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Pantheon Hosts

The people who inherited the Pantheon Colossi.

     In General 

  • The Chosen One: It becomes clear later on that they're not the hosts of the Pantheon for no good reason.
  • Fire-Forged Friends: All of them became pals to various degrees of difficulty with both each other and their respective kaiju. As one might guess, Yuki and Narajin's relationship goes through the most hurdles.
  • Heroic Host: All of them carry the stones that summon the Pantheon, and they're all quite noble in their own ways.
  • The Kid with the Remote Control: Although the monsters have their own thoughts and wills, the hosts are mostly in control of what they do.
  • The Power of Friendship: The team's shared trials and tribulations help channel a huge amount of mana between them. This comes in handy on more than one occasion.
  • True Companions: Their adventures have brought them all closer in a myriad of ways.
  • With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility: A running lesson that the Pantheon hosts learn is that they have immense power with their colossi, yes, but they must utilize them in ways that cause less harm than good.

     Yuki Tsubaki
Rocking the Korra look, aren't we? - Art by Matt Frank

"Just keep going. You just have to keep going."

The hot-blooded main protagonist of the Yuki trilogy (hence the title), a former lieutenant of the army of Narai (future Japan), and the host of Narajin.

  • Butch Lesbian: A capable fighter, and very much into other women.
  • Character Development: The first story has her going from an aloof and brash soldier to a more noble and compassionate leader who's more open to bringing people into her life than before.
    • The third book has her confront her guilt over being a soldier with a kill count, particularly after seeing just what she could become in the form of Yamanra.
  • Chick Magnet: A lot of women, even ones from outer space no less, find her attractive.
  • Cute Bruiser: Midori certainly thinks so. It helps that she's one of the shortest people in the main cast.
  • Good Is Not Soft: A hero she may be, but there are times where she'll make the bad guys regret being such, such as her blowing off a soldier's hand with a rifle and the messy way she dispatches the Gargoyle as Narajin.
  • Heroic BSoD: Has a big one in Y2K after Charybdis destroys Mumbasa and possibly the Pantheon, and after her actions lead to Narajin's seeming death. Thankfully, Midori is safe, and helps her.
    • She very nearly lapses into another one in Yuki vs. Fleshworld after violently dispatching of Jorguis.
  • Hidden Depths: Finds historical fiction set in the Anno Period to be rather intriguing. Books in general also help her get away from the horrors of war.
  • Manly Tears: A rare female example. She's crying a lot in happiness near the end of the first story after Narajin declares how glad he is to be her cat.
  • Really Gets Around: At least before she commits to a relationship with Midori, it is shown in the first book that she's not above sleeping around with other women. After Midori though, she's off-limits.
  • Ship Tease: All over the place with Midori (eventually leading to them getting Official Couple status), but also a bit with Allie.
  • War Is Hell: Out of everyone in the main cast, Yuki bears the greatest scars of the civil war. This includes forgetting the benefits of a normal life, watching her comrades violently die at the hands of enemy kaiju, and immense guilt over the people she's killed.
  • "Well Done, Son" Guy: Clearly seeks to honor the legacy of her late father, who also served in the Narai military.

     Manvi "Manny"
The power of a the hands of a child. At least he's having fun (we think). - Art by Matt Frank

"I hoped maybe one day I could be like a kaiju. Now that I am, I'll make sure my family can have the life they deserve."

A brave ten-year old boy from Avarta (future India), and the host of Ganejin.

  • Good Is Not Soft: Not to the extent of the other pantheon members, but he has his moments. Just ask the crushed remains of the Land Buggo after he was done.
  • Harmful to Minors: It's safe to say that all the death and destruction that comes with being involved with the Pantheon would do no wonders for a ten-year old. Surprisingly, he manages to pull himself together rather quickly.
  • The Unchosen One: A much straighter example than Yuki. When Ganejin awakened, he was the only one who didn't turn tail and wait for the dust to settle, bravely heading into the kaiju's crumbling temple to merge with him.
  • Wise Beyond Their Years: His time as a pantheon host has sharpened his wits, and he also happens to have a lot of astrology knowledge on the side.
  • When You Coming Home, Dad?: His parents are constantly working in the nearby city, so he mostly lives with his grandmother. He and his older brother often pray to Ganejin to bring the family together more often.

If there were ever the human equivalent of a bear, then Mokwa picked wisely. - Art by Matt Frank

A young but tall no-nonsense woman from Laurentia (future United States), and the host of Mokwa. Also the main protagonist of the Mokwa trilogy.

  • Action Girl: A 23-year old Laurentian who serves as Mokwa's host.
  • Aloof Dark-Haired Girl: A tall young woman she is, though she loses the aloof part by the end of Y2K.
  • Ascended Extra: Goes from a side-character to the protagonist of her own trilogy.
  • Battle At The Center Of The Mind: Mokwa helps her exile Supayra out of her mind for good through a Dangerous Forbidden Technique.
  • Contrasting Sequel Protagonist: Allie is the opposite of Yuki in a few ways. She has no proper combat experience, she's very tall instead of very short, she's always hated her home country's government, the citizens of said country love her and her kaiju despite the war, and her relationship with Mokwa is ten times more stable and understanding. On the flipside, she doesn't have a large group of friends to help keep her grounded, and the trauma of her adventures manifests in a number of awful ways that Yuki only ever scratched the surface of.
  • Demonic Possession: Supayra slowly but surely takes over Allie's fractured mind in Exorcism. One Battle At The Center Of The Mind later, and she's back to normal.
  • Driven to Suicide: At the end of Exorcism, she attempts to kill herself with a knife after Supayra's finally gone. Obasi and a Not Quite Dead Shujayra snap her out of it.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: In the first story, there is a brief scene describing a tall young woman saving an old lady in Laurentia. Her description is a near-dead ringer for Alawa. Lifesblood of the Earth reveals that it was indeed her.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: After the sheer years-spanning HELL Supayra puts her through, she's finally rid of him, and even gains a son in the form of Shujayra, who enables her to be able to escape Ganawenda and get to the rest of the Pantheon hopefully.
  • Hearing Voices: Throughout Ursa Major, she communicates with the spirit of Supayra, whom she believes is just a result of her fractured psyche. The ending and subsequent book reveal that it really was him playing her like a fiddle.
  • A Hero To Her Hometown: The people of Jackson Hole positively adore her.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: With Obasi, her closest friend in the Pantheon. She outright sees her as a sort of brother.
  • Iconic Item: She never goes anywhere without her black denim jacket or spurred leather boots.
  • In Harm's Way: She finds that she's a lot more at home fighting evil than living a normal life. It ends up doing her a more psychological kind of harm.
  • Interspecies Romance: Has a brief fling with Ganawendan soldier Tim, a tall eight-armed alien.
  • Sanity Slippage: The continuous horrors she sees and even does take their toll on her, enabling Supayra to get into her head and make her do even worse things.
  • Statuesque Stunner: Stands at least over two meters tall, around Ivan's height no less.
  • Stranger in a Familiar Land: Ursa Major begins with her realizing that someone like her cannot hope to have a normal live amongst other people, as she's too consumed by trauma and a desire to get back into the action to settle down.
  • Took a Level in Cynic: Exorcism has her become much more cold and nasty towards her friends and the world she's stuck on. It's heavily implied to be a result of Supayra slowly taking over her mind, as she snaps out of it when he's out.
  • Trauma Button: In Lifesblood of the Earth, the sight of meaty dishes being eaten in Alkebulan triggers memories of Supayra's carnage. Later, just about everything has a chance of bringing out flashbacks of the horrors she's seen.
  • Trauma Conga Line: Ursa Major and Exorcism has her haunted by the trauma of the previous book, miss the opportunity to reunite with the Pantheon just out of her reach, get stranded on a planet haunted by a Fog of Doom, watch Obasi get kidnapped by the Fog Knights, watch her fellow alien soldiers die horribly to the fog's forces, get forced to kill Mungonde graphically, get into a toxic relationship with Supayra that causes her to unintentionally commit a series of murders and drive a wedge between her and her friends, nearly kill Obasi while possessed, and GET IMPREGNATED WITH TWENTY OF SUPAYRA'S CHILDREN (himself included). It's no wonder she nearly killed herself at the end.

     Ivan Breshkov
He must break you... - Art by Matt Frank

"I had to choose between watching my family starve and taking part in a war I didn't believe in, and I'd make the same choice again."

An imposing and stoic soldier from Scythia (future Russia), and the host of Alkonoth.

  • Big Guy Fatality Syndrome: The largest of the Pantheon hosts, and the only one to perish.
  • Bury Your Gays: Ivan, a gay man with a husband, is killed in the second book. Then again, Yuki and Midori are a thing, as are a couple of other pairings in the series, so it isn't too severe of an example.
  • Died in Your Arms Tonight: Dies in Yuki's arms.
  • Foil: To Yuki. Both are soldiers of their respective nations who have seen the worst of war, have noble goals, are physically strong, and control kaiju. The difference is that Yuki is a rather emotional and steadfast pursuer of justice, while Ivan is a stoic individual who doesn't let war crimes get in the way of his goals.
  • Forced into Evil: For the sake of his family, he fought for a war he didn't believe in at all.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Although he was never truly evil, he goes from serving the corrupt Scythian empire to fighting alongside the Pantheon.
  • Irony: Goes from someone Yuki wouldn't hesitate to kill for everything he's done to one of her closest allies.
  • Manly Gay: An extremely powerful and stoic person, and a proud husband to another man.
  • Mother Russia Makes You Strong: Well, future Mother Russia in any case.
  • My Country, Right or Wrong: Initially seems to be the case, but then it's revealed why he's really fighting.
  • Not So Stoic: The many tragedies that the series features can cause his cold demeanor to waver.
    • On a lighter note, he's a lot more open and supportive in Y2K, owing to his new lease on life.
  • Viking Funeral: Is given one at the end of Y2K.
  • War Is Hell: Like Yuki, Ivan has been hardened by the carnage and tragedy of war. The difference here is that he was near-forced into fighting due to Scythia's crumbling power and the leverage of his family's lives being used against him.

With this guy, the surf's always up! - Art by Matt Frank

"Look at us...just some cool people who turn into cool monsters."

A chill and optimistic man from Tarakona (a new group of islands east of Australia), and the host of Jhalaragon.

  • Big Fun: A rather tall and muscular figure who's otherwise the most jokey and fun-loving of the hosts.
  • Blithe Spirit: His cheery attitude is quite infectious, even for Yuki.
  • Cuddle Bug: Immediately goes for hugging everybody when the fight is over.
  • Go Mad from the Revelation: The imagery put into his head by Aten (violently, we may add) causes him to become barely lucid and positively harrowed by everything in regards to the Dreadnought menace. He gets better fairly quickly.
  • Intergenerational Friendship: Instantly forms a close bond with Manny upon meeting him.
  • Mellow Fellow: There's hardly a temperamental bone in this man's body.
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: Somewhat. He's noticeably wearier and quicker to grouse about things in Yuki vs. Fleshworld, mostly due to what he knows about the Dreadnoughts and the similarities between Yuki and Yamanra.
  • Touched by Vorlons: Aten fills his brain with everything he needs to know about the Dreadnought's agenda via tentacle assault. It very nearly kills him, and leaves him very winded for some time.

What more could a headstrong protagonist ask for? - Art by Matt Frank

"Perfection is always an illusion, and the more you try to reach it, the more you risk breaking yourself."

A calm and noble priestess from Narai, and the host of Aten.

  • Amazon Chaser: She is romantically involved with the strong Yuki. In Yuki vs. Fleshworld, we find out that she is VERY aroused by the sight of her flexing her muscles.
  • Badass Normal: In Y2K, she strives to be this, and gets her chance to do so through helping Yuki both bring back Narajin and break the rest of the Pantheon out of the prison the Dreadnoughts put them in. Upon connecting with Aten, she loses the "normal" part.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Utterly massacres the Dreadnoughts in Y2K' after she henshins with Aten.
  • Blood Knight: As Aten, Midori goes from "elegant and beautiful priestess" to "berserker monster ripping all limb from limb" in an instant.
  • I Just Want to Be Special: The crux of her character arc in Y2K is her frustration at being a mere bystander to what Yuki and her friends are doing, and wishing that she could be meaningfully involved. She more than gets her wish by the end.
  • Kimono Is Traditional: Almost never seen without a beautiful kimono. Doubles as Kimono Fan Service.
  • Silk Hiding Steel: As it turns out, it was her who killed Ken when he attempted to steal Narajin's power. But NOTHING compares to The way she disposes of the Dreadnought kaiju in Y 2 K as Aten. Indeed, there's a lot of repressed warrior instinct in this woman.
  • Ship Tease: With Yuki before it blossoms into full-on romance. She also kisses Allie on the lips, though Yuki knows she's just doing that to mess with her.
  • Touched by Vorlons: A willing example. After Aten loses her original host, she jumps at the opportunity to be the replacement.
  • {{Troll}: She often toys with the emotions of the other women, especially Yuki, just to get a friendly rise out of them.

If somebody put Mr. T and Arnold Schwarzenegger in a blender. - Art by Matt Frank

A headstrong warrior from Alkebulan (future Africa), and the host of Mungonde.

  • Ascended Extra: Goes from being a major side-character to the tritagonist of the Mokwa trilogy.
  • Big Fun: Surprisingly, he's much more mellow and privy to jokes when first seen in the Mokwa trilogy, no doubt having been changed by the Pantheon's friendship with him.
  • Character Development: Goes from not trusting the outsiders in the slightest to being more than welcome to teaming up with them after all is said and done in Y2K. Come Lifesblood of the Earth, and he's a lot friendlier and more outgoing.
  • Distressed Dude: Spends the majority of Ursa Major taken prisoner by the fog.
  • Et Tu, Brute?: Gets shanked by a possessed Allie in Exorcism, and nearly dies because of it. He's left very shaken by that, but he knows to forgive her.
  • Foil: To Ivan. Both are very strong and intimidating fighters who control kaiju to serve their countries. However, Ivan was Forced into Evil by a decaying empire, while Obasi embraces his role as the protector of a very benevolent democracy.
    • In Exorcism, he becomes one to Allie. Both are coping with being stranded on Ganawenda and losing so much, but he's become a soldier hoping to change things from the inside while keeping an optimistic demeanor in contrast with Allie's now bitter and volitile attitude (that is in fact due to Supayra's influence.
  • Legacy of the Chosen: Comes from a long line of warriors who have served as the host of Mungonde before him.
  • Scars Are Forever: The gashes from where Allie stabbed him while possessed never truly leave.
  • Scary Black Man: Certainly acts and looks the part, though he's not all that scary in terms of personality. In fact, he's dropped the scary part altogether by Lifesblood of the Earth.
  • Ship Tease: With the Burgomaster of Visaria, something Allie never lets him forget (oblivious as he may be). Ursa Major confirms that they became an item later on.

     Adia Kosarachi 

The previous host of Mungonde before Obasi, who features in Lair of the Devourer.

     Rodrigo Infanta 

A hero from Patagonia, and the host of Yottatherium.

  • Fearless Fool: He's extremely determined to protect his home, to the point of going after Supayra even after he leaves the mainland. His recklessness gets him and his kaiju killed.
  • Killed Off for Real: Gets offed alongside his kaiju by the deep-sea leviathan.
  • Mauve Shirt: At first, he seems like a potential new ally for the pantheon on Earth, only to get killed by Supayra's new minion.
  • Sacrificial Lion: His death shows exactly how bad things have already gotten with Supayra's awakening.

The Pantheon Colossi

The kaiju that act as guardians of this world. They vary in both appearance and disposition.

     In General 

  • Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: Almost all of them are a supersized version of an already existing animal, with added bonuses.
  • Gaia's Vengeance: When they first came on the scene, it was to end mankind for desolating the Earth with their nuclear war.
  • Guardian Entity: All of them are meant to protect the world from evil.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Initially, when they were awakened by the atom fire, they sought to destroy humanity for the destruction they wrought. Then Mokwa showed them a better way, and many of them decided to become protectors of mankind instead. Those who didn't were refered to as destroyers.
  • Next Tier Power-Up: The pantheon gain Universe forms in order to travel through the cosmos and fight the Dreadnoughts. The most consistent power they have is light-speed travel and flying.

Nice kitty...very nice kitty, to be exact. - Art by Matt Frank

"All living things who have not lost their way simply deserve to live, to have companionship, and to make the most of the time that they have."

A large heroic kaiju similar to a Chinese Lion, and the guardian of Narai.

  • The Atoner: Out of all the Pantheon, Narajin is the most remorseful for his part in nearly destroying humanity during the great fire. Him being such a determined guardian mainly stems from his guilt in killing so many innocents.
  • Breath Weapon: Can fire balls of fiery green plasma.
  • Character Development: In Y2K, he learns to put his trust in Yuki a lot more, mostly due to his own lapses in judgement.
  • Disney Death: In Y2K, he gets put out of commission when Yuki overrides his consciousness to rescue Midori. It takes Yuki and Midori singing the Song of Narajin to him to wake him back up.
  • Hero with Bad Publicity: Due to his absence during the civil war, many Narai residents don't think highly of him.
  • I Am Not Weasel: A Running Gag of the first book is him getting riled up at being called a cat all the time by Yuki. By the end, he's more than gotten over it.
  • Impossibly Graceful Giant: Can bound across buildings and perform various martial arts, mainly though the help of his connection with Yuki.
  • Meaningful Name: His name basically translates to, in Japanese, "God of Narai".
  • Mega Neko: A massive Chinese Lion.
  • Playing with Fire: Aside from the fireballs, he can also manipulate lava from nearby volcanoes.
  • Shout-Out: Aside from his mythological origins, Narajin bears a great resemblance to King Caesar
  • Super Mode: His Universe form has blue hair and claws like steel. Later, he gains claws like swords.

Four arms, two minds, one world of hurt. - Art by Matt Frank

A heavily-built four-armed bipedal elephant-like kaiju, and the guardian of Avarta.

  • Charles Atlas Superpower: Ganejin may have lightning powers, but most people know him for being one of the physically strongest kaiju.
  • Honorable Elephant: Looks like a humanoid elephant with more tusks and arms, and is a hero.
  • Meaningful Name: His name is based off of Ganesha, the elephant-headed Hindu God of peace and wisdom.
  • Multi-Armed and Dangerous: Boasts four impressively muscular arms.
  • Shock and Awe: Can charge his attacks with electricity.
  • Stone Wall: With his near-impenetrable hide, he is known for stopping foes from pressing their attacks on others.
  • Super Mode: His Universe form has chrome-steel skin and tusks made of a black basalt-like metal.

The Mama Bear to end all mama bears. - Art by Matt Frank

"The land is rich in life, and in the bond that transcends lifetimes - that we have to each other."

A massive yet empathetic bear-like kaiju, and the guardian of Laurentia.

  • Bears Are Bad News: A bear as big as a building, and one of the most powerful kaiju around.
  • Beary Friendly: Despite how strong and scary she is, she's a firm protector of all living things, and an enemy to those that are not.
  • BFS: After Broadsword is destroyed in Ursa Major, the sword that was once its head becomes Mokwa's new weapon.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Like Alkonoth, she's being forced into attacking other nations and their kaiju for the Scythia/Laurentia alliance. No one feels sorry when her captor, a nameless Laurentian soldier, is incinerated by Alkonoth.
  • Breath Weapon: Can fire a beam of pure concentrated energy.
  • Fighting Your Friend: She was forced to do this while mind-controlled, but then in Ursa Major, she's forced to fight and kill Mungonde in order to expunge the fog and free Obasi.
  • Gaia's Vengeance: While all of the kaiju were born to be this in some way, Mokwa is this more in the sense that she acts like mother nature personified. Unlike the other examples of this in the series, she is fair and compassionate, while still being incredibly strong.
  • The Heart: If you can believe it, this bruiser bear was the one who convinced the pantheon colossi to become the pantheon in the first place, appealing to their better nature as protectors instead of destroyers.
  • Humans Are Special: Firmly believes that humans, flawed as they might be, are capable of much compassion and good.
  • The Juggernaut: Throughout the first story, nothing can bring her down. Which makes her regaining her mind all the better for our heroes.
  • The Mourning After: Refused to believe her cubs were dead, and ended up waiting where they perished for centuries, letting the Earth overtake her and her children's corpses.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: Allie knows Mokwa is truly furious with Supayra when she makes it clear that their mission is to not subdue, but destroy him.
  • Outliving One's Offspring: Her cubs fell through the ice and drowned. The tragedy hit her hard enough for her to stay where they fell for centuries.
  • Parental Substitute: Can be seen as a sort of mother figure for Allie.
  • Super Mode: Her Universe form gives her even more power, as well as a coat of fur as green as the forests she protects.
  • Trauma Conga Line: Like Allie, she gets put through the wringer in Ursa Major and Exorcism, starting with her failing to get to the Pantheon, then getting stranded on a dangerous planet with a Fog of Doom, being forced to kill her friend Mungonde, watching Allie grow more and more distant from her due to Supayra's manipulation, getting possessed by the giant frog for a brief moment, and then seeing Supayra's spawn come out of Allie's back.

Here's a Big Bird no one wants to be around. - Art by Matt Frank

A violent ibis-like kaiju, and the guardian of Scythia.

  • Absurdly Sharp Blade: Her beak looks and acts a lot like a scimitar. It's so sharp that it can pierce through kaiju flesh with little to no trouble. And sure enough, it goes through Houston like a knife through butter.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: A controller chip is placed on her amulet's stone so that Ivan can make her do whatever the Scythian Empire wants her to. Once she's freed, she's none too happy about it.
  • Breath Weapon: Can fire a searing yellow beam of heat.
  • A Day in the Limelight: Downplayed. Scythian Frost is about people trying to find her resting place before the events of the first story, but she only appears in her tomb, still resting, at the very end.
  • Feathered Fiend: A large bird that can be very hostile to her enemies.
  • Killed Off for Real: Meets her end during the final battle of Y2K.
  • Off with His Head!: Gets decapitated by the Big Buggo near the end of Y2K.
  • Toothy Bird: Her long beak is adorned with teeth.
  • Wind from Beneath My Wings: Can generate hurricanes with flaps of her wings.

"Leaping lizards" doesn't quite capture the excitement. - Art by Matt Frank

An energetic frilled lizard-like kaiju, and the guardian of Tarakona.

  • Breath Weapon: Can fire streams of liquid fire.
  • Impossibly Graceful Giant: The fastest and most agile monster in the pantheon.
  • Lovable Lizard: A massive reptile that's described as a free spirit, and is bonded to the equally lovable Yata.
  • Mix-and-Match Critters: Combines parts of a frilled lizard and a basilisk lizard.
  • Super Mode: His Universe form is covered in green bioluminescent lights, and he's balancing on gravity blades that keep him above the ground.

Here's a monster to grab your Aten-tion (sorry...)! - Art by Matt Frank

A strange alien being that stands against the Dreadnoughts.

  • The Berserker: Once Midori henshins with her, they violently dispose of the Dreadnought kaiju in Y2K.
  • Bioluminscence Is Cool: Has glowing blue lights all over her body.
  • Bizarre Alien Biology: For one thing, Aten has no apparent face, just a couple of horns that conduct energy in-between them. Said energy takes the form of a glowing orb that can morph into a set of teeth, or even produce appendages full of writhing tentacles for communication.
  • Energy Ball: One is formed between the horns that jut out of her shoulders. It is more than likely her face, as it can form jaws/body parts on a whim, and goes out whenever she's incapacitated and/or killed.
  • Hand Blast: Can shoot bursts of energy from the palms of her hand.
  • Invading Refugees: She (and presumably her original alien host) came to Earth after their world was destroyed by the Dreadnoughts.
  • Last of Her Kind: Whatever species she belonged to, it's all gone now.
  • Made of Iron: Can take a lot of damage, such as getting impaled by Alkonoth's beak or being beat within an inch of her life by the Buggos.
  • Meaningful Name: As alluded to in Y2K, Aten is named after the deity said to represent the sun in Egyptian mythology, whose rays gave life and prosperity to the populace.
  • Power Floats: Most of the time, she doesn't walk. She just levitates in the air.
  • Shout-Out: Her odd design brings to mind aliens from the Ultraman series, like Zetton or Zarab.

Here in Alkebulan, the warriors can really go ape! - Art by Matt Frank

A fierce mandrill-like kaiju, and the guardian of Alkebulan.

  • Brainwashed and Crazy: In Ursa Major, the fog ends up taking over his mind. He has to be put down as a result.
  • The Cameo: Appears at the very end of Lair of the Devourer, with a different host than Obasi. Justified, as the story takes place before Y2K.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Subjects the Pantheon to this during his first appearance.
  • Fighting Your Friend: Due to the fog's influence, Mungonde is turned against Mokwa, forcing the latter to put him down.
  • Fingore: In Lifesblood of the Earth, Supayra bites off all of his fingers when his jaws are pried open. He gets better.
  • Killed Off for Real: Mokwa is forced to put him down once he becomes possessed by the fog.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Part of what makes him so deadly is that he can move like an acrobat and bring the hurt at the same time.
  • Maniac Monkeys: Not a villain nor a monkey really (an ape, actually), but he's still quite an intimidating combatant.
  • Purple Is Powerful: His Universe form paints his hide a bright shade of purple.
  • Shock and Awe: His Universe form gives him the ability to send out an electric pulse.
  • Super Mode: His Universe form gives him greater power, and a purple coat of fur, as well as electrical powers.
  • The Tooth Hurts: As Mokwa is forced to kill him to save Obasi in Ursa Major, one of the first things she does is rip his huge canines out.
  • Your Head Asplode: Mokwa smashes his skull apart in order to fend off the fog and save Obasi.

     The Warrior Beasts
You'll rarely find a more perplexing trio. From left to right: Gagag, Deinler, and Xon - Art by Dainielle Fey

A trio of bizarre creatures that serve as the Pantheon of another world, and are hailed as heroes there. They consist of the plankton-like Goddess of the north known as Gagag, the slug-like Sentencer of the Gods called Deinler, and the sea spider-like God of the western continent named Xon.


A powerful ground sloth-like kaiju, and the guardian of Southern Laurentia.

  • Half the Man He Used to Be: Is cleaved in half by the jaws of a mind-controlled deep-sea leviathan.
  • Killed Off for Real: Bitten in half by a deep-sea leviathan controlled by Supayra.
  • Mauve Shirt: Like his human, he's given a couple significant scenes before being uncermoniously axed.
  • Meaningful Name: His name is a portmanteau of yotta, the largest prefix in the International System of Units, and therium, which is Greek for beast. In a way, it's a remake of the name Megatherium, which is the proper name of the giant ground sloth he's based on.
  • Sacrificial Lion: His death shows just how deadly the stakes have become for both man and kaiju alike.



The Token Good Teammate amongst the Sons of Suparaya (see that bio for more info). After being brought back from the brink of death at the end of Mokwa: Exorcism, he bonds with Obasi, and becomes his new kaiju, joining the Pantheon.

Other People

The other major non-kaiju characters in the books.

     Frank Houston 
"It's time to show the world that even the gods can die."

The Chief Executive of the Laurentian Central Complex, and the main antagonist of the first book.

  • Asshole Victim: He dies HORRIBLY, but after everything he's done, no one's feeling sorry.
  • Corrupt Corporate Executive: Under his rule, the town near the complex is in complete shambles, and he couldn't care less. He's more interested in regaining the glory of the old civilization through nuclear power.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: Gets impaled by Alkonoth's beak, who proceeds to slowly open her mouth so that he's graphically ripped in half, his pieces and innards sent flying everywhere. Granted, he deserved it, but even Yuki is very unnerved.
  • Evil Is Hammy: Dresses rather flamboyantly, and acts the part as well, almost reveling in how much suffering he's causing.
  • Glory Days: His Evil Plan hinges on turning the Laurentian Empire into a rebirth of the once-great civilizations of old.
  • Karmic Death: Dies at the beak of Alkonoth, the very same monster he forced Ivan to control. The Scythian relishes in having his revenge for being manipulated into doing what he did.
  • Politically Incorrect Villain: Makes several jabs at Yata's island heritage, and overall doesn't seem too fond of the other nations.
  • Villain Has a Point: A very minor case. Right before his defeat, he warns Yuki that his biggest reason for unearthing the bombs is because his observatory space, and he's desperate to either have weapons in preparation or just end it all before whatever is out there gets the chance to strike. Later books show that he was absolutely right about there being alien threats. Though as Yuki points out, his solution served no one but himself.
  • Villainous Breakdown: After the Pantheon raids the towers, he notices that defeat is a very real possibility, and threatens to set off the bombs. Then Yuki reveals that Jhalaragon severed the cables that would ensure detonation, and he's left frantically pushing the button over and over again before Alkonoth gives him exactly what he deserves.

     Ken Sakurai 

A Major in the Narai army, and a compatriot of Yuki. His disappearance is what brings Yuki to Narajin's temple in the first place.

  • Asshole Victim: He was assassinated for trying to harness Narajin's power to win the civil war. It is more than likely he would have brainwashed the kaiju like Mokwa and Alkonoth were.
  • Posthumous Character: Midori tells Yuki that he is no longer with them, and it's heavily implied that he's dead. Actually, Midori killed him for attempting to steal away Narajin.

"Their impossible machines have long since crumbled, but knowledge lives forever!"

The wizened old library master of Narajin's temple.

  • Cool Old Guy: Quite there in terms of age, and always offers helpful advice to Yuki.
  • Secret-Keeper: Knows of Yuki's connection with Narajin, and is more than okay with it.

     Kirill and Sasha 

Two Scythian scouts, and the main protagonists of Scythian Frost.

  • Face Death with Dignity: Both could see their demises coming a long way when they did. Kirill goes out with a loud proclamation of his loyalty to Alkonoth while Sasha peacefully passes away under the giant bird's visage.
  • Ham and Deadpan Duo: Kirill is more privy to jokes and complaining, as well as a greater reverence for the legends of Scythia, while Sasha is more reserved and has a more deadpan sense of humor.
  • Land Mine Goes "Click!": Kirill has the misfortune of stepping on a landmine not far from Alkonoth's tomb. The details are not glossed over as he's blown apart.
  • Tragic Dream: Sasha has a picture of the much more hospitable and relaxing beaches of Tarakona with him. He never got to go there due to his demise.
    • Kirill, meanwhile, has a near-religious respect for Alkonoth, so getting to see her clearly pikes his interest. He doesn't even get past the landmines.

     The Captain 

Kirill and Sasha's hired official guide, and the main human antagonist of Scythian Frost.

  • Arbitrary Skepticism: Tries to blow off the carnage at the base the trio visits as something other than anything involving the obvious evidence of giant worms. This is Kirill and Sasha's first hint that he's trying to manipulate the mission to his gain.
  • Devoured by the Horde: the Wooly Worms tear him in two while the smaller worm feasts on the blood and organs that fall out of the upper half.
  • Not-So-Well-Intentioned Extremist: Claims to be wanting to awaken Alkonoth in order to help Scythia win the war against Narai, but his cohorts quickly realize that this entails using the kaiju as a weapon against her will.
  • Sanity Slippage: Near the end, he loses his mind as the Wooly Worms launch their assault, and he fatally shoots Sasha in order to get to Alkonoth first and claim glory. He doesn't get far thankfully.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Resorts to trying to kill Sasha while madly declaring his desire to become Alkonoth's host.


A sea-loving Tarakonan trader, and the main protagonist of Outrigger.

  • Badass Driver: Well, badass sailor, at any rate. He's able to completely outmanuever the urchin's attacks at almost every point.
  • Defiant to the End: Practically dares the sea urchin leviathan to eat him. Thankfully, that doesn't happen.
  • Heroic BSoD: Is hit hard by Taika's death on his watch.
  • It's All My Fault: Blames himself on Taika's demise, mostly due to how it was his idea to take the shorter, more dangerous route.
  • Married to the Job: A more positive example. No matter how perilous it is, the ocean is more a home to Kai than any other place. Even the leviathans don't scare him.

Kai's younger first-mate.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Gets skewered by the urchin leviathan.
  • Likes Older Women: Clearly has a thing for Rui, he and Kai's boss. And despite her being twenty years older than him, the feeling appears to be mutual.
  • Tragic Dream: Clearly wishes to see the world beyond Tarakona. A deep-sea leviathan eats him before any of that.

Ready to defend the rights of any creature, even if those creatures are nightmarishly powerful. - Art by Matt Frank
"If I die, then I'll die doing what I promised myself I would do - protect the natural world of Alkebulan."

A young Alkebulan zoologist, and the main protagonist of Lair of the Devourer.

  • Action Survivor: Although she seems to have some combat experience, she gets through her story while just barely avoiding death by Chuk.
  • Animal Lover: Became a zoologist mostly due to her fascination with Alkebulan's amazing biodiversity. Of course, the mysterious Ammit was her primary inspiration.
  • Gender-Blender Name: Akuma is typically a boy's name.
  • Meaningful Name: While her name means "devil" in Japanese, in Africa it is closer to "one of principles". The latter is much more fitting, all things considered.

Akuma's reluctanct partner.
  • Cowardly Lion: Manages to help Akuma gain the upper hand against Chuk by knocking her knife out of the hunter's hand.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Tends to be this way, especially when it comes to handling the bolder Akuma.

     Enofe Chuk 
"I'm not just going to feed you to the beast...I'm going to cut you up first!"
Head of the Alkebulan criminal underworld, master poacher, and Akuma's arch-enemy. Also the main antagonist of Lair of the Devourer.
  • Axe-Crazy: Seems to revel in killing any living thing, be it animal or meddling person.
  • The Don: The face of the Alkebulan criminal underworld.
  • Eaten Alive: Gets appropriately devoured by Ammit.
  • Egomaniac Hunter: He and his crew revel in being poachers.
  • Eye Scream: Gets his left eye slashed by Akuma's thrown knife.
  • Just Desserts: Gets tossed by the giant gorilla into Ammit's awaiting mouth.
  • Karma Houdini: Initially, at least. He evaded arrest after slaughtering a group of giant gorillas.
  • Karmic Death: Eaten Alive by the very beast he sought to kill. Oh, and for added delicious irony, one of the giant gorilla's he loved to slaughter threw him in.
  • Villain with Good Publicity: Painted himself as a kind conservationalist when Akuma put him on trial for killing giant mountain gorillas. Then again, whether this was before he was established as a crime lord or not is unclear.

One of Enofe Chuk's fellow hunters, who got one of Ammit's teeth lodged into his shoulder.
  • Atrocious Alias: Akuma has to stop herself from laughting at his pathetically simple nickname.
  • Dumb Muscle: The best badass name he could come up for himself after what might have been a nasty accident was Tooth.

     Aeug and Brorsis 

A pair of aliens who appear as the main protagonists of The Pantheon Arrives!

  • Flat Character: For the most part, they have little characterization aside from Aeug hating his job and Brorsis being an attention-seeker. This mainly stems from this being the shortest story in the pack.
  • Soul-Sucking Retail Job: Aeug clearly doesn't like working for a duplicitous company like the one he's stuck in.

     Niko and Manu
All of this for a few good swigs of hand-crafted beer. - Art by Alex Gayhart

A couple looking to make it big in the craft brewing industry in Tarakona, particularly in what is known as Abyssal Brewing. They are the main progagonists of Pharaoh of Eels.

  • All-Loving Hero: Surprisingly, Niko is the one to suggest freeing Pirangon from the amulet's control, seeing him as just another victim of Faro's acts. Sure, Manu is the one to state first that Pirangon will want the pirates' blood most of all upon beeing freed, but it's Niko who believes in giving him a second chance.
  • Action Survivor: Manage to get out in one piece from their adventure with the pirates.
  • Due to the Dead: Make a successful brew in Pirangon's name as gratitude for him saving them.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: They lost a lot of friends and nearly died several times, but their story's end all but states that their craft brewing ambitions truly took off, and they are even serving near Jhalaragon's temple.
  • Opposites Attract: Energetic and outgoing Niko and the more reserved and cautious Manu are absolutely made for each other. It's mostly their relationship that helps them get through the Hell of their story.
  • Technician vs. Performer: Manu is the more methodical and business-oriented of the pair while Niko is the brains behind the pizazz of their business venture. They work well together despite these completely different approaches.

     Niko and Manu's friends 

The people that Niko and Manu brought along for their reunion party. They include siblings Maia and Laki, a Narai government official's daughter named Jenni, her friends Jae and Jun, and Avartan musical stage actor Shaheed.

  • Beware the Nice Ones: Shaheed may be a boisterous stage actor, but he's also the most physically capable in a fight, and even helps Nico confront Captain Faro.
  • Boom, Headshot!: Laki. Very violently. Even more violent is Jun's face getting shredded by gunfire.
  • Developing Doomed Characters: Out of everyone in this folder, Laki, Jae, and Jun die before the halfway mark.
  • Facial Horror: Jae gets his entire frontal half of his skull pulled off by an eel.
  • Heroic BSoD: Maia is sent into this after the death of her brother.
  • Guile Hero: Jenni, no doubt having experience from Narai, is able to manipulate a rather gulible guard into getting their Indy Ploy to work.
  • Tempting Fate: Laki proclaims that him going on the trip was a perfectly good decision... right before being shot in the face.

     Captain Faro
A face so punchable, it looks like a few people got there first. - Art by Alex Gayhart

"I don't trust you, but I don't trust anyone but my eels, so that doesn't make you special. It just makes you useful."

The megalomaniacal captain of the pirates of the Lost Continent, the self-proclaimed Pharaoh of Eels, and the main antagonist of Pharaoh of Eels.

  • Bad Boss: Is stated to not give his pirates equal pay, to say nothing of his abominable treatement of the eels.
  • Corrupted Character Copy: Of the hosts. He too has an amulet to communicate with a monster, but he uses it to control said monster into doing horrible deeds for him.
  • Covered in Scars: It's not stated how, but his face is practically a tapestry of mostly-healed scars.
  • Crazy-Prepared: Rigged the whole base to self-destruct in case he died. It does.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: Pirangon slowly fries him with electricity, causing him to combust and explode.
  • Evil Has a Bad Sense of Humor: Causes Niko to metaphorically mess himself by implying that the pirates only drink to help them forget the blood and carnage...before laughing it off as a joke.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Appears rather civil at times, but it barely hides the sociopathic killer within.
  • I Control My Minions Through...: Either power or mind-control, as in the case of the eels.
  • Karmic Death: Graphically dies at the rage-fuelled tentacles of the monster he had mind-controlled and abused for so long.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: Shaheed is quite skeptical that Faro is this man's real name, considering how obsessed he is with being the supposed Pharaoh of Eels.
  • Punny Name: His name, quite obviously, is a play on the word "pharaoh", something that prompts Shaheed to declare that it can't possibly be his real name.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Once his eels are out of his control, the amulet stolen, Faro begins to unravel.
  • Virtue Is Weakness: Tells Niko that his friends will only slow him down, and he should just forget them. Oddly, this is the one time Niko notices any sincerity in his words, implying the man didn't have the best luck with his own friends.

     The Commandant 

Captain Faro's second-in-command, and the only one he trusts with the amulet he controls the eels with.

  • Heel–Face Turn: Upon being brought onto the getaway ship, he reasons that joining the good guys is better than facing death at Faro's hand.
  • Mr. Exposition: Explains the complicated nature of Pirangon in great detail.
  • Number Two: Faro's right-hand man.
  • Sour Supporter: The protagonists quickly notice that he doesn't share in the sadism and malevolence that the other pirates have. sure enough, he leaves Faro once he gets the chance.
  • Token Good Teammate: Not as violent or evil as the rest of Faro's crew. He naturally picks the right side when push comes to shove.


A blind bartender that Niko befriends during his brief tenure at the pirate bar.

  • Blind Seer: Not exactly. He's not particularly smart, but in spite of losing both eyes, he's got the entire bar and its contents commmited to memory.
  • Creepy Good: A man missing both of his eyes and wearing eyepatches over the empty sockets sounds unnerving, but he's the most moral of the pirates.
  • Minion with an F in Evil: Despite being surrounded by Ruthless Modern Pirates, he's nothing of the sort.
  • Nice Guy: The only truly good person amongst the pirates.
  • Only Friend: Amongst the pirates, he's the only pleasant company for Niko, to the point where he's somewhat ashamed of having to leave him with them should he escape. Thankfully, they get the chance for a proper goodbye.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Rightfully books it when Pirangon attacks the base.
  • Token Good Teammate: Easily the nicest and chummiest person Niko meets at the pirate base. Fittingly, Niko sees him off as he escapes.

     General Ryan 

The leader of the soldiers sent to ressurect and control Supayra in Lifesblood of the Earth.

  • Big Bad Wannabe: Is set up as the main human menace, only for Supayra to effortlessly get rid of him and his entire forces.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: He gets his chest ripped open and the rest of him blown up by Supayra.
  • Deal with the Devil: Supayra allowed him to come into his tomb so long as his forces break the frog out of his rest. Once they do so, they're all killed.
  • General Ripper: He most certainly would have become this if he didn't try to control an uncontrollable destoryer.
  • Mugging the Monster: He really thought he could control a kaiju explicitly stated to be calculating and evil.
  • Unwitting Pawn: Supayra let him release him on purpose, just so he could kill the stupid human and continue his rampage.

     Dr. Sebastian Heimann 

"There is no hierarchy between a man and the...representatives of his life's passion. I am, after all...a doctor of monsters."

A highly dubious scientist living in the forgotten lands who comes from a long line of them. He lives secluded in his castle, away from villages that have grown to fear the experiments he conducts on dead kaiju that his family either salvaged or trapped while they were still alive.

  • Affably Evil: His experiments with kaiju are just plain wrong, but he is nothing but cordial to Allie and Obasi, and he doesn't even want to release the monster he's ended up making.
  • The Dreaded: The people of Umbria refer to him as a warlock, while every other place fears the experiments and legacy of his family name. Considering what they did to the resident kaiju, how can you blame them?
  • Forced into Evil: Supayra mind controls him into freeing his creation, despite his insistence that he shouldn't.
  • Fighting from the Inside: He begs Supayra not to make him release his creation, and is killed for it after the deed is done.
  • Mad Scientist: He and his ancestors have made their name by taking kaiju, and conducting inhumane experiments on them in the name of science. All of the forgotten lands' guardian kaiju, for instance, have been grafted into a singular being that begs for death.
  • My Greatest Failure: Implicitly, he did not like his chimera at all, and wished to destroy it and keep it a secret until Supayra forced his hand.
  • Unwitting Pawn: Ends up being the first test run for Supayra's new mind control ability, and is forced into releasing the abomination he created.

     Lord Edmund Basilton 

The leader of the Golden Clan, a nationalist group against immigrants in the Forgotten Lands. His group briefly face off against Allie and Mokwa before being defeated at the beginning of Ursa Major.

  • Big Bad Wannabe: He really thought his group amounted to anything in a world of monsters that don't like people like him.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: Allie kicks him into the Lochsleech's maw. He gets stuck, and gets his head slowly ripped apart and sucked down before the rest of his body follows.
  • Patriotic Fervor: A non-American example. The Golden Clan is heavily against anyone not from the Forgotten Lands living there, though they're just minor enough to be taken down easily by one woman and her kaiju.


Allie's boyfriend at the beginning of Ursa Major, living with her in Gael.

  • Nice Guy: There isn't a single thing wrong with him, something that unnerves Allie due to her past experiences.
  • Opposites Attract: Ultimately subverted. Allie loves Owen dearly for how gentle and caring he is, but because she can never move on from the carnage she's been a part of, they can't stay together.
  • Understanding Boyfriend: When Allie tells him that she's leaving, he is perfectly accepting, and the two part on good terms.

     Colonel B 

"The army has been building what I'm about to show you for nearly a decade. As for myelf...I've been preparing since I was a child."

The leader of the Ganawendan forces against the Fog Knights, having developed a grudge against them at a young age. He commands Fortress.

  • …And That Little Girl Was Me: The boy who escapes the Fog Knights during the prologue is subtly revealed to be him all along.
  • A Minor Kidroduction: The prologue is in fact about him escaping an attack by the Fog Knights when one smashes his house.
  • Revenge: The ultimate reason he's so hellbent on defeating the fog, as it took his home and family a long time ago. He gets his wish only after he's already dead.
  • Taking You with Me: He has Mokwa blow up Fortress with him in it as it's overwhelmed by the Fog Demons' Zerg Rush.
  • The Unfettered: His mission is to end the terror of the Plague Knights, regardless as to what the personal cost might be.
    When the moment arises that you can win the day, but there will be a consequence-do not hesitate. The consequence of inaction is always far more grave.
  • The Unpronounceable: Like all Ganawendans, his name is indecipherable to Allie, so she goes with the first syllable she hears.


A high-ranking Ganawendan mech-pilot under Colonel B. He has a brief fling with Allie, and pilots the mech Broadsword.

  • Bizzare Alien Biology: The affair between him and Allie gives us a good idea of how Ganawedans mate. It's...interesting, to say the least. Painful for a human, but Allie doesn't care.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: While fighting the Berserker Knight, Allie/Mokwa uses Broadsword's head as a weapon with Tim in it, causing him to get sliced in half when the Knight scores a hit.
  • Interspecies Romance: Has an affair with Allie, and is implied to have genuinely fallen for her.
  • Mauve Shirt: Invoked. Allie has a sexual encounter with him almost instantly after meeting him, knowing that he most likely won't last long in battle. She's right.


A Ganawendan soldier who pilots the Mecha Knight named after both its weapon and him.

  • Cruel and Unusual Death: After Supayra possesses him, his head gets smashed into nothing by Allie.
  • Demonic Possession: Ends up getting possessed by Supayra at the end of Exorcism, forcing Allie to put him down.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Aside from his implicitly prejudiced outlook on humans, he doesn't do anything too drastic when handling the situation.

The Destroyers

Kaiju that did not heed Mokwa's plea for sparing humanity, and kept to their destructive roots. Often appear as antagonists.


A destroyer kaiju who resembled a giant Arctic fox. He fought against Alkonoth but ultimately met his end, with only his spawn remaining. Though no one really knows what that spawn is...

  • Fantastic Foxes: A giant Arctic fox that could take on fellow kaiju.
  • Foul Fox: On the other hand, this fox feasted on people and kept trying to destroy them even after the Pantheon was founded.
  • The Ghost: Is only ever refered to in past tense.
  • Posthumous Character: Is only ever referred to in passing in Scythian Frost, as he was killed by Alkonoth over five thousand years ago. His parasites still live, though.


A menacing eel-like destroyer kaiju under the beck-and-call of the evil Captain Faro.

  • Body Horror: His Fusion Dance is a surprisingly nasty affair.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Faro controls him with his special amulet.
  • Cool Crown: His pointy head-armor, combined with the gold color, is rather befitting of a pharaoh.
  • Frickin' Laser Beams: His tentacles can fire pure beams of electricity. The audiobook even has them sound like ray guns.
  • Fusion Dance: His eels form comes together to make him complete again. It's not pretty at all.
  • Heel–Face Turn: While he goes after the pirates to exact revenge, he thanks Niko and Manu for freeing him and letting him restore his dignity. There's a lot to imply he would have been good if he lived.
  • Heroic RRoD: Him attacking the pirates with all of his might takes a hefty toll on him that ultimately costs him his life.
  • I Die Free: His ultimate fate. It gives him solace.
  • Literal Split Personality: Long ago, he was split into a swarm of eels by henshin magic. With the amulet controling him, he couldn't come back together.
  • Mix-and-Match Critters: Looks like a cross between an eel, a Sea Serpent, and a cehalopod.
  • Redemption Equals Death: The former destroyer saves the humans and destroys the pirates, but dies from exaustion and incompleteness.
  • Restraining Bolt: The amulet not only controls his mind, but also prevents his eels from coming back together.
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Enacts on on Faro and the pirates after being freed and restored.
  • Sea Monster: The most pronounced example out of all the kaiju.
  • Shock and Awe: Can charge himself full of electricity, and fire concentrated beams of it at foes through his tentacles.
  • The Swarm: His current form before the amulet is smashed is a huge school of man-sized eels that Faro controls.

Hi ho! Supayra the frog here! And today I'm going to psychologically destroy this one particular nuisance of mine. - Art by Matt Frank

"Humans are here to be dominated, to be used. You get what you take...and I'm gonna take everything from you."

A sadistically nefarious frog-like kaiju, and the Last Destroyer. He was imprisoned in a temple in South Laurentia, only to be awakened by the power-hungry North Laurentian military. He is the main antagonist of the Mokwa trilogy.

  • Amphibian Assault: A giant frog who loves to cause death and destruction wherever he goes.
  • Amphibian at Large: As stated above, he's a kaiju-sized frog.
  • Appropriated Appellation: In Lifesblood of the Earth, he's constantly called a Dreadnought in all but name, something he's not much keen on at first. Come the final battle, and he gleefully calls himself a Dreadnought of Earth.
    • It becomes even more fitting at the end of Ursa Major, when he brings up how Admiral Yamanra actually contacted him, and they agreed on a lot of her points before she got distracted by the war.
  • Attention Whore: What Allie come to see him as at one point. He just loves to get a rise out of her and everyone else with his horrible actions.
  • Bastard Boyfriend: Acts this way in a sense to Allie in Exorcism, manipulating her into doing horrible things and driving wedges in her other relationships while pretending to care for her.
  • Bond Villain Stupidity: Chooses to let our heroes watch people die when he has them drained of mana in Lifesblood of the Earth. It gives them plenty of time for a Heroic Second Wind via their friends' intervention.
  • Combat Tentacles: His powered up form has his tongue become a slew of tendrils that can drain the mana from others.
  • Combo Platter Powers: He's a poisonous frog that can croak loud enough to break the sound barrier, has telepathy, can control and possess minds, and then absorb mana to become strong enough to Life Drain.
  • Demonic Possession: Can take over the minds of other beings. And if given enough time, he can even impregnate them. He does this to Allie, Mokwa, and Bill, in that order.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: His relationship with Allie in Ursa Major and especially Exorcism is rather bluntly a lot like that of an abusive and toxic boyfriend, giving her lots of pleasure but at the same time bringing out her very worst, demanding constant control, and making her do things she would otherwise never do. On top of that, he gets her pregnant, solidifying the connection.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: He simply cannot understand why Mokwa would throw her lot in with the weaker humans. Likewise, it is ultimately Shujayra's love for his mother that does the monster in, despite him being his son.
  • Evil Has a Bad Sense of Humor: He'll sometimes laugh at how his taunts and insults cause Allie understandable anger and pain.
  • Evil Is Not a Toy: The Laurentian soldiers came to his tomb to free and then control him. The managed the former, but they didn't have any hope for the latter.
  • Hungry Menace: Eats almost everyone he comes across, mostly out of pure malice.
  • In a Single Bound: Can leap extremely high, fitting for a frog.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Jerk: In Ursa Major, his spirit is quite dickish to Allie, but he keeps giving her actually good advice to keep going. Come Exorcism, and it's made very clear that every amicable thing he did for her was just a means to take full control of her life and be reborn.
  • Killed Off for Real: At the end of Exorcism, after his King body is destroyed, he possesses Bill, is chased by Allie, and is killed by her. Because there's no one else to latch onto, and due to Allie having enough mental fortitude to keep him out, he perishes for good.
  • Life Drain: Upon going One-Winged Angel, his tongue(s) can drain the mana from that which is impaled.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Can hop circles around his foes while dealing heavy damage from afar.
  • Make Me Wanna Shout: His main long-range attack is emmiting a croak so loud it can liquify a regular human's brains and throw other kaiju completely off.
  • Manipulative Bastard: Exorcism has him gaslight Allie into thinking that her goals align with his, and the series of murders he has her commit are All Just a Dream.
  • Mind Control: Can manipulate the minds of creatures with weak wills, like deep-sea leviathans. He graduates to controlling humans later on. And then, possessing them.
  • Not Quite Dead: Ursa Major reveals that his spirit latched onto Allie's, and has been subtly influencing her ever since.
  • "Not So Different" Remark: Snidely tells Mokwa that she too seeks dominion over all she surveys, she just doesn't have the guts to admit it. Of course, this is a case of Evil Cannot Comprehend Good, so it's easy for Mokwa to reject this.
  • One-Winged Angel: In Lifesblood of the Earth, he gets so much mana that he gains life draining abilities, and becomes a bipedal red frog monster too.
  • Poisonous Person: Being a giant poison dart frog, his skin is covered in a burning toxin. This ensures that Mokwa can't just beat him to death.
  • Sadist: His most defining trait is just how much joy he gets from torturing his victims both physically and psychologically. For him, killing and ruining others is just so much fun.
  • Slasher Smile: A lot of descriptions seen in the text give him a wide toothy smile capable of giving even the most hardened of warriors pause.
  • Telepathy: Unlike the rest of the pantheon, he doesn't need an amulet to communicate with others. He just does it, and he knows just how psychologically harrowing this can be.
  • This Cannot Be!: Reacts this way during his Villainous Breakdown when Mokwa and Mungonde gain their Universe forms.
  • Tongue Trauma: The tip of his long tongue is blasted off by Mokwa's beam. It doesn't lose any usage, but it does hurt.
  • Villainous Breakdown: His smug demeanor and self-assurence goes down the drain when Mokwa and Mungonde are given their new Universe forms.
    Supayra: How... I took everything from you.
    Allie: You didn't.
    Supayra: It''s not fair. I'm stronger! I'm the strongest daikaiju who's ever lived!
    Allie: Not even close.
    Supayra: But I am, I'm superior to you in every way. I'll never sink to your level! I'm better than that! I'll eat you alive!

     The Sons of Supayra (Unmarked Spoilers)
Ain't no way that dumb frog is going to be paying child support. Pictured here: Shujayra - Art by Alex Gayhart
King Supayra

The offspring of the evil kaiju Supayra, a last "screw you" from the frog to Allie, as they were born from their bond. Originally, there were twenty, but Mokwa reduced them to 10, seven of which were subsequently defeated by her and Allie. The remaining three are Shujayra, King Supayra (actually Supayra reborn), and Setanayra.

  • Amphibian Assault: And they look a lot more capable of doing it than their predecessor.
  • Amphibian at Large: Huge humanoid frogs they are.
  • Dumb Muscle: Setanayra is all muscle, no brains. It's part of why Supayra likes him more.
  • Frog Men: Unlike Supayra, they are far more anthropomorphic in appearance, and are even compared to Kappas.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Shujayra is surprisingly fast and nimble for something his size.
  • Mama's Boy: A critical plot point in Exorcism, as it is Shujayra's bond with his mother that enables him to help save the day.
  • Reincarnation: King Supayra is just Supayra in a new body.
  • Shock and Awe: Shujayra has electricity-based powers, and is yellow to boot.
  • Sole Survivor: Due to being the Token Good Teammate of the bunch, Shujayra lives on to join the Pantheon.
  • Token Good Teammate: Shujayra is the only one who questions his brother/father's actions, and turns on him when he realizes that Allie is indeed his mother.

The Dreadnoughts

A ridiculously powerful and terrifying army of alien conquerors that take the lifesblood of every world they visit, either killing the worlds' resident kaiju or luring them to their side. Their ultimate goal seems to be making sure they are the strongest force in the universe.

     In General 

  • Alien Invasion: Make tons of planets suffer this, and most of them never recover.
  • Aliens Are Bastards: They go around taking away the mana from other worlds with nary a care about how many they end up killing in the process.
  • The Dreaded: The most feared force in all of the cosmos.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: Dreadnought Command is this, to the point where Yamanra would rather kill herself than admit defeat to them.
  • Might Makes Right: The rule they all live by. In other words, weaker species get put down.
  • Our Monsters Are Weird: It's safe to say that the legions of kaiju at their disposal are all over the place, ranging from simple forms to mismatched hybrids to even living geometry.
  • Planet Looters: They harvest mana, and kill all life in the process.


The huge leader of the small squad of Dreadnought kaiju that attack in Y2K, and by far one of the more dangerous ones.

  • Cruel and Unusual Death: Aten beats it up so badly that its black hole powers malfunction, causing it to be slowly spagettified, its entire body gorily collapsing into itself before the singularity fades out of existence.
  • Degraded Boss: Several more of its species show up in Yuki vs. Fleshworld as part of Yamanra's legion, but are considerably easier to beat thanks to the Pantheon's new universe forms.
  • Giant Equals Invincible: The largest of the Dreadnought invaders in Y2K (its claw is bigger than Narajin's head), and the one that gives the Pantheon the hardest time.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: See Cruel and Unusual Death above.
  • It Can Think: Implied. It's expression gives off some sort of intelligence, but if it is, then it is very cold and unfeeling to the horrors it can unleash.
  • Meaningful Name: As discussed by Narajin, Charybdis is a monster of Greek mythology that utilized a whirlpool to suck unfortunate sailors into its mouth. Fittingly, a whirlpool appears where Mumbasa once stood in the story after the alien is done with it.
  • Unrealistic Black Hole: Charybdis's greatest weapon is its mouth, which can open up and summon a black hole that can bring in almost all objects that are too close. People, buildings, everything.

     The Buggos 

Arthropod-like Dreadnought kaiju, three in total, that consist of a crab-like Land Buggo and two insectoid Flying Buggos. They can combine to form the much more formidable Big Buggo. The following story shows that there is a whole species of them, and they're actually called Arthroguards.

  • Combining Mecha: An organic example. The Buggos can combine together to form the Big Buggo. The land Buggo forms the legs and torso, while the Flying Buggos form the arms and heads.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: The Buggos are all killed in rapid succession by Aten. The first Flying Buggo gets its head ripped open and chomped on, the Land Buggo gets its legs ripped off before being crushed by Ganejin, and the last Flying Buggo gets thrown into Charybdis' black hole attack, ripping it apart as it's sucked in.
  • Degraded Boss: Several show up in Yuki vs. Fleshworld as what amount to mooks in Yamanra's armada. They're dealt with easily every time.
  • Giant Enemy Crab: The Land Buggo is constantly compared to a crab with far too many legs.
  • Hero Killer: Their combined form slices Alkonoth's head off, and kills Ivan as a result.
  • Insectoid Aliens: The Flying Buggos are explicitly described as looking like flying bugs.

     Admiral Yamanra (UNMARKED SPOILERS AHEAD!)
Must be hard to make friends when you look like the mascot of a particularly zany death metal band (don't mind its master hiding behind that obvious homage) - Art by Matt Frank
Click here to see her prefered form

"All you've seen of us is savage propaganda. I'd have you know that Dreadnoughts are not what you've been led to believe. We are more like you than you may expect."

The commander of a vast legion of Dreadnoughts. Yamanra is a shapeshifting alien woman who takes a shining to Yuki after seeing her in action. Her current mission is to eradicate Fleshworld, but she has had little success. She too can henshin, but she does so with a bizarre goat-like kaiju that's already dead.

  • Alas, Poor Villain: Yamanra ultimately allows her kaiju to fall onto and crush her, having been broken by Yuki always prevailing over her and smashing her ideology to bits. Even Yuki can't help but feel sorry for her.
  • Asskicking Leads to Leadership: Controls a powerful kaiju, and keeps her entire Dreadnought faction in line with it.
  • Baddie Flattery: Never wastes an oppurtunity to compliment Yuki and the Pantheon's fighting ability, especially the former, whom she takes a particular interest in. She even calls them honorary Dreadnoughts during her first appearence (though she's keen on letting them know that they don't have a choice in the matter).
  • Better to Die than Be Killed: Implied to be the reason she kills herself at the end, seeing how Dreadnought Command would do some nasty things to her for failing the mission.
  • Boldly Coming: Attempts to seduce Yuki during their first one-on-one meeting, but is violently rejected. It's implied that she was genuinly falling for her, no less.
  • Dead Guy Puppet: She killed the kaiju she controls a long time ago.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Presents herself as a stern but charming leader to Yuki, but it does little to hide her violent social darwanist ideals.
  • Foil: To Frank Houston. Both are Faux Affably Evil warmongerers that seek to annihilate a greater threat at the cost of everyone else. The difference is that Yamanra can actually back herself up, and respects Yuki to a massive degree. Also, the manner of her death is far more dignified and less horrific.
  • A Form You Are Comfortable With: Her true form is never seen, but she explicitly takes on a very humanoid and feminine one to get in Yuki's good graces.
  • General Ripper: Has nary a care for her soldiers, nor the mass genocides she's led in the name of killing Fleshworld.
  • Green-Skinned Space Babe: Well, pink-skinned at any rate. The form she takes for Yuki wouldn't be out of place in an episode of Star Trek.
  • Hero Killer: Undoubtedly behind the demises of countless heroic beings beforehand. She personally kills Deinler as well.
  • Last of Her Kind: Explicitly tells Yuki that she's the last of her race, though why is never explained (it could be Dreadnoughts).
  • Might Makes Right: Part of why she likes Yuki so much is that she is among the strongest of the Pantheon. To her, only the strong can lead and prosper.
  • No Name Given: Her kaiju is not identified, though that might be because it's dead.
  • Not-So-Well-Intentioned Extremist: At first, it seems that she just wants Fleshworld gone, and has pulled all the stops to do so. Then Yuki deduces that she actually wants to take control of it, which would make the Dreadnoughts all but invincible.
  • Purple Is Powerful: Her kaiju's aura and powers are purple in color, and she is one of the most powerful foes Yuki has faced.
  • Razor Floss: Her kaiju can summon ribbons of purple energy from her hands that can slice even huge creatures to pieces.
  • Self-Disposing Villain: After being bested by Yuki, she allows her kaiju to fall onto her after she unfuses with it.
  • Shadow Archetype: It is frequently pointed out that she is a dark reflection of what Yuki might have become if she didn't have her friends to support her. Both are highly efficient soldiers with blood on their hands, but Yamanra has embraced the role of executioner while Yuki is haunted by it. Furthermore, the admiral's usage of a dead kaiju harkens to how Yuki almost killed Narajin to gain control in the previous story.
  • The Social Darwinist: Her Fatal Flaw is that she believes only the strongest deserve to survive, which seems to be a common belief among Dreadnoughts.
  • The Vamp: Explicitly tries to seduce Yuki to her side. It doesn't work at all.
  • Villain Has a Point: Yuki frequently finds herself in begrudging agreement with some of the things she says, particularly the severity and importance of beating Fleshworld. It goes out the window when her true motives are revealed.
  • Virtue Is Weakness: Sees things like emotions and bonds as distractions and obstacles to her goals, further distancing her from Yuki.
  • We Can Rule Together: Very clearly wants Yuki to join her by her side as a fellow Dreadnought, and perhaps even more. Yuki's not having any of it.


Admiral Yamanra's liutenant. He's more muscle than brains, but for the Dreadnought leader, he gets the job done. He has henshined with a large armored bird-like kaiju that, like Yamanra's, is dead.

  • Dead Guy Puppet: His kaiju isn't even alive anymore, must like what Yamanra did to hers.
  • Multi-Armed and Dangerous: Described as having eight muscular arms.
  • Never Learned to Read: As it turns out, he's banked a little too much on the combat side of being a soldier, which proves rather embarassing in the temple.
  • No Name Given: As with Yamanra, the dead kaiju he pilots is never named.
  • Sociopathic Soldier: Acts rather pompous and arrogant, and revels in the destruction he and the Dreadnoughts have wrought.
  • Your Head Asplode: How he's ultimately taken out by Yuki, his head caved in by a fist empowered by Fleshworld's amplified gravity.

Other Monsters

Other monsters and kaiju unaffiliated with the Pantheon or destroyers.

     The Gargoyle
A perfect description of a literal hot mess. - Art by Matt Frank

A horrifyingly humanoid biological natural superweapon summoned by a nuclear detonation.

  • Body Horror: Looks more like a corpse than a living thing, and is in perpetual agony for it.
  • Breath Weapon: Can fire red plasma.
  • Death Equals Explosion: Upon getting its head blown off, it falls over and blows up. Several times.
  • Eye Scream: Gets two pieces of a skyscraper jammed into its eyes right as it's charging up plasma. Its head blows up as a result.
  • Gaia's Vengeance: Like all kaiju that came before it, albeit this one appropriately looks like it was made in a hurry to counter the nuclear bombing.
  • Humanoid Abomination: Out of all the monsters seen thus far, this one sticks out as looking the most human. This does not help it's awful appearance.
  • Metamorphosis Monster: Initially starts out as a moderately-sized humanoid monster before being replaced by a much BIGGER one. Then that one rises (messily) from its old body with a hard rocky exoskeleton and a pair of wings.
  • Offing the Offspring: Kills its predecessor almost immediately after it is near-incapacitated.
  • Shout-Out: It rising from a mountain brings to mind the rise of Chernabog and/or the firebird from the Fantasia movies.
  • Starter Villain: There is very little characterization given to the first of the kaiju antagonists of the series.

     Deep Sea Leviathans
And you thought these things were hellish at their original size. - Art by Danielle Fey

Huge mutated versions of deep-sea invertebrates that have become the apex predators of the oceans ever since the great fire.

  • Accidental Hero: The worm leviathan kills the urchin before it can eat Kai. The narration points out that it had no intention of saving him, but he's grateful all the same.
  • Ascended Extra: Only mentioned in passing in the first story. They make full-on appearances in the following books.
  • Axe-Crazy: The leviathans that ate the remains of the Death Patch, a hodgepodge of harmful garbage from the Old World, went insane from whatever was in there, and kill whatever they see. The giant sea urchin is one of them.
  • Big Damn Heroes: The worm leviathan at the end of Outrigger.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: A worm leviathan, the same species as the one in Outrigger, is manipulated by Supayra to be his minion for a while.
  • A Day in the Limelight: Deep-sea leviathans are the main focus of Outrigger.
  • Dire Beast: In this world, sea invertebrates like squid and bobbit worms are as big as battleships.
  • Hero Killer: One controlled by Supayra bites Yottatherium in half, killing him and his host Rodrigo.
  • Kraken and Leviathan: The one seen in Y2K is a giant squid, and is referred to as a Kraken several times.
  • Sea Hurtchin: The main aggressor in Outrigger is a giant sea urchin driven mad by the Death Patch.
  • Super-Persistent Predator: The sea urchin leviathan chases after Kai for days despite already having got Taika. Kai realizes that it was affected by the Death Patch, so it's clearly driven by murderous insanity.

     Giant Mountain Gorillas 

Much larger versions of modern-day mountain gorillas that live in Alkebulan. They have hardly changed in disposition after thousands of years, at least.

  • Big Damn Heroes: Twice even, in Lair of the Devourer.
  • A Day in the Limelight: Lair of the Devourer is about Ammit, but this species has a pivotal role.
  • Dire Beast: Mountain gorillas about as big as Mighty Joe Young, and equally powerful and intelligent.
  • Gentle Gorilla: True to their real-life counterparts, they are quite inquisitive and social most of the time. And in Lair of the Devourer, one is outright heroic.
  • It Can Think: True to form, these primates are the thinking type, able to differentiate friend from foe.
  • Killer Gorilla: Not really, though Lair of the Devourer demonstrates what a pissed-off one can do to bad people. Even Akuma knows not to look it in the eyes. Truth in Television by the way, DO NOT LOOK AN APE IN THE EYES. It is more than often going to be interpreted as an intimidation display.
  • Shown Their Work: Aside from their dispositions being accurate to real-life mountain gorillas, it is pointed out in Lair of the Devourer that looking at one's eyes is a bad idea. Apes tend to be put off by this, and will go on the defensive nine times out of ten.

     Wooly Worms 

The Spawn of Vulpog, as they are sometimes known. In actuality, they are a race of ravenous parasitic worms who once infested the fox destroyer before he was vanquished by Alkonoth. Due to convergent evolution, they took on many features of their original host, and now rule the Arctic wasteland as the top predators. They are the main monster antagonists of Scythian Frost.

  • Good Parents: If the smaller worm from the story is indeed a baby, then the two adult worms certainly wasted no time in letting it feast on what poured out of the captain when they ripped him in half.
  • Horror Hunger: These creatures seem to live to eat. It's actually sometimes advantageous for us, as even unpleasant canned meat can distract them.
  • Mix-and-Match Critters: They're built like giant horrible blood worms, but they have the fur and other features of their giant Arctic fox host.
  • Monstrous Cannibalism: Will not hesitate to eat each other when pursuing other prey.
  • Proportionately Ponderous Parasites: Vulpog's blood worms, and with the size to match.

The dead are tasty, sure, but the living are tastier! - Art by Matt Frank

A ferocious endangered species of megafauna that bears an almost exact resemblance to the soul eater of Egyptian mythology. Resides hidden in Alkebulan.

  • Big Eater: She isn't called the Devourer for nothing. Upon awakening, she immediately eats as many hunters as she can, Enofe Chuk among them.
  • It Can Think: Implied. When the giant mountain gorilla holds Enofe Chuk up high, the huge predator opens her jaws up, as if she anticipates the human being thrown into her mouth.
  • Mix-and-Match Critters: Like the original myth, Ammit has the features of a crocodile and a lion. However, the hippo features of the original are traded in for those of a rhinoceros.
  • Never Smile at a Crocodile: Has a huge nile crocodile's head.
  • Physical God: Unlike the Pantheon or the destroyers, she's not big enough nor intelligent enough to really qualify as either, but she's still worshipped, such as with Sphynx-like statues made in her likeness.

Suddenly, Ego isn't looking so bad... - Art by Matt Frank

A positively GARGANTUAN living planet that has set its sights on our world. It is known for having devoured previous worlds, and is the main target of Yamanra's forces.

  • Big Bad Duumvirate: With Yamanra in Yuki vs. Fleshworld Except he's not a villain at all.
  • The Dreaded: EVERYONE is terrified of this thing, even the mighty Dreadnoughts.
  • Genius Loci: It's a huge globe with tentacles and teeth. And it has a full conscious.
  • Gentle Giant: As it turns out, he's just a very lonely being that had no idea he was such a menace, and he befriends Yuki the moment he hears her voice.
  • Godzilla Threshold: At least one planet, that of Aten's, thought that the Dreadnoughts were so awful that they needed to summon Fleshworld to kill them all. They failed, but there was a reason it was called the Doomsday Contingency.
  • Horrifying the Horror: It is described as being "a kaiju's daikaiju", and for good reason.
  • Hungry Menace: When you spend your entire lifespan eating other worlds, of course everyone is more than a little leery of you. Thankfully, it switches gears thanks to Yuki.
  • "Not So Different" Remark: As Yuki points out, both she and Fleshworld are in pain over the guilt of how much death and destruction they've caused. Both also manage to overcome it through The Power of Friendship.
  • Obliviously Evil: It's revealed that he was completely unaware that the planets he was eating were populated, and swears to only eat empty ones from that moment on.
  • Planet Eater: A planet that eats other planets, so to speak.
  • Time Abyss: Yamanra only knows that it's about as old as the oldest galaxy, and has been eating planets ever since.


A reptilian creature that patrols the borders near Umbria.

  • Accidental Hero: It killed Romolo and Remo after they entered its turf, inadvertingly saving little Francesca from death.
  • Badass Normal: Compared to the kaiju, he's only nine feet in height, yet he's one of the most dangerous creatures in the countryside of future Europe.
  • A Day in the Limelight: Thyrus, the Beast of Umbria is a short story all about an encounter with him, and how he became respected by Umbria.
  • A Hero to His Hometown: The people of Umbria know he's dangerous, but respect him all the same, especially an old lady implied to be a grown up Francesca.
  • Nature Is Not Nice: Despite saving a little girl, Lifesblood of the Earth shows that Thyrus doesn't take sides like the kaiju do, as he nearly kills Allie upon seeing her in his turf.
  • Never Smile at a Crocodile: Is described with a lot of crocodilian features, particularly his teeth and tail.

     Romolo and Remo 

A pair of giant wolves who once menaced the lands near Umbria.

  • Bash Brothers: They are siblings, and they hunt together.
  • Canis Major: They are described as being about as big as bison.
  • Killed Off for Real: All that's left of them are their bones after Thyrus was done with them.
  • Meaningful Name: Their names are derived from Romulus and Remus, the twin founders of Rome who were thought to have been Raised by Wolves. Unlike that story though, they don't get the chance to think of fratricide before Thyrus puts them down.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Their eyes are described as being red in color, fitting for such monsters.
  • Savage Wolves: There's not a lot of sympathy to gain for tearing a little girl's mother apart.

     Dr. Heimann's Creation
Where's a man and his flying horse when you need one?! - Art by Matt Frank

A horrific chimera-like beast created by the scientist Dr. Heimann, made from the land's own guardian kaiju. All three of them.

  • Advertised Extra: An interesting case in which the advertising was put out after the character debuted. It has its own illustration by Matt Frank (as seen here), despite only appearing for one chapter and doing nothing but kill itself.
  • And I Must Scream: Being made crudely from three kaiju has put this thing in constant agony.
  • Body Horror: This thing is just a complete mismash of kaiju crudely held together by metallic stitches.
  • Chimera: Has the basic makings of one, being made out of three different animals, one of which is a goat like the classical interpretation.
  • Driven to Suicide: The moment it gets set free, it tries to rip itself apart to end its own misery.
  • Mix-and-Match Critters: It's got the upper body of a wolf, a ram's legs, that same ram's head for a left hand, and the wings of a raven.
  • Wings Do Nothing: Its wings are described as being useless for flight.

     The Lochsleech 

A large leech-like creature closely related to deep-sea levithans that lives in the Forgotten Lands in a loch. It briefly appears in Mokwa: Ursa Major.

  • Big Creepy-Crawlies: A huge serpent-like leech.
  • Flower Mouth: Its jaws are lined with tons upon tons of teeth.
  • Hungry Menace: It's appetite is so ravenous that there are entire pieces of artwork in a castle displaying it eating countless people.
  • Non-Malicious Monster: Despite being such a menace to humans, it is not a malevolent being, and is sparred after a tussle with Mokwa.
  • Stock Ness Monster: Pretty much fits the bill perfectly, aside from being a monstrous leech instead of a plesiosaur.
  • Vaccum Mouth: It sucks in prey en masse. This is how most of the Golden Clan meet their end.

     The Fog Knights 

A trio of ominious giant knights that are in fact just contructs made by the living fog that haunts the planet in Mokwa: Ursa Major. They include the Watchman Knight, the Berserker Knight, and the Plauge Knight. Smaller related creatures in the fog are known as Fog Demons.

  • Animated Armor: The Knights are just suits conjured by the fog, with no real consciousness in there.
  • Black Knight: The Watchman and the Berserker's main motif.
  • Fog of Doom: Anything caught in the fog is as good as dead, especially when these things show up.
  • Green Aesop: The fog was created by a major polluter of a tower attemting to harvest dark matter, effectively making it a sentient smog. Once the tower is destroyed, so is the fog.
  • Intangible Man: The Knights can dissipate on a whim when in combat. However, if they don't do it in time, they're hosed.
  • The Juggernaut: The Knights tank just about every hit they receive, though certain attacks at certain times can throw them off.
  • Ominous Fog: They aren't just in it. They're made of it. And it continues to spread across the planet.
  • Plague Doctor: Befitting the role as a purveyer of corruption, the Plague Knight's armor looks a lot like a plague doctor's bird-like mask.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: The only splash of color on them are their piercing red eyes.
  • Sizeshifter: The Plague Knight demonstrates this, taking Allie on in single combat. Failing that, it just reverts to normal size.
  • Zerg Rush: The Fog Demons like to do this, overwhelming things many times their size with sheer numbers.
  • Zombie Apocalypse: The Plague Knight can infect people with the fog itself. As discovered later in the book, it has done this to an entire city, turning them into violent drones at its beck and call.

     Ganawendan Mechs 

Huge machines designed on Ganawenda to combat the fog and its knights. They include the massive leader Fortress, the combat unit Broadsword, and the long-range mech Mons Magna. Exorcism introduces a mech designed to look like a Fog knight called Mecha Knight Bill and Mecha Mungonde.

  • A.I. Is a Crapshoot: In Exorcism, Mecha Knight Bill turns on everybody when Bill gets possessed by Supayra.
  • BFG: Mons Magna's head is a huge cannon.
  • Gratuitous Latin: Mons Magna roughly translates to "great mountain" in Latin.
  • Humongous Mecha: The kind of big robots that could only be achieved by guys with eight arms.
  • Macross Missile Massacre: [[spoiler: Mecha Mungonde's main draw is how it can fire tons of missiles at enemies.
  • Walking Armory: Fortress, appropriately, is decked with tons of firepower.
  • The Worf Effect: The first three are taken out long before Allie is even able to kill one of the Fog Knights. Despite this, they go out swinging.
