a quarry and how most team-ups in the Disney era happen in this kind of area.
    Kat: The quarry's under attack.
    Linkara: It's a freaking quarry! It has rocks in it! Is he attacking the rocks?!
  • "I elbow the person to the right of me in salute."
  • "Jack gives up his coat to a hunchbacked alien lady who came in too late for food...though clearly the coat's not going to fit her. Though they are aliens. Maybe she's planning on eating it."

    Power Rangers Mystic Force 
  • His, well, utter disbelief at the scene he used for The Teaser that shows the rangers playing around with "native maraca plants".
    Linkara: ...I have no words.. . Are you sure you people still want me to do this series? (then, with resignation) Okay.
  • Continuity Snark to the max about "humanity living in peace".
  • "One wonders why they don't contact the police, and... oh, right, Power Rangers, duh, sorry."
  • Calls Nick an idiot due to Arbitrary Skepticism. It's all in the tone.
  • One of the villains in this series is called The Master. Cue the obligatory Doctor Who reference.
  • Linkara's reaction to Piggy's cameo.
  • Our introduction to most of the rangers.
    Linkara: We then cut to an MTV reality show already in progress, where this girl, Vida, is pretending to be a DJ, and committing crimes against music in a ragstock.
  • His hilarious deadpan on how "Plan Xander" never ever ever EVER works. Ever.
  • When the rangers morph for the first time, we get this gem:
    Morphing Sequence: Galwit-Mysto-Ranger!
    Linkara (on-screen text): Wait, who the hell said that? Gosei?
  • His final words basically telling his overall thoughts on next season.
  • When giving props to the dimension Nick ended in with Catastros, he praises that actually looks different from a normal place, as opposed to Lord Zedd's otherworld which sums up as "in front of a cave."
  • His reaction to Daggeron's Megazord (Paraphrased):
    Linkara: A magical train that sucks the monster in, Ghostbusters style, and incinerates it in its engine.
    Linkara: Okey-dokey!
  • When Chip first uses magic.
    Chip: What did she say? To use magic, all I have to do is believe. Well, I do! I believe in magic! (As Chip defeats Hidiacs with lightning, Do You Believe in Magic by The Lovin' Spoonful plays.)
    • And before that, there's Linkara's reaction to her advice
      Udonna: Just remember! To use magic, all you need to do is BELIEVE in magic!
      Cue Nick being tossed around by two Hidiacs

    Power Rangers Operation Overdrive 
  • Linkara's beginning comments when Mack asks Rose for a book about the Sword of Excelsior.
    Linkara: Oh yeah, it's right there next to that book about the Ark of the Covenant. If you see a book about Atlantis or the Ring of Aeon, you've probably gone too far and need to turn around.
  • His hatred for the theme song, which he says is a-tonal, the lyrics don't work with the beat, and the beat grates on his nerves quickly.
    Linkara: If this song were a person, I would strangle it, burn the body, and proudly declare to the world that I had done it... And no jury would convict me!
  • His response to the opening daydream by Mack, where a Nazi hijacks the plane and steals the relic he had acquired...
    Linkara: And then Ace Rimmer jumps out, riding on an alligator and steals this guy's parachute. At least, that's what I wish happened.
  • When he mentions how Hartford invited Ronny to join, he points out how awkward it would've been if someone else managed to win the race.
  • Linkara respectively calling Mr. Hartford and Spencer "Indiana Jones" and "Alfred" at the start.
  • This bit after Rose explains how she knows about Flurious and Moltor:
    Linkara: Oh yeah, I heard about that course. It was headed by the same guy who did the lecture series "Universal Conquerors: From Lord Zedd to Lothor".
  • Linkara continuously bringing up Rose's quote on suggesting Mr. Hartford should just buy an army since he is filthy stinkin' rich enough to afford it.
  • He introduces Will as 'Mission: Impossible' and proceeds to call him a thief.
    Linkara: Oh, not the character... sort of. I mean the actor. He is a piece of crap and I feel no shame in saying that.
  • His response to someone saying that they can't have mercenaries in a children's show:
  • Linkara states that Will is an idiot after hearing his "Telescopular" comment.
  • He states his dislike of the Kalish-splosions for every little thing in this season and finds that there is about 250 explosions throughout the whole freakin thing.
    Linkara: Don't worry, I won't harp on them for 5 minutes like I've done before, but they move into the realm of completely incomprehensible this season, as we suddenly have explosions that CAME! FROM! NOWHERE!
  • Every time Dax says something stupid (which happens a lot), Linkara responds with a "Shut up, Dax." The tone changes over the course of the review, going from "mildly annoyed" at the beginning of the review to "cursing his existence" by the end.
    • Made even better when he alternates it, such as with Thrax ("Shut up, Thrax") and when another character says something stupid ("Shut up, Dax! I mean-")
    • In The updated review, he puts a Big "SHUT UP!" clip from Mystery Science Theater 3000.
  • There's something hilarious to how he angrily yells the line when we are introduced to Dax and someone played a joke on him, by giving him a dinky little chair.
    Linkara: "[...] STUNT MEN GET SET ON FIRE!!"
  • Linkara hitting his head against a wall not once, but twice!
    • The first time happens after witnessing Dax do absolutely nothing while his girlfriend (who is actually a villain named Miratrix who used him to steal a Macguffin) escapes scot-free.
    • The second time happens during the team-up episode "Once A Ranger" when Linkara angrily states that he absolutely HATES Alpha's voice in the episode and goes on to ask why Richard Steven Horvitz, Wendee Lee, or Caterina Lucciani (Alpha's voice from Turbo) weren't asked to voice Alpha instead.
    Linkara: Again, would it have been so damn hard to call Richard Horvitz, Wendee Lee, or hell, even Caterina Lucciani with the faux street voice and have one of them voice Alpha?!
  • When noting Tyzonn's human form:
    Linkara: As we established with KO-35, we really only have 2 extremes with alien races: Either "humanoid", or "OH GOD RUN AWAY".
  • He further snarks on how Power Rangers continues to strangle the neck of science.
  • This bit after "Plan Xander" miserably fails as per usual:
    Linkara: And this Xander, is why you need to modify "Plan Xander" into simply being: summon lots of vines and tree roots from the ground around a guy. That plan worked pretty well!
  • His reaction to Bridge's unmorphed fight.
  • Linkara's reaction to Alpha appearing in "Once A Ranger".
    Linkara: Oh, good God...
  • When noting the Thor and Loki episode, he dubs over Loki's voice with clips from a certain other Loki.
  • Linkara's reaction to "Once A Ranger's" pacing.
  • Linkara's comment when Dax points out that, in a picture, the tree is casting a shadow, but Hartford and Mack don't.
    Linkara: My god... Hartford faked the moon landing!
  • His listing all the badly executed Fanservice "Once A Ranger" has, compared to the previous Team Up episodes or "Forever Red", all while playing Pizzicato Playtime in the background.
    Linkara: The team goes to Angel Grove! ...or, rather, a single warehouse in Angel Grove and we never actually see anything else of the town. The Rangers get Alpha! Who was boxed up for some reason and was left to rot in said warehouse, plus has a horrifyingly annoying new voice. Adam says 'morphenominal'! A phrase that he had never uttered before during the Mighty Morphin' days. Five Rangers from past seasons unite! Yeah, and they show why the current team is a bunch of assholes. The son of Rita and Lord Zedd shows up! But not Rita or Lord Zedd themselves, just the lame kid they produced.
    • Ending the third video shortly after the above rant by showing a clip of the two teams yelling, "Go, Go, Power Rangers!"
      Linkara: Hahaha. That's the song they couldn't use.
    • And when he starts initially talking about Once a Ranger, he first shows a bunch of clips from episodes preceding the team-up that show the Overdrive Rangers acting like jackasses, also set to Pizzicato Playtime.
  • Playing the "Snow and Heat Miser Song" over footage of Flurious and Moltor.
  • After delivering a long, screaming rant about how terrible the Overdrive Rangers are compared to past teams and how the anniversary episode exemplifies their worst traits, he takes a breath and prefaces the next bit with "So". What follows is obvious Tranquil Fury as he describes the situation, rising into growling as he explains the climax, with an unmorphed Mack slicing apart a giant monster with Excelsior.
    Linkara: And then Mack runs up, and slices the monster unmorphed, I repeat, Mack JUMPS INTO THE AIR UNMORPHED, AND SLICES A GIANT MONSTER IN HALF!! THAT!! IS JUST!! DUMB!!!
  • His complaint about the gigantic Plot Hole in the episode where they want to get a picture of Norg to get famous.
    Linkara: One: They've seen Norg before! Mack has SPOKEN to Norg before! Two: You're the POWER RANGERS! YOU'RE ALREADY FAMOUS! YOU WERE ON A TALK SHOW!!
  • When Thrax threatens to destroy Earth because he can't obtain the sword of the Warrior Goddess, he just leaves.
  • During the team-up, when Flurius ominously suggests to the rest of the villains that they should perhaps be keeping closer tabs on Thrax:
    Linkara: DUN DUN DUUUUUU-oesn't amount to anything!
  • After Thrax is destroyed, we cut to a clip from Mighty Morphin, of Rita telling Zedd, "Remind me never to have kids!"
  • In the updated review, Linkara points out how it's weird that whenever Disney buys any rights, fans make jokes about princesses, but nobody recalling how Power Rangers remade Pinocchio.

    Power Rangers Jungle Fury 
  • The first episode being titled "Welcome to the Jungle" brings about the inevitable joke.
  • Theo and Lily have been mediating since last night...
  • When talking about Jarrod's confrontation with Casey, he points out how silly it is for him to be so mean to him when he got exactly what he wanted.
    (In a silly macho voice) How dare you bring me a towel when I demanded one! Stupid Slifer slacker!
  • He mentions that the only way that Jungle Fury's characters could be worse than Operation Overdrive's is if it was a team entirely composed of Dax. While funny on its own, remember that Linkara is also a huge Star Trek fan and that in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, there was a character named Jadzia Dax, who was The Nth Doctor, meaning that one could theoretically build a team that was, in fact, all Dax.
  • His rant about how somehow evil forces keep getting locked up and then released in a specific 20-year span no matter how far back their defeat was.
  • Early on, he says he eventually realized the reason he so instantly took a liking to Master Mao was due to his resemblance to Shadis from Attack on Titan. For the rest of the review, every appearance by Mao is dubbed over by clips of the TFS abridged parody's take on Shadis.
    • Gets especially funny during Jarrod's soul searching moment near the end:
    *In Jarrod's head*
    "The human race needs you!"
    "I've seen the real Jarrod, and he's not evil!"
    "It's never too late to start over!"
  • "Dai Shi likes Camille~! Dai Shi likes Camille~!"
  • Dominic's fever dream about Master Mao:
    Shadis!Mao: But you know what might work better? GOING! THE FUCK! TO SLEEP!!!
  • His exasperated "No. Just… No" Reaction to the Pai Zhua Masters turning into their ultimate Animal Spirits note .
  • His choice of appropriate background music for the final battle: Kung Fu Fighting.
    Mao: I wouldn't miss this battle for the world!
  • CGI is treated as an in-universe superpower, to the point where it seems to be Magic by Any Other Name.
  • RJ reveals he's a Pai Zhua master.
    Linkara: Of course! It all makes sense! Evil pizzas may not be a match for a simple stoplight, but we can harness the power of pizza for good!
    • At one point, it's noted that Dai Shi's sigil (seen on his war flags and on the backplate of his Lion Armor) looks like…a slice of pizza.
    Linkara: Their relationship is so fascinating- wait. That symbol on Dai Shi's flag, is that a slice of pizza? Oh my God it is! DAI SHI REALLY IS THE PIZZA WHO WAS NO MATCH FOR SIMPLE STOPLIGHT!
  • The Take That! at Power Rangers Megaforce.
    Linkara: Damn, if only there was a giant tiki-head somewhere on Earth who could also guide them. And by "guide them" I mean give them things at random.
  • The Running Gag of him never saying Pai Zhua right after the first time, instead referring to them as Pai Schwartz, Ping-Pong, Pau Pau, Paisanos, and finally, the show and tell academy. (he does call it the right thing at the very end though)

    Power Rangers RPM 
  • After talking about Dr. K's episode and how a kid's show is allowed to be sophisticated and well written, as well as how Olivia Tennet's performance is a perfect balance of stoicism, emotion, and pain, he cheerfully notes that it's time to get back to good old Power Rangers wackiness. Which is immediately followed by Dillon dreaming about losing his memories and someone he loves.
    Linkara (weakly singing): Uh...Go, Go, Power Rangers... duh, duh, duh, duh, duhhhh...
  • His reading of Eddie Guzelian's genuine reaction to the very silly Go-Onger... AFTER pitching the "dark post-apocalyptic future" idea.
    Holy sh**! I just promised Disney I could turn this into a show that would appeal to an OLDER audience! I must be out of my f***ing mind! Holy sh**!! Wait, what's on the front of that Zord? Are those motherf***ing eyeballs?!
  • He then summarizes the production's overall uphill battle thusly:
    So what we have here is a show that had no support from the higher-ups; its showrunner fired halfway through, with a previous showrunner coming back to try to finish up someone else's vision; with a production that was already facing problems being behind schedule, and the transition to a new showrunner would mean more delays, alongside rumors of not having enough money; plus adapting a super-goofy light-hearted series, into a grim-and-gritty post-apocalyptic children's show about superheroes in brightly-coloured outfits fighting rubber-suited monsters, in their giant robots with moving eyeballs.
  • When Dillon expresses bitterness at the revelation that Dr. K is indirectly responsible for Venjix...
    Linkara: I would lay the blame on the government agents for stopping her from inputting the code, leading back to her still making it in the first place, to back to the government agents, but then we'd quickly be playing a game of...
    Jack: ♪But it isn't my fault/I was given those beans/You persuaded me to trade away my cow for beans...♪
  • After Dillon curbstomps some Grinders, one of them is reduced to a walking pair of pants before it collapses. Linkara then gives us this line.
  • During one of Dillon's nightmares:
    Dillon: What? It's just apple juice. (camera zooms down to reveal a metal hand).
  • Commenting on Dr. K's pretty decent violin skills.
    Dr. K: (plays the violin until Summer interrupts her, causing the violin's strings to snap)
    Linkara: Although, I think her strings are wound a bit too tight. (Rimshot)
  • When Gem and Gemma shoot the control tower: "Um, I think you missed."
  • The video's description:
    The History of Power Rangers returns with an alternate dimension where they're fighting an evil machine empire! ...It's so different from the normal universe! It has all the silliness of Power Rangers - government stripping of personal freedom, corruption and collusion with organized crime, and nightmarish visions implanted by robots.
  • While pointing out the similarities in the Dillon/Tenaya plot to the Andros/Karone one, after Tenaya is recaptured and brainwashed.
    Linkara: Ah, there's our Astronema repeat. Quick, Dillon, shoot her and cry on her. That worked in the other universe.
  • The somewhat inevitable joke.
    Dillon: What's a... Power Ranger?
  • Linkara's growing frustration with the title card being flashed at him suddenly with a loud DUN!
    Linkara: "Uh, thank you, title card, I know what I'm watching." [...] "I know!"
  • Linkara describing the scene where Dillon and Ziggy are separately being interrogated. He switches from Summer giving Dillon his pocket watch back to Ziggy for a brief moment.
    Linkara: As for Ziggy...
    Ziggy: Well, my friends, it's a tough thing to bounce back from. Especially since by that time, the rash had spread so far down my back-
    Linkara: Venjix' generals, meanwhile [...]
  • When the Whale Zord sprays a couple hundred gallons of water on Dillon and Summer when they're about to kiss in the burning Venjix factory:
    Linkara: Hey, nothing like a cold shower, am I right?
  • Suggesting that three continents being decimated isn't a big deal, because they were probably the abandoned warehouse continents.

     Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers Reversioned 
  • The video's premise alone. It's an April Fools video, so he treats the 2010 recut as its own separate series; half-assing his way through the main plot, saying that Bulk, Skull, Ernie, and Squatt and Baboo should've been chosen to be Rangers, and wonders why the final episode of the series note  revolves around some kid named Tommy trying out for a commercial.
  • This line takes the cake:
    Linkara: Don't forget to like and subscribe to the guy that uploaded this to Youtube without my permission, because that's TOTALLY A THING I WANT YOU TO DO, YOU SON OF A...
  • Mentioning Scorpina, then talking about how stupid it would have been if he didn't mention Scorpina at all... which is what happened back when he talked about Mighty Morphin.
  • "Breakfast is ruined! Gah, I'm so sick of this freakin' show, WHEN THE HELL AM I GONNA TALK ABOUT VR TROOPERS?"
  • One of the commenters mentioned that this felt like a video from Mirror Linkara's universe, where he hates Power Rangers and loves Frank Miller. Somehow this evolved into Frank Miller, in that universe, creating "The Tandy Computer Whiz Kids Strike Back".

    Power Rangers Samurai 
  • The way he talks about Toei's potential thought process for the creation of Shinkenger.
    Linkara: It's almost like once Power Rangers endednote , Toei went, "Whew, don't have to worry about those Americans anymore. Let's make something all about us for a change."
  • Talking about the choice to skip the opening and instead starting with episode 3 and how that's a bad idea. And how he decided to start with the real first episode, "and we will not honor stupidity."
  • His reaction to the opening episode being called "Origins". "This is going to be just like SPD's titles, isn't it?"
  • His little bit on how there were obviously Rangers other than Mighty Morphin thanks to the Samurai legacy, and how that would make a great thing to explore in an anniversary special. (Awkward laugh and then a sigh of resignation)
  • When Octoroo asks for the Big Red Guy, Linkara points out the whole dimension is red (Water World played on a Virtual Boy), so you'll need to be more specific.
  • Linkara has no illusions about Xandred's "medicine".
  • His building up Jayden's father's death being potentially the most essential part of Jayden's character, before letting out a big laugh that it's more of a footnote than anything.
  • The Running Gag of Bulk telling Spike some of the stranger things that happened to him throughout the series.
  • After Kevin dismisses Antonio on the basis that he doesn't come from a samurai family (an awkward holdover from Shinkenger)
    Linkara: Um... family? Hey, Kevin, NONE OF YOU PEOPLE ARE JAPANESE!
  • Pointing out that the whole "family legacy forced upon the characters from childhood and raising them to feel they have no choice in the matter" situation is the kind of thing that led to Marik Ishtar.
  • Showing Antonio and Jayden meeting again after being separated for years, 'in all its homoerotic fashion'.
    Jayden: Can't believe you're back.
    Antonio: Oh, yeah, baby, I'm back. And I'm ready for some action. (begins to walk towards Jayden)
  • "Deker loves talking about his phallic symbol- I mean, his sword.' Followed by a montage of Deker talking about Uramasa.
  • On the subject of Deker:
    Linkara: Mmm, I can't seem to think of anything else I should bring up about him... (shot of Deker transforming into human form) Oh. Hi, Cole. How's that whole veterinarian thing going?
  • Linkara ruining Deker's challenge to Jayden with a quote from his past self.
    Cole: I don't know much about (Beat) spaceships.
  • When Deker dissolves into pixels after his final defeat: "And now you shall be reborn in Primary village, Dekermon."
  • Linkara asks Deker if he has anything worthwhile to add.
    Deker: If I cannot find a worthy opponent soon and bring him to his knees... then what's the point of being immortal?
    Linkara: Well, there's lots of other stuff! Knitting, movies... knitting... let's check in with the Samurai rangers.
    Scene cuts to the below-mentioned point of Jayden and Kevin about to battle
  • While showing clips of Jayden and Kevin being forced to battle each other, he plays "No Matter What" and stops, thinking that it doesn't quite work and he should think better about his musical options. And then plays "Brother My Brother" instead.
  • "Ah yes, the ancient samurai technique of... smoke bombs. Samurai and ninjas are the same thing, right?"
  • When Jayden reveals his "plan" of attacking the villain with brute force:
    Rocket: Hahahahahahaha! [...] That is the most real, authentic, hysterical laugh of my entire life because that is not a plan!
    Gamora: It's barely a concept.
  • After making known his hatred of Mentor Ji in the character analysis:
    Linkara: Thanks, Power Rangers; thanks for continuing to prove that you are often less sophisticated than a cartoon about lesbian space-rocks.
  • When talking about some power-ups they got, like the shark disc, Linkara wonders why they don't just give them another power-up after. Cue the next scene.
    The Bullzord is escaping the mountain!
    Linkara: I WAS KIDDING!
  • After yet another power-up is introduced late in the series.
    Linkara: I hope Megaforce doesn't have so many power-ups. Oh right, I've seen Megaforce. Ugh.
  • During "Clash of the Red Rangers," Scott's refusal to demorph "creates a bit of distrust from the Rangers. Well, the guys anyway; both the girls apparently want to, er-hrm, 'get in gear', as it were."
  • Also during the above-mentioned episode, Linkara speculates that the reason why Venjix never mentioned Professor Cog during the course of RPM was because of the latter's tendency to stupidly blurt out his evil plans in front of everyone.
    • It's even funnier when you consider that Venjix tolerated General Crunch.

    Power Rangers Megaforce 
  • The Teaser, showing the scene of Orion dancing through the school set to "Dancing With Myself".
  • Usually, after the "Go Go Power Rangers" opening, Linkara starts by addressing something from a previous episode, or occasionally going straight into talking about the season, or something along those lines. The Megaforce episode though?
    Linkara: [exasperated sigh]
  • Just like before, he confuses the name of something with another thing. In this case, he confuses Megaforce, with Mega Force, and says that the latter was something people actually liked.
  • The fact Linkara spends the entire thing listing things they easily could have done that'd have made the series much better, but didn't.
  • Throughout the review, Linkara casually refers to the Rangers' nameless hometown as "City Town".
  • Early on, while showing the scene of Mr. Burley asking the class what species will outlive all others on earth, Emma says 'Insects' because they can easily adapt themselves to whatever environment. Linkara wonders how they could survive, if humans end up destroying the environment, before suddenly switching to footage of a Fallout 4 Radroach attacking him.
    Linkara: Oh god!! It's coming right for us!!
  • During the Foreshadowing discussion of species that will outlast all others in "Mega Mission", Linkara starts talking about how it's clearly intended as a Continuity Nod back to the enemies of previous seasons... before breaking down laughing and admitting that the series has no such thing in mind despite being the 20th anniversary.
  • "Go Go Male Gaze" over the camera hugging Gia's legs.
  • Linkara gets in on the fandom's Running Gag about Troy's hatred of water bottles.
  • Linkara's bafflement over all the "Backups" that Zordon apparently had. Gosei, contacts with multiple government agencies, Thunder Zords, the Quasar Sabers, Zords stashed throughout the solar system...
  • Gosei says he only awakens when the Earth is faced with extraordinary threats. You know, like the alien invasions in previous seasons that he wasn't there for? Because "why would any of those be considered 'extraordinary threats'?"
    Linkara: Oh, and ironically, next season, more aliens. Why the hell does this keep happening in Power Rangers? Does the other side of the moon have a big neon sign on it that says "Vacancies"?
  • When the Megaforce Rangers first get their Zords.
    Emma: Well, I hope they run on bio-fuel.
    Troy: No Emma, they run on us. Our courage, our strength, that's what gives them power!
    Linkara: [as Troy] I know that because shut up!
  • In Parts 1 and 2 (and once in the reuploaded version of Part 4), whenever the show raises major questions but fails to answer them, Linkara responds with:
    Vrak: Far too complex for you to understand!
    • His original showing of that scene, with Vrak explaining about his Zombats and how, as royalty, he has access to far more advanced things than anyone else would.
  • Linkara showing his exasperation at Gosei handing out power-ups as early as the first part of the review.
    (after talking about how the series could have better handled the changing of the Zords like was done in Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers) But no just hand them all in every single episode. More Zords. More Zords. So many Zords...
  • Upon the mutants' appearance, he not only wonders what they mutated from but also their goal. Considering they are talking that they are against pollution and led to their existence, to begin with, they will obviously want to stop pollution. Correct? Not so. They say they absolutely hate pollution but will cause more of it.
    Linkara: YOU MAKE NO SENSE!
  • During Robo Knight's 'what are tears' scene with Troy:
    Linkara: Here's a little game: which of the two characters in this scene is the robot?
  • Discussing "Staying on Track" where Vrak and Metal Alice plan to "drive humanity to destroy itself in frustration over their overreliance on machines by disrupting train service." He notes the first problem with adapting this episode is that rail travel is much more important in Japan than in the United States, so there's immediate Values Dissonance. When the Rangers find out Metal Alice is planning to disrupt transportation routes, they go to monitor airports and boat services before finding out about the train plot, the train authorities get service back up without the Rangers doing anything so Alice decides to just bomb the tracks, and during the train delay no one panics or gets upset, they're just mildly annoyed. He sums up the episode thusly:
    "It's an episode where everybody hated the plot and just decided to go do something else."
  • As Robo Knight asks the other rangers about human emotions and gets to Gia, he asks her "What is love?" as she does pull-ups. Linkara remixes the scene so her head bobs up and down in beat to the titular song.
  • When he gets to a notorious screw-up involving the BGM in the fight with Admiral Malkor, he puts the lyrics on-screen: Rangers Together... Samurai Forever?!
    Linkara: They didn't even bother to play the right music when they beat him! Look, I know people complained about the Megaforce theme being too much like Samurai, but for crying out loud!
  • Starting with Part 3, why is Jake now the Green Ranger? Where did the Ranger Keys and Super Megaforce powers come from? Why didn't Gosei give the Rangers these powers before?
    Gosei: There's a simple explanation for that...
    • Becomes a Running Gag in the place of the Vrak clip whenever more questions get raised.
  • When talking about the farcical nature of the title Super Megaforce:
    Linkara: Why even stop there? "Maxi-Extreme-Ultra-Super-Duper-Mega-Cyber-Radical-Supreme-Legendary-Top-Secret Force," while we're at it.
  • This joke:
    Troy: Super Mega Rangers, that's a super-mega win!
    Linkara: Super-mega shut up!
  • Linkara actually growls in frustration after the rangers first transform into the Dairanger suits.
    • In the reuploaded version of the video, he shows a clip of Lord Zedd glowing red while growling.
  • This part when Linkara is talking about the episode "Blue Saber Saga":
    Gosei just says that their "teamwork and determination" has unlocked a Mystic Force Zord. Bear in mind, this is only one episode after the last new Zord. And why Mystic Force? Well clearly it's now because Noah now believes in magic. Why not? Clearly this show already believes in "It's magic we don't have to explain it".
  • Regarding the Samurai Rangers still having their powers and Zords and no indication of being somehow prevented from lending a hand against the current threat to the entire planet:
    Linkara: The Earth is in danger! Go help them! Be active!
    President Skroob: Do something!
    Dark Helmet: Do something!
    Colonel Sandurz: DO SOMETHING!
  • There's something hilarious about Linkara reaching his breaking point and going off on a rant about how how the series just continues with handing the team power-ups.
    Enough with the friggin' power-ups and new Zords! Kids don't have enough money for all the crap you're trying to push on them at once! Figure out what's important to the damn show and focus on it! Have a consistent status quo for two damn episodes in a row before you try to change things up! Have some goddamn Character Development and character-focused episodes already! Give us some character flaws and work on them! Stop dangling new powers in front of the children like they were your KEYS!
  • "Congratulations, Megaforce, you have found something you're good at: animal trivia."
    • Then, as the Rangers continue spouting random animal facts in that episode:
      Linkara: Okay enough, we get it, you read Zoobooks when you were little!
  • When Jungle Fury's tribute episode shows Casey is still teaching Kung-Fu, Lewis brings up that Master Mao would be proud. Cue epic return of Mao with Abridged!Shadis quotes.
    "Well if you wanna quit, that's fine. We got plenty of job openings at the custodial department, so you can clean up your SHIT PERFORMANCE!!!"
  • In that same episode, his reaction to Troy's out-of-character attitude with the rangers losing their weapons to the monster of the day.
    Dr. Cox: Good morning, reasons why I drink. You may have noticed we have a new face in our group.
    • He brings this up again during the show's final scene (Troy sticking his sword in the ground and leaving to join the others).
      Linkara: [mockingly] What the hell are you doing that for? I thought a Ranger never lets go of their weapon, Troy. Dickhead.
  • Linkara pointing out just how crazy the series gets with handing out power-ups and Zords with how early Orion, the 6th ranger from Super Megaforce, gets his battlizer.
    Linkara: A powerup one episode after he debuts. I'll give you all a moment to pick your jaws up off the floor at that revelation.
  • Yet another shot at Gosei just handing the team Zords and other power-ups:
    Gosei: May the Power protect you.
    Linkara: [as Gosei] Or rather let my stuff protect you. Hey, want some more stuff guys? I've got like another ten Zords just sitting in my crawl space.
  • In a filler episode, the debut of the Q-Rex Megazord and Legendary Megazord combining... well it's less "combining" and more "the Megazord gets the Q-Rex's arms".
    Linkara: Even the things that are normally awesome feel lazy.
    Troy: Super Mega Rangers, that's a Mega Win!
    Linkara: Wow the filler episode was so pathetic it didn't even earn a "Super Mega Win".
  • His summation of much of the dialogue in Megaforce: "We will conquer you!" "No you won't!" "Surrender now!" "We will never surrender!" "Oh crap, resistance isn't futile!" "We rock!"
  • His attempt to simply gloss over the details of the episode "All Hail Prince Vekar".
    Linkara: Prince Vekar is destroyed in this episode. Move on. [pause] Ok, there is a little more to it than that.
  • After joking about how robotic Troy's acting is for the first four parts, we get to the fight with Robo Knight, Linkara noting that this fight is the most emotion he's shown all series:
    Linkara: ACTING!... of course, that also leads to... this.
  • After showing the footage of Troy's Super Saiyan punch:
    Linkara: Wha-what...wha-what was that?
    Gosei: There's a simple explanation for-
    Linkara: Oh, shut your inanimate face! Going Super Saiyan and 'I am a man!'-punching Robo Knight somehow corrects his programming or something.
  • Talking about the climax of the "Vrak is Back" two-parter:
  • "And thus we begin 'Countdown to Destruction: the Lame Version'".
    • Linkara then cuts down the beginning of the battle in simple words.
      Linkara: Realizing they have their own fleet, they summon all their Zords, even the original Megaforce one, and Boom Boom Boom Pazow Pazow Pazow Pew Pew!
  • "Oh great, Carter Grayson's here. Give him two guns and a bottle of water, and he'll take down the Armada in an hour."
  • "Oh hey, Karone. Remember when you caused this much horror and chaos? Good times! ...Better than these."
  • When Tommy is helping a child out of a car dangling off a bridge.
    Tommy: It's okay, I'm here to help you.
    Kid: I can't, I'm scared. (Oscar Moment)
    Linkara: Oh hey Tommy, good to see you still have Saba... Wait, where the hell's the driver of this vehicle? Or did the kid do this and the Armada had nothing to do with it?
  • Linkara reuses the Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) clip from the Samurai review (see above) when Troy states their plan is to "fight back". He then defends this saying if Megaforce is going to be lazy with stock footage, then so can he.
  • His Go Mad from the Revelation moment at Robo Knight's Unexplained Recovery.
  • His reaction to Tommy's "Hi-yah"'s being heard while the Alien and Ninja Storm Rangers are on-screen during the Legendary Battle.
  • Talking about the opening, Linkara points out that Tommy's Green Ranger helmet had the silver stripe, which was first seen in Dino Thunder, but the producers were told that it's inaccurate with the original Green Ranger helmet. The silver stripe was edited out for the broadcasted version.
    Linkara: And, look, I hate continuity errors like that, but it's really small potatoes in the grand scheme of things. I didn't walk away from Fighting Spirit thinking, "Wow! An interesting look into Tommy's psyche and the various Ranger roles he's had, BUT THAT SILVER STRIPE invoked WAS JUST THE WORST!!".
  • The repeated Running Gag about Troy's robotic acting, culminating in this joke during the character analysis:
    Linkara: Was that the 'adversity' Gosei said he encountered in life? People trying to bully him, but unable to because his programming was not designed to resemble the hu-mans?
  • In the reuploaded version of Part 3 (which had to be edited due to Youtube's new content ID guidelines), he shows a still shot of Emma and Gia looking baffled whenever he talks about a plot hole or some other eyebrow-raising aspect of the show.

     Power Rangers Dino Charge 
  • His opening scene is Koda showing his cave drawings.
    Koda: Yes. I... write. My story.
    Linkara (as Koda): Third act. Need work. Hate cliché of couple breaking up at this point.
  • Keeper giving Sledge a bomb has him saying, "Coming soon, E.T. 2. He's phoning inform your next of kin!"
  • When Keeper is conversing with a Tyrannosaurus Rex:
    Keeper: I mean you no harm. Gather the bravest among you. I need your help.
    Linkara!Keeper: Bring to me five CGI dinosaurs with attitude.
  • Keeper tells the gathered dinosaurs that they "are the mightiest creatures on the planet."
    Linkara: Well, screw you, Helicoprion and other giant prehistoric sea creatures.
  • On the subject of Shelby delivering food to people who haven't even ordered yet...
    Shelby: You didn't need to order because I read your minds!
    Linkara: What's sad is that after 20+ years of this franchise you can't ever be sure if someone's joking about that or not...
  • Shelby, a waitress, can't come on the dig due to museum policy, but Koda and Chase, the janitors, can?
    Dr. Kendall: For your information, Chase and Koda are very highly trained museum personnel.
    (Chase and Koda are seen doing some kind of skateboard trick and idly licking his fingers, respectively)
    Linkara: ...we're gonna find those fossils assembled into a crude bong, aren't we?
  • During Tyler and Shelby's first encounter with Iceage, Tyler pulls some stuff out of his backpack to try to fight Iceage and every time he pulls something out it's accompanied with Linkara having something hilarious to say.
    (Tyler pulls out a banana.)
    Linkara: Of course, the monster's potassium deficiency! Its one weakness!
    (Tyler pulls out a pair of underwear)
    Linkara: You Monster! You haven't done your laundry yet!
    (Tyler pulls out a shovel)
    Linkara: Wait a second, Tyler's not a Power Ranger! He's Shovel Knight!
  • After the abovementioned battle against Iceage, Shelby's summary of what just happened.
    Shelby: Did we just fight an abominable snowman and almost got trampled by a T-Rex?
    Linkara: And the worst part is, you aren't even going to get overtime pay at the café.
  • "Why the Pink Energem chose you [Shelby] anyone's guess..."
    Linkara: Someone's jeal-ous~
  • Tyler can't get his energem to return to him, which requires some tinkering from Kendall. When things work out again, Tyler and Kendall have this short dialogue.
    Tyler: I can morph again? Cool!
    Kendall: Yes, I suppose it is... 'cool'.
    Linkara (as Kendall): Oh, you kids these days, who are the same age as me, and your weird lingo.
    • It gets even funnier when you remember that Claire Blackwelder (Kendall's actress) is actually younger than a good chunk of her castmates.
  • When it's revealed Koda is a caveman, Linkara amusingly claims that Koda found the blue Energem pretty easy; it was under some guy's English policebox and picked it up as soon as it went away.
  • When Tyler is about to morph properly.
    Narrative Voice: T-Rex Charger! Engage!
    Linkara: Oh, hey, it's mystery voice from the Mystic Force morphers.
  • Linkara keeps dubbing the horrible ice-themed puns from Batman & Robin over Iceage using its powers.
  • He admits that his harping on Serpentera being run by AAA Batteries is funnier now since the Zords in this series are run on battery power.
  • While talking about Ivan's attempts at creating his own team of knights to fight alongside, Linkara thinks he's given up a bit too soon.
    Linkara: I mean, grandma in a wheelchair can kick your ass with a purse.
  • While talking about the Aqua Ranger's appearance, Linkara says he appears a second time, in the episode when Tyler's mind is taken over by a T-Rex's... because Power Rangers.
  • Prince Phillip asks Koda how one proves their worth to the Energems.
    Koda: It believe I have... good heart.
    Phillip: Good heart? ...but how does one prove that to a gem?
    Linkara: Eh, be related to this kid and you've got a good start.
  • Linkara mentions that "At least after all the crap that's happened with Megaforce and the like, the show finally has its dignity again." Cue a monster making a fart joke.
  • Sledge decides to release Heckyl, so he can take the purple Energem from the Rangers because he doesn't look like a monster, and offers him his freedom in return. Heckyl proceeds to quickly kill two monsters by zapping them.
    Linkara (as Sledge): You Monster! Those two were a day away from retiring with full benefits. (normal voice) ...What? Sledge has a really good Employee Compensation Package. Why else would anybody work for him?
  • The simple mention of Sentai 6 causes Linkara to snarkily remark that's where all the "Rangers never before seen on Earth" came from.
  • He gives a call back to Operation Overdrive after a robot, which Prince Phillip had sent into battle to aide the Power Rangers, got its ass kicked.
    Tyler: A machine just... can't react the way a human Ranger can.
    Linkara: Yeah, isn't that right, Mack?
  • Tyler admits to having feelings for Shelby, who admits that she's already impressed by him. The two stare at each other for a while, mere moments away from a kiss.
    Koda: What are you doing?
    Linkara: Koda, you cockblocker, we could've had the first proper kiss in this franchise in 20 friggin' years!
  • He was genuinely amused at Heckyl's living his last day on Earth, even setting the Good-Times Montage to "Last Friday Night".
  • After Sledge mentions that he's sold the Earth to scrap yards in Kamen 5:
    Linkara: Careful with the sales contract, Sledge. That place is known to add riders to the deal.
  • Linkara's remarks about Sledge's vacation photos when he claims he wasn't having fun in his absence:
    Sledge: I wasn't having any fun! Hawaii was awful!
    (Cut to a photo of Sledge on the beach wearing scuba gear and a flower necklace)
    Linkara: My God, what did they do to him?!
    Sledge: China... boy, that was miserable!
    (Cut to a photo of Sledge next to the Great Wall eating ice cream and cotton candy)
    Linkara: Oh no, he put on some weight from that junk food!
    Sledge: And Japan? No one has any fun there!
    (Cut to a clip of Sledge karaoke-singing)
    Linkara: This episode is just trying to give me tons of material for The Stinger.
  • "[Sledge] prepares to both get married and destroy the Earth. Huh. Gonna be kind of a glare for the wedding photographer."
  • When Chase suggests using teamwork as a plan to destroy the Dark Energem, the above-mentioned Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) clip is played yet again.
  • Power Rangers long ago gave the double middle finger to Science.
  • Tyler's use of his catchphrase after the earth is sucked into the black hole and they are about to enter a portal to the past.
    Tyler: What are we wating for? It's about to get wild!
    Linkara: It's about to get wild? Dude have you not been paying attention?
  • His reaction to Keeper saying "Order is restored.": "HAHAHAHAHAHA, NO, IT ISN'T!"
  • The Amber Beach Dinosaur Museum is now the Amber Beach Dinosaur Zoo. Meaning the dinosaurs never went extinct and now live among current-day Earth. And exist in zoos.
    (Two brachiosaurs extend their long necks to the sky)
    Linkara: YEAH. THAT'S A THING.
  • He says that the finale "will make your head explode if you give it even the slightest bit of thought." He is correct.
    • Outside of the events of the series being nullified, which includes the inspiration or changes they made in other people's lives through their job as Power Rangers or while working on plans and looking for energems, Linkara mentions that there's a double-whammy when Keeper chooses to send Heckyl and Xenowing further back in time. He wants them to keep the Dark Energem safe from Archanon and save Sentai 6 in the process, which doesn't work because Archanon only sent Sledge around to gather an army and sent him to earth in the first place to get the other energems, after he originally acquired the Dark Energam. So the events the Power Rangers undid by defeating Sledge didn't even happen, anyway, as Sledge wouldn't have been on earth to undo the events of their own—
    Austin Powers: Oh no, I've gone cross-eyed.
    • Really, just in general, trying to come up with an explanation as to how/if Dino Charge fits into the main continuity in a way that doesn't make the space-time continuum die in a pool of its own blood.
    • Gets even funnier next season when they explicitly state that the Dino Charge universe happened in its own separate universe.
  • Linkara mentioning the post-finale, Christmas-themed episode. Tyler and a few others get turned into evil elves; servants of Hexamas, a monster that managed to escape Sledge's ship before it was thrown into the sun in the finale. After Sledge's defeat, Hexamas decided to spend the next 65 million years making evil plans that is summarized as 'use evil coal to turn kids into his slaves for Christmas'.
    Linkara: Okay, is this dumber than the time-travel thing? I mean, this guy is a villain framed around Christmas, despite being around long before Jesus even existed.

     Power Rangers Ninja Steel 
  • The opening scene is the Ninja the Mission Force trailer, but with scenes from Ninja Steel itself.
  • Two years later, Linkara has still not moved on from Dino Charge's finale, this time calling it "the space time continuum getting drunk and humping a pinball machine".
  • "Friggin' Naruto didn't mention ninjas this much!"
  • When Mick asks Brody how exactly they're going to escape from a spaceship, Linkara remarks that they could probably get help from S.P.D. at this point in the timeline.
    Linkara: I'm sure they'd be happy to pick you up, Boom.
  • After reintroducing the viewers to Kelson Henderson (this time playing Mick Kanic), Linkara delivers yet another Take That! against Megaforce.
    Linkara: Yes Kelson Henderson is back in a supporting role. Another New Zealand actor who could have made a reappearance during Megaforce, but we were too busy worrying if Rangers never let go of their weapons.
    • Becomes Hilarious in Hindsight when you remember that Kelson did voice a monster in Megaforce.
    • Speaking of Troy's weird issues, Linkara imagines he would be hugely upset at the abundance of throwing star-based weaponry this season.
    • Also regarding Mick Kanic: "Because I guess in space, people aren't really imaginative when it comes to naming things."
  • His introduction of Victor Vincent:
    Linkara: Not since Bob Corby has there been such a legend in our midst.
  • Commenting on the lack of hovercars what with the existence of apparently common hoverboard technology.
  • "What, actually having your catchphrase match the theme of your series instead of being a generic platitude? That's not very Super-Mega-Win of you, Ninja Steel."
  • Regarding the Astro Zord allowing the Rangers to fly into space:
    Linkara: Y'know, that old ninja cliche.
  • His outrage that Ninja Steel did not adapt the Gold Ranger's burger morpher from Ninninger, even accusing the Ninja Nexus Prism of hating burgers.
  • The Running Gag of using rather goofy stills of Victor whenever Linkara starts questioning certain aspects of the season's plot.
  • Linkara's instant adoration of Hayley's dog, Kody. He also asks why it's taken 25 years for one of the rangers to have a pet as a recurring character, then quickly states that Doggie Cruger doesn't count.
  • Pointing out that the plot of the Christmas clip-show episode is basically Avengers: Endgame with Santa Claus.
  • "What the hell makes this metal so ninja? 'Ninja' is not just some random adjective you can slap in front of other stuff. 'What color is this rock?' 'Oh, it's ninja-colored.'"
  • After a brief clip showing that Sledge hasn't changed at all:
    Linkara: I missed you, Sledge.
  • "Where is this legend written, exactly?! Like, can we get the full text? Because I'm starting to suspect this is actually just a big instruction manual that someone accidentally threw out."
  • Linkara jokingly speculates that maybe the Dino Charge universe really was part of the main Power Rangers universe at one point and that after their infamous finale, Wes was recruited to fix things, only for him to say, "Screw it. We're splitting you guys off into your own timeline. Bye!"
  • "Oh my god, Tommy's a robot! No wonder he was able to pursue teaching, archaeology, and being a race car driver!"
  • Laying into Brody and Aiden's father for supposedly being the "greatest ninja who ever lived" but probably spent most of the second season on the couch catching up on ten years of TV.
  • In regards to how White Ranger Hayley is able to break everyone free of the villain's mind control, in particular, her boyfriend Calvin:
    Linkara: Instead of using The Power of Love to free him she uses the Power of Gun to shoot the satellite and free everyone.
  • "[The Rangers] are brought to Halloween Intergalactic Court. Because in space, Halloween is universal."
  • "They jump out of the ship and land in Santa's sleigh...and I just realized that I typed that..."
  • Likening Victor to Gaston.
    Linkara: You really do expect people to break into song whenever his teeth twinkle.
  • Regarding the other Rangers' reactions to Preston's magic: "YOU'RE LOOKING AT THE PROOF OF IT RIGHT THERE!!"
    Jules: What happened here was a miracle, and I want you to fucking acknowledge it!

    Power Rangers Beast Morphers 
  • Due to Nate messing with Human DNA, Linkara constantly cuts in footage from Rick and Morty, namely Rick Potion #9, which also dealt with altering DNA. This results in Linkara saying how this could end up like the ending of that episode and lead into another Power Rangers series taking place After the End like RPM, while also saying Beast Morphers also has an evil computer virus as the villain. Which becomes even more hilarious when it's revealed Evox is a reincarnated Venjix. So it could have been exactly like RPM!
  • When discussing changing Steel's name:
    Linkara: Nope, sorry. We'd shorten it to Mr. Fantastic, but Disney doesn't own Power Rangers anymore and they might get upset, so we're going with Steel.
  • Linkara states that according to someone on Twitter, Nate basically made his own Beetleborg with Steel.
  • On the subject of Hasbro re-naming the Gold Ranger's Mantis Zord from a rhino beetle, with the official reasoning being to allow children to easily say and recognize the names:
  • Since one of the rangers is mind-controled into thinking she's a viking, the others have to dress up as vikings instead. Linkara thinks they should try dressing up as Kung Fury instead.
    Kung Fury: I'm a cop. From the future. I was sent back in time to kill Hitler.
  • FOUR years later... and Linkara is STILL bringing up Dino Charge's ending and how it messed with time.
  • When the villains discuss reviving Lord Zedd, Linkara notes that with his luck, they'd bring back Thrax instead.
  • Linkara's utter confusion at the CGI monstrosity that Evox creates in Grid Connection:
    Linkara: However, the Chimerazord is launched and it's... whatever the hell this thing is.
    Everett McGill: Damn! We're in a tight spot!
  • Linkara's utter bafflement that Evox/Venjix was brought about by Nate experimenting with Morph-X, past Ranger tech and cobra DNA.
    Linkara: Please, walk me through the steps, Nate! Walk me through why this made sense to you!
  • When Nate suggests that they infuse themselves with Morph-X and hit Evox/Venjix with the now human DNA-infused power to defeat him, Linkara realizes that he just suggested that they hit him with a "I am A MAN!" punch. And then they do.
    Piccolo: I figured it out. We just need to hit them really, really hard.

    Power Rangers Dino Fury 
  • When revealing the mandates from past seasons, Linkara suggests that the rampant usage of fart jokes in previous seasons were "The Writer's Barely Disguised Fetish".
  • Similar to what he did with the Pai Zhua name, Linkara spends the entire video mocking BuzzBlast, giving it various names.
  • After Ollie makes a sarcastic remark about online reviews for great places to get zapped Linkara comments how that wouldn't be so unusual in this day and age.
    Linkara: Nobody would be shocked. Except for the people getting zapped.
  • When Zayto expressed excitement to see dinosaurs in the modern era he woke up, Linkara doesn't hesitate to throw a shade at Dino Charge and its ending.
    Linkara: Well in another dimension, you can find them in a zoo. But I won't recommend going there unless you want the space-time continuum to be repeatedly smashed in the face with a rock.
  • In response to the heroes finding Javi's goal of buying a keytar and reacting in a bit of suspicion at him:
    Linkara: Our heroes suck because keytars are awesome.
  • When Izzy is told how to get better distance with her javelin throw, it goes from her applying it... to Ace Ventura getting stabbed in the leg with the spear. It happens again when she, now as a Ranger, throws her sword to Javi.
  • As Linkara brings up the Light and Shadow Dino Key power-ups, he's rather startled at the power that the Shadow Dino Key gives this dinosaur-related team access to:
    Linkara: Which activates a new battle armor and... create black holes! Oh good, we're gonna end Dino Fury the same way Dino Charge did with the Earth getting sucked into one.
  • Speaking of Dino Charge, Linkara once again brings up the status of its space-time continuum in relation to the Green Morphin Master's A Wizard Did It nature helping with potential Ass Pull or Deus ex Machina moments in the past, suggesting that "she's why the space-time continuum stopped punching itself in the stomach". A pinned comment explains this thusly:
    Youtube Comment: Huh, so as it turns out, there really was a simple explanation for that.
  • Early on in the review, he brings up how it's a bit astonishing that the series decided to actually expand on the Morphin' Masters, mentioned very briefly for an excuse to use Sentai footage way back in Mighty Morphin', comparing it to if they decided to suddenly use Lokar, a really briefly used character. Later on:
    Lothorn: I'm no Sporix! I am Lothorn, nephew to Lokar, the terrible wizard!
    Linkara: I WAS KIDDING! I mean, I just fully expect at this point, with the obscure Mighty Morphin' stuff coming in, that we're gonna learn that Jane is actually the daughter of Principal Caplan or something!
  • Linkara goes to talk about the series' three-part finale, starting with "Invasion":
    Linkara: So, it turns out International Electromatics was actually being used by the Cybermen as a front for their forces to occupy the London sewers. Fortunantly, the Second Doctor has teamed up with the newly-formed United Nations Intelligence— aaaaand I mixed up my notes again. Doctor Who and Power Rangers need to stop having the same titles.

    Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: Once and Always/Power Rangers Cosmic Fury 
  • For the opening clip where Zedd criticizes Squillia's dancing as "flailing":
    Linkara: Lord Zedd, Emperor of Evil, Destroyer of Worlds... and Hater Supreme.
  • While discussing the franchise's Narm Charm, he highlights one of his favorite absurd monsters: the keyboard-themed Typeface from Ninja Steel. Just look at this thing. "I need a keyboard with a 'NO' button."
  • Once And Always
    • When Minh lashes out at Billy:
      Linkara: See, Zordon, THAT is a "teenager with attitude."
    • When Zack (who as earlier established had become a congressman since his time as a Ranger) reunites with Alpha 9:
      Linkara (as Alpha): Ai-yi-yi-yi-yi, Zack! When are you going to introduce a bill for universal basic income?
    • Linkara's confusion as to whether the Bandora Protocol was just for Robo Rita, as nothing of the sort was shown being implemented for Zedd's return in Dino Fury.
      Linkara: God, Master Org is gonna come back again and nobody's gonna hear about it!
    • Linkara is not happy to reveal that Tommy and Kat are the Official Couple.
    • Upon Kat referencing the famous "Too much pink energy is dangerous" line, Linkara has a mental breakdown at the notion that his regular use of the original clip of that line in his videos may have increased its popularity as a meme in the collective fan consciousness and subsequently influenced the showrunners to make an in-universe reference due to said popularity making them aware of it.
      Linkara: Oh hey, they said the thing! Th-th-th-they mentioned the "once a ranger" thing...! (weak laughter) And nothing else. Nothing else, no— nope, nope, no other meme that I may have popularized, I d— I don't hold any sway or power or influence over this show that I watched as a child! (more frantic and higher-pitched) Because, because if I did, I'd be having an existential crisis about it! [...] OH GOD, WHAT AM I DOING?! I JUST WANTED TO TALK ABOUT HOW I THOUGHT IT WAS NEAT THAT THERE WAS A SUBTLE MAGIC VERSUS TECHNOLOGY THING IN THE ORIGINAL MIGHTY MORPHIN'!! HOW DID IT COME TO THIS?!!! WHY IS THIS HAPPENING SOMEBODY HELP ME
      ("We'll be right back after these technical difficulties" screen with art of Linkara in a straightjacket appears as calm elevator music plays)
    • When Billy stabs Robo-Rita In the Back with his spear.
  • Cosmic Fury
    Linkara: The greatest enemy of Power Rangers is money! For what may be the final season of the original continuity, they're fighting capitalism!
